An Investigation of Evapotranspiration Models Compared by Stannard (1993) M.S. Exam Given by Gaj Sivandran, Ph.D., P.E. Completed by Matt D. Spellacy, M.S. candidate The Ohio State University January 5, 2015

An Investigation of Evapotranspiration Models Compared by Stannard (1993)

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  • An Investigation of Evapotranspiration Models

    Compared by Stannard (1993) M.S. Exam Given by Gaj Sivandran, Ph.D., P.E.

    Completed by Matt D. Spellacy, M.S. candidate

    The Ohio State University

    January 5, 2015

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    Prompt ............................................................................................................................................. 2

    Background ..................................................................................................................................... 3

    Question I ........................................................................................................................................ 6

    Question II ...................................................................................................................................... 8

    Question III ................................................................................................................................... 11

    Question IV ................................................................................................................................... 12

    Sources .......................................................................................................................................... 18

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    Stannard (1993) compares the PenmanMonteith, ShuttleworthWallace, and Modified PriestleyTaylor equations for modeling evapotranspiration in a semiarid rangeland.

    (I) Briefly outline the key differences between the three models. Use the equations and diagrams presented in the Stannard (1993) paper to strengthen your argument.

    (II) How are the water limitations of an arid system incorporated into each model? (III) Figure 7 shows the performance of each of the models against measured data.

    Comment on this lack of agreement after the middle of the day. Why do all these

    models fail to capture the late afternoon peak?

    (IV) Given your knowledge of microwave remote sensing, how would you use the remote sensing of soil moisture to improve evaporation models?

    Note: There is no right or wrong answer to much of this exam. What I am interested is seeing

    how you reason your way through the above questions.

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    Penman (1948) combined the thermodynamic and aerodynamic aspects of evaporation into a

    mathematical equation that provides a simple means to study the surface energy budget and

    surface temperature. Evaporation of water from a saturated surface is a thermodynamic process

    in which energy is required to change water from liquid to vapor. The latent heat flux is

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    Latent heat flux increases as net available energy (Rn-G) increases and decreases as sensible heat

    flux (|H) increases. Evaporation is also an aerodynamic process related to the turbulent transport

    of water vapor away from a surface. Latent heat flux increases as evaporative demand, or the

    difference in the vapor pressure of air at a given temperature relative to that of saturated air at

    that temperature (vapor pressure deficit) increases.

    To clarify these points, energy must be absorbed or released to break and form the hydrogen

    bonds when evaporation and condensation takes place. Thus evaporation is always accompanied

    by a transfer of heat out of a water body, and condensation on the surface by an addition of heat

    into the water body, in a process called latent-heat transfer. Water vapor is also transferred

    between the surface and the air whenever there is a difference in the vapor pressure between the

    surface and the overlying air, and a transfer of latent heat always accompanies the vapor pressure

    transfer. A second mode of non-radiant heat transfer occurs in the form of sensible heat (H), that

    is, the transfer of heat energy whenever there is a temperature difference between the surface and

    the air.

    The original derivation of the latent heat flux was developed by Penman for evaporation over

    open water. It assumes no heat exchange with the ground, no water-advected energy, and no

    change in heat storage, and makes use of one approximation, that the slope of the saturation-

    vapor vs. temperature curve at the air temperature can be approximated as

    from which

    we obtain

    . In this approach, evaporation rate is a weighted sun of a rate due to

    net radiation and a rate due to mass transfer. Monteith (1965) showed how the Penman equation

    can be modified to represent the evapotranspiration rate from a vegetated surface by

    incorporating a canopy resistance term. His modified Penman relationship is has come to be

    known as the Penman-Monteith equation. The assumptions of no water-advected energy and no

    heat-storage effects, which are generally not valued for natural water bodies, are usually

    reasonable when considering a vegetated surface.

    The fluxes of sensible, latent heat, and CO2 from a leaf can be represented as a diffusion process

    analogous to electrical networks. The electrical current between two points on a ducting wire is

    equal to the voltage difference divided by the electrical resistance. For an electrical circuit with

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    two resistors connected in series, the total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances.

    Similarly, the diffusion of materials is related to the concentrations difference divided by a

    resistance to diffusion. For sensible heat, this diffusion resistance is defined by the leaf boundary

    later resistance. The exchange of water vapor and CO2 between a leaf and the surrounding air

    depend on two resistances connected in series: a stomatal resistance from inside the leaf to the

    leaf surface and a boundary later resistance from the leaf surface to the air. If stomata are located

    on both sides of the leaf, the upper and lower resistances acting in parallel determine the overall

    leaf resistance.

    The boundary later resistance governs heat and moisture exchange between the leaf surface and

    the air around the leaf. This resistance depends on leaf size and wind speed. The boundary later

    resistance represents the resistance to heat and moisture transfer between the leaf surface and

    free air above the leaf surface. Wind flowing across a leaf is slowed near the leaf surface and

    increases with distance from the surface. Full wind flow occurs only at some distance from the

    leaf surface. This transition zone, in which wind speed increases with distance from the surface,

    is known as the leaf boundary later. The leaf boundary layer is also a region of temperature and

    moisture transition from a typically hot, moist leaf surface to cooler, drier air away from the

    surface. The boundary later regulates heat and moisture exchange between a leaf and the air. A

    thin boundary later produces a small resistance to heat and moisture transfer. The leaf is closely

    coupled to the air and has a temperature similar to that of air. A thick boundary later produces a

    large resistance to heat and moisture transfer. Conditions at the leaf surface are decoupled from

    the surrounding air and the leaf is several degrees warmer than air.

    Stomatal resistance acts in series with boundary later resistance to regulate transpiration.

    Transpiration occurs when stomata open to allow a leaf to absorb CO2 during photosynthesis. At

    the same time, water diffuses out of the saturated cavities within the foliage to the drier air

    surrounding the leaf. The resistance for latent heat exchange, therefore, includes two terms: a

    stomatal resistance (rs), which governs the flow of water from inside the leaf to the leaf surface,

    and the boundary later resistance, which governs the flow of water from the leaf surface to

    surrounding air. The total resistance is the sum of these two resistances. Stomata open and close

    in response to a variety of conditions: they open with higher light levels; they close with

    temperatures colder or hotter than some optimum; they close as the soil dries; they close if the

    surrounding air is too dry; and they vary with atmospheric CO2 concentration. Stomatal

    resistance is a measure of how open the pores are.

    The principles that determine the temperature, energy balance, and the photosynthetic rate of a

    leaf also determine those of plant canopies when integrated over all leaves in the canopy. These

    processes are greatly affected by the amount of area, quantified by leaf area index. The vertical

    profile of leaf area in the canopy affects the distribution of radiation in the canopy and the

    absorption of radiation by leaves. With low leaf area index, plants absorb little solar radiation,

    and the overall surface albedo is largely that of soil. The CO2 uptake by a canopy is the

    integration of the photosynthetic rates of individual leaves, accounting for variations in light and

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    microclimate with depth in the canopy. Similarly, canopy conductance is an aggregate measure

    of the conductance of individual leave and the profile of leaf area in the canopy also greatly

    affects turbulence within the canopy. The effects of vegetation on surface fluxes can be modeled

    by treating the soil-canopy system as an effective bulk surface, analogous to that for a non-

    vegetated surface but with radiative exchange averaged over the canopy and resistances adjusted

    for the effects of vegetation. This type of formulation is referred to as a big leaf model because

    the canopy is treated as a single leaf scaled to represent a canopy. The Penman-Monteith

    equation applied to canopies is an example of a big leaf model. Alternatively, the effects of

    vegetation on surfaces fluxes can be quantified by separately modeling soil and vegetation, as

    done by Shuttleworth and Wallace (1985) and described in more detail later.

    Vegetation flux equations in a big leaf model are similar to those of an individual leaf, but with

    resistances representative for all the vegetation in the system. In a big leaf model, the effective

    height at which sensible heat is exchanged with the atmosphere is within the plant canopy, and

    the aerodynamic resistance is adjusted for the roughness length and displacement height of

    vegetation. Two resistances acting in series govern latent heat flux. A surface resistance

    regulates water vapor exchange from the effective evaporating surface to air in the canopy. An

    aerodynamic resistance represents turbulent processes above the canopy in the surface layer of

    the atmosphere. Here, the latent heat flux is the combined foliage transpiration and soil

    evaporation, and the surface resistance represents the effects of soil water on both these fluxes.

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    Question I

    The Penman-Monteith equation is an example of a big leaf representation of evapotrans-

    piration. For a vegetative surface:

    ( ) ( )

    The first term in the numerator is the energy

    term, and the second is the aerodynamic term.

    The resistance formulation of the Penman-

    Monteith model is shown in Figure 1a of

    Standard (1993). Here, is canopy or surface

    resistance (stomata resistance to transpiration)

    and is the aerodynamic resistance to

    sensible heat and water vapor (the resistance

    of heat to flow and water to condense and

    evaporate). This aerodynamic resistance

    governs heat and moisture exchange between

    the canopy or soil and the surrounding air.

    Between the source and the sensor height, the

    latent heat flux is opposed by and ,

    whereas the sensible heat flux, which

    originates on the surface of the big leaf

    (canopy), is opposed by only . This is a big

    leaf formulation of latent heat flux in which

    the latent heat exchange with the atmosphere

    is regulated by two resistance acting in series.

    A canopy resistance governs processes within

    the plant canopy, and an aerodynamic resistance for water vapor governs turbulent processes

    above the canopy.

    The big leaf assumption requires that the sources of sensible and latent heat are at the same

    height and temperature. This requirement is met by a fully canopy, or a bare surface, but not a

    sparse canopy. As with an individual leaf, a canopy has degrees of coupling to the atmosphere

    determined by the magnitude of the aerodynamic resistance. Tall forest vegetation has a low

    aerodynamic resistance and is closely coupled to the atmosphere. Evapotranspiration approaches

    a rate imposed by canopy resistance:

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    Short vegetation such as grassland or even bare soil has a large aerodynamic resistance is is

    decoupled from the atmosphere. Evapotranspiration approaches an equilibrium rate depend on

    available energy with little canopy influence:

    ( )

    The Penman-Monteith approach to treating a vegetation canopy as a big leaf (or bare soil) can

    be refined by treating the vegetated and unvegetated portions of a given area separately. Sensible

    heat is partitioned inot that from foliage and that from soil, each regulated by different processes.

    The leaf boundary later resistance integrated over all leaves in the canopy governs sensible heat

    flux from foliage. Turbulent processes within the canopy govern sensible heat flux from the soil.

    Latent heat is partitioned into soil evaporation and transpiration. Transpiration is regulated by a

    canopy resistance that is an integration of leaf resistance over all the leaves in the canopy. Soil

    evaporation is regulated by aerodynamic processes within the plant canopy and by soil moisture.

    With reference to the one-later canopy, three sensible heat fluxes can be represented in the soil-

    plant-atmosphere system: the flux from vegetation to canopy air, from ground to canopy air, and

    from canopy air to atmosphere.

    A multi-layer soil-canopy model is described by Shuttleworth and Wallace (1985). Whereas the

    Penman-Monteith equation is a single bulk representation of the effective surface for heat and

    moisture exchange, the surface can be explicitly represented as comprising ground and

    vegetation, a two-component logical extension of the Penman-Monteith expression. A detailed

    methodology combining canopy and base-soil evapotranspiration was developed by Shuttleworth

    and Wallace (1985). This approach applies the Penman-Monteith equation twice, once to

    compute potential transpiration for the vegetated fraction of the region, and again for the ground-

    surface evaporation.

    Under the Shuttleworth-Wallace model, the latent heat flux is equal to

    Where amd are terms that represent the Penman-

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    canopy. Between the mean canopy flow and sensor height, the fluxes are opposed by one


    According the Stannard (1993), the data requirements are rather large for both the Penman-

    Monteith and Shuttleworth-Wallace models, and both models are computationally demanding. A

    simpler model is presented by the Priestley-Taylor (1972) equation, which estimates potential

    evapotranspiration in conditions of minimal advection (heat transfer, ). The equation is a

    modified Penman-Monteith equation, whereby the aerodynamic term is about 21% of the energy

    term in well-watered conditions. Starting with the energy balance, going through to the Penman-

    Monteith equation and ending with the Priestley-Taylor equation:

    ( )

    ( ) ( )

    ( )

    Where is a unitless coefficient estimated to equal 1.26 in well-water conditions. From field

    studies can be related empirically to soil moisture to extend the Priestley-Taylor equation to

    partially dry surfaces. It was reasoned that, as a canopy becomes water-stressed, would

    decrease below 1.26 and, from soil moisture data, an empirical estimation of the coefficient

    allows for the estimation of evapotranspiration in semiarid environments.

    Question II

    Largely because of the low rainfall of the site, vegetation is patchy with spacing between plants

    ranging from 3 to 10 meters. The large areas of bare soil that exist between plants are often 10-

    15K warmer than the air during the day, whereas the leaves of the foliage remain within 1 K of

    air temperature. Thus, the hot soil is the primary source of sensible heat, whereas the leaves are

    the primary source of water, except immediately following a rainfall. This contrast violates the

    big leaf assumption and requires model alteration to accurately characterize the study area. The

    patchiness of the canopy also made horizontal placement of the soil heat flux sensors important,

    and an attempt was made to place them such that the mean output of all three or four represented

    average soil heating conditions at the site by located on in the shade or partial shade and the rest

    in the sun.

    The Penman-Monteith, Shuttleworth-Wallace, and Priestley-Taylor models each contains one or

    more terms that quantify the surface control on vapor transport upwards. In the Penman-

    Monteith model, quantifies stomatal resistance; in the Shuttleworth-Wallace model,

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    quantifies canopy resistance to flux of water vapor between stomatal cavities and leaf surfaces,

    and quantifies subsurface soil resistance to flux of water vapor between a depth where soil gas

    is saturated with water vapor, and soil surface; and in the Priestley-Taylor model, quantifies

    stomatal and soil-surface control. All of these variables are incorporated into the models

    discussed herein to account for the water limitations of the arid area studied.

    The term in the Penman-Monteith model represents the aerodynamic resistance to sensible

    heat, and is modeled using equation 17 in Stannard (1993). Due to the wide spacing between

    plants at the study site, the wind profile between plants likely extends down to very near the soil

    surface (although no data existed at the time of the papers publication to support this), and

    therefore the momentum displacement height of vegetation was set to 0. Also, because of the

    wide plant spacing, the standard rules of thumb relating the roughness length for sensible heat to

    the roughness length of canopy for momentum were not used. Instead, the value of the roughness

    length of canopy for sensible heat is estimated from a value of the roughness length of canopy

    for momentum and the relation given by equation 18.

    Canopy resistance for the Penman-Monteith model is the equivalent sum resistance of the

    resistances of all the individual stomates in a canopy, in parallel, and is represenatative of all

    of the individual stomates. The fundamental variables controlling are leaf-to-air specific

    humidity difference, photosynthetically active radiation, leaf temperature, leaf water potential,

    and concentration. Changes in concentration were considered to be small and so

    concentration was not included in the model. Humidity, photosynthetic activity, and leaf water

    potential all are influenced heavily by water availability and thus needed to be accounted for in

    applying the Penman-Monteith model to the arid study area. A nonlinear analysis was used to

    develop is given in terms of by equation 20. The reciprocal of , or stomatal conductance,

    generally is found to be proportional to the product of two or more functions of the above

    variables (humidity, photosynthetic activity, etc.). Each function can vary from virtually zero

    (e.g. during well-watered periods, photosynthesis will occur, stomates will be open and there will

    be virtually zero stomatal resistance) to some maximum value (often one; e.g. during water-

    restricted periods, photosynthesis will not occur, stomates will close, and stomatal resistance will

    approach infinity), which is consistent with the observation that any one variable can cause

    stomatal closure, resulting in approaching infinity.

    The extremely sparse canopy necessitates novel aerodynamic modifications of the Shuttleworth-

    Wallace model as well, not used in the original work by Shuttleworth and Wallace (1985). As

    discussed for the Penman-Monteith model, it was approximated that the momentum

    displacement height of vegetation was about zero and that the wind profile extended down to

    very near the soil surface for such a sparse canopy. However, the height of mean canopy flow

    was set to one-half of the canopy height, and therefore the aerodynamic resistance to flux of heat

    and water vapor between the mean canopy flow and sensor height was calculated by integrating

    from one-half the canopy height to the height of the measurement above the soil surface, as

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    given by equation 21. Similarly, the aerodynamic resistance to flux of heat and water vapor

    between soil surface and mean canopy flow was calculated using an integration from 0 to one-

    half the canopy height.

    The aerodynamic resistance flux of heat and water vapor between leaf surfaces and mean canopy

    flow was calculated as the equivalent resistance of all the leaf boundary laryers in parallel based

    on the boundary layer resistance of a leaf, . Because of the extremely small leaf area index, a

    semiempircal model for was not used but instead a more fundamental (but approximate)

    expression was used, as shown in equation 24. The model selection procedure here was analo-

    gous to that for canopy resistance in the Penman-Monteith model.

    The occuence of occasional small rains at the study site causes the value of the subsurface soil

    resistance to flux of water vapor between a depth where soil gas is saturated with water vapor

    and the soil surface, to vary widely. The soil surface, wetted by a rain, was often very dry 1-2

    days later. Monteith (1963) presented a simple bucket-type model analogy to address this

    between distributed vapor sources in the soil and distributed vapor sources in a full canopy,

    which are adequately modeled using a single source height. The basic premise is that the soil

    surface resistance at some time ater a rainfall is proportional to the amount of water evaporated

    since the rainfall. Because of the sandy soil and the semiarid environment, it is likely that the so

    called initial stage of drying lasts only a few hours at the site, during which the soil surface

    resistance is about zero.

    The development of the modified Priestley-Taylor model involved evaluating the argument that

    for well-watered surfaces, the value of has theoretical significance. For a surface with a highly

    variable water supply, models for typically are empirical and relate to soil moisture. Stannard

    (1993) found to be independent of soil moisture, which they measured with a moisture probe.

    Analysis indicate that at this site, leaf area index is a significant determinate of and because of

    the small value of leaf area index at this site, linear regression models for are unrealistic and

    therefore a non-linear model was used as displayed by equation 26. In this model for , either a

    large leaf area index or a recent rain event are sufficient to drive toward a maximum value of

    1.26, which describes a well-watered system. During dry conditions, alpha would be driven

    towards a minimum value that reflects the small amount of evaporation that would occur from

    the shallow water table alone. For a given site, ranged from intermittent peaks up to ~1.26

    immediately following a rainfall event, which would then decay asymptotically back to its pre-

    rainfall value as the wetted soil dries out to a minimum value that more strongly reflected an arid


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    Question III

    The Penman-Monteith model severe-

    ly underestimates the midday values

    of for two reasons. First, the

    models big leaf assumption does not

    hold during dry, sunny periods in the

    middle of the day, when a large

    fraction of the sensible heat flux

    comes from the hot soil. Second,

    immediately after a precipitation

    event or in the case of snow cover

    such is depicted in Figure 7, the

    Penman-Monteith model cannot simu-

    late the large values of bare soil

    evaporation, because it is exclusively

    a transpiration model. The function

    for canopy resistance (equation 20) is

    an unsatisfactory compromise betw-

    een these two soil moisture extremes,

    and the model does an especially poor

    job at predicting midafternoon peak values because it does not take into account the

    significant evaporation from bare soil. Couple this with the frequent small afternoon showers

    discussed on page 1382, which would contribute to substantially larger values, and it is not

    surprising that the model underestimates the late afternoon peak evapotranspiration values to the

    extent depicted in Figure 6 and even more so in Figure 7.

    The Shuttleworth-Wallace and Priestley-Taylor models, conversely, explicitly account for bare

    soil evaporation and thus tend to follow the general trend of measured values even through

    afternoon peaks, although they do not follow the short-term (hourly) fluctuations well. After a

    snowfall as depicted in Figure 7, however, the models seem to break down after about midday,

    and fail to adequately estimate peak values that occur in the early afternoon. In the case of the

    Shuttleworth-Wallace model, this can be explained by the fact that it fails to adequately model

    the relatively large values of caused by the blanket of snow acting as a frozen free water

    surface, i.e. it does not realistically distinguish snow from rain. It is important to make this

    distinction because snow remains on the ground surface and thus the subsurface soil resistance to

    flux of water vapor between a depth where soil gas is saturated with water vapor and soil surface

    is virtually zero in the case of snow cover, whereas the model assumes that this precipitation is

    water, which would seep to a depth within the ground where this resistance to evaporation is

    significantly greater than is the case for snow at the surface. Hence, while the modeled value of

    this ground resistance to evaporation is significantly nonzero because the model calculates the

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    subsurface soil resistance u is calculated based on the premise that the soil surface resistance at

    some time after a rainfall is proportional to the amount of water that has evaporated since the

    rainfall (equation 25), i.e. as time progresses the resistance increases as the soil becomes drier,

    because the snow remains on the soil surface the resistance is actually closer to zero, the much

    more water is evaporating from the bare surface than the Shuttleworth-Wallace model predicts.

    The Priestley-Taylor model is more accurate than the Shuttleworth-Wallace model after a

    snowfall because is less sensitive to this premise of increased subsurface ground resistance as

    time progresses beyond a rainfall event, but it still under-predicts the amount of water

    evaporating from bare soil after a snowfall because the snow is above, rather than beneath, the

    soil surface. This relation can be seen for both the Shuttleworth-Wallace and Priestley-Taylor

    models in Figures 4a and 5a, respectively, by investigating the open circlespoints representing

    times when there was snow on the groundwhich severely underestimate hourly values

    relative to those measured. A thorough treatment of sublimation and evaporation from a

    snowpack would involve a snowmelt model and a method to account for conditions of partial

    snow cover.

    Question IV

    Much of this sections review of remote sensing of soil moistures potential to improve

    evaporation models with specific reference to the importance of soil moisture data has been

    adapted from Seneviratne, et al. (2010) and modified to suit this topic.

    Soil moisture plays an important part in both budgets through its impact on latent heat flux E.

    Soil moisture plays a key role both for the water and energy cycles (through its impact on the

    energy partitioning at the surface). In addition, it is also linked to several biogeochemical cycles

    (e.g. carbon and nitrogen cycles) through the coupling between plants' transpiration and

    photosynthesis. Thus, modelling approaches representing evapotranspiration are dependent on

    soil moisture. Furthermore, in the investigation of soil moistureclimate interactions,

    evapotranspiration is a key variable for three reasons: 1) In the terrestrial water balance, soil

    moisture and evapotranspiration are the two main unknowns, and thus measurements of one of

    these two quantities can allow to derive estimates in the other (with rainfall and runoff

    measurements); 2) Concomitant evapotranspiration and soil moisture measurements are crucial

    to derive soil moistureevapotranspiration relationships; 3) In some instances, inferences

    regarding soil moisture control on evapotranspiration can be derived from evapotranspiration

    measurements alone (e.g. during dry-downs).

    An important impact of soil moistur1e on near-surface climate is related to changes in air

    temperature. Whenever soil moisture limits the total energy used by latent heat flux, more energy

    is available for sensible heating, inducing an increase of near-surface air temperature. Soil

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    moisturetemperature interactions can significantly impact near-surface climate, and are relevant

    for the occurrence of extreme hot temperatures and heat waves

    The investigation of soil moistureprecipitation coupling has been the subject of much research

    for several decades. The mechanistic studies investigating this coupling highlight that, in many

    instances, the key for understanding soil moisture precipitation interactions lies more in the

    impact of soil moisture anomalies on boundary-layer stability and precipitation formation than in

    the absolute moisture input resulting from modified evapotranspiration. For instance, the

    additional precipitated water falling over wet soils may originate from oceanic sources, but the

    triggering of precipitation may itself be the result of enhanced instability induced by the wet soil

    conditions (or in some cases dry soil conditions). Moreover, also non-local feedbacks can be

    important, i.e. advection of evaporated moisture for neighboring land regions. In addition, land

    surface heterogeneity may play a role for the generation of mesoscale features and resulting

    precipitation formation.

    There currently exist large discrepancies between modelling studies, and it there appears

    increasingly necessary to investigate soil moistureprecipitation relationships with observational

    data. However, the scarcity of the soil moisture measurements, combined with the low temporal

    resolution of most available long-term datasets, is a critical issue. Moreover, because of the

    direct impact of precipitation on soil moisture, links of causality between soil moisture and

    precipitation are difficult to establish.

    For the investigation of soil moistureclimate interactions in general, a major impediment is the

    scarcity of soil moisture observations. Ground observations are cost-intensive and require

    important efforts to be put in place. As a consequence, only few ground-based soil moisture

    measurement networks are available. Remote sensing measurements, which provide indirect

    estimates of soil moisture (e.g. microwave remote sensing and GRACE satellite mission),

    represent some alternatives to intensive ground measurements, however they have several

    limitations. There are at present no comprehensive and global datasets of observed soil moisture,

    since ground observations are very limited in space, remote sensing estimates have limitations

    regarding temporal and/or spatial coverage, accuracy and their exact link with root-zone soil

    moisture, and atmosphericterrestrial water-balance estimates are available only at coarse scale

    and in river basins with observed runoff (with issues regarding long-term trends).

    Several techniques are available to measure soil moisture in situ. The only technique measuring

    soil water content per se, however, is the gravimetric technique, and there are several issues with

    its implementation. The most important is that the measurement method is destructive, and can

    thus not be reproduced. Moreover, significant manpower is required for the retrieval of the

    samples and the lab measurements. For these reasons, the temporal resolution of long-term

    measurement networks using this technique is usually coarse, typically of the order of 12 weeks

    at best. There exist several indirect methods for in-situ measurements of soil moisture. Two of

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    the most common techniques are either based on time domain reflectometry (TDR) or soil

    capacitance measurements

    The TDR sensors, which operate at higher frequencies, are significantly more accurate than

    capacitance sensors. However, the latter are of much lower cost, which can allow a higher

    number of instruments and thus much denser networks. Given the strong spatial heterogeneity of

    soil moisture properties, it can appear attractive for some applications to choose slightly less

    accurate but cheaper sensors in order to increase the spatial sampling. But their low accuracy for

    wet conditions remains a significant issue for the interpretation of the data. As is the case for

    TDR and capacitance sensors, microwave remote sensing techniques make use of the fact that

    the soil dielectric constant increases with increasing water content. Both active and passive

    microwave remote sensing are commonly used to retrieve soil moisture information. The main

    limitations associated with microwave remote sensing are that only surface soil moisture can be

    retrieved (a few centimeters at most), while it is root-zone soil moisture that is relevant for most

    climate applications.

    One particular issue of most datasets is their spatial resolution and coverage. Ground

    observations (e.g. TDR) are generally point measurements, confined within networks of limited

    extent, with necessarily scattered coverage. Satellite remote sensing observations (e.g.

    microwave remote sensing), on the other hand, are generally global, but of low resolution and

    often of poor quality on part of the globe depending on the measurement characteristics and

    limitations of the retrieval algorithms. The scale discrepancy between available observa-

    tional/estimation methods is often an issue for the comparison and systematic analysis of existing

    validation datasets. Several studies have investigated approaches to characterize the spatial

    variability and mean regional behavior of point-scale soil moisture observations. In order to be

    able to characterize soil moistureclimate relationships at the regional scale, dense ground

    observational networks would be ideally needed, as variability in point-scale observations is


    While soil moisture fields exhibit a certain rank stability, establishing relations between point-

    scale and regional soil moisture is problematic and these relations are also impacted by climate

    variability. Similarly, the strength of coupling between evapotranspiration and soil moisture may

    strongly vary at the local scale. Despite these issues, spatial scales of soil moisture variability

    may overall be divided in two categories: the small-scale variability (less than 20 km), which is

    impacted by small-scale variations in surface and subsurface characteristics (soil characteristics,

    soil in homogeneities, small-scale variations in land cover), and the regional-scale variability

    (50 400 km), impacted by meteorological/climatological forcing (weather systems, precipi-

    tation, and radiation). Thus, even with a moderately dense ground-measurement network, it

    should be possible to at least capture the relationships controlling the regional-scale variability of

    soil moisture. Similarly, analyses from point-scale observations in Illinois have shown that,

    though absolute soil moisture content can be highly variable between neighboring sites, the

    dynamic evolution of soil moisture (seasonal soil moisture changes) are often closely related. It

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    is thus the dynamics of soil moisture at the regional scale that should be compared between

    validation datasets based on different sensors or estimation approaches.

    In sum, an important limitation for improving our understanding of soil moistureclimate

    interactions is the lack of comprehensive soil moisture and evapotranspiration observational

    datasets. While new datasets are becoming available, in particular satellite soil moisture datasets,

    new measurements and water balance estimates are often confined to a limited part of the globe,

    and have distinct temporal and spatial coverage and resolution. Moreover, even where

    observational data are available, it is not always straightforward to use them in an effective way

    to infer landclimate interactions, due to methodological issues.

    The first challenge for research in this area is to continue to develop ground-based monitoring

    networks for soil moisture and evapotranspiration. Indirect estimates based on satellite data,

    diagnostic approaches, and/or modelling approaches need to be evaluated with ground

    observations, and their performance may depend on the climate regime and land cover

    characteristics. Thus, more extended ground observation data will be essential for improving our

    understanding of soil moistureclimate interactions, especially in regions where data coverage is

    still poor.

    The application of RFID technology to in-situ radiometry measurement of soil moisture may

    provide the opportunity to close much of the data gap in global climate modeling with respect to

    soil-climate interactions. RFID chips can be arranged in dense networks over large areas,

    allowing for high-resolution and high-spatial coverage. In theory, they could be used to measure

    soil moisture by a reader attached to an unmanned aerial aircraft that uses active microwave

    emissions in the L-band to detect changes in phase and strength of the signal reflected from the

    RFID chips. Measurements could be arranged for the small aircrafts at frequent time intervals,

    allowing for collection of high-temporal datasets at significant convenience relative to other in-

    situ measurement technologies. The use of RFID chips also offers the advantage of minimal

    perturbation of the soil, and because the chips cost only a few cents apiece, there exists a huge

    applicability of the technology to large-scale data collection is.

    Another important benefit of using microwave remote sensing to detect soil moisture is the

    extent of information possible with a multi-wavelength system. There is evidence that such data

    could be used to expand the basic soil surface soil moisture estimate to include an estimation of

    the soil moisture profile to a specified depth. There are four basic approaches to accomplish this,

    as outlined by Jackson (1993): statistical extrapolation of the surface observation; integration of

    surface observations in a profile water budget model; inversion of radiative transfer methods;

    and a parametric profile model. Finally, the use of microwaves to detect changes in soil moisture

    is limited to the distance to which microwaves can travel through a soil medium, reflect and

    travel back through the medium, and be read by a sensing device.

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    Some caveats to the technology include the following:

    The application of radiometry to soil moisture requires the direct measurement of brightness

    temperature, thus the absolute temperature of the soil is also needed. Dividing the former by the

    latter gives the emissivity at a specified wavelength or frequency, which is proportional to the

    inverse of the permittivity of the soil, which itself is about equal to the soils dielectric constant.

    The dielectric constant will vary based on water content, thus allowing us to measure the soils

    rise in moisture as the result of a precipitation event. Within the soil, the dielectric properties of a

    water molecule are governed by the strength of forces acing on the molecule. The net strength of

    these forces decreases exponentially with distance of a water molecule from the soil surface.

    Hence, the dielectric constant of a water molecule should increase with distance from a particle

    surface as electrostatic forces diminish.

    Because soil water content is determined by the specific surface area and pore size distribution of

    a soil, knowledge of on soil texture and mineralogy is essential to measuring soil moisture. The

    water initially infiltrated into the soil has a relatively low matric potential, but as this water

    redistributes itself within the soil medium under the influences of osmotic potential gradients as

    limited by the hydraulic conductivity of the soil and described by Darcys law, the net matric

    potential of the water increases until an equilibrium condition is attained. Hysteresis can affect

    this process in addition to a soils hydraulic conductivity, which is also dependent on soil texture.

    For instance, Sandy soils typically have a rather large hydraulic conductivity and relatively small

    hysteresis potential, whereas the opposite is true for clays, especially at high moisture contents

    (Dobson and Ulaby, 1981).

    A soils dielectric properties also vary based on the soils salinity, the wavelength used by the

    radiometry backscatter reader, the angle of incidence and polarization of those microwaves, as

    well as the surface roughness of the soil. All of these variables must be accounted for and taken

    into consideration when taking measurements (e.g. maintain a constant incidence angle for

    measurement before and after storm event), and when calculating the soils change in water

    content. All variables being equal except for soil water content, however, should allow for

    accurate measurement of soil water content, with a liquid water measurement accuracy of at least

    2% by volume within the soil and at least 0.7% for overlying snow (Denoth, 1997).

    The choice of wavelength used to collect data is crucial, as the depth of soil later that contributes

    to the measured brightness temperature increases with wavelength and result in less interference

    from vegetation, however radio frequency interference increases at wavelengths beyond about 21

    cm (Jackson, 1993). Hence, while the best wavelengths to use are the longest in the microwave

    spectrum, radio frequency interference limits the specific regions that can be used to anything

    beyond the L-band, and thus it is suggested that the experiment use a reader that emits

    wavelengths between 10 and 21 cm (1.4 and 3.0 GHz). At this frequency range, however,

    salinity will impact measurements so caution is advised for measurements in the spring when soil

    salinity is higher as the result of winter de-icing salt surface runoff from roadways. Finally,

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    horizontal polarization is preferred because the sensitivity to soil moisture is higher throughout

    all look angles for both bare and vegetated soils.

    A unique advantage of microwave sensing is that at long wavelengths, such as the range

    suggested here, vegetation has an attenuating effect on the background emission rather than the

    masking effect observed at shorter wavelengths. The primary determinants of this attenuation are

    the water content of the vegetation and structure of the canopy. To avoid complications in

    estimated these parameters, it is suggested that the experimental sensors be deployed either in an

    area of bare soil where vegetative attenuation can be avoid altogether (in addition to the

    aforementioned transpiration from said vegetation), or grassland where vegetation water content

    is relatively homogeneous and easy to quantify.

    Finally, emissivity will vary between about 0 for dry soils and unity for saturated soils. The soils

    surface roughness characteristics need to be determined too, because measuring soil moisture

    using radiometry requires equation-specific data on surface roughness (specifically the

    parameters height and Polarizing mixing due to surface roughness).Wang and Choudhury (1981)

    describe a method where these parameters can be calculated using data from as little as two


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