www.IntroductionToRife.com (last updated 12/12/2005) An Overview of the Concepts, Implications and Applications of the New Rife Technology Part 1 – Overview of the Technology Jimmie Holman, Dr. Steve Haltiwanger, Jack Counts & Paul Dorneanu www.IntroductionToRife.com Page 1

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An Overview of the Concepts, Implications and Applications of the New Rife Technology

Part 1 – Overview of the Technology

Jimmie Holman, Dr. Steve Haltiwanger, Jack Counts & Paul Dorneanu

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Forward/Introduction 3 Part 1 – ELECTRO-MEDICINE THROUGH THE AGES 5 Early Greek and Egyptian and pre-history examples of electromedicine 5 Galvani 5 Tesla 6 D’Arsonval 8 Violet Ray - to the 20th-century 8 Vassilatos’ book Lost Science 8 Tom Bearden’s book, AIDS – Biological Warfare 9 SUPPRESSION OF TECHNOLOGY 10 Galelio 10 Kepler 10 Copernicus 10 Newton 11 ROYAL RAYMOND RIFE 12 OTHER HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS 13 ALLOPATHY VS. HOMEOPATHY 13 THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 14 Fishbein 14 THE CRIMES OF MORRIS FISHBEIN 15 Koch, Rife 15 Hoxsey 16 ANOTHER "GREAT" WHO'S NAME WILL LIVE IN HISTORY 16 Pauling, Quackbusters 16 “IT'S NOT MY FAULT” ATTITUDE 18 A NEW DIRECTION FOR THOUGHT 19 Scientists or Technicians 20 THE ROLE OF INFORMATION IN SOCIETY 21 SELF EDUCATION AND PERSONAL RESEARCH 22 YOU AS A RESEARCHER 22 THE PHILOSOPHICAL SIDE OF THE TECHNOLOGY 23

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An Overview of the Concepts, Implications and Applications of the New Rife Technology

Jimmie Holman, Dr. Steve Haltiwanger, Jack Counts & Paul Dorneanu

“To accept or reject a new idea without investigation is the height of ignorance”

Yolanda Neely It is unfortunate that most folks come to hear or learn of Rife technology only after periods of illness of themselves, their close friends or family, but typically after many years of failed or otherwise unsuccessful conventional medical treatment. We’ve witnessed, almost without exception, it is the “already very sick”, (or those close to them) or the “already very inquisitive and health-conscious” who are the ones examining methods to insure or maintain their health, typically via preventive means. The first group has very likely experienced much pain, suffering, and unpleasant experiences via conventional allopathic medicine, (i.e. toxic pharmaceutical medications, surgery, therapy and a host of invasive procedures and examinations). They have typically experienced some improvement at times, but in general, a marked and measurable decline in overall health. The latter group is typically composed of a very health conscious, prevention-minded and enlightened person seeking a non-invasive, non-pharmacological, more NATURAL solution.

Figure 1 - Royal Raymond Rife

These are typically two very different types of people, trying to find the same path to good health. We believe this obvious wide diversity can be explained primarily by the path medicine in the U.S. has taken this last century along with the indoctrination we, in western cultures, pretty much have had since birth. From birth we are given mandatory vaccinations, and have grown up going to the doctor whenever we get sick or have health problems. Rather than learning about the problem or understanding its nature, we have typically been taught to dump the problem in the doctor’s lap, effectively transferring the problem to him. In most cases, this is encouraged, he prescribes a magic pill, gives a magic shot, or otherwise dispenses that “magic bullet” and all is hopefully better until you return for the solution to the next

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complication, which may likely even be related to, or a result of a previous visit. The cycle continues into adulthood and unfortunately may never be realized or the cycle broken until it is too late to change. If one was quite fortunate, when growing up, they had an excellent doctor or doctors that truly practiced the Hippocratic Oath. In the last 50 or so years though, western medicine has seen dramatic changes. The western allopathic doctors that once practiced a “healing art” are now guided primarily by mandated protocols, procedures, business and liability concerns… what has become known as the “business of medicine”. Regardless of the inner compassion and concern of the treating physician, medicine today apparently does NOT always put the patient first. The level of available overall quality health care has drastically been reduced to a point that it should be of concern to us all. We are also to blame for allowing it to happen, by our failure to demand or seek “alternatives” earlier and because we simply followed what the “medical fraternity” had offered or desired. When you couple that mindset with the fact, that few folks or, even doctors, really understand the electrical and frequency relationships of the human body, there's little wonder that they can barely comprehend how some seemingly exotic plasma device can have a distinct effect. Unfortunately our education system has failed miserably in providing an educational environment to produce inquisitive minds. In fact, it has instead produced a base of folks largely afraid of the sciences and a populous that feels personally isolated from the science or inter-workings of the various processes going on all around them in their daily lives. As already mentioned, medicine in the last century in the United States has had the expectation of a person going to the doctor, who prescribes medicine or performs some sort of operation, and the person is healed. This has been the indoctrination of many persons from birth. Examples of this indoctrination go beyond regular trips to the doctor in real life, but continue with the glamorization through the media, including novels, movies and television. Because of this lifelong indoctrination and expectations, most folks do not ever really learn, question significantly or truly understand their problem(s), the underlying causes, the treatment they will go through and especially all the unrevealed and hidden long term dangers and implications of a prescribed treatment. They are very rarely enlightened by their professional health care provider of ANY alternative or less invasive possibility. Many persons, who love sciences and physics, may be quite intimidated by the math aspects until it is realized that the math is only a language to more explicitly describe or define observations and occurrences. When one strips away the intimidating aspects of the math, one can begin to appreciate, as Zukav1 described, "patterns of organic energy" which will be brought up again later in this article. As one examines the topic, and the science, these fundamental concepts, appear too often to be ignored or dismissed. We will revisit this later within this document. 1 Zukav, Gary, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 1979, William Marrow & Company

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Part 1 – ELECTRO-MEDICINE THROUGH THE AGES Electro-medicine has been with us for ages. Records show that as far back as 46 A.D. the Greek physician Scribonious Largus prescribed the “seashore treatment” for patients who suffered from acute pain. For the treatment, the patient placed a foot on a species of fish which used mild electricity as defense (the electric eel) and the other foot on wet sand thus completing the electric circuit.

