KAMLA NEHRU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SULTANPUR (UP) (An Academic Autonomous Govt. Institute under G.B.T.U. Lucknow) SYLLABUS [Effective from session 2013-14] (First Year) (Common to All Branches of Engineering)

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(An Academic Autonomous Govt. Institute under G.B.T.U. Lucknow)

SYLLABUS [Effective

from session 2013-14]

(First Year)

(Common to All Branches of Engineering)

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B. Tech. First Year (common to all B. Tech. Courses)

(Effective from the session 2013-14)



S. Course Subject

Periods Sessional Exam

No. Code


L T P CT TA Total


1. EAS-103 Mathematics-I 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

2. EAS-101 Engg. Physics-I 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75


EAS-102/ Engg. Chemistry/ 3


0 30


50 100 150

EME-102 E n g . Mechanics

4. EEE-101/ Electrical Engg./

ECS-101 Computer Concepts 3


0 30


50 100 150


Programming in C

5. EEC-101/ Electronics

EAS-104 Engineering



0 30


50 100 150



6. EME-101/ Manufacturing

Processes/ 2


0 15


25 50 75

Environment &




EAS-152/ Engg. Chemistry


Lab/ 0


2 10


20 30 50

Engg. Mechanics



8. EEE-151/ Electrical Engg. Lab/



2 10


20 30 50

ECS-151 Computer

Programming Lab

EWS-151/ Workshop Practice/

9. ECE-151

Computer Aided 0


3 10


20 30 50



EAS-151/ Physics Lab/


EAS-154 Professional 0 0 2 10 10 20

30 50

Communication Lab

11. GP-101 General Proficiency — 50 50

TOTAL 1000

L - Lecture

T - Tutorial Practical

CT - Cumulative Test

TA - Teacher's Assessment

ESE - End Semester Exam

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B. Tech. First Year (common to all B. Tech. Courses)

(Effective from the session 2013-14)



S. Course Subject

Periods Sessional Exam

No. Code


L T P CT TA Total


1. EAS-203 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

2. EAS-201 Engg. Physics-II 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75


EAS-202/ Engg. Chemistry/ 3


0 30


50 100 150


E n g . Mechanics

EEE-201/ Electrical Engg./


ECS-201 Computer Concepts 3


0 30


50 100 150


Programming in C

EEC-201/ Electronics

5. EAS-204

Engineering 3


0 30


50 100 150



EME-201/ Manufacturing

6. EAS-205

Processes/ 2


0 15


25 50 75

Environment &



EAS-252/ Engg. Chemistry

7. EME-252 Lab/



2 10


20 30 50

Engg. Mechanics


8. EEE-251/ Electrical Engg. Lab/



2 10


20 30 50

ECS-251 Computer

Programming Lab

EWS-251/ Workshop Practice/

9. ECE-251 Computer Aided



3 10


20 30 50



EAS-251/ Physics Lab/

10. EAS-254 Professional



2 10


20 30 50

Communication Lab

11. GP-201 General Proficiency — 50 50

TOTAL 1000

L - Lecture

T - Tutorial Practical

CT - Cumulative Test

TA - Teacher's Assessment

ESE - End Semester Exam

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Engineering Mathematics

- I (EAS-103) L T P 3 1 0

Unit - 1: Differential Calculus - I Introduction to successive differentiation, Leibnitz‘s theorem, Partial derivatives, Euler‘s theorem for homogeneous functions, Total derivatives, Change of variables, Curve tracing: Cartesian and Polar coordinates. Unit - 2: Differential Calculus - II Taylor‘s and Maclaurin‘s Theorems, Expansion of function of several variables, Jacobian, Approximation of errors,

Extrema of functions of several variables, Lagrange‘s method of multipliers ( Simple applications). Unit - 3: Linear Algebra Inverse of a matrix by elementary transformations, Rank of a matrix ( Echelon & Normal form), Linear dependence and Independence, Consistency of linear system of equations and their solution, Symmetric, Skew-symmetric and Orthogonal matrices. Hermitian, Skew-Hermitian and Unitary matrices. Characteristic equation, Eigen values and eigen vectors, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Application of matrices to engineering problems. Unit - 4: Multiple Integrals Double and triple integrals, Change of order of integration, Change of variables, Application of integration to lengths, Volumes and Surface areas – Cartesian and Polar coordinates. Beta and Gamma functions, Dirichlet‘s integral and applications. Unit - 5: Vector Calculus Point function, Gradient, Divergence and Curl and their physical interpretations, Vector identities, Directional derivatives. Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Applications of Green‘s, Stoke‘s and Gauss divergence theorems (without proofs), Area using Green‘s theorem. Text Books: 1. B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata Mc Graw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 2. R.K.Jain & S.R.K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House. 3. Babu Ram, Engineering Mathematics, Vol.- I, Pearson Education. Reference Books: 1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers. 2. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Peter V. O‘ Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomas ( Cengage) Learning. 4. Thomas & Finley, Calculus, Narosa Publishing House 5. Rukmangadachari, Engineering Mathematics – I, Pearson Education.

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(EAS-101) L T P

2 1 2

Unit – I 06 Hrs. Relativistic Mechanics Inertial & non-inertial frames, Michelson- Morley experiment, Einsteins postulates, Lorentz transformation equations, Length contraction & Time dilation, Addition of velocities; Variation of mass with velocity, Mass energy equivalence. Unit - II 06 Hrs. Modern Physics

Wave Mechanics: Wave- particle duality, de-Broglie matter waves, Phase and Group velocities, Davisson-Germer experiment, Heisenberg uncertainty principle and its applications, Wave function and its significance, Schrödinger‘s wave equation – particle in one dimensional potential box, Eigen values and Eigen function. Unit - III 10 Hrs Statistical Mechanics Phase space ,The probability of a distribution, most probable distribution, Maxwell Boltzmann Statistics,

Application to find out energy and velocity distribution among the molecules of an ideal gas, derivation of

average velocity, R.M.S. velocity, and most probable velocity in the above case. Bose Einstein Statistics,

Application to Black body radiation, distribution law of energy, Plank‘s radiation formula and Stefan‘s

law, Fermi-Dirac statistics, Application to electrons in metals (energy distribution, Fermi energy) Unit - IV 08Hrs. Modern Optics Laser: Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation, population inversion, concept of 3 and 4 level Laser, construction and working of Ruby, He-Ne lasers and laser applications. Fiber Optics: Fundamental ideas about optical fiber, Propagation mechanism, Acceptance angle and cone, Numerical aperture, Single and Multi Mode Fibers Holography: Basic Principle of Holography, Construction and reconstruction of Image on hologram and applications of holography. Text Books/ Reference Books: 1. Concepts of Modern Physics - Aurthur Beiser (Mc-Graw Hill) 2. Introduction to Special theory of - Robert Resnick - Wielly 3. Optical Fibre & Laser - Anuradha De. ( New Age ) 4. Optics –Aloy Ghatak ( Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd. New Delhi) 5. Optics - Brijlal & Subramanian (S. Chand ) 6. Applied Physics for Engineers- Neeraj Mehta (PHI Learning, New Delhi)

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Engineering Chemistry

(EAS-102/EAS202) L T P

3 1 2

Unit 1 : CHEMICAL BONDING AND STATES OF MATTER (08 Hrs) Molecular orbital theory and its applications in diatomic molecules. Band theory of solids and conducting behavior of

substances. Amorphous and crystalline substances. Liquid crystals and it's applications. Types of unit cell, space

lattices( only cubes ), calculation of density of unit cell. Bragg′s equation and application. One dimensional

imperfection in solids. Structure , properties & applications of diamond, graphite & fullerenes. Unit 2: REACTION KINETICS, PHASE RULE AND ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY (07 Hrs) Order and Molecularity of reactions. Integrated rate equations for first and second order reactions. Theories of

reaction rates. Phase rule and its application to one component water system . Equilibrium potential,

electrochemical cells, galvanic and concentration cells. Corrosion and its prevention. Fuel cells. Unit 3: STRUCTURE AND MECHANISTIC ASPECT OF ORGANICS (08 Hrs) Classification of organic compounds. Reactions of organic molecules. Reaction intermediates their structure and stability. Mechanism and energy profile of nucleophilic substitution reactions

( SN1 & SN

2). Stereochemistry with special reference to optical activity and optical isomerism.

Resolution of racemic compounds. Absolute and relative configurations. Geometrical isomerism and EZ nomenclature. Conformational isomerism of n- butane molecule. Unit 4: POLYMERS, ORGANOMETALICS AND CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS (07 Hrs) Polymerisation and classification. Thermoplastic and thermosetting resins. Elastomers and synthetic fibres. Molecular weight of polymers. Conducting and biodegradable polymers. Grignard and Gilman

reagents and its applications. Thermodynamic system, surrounding and boundary. State functions & thermodynamic processes. First law of thermodynamics & applications ( Hess's law ).General

metallurgical operations and metallurgy of Iron & Aluminium (Fe & Al ). Unit 5: ANALYTICAL AND INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND

ENGINEERNG MATERIALS. 10Hrs Titrimetric analysis with reference to acid –base, redox, precipitation, and complexometric titrations.

Basic principles, simple applications & instrumentation set up involved in UV- visible, IR & NMR ( H )

spectroscopy. Cement, composition & manufacture of Portland cement. Setting & hardening of cement.

Hard water and causes of hardness. Hard water and boiler problems. Water treatment processes- Ls

Process, zeolite process, ion exchange process & Calgon conditioning. Potable water and reverse

osmosis. Fuels and classification of fuels. Analysis of coal. Determination of calorific values by Bomb

Calorimeter. Biogas & biomass. Elementary idea of Insulators, Lubricants & Nanomaterials Text books

1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain; Dhanpat Rai & co. 2. Theory & Practicals of Engg- Chemistry by Shashi & Chawla; Dhanpat Rai & Co

3. Chemistry for Engineers by S. Vairam and Suba Ramesh., Wiley India

Reference books

1. Chemistry ( 9th

ed ), by Ramond Chang, Tata Mcgraw- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 2. Chemistry concepts and applications by Steven S. Zumdahl; cengage learning

3. Chemistry in Engineering & Technology Vol 1 & 2 by J C Kuriacose & J Rajaram. 4. Tata Mcgraw- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 5. Engineering Chemistry by B SIVASANKAR, Tata Mc graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Del

6. Organic chemistry 6th

ed by Morrision & Boyad; Pearson Education

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7. Physical Chemistry by Gordon M. Barrow; Mc- Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 8. Organic Chemistry, Volume 1 ( 6

th ed ) & 2 ( 5

th ed ) by I. L. Finar; Pearson Education

9. Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins & Julio de Paula; Oxford University Press 10. Modern Inorganic Chemistry By prof R P Rastogi, Singh & Nath; United Book Depot,

Allahabad 11. Organic Chemistry- Wade,L.G. and Singh, M.S.; Pearson Education, Pvt. Ltd.

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Engineering Mechanics

EME-102/202 L T P 3 1 2

Unit 1: Force, Moment, Stress and Strain Idealization in Mechanics, Two Dimensional Force Systems, Equivalent force systems, Equations of

Equilibrium. Free body Diagram, Simple Stress and Strains, Hook‘s law and its application to axially

loaded members, force of friction, belt Friction, Wedge friction, Screw friction and Rolling Friction

Unit 2: Structures Introduction of Truss, Analysis of Plain Truss, Method of Joints, Methods of sections, Introductions of Beams, Shear force and bending Moment in Statically determinate Beams, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams.

Unit 3: Centroid and Moment of inertia Introduction, Centroid, Centre of mass and Centre of gravity, Moment of inertia of area, product of Inertia

of Area, Parallel axes Theorems, perpendicular axes Theorem, Transformation of moment of Inertia,

Principal Axes and Principal moment of inertia, Mass moment of inertia of rod, Disc cylinder and Sphere.

Unit 4: Methods of Virtual Work Introduction, Work of a Force, Virtual Displacement, Virtual Work, Principal of Virtual Work, Potential Energy and equilibrium, Stability of equilibrium.

Unit 5: Kinematics and Kinetics of particle Introduction, Determination of Components of displacement, Velocity and acceleration in Cartesian and

polar co-ordinates, Normal and Tangential Components of Acceleration for given path. Newton‘s Second

law of motion and D‘Alemberts principle, Work and Energy, Impulse and Momentum, Applications

Text/ Reference Books 1. Shames, Irving H. Engineering Mechanics, PHI New Delhi. 2. S Timoshenko, D H Young, JV Rao, Engineering Mechanics, Tata Mc Graw – Hill

Publishing Company Limited New Delhi

3. F.P. Beer and E.R. Jhonston, Engineering Mechanics, Statics, Tata Mc Graw – Hill

Publishing Company Limited New Delhi

4. R.C. Hibbler, Engineering Mechanics, Pearson Press.

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Unit-I 3 1 0

D.C. Circuit Analysis and Network Theorems:

Circuit Concepts: Concept of Network, Active & Passive elements, voltage and current sources, concept of

linearity and linear network, unilateral and bilateral elements, R, L and C as linear elements, source


Kirchhoff‘s Laws: loop and nodal methods of analysis, star-delta transformation and vice versa; Network

Theorems: Superposition, Thevenin‘s, Norton‘s and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems (Simple Numerical problems (9) Unit-II Steady State Analysis of Single Phase AC Circuits: AC Fundamental: Sinusoidal, Square and triangular waveforms-average and effective values, form and peak factor, concept of phasors, phasor representation of sinusoidal voltage and current. Analysis of series, parallel and series-parallel RLC Circuits, resonance in series and parallel circuits, bandwidth and quality factor, apparent, active and reactive powers, power factor, causes and problems of low power

factor, concept of power factor improvement (simple numerical problems). (8)

Unit-III Three phase AC Circuits:

Three phase systems–its necessity and advantages, star-delta connections, balanced supply and load, line and phase voltage/current relationship, three-phase power and its measurement with one and two wattmeter methods (simple numerical problems). (3) Measurement Instruments:

Types of instruments, construction and working principles of PMMC and moving iron type

voltmeters & ammeters, single phase dynamometer type wattmeter, induction type energy meter. (4) Unit-IV Magnetic

Circuit: Magnetic circuit concepts, analogy between electric & magnetic circuits, magnetic leakage, B-H curve, hysteresis and eddy current losses, mutual coupling. (3)

Single Phase Transformer:

Principles of operation, construction, e.m.f. equation, equivalent circuit, power losses, efficiency

(simple numerical problems), introduction to auto transformer. (3)

Introduction to Power System:


Definition and general layout of power system. Need of earthing of equipments and devices.


Electrical Machines:

Principles of electro-mechanical energy conversion.

DC Machines: Types, e.m.f. equation of generator, torque equation of motor.

Three Phase Induction Motor: Types, Principle of operation, slip torque characteristics, applications (numerical problems related to slip only). Single Phase Induction Motor: Principle of operation and introduction to methods of starting, applications. Three

Phase Synchronous Machines: Principle of operation of alternator and synchronous motor and their applications (Only theoretical concept) (8)

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Text Books: 1. ―Principles of Electrical Engineering‖, V. Del Toro; Prentice Hall International. 2. ―Basic Electrical Engineering‖, D.P. Kothari, I.J. Nagarath; Tata Mc Graw Hill. 3. ―Basic Electrical Engineering‖, S.N. Singh; Prentice Hall International. 4. ―Basic Electrical Engineering‖, D. E. Fitzgerald and A. Gravel Higginbotham; Mc Graw Hill

Reference Books:

1. ―Electrical and Electronics Technology‖, Edward Hughes;Pearson.

2. ―Engineering Circuit Analysis‖, W.H. Hayt & J.E.Kimerly; Mc Graw Hill.

3. ―Basic Electrical Engineering‖, C.L. Wadhwa; New Age International.

4. ―Basic Electrical Engineering‖, T.K. Nagsarkar, M.S.Shukhija; Oxford University Press.

