Mast head - Compared to the rest of the magazine the mast head is in a very bold font and satnds out from the rest of the magazine. Direct mode of address - Tulisa has direct eye contact with the camera. Also the other images on the cover e.g. Justin Beaver, JLS etc) are also all looking directly at the camera (apart from one). This gives the audience the feeling they are being spoken too by the celebrities. Tag line - We heart pop is using Tulisa with as the front cover image as well as having a tagline (“tears, strepsils and Tesco”) The tag line was very simple and short but went straight to the point. This makes the audience entice to ant to buy the magazine to read the full article. Puff - There are two puffs on the screen which shares small snippets of information which is unique to the magazine. E.g. world exclusive tell the audience that we heart pop is the first magazine in the world to have this information. Banner - I found this was a commonly used in We Heart Pop magazine. It is used to give the reader a preview of what else is in the magazine, this will help the a customer who is browsing in the shop to choose to buy this magazine. Imagery - The use of a heart instead of the word love or heart tells us that the magazine is informal and is conveying a fun side.

Analaying music magazines

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Page 1: Analaying music magazines

Mast head - Compared to the rest of the magazine the mast head is in a very bold font and satnds out from the rest of the magazine.

Direct mode of address - Tulisa has direct eye contact

with the camera. Also the other images on the cover

e.g. Justin Beaver, JLS etc) are also all looking directly at the camera (apart from one). This gives the audience the feeling they are being spoken too by

the celebrities.

Tag line - We heart pop is using Tulisa with as the front cover image

as well as having a tagline (“tears,

strepsils and Tesco”) The tag line was very simple and short but went straight to the

point. This makes the audience entice to ant to buy the magazine to

read the full article.

Puff - There are two puffs on the screen which shares small

snippets of information which is

unique to the magazine. E.g. world

exclusive tell the audience that we

heart pop is the first magazine in the world

to have this information.

Banner - I found this was a commonly used in We Heart Pop magazine. It is used to give the reader a

preview of what else is in the magazine, this will help the a customer who is browsing in the shop to choose

to buy this magazine.

Imagery - The use of a heart instead of the word love or heart tells us that the magazine is informal and is conveying a fun


Page 2: Analaying music magazines

Continuity has been used from the front age using the style, colour and imagery from the front pageFonts - After doing some

research i found out the the font

used on the magazine was

san seif font. I felt this font gave the

magazine a feeling on casual

feel making it magazine seem more modern.

Direct mode address - This is another featured continued from the front page where we have several celebrities looking directlyinto

the camera. This is again used to make the audience feel they are spoken out too which gives the audience a friendly vibe which they

can relate too, especially scinse these are positive role models to the teen audience

Layout - This magazine

contents page is split up into

several different

sections which gives the

impression of it being

organized and makes it easy

for the audience to


Page 3: Analaying music magazines

Fonts - I again believe that the use of san sief font gives an informal

look and is easy to read. This males the

interview seem relatable to the

readers.Highlight - Some parts of Cher Lloyd’s

interview has been highlighted in yellow identifying certain

parts of the interview which the audience may be particularly

interested in

Layout - There has been a use of columns which makes it easy for the

audience to read and follow.

Colour scheme - The magazine uses three colours including; pink (gives the magazine a girly touch and represent its target audience of teen girls), black and

white. all these colour complement each other and are all easy to read against one another.

Imagery - On the right hand side of the double page spread

there is a large image of Cher Lloyd. Once

again we see the use of direct

mode of address with Cher

looking directly into the camera to the audience.