Figure 2 - Marbled Electric Ray (Torpedo mamorata) can produce

shocks to incredible 220 volts at 8 amps (enough to stun a grown man)

Early developments in electroanalgesia2 predate recorded history but show up throughout the writings of mankind. The origins of electrotherapy and energy medicine are not known. By 9000 BC, bracelets, necklaces, magnetic loadstones, where already in common use, being worn or applied for healthful intentions. [Schechter 1971] Egyptian tombs of around 2750 BC give us the first recorded evidence of mans apparent acknowledgement of the unique attributes of the fish. Ironically, the first mention of use of this rather unique fish was in 4th century AD in a hieroglyphic Hippocratic writing, which primarily concerned the ease of digestion of this fish for the undernourished, emphasizing “natural” therapy approach. [Kellaway 1946] This logical natural approach is far from the heavy-handed pharmacological approach we have come to know as allopathic medicine.

Most of us are well familiar with the Italian anatomist, physician and surgeon Luigi Galvani’s electrical stimulation and activation of frog legs with an electrical current during the latter half of the 18th century. Of great significance, few persons realize that what was largely forgotten was that the frog leg muscle could be stimulated at a distance by a spark produced by a static

generator. While

misunderstood then and under-reported since this simple concept is a very

Figure 4- Galvani's Lab Pictorial Diagram

Figure 3- Luigi Galvani

2 Gadsby, Dr. Gordon –Electroanalgesia: Historical and Contemporary Developments (selections from the PhD thesis)

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important foundation for some of the concepts of our area of study. Galvani also realized that at least some of the electricity he was observing was being generated within the tissues themselves. Galvani’s historical experiments established the basis for the biological study of neurophysiology and neurology and he is credited for largely creating the science of electrophysiology – the study of the connection between living organisms and electricity. 19th century texts show wide use of electrical medicine - with storage batteries providing continuous or pulsating DC current. Frequency, wavelength, duration and current output were said to have been erratic at best but still incorporated into these designs. By 1900 almost every medical professional had some form of electro-medical device in his place of business. Few people today realize the genius Nikola Tesla had both a

single persons in history exhibited the

who have made such

radio, television, robotic control, and the methods by which our

esla's ingenious invention of polyphase system as well as his explorations of the

hile Tesla’s most public work was largely on the frequency based transfer of energy,

private and very public interest in the benefits of electro-medicine. This absence of general knowledge may be, in part, because the written documentation exists not in the United States, but rather in his home country of Serbia, (formerly Yugoslavia). Probably few technology to so profoundly change culture OR for their offerings to be so potentionally devastating to the business powers of the day. Ironically, there are few single persons accomplishments or exhibited such potential threat to the status quo as did those we are about to discuss. We know today that

Figure 5 - Nikola Tesla

power is generated and delivered to us is largely due to the genius of Tesla. "Tamazing phenomenon of high frequency oscillations were the basis for developing completely new conditions for industry and radio communications, and had a profound influence upon the whole civilization. With the greatest awe one can not help wondering how Tesla could achieve such a success and exert so great an influence in the countries which at that time were most developed both in the field of science and industry, and not in the country in which he was born and in which he grew up and from where his exploring and independent spirit originated." physicist - Niels Bohr

Wthe business implications, and potential for drastic cultural change may have been one of the primary causes which held back his work. Few people today, are aware Tesla also was applying the physics and concepts for medical and health related purposes.

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Tesla began lectures and publications beginning in 1891, making it evident he was one of the first to employing RF and electrical currents in a logical and safe manner for the therapeutic heating of tissue. Tesla found that radio frequency currents could be produced in tissue by the use of induction coils as well as by the capacitive technique where the patient acts as the dielectric of a condenser3. Both of these modalities are currently employed in conventional cancer treatment. Tesla went on to suggest that these currents could be used for other medical purposes including the sterilization of wounds, stimulation of the skin, anesthesia, and surgical incisions.

Figure 6 a. Sterilization b. Electro-Surgery c. Whole Body Heating

Prior to his lecture before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, (May, 1891), Tesla had already discovered that otherwise fatal alternating currents could be tolerated by the body when the frequency of that current was above 10,000 Hz, often without even the sensation of shock. It was at this time he formally predicted the medical potential for this phenomena and technology4, and later delivered lectures on the “Electrotherapeutic” nature of the technology, including oscillator design, both capacitive and inductive coupling, and even direct contact electrode application5.

3 McGinley, Ph.D, Patton H., Tesla’s Contributions to Electrotherapy

4 Tesla, Nikola. “Experiments with Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial

Illumination,” lecture delivered to the AIEE at Columbia College on May 20, 1891

5 Tesla, Nicola. “High Frequency Oscillators for Electrotherapeutic and Other Purposes,” lecture delivered to the American Electro-

Therapeutic Association, Buffalo, September 13, 1898

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Figure 7 - Simplified Tesla diagram indicating a tuned coupling via a contact method of application. A frenchman, Arsene D’Arsonval, at about this same time made similar discoveries and announcements before the Society of Biology in Paris6.

