DOCUMENT RESUME BD 089 432 EA 006 019 AUTHOR Posner, George J.; Strike, Kenneth A. TITLE -An Analysis of Curriculum Structure. PUB DATE Apr 74 NOTE 31p.; Paper presented at American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (59th, Chicago, Illinois, April 15-19, 1974) EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS MF-$0.75 HC-$1.85 PLUS POSTAGE *Curriculum; Curriculum Design; *Curriculum Development; Curriculum Evaluation; Curriculum Planning; *Curriculum Research; Educational Research; *Typology ABSTRACT There seem to be few answers to questions asked concerning how a curriculum might be structured, or how a curriculum is currently formulated, and what the implications might be of structuring a curriculum in various ways. Most of the literature in this area consists of either arguments for "psychological" versus "logical,' structure or inconsistent research findings. An attempt is made in this paper to provide a useful set of concepts for thecry and research. A set of three major categories for classifying types of curriculum structure is developed, tested, and presented: (1) goal-derived; (2) means-derived; and (3) subject matter-derived. Each category is explicated by indicating paradigms and examples of that structure category. (Author/WM)

An Analysis of Curriculum Structure

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BD 089 432 EA 006 019

AUTHOR Posner, George J.; Strike, Kenneth A.TITLE -An Analysis of Curriculum Structure.PUB DATE Apr 74NOTE 31p.; Paper presented at American Educational

Research Association Annual Meeting (59th, Chicago,Illinois, April 15-19, 1974)


MF-$0.75 HC-$1.85 PLUS POSTAGE*Curriculum; Curriculum Design; *CurriculumDevelopment; Curriculum Evaluation; CurriculumPlanning; *Curriculum Research; Educational Research;*Typology

ABSTRACTThere seem to be few answers to questions asked

concerning how a curriculum might be structured, or how a curriculumis currently formulated, and what the implications might be ofstructuring a curriculum in various ways. Most of the literature inthis area consists of either arguments for "psychological" versus"logical,' structure or inconsistent research findings. An attempt ismade in this paper to provide a useful set of concepts for thecry andresearch. A set of three major categories for classifying types ofcurriculum structure is developed, tested, and presented: (1)goal-derived; (2) means-derived; and (3) subject matter-derived. Eachcategory is explicated by indicating paradigms and examples of thatstructure category. (Author/WM)




An Analysis of Curriculum Structure

George J. PosnerKenneth A. Strike

This project was supported, in part, by aHatch research grant. The authors wish toexpress their gratitude to Donald Nyberg orhis assistance in the preparation of this paper.

Prepared for presentation at the0) 1974 Annual Meeting of the

American Educational ResearchCD Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 15-19, 1974


CDCD S-NR,4/ 0 3

Curriculum theorists have repeatedly stressed the importance

of providing for structure in the curriculum (Rugg, 1927; Tyler,

1950; Bruner, 1961; Thba, 1962; Goodlad and Richter, 1966; Johnson,

1967; Gagn6, 1970). But the curriculum field lacks the concepts

necessary to do adequate research in this area. This paper at-

tempts to analyze the concept of curriculum structure. It builds

on the principal investigator's previous analysis of curriculum

structure extensiveness (Posner, in press) by analyzing the kinds of

structure possible in curriculum. The paper presents a typology

of curriculum structuring criteria, describes the typology's impli-

cations for curriculum development and evaluation and concludes

with a set of potentially fruitful research directions. To begin

the discussion, a definition of curriculum needs to be stipulated,

since any concept of curriculum structure presupposes a concept of



Curriculum, for the purpose of this paper, is defined as "a

structdred series of intended learning outcomes" (Johnson, 1967) .

A curriculum, according to this conception, consists of a series of

intended learning outcomes (ILO's) organized into some structural

arrangement. The basic unit of a curriculum is, thus, an ILO or

a micro-curriculum element. In contrast to micro-elements, macro-

elements are classes or categories of ILO's.

Curriculum can be conceptualized at different levels of gene-

rality depending upon whether structure involves micro- or macro-

elements. Micro-elements, (individual intended loarnings, i.e.,

cognitions, performance capabilities, or affects) are revealed by

analysis of classroom discourse, teXtbooks, and lists of behavioral


objectives or major ideas. Macroelements (groups of micro-elements)

can occur at different levels of generality, ranging from a lesson,

to a unit, to a course, to a whole program and are revealed by analy-

sis of such documents as syllabi, curriculum guides, course offer-

ings, and program sequences.

Having specified what is meant by curriculum and by curriculum

elements, the discussion turns to the concept of curriculum struc-



Structure refers to the relationships between elements. In

the present paper these elements are ILO's or categories of ILO's.

Therefore, an analysis of curriculum structure should consider

two aspects, namely, the extent of relationships and the kinds of

relationship between curriculum elements. The former is termed

"extent of curriculum structure" and the latter (which is the

focus of this paper) is termed "types of structuring criteria".


