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From the model infrastructure as a services provides managed ncpoorkino serves,

storage plat virtualization and operating environment. While PAAS builds on

IAAS to further managed middle ware such as application servers, database,

management system, data integration service BI development services.

SAAS extend this stack to also incorporate the application uses.

According to victor change 2013 Business intelligent BI for shirt is an umbrella

term that refers to competences processes technologies applications and practices

used to support evidence-based decision making organization it was also defined in

the widest sense as a collection of approaches for gathering and storing analyzing

and providing acess to data that help user to gaininsight and make better fact based

business decision[11]

Uses of business intelligence

Organizationusebusinessintelligenceto gain data driven insight anything releted to

business performance [10] it is used toundrstiaonandimpromance to eut cost and

identify new business opportunities this can include amono other things to victor


a. Analying customer behaviour, buying pattems and sales frend

b. Measuring tracking predicfing sales and firancial performace

c. Budgeting and finaces planning and forecastion

d. Tracking the performance of marketing campaigns

e. Optimizing znd operational performance

f. Improving delivery and supply and supply chain effectivess

g. Web and e-commerce analytic

h. Risk dnalysis

i. Stralegic value driver analysis

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Basics of business intellgence

The basic components of business intellignce are thering storing analysing and

providing access to data (feimans,coarly S.W 2009)

6aytharing data this is concem with collecting or acessing data which can the be

wsed to inform deusion making, 6athering data can comein many format and

basically refers to automated measurement and collectioon of performance data [4]

for example these can come from transaction system that keeps logs of past

transections point of sate system web site, software production system that

mensure and track quality etc.a major challenge of gathenng data is making sure

that the relevant data quality is not controlled at the data gatherning stage then it

can jeopardise the entire BI effort that might follows. The old adage should always

be remembered garbage in garbage out[4].

Storing data storing data is conccrnect with making sure the data is filled and

stored in appropratie way to ensueere it can be found and use for analying and

reporting when storing data the same basic prinaciples apply that you would use to

store physical goods. Says book in alibrary you are trying to frid most logical

shucture that will allow you to easly and use the data the advatage of modern

satabase (offericalled the data warchma) because of large vollumes of data is that

they allow multi dimensional format so you can store the same data under

offerent categories.[4]

Analyaing data: the next component of bt is analysing the data there we take the

data has been gatheried and inspcets and transform or model it inorder to gain new

insight that will support decistion making in our business. Accision analysis comes

in many offerent format and approacheer,both puantitativerand qualitative

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thanlysis sechnigues includes the use of statistical tools,data ininng approaches as

well as viscial analytic and even analysis of unstructured data such as text or

pictures [4]

Providing accro : in order to support decicion making the decuscion making need

to have acess to the data acess is needed to perform thalysis or loview the results

of the analysis. The format is provided by latest software tools that allow end- uses

to perform data analysis white the latter is provided through reporting each board

and seore card applications.[4]

There basic stages are represented sehenstically as shouwn below:

(famajetral 2009)

Cathering data

Providing acess to data

Business infelh gents Storing data

Analysing data

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With reference to www. Bin.com commecting business via cloudis vary

imporatant as far as networking is connem is it helps.in boosting up business with

less shem.it has bwcome the focal point in business networking [13] it has

increased the amount of information tant is being pased access the networking

from one location to the other [14] business networking via cloud has always beeb

importance but its importance is incrcasingly becoming importance as band with

intensive application move to the clould.

According to lassica is 2009 for one to connect business to the cloud other

folowing should be laken into considerstions :

Frist determine how much data you are storing at yopur celocation or cloud

facility to decide to whether you need a provied network or could utilge a service

such ad VPN overfiber internet would serve organisation fric.when one begin to

reach higher lever of usege in yourdatacentreitiscriticl toreach yourserver (and

applications) withdedicatedservice such as lombfibe,100mbfiber .or ifbfiber

internet to thedata centre

Secondly: one must consider ahich camers are on-net at your organiaturuaddress,

and which camreis are on-net at your cloud or colocation faculity . onnet refers to

whither or not a provide had services such as fiber internet built direcitly in to :

Building when you leverage on onnet providerr you directly commect their

network back bone by passing all other providers and removing the last smile

acess provider that provides the forlist asen to the cameir intermet services and can

provide inexpensive ethernet.

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The use will gain instant acess into which camier are at or near your building

and what type of servicess each provider has available certain provider such as to

trlrvom are great for point to point circuits that connects a private service to your

data centre.

Ceelan J 2009said before adoptino all thismethod stated above some

guidelines has to be followed these are:

Create a requrement list: the aguirement list of 17 dependente tasks your

business does today and what you are planning to do in fufure then you will know

what type of cloud based apps you will need if you need more that one cloud apps,

it may be best for you to use cloud platform that will conslidate every thing you

need in one plance. For example you may want to make it a point to invest in a

platform that offers yopur accounting apps your task sofware and your customer

relatioship management (CRM) should be taken in to

Behonest with your self about your regurement : create a realiste checklist of

what you need from system but somefores small business owness always dream

big. Baing thethful here will makesure you don’t miss a giant opportunity for

reason that may not be material. Secunty is one example, many business owners

claim that they are not sure if ther data is secured the fruth is list cloud is

substaticilly more secure than servers setting in tour office [5] cloud providers

ensure that secunty are lop provity so the sate so stored are highy protected relying

