An Experience of Aladin Usage An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation Source Investigation Zhelenkova Olga, SAO RAS

An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

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An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation. Zhelenkova Olga, SAO RAS. A survey area is about 100 sq.deg. ; The RC catalog contains more then 1145 (884) sources in flux range 4.5- 5 00 mJy ( λ = 7.6 sm ); - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

An Experience of Aladin Usage for the An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source InvestigationRC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

Zhelenkova Olga, SAO RAS

Page 2: An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

A survey area is about 100sq.deg.;The RC catalog contains more then 1145 (884) sources in flux range 4.5-500 mJy (λ=7.6sm);Radio spectra are defined for 490 radio sources.

The deep survey of sky area centered on SS 433 declination was carried out with the RATAN-600 radio telescope in 1980-1981. The RC catalog of radio sources is one of results of this observations.

Page 3: An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

Ultra Steep Spectrum (USS) SampleUltra Steep Spectrum (USS) Sample

The following parameters of radio sources were used: The following parameters of radio sources were used: (1)(1) a slope of radio source spectrum. Steep spectrum a slope of radio source spectrum. Steep spectrum

sources were selected (spectral index is in range 0.9 – sources were selected (spectral index is in range 0.9 – 1.3); 1.3);

(2)(2) flux density level. morphological type. The objects of flux density level. morphological type. The objects of FRII morphological type are selected; FRII morphological type are selected;

(3)(3) angular size. Large angular size radio galaxies were angular size. Large angular size radio galaxies were not registered for considerable redshifts. Their usual not registered for considerable redshifts. Their usual angular sizes are in range 1 arcsec to 1 arcmin; angular sizes are in range 1 arcsec to 1 arcmin;

(4)(4) proximity of radio and optical luminosities.proximity of radio and optical luminosities.

Page 4: An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

RC catalog objects on the average have fluxes about 100 RC catalog objects on the average have fluxes about 100 mJy. Flux densities mean level of the RC catalog fall within mJy. Flux densities mean level of the RC catalog fall within inflection area of normalized curve logN-LogS (source number – inflection area of normalized curve logN-LogS (source number – flux density). Apparently this area may include large number of flux density). Apparently this area may include large number of distant objects. The results of USS sample optical identification are distant objects. The results of USS sample optical identification are shown in shown in http://http://sed.sao.ru/rc_archive.htmlsed.sao.ru/rc_archive.html.

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For optical candidate refinement we use multi band BVRI photometry.

Galaxy redshifts and age estimations were done on the 6-m photometric observations with using PEGASE and GISSEL98 model spectral energy distribution packages.

Page 6: An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

RC J0311+0507 (z=4.51)RC J0311+0507 (z=4.51)

Object z mopt mK S1400, α LAS Morph. mJy

TN J0924–2201 5.199 >24 R 21.7 71 1.65 1. 2 D RC J0311+0507 4.514 23.1 R ... 500 1.29 2.8 AD+C VLA J123642+621331 4.424 24.9 I 21.4 0.5 0.94 0.4 C+E 6C 0140+326 4.413 24 I 20.0 91 1.17 2.6 D 8C 1435+63 4.261 23.6 I 19.5 497 1.37 3.9 D+C TN J1338–1941 4.11 22.4 R 20.0 121 1.33 5.5 AD+C TN J1123–2154 4.109 >24.5 R 20.3 49 1.57 0.8 S 7C 1814+670 4.05 24.1 R 19.4 236 1.08 18. D

Radio galaxies with z>4

Page 7: An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

The process of investigation of radio galaxies with steep spectra consists of the following steps:

1. select radio sources with spectral index in a given range [i1,i2];select radio sources containing flux data for at least 2 frequencies;calculate spectral index i for selected radio sources;

get a list of radio sources with spectral index in the range [i1,i2];2. select radio sources with the angular size less than a given value d1 and flux value

for a given frequency f1 in the range [s1,s2];3. find optical sources matching by coordinates with selected radio sources;4. get a list of radio sources for which the matching optical sources were found;5. on a user request, for a given pair – radio source and matching optical source:

show optical image of the source with over plotted intensity contours of radio image;

show radio image of the source with over plotted intensity contours of optical image;

6. request user confirmation of matching of the selected radio and optical sources;7. calculate stellar magnitudes of the selected candidates at least in U, B, R filters;8. calculate (U-B) and (B-R) values for each candidates;9. plot colour - colour diagram to define more exactly the source list;10. get a searching list of sources– candidates for distant galaxies.

The first iteration workflow

(for good precision radio coordinates ~1”)

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RATAN-600 beam pattern

Page 9: An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation

Radio surveys and catalogsRadio surveys and catalogsNVSSNVSSTXSTXSFIRSTFIRST

Optical surveys Optical surveys DSSDSSSDSSSDSS

Optical catalogsOptical catalogsUSNO-B1USNO-B1SDSSSDSS2MASS2MASS

Astronomical resources for the RC catalog identification

Page 10: An Experience of Aladin Usage for the RC Catalog Radio Source Investigation


$myname=$0; # полное имя программы$myname =~ s|.*/([\w\-_]+\.pl)$|$1|; # имя программы без путиdie "Usage: $myname Catalog\n" unless (@ARGV);$CATALOG = $ARGV[0];open (READ_CAT, "<$CATALOG") or die ("Cannot open file");

open(ALADIN,"| java -jar /Data/users/zhe/Aladin/Aladin.jar");$rcN = 0;

while ($str = readline (*READ_CAT)){($pref,$name,$last) = split (/ /, $str, 3);$rcname = join('',$pref,$name);$raJ = substr($last,0,11);$deJ = substr($last,12,11);$obj = join (' ',$raJ,$deJ);print $obj;$stack = join('','s',$rcname,'.aj');

print ALADIN "reset; \n";print ALADIN "get aladin(DSS2,F) $obj 5\'; sync;\n";print ALADIN "get NVSS(0.2,15.0,Stokes I,Sine) $obj 5\';\n";print ALADIN "sync; contour 4; \n";print ALADIN "get Vizier(VIII/65/nvss) $obj 5\'; sync;\n";print ALADIN "get FIRST(100) $obj 5\';\n";print ALADIN "sync; contour 4; \n";print ALADIN "get Vizier(VIII/71/first) $obj 5\'; sync;\n";print ALADIN "get Vizier(VIII/42/txs) $obj 5\'; sync;\n";print ALADIN "get Vizier(J/A+AS/87/1/table1) $obj 5\'; sync;\n";print ALADIN "get SDSSDR3cat $obj 1\';\n";print ALADIN "sync;sync\n";print ALADIN "get VizieR(2mass) $obj 1\';\n";print ALADIN "sync;sync\n";print ALADIN "get VizieR(USNOB) $obj 1\';\n";print ALADIN "sync;sync\n";print ALADIN "zoom 2x; backup $stack\n";


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Preleminary resultsPreleminary results

All – 446All – 446 u – 22.1u – 22.1

SDSS – 239SDSS – 239 g – 21.0g – 21.0USNO – 123USNO – 123 r – 20.1r – 20.12MASS – 522MASS – 52 i – 19.4i – 19.4

Redshift – 45Redshift – 45 z – 19.0z – 19.0

TXS – 114TXS – 114NVSS – 325NVSS – 325

““+” – 213+” – 213 G - 161G - 161““?” – 115?” – 115 EF - 83EF - 83““??” – 29??” – 29 * - 84* - 84““-” - 138-” - 138

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Preliminary resultsPreliminary results

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Next step in radio source investigation workflow

Cross-matching tools with possibility matching in individual source error box

Spectral index calculation, fitting radio spectra and using this information for refinement of matching candidates (SpecFind ?)

Good quality contour plot tools for radio images (VO service)

Program filter for split of Aladin plane backup with multiple catalogs information