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Computer System and Programming in C

ECS-101/ECS-201 L T P

3 1 2

Unit1 (10 Lectures) Basics of Computer: Introduction to digital computer, basic operations of computer, functional components of computer, Classification of computers.Introduction to operating system: [DOS, Windows, Linux and Android] purpose, function, services and types. Number system : Binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems, their mutual conversions, Binary arithmetic. Basics of programming: Approaches to Problem Solving, Concept of algorithm and flow charts, Types of computer languages:- Machine Language, Assembly Language and High Level Language, Concept of Assembler, Compiler, Loader and Linker. Unit2 (8 Lectures) C Fundamentals: Fundamental data types- Character type, integer, short, long, unsigned, single and double floating point, Storage classes- automatic, register, static and external, Operators and expression using

numeric and relational operators, mixed operands, type conversion, logical operators, bit operations, operator precedence and associativity. Fundamentals of C programming: Structure of C program, writing and executing the first C program, components of C language. Standard I/O in C. Unit3 (10 Lectures) Control Structure: Applying if and switch statements, nesting if and else, use of break and default with switch, program loops and iterations: use of while, do while and for loops, multiple loop variables, assignment operator, use of break and continue statements. Functions: Introduction, types of functions, functions with array, recursive functions. Unit 4 (6 Lectures) Advance Features of C: Array notation and representation, manipulating array elements, using multi dimensional arrays,Structure, union, enumerated data types Unit 5 (8 Lectures) Pointers: Introduction, declaration, applications,File handling, standard C preprocessors, defining and calling macros, conditional compilation, passing values to the compiler. Text Books: 1. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by Vikas Gupta, Wiley India Publication 2. C programming by Kernighan and Ritchie, PHI 3. Computer Concepts and Programming in C, E Balaguruswami, McGraw Hill Reference Books: 1. Problem Solving and Program Design in C, by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2006. 2. Computer Science- A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg, Thomson, Third Edition [India Edition], 2007.

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EEC-101/ EEC-201 L T P

3 1 0

Unit-I (10 pds) Semiconductor Diodes and Applications p-n junction, depletion layer v-i characteristics, ideal and practical, diode resistance,

capacitance diode ratings (average current, repetitive peak current, peak-inverse voltage) p-n junction as rectifiers (half wave and full wave) filter (Shunt capacitor filter), calculation of ripple factor and load regulation clippling circuits, clamping circuits, voltage multipliers Breakdown diodes breakdown mechanism (zener and avalanche), breakdown characteristics, zener resistance, zener diode ratings zener diode application as shunt regulator Unit-II (08 pds) Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)

basic construction, transistor action

CB, CE and CC configurations, input/ output characteristics biasing of transistors, fixed bias, emitter bias, potential divider bias, comparison of biasing circuits graphical analysis of CE amplifier, concept of voltage gain, current gain, h-parameter model (low freq.) computation of Ai, Av, Ri, Ro of single transistor CE amplifier configuration Unit-III (10 pds) Field Effect Transistor (FET) JFET: Basic construction, principle of working, concept of pinch-off maximum drain saturation current, input and transfer characteristics characteristic equation, CG, CS and CD configurations, fixed and self biasing of JFET amplifier

MOSFET: depletion and enhancement type MOSFET- construction, operation and characteristics Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp) concept of ideal operational amplifier, ideal and practical Op-Amp parameters inverting, non-inverting and unity gain configurations applications of Op-Amp as adders, difference amplifiers, integrators and differentiator Unit-IV (07 pds) Switching Theory and Logic Design (STLD) number system, conversion of bases (decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers) addition and subtraction, fractional numbers, BCD numbers Boolean algebra, logic gates, concept of universal gates canonical forms, minimization using K-map (don‘t care conditions also) Unit-V (05 pds) Electronics Instruments: working principle of digital voltmeter, digital multimeter (block diagram approach), CRO (its working with block diagram),measurement of voltage, current, phase and frequency using CRO Books and references: 1. Robert L. Boylestad/ Louis Nashelsky ―Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory‖, 9th Edition, Pearson Education 2007 2. Devid A. Bell ―Electronic Devices and Circuits‖, 5th Edition, OXFORD University Press 2008 3. Jacob Millman/ Christos C. Halkias/ Satyabrata Jit ―Electronics Devices and Circuits‖, 3rd Edition, TMH 2008 4. Morris Mano ―Digital Computer Design‖, PHI 2003 5. H.S. Kalsi ―Electronic Instrumentation‖, 2nd Edition, TMH 2007

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EAS-104/EAS-204 L T P 3 1 2

Unit -1 Basics of Technical Communication Technical Communication: features; Distinction between General and Technical communication; Language as a tool of communication; Levels of communication: Interpersonal, Organizational, Mass communication; The flow of Communication: Downward, Upward, Lateral or Horizontal (Peer group); Importance of technical communication; Barriers to Communication.

Unit - II Constituents of Technical Written Communication Words and Phrases: Word formation. Synonyms and Antonyms; Homophones; Select vocabulary of

about 500-1000 New words; Requisites of Sentence Construction: Paragraph Development: Techniques

and Methods -Inductive, Deductive, Spatial, Linear, Chronological etc; The Précis writing- various steps.

Unit - III Business Communication Principles, Sales & Credit letters; Claim and Adjustment Letters; Job application and Resumes.

Reports: Types; Significance; Structure, Style & Writing of

Reports. Technical Proposal; Parts; Types; Writing of Proposal;

Significance. Negotiation & Business Presentation skills

Unit - IV Soft Skills & Presentation Strategies Interpersonal Communication: Methods, Team- work, Skills: Empathy, Emotional Intelligence,

empathy and listening skills. Soft-skills: Time Management; Attitude; Responsibility ; Speaking with

confidence: Methodologies; Elements of speech; Kinesics (Body Language); Dimensions of Speech:

Syllable; Accent; Pitch; Rhythm; Intonation; Paralinguistic features of voice.

Unit - V Value- Based Text Readings Following essays form the suggested text book with emphasis on Mechanics of writing,

(i) Humanistic and Scientific Approaches to Human Activity by Moody E. Prior (ii) The Language of Literature and Science by A.Huxley

(iii) Man and Nature by J.Bronowski (iv) The Social Function of Literature by Ian Watt (v) Science and Survival by Barry Commoner (vi) The Mother of the Sciences by A.J.Bahm (vii) The Effect of Scientific Temper on Man by Bertrand Russell.

Text Book 1. Improve Your Writing ed. V.N. Arora and Laxmi Chandra, Oxford Univ. Press, 2001, New Delhi. . 2. Technical Communication – Principles and Practices by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta

Sharma, Oxford Univ. Press, 2007, New Delhi.

Reference Books 1. Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists, Sangeeta Sharma et.al. PHI Learning

Pvt.Ltd, 2011, New Delhi. 2. Personality Development & Soft Skills, Barun K.Mitra, Oxford University Press, 2012 New Delhi.

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3. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Tata

McGraw Hill & Co. Ltd., 2001, New Delhi. 4. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, W.R.Goyal Pub. & Distributors, 2009, Delhi. 5. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan, Meera Bannerji- Macmillan India Ltd. 1990, Delhi. 6. Manual of Practical Communication by L.U.B. Pandey; A.I.T.B.S. Publications India Ltd.; Krishan

Nagar, 2013, Delhi. 7. English Grammar and Usage by R.P.Sinha, Oxford University Press, 2005, New Delhi.

8. Spoken English- A manual of Speech and Phonetics by R.K.Bansal & J.B.Harrison, Orient Blackswan, 2013, New Delhi.

9. Business English by Ken Taylor, Orient Blackswan, 2011, New Delhi.

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Manufacturing Processes

EME-101/201 L T P 2 0 0

Unit-I Basic Metals & Alloys : Properties and Applications Properties of Materials:Strength, elasticity, stiffness, malleability, ductility, brittleness, toughness and hardness. Elementary ideas of fracture, fatigue & creep. Ferrous Materials:Carbon steels, its classification based on % carbon as low, mild, medium & high carbon steel, its properties & applications. Wrought iron. Cast iron. Alloy steels: stainless steel, tool steel. Elementaryintroduction to Heat- treatment ofcarbon steels: annealing, normalizing, quenching & tempering and case-hardening. Non-Ferrous metals & alloys:Common uses of various non-ferrous metals & alloys and its composition such as Cu-alloys: Brass, Bronze, Al-alloys such as Duralumin. Unit-II Introduction to Metal Forming & Casting Process and its applications Metal Forming:Basic metal forming operations & uses of such as : Forging , Rolling , Wire & Tube-drawing/making and Extrusion, and its products/applications. Press-work, & die & punch assembly, cutting and forming, its applications. Hot-working versus cold-working. Casting: Pattern & allowances. Molding sands and its desirable properties. Mould making with the use of a core. Gating system. Casting defects & remedies. Cupola Furnace. Die-casting and its uses. Unit-III Introduction to Machining & Welding and its applications Machining:Basic principles of Lathe-machine and operations performed on it. Basic description of machines and operations of Shaper-Planer, Drilling, Milling & Grinding. Welding: Importance & basic concepts of welding, classification of welding processes. Gas-welding,

types of flames. Electric-Arc welding. Resistance welding. Soldering & Brazing and its uses. Unit-IV Misc. Topics Manufacturing: Importance of Materials & Manufacturing towards Technological & Socio- Economic developments. Plant location. Plant layout – its types. Types of Production. Production versus Productivity. Non-Metallic Materials:Common types & uses of Wood, Cement-concrete, Ceramics, Rubber, Plastics and Composite-materials. Misc. Processes: Powder-metallurgy process & its applications, Plastic-products manufacturing, Galvanizing and Electroplating. Text books/ Reference books 1. Processes and materials of manufacture Lindberg PHI 2. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology: Kalpakjian and Schmid, Pearson 3. Manufacturing Processes: Kalpakjian and Schmid, Pearson 4. Manufacturing Processes: H N Gupta, R C Gupta Arun Mittal, New Age

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EAS 105/ EAS 205 L T P 2 0 0

UNIT-I Definition, Scope & Importance, Need for Public Awareness. Ecosystem. Effects of Human activities on environment; Agriculture, Housing, Industries, Mining and Transportation. Basics of Environmental Impact Assessment. Sustainable Development. UNIT-II

Natural Resources; Water Resources- Availability and Quality Aspects. Mineral Resources- Material Cycles- Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur cycle. Energy Resources- Conventional and Non conventional sources: Hydroelectric, Fossil fuel based, Nuclear and Solar energy. Hydrogen as an alternative future source of energy. UNIT-III Environmental pollution and their effects. Water Pollution; Water borne and Water induced diseases

(Arsenic and Fluoride problems in drinking water), Soil pollution, Noise Pollution and Air Pollution.

Current environmental issues of importance: Population Growth, Climate Change, Global Warming

effects, Urbanization, Nuclear Pollution, Acid Rain and Ozone layer Formation & Depletion. UNIT- IV Environmental Protection: Role of Government, Legal aspects. Initiatives by Non-

Governmental Organizations, Environmental Education, Women Education. Textbook 1. Environmental Studies, Dr. R.J. Ranjith Daniels and Dr. Jagdish

Krishnaswamy, ISBN 9788126519439, Wiley India Reprint 2010. Reference Books

th 1. Environmental Science, 8 Ed ISV, Botkin and Keller, 9788126534142Wiley India.

th 2. Environment 8 Ed, Peter H. Raven, David M. Hassenzahl, Linda R. Berg, 978-0470945704,

Wiley, USA. th

3. Fundamentals of Ecology 5 Ed., Eugene Odum, Gary W. Barret, 978-0534420666, Brooks Cole,

2004 th

4. Concepts of Ecology, 4 Ed., Kormondy Edward J., 978-81-203-1148-0, Prentice Hall India. 5. Environmental science: systems and solutions 3 Michael L. Mac Kinney , Robert Milton Schoch,

rd 9780763709181, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2003. Ed.,

6. Environmental Science, Bernard J. Nebel, Richard T. Right, 9780132854467, Prentice Hall Professional 1993.

7. Environmental Studies, Soli. J Arceivala, Shyam. R Asolekar, 9781259006050, McGrawHill India, 2012.

8. Environmental Studies, D.L. Manjunath, 9788131709122 Pearson Education India, 2007

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Engineering Mathematics - II

(EAS-203) L T 3 1

Unit - 1: Differential Equations Linear differential equations of n

th order with constant coefficients, Complementary function and

Particular integral, Simultaneous linear differential equations, Solution of second order differential equations by changing dependent & independent variables, Normal form, Method of variation of parameters, Applications to engineering problems (without derivation). Unit - 2: Series Solution and Special Functions Series solution of second order ordinary differential equations with variable coefficient (Frobenius method), Bessel and Legendre equations and their series solutions, Properties of Bessel function and Legendre polynomials. Unit - 3: Laplace Transform Laplace transform, Existence theorem, Laplace transforms of derivatives and integrals, Initial and final value theorems, Unit step function, Dirac- delta function, Laplace transform of periodic function, Inverse Laplace transform, Convolution theorem, Application to solve simple linear and simultaneous differential equations. Unit - 4: Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations Periodic functions, Fourier series of period 2 , Euler‘s Formulae, Functions having arbitrary periods,

Change of interval, Even and odd functions, Half range sine and cosine series, Harmonic analysis. Solution of first order partial differential equations by Lagrange‘s method, Solution of second order linear partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Unit - 5: Applications of Partial Differential Equations

Classification of second order partial differential equations, Method of separation of variables for solving partial differential equations, Solution of one and two dimensional wave and heat conduction equations, Laplace equation in two dimension, Equation of transmission lines. Text Books: 1. B. V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata Mc Graw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 2. R.K.Jain & S.R.K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House. 3. Babu Ram, Engineering Mathematics, Vol.- II, Pearson Education. Reference Books: 1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers. 2. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Peter V. O‘ Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomas (Cengage) Learning. 4. Chandrika Prasad, Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Prasad Mudranalaya 5. A. C. Srivastava & P. K. Srivastava, Engineering Mathematics, Vol. – II, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 6. Rukmangadachari, Engineering Mathematics – II, Pearson Education.

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EAS-202 L T P

2 1 2

Unit - I 07 Hrs

Crystal Structures and X-ray Diffraction: Space lattice, basis, Unit cell, Lattice parameter, Seven crystal systems and Fourteen Bravais lattices, Crystal-System Structure, Packing factor (cubic, body and face), Crystal structure of NaCl and diamond, Lattice planes and Miller Indices, Reciprocal Lattice, Diffraction of X-rays by crystal, Laue‘s experiment, Bragg‘s Law, Bragg‘s spectrometer. Unit - II 08 Hrs Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Materials: Dielectric Properties: Dielectric constant and Polarization of dielectric materials, Types of Polarization (Polarizability). Equation of internal fields in liquid and solid (One- Dimensional), Claussius Mussoti-Equation, Frequency dependence of dielectric constant, Dielectric Losses, Important applications of dielectric material, Magnetic Properties: Magnetization, Origin of magnetic moment, Dia, para and ferro magnetism,

Langevin‘s theory for diamagnetic material, Phenomena of hysteresis and its applications. Unit - III 06 Hrs. Electromagnetic Theory Displacement Current, Equation of continuity,

Maxwell‘s Equations (Integral and Differential Forms), Poynting theorem and Poynting vectors, EM - Wave equation and its propagation characteristics in free space, non-conducting and in conducting media, Skin depth. Unit – IV 09 Hrs Physics of some Technologically important Materials

Semiconductors: Band Theory of Solids, free carrier density(electrons and holes), conductivity of semiconductors, Position of Fermi level in intrinsic and in extrinsic semiconductors. Superconductors: Temperature dependence of resistivity in superconducting materials, Effect of magnetic field

(Meissner effect), Temperature dependence of critical field, Type I and Type II superconductors, BCS theory

(Qualitative), High temperature superconductors and Applications of Super-conductors. Nano-Materials: Basic principle of nanoscience and technology, structure, properties and uses of Fullerene and Carbon nanotubes, Applications of nanotechnology. Reference books: 1. Concept of Modern Physics - by Beiser (Tata Mc-Graw Hill) 2. Solid State Physics - by C. Kittel, 7th edition (Wiley Eastern) 3. Materials Science and Engineering - by V. Raghavan (Prentice- Hall India) 4. Solid State Physics - by S.O. Pillai, 5th edition (New Age International) 5. Introduction to Electrodynamics - by David J. Griffith (PH I) 6. Applied Physics for Engineers- Neeraj Mehta (PHI Learning, New Delhi)

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Engineering Chemistry Lab EAS 152/EAS252

L T P 0 0



Any ten of the following

1. Determination of iron content in the given water sample of Mohr’s salt . 2. Determination of alkalinity in the given water sample . 3. Determination of temporary and permanent hardness in water sample using EDTA as

standard solution . 4. Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder . 5. PH- metric titration . 6. Viscosity of an addition polymer like polyester by viscometer . 7. Determination of iron concentration in sample of water by calorimetric method. The method

involves the use of KCNS as a colour developing agent and the measurements are carried out

at λmax 480nm . 8. Element detection and functional group identification in organic compounds . 9. Preparation of Bakelite and Urea formaldehyde resin . 10. Determination of Biological oxygen demand of sewage/waste water . 11. Determination of moisture, volatile matter and ash in coal sample ( Proximate analysis) . 12. Determination of chemical oxygen demand .