on secunty of the cloud is akin to protution your behind huge vault. Storing it is a

drawer,it not possible to guard that drawer day and hight which also running your

business your cloud provider however protectd and safe ouar your business vital

informations with lop of the line frewalls and anti-viru software

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Try it before you buy it almost all cloud solution has no cust inal period t5hers

allow you to out vavious solutions to ensure that they are perfect fit for your

business. The goodnews is that there are large number of cloud solutions available

and you can use app inarket that provide your with a seleetur of zest-of –bred


Par benefit on to youre mployees: if one have any employee buy in thet will to

not fully embrace the changoe the cloud provides so many benefits to the end user

that all users are delighted to use it wmpliyee should he give opportunity to have

this benefits examble: the apps that your employee use and the resvice people are

using so let your employee choose device they are most comfortable with [5] since

good results are always obtained by working on favovites devices[5]

Maxinize your future: plans idream should be revisited to see what is available

to see what is available to you and that you had shelved in the past due to lack of

resources. Inrespective of what you come across is ti inverntory syncing and point

of sale system the cloud is there for you[5]according to victor chano 2012 in

moving your business to the cloud one have acess to sata that live in the cloud

from any PC regardlero of where you are . all you need is aconnection to the

interned and a web-browser. And for data inter cloud companess like google

provides offsits sata redund ancy that is stronges than the back ups most business

uses have in plance if your hard drive crashes or if your computer vanishes you

don’t’t need to worry a bout data has gone missing with it with no line you can

have four data in the cloud and it will shil play nceely on your desk top lap top ot

smart phones.

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Vitor chango 2012 the look a look at some of the cloud apps used in linking

business to the cloud he said storing data in the cloud reguire and apps and the type

of apps you use oepends on you ( achoice stuff)

Microsoftware office live : since business tend to crcate a lot of document

spreadsheet and proesentation you probably use microsftware office regularty

most web altarnative shil have’t come close to matehibg the power of microsoft

office suite but you do have acouple of goog options ther most popular office

apps with web minsoft owns officec worshop service that work with word execl

and power point it aims to elominale the type of office document on the live work

space website [11]

When you save a document to live workspace you can view it from any web

browser shae it with pwople in you work space you can veiw it and edit it on your

desklop with microsft office.

The files are stored online on microsoft servers but you can open the application

edit and them with your desklop office application tust as though they are on your

hard drive.

For you to get started with live workspace on your desklop download munsoft

office live updata for office[11]

Google socs: the choice of apps depent on you as eartier said by rietor chang 2012,

but it you prefer google does ( google suite of online office application) to live

work space then you have to

First use tool memeo connect to syncs any document beturen your deslop and

google socs this me meo comect keeps you local document constantly in syne with

memes connecty allowino one to view and edit any document on your desklop [11]

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Offisync support collobor ation in that any changes inadeby one use can marge

with the version of the document that the other has open[11]

Syncing files and foldore to the cloud : for one to sync fiter and folders in the

cloud a filefynaing application such as sropbox or sugar sync is used to syna

document to the cloud.

After installing one of the utilities on your computer you can instantly sync and

back up any file between the cloud and any computer that has appintalled on it

therir after any thing you add to synced folders sys=nc. Between the web and

every desklop where you have istalled it [11]

Email in the cloud: email is exceedingly importance ,for you to commect mail

need to seet up email IMAP in your desklop wmail clent to keep your desklop clent

and your email box in perfect fync. To enable IMAP in email log in and visit the

pop image page once you have set up your email IMAP on your desklop email

client of your choice eill always bein pefact sync with email in your browser.

Contact in the cloud: for you to contact your data in the cloud you need to

contacts an excellent online contanct management service that syncs with out look

like a charm[11]

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[1] sebey A, wade is : belivery software as a service, M.C kinsey quaterly (may

2007) 1-12

[2] E. Bixon, cloud compution: benefits and banierss for friancial servies

organisation, cobweb white paper 2001.

[3] J.F chang, business process managemen system: strategy and implementation

auer bach publication noole ,I S BN 0-8493-210-X

[4] J. fermain B.W cearly economics of the cloud: business value ctsserament

core rescarch ehich papers gartner RAS,2009.

[5] geelan twenthy one expert sefine cloud comouting : colud computing journal

(2009) available : hHp: Iicloud computiong is ys .com inodel 612375.

[6] lasica is identity in the age of cloud computing : the next generation

intermentss impactson business govermance and social interactions the aspen

instiute 2009.

[7] marstons liz banday opadhyas, zhang’s ehalsai A cloud computing –the

business perspective elscver,2010.

[8] M. boni face ab. Nareser ,J. papay , s.c phillips A. servin X taing I. zlater etal

plat formal as a and proceeding of 2012 fifth in lernational conferece on internf,

and web application and service ICIW barcelona, spain 2010.

[9] S. hosno A.kuno in hasegawa I.hara y.shimom,ura tiavai a frane work of co-

crating busines values for IE service in 2009 IEE intermational conference on

cloud computing banglore. India septerber 21-25-2009

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[10] V. chang business intergration as a service computational risk analysis for

small and meduim enterprises adoption SAP Int comput,4(3) 2013)

[11] v. chang B.wills forward business integration as a service int .j. cloud appt

comput 2(1) (2012) 16-40

[12] www. Bnn.com

[13] www. Entraprancuer.com