In a previous work (Posner, in press) the concept of curriculum

structure was explored with regard to curriculum structure extentsive-

ness. After a review of the literature, the work of four writers

(Tyler, 1950; Schrader, 1972; Anderson, 1971; Briggs, 1968) was

synthesized into a two-dimensional schema. This schema includes

the commonality and the temporality of the relationships between

curriculum elements.


Commonality. The first factor, commonality, refers to the de-

gree to which pairs of elements are identical versus independent

(Anderson, 1971). A continuum can he imagined along the dimension

of commonality. Pairs of elements with the greatest degree of com-

monality are those in which each of the elements in a pair are iden-

tical or E92a91. tit the other end of the continuum are pairs of

elements in which each of the elements in a pair is completely un-

related to the other element. Between these two extremes are those

pairs in which elements are neither identical nor independent but

are related in some way.

Temporality. The second dimension of curriculum structure in

this schema is the temporal quality of the relationship between

elements. Elements in this schema can be either a) vertically re-

lated (i.e., one element temporally subsequent to another) or

b) horizontally related (i.e., two elements temporally concurrent).

In addition, vertically related elements can be either contiguous

(i.e, one element related to another element directly following

the first) or non-contiguous (i.e., one element related to another,

temporally separated from the first one or more unrelated ele-

ments). Since the distinction between contiguous and non-contirjuous

elements implies that elements are temporally separated, it does

not apply to horizontally structured elements.

Since this schema has been previously explicated, the authors

will not elaborate on those two dimensions here. Suffice it to say

that the concepts of "commonality," "temporality," "contiguity,"

and "micro- and macro-level elements" are useful. They are useful


for framing research questions regarding the extent of curriculum

structure and its effects on educationally significant variables.

They also enable one to translate the many inconsistently defined

terms in the curriculum structure literature (such as "spiraling,"

"continuity," "sequence," "integration," "coherence," "progression,"

"hierarchical structure," "flat structure," and "vertical structure")

into a more consistent and parsimonious set of concepts.


Although the previously discussed schema appears to provide

adequate concepts for thinking about the extent of curriculum structure,

the schema proposed is not appropriate for addressing the equally

important question of structuring criteria or principles.

For example, curriculum elements structured (either vertically

or horizontally) according to a familiarto-remote criterion or

pr3nciple are clearly "related". The same is true for elements struc-

tured according to a concrete-to-abstract criterion or principle.

But one cannot claim that the former criterion represents more or

less "commonality" than the latter criterion. This example suggests

the limitations of the concepts thus far identified. %That is still

lacking is a system describing types or kinds of relationships pos-

sible between "related" curriculum elements. That is, a typology

of structuring criteria would provide a set of concepts useful for

framing research questions concerning optimal kinds (rather than

the optimal extent) of relationships between curriculum elements.

Each type of criterion should differ with respect to what constitutes

a "good" curriculum sequence.

Debates about criteria for structuring or sequencing are an

historically common phenomenon and have typically centered around

a subject matterversus-learner dichotomy. That is, the recurrent

question in debates has been as follows: Should the curriculum

and its organization he based on the subject matter or on the


This question, although important, needs to be refined into

sub-questions before one can use it to generate a typology of struc-

turing criteria. As a guide in this initial task, it is useful to

depict the education process identifying relationships between the

learner and the subject matter. The reader will note in Figure 1

that the concept of "subject matter" includes three distinct aspects,

namely, phenomena in the world (e.g., people, objects, and events),

knowledge (i.e., concepts) about the phenomena, and the process by

which such knowledge is produced (i.e., "inquiry"). 1Note also

that the model includes both the consequence of the subject matter-

learner interaction, namely, the learning outcomes, and the utiliza-

tion of the learning outcomes in pursuit of life coals.

(Figure 1 about nere]

The model depicted in Figure 1 leads to a five-category classif-

ication of strucLuring criteria summarized by the following questions:

1. World-related. What are the empirically verifiable relation-ships between the phenomena (people, things or events) in theworld about which the pupil is to learn and how can the curriculumbe sequenced so that the organization is consistent with the waythe world is?

Pigure 1. The Intorz.ctitn of the Learn.* r

and Subject Matter: Sources ofCriteria.

2. Concept- related. That are the conceptual properties of theknowledge which the pupil is to learn and how can the cur-riculum he sequenced so that it is logically consistent inorganization to the organization of the concepts?

3. Inquiry-related. flow are knowledge claims produced and howcan the curriculum be sequenced so that it is consistent withthis process of inquiry?

4. Learning theory-related. How does the pupil learn and howcan the curriculum content be sequenced to provide for optimallearning efficiency, retention, and transfer?

5. Utilization- related. How will the pupil utilize the curric-ulum content after he has learned it and how can the contentbe sequenced so that it is consistent with the utilizationprocess?

In summary, individual intended learning outcomes (ILO's) and

categories of ILO's can be sequenced according to five different

bases: a) a world-related basis (i.e., based on empirically dis-

coverable relations between people, things or events), b) a concept-

related basis (i.e., based on relations among concepts), c) an

inquiry-related basis (i.e., based on the process by which knowledge

is produced), d) a learning theory-related basis (i.e., based on

the psychology of learning), and e) a utilizationrelated basis.

(i.e., based on the way things are used after they are learned). 2

The world-, concept- and inquiry-related bases for sequence are

concerned with the subject matter and the way that subject matter

comes to be. On the other hand, the learning theory- and utilization-

related bases are reliant on human purposes and psychologies and

are more concerned with economy of learning for the individual learner.

Types of Curriculum Sequencing Principlps

The five major typos of sequencing principles are presented

below. In addition, several of the more interesting and important 3


sub-types4are described for each major type. It should be noted

that the examples used to illustrate each sub-type were selected

on the basis of their relative 'purity," not on the basis of their

representativeness. That is, typical instances of actual curriculum

sequences are combinations of several of the sub-types and even

several of the major types. This is not only expected but probably

desirable. The types and sub-types, although conceptually distinct,

are rarely found in curricula in their "pure" form. For example,

it is unlikely to find any whole curriculum that is a pure "world-

related" type much less a pure example of a world-related sub-type,

such as "space." However, it is not unreasonable to expect to find

particular sequences that emphasize a particular type or even sub-

type. Nevertheless, this paper makes no claim as to the desirability

of such "purity" in actual curricula. Such questions of optimal

kinds of sequence are answered by research, the subject of a later


1.0 World-related. World-related sequences embody as a criterion

consistency between curriculum structure, on the one hand, and re-

lationships between phenomena as they exist or occur in the world

on the other hand. That is, the curriculum structure should re-

flect empirical relationships between events, people, and thingb.

World-related sub-types include spatial relations, temporal rela-

tions, physical attributes, function, abundance, value, part-whole,

etc. An examplar of this type is the typical structure of history

courses based on the chronological sequence of events (i.e., the

sub--type termed "time" or "temporal relations").


1.1 pace. Sequences based on spatial relations are those

in which the curriculum elements are ordered in accord with

the physical arrangement or position of the phenomena of in-

terest. (Anderson, 1969, pp. 18-19) Sequencing principles

of this sub-type include closest-to-farthest, bottom-to-top,

east-towest, etc. Examples: Learn the appropriate duties

of the offensive line, the half - back, and the quarterback in

that order. Learn the parts of a plant from the root, to the

stem, to the leaves and flower, in that order. Learn the

names of the states according to geographical location.

1.2 Time. A temporal relationship between curriculum elements

reflects an antecedent-consequent order between events, or

outcomes of those events. That is, often the curriculum (most

typically a history curriculum) is sequenced chronologically

from the earliest to the most recent events (Anderson, 1969,

pp. 20-21). Sequences embodying a temporal dimension include

cause-and-effect and ideological influence. Examples: Learn

the major ideas of Marx before learning about the nature, of

the Russian revolution. (Ideological Influence). Learn about

George Washington's term of office before John Adams' term

of office (Historical Chronology). Learn the names of the

states in order of admission to tho Union (Historical Chronolocjy) .

Learn about the forces that cause mountain building before

learning tho types of mountains (Cause and Effect).


1.3 Physical Attributes. World-related curriculum sequences

may be based on physical characteristics (chemical properties

are included) of the phenomena of interest such as size, age,

shape, number of sides (e.g., in geometry) , brightness (e.g.,

in astronomy) , hardness (e.g., in geology) , complexity (e.g.,

in comparative anatomy) , and countless other characteristics.

This sub-type is most commonly found in the natural sciences

since these disciplines are concerned with properties of things

in the natural world. Examples: Learn the hardness scale for

minerals from softest to hardest (Hardness). Learn the names

of the states in size order (Size) . Learn the names of the 3

largest Indian tribes before learning the names of the 3 smalle

(Size) . Learn the names and capitals of Alaska, Texas, Cal i-

fornia, etc. (from largest to smallest) in that order (Size) .

Learn the relative proportions of Helium and Hydrogen in stars

from those of greatest absolute brightness (Supernovae) to

those of least absolute brightness (Black Dwarfs) (Brightness).

Learn the anatomy of an amphibian, then a shark, then a cat

(Complexity) . Learn the structure of a primitive society

before studying a complex industrial society such as ours

(Complexity) .

1.4 }?unction. Learning the characteristic actions of a

phenomenon in conjunction with learning about the phenomenon

is a typical basis for structuring curricula. Functional re-

lations are of two sorts which may be termed the teleological

and the non-teleological aspects of function. When the char-


acteristic actions of a phenomenon arc purposefully directed,

we may consider the functions to be teleological, e.g., the

functions of the various; occupations. Many natural (rather

than man-made) phenomena have functions that are typically

considered to have no overall design or purpose, e.g., the

effects of river flooding on a valley. These latter functions

are regarded here as non-teleological. It should he obvious

that often non-teleological functions are more appropriately

considered dysfunctions. Examples: Learn the functions of

the respiratory system before learning its characteristics.

Learn what a monetary system is, then learn that monetary

systems are useful in trading (Teleological). Learn how a

river contributes to erosion, how it serves as a mode of trans

portation and how it results in flood disasters (Non-Teleological)

(includes Dysfunctions).

2.0 Concept-related. While world-related criteria presumably re-

flect the organization of the empirical world, concept-related

criteria reflect the organization of the conceptual world. That

is, according to criteria of this type, the curriculum is supposed

to be structured in a manner that is consistent with the way con-

cepts relate to one another. Often referred to as the "logical

structure," this type focuses on the properties of knowledge in

its "final" form when relationships between premises and conclusions

can be analyzed. Four concept-related sub-types are described

below: class relations, propositional relations, sophistication

level, and logical pre-requisite. A traditional curriculum embody-

ing concept-related criteria in its structure is geometry when

taught deductively (i.e., the sub-type termed "propositional

relations"). More recently developed curriculum approaches plac-

ing a high priority on the organization of concepts include most

of those curricula developed during the 1960's "curriculum reform

movement" (e.g., BSCS biology, ESCP earth science, PSSC physics,

CHEM Study chemistry, etc.). These curricula were described by

the slogan "the structure of the disciplines."

2.1 Class Relations. A class concept is a concept which

selects or groups a set of things or events as instances of

the same kind of thing in that they share common properties.

Common class relations are inclusion, membership, union, and

intersection. The concepts suporordinate and subordinate some-

times denote class relations. Sequencing principles of this

sort include teaching about the general class prior to teach-


about its members, or investigating the properties of

instances of a cla3s before investigating the properties of

the class. Examples: Compare the chemical properties of carbon

with that of silicon. Compare the size of angles in regular

pentagons, hexagons, and octagons. Compare the anatomy of

bees, ants, and termites. Learn what an internal combustion

engine is before learning about rotary and piston engines.

2.2 Propositional Relations. A proposition is a combination

of concepts which asserts something. Common relations between

propositions include entailment, contradiction, premise-con-

clusion, and theoly-fact. Sequencing principles of this sort


include teaching evidence prior to the proposition which the

evidence supports or teaching a theory prior to the facts which

the theory explains. Examples: Acquire a general understanding

of the theory of natural selection before studying the adaption

of Darwin's finches (Theory.- Instance). Learn the principle

of "equal protection under law" before learning the 1954 Supreme

Court decision on Civil Rights. Learn in deductive order the

steps in a geometric proof. Learn the volume of a gas at

several temperatures and pressures before learning Boyles Law

(Evidence - Conclusion).

2.21 5Reduction Level. A set of laws or a scientific

theory is reduced to another set of laws or scientific

theory when the laws at one level (the micro-level) may

be used to explain the laws at a different level (the

macro-level) and when the macro-level laws can he derived

from the micro-level laws. For example, many of the laws

of chemical bonding (macro-level) can be explained by and

derived from laws concerning the behavior of elementary

particles (micro-level) . A common sequencing principle

is to teach the micro-laws prior to teaching the macro-

laws. Examples: Learn about chemical compounds before

learning about biological organisms. Learn about atomic

structure before learning about chemical compounds.

2.3 Sophistication. Concepts and propositions can differ in

their level of precision ("acceleration" is less precise than

"v /t ") , complexity (the number of concepts subsumed by a con-


cept) , abstractness (the distance from particular things or

facts, usually the opposite of "concrete"), vagueness (the

extent to which a concept bears a "family resemblance" to

other concepts, usually the opposite of "clarity") , range (the

number of instances to which a concept refers) and level of

refinement (adding qualifications tr) a concept or proposition

refines it). Sophistication embodies all of these aspects

and the above list is intended to be representative rather

than exhaustive. The concept of sophistication is similar to

that of Bruner (1961) in his discussion of the "spiral" cur-

riculum which returns periodically to concepts at higher and

higher levels of sophistication. Examples: Learn the real

numbers before learning about imaginary numbers (Abstractness) .

Learn how events can be ordered chronologically before learn-

ing the concept of time (Abstractness). Learn what "accelera-

tion" means before learning it as "v/t" (Precision) . Learn

the concept of "stimulus" before the concept of "conditioning"

(Complexity) (also 2.4). First learn the concept of "democracy"

then learn the concept of "representative democracy" (Level

of refinement).

2.31 Abstractness. Abstractness concerns the distance

of concepts or propositions from particular things or

facts. Thus, one concept is more abstract than another

if one contains the other, and one proposition is more

abstract than another if it is a central part of a theory

or set of propositions from which the less abstract pro-

position can be derived. Comparisons concerning abstract-


ness can be made between unrelated conceptual hierarchies

when these hierarchies are sufficiently well formulated

to permit identification of distinct levels of abstract-

ness. A common sequencing principle is to teach the less

abstract prior to the more abstract.

2.4 Logical Prerequisite. A concept or proposition is a

logical pre-requisite to another concept or proposition when

it is logically necessary to understand the first concept or

proposition in order to understand the second. Examples:

Learn what "velocity" means before learning that 'acceleration"

is the change in velocity.

