` An Ass Statisti Ruby Pa Received Abstract An ext chemical River at Shringve Sangam post-mon physico-c Conducti Biologica Oxygen (TA), To Solids (T used to a river at A calculate to identif water qu 0.05). For corre Departme Allahabad Email: ru ESSENC Volume V essment o cal metho andey, Anup : November 0 t tensive inv l parameters t different erpur, Pha during pr nsoon seaso chemical pa ivity (EC), al Oxygen D Demand ( otal Hardne T.D.S), Chl analyse the Allahabad. C ed between d fy the highly uality param espondence: nt of Botany, U d, Uttar PradesubypandeybotaCE - Interna : No. 2 2014 [“Environ of Water Q d: Princip p Kumar Pa 03, 2014 Ac vestigation of water sam Ghats of A aphamau, e-monsoon, ons in year arameters as Dissolved O Demand (BO (COD), To ess (TH), T loride & T pollution in Correlation C different pair y correlated meters. (Sign University of A h, India nyau@gmail.c ational Jour 28 – 34] mental ConseQuality of pal Comp andey and D ccepted: Dec of physic mple of Gan Allahabad v Daraganj monsoon 2013-14. T pH, Electri Oxygen (DO OD), Chemi otal Alkalin Total Disso Turbidity w ndex of Gan Coefficient w rs of parame & interrelat nificance lev Allahabad, com rnal for EnProceedings o rvation and CRiver Gan ponent Ana D. N. Shukla cember 15, 20 co- nga viz: & & Ten ical O), ical nity lve ere nga was eter ted vel Prin imp para qua iden exp data tota focu pha Indi Key para Ana Intr Wat esse and imp plan Wat influ vironmenta of National Co lean India Pro nga at Alla alysis (PC a 014 Online: ncipal comp portant statiameters resp ality varian ntified as relaining 92.aset i.e.; firal variance iuses on the ases under ia can be rev ywords: Ga ameters | co alysis (PCA) roduction ter of adeq ential for su d Ouarda, 2 portant role i nts [Pejman ter quality uences hum al Rehabilita onference ogrammeDec ahabad wi A) : December 3 ponent anastical metho ponsible for nce. One sponsible fo 91% of tot st factor exn the datasefour broadwhich the viewed. anga River rrelation | P ) quate quant ustainable d 2009). Wate in health of h (2009) and is the c an health as ation and C [ISS [ww cember 2014, I ith respec 31, 2014 lysis (PCAod to ascer variability latent factor the data stal variance plained 92.9 t. The prese , often over legal provis | physico-c Principal Com tity and qu development er quality p human, anim Zhao et al. critical fact well as the onservation SN 0975 - 6272 ww.essence-jou India 28 t to a ) is an rtain the in water or was tructure, e in the 91 % of ent study rlapping, sions of chemical mponent uality is (Khalil performs mals and (2012)]. tor that quantity n 2] urnal.com]

An Assessment of Water Quality of River Ganga at Allahabad

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Page 1: An Assessment of Water Quality of River Ganga at Allahabad


An AssStatisti

Ruby Pa



An extchemicalRiver atShringveSangam post-monphysico-cConductiBiologicaOxygen (TA), ToSolids (Tused to ariver at Acalculateto identifwater qu0.05).

For corre DepartmeAllahabadEmail: ru


Volume V

essment ocal metho

andey, Anup

: November 0


tensive invl parameters t different erpur, Pha

during prnsoon seasochemical paivity (EC), al Oxygen D

Demand (otal HardneT.D.S), Chlanalyse the

Allahabad. Ced between dfy the highlyuality param


nt of Botany, Ud, Uttar Pradeshubypandeybotan

CE - Interna

: No. 2 2014 [2


of Water Qd: Princip

p Kumar Pa

03, 2014 ⏐ Ac

vestigation of water samGhats of A

aphamau, e-monsoon,

ons in year arameters as

Dissolved ODemand (BO(COD), Toess (TH), Tloride & Tpollution in

Correlation Cdifferent pairy correlated

meters. (Sign

University of Ah, India [email protected]

ational Jour

28 – 34]

mental Conser

Quality of pal Comp

andey and D

ccepted: Dec

of physicmple of GanAllahabad vDaraganj

monsoon 2013-14. TpH, Electri

Oxygen (DOOD), Chemiotal AlkalinTotal DissoTurbidity wndex of GanCoefficient wrs of parame& interrelat

nificance lev



rnal for Env

Proceedings o

rvation and Cl

River Ganponent Ana

D. N. Shukla

cember 15, 20

co-nga viz:

& &

Ten ical O), ical nity lve ere nga was eter ted vel






of National Co

lean India Pro

nga at Allaalysis (PC


014 ⏐ Online:

ncipal compportant statisameters resp

ality varianntified as reslaining 92.9aset i.e.; firsal variance inuses on the

ases under wia can be rev

ywords: Gaameters | coalysis (PCA)


ter of adeqential for su

d Ouarda, 2portant role ints [Pejman ter quality uences hum

al Rehabilita


ogramme” Dec

ahabad wiA)

: December 3

ponent analstical methoponsible for nce. One sponsible fo91% of totst factor expn the datasetfour broad,

which the viewed.

anga River rrelation | P)

quate quantustainable d2009). Watein health of h(2009) and

is the can health as

ation and C



cember 2014, I

ith respec

31, 2014

lysis (PCA)od to ascervariability ilatent facto

or the data sttal varianceplained 92.9t. The prese, often overlegal provis

| physico-cPrincipal Com

tity and qudevelopment er quality phuman, animZhao et al.

critical factwell as the


SN 0975 - 6272




t to a

) is an rtain the in water or was tructure,

e in the 91 % of ent study rlapping, sions of

chemical mponent

uality is (Khalil

performs mals and (2012)]. tor that quantity




Page 2: An Assessment of Water Quality of River Ganga at Allahabad

and qualand semactivitiesquality oatmospheof agricuuse (Niem

Increasinwater quwater qcapacity activitiesAllahabaagricultuNaini inPhulpur dischargeTreatmenRajapur (Jamsheddata anapopular imeasurem2013). Tdata anal(CA), fanalysis identify explain influence

In the prto assess respect tthree seaduring 20viz: Shri

ity of grain mi-arid area s are a majof surface aeric pollutio

ultural chemimi, 1990).

ng problem uality, it is nquality to

(Kesharwans responsiblad are dueure and indusndustrial are

fertilizers e into the rint plants are not abled et al. 201alysis methin environmment and mThe most clysis methodfactor analy(FA/PCA), important

the variatioe the water s

resent paper the physico

to Principaasons viz: su013-14 at diingverpur,

production (Zhang, 20or factor de

and ground on, effluent dicals, eroded

of deteriornecessary to evaluate th

ni et al. 200le for rivere to sewastrial effluenea, Phapham

factory wiver. The ex(STP) at to cope wit

13). The muhods are b

mental studiemonitoring (Acommon muds used are cysis/principawhich havecomponent

ons in wateystem (Andr

an attempt ho-chemical pl componen

ummer, monifferent ghatPhaphamau,

Pandey et al.

in semi-hum12). Humetermining twater throu

discharges, ud soils and la

ration of rivmonitoring

he producti04). The mar pollution

age discharnts mainly fromau area a

which direcxisting SewaGaughat a

th the situatiultidimensionecoming ve

es dealing wAdebola et ultidimensioncluster analyal compone been used s/sources th

er quality arade, 2008).

has been maarameters wnt analysis

nsoon & wints of Allahab, Daraganj

/Vol. V [2] 20

mid man the

ugh use and

ver of ion

ajor in

rge, om and ctly age and ion nal ery

with al. nal

ysis ent to

hat and

ade with

in nter bad









014 /28 – 34 


aterials and

scription of

ahabad is loce of Uttar 45°N 81.84°ia where tw

mely Ganga ustrial effluustrial efflu

wage/wastes her with pance increasinds of pollutals in the 09).