“I am convinced that the therapy of the future will employ heat, light, electricity and agents yet unknown. Toxic drugs shall cede their place to physical agents, the employment of which at least has the advantage of not introducing any foreign body into the organism” Arsene D’Arsonval - 1896

Figure 8 - Arsene D'Arsonval

Violet Ray - to the 20th-century With the increasing availability of commercial electricity in the late 1800s and on into the 1900s a myriad of electronic devices made their way into common use. Few practicing physicians were without some sort of electronic device for office therapy. Many of these same devices were also available for home and private use. Resonant frequency therapy and experimentation by no

ience, a mixing of minds and

work to date can be found in

assilatos’ narrative emphasized the significance of Rife’s extensive technical background and of Rife’s realization “What we cannot see, we

means originated with Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, however, as with most major developments in science there was at least one or more related advances in scindividuals present or emerging technologies. In the case of Rife technology there was his universal microscope capable of fantastic resolutions

Perhaps the best brief overview of Rife’s

Figure 9 - Typical 19th Century Violet Ray Device

Gerry Vassilatos’ book Lost Science7. His entire chapter 5, “Ultra Microscopes and Cure Rays: Dr. R. Raymond Rife” in some 28 pages presents probably the clearest layman’s overview and relationship of Rife Technology to his microscope. V

Figure 10 6 D’Arsonval, A. “Sur les Effects Physiologiques de l’etat Variable et de Courants Alternatifs;” Bull. Soc. Internat. Electro, April


Lost Science

7 Vassilatos, Gerry, Lost Science, 1999, Adventures Unlimited Press

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cannot battle.” Rife succeeded in developing a super microscope capable of seeing viruses and pathogens never before witnessed in their LIVING state. This “new” nvironment made possible the real time observation, documentation, and cataloging of ral and pathogen destruction while exposing the subject to short duration electro-pulses. Vassilatos aptly stated:

“Dr. Rife had develop


ed and implemented what no contemporary medical research group has ever conceived,”… ”and was prevented from doing so ever again on

Pro hnical overview can best be described in Tom

earden’s book, AIDS – Biological Warfare8. It is certainly beyond the

d 1940's, Royal Raymond Rife revolutionized everythibeen done before or since in high resolution optical microscopy.

iology. He carried ellular structure far beyond anything ever dreamed of at the time or presently. He

of cancer, leukemia, and ther such debilitating diseases. His work presages a future mankind could have

American ground.”

bably the best tecBscope of this document to even attempt a technical summary of Bearden’s description nor do we believe we could really do it justice. We do however highly recommend this book for anyone who has a serious interest in Rife’s work from a technical perspective. Bearden aptly puts in these few brief passages, probably the best summary of Rife’s accomplishments:

“In the 1930's an

Figure 11 - AIDS

g that has n

He also revolutionized everything before or since in cellular bcrevealed the direct connection between organized living energy forms and organized biological systems. He revealed that life itself is organized and dynamic, to a far finer level than anything in the textbooks today. He revealed that our present theory of disease is fundamentally very, very wrong. He produced direct, economical, electromagnetic cures ohad, where most debilitating diseases were quickly and economically corrected, and where no poisonous drugs, violent nuclear irradiation, and harsh chemotherapeutic ‘burning’ of the patient would be necessary.”

8 Barden, T.E., AIDS – Biological Warfare, 1988, Cheneire Press

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SUPPRESSION OF TECHNOLOGY While unique circumstances and relationships are instrumental is the incubation and explosion of technology, other unique circumstances, persons, and relationships are likewise able to intentionally stifle, overpower or even destroy the accomplishments of another.

Galelio, as historically portrayed by Bronowski in his Ascent of Man9, was probably a very good example of how knowledge and technological improvements for the betterment of man can be easily stifled if not completely buried for extended segments of history for the self serving reasons of a “select” few, to the detriment of mankind’s development. In looking back, one has to wonder what type of world we might live in now, what science we might now have, and even what type of spiritual development we might have today, had the real “truth” been allowed to flourish, propagate, and develop. We most assuredly will never know.

Figure 12 - Galileo Galilei

In the opening pages of Galileo’s Dialogue on the Great World Systems written around 1630, he twice said that Italian science (and trade) was in danger of being overtaken by northern rivals. This wasn’t a prophecy, just a logical assessment based on the observations and discoveries being made at the time by his contemporary Johannes Kepler who had successfully equated into mathematical formula the observations of Nicolaus Copernicus regarding his observations of celestial bodies, effectively taking the observations and theories into the realm of unquestionable, science fact. Ironically, Copernicus, a Polish cleric published his first works under a fictitious name, well knowing warning, suppression or persecution by the Church would likely follow10.