3.0 Inquiry-related. Inquiry-related sequencing principles are

those which derive from the nature of the process of generating,

discovering or verifying knowledge. Therefore, such principles

reflect the nature of the logic or methodology of a given area of

thought. Dewey's attempt to structure teaching according to his

analysis of the scientific method is a major example of an inquiry-

related sequencing principle. There are two subtypes which we

shall call the logic of inquiry and the empirics of inquiry.

3.1 Logic of Tnquir.y. Logic may ba narrowly defined as the

science of valid argument or more broadly as the analysis of

the norms of adequate inquiry. Sequencing principles rooted

in logic will reflect views of valid inference. For example,

two different logics yield differing sequencing principles

concerning discovery learning. A view which considers dis-

covery to be a matter of generalizing over numerous instances


(i.e., induction) will provide instances of a generalization

prior to attempting to have the student discover the generali-

zations. A view which considers discovery to he a matter of

testing bold conjectures will seek to elicit hypotheses and

then turn to a process of evidence collection. Examples:

Learn that Galileo hypothesized that the change in velocity

per unit of time for a freely falling object is a constant;

then learn that any object we allow to fall freely accelerates

at 9.8 m/sec., so long as air resistance is riot a factor (hy-

pothesis - Evidence Collection).

3.2 Empirics of Inquiry. Some features of proper inquiry

are rooted in descriptions of how successful scientists actu-

ally proceed or in the social or psychological conditions of

fruitful inquiry. Let us suppose for example that successful

inquirers were found to study a problem area before working

on specific problems. This might lead to a sequencing principle

emphasizing the need for a general survey of an area prior to

consideration of special problems. Examples; Learn what other

researchers have discovered about reinforcement schedules be-

fore learning to frame hypotheses about optimal reinforcement


4.0 Learning theory-related. Learning theory-related curriculum

sequences draw primarily on knowledge about the psychology of learn

ing7 and the technology of teaching (nee, for example, SUnner, 1968;

Gagne, 1970; Schutz and Baker, 1971) as, a basis for curriculum de-

velopment. The major criteria for this type of curriculum sequencing

principles are learning effectiveness, retention, and transfer of


learning. Most psychologists, although they might disagree about

the particular instructional approach to be used, argue that the

subject matter is not as relevant to curriculum structuring criteria

as is knowledge about the way people learn. Five learning theory-

related subtypes have been identified: Empirical pre-requisite

relationship, degree of familiarity, degree of difficulty, degree

of interest, and degree of internalization. An exemplar curriculum

sequence of this type is AAAS' Science - A Process Approach which

employs the sub-type termed "pre-requisite relationships" and ESS

science which emphasizes the sub-type termed "interest."

4.1 Empirical Pre-requisite. If the learning of one curricu-

lum element facilitates or even mr%es possible the learning of

a subsequent element, the first element can be termed a pre-

requisite of the second. Gagne serves as the leading advocate

of this sequencing criterion through his work in curriculum

development (see AAAS' Science A Process Approach), cur-/

riculum research (Gagnei 1967) , learning theory (Gagne, 1970)

and curriculum theory (Gagne and Briggs, 1974). Examples:

Learn to discriminate between initial consonants; then learn

to use work attack skills; then learn to read. Learn to dis-

criminate cats from dogs before learning the concept of "cat."

Learn where each of the typewriter keys are before learning how

to type.

4.2 Familiarity. An individual's past experiences are often

the basis of sequencing, as was discussed under 4.1 above.

Familiarity refers to the frequency with which an individual

has encountered an idea, object or event, i.e., how common it


is to the individual. Phenomena he has never seen or phenomena

he has hoard about only occasionally are considered remote

from the individual's experiential past. The sequencing prn-

ciple employed is to order elements from the most familiar to

the most remote. Examples: Learn about American schools be-

fore learning about Sweedish schools. Learn the various oc-

cupations in the local community before learning about careers

in other communities and in other nations.

4.3 p.ilfkp01x. Some things are more difficult to learn

than others. Those aspects of difficulty that depend on

factors already mentioned, such as pre requisite learnings,

abstractness, familiarity, etc., are excluded from the present

sub-type since they are included in others. Factors affecting

difficulty as conceived here include a) how fine a discrimina-

tion is required and b) how fast a procedure must be carried

out and c) the mental capacity required for learning (e.g.,

memorizing five names is typically more difficult than memor-

izing two names). Sequences employing this criterion would

teach the least difficult curriculum items before the more

difficult ones. Examples: Learn long vowel sounds before

learning short ones. Learn to weave slowly, then learn to

speed up. Learn to spell short words before longer words.

4.4 interest. Curriculum elements that are intrinsically

interesting are typically those that refer to phenomena about

which the learner has had some limited experience (i.e., not

totally unknown to him) but remain a challenge, retain the


potential for surprise, or can arouse curiosity. Although

interest is often more attrihutable to instructional method

than to the nature of the curriculum element, there appear to

be some elements which have more potential for learner inter-

est. The most common sequencing principle here is to begin

a sequence with those elements which are more likely to evoke

pupil interest. Examples: Learn how to pick a lock before

learning the way a lock works.

