ANALYZING COHESIVE DEVICES IN THE STUDENTS NARRATIVE TEXT WRITTEN BASED ON FRONT OF THE CLASS MOVIE SCRIPT (A Descriptive Research at the Third Semester in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar ) A THESIS Submitted at the Fulfillment to Accomplish Sarjana Degree at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University MARSELLA 10535661515 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2020


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(A Descriptive Research at the Third Semester in Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar )


Submitted at the Fulfillment to Accomplish Sarjana Degree

at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University










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Judul Skripsi : Analyzing Cohesive Devices In The Students Narrative Text

Written Based On Front Of The Class Movie Script

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Makassar, 2020

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Saya yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Marsella

NIM : 10535 6615 15

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Makassar, 2020

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Marsella,2020.Analyzing Cohesive Devices in the Students Narrative Text Written

Based on Front Of The Class Movie Script(A Descriptive Research at the Third

Semester in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar). Thesis. English Education

Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. Guided by Ummi Khaerati Syam and Andi Asri Jumiaty.

This research aimed to know the types of cohesive devices in the students

narrative text written based on movie script and this research used writing text as

instrument at the third semester in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

This research used Descriptive Qualitative Research with 17 Sample and

used the teory of Halliday and Hasan to find out the types of cohesive devices

used by the students.

The result from this research showed that there were grammatical and lexical

cohesion found .the grammatical cohesion is more common found than lexical

cohesion. The percentages of grammatical cohesion parts were reference 54.6%,

substitution 2.7%, ellipsis 0.5%, conjunction 30.5%. Meanwhile the percentages

of lexical part were Repetition 8,2%, synonym 0.5%, Antonym 1.5% and

collocation 1.2%.

The researcher concluded that generally the students narrative text written

called as a good text because it has good relation among the clauses from the

students writing. It was shown from all the types of cohesive devices that was

found in this students narrative text written based on front of the class movie


Keywords: Cohesive Devices, Narrative Text, Written.



Marsella. 2020. Menganalisis Perangkat Kohesif Dalam Teks Narasi Siswa Yang

di Tulis Berdasarkan Skrif Film dari Front of the Class ( Penelitian Deskriptif di

Semester 3 Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar).Jurusan Bahasa Inggris,

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Dibimbing oleh Ummi Khaerati Syam dan Andi Asri Jumiaty.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis perangkat

kohesif dalam teks narasi siswa yang ditulis berdasarkan Front of the Class skrip

film dan menggunakan teks menulis sebagai instrumen di semester 3 Universitas

Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan 17

sampel. dan menggunakan teori dari Halliday dan Hasan untuk menentukan jenis-

jenis perangkat kohesif yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa grammatical cohesion lebih

banyak ditemukan daripada lexical cohesion. Persentase dari bagian grammatical

cohesion adalah reference 54.6%, substitution 2.7%, ellipsis 0.5%, conjunction

30.5%. Sementara itu persentase dari bagian lexical adalah repetition 8.2%,

synonym 0.5%, antonym 1.5%, and collocation 1.2%.

Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa pada umumnya tulisan narasi siswa disebut

sebaai teks yang baik. Karena memiliki hubungan yang baik antara klausa dari

tulisan siswa. Hal itu ditunjukkan dari semua jenis perangkat kohesif yang

ditemukan dalam teks narasi siswa yang ditulis berdasarkan skrip film dari front

of the class.

Kata Kunci: Perangkat Kohesif, Teks Narasi, Tulisan.



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Al-hamdulillaahirobbil-„alamiin, praise and grateful for Allah SWT on

mercy and blessing then writer has great healthiness, opportunity, and patience in

other hand marvelous grant of Allah was giving easiness to have done the thesis.

Shalawat and salam always pass away to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW as great

guidance and marvelous teacher for all of human in the world.

As learners who eventually struggle enhance knowledge so there are many

to construct this thesis but the writer believes that the difficulties are able to help

increase a good habit how to be a good researcher. The writer was getting a help

from several people especially thankful for my parents, my friends, and my

families. Consequently, this thesis is able to compose systematically then the

gratitude and appreciation for:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Abd.Rahman Rahim, S.E., M.M, as rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, as Dean of Faculty of Training Teachers and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

3. UmmiKhaeratiSyam, S.Pd.,M.Pd, as head of English department, Faculty of

Training Teachers and Education.

4. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd.asconsultan I and Andi Asri Jumiaty,

S.Pd., M.Pd. as consultant II eventually give guidance, and motivation to


finish the thesis. They are always giving knowledge and references how to

construct the good research. Great appreciation for parents and my husband

always gives neither motivation or spirit to have done proposal. In other

hand thank you so much for classmate edelweiss class and My friends on

support for me.

There are many less and more on my thesis, hopefully, the advantages of

my thesis can useful for a reader . In other hand, the researcher wish suggestion

from the reader to increase this thesis.

Hopefully, the thesis of title “ Analyzing Cohesive Devices In the Students

Narrative Text Written Based on Front of The Class Movie Script” useful for

education side in global era.. The last one, gratefulness for attention then available

suggestion from reader is most necessary for the next better.

May Allah, The Almighty, bless them all.

Makassar, January 2020

The Writer



TITLE PAGE . ................................................................................................ i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .......................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii

COUNSELLING SHEET ............................................................................ iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN .............................................................................. v

SURAT PERJANJIAN ................................................................................ vi

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ..................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. viii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... ix

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. xi

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... xii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................. xiii

LIST OF APPENDINCES .......................................................................... xiv


A. Background………………………………………………..1

B. Research Question ............................................................... 4

C. Objective of the Research .................................................... 4

D. Significant of the Research .................................................. 4

E. Scope of the Research .......................................................... 5


A. Previous Related Findings ................................................... 6

B. Some partinent Ideas ........................................................... 8

C. Conceptual Framework ...................................................... 20


A. Research Method ............................................................... 22

B. Research Subject ................................................................ 22

C. Research Instrument .......................................................... 22

D. Data Collection Procedure ................................................. 23

E. Data Analysis .................................................................... 24


A. Research Findings ............................................................. 25

B. Discussion .......................................................................... 46



A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 58

B. Suggestion ......................................................................... 59

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 60

CURRICULUM VITAE ............................................................................. 63




Table 4.1: The Classification the Types of Cohesive Devices.............................. 44



Conceptual Framework ......................................................................................... 21



Appendix 1 : List of students name

Appendix 2 : The writing text of students

Appendix 3 : Script movie of Front of the Class

Appendix 4 : Documentation





A. Background

English was a global language, English is the most widely used in

communicating internationally. In Indonesia English is a foreign language

which is taught in the formal educational system from primary level to college

level. English is very crucial in this life, people use English as media of

communication. For example, they use it in magazine, newspaper, internet,

advertisement, and some programs in channel of television like movie, etc. So,

it is very necessary for us to study English due to globalization era especially

for students it is very important.

In educational English is one of the subject that should be mastered by the

student; in junior high school, senior high school, and university level. In

Indonesia teaching English focuses on four basic skills, namely; listening,

reading, speaking and writing. One of the most important is writing skill.

Writing is produce something in written form or use it. Writing is one of

the interesting skill because writing allow students to put their feelings and

ideas on paper, in writing it does not just write but it is have any form to write

sentence or paragraph.Sometimes the students are difficult to understand

English because of several factors. One of the obstacles is students have

difficulty to understand the sentence meaning. They are hard to understand the

sentence meaning that is in a written text or spoken text. Thus, they must



analyze the sentence meaning by knowing the relation among sentences in

written text or utterances in spoken text. They should know about the cohesion

in that text to make them more understand about it.

Narrative text is types of text such as imaginary stories, engineered real

stories, or fairy tales. Narrative text tells the story that have a series of

interconnect chronological events. The purpose of narrative text to the

entertain the reader.

In communication , people should concern on comprehension. There are

at least two factors that influence the text, cohesion and coherence. Cohesion

refers to the relation of meaning that exist within the text and defines as the

text. Cohesion is also refered to cohesive devices. Cohesive devices devided

in two parts, gramatical cohesive devices and lexical cohesive devices.

Grammatical cohesive devices is the way that a gramatical feature is attached

across sentences boundaries. It consist of reference, substitution, ellipsis, and

conjunction. Meanwhile, lexical cohesive devices is the way vocabulary links

to the part s of the text. It consist of reiteration (repetition, synonym, hyponim,

and metonym) and collocation.

However, there are many kind of texts and movie script is also considered

as a text. Jahn (2003) asserts that movie script is a text containing a film's

action narrative and dialogue. A movie script is either a recipe for making a

film or a written record of a finished movie. It holds an important role both to

the actor involved in the process of performance of the movie. To the actor



involved in the process of performance of the movie it helps them to inspire

their role. it helps them to understand the story of the film.

Related to genre, movie is both narrative and performative genre. It is

assumed that movie is a performative genre that comes to life in performance.

Jahn(2003) states that a film is a multimedia narrative form based on physical

record sound and moving pictures. Like watching a play, watching a movie is

a collective public experience and social occasion. Since movie is a narrative

genre, it is related to a textual form. Thus, movie analysis can build on the

interesting relationship between text and performance just like in

drama.analysis. However, analyzing movie in term of its language use is an

interesting study, since movie provides real life setting portrayed through

sound and moving pictures. Therefore, the writer will make a research

concerns with cohesion devices in the script of "Front of the Class" movie.

“Front of the Class" movie script is chosen as research instrument

because of several considerations. First, the story of the movie is interesting to

read by the students because the story will make the students are curious.

Second, the storyline in the film can inspire how to be a good teacher and then

the students read the script automatically it can improve their reading skill,

and then the students not only reading the text but they will also rewrite the

script based on their opinions. While based on linguistic consideration, this

movie chosen since the writer assumes that it is found cohesive devices

expressed by the character. By these reasons, script of movie is chosen as the



data of this research. In this research the writer focuses on the students

rewriting by Front of the Class movie script.

B. Research Question

Related to the background above, research question is formulatedas


1. What are the types of cohesive devices used by the students in

rewriting the Front of the class movie script?

2. What is the dominant cohesive devices used by the students in

rewriting Front of the Class movie script?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the research question above, the objective of the research is

formulated as follows:

1. To identify the types of cohesive devices used by the students in

rewriting the Front of the class movie script.

2. To know the dominant cohesive devices used by the students in

rewriting Front of the class movie script.

D. Significance of the research

1. Theoritically

Theoretically, this research gives a valuable finding to the field of

discourse studies.

2. Practically

There will be a lot practical significance from the results of this

research. It will be useful for the students, lecturer and the researcher



a) Students

It can be useful and increase the ability of the students in write the

coherence sentence or paragraph. And the other hand it can more pay

attention to the use of them in writing.

b) Lecturer

It can provide more information about the types of cohesive

devices and which is the type of dominant use in sentence or


c) The researcher

To find out which cohesive type is often used in sentences and it

can help the researcher to complete their researh.

E. Scope Of The Research

In order to make this research manageable, the writer give the scope for

this research. In this research, The researcher does not analyze all of text by

movie script. The writer just analyse cohesive devices used by the students

in rewriting movie script by looking at the form of narrative text . After that,

the writer also find out the dominant cohesive devices students used by

rewriting the Front of the Class movie script.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

Analisis cohesive devices is very important to understand, cohesive is the

relationship between grammar in a text or sentence that unites a text and gives

it meaning. There are some previous researcher findings about analysis of

cohesive devices.

1. Ayub Seken (2013) “ an analysis of the cohesion and coherence of

students‟ english writings at the second grade of SMAN 1 LOMBOK”

he concluded his thesis that the results of study were the students used

the five types of cohesive devices to serve the coherence of their

writing and the students dominant use of personal reference in writing

and some problems in coherences of students writing were reference,

conjunction, lexical cohesion, tenses, auxilary, passive voice, infinitive,

gerund, saubject-verb agreement,noun, preposition, and text structure.

2. Reza Andika Hendrayana (2012) “an analysis of cohesive devices used

in the narrrative paragraph” the result of this study showed that three

major types from five major types oscohesive devices that were

proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1994) were found in the narrative

paragraph in students. They were reference, conjunction, and lexical

cohesion. The reesearcher found that reference was the dominant use in

the students narrative paragraph.


3. Pipit Olva Andayani (2013) “an analysis of the cohesion and coherence

of the students‟ narrative writing in Smp 2 Banjar” the results of her

thesis is the study show that the students producted the five types of

cohesive devices to serve the coherence of their writings of which

reference 70,7% with the personal reference dominant used.

Conjunnction 28,51%, substitution 0,57%, ellipsis 0,14%, lexical

cohesion was used 137 item domination with repetition 78%. Some

problems of coherence identified were the problems with reference

(personal, demonstrative), conjunction (additive,adversative, causal,

temporal) and limited choice of lexical item.

4. Bahaziq, Afnan (2016)”cohesive devices in written discourse: a

discourse analysis of a students essay writing” discourse is essential in

communicating thoughts and ideas. People around the world

communicatetheir ideas through strecthes of languages. The students

writing shows clear evidence of cohesion and demonstrates the use of

grammatical and lexical devices. The most dominant used were

references and conjunction and there is little evidence of using lexical

devices. Although the essay is somewhat cohesive, some areas still

need improvement.

The conclusion based on the previous researcher above Ayub Seken

(2013) is students writing dominant use of personal reference in writing and

some problems in coherences of students writing were reference, conjunction,

lexical cohesion, tenses, auxilary, passive voice, infinitive, gerund, saubject-


verb agreement,noun, preposition, and text structure.Reza Andika Hendrayana

(2012)The conclusion of their thesis is he found that reference was the

dominant use in the students narrative paragraph.Pipit Olva Andayani

(2013)she concluded her thesis is some problems of coherence identified were

the problems with reference (personal, demonstrative), conjunction

(additive,adversative, causal, temporal) and limited choice of lexical item. And

Bahaziq, Afnan (2016)The most dominant used in students essay writing were

references and conjunction and there is little evidence of using lexical devices.

Although the essay is somewhat cohesive, some areas still need improvement.

Based on the previous researcher above the different between their

research and my research is all of them focus on analysis the students english

writing and essay. in my research i will try to findings the new results from the

analyse the students rewriting by the Eclipse movie script.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Writing

According to Nystrand (1889:75), writing is a matter of elaborating

text in accordance with what the writer can reasonably assume that the

reader knows and expects. It means that writing is an activity to share

information which is understandable for the readers. So the writer should be

able to communicate to the readers through his sentences.

Meanwhile, writing is an ability to make a form of words that in

general it may have a higher truth value than the fact that is has set it down.

It means that the product of writing should be truly acceptable by the


readers. Besides it must contain meaningful values so that the readers can

get the benefits from the writing.

Writing skill is a person‟s ability to express his/her mind and feeling

which is expressed in a written language , in graphic symbols so that the

readers are able to understand the message inside. From the statement it can

be said that writing is a skill where the writer can set idea down in the form

of words, sentences, and paragraphs which are easy to understand for the


Harmer (2004:86) states that writing is a process that what we write is

often heavily influenced by constrains of genres, then these elements have

to be present in learning activities. It means that writing cannot be separated

with genres especially in teaching learning activities of writing. In this case,

writing activities can be present in a classroom.

For all of the statements above , it can be concluded that writing is an

activity of thinking after which is expressed into graphic symbols, in a

communicative written language and it needs a good and interesting


a. Types of Writing

Every different types of writing have each purposes of writing. It can

be formed in paragraph , an essay, a story, a novel, and so on. Every

types of writing have their organization. The various of writing above,

as regard to their sentence organization generally can be devided into

three kinds in university level: narration, description, and exposition.


The narrative tells a story, the descriptive provides accurate details and

appeals to the senses, the expository explains how to do something or

informs the readers to do something.

