Analytical Questions

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ANALYTICAL QUESTIONS1. Give an account of impact of islam on the Indian culture in respect of society religion and fine arts2. Describe the patterns of land revenue system developed in midieval india and examine their siginificant features.3. How did shankaracharya seek to integrate the different religious cults in india4. What are the factors responsible for opening and development of european trade durring the 16th and 17th centuries5. Was india civilized before the advent of aryans, give the striking features of then earlier civilizations6. How far is it correct to say that the indians of the ancient period inulged only in metaphysical thinking and not in the development of pure sciences7. Examine the role of guilds in economic life of ancient India8. Discuss the cultural impact of south east asia during the ancient period.9. What were the most significant contributions of kabir and guru nanak to bhakti movement10. What were the causes of origin oof heterodox sects in the sixth century BC11. How was the overseas trade organised in the south india upto 300 A.D. discuss this with special reference to roman trade and its impact on the indian economy12. Which were the major european powers that are engaged in trade and trade with india in midieval period. What were the chief items of trade13. Where and how did urdu originate14. Discuss briefly the causes that contributed the religious movements of the 15 th and 16 th century . Analyse their approach to the realities of the contemporary life.15. The role of guilds in the economic life of india from 200 BC TO 300 AD16. Harsha is describes as the lord of whole of north india. Determine the extent of his empire and discuss his political relations shasanka bhaskaravarman and pulakesin II17. The period of delhi sultanate witnessed the emergence of indo persian culture, discuss this statement with reference to the developments in the field of language, literature, art and social life.18. Discuss the social and economic factors for the rise of bhuddism. How far was it influenced by the upanishadic thought19. Harsha owes his greatness to not any real achievements but to formulate descriptions by to famous men20. Shankaracharyas' s philosophy and its impacty21. Significance of bhakti movement22. Intellectual revolution of the 6th century BC23. Bring out the salient features of the religious developments in the post mauryan period. How was the contemporary art influenced by it24. The empire builder in the north india of the 16th century25. The emergence of composite culture during the perriod of 16th and 18th centuries26. Indian participation in silk trade through central asia27. Shankaracharya brought about a synthesis of ideas and pilosophies. Discuss the statement and bring out the historical significance of his life and thought28. Discuss thee scientific and technological developments in ancient india29. Discuss the military activities of kharavela of kalinga. Do you think his reign is significant for military expeditons alone.?30. Determine the veracity of megasthenese' description of indian society and economy with the help of other contemporary evidence31. Trace the scientific and technological developments in india upto AD 75032. Ziauddin barani as a historian33. Meaning and features of maharashtra dharma34. Write a short notes on essence of early jainism35. Historical significance ansd the advent of Arabs in India36. The centuries between BC 200 and AD 300 constitute a landmark in the socio- religious history of india - comment37. How far is it true to say that the strength and vigour of the indian history during AD 500 - 750 lay in the south of the vindhyas38. Comment on the land charters of the north india during (AD 750 - 1200)39. Growth of regional languages and literature during the midieval period40. Do you agree with the view that the advent of turks and mughals brought about many changes in the means of production. Give reasons in support41. Ancient indians had no taste for historiography ; their scholars cared more for religious, spiritual and philosophical studies. Indian historiography is essentially a islamic heritage...42. Give an account of the society in northern and central india since the death of harsha to the muslim conquest of northern india43. Architectural and artistic features of the great stupa at sanchi44. Write a shhort notes on nalanda mahavihara45. Furnish a critical and comparative account of various schools of art in the post mauryan period ( BC 200 -AD 300)46. Write a short notes on al berunis India, nur jahan , 3rd battle of panipat47. Rana pratap's patriotism was his only offence48. Spanish ulcer ruined ruined napolean bonaparte, deccan ulcer ruined auranzeb.49. Trace the influence of islam on indian culture and civilization50. Amir khusro was an eminent poet not a historian.51. The sufi movement and its role in promoting communal harmony52. Write a short notes on the vedanta of shankaracharya, hemu vikramaditya savai jai singh the astronomer53. Evaluate the impact of sufi and bhakti movements on the development of vernacular languages and life and thought of common people.?54. Examine the proficiency of the ancient indians invarious crafts science and mathematics55. Write