4.5 Internalization. When the educational intent of a sequence

is to have the pupil internalize an attitude or value, one can

order elements (here, affective ILO's) in a manner that reflects

an increasing degree of internalization. Stages or levels of

internalization have been suggested by Krathwohl et al (1964)

as follows: a) Receiving, b) Responding, c) Valuing, d) Or-

ganization, e) Characterization by'a Value or Value Complex.

Examples: Learn to listen willingly to 144xian ideas, then

learn to voluntarily interpret events in terms of a Marxian

ideology, then learn to view the world based on a Marxian

value system.

5.0 Utilizationrelated. A fifth cateaory of curriculum structuring

criteria focuses on the way the learning outcomes are to be used.

For certain kinds of content areas (e.g., occupational and vocational

education) that which is to be learned is typically sequenced in an

order reflecting the -procedural ordcir in which the skills are to be

used or the order of importance in utilization. This majOr typo

can be conceived of as a combination of tha "lifo activities" and

the "job-analysis" modes bf organization (see, for example, Sayler.

and Alexander,- 10661 pp. 173-182 for a cempaftsen of these two md00).


5.1 Procedure. In training programs when we are teaching a

procedure or process and the curriculum elements represent

steps in the process, it is often appropriate for the curricu-

lum sequence to reflect the order in which the steps will be

followed when carrying out the procedure.

One important type of procedure that is often taught is

the procedure used in confronting personal or societal prob-

lems (e.g., career decision making or air pollution). When

curriculum elements are selected for the purpose of enabling

the pupil to solve these types of life-related problems, the

elements may be sequenced in an order consistent with the in-

dividual's utilization of knowledge for this purpose. For ex-

ample, pupils might learn the effects of air and water pol-

lution (i.e., establish a phenomenon as a "problem"), then

learn the causes (i.e., analyze the problem), and then learn

how to eliminate or correct the factors that cause pollution

(i.e., suggest solutions). Ilxamples: Learn, in order, the

steps followed when starting a car. Learn the effects, the

cause and possible solutions to pollution in that order.

5.2 Anticipated Frequency of Utilization. Often we teach the

most important curriculum elements first and by "most important"

we mean those which the pupil is likely to encounter most often.

That is, We predict the likelihood of encounters the pupil will

have with various phenomena and we order the phenomena about

which he is to learn based on the anticipated frequency of

utilization in his' future experiences. 8 Sxamples: Learn to

use -chi-,sqUare and correlation coefficients-before factor analy-

siplthe Mann--Whitney trThstl- and-_thc-Visher Ilktract Probability.



This typology, because it presumes to be comprehensive (for

the major types of the typology if not for its sub-types), needs

to be tested. However, since a typology is a set of concepts, it

cannot be, considered true or false but, instead, useful or not use-

ful in thinking abOut relevant issues. This testing can be divided

into two aspects: a "conceptual test" and a "reality test". Since the

authors are currently carrying out theSe tests, the discussion be-

low represents a set of first thoughts on the matter and are pre-

sented only to give a glimpse into some kinds of approaches that

can be used.


One way to conceptually test both the schema for describing

extent of structure and the five-category typology of structuring

criteria is to attempt to translate commonly used terms in the

literature into the terminology of these two conceptual systems.

In terms of curriculum structure extensiveness, for example,

"continuity" (Tyler, 1950; Schrader, 1072) and "commonality" (Ander-

son, 1971) both refer to the repeating of vertically contiguous

elements. "Sequence" (Tyler, 1950) , "Spiraling" (Schrader, 1972) ,

and "vertical structure" (Briggs 1967) are all terms for the re-

lating of vertically contiguous elements. "Spiraling" (Bruner, 1961)

can be considered the relating of vertically non - contiguous elements.

"Integration" (Tyler, 1950) is equivalent to the relating of hori-

zontal elements. "Flat structure" (Briggs, 1967) and "progression"

(Anderson, 1971) both refer to unrelated elements, the former in

the horizontal direction and the latter in the vertical direction.

Likewise, the typology of structuring criteria can be used

as a common set of concepts for thinking about the kinds of criterion

considered by various writers to be of prime importance. Let us

examine some of the more interesting past and current concepts of

structuring criteria in the light of the typology.

Ausubel (1964) contends that the introduction of a learning

sequence with a generalized overview (i.e., an "advance organizer")

that links up with the pupils existent "cognitive structure" pro-

vides the pupil with the necessary "subsumers" for the subsequent

learning to become "meaningful". In terms of the present typology,

these "advance organizers" appear to be a juxtaposition of the

"class relations" sub-type, 2.1 (since the organizer subsumes tim

subsequent learning), and the "familiarity" sub-type, 4.2 (since

the organizer must "fit" the pupil's cognitive structure, a product

of his past experiences). Therefore, Ausubel's "advance organizers"

may be considered an interesting marriage of concept-related and

learning theory-related criteria. He appears to have adopted a

criterion of one type and tempered it with a criterion of another

type. Perhaps his integrative approach explains his ability to

engage in productive dialogue with other more monolithic theorists

like Schwab and,iggne who represent divergent critcrial bases.

In contrast to Ausubel, Schwab (1964) relies heavily on the

"substantive" and "syntactical" structure of the disciplines for

both selection andsoquoncihy criteria, In fact, ho considers the

use of any single theory of )earning as a guide to curriculum de-

velopment to be wrongheaded (Schwab, 1970) . In terms of the present

typology, Schwab seems to be enphasizing thn concept-related (i.e.,

the "substantive" structure.) and the inquiryrelated (i.e., the

"syntactical" structure) types.

Other writers tend less to cut across major and even sub-types

in the typology. For example, Gagn'e (1970) and Briggs (1968) in

their discussions of "hierarchies of competence" are concerned

solely with "empirical pre-requisites."

Other current concepts of curriculum structure need to be

analyzed in the light of the frameworks discussed in this paper in

order to test the frameworks further.


Not only should the typology be tested by attempting to re-

late the concepts to other theorists' concepts, but also by assess-

ing its applicability to actual curricula. This kind of testing

could be organized around tho following phases:

1) Identification of types of oferings (programs or courses)

within a particular setting (e.q., community colleges, secondary

schools, etc.)

2) Selection of a paradigm example of each type. This procedure

insures the representativeness of the sot of programs or courses

to be examined.

3) Collection of documents (e.g., course or program outlines,

texts, etc.) of each paradigm example.

4) Analysis of each document in an attempt to fit tho typology

to the curricula reflected by the documents. That is, the

materials, aro-examined in order' to determine the -Usefulness


of the tentative typology categories in class'fying the kindsIS\

of sequencing principles and to assertain if the typology

contains any significant omissions.

5) Interview with teaching staff members whenever the documents

collected and analyzed arc found to provide insufficient in-


6) Audio-taping actual classes for each paradigm example. The

tapes can then be analyzed in an effort to determine the nature

of the sequencing principles being employed by the teacher.

This phase is necessary, since curriculum documents often dofl

not provide an accurate description of the teachers' curriculum

(i.e., the teachers' intentions).


The typology of structuring criteria, like the conceptual

schema of structure extensivenessrresented previously, is a set of

concepts. As such, its ultimate value also is in providing tools

of thought. These concepts can presumably help guide the thought

of the curriculum developer, evaluator, and researcher.


The curriculum developer, according to the definition of cur-

riculum stipulated previously, has two major tasks; he must select

and he must structure curriculum elements,9

In the selection process

he can be guided by various frameworks available in the literature,

such as the "taxonomies of educational objectives" (Bloom et-bl, 1956;

Krathwehl et al, 1964; Harrow, 1972) , "realms of meaning" (Phenix,

1964)1-and "'domains of learning"-(Gagn6 and Driggs, 1974) , to mon-

Lion just- a few.- If ho does not want-to State the objectives. him-


self, he may even buy objectives from one of the available "banks"

(lox, for example).

When it comes to structuring the ILO's, however, he has no

'comprehensive framework that can serve as a reference. One use

of the typology presented here is to fill this void. It can serve

as a "shopping fist" of sequencing principles for any curriculum

developer, whether he be an individual teacher or a state syllabus

writer. Use of the typology increases the probability that he will

use a particular sequencing principle because the chosen principle

is the Most appropriate for his purposes, not because he has never

thought of any alternative prinCiples. That is, the use of the

typology will presumably lead to greater flexibility by developers

of curriculuM sequences.


The curriculum evaluator often needs to examine the curriculUM

'itself in additioh to the measured outcomes of the program. Pre-

viously this type of "intrinsic" evaluation (Scriven, 1967) has been

limited to classifying the ILO's, comparing the ILO's with the

philosophy and with the instructional plan designed for their im-

plementation. The frameworks presented here make it possible to

describe bOth the extensivenesscE structure and the kinds of struc-

turing principles empleyed. Thi4 data may have some utility, es-

pecially when comparing competing curricula. -However, for this

data to have much meaning in decision making, these variables must

be shown to relate to other significant educational variables (e.g.,

learning outcomes). That is, the use of descriptive data on cur-

riculum structure for decision making presupposes research regarding


the effect of curriculum structure on the educational process or

its products.


What has been termed the "hidden curriculum" has received much

attention lately. Typically this phrase refers to the bureaucratic

organization of the school and what this administrative arrangement

teaches pupils (see, for example, Dreeben, 1962; Apple, 1971). How-

ever, the "hidden curriculum" may also refer to that which is con-

tained in the curriculum but not stated as an ILO. According to

the definition of curriculum stipulated earlier, a curriculum is

more than a set of ILO's; it is a structured set of ILO's. There-

fore, when a particular ILO is learned, it is learned in conjunction

with others, so that relationships between ILO's are learned in ad-

dition to the ILO's themselves. This fact is overlooked by educa-

tional psychologists and others who think of curriculum structure

as a determinant only of how well elements are learned. They ignore

the fact that curriculum structure also determines, in part, that

is learned.