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L T P 0 0 4 (Any 10 experiments of the following or such experiments suitably designed) 1. To conduct the tensile test and determine the ultimate tensile strength, percentage elongation for a steel specimen. 2. To determine the compression test and determine the ultimate compressive strength for a specimen 3. To conduct the Impact-tests (Izod / Charpy) on Impact-testing machine to find the toughness. 4. To determine the hardness of the given specimenusing Vicker/Brinell/Roc kwell hardness testing machine.. 5. To study the slider-crank mechanism etc. of 2-stroke & 4-stroke I.C. Engine models. 6. Friction experiment(s) on inclined plane and/or on screw-jack. 7. Simple & compound gear-train experiment. 8. Worm & worm-wheel experiment for load lifting. 9. Belt-Pulley experiment. 10. Bending of simply-supported and cantilever beams for theoretical & experimental deflection. 11. Torsion of rod/wire experiment. 12. Experiment on Trusses. 13. Statics experiment on equilibrium 14. Dynamics experiment on momentum conservation 15. Dynamics experiment on collision for determining coefficient of restitution. 16. Experiment on Moment of Inertia.

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Electrical Engineering Lab EEE151/251

L T P 0 0 2

List of Experiments

Note : A minimum of 10 experiments from the following should be performed

1. Verification of Kirchhoff‘s laws 2. Verification of (i) Superposition theorem (ii) Thevenin‘s Theorem (iii) Maximum Power Transfer

Theorem. 3. Measurement of power and power factor in a single phase ac series inductive circuit and

study improvement of power factor using capacitor 4. Study of phenomenon of resonance in RLC series circuit and obtain resonant frequency. 5. Measurement of power in 3- phase circuit by two wattmeter method and determination of its power factor. 6. Determination of parameters of ac single phase series RLC circuit 7. Determination of (i) Voltage ratio (ii) polarity and (iii) efficiency by load test of a single phase transformer 8. To study speed control of dc shunt motor using (i) armature voltage control (ii) field flux control. 9. Determination of efficiency of a dc shunt motor by load test. 10. To study running and speed reversal of a three phase induction motor and record speed in both directions. 11. To measure energy by a single phase energy meter and determine error. 12. To study P-N diode characteristics 13. To study full wave and half wave rectifier circuits with and without capacitor and determine

ripple factors. 14. To study various logic gates (TTL) 15. T o study Operational Amplifier as Adder and Subtractor 16. To study transistor as a switch.

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L T P 0 1 3

1. Carpentry Shop: 1. Study of tools & operations and carpentryjoints. 2. Simple exercise using jack plane. 3. To prepare half-lap corner joint, mortise & tennon joints. 4. Simple exercise on woodworking lathe. 2. Fitting Bench Working Shop: 1. Study of tools & operations 2. Simple exercises involving fitting work. 3. Make perfect male-female joint. 4. Simpleexercises involving drilling/tapping/dieing. 3. Black Smithy Shop: 1. Study of tools & operations 2. Simple exercises base on black smithy operations such as upsetting, drawing down, punching, bending, fullering & swaging. 4. Welding Shop: 1.Study of tools & operations of Gas welding & Arc welding 2. Simple butt and Lap welded joints. 3. Oxy-acetylene flame cutting. 5. Sheet-metal Shop: 1. Study of tools & operations. 2. Making Funnel complete with ‗soldering‘. 3. Fabrication of tool-box, tray, electric panel box etc. 6. Machine Shop: 1. Study of machine tools and operations. 2. Plane turning. 3. Step turning 4. Taper turning. 5. Threading 6. Single point cutting tool grinding. 7. Foundry Shop: 1. Study of tools & operations 2. Pattern making. 3. Mould making with the use of a core 4. Casing

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Computer Aided Engineering Graphics ECE151/251


0 1 3

Introduction Drawing instruments and their uses, BIS conventions, Lettering, Dimensioning

line conventions and free hand practicing, types of lines. 1- Sheet

Orthographic Projections Introduction, Definitions – Planes of projection, reference line and conventions employed. Projections of

points in all the four quadrants, Projections of straight lines (located in First quadrant/first angle

only),True and apparent lengths, True and apparent inclinations to reference planes 2- Sheets

Orthographic Projections of Plane Surfaces Introduction, Definitions-projections of plane surfaces-triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon and circle, planes in different positions by change of position method only. 1- Sheet

Projections of Solids Introduction, Definitions-projections of right regular tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones in different positions. 2- Sheets

Sections And Development of Lateral Surfaces of Solids Introduction, Section planes, Sections, Section views, Sectional views, Apparent shapes and True shapes of

Sections of right regular prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones resting with base on HP 2- Sheets

Isometric Projection Introduction, Isometric scale, isometric projection of simple plane figures, Isometric projection of tetrahedron,

hexahedron, right regular prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, spheres, cut spheres. 2- Sheets

Auto CAD, layout of the software, standard tool bar/menus and description of most commonly used tool bars, navigational tools. Co-ordinate system and reference planes. Definitions of HP, VP, RPP & LPP Creation of 2D/3D environment. Selection of drawing size and scale. Commands and creation of Lines, Co-ordinate points, axes, poly-lines, square, rectangle, polygons, splines, circles, ellipse, text, move, copy, off-set, mirror, rotate, trim, extend, break, chamfer, filet, curves, constraints. 1-Sheet

Text Books

1. Engineering Drawing – N.D. Bhati & V.M. Panchai, 50th

edition, 2012 Charotar Publishing House, Gujarat. 2. Engineering Graphics using AUTO CAD – T Jeyapooran – Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi 110 002 3. A Text book of Engineering Drawng – R.K. Dhawan. S. Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi – 110055 4. Engineering Graphics using AUTO CAD Venu Gopal – New Age Publications.

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0 0 2 List of Experiments Any ten experiments, at least four from each group. Group -A

1. To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light by Newton’s ring. 2. To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light with the help of Fresnel’s biprism. 3. To determine the focal length of two lenses by nodal slide and locate the position of cardinal points. 4. To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using polarimeter. 5. To determine the wavelength of spectral lines using plane transmission grating. 6. To study the polarization of light by simple reflection using laser. 7. Measurement of Wavelength of a laser (He- Ne) light using single slit diffraction. Group – B 8. To determine the specific resistance of a given wire using Carey Foster’s bridge. 9. To study the variation of magnetic field along the axis of current carrying - Circular coil and then to estimate the radius of the coil. 10. To verify Stefan’s Law by electrical method. 11. To calibrate the given ammeter and voltmeter by potentiometer. 12. To study the Hall effect and determine Hall coefficient, carrier density and - mobility of a given semiconductor using Hall effect set up. 13. To determine the energy band gap of a given semiconductor material. 14 To determine E.C.E. of copper using Tangent or Helmholtz galvanometer. 15. To draw hysteresis curve of a given sample of ferromagnetic material and from - this to determine magnetic susceptibility and permeability of the given specimen. 16. To determine the ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer. 17. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid. 18. Measurement of fiber attenuation and aperture of fiber. 19. High resistance by leakage method. 20. Magnetic Susceptibility of paramagnetic solution.

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0 0 2 Interactive and Communicative Practical with emphasis on Oral Presentation/Spoken

Communication based on International Phonetic Alphabets (I.P.A.) LIST OF PRACTICALS 1. Group Discussion: Practical based on Accurate and Current Grammatical Patterns. 2. Conversational Skills for Interviews under suitable Professional Communication Lab

conditions with emphasis on Kinesics. 3. Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis on Paralinguistics/Kinesics.

4. Presentation Skills for Technical Paper/Project Reports/ Professional Reports based on

proper Stress and Intonation Mechanics. 5. Official/Public Speaking based on suitable Rhythmic Patterns. 6. Theme- Presentation/ Key-Note Presentation based on correct argumentation methodologies. 7. Individual Speech Delivery/Conferencing with skills to defend Interjections/Quizzes. 8. Argumentative Skills/Role Play Presentation with Stress and Intonation. 9. Comprehension Skills based on Reading and Listening Practicals on a model Audio-Visual Usage.

Reference Books 1. Bansal R.K. & Harrison: A manual of Speech & Phonetics, Orient Black Swan

Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2010. 2. Sethi & Dhamija: A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2011. 3. L.U.B.Pandey: A Manual of Practical Communication, A.I.T.B.S. Pub. India Ltd. Krishan

Nagar, Delhi, 2013. 4. Joans Daniel, English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge Univ. Press. 2007.

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Computer Programming Lab NCS-151/NCS-252

L T P 0 0 2

Section A Any FOUR of the following 1. WAP that accepts the marks of 5 subjects and finds the sum and percentage marks obtained by the student. 2. WAP that calculates the Simple Interest and Compound Interest. The Principal ,

Amount, Rate of Interest and Time are entered through the keyboard. 3. WAP to calculate the area and circumference of a circle. 4. WAP that accepts the temperature in Centigrade and converts into

Fahrenheit using the formula C/5=(F-32)/9. 5. WAP that swaps values of two variables using a third variable. 6. WAP that checks whether the two numbers entered by the user are equal or not. 7. WAP to find the greatest of three numbers. 8. WAP that finds whether a given number is even or odd. 9. WAP that tells whether a given year is a leap year or not. 10. WAP that accepts marks of five subjects and finds percentage and prints grades according to

the following criteria:

Between 90-100%-------------- Print ‗A‘

80-90%---------------------------- Print ‗B‘

60-80%--------------------------- Print ‗C‘

Below 60%---------------------- Print ‗D‘

Any FOUR of the following Section B

11. WAP that takes two operands and one operator from the user and perform the operation and prints the result by using Switch statement.

12. WAP to print the sum of all numbers up to a given number. 13. WAP to find the factorial of a given number. 14. WAP to print sum of even and odd numbers from 1 to N numbers. 15. WAP to print the Fibonacci series. 16. WAP to check whether the entered number is prime or not. 17. WAP to find the sum of digits of the entered number. 18. WAP to find the reverse of a number. 19. WAP to print Armstrong numbers from 1 to 100.

Section C Any FOUR of the following 20. WAP to convert binary number into decimal number and vice versa. 21. WAP that simply takes elements of the array from the user and finds the sum of these elements. 22. WAP that inputs two arrays and saves sum of corresponding elements of these arrays in a third array and prints them. 23. WAP to find the minimum and maximum element of the array. 24. WAP to search an element in a array using Linear Search. 25. WAP to sort the elements of the array in ascending order using Bubble Sort technique. 26. WAP to add and multiply two matrices of order nxn. 27. WAP that finds the sum of diagonal elements of a mxn matrix. 28. WAP to implement strlen (),strcat (), strcpy () using the concept of functions

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Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur

STUDY & EVALUATION SCHEME B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering [Effective Form session 2014-15]


S. Course

PERIODS Evaluation Scheme


No. Code




L T P CT TA Total


1 AS-301 Mathematics III 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

2 ME-301 Production process 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75

3. ME-302 Strength of Materials 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

4. ME-303 Materials Science & 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150


5. Fluid Mechanics 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

6. ME-304 Thermodynamics 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75

7. AS-302 *Human Values & 2 0 0 15 10 25 50 75




8. ME-351 Material Science & Testing 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50


9. ME-352 Thermodynamics Lab 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50

10. ME-353 Machine drawing I lab 0 0 3 10 10 20 30 50

11. Fluid Mechanics Lab * 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50

12. GP-301 General Proficiency - - - - - 50 - 50

Total 16 06 09 1000

* Compulsory Audit course. Candidate has to secure min. 40% marks.

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Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur

STUDY & EVALUATION SCHEME B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering [Effective Form session 2014-15]


S. Course

SUBJECT PERIODS Evaluation Scheme





L T P CT TA Total


1 Electrical Machines and 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

Automatic Control

2 ME-401 Theory of Machines - I 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75

3. ME-402 Applied Thermodynamics 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

4. ME-403 Measurement and Metrology 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

5. ME-404 Manufacturing Science - I 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

6. ME-405 Advanced Materials 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75


8. ME-451 Manufacturing Science – I Lab 0 0 3 10 10 20 30 50

9. ME-452 Machine Drawing – II Lab 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50

10. ME-453 Measurement and Metrology 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50


11. Electrical Machines and 0 0 3 10 10 20 30 50

Automatic Control Lab

12. GP-401 General Proficiency - - - - - 50 - 50

Total 16 06 10 1000

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ME-301 Production Processes L:T:P

2:1:0 Unit I Jigs & Fixtures : Locating & Clamping devices & principles. Jig Bushes, Type of Jigs & Fixtures. Jigs & Fixtures and its applications, problems on Jigs and fixtures. 7

Unit II Metal Joining (Welding) Survey of welding and allied processes, Gas welding and cutting, process and equipment. Arc welding, Power sources and consumables. TIG & MIG processes and their parameters. Resistance welding - spot, seam projection Other welding processes such as atomic hydrogen, submerged arc, electroslag, friction welding, Soldering & Brazing . 6 Thermodynamic and Metallurgical aspects in welding and weld, Shrinkage/residual stress in welds. Defects in welds and remedies. Weld decay in HAZ. 2 Unit III Unconventional Welding Process : Principle and working and application of unconventional welding processes such as Laser beam welding, Electron beam welding, Ultrasonic welding Explosive welding, Cladding Under water Welding, Metalizing, Plasma arc welding/cutting. 8

Unit-IV Powder Metallurgy : Powder metallurgy manufacturing process. The need, process, advantage and applications. 2 Manufacturing of Plastic components :

Moulding of Plastics. Welding of plastics. Applications of plastics. Resins & Adhesives. 5

Text/Reference Books: 1. Manufacturing Science, Ghosh and Mallik East West Private Limited, New Delhi

2. Production Engineering Sciences P.C. Pandey Standard Publishers & Distributers Delhi 3. Production Technology R.K. Jain Khanna Publishers Delhi 4. Manufacturing Technology P.N. Rao., TMH New Delhi 5. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing Paul Degarmo. PHI New Delhi 6. Manufacturing Engineering & Technology Kalpakjian, Pearson Pub. 7. Elements of Workshop Technology S. K. Hajra Choudhary Media Promoters & Publishers Private Limited Bombay.

