Ancient Greece https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3ZR7dzvnxU&feature=player_e mbedded What it means to be in the Olympics https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O7K-8G2nwU Usain Bolt What do you know about the Olympics? Let’s get some more background on Ancient Greece starting with the Olympics

Ancient Greece - St. Joseph High School

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Ancient Greece• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3ZR7dzvnxU&feature=player_e


What it means to be in the Olympics


Usain Bolt

What do you know about the Olympics?

Let’s get some more background on Ancient Greece starting with the Olympics

Page 2: Ancient Greece - St. Joseph High School

Ancient Greece

Crash Course Video on Ancient Persians and Greeks


Major themes:


History and Literature and Philosophy

City-State Identity

Athens & Sparta – two important city states (compare and contrast)

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Greek Geography

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Ancient Greece – A Crossroads

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Ancient Greece

The early Greeks:

- Island of Crete and the Minoan culture – polytheistic (worship a god symbolized as a bull)

- Economy based on trade (see map)

- Highly developed – writing, polytheism

- Mysteriously disappears?

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Ancient Greece – the Minoans

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The lost city of Atlantis?

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Ancient Greece

The early Greeks (part II):

- The Mycenaean’s (or Mainland Greeks)

- City-States, lived as farmers and traders

- Homer – The Iliad (The Trojan War, supposedly lasts 10 years)

- Odyssey (Ulysses 10 year journey home from the war)

- https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=youtube%2c+Trojan+War&&view=detail&mid=4D87348E3D502595FA254D87348E3D502595FA25&FORM=VRDGAR

- Was it legend or real? Discoveries in the 1870’s

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Ancient Greece – The Mycenaean’s

Do you know the stories of the Trojan war?

- How did it start

- Who supposedly was pulling the strings from above?

- What about the story of the mighty Greek warrior Achilles

- How did the war end – what trick did the Mycenaean’s play on the Trojans?

- Personal favorite: The story of Ulysses and his dog?

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Ancient Greece

The Greek City-States

Greek geography – a peninsula - influenced the development of Ancient Greece:

- Initially made up of many strong city-states vs. one empire

- Created individual loyalty to their city-state – frequent wars and rivalry

- Surrounded by the sea – became traders and colonizers

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Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece

Life in the city-state:

- The “polis” – in Greece, cities were built on two levels

- The Acropolis was the “high city” – temples dedicated to the gods

- Their Governments evolve:

Monarchy – rule by a king


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Ancient Greece – The Acropolis

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Ancient Greek City-States

- Two great city-states:

Sparta – Warrior culture

Athens – More diverse culture, first democracy

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Ancient Greece - Sparta


Let’s find out more about the Greek Gods.

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Ancient Greece - SpartaSpartans came to Greece from the North and conquered and enslaved

- Helots (slaves) worked the land and outnumbered the Spartans

Strict control to maintain order

Citizens (native-born, male, over 30)

Children raised to be part of a military state –training begins at age 7

Women were expected to be healthy, and to bear strong sons for the army

Assembly of citizens which helped to make government decisions

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Ancient Greece – Sparta

Sparta suffered due to a lack of:

- New ideas (constantly fighting, little freedom, rigid)

- Lacked contact with other Greeks

- Traded less due to conflict with others/foreigners

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Ancient Greece - Athens

Athens had a similar evolution in its government

- People thought the system too harsh and wanted change

- Democracy took hold

- New leaders reformed, encouraged trade

- Some leaders were good – others tyrants (ruled with force)

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Ancient Greece - Athens

Citizens helped to rule the city

- Citizens were: 1) landholding men; 2) over the age of 30

- Council of the 500

- A form of legislature – made up of male citizens

- Equal participation for men (not for women)

- Free and equal applied mostly to men (education) and not women; women participated in religion and maintained the household

- Still had slavery (these were non-Athenians)

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Ancient Greece – Democracy under PericlesAthenian Government:

- Assembly/Legislature meets several times a month

- Council of 500 made up of citizens (male – chosen by lot)

- Pay a stipend (small salary) so poor citizens can participate

- Pericles talks about the citizens equality, duty to participate in government and service to the state

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Ancient Greece – Athenian Democracy

Other duties of an Athenian citizen:

- Jury (sit in judgement of your equals)

- Vote to ostracize/banish those who threatened democracy

People are basically thrown out of the city

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Ancient Greece – Athens and Sparta

• https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=youtube+video+about+sparta+or+athens&&view=detail&mid=B107E920BC127A0870FAB107E920BC127A0870FA&FORM=VRDGAR

Video Review of Athens and Sparta

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Ancient Greece

Uniting Greece

A collection of City-States not a nation – yet

Unifying ideas:

Common Language

Common Myths (gods) and Beliefs – Trojan War

The Olympic Games (customs, celebrations)

Greek view of outsiders

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The Greeks and Religion – The Gods

One thing the Greek city-states shared were their common Gods

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Ancient Greece – the Persian Wars

What do we remember about Persia?

- Ionian Greeks rebel against Persia

The Greek City-States:

- Rivals among themselves – conflict over trade & power

- They were independent, feared and disliked each other

- But they feared outsiders, like the mighty Persians even more

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Ancient Greece – The Persian Wars

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Ancient Greece - the Persian Wars

Athens vs. Persia

The Athenians aid the Ionian Greeks. Persia then wants to punish Athens for helping

The Athenians win the Battle of Marathon

Let’s read what a Greek Historian Herodotus had to say about the Battle of Marathon

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Ancient Greece – The Persian warsThe Greek city-states join together

The Spartans at Thermopylae – Leonidas and the 300

Leonidas meets Xerxes


What did they fight for


Even though they lost the battle did they win something?

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Ancient Greece – The Persian WarsAthens is burned – but their army escapes

Finally the Persians are defeated in a naval battle

What do you think this does for Athens and the city-states who fought with them?

Athens leads the Dalian League – an alliance of Greek city-states

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Ancient Greece – The Persian Wars

Victory leads to a Golden Age

Pericles leads Athens - the age of Pericles

The economy thrives

Government more Democratic

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Ancient Greece - Rivalry

Athenian success and power threatens the other city- states

The Peloponnesian League – Sparta organizes its allies into a rival alliance.

What do you think happens next?

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Ancient Greece – The Peloponnesian WarsAthens and its allies fight with Sparta and its alliesThe Athenians vulnerable from both land and sea eventually are defeated by Sparta

Ironically, the Spartans get help from …….


Eventually the Greek city-states are weakened from fighting and lose their dominance in the region

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Ancient Greece

What is this quote suggesting to you ?

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Ancient Greece – Thinkers, Artists and WritersThe Greeks begin to examine the human experience

Debating morality and ethics

Three great philosophers:

Socrates challenges tradition

o Seeking truth and self-knowledge

o Accused of corrupting Athenian youth

o Jury of 501 finds him guilty – forced to commit suicide

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Ancient Greece – The Philosophers

Plato describes a perfect society

o Use logic and reason to find answers

o Sought balance, order and beauty

o Perfection and ways to better organize society

o Didn’t believe Democracy worked – should have smart leaders who make all decisions

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Does this look like St. Joes?

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Ancient GreeceDoes the Parthenon display balance, order and beauty?

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Ancient Greece - Aristotle

Aristotle also studied government

o Thought democracy could result in mob rule

o Wanted one virtuous leader

oPeople ought to live a good life – The Golden Mean

- avoid extremes

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Ancient Greece – Literature and History


- Tragedies

- Comedies

Writing History

- Herodotus

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Ancient Greece – Alexander the Great

A weakened Greece is attacked and defeated

- Philip the Second

- A Macedonian

- Phalanx and new weapons

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Ancient Greece – Alexander the Great

When Phillip II is assassinated, Alexander, his son takes over at age 20


Alexander is a student of Aristotle

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Ancient Greece – Alexander the

Alexander’s Legacy:

- Cultures blend: Diffusion and Assimilation

- Alexandria (Egypt) becomes the cultural capital

- Women take new roles

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Ancient Greece – Hellenistic CultureOther Cultural Advances:

- New Philosophies emerge

- Math and Astronomy advance

oPythagoras and the angles of triangle

oEuclid and geometry

oAristarchus – heliocentric theory

oEratosthenes – showed that the earth was round

o Archimedes – lever and pulley

- Medical practice improves - Hippocrates

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The Ancient Greek Legacy