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NIM. TE. 161797










Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain an S.Pd Degree

(S.1) in English Education


TE. 161797









Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi 36363 Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website : www.iainjambi.ac.id





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Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree

that the thesis by:

Name : Rahimah Z

NIM : TE 161797

Department : English Education Program

Title : An Analysis of Peer Feedback Toward the Students Writing Skill

at MAS Bustanul Ulum

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements

for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for an immediate process of final


Jambi, 14 November 2020

Advisor I

Dr.Hj.Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag

NIP. 197007111994032003




Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi 36363 Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website : www.iainjambi.ac.id


Case: Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training The State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction,

we agree that the thesis by:

Name : Rahimah Z

NIM : TE 161797

Department : English Education Program

Title : An Analysis of Peer Feedback Toward the

Students Writing Skill at MAS Bustanul Ulum

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements for

the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of Education

and Teacher Training, The State Institute for Islamic Studies Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for an immediate process of final


Jambi, 15 November 2020

Advisor II

Desty Angraini, M. Pd





Form code Date Valid Revision








Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi 36363 Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website : www.iainjambi.ac.id



The Thesis entitled “An Analysis Of Peer Feedback Towards The Students

Writing Skill at MAS Bustanul Ulum” has been thesis defense by Education and

Teacher Training Faculty (FTK) UIN STS Jambi on :

Day : Friday

Date : 20 November 2020

Time : 08.00-09.00 WIB

Name : Rahimah Z

Place : Online (Aplikasi Zoom)

Student’s Number : TE.161797

Title : “An Analysis of Peer Feedback Toward The

Students Writing Skill At MAS Bustanul Ulum”

Has been improved as the result of thesis defense above and has been

accepted as part of the thesis endorsement requirements.


Education and Teacher Training Faculty the state of Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi



No Name Signature Date


Ayuliamita Abadi, M.Pd

NIP. 198602202015032004 (Chair)

November 23rd

, 2020


Reni Andriani, M.Pd

NIDN. 2026059001

(Secretary) .

November 23rd

, 2020


Shynta Amalia, M.Pd

NIP. 198906232015032006

(Examiner I)

November 24rd

, 2020


Drs. Habibuddin Ritonga, MA

NIP. 195906121987031003

(Examiner II)

November 24rd

, 2020


Dr. Hj.Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag

NIP. 197007111994032003

(Advisor I)

November 23rd

, 2020


Desty Angraini, M.Pd


(Advisor II)

November 24rd

, 2020




In the name of ALLAH SWT the most gracious and the most merciful,

who has given researcher mercy and blessing, health and ability to finish this


I would like to express my deepest gratefulness to the people who never

give up on me. My beloved parents, my father Zainuddin and my mother

Rahmah. I thank them for the prayer, support and always give me everlasting

love so that I can finish this step; to my both brother Taufik, S.Ud and

Hidayatullah, S.Pd for reminding and support always gives to me.

My sincere appreciation goes to my thesis advisor, Dr. Hj. Dewi

Hasanah, M.Ag as my first advisor and Desty Angraini, M.Pd as my second

advisor, for them patience, advice, valuable time and guidance to help me

finish this thesis.

My special thanks to my cousin Muhammad Junaidi, S.Ag., MSi for

helping me during finish this thesis, also special appreciation goes to Tahang,

S.Ag who gave me permission to conduct research in MAS Bustanul Ulum and

I thank to all Students of second grade MAS Bustanul Ulum for taking part

in my research.

My deepest gratefulness is delivered to all my best friends in

DEMISIONER 7, thanks for being great best friends. And all my closest

friends Neneng, Aik, Halim, Fahrizal, Matul, Lili and Sri Lestari always

reminding me with all of the silly ways and never ending prayer, I thank God

for sending them in my life.

My best regards are also delivered to my friends in class B 2016 for 4

years being great friends and partners.



لا يكلفا ٱللا سانفا إلا وسعها…Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity…



Alhamdulillah, Firstly, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful,

the lord of universe. Because of His blessings, the researcher could finish this

thesis as one of the requirement for S1 degree in English Education Program of

Education and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our

prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.

The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed

without the help, advice and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this

opportunity the researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude to following

parties for their contribution:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi Asy’ari, MA., Ph.D Rector of the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadlilah, M. Pd. as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


3. Wahyuni Fitria., M.Pd as the chief of English Education Programme.

4. Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag as my first advisor and Desty Angraini, M.

Pd as my second advisor.

5. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State

Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

It is expected that this thesis will give contribution to the Students of English

Education Programme that will be English teacher in the future. Then, the

researcher realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect. For that reason, the

researcher hope constructive critics and suggestion from readers for the perfection

of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing to us. Amin Ya

Rabbal Alamin.

Jambi, 13 November 2020



TE. 161797



Name : Rahimah Z

Study Program : English Education Program

Title : An Analysis of Peer Feedback Towards

the Students Writing Skill at MAS Bustanul Ulum

The purpose of this research is to reveal the types of peer feedback. This

research was a qualitative study. It used document analysis as a method to answer

the research question. The participants of this research were twenty-one students.

The data were obtained through documents, observation and interview. The data

then were analyzed through three steps, namely familiarizing and organizing,

coding and reducing and interpreting and organizing. The researcher found that

the students used two types of feedback, namely direct feedback and indirect

feedback. The students used direct feedback because they were sure about the

correct answer. In addition, the students also used indirect feedback because they

were not sure about the correct answer. Most of the students did the peer

feedback process seriously. All of the students revised their writing product after

receiving peer feedback. Error correction was mostly used by the students.

Keyword: Peer feedback, types of feedback.



Name : Rahimah Z

Study Program : English Education Program

Title : Analisis Umpan Balik Teman Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis

Siswa at MAS Bustanul Ulum

Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui jenis umpan balik teman

yang digunakan siswa kelas XI MAS Bustanul Ulum. Penelitian ini merupakan

penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan document analysis sebagai

metode dalam penelitian ini untuk menjawab kedua rumusan masalah. Terdapat

dua puluh satu siswa yang menjadi peserta dalam penelitian ini. Peneliti

menggunakan tiga buah instrumen yaitu dokumen, observasi dan wawancara.

Kemudian datanya dianalisis melalui tiga tahapan yaitu familiriazing dan

organizing, coding dan reducing¸ dan yang terakhir adalah interpreting dan

representing. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa fokus pada dua

tipe dari peer feedback yaitu direct feedback dan indirect feedback. Para siswa

menggunakan direct feedback karena mereka yakin terhadap jawaban mereka

sedangkan siswa yang menggunakan indirect feedback karena mereka tidak yakin

terhadap jawaban mereka sendiri. Mereka merevisi hasil tulisan mereka sesuai

dengan feedback yang diterima dari teman mereka. Penggunaan peer feedback

didalam kelas Bahasa Inggris dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk mengatasi

kesulitan para siswa nya.

Kata Kunci: Peer feedback, types of feedback.




OFFICIAL NOTE .................................................................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ..................................................................... v

DEDICATION .......................................................................................................... vi

MOTTO .................................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. ix

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................ x

TABLE CONTENT ................................................................................................. xi

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ......................................................................................... xiv


A. Background Of The Research. ....................................................................... 1

B. Limitation Of Problem. .................................................................................. 3

C. Formulation Of The Research. ....................................................................... 3

D. Purpose Of the Research. ............................................................................... 3

E. Significance Of The Research. ....................................................................... 3


A. Writing. .......................................................................................................... 5

1. Definition of Writing .............................................................................. 5

2. Importance of Writing ............................................................................. 6

3. The writing process ................................................................................. 7

a. Planning ........................................................................................... 7

b. Drafting ............................................................................................ 8

c. Editing (reflecting and revising) ...................................................... 8

d. Final Version .................................................................................... 8

4. Writing Skill ............................................................................................ 9

B. Peer Feedback ................................................................................................ 9


1. Feedback.................................................................................................. 9

a. Definition ......................................................................................... 9

b. Purpose of feedback ......................................................................... 11

c. Forms of feedback ............................................................................ 11

d. Sources of feedback ......................................................................... 12

e. Types of Feedback ........................................................................... 13