8. A Course In Work Shop Technology B. S. Raghuwanshi Dhanpat Rai & Sons Delhi 9. A Text book of Production Technology P. C. Sharma S. Chand & Company New Delhi 10. A Text book of Production Engineering P. C. Sharma S. Chand & Company New Delhi

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ME-302 Strength of Materials L:T:P 3:1:0

Unit-1 Analysis of stress : Introduction, two dimensional state of stress, transformation of stress, principal planes, principal stresses, maximum shear stress, Mohr’s circle, normal and shear stress on octahedral planes, generalized Hook’s law, total strain energy and distortion energy. 6 Theories of failure: Introduction, principal stress theory, principal strain theory, strain energy theory, distortion energy theory and octahedral stress theory, applications. 4 Unit-2 Stresses in beams: Bending stress in beams, composite beams, shear stress in beams. 3 Torsion: Torsion of shaft of circular section, angle of twist, shear stress in shaft, principal stresses and maximum shear stress in a shaft subjected to combined bending and twisting moments. 3 Deflection of beam: Introduction, equation of deflection curve, solution of differential equation by direct integration, Area –Moment method, method of superposition , Castigliano’s theorems, deflection of statically indeterminate beams . 4 Unit -3 Helical and leaf springs: Introduction, stress in springs, deflection of springs by energy method, deflection of springs due to axial force and axial torque, laminated springs. 3

Short columns: Stress in eccentrically loaded short columns, middle third and middle quarter rules. 2 Long columns: Stability of equilibrium, axially loaded columns with different end conditions, Euler theory and experimental results, Rankine Gordon formulae, Applications. 3

Unit-4 Thin cylinder and thin sphere: Hoop and axial stresses, axial strain, hoop strain and volumetric strain. 3 Thick cylinder: Radial and hoop stresses in thick cylinder due to external and internal pressures, compound cylinder, stress due to interference. 3 Unit -5 Curved beams: Bending of beams with large initial curvature, position of neutral axis for rectangular, trapezoidal, circular and T- section beams, stress in crane hooks. 4 Unsymmetrical bending: Introduction, bending stress in beams in unsymmetrical bending, shear centre. 3 Reference books:

Engineering Mechanics of solids by Egor P. Popov, P H I Mechanics of solids by R. C. Hibbler , Pearson

Strength of materials by James M Gere and Barry J Goodnoo., Cengage Learning Strength of materials by S S Rattan, Mc graw Hill.

Strength of materials , Patr -1, Elementary theory and problems by Stephen Timoshenko CBS publishers and distributers. Mechanics of solids by Abdul Mubeen , Pearson.

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3 1 0

Unit-I Introduction : Historical perspective, importance of materials. Brief review of modern & atomic concepts in Physics and Chemistry. Atomic models, Periodic table, Chemical bondings.

3 Structures of metals: Nature of metallic bonding, crystallography, types of solids, crystal systems, Bravais Lattices, crystal symmetry, Miller Indices, Metallic structure, closed packed crystal structure, Relation between density and lattice constant, Planar density, interplanar spacing for cubic crystal, macrostructure and microstructure, Method to determine crystal structure (X-ray diffraction). 6

Unit-II Structure of alloys: Solid solution and their classification, Hume Rothery’s Rule, Free energy of solid solutions and intermediate phases. 2

Imperfections in crystals: Point imperfections, dislocations, Partial dislocations and stacking faults,

High angle grain boundaries, planar boundaries and interaction between crystal imperfections. 6

Unit III Mechanical Properties: Tensile test, engineering stress-strain curve, true stress-strain curve, the rate of work hardening, strain aging, plastic deformation mechanism, methods of strengthening metals against yield, fatigue test, low cycle fatigue, slow crack growth rate, factors affecting fatigue life and protection methods against fatigue failure, hardness testing and impact testing. 8

Unit IV Ferrous and nonferrous materials: Classification of materials, cast iron and steels, non-ferrous materials and alloys. 3

Heat Treatment of steels: T-T-T diagrams, C-C-T diagrams, function of alloying elements, formation

of austenite, annealing, normalizing, quenching, tempering, hardenability and case hardening. 5

Unit V Phase changes and solidification: Phase changes, diffusion in solids, Nucleation and growth kinetics and solidification. 2 Equilibrium diagrams: The phase rule, Binary equilibrium diagrams, free energy composition curves for binary systems, Micro structural changes during cooling, Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, effect of alloying elements on the Fe-C diagram, Experimental Determination of Equilibrium Diagrams.

6 Text/Reference Books: 1. Material Science & Engineering, W.D. Callister, Addition-Wesley Publication . 2. Elements of Material Science & Engineering, Van Vlash - John Wiley & Sons. 3. Engineering Materials and Metallurgy, A S Wadhwa and H S Dhaliwal, University Science Press.

4. Material Science, V. Raghvan -, Prentice Hall. 5. Physical Metallurgy, V. Raghvan -, Prentice Hall. 6. Materials Science – G.K.Narula; K.S.Narula and V.K.Gupta – TATA MC Graw Hill. 7. Introduction to Engineering Materials, B. K. Agarwal- TMH.

8. Introduction to Engineering Materials, G. E. Dieter- Mechanical Metallurgy, TataMcGraw Hill. 9. Materials Science, M.Gupta, Umesh Publication.

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2:1:0 Unit – I Fundamental Concepts and Definitions: Introduction and definition of thermodynamics,

Dimensions and units, Microscopic and Macroscopic approaches, Systems, surroundings and universe,

Concept of continuum, Control system boundary, control volume and control surface, Properties and

state, Thermodynamic properties, Thermodynamic path, process and cycle, Thermodynamic

equilibrium, Reversibility and irreversibility, Quasi static process, Energy and its forms, Work and

heat, Gas laws, Ideal gas, Real gas, Law of corresponding states, Dalton’s law, Amagat’s law, Property of mixture of gases. 5 Zeroth law of Thermodynamics: Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperature and its’ measurement,

Temperature scales. 2

Unit – II: First law of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic definition of work, Thermodynamic processes, Calculation of work in various processes and sign convention, Non-flow work and flow work, Joules’ experiment, First law of thermodynamics, Internal energy and enthalpy, First law of thermodynamics applied to open systems, Steady flow systems and their analysis, Steady flow energy equation, Boilers, Condensers, Turbine, Throttling process, Pumps etc. First law analysis for closed system (non flow processes), Analysis of unsteady processes such as filling and evacuation of vessels with and without heat transfer, Limitations of first law of thermodynamics, PMM-I. 4 Second law of Thermodynamics: Devices converting heat to work, Thermal reservoir, Heat engines, Efficiency, Devices converting work to heat, Heat pump, refrigerator, Coefficient of Performance, Reversed heat engine, Kelvin Planck statement of second law of thermodynamics, Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics, Equivalence of two statements of second law of thermodynamics, Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle and Carnot engine, Carnot theorem and it’s

corollaries, thermodynamic temperature scale, PMM-II. 4

Unit – III Entropy : Clausius inequality, Concept of Entropy, Entropy change in different thermodynamic processes, T ds equation, Principle of entropy increase, T-S diagram, Statement of the third law of thermodynamics. 3

Availability and Irreversibility: Available and unavailable energy, Availability and Irreversibility,

Second law efficiency, Helmholtz & Gibb’s function. 3 Properties of Pure Substances: Pure substance, Property of steam, Triple point, Critical point, Sub-cooled liquid, Saturation states, Superheated states, Phase transformation process of water, Graphical representation of pressure, volume and temperature, P-T & P-V diagrams, T-S and H-S diagrams, use of property diagram, Steam-Tables & Mollier charts, Dryness factor and it’s measurement, processes involving steam in closed and open systems. 3 Unit – IV Thermodynamic relations: Mathematical conditions for exact differentials. Maxwell Relations, Clapeyron Equation, Joule-Thompson coefficient and Inversion curve. Co efficient of volume expansion, Adiabatic & Isothermal compressibility. 4 Thermodynamic Cycles: Carnot vapour power cycle, Rankine cycle and its modification, Binary vapour cycles. Carnot gas power cycles, Brayton cycle. Stirling cycle, Ericsson cycle, Air standard cycles, Otto cycle and Diesel cycle. 4 Text/Reference Books: 1. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics by Van Wylen, John wiley & sons. 2. Thermodynamics by J.P. Holman, McGraw Hill. 3. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K.Nag, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. 4. Engineering Thermodynamics by Onkar Singh, New Age International Pub.. 5. Engineering Thermodynamics by C.P. Arora.

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L:T:P 0:0:2

(A). Material Science Lab Experiments: (at least 5 of the following)

1. Making a plastic mould for small metallic specimen. 2. Specimen preparation for micro structural examination-cutting, grinding, polishing, etching.

3. Grain Size determination of a given specimen. 4. Comparative study of microstructures of different given specimens (mild steel, gray C.I., brass,

copper etc.) 5. Heat treatment experiments such as annealing, normalizing, quenching, case hardening and

comparison of hardness before and after. 6. Material identification of, say, 50 common items kept in a box. 7. Faradays law of electrolysis experiment.

8. Study of corrosion and its effects.

9. Study of microstructure of welded component and HAZ. Macro & Micro Examination.

10. Suitable experiment on Magnetic/ Electrical/Electronic materials.

(B). Material Testing Lab Experiments: (at least 5 of the following)

1. Strength testing of a given mild steel specimen on UTM with full details and s-e plot on the

machine. 2. Other tests such as shear, bend tests on UTM.

3. Impact testing on impact testing machine like Charpy, Izod or both.

4. Hardness testing of given specimen using Rockwell and Vickers/Brinell testing machines.

5. Spring index testing on spring testing machine. 6. Fatigue testing on fatigue testing machine.

7. Creep testing on creep testing machine. 8. Deflection of beam experiment, comparison of actual measurement of deflection with dial gauge

to the calculated one, and or evaluation of young’s modulus of beam. 9. Torsion testing of a rod on torsion testing machine.

10. Study of non-destructive testing methods like magnetic flaw detector, ultrasonic flaw detector, eddy current testing machine, dye penetrant tests.

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Experiments: Minimum 10 experiments out of following;

1. Study of Fire Tube boiler. 2. Study of Water Tube boiler.

3. Study and working of Two stroke petrol Engine. 4. Study and working of Four stroke petrol Engine.

5. Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse Test. 6. Prepare the heat balance for Diesel Engine test rig.

7. Prepare the heat balance sheet for Petrol Engine test rig.

8. Study and working of two stroke Diesel Engine.

9. Study and working of four stroke Diesel Engine. 10. Study of Velocity compounded steam turbine.

11. Study of Pressure compounded steam turbine.

12. Study of Impulse & Reaction turbine.

13. Study of steam Engine model.

14. Study of Gas Turbine Model.

15. Any other suitable experiment on thermodynamics.

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Introduction (1 drawing sheet)

Graphics Language, Classification of drawings, Principles of drawing, IS codes for

machine drawing, scales, types of lines, section lines, Dimensioning 2

Orthographic Projections (1 drawing sheet)

Principle of first angle and third angle projection, drawing of machine elements in first

angle projection, selection of views, sectional views 2 Screwed fasteners (2 drawing sheet) Thread nomenclature, Forms of thread, Thread series, designation, Representation of threads, Bolted joints, Locking arrangement of nuts 2

Keys and Cotters and Pin joint (1 drawing sheet)

Types of keys, Cotter joint or Knuckle joint 2

Shaft Couplings (1 drawing sheet)

Introduction, Rigid coupling or Flexible coupling 1

Riveted joints (1 drawing sheet)

Introduction, rivets and riveting, Types of rivet heads, Types of riveted joints, Boiler joint 1

Assembly Drawing (1 drawing sheet)

Introduction, Engine parts-stuffing box, cross head 1

Free hand sketching* Introduction, Need for free hand sketching, Free hand sketching of foundation bolts, studs, pulleys, couplings etc. * students may be asked to submit the free hand sketching assignment at the end of the semester Books and References:

1. Machine Drawing-KL Narayana, P Kannaiah, KV Reddy-New Age 2. Machine Drawing-PS Gill-SK Kataria & sons

3. Machine Drawing-N. Siddeshswar, P Kannaiah, VVS Shastry, Tata McGraw Hill

4. Engineering drawing Practice for School and Colleges, SP46-1988 (BIS)

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ME-401 Theory of Machines-I


2 1 0

Unit I Introduction Kinematics and dynamics, links-types, kinematic pair classification, constraint-types, degree of freedom of planer mechanism, Grubler’s equation, linkage mechanisms, inversion of four bar chains, slider crank chain and double slider crank chain. 5 Velocity Analysis Velocity of point in mechanism, relative velocity method, velocity in four bar mechanism, slider crank mechanism and quick return motion mechanism, rubbing velocity at a pin joint, instantaneous center method, types and location of instantaneous center, Kennedy’s theorem, velocity in four bar mechanism and slider crank mechanisms. 5

Unit II

Acceleration Analysis Acceleration of a point on a link, acceleration diagram, Corioli’s component of acceleration, crank and slotted lever mechanism, Klein’s construction for slider crank mechanism and four bar mechanism, analytical method for slider crank mechanism. 5 Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanism Dimension Synthesis of mechanism: motion , path and function generation, Chebyshev spacing, three position synthesis, graphical approach for four link mechanism, straight line mechanisms, special mechanisms-indicator diagram mechanism, steering mechanisms, Hook’s Joint. 6

Unit III Cams Cams and Followers-classification & terminology, cam profile by graphical method with knife edge and radial follower for uniform velocity and simple harmonic motion of follower. Analytical method of cam design- tangent cam with roller follower and circular cams with flat faced follower. 7

Unit IV

Gear and Gear Trains Classification and terminology, law of gearing, tooth forms and comparisons, systems of gear teeth, length of path of contact, contact ratio, interference and undercutting in involute gear teeth, minimum number of teeth on gear and pinion to avoid interference, simple, compound, reverted and planetary gear trains, Sun and planet gear train. 7

Text/Reference Books: 1. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines: A Ghose and A K Malik , East West Press Pvt. Ltd. 2. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines: J J Uicker, G R Pennock and J E Shigley, Oxford

University Press. 3. Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery: C E Wilson and J E Sadler, PEARSON

4. Theory of Machines: S S Ratan, TMH

5. Theory of Machines: Thomas Bevan, CBS Publishers

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L : T : P 3 : 1 : 0


Review of Thermodynamics: Brief Review of Basic Laws of Thermodynamics. 2 Fuels and Combustion: Combustion analysis, Heating Values, Air requirement, Air/Fuel ratio, Standard heat of Reaction and effect of temperature on standard heat of reaction, heat of formation, Adiabatic flame temperature. 6

Unit-II Boilers: Steam generators-classifications. Working of fire-tube and water-tube boilers, boiler mountings & accessories, Draught & its calculations, air pre heater, feed water heater, super heater. Boiler efficiency, Equivalent evaporation. Boiler trial and heat balance. 7

Unit-III Steam Engine: Rankine and modified Rankine cycles, Working of steam engine and indicator

diagram. 4 Steam & Gas Nozzles: Flow through nozzle, Variation of velocity, Area and specific volume, Choked flow, Throat area, Nozzle efficiency, Off design operation of nozzle, Effect of friction on nozzle, Super saturated flow. 4

Unit-IV Steam Turbines : Classification of steam turbine, Impulse and reaction turbines, Staging, Stage and overall efficiency, Reheat factor, Bleeding, Velocity diagram of simple & compound multistage impulse & reaction turbines & related calculations work done efficiencies of reaction, Impulse reaction Turbines, state point locus, Comparison with steam engines, Losses in steam turbines, Governing of turbines. 6

Condenser: Classification of condenser, Air leakage, Condenser performance parameters 3

Unit-V Gas Turbine:Gas turbine classification Brayton cycle,Principles of gas turbine, Gas turbine cycles with intercooling,reheat and regeneration and their combinations, Stage efficiency, Polytropic efficiency. Deviation of actual cycles from ideal cycles. 4

Jet Propulsion: Introduction to the principles of jet propulsion, Turbojet and turboprop engines & their processes, Principle of rocket propulsion, Introduction to Rocket Engine. 4

Text/Reference Books: 1. Applied thermodynamics by Onkar Singh, New Age International (P) Publishers Ltd.

