Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving The Cheat Sheet “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” George Bernard Shaw Vuja de… Did you get a vuja de today? (Vuja de is the opposite of Déjà vu) When you see something new in what you have always seen in your everyday life; it is vuja de. (If you feel that you have experienced something before, even though it is happening for the first time, it is déjà vu) Write one Vuja De in your Vuja De Diary every day… What comes between black and white? Perseverance, patience, practice and a smattering of success here and there… Success comes from a habit to be successful, bring small successes in your life to make yourself thoroughly successful Don’t be afraid of using your emotion when analysing a situation.

Analytical Thinking and Decision Making Handout

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Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving

The Cheat Sheet“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the

unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

George Bernard Shaw

Vuja de…

Did you get a vuja de today? (Vuja de is the opposite of Déjà vu)

When you see something new in what you have always seen in your everyday life; it is vuja de. (If you feel that you have experienced something before, even though it is happening for the first time, it is déjà vu)

Write one Vuja De in your Vuja De Diary every day…

What comes between black and white?

Perseverance, patience, practice and a smattering of success here and there…

Success comes from a habit to be successful, bring small successes in your life to make yourself thoroughly successful

Don’t be afraid of using your emotion when analysing a situation.

The Newton Moment:

Everyone has newton moments in their lives… did you go back to sleep after that moment? Well at least once you need to keep awake and persevere through the thinking process.

Don’t worry if you don’t find a solution…

It is okay to not find a solution to a problem… Knowing the problem and acknowledging it and also understanding all the ramifications of it, is in itself the most important exercise.

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Here and Now…

Belong to the here and now… experience is not always the only thing that counts, a critical analysis of the situation should be your first objective…

So now you are ready to analyse critically!

Please write down, what bothers you most at work, something you wish you could change?

Now let’s analyse:

Why is Analytical thinking necessary?

Analytical thinking helps you to solve problems. Its methodical step by step approach to thinking, helps break complex problems into bite size pieces and subsequently leads to quick solution.

Where does it begin?

Identify Issues and Problems

What Next?

Organise the information

All set… Embark on the analytical analysis of the problem… You already have the magic wand.

What is Bloom’s Taxonimy?

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It is a model created by Dr. Benjamin Bloom and it helps teachers to plan course material for students by methodically raising the level of difficulty.

I am done with my school and college education, way now?

Well there is always a need to analyse your level of comprehension of a problem… See where you are in your problem solving journey.

The steps to thinking reaching up to CRITICAL THINKING

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When Analysing a situation or problem:

Ask Critical Questions:

a. Who Said That?b. Is the Source Reliable?c. Do you have data supporting that claim?d. Is that scientifically proven?e. Are you qualified to speak on that topic?f. Do you have a personal stake in the issue?

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Summarise the answers:

Pease don’t stop at finding answers… check whether your answer makes complete business sense… check whether it has acceptance among your colleagues…

And now comes the sharing part:

Idiosyncrasy credit:

What is this?

It is the right earned to share a radical idea that seems to shake the existing conventions.

How do you earn this?

By doing well what you are asked or expected to do as per your work profile.

Earn idiosyncrasy credits and use it at the right time, in the right place each of you already have some, is it enough to share your idea? Be the judge of that…

Happy Analysing

Problem Solving

Do you have the problem statement?

What is that?

Definition of your problem in a single sentence.


I come late to office to office every day.

My phone is not working, it is hampering my work.

My manager gave me a very tough deadline, I will not achieve it.

Write your problem statement here:

Let us see what technique works for your problem:

Problem Solving Techniques:

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1. 5 W and an H, 2. Five Why, 3. Fish Bone, 4. 6 Thinking Hat, 5. Mind Maps

1. Five Why of Problem solving:The simplest technique of problem solving. Just ask probing why questions and you arrive at the root cause of the problem eventually. Remember not to answer with something that is out of your control. For example due to rain, due to storm, earthquake… etc.

2. Fish Bone Diagram or Cause and Effect Diagram or the Ishikawa Diagram has the following 6 breakouts:

The six M for a factory Six P for an office environmentMaterial PeopleMethod ProcessMachine PolicyMeasurements PlantManpower ProgramMother Nature ProductMaterial People

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A format to make your own Fish Bone Diagram:

3. 5 W and an H of problem solving When Where What Who Why How

4. Six Thinking Hats (Lateral Thinking) by Edward De Bono:

White: All information about the problem, what you have and what you don’t.

Red: Your emotions about the proposed solution to the problem, Gut Feel. You sure…?

Yellow: Positive points about the solution to the proposed to the problem.

Green: Positive creative possibilities (Ideas) of the proposed solution to the problem

Black: All negative points about the possible solution to the problem

Blue: Summarise the conversation, come to a conclusion.

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5. Mind Maps

Reason why Mind Maps are effective:

1. It is designed like the brain. It works exactly like the brain stores and retrieves information.

2. The big picture is conveyed in a hierarchical manner interrelating topics.3. The Mind map makes use of memory triggers such as colour, picture, shape and


Reference material:

Originals: How Non-conformist Move the World by Adam Grants

Mind Maps by Tony Buzan

Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono

Mind Gym by Sebastian Bailey and Octavius Black

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman