Analysis of a Thriller film opening: Final Destination 3 The dark background that the film begins with is conventional for thriller films because it is often dark and gloomy. The blue background behind the writing represents a gloomy/eery atmosphere which is often the effect that thriller films attempt to give off. Half of the writing is unclear which gives a sense of enigma and immediately the viewer knows that this film will either be a thriller or horror. The fact that the ride can be seen in the shot allows it to appear more natural and gives it a sense of reality.

Analysis of a thriller film opening

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Analysis of a Thriller film opening: Final Destination 3

The dark background that the film begins with is conventional for thriller films because it is often dark and gloomy. The blue background behind the writing represents a gloomy/eery atmosphere which is often the effect that thriller films attempt to give off. Half of the writing is unclear which gives a sense of enigma and immediately the viewer knows that this film will either be a thriller or horror. The fact that the ride can be seen in the shot allows it to appear more natural and gives it a sense of reality.

The blue background behind the writing is artificial and blends in with the dark sky which is effective also bringing together the reality and the supernatural side of the film. The atmosphere set here is quite spooky as it is set late at night with very minimal artificial lighting but at the same time the lighting helps to make it seem not as scary.

Page 2: Analysis of a thriller film opening

The setting of the film is a funfair which has connotations of fun, adventure and happiness – these are not necessarily associated with thriller movies. The bright lighting and colours given off by the funfair makes it an unexpected place for a thriller film to be set but as well as that not conforming to thriller conventions, it also sets a sense of mystery.

The fast paced movement of the rides are followed by tracking which makes it feel that the audience are in the film with them. The non-diegetic up-tempo music in the background adds to the eerie feel given of b the opening. Thriller films often have non-diegetic music to help emphasise the type of film it is and help to exaggerate the situation drawing the audience in.

Page 3: Analysis of a thriller film opening

In many films, including thrillers, there is usually a close up or a mid shot of the main character; in a thriller movie it will usually be the victim that the film will revolve around that we get a shot of at the beginning of the movie. The victim is often an innocent girl just like in the image above, conforming to the usual conventions of a thriller movie.

At the beginning of a thriller film there is often a minor event that happens in order to help draw the audience in and to create mystery and suspense, it is usually ignored until later on in the film which is what happens in this one.