Figure 13 - Nicolas Copernicus Figure 14 - Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs

9 Bronowski, The Ascent of Man, 1973, Little, Brown and Company

10 Burk, The Day the Universe Changed, need info

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It is ironic that despite the persecution by the establishment, and the suppression that followed, it is to this day, Galileo who is credited for being the creator of the modern scientific method. [Bronowski] When he increased the magnification of his telescope, and turned it upon the stars, he did for the first time what we think of as practical science. He built an apparatus, did the experiment, and then published the results. The same year of Galileo’s death marked the birth of Isaac Newton who went on to describe in mathematics, the nature of the world in which we live. This model, Newtonian Physics, is the one most of us were raised and educated in, a model we were pretty much were led to believe was absolute. Figure 15 - Sir Isaac Newton The parallels in the stories and experiences of these first great men of science are to the trials and tribulations some researchers today experience are simply too numerous to ignore. Despite the persecutions and prosecutions, science and mankind both will advance. Authority has NOT always sided with RIGHT but rather what was financially or politically advantageous. The methods and very basic concepts that many of us have come to consider and study, are no less reactionary and have no less financial and/or political implications than that experienced by the men we have just mentioned. The institutions that have the most to lose are the ones currently extracting the most out of each economy, each employer, each family, and each individual. For the public to realize that science or facts are something OTHER than that in which they were indoctrinated, would be to loose the very grasp by which the manipulators currently hold themselves in place and maintain their financial foundations. The “threat” of upsetting this stranglehold has worldwide implications on the economies that have ALLOWED themselves to be enslaved by this scenario. It is not surprising that a technology such as Rife or any of what might be now labeled “alternative” systems of health care will be intentionally and aggressively suppressed. It may likely be that the system is not so much targeting this specific technology itself but rather anything that MIGHT endanger or potentially threaten the current philosophy of western pharmaceutical medicine simply because so much MONEY is potentially involved and the loss would be to that of the status quo.

Russian Proverb: When money speaks, the truth is (keeps) silent.

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ROYAL RAYMOND RIFE The story of Royal Raymond Rife, his science, his technology and the implications that accompanied his research and technology was undoubtedly an equally threatening paradigm. Any person who bothers to research, examine the historical and or technical evidence can easily see this. Just as did the Church in Galileo’s time, the pharmaceutical money monopolizes, and government agencies that protect them are doing everything possible to extend their effective lives at any cost to those they purport to serve. Most folks will easily agree that the last century has seen remarkable advances in medicine and our understanding of the many processes involved. What is not as obvious is what has transpired in the manipulation of “schools of thought’ or even the “eradication” of those alternative, competitive and likely even more valid schools of thought. Once again, the people themselves are beginning to rediscover and reexamine other methods of medicine as it was before the monopolization of western allopathic health care at the hands of pharmaceutical empires. The realization is occurring that not only the technologies but the underlying philosophies of health have been kept from us. Alternative media, and ESPECIALLY the communication of the Internet, is rapidly bringing about a shift, educating those who wish to look, learn, and educate themselves while allowing like-minded individuals and researchers to “connect” and exchange information and ideas in a way never before possible in a manner that is technically impossible to slow or stop. It is not the purpose of this paper to educate the user as to the history of Rife and Rife technology. While we have offered a brief historical overview and content elsewhere, there are several excellent websites formally dedicated to presenting accurate and substantiated historical data. Stan Trueman’s www.rife.org11 is excellent in its presentation, content, ease of navigation, and in our opinion, is one of the best to be found. Another favorite personal favorite is Dave Felt’s www.dfe.net12. Dave’s responsible validation, (and possible invalidation) of technical and historical details of the Rife myth and legend is to be highly commended. The Cancer Cure that Worked: Fifty Years of Suppression, written by Barry Lynes with John Crane13 has long been the published foundation of the myth and legend of Rife and a relatively small, brief, but very readable format. Others have also published their

Figure 16 & 17 - Rife History11 www.rife.org website maintained by researcher/historian Stan Trueman (highly recommended)

12 www.dfe.net website maintained by researcher Dave Felt (highly recommended especially for the technically inclined.)

13 Lynes, Barry, The Cancer Cure That Worked: Fifty Years of Suppression, 1987, Marcus Books

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perspectives in a likewise quickly readable and inexpensive format. I especially like Gerald Foye’s, Royal R. Rife: Humanitarian Betrayed and Persecuted14. Besides the historical foundation, today there are many aspects to consider. Nenah Sylver’s (formally Nina Silver), The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing15 is rapidly becoming the “must have” “Bible” for the Rife (and other frequency modalities) experimentation. If you have but ONE book in your Rife library, this should be the one.

Figure 18 - Rife Handbook

OTHER HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS Besides the “Rife specific”, there are several areas of interest or incidents worthy of mention which help bring the suppression of technology, and a fuller understanding of how this environment of suppression in relatively modern times came about. ALLOPATHY VS. HOMEOPATHY Allopathy refers to modern pharmaceutical based medicine. This would include surgery and radiation as practiced by the orthodox physicians practicing medicine today. Allopathic treatments take an approach to curing an existing ailment of the human body. Allopathy is described as the usual method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects different from those caused by the disease itself. Homeopathy refers to the art of curing founded on resemblances, the theory and its practice that disease is cured by remedies which on a healthy person effect similar to the symptoms of the complaint under which the patient suffers. The remedy usually administered in minute doses. Samuel Hahnemann, who lived from 1755 until 1843 is given credit for introducing pure homeopathic health care into the western world and Constantin Hering began to promote pure homeopathic medicine in the United States during 1835 according to J.A. English in his book "Health in the New Age". These treatments have taken the concept of a diagnostic approach to the concept that each anatomical part reflects the whole entity. Hahnemann, the founder of the homeopathy school, envisioned all disease stemming from ancient suppressions of genetic weaknesses and postulated that the body's homeostatic mechanisms would

14 Foye, Gerald, Royal R. Rife: Humanitarian Betrayed and Persecuted, 2001, 2002 (previously published in early 90s under the

pseudonym Fred Farly)

15 Sylver, Nenah, Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing: Holistic Technology for Cancer and Other Diseases, 2001, Center for

Frequency Education. (origionally published under the name Nina Silver)

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cure the illness if given a chance to use its maximum vital force. Small doses of a remedy that imitated the illness would invoke the natural action of the vital force. Elimination and rebalance are the ultimate goals. Homeopathic medicine is only one of many holistic practices that bring the human spirit, as well as the human body into the treatment of a disease. Holistic health care has the goal of educating people to accept responsibility for their own health care and prevention of bodily and spiritual disharmony. About the year 1900 homeopathic medicine was the standard taught in most medical schools in the United States of America. At about that time in history, the Rockefeller family, whose members pretty well controlled the petroleum and chemical industrial production in the United States, allegedly entered into an agreement with I.G. Farben Co. of Germany to not compete with one another.16 The very wealthy families maneuvered the United States government into setting up a program of income taxes and established giant non-profit foundations where they placed their wealth prior to passing the law. Thus we had the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation and many other lesser-known foundations to protect the amassed riches of the very wealthy from the income tax law. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation employed Abraham Flexner to go across the United States to entice State Universities to establish medical schools with money grants given to the Universities by the Foundations17. The Foundations also supplied the professors who would be in charge of the curriculum taught in the schools. The end result was that all medical schools became heavily oriented towards drugs and drug research. The donors dominated the production of these drugs and were then and have ever since been greatly enriched from the drug industry. Therefore, we have today several generations of practicing graduates of. These more recent schools who only know how to treat disease with pharmaceuticals created by the Rockefeller's chemical factories, which are now know as the Drug Industry. Of course the medical schools that taught homeopathic medicine were not funded, were discredited and most closed their doors. The more logical holistic approach to health was effectively subdued as a result of these arrangements.

16 THE CANCER INDUSTRY, By Ralph W Moss Ph.D. Copyright 1999, Equinox Press, 144 St., John's Place, Brooklyn, N.Y.


17 Ausubel, Kenny, “When Healing Becomes a Crime”, Copyright 2000, Healing Arts Press, One Park Place, Rochester, VT 05767

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THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION When the AMA was formed in the United States during the year of 1847, it was purely a social and scientific organization [5]. During the year of 1900 a group of medical politicians had a new constitution and bylaws drawn that gave them complete control of the organization. They then proceeded to have state corporations established which they controlled as well. One of the founders of this organization, George H. Simmons, reportedly played hard and loose with the AMA until 1924. At that time he was involved in such a scandal that it was necessary for him to resign from the AMA whereupon he set up his stooge, Morris Fishbein in his position as director of the AMA. As editor of the AMA Journal, Fishbein discovered devised and implemented methods to get millions out of the advertisers in the Journal. The advertisers were largely drug manufactures so it was also to Fishbein's financial advantage to see that no other treatment, other than drugs, reached or was made known to the doctors who read the Journal. Any physician who dared to not join the AMA was pressured or otherwise ostracized by their fellow physicians.

Figure 19 -Morris Fishbein

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THE CRIMES OF MORRIS FISHBEIN We may never know how many honest physicians were destroyed by Fishbein, but we do know of three well-publicized immoral crimes he committed. It has been said Morris Fishbein is responsible for more deaths than Stalin and Hitler combined.[6] William F. Koch was born in Detroit, Michigan on April 6, 1885. He received several degrees from 1909 on, a Doctor of Philosophy in 1917, then his degree as Doctor of Medicine in 1918. During his years as a research student, Koch published and made contributions to numerous technical publications, some of which were independently confirmed. Ironically, (prior to the “reign” of Morris Fishbein), Koch’s writings were favorably commented on in the Journal of the AMA.18 His methods and reagents were successfully used as a practicing physician as well as shared, allowing other physicians to use his methods to treat patents in many parts of the United States. During the early 1920s Morris Fishbein tried to obtain control of Dr. Koch's formula and when he was unable to do so he set to work to destroy Dr. Koch. Fishbein used the AMA and state agencies to harass Dr. Koch and during 1942 Fishbein was able to persuade the FDA/FTC to arrest and prosecute Dr. Koch. Dr. Koch was in court for many years and after proving that his methods worked, the government dropped their case. Dr. Koch died on December 9, 1967 and due to the treatment that he received from the medical establishment during his lifetime, specific knowledge required in the production of authentic Koch reagents has not been publicly released. Royal R. Rife was born in Nebraska in 1888. His education took him into microscopy and pathology. He was never a physician and never treated a patient himself, but about 1920, he did design and construct a microscope that was powerful enough to "see" a virus and by 1932 was able to isolate the cancer virus. He also developed equipment that allowed him to discover that at a certain electromagnetic frequency, each and every microbe or virus was destroyed.19

Using this specially developed equipment and protocols, a group of physicians, working with the University of California, reportedly treated sixteen terminally ill cancer patients during a 1934 clinic and reportedly completely cured all of them in four months time. Morris Fishbein reportedly read the articles published in the national and international press and attempted to buy the technology from Dr. Rife. When Fishbein was unable to purchase the technology, he allegedly cohered one of Dr. Rife’s associated to file suit against the business corporation, with the understanding that Fishbein would buy the technology from the employee. The legal attempt was unsuccessful but so much money and efforts were lost that the venture was unable to continue building the equipment. The AMA, under Fishbein then coerced most of the physicians using Dr. Rife's equipment in their research or treatment to stop or lose their licenses to practice

18 William F. Koch website maintained by the Koch family, www.williamfkoch.com

19 “The Cancer Cure That Worked”, By Barry Lynes, copyright 1987. Published in Canada by Marcus Books, P.O. Box 327, Queens

Ville, Ontario, Canada L0G 1R0

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medicine. The end result was the loss to humanity of a technology that would have lowered the cost of health care and cost the medical establishment billions of dollars. This equipment could have likely saved the lives of millions of people who have died of cancer, malaria, tuberculosis and many other diseases since 1938. Today the FDA, AMA, and to some degree FTC, continue to protect the financial wealth of the Medical industry by making it virtually impossible for anyone to legally use the Rife technology commercially in the United States while hundreds of thousands of people continue to die each year that could have been treated and their lives possibly saved by the use of a refined and highly developed, legal Rife technology. Harry A. Hoxsey was born about 1901 in Illinois.20 Hoxsey inherited a formula for curing cancer from his grandfather. He used the formula to treat patients and had a wide range of success. At one time he had seventeen clinics working treating cancer patients. He charged a modest fee to those who could pay but never turned anyone without money away untreated. Morris Fishbein tried to buy the formula but was turned down by Hoxsey, so Fishbein had Hoxsey arrested by city, county and state officers over and over again. Hoxsey sued the AMA and Fishbein in Federal court and won causing Fishbein to have to resign from his position as director of the AMA. In the end, the FDA locked all of the Hoxsey clinics up at one time. Hoxsey gave the formula to his ling-time chief nurse, Mildred Nelson who moved the operation to Mexico where the formula is still used today. ANOTHER "GREAT" WHO'S NAME WILL LIVE IN HISTORY The systematic abuse and suppression has not been exclusively limited to the shenanigans of Morris Fishbein. We have seen similar criticism of the excellent and innovative work of others even of our own time. Linus Pauling was born in Portland, Oregon on February 28, 1901. In 1922 he received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering at Oregon A & M. He received his Ph. D. in 1925. In 1954 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 1963 he was also awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace for efforts to halt nuclear tests and promote world peace. During his career he taught at Caltech and was later ousted as head of his department there for his war and nuclear tests protests. He received grants from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations for research. He authored many books on chemistry, physics and alternative health care. These works were so technically substantial that he is considered the father of molecular biology which has transformed the biological sciences and medicine and provided the base for biotechnology.21

Figure20 - Linus Paulings

20 YOU DON'T HAVE TO DIE, By Harry M. Hoxsey, N.D., Copyright 1950, Milestone Books, New York, New York

21 The Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/lpbio/lpbio2.html

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Many orthodox medical profession did not give him or his ideas much support because he did not have an M.D. after his name and his research in human health was so far above most practicing physicians that they had no idea what he was lecturing and writing about. Typical of most practitioners, both then and now, they were not interested in learning about his methods. Working with forward thinking MDs in the United States and Scotland he researched the use of massive doses of ascorbic acid in "curing" cancer, heart disease, the common cold and many viral and bacterial infections. Since ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate are un-patentable inexpensive chemicals, the medical industry simply ignored all successful tests and treatments and even today few physicians in the world use them to treat their patients. To quote Linus Pauling in a statement made in 1948:

"A person should stay as far away from medical doctors as possible and try to avoid hospitals since they are dangerous places to be."22

Today’s technique of suppression at the hands of (as health-rights advocate Tim Bolen has so appropriately coined) “BigPharma”, reveals itself as even more sinister and less accountable operations such as those calling themselves “Quackbusters” who are rumored to be covertly funded by pharmaceutical company backed, New York ad agency. The “Quackbuster operation” reportedly even labeled Linus Pauling (considered by most as one of the two most significant scientists of the 20th century) as a “quack”! The systems and monopolistic organizations and corporations that have bullied their way into place are indeed something we will have to realize, recognize, work within, and even around. We must realize that it is these systems rather than the doctors themselves that are to blame for the narrow minded and limited ability of conventional health care professionals to examine other, especially competing ideas or technologies. It is often mentioned that medical doctors know nothing of Rife or frequency technology. When one really takes a moment to consider from a technical perspective, it should not be a surprise that most doctors PROBABLY couldn’t even fix their own kitchen toaster (or any other small appliance for that matter). They simply were not educated in that area of science or, even of that mindset. Instead, they were ONLY educated in procedures, chemicals, and equipment available to THEM via closely controlled and censored channels. The acceptable standards for practice, the tight governmental controls and pressures from peer organizations leave most conventional health care professionals little room for original thought and innovation. Acceptable practice protocols apparently limit greatly even information they can convey, even if they are aware of substances, devices, or treatments that do not fall within acceptable standard practices. “Standard practices” typically equates to pharmaceuticals, radiation and surgery.