1) Descriptive

Descriptive text is a part of factual genres. Its social function is to

describe a particular person, place, or thing. Descriptive writing is the

process of creating visual image and sensory impression through

words. It can also be said that descriptive writing is one of writing

typeswhich are functioned to inform audience about how something or

someone looked and persuade audience to see something from the

writers point of view. Descriptive recreates sense impression by

translating into words, the feel, sound, taste, smell, and look of things.

Emotion may be describing too, feeling such as happiness, fear,

loneliness, gloom, and joy. Description helps the reader, through his or

her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a

sensation or an emotion.

2) Exposition

Expository writing is a general term given to non-fiction prose. It is not

story telling because it depends on facts, opinions supported by facts,

and fully developed ideas that must be made clear through the use of

example. Expository paragraphs or essays are usually written in the

third person. The writer does not use the pronoun “i”, but uses he, she


or it. This gaves the writing more authority (Learning Source


3) Narrative

according to Kane in Aminah (2016) Narative is a piece of text that

tells a story and has a purposes to entertain or inform the reader or

listener. Narrative has specific features that are different from other text

types, for example telling events in chronological orders. Cahyono

(1997) also states that narration usually refers to telling story.

Narratives provide human interest and entertaiment, spark our

curiousity, and draw us close to the storyteller. In addition, narratives

can create a sense of shared history, linking people together, and

provide instruction in proper behaviour or moral conduct (McWhortes,


Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Essentially, the generic structure of narrative text comprise three

points, they are: orientation, complication, and resolution


a) Orientation

According to Watkins (2005) every story, no metter how simple,

needs an orientation. It tells the audience about who is in the story,

when the story is taking place and where the action is happening.

b) Complication


Anderson & Anderson (2003) states that the complication is The

story pushed along by a series of event, during which we usually

expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just would

not be so interesting if something unexpected did not happen. This

complication we face in life and tend to reassure us that they are


c) Resolution

It is when the character shorts out the complication. It means that

the problem is solved for better or worse, but it is rarely left

completely unresolved (althought this is of course possible in

certain types of narrative which leaves us wondering “how did it


2. Cohesion

Texts must have a certain structure which depends on factor quite

different from those required in the structure of a single sentence. Some

of those factors are described in terms of cohesion, or the ties and

connections which exist within texts (Yule, 1985:105). Gerot and

Wignel (1995:170) argue that “Cohesive relations are non-structural

relation which work to help a text hang together". Then according to

Holliday and Hassan (1976:4) the concept of cohesion is a semantic one;

it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define

it as a text. Furthermore, Renkema (1993: 35) asserts that cohesion is the

connection which results when the interpretation of a textual element is


dependent on another element in the text. It always deals with the

connection evident in the discourse. Cohesion can be defined as the links

that hold a text together and give it meaning.

The general meaning of cohesion is embodied in the concept of text.

Cohesion is necessary though not sufficient condition for the creation of

text. What creates text is the textual, or text-forming, component of

linguistic system of which cohesion is one part (Halliday and Hassan,

1976: 298-299). Therefore, cohesion is an important part in creating a

text. Furthermore, it refers to the relation of meaning that exists within

the text. It is the grammatical and lexical relationship within a text or

sentence. It is created by cohesive devices. Cohesive devices will help

the participants in interpreting a piece of a text or discourse.

3. Cohesive Devices

Halliday and Hassan (1976: 5) propose that cohesion can be

expressed both through grammar and vocabulary. Thus, we can refer to

grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion (Halliday and Hassan

1976:5). Each type of cohesion is realized by linguistic element called

by cohesive devices. In addition cohesive devices are devices used to

make a text to be cohesive.

Moreover Yule (1985:106) states that the analysis of cohesive

devices in a text gives us some insight on how writers structure, what

they want to say and may be crucial factors in our judgment on whether


something is well-written or not. There are two main types of cohesive

devices; grammatical, referring to the structural content, and lexical,

referring to the language content of the piece and a cohesion text is

created through many different ways .

a. Grammatical Cohesive Devices

Grammatical cohesion deals with grammatical and semantic

connections. Halliday and Hassan (1976: 274) state that grammatical

cohesion can be divided into reference, substitution, ellipsis and


1) Reference

Reference is the relation between an element of the text or

something else by reference to which it is interpreted in the given

instance (Halliday and Hassan, 1976:308). It is potentially cohesion

relation because the thing that serves the source of the interpretation

may be element of text.

Reference is the act of referring to a preceding or following

element, deals with a semantic relationship (Renkema 1993:38). In the

case of reference, the meaning of a 'dummy word' can be determined

by what is imparted before or after the occurrence of the dummy word.

In general, the dummy word is a pronoun.

Reference can be in exophoric or exophora (situational) and

endophoric or endophora (textual). Exophoric reference is one form of


context- dependence, since without the context we cannot interpret

what is said. Endophoric is a general name for reference within the text

(Halliday and Hassan, 1976: 33). According to Halliday (2004:552)

endhoporic means the reference item is recoverable from within th text.

Endophora is divided into anaphora (to preceding text) and cataphora

(to following text) (Haliday and Hassan 1976: 33). Therefore, if the

relation presupposes something that has gone before, it is called by

anaphoric. While, if it is presupposed by something in the following

part, it is called by cataphoric.

Moreover, Haliday and Hassan (1976:37) state that there arethree

types of reference. First is personal/pronominal reference. It is

reference by means of function in the speech situation" through the

category of person e.g., he, she, him" hers, they, them, theirs, his, it, its.

Second is demonstrative reference. It is reference by means of location

on scale of proximity e.9., this, that, those, here, there, then. Moreover,

it can be achieved by definite article also, e.g., the. The last is

comparative reference. It is reference by means of identity (e.g., same,

equal, identical, identically), similarity (e.g., such, similar, similarly,

likewise), difference (e.g., different, other, else, differently),

numerative (so-as-equally + quantifier, e.g., so many), and epithet

(better, so-as- more- less- equally * comparative adjective, e.g., equally


2) Substitution


Halliday and Hassan (1976: 88) propose that substitution is the

replacement of one item by another. Additionally, Hatch (1992:224)

explains that substitution refers to a specific entity but to a class of item.

Substitution is the replacement of a word (group) or sentence segment by

a 'dummy' word (Renkema 1993).

Moreover, Halliday and Hassan (1976:90) assert that 'since

substitution is a grammatical relation, the different types of substitution

are defined grammatically rather than semantically. The criterion is a

grammatical function of the substitute item in English the substitute may

function is a noun, a verb, or a clause.

Therefore, substitution is divided into three types: nominal, verbal,

and clausal. Nominal substitution consist of one, and ones which

function as head of a nominal group andcan substitute only for an item

which is itself head of a nominal group and same which substitutes for

an entire nominal group. Verbal substitution consist of do (do, does, did,

doing, done) which function as head of a verbal group and substitutes for

a verb which is head of a verbal group. Clausal substitution is a relation

in which the entire clause not an element within the clause is

presupposed and the contrasting element is outside the clause.

3) Ellipsis

Halliday and Hasan (1976:142) point out that substitution and

ellipsis are very similar to each other. Ellipsis is simply “substitution

zero". Rahmawati (2011:17) explain that ellipsis can be said that it is


something left unsaid but it can be understood. Furthermore, ellipsis

is the omission of a word or part of a sentence is closely related to

substitution (Renkema" 1993: 38). In the case of ellipsis, the division

that is normally used is the same as that applied to substitution:

nominal" verbal and clausal ellipsis.

Moreover, Halliday and Hasan (1976:88) assert that ellipsis is the

omission of an item. There are three types of ellipsis; nominal"

verbal" and clausal. Nominal ellipsis is the ellipsis within the nominal

group. Meanwhile, verbal ellipsis is the ellipsis of verbal group. It is

divided into lexical and operator ellipsis. Lexical ellipsis is the type of

ellipsis in which the lexical verb is missing (Halliday and Hassan:

170). Moreover, it is ellipsis 'from the right'. It always involves

omission of the last word. On the other hand, operator ellipsis is

ellipsis 'from the left'. It involves only the omission of the operator in

which the lexical verb always remains intact. Clausal ellipsis is the

omission of a clause or an element of a clause.

4) Conjunction

Conjunction is somewhat different from the other cohesion

relations. It is based on the assumption that there are in the linguistic

system forms of systematic relationships between sentences. There

are a number of possible ways in which the system allows for the

parts of a text to be connected to one another in meaning (Halliday

and Hassan 1976:324).


Conjunction is a relationship which indicates how the

subsequent sentence or clause should be linked to the preceding or

the following (parts of the) sentence (Renkema 1993: 38).

Furthermore, Cook (2001) states that conjunction is words and

phrases which explicitly draw attention to the type of relationship

which exist between one sentence or clause and another. This is

usually achieved by the use of conjunction. Halliday and Hassan

(1976:241-243) state that conjunction can be divided into additive,

adversative, causal, temporal and other conjunctive items

(continuatives). Additive consists of and, or,furthermore, similarly,

in addition, moreover, likewise, on the other hand, another way,

alternatively and so on.

Basic meaningof adversative relation is contrary to expectation

including, yet, but, however, thought, nevertheless, still, in spite of

this and soon. The causal relation is expressed by so, thus,

hence,therefore, consequently, accordingly, as a result, in

consequence, because of that and so on. Temporal is

relationexpressed by then, next, afterward, before, at once, on

which,next time, meanwhile, and so on. Haliday and Hassan

(1976:268-270) state that other conjunction are expressed by now,

ofcourse, well, anyway, surely, and after all. Renkema (1993: 38-

39) gives the example of conjunction as follows:

a) Besides being mean, he is also hateful. (Additive)


b) He is not going to school today because he is sick. (Causality)

c) After the car had been repaired, we were able to continue our

journey. (Temporality)

d) All the figures were correct; they'd been checked. Yet the total

comes out wrong. (Adversative)

e) You needn't apologize. After all, nobody could have known what

would happen. (Other conjunction)

b. Lexical Cohesive Devices

Lexical cohesion does not deal with grammatical and semantic

connections but with connections based on the words used (Renkema

1993: 39). Hence, lexical cohesion is the relationship of sentences within

the text that does not refer to grammatical components. Moreover,

Renkema (1993: 39) states that lexical cohesion can be distinguished into

two types; they are reiteration as well as collocation. Reiteration is divided

into five; they are repetition, synonym, hyponym, metonym and antonym.

They will be discussed as follows.

1) Reiteration

Reiteration can occur through the use of word that is systematically

linked to a previous one, for example, “young" and “old” (Renkema

1993: 39). In general, reiteration can be divided into repetition,

synonym, hyponym, metonym, and antonym.

a) Repetition

According to Halliday and Hassan (2004:571), the most direct of

lexical cohesion is the repetition of lexical item. Repetition is the act


of repeating exactly the same word as has been mentioned before. It

usually involves reference as the second occurrence which will be

matched with definite articles. Consider the following example: A

conference will be held on national environmental policy. At this

conference the issue of salination will play an important role.

b) Synonym

Synonym is used to mean sameness meaning'. It is possible to

define the different word as the intended meaning. Hence, even

though the word is changed, the intended meaning may be the same.

synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning. Here the

example of synonym as follow: A conference will be held on national

environmental policy. This environmentalsymposium will be

primarily a conference dealing with water.

c) Hyponym

A word whose meaning contains the entire meaning of another

word is called hyponym which is known as the subordinate. Renkema

(1993: 39) gives the example of hyponym as follow: We were in town

today shopping for furniture. We saw a lovely table

d) Metonym

Renkema (1993: 39) proposes that is a relationship of part versus

whole. Here is the example of metonym: At six-month checkup, the

brakes had to be repaired. In general, however the car was in a good


e) Antonym


Antonyms are words that have opposite meaning Renkema (1993:

39) states that the antonym of word “old" is "new” based on the

following example; the old movie just doesn‟t do it anymore. The

new ones are more appealing.

2) Collocation

Collocation deals with the relationship between words on the basis

of the fact that these often occur in the same surroundings (Renkem4

1993: 39). Some examples are: "sheep” and “wool”, “congress" and

"politician" or “college" and “university''. Halliday and Hassan (1976)

assert that such patterns occur freely both within the same sentence

boundaries since they are independent of the grammatical structure.

C. Conceptual Framework

There are some steps of an analysis of cohesive devices, in this research

namely analyzing the types of cohesive devices an identification of dominant

cohesive devices made by the students of class BG.6H English Department

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The researcher distribute the movie

script to the students and rewriting based on their own opinion by looking at

the form of Narrative text after the students rewriting the script of Movie, the

writer will analyzing the types of cohesive devices based on Halliday and

Hassan teory and counting the dominant cohesive devices based on formula


by Sudjana (1997:4). The conceptual framework underlying this research is

ilustrated in the following diagram.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework

An analysis of cohesive devices

Using movie script

Rewriting based on

narrative text form

Determine the types of

cohesive devices

Determine the dominant

cohesive devices




A. Research Design

This research used descriptive qualitative research. It aim to described the

students rewriting by the movie script and to explained the types of cohesive

devices and the dominant cohesive devices made by the students in rewriting

Front of Class movie script.

B. Research subjects

The researcher used movie script as an media to rewrite it based on

Narrative text form by the third semester students from English Department

students at Makassar Muhammadiyah University class of BG3F, to determined

the types of cohesive devices used by the stuents in rewriting front of the class

movie script and the dominant cohesive devices. The researcher analyzed with

used Halliday and Hasan theory.

C. Research Instrument

. The researcher used writing test as an instrument to collect the data.

Without them data will be impossible to put in hand. The researcher asked the

students to rewrite the movie script by looking at the form of narrative text.

D. Data Collecting Procedure

1. Observation

Observation was the process of taked the data. In this study where the

researcher has seen the researh situation. This technique used to observed

closely in an effort to find out the object to be examined.


2. Test

In this research data collected procedure decided to investigates

students writing by movie script. the writer got the data from the script of

“Front of the Class” movie script as a students narrative text written and

then the researcher was analyzing the types of cohesive devices by the

students rewriting movie script and the percentages of each dominant of the

cohesive devices. So, the writer used the script of “Front of the Class”

movie as the source of the data. In this part the writer explained about the

step of collected the data used by the researcher. The steps were as follows:

a. The researcher explained to the students what is the cohesive


b. The researcher explained the form of Narrative text.

c. Distributed the movie script to all of the students in BG3F.

d. The students write narrative text written based on the movie script by

looking at the form of Narrative text.

e. The researcher collected the students writing text.

f. The researcher analyzed the students writing text.

3. Documentation

Documentation was data collection method by collecting the data such

as document or picture.


E. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis was the process of systematically the data collected by the

researcher . The technique of data analysis can analyzed by following the


1. The researcher has presented the data obtained from the data


2. The researcher identified the students narrative text written

based on front of the class movie script based on Halliday and

Hasan‟s theory.

3. Discussing and interpreting the data from each category, namely

grammatical cohesive devices and lexical cohesive devices

based on Halliday and Hasan‟s theory.

4. The researcher has cunted the percentages of each type of cohesive

devices expressed by the students narrative text written. It used the


based on Ali (1993:184) which n is for

the number of each tie and N is for the number of the entire tie.

5. Drawing conclusion based on the result of data analysis.




In this chapter, the researcher presented findings of the research and

discussion. The research findings showed the data obtained from the result in

order to see cohesive devices used by the English students at the third semester

class of BG3F in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The discussion

contained description and interpretation of the research findings.

A. Findings

1. Analyzing the types of Cohesive Devices

The researcher had given a writing test. There were 17 students from

BG3F class of the third semester. The test was a writing test about rewriting

the Front of the class movie script by looking at the form of Narrative text .

The students made a paragraph based on their own paraphrase after they read a

script. After collected the test, the researcher analyzed the data from the

students test to find out the types of cohesive devices used by the students and

the dominant cohesive devices based on Hallliday and Hasan theory. The data

analyzed can be seen as the following:

Writing Text 001

Orientation : the story that told a teacher who has Tourette Syndrom but he

still strives and works hard to be a good teacher who is loved by everyone.

The story is based on the true story of brad cohen, a sufferer of tourette

syndrome.there are many their friends hate him. Because Cohen always made

a trouble.


Complication: Tourette Syndrome is a neuropsychiatic disease that makes a

person made spontancous speech or movement without being able to control


Resolution: finally when was interview that school i wolly him to involves all

components at the school from the people.

Grammatical Cohesion

1. Reference

a. Personal Reference

The personal reference elements which exist within the

orientation paragraph are he and him (2), their, it.

b. Demonstrative reference is only that.

c. Comprative reference is many.

2. Conjunction

a. Additive Conjunction found in a narrative text is and, but

b. Clausal Conjunction is because.

Writing Text 002

Orientation: this film told about a teacher who has Tourette Syndrome. His

name is Brad Cohen. This disease passed down from generation to

generation. This illness usually lead to the rude speech and the strange sound

so it can make someone unable to control it, he always treated badly in his

school because of his abnormalities. His friends assumed that he was a

trouble maker in their school. The teacher in his school already felt disturbed

of his disease, and then reported that issue to the head of school.

Complication: Furthermore Cohen felt so scared when the head master

called his name to met with him. He thought that head master would forbid to

came in the school again because the disease of him. But it didn’t as his

expected, the head master told him to attend the orchestra which was held by


the school. Cohen attend to the orchestra. The head master delivered his

speech to all of the students that Cohen would treated same as the other


Resolution: However after graduated he choosed to become a teacher, a

teacher is one of the good job because it could be inspired him . the principal

who had tried to understood the lack of him. Cohen has a unique trick and

strategy in learning, Cohen totally in front of the class to gave the learning,

and he did it with the pleasure.

A. Gramatical Cohesion

1. Reference

a. Personal referencein the test 2 are his (6), it (2), he (3), him


b. Demonstrative reference The are this(3), their (1), that (2)

on the test 2

2. There is a Verbal Substitution found in the test 2 namely did,

and there is a nominal substitution namely one.

3. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunctio in test 2 are but and however

b. Additive Conjunction found are and (3), and furthermore

B. Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition

The writer repeat a teacher twice in resolution paragraph

Writing Text 003

Orientation: in this story, cohen has treated badly at his school, because of his

illness. Cohen was a sufferer of Tourette Syndrome.


Complication: because of his un usual behavior upset, the teacher reported

cohens behavior to the principal. That’s why the principal called cohen’s

parents to report on Cohen’s behaviour at school, however cohen felt scared

because he worried that the principal would forbib cohen from going to


Resolution: Finally, cohen was able to went to school like the other students

and was not diservminated again until cohen graduated from the school.

Grammatical Cohesion

1. Reference

a. Personal reference he, his (3),

b. Demonstrative reference this, that

2. Conjunction

a. Additive conjunction and

b. Adversative conjunction however

c. Causal conjunction because (2)

Writing Text 004

Orientation: in this story, Cohen has treated badly at his school, because of

his illness. Cohen was a sufferer of Touratte Syndrome. He often made his

classmates insulted and laughed at him. This because Cohen usually made

strange noises with head and leg movements, during teaching and learning


Complication: Because of his un usual behaviour upset. The teacher reported

cohens behaviour to the principal. Thats why the principal called cohents

parent to report on Cohen’s behaviour at school,and then Cohent felt scared

because he worried that the principal would forbid cohen from going to

school. And the head master told Cohen to attend the orchestra program

which was held by school. Finally cohen was present at the orchestra. But he

worried were provent, cohen made a strange noise and distrubing the entire


All the audience looked at cohen with an angry look while warning. And the

other hand after the performance the principal orchestra goes on stage while

asked the audience “ are you distrubed?”all the participant answered

“distrubed”. And Then the head master called cohen up on the stage and in


front of all the audience. And the principal asked cohen “ what could we do to

help you?”, Cohen answered “ i want to be treated and given the opportunity

as everyone else”. And the sound of appaluse whisked the entire room.

Resolution: Finally cohen was able to go to school like other students and was

not diserminated again until cohen graduated from the school. Furthermore

cohen was summoned and given opportunity to become a teacher at the

school, and cohen can be a totality teacher with his own tricks during the

learning process.

Grammatical Cohesion

1. Reference

a. Personal reference he, i, we, you, his.

2. Conjunction

a. Additive Conjunction furthermore, and (10), in the other


b. Adversative Conjunction but

c. Causal Conjunction because (3), and then

d. Temporal Conjunction after

Writing Text 005

Orientation: the title of the story “Front of the class” this story told about a

teacher who has Tourette Syndrome. Syndrome is a neuropsychiatric disease

that makes a person make spontaneous speech or movements without being

able to control it. This story based on true story of Bad Cohen.

Complication: the complication is when he was often treated badly in his

school. He had a mental illness that often made his classmate insulted and

laughed at him.

Resolution: in addition Cohen was interview that school wolly him to

involves all component at his school from the principle, teachers, and staff in

the interview. And now Cohen being a sufferer of Tourette Syndrome it self.


Grammatical cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference it, he(2), him (2)

b. Demonstrative reference this(3), that (2)

2. Conjunction

a. Additive Conjunction amd (3), or, in addition.

Writing Text 006

Orientation: the tittle of the film is “Front of the Class” this film told a story

about a teacher who has Tourette Syndrome.

Complication: the Complication when cohen was often treated badly at his

school. He had a mental illness that often made his classmate insulted and

laughed at him.

Resolution: Finally when was interview i wolly him to involves all elements at

the school from the principal and staff in the interview, and now Cohen being

a sufferer a Tourette Syndrome it self.

1. Reference

a. Personal Reference he, him (2)

b. Demonstrative reference this

2. Conjunction

There is Additive Conjunction in a test 6. There is and (2)

Writing Text 007

Orientation: The title of the story is “Front of the Class” and the film told that

a teacher who has Tourette Syndrome but still strives and work hard to be a

good teacher. A teacher who was loved by everyone, a teacher who’s

presented was eagerly awaited and certainly a teacher who inspirated.


Complication: Tourette Syndrome is neuropsychiatric desease that made a

person made spontaneous speech or movements without being able to control

it. Little Cohen was often treated badly at his school. His illness often made

his classmate insulted and laughed at him. This because Cohen made strange

noised with head and leg movement where these activity was very disturbing

teaching and learning activitied in the classroom.

Resolution: Cohen never give up of it, and then he always did the best in

teaching. His mother always gave a support for him, and finally cohen

became a teacher. He totally in teaching, his students love him so much

because he had a unique trick and strategy in teaching.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference in the test 7 are his (4), it , he (3), him (3)

a. Demonstrative reference

The are this, these, that on the test 7

2. Substitution

There is a Verbal Substitution found in the test 2 namely did, and there

is a nominal substitution namely one.

3. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 7 are but

b. Additive Conjunction found are and (6), and or

c. Causal conjunction because(2)

d. Temporal Conjunction and then

B. Lexical Cohesion

a. Repetition a teacher (3), teaching (3)


Writing Text 008

Orientation: The story about education, the story told about motivation. It is

based on the true story. This story start from there was a children namely Bad

Cohen who has a Tourette Syndrome which always treated badly in his school

because he had a illness.

Complication: Cohen’s chilhood was very sadden. His friend always laughed

to him because of his ilness. But Cohen never give up and his mother gave a

support and motivation everyday to him. And then his mother ever went to his

school for explained the illness of Cohen. And then the staff, teacher and al of

the principal understood his lack.

Resolution: Cohen became a teacher. His students love him so much, Cohen

try to be a good teacher in front of the class.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

b. Personal reference in the test 8 are his (5), it , he , him (2)

b. Demonstrative reference

The are this, and there.

2. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 8 is but

b. Additive Conjunction found is and

c. Temporal Conjunction and then (2)

B. Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition a teacher (2)

2. Colloction. Collocation in a test 8 is illness from the word of


Writing Text 009


Orientation: His name is Brad Cohen, but the people called him by a lot of

names. When Cohen was in school he couldn’t wait until he go out. There are

so many his friends hate him because Cohen has a Tourette Syndrome.

Because they thought that he has a big trouble likewise his teacher. It just his

mother always support him. So Cohen tried as best what Could could for her.

Complication: Althought Cohen is one of the smart students in his school. But

the other students always laughed to him. The people never actually seen a

case of Tourette’s Syndrome before. Because of that they difficult to accept

his disorder. Finally Cohen was present at the Orchestra. The headmaster

called Cohen up on the stage in front of all the audience. Cohen explain to the

all of principal that Cohen would be good treated same with the other


Resolution: After adult Cohen succesfully graduated Cohen choose to become

a teacher. He though that the teacher is one of the good job for him. there

are so many trick and strategy in learning so the students loved him so much.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference in the test 9 are his (2), it , he (3), him(5),

they, it

b. Demonstrative reference

The are is a that(3)

c. Comprative reference are so many(2)

2. Substitution

There are a nominal substitution namely one(2).

3. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 9 are but (2), so


b. Additive Conjunction found is likewise

c. Causal conjunction because of that

d. Temporal Conjunction after

B. Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition a teacher and the other students

Writing Text 010

Orientation: Treated differently is not good for the mental of students. When

the students descriminated from their friends likewise the teacher. Just

because he has abnormality. His name is Cohen, he has a disease namely

Tourette Syndrome. He always treated badly when he was in school. In the

other hand Cohen’s mother always give him a support to survived of his


Complication: Cohen felt scared when he met by the school principal, because

Cohen was worried that the school principal would forbid Cohen from going

to school because of these ilness. With the sharp eyes of the headmaster telling

cohen to attend the orchestra program which was held by the school. And in

there the headmaster delivered his speech to all of principal that Cohen would

be treated same with the other stuents and would not descriminated again.

After that incident Cohen was able to go to school like the other students.

Resolution: After graduated Cohen choose to be a teacher. He thought

wholeheartedly with love. Unique and funny methods made students really like

the class. Cohen’s class is really fun . even students cannot wait for tomorrow,

learn, play, and fun with the teacher they loved so much.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

d. Personal reference in the test 10 are He(6), his (2), him, their,


c. Demonstrative reference


The are there, that(3) on the test 10

2. Conjunction

a. Additive Conjunction found are and (2), on the other hand.

b. Causal conjunction because(2)

c. Temporal Conjunction after

B.Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition are school principal, fun, class, the other students.

Writing Text 011

Orientation: Brad Cohen is one of the penderita Tourette’s syndrome.

Tourette Syndrome is a disease when the someone made a spontaneous

strange voice.a spontaneous strange voice disturbed in class during the

teacher teach. He always made a noises in his school. Therefore their friends

hate cohen. Sometimes cohen thought that he couldn’t wait until he go out

from their school.

Complication: Cohen coudn’t control a strange noises because it’s a disorder.

Everyone which he met descriminated him. But Cohen’s mom always give a

support. Because just a support from his mother can motivated him.and she

brought to the environment who has a disease like him. After a long time

finally cohen has enjoyed his illness.

Resolution: his mindset changed between when he was kid than adult. When

he was a kid he hate his teacher but when he was an adult he thought that a

teacher is a suitable job for him and totally in teach.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

e. Personal reference in the test 11 are He(6), his (3), him (4),

their, she.


d. Demonstrative reference

The is that demonstrative in a test 11

2. Substitution

there is a nominal substitution namely one.

4. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 11 are but

b. Additive Conjunction found is and, sometimes.

c. Causal conjunction because

B. Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition disorder, he was a kid, school, spontaneous strange


2. Synonim

There are two synonim found. They are disease and illness from

the word of disorder.

3. Antonym

There is Antonym found namely adult from the word kid.

4. Collocation

There are two collocation found in a test 11. They are class from

the word school, and strange noise from the word disorder.

Writing Text 012


Orientation: this story based on the true story from bad cohen. He has a

tourette syndrome morever his father suddenly angry to him because he was

sick of his childreen. He has a mother who always support him. His dad has

divorce with his mom and Cohen has a step mother. And also she always

support him.

Complication: when he was in school. Cohen treated so badlyn like his friends

as well as the teacher. With the help of the principal through orchestra which

was held by the school. Cohen called by the head master to on stage, he felt so

scared but in there the head master asked him to what we can do for help

you? And cohens answered that i just want to treated goodly in his

environment without any descriminated again. Finally he get a respect and

applouse to the all of principal.

Resolution: after graduated he choosed to be ateacher. These teacher tought

more than just math and writing, but acceptance and open minds. He had his

own challenge, challenge for their students and also for him self. So Cohen

understood what the teacher had to gave to all of student. This is a beutiful


A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference in the test 12 are his (4), he (7), him(3),

she, you, i, we

b. Demonstrative reference

The are is are this (2), that, these

2. Substitution

There are a verbal substitution namely do

3. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 12 are but

b. Additive Conjunction found are and (4), morever

c. Causal conjunction as well as, so(2)


d. Temporal Conjunction after

B. Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition a teacher and the headmaster

Writing Text 013

Orientation: the title of the story is “Front of the Class” the story told about

how to be a good teacher in front of the class although has a deficiency.

Nevertheless Cohen had a bad past but Cohen try to made it a motivated.

When Cohen was kid he treated badly in his school likewise his environment.

His father and mother divorced afterward his dad married with his step

mother. Cohen lived with his brother and his mother. She always gave a

support for Cohen.

Complication: When Cohen was a kid he treated badly itlooked desolate

because his disease. Not a few people stay away just because his disease

likewise his teacher. When the teacher teach suddenly lost control. As a

result a lot of people felt disturbed and choosed to report it in to the

headmaster of school. And then the headmaster tried to help Cohen’s

problem. The head master did the best to help him. He tried to gave a

understanding to all of the students likewise the teachers that cohen has a

illness so thats why Cohen always made a strange noises. And then the

headmaster gave an order to treaed goodly and it was not descriminated

again. After that Cohen went to school without sad felt again.

Resolution: After adult Cohen succesfully graduated from university and

choosed to become a teacher. Because of his determination to be a teacher,

Cohen sent job applications letters to almost all schools in the are where

cohen lived. Finally there was a school who received him. Cohen totally in

teach and gave any tricts and strategy in learning. He did the best for his job.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference in the test 13 are he(4), his (8), him, it, she

b. Demonstrative reference


Only that demonstrative reference found on test 13

2. Substitution did

3. Ellipsis

..Suddenly lost control. It should be He suddenly lost control

4. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 13 are but, nevertheless

b. Additive Conjunction found are likewise(2), and(2),

c. Causal conjunction because,so, as a result

d. Temporal Conjunction after, after that, afterward, and then

B. Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition the headmaster(3), illness, school

2. Antonym

There are two antonym found in test 13. They are goodly from the

word of badly, and Married from the word of divorced

Writing Text 014

Orientation: his name is Brad Cohen. This story based on the true story. He

has a Tourette syndrome. Tourette syndrome is disease that made a person

made spontaneous speech or movements without being able to control it. This

disease is inherited from generation to generation and was often associated

with the expenditure of dirty, abusive, or insulting utterences.

Complication: Little Cohen was often treated Badly at his school, the illness

often made his classmates insulted and laughed at him, not to mention


Cohen’s own teacher, whom he always made upset. This is because Cohen

often made strange noises with head and leg movements where this activity

was very disturbing teaching and learning activities in the classroom. Cohen’s

friends and teacher thoughts that what cohen was doing a joke.

Resolution: after graduated Cohen choosed to be a teacher. Because he want

to show how to be a good teacher and did the responsible without

descriminated the students. He get a motivated from his bad experiences when

he was kid. And now he totally in teach and there are many his students love

him so much because has a many trick and strategy in teaching.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference in the test 14 are he (4), him, his(2)

b. Demonstrative reference

There are that, this(3)

c. Numerative reference are so many(2)

2. Ellipsis

..has a many trick , it should be he has a many trick

3. Conjunction

a. Additive Conjunction found is and(2)

b. Causal conjunction because (3)

c. Temporal Conjunction after

B. Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition generation, disease, teacher, tourette syndrome

Writing Text 015


Orientation: this story based on the trues story. There was a kid namely Brad

Cohen. He lives on disease. His disease often made a strange noises. He

through his life was very hard like he went a died because he treated badly in

the environment just Cohen has a disease. Spite of this his mom always gave a

support to never give up.

Complication: there are many their friends and the teachers hate him.

Because he often disturbed teaching and learning process. Finally the teacher

was angry because he did not control it. And the teacher reported to

headmaster. Cohen very scared he thought that he can not went to school if

the headmaster drop out him. But in the other hand the headmaster precisely

help the Cohen’s problem. The headmaster delivered to all of principal to

didn’t treated badly . And try to treated goodly without any descriminated


Resolution: Cohen choosed to be a teacher. Actually there are many the

school who has visited by him until he received because his disease. So when

he found the school who want to employ him. He totally in teaching and made

the students loved him so much because Cohen funny and full of trick in


A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference in the test 15 are he (4), him (4), his (3), it

b. Demonstrative reference

The are this(2), that

c. Numerrative reference are so many (2)

2. Substitution

There are verbal substitution namely did(2)

3. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 14 they are but, so

b. Additive Conjunction found is and (3), in the other hand.

c. Causal conjunction because


B. Lexical Cohesion

1. Repetition desease, headmaster, the school.

2. Antonym goodly from the word of badly

Writing Text 016

Orientation: this story told about a teacher who has a Tourette Syndrome but

still strived and work hard to be a good teacher. A teacher who is loved by


Complication: Little Cohen was often treated badly in his school likewise in

his environment. Bahkan his dad often angry to him when he was kid. His dad

divorced with his mom. And he lived with his mom and his brother. Althought

his dad was angry to him but actually he loved cohen so much. But sometimes

Cohen lost control. Before the headmaster delivered to all of principal in the

school often treated badly but after the headmaster help Cohen. He has

treated goodly in his school.

Resolution: For others Tourette may have bad luck, but for Brad Cohen

Tourette Syndrome is the best teacher in his life. Because of his difficult life in

society, made him struggle to realized these ideals is become a teacher.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference in the test 16 are his (7), he , him(3), they,

b. Demonstrative reference

The are is a this, these

2. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 16 are but (3)

b. Additive Conjunction found is likewise, and

c. Causal conjunction because, althought


d. Temporal Conjunction before

B.Lexical Cohesion

1. Antonym goodly, from the word of badly, best from the word of


Writing Text 017

Orientation: This story beased on the true story from Brad Cohen. his story

full of inspiration delivered. Where the person has a disabilities and can

survived of it. The diasease who has made a strange noises and often lost


Complication: Cohen treated badly when he was a kid just because cohen has

a Tourette Syndrome. These disease made person spontaneous speech or

movements without being able to control it.he difficult to society with his

environment. But cohen’s mom often gave a support and brought cohen to the

envvironment which has a disease like him.

Resolution: After graduated cohen choosed to become a teacher. Cohen would

explained to his students that what is Tourette Syndrome? Up to the details so

that the students understood and could accept Cohen as their teacher.

A. Gramatical Cohesion found

1. Reference

a. Personal reference in the test 17 are his(2), him, their, it (2)

b. Demonstrative reference that, this

c. Comprative reference are so many(2)

2. Conjunction

a. Adversative Conjunction in test 17 are but, so

b. Additive Conjunction found is and (3)


c. Causal conjunction because

d. Temporal Conjunction after

C. Lexical Cohesion

Collocation disease from the word of disabilities, disease from the

word of strange noises.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 Reference 7 20 6 5 10 4 14 11 18 15 16 22 16 13 17 14 10 218

2 Substitution 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 11

3 Ellipsis 1 1 2

4 Conjunction 3 6 4 18 5 2 12 4 6 6 4 10 14 6 7 8 7 122

5 Repetition 1 6 2 2 4 4 2 5 4 3 33

6 Synonym 2 2

7 Hyponym

8 Metonym

9 Antonym 1 2 1 2 6

10 Collocation 1 2 2 5







Table 4.1 The Classification the Types of Cohesive Devices



2. The Dominant Cohesive Devices Used by the Students in Rewriting

Front of the Class Movie Script

After analyzed the data, the researcher found the dominant of

cohesive devices. Reference is the most one with numbers of ties 218

. in this part the researcher shows the percentage of each type of

cohesive devices with formula

based on Ali

(1993: 184). The calculation of the percentage of each type cohesive

devices is a follow:

a. Reference

b. Substitution

c. Ellipsis

d. Conjunction

e. Repetition

f. Synonim

g. Hyponym

h. Metonym

i. Antonym

j. Collocation



From the result above, it can be seen that the highest

percentages is reference. The percentages of reference is 54.6%. It

shows that the students narrative text written mostly use reference in

their writing test. The function of reference is to indicate reference

pronoun. So, it can be concluded that there are relation among clauses

from their test written as well as this movie script has a good cohesion.

B. Discussion

Based on the problem statement of the research, the research can

concluded this research that there were some cohesive devices which

used by the students. They were grammatical and lexical cohesion. The

researcher try to find out the new result by the used movie script as a

media in this research.

There are some previous researcher that actually have conducted

related to this research. They are: James Onyago Ogola made a different

research, he researched a learners who has a disabilities. he has seen that

would the learners could made a cohesion paragraph if they had a

Hearing-Impaired learners use in writing to achieve cohesion. And the

learners has a challenges in writing. He used the Halliday and Hasan

theory of analyzed the data. That‟s the generally theory has been used by

the researcher to find out the cohesive devices. And the last result who

he got was a all the cohesive devices by varying frequency and then



reference had the highest frequency of occurance and ellipsis the least. It

means that they can made a good cohesion paragraph.

Meanwhile Anom, D., Seken,K (2013) “ An Analysis of the

Narrative Writing the Ninth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Gianyar

Based on Text‟s Cohesion and Coherence” his research aim to

describing aand explaining the cohesion and coherence created by the

students. In their narrative writings, and the problem encountered by

the students. The obtained data were in the form of a) scripts of the

students narrative writings, b) responses to the students questionnare,

and c) script of teacher interview. The data were analyzed by using the

theory Alterberg (1987), Wuang, Hui and Sui, Danni (2010), and

Cannor (1990). Grammatical devices included references, substitution,

ellipsis, and conjunction. And lexical devices included reiteration and

collocation. The coherence of the narrative was also achieved through

the development of themes, the generic structure, and the tenses used.

Most of the students have created cohesive devices and coherence

narrative althoughsome problem identified. They were in sentence

patterns of forms, conjunction, spelling, word choices, plural form,

over generalization, the use of article, ellipsis, and the use preposition,

the use of pronoun, apostrophe, adverb forms, syllabification, and

capital letters.

His result‟s research was the students narrative text written

dominat cohesive used was a grammatical cohesive devices. He found



that the students used the grammatical cohesion namely reference at the

themes of narratives, structure of ideas of each paragraph to support the

themes, and the generic structure of narrative and grammatical


Triana (2018) “ Cohesive Devices in English Department Student‟s

Research Articles” this study deals with investigating cohesive devices

in English Department students research articles. This research to aims

at discovering types of cohesive devices and explaining why they are

used in English department, this study used the qualitative method. The

data were in the form of clauses obtained from introduction part of 5

articles written by the students. And there are 4 types of coheswive

devices found nanmely reference, substitutions, ellipsis, and

conjunction. The factors affecting the use of cohesive devices are the

number of sentences and clauses in the articles. The highly cohesive

texts employ more cohesive devices because there are more ideas to

connect in relation to the number of sentences.

Triana‟s research used an article, she downloading the articles

from Linguisticia: journal of linguistics of FBS Unimed to find out the

used of cohesive devices, she used the qualitative method to find out

the result, her data source was a the form of clauses since the analysis

was conducted by using Halliday and Hasan theory, and the final result

was she found the there were four cohesive devices. There were

reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction.



Warsono (2018) “ The Use of Cohesive Devices to Achieve

Coherence in the Background Section of the Students Formal Writing”

this research has been intended to find cohesion and coherence devices

in the background sections of the students formal writing. The source

were 10 background sections of the students final project from

undergraduate students at Universitas Negeri Semarang. He used the

qualitative research. The result of analysis showed that the bacground

sections of the students formal writing contain all kinds of cohesion

and coherence devices. The background section of the students final

project contain grammatical cohesion ( reference, ellipsis, substitution,

and conjunction) and lexical cohesion ( reiteration and collocation).

Through this article the writerrs want to help students to have a better

understanding of making background section in their final project.

In his research he used qualitative design to answer the research

question. He found a reference, substituion, ellipsis, and conjunction,

while the lexical cohesion were reiteration, and collocation, the aim of

his research were to answer the research question, first, whether the

reference used appropiately in background section of students final

project. Second, whether the substitution used appropiately in

background section.

Emilia Emi (2018) “ An Analysis of Cohesion of Exposition Texts

an Indonesian Context” the paper reports on the results of a study

aiming to investigate the cohesion of exposition text written by eleven



grade of a school in Bandung. The study used qualitative method. The

result showed that all texts show students graps and understanding of

the schematic structure of exposition, including thesis, argument, and

restatement of the thesis. All texts also succesfully use the zig-zag and

the theme reiteration patters. All texts used some simple cohesive

devices- reference, lexical cohesion, and conjunction. It should be

mentioned that all texts are rudimentary with some inappropriate word

choices and grammatical problems.

Some previous research almost used the narrative text as a form of

in writing, it‟s different with the Emilia‟s research. In her research she

try to find out the result of the used of cohesive devices by looking at

the form of Exposition text, she concluded her thesis that the result of a

study on cohesion of text written by eleventh graders in a school, the

studey analyzed there were six text written by the students. The text

were analyzed by used a systematic functional linguistics, and then the

result showed that all of text showed all elements of exposition the

most students used the simple cohesion namely reference, lexical

cohesion, and conjunction. Lexical cohesion used by the students more

frequently than conjunction, references, ellipsis, and substitutions.

The next previous researcher was Scott A. Crossley (2016) “ The

Development and Use of Cohesive Devices in L2 Writing and their

Relations to Judgments of Essay Quality” he concluded his thesis that

an important topic in writing research has been the use of cohesive



features. Much of this research has focused on local and text cohesion.

The few studies that have studied global cohesion have been restricted

to first language writing. This study investigates the development of

local, global, and text cohesion. Local, global, and text features also

predicted whether an essay was writtenn at the beginning or the end of

the semester with an accuracy of 71%. In addition, the use of local,

global, and text cohesive features explains 36% of the variance in

human judgments of text cohesion and 42% of the variance in overall

judgments of writing quality. This study has important implications for

second language acquisition, writing development, and writing


From the some previous research above almost of them used the Halliday

and Hasan‟s theory, it means that there were similiar with in this research. And

there were used the same form of writing such as narrative text written, the

used of form of narrative text was a good things because the students can made

a written just the point of their own opinion. And from the some previous

research above, there was no used the script movie as a media to collected the

data. It‟s made a different with their research than in his research, in his

research the researcher tried to find out the new result from the other media.

In this part the researcher explained the discussion of this research after

analyzing the data. This discussion answered the research question in this

research which is “What are the types of cohesive devices used by the students

in rewriting the Front of the Class movie script?” and “ what is the dominant



cohesive devices used by the students in rewriting Front of the Class movie


1. The Types of Cohesive Devices Used by the Students in Rewriting the

Front of the Class Movie Script

As stated that chapter III, the data of this research are taken from the

Students test written based on Front of the class movie script. The data

showed that there were both grammatical and lexical cohesive devices

used by the students in rewriting the movie script. In line with Halliday

and Hasan‟s theory of cohesive devices, the result of the analysis

showed that the total number of grammatical cohesive devices found in

the students narrative text written based on the movie script are

Reference involves 218, the percentages of it . It has three part of

reference namely of personal reference 164, and demonstrative reference

42, and the last is nummerative reference 12. Ellipsis is 0.5%.

Substitution involves 6 ties of Verbal Substitution and 5 Nominal

substitution and there is no clausal substitution. All of the kind of

Conjunctions are found in the students narrative text written based on

Front of the Class movie script, they are 53 ties of Additive, 19 ties of

Adversative, 24 ties of Causal , and the last is Temporal 15 ties of

Temporal Conjunction. Totally conjunction are 122 The persentages of

Conjunction is 30.5%.

Morever, Lexical cohesive devices found in the students Narrative

text written based Front of the Class movie script are both Reiteration



and Collocation. In term of Reiteration, a tie of repetition found 33, the

percentages of it 8.2 %, 2 ties of Synonim. The percentages of it 0.5 %.

6 ties of Antonym, the percentage of it 1.5%. In term of Collocation,

there are 5 Collocation found in a students written. The percentages of it

1.2 %.

Within the reference, it found are personal reference, demonstrative

reference, and comprative reference. The frecuncy occurance shows that

the mostly reference used is both personal and demonstrative. But the

most common used is personal reference. In this research the researcher

proves that the students narrative text written based on the movie script .

the personal reference is used to refer to function in speech situation,

through the category of person such as a first person and third person for

example: she, he, it, his, etc. Then the demonstrative reference is used to

refer to location such as that, this, those, these, etc. On the other hand,

the used numerrative reference is many.the percentage of reference 54.6


Beside the reference, the researcher also finds Ellipsis in this

research. There are two Ellipsis found in this reasearch. It found in a test

13 and 14. The function of Ellipsis is to make a sentence coherence. The

percentages of Ellipsis 0.5%

Meanwhile the other grammatical cohesive devices identified is

substitution. Substitution identified in this research is nominal and verbal

substitution. Nominal substitution can be found in the students narrative



text written of students 2,7, 8,and 9. Nominal Substitution in form of

one. Morever , it is also identified verbal substitution . it shows on the

students narrative text of 2,7,12,13,and 15. From those sentences, verbal

substituion is the form of do, don’t, did, done. The percentage of

substitution 2.7 %.

The last grammatical cohesive devices identified are conjunction.

The first conjunction is Adversative Conjunction with the total number

of tie 19. They can be found in students narrative text written of test 2, 3,

7, 8, 9, 11 ,12 ,13, 15, 16, 17. From those sentences, it can be seen that

the adversative conjunction used are but, however, nevertheless. The

next is Additive Conjunction. The additive used are and, or,

furthermore, in addition,likewise, on the other hand. But the most

common additive used is and and or. they are on the students narrative

text written of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and the last

is 17. Furthermore, temporal conjunction can be found on the students

narrative text of 3,6,7,8,9,11,12,13, 16, and 17. Temporal conjunction

used are before, after, afterward, meanwhile. The percentage of

conjunction is 30.5 %.

Further, Lexical cohesive devices identified in this research is both

of reiteration and collocation. In tern of reiteration, repetition can be

found at the students narrative text written of 2, 7, 8, 9, 10,

11,12,13,14,15,16,17. The total of the repetition found is 33. The

percentage of the repetition is 8.2 %. And there is no metonym and



hyponym found on the students narrative text written. Next is Synonym

can be found at the students written of test 11. The percntage of synonim

is 0.5%. And the last part of reiteration is Antonym. Antonym can be

found at the test 11,13,15,16. The total of Antonym found are 6. The

percentage of Antonym is 1,5%.the last one of part lexical is collocation.