short notes on the origin of bhakti movement, babarnama as a source of history,56. Assess the pattern of settlement, economy, social organization and religion of india during BC 2000 to BC 500 from archeological evidence.57. Sixth century BC was a period of religious and economic unrest in India." comment58. Examine the information of fa hien about the political religious social and economic conditions of india. Make a comparative study of his account with that of Yuan Chwang59. Write a short notes on 60. Kalhana as a historian61. Sufi movements62. Chauth and sardeshmukhi63. Attempt a critical essay of the indian science and civilization in the light of albeuni's writing. What merits and drawbacks do you find in his account64. What impact did kabir and nanak leave on Indian society and culture ? 65. Explain the social aspects of buddhism and account for its decline in india66. Assess the status of women in india from 4th centurry BC to 6th century AD67. Write a short notes on the samanta system, the bahamani kingdom, mughal paintings, chaitanyadeva and vaishnavism68. The tenets of the hindu and muslim mystics were similar enough that the ground was ripe for syncretic movements involving adherents of both religions.69. How do you characterize the 18th century of indian history.70. Discuss the changing approaches to the study of indian history71. Discuss the major stages of evolution of architecture during the ancient period72. Write short notes on the 73. Khilji revolution74. Sufism in north india75. Religious tolerance of Akbar76. Dara shukoh 77. Examine the factors that are responsible for opening and development of european trade in india during the 16th and 17th centuries78. Reconstruction of early indian history is hardly possible without the help of inscriptions and coins79. Rise and spread of budhism before the first century AD80. Discuss the distribution and significance of farming cultures outside the Indus system81. How justified are we in characterizing thhe post- mauryan five centuries as dark period of the Indian history82. How do recent archeological evidence and sangam literature texts enlighten us abbout the early state and society in south india83. Delineate the striking features of agricultural and craft production in 16 th and 17th centuries in india. How did they impact the social fabric of the country. 84. In what ways are the accounts of greaco romans and the chinese helpful in reconstructing the social history of India ? How far is the information corroborated by other contemporary sources. 85. Bring out the regional variations in the early south indian temples' architectural sty;les86. Write a short notes on the applicability of the term "Indian Feudalism" to the early midieval society.87. Give a critical assessment contributions of Amir Khusrau and barani to indo persian literature.88. To what extent archeological materials are useful in understanding the progress of neolithic man in india89. Assess the role of guilds and trade organizations in the development of early indian economy90. What light do early inscriptions and literature throw on the status of women in politico - socio- economic spheres91. Provide a comparative analysis of the development of arabic and persian historioggraphy92. Critically evaluate the approaches to study midieval indian towns93. Examine the increasing importance off maritime trade of india during the 13th to 15th centuries94. To what extent "monetary anaemia " afflicted erstwhile commercial economy during the early midieval period.95. Comment on the turko-mongol theory of sovereignity. To what extent was it adopted by babur and humayun96. What wasIndianresponse toEuropeantechnology?97. How far do you agree that the temples in the earlymedievalperiod were catalysts in spreading education ?98. Trace the development of urbanization from the 3RD millenium BC to 6th century BCE 99. Assess the importance of jain tenets and their relevance to humanity

1. Evaluate the introduction of iron technology in the development of human history of ancient india2. Discuss the types of lands and the science of agriculture as mentioned in the literature and epigraphs of ancient india3. Assess ellora as a unique art centre of the different cultural streams4. What is your assessment of Ibn Batuta's rehla as an important source of history5. Discuss the causes of the rise and growth of regional kingdoms with special reference to the deccan in the 18th century.6. Assess the contribution of cholas in the expansion of Indian culture outside india7. Describe the extent, settlement pattern and subsistence economy of the megalithic cultures.8. Assess the educational system in early india and identify important educational institutions of the period9. Analyse the vibrant cultural activities in penisular india during 550-750 CE. Compare and contrast it with the situation in contemporary north india10. Evaluate rajatarangini as a source of history11. Midieval indian towns were merely extension of villages. Comment12. Assess the contribution of acharyas in the development of ideological basis of bhakti13. Discuss the chaurapanchsika and jain styles of paintings. Can the former be called the precursor of pothi format14. How was the afghan nobility responsible for the decline of afghan empires ? Discuss.