A research question concerned with this kind of "hidden cur-

riculum" is as follows: In pursuing common educational goals (e.g.,

driving a car), what are the differential effects (in terms of a

wide range of outcomes) of divergent curriculum structures? Al-

though different structures may result in equally effective (in

terms of achieving the educational goal) curricula, each structure

may result in different conceptions of the subject matter, different

conceptions of the way to continue learning, and other important'but

often overlooked outcomes.


Another sot of research questions suggested by the typology

is as follows: What kinds of sequencing criterion do different

kinds of curricula (e.g., academic versus occupational) employ?

Are SONC types of criterion (e.g., learning theory-related) appro-

priate and typical for all curriculum areas? Are some types of

criterion (e.g., inquiry- and concept-related) appropriate and fre-

quent only for certain curriculum areas .(e.q., the disciplines of

mathematics and science)? Are some types of criterion (e.g., util-

ization-related) typically found only in certain kinds of curricula

(e.g., occupational education) but are appropriate and perhaps de-

sirable for all curriculum areas?


1 The authors recognize that there is much knowledge that isproduced, not by inquiry but by trial and error and other processes.Inquiry is most closely associated with disciplined knowledge,whereas other processes of knowledge production (e.g., trial anderror) are most closely associated with non-disciplinary knowledge.flowever, rarely, if ever, arc these latter processes used as sourcesfor structuring criteria. They are, therefore, omitted from Figure 1.

2The authors realize that many decisions regarding curriculum

sequence are not based on any of these five types of criteria but,instead, on factors relating to implementation of the curriculumin a specific situation. Such factors as materials and facilitiesavailable, time schedules, weather and climate, location of theschool, transportation needs, and teachers' interests or competenceare likely to be powerful determinants of curriculum sequencing.These factors have been referred to as "frame factors" (Dahliof, 1970) .

Such factors may be considered a sixth major type, termed "implementation-related".

3The typology is presumed to be comprehensive for the major

typos but not for the sub-types.

4The authors' "sub-types" correspond to Anderson's "organiza-

tional principles" (1969, p. 23) and are referred to in the presentpaper as "structuring principles," "sequencing principles," "struc-turing criteria," and "sequencing criteria." A series of curriculumelements employing one or more sequencing principles in combinationis termed an "organization," a "structure," or a "sequence."

5The numbering indicates that this concept is an instance of

2.2 but is of sufficient interest to merit special treatment.

6This sub type obviously has a relation to tha sub-type con-

cerned with relations among proposition under the major cate-gory, concept -- related. An inquiry-related structure which dependson the logical features of inquiry does so because of the logicalrelations between propositions. This suggests that there may bea number of cases where a given structural relation between twoor more curricular elements will be an instance of more than onetype or sub-type.

72he present typology does not include a human developmentcategory (e.g., Piagetian stages). This omission is based on thedistinction between structuring and grade or age placement. Sometheorists, most notably Smith, Stanley and Shores (1957) , equate*the two considerations. however, the present authors agree withJohnson that "curriculum ordering disregards temporal spacing (gradeor age placement) " (1967, p. 130.

8Note the difference between this sub-type and 3.3 above,Familiarity. In Familiarity we base our sequence on an estimate6TO(T-iiiii-aber of past encounters the pupil has had with the phenomenon.In contrast with Familiarity, Anticipated Frequency of Utilization,5.2, bases sequence not on past encounters but on predictions offuture encounters. Note also the difference between 5.2 and Abun-dance (a world-related sub-type) . Abundance refers to the frequencyof occurance of a phenomenon in the world today whereas 5.2 refersto the probability that a person will encounter a phenomenon in thefuture.

9The authors recognize that the selection and structuring of

Curriculum elements are not typically independent procedures. Forexample, a decision that an "advance organizer" (Ausubel, 1964) isto be learned first (i.e., a structuring decision) necessarily en-tails a decision that an "advance organizer" is to be learned (i.e.,a selection decision). However, the focus of this paper has beenon the structuring task.

As a matter of fact, the five major types of structuring cri-teria also turn out to be types of selection criterion. Althoughthe five types appear to be comprehensive with regard to structur-ing criteria, they omit some important types of curriculum selectioncriterion. Criteria based on the social context of education, term-ed societal determinants of the curriculum (Tyler, 1950; Taba, 1962),and criteria based on the psychology of human development are twotypes of criterion that appear to be relevant to the task of select-ing appropriate curriculum elements but not to the task of structuringthe elements. The latter is implicit in Figure 1 (the componenttermed "learner"), whereas the former would require placing theentire diagram within a "societal" frame. Thus, with some modifica-tions Figure 1 could be made to represent both selection and structur-ing criterial types.


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