2. Basic and Applied Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub.

3. Theory of Stream Turbine by W.J. Kearton

4. Gas Turbine, by V. Ganeshan, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers.

5. Gas turbine Theory & Practice, by Cohen & Rogers, Addison Weslay Long man

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L:T:P 3:1:0

Unit-I Mechanical Measurements Introduction: Introduction to measurement and measuring instruments, Generalized measuring system and functional elements, units of measurement, static and dynamic performance characteristics of measurement devices, calibration, concept of error, sources of error, statistical analysis of errors. 4

Sensors and Transducers:

Types of sensors, types of transducers and their characteristics. 2

Signal transmission and processing:

Devices and systems. 1

Signal Display & Recording Devices 1


Time related measurements:

Counters, stroboscope, frequency measurement by direct comparison. 2

Measurement of displacement 1 Measurement of pressure: Gravitational, directing acting, elastic and indirect type pressure transducers, Measurement of very low pressures. 3 Strain measurement: Types of strain gauges and their working, strain gauge circuits, temperature compensation. Strain rosettes, calibration. 3


Measurements of force and torque:

Different types of load cells, elastic transducers, pneumatic & hydraulic systems. 2

Temperature measurement:

Thermometers, bimetallic thermocouples, thermistors and pyrometers. 3


Seismic instruments, vibration pick ups and decibel meters, vibrometers, accelerometers. 2

Unit-IV Metrology and Inspection: Standards of linear measurement, line and end standards. Limit fits and tolerances. Interchangeability and standarisation. 2 Linear and angular measurement devices and systems Comparators: Sigma, Johansson’s Microkrator.3 Limit gauges classification, Taylor’s Principle of Gauge Design. 2

Measurement of geometric forms like straightness, flatness, roundness. 1

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Tool makers microscope, profile project autocollimator. 1

Interferometry: principle and use of interferometry, optical flat. 2

Measurement of screw threads and gears. 1

Surface texture: quantitative evaluation of surface roughness and its measurement. 2 Measurement and Inspection: Dimensional inspection – Tolerance, Limit gauging, comparators, Surface roughness, Feature inspection. 2

Text/Reference Books: 1. Beckwith Thomas G., Mechanical Measurements, Narosa Publishing House, N. Delhi. 2. Doeblein E.O., “Measurement Systems, Application Design”, McGraw Hill, 1990. 3. Kumar D.S., “Mechanical Measurements and Control”, Metropolitan, N. Delhi. 4. Hume K.J., “Engineering Metrology”, MacDonald and Co. 1963 5. Gupta, I.C., “Engineering Metrology”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 1994 6. Sirohi, “Mechanical Measurement” New Age Publishers 7. Jain, R.K., “Engineering Metrology” Khanna Publishers 8. Jain, R.K., “Mechanical Measurement” Khanna Publishers

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ME- 404 Manufacturing Science - I L:T:P


Unit I Introduction: Importance of manufacturing. Economic considerations in manufacturing, Classification of manufacturing processes. 2

Metal Forming Processes :

Elastic & plastic deformation, yield criteria. Hot working vs cold working. 2 Analysis (equilibrium equation method) of Forging process for load estimation with sliding friction sticking friction and mixed condition for slab and disc. Work required for forging, Hand, Power, Drop Forging. 4

Unit-II Metal Forming Processes (continued):Analysis of Wire/strip drawing and maximum reduction, Tube drawing, Extrusion and its application. 4

Condition for Rolling force and power in rolling. Rolling mills & rolled-sections. 2

Design, lubrication and defects in metal forming processes. 2


Sheet Metal working & Press Working : Presses and their classification, Die & punch assembly and press work methods and processes. Cutting/Punching mechanism, Blanking vs Piercing. Compound vs Progressive die. Flat-face vs Inclined-face punch and Load(capacity) needed. 5

Types of forming process like cup/deep drawing. Bending & spring-back. 3 Unit- IV

Casting (Foundry) Basic principle & survey of casting processes. Types of patterns and allowances. Types and properties of moulding sand. Elements of mould , Gating, Riser, Runnes, Core. Solidification of casting,. Sand casting, defects & remedies and inspection. Cupola furnace. 8

Unit V

Casting (Foundry) Continued

Die Casting, Centrifugal casting. Investment casting, CO2 casting. 5 Unconventional Metal forming processes : Principle, working and applications of High energy forming processes such as Explosive Forming, Electromagnetic forming, Electro-Discharge forming, 3 Text/Reference Books: 1. Manufacturing Science Ghosh and Mallik East West Private Limited, New Delhi 2. Production Engineering Sciences P.C. Pandey Standard Publishers & Distributers Delhi

3. Production Technology R.K. Jain Khanna Publishers Delhi

4. Manufacturing Technology P.N. Rao., TMH New Delhi

5. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing Paul Degarmo. PHI New Delhi

6. Manufacturing Engineering & Technology Kalpakjian, Pearson Pub. 7. Elements of Workshop Technology S. K. Hajra Choudhary Media Promoters & Publishers Private Limited Bombay. 8. A Course In Work Shop Technology B. S. Raghuwanshi Dhanpat Rai & Sons Delhi.

9. A Text book of Production Technology P. C. Sharma S. Chand & Company New Delhi

10. A Text book of Production Engineering P. C. Sharma S. Chand & Company New Delhi.

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UNIT-I Engineering alloys: Steel specifications, low carbon steels, mild steels, medium carbon steels, tool materials, stainless steels, high temperature alloys, cast irons, bearing materials, copper and its alloys, aluminum and its alloys. 8

UNIT-II Properties of engineering materials: Mechanical properties, physical properties, thermal properties, electrical properties, chemical properties, magnetic properties, optical properties, dimensional and technological properties. 8

Unit-III Composites Polymer – polymer, metal-metal, ceramic –ceramic, ceramic-polymer, metal-ceramic, metal-polymer composites. Dispersion reinforced, particle reinforced, laminated and fiber reinforced composites.

Refractory materials and coatings for high temperature applications. 10

Unit-IV Smart Materials-introduction, types and applications. Nano materials:Introduction to nanomaterials, Properties of materials & nanomaterials, role of size in

nanomaterials. 7

Text/Reference Books:

1. Material Science & Engineering, W.D. Callister, Addition-Wesley Publication . 2. Elements of Material Science & Engineering, Van Vlash - John Wiley & Sons. 3. Engineering Materials and Metallurgy, A S Wadhwa and H S Dhaliwal, , University Science Press. 4. Material Science, V. Raghvan -, Prentice Hall. 5. Physical Metallurgy, V. Raghvan -, Prentice Hall. 6. Materials Science – G.K.Narula; K.S.Narula and V.K.Gupta – TATA MC Graw Hill. 7. Introduction to Engineering Materials, B. K. Agarwal- TMH. 8. Introduction to Engineering Materials, G. E. Dieter- Mechanical Metallurgy, TataMcGraw Hill. 9. Materials Science, M.Gupta, Umesh Publication.

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L:T:P 0:0:3

Experiments : Say minimum 8 experiments out of following (or such experiment). 1. Design of pattern for a desired casting (containing hole)

2. Pattern making

3. Making a mould (with core) and casting.

4. Sand testings (at least one such as grain fineness number determination)

5. Injection moulding with plastics

6. Forging hand forging processes

7. Forging - power hammer study & operation

8. Tube bending with the use of sand and on tube bending m/c.

9. Press work experiment such as blanking/piercing, washer, making etc.

10. Wire drawing/extrusion on soft material.

11. Rolling-experiment.

12. Bending & spring back. 13. Powder metallurgy experiment.

14. Jigs & Fixture experiment.

15. Any other suitable experiment on manufacturing science / process / technique.

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L:T:P 0:0:2

Review of Orthographic Projections (1 drawing sheet) Orthographic Projection of solids in First angle of projection, missing lines views, interpretation of views 2 Part and Assembly Drawing (2 drawing sheet) Assembly drawing of eccentric, lathe tail stock, air valve, screw jack, connecting rod, safety valve etc.

2 Specification of Materials (1 drawing sheet)

Engineering materials, representation, Code designation of steel, copper, aluminium etc. 1

Limits, Tolerance and Fits (1 drawing sheet)

Limit system, Tolerances, Method of placing limit dimensions, Fits-types 2

Surface Roughness (1 drawing sheet)

Introduction, nomenclature, machining symbols, indication of surface roughness 1

Production Drawing (1drawing sheet)

Types, Examples of simple machine elements like helical gear, bevel gear, crank,

connecting rod, belt pulley, piston etc. 2

Computer Aided Drafting (2 drawings)

Introduction, input, output devices, introduction to software like AutoCAD, ProE, basic

commands and development of 2D and 3D drawings of simple parts 3

Text/Reference Books: 1. Machine Drawing - KL Narayana, P Kannaiah, KV Reddy - New Age

2. Machine Drawing - PS Gill - SK Kataria & sons

3. Machine Drawing -N. Siddeshswar, P Kannaiah, VVS Shastry -Tata McGraw Hill

4. Engineering Drawing - RK Dhawan - S. Chand

5. AutoCAD-S. Vshal - Dhanpat Rai

6. Engineering Graphics - BK Goel & PK Goel - SK Kataria

7. Computer Aided Engineering Graphics - Rajashekhar Patil - New Age

8. Engineering Drawing - Dhananjay A Jolhe - Tata McGraw Hill

9. Engineering Drawing - CM Agrawal - Tata McGraw Hill

10. Machine Drawing – Ajeet Singh – The Mc Graw Hill Companies

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L:T:P 0:0:2

Experiments: Minimum 8 out of following (or such experiments) 1. Study & working of simple measuring instruments- Vernier calipers, micrometer, tachometer. 2. Measurement of effective diameter of a screw thread using 3 wire method.

3. Measurement of angle using sinebar & slip gauges. Study of limit gauges.

4. Study & angular measurement using level protector

5. Adjustment of spark plug gap using feeler gauges.

6. Study of dial indicator & its constructional details.

7. Use of dial indicator to check a shape run use.

8. Study and understanding of limits, fits & tolerances

9. Study of Pressure & Temperature measuring equipment.

10. Strain gauge measurement.

11. Speed measurement using stroboscope.

12. Flow measurement experiment

13. Vibration/work measuring experiment.

14. Experiment on Dynamometers.

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STUDY & EVALUATION SCHEME B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering [Effective from Session 2015-16]

YEAR III, SEMESTER-V Evaluation Scheme


S.No. Code SUBJECT L T P CT TA Total ESE Total


Engineering and Managerial 30

1. AS-501 Economics 3 1 0 20 50 100 150

2. ME-501 Machine Design-I 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75

3. ME-502 Manufacturing Science-II 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

4. ME-503 Heat & Mass Transfer 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

5. ME-504 Theory of Machines-II 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

6. ME- 505 I.C. Engines & Compressors 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75


7 ME-551 Manufacturing Science-II Lab 0 0 3 10 10 20 30 50

8. ME 552 Heat & Mass Transfer Lab 0 0 3 10 10 20 30 50

9. ME 553 Machine Design-I Lab 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50

10. ME 554 Theory of Machines lab 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50

11. GP 501 General Proficiency - - - - - 50 - 50

Total 16 06 10 1000

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B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering [Effective from Session 2015-16]

YEAR III, SEMESTER-VI Evaluation Scheme


S.No. Code SUBJECT L T P CT TA Total ESE Total


1. AS-601 Industrial Management 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

Computer Aided

2. ME-601 Manufacturing 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75

Refrigeration and Air

3. ME-602 Conditioning 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

4. ME-603 Machine Design - II 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

5. ME-604 Fluid Machinery 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

Production and Operation

6. ME- 605 Management 2 1 0 15 10 25 50 75


7 ME-651 Refrigeration and Air

0 0 3 10 10 20

30 50

Conditioning Lab

8. ME 652 Machine Design – II Lab 0 0 3 10 10 20 30 50

9. ME 653 Fluid Machinery Lab 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50

10. ME 654 Seminar 0 0 3 - - 50 - 50

11. GP 601 General Proficiency - - - - - 50 - 50

Total 16 06 11 1000

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ME-501 Machine Design-I L T P

2 1 0


Fundamental of Machine Design Design Philosophy, Design procedure, Design requirements of machine elements, Standards in design,

Feasibility study, Brain storming, Selection of Fits and tolerances, Selection of preferred sizes, Indian

Standards designation of cast iron and carbon & alloy steels, Selection of materials for static and fatigue loads. 5 Design against Static Load Modes of failure, Factor of safety, Principal Stresses, Stresses due to bending and torsion, Theory of failure, Stress concentration factor for various machine parts. 4


Design against Fluctuating Loads and Fatigue strength analysis Cyclic stresses, Fatigue and endurance limit, Stress concentration factor, Notch sensitivity, Design for finite and infinite life, Soderberg, Goodman & Gerber criteria. 8

UNIT III Mechanical Joints: ISO Metric Screw Threads, Bolted joints in tension, eccentrically loaded bolted joints

in shear and under combined stresses, Design of power screws, Design of various types of welding joints

under different static load conditions. Design of various types of riveted joints under different static loading conditions, eccentrically loaded riveted joints. 8


Keys and Couplings Types of keys, splines, Selection of square & flat keys, Strength of sunk key, Couplings- Design of rigid and flexible couplings. Belt drives: Design of belt drives, Flat & V-belt drives, Condition for Transmission of max. Power, Selection of belt. 8 Note: Design data book is allowed in the examination Text/Reference Books: 1. Mechanical Engg. Design: Joseph Edward Shigley-Mc Graw Hill Book Co.

2. Design of Machine Elements: V.B. Bhandari – Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

3. Design of Machine Elements: C.S. Sharma and Kamlesh Purohit, PHI

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ME- 502 Manufacturing Science II L- T- P 3- 1- 0

Unit I Metal Cutting and Machine Tools Metal Cutting- Mechanics of metal cutting, Geometry of tool and nomenclature, ASA system Orthogonal v/s oblique cutting. Mechanics of chip formation, types of chips. Shear angle relationship. Merchant’s force circle diagram. Cutting forces, power required. Cutting fluids/lubricants. Tool materials. Tool wear and tool life. Machinability. Dynamometer, Brief introduction to machine tool vibration and surface finish. Economics of metal cutting. 8


Machine Tools

(i) Lathe: Principle, construction, types, operations, Turret/capstan, Semi/Automatic Lathe Tool Layout, Capstan and turret lathe. 6

(ii) Milling: Construction, Milling cutters, up & down milling. Dividing head & indexing. Max chip

thickness & power required. 3


(iii) Drilling and boring: Principle of drilling, Chip formation, Drilling Machines, Geometry of twist drills, Boring, Reaming: operations and tools. 4

(iv) Shaper, slotter, planer: Construction, operations & drives 4

Unit IV (v) Grinding: Grinding wheels, abrasive & bonds, cutting action. Grinding wheel specification. Grinding wheel wear - attritions wear, fracture wear. Dressing and Truing. Max chip thickness. Surface and Cylindrical grinding. Center less grinding. 5

(vi)Super finishing: Honing, lapping, polishing. 1

(vii)BroachingMachine. 2

Unit V Introduction to Un-conventional Machining, Need & benefits, Limitations of conventional manufacturing processes, unconventional manufacturing processes & its classification and future possibilities. 2 Unconventional Machining Process: Principle, working and applications of Unconventional machining process such as Electro-Discharge machining, Electrochemical machining, ultrasonic machining, Laser beam machining, Electron beam machining, Water jet Machining, Abrasive jet machining. 6

Text/Reference Books: 1. Manufacturing Science Ghosh and Mallik East West Private Limited, New Delhi 2. Production Engineering Sciences P.C. Pandey Standard Publishers & Distributers Delhi

3. Production Technology R.K. Jain Khanna Publishers Delhi

4. Manufacturing Technology P.N. Rao., TMH New Delhi

5. Materials and Processes in Manufacturing Paul Degarmo. PHI New Delhi 6. Manufacturing Engineering & Technology Kalpakjian, Pearson Pub. 7. Elements of Workshop Technology, S. K. Hajra Choudhary Media Promoters & Publishers Private Limited Bombay 8. A Course In Work Shop Technology B. S. Raghuwanshi Dhanpat Rai & Sons Delhi

9. A Text book of Production Technology P. C. Sharma S. Chand & Company New Delhi

10. A Text book of Production Engineering P. C. Sharma S. Chand & Company New Delhi

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3:1:0 UNIT-1 Introduction to Heat Transfer: Concepts of the mechanisms of heat flows; Conduction, convection and

radiation; Effect of temperature on thermal conductivity of materials; Introduction to combined heat transfer mechanism. 2

Conduction: One-dimensional general differential heat conduction equation in the rectangular, cylindrical

and spherical coordinate systems; Initial and boundary conditions. 3 Steady State one-dimensional Heat conduction: Composite Systems in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates with and without energy generation; Thermal resistance concept; Analogy between heat and electricity flow; Thermal contact resistance; Critical thickness of insulation. 3

UNIT-2 Fins: Heat transfer from extended surfaces, Fins of uniform cross-sectional area; Errors of measurement of temperature in thermometer wells. 3

Transient Conduction: Transient heat conduction; Lumped capacitance method; Time constant;

Unsteady state heat conduction in one dimension only, Heisler charts. 4

UNIT-3 Forced Convection: Basic concepts; Hydrodynamic boundary layer; Thermal boundary layer; Approximate integral boundary layer analysis; Analogy between momentum and heat transfer in turbulent flow over a flat surface; Mixed boundary layer; Flow over a flat plate; Flow across a single cylinder and a sphere; Flow inside ducts; Empirical heat transfer relations; Relation between fluid friction and heat transfer; Liquid metal heat transfer. 4 Natural Convection: Physical mechanism of natural convection; Buoyant force; Empirical heat transfer relations for natural convection over vertical planes and cylinders, horizontal plates and cylinders, and sphere ; Combined free and forced convection. 3

UNIT-4 Thermal Radiation: Basic radiation concepts; Radiation properties of surfaces; Black body radiation Planck’s law, Wein’s displacement law, Stefan Boltzmann law, Kirchoff’s law; ; Gray body; Shape factor; Black-body radiation; Radiation exchange between diffuse non black bodies in an enclosure; Radiation shields; Radiation combined with conduction and convection; Absorption and emission in gaseous medium; Solar radiation; Green house effect. 8

UNIT-5 Heat Exchanger: Types of heat exchangers; Fouling factors; Overall heat transfer coefficient; Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) method; Effectiveness-NTU method; Compact heat exchangers. 3 Condensation And Boiling: Introduction to condensation phenomena; Heat transfer relations for laminar film condensation on vertical surfaces and on outside & inside of a horizontal tube; Effect of non- condensable gases; Dropwise condensation; Heat pipes; Boiling modes, pool boiling; Hysteresis in

boiling curve; Forced convective boiling. 3

Introduction To Mass Transfer: Introduction; Fick's law of diffusion; Steady state equimolar counter

diffusion; Steady state diffusion though a stagnant gas film. 2

Text/Reference Books: 1.Elements of Heat transfer by Bayazitouglu & Ozisik, McGraw-Hill Book Company. 2.Heat Transfer By J.P. Holman, McGraw-Hill International edition. 3.Schaum's outline of Heat Transfer by Pitts & Sisson McGraw-Hill International edition. 4.Principles of Heat Transfer by Frank Kreith, McGraw-Hill Book co. 5.Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer by James R.Welty; John Wiley & Sons (Pvt). Ltd. 6.Heat Transfer, by Vijay Gupta, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers 7.Heat Transfer, by Y.V.C. Rao, University Press.

8.Heat Transfer, by R. Yadav, Central Publishing House, Allahabad.

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ME-504 Theory of Machines-II L:T:P 3:1:0

Unit I Static force and dynamic force analysis: Dynamics of rigid bodies in plane motion, Static force and dynamic force analysis of planer mechanisms, Engine force analysis, Piston and crank effort. 8

Turning moment on crankshaft, Turning moment diagrams-single cylinder double acting steam engine,

four stroke IC engine and multi-cylinder steam engine, Fluctuation of energy, Flywheel. 2

Unit II Gyroscope: Space motion of rigid bodies, angular momentum, gyroscopic couples, gyroscopic stabilization, ship stabilization, stability of four wheel and two wheel vehicles moving on curved paths.

8 Unit III Balancing of Rotating Components: Static balance, dynamic balance, balancing of rotating masses, two plane balancing, graphical and analytical methods, Balancing of Reciprocating Parts: Balancing of single cylinder engine, balancing of multi cylinder; inline, radial and V type engines. 8 . Unit IV Governors: Introduction, types of governors, characteristics of centrifugal governors, gravity controlled and spring controlled centrifugal governors, hunting of centrifugal governors, inertia governors. Effort and Power of governor, Controlling force diagrams for Porter governor and Spring controlled governors. 8

Unit V Dynamometers: Introduction, classification, Prony brake, rope brake and band brake dynamometers, belt transmission dynamometer, torsion dynamometer, hydraulic dynamometer. 8

Text/Reference Books: 1. Kinematics and dynamics of machinery: Wilson and Sadler, Third edition, Pearson. 2. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines: Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok kumar Mallik, Third Edition

Affiliated East-West Press. 3. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms: Joseph Edward Shigley and John Joseph Uicker,

4. Jr. Second Edition Mc Graw Hill, Inc

5. Theory of Mchines: S.S. Ratan, TMH. 6. Theory of Mchines: Thomas Bevan, CBS Publishers.

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2 1 0


Introduction to I.C Engines: Engine classification, Air standard cycles, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle,

Dual cycle, Comparison of Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles, Stirling cycle, Ericsson cycles, Actual

cycle analysis, Two and four stroke engines, SI and CI engines, Valve timing diagram, Rotary

engines, stratified charge engine. 5

Fuels: Fuels for SI and CI engine , Important qualities of SI and CI engine fuels, Rating of SI engine

and CI engine fuels, Dopes, Additives, Gaseous fuels, LPG, CNG, Biogas, Producer gas, Alternative fuels for IC engines. 3

Testing and Performance: Performance parameters, Basic measurements, Blow by measurement,

Testing of SI and CI engines. 2


SI Engines: Combustion in SI engine, Flame speed, Ignition delay, Abnormal combustion and it's

control, combustion chamber design for SI engines. 2

Carburetion, Mixture requirements, Carburetor types, Theory of carburetor, MPFI. 3

Ignition system requirements, Magneto and battery ignition systems, ignition timing and spark plug,

Electronic ignition. 2


CI Engine: Combustion in CI engines, Ignition delay, Knock and it's control, Combustion chamber

design of CI engines. 2

Fuel injection in CI engines, Requirements, Types of injection systems, Fuel pumps, Fuel injectors,

Injection timings. 3

Scavenging in 2 Stroke engines, pollution and it's control. 2


Engine Cooling: Different cooling systems, Radiators and cooling fans. 1 Lubrication: Engine friction, Lubrication principle, Type of lubrication, Lubrication oils, Crankcase

ventilation. 2

Supercharging: Effect of altitude on power output, Types of supercharging 1

Compressors: Classification, Reciprocating compressors, Single and Multi stage compressors,

Intercooling, Volumetric efficiency. 2

Rotary compressors, Classification, Centrifugal compressor , Axial compressors, Surging and

stalling, Roots blower, Vaned compressor. 2

Text/Reference Books: 1. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engine by Gill, Smith,Ziurs, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 2. IC Engines, by Rogowsky, International Book Co.

3. A Course in International Combustion Engines, by Mathur & Sharma, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 4. I.C Engine Analysis & Practice by E.F Obert.

5. I.C Engine, by Ganeshan, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers.

6. I.C Engine, by R. Yadav, Central Publishing House, Allahabad

7. Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors, by Chlumsky, SNTI Publications, Czechoslovakia

8. Turbines, Compressors and Fans, by S.M.Yahya, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub.

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0:0:3 Minimum 8 experiments of the following:

1. Shear angle determination (using formula) with tube cutting (for orthogonal cutting) on Lathe Machine.

2. Bolt (Thread) making On Lathe Machine.

3. Tool grinding (to provide tool angles) on tool-grinder machine.

4. Gear cutting on Milling Machine.

5. Machining a block on Shaper Machine.

6. Finishing of a surface on Surface Grinding Machine.

7. Study of Cylindrical Grinding Machine.

8. Study of Tool & Cutter Grinding Machine.

9. Study of Centre less Grinding Machine.

10. Study of Capstan Lathe.

11. Drilling holes on Drilling machine and study of Twist Drill.

12. Study of different type of tools and its angle & materials.

13. Experiment of tool wear and tool life.

14. Gas Welding Experiment. 15. Arc Welding Experiment.

16. Resistance Welding Experiment.

17. Soldering & Brazing Experiment.

18. Experiment on Un-Conventional Machining.

19. Experiment on Un-Conventional Welding.

20. Experiment on TIG / MIG welding.

21. Macro and Micro structure of welding joints.

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L T P 0 0 3

Minimum 10 experiment of the following

1. Conduction - Composite wall experiment

2. Conduction - Composite cylinder experiment

3. Convection - Pool Boiling experiment

4. Convection - Experiment on heat transfer from tube-natural convection.

5. Convection - Heat Pipe experiment.

6. Convection - Heat transfer through fin-natural convection .

7. Convection - Heat transfer through tube/fin-forced convection. 8. Any experiment on Stefan's Law, on radiation determination of emissivity, etc. 9. Any experiment on solar collector, etc.

10. Heat exchanger - Parallel flow experiment

11. Heat exchanger - Counter flow experiment

12. Any other suitable experiment on critical insulation thickness. 13. Conduction - Determination of thermal conductivity of fluids.

14. Conduction - Thermal Contact Resistance Effect.

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ME-553 Machine Design-I Lab L:T:P 0:0:2

Note: Eight experiments out of the following are to be performed. Students are advised to use design data book for the design. Drawing shall be made wherever necessary on small drawing sheets

1. Design & drawing of Cotter joint.

2. Design & drawing of Knuckle joint

3. Design of machine components subjected to combined steady and variable loads

4. Design of eccentrically loaded riveted joint

5. Design of boiler riveted joint

6. Design of shaft for combined constant twisting and bending loads

7. Design of shaft subjected to fluctuating loads

8. Design and drawing of flanged type rigid coupling

9. Design and drawing of flexible coupling

10. Design and drawing of helical spring

11. Design and drawing of screw jack

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ME-554 Theory of Machines Lab L:T:P


Note: Eight experiments out of the following are to be conducted 1. Study of simple linkage models/mechanisms.

2. Study of inversions of four bar linkage.

3. Study of inversions of single/double slider crank mechanisms.

4. Experiment on Gears tooth profile, interference etc.

5. Experiment on Gear trains.

6. Experiment on longitudinal vibration.

7. Experiment on transverse vibration.

8. Experiments on dead weight type governor.

9. Experiment on spring controlled governor.

10. Experiment on critical speed of shaft.

11. Experiment on gyroscope.

12. Experiment on static/dynamic balancing.

13. Experiment on Brake. 14. Experiment on clutch.

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UNIT-I Automation: Introduction to CAM; Automated Manufacturing system; Need of automation, Basic elements of automation, Levels of automation, Automation Strategies, Advantages & disadvantages of automation, Historical development and future trends. 3 Features of NC Machines: Fundamental of Numerical Control, Elements of NC machine tools, Classification of NC machine tools, Advantages and limitations of NC machine tools, Application of NC systems. 3

UNIT-II NC Part Programming- (a) Manual (word address format) programming: Drilling, Turning and Milling: Canned cycles,

Subroutine, and Macro. 4

(b) APT programming: Geometry, Motion and Additional statements, Macro- statement. 2

(c) Introduction to Computer Aided Manufacturing Software. 2

UNIT-III System Devices: Introduction to DC motors, Stepper motors, Feed back devices: Encoder, Counting devices, Digital to analog converter and vice versa. 3

Interpolators: Digital differential Integrator-Principle of operation, Exponential Decelarion,

DDA Hardware Interpolator- Linear, Circular; DDA Software Interpolator. 3 Control of NC Systems: Open and closed loops. Control of point to point systems- Incremental open loop control, Incremental close loop, Absolute close loop; Control loop in contouring systems; Adaptive control. 2

UNIT-IV Computer Integrated Manufacturing system: Group Technology, Cellular Manufacturing, Flexible Manufacturing System, Concept of Mechatronics. 2

Robotics: Types and generations of Robots, Structure and operation of Robot, Robot

applications, Economics, Robot programming methods. VAL and AML with examples. 4

Intelligent Manufacturing: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent

manufacturing. 2

Text/Reference Books: 1. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing by Mikell P.

Groover, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. 2. Computer Aided Manufacturing by Kundra and Rao, Tata Mc-Graw Hill. 4. CNC Programming by S. K. Sinha, , Galgotia Publication Private Limited. 3. Computer control of Manufacturing systems by Koren, Mc-Graw Hill.

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3 1 0 Unit-1 Refrigeration: Introduction to refrigeration system, Methods of refrigeration, Carnot refrigeration cycle, Unit of refrigeration, Refrigeration effect & C.O.P. Air Refrigeration cycle: Open and closed air refrigeration cycles, Reversed Carnot cycle, Bell Coleman or Reversed Joule air refrigeration cycle, Aircraft refrigeration system, Classification of aircraft refrigeration system. Boot strap refrigeration, Regenerative, Reduced ambient, Dry air rated temperature (DART). 8

Unit-2 Vapour Compression System: Single stage system, Analysis of vapour compression cycle, Use of T-S and P-H charts, Effect of change in suction and discharge pressures on C.O.P, Effect of sub cooling of condensate & superheating of refrigerant vapour on C.O.P of the cycle, Actual vapour compression refrigeration cycle, Multistage vapour compression system requirement, Removal of flash gas, Intercooling, Different configuration of multistage system, Cascade system. 8

Unit-3 Vapour Absorption system: Working Principal of vapour absorption refrigeration system, Comparison between absorption & compression systems, Elementary idea of refrigerant absorbent mixtures, Temperature – concentration diagram & Enthalpy – concentration diagram , Adiabatic mixing of two streams, Ammonia – Water vapour absorption system, Lithium- Bromide water vapour absorption system, Comparison. 5

Refrigerants: Classification of refrigerants, Nomenclature, Desirable properties of refrigerants, Common

refrigerants, Secondary refrigerants and CFC free refrigerants. 3

Unit-4 Air Conditioning: Introduction to air conditioning, Psychometric properties and their definitions, Psychometric chart, Different Psychometric processes, Thermal analysis of human body, Effective temperature and comfort chart, Cooling and heating load calculations, Selection of inside & outside design conditions, Heat transfer through walls & roofs, Infiltration & ventilation, Internal heat gain, Sensible heat factor ( SHF ), By pass factor, Grand Sensible heat factor ( GSHF), Apparatus dew point (ADP). 8

Unit-5 Refrigeration Equipment & Application: Elementary knowledge of refrigeration & air conditioning

equipments e.g compressors, condensers, evaporators & expansion devices, Air washers, Cooling, towers

& humidifying efficiency, Food preservation, Cold storage, Refrigerates Freezers, Ice plant, Water coolers,

Elementary knowledge of transmission and distribution of air through ducts and fans, Basic difference

between comfort and industrial air conditioning. 7

Text/Reference Books: 1. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, by Manohar Prasad, New Age International (P) Ltd.Pub.

2. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by C.P Arora.

3. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by Arora & Domkundwar.

4. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by stoecker & Jones.

5. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by Roy J. Dossat.

6. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by P.L. Baloney.