1: Map of Uand an showing s

mple Collect

e water sams viz: Shrin

d Sangam fing three se

d winter for te pH and mated at thlection of


the Study A

cated in the Pradesh, a

°E, it is an olwo big riveand Yamun

uents have uents as are dispos

artial or no ng concent

utants includriverine wa

Uttar Pradesh senlarged vie

study sites.


mples were cngverpur, Phfor physicoeasons viz: the year 201dissolved ohe spot immthe sampl


southern paat 25°27′N ld and uniquers of the na carrying a confluenwell as d

sed in thesepre-treatm

tration of dding that oater (Gupta

showing Allahw of Allaha

collected frohaphamau, Do-chemical

summer, m13-2014. Paroxygen (DOmediately ales whereas


art of the 81°50′E

ue city in country various

ce. The domestic e rivers

ment and different f heavy

a et al.,

habad city abad city

om four Daraganj analysis

monsoon rameters O) were after the s water

Page 3: An Assessment of Water Quality of River Ganga at Allahabad

analysis done in th


The walaboratoranalysis samples dichromaindicatorwith sphenolphindicatorwith EDTdye as method),(Nepheloargentomchromate


Principalpowerfulto explaiintercorreindependIn this stwere execomponecontributsignificanvarimax and Kazaccordingaccount (eigenvalThe ratioshould a

relating to ohe laborator

cal Methods

ater samplery in ice bo

of BOD at 250C for ate reflux r), Alkalinitstandard hthalein anr) , HardnesTA solution

indicator), , EC (Condometer) andmetric mete as indicator

al Analysis

l componenl pattern recin the variaelated variab

dent variabletudy, PCA oecuted to exents (PCs) ation of nce; these rotation ge

zama, 2007g to the crite

for varialue-one criteonale for thaccount for

other chemicry.


s were broxes and su

(by incub5 days in dmethod us

ty (estimatesulphuric nd methylss (estimate

n using ErichTDS (by

ductivity med Chloride thod usingr).

nt analysis ognition too

ance of a lables with a

es (Simeonowof the normaxtract signifand to furthvariables PCs were

nerating fac7). PCs weerion that onance greateerion) shoulhis is that a

more varia

Pandey et al.

cal factors w

rought to tubjected to tbating dilut

dark), COD (ing a ferro

ed by titratiacid usi

orange ed by titratihrome black

y Evaporatieter), Turbid

(by Mohg Potassiu

(PCA) is ol that attemarge dataset

smaller set w et al., 200alized variabficant principher reduce t

with minsubjected

ctors (Shrestere de- finnly factors ther than old be includany componance than a

/Vol. V [2] 20


the the ted (by oin ion ing as

ion k-T ion

dity hr’s um

a mpts

of of

07). bles pal the nor

to tha ned hat one

ded. ent any



Theof tAlla1. A8.58PhawhePhaSanat Pharespmaxat P12.9sumand175Pha120at SfounturbrespNTUduriTabposiDOwithsingas wdecral.,

014 /28 – 34 

gle variable ce (Andrade

sults and Di

e results of ththe samples ahabad durinAccording to8 in summeraphamau &ereas EC haphamau &ngam. DO sh

Sangam aphamau durpectively whximum 9.7 mPhaphamau G9 mg/l res

mmer & wintd chloride ha5.3 mg/l anaphamau Gh0 mg/l, 92.3 Sangam durind respecbidity and Tpectively at PU & 238 ming monsoon

ble 2 showsitive correla whereas Dh all paramegle useful powith rise in reases the D2003).

in the stane, 2008).


he physico-ccollected a

ng study peo table 1, pr & minimu Daraganj

have maxim& minimumhown maxim

& minimuring winter hereas BODmg/l & 22.6Ghat while mspectively ater season reave found mnd 30.9 mhat whereas

mg/l, and 1ing monsoonctively whTDS as 28.2Phaphamau mg/l at Sann & winter s that pH eation with al

DO showed neters, thus itollution inde

the value oDO concentr

ndardized te

chemical parat different griod shown

pH found mum 8.12 in w

ghats respmum 541 µSm 184 µSmum value 9um 6.92 m& summer

D and COD 6 mg/l respminimum 5.4at Sangam espectively. maximum 28

mg/l respectifound mini

13 mg/l respn & winter hereas M2 NTU & 3while minim

ngam and Dseason respe

exhibited sigll parameternegative cort can be servex of water of these parration (Kha


est score

rameters ghats of in table

maximum winter at pectively S/cm at

S/cm at 9.2 mg/l mg/l at seasons

found pectively 4mg/l &

during TA, TH

87 mg/l, ively at mum as

pectively seasons

Maximum 10 mg/l

mum 7.3 Daraganj ectively. gnificant s except rrelation ved as a quality,

rameters iwal et

Page 4: An Assessment of Water Quality of River Ganga at Allahabad

Table 3 Principalvalues, ppercent oThe figuvalue foPrincipalvalue >1the most






representel Componepercent of of variance

ure shows thor each col Component. Eigen valusignificant c


rpur SumMonWin

mau SumMonWin

nj SumMonWin

m SumMonWin

d the detent (PC) avariance ancontributed

he Scree ploomponent int were obtain

ues accounts component w

nth pH

mmer 8.48nsoon 8.22nter 8.15

mmer 8.58nsoon 8.42nter 8.20

mmer 8.42 nsoon 8.32nter 8.12

mmer 8.38nsoon 8.27nter 8.22

Pandey et al.

ermined initand its Eignd cumulatd in each Pot of the Eign which twned with Eigthat first PC


EC DO8 370 7.12 361 7.85 433 8.18 541 6.92 527 7.20 448 7.9

285 7.22 269 7.92 410 8.58 184 7.47 166 8.32 375 9.2

/Vol. V [2] 20

tial gen ive PC. gen wo gen C is

reprwat% baccowaspH,andcon

PHYSICOO BOD 10 9.40 83 9.18 15 5.90 92 9.70 25 9.46 90 6.20 20 9.00 96 8.84 50 5.40 40 8.90 39 8.63 20 5.40

014 /28 – 34 


resents moreter quality oby PC 1. Taounting for s positive co EC, TA, T

d Turbidity ntribution to t

O-CHEMICALCOD TA21.2 16919.3 17418.5 14022.6 24819.5 28718.9 142

16.30 15015.7 16313.8 13415.6 14614.3 16012.9 120

Fig. 2: Assessm

e than 90%f the river G

able 4 depict91.92 % o

orrelated witTH ,TDS, BO

whereas Dthis variance


167.8 2135.60 1

162 2175.3 3140.6 1126 2

132.2 2116 1

120.4 1128 292.3 1

ment of water q

% of the varGanges. Totted that thef the total vth all paramOD ,COD, CDO show ne.

ERS Cl Turbid5.2 13.307.8 25.55.0 8.906.7 15.120.9 28.205.8 10.023.2 11.905.8 19.65.1 8.208.2 9.801.4 12.303.0 7.30



iance in al 91.92 first PC variance

meters as Chloride negative

Table 1

dity TDS 0 273 290.6

0 249 2 289 0 310 2 250.3 0 270 300

0 238 0 270 0 290.5

0 250

Page 5: An Assessment of Water Quality of River Ganga at Allahabad

Parameter pH EC DO


Chloride Turbidity

T.D.S a. This matrix


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 Extraction M

Extraction Mea. 1 compone


The PCtechnique

pH E1.000 0.934 1-0.935 -10.970 00.602 00.989 00.668 00.918 00.812 00.995 0

is not positive d


Method: Princip





COethod: Principants extracted


CA is powee that attemp


.000 1.000 1.00.993 -0.99.848 -0.84.976 -0.97.890 -0.88.999 -0.99.967 -0.96.966 -0.96


Total 9.192 0.808


pal Component

ride C O D idity A .S.


OD al Component

erful patterpts to explai

Pandey et al.


0 93 1.000 45 0.778 77 0.995 88 0.829 99 0.987 66 0.930 67 0.990

6 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 t Analysis


rn recognitiin the varian

/Vol. V [2] 20

rrelation MatriCOD

1.000 0.712 0.996 0.869 0.955 0.681

Initial % of


ion nce

of awithPrin

014 /28 – 34 



1.000 0.769 10.966 00.888 00.999 0

Eigen valuesf Variance 91.924 8.076 162E-15 544E-15 812E-15 243E-16 368E-16 395E-15 450E-15 804E-15


a large datash a smallerncipal Comp



.909 1.000

.977 0.977

.741 0.954

Table 3: T

ent Matrixa Component

1 1.000 1.000 -1.000 0.989 0.973 0.970 0.958 0.924 0.902 0.862

set of inter r set of indponent (Mish


0 7 1.000 4 0.868



Total variance

correlated vdependent vhra, 2010)


y T.D.S


Table 2

e %

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Table 4

variables variables

Page 6: An Assessment of Water Quality of River Ganga at Allahabad


Mishra, quanGan2


Gupta, APM

Khalil, B“SanMEN

Zhang, BT“HWWPR2



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