22 LINUS PAULING, IN HIS OWN WORDS Copyright 1995, Touchstone, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

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Despite the obvious barbaric and incredible inhumanity of the slaughter of the Jews in WW2, few citizens spoke out against it. Those few who tried were promptly arrested in time or shot, or worse! Many who participated in the atrocities, likely did so, in part, for their own survival. Is it not possible many/most ethical doctors find themselves in a similar situation? Many of us have personally talked to doctors and other medical professionals who have basically communicated with distress the frustration of HAVING to “practice the business of medicine” rather than the “healing art” they once had as a goal. Most of us have, in one way or another, experienced or been affected directly by this scenario that has extended from the pharmaceutical empires down through and involving our governmental agencies and medical communities. It is not a surprise the pharmaceutical companies, some medical organizations, and governmental agencies, have been criticized and associated with “Nazi tactics”. Current researchers, regardless of whether they are fully credentialed medical professionals, degreed professional researchers, academic processionals, well qualified technical individuals, or even well meaning private citizens stand the chance of experiencing the wrath of the powers put in place to assure a continuation of the current monopolistic practices. All stand the real possibility of undue and unethical pressures placed upon them if their research attempts to become mainstream in the normal evolution and logical development of a technology. As we have mentioned before, the internet has provided an environment where it isn’t likely the data or exchange of information will be able to be as suppressed as it has in the past. We may not see a revolution, but this content will be part of an EVOLUTION that will become more and more a part of our culture, despite the resistance to those technologies and practices which in the future may refer to as barbaric and primitive, much as we now consider yesteryears practice of “bloodletting”. That too WAS an accepted and scientific practice of its day! “IT'S NOT MY FAULT” ATTITUDE Today's world has made it terribly easy for us not to take the responsibility for most of the things which have happened in our lives. If a crime is committed, the machinery of society was not working properly and is to blame. The same mindset might be considered if the schools didn't get enough money, or racism, or classism, or sexism exists. What essentially happens is that the majority of the population does anything but take the responsibility themselves. We as a culture have allowed this to happen, through ignorance, apathy or simply not paying attention. We MUST begin looking in new ways, taking responsibility and taking action, by defending our self where needed and informing and communicating with others. Regardless of the suppression, the great thinkers, the people who truly made substantial differences to culture almost always did so AGAINST the accepted wisdom, politics, or power of their day. It has ALWAYS been the small groups of enlightened ones, the original thinkers, NOT the masses who have made the important cultural differences and have forced significant historical changes.

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A NEW DIRECTION FOR THOUGHT In only our latest generations, the physics of the world in which we live is being once again “upset” by the likes of great thinkers of our days. Einstein and Hawkins and many others are introducing us to the realms of science Newton was never really exposed to. Newton’s physics described that with which he was observing very well. His formulas and thought, however, do not necessarily work well in the realms of the very small. While Newton described physical observations that could be plainly seen and the movement of the planets, quantum mechanics is based largely on experiments in the sub-atomic realm which cannot be easily or directly observed.

Figure 21- Albert Einstein Figure 22 - Stephen Due to the work of many of these “new” great thinkers, we now know Newtonian physics is only a subset of quantum mechanics. By viewing our world only through the perspective of the conventional Newtonian physics, we may be doing ourselves a great disservice. Today, we have again crossed a threshold similar to the leap in scientific thinking as we did when we transformed from the Copernican thinking to that of Newtonian physics In actuality, most modern physicists now believe the broader view of quantum mechanics may better produce a view which more accurately represents the relationship of “parts” not previously thought to relate. Einstein said:

"Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting point and its rich environment. But the point from which we started out still exists and can be seen, although it appears smaller, and forms a tiny part of our broad view gained by the mastery of the obstacles on our adventurous way up."

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Scientists or Technicians Gary Zukav, in The Dancing WuLi Masters23, described a very pertinent observation and distinction one that is likely shared and observed but not often considered by many employed in highly technical environments. The distinction he essentially made between “scientist” and “technician” considered the true scientist was one who practiced original thought in a given area of expertise. The technician was one who only practiced and performed the technology or science without the performance of the original thought. It was then observed that actually very few of the folks employed by the corporations as scientists were indeed really scientists, but rather technicians performing a trained but skilled craft. Another important yet related consideration brought forth in this book was the misinterpretation by most folks that the “complex math” most associate with “hard science”, further isolates them from the technology. Removing the math, or considering it only as a more descriptive language needed to describe very precisely certain technical aspects, may allow the person to get a more relevant view of the science. Stripping away the math makes things remarkably interesting. Once removed, or at least temporarily set aside, the viewer is allowed to observe without distraction amazing patterns and relationships. These observations are so very necessary for the better understanding and integration of a technology. Zukov so appropriately states:

“Without the concept of “patterns of organic energy” the concepts of science becomes very sterile.”

Much of this similar thought is also echoed in “The Tao of Physics” by Fritjof Capra24, both are highly recommended regardless of your technical level of expertise as both will help the user in understanding the overall physics, science AND ESPECIALLY politics which affect this amazing field of our study.

23 Zukav, Gary, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 1979, William Marrow & Company

24 Capra, Fritjof, The Tao of Physics, 2002 (4th Ed), Shambhala Publishing

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THE ROLE OF INFORMATION IN SOCIETY The control of information in our society is paramount to success. Accurate and timely information can mean the difference between success and failure. Winners know that the acquisition and utilization of good information can enhance personal and business performance. Information transfer one hundred years ago was by telegraph, newspapers, letters, books and word of mouth, but in today’s society information transfer is the new technological revolution where radio, television, satellites, cable systems, phones, faxes, computers and the internet continually transfer information to all parts of the world. The average person now uses these technologies daily. In today’s society we all have access to electronic marvels that even the elite of old never even dreamed about. Electronic wonders like computers, telephones, cell phones, faxes, televisions and radios are so common we now take them for granted. People accept that radios, phones and televisions work because they see and hear for themselves that something is happening. The average person does not know how their radios, TVs and cell phones work, but they do know that they do work. We all rely on these and other communication devices every day to receive and transmit information to increase our personal and business efficiency and to give ourselves a performance edge. At this time in history a technology is emerging, developing, which has been designed to create specific biological information signals that can positively affect the overall health of an individual, providing not only an educational tool, but an invaluable resource that can be used or shared by many. The internet is allowing individuals and users in all walks of life or disciplines of expertise to compare notes. Experiences and technical information are readily available at almost any level of technical comprehension. Government and even personal resources are made freely available to anyone interested. Persons’ opinions, the sharing of technical advice, are often easily obtained simple by searching out the information or even contacting the originators directly. Never before in history has there been such a rapid and accessible exchange of information among people with so few limiting factors. The rapid exchange has, and will equate to the explosion and rapid development of devices, thought, and even entire cultures on an unprecedented scale. Trying to hide or suppress this inevitable cultural and technical growth would be about as likely as trying to “unscramble scrambled eggs”!

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SELF EDUCATION AND PERSONAL RESEARCH If you are reading this, YOU probably have already begun “the adventure”. The resources are there for YOU. YOU are just as likely as anyone to be the next person to figure out, realize or recognize some crucial aspect of this technology. You can participate to the level you desire and with the resources you feel comfortable in working with. Standards of research are relative. Regardless of what your previous indoctrination, your direction and research simply does not have to be at the same level or limitations as others. YOU get to decide what is appropriate for YOU. The limitations a health professional may have in professionally treating a patient are NOT the same as what is allowed in the privacy of one’s own home or workshop.

YOU AS A RESEARCHER Entering into the experimental world of Rife Technology may not now be the "financial challenge" that it has been in the past, requiring the use of high power linear amplifiers, exotic plasma bulb devices or the "unknown" pre-made black box types. Most folks become quite confused after looking over what's out there, but even with limited experimentation, most find that ALL probably work to varying degrees. Skepticism and motivation for self-education are your best tools. The availability of informational resources, the shared experiences of others, and the utilization of simple equipment to research and personally validate and examine the science is within the grasp of almost anyone willing to “look”. Equipment components appropriate for this education and research can be purchased or in may cases easily constructed. The experimenter’s system need not be complex and can expand at the rate their knowledge, needs, mandate and their pocketbook allows. An expensive system does NOT necessarily equate to a “most effective” one. Most researchers will find it is their thorough understanding and controlled manipulation which allows them to get the most performance and results out of any given unit.

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Figure 23- Equipment

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THE PHILOSOPHICAL SIDE OF THE TECHNOLOGY Change is one of the few things of which we can be assured. We have reviewed historical individual figures and even their revelations, which right or wrong, impacted the base of not only knowledge, but also the way mankind thinks. Most importantly, we have witnessed and should recognize that the powers of the eras fought strongly to maintain their financial and/or power stranglehold over the people, even intentionally suppressing, if not outlawing the new sciences and thoughts being presented. The scientists of the day are not the persons responsible for bringing about the change. They definitely help by bringing the technology to light, but it is the individuals, the sailors, the chemists, the manufacturers, the doctors, even the users who actually bring the change about by THEIR incorporation into their daily lives, the products and the shared thoughts. We live in a time where again, those who will look, can clearly see the detrimental effect that pharmaceutical “powers that be” have forced and maintain over us, largely as a result of the apathy and maybe even misplaced trust our parents, grandparents and the public in general placed in the hands of those powers. Without realizing it, we also typically, if not unknowingly, continue that cycle of apathy and inactivity unless we individually take an assertive, pro-active approach to discovery.

“Heath care is undergoing radical changes. Nothing is being categorically dismissed. It is being questioned, evaluated, challenged, scrutinized and examined, but it is being “tried” clinically and empirically. The results of the “trials by consumers” will ultimately cause any product or service to prevail or perish.”25

Discovery and change is inevitable. The rate at which this happens is largely in the hands of the public, public needs AND the realization that a solution exists to their needs. Suppression by intent, slows, stifles or otherwise intentionally interferes with this realization (discovery) and advance (change) natural development process. The science and biology of the things we are examining are well founded and documented. Until the advent of the internet, the information was not typically easily accessible to the lay public. The few doctors the private citizens were likely to come across are very unlikely to have ever come across the vast majority of the knowledge, the sheer volume alone makes that assumption pretty much a given. It is unlikely that any single person reading this has not been touched in some way by ill-health, be it themselves, a family member or a friend. If you have personally gone 25 Louis Sportelli, D.C., Consumer Reports Cannot Con the Consumer

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thru the rigors, trials and tribulations of treatment for a serious illness at the hands of conventional allopathic medicine, you very likely know the frustrations and have realized the deficiencies of that simplistic and arrogant approach. The sharing and comparing of personal experiences, personal findings and collaboration on the science are probably the BIGGEST threats to “organized medicine” and also offer the biggest threat to the perpetuation of their monopoly. As people become more educated, and as more questions are realized and asked, the deficiencies of allopathic medicine and the true underlying philosophy become exposed. The X-Prize and Man’s PRIVATE ventures into space illustrate a substantial parallel; we can clearly see that private individuals and groups are definitely capable of bringing about innovation which may be vastly superior technologically, far less costly, and of no financial burden to the taxpayers or to any individual which has no interest. In the true sense of free enterprise, it is the innovators who do the work and reap the financial rewords. The system of organized protectionism appears blatantly practiced by governmental agencies on behalf of their pharmaceutical and medical “affiliate” organizations. As groups of individuals worldwide become more organized, as clear and concise technical information becomes exchanged and compared and openly SHARED, the technology and information will be able to be better utilized by the public and become a choice available. An educated and informed public and one that extends into areas beyond their jurisdiction and/or control, is likely the most dangerous environment the existing establishment faces. The coming inevitable change and revelations of science and technology will allow the inquisitive public to be the true winners in this ongoing battle. In our personal quest for advancement, development, and realization… Part 2 of this document will discuss the technical science of Rife and related technologies. As a result, the reader should realize that the user/recipient MUST consider or rely on the far larger environment of holistic health to properly and effectively regain and maintain the natural health that most of us desire. This document will be updated and made available at the Introduction to Rife Technology website.

Please feel free to download updates as they become available. (Last updated 11-25-2005)

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