7. Thermal Environment Engg. by Kuhen, Ramsey & Thelked.

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ME-603 Machine Design-II L:T:P 3:1:0

Unit I Clutches: Design of friction clutches – Disc. Multidisc, Cone & Centrifugal, Torque transmitting capacity. 4

Brakes: Design of shoe brakes – Internal & external expanding, band brakes, Thermal Considerations in brake designing. 4 UNIT II Design of Shafts: Cause of failure in shafts, Materials for shaft, Stresses in shafts, Design of shafts subjected to twisting moment, bending moment and combined twisting and bending moments, Shafts subjected to fatigue loads, Design for rigidity. 8

Unit III Mechanical Springs: Types, Material for helical springs, End connections for compression and tension helical springs, Stresses and deflection of helical springs of circular wire, Design of helical springs subjected to static and fatigue loading. 8

Unit IV Design of Bearings: Selection of ball and roller bearing based on static and dynamic load carrying capacity using load-life relationship, Selection of Bearings from manufacturer’s catalogue, Reliability of Bearing types of lubrication –Boundary, mixed and hydrodynamic lubrication, Design of journal bearings using Raimondi and Boyd’s Charts, Lubricants and their properties, Selection of suitable lubricants, Design Problems. 8

Unit V Design of Gears: Classification, Selection of gears, Terminology of gears, Force analysis, Selection of material for gears, Beam & wear strength of gear tooth, Form or Lewis factor for gear tooth, Dynamic load on gear teeth -Barth equation and Buckingham equation and their comparison, Design of spur, helical, worm gear including the Consideration for maximum power transmitting capacity, Gear Lubrication, Design Problems. 8

Note: Design data book is allowed in the examination Text Books: 1. Mechanical Engg. Design: Joseph Edward Shigley-Mc Graw Hill Book Co. 2. Design of Machine Elements: V.B. Bhandari – Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 3. Design of Machine Elements: C.S. Sharma and Kamlesh Purohit, PHI

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UNIT-I Introduction: Classification of Fluid Machines & Devices, Application of momentum and momentum equation to flow through hydraulic machinery, Euler’s fundamental equation. 4

Impact of jet: Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving surface (flat &

curve), Effect of inclination of jet with the surface. 3

Hydraulic Turbines: Classification of turbines, Impulse turbines, Constructional details, Velocity

triangles, Power and efficiency calculations, Governing of Pelton wheel. 4

UNIT-II Reaction Turbines: Francis and Kaplan turbines, Constructional details, Velocity triangles, Power and efficiency calculations, Degree of reaction, Draft tube, Cavitation in turbines, Principles of similarity, Unit and specific speed, Performance characteristics, Selection of water turbines. 8

UNIT-III Centrifugal Pumps: Classifications of centrifugal pumps, Vector diagram, Work done by impellor, Efficiencies of centrifugal pumps, Specific speed, Model testing, Cavitation & separation and their control, Performance characteristics. 7

UNIT-IV Positive Displacement Pumps: Reciprocating pump theory, Slip and coefficient of discharges, Indicator diagram, Effect and acceleration, Work saved by fitting air vessels, Comparison of centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, Positive rotary pumps, Gear and Vane pumps, Performance characteristics. 6

UNIT-V Other Machines: Hydraulic accumulator, Special duty pumps, Intensifier, Hydraulic press, Lift and cranes, Theory of hydraulic coupling and torque converters, Performance characteristics. 5

Water Lifting Devices: Hydraulic ram, Jet pumps, Air lift pumps. 3

Text/Reference Books: 1. Hydraulic Machines by Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan book co. pvt ltd. 2. Hydraulic Machines: Theory & Design, V.P.Vasandhani, Khanna Pub.

3. Applied Hydraulics by Addison, Chapman & Hall Limited.

4. Hydraulic Machines by R K Rajput, S.Chand & co Ltd. 5. Hydraulic Machines by D S Kumar, S.K. Kataria Publishers.

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Unit –I Managing Operations: Operations Management – Function, Evolution, Definition, Systems view of P&OM; 4

Operations Strategies for Competitive Advantage; 2 Unit –II Planning (Designing) the conversion System: Designing Products, Services and Processes; Operations Capacity; Locating Production and Service facilities; Layout Planning. 8

Unit-III Organizing the conversion System: Production and Operations standards, and work measurement; Project Management. 6

Unit-IV Scheduling Production and Service System: Forecasting techniques, Aggregate Planning for Production and service system; Operations Scheduling. 6 Material Requirements Planning: Planning for needs, applying MRP, Detailed capacity planning, MRP II. 4 Text/Reference Books:

1) Adam Jr Everett E. R J – Production and Operations Management (Prentice-Hall, 2000, 5th

Edition) 2) Russell & Taylor III – Operations Management (Pearson, 4th Edition) 3) Hill T- Operations Management (Palgrave, 2000) 4) McGregor D – Operations Management (McGraw-Hill, 1960) 5) Morton - Production and Operations Management (Vikas)

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0:0:3 Minimum 8 experiments out of following; 1. Experiment on refrigeration test rig and calculation of various performance parameters. 2. To study different types of expansion devices used in refrigeration system.

3. To study different types of evaporators used in refrigeration systems.

4. To study basic components of air-conditioning system. 5. Experiment on air-conditioning test rig & calculation of various performance parameters.

6. To study air washers

7. Study of window air conditioner.

8. Study & determination of volumetric efficiency of compressor.

9. Visit of a central air conditioning plant and its detailed study.

10. Visit of cold-storage and its detailed study.

11. Experiment on Ice-plant. 12. Experiment on two stage Reciprocating compressor for determination of volumetric efficiency ,

PV diagram and effect of intercooling. 13. Study of Hermetically sealed compressor.

14. Experiment on Desert coolers.

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ME-652 Machine Design-II Lab L T P

0 0 3

A. Computer and Language: Students are required to learn the basics of computer language such as C and C++ so that they should be able to write the computer program (3 practical turns) B. Writing Computer program for conventional design: Students are required to write computer program and validate it for the design of machine components done in theory subject (5 practical turns) C. Mini Project: Each student will be given a real life problem for the complete design of a subsystem/system using either manual calculation with the help of design handbook or through computer program, if needed. This will be done as home assignment to be submitted at the end of the semester.

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L T P 0 0 2

Minimum 8 experiments from following: 1. Impact of Jet experiment.

2. Turbine experiment on Pelton wheel.

3. Turbine experiment on Francis turbine.

4. Turbine experiment on Kaplan turbine.

5. Experiment on Reciprocating pump.

6. Experiment on centrifugal pump.

7. Experiment on Hydraulic Jack/Press.

8. Experiment on Hydraulic Brake.

9. Experiment on Hydraulic Ram.

10. Study through detailed visit of any water pumping station/plant

11. Any other suitable experiment/test rig such as comparison & performance of different types of

pumps and turbines.

12. Experiment on Compressor.

13. Experiment for measurement of drag and lift on aerofoil in wind tunnel.

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Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur


B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering

[Effective from Session 20016-17]

Year-IV, Semester- VII

Sr. Course Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme Subject

No. Code Sessional Exam ESE Total

L T P CT TA Tota



1 ME-701 Mechanical Vibration 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

2 ME-702 CAD 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

3 ME-703 Automobile Engineering 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

4 ME-704 Operation Research 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

5 ME- Departmental Elective-I 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 (0101 to


Practical/ Training/Project

6 ME-751 CAD/CAM Lab 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50

7 ME-752 I C Engine & Automobile 0 0 2 10 10 20 30 50 lab

8 ME-753 Industrial training 0 0 3 - - 50 - 50**



9 ME-754 Project# 0 0 3 - - 50 - 50#

10 GP-701 General Proficiency - - - - - 50 - 50

Total 1000

** Four weeks training each after Fourth & Sixth Semester are to be evaluated in seventh semester # Project should be initiated at the beginning of seven semester & should be completed by the end of eight semesters.

Departmental Elective-I

1. ME -0101 Product Development and Design

2. ME -0102 Reliability Engineering

3. ME -0103 Advanced Welding Technology

4. ME- 0104 Optimization Techniques in Engineering

5. ME- 0105 Project Management

6. ME -0106 Advanced Fluid Mechanics

7. ME- 0107 Experimental Stress Analysis

8. ME- 0108 Advanced Dynamics of Machines

9. ME- 0109 Mechatronics

10. ME- 0110 Nano Technology


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Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology,Sultanpur STUDY & EVALUATION SCHEME

B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering

[Effective from Session 20016-17]

Year-IV, Semester- VIII

Sr. Course Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme Subject

No. Code Sessional Exam ESE Total

L T P CT TA Tota



1 ME-801 Power Plant Engineering 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150

2 ME-802 Non-Conventional Energy 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 Resources

3 ME-(201 Departmental Elective-II 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 to 211)

4 ME- Departmental Elective-III 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 (0301 to


Practical/ Training/Project

5 ME-851 Project 0 0 12 - 100 100 250 350

6 GP-701 General Proficiency - - - - - 50 - 50

Total 1000

Departmental Electives: Departmental Elective-II

1. ME-0201 Management Information System

2. ME- 0202 Total Quality Management

3. ME- 0203 Thermal Turbo Machines

4. ME- 0204 Mechanical System Design

5. ME- 0205 Tribology

6. ME- 0206 Industrial Ergonomics

7. ME- 0207 Concurrent Engineering

8. ME- 0208 Maintenance Engineering & Management

9. ME- 0209 Supply chain management

10. ME- 0210 Robotics


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11. ME- 0211 Fracture Mechanism Departmental Elective-III

1. ME- 0301 Design of Thermal Systems

2. ME- 0302 Advanced Synthesis of Mechanisms

3. ME- 0303 Six Sigma Methods & Applications

4. ME- 0304 Concepts of Modern Physics

5. ME- 0305 Finite Element Method

6. ME- 0306 Non-Destructive Testing

7. ME- 0307 Energy Management

8. ME- 0308 Fundamentals of Bio Medical Engineering

9. ME- 0309 Flexible Manufacturing system

10. ME- 0310 Molecular Dynamics


UNIT - I Introduction Periodic motion, harmonic motion, superposition of simple harmonic motions, beats, Fourier analysis


Single Degree Freedom System Free vibration, Natural frequency, Equivalent systems, Energy method for determining natural frequency, response to an initial disturbance, Torsional vibrations, Damped vibrations, Vibrations of systems with viscous damping, Logarithmic decrement



Single Degree Freedom: Forced Vibration Forced vibration, Harmonic excitation with viscous damping, steady state vibrations, Excitation due to rotating and reciprocating unbalance, Support excitation, Transmissibility, Vibration measuring instruments, Displacement, velocity and acceleration measuring instruments



Two Degree Freedom systems Introduction, Principal modes, Double pendulum, Torsional system with damping, coupled system, undamped dynamic vibration absorbers, Centrifugal pendulum absorbers, Dry friction damper



Multi Degree Freedom system: Exact Analysis Undamped free and forced vibrations of multi-degree freedom systems, influence Co-efficients, Reciprocal theorem, Generalized co-ordinates and co-ordinate couples, Natural frequencies and mode shapes modal analysis of undamped systems.




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Multi Degree Freedom system: Numerical Analysis Rayleigh‟s, Dunkerely‟s, Holzer‟s ad Stodola methods, Rayleigh-Ritz method


CRITICAL SPEED OF SHAFTS Shaft with one disc with and without damping, Multi-disc shafts, Secondary critical speed.


Books and References: 1. Mechanical Vibrations – P. Srinivasan, TMH

2. Mechanical Vibrations – G. K. Groover, Jain Brothers, Roorkee

3. Mechanical Vibrations – W. T. Thomson

4. Mechanical Vibrations – JS Rao & K Gupta, New Age

5. Mechanical Vibrations – Tse, Morse & Hinkle

6. Mechanical Vibrations – V. Rama Murthy, Narosa Publications


UNIT-I Introduction: Introduction to CAD/CAED/CAE, Elements of CAD, Essential requirements of CAD, Concepts of integrated CAD/CAM, Necessity & its importance, Engineering Applications Computer Graphics-I CAD/CAM systems, Graphics Input devices-cursor control Devices, Digitizers, Keyboard terminals, Image scanner, Speech control devices and Touch, panels, Graphics display devices-Cathode Ray Tube, Random & Raster scan display, Colour CRT monitors, Direct View Storage Tubes, Flat Panel display, Hard copy printers and plotters 8 UNIT-II

Computer Graphics-II Graphics standards, Graphics Software, Software Configuration, Graphics Functions, Output primitives- Bresenham‟s line drawing algorithm and Bresenham‟s circle generating algorithm


Geometric Transformations: World/device Coordinate Representation, Windowing and clipping, 2 D Geometric transformations-Translation, Scaling, Shearing, Rotation & Reflection Matrix representation, Composite transformation, 3 D transformations, multiple transformation


Curves: Curves representation, Properties of curve design and representation, Interpolation vs approximation, Parametric representation of analytic curves, Parametric continuity conditions, Parametric representation of synthetic curves-Hermite cubic splines-Blending function formulation and its properties, Bezier curves-Blending function formulation and its properties, Composite Bezier curves, B-spline curves and its properties, Periodic and non-periodic B-spline curves




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3D Graphics: Polygon surfaces-Polygon mesh representations, Quadric and Superquadric surfaces and blobby objects; Solid modeling-Solid entities, Fundamentals of Solid modeling-Set theory, regularized set operations; Half spaces, Boundary representation, Constructive solid geometry, Sweep representation, Color models Application commands for AutoCAD & ProE software



Numerical Methods: Introduction, Errors in numbers, Binary representation of numbers, Root finding-Bisection method, Newton Raphson method, Curve fitting-Least square method, Numerical differentiation-Newton‟s interpolation, Numerical Integration-Trapezoidal and Simpson method

5 Finite Element Method: Introduction, Principles of Finite elements modeling, Stiffness matrix/displacement matrix, Stiffness matrix for spring system, bar & beam elements, bar elements in 2D space (truss element)


Books & References: 1. Computer Graphics Hearn & Baker Prentice Hall of India

2. Computer Aided Engineering Design Anupam Saxena & B. Sahay Anamaya Publishers

3. CAD/CAM HP Groover & EW Zimmers, Jr. Prentice Hall India Ltd. 40

4. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice Ibrahim Zeid & R Sivasubramaniam McGraw Hill

5. Computer Aided Design RK Srivastava Umesh Publications

6. Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics DF Rogers & JA Adams McGraw Hill

7. Finite Element Method SS Rao

8. FE Analysis Theory and Programming CS Krishnamoorthy Tata McGraw Hill 9. Numerical Method for Engg Computation MK Jain, SRK Iyenger &RK Jain Wiley Eastern Limited 10. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods V Rajaraman Prentice Hall of India.


3 1 0

Unit-I Power Unit and Gear Box: Principles of Design of main components. Valve mechanism. Power and Torque characteristics. Rolling, air and gradient resistance. Tractive effort. Gear Box. Gear ratio determination. Design of Gear box.


Unit-II Transmission System: Requirements. Clutches. Toque converters. Over Drive and free wheel, Universal joint. Differential Gear Mechanism of Rear Axle. Automatic transmission, Steering and Front Axle. Castor Angle, wheel camber & Toe-in, Toe-out etc.. Steering geometry. Ackerman mechanism, Understeer and Oversteer.



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Unit-III Braking System: General requirements, Road, tyre adhesion, weight transfer, Braking ratio. Mechanical brakes, Hydraulic brakes. Vacuum and air brakes. Thermal aspects.

5 Chasis and Suspension System: Loads on the frame. Strength and stiffness. Various suspension systems.


Unit-IV Electrical System : Types of starting motors, generator & regulators, lighting system, Ignition system, Horn, Battery etc.


Fuel Supply System: Diesel & Petrol vehicle system such as Fuel Injection Pump, Injector & Fuel Pump, Carburetor etc. MPFI.


Unit-V Automobile Air Conditioning: Requirements, Cooling & heating systems.


Cooling & Lubrication System: Different type of cooling system and lubrication system.


Maintenance system: Preventive maintenance, break down maintenance and over hauling.