Collocation can be found at the test 8, 11, dan 17. The total collocation is

5. And the percentage of collocation is 1,2 %. Therefore it can be

concluded that the most common used of lexical cohesive devices is


2. The Dominant Cohesive Devices Used by the Students in Rewriting

Front of The Class Movie Script

After analyzing the data the researcher can concluded the result of this

research was the cohesion found in the students narrative text written based

on front of the class movie script were grammatical and lexical cohesion.

Meanwhile the lexical less than grammatical. The part of grammatical

found were reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. And then the

part of lexical cohesion part were repetition, synonym, antonym, and

collocation. the dominant cohesive devices used by the students mostly

grammatical cohesion. The part of grammatical common found was


The implementation of this research for the students was the cohesive

devices can improve the students knowledge about concept of a text

writing, so it can made the students more pay attention in writing, because



in writing have many concept of a text. With the cohesive devices

explained about the grammatical and lexical.






After presenting the findings and the discussion in the previuos

chapter, the study concluded and provided some suggestions.

A. Conclusion

In this chapter the researcher concluded that all the types of cohesive

devices were found in the students narrative text written based on Front of the

class movie script both grammatical and lexical cohesive devices shows that

Grammatical part found were reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction.

Meanwhile the part of lexical cohesion were repetition, synonym, antonym,

and collocation. students written have a good relation among clauses in their

written. So this written of students have a good cohesion and it can be called

as a good text.

Then the the types of cohesive devices found in students Narrative Text

Written based on front of the class movie script in the grammatical cohesive

devices and lexical cohesive devices. It is found the most common cohesive

devices used are reference. The percentage of reference is 54,6 %. The

function of reference is to indicate reference pronoun. It means that reference

indicates this student written has a good relation among clauses in the students




Generally, this students narrative text written can be called as a good text

because it has good relation among the clauses from the students writing. It is

shown from all the type of cohesive devices that was found in this students

narrative text written based on front of the class movie script.

B. Suggestion

Based on analysis about the types of cohesive devices in the students

narrative text written based on Front of the Class movie script, the writer make

suggestions, they are as follow:

1. For the English students, they should be pay attention more about

cohesive devices whether it is in written or spoken text. So they can get

the writting skill better than before due to studying cohesive devices in

the written text. Furthermore, they can know the use of cohesive

devices in a conversation to develop their speaking skill due to studying

cohesive devicesin the spoken text.

2. For the lecturer, the lecturer can give enough understanding about

cohesive devices especially the grammatical cohesion of the text. That

is why the writer really need‟s the lecturer help to guide him and give

suggestion in finishing this research. The motivation and the

encouragement from the lecturer is the important thing that the writer

needs in conducting this research.

3. For the further researcher who have the same interest to analyze

cohesive devices, the result of this research can be reference or



comparison that might be relevant to their researches. Hopefully, the

further researchers could use other data in the form of spoken text and

analyze it by the other theory of cohesive devices.




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List of students name

No. Students Name Nim

1 Rijal Anugrah 105351113018

2 Anindia Putri 105351113118

3 Yaumul Izza Ismi Fauziah 105351113218

4 Ahmad Yafiah Mubarak 105351113518

5 Fitria Sahruni Syamsuddin 105351113618

6 Rahman Hanif Hasiddin 105351113718

7 Sakiruddin 105351113818

8 Mamat Abd Aziz 105351113918

9 Dian Ayu Miftahul Jannah 105351114018

10 Amal Afandy 105351114118

11 Maudy Yurita 105351114218

12 Tri Nur Andriani 105351114318

13 Riska Awaliyah 105351114418

14 Yusti Mutia Yusuf 105351114518

15 Nurul Asyah Dwizzani 105351114618


16 Nurjannah P 105351114718

17 Syifa Dwi Pratiwi 105351115018


The Test


In this writing test you have to write a Narrative Text . Read several

instructions below before writing your text:

1. Write down your name, your class and No. Reg on the piece of papper


2. Rewrite the Front of the Class Movie script based on your own


3. Pay attention the cohesive devices (Grammatical and Lexical

Cohesive Devices) in writing text.

4. Write at least 3 Paragraph by looking at the form of Narrative Text (

Orientation, Complication, and Resolution).


Front of the Class Movie Script

My name is Bradley Cohen.But when l was a kid, people called me by

lots of names.My brother, Jeff, called me Dr. Bobo.My mom called me

honey.And the kids at school?Well, they called me everything from spaz to

freak.I didn't have many friends actually.But I did have a constant companion.I

can barely remember a time, when it wasn't there.Now sometimes, it wasn't a

problem for me.Other times, it was.

[ At the school]

Michael: Are you scared Brad? What's wrong?

Brad Cohen: Leave me alone.

Fight! Fight! Fight! (their friends)

Teacher:What is going on! Com'on. Bring it on! Stop. Stop that fighting right

now! Stop! Get back to class!

[when the learning process , suddenly Cohen made a strange nioises and made

the students and the teacher angry to him]


Teacher: Stop that nonsense. You are in big trouble, mister.

The girl fell in the mud and got dirty.

One thing my Constant Companion and,I agreed on was that we hated

school.I couldn't wait until I got out.No more homework, no more books,no

more teachers' dirty looks.My Companion first showed up, when I was six but

it was years before it had a name.Now the shrinks said I was just hyperI made

funny noises and acted,weird to draw attention to myself.It was just a phase:I'd

grow out of it and be "normal". . .like everybody else.Through it all, my

constant companion stuck with me.Now, to my friends,

I'm just regular, ole Brad.The guy who likes baseball. And who loves

cheesy 80s music.Which they think is much weirder, than the noises I

make.Afternoon, officer. Was I speeding?Twelve miles over the limit.

[ In the Street]

Police:, huh? You a tourist?

Brad Cohen: No, I live in Atlanta now, I just moved here.I guess I was a little



Police: Son, you been drinking...?

Brad Cohen: No. No, sir. I have Tourette Syndrome.

Police: Take it easy, son. I'm going to need you to sign this.So. What kind of

job you looking for?

Brad Cohen: I'm going to be a teacher.

Dia memulai mencari pekerjaan dan tibalah dia di salah satu universitas

Lecturer: I see you've got a B. A. from Bradley University that's in Illinois,

isn't it?

Brad: Yes, ma'am !

Lecturer: Graduated cum laude, high recommendations, your student teaching

evals are outstanding, excellent. What made you decide to go into teaching?

Brad cohen: It's all I've ever wanted to do. I feel like I was born to teach.

Lecturer: Why choose Atlanta? I mean...Missouri's your home.

Brad Cohen: I'm thinking of becoming a Braves fan. So, ahh...Georgia honors

my Illinois teaching certificate. Plus I fell in love with Atlanta when I worked

down here as a camp counselor. I live here now.

So does my Dad and my Stepmom. Well, it's nice to have family here to...give

you support. Maybe we should talk about the elephant.

Lecturer: Elephant?

Brad Cohen: In the room: my Tourette's.

Lecturer: No. The Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't allow me to ask

you. . .

Brad Cohen: I know, but I'd like to tell you just like I tell the kids in my

classes. See, I explain to them that it's a brain thing that causes me to make

strange noises they're like sneezes, irrepressible. When you have to, you have


Lecturer: How do they react?

Brad Cohen: Once they understand, they're fine with it.It's never caused any

problems in a classroom.All I want is a chance.Just get me the interviews,and


let me prove to them that I can do the job. The Americans with Disabilities Act

says I'm entitled to a chance.

[ At Cohen‟s home]

Brad Cohen: Ron!

Ron: Hey, how'd it go?

Brad Cohen: Oh, you know: ''Who wants a teacher that barks like a dog?

You should try another line of work. ''

Ron: Are you serious? Didn't they look at your resume? You're kidding.

They're setting up interviews with some principals. Fantastic! When?

Brad Cohen: Oh, I don't know. I've gotta wait for their calls.

Ron: Get changed we gotta go celebrate.

Brad Cohen: Haven't you got a date?

Ron: I'll see if she's got a friend. It's about time you started meeting some

chicks. I can't focus on dating right now.

Brad Cohen: Has anybody ever tell you you're obsessive?

Ron: Only every shrink I ever saw.

Brad Cohen: Well, have fun focusing.

Ron: Oh your Dad called again. Maybe you should call him back, you know?

I'll see you later. Returning Dad's call?

Brad Cohen I'd have to prepare for that.

See, Mom and Dad had divorced when I was a little kid and my

relationship with Dad had always been umm, let's just say complicated? I

mean, I wore out his patience like nails on a chalkboard.It didn't help that my

brother Jeff was also a little hyper.

[ In the past when he was a kid during the journey he played a game with his


Jeff : Dad said he's waiting to get back to his home in Atlanta, he's waiting to

say goodbye


Brad Cohen: Goodbye!

Jeff: You're gonna make him mad! Come on I'll race you!

Brad Cohen: Against The Green Dragon? You gotta be kidding

Jeff: Sucker!

Brad Cohen:See you, Jeff.

Jeff: Hey! That's not fair! Aw, com'on!

Brad Cohen: Jeff!

Jeef: You're not going to beat me!

Brad Cohen: See, I'm gonna win.

Jeff: That's not fair! You got a bike!

[ His dad was angry when they were very noises]

His Dad : Hey guys! quiet down, you guys, quiet down.Come here.

His Dad: Yeah. Calm down. Brad, com'ere. Com'on honey, focus, would you?

Com'ere. Come here! Stand here.

[ But Cohen still did not control his disease, Untill his father really was angry]

His Dad: Listen. Listen up. Focus, please. All right? I need you guys to do me

a favor.

( Cohenvery sad because he always lost control with his strange noises but hi

didn‟t did anything because his noises was a spontaneous and then it made his

father truly angry]

His dad: Guys, listen! Hey, hey. Stop it! Brad! Help her out around the house

His dad: Hey, listen. I mean it!

(Cohen always disturbed his brother because he just a kidding)

His dad: Your brother may think its funny, but I don't.

Brad Cohen: I can't help it.

His dad: Yes, you can. There's nothing wrong with you that a little self-control

wouldn't fix.


Now, stop it.

His Mother: Norman (his dad) ?

His dad: Yeah!

His mother: They're not going to hold that plane for you.

His dad: Okay, all right. Gimme a hug.

His dad has gone

Jeff: See you, Dad!

His dad: Bye-bye, J-man

Brad Cohen: I love you, Dad.

His dad: Love you too, kiddo. Hey, listen up we'll stay at my house next time.


Brad Cohen: OK!

His dad: I'll get tickets to a Braves' game. And Brad, remember what we

talked about: Selfcontrol. All right?

Jeff: Need any help with anything, Mom?

His mom: Well...now that you mention it...

After the divorce, Jeff and I helped Mom with her new business. Sort

of a high class traveling boutique. Well, maybe helped isn't exactly the right


[ at the boutique]

Customer: Oh, Ellen (his mom), these things are exquisite!

His mom: You never find styles like this in St. Louis. Well, it is direct from

California. Beverly Hills.

This is what everyone is wearing. Look at this. Boys? Boys!Hide and seek?

Customer: Now, Ellen, I don't want to see anything in double-digits.

His mom: Oh, honey, everything in California runs small. Go ahead. Just try it


[suddenly Cohen made a strange in there]


His Mom: Brad, would you please calm down?

Customer: He's barking like a dog, for goodness sake!Now look. Don't take

this the wrong way you know I wouldn't say this to you if we weren't friends

but have you considered an exorcist?

His mom: You know, I think you might have to face. the fact that you're a size

12. I can cut the label, if it makes you feel better.

His mom did the best for cohen. She brought a doctor for cohen

His mom: It's a new doctor let's just listen to what he has to say.

Brad Cohen: I know what he'll have to say.

Doctor: Do you feel any anger toward your mother, because of the divorce,


Brad Cohen: No. No.

Doctor: Do you resent your father because he doesn't live with you anymore?

Cohen: No.

Doctor: Do you blame yourself for the divorce, Brad?

Brad Cohen: It happened when I was a little kid, I don't even remember it.

After that the doctor g out from the room and asked to his mom that Cohen has

a big trouble actually with his disease

Doctor: Mrs. Chen, Brad has some serious denial issues regarding the divorce.

What he needs at home are some clear boundaries. He needs to understand that

this behavior is totally unacceptable. And that, Mrs. Cohen, is your job.

The hardest part was knowing how tough I made things for Mom. I

tried as best as I could for her.

Doctor: Make sure he keeps taking his medication,

His mom: OK?

[ in the car, his dad, Cohen and Jeff . his dad want to gave them a


His dad: i wanna gave a announcement for you

Cohen: So, what's the announcement, Dad?


His dad: I've been seeing someone.

Jeff: What do you mean seeing somebody?

His dad: Her name is Diane, and she..

[suddenly Cohen made a strange noises again].

His dad: Brad, please! Stop doing that!

Cohen: I can't.

His dad: I mean, nothings' happened yet, but...how would you guys feel about

having a stepmom?

Jeff: No way!

Brad Cohen: We've already got a Mom!

His dad: Well. Now you're gonna have two. I talked to your mom about it and

she's fine with it. She said...

I said STOP It! STOP It!

See, he really couldn't blame Dad for losing it. My tics drove him

nuts.Because, like my teachers,he had no name for my strange behavior.

Except ''insufferable''. Now, somehow I don't know how, I made okay grades.

But, what would take a normal person an hour, took me two. Or three. I mean,

I loved learning, but I hated, hated reading. Trying to concentrate brought out

the worst in my Constant Companion.

[ At the Class during the learning process]

Teacher: Brad? Come up here, please.I know you think you're the class clown,

but I've had it with you. I can't help help it. That's what you always say. I don't

want to hear any more excuses. Your classmates are trying to study and your

clowning makes it impossible.)

Brad Cohen: I'm sorry.

Teacher: Don't apologize to me. Apologize to them. Eyes up here, everyone.

Sit up straight, please. Brad has something to say to you.

Brad Cohen: I'm sorry l... that you can't study because of me.

Teacher: And? You promise never to make any more silly noises ever again.


Brad Cohen: Promise I won't make any more silly noises ever again.

Teacher: Take your seat. All of you, back to your books. As difficult as this

may be for you,

[the headmaster‟s room. He invited the Cohen‟s mom]

Headmaster: Brad, look, I sent for your mother because things have just gotten

out of control here. Now, she's going to take you home today. You can come


His mom: Can't help it.

The headmaster: Sorry, what did you say?

His mom: He said he can't help it. Right. What if he's telling the truth?

Headmaster: You've got a bright boy, Mrs. Cohen, but making excuses for

him, Making excuses is not going to help.Now, he needs to use this time to ask

himself ...

His mom: Brad! Com'on. Let's go.

[ at the the home, his mom called his dad]

His mom: Hallo, I know you're busy, Norman,I won't take up much of your

time but I really think you should hear this Boys, keep it down, I'm trying to

talk to your Dad! I wanna talk to him! Listen. You know, those teachers and

that doctor, to them it's all about bad parenting which, of course, comes down

to me because I'm the only one who here No. I'm not blaming you, Norman. In

fact, I'm going to stop blaming myself. I was talking to a friend and she think

the doctors are missing something. I got this stack of medical books from the


Brad Cohen: Mom, Can I talk to Dad?

His Mom: Can you just wait a minute, honey?

Brad Cohen: MOM!

His Mom: All right. But give him back to me when you're done.

His dad: What is it, Jeffrey?

Brad Cohen: Hey, Dad. Yeah, it was a great game I got two base hits and a



Brad Cohen: Sorry I cause you so much trouble, Mom.

His Mom: I want you to read something in this book I found. It's a medical

book that might explain why you make all those noises.

Brad Cohen: I hate reading, Mom

His mom: Read.

"Tourette Syndrome. "

His mom never give up to help Brad Cohen, she bring a book about the

Tourette Syndrome and show it to the headmaster of school

His Mom: That, that's Brad, isn't it?

Headmaster: The noises and the twitches...I'll still need to do more tests but,

umm, you could be right.

We may have been headed down the wrong road, here. I've never actually seen

a case of Tourette's before. So at last my Constant Companion had a name...

Headmaster : This says there's no cure.

His mom: But that may have changed. This is an old book

Headmaster: That hasn't changed, Mrs. Cohen. I'm very sorry.

His mom: Yeah, but they're still looking for a cure, right? I mean, they will

find one, won't they?

They they...have to find...

Brad Cohen: It's OK, Mom. We'll get through this, all right.

His mom: Oh, come here.

Brad Cohen: SEE? There's a reason, Dad. Joop, joop, I'm not being weird on


His dad: Listen, uh, Brad. l, um...

Brad Cohen: All right. Well, it's all I wanted to say. Bye.

Finally, my dad believed me. But he never believed in me. That I

would succeed. That I could teach.

[ Cohen‟s Home]


Brad Cohen: Hello, this is Brad. A dog? Ahh, yes. Yes, ma'am, that's my dog.

Ahh, OK. Yes. Yes, I can be there 11am.

My very first interview..Great. That sounds great. OK. Thank you.I

tried not to over-react. I help in my tics. YES! Waffle, yes!After that first call,

I got two more: three interviews with three principals. Needless to say, my

Constant Companion was more than a little enthusiastic.

[at the university for the first interview]

Jazz: Well, I see you only your bachelor's degree. Are you planning to get your


Brad Cohen: Yes, sir. JOOP! As soon as I can.

Jazz: Well, we don't require it for entry level... but if you're serious about...-

Brad Cohen: I'm very serious.I want to make teaching my life. I, ahh, I make

these noises because I have Tourette Syndrome.

Jazz: I'd like to tell you about it.

Brad Cohen: It's a Neurological disorder where my brain sends mixed signals

to my body. It's like a sneeze. It's irrepressible.

Jazz: a couple of weeks, and I'll give you a call.

Brad Cohen: OK! OK. Thank you very much.

Jazz: Thanks. Take care.

Well. Strike one.

But, like Mom always said, don't ever give up. When I was little, Mom

never stopped researching because, while there was no cure, there might be

ways to live a normal life.)

[in the past when he was kid. His mom brough cohen to join with the

environment which is have a syndrome like that]

Brad Cohen: It's a church, Mom!

His mom: Honey, you're not going to have to get a Bible lesson. This is just a

support group.

Do I have to? You need to connect with other people who have Tourette's.

Find out how they live with it. OK?Let's do it.


Brad Cohen: I'm not going in there

His mom: Honey...

I'd never seen anyone with Tourette's before.There were eye blinkers

and nose twitchers.Foot stompers and neck jerkers. Some of them yelped and

coughed.Is this what I looked like to other people?

His mom: Come on, Bobo. We're here to learn. Let's start learning.

The Americans with Disabilities Act gives us the right to do anything

or go anyplace that we want to. But try going to a movie. Or a concert or a

restaurant.That law doesn't mean anything

[in there he start to join with the new environment]

I come home and my parents close the windows and blinds because

they don't want the neighbors to see me tic. No one was even trying to be

accepted. The audits were out of work. The kids stayed at home.

His mom: Let's go, Bobo. It's supposed to be a support group! Where's the

support? Supposed to just hide away for the rest of your life? I'm really so

sorry that I brought you there, honey, let's just forget this

Brad Cohen: I don't want to forget this, Mom.Those people let Tourette's win.

I'm never gonna do that.

It's difficult to imagine that at the age of twelve I would find a genuine

philosophy to live by. But here it was. This defining moment. To always face

my adversity head on. When I went to my next interview, I decided to be even

more up front. Get the Tourette's stuff out of the way first and then dazzle 'em

with my approach to teaching. you seem to have been very successful

For my third interview, I decided to discussing about my Tourette's at

all. Each week I like to send home a progress report to my students' parents.

Um, I like to give my students a voice in their learning to be hands-on...and

interactive in the classroom...but also to keep the parents closely involved!

[ cohen‟s home]

Brad Cohen: Ron, it was a huge mistake not mentioning my Tourette's. It was,

you know, I was trying to hide it Fat chance. Okay, that's the negative

Ron: No. The negative is you've gotta stop stressing out. You're stressing me



Brad Cohen: But the positive is that, hey, the others didn't seem to have a

problem with it, right?

I just, I gotta wait for a call.

Ron: The positive is you're coming out with me. My new girlfriend she has a


Brad Cohen: Will you stop trying to set me up? When I am ready to date, I

will date.

Ron : Come on, she heard all about you,she still wants to meet you.

Brad Cohen: Oh thanks. Real kind. Listen, I want to relax. OK? I want to

watch the Braves.

Ron: We all want to watch the Braves. Get changed.

[the office of his dad]

Brad cohen: Hey, Dad. See you found your way.

His dad: Yeah. Let's grab lunch outside my office, be a little more private.

Brad Cohen: All right.

His dad: Diane's wondering when you're gonna come by. I guess you've been

pretty busy with the job hunt. Any luck?

Brad Cohen: Still interviewing.

His dad: How's that going?

Brad Cohen: Are they giving you any trouble with your, uh...? You can say the

word, Dad: Tourette's. Some of them are. Some of them aren't.

His dad: How's your money holding out? I'm not asking you for money.

Brad Cohen: I know that. You never ask me for anything.

His dad: But if you ever do get short, you know you gotta job with me here.

Brad Cohen: I'm going to teach, Dad.

His dad: OK?

Brad Cohen: I can't let anything get in the way of that.


His dad: OK. I'm jut saying there's nothing wrong with keeping your options

open in case things don't work out. You know, there are other things besides


Brad Cohen: Not for me.

Dad could never understand my optimism. Like when I graduated to

middle school. I was really hopeful that things would be different.

[in the past when he was a kid]

his friends: What's the matter Brad? Eat alone?

Make a fresh start. New school. New friends,Same result

[ in the class during the learning process]

Teacher: Today, we're going to be talking about fractions, Fractions are your

friend Use fractionsin every day life. You just don't realize it. For example, say

your mother bakes a pie. She cuts that pie.

[the teacher which is teach started to angry to cohen because he felt that cohen

disturbed learning process]

Teacher: Cohen! Just go to the principal's office.

Not the best way to introduce myself to the principal.

Headmaster: What do you think a school's for, Brad?

Brad Cohen: I'm sorry I keep disrupting the class

Headmaster: You're not answering my question. What's a school for? To

educate, isn't it?

To use knowledge to wipe out ignorance? The school orchestra's having a

concert this afternoon.

You planning on going?

Brad Cohen: No, sir. My tics will ruin the music.

Headmaster: I want you to be there.

[ in the orchestra]

Headmaster: Everybody just keep your seats for a minute, please. Thank you.

Did you enjoy the concert? Great job.Did you hear any noises during the quiet



Participant: YES!

Headmaster: Yeah. So did l. They're pretty annoying, aren't they? The person

making those noises is Brad Cohen. Come on up here, Brad.

(brad cohen went on the stage and made a strange noises again)

Head master: Do you like making noises and upsetting people, Brad?

Brad Cohen: No, sir.

Headmaster: Then why do you do it?

Brad Cohen: Because I have Tourette Syndrome.

Headmaster: What's that?

Brad Cohen: It's a thing in my brain that causes me to make weird noises.

Headmaster: But you could control it if you wanted to, right?

Brad Cohen: No, sir. It's a sickness.

Headmaster: Well, why can't you just get cured?

Brad Cohen: There isn't any cure. I don't like making noises any more than

you like hearing them.

They're even worse when I get stressed, when you don't accept that I can't stop

them. But when I feel accepted, then they're not so bad.

Headmaster: What can we do and I mean everyone in this school What can we

do to help you, Brad?

Brad Cohen: I just want to be treated like everybody else.

Headmaster: Good job. Go sit down.


A few words a little education and it was like opening a door to a brand

new world. Now some day, some way, I knew, Tourette's or no Tourette's, I

was going to be a teacher. I had no choice but to prove that Tourette's would

never get the best of me. lf I quit, I would be agreeing with everyone who ever

told me I was barking up the wrong tree.

[ at the school which is Cohen was interview again for get a teacher job]


Treat williams: Sorry about the air conditioning. Supposed to already be fixed

by now.

Brad Cohen: That's all right.

Treat Williams: Well, umm, your resume looks okay. And we do have an

opening in fifth grade.

Brad Cohen: OK.

Treat Williams: But I do have to tell you:this is a tough place to work. We've

got some really hard cases.

Brad Cohen: Well, I take that as a challenge. I don't believe that any kid is

hopeless. You know, they all want to learn you can't ever give up. Let me

just...You just gotta find the right way to teach them.

Treat Williams: Ahh, you got something stuck in your throat? Would you like

a drink?

Brad Cohen: I have Tourette Syndrome. I'd like to tell you about it. It's a


Treat Williams: Isn't that where you yell out obscenities?

Brad Cohen: That's coprolalia, It's, ahh, it's a rare symptom that a small

percentage of people with Tourette's have.

Treat Williams: They did not tell me that you were going to be handicapped.

How do you expect to handle a bunch of wild students with a handicap like


Brad Cohen: Well. By educating them. By letting them know it's okay to talk

about it.

Treat Williams: It's okay to ask questions...-These students would laugh at


Brad Cohen: Not...not when they understand it's simply a matter of ...

Treat Williams: OK. I have seen teachers with disabilities before but never

with what you've got.

I just don't see how you could ever teach a class.


Brad Cohen: I can teach! Look at my resume. Look at it! Ok? I was very

successful as a student teacher my Tourette's never posed a problem!

I can teach!

Treat Williams: OK. Bottom line:I need somebody now for fifth grade. You

want to teach here, you're gonna have to refrain from making these noises in

class. You know what?

Brad Cohen: Thank you very much for the interview.

Treat Williams: But, don't you want the job ?

Brad Cohen: Yes, actually. I want it really bad. But I would never, ever work

for a man who doesn't care about his students. So, I'll take my portfolio and,

ahh, and take no more of your time.

You got a great boss.

Well, it was the worst interview I've ever had

[ at cohen‟s home and he called his mom]

Brad Cohen: .hallo mom. All he could see when he looked at me was my

Tourette's. That's all any of them see.

His mom: Well, honey, if they can't see what a great teacher you'd be that is

their failure, not yours.

Brad Cohen: Well, it sure seems like my failure.

His mom: Well, if you say so. You know what? Why don't you just throw in

the towel and come home, huh? I'll buy you a ticket.

Brad Cohen: I'm not saying that

His mom: Really? That sounds like what you're saying. It sounds like you're

letting Tourette's win.

Brad Cohen: I am not letting Tourette's win!

His mom: Really?

Brad Cohen: Yes, really Look, I'm never going to give up, I just I have to find

the right school.

His mom: You will, Bobo. You will.


So, I decided it wasn't Tourette's. I just hadn't found the right school

yet. I'd keep barking, and I wasn't quitting until I found that principal. I made a

map of every school where I hadn't interviewed. lf the Principal wasn't in, I'd

give my resume to a secretary or a janitor, and ask them to drop it off when the

principal returned. I didn't care. I needed a job. I wasn't going to stop until I

had one.

[ at the office of his dad]

His dad: You'll be starting at the bottom, but that's no big deal, that's where I

started. And you're working 7 to 4.

Brad Cohen: I told you this is only part time. I need to keep mornings open for

interviews. I thought that school had already started.

His dad: No, not all of them. But every job is important here, and who knows

maybe you'll end up liking it. And if you put your time in...

Brad Cohen: Didn't you hear what I just said? I'm only working here until I get

a teaching job All that stuff has to go in the dumpster.

The hiring season was ending. My interviews had dried up. School had

started. I was running out of time and money...and hope.

[at cohen‟s home]

Brad Cohen: Diane? ( his step mother)

Diane: I gave up on you ever coming to me, so I just came to you. You busy?

Brad Cohen: It was my stepmom, Diane. Trying to build bridges with bagels.

Diane: Your Dad built his business with his own two hands you can't blame

him for wanting you to be a part of it. He's just being a dad. He wants you in

his life. So how do you like Atlanta? You meet any nice girls? I'm just saying

all the right things, huh?

Brad Cohen: Let me get you a refill

Diane: Brad. Brad, your dad loves you so much. He just doesn't want to see

you get hurt

Brad Cohen: The only thing that hurts is the fact that he has never accepted

who I am. See, he's got this idea of a perfect son, who is "normal" and does

"normal" things. Well, I'm never gonna be "normal"


Diane: Well, maybe that's not his idea, Brad. Maybe that's yours. And you're

right, you are not normal. You have this gift to teach, and it's not in spite of

your Tourette's, it's because of it.

Diane: I have to go.

[ telephone was ringing]

Brad Cohen: Hello, this is Brad.

Ahh, yes.

Yep, Brad. Brad Cohen. Ten o'clock is is perfect for me.

Absolutely. OK, great.

[ in the school]

Jim Ovey: You must be Brad Cohen.

Brad Cohen: Hi.

Jim Ovbey: I'm Jim Ovbey I'm the Principal around here.

Hillarie: and i am Hilarie Straka, Assistant Principal.

Brad Cohen: Hi.

Hillarie: Come on in the office, Brad.

Jim Overy: We heard you coming all the way from the parking lot.

Hilliary: Hear you've been making the rounds.

Brad Cohen: Twenty-five schools so far. And, uh, here's, here's my resume.

Hilliary: Oh. Here. Oh. We can look at that in a minute, Brad.

Jim Overy: Just come on in, tell us why you want to be a teacher.

Brad Cohen: OK. Well, it's, uh, oh, it's, it's all I ever wanted to be. Ever since I

was in school.

Hilliary: You must have had some pretty inspiring teachers.

Brad Cohen: Ah, well. I had an inspiring principal Mr. Myer but my teachers,

they really only inspired me to be the kind of teachers they never were.

Jim: What kind of teacher is that?


Brad Cohen: One who makes it possible for a kid to learn even if he's

different. In a way, the, the best teacher I ever had was my Tourette's.

Hilliary: You, you don't have to talk about that, Brad.

Brad Cohen: No, it's OK. I make a point of being open about it. It's, ah, never

off-limits to my students. They can ask me anything they want about it at any


Hilliary: You must get some pretty interesting questions.

Brad Cohen: Oh, yeah. Sometimes it gets really personal.

Jim: I hope this question isn't too personal, Brad. Do you make those noises in

your sleep?

Brad Cohen: I don't know. I'm asleep. No. No, I don't tic in my sleep. When

I'm relaxed, the noises give me a little bit of a break. Like just now.

Hilliary: Okay Brad. I want to hear more about your teaching philosophy...

Brad Cohen: Yeah. I'd love to tell you about my teaching philosophy. We

talked for nearly two hours, it was the best interview I'd ever had

Jim: Well, Brad, it was a pleasure to meet you.

Brad Cohen: You, too. You, too.

Hilliary: We've still got a few more teachers to interview, But we'll let you

know when we've made a decision.

Jim: Ok, great.

Brad Cohen: Thank you. Thank you...

Still, my Constant Companion, as always, warned me not to get my

hopes up. But hope is a hard habit to break. I was called one last time to and

asked come in and meet with the second grade staff.

[ at the class, all of the teacher was investigating brad cohen about the second

grade students would be teach by Brad Cohen]

Brenda: Oh, so, you student-taught second grade?

Brad Cohen: Oh, I love second grade! The kids are still so open-minded,

They're open to everything.


Brenda: Yes, but you do manage to maintain a little discipline, right? While

they're being so open?

Brad Cohen: I do let them know what the boundaries are. Yes.

Helen: So, Brad. What do you think is the most important thing you have to


Brad Cohen: Yeah. Ah, well. Besides the importance of reading and the value

of math that it's okay to be yourself. It's okay to color outside the lines

Brenda: if that's who you are. So it's okay to ignore the boundaries?

Brad Cohen: No, and I didn't...

Brenda: I'm sorry but how can you expect kids to learn when you're doing that

all the time?

Helen: Oh. Come on, Brenda

Brad Cohen: No, no, no. It's OK. It's a valid question. I want to answer it.

Before they know me,

kids sometimes do think I'm just weird, even scary. But, once I educate them

about my Tourette's

and they see that Mr. Cohen is a real person who just happens to make funny

noises, well, then they accept me as a good teacher. Just like they accept all of


Helen: Well, maybe we should all try to be more like second-graders.

Brenda: Does anyone have any other questions for Mr. Cohen? Brad thanks

for coming in.

The school will be in touch with you, so just be patient.

It's hard to be patient when you feel as though you've blown your last

chance. And patience never was my Constant Companion's strong suit

[ in the office of his das]

His dad:I'm guessing you never heard from that school.

Brad Cohen: No, not yet. They're still interviewing.

His dad: I'm not worried.


Brad Cohen: Is that supposed to mean?

His dad: I just said "okay".

Brad Cohen: I know what you mean you don't think anybody would hire me if

they had a choice.

His dad: What are you, a mind-reader now?

Brad Cohen: You know what, Dad? This is gonna be my last day here?

His dad: Well, why don't you wait and see if you got the job first?

Brad Cohen: I'm gonna get the job, Dad. I just have to stay focused.

His dad: Why can't you stay focused and realistic at the same time? What's

wrong with that?


[ at cohen‟s house]

Ron: Whoa! Are you all right, man? You'll knock yourself out doing that!

What if that happens while you're driving?

Brad Cohen: I'm fine.

Ron: Uh, yeah, I don't know. You oughta see another doctor.

Brad Cohen: I've seen doctors my whole life, Ron. OK? They don't help.

Ron: Well, don't you think you need to see somebody?

Brad Cohen: I really don't! So, just.

There I was waiting for the phone to ring again. I tried to convince

myself something good would happen.

[suddenly his brother came to cohen‟s home]

My kid brother...not exactly what I had in mind.

Jeff: How are you doing, Bobo?

Brad Cohen: what, what are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were


Jeff: You know you're in your boxers, right?

Brad Cohen: Did, ah, Mom send you to check up on me?


Jeff: Why? You need checking up on?

Brad Cohen: No, but...

Jeff: Where do I put my stuff? .

Brad Cohen: That's great. You get the couch.

Jeff: Whoa! Nice clubs, are these new? Ah. They're Dad's, he let me borrow

them. Thought maybe you and I could, ah, play a little golf.

[at the field golf ]

Jeff: So, what do you think? Three iron from here, little bro?

Brad Cohen: Hey, by the way, thanks for the round. Thank Dad. Oh, wait,


...you guys aren't speaking.

Brad Cohen: I don't want to talk about Dad right now. You're just saying that

to rattle me because you know I'm going to beat you.

Jeff: I'm serious, Brad, you and Dad gotta start getting along.

Brad Cohen: We get along fine as long as we keep it long distance.

Jeff: Is that why you moved down here? To keep it long distance? I mean, it's

not like you have anything to prove to him right?

Brad Cohen: What are you now, Jeff, a shrink? Dr. Jeff, huh?

[ the people around him felt disturbed with his disease]

Joe: I'm sorry, sir? I'm going to have to ask you to stop making those

noises.Look, pal.

Jeff: He's not doing it on purpose, he's got

Brad Cohen: No, no, no. I can handle it, Jeff. I got it.

Joe : Look, it's just not fair to the other golfers.

Brad Cohen: No, I understand, that, umm, I can't help making these noises

because I have Tourette Syndrome. It's a neurological disorder I'd like to tell

you about it.

joe: You're gonna have to leave the course. I gotta think of the other members.


Finn: Hey, Joe. Leave the guy alone. He's fine.

Joe: Hey, man. We're a twosome and our buddies don't appear to be showing.

Finn: Would you like to join us?

Joe: lf you don't leave, I'm going to have to call security.

Brad Cohen: OK, OK. Umm... OK. Thanks, guys. Maybe next year, all right?

Jeff, come on. Come on, buddy. Thanks.

Brad Cohen: Come on, Jeff, it's not like you haven't seen it before.

Jeff: How can you stand living in a world where everybody's so

ignorant?Everybody's not.

Brad Cohen: You saw those golfers back there. They went to bat for me. My

life is full of people like that.

Jeff: That's not always been my experience.

Brad Cohen: Well, that's because you're always getting into fights sticking up

for me. You and mom. You've always been there for me and my tics.

Jeff: You know what? You're beginning to"tick" me off...race you to the car.

Brad Cohen: Oh, yeah? What! -Hey! HEY! Sucker!

Jeff's visit did give me a break from my worries. And, right after he

left, I got a call from the school. The principal wanted to see me in his office.

Just like old times.

Jim Ovey: Pretty noisy, huh?

Brad Cohen: And yet somehow the kids manage, don't they?

Jim Ovey: Yes, they do. They do. Hilarie and I discussed you with the

teachers.And, we talked about how proud we are of teaching our kidsto never

let anything hold them back in life.And, Hilarie said that if we're gonna talk

the talk,we need to walk the walk. She's waiting to show you your


Hillarie: Second grade is overcrowded so we've had to create a new class.

Your kids are being taken out of other rooms so some of them might be a little

confused. They've already been in school for three weeks.


There's your student roster. The fun starts Monday, Brad. Let me know if

there's anything you need.

Brad Cohen: I need everything.

I looked down at that roster like I was announcing the starting line-up

for an all star baseball game.

[at the new class of Cohen, all of the teachers gave the good great of Cohen]

Anne: Hilarie, this is, thank you...

Hillarie: Hey! We thought you might need these.

Anne: Hey, everybody, bring them in. Just put them down anywhere. We'll get

them arranged.

Brad Cohen: Here, let me help you with that. Thank you!

Anne: Welcome to Mountain View.

Yeah, Mom, it's phenomenal, but, you know, it's taken me so long to

get here I still have to remind myself that I'm just at the beginning.

(Cohen was called his mom and gave that information that he had accepted in

one of the school in a city]

His mom: Honey, that is, that is wonderful news! That's wonderful.

Brad Cohen: Yes, yes, Mom. It is absolutely wonderful, but, you know,

they've only given me a contract for a year. OK? I still have to prove to them

that they made the right choice

His mom: Honey, listen, just take a moment to enjoy this. Oh my gosh. Oh

my... Did you call your father? He is gonna be so proud of you.

Brad Cohen: I will, Mom. But, you know, right now, I literally have about two

weeks of preparation to do in about two days. And, ah, you know, now that I

have the job, I gotta really seriously start working on getting my Master's


His mom: OK, one thing at a time, all right? Listen. Are there any cute

teachers at that school?

Brad Cohen: Mom!

His mom: What? I want you to be happy.


Brad Cohen: OK, all right, yes. Don't worry I'm working on that, too. I gotta

go. Goodbye.

[at the cafe]

Nancy: You must be Brad...

Brad Cohen: You must be Nancy. Hi, I'm Brad.

Nancy: I know.

Brad Cohen: Right. Of course. I guess I'm a little nervous. Please. This is my

first time computer dating.

Nancy: So...-Oh, yeah. Me too. My mom thinks it's dangerous.

Brad Cohen: Well, yeah, I mean, you never know what kind of weirdo you

might meet. But you look pretty normal. So...

Nancy: Good, I'm glad.

Brad Cohen: Actually, look much better than normal.

Nancy: Thank you.

Brad Cohen: So, ahh, I guess we're just supposed to tell each other our life


Nancy: Umm, OK. Do, do you think I could get a, get a cup of coffee first?

Brad Cohen: Cup of coffee. -Yeah. Right. Yeah! Of course. Coming up.

Nancy: Thanks.

Brad Cohen: Ah. Do you want, like, a muffin?

Nancy: I'm on a diet. But I would love a muffin.

[at the another street]

Nancy: My roommate is driving me absolutely crazy. She never makes her bed

she's got clothes everywhere she's, like, always blasting her music night and

day. But, of course, whenever I want to listen to my music, she's all, like, "you

need to keep it down".

Brad Cohen: So what kind of music do you listen to?


Nancy: Well, umm, -Yeah? Mostly oldies stuff. Especially Sting Oh, I love

Sting! Madonna, Bon Jovi, you know Milli Vanilli...?

Nancy: I love Milli Vanilli!

Brad Cohen: Really?

Nancy: Wait. You too?

Brad Cohen: We've gotta be the only two people on earth that love Milli


Nancy: You do not.

Brad Cohen: Yeah!

Nancy: Well, I had a really nice time. Thank you. I shouldn't have had that

muffin but... I really enjoyed meeting you.

Brad Cohen: Yeah, me too.

Nancy: OK. Well, thanks again, Brad.

[ at the field of basket ball]

Ron: I can't believe you! You said she was perfect

Brad Cohen: She was perfect. I just didn't want to ruin it.

Ron: Oh, by asking to see her again? Oh, right: second date syndrome. So is

that gonna be your life? Nothing but first and only dates? How do you ever

expect to have a relationship?

Brad Cohen: Maybe I don't. Come on in. Get in there. Come on in.

[ in the first day of teach, cohen was very spirit, there are many media of

learning process was preparing by him]

[ at the class]

Brad Cohen: Did your teachers warn you that Mr. Cohen makes funny noises?

Students: Yeeesss. She said you have Tour...tour...

Brad Cohen: Tourette Syndrome. OK. Anything you want to know about it, I

want you to ask.



Students: Is it catching...?

Brad Cohen: No. Absolutely not. You have to be born with it, like I was.

Students: Does it hurt?

Brad Cohen: Well, sometimes, like when my neck jerks. But the noises do not

hurt at all.These are great questions, keep 'em coming. And, it's okay to ask me

anything about Tourette's


Students: Can you go to movies?

Brad Cohen: Yes, I can go to movies, but sometimes I get kicked out and that

makes me sad.

Students: What's the bunny's name?

Brad Cohen: Wa Wa Waffle!

His name is just Waffle!

Brad Cohen: All right, guys. Any more questions about Tourette's? Anyone?

Students: Are they ever gonna make you well, Mr. Cohen?

Brad Cohen: Well. Right now there's no medicine that can cure Tourette's.

But, it's okay. Cuz I've learned to accept it and I don't let it run my life.

Students: What can't you do? Like...can you not eat?

Brad Cohen: I can eat. OK, I eat a lot. In fact, I can do anything anybody else

can do except

there is one thing that Mr. Cohen can never do.

Students: What?

Students: What is it? Tell us

Brad Cohen: Mr. Cohen can never play hide and go seek. Why can't you play

hide and seek? Cause they'd hear him, stupid. Well, that's the right answer but

it's the wrong words because there won't be any namecalling in Mr. Cohen's


Brad Cohen: Excuse me? Where are you going?


Thomas: Bathroom.

Brad Cohen: And what's your name?

Thomas: Thomas.

Brad Cohen: OK. Well, Thomas, if you want to leave your seat, you have to

ask for permission.

Thomas: Weirdo.

[ bell was a ringing and it‟s time to came back in the home]

Gaylon: Bye, Mr. Cohen.

Brad Cohen: Bye, Gaylon.

Heather: Good bye, Mr. Cohen.

Brad Cohen: Bye Heather, I'll see you tomorrow.

Amanda: I really like your class, Mr. Cohen!

Brad Cohen: Oh, well, thank you, Amanda!

Amanda‟s father: How are you doing Mr. Wright?

Brad Cohen: I'm fine.

Brenda: Sorry I stuck you with Thomas, but he was making my class

impossible. He's got a whole alphabet of problems: ADD, ADHD, OCD. You

want my advice, you'll pass him on to Special Ed.

Brad Cohen: No. I can't, ah, I can't do that.

Brenda: Oh. See how you feel after he's trashed a few classes.

Brad Cohen: I'll be all right. I just need to get settled. I can't wait for


Brenda: OK.

Well, almost...

[ at the garden with Nancy]

Brad Cohen: You know what I just realized?

Nancy: What?


Brad Cohen: All ducks have Tourette's.

Nancy: Why is that?

Brad Cohen: I don't know. We're birds of a feather. So, it really doesn't bother

you, does it?

Nancy: What?

Brad Cohen: You know what. My Tourette's...my noises.

Nancy: Not when I compare them to the noises other guys make. You know,

like, braggers, loud-talkers, egocentric, humor-challenged idiots. Seriously, no.

Your noises don't bother me at all. As long as you keep me laughing.

Brad Cohen: Well, don't say that. You know how I get under pressure.

Nancy: Oh, I'm sorry. My Dad has always said I was going to marry somebody

who made me laugh. Not that that has anything to do with anything. Say


Brad Cohen: Quack. Hey. Don't laugh. That was a serious quack.

I got you though.

[ at the school]

Heather: Mr. Cohen!

Brad Cohen: Hey!

Heather: My Mom said to ask if it's okay.

Brad Cohen: Is what okay, Heather?

Heather: lf I give this to Waffle.

Brad Cohen: You tell your Mom that I said that's fine. OK?

Heather‟s mom: Did he say it was OK?


Brad Cohen: Amanda? Is everything all right?

Amanda: I wanna be in your class, Mr. Cohen.

Brad Cohen: You are in my class, Amanda.


Amanda: No. He made them take me out

Amanda‟s father: See you after school, honey. OK?

Amanda: It's not fair!

Brad Cohen: Is everything OK? I'm Amanda's teacher, Mr. Cohen. We met

yesterday. Oh, no, no, no.

Amanda‟s father: There's nothing wrong. I just have to do what's right for my

daughter. Come on, Amanda. Come on.

Hillian: He's concerned about Amanda's ability to concentrate. He just thought

that you'd make it a little harder for her.

Brad Cohen: Can't he just give me a chance? We've only just started.

Hillian: I pointed that out.

Brad Cohen: And?

Hillian: He said he was sympathetic but that Amanda needs as he put it a

"normal teacher. " Don't take it to heart, Brad. Parents are the hardest part of

the job.

[ at the cohen‟s class]

Brad Cohen: All right, who can tell me the names of the capitals Maxine and

her big red truck have passed through? Anybody?

Brad Cohen: Oh, all these hands! Excuse me. Excuse me.

Ah, man. Who do I choose? I don't know.

Brad Cohen: Heather.

Heather: Atlanta...Nashville...um...Springfield?

Brad Cohen: That's great! Because a lot of people think it's Chicago.

Brad Cohen: And, ah, this is Springfield, right?

Students: Noooo.

Brad Cohen: That's Indianapolis.

Students: Oh, that's right!

Brad Cohen: So, what am I thinking? This is Springfield.


Students: NO!

Eli: That's Columbus! Springfield's over there, Mr. Cohen.

Brad Cohen: Where is it, Eli? Is it over here?

Students; Nooo!

Brad Cohen: Where is Springfield? I don't know. You guys have to point it out

to me.

Point it out. Point it out. I don't see it there.

Brad Cohen: Ahh! I see it!

Brad Cohen: You're telling me that this is Springfield. Right?

Students: YES!

Brad Cohen: You don't have permission to leave your seat, Thomas. That's

right. Mr. Cohen has eyes in the back of his head. Go back and sit down,

please. And next time, ask.

Thomas: But I need to sharpen my pencil.

Brad Cohen: Now, Thomas.

Thomas: All right, now.

Brad Cohen: Where's Maxine and her bug red truck going to be on Tuesday?


[ bell was a ringing, times to go home]

Brad Cohen: See you bright early tomorrow, David.

All right. Hey. Remember to walk.

Heayher: I really like your hat, Mr. Cohen.

Brad Cohen: Well, thank you, Heather. I like your hair.

Heather: It's just short 'cause of the medicine. Bye.

Heather‟s mom: Hey, honey!

Heather: Hi, Mom.


Heather‟s mom: Can you wait right here for just a minute?

Heather: Sure. -OK.

Heather‟s mom: Hey, umm. I've been meaning to come and speak to you about


Brad Cohen: I think I know...

Heayher‟s mom: Yeah, umm. We were just reluctant to tell anybody at first.

Of course it was only a matter of time before the chemo became obvious, so ...

Brad Cohen: Is she, ah, going to be okay...?

Heather‟s mom: Umm. Heather just loves your class. She can't wait to get to

school every day. And, umm, I'd be grateful if you kept our secret a little

longer. I just don't want her to be singled out.

Brad Cohen: Yeah.

Heather‟s mom: Thanks. All right, baby girl. Let's go.

Brad Cohen: Bye!

Nancy: Uh-oh. What do you think? What do you think?

Brad Cohen: I already have that one. Looks great on you, though.

Nancy: Hey, what's wrong?

Brad Cohen: Oh, nothing, I'm just focusing on school stuff.

Nancy: Can you focus on me for a minute?

Brad Cohen: Sorry.

Nancy: Hey, hey, hey! Try this one on! It'll make you feel better. Yeah. -OK.


Brad Cohen: Yeah? -Yes! Really? -Oh my goodness, this suits you.

Brad Cohen: More than you know. I've, ah, decided it's time to go for my

master's degree.

Nancy: Wow. Wow, does that, does that mean you'll be going away?

Brad Cohen: No. I'd go locally.


Nancy: Anyhow, I have to pass the entrance test to graduate school first, so...

Brad Cohen: Oh, wait. Isn't that like the SATs? Do you have to take that in a

big room with a lot of people?

Brad Cohen: Yeah. They said I could have a room all to myself. Ah, good.

Tourette's does have its privileges. Would it bother you if I did go away...?

Nancy: Of course it would. Are you kidding me?

Brad Cohen: Hey, ah, chchchch, Brad Cohen.

Customer services: Brad Cohen. Here you are, Mr. Cohen. All right, I need

you take this packet, and I need you to go right in there.

Brad Cohen: Oh, I'm supposed to have special accommodations

Customer services: I don't have any notation of that. I mean, everybody tests

under the same conditions today.

Brad Cohen: OK, yeah, but I called and they said They said They said that I

could have a, ah, space to myself

Customer services: You know what? I need you to talk to the administrator

about that.

His office is right over there.

Brad Cohen: I can't make an exception...we're not set up that way They

promised and I have the right to special testing accommodations

Joy: Listen, I'm sorry about your disability but there isn't anything I can do. lf

you want to take the test, you need to go in there now

Brad Cohen: Look at me! How could anybody possibly concentrate

Joy: if I'm in that room? Listen, I have to start the exam, now.

His dad: Well, they said you could take it alone? OK. All right. No problem.

I'll be right there.

His dad: You can take the test. And you'll have a room to yourself.

Brad Cohen: What did you say to them?

His dad: The magic word: lawsuit. I've gotta get to work.


Brad Cohen: Hey, Dad.

His dad: Yeah?

Brad Cohen: Thanks.

His dad: Good luck on the test.

As it turned out, I needed more than just Dad's good luck. I needed

time. With the clock, and my Tourette's, ticking away. I failed to get all the

way through the test.

[at cohen‟s class]

Brad Cohen: Good job, guys. Thomas I am so proud of you.

Thomas: Thank you, Mr. Cohen.

Brad Cohen: Wow! Look at that turkey, Heather.

Heather: Thank you.

Brad Cohen: So. Are you gonna have a big Thanksgiving this year?

Heather: Uh-huh. Mom says all my grandparents are gonna come.

Brad Cohen: Well, that sounds special.

'heather: Cept when they cry. They try to hide itbut I always see them. Can I

pet Waffle?

Brad Cohen: You bet you can pet Waffle.

Heather: Are you gonna have a good Thanksgiving, Mr. Cohen?

Brad Cohen: Yes, I am. Me and Waffle are going to take a little trip to see my

Mom in St. Louis.

Heather: I know where that is!

Brad Cohen: Well, that is super, Heather. That's exactly where it is. Now, do

me a favor, will you? And I'm going to trust you to take good care of my

friend Waffle. All right?

Heather: Sure.

Brad Cohen: And I will be right back.


Brad Cohen: Hi, Amanda. Shouldn't you ja be in your class? All right. Come

on, I'll walk you to your room.

Amanda: Why can't I be in your class, Mr. Cohen?

Brad Cohen: Well, ah. Your father had to do what was best for you, Amanda.

And you know what? You've got a great teacher.

Amada: OK...See you later, Mr. Cohen.


Brad Cohen: Where did you learn those words, Thomas? You know you're not

supposed to leave the class without asking. Well, you're going to clean that up.

And then, ah, you're on detention: no recess. But you do get an "A" for


Brad Cohen: You can't read it if you don't open it, Thomas.

Thomas: I hate reading.

Brad Cohen: So do l.

Thomas: You do?

Brad Cohen: Yeah. Reading's really hard for me.

Thomas: It's not hard for you. You're a teacher.

Brad Cohen: You wanna bet? Let's play a game. You be Mr. Cohen trying to


And I'll be Tourette Syndrome. OK? Read this page.

Thomas: "Once upon a time"

Keep reading.

Thomas: "...upon a time, there was a" That itches. Does it itch a little bit? All

right. Keep reading.

"...there was a..."

Brad Cohen: Hey, Thomas! All right. That's hard, isn't it? It's hard to

concentrate. That's how hard reading is for me.

Brad Cohen: It's not that hard for you, is it?


Thomas: No. It's easy for me. But...how can you be a teacher if you hate


Brad Cohen: Hate books? I don't hate books. Everything in the world is in

books. I just have to work extra hard to get it out. I'm not going to give up on

you, buddy. OK? And I'm not going to let you give up on yourself.

Now keep reading. Right here.

"Once upon a time there was a"


"A magician who met a small boy.

A small boy who was trying to pull a big sword out of a big rock.


Thomas: Why would a sword be in a rock?

Well, I don't know, but if you, ah, keep reading, you might just find out.

"The magician told the small boy that whoever could pull the sword out of the

rock would be the true king." Cool.

Brad Cohen: Keep going. What happens next?

[ at the street, Cohen want to bring Nancy to his mom for introduced her as a

his girlfriend]

Brad Cohen: Hey. What's wrong?

Nancy: Oh, I'm so nervous.

Brad Cohen: What's there to be nervous about? You're just gonna meet my


Nancy: Thank you. That's, that's helpful.

Brad Cohen: And Jeff...and my aunts and uncles... and anybody I've ever

loved...in my entire life.

Prepare your self. This is big.

Nancy: I'm ready. Why do I have to prepare myself? .

Brad Cohen: That's right. Prepare yourself.


Cohen‟s mom: Oh, you're here! Oh, hi! I can't believe I'm finally meeting

Nancy. Oh! You're even prettier than I thought

Nancy: Brad has told me so much about you, Mrs. Cohen

Cohen‟s mom: Oh, Ellen. Well, that's more than he tells me about you

Brad Cohen: Wha-what! What? I tell you all about Nancy.

Cohen‟s mom: Oh, you never tell me the real stuff. Come on, Nancy -Bobo,

get the bags, honey.

Nancy:Yes, Bobo. Get on that.

Cohen:s mom: So, are you exhausted?

Oh, good. Because we've got a pedicure

appointment in an hour.

Cohen‟s mom: This is Nancy. -Hi.

Nancy: Who I was telling you about. -So, nice to meet you.

Cohen‟s mom: And, no, wait, Janet. Here, come and meet Janet.

Janet: OK. Hi! Nancy. -And one other person... Mom's going a little overboard

making Nancy feel like family.

Jeff: Is that a possibility? Her being family?

Brad Cohen: I don't know. I mean, you know, I know but I don't, I don't, I

don't, I don't...

Jeff: Oh, yeah. It's, it's serious. Has she met Dad?

Brad Cohen: No! No, no, no, no...

Well, what are you waiting for?

Hey. Back off, will'ya?

Brad Cohen: He ended up falling flat

Brad Cohen: Well, You'll excuse me, Nancy's needed in the kitchen. I'm just

going to steal her for one second.


Nancy:Needed in the kitchen.

Brad Cohen: OK.

Nancy: Are you rescuing me? Because I don't need rescuing

Brad Cohen: I do.

Nancy: What's going on ? How was your pedicure?

lf you're wondering

what did your Mom and I talked about, we talked about you Is something


Brad Cohen: I was just wondering, if I told you, I love you.

Brad Cohen: I mean, it just, it scares me. Right? I never thought about it

before. I never dared think about it.

His mom: Look, Brad. She understands about your noises, she doesn't care.

You know, you make her happy, Brad she told me that, Brad. You make her


Brad Cohen: Well, what if one day she stops laughing? What if one day she

gets fed up of living with someone who

I just, I don't want to hurt her, Mom...

His mom: Maybe you don't want to get hurt.

Brad Cohen: Both.

His mom: The only thing that can hurt either of you: is if you let Tourette's

drive her away from you. lf you let it win.

[at the class]

Heather's mother had called to say Heather was no longer able to attend

school. So, the class all pitched in to cheer her up

Brad Cohen: Oh, wow. Look at this table. It looks very good. Ah, this looks

great over here. The news we'd all been dreading came a few weeks later...


Henry: Hi, Mr. Cohen.


Brad Cohen: What's up, Henry. Hey, Eli. -Hi, Mr. Cohen.

Eli: Hey, Mr. Cohen.

Brad Cohen: What's up, Gaylon?

Gavlon: These are my grandparents, James and Shirley.

Sir, they're about to start the service You go ahead.

Heather‟s mom: Mr. Cohen? Aren't you coming in?

Brad Cohen: I'm sorry...I thought I could but I...I think I'd be too disruptive.

Heather‟s mom: You made such a huge difference in Heather's life. You were

her favorite teacher. Please, don't leave without saying goodbye to her.

[ at the class]

Brad Cohen: Okay, Thomas...what is your team's word?

Thomas: Weird!

Brad Cohen: Weird. Anybody not on Thomas's team know what that word


Students: Strange. Creepy. Scary.

Brad Cohen: Very good. Who can use the word weird in a sentence?

Students: Me, oh, me!

The students very fun during the learning process because there are many trick

and strategy in Cohen‟s teaching. Cohen always totally in learning, he full oof

spirit and did the best for his class, beause he thought that teaching is a good

job for him.

[ at Cohen‟s Father‟s home]

His dad: I like Nancy. She reminds me of your Mom when we first met.

Brad Cohen: They don't look anything alike.

His dad: I'm not talking about looksI'm talking about that... spark, that spirit,

that, ah, "je ne sais quoi. " How are things at school?

Brad Cohen:Oh, you know. We got more books than bookcases,roof leaks,

budget cutbacks... Little worried they might not ask me back next year. There's

plenty of teachers with a lot more experience than me.


His dad: I'm proud of you regardless.

Brad Cohen:Doesn't feel that way. Why do I feel like you're still embarrassed

by me? And it's okay, Dad, you can admit it.

His dad: You're not trying to start something...?

Brad Cohen:No. No, no. But, you know, we're finally talking, and it's good, so

let's talk. I've always been an embarrassment to you. I have, haven't l? Even

when you used to come visit me, you used to squirm when all those eyeballs

would click my way. You've never been able to accept it.

His dad: You're right. It is tough being with you sometimes I hate it when we

go to restaurants and people give you those looks. Sometimes, I just... I just

feel so helpless. You know, I've always been a guy who could fix things...

...but the one thing I could never fix was the one thing

that was hurting you most.

Brad Cohen:It doesn't need fixing. Nobody can fix it.

His dad: I know. I know. But maybe it's my fault. Maybe I gave it to you. I

think these babies are done.

[ at the cohen‟s class]

Brad Cohen:Come on, guys. We only have two minutes before the media

center closes. Hurry up, back there. Stay to the side, guys. Stay to the side.

What did I tell you?

Guys in the back, come on, hurry up.

Suddenly cohen‟s dad came in the school where Cohen‟s teaching, he bring a

lot of a tools in teaching

Brad Cohen:Dad? What are you, ah, what are you doing here?

His dad: You said you needed bookcases, didn't you?

The headmaster: Your Father's built us new bookshelves for the library.

Things are a little slow at the office.This way, gentlemen.

His dad: Oh, and I got you something for your collection.

Students: Put it on, Mr. Cohen.

His dad: A hard hat for an extremely hard head.


Brad Cohen:Hey, class, that's my dad.

Students: Hi, Mr. Cohen!

Brad Cohen:Come on. Come on!

Brenda: And, and Hilarie didn't say what this was about?

Brad Cohen:No idea.

Brenda: We were at recess and she said she needs to see you in your


[ at the class, there are many teachers have been waiting Brad Cohen]

Headmaster: Would you come over here a moment, please? Hilarie's got an

announcement to make.

Hillaries: Some of you may have noticed an observer hanging around school

the last few weeks.

Well, he was here to assess one of our teachers. Mr. Cohen. And I'm here to

announce that our very own Brad Cohen has been chosen from amongst all the

new educators in the state of Georgia to be Sallie Mae's First Year Teacher of

the Year.

As I looked at my students, I felt like a kid inside. Because children

look at life differently than most audits. They see the world and say, I will. Not

I can't. And so did l. This shirt's too tight. The label's digging in my back...

Nancy: I cut out the label. I don't know what you're so nervous about. You're

in front of a crowd every day.

Brad Cohen: Well, these aren't second-graders.

Nancy: Now... Oh, man, I wish I was invisible. Well, that is something you'll

never have to worry about.

Hold still, hold still! I love you. Go, Mr. Cohen!

His mom: Come on, Bobo, you can get through this

His dad: Don't worry. He's going to get through it.

Brad Cohen: The noise you just heard is the Tourette Syndrome I've been

living with since I was six years old. I'm standing up here today because the


love and support of a lot of people put me up here My family, my school

family, my students, and all my friends. I owe this award to all of them. But I

also owe it to the toughest, and, and most dedicated teacher I ever had: my

Constant Companion. My Tourette's. Now, some of you may think that's pretty

weird to thank a disability... and calling it a great teacher? That's really weird.

I mean, what could I possibly learn from a disability?

( Gaylon raise his hand)

Brad Cohen:Yes, Gaylon.

Gaylon: You learned to keep going.

Brad Cohen: Eli?

Eli: You learned to not let it stop you.

Brad Cohen: Yes, Thomas.

Thomas: You learned to not let it win!

That's right.

Brad Cohen: Coping with my Tourette's has taught me the most valuable

lesson that anyone could ever learn: And that is to never let anything stop you

from chasing your dream from working or playing or falling in love. That's

right. Coping with my Tourette's has taught me the most valuable lesson...

Brad Cohen: Yes, Thomas.

Thomas: Can you bring that award to show and tell on Monday?

You bet.

[ Applause]

Bred went on to get his masters degree





Marsella was born on october , 5th

1997 in Bone.

She is the first daughter of Halis and Darna. She

has one brother. She started her study at SDN

155 Lili Riattang and graduated in 2009. She

continued her study at SMPN 3 Lappariaja and

graduated in 2012. Then she studied in SMAN 1

Lappariaja and finished in 2015. She was

accepted at Muhammadiyah University of

Makassar as A Student of English Education

Department in 2015.

At the end of her study, she could finish with her thesis under the tittle

Analyzing Cohesive Devices In the Students Narrative Text Written Based on

Front of the Class Movie Script (A Descriptive Research).