2. Peer Feedback ......................................................................................... 15

a. Definitions ........................................................................................ 16

b. The benefits of Peer Feedback ......................................................... 17

c. Procedures of Using Peer Feedback ................................................. 18

3. Feedback on Peer Feedback .................................................................... 19

a. Responding ....................................................................................... 19

b. Correcting ......................................................................................... 21


A. Research Design ............................................................................................. 23

B. Setting and subjects of the Research .............................................................. 23

C. Data Source .................................................................................................... 23

D. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................................ 24

E. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................... 26


A. Finding ........................................................................................................... 27

B. Discussion ...................................................................................................... 36


A. Conclussion ................................................................................................... 39

B. Suggestion ...................................................................................................... 39





Table 1. Correction symbol ....................................................................................... 21

Table 2. Schedule of the Research ............................................................................ 26

Table 2. The findings of types feedback the students used .................................. 28



Appendix A

Observation Result ................................................................................................... 45

Appendix B

Interview Questions ................................................................................................. 46

Appendix C

Interview Result ....................................................................................................... 47

Appendix D

Students’ draft .......................................................................................................... 57

Appendix E ............................................................................................................... 74





A. Background of The Research

There are four skills in English that the students need to master,

namely speaking, listening, reading and writing. Among those skills, writing is

considered as the most difficult skill to be mastered (Richards and Renandya,

2002, p. 303). Writing is not only putting down what is in our mind into words

but also dealing with spelling, punctuation, word choice and so on. Moreover,

writing is an action related to both physical and mental action (Nunan, 2003,

p. 88). Writing as the physical act is an activity to transfer the words and

knowledge into some medium. Writing as mental action focuses on one idea

that needs to be developed into a readable text.

The process of transferring the idea and organizing the idea into

readable text is very complex. Richard and Renandya (2002) state that the

writer is not only generating and organizing idea, but also making a legible

writing product (p. 303). Writing makes the students experience some

processes that lead them to experience errors and correct the errors. According

to Seow (2002), there are seven steps that the students need to pay attention

to the writing process, namely planning or prewriting, drafting, responding,

revising, editing, evaluating and post-writing.

The first step is planning or prewriting. In this step, the students need

to think about and find the topic as well as to start to generate the idea. The

second step is drafting in which the students elaborate the topic and idea they

have chosen. The third step is responding. In this step, the students have to

finish their first draft before revising it. There are two possibilities in the

responding step. The responses may come from the teacher or the responses

may come from the peers. The fourth step is revising in which the students

make revision after receiving the responses. The fifth step is editing in which

the students organize their text as the preparation for final check by the

evaluator. The sixth step is the evaluating that is usually done by the teachers.



The seventh step is post-writing in which the students rewrite their writing.

However, the students can also do the evaluation after they are already taught

how to do it. The last step is post-writing in which the students and the

teachers have the complete text. The last step consists of publishing, sharing,

reading aloud, and transforming the text and so on.

Based on the previous explanation, it shows that in the writing process

there should be a revision. The aim of this step is to make students’ writing

composition better. In the revision steps, the students need the feedback from

the teacher or peers. Feedback is usually given by the teachers. However,

according to Lewis, teachers usually take much time to give the feedback for

the students (as cited in Roomah, 2010). Feedback can be obtained from the

students, called peer feedback. Therefore, the teachers can implement the peer

feedback in writing. The use of peer feedback in writing is to help the students

to make a better text. According to Paulus (1999), the use of peer feedback

can influence the students’ text. Moreover, Bartels (2013) states that the use of

peer feedback in writing provides the students more time to ask for

clarification and question. Furthermore, Mendonca and Johnson find that the

students use their peers’ feedback in more than half of their revisions (as cited

in Hyland & Hyland, 2006).

There are some studies that focus on peer feedback in writing. One of

them was done by Rohmah (2010) who investigated students’ perceptions on

peer feedback in a writing class. The results of this study showed that the

students gave positive perception on peer feedback. Moreover, Cahyani (2014)

used peer feedback to improve students’ writing skill in descriptive text and

the results showed that the students improved their writing skill in descriptive

text. Furthermore, there was also a study in China by Liu and Chai (2006).

The research was about the attitude toward peer review and reaction to peer

feedback in a Chinese EFL writing class. The results of this research showed

that most of the students were serious in doing peer feedback and revised all

the errors from the peer feedback.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in

conducting a qualitative research entitled An Analysis of Peer Feedback

Toward The Students’ Writing Skill.

B. Limitation Of Problem

Important to make the limitation of the problem, to avoid

misunderstanding and to clarify the problem. Almost of student’s writing

product, it could be a sentence, paragraph, essay, etc. In this research, the

researcher focus on written peer feedback in paragraph only. So peer

feedback toward the students’ writing skill will be discussed.

C. Formulation Of The Research

Based on the limitation of the problem, the researcher would like to

know what types of feedback used by the students in writing class at second


D. Purpose Of The Research

The purpose of this research is to know: Types of feedback are used

by the students in writing class at second grade of MAS BUSTANUL


E. Significance Of The Research

The results of this research are expected to give significance for

English teachers and future researcher who are interested in the same topic.

1. English Teachers

This research is expected to help the teachers to overcome the

obstacles that occur in writing class and also to develop students’ writing

skill. It is expected that after this research, the teacher can use the peer

feedback as one of the teaching techniques in teaching writing to decrease

boredom in the classroom.

2. Future Research

This research can be one of the sources for the future researcher

who are concerned about writing and peer feedback. The researcher expect

that this research can become a reference for other reserachers to develop

this research from other perspectives.

3. For students

It is hoped that this research can give more information to students

about peer feedback.

4. For Researcher

This research help the researcher to expand and improve the

knowledge about peer feedback. The researcher will know types of peer





A. Writing

1. Defenition of Writing

Writing can be defined in various ways. There are some definitions of

writing proposed by experts. Sokolik in Nunan (2015, p.78) suggests that

writing is a manual to paper or a computer screen by manipulating a pencil,

pen, or keys on a keyboard to express the ideas in order to create a piece of

written work (essay, recipe, report, etc.). While Patel and Jain (2008, p.125)

define writing is a skill which must be taught and practised. Writing is

essential features of learning a language because it provides a very good

means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling, and sentence pattern. In addition,

Pachler (2003, p.50) says writing is at the heart of the process of integrating

language skills. Writing is the means by which learners record ideas, take

notes, etc. It is also the means by which language structures are devised and

practised. Often, comprehension is demonstrated by learners through writing


According to Williams (2003, p.75), writing is taught, practiced, and

reinforced throughout the entire undergraduate curriculum. He also says that

writing is a complex sociocognitive process involving the construction of

recorded messages on paper or on some other material, and, more recently,

on a computer screen.

Bell and Burnaby in Nunan (1989, p.36) point out that writing is an

extremely complex cognitive activity in which the writer is required to

demonstrated control of a number of variable simultaneously. At the

sentence level these include control of content, format, sentence structure,

vocabulary, punctuation, spelling and letter formation. Beyond the sentence,

the writer must be able to structure and integrate information into cohesive

and coherent paragraphs and texts.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that writing is a

complex sociocognitive activity to express the ideas and thoughts doing on

paper or other material, computer by pencil or keyboard that product the

written result. Writing skill is a complex skill must be taught and practised

which the writer uses certain convention of variables of linguistic aspects

(content, punctuation, sentence structure, vocabulary, etc.) to express idea

and thoughts in written symbols until become a coherent and cohesive

paragraph so that the readers can understand.