References- 1. Automotive Engineering- Hietner

2. Automobile Engineering - Kripal Singh.

3. Automobile Engineering - Narang.

4. Automotive Mechanics- Crouse

5. Automobile Engineering - Newton and Steeds.


3 1 0

Unit 1 Introduction: Definition and scope of operation research

2 Linear Programming: Introduction and scope, Graphical method, Simplex method, primal and dual problem, sensitivity analysis

6 Unit 2 Transportation problems: Types of problems, transportation algorithm


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4 Assignment problem: Allocation and assignment problems

2 Sequencing: n jobs on two / three machines, two jobs on m machines

2 Unit 3 Dynamic Programming: Multi stage decision problems & solution, Principle of optimality

3 Decision Theory: decision under various conditions

2 Game Theory: Two person Zero sum game, Solution with / without saddle point, Dominance rule, algebraic method, graphical method, linear programming method.

3 Unit 4: Inventory models: models of inventory, operation of inventory systems, quantity discount

5 Queuing System: characteristics, M / M / 1 & M / M / S system, cost consideration

3 Unit 5: Replacement model: Equipment that deteriorate with time, Equipment that fail with time.

2 Project Management: Basic concept, Rules for drawing network, determination of slack, float & critical path, crashing of operation, resource allocation

6 Text Books:

1. Operations Research by H. M. Wagner Prentice Hall of India

2. Operations Research by H. A. Taha Prentice Hall of India

3. Operations Research by R. Paneerselvam Prentice Hall of India

4. Operations Research by J. K. Sharma Trinity Press

ME-751: CAD/CAM LAB L T P 0 1 2

Total TEN Experiments are to carried out. FIVE Experiments each from CAD and CAM. A. CAD Experiments 1. Line Drawing or Circle Drawing experiment: Writing and validation of computer program. 2. Geometric Transformation algorithm experiment for translation/rotation/scaling: Writing and validation of computer program. 3. Design of machine component or other system experiment: Writing and validation of computer program. 4. Understanding and use of any 3-D Modeling Software commands.


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5. Pro/E/Idea etc. Experiment: Solid modeling of a machine component 6. Writing a small program for FEM for 2 spring system and validation of program or using a fem Package 7. Root findings or curve fitting experiment: Writing and validation of computer program. 8. Numerical differentiation or numerical integration experiment: Writing and validation of computer program. B. CAM Experiments 1. To study the characteristic features of CNC machine 2. Part Programming (in word address format) experiment for turning operation (including operations such as grooving and threading) and running on CNC machine 3. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for drilling operation (point to point) and running on CNC machine 4. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for milling operation (contouring) and running on CNC machine 5. Experiment on Robot and programs

6. Experiment on Transfer line/Material handling

7. Experiment on difference between ordinary and NC machine, study or retrofitting

8. Experiment on study of system devices such as motors and feedback devices

9. Experiment on Mechatronics and controls


Experiments: Say minimum 10 experiments out of following in depth and details. 1. Performance Analysis of Four stroke S.I. Engine- Determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different loads, Energy Balance. 2. Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse Test. 3. Performance Analysis of Four stroke C.I. Engine- Determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different loads, Energy Balance. 4. Study & experiment on Valve mechanism.

5. Study & experiment on Gear Box.

6. Study & experiment on Differential Gear Mechanism of Rear Axle. 7. Study & experiment on Steering Mechanism.

8. Study & experiment on Automobile Braking System.

9. Study & experiment on Chassis and Suspension System. 10. Study & experiment on Ignition system of I.C. Engine. 11. Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of S.I. Engines- Carburetor, Fuel Injection Pump and MPFI. 12. Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of C.I. Engines- Injector & Fuelm Pump.

13. Study & experiment on Air Conditioning System of an Automobile. 14. Comparative study of technical specifications of common small cars (such as Maruti Swift, Hyundai i20, Cheverlet Aveo, Tata Indica, Ford Fusion etc. 15. Comparative study & technical features of common scooters & motorcycles available in India. 16. Visit of an Automobile factory.

17. Visit to a Modern Automobile Workshop. 18. Experiment on Engine Tuning.

19. Experiment on Exhaust Gas Analysis of an I.C. Engine


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3 1 0

Unit-I: Introduction to Product Design Introduction to PDD, Applications, Relevance, Product Definition, Scope, Terminology. Design definitions, the role and nature of design, old and new design methods, Design by evolution. Examples such evolution of bicycle, safety razor etc. Need based development, technology based developments. Physical reliability & Economic feasibility of design concepts.


UNIT II: Morphology of Design Divergent, transformation and convergent phases of product design. Identification of need, Analysis of need. Design for what? Design criteria, functional aspects. Aesthetics, ergonomics, form (structure). Shape, size, color. Mental blocks, Removal of blocks, Ideation Techniques. Creativity, Checklist.


UNIT III: Transformations Brainstorming & Synectics. Morphological techniques. Utility concept, Utility value, Utility index. Decision making under multiple criteria. Economic aspects of design. Fixed and variable costs. Break-even analysis.

9 UNIT IV: Reliability Reliability considerations, Bath tub curve, Reliability of systems in series and parallel. Failure rate, MTTF and MTBF. Optimum spares from reliability consideration. Design of displays and controls, Man-Machine interface, Compatibility of displays and controls. Ergonomic aspects. Anthropometric data and its importance in design. Applications of Computers in product design.


UNIT IV: Product Appraisal Information and literature search, patents, standards and codes. Environment and safety considerations. Existing techniques such as work-study, SQC etc. which could be used to improve method & quality of product. Innovation versus Invention. Technological Forecasting.


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Recommended Books: 1. Product Design & Manufacturing - A.K.Chitab & R.C.Gupta, PHI (EEE).

2. The Technology of Creation Thinking - R.P. Crewford – Prentice Hall

3. The Art of Thought – Grohem Walls – Bruce & Co., New York

4. Product Design & Decision Theory - M.K. Starr - Prentice Hall

5. Engg . Product Design -C .D. Cain, Bussiness Books. 6. Industrial design for Engineers –W .H. Mayall, Itiffe. Design Methods – seeds of human futures – J. Christopher Jones, John Wiley & Sons. 7. Human Factor Engg. – Mccormick E.J., Mc GrawHill.

8. Engineering: An Introduction to Creative profession – G.C. Beakley Hw leach, Macmillan. 9. Industrial Design In Engineering – A marriage of Techniques – Charles H . Flurscheim, The Design Council - London. 10. Quality Control & Reliability Analysis – Bijendra Singh, Khanna Publications.


3 1 0

1. Introduction: Definition of reliability, types of failures, definition and factors influencing system effectiveness, various parameters of system effectiveness.


2. Reliability Mathematics: Definition of probability, laws of probability, conditional probability, Bay's theorem; various distributions; data collection, recovery of data, data analysis Procedures, empirical reliability calculations.


3. Reliability: Types of system- series, parallel, series parallel, stand by and complex; development of logic diagram, methods of reliability evaluation; cut set and tieset methods, matrix methods event trees and fault trees methods, reliability evaluation using probability distributions, Markov method, frequency and duration method.


4. Reliability Improvements: Methods of reliability improvement, component redundancy, system redundancy, types of redundancies-series, parallel, series - parallel, stand by and hybrid, effect of maintenance.


5. Reliability Testing: Life testing, requirements, methods, test planning, data reporting system, data reduction and analysis, reliability test standards.


Books Recommended : 1. R.Billintan & R.N. Allan,"Reliability Evaluation of Engineering and Systems", Plenum Press. 2. K.C. Kapoor & L.R. Lamberson,"Reliability in Engineering and Design", John Wiely and Sons.


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3. S.K. Sinha & B.K. Kale,"Life Testing and Reliability Estimation", Wiely Eastern Ltd.

4. M.L. Shooman, "Probabilistic Reliability, An Engineering Approach", McGraw Hill.

5. G.H.Sandler,"System Reliability Engineering", Prentice Hal.


Unit -1 Introduction: Importance and application of welding, Classification of welding processes, selection of welding processes.

2 Brief review of conventional welding processes : Gas welding, Arc welding, MIG welding, TIG welding, Resistance welding, Electro slag welding, Friction welding, Welding of MS, CI, Al, Stainless steel, Maurer / Schaffer Diagram, Soldering & Brazing.

7 Unit - 2 Advanced welding Techniques : Principle, working and application of Plasma Arc Welding, Laser Beam Welding, Electron Beam Welding, Ultra sonic Welding.

8 Unit - 3 Advanced weldingTechniques : Principle, working and application of Explosive Welding / Cladding, Under Water Welding, Metalizing, Hard Facing

8 Unit - 4 Weld Design : Welding machines / equipments and its characteristics and arc stability, Weld defects and distortion and its remedies, Inspection / testing of welds, weld design, welding of pipe-lines and pressure vessels, Life prediction

8 Unit - 5 Thermal and Metallurgical Consideration : Thermal consideration for welding, temperature distribution, Analytical / Empirical analysis / formulae, heating & cooling curves, Metallurgical consideration of weld, HAZ and parent metal, micro & macro structure, solidification of weld and properties

Text Book:

1. Welding Science and Technology M. I. Khan


Reference Books:

1. Welding & Welding Technology Richard L. Little

2. Modern Welding A. D. Althouse et. el.

3. Welding Engineering R. L. Agarwal

4. A text book of Welding Technology G. D. Garg

5. Welding Hand Book A S M



New Age

T M H Good heart Will Cox Khanna Publishers S. K. Kataria & Sons

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L T P 3 1 0

Unit-I Unconstrained Optimization: Optimizing Single-Variable Functions, conditions for Local Minimum and Maximum, Optimizing Multi-Variable Functions.


Unit-II Constrained Optimization: Optimizing Multivariable Functions with Equality Constraint: Direct Search Method, Lagrange Multipliers Method, Constrained Multivariable Optimization with inequality constrained: Kuhn-Tucker Necessary conditions, Kuhn – Tucker Sufficient Conditions.


Unit-III Optimization: Quasi-Newton Methods and line search, least squares optimization, Gauss-Newton, Levenberg- Marquartd, Extensions of LP to Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), Non-Liner Programming, The Newton Algorithm, Non-Linear Least Squares, Sequential Quadratics Programming (SQP), Constrained Optimization, SQP Implementation, Multi Objective Optimization, Branch and Bound Approaches, Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming, Singular Based Optimization, On-Line Real-Time Optimization, Optimization in Econometrics Approaches – Blue.


Unit-IV Optimization and Functions of a Complex Variable and Numerical Analysis: The Finite Difference Method for Poisson‟s Equation in two Dimensions and for the Transient Heat Equation, Eulers Method, The Modified Euler Method and the Runga-Kutta Method for Ordinary Differential Equations, Gaussian Quardative Tranzoidal Rule and Simpson‟s 1/3 and 3/8 Rules, the Newton Raphson in one and two Dimensions, Jacobi‟s Iteration Method.


Unit-V Optimization in Operation Research: Dynamic Programming, Transportation – Linear Optimization Simplex and Hitchcock Algorithms, Algorithms, Minimax and Maximum Algorithm, Discrete Simulation, Integer Programming – Cutting Plane Methods, Separable Programming, Stochastic Programming, Goal Programming, Integer Linear Programming, Pure and Mixed Strategy in theory of Games, Transshipment Problems, Heuristic Methods.

8 Books. 1. Winston W L: Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms

2. Rao S.S., Optimization: Theory and Applications.

3. Walsh G R: M methods of Optimization.

4. Williams H.P.: Model Building in Mathematics Programming.

5. Williams H.P.: Model Solving in Mathematics Programming

6. G.L. Nemhauser and L.A. Wolsey: Intger and Combinational Optimization. 7. R.G. Parker and R.L. Rardin:Discrete Optimization.


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ME-0105: Project Management L T P 3 1 0

Unit-I- Project Management Concepts: Introduction, project characteristics, taxonomy of projects, project identification and formulation. Establishing the project and goals. Nature & context of project management; phases of PM, A framework for PM issues, PM as a conversion process, project environment & complexity. Organizing human resources, organizing systems & procedures for implementation. Project direction.


Unit-II- Project Organization & Project Contracts: Introduction, functional organization, project organization, matrix organization, modified matrix organization, pure project organization, selection of project organization structure, project breakdown structures, project contracts, types of contracts, types of payments to contractors.


Unit-III- Project Appraisal & Cost Estimation: Introduction, technical appraisal, commercial appraisal, economic appraisal, financial appraisal, management appraisal, social cost/benefit analysis, project risk analysis. Cost analysis of the project, components of capital cost of a project, modern approach to project performance analysis.


Unit-IV- Project Planning & Scheduling: Introduction to PERT & CPM, planning and scheduling networks, time estimation, determination of critical path, CPM model, event slacks & floats, PERT model, expected time for activities, expected length of critical path, calculating the project length and variance, PERT & CPM cost accounting systems, lowest cost schedule, crashing of networks, linear programming formulation of event oriented networks, updating of networks, LOB technique.


Unit-V- Modification & Extensions of Network Models: Complexity of project scheduling with limited resources, resource leveling of project schedules, resource allocation in project scheduling - heuristic solution. Precedence networking- examples with algorithm, decision networks, probabilistic networks, computer aided project management- essential requirements of PM software, software packages for CPM. Enterprise- wide PM, using spread sheets for financial projections.

8 Books: 1. Project Management by K. Nagarajan

2. Project Management by Harvey Maylor ME-0106: ADVANCED FLUID MECHANICS

L T P 3 1 0



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Review of kinematics of fluid motion, method of describing fluid motion, translation, rate of deformation, the material derivatives, acceleration, vorticity in cartesian & polar coordinates, Reynolds transport theorem, Stress at a point, velocity profile, wall shear stress.


UNIT-II Non-viscous incompressible flow- Equation of continuity, Euler‟s equation of motion,

Bernoulli‟s equation, circulation and its theorem, stress function, velocity potential, irrotational flow, two dimensional source, sink, source-sink pair, doublet vortex, superposition of source-sink

with rectilinear flow, Rankine body, Superposition of rectilinear flow and doublet, flow around a

spinning circular cylinder, Magnus effect, lift & Drag, Skin friction. Lift of aerofoils. 9

UNIT-III Boundary layer Concept-Introduction to boundary layer formation, Novier-stokes equation, Boundary layer thickness, momentum thickness, energy thickness, Boundary layer equations, Momentum-Integral equation - Von Korman, Blasius solution of boundary layer on a flat plate without pressure gradient, Flow with very small Reynolds number, Hogen poisseuille flow, Plane Couette flow, Hydrodynamic theory of lubrication.


UNIT-IV Compressible flow- Propagation of pressure change, sound velocity, elastic waves, Mach number, Mach cone, isentropic flow relations in terms of sonic velocity and mach number, Stagnation properties, Regions of flow, Energy equation, Effect of Mach number on compressibility. Propagation of infinitesimal waves, Non-steep finite pressure wave and steep finite pressure waves, Expansion waves Isentropic flow with variable area, Mach number variation and its effect on Flow through nozzles and diffusers. Area ratio, impulse function, Use of Gas/Air tables.


UNIT-V Flow with normal shock waves- Development of shock wave, rarefaction wave, governing equations, Prandtle-Meyer relation. Thermodynamic properties across shock. Wind tunnels.

3 Flow in constant area duct with friction-Fanno curves, Fanno flow equations, Solution of fanno flow equations. Variation of flow properties. Tables & charts for Fanno flow.

3 Flow in constant area duct with heat transfer- Rayleigh line, Fundamental equations, Rayleigh flow relation, Variation of flow properties. Tables & Charts for Rayleigh flow.


Books/ References: 1. Fluid Mechanics by White.

2. Fluid Mechanics by Streeter

3. Fluid Mechanics by Som & Biswas

4. Fluid Mechanics by K.L. Kumar

5. Fluid Mechanics by A.K. Jain

6. Fluid Mechanics by Robert W. Fox & Alan T. Mc Donald, Wiley Students Edition

7. Fundamentals of Compressible flow by S.M. Yahya

8. Gas Dynamics by Z. Hussain 9. Viscous fluid flow by White

10. