Anbe Arule - Chapter 3

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  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3



    © Copyrights reserved Kanchi Periva Forum

    E-Book from Kanchi Periva Forum

    The Essence of Hindu Tradition and Culture

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

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    Sri Kanchi Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Saranam


    Hari Om! Namaskaram from the Kanchi Periva Forum community.

    We are very happy to continue this special ebook series on “Anbe Arule” authored by the great writer  – Sri

    Baraneedharan. More than just being an acclaimed, prolific writer, he is an extremely humble human being and

    is an ardent devotee of Sri Maha Periva. He has a lot of books and articles to his credit  – almost everyone is a

     jewel but the ones that outshine others are his travel accounts (பயணகடரகள & அணசல

    மகரம). It is a matter of great pride and satisfaction for us that this title is getting translated and published

    through this Satsang.

    Again, the translator (and mostly the illustrator too) of the series is a well-known, highly respected moderator

    of our Forum – Sri Narayanan Bala (known as anusham163 in our Forum), someone who has dedicated his lifeto thoughts about Periva and working on something related to Periva all the time – be it drawing, translation of

    articles, new writing, sketching or a wonderful painting. He is so abundantly blessed by Periva’s Divine Grace

    and it shows in every step that he takes on any of these fronts. For this particular series, Sri Narayanan Bala has

    taken lot of pains to conceive the idea, secured permission for translation personally from Sri Baraneedharan

    and has put in so much of effort to get this treasure to all the Periva devotees at large. Our sincere thanks and

    namaskarams to both Sri Baraneedharan and Sri Narayanan Bala for this outstanding effort.

    When we decided to launch this series, we were looking for an appropriate time to commence and it struck us

    that the “Pratamai thithi” certainly deserves a special place for us as our Periva’s avatar on earth was on a

    Krishna Paksha Pratamai. Like Sri Krishna Ashtami and Sri Rama Navami, Sri Periva Pratamai should become one

    of the celebrated thithis in the future, and with such a desire, we decided to launch this as a regular series to

    be published on Pratamai. We published the First Chapter of this series on Krishna Paksha Pratamai and on the

    day of Gayatri Japam – 30 Aug, 2015. Chapter 3 of this series is being published on 28 th September 2015,

    Krishna Paksha Pratamai thithi.

    On behalf of this Forum and our respected members, I would also like to specially thank our moderator Smt

    Sumi, who has put in a lot of effort in putting this title together and for getting it published well in time. We

    humbly submit this e-book edition at the lotus feet of Sri Maha Periva. Though this book is for restricted

    circulation among like - minded members of the society, this is a free publication which can be downloaded

    from Feedback may be sent at [email protected] 


    Kanchi Periva Forum

    Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara![email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

    © Copyrights reserved Kanchi Periva Forum Page 2 of 9


    Om Sri Gurubhyo Namah! Sri Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Charanam

    Mr.Baraneedharan's book, 'Anbe Arule..' was the turning

    point in my life, which moved me towards Maha Periva'.

    After this only I started reading all the books by Sri

    Ra.Ganapathy and Deivathin Kural. I also showed my first

    ten oil paintings of Maha Periva to him who encouraged

    me and blessed me by saying, "you will do 108 paintingsof Periva".

    I submitted all these ten paintings to SriMatam. Later he

    asked me to paint portraits of Sri Seshadri swamikal, Sri Ramanar and Sri MahaPeriva (I

    quote him " these three Mahans were contemporaries; I want to display them in the Sri

    Seshadhri swamikal maemorial in Chinna Kancheepuram on Sri Seshadhri Swamikal's

    Jayanthi day.")

    I did them and they were hung on the walls there on His Jayanthi day as planned. He

    blessed me there with the 'Pattu Angavasthram' with which Sri Seshadri Swamikal's photo

    was decorated during the homam and puja. Memorable day for me.

    Because of his blessings only, I have completed 69 portraits and I am sure I will be able

    to complete 108 with his and MahaPeriva's anugraham.

    I welcome your feedback on this compilation. I can be reached on [email protected]

    Narayanan Bala[email protected]:[email protected]://

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

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    When I brought the Anugraha message for the Deepavali special number of 1961, from

    Swamikal and gave it to the assistant editor, I did not mention to him or anybody in

    the office, that I only wrote it. I was afraid that it would be a blunder to narrate what

    happened there. I also feared that the importance of the message would be lost if I told

    them. I did not mention anything to the editor also, from whom I had never hidden

    anything till then. But my conscience was pricking me that it was an inexcusable mistake

    to have hidden the fact from him.

    But as years passed by, when I started realizing that all my writing was the willpower

    of that one huge Power (of Anugraham), I understood how ignorant I have been in

    thinking that I wrote that article in the Adhishtanam in Ilayathankudi and because of

    that I hid it from others.

    When I think of it now, I feel that ‘I did not hide it from others, and it was again

    Periava’s Anugraham only’. If I had told them then, that I only wrote ‘what I did not

    write’, what a big lie it would have been ? There is no doubt that It was only Swamikal’s

    Anugraham which saved me from that also.

    In the year 1962, the first conference on the sciences of Vedic Philosophy, sculpture

    and ancient arts, was held in Ilayathankudi. The idea emanated from Sri Kanchi Periava’s

    thoughts, and was conducted successfully in His presence with His Anugraham. Many

    artistes and Pundits belonging to various branches, and Vedic scholars from different

    parts of the country as well as from foreign lands took part in that conference and

    made it a grand occasion Among the many revolutionary schemes launched by Periava,

    this one was unique and most important. I could not attend that conference and it was

    a great loss for me.

    Even during the second conference which was organized the next year in Narayanpuram

    near Madurai, I could attend only on two days. Therefore, I was very firm that I should

    attend the third conference arranged in Kancheepuram in 1964, from day one to the

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

    © Copyrights reserved Kanchi Periva Forum Page 4 of 9

    end and take part in all the functions and cultural programmes. I completed my office

    work for a week in advance, and started for Kancheepuram after informing the editor.

    But, what really happened there was something different from what I planned !

    The inaugural function on the first day went off very well. Mysore Maharaja,

    Jeyachamaraja Wadiyar inaugurated the conference and delivered a nice inaugural address.

    He explained in detail the objectives of the conference, the eminence of our ancient arts

    and the nature of the cultural programmes that were to follow, and their specialties.

    Next day, when I went to pay my obeisance to Him, Swamikal asked me, “ Did you hear

    Maharaja’s speech yesterday?” 

    “Yes, I did !” 

    “He spoke a few extra lines which were not in the prepared text, did you notice them?”

    “No! I did not observe…” 

    “I asked two or three people, and they also said they did not observe them….Do one

    thing ! Keep the printed speech on hand and listen to the tape recorder; compare both

    and find out those few lines. Do this right now and come back and tell me !”----He gave

    me this urgent work and sent me off!

    It was twelve noon, when I completed that job. The programmes of the forenoon were

    over by then. It was a great disappointment for me, having come to attend the conference

    with a firm resolve that I should listen to all the lectures and debates ! But still, I was

    happy that I could complete the job given by Periava.

    After the Puja and Bikshai, I read out those extra lines spoken by Mysore Maharaja, to

    Him. He called a few important persons and asked me to read out those lines to them


    I prostrated before Him and was about to leave the place.

    “Come here…!”

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

    © Copyrights reserved Kanchi Periva Forum Page 5 of 9

    I stopped.

    “I want you to do another job for me…” 

    I waited for His instructions.

    “Yesterday, I was talking endlessly…Did you hear the whole thing?” 

    “Yes, I heard..” 

    “They want to get that printed and distribute, on the last day of the conference.. If it

    is printed as it is, it will be too long. I would have repeated many things; I would have

    also said more than what was necessary; I want you to edit it; it will be convenient to

    get it printed” 

    I just stood there with a big question mark !

    “Are you perplexed how to do this ? Listen to it from the tape recorder. Write down

    all those which you think are important…Leave out repetitions….Reduce the whole speech

    to one—third…. Go, do it and come back..”---He called Kannan and asked him to find

    a peaceful corner, where others would not come and disturb me, and provide me all

    conveniences to complete this job.

    Swamikal said it very easily ! Edit His speech, reduce it to one—third, Is it at all possibleby me ? True that I got training in précis writing in the college; but this is not a job as

    easy as that ! First, I should understand the subject; then I should also understand the

    depth of Periava’s thoughts; do I have the ability to decide as to which were the ones

    I should retain and which I should leave out? I do not know how many mistakes would

    creep in while editing; The whole meaning itself might change….would it not be a huge


    I was really perplexed thinking about the Himalayan task !

    I came to Kancheepuram and asked for a place to stay for about seven days. Mayavaram

    Ramamurthy, who first went away saying that there was no place and all had been

    already booked, came back when I mentioned that it was Periava’s order, and arranged

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

    © Copyrights reserved Kanchi Periva Forum Page 6 of 9

    a separate room in the first floor of a house and told me very politely, “No one will

    come and disturb you here. Even after completing Periava’s work, you may continue to

    stay here”. 

    I occupied that room in the evening itself. J.Sadagopan (aka JS) arrived with a taperecorder. Kannan was available on hand. Dunlop Krishnan also helped me now and then.

    I started writing.

    For two days I involved myself in that work, literally day and night ! It was much more

    difficult than I first imagined. I heard His speech again and again, by frequently rewinding

    the tape. In some places where the recording was poor, all the three of us would get

    confused; it was difficult to find out the exact words, in such places; my head would

    ache, back would ache; I would lie down for some time.

    On the first day, a person came and peeped into the room. When asked who he was,

    he said, “Periava asked me to find out whether you are writing”. Immediately, I got up

    and resumed my work. On that day, I went to sleep by about 3 A.M only.

    The whole of next day I kept on hearing and writing. I did not even go out for coffee,

    breakfast or meals. I did not go near the conference hall at all. There was no way to

    know who all spoke and what they spoke. I would become sad; but would console myself

    saying ‘I am doing the work given by Periava only.’ 

    More than that, because I was listening to Periava’s speech again and again, the objectives

    and benefits of the conference, and the objectives of temple, philosophy and society,

    etc. got etched deep in my mind.

    I kept awake for full two nights, heard nearly three fourth of His speech and had written

    down ten pages. I was not satisfied still. I wanted to read all that again and check if

    the whole thing was cogent.

    At this stage, from the morning of the third day itself, someone or other kept coming

    there and asking how far I had completed the job.. Swamikal only had sent them to find

    out and know the progress. I sent them back saying that it would be over in an hour

    or two.

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

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    I became nervous seeing the urgency Periava was showing. I got a guilty feeling if I had

    taken more time than was necessary to complete it and consequently, the speed came


    In another half an hour, another person came from Periava.

    “Periava asked you to go SriMatam immediately with whatever you have written..” 

    “It is not over yet; in another ten minutes, it will be over and I will come there with


    “No ! The persons who are going to get this printed have been waiting there for a long

    time.. He told me to bring you with me now, with whatever you have written… please

    come now..” 

    What could I do ? I wrote the last sentence in a hurry, completed the essay and left for


    In SriMatam, Periava was talking to two gentlemen who were standing in front of Him.

    “You have completed it at last….Give those papers to these two persons. They are waiting

    for you only…” 

    I hesitated.

    “What now?” asked Periava. 

    “I will read it out to Periava once….” 

    “No , no, not necessary….it is already late.. give it to them now…” 

    “I am not sure if it has come out well…..I have not read it even once…after printing as

    it is, suppose there are mistakes……” 

    “everything will be correct…give it..” 

    “I will read it out fast..”

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

    © Copyrights reserved Kanchi Periva Forum Page 8 of 9

    “You do not have to read it fully….take some page and read it for your satisfaction..” 

    “I took a page and read it. Periava pointed out a mistake and asked me to correct it.  

    “Take another page and read it..” 

    I took the last page and read it. The name of an Odissi folk art was incorrect. He told

    me the correct name and asked me to correct it ( I had written ‘Baalakathaa’ instead of


    “Only these two mistakes. Otherwise it will be ok. Give it as it is…they have to go…it is

    getting late….” 

    I gave the essay to one of them. Periava, realizing that I did not know who those two

    were, asked me, “Do you know who they are?” 

    “I do not know ..” 

    “He is Ramnath Goyanka of the Indian Express, and the other one is Ramarathnam of

    ‘Kalaimakal’. They are only going to print my speech and distribute it in the conference


    I said Namaskaram to both of them.

    To be Continued …

  • 8/20/2019 Anbe Arule - Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 of “Anbe Arule” by Sri Narayanan Bala (original in Tamil by Sri  Baraneedharan)

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