2. Importance of Writing

Writing is one of important skills which have to be mastered by the

students because writing can help them to think critically and deeply to build

a good writing. Writing also necessary component of education, livelihood,

and functional basics in our society. By learning writing, the students will

get knowledge how to write effectively, how to express ideas, how to share

their thoughts with anynone else through writing. Harmer (2004, p.31-33)

states that there are some the importance of learning writing. Those can be

seen in the following points:

a. Writing is often not time-bound in the way conversation is. It means

that in writing activities the students have longer time to think rather

than in speaking activities. Thus, the students can choose the

appropriate word that will be used to express their ideas. They can

also have longer time to check their grammar patterns.

b. Writing encourage students to focus on accurate language use because

they think as they write. It may provoke well development as they

resolve problems which writing puts in their mind.

c. Writing has always been used as a means of reinforcing language that

has been taught. Teacher uses writing skill to make a note about

recently learnt grammar in learning process.

d. Writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other activities, in

particular when students write sentences. The students are given the

time to think the ideas and asked to write sentence.

e. Writing can also be used as an integral part of a larger activity where

the focus is on something else such as language practice, acting out,

or speaking. The teacher asks students to write short dialogues which

they will act out.

f. Writing is also used in questionnaire-type activities. Students may be

asked to design a questionnaire by asking questions to their friends.

g. Writing is also used to help students perform a different kind of activity

(in this case speaking and listening). Students need to be able to write to

do these activities.

3. The writing process

Writing process is the act of gathering ideas and working with students

until they are presented in a manner that is polished and comprehensible to

readers. Harmer (2004, p.4) defined the writing process into four stages,

namely; planning, drafting, edditing (reflecting and revising) and final


a. Planning

Planning is an act of developing ideas systematic process. As the

first stage of writing process, the writers are required to formulate their

ideas into a shope. They need to discover several subjects and find the

ways of how to write them. Harmer (2004, p.4) offered three main

issues in planning the writing. In the first place, he suggest the writers

consider the purpose of the writing because it influences several things

such as types of text, language, and information that include in their

writing. Secondly, the writers need to think about the audience since it

influences several the writing shape and the language choice whether it

is formal or informal. Thirdly, the writers have to consider the content

structure on the text. They also need to find out how to sequence the

text, ideas or arguments that they have decided to include in their


b. Drafting

Drafting is a process of producting a technical drawing. Harmer

(2004, p.5) said that it refers to the first version of a piece of writing

that will be amanded later. In this stage the writers write their ideas as

what they have planned into the first piece of writing, considering the

purpose, audience and the content structure before turning into the

editng process.

c. Editing (reflecitng and revising)

Editing is the most important stage in the writng process. In this

stage, the writers can improve their writing progress through reflecting

and revising their draft by receiving feedback both froom the teacher

and their peer. The first draft will be reviewed to find the mistakes and

errors in it. Thus, it can be rewritten into a correct form.

d. Final Version

Final version is the last stage in writing process where the writers

have finished their plan and draft; composing their ideas into the final

writing. This work may look different from both the original plan and

the first draft because it has been corrected in the editing process.

4. Writing Skill

According to Hughey (1983, p.33), besides speaking, writing is seen as

the medium to convey message. The perceive writing as a means to learn

about the writers themselves and world around them, as important as means

to express themselves.

As media of delivering messages, writing has some functions (Hughey

et. al, 1983, P.33-38). The first function is writing as a means of

communication through which people can express their feelings, ideas,

plans, recommendations, values, and commitments. The second function is

writing as an aid for critical thinking and problem solving. Writing as seen

as a means to filter and process the perceptions of surroundings. People can

describe themselves and their problems.

Writing is also a self-actualization (Hughey et. al, 1983, p.33-38).

Writing help people to find out and build up themselves, that is help them

to understand their individual potential and to reach personal goals. The last

function of writing is to help the people to control the personal environment

(Hughey et. al, 1983, p.33-38). It means writing is an instrument for

continued existence in the real world. Through writing, people not only can

convey message but they can also speak from distance.

Comparing with speaking skill, Harmer (2004, p.3) states that

although almost people use speaking skill as their primary language,

writing has to be taught. Spoken language is acquired naturally, whereas

writing skill has to be learned consciously. He also adds that literacy,

ability to read and write, is needed by all population. In the context of

education, in most exams, tests of foreign language abilities often rely on

students‟ proficiency in order to measure their knowledge.

Based the theories above, it can be concluded that writing is very

important. It cannot be separated from human being. Through writing, the

writer can communicate his/her ideas to the others. Writing helps people to

find out and build up themselves. It helps them to understand their

individual potential and to reach personal goals.

B. Peer Feedback


a. Definition

Feedback is a key element in language learning which can promote

minimal or deep learning. Hattie and Timperely (2007) state that feedback is

"information provided by an agent regarding some aspects of one's task

performance". (p.81). Narciss (2008) also defines feedback as "all post-

response information that is provided to a learner to inform the learner on his

or her actual state of learning or performance". (p.127). What is clear from

these definitions is that feedback is designed to provide an understanding of

performance through offering guidance on the knowledge that they possess.

One of the factors which seem to be of great importance in dealing with

feedback is that it helps students to reconstruct their knowledge or skill to

what isdesired.

According Susan MB (2008, P.1) Feedback is an important

component of the formative assessment process. Formative assessment gives

information to teachers and students about how students are doing relative to

classroom learning goals.

According to Ken H (2006, P.83-110) Feedback is widely seen as

crucial for encouraging consolidating learning, and this significance has also

been recognised by those working in the field of second language (L2)

writing. Its importance is acknowledged in process-based classrooms, where

it forms a key element of the students growing control over composing skills,

and by genre-oriented teachers employing scaffolded learning techniques.

According to Kepner (1991, p.141) defines feedback in general as

any procedure used to infrom a learner whether an instructional response is

right or wrong. Hyland K and Hyland F (2006, p.83) states that feedback is

the process of responding students work which has long been regarded as

core of the development of second and foreign language skill, both for its

potential for comes in various linguistics forms, maybe in question,

statement, imperatives, or exclamations and comments can be softened

through the use of variety of hedging devices.

So feedback is letting a person known how well they are doing in

relation to a given goal. It will respond to what they have done but also

indicate what they might do in the future. Marks and grades provide some

from of feedback but students need more than this. Students also need

compliment, critic, advise, and suggestion to improve their language skills

increase student confidence in learning language.

b. Purpose of feedback

According to Lewis (2002, p.3-4), as cited in Muspiroh (2017)

feedback has several purposes when given in the language classes.

1.) Feedback provides information for teacher and students. Through

feedback, teacher can get information about individuals and

collective class progress and, indirectly, is a form of evaluation on

their own teaching.

2.) Feedback provides students with advise about learning teacher can

provide students with more than simply description of their

language use. Comments can also be made on the students learning


3.) Feedback provides students with language input the teacher’s

words both in their form and purpose, illustrate how language is

used in one to one communication.

4.) Feedback is a form of motivation feedback can be more motivating

than marks or grades. It can encourage students to study and to use

language to the best of their ability by taking onto account

whatever the teacher knows about the learners attitudes. As

teacher, find out more about their students, the encouragement can

take personal circum tances into account.

c. Forms of feedback

According to Cohen (1990, p.109) as cited in Muspiroh (2017)

purposes two forms of feedback. Those are:

1) Oral feedback

Oral feedback, also known as oral conference, refers to personal

consultation between teacher and students during the evaluation of

composition. The major problem in conducting this feedback is

that the teacher needs to have sufficient time.

2) Written feedback

In written feedback, comments, correction and/or marks are given

to students written work draft. The marks may be on words or

quick symbols such as underlining, circles, and other signs. The

teacher should provide the specific comments on students errors

with suggestion about how to improve as well as with the

comments of positive aspect of the work.

d. Sources of feedback

Written that there are three sources of feedback, namely, teacher

feedback, peer feedback and self evaluation, which is equivalent with self-

directed feedback Lewis (2002, p.15-23).

1). Teacher feedback

Teacher has been the main source of feedback both an oral or

written language in many calsses Berzsenyi (2001) as cited in

Muspiroh (2017) states that teacher can give feedback in the

form of question to ask for clarification or suggest expantion.

Besides, teacher may give remarks which reveal understanding

towards students composition, identify mechanical problem in a

specific sentence and/or give praise when students are working

well in their writing.

2). Peer feedback

Peer feedback is a technique to give information of suggestion,

comments, and errors correction derived from one-to-one

consultation between student and student Rina (2007) ass cited

in Muspiroh (2017). Peer feedback can reflect cooperative

learning as it requires interaction between one students to other

student. Liu and Hansen (2005, p.31) define peer feedback as

the use of learner or peer as sources of information and

interactions for one another in such a way that the learner

themselves take roles or responsibilities which are normally

taken and done by teacher or trained tutors in commenting or

criticzing their own writings or drafts in their process of writing.

3). Self – evaluation (self-directed feedback)

In self evaluation, the students can correct and evaluate their

own works. It may increase students independence ass they are

supposed to find their own mistakes.

e. Types of Feedback

According to Ellis (2008), there are six types of feedback. They are

direct corrective feedback, indirect corrective feedback, metalinguistic

feedback, focused and unfocused feedback, electronic feedback and


1. Direct Corrective Feedback

Direct corrective feedback focuses on correcting the form. This

type of feedback requires the students to improve students’ awareness in

grammatical structures. For example:

Bought a

My friend^buy a new camera from^store yesterday. The price

spent the

is so expensive, she spend ten millions for^camera.

2. Indirect Corrective Feedback

This type of feedback focuses on the error without correcting. The

aim of this feedback is to raise students’ linguistic awareness. For example:

My friend buy a new X camera from X store yesterday. The price is

so expensive, she spend ten millions for camera.

X: missing word

underline : wrong word

3. Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback

Metalinguistic corrective feedback emphasizes the error nature.

There are two ways to deliver metalinguistic corrective feedback; using

error code and brief grammatical descriptions. The use of error code

provides the abbreviated alphabet as a code in correcting the error. The brief

grammatical descriptions provide both code and explanation of the error.

For example:

WW art. art.

My friend buy new camera from store yesterday.

The price is WW art.

so expensive, she spend ten millions for camera.

In this this type of feedback, the writer can use some abbreviations to mark

some errors. That example shows the use of some abbreviation such as WW

stands for wrong word and art stands for article.

4. Focused and Unfocused Corrective Feedback

This type allows the corrector to choose whether to correct all

aspects of the writing or focus on one scope. If the corrector only

wants to focus on one scope to be corrected, it shows the use of

focused corrective feedback. On the other hand, when the corrector

wants to correct more than one aspects of the writing to be corrected, it

shows unfocused corrective feedback. For example:

Last year, I go to Bali. I spend a week there. I visit many

places such as Tanah Lot, Kuta, and Sukowati Market.

The example showed the focus of feedback is the use of past

tense in a sentence. This type of feedback only focuses on one aspect.

Therefore, the previous example shows that the corrector only focuses

on the tense.

5. Electronic Feedback

Today‟s technology provides softwares to support students in

their writing. According to Milton (2006), one of the softwares is

called Mark My Word (as cited in Ellis, 2008). The software provides

the opportunities for the correctors to add some notes and advice on

the error.

6. Reformulation

This type of feedback provides students an ample chance to

make their own choice whether they want to change the errors or not,

but the corrector provides the source of the errors. For example:

Original version : She need to sleep, because she was sick.

Reformulation : She needs to sleep, because she is sick.

needs is

Error correction : She need to sleep, because she was sick.

2. Peer Feedback

a. Definitions

In this modern era, the teaching learning process requires the

students to become the main character of the activity to distinguish it with

the way of teacher-centre approach and makes peer feedback becomes

more popoular (Sultana,2009, p.11) Lin and Chien (2009,p.80) further

supported that students-centered and self-determining concepts in the

modern and democratic pedagogy bring about peer feedback as a technique

which gives the students freedom and independent. Its activity also brings

the students to gain occasions to read different formats of thinking and

arguing to activate their self-evaluation through reading their peer articles.

Peer feedback can be defined as a communication process through

which learners enter into dialogues related to performance and standards

(Lui & Carless, 2006, p. 280). It is referred to under different names such as

peer response, peer review, peer editing, and peer evaluation, can be

defined as "use of learners as sources of information and interaction for

each other is such a way that learners assume roles and responsibilities

normally taken on by a formally trained teacher, tutor, or editor in

commenting on and critiquing each other's drafts in both written and oral

formats in the process of writing" (Liu and Hansen,2002, p.1).

Peer feedback also refers to an interactive process of reading and

commenting on a classmate‟s writing (Oshima and Hogue; 2007, p.194). In

this technique, the student pairs critically review and provide editorial

feedback on each other‟s writing.

Peer feedback is refered to by many names, for example, peer

response, peer editing, peer critiquing, and peer evaluating. Each name

connotes a particular slant to the feedback, mainly in terms of where along

the continuum this feedback is given, and the focus of the feedback.

Applying peer feedback or giving feedback enable the students to

experience their weakness and similar problem in their own writing (Grabe

& Kaplan,1996). It makes the students feel less intimidated by correcting

each other’s work (British Council,2011). As the main factors in learning

and teaching process (Brown, 1994,p.95; Gips,1994,p.124) feedback from

peer also motivates the learners to write from audience, trains them to

assess their own writing and creates it with better quality and higher

accuracy (Polio,2001, cited in Tsai and Lin,2012,p.206). it also provides

the sense of confidence for the learners by the high level potential of

responds and interactions among classmates by way of a collaborative and

friendly dialogue in which set the two-way feedback up and negotiate the

thinking beetween two-sides (Rollinson,2005,p.25).

Based on explanation above, peer feedback is a technique in giving

of suggestion, comments, and errors correction derived from one-to-one

consultation between student and student. The students them selves take

roles which are normally done by teachers in commenting or criticizing

their own writings in the teaching and learning writing.

b. The benefits of Peer Feedback

Peer feedback has been advocated in several studies for a number

of benefits as follow :

1) Hyland (2000) as cited in Muspiroh (2017) mentions that peer

feedback encourages student to participate in the classroom

activity and make them less passivcly teacher-dependent.

2) Yarrow and Topping (2001: p.262) as cited in Muspiroh (2017)

claim that peer feedback plays a pivotal role in increased

engangement and time spent on-task, immediacy and

invidualization of help, goal specification, explaining,

prevention of information processing overload, promoting,

modeling and reinforcement.

3) Peer feedback can lead less writing apprehension and more

confidence as well as establish asocial context for writing.

4) Yang et al., (2006) as cited in Muspiroh (2017) also add that

peer feedback is beneficial indeveloping critical thinking,

learner autonomy and social interaction among students.

5) The practice of peer feedback allows students to receive more

individual comments as well as giving reviewers the opportunity

to practice and develop different language skills (Lundstorm &

Baker, 2009 as cited in Bijami M, 2013).

In line with those previous research, Ferris (2003, p.70) also

states several advantages of peer feedback asfollows.

1) Students gain confidence, perspective, and critical thinking skills

from being able to read texts by peers writing on similartasks.

2) Students get more feedback on their writing than they could from

the teacher alone.

3) Students get feedback from a more diverse audience bringing


4) Students receive feedback from non-expert readers on ways in

which their texts are unclear as to ideas andlanguage.

5) Peer review activities build a sense of classroomcommunity.

Based on the benefits above, peer feedback is helpful and useful

inteaching-learning process of writing class. It can develop students’ critical

thinking when they give critics or comment on their friends’ work. It also

can build a sense of classroom community.

c. Procedures of Using Peer Feedback

Ferris (2003, p.175) states some procedures in using peer feedback in

writing as follow:

1. The teacher should let students know from the first day that

collaborative work and sharing of writing is going to be an integral

part of the course.

2. The teacher prepares the students for peer feedback by discussing

its benefits and possible problems, showing them what to look for,

and modeling the types of responses that are most appropriate and


3. The teacher assigns set writing groups of 2 students and asks

students or ead group members’ papers and provides written

comments before any oral discussion takes place.

4. The teacher gives students peer feedback forms with questions that

are clear and specific and that require students to be specific (not

just answering “yes” or “no”) and both positive andconstructive.

5. The students consider pairing peer feedback questions with

evaluation checklists tied specifically to course grading criteria.

6. The teacher designs accountability mechanisms so that the

importance of peer feedback is modeled and students take the


7. The teacher considers alternative forms of feedback (computer-

based, self-evaluation) as needed andappropriate.

It can be concluded that, peer feedback is not a simple technique

because it has many steps. The students should follow all steps in the peer

feedback procedure when they assess their friends work with the teacher help.

3. Feedback on Peer Feedback

As a component of teaching learning process which is believe to

become the most essential part in language learning. Harmer (2007, p.147)

said that feedback mostly occurs when the students explore the writing

process on the stage of editng. He also clarifies two ways of giving

feedback, namely; responding and correcting.

a) Responding

In order to give feedback, students are required to offer respond to

each other’s works by stating comments. They are demanded to

write their ideas to respond the mistakes produced by their friends.

Victoria (2001), as cited by Harmer (2007, p.150), suggested that

the teacher need to provide students guidelines or a short list of

sentences in order to make sure that the comment given is focused,

such as “My immadiate reaction to your piece of writing are..., I

like the part...,I’m not sure about ..., the specific language errors I

have notice are...,”etc. Ellis (2009, p.99) added this activity as an

act of direct feedback. He said that by providing the correct form of

error correction, it can inform the learners about how to correct

their errors with explicit guidance. In addition, the response may be

divided into several categories, namely; sharing knowledge and

negotiation (Brown,2001), support (William & Jacobs,2004),

consultation (Hedge,2000), and appreciation (Yau, et al.,2003)

cited in Silviyanti and Yusuf (2014, p.37). The brief explanation

about each response according to Silviyanti and Yusuf (2014) is

elaborate as follow:

1. Sharing Knowledge

Sharing knowledge is a type of feedback which includes an

activity of sharing ideas doing by a student to others. It is the

feedback which provides comments in the form of agreement or

disagreement that is followed by several reasons and


2. Negotiation

Negotiation occur as a feedback in which the reviewers are

asking for the clarification of the idea provided in the writing. It

could be about the content, grammar, or organization of the text.

3. Support

Support is feedback which provides the idea of corection by

usiing the couregous language. In this feedback the students

tend to support their friends’ ideas by using some positive

words before telling them the incorrect form in their writing.

4. Consultation

In the process of composing the writng, the students also have a

chance to consult their ideas to their friends beforre finishing

their first draft. They have opportunity to ask their friends or

teachers about the content of their writing before posting it as

the final draft.

5. Appreciation

Since the students’ work are being reviewed by their friends and

teachers, appreciating their work is an essential thing to do to

help them improve their ability. This feedback provides

encouregement to the writer as a compliment of their hardwork.

b). Correcting

In the correcting process, the students are required to correct each

other’s work by marking the errror part of their friends’ work. Ellis (2009,

p.100) clarified this activity as an act of indirect feedback. He said that

the students do not receive any respond as the correct from. Yet, they only

indicate the errror by several marks and symbols. Related to that

stetement, Hendrickson (1984) divided two kinds of indirect feedback;

uncoded and coded feedback. The uncoded feedback is the feedback that

indicates errors by underlining or circling. Meanwhile, coded feedback is

the feedback that specifies the errors by providing several codes or

symbols without any comment (Rosdiana,2013, p.29). in this case,Harner

suggested some symbols which commonly used to marks errors. They are

definedas follows:

Table 2.1 : Correction symbols (taken from Harmer,2007, p.149)

Symbol Meaning Example Error

S A spelling error The answer is obvious

WO A mistake in word order I like very much it

G A grammar mistake I’m going to buy some


T Wrong verb tense I have seen him yesterday


Concord mistake (e.g the

subject and the verb


People is angry

ʎ Something has been left out He told ʎ that he was sorry

WW Wrong Word I’m interested an jazz music

{ } Somthing is not necessary He was not {too}strong


?M The meaning is unclear That is a very excited


P A punctuation mistake Do you like london

F/I Too formal or infromal Hi Mr. Franklin thank you

for your letter...

Those symbols, however, might be varied according to the teacher

who provided them. Here, we can see the example provided by Harmer

(2007, p.150).




A. Research Design

This research used descriptive qualitative approach, which one this

research was conducted to reveal types of peer feedback toward the

students writing skill. In order to get the descriptive because the research

focus on providing the description of phenomena that occur naturally.

Dinnova (2013, p.36) this design done as a procedure to identify and

describe the phenomenon based on the fact. Here, the researcher came to

the school to did the observation directly and then took the data from

observation, interview and documentation.

B. Setting and Subjects of the Research

1. Setting of the research

This research was conducted at MAS BUSTANUL ULUM. This school

is located in Tanjung Jabung Timur regency, Muara Sabak Timur

residence, Simbur Naik village. The researcher chose this school

because based on interview to the teacher the peer feedback was apply

at this school.

2. Subject of the research

The subject of this research is second grade students of MAS Bustanul

Ulum, which consist of 21 students.

C. Data Source

Data source is the subject where the data is taken from. Mason

(2002) defined data source as the subject in which the data can be

collected. In this research, the researcher gained the data from observation

and interview students’ of MAS Bustanul Ulum which consist of 5 students

of second grade MAS Bustanul Ulum. Kind of data source that is used in

this research is the primary data source. According to Kohan (2002)

primary data is the data that have been already gathered and available for

the researcher. In this research, primary data source used due to the fact

that this research will collect the data through the students using

observation and interview.

D. Technique of Data Collection

Technique of qualitative data collection is collection of data for

which data is descriptive meaning of data in the form of events categorized

or in the other forms such as photos, documents and notes field when

research is conducted. In this research used data collection technique as


1. Observation

In this method the researcher makes direct observations on the

object of research because the researcher wants to know closely at the

activities carried out. Through observation, the researcher knows about

behavior and condition in the learning process. In collecting

observation data, the data collection instrument intended by researcher

is to use field notes and take a picture that finds events in the field.

This observation had two main focuses. The first focus was the

learning process. The second was the willingness of the students to do

the peer feedback. This observation was non-participant observation

because the researcher was not involved in the activity while doing the

observation. The researcher conducted the observation twice. The first

observation was done on 16 September 2020 and the second

observation was done on 23 September 2020.

2. Interview

The interview was one of instruments that the researcher used to

collect the data in which the researcher asks questions to the research

participants (Johnson&Christensen,2012,p.198). According to

Merriam (2009, p.88), the main purposes of interviews is to capture a

special information. In this research, the researcher interviewed the

students of second grade MAS Bustanul Ulum as the participants of

this research. The results of interviews were used to gain more

information which cannot be gained through the observations and

documents from the participants. The researcher conducted the

interview in order to collect the data from students’ thoughts. This

instrument was used to gather the data or information from the

participants about their feelings and opinions. According to Rubin and

Rubin (2005), the goal of conducting interview is to know how the

interviewee feels, thinks or explores a certain thing that will be used to

answer the research questions.

The interview was done face to face between the researcher and

the students, but still have a space between the researcher and the

interviewee comply with health protocols, and limits the students.

There are five students chosen by researcher, because still in pandemic

corona situation. The researcher archiving the data using audio

recording, each students around 2-5 minutes did the interview. The

researcher conducted the interviews on 23 September 2020 in MAS

Bustanul Ulum after the students finished their teaching learning

activities. In this research, the researcher used the non-structured

interview because it was more flexible. The researcher asked the

interviewee about the peer feedback. The researcher wanted to obtain

some points from the participants. First, the researcher expected to

know students’ responses after they got feedback from their peer.

Second, the researcher wanted to know their reasons why they only

used one or two types of feedback. The interview results helped the

researcher to answer the research questions in this research.

3. Documentation

This research was a qualitative research. Therefore, written

documents can be useful to gain understanding of the phenomenon

which is investigated (Ary et al, 2002, p.25). In this research, the types

of the documents used were the students’ draft in writing descriptive


The documents became the data source to answer the research

question. The researcher used the draft to obtain the types of feedback

that the students gave in their peer’s writing product.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

This research was a qualitative research. Therefore, the researcher

had to pass three steps, namely familiarizing and organizing, coding and

reducing and interpreting and organizing (Ary, Jacob, & Sorensen, 2010,

p.481). The steps will be explained as follows.

The first step was familiarizing and organizing. The researcher

collected the data that had been gathered and tried to get more familiar

with the data. In this step, the researcher read the data many times. The

researcher organized the data from the observation, students’ draft and the

interview results. Moreover, the researcher organized the data so that the

data can be easily retrieved.

The second step was coding and reducing. It was a core step in

analyzing the qualitative data. The researcher reread the data and decided

the important part and cut the unimportant part from the data. Coding is

one of the qualitative researcher approach activities which helps the

researcher to organize the data (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003). The researcher

organized the data by dividing the types of feedback that the students used.

In order to sort the data out, the researcher used coding to name the types

of feedback. The codes were based on the types of feedback by Ellis

(2008). After the data were coded, the researcher placed all the data that

had the same code together. Furthermore, the researcher did the validation

by asking lecturer to validate the data. The lecturer was Uyun Nafiah, M.

Pd she validated the data on 13 November 2020. The lecturer were chosen

as the validator because the lecturer was an expert in writing.

The last step in analyzing the qualitative data was interpreting and

representing. In the interpreting and representing step, the researcher

interpreted the data, and then connected them with theories. In this step,

the researcher presented the findings from the data analysis. The research

used table to present the findings. Furthermore, the researcher interpreted

the findings narratively and supported by the findings from the


G. Schedule of the Research

Table 3.1


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Proposal

Arrangement √

2 Consultation

Proposal √ √ √ √ √

3 Proposal

Seminar √

4 Collecting Data

√ √

5 Research


6 Writing Thesis

7 Thesis





A. Research Findings

The researcher found out that the peer feedback process was done by

exchanging the paper. The students exchanged their writing product to

another student and started the peer feedback process. The researcher

found that most of students of MAS Bustanul Ulum has experienced peer

feedback, and researcher found that the students could follow the peer

feedback process well.

The students did the peer feedback because they wanted to help each

other to reduce their mistakes in writing. From the peer feedback, the

students could learn much from each other’s writing. They knew their

friends’ mistakes and also they learnt from others’ feedback.

As we know there are six types of feedback, according to Ellis (2008)

namely, direct feedback, indirect feedback, metalinguistic feedback,

focused feedback, electronic feedback and reformulation. Based on the

data, the students only focused on two types of feedback, namely direct

feedback and indirect feedback.

Table 4. 1 Types of Feedback the Students Used

No Feedback Type Number of


Number of


1. Direct Feedback 47 14

2. Indirect Feedback 2 1

3. Direct and Indirect


Direct: 14

Indirect: 8


Total 71 Feedbacks 21 students

Table 4.1 showed that most of the students used direct feedback while

doing the peer feedback. There was only one student who used indirect

feedback and the rest of the students used both direct and indirect feedback

in their peer’s writing product. There were 14 students who used direct

feedback, 6 students used direct and indirect feedback and one student

used indirect feedback.

1. Direct Feedback

The researcher found that most of the students used direct feedback

while doing the peer feedback. From 21 students who joined the research,

there were 14 students that used direct feedback. The researcher also

found that from all of the feedbacks that had been collected, there were 47

items of direct feedbacks from 70 feedbacks.

The students used direct feedback in order to help their peers to

correct their writing. They gave obvious corrections form to their peer

mistakes in their writing product. They understood the mistakes that their

peer had made and they wanted their peer to see and understand it. The

results were supported by the data of students’ draft.

Excerpt 4.1.1

It is my birthday present last year


Excerpt 4.1.2

Opet is a male cat that I buy in a pet shop when I go to vacation.


Excerpt 4.1.3

I use hijab everyday and I like it so much


Excerpt 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 are direct feedback. According to Ellis

(2008), direct feedback is a type of feedback that used a special symbol or

sign to mark the mistake and directly provide the correct form of the

mistake. Excerpt 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 showed that the students used a

circle to mark the mistake and gave the correct form under the sentences.

Excerpt 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and 4.1.3 showed some of direct feedbacks that

the students used while doing the peer feedback. The students used type of

feedback to help their peer directly know their mistakes and consider their

feedback. The researcher conducted an interview to know the students’

reason. From the interview the students said that:

It is the same with my friends. I also gave a special symbol to

the mistake, such us circle the mistake. I gave the correct form

according to my version.

My peer understood that she made a mistake and I gave her the

correct format so she also believes that I gave them the correct

form. As a result, she could write better.

In order to help their peers to reduce their mistake, the students used

the direct feedback. The students not only wanted to help their peers but

also made their peers believe in them that the feedback they gave was

correct. Therefore, after marking the mistake, the students directly

provided the correct from below or above the mistake.

2. Indirect Feedback

Another type of feedback that the students used while doing the

peer feedback was indirect feedback. Based on the data, the researcher

found out that there was only one student who used this type. The student

used indirect feedback in their peer’s work and there was two sentences

that the student marked.

Excerpt 4.2.1

… He likes to plays with it.

The excerpt 4.2.1 showed the use of indirect feedback. The student

used circle with slash symbol as a symbol to mark a word which was

wrong. The student did not provide the correct form of the incorrect word

that the student’s peer made. Therefore, the researcher decided that those

form is indirect feedback. In order to understand why the student only

chose indirect feedback, the researcher conducted an interview. From the

interview the student said that:

I just gave a symbol in the wrong part. I let my peer think

the correct form, the most important thing was I already

showed the wrong part. I also did it to help my peer, I

thought there were mistakes so that I gave symbol. I circled

with slash symbol the wrong part like our teacher often

gave us and let my friend found the correct form. On the

other hand, I was not really sure to my own correct version

therefore I only gave a circle with slash symbol to the part

that I thought it was wrong.

The interviewee was the only one in the classroom who used

indirect feedback while doing the peer feedback, the result of this

interview showed that the interviewee chose to use indirect feedback

because the interviewee wanted his peer to think what the correct form

was. On the other hand, the interviewee chose to use indirect feedback

because the interviewee was not sure about the correct answer. Therefore,

the interviewee only gave a sign to show the incorrect part.

3. Indirect and Direct Feedback

The researcher found out that the students only focused on two types

of feedback, namely direct and indirect feedback. Some of the students

only used direct or indirect feedback but six of them used both indirect and

direct feedback. The writer found in one writing product, there were two

types of feedback. The researcher also found out that there were more than

two feedback items in one sentence.

Excerpt 4.3.1


…Build in 1889, It has becomes both global icon of France and one of the

most recognizable structure+s

in the world.

Excerpt 4.3.2

In the left sides there is sunflowers.


Ecxcerpt 4.3.1, 4.3.2 were the types of indirect and direct feedback

types. Since the students used both direct and indirect feedback, there were

some symbol that were used such as a circle, circle with slash symbol and


Excerpt 4.3.1 showed there were a circle, a circle with slash

symbol and +s. the students used a circle with slash symbol to show

indirect feedback, a circle and +s showed direct feedback because the

students provided the correct form for the mistake.

Excerpt 4.3.2 showed the used of direct and indirect feedback in

one sentence. The student used a circle with slash symbol to show indirect

feedback and in the direct feedback, the student directly added the correct

form in the sentence.

The excerpts showed that the students used both direct and indirect

feedback. The researcher conducted their interviews to know students’

reason why they used both. The students who used both direct and indirect

feedback said:

I gave some circle to the incorrect form and it is followed

by the correct one. But if I am still doubt for the correct

answer I just circled the incorrect one. By doing so I can

help my friend to show their mistake.

The interviewee gave both direct and indirect feedback to their

peer because the interviewee wanted to help their peer realize their

mistakes. The interviewee stated that she gave indirect feedback because

she was not sure about her answer so that she let her peer consider the

correct one. On the other hand, the interviewee gave direct feedback to her

peer because she was really sure about the correct answer.

B. Discussion

As in this discussion, the researcher gathered and analyzed the data

from observation, students’ drafts and interview results. Based on the

results of the observation, the researcher saw that the students did a

correction to the seatmate, the correction was a written feedback by using

some codes they were circle also underline on the mistakes that the

students made. The codes that the students or peers used in giving written

feedback were benefits for their friend to awared their mistakes made.

When the students has aware about their writing mistakes, it would helped

them in corrected their writing it also aims to improve their knowledge and

ability. The feedback wrote top or under of the mistakes, the peer has a

special symbol in giving feedback, in order to their seatmate enjoyable and

easier understand in receiving. Also the results of students’ drafts that had

been presented previously, the researcher revealed that the peer feedback

in an English class at MAS Bustanul Ulum was done by exchanging

papers. According to Lewis (2002), there are ten ways to do the peer

feedback and one of them is exchanging paper. It was done by exchanging

their writing products with their peer. After exchanging the writing

product, the students started to do the peer feedback process in which the

students tried to find out their peer’s mistakes.

This research focus on the types of feedback that the students gave

in peer feedback activity. All of students get this experienced since their at

the first grade, and the researcher found that this class did the peer

feedback seriously.

Furthermore, based on the findings, the researcher found out that

the peer feedback allowed the students to help each other. There are six

types of feedback, namely direct feedback, indirect feedback,

metalinguistic feedback, focused and unfocused feedback, electronic

feedback and reformulation (Ellis, 2008). From the data analysis, the

researcher revealed that the students only focused on two types of

feedback, namely direct and indirect feedback while doing the peer


Some students wanted to help their peer but were not really sure

about their own answer so that the students choose to use indirect

feedback. According to Hyland (2006), peer feedback provides a chance to

students to share and discuss their writing product together.

The students choose to use direct feedback because they already

knew the correct form of their peer’s errors. The students were really

serious in doing the peer feedback process. They used direct feedback to

make their friends believe that their feedback were correct. Moreover, the

students showed the willingness to help their peer in their writing. This

was in line with a previous research by Rohmah (2010), revealed that the

students were serious in doing the peer feedback process. The students

were serious doing peer feedback in order to help their friends realize their


On the other hand, the student who chose indirect feedback had

two main reasons. The first reason was because the student wanted his

peer to think about the correct from of their mistake. The student helped

his peer to think and find the correct form by him self. The second reason

was because the student was not really sure about the correct form of his

peer mistakes. Therefore, the student just gave a symbol to the incorrect





A. Conclussion

The researcher presented the conclusion based on research findings and

analysis. The result of the research showed that the students focused on two

types of feedback, namely direct and indirect feedback. The researcher found

out that the students used direct and indirect feedback based on their

knowledge. The students choose direct feedback because they already knew the

correct form. On the other hand, the students used indirect feedback because

the students wanted their peer to think about what the correct form is. The

students used direct feedback because they already knew the answer and

directly corrected the mistake, whereas they gave symbols to the mistakes when

the student were not really sure about the correct form in indirect feedback.

B. Suggestion

After conducting the research, there are several points that the

researcher can give as suggestion. The suggestions are presented as follows.

1. English Teacher

The findings of this research showed that the students corrected all the errors

correctly. Based on these results, the English teachers should implement peer

feedback to help the students to produce a better writing product.

2. Future researcher

This research only focused on analysis of peer feedback towards the students

writing skill. Therefore, the researcher expects that the future researcher

conduct a similar research about the students’ writing improvement from the

use of peer feedback to help the students improve their skill in writing and

more good if the future research conduct the research more than once.

3. For students

The students should be paid attention to exercise, in this case the students have

to make exercise by themselves and do not copy their writing paragraph.


4. Do the same research with larger respondents by using the all of the transition

as purposed by expert, not only focused on ne expert but the other expert will

be allowed.



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APPENDIX A Observation Sheet

Result of researcher’s observation.

23 September 2020

1. Teacher and researcher come together to the class.

2. The researcher introduce her self, after that the researcher directly go to the back corner

and sat there.

3. The teacher instruct to the students to recite Basmalah together before

start the lesson, and continue to checked the attendant list.

4. The students were ready to learn.

5. The teacher gave good explanation to students. Teacher’s explanation was clear so that

way, students could understand about the materials delivered because the material was

explained in an understandable way.

6. Next, teacher asked to the students to wrote a simple paragraph in with unspecified tittle,

it’s mean depend on students.

7. Then teacher instruct to the students to exchanged their paper with the seatmate. And

teacher asked the students to give their peer a correct feedback.

8. The students checked their peer draft seriously

The researcher observed that the students did the peer feedback process well. The

researcher observed that, the students checked their peer draft seriously.

9. In last minute, after students done did the peer feedback. Teacher asked to submit the


10. Teacher left the classroom by greeting as well as researcher. The researcher also said

thanked the students for their support on observed.


APPENDIX B Interview Questions

1. Menurut pengalaman kamu selama belajar bahasa Inggris, apa yang menjadi

tantangan bagi kamu?

2. Apakah kamu sudah pernah punya pengalaman tentang peer feedback sebelumnya?

3. Apakah kamu merasa puas dan percaya dengan feedback yang diberikan temanmu?

4. Feedback seperti apa yang diberikan oleh temanmu?

5. Setelah menerima hasil tulisan kamu yang sudah diberikan feedback oleh temanmu.

Apa yang kamu lakukan selanjutnya dengan hasil tulisanmu?

6. Feedback seperti apa yang kamu berikan terhadap temanmu?

7. Mengapa kamu memberikan feedback seperti itu?

8. Menurut kamu apakah pelaksanaan peer feedback ini bermanfaat dalam

proses kamu menulis?


APPENDIX C Interview Results

Interview 23 September 2020

Student A

1. Menurut pengalaman kamu selama belajar bahasa Inggris, apa yang

menjadi tantangan dalam bagi kamu?

Kalau menurut saya, Bahasa inggris itu agak susah karena susah

menerjemahkannya kak. Terus kata-katanya juga banyak yang mirip

padahal artinya beda. Kalau saya sebenaranya sudah bisa membedakan

pemakaian masalah was were gitu, to-be lah kak, tapi cara penulisannya

saya sering salah, kadang salah nulis, kadang juga salah ngucapin.

2. Apakah kamu sudah pernah punya pengalaman tentang peer feedback


Pernah kak, guru kami sering mengintruksikanya.

3. Apakah kamu merasa puas dan percaya dengan feedback yang

diberikan temanmu?

Kalau saya sih merasa puas dan percaya kak. Jadi saya tahu salah-salah

saya dimana aja gitu.

4. Feedback seperti apa yang diberikan oleh temanmu?

Ya, ada yang dilingkarin, terus ada juga yang diberi pembetulan.

5. Setelah menerima hasil tulisan kamu yang sudah diberikan feedback

oleh temanmu. Apa yang kamu lakukan selanjutnya dengan hasil


Segera saya perbaiki, tapi ada yang saya biarkan begitu saja karena

menurut saya sudah benar gitu dan ada juga yang saya tambahin karena

ternyata menurut saya benar.

6. Feedback seperti apa yang kamu berikan terhadap temanmu?


kalau saya hanya saya kasih tanda yang mana menurut saya salah. Saya

biarin teman saya yang mikirin jawabannya. yang penting saya udah kasih

tahu letak salahnya dimana aja.

7. Mengapa kamu memberikan feedback seperti itu?

Supaya membantu teman saya juga, terus menurut saya ada beberapa yang

salah jadi saya lingkari itu. Supaya teman saya mikir jawaban yang benar

apa. terus karena saya kurang yakin juga sama jawabna saya jadi saya kasi

tanda aja di bagian yang menurut saya kurang pas.

8. Menurut kamu apakah pelaksanaan peer feedback ini bermanfaat

dalam proses kamu menulis?

Kalau menurut saya, bagus ya yang kayak gini kak, membantu saya juga

dalam menulis. Saya jadi tahu salah saya itu dimana, saya juga punya

kesempatan untuk membantu teman saya



1. Menurut pengalaman kamu selama belajar bahasa Inggris, apa yang

menjadi tantangan bagi kamu?

Bahasa Inggris itu susah merangkai kata-katanya. Saya sering salah,

apalagi pas penggunaan to-be, to-be gitu kak sering banget salah. Terus

saya juga gak paham sama artinya, kosa kata Bahasa ingris saya itu dikit


2. Apakah kamu sudah pernah punya pengalaman tentang peer

feedback sebelumnya?

Pernah kak. Ya karena kosa kata saya kurang jadi masih sering salah kak.

3. Apakah kamu merasa puas dan percaya dengan feedback yang

diberikan temanmu?

Percaya, karena teman saya buat yang bener juga di hasil tulisan saya.

4. Feedback seperti apa yang diberikan oleh temanmu?

Lingkaran gitu kak, trus ada coret-coretan tapi ada yang jawaban yang

benarnya juga.

5. Setelah menerima hasil tulisan kamu yang sudah diberikan feedback

oleh temanmu. Apa yang kamu lakukan selanjutnya dengan hasil


Ya, kan saya baca dulu feedback dari mereka, terus saya anggap itu semua

benar, jadi pas nulis lagi saya tulis aja semua ngikutin yang mereka kasi di

kertas saya.

6. Feedback seperti apa yang kmau berikan terhadap temanmu?

Ya kurang lebih sama sih sama teman saya kak. Saya lingkarin, tapi tidak

memberi jawaban yang lain, karena saya kurang yakin dengan jawaban

saya kak.


7. Mengapa kamu memberikan feedback seperti itu?

Ya supaya teman saya tahu kalau yang dia buat itu salah gitu. Terus saya

yakin juga dia bisa membenarkan kembali jawaban dia sendiri.

8. Menurut kamu apakah pelaksanaan peer feedback ini bermanfaat

dalam proses kamu menulis?

Kalau menurut saya sih bermanfaat kak, malah membantu saya dalam

menulis jadi saya makin mengerti gitu.



1. Menurut pengalaman kamu selama belajar bahasa Inggris, apa yang

menjadi tantangan bagi kamu?

Menurut saya sebenarnya Bahasa inggris itu gampang tapi sulit kalau saya

gak paham artinya. Nah, apalagi kalau disuruh nulis, saya sering

mengalami kesulitan di writing karena sering salah tulis, typo gitu mbak.

Contohnya saya mau nulis experience terus jadi ga ada c nya gitu kan

artinya juga langsung salah gitu mbak, makanya saya merasa Bahasa

inggris itu gampang-gampang susah.

2. Apakah kamu sudah pernah punya pengalaman tentang peer

feedback sebelumnya?

Pernah kak, guru kami pernah menyuruh kami melakukan nya.

3. Apakah kamu merasa puas dan percaya dengan feedback yang

diberikan temanmu?

Saya ada yang merasa puas dan percaya ada yang enggak juga. beberapa dari

feedbaknya juga saya yakin kalau saya salah, tapi ada beberapa yang menurut

saya punya saya sudah benar gitu mbak. Jadi ya kurang lebih saya merasa uas

dan percaya dengan feedback yang teman saya berikan.

4. Feedback seperti apa yang diberikan oleh temanmu?

Ada yang dikasih garis, ada yang dilingkarin terus dikasi garis miring

ditengah nya, terus ada juga yang dilingkari dan diberi pembenaran.

5. Setelah menerima hasil tulisan kamu yang sudah diberikan feedback

oleh temanmu. Apa yang kamu lakukan selanjutnya dengan hasil


Ya karena saya tadinya juga merasa ada beberapa jawaban saya yang

sudah benar tapi dicoret sama teman saya, saya tetap pakai jawaban saya.

terus ada beberapa yang saya rasa juga memangg salah dan teman saya

memberi jawaban yang benar ya saya benerin tulisan saya.


6. Feedback seperti apa yang kamu berikan terhadap temanmu?

Kalau saya yang menurut saya salah saya lingkari atau pokokya dikasih

tanda terus saya kasi pembenaran.

7. Mengapa kamu memberikan feedback seperti itu?

Ya supaya teman saya tahu yang mana aja yang salah dan harus diperbaiki

makanya saya kasi coretan dan jawaban yang benar.

8. Menurut kamu apakah pelaksanaan peer feedback ini bermanfaat

dalam proses kamu menulis?

Kalau saya pribadi ini sangat membantu saya, karena saya jadi tahu salah

saya dimana.



1. Menurut pengalaman kamu selama belajar bahasa Inggris, apa

yang menjadi tantangan bagi kamu?

Saya sudah belajar Bahasa inggris dari SD terus kalau menurut saya

Bahasa inggris itu susah untuk mengucapkannya.

2. Apakah kamu sudah pernah punya pengalaman tentang peer

feedback sebelumnya?

Saya sudah pernah juga melakukan peer feedback seperti ini waktu

saya SMP.

3. Apakah kamu merasa puas dan percaya dengan feedback yang

diberikan temanmu?

Saya percaya sama hasil kerjaan teman saya.

4. Feedback seperti apa yang diberikan oleh temanmu?

Beberapa dicoret, ada yang dilingkari terus dikasi pembenarannya.

5. Setelah menerima hasil tulisan kamu yang sudah diberikan feedback

oleh temanmu. Apa yang kamu lakukan selanjutnya dengan hasil


Ya saya cek dulu semua, saya baca lagi hasil tulisan saya yang sudah

di lihat sama teman saya, setelah itu baru saya tulis kembali sesuai

dengan hasil feedback yang teman saya beri.

6. Feedback seperti apa yang kamu berikan terhadap temanmu?

Kalau ada yang salah saya coret terus saya kasih pembenaran.

7. Mengapa kamu memberikan feedback seperti itu

Ya supaya teman saya bisa tahu salah nya dimana dan tahu jawaban

yang benarnya apa.


8. Menurut kamu apakah pelaksanaan peer feedback ini bermanfaat

dalam proses kamu menulis?

Menurut saya ini sangat membantu terutama dalam menulis. Saya jadi

tahu penggunaan verb yang tepat itu gimana, terutama ini peggunaan

verb past.



1. Menurut pengalaman kamu selama belajar bahasa Inggris, apa yang

menjadi tantangan bagi kamu?

Sedikit sulit dipahami apalagi writing kadang saya merasa sangat sulit.

Saya sering salah tulis juga, kadang saya tahu cara menulisnya tapi

saya gak tau cara bacanya.

2. Apakah kamu sudah pernah punya pengalaman tentang peer

feedback sebelumnya?

Pernah kak.

3. Apakah kamu merasa puas dan percaya dengan feedback yang

diberikan temanmu?

Saya sih percaya sama hasil feedback dari teman saya, karena saya

juga jadi tahu kurang nya saya dimana.

4. Feedback seperti apa yang diberikan oleh temanmu?

Beberapa ada yang di lingkarin terus dikasi tahu yang benarnya gimana.

5. Setelah menerima hasil tulisan kamu yang sudah diberikan feedback

oleh temanmu. Apa yang kamu lakukan selanjutnya dengan hasil


Pertama-tama saya baca dulu semua, setelah itu ada yang saya perbaiki

sesuai sama feedback yang tema saya beri.


6. Feedback seperti apa yang kamu berikan terhadap temanmu?

Ada yang saya coret terus saya kasih jawaban yang benar. Tapi kalau

saya masih ragu jawaban yang benarnya apa saya lingkari sja.

7. Mengapa kamu memberikan feedback seperti itu?

Ya menurut saya dengan cara seperti itu dapat membantu teman saya

untuk sadar salahnya dimana aja gitu.

8. Menurut kamu apakah pelaksanaan peer feedback ini bermanfaat

dalam proses kamu menulis?

Membantu, menurut saya sangat membantu karena saya jadi bisa tahu

salah saya dimana, terus kosa kata saya juga bisa nambah. Jadi kalau

menurut saya peer feedback gini bantu saya untuk menulis lebih baik.


APPENDIX D Students’ Drafts


















APPENDIX E Documentation





Name : Rahimah Z

Student ID : TE.161797

Advisior II : Desti Angraini, M.Pd

Title : An Analysis of Peer Feedback Towards the Students Writing

Skill at Mas Bustanul Ulum

Faculty : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

NO Day/Date ConsultationMaterial Signature

1 27th

January 2020 Chapter I

2 25th

February 2020 Revisi Chapter I

3 19th

March 2020 Revisi Chapter I

4 8th

April 2020 Chapter III

5 15th

April 2020 ACC to advisor 1

6 10th

Juni2020 ACC to seminar proposal

Advisor II

Desti Angraini, M.Pd



Name : Rahimah Z

Student ID : TE.161797

Advisior I : Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag

Title :An Analysis of Peer Feedback Towards the Students Writing

Skill at MAS Bustanul Ulum

Faculty : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

NO Day/Date ConsultationMaterial Signature

1 4th

Juny 2020 ACC Seminar Proposal



Oktober 2020

Chapter IV





ACC Munaqasah

Advisor I

Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag