Analysis of student Digipak

Analysis of student digipak

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Page 1: Analysis of student digipak

Analysis of student Digipak

Page 2: Analysis of student digipak

The whole Digipak is quite simple however still effective. The main image takes up the whole of the background. It is of a skyline at night and shows the three characters of the band in the distance. The pink and purple tones in the main image compliment the purple masthead of ‘Talking Dreams’ This is the name of the single that they released therefore it is the biggest font on the page and stands out the most as is it the only font in a colour other than black and white. The simplistic colours that are used give the Digipak a professional look and also compliment the genre of music that they have released . Using bright colours may have made the Digipak look overpowering and unprofessional. As the single is named ‘Talking Dreams’ I think that the main image used is appropriate as the dark and misty sky represents the word dreams. The name of the band is centred and placed in a black font underneath the name of the single. It is in a smaller font as it is less important than the name of the song however it is still necessary to include. At the bottom of the page in a different font they included ‘The Deluxe Edition’ which gives the audience more information. The cooperation of the moon between the two words of the masthead is very small however very effective as the bright glow stands out against the other simple and dull like colours.

Page 3: Analysis of student digipak

This shows the decor of the CD that they released. There are still three consistent main colours used. They continued to only use the brighter purple font for the title of the song as again it will stand out to the audience. However the name of the band is now in a much larger font and stands out more on the page. The design of the CD also fits in with the theme of dreams as it almost has a galaxy looking theme. The black and white colours that are spread out over the page make the CD look like a planet. This makes sense as it again represents the word ‘Dreams’ in the title of the song and links everything together. There are few stars scattered in the corners of the page again giving the effect of a dark starry night. The consistency of the theme and colours and how they all link together give the Digipak an effective look.

Page 4: Analysis of student digipak

Again the main image takes up the entire background of the page, this is effective as on each page there is only one main image used and there is not several images scattered over the page. This image has been taken in what looks like a drama studio as again the lighting is quite dull and dark representing a dark night along with the other two pages. The colour scheme is only of the two main colours black and white as there is no purple colour used on this page. Two of the three band members are making direct eye contact with the camera whilst the third member looks away from the camera to the right of the room. The photo has been edited so that the three models are in black and white instead of having the colours of their clothing show as it may take away the feel of the dull and dark theme. Two of the models are also using props in the image as they are carrying guitars which gives the audience the kind of impression of what their music may sound like. It also makes them look more musical and band like instead of like ordinary people. They have all been dressed in similar clothes of shirts and printed T-shirts which is important because they look like a band as they go well together. The expressions on their face look serious, as if they were smiley it may make the page look unprofessional as it will take away the serious vibe. Again in the background there has been use of a small bright light in the shape of a moon which is repetition from the first page where a moon looking light was also used. It creates life in the image and stops it from looking too dull. At the bottom of the page in small white font she has included credits and the names of the band members. This information is not necessarily important which is why it is at the bottom in a smaller less noticeable font however it still has to be included.

Page 5: Analysis of student digipak

This last page as the same effect of the first one as it is the same skyline that has been used. I also noticed that the image is very similar to the one of the first page also as the three members of the band that were shown in the distance are now shown in a clearer and bigger picture. However they are facing away from the camera as if they are walking in the other direction. One of the members are carrying a prop whilst the other member has her hands in the air giving off a happy vibe and makes the picture look natural as they have not posed for the picture. The nature of the image is also clearer than of the first page as we can see trees and grass in the distance. At the top of the page the name of the band and the song is included in the same size and colour font showing that on this specific page they are equally as important. Underneath in smaller less noticeable font there is a list of the other songs included in the album, they have all been underlined by the same purple colour that was used before on ‘talking dreams’ This helps to draw more attention to them as they are in a smaller font. Again the three members in the image are shown in black and white as there are no colours included on their clothes making sure to stick to the dull and simple theme. However the sky is not of the black and white colours and we can see the pink and purple tones that were included in the first image. In the bottom left corner there is a bar code included and a year along with some other information. The attention is purposefully taken away from these aspects of the page however they are still important to include and are conventions of what would actually being included making the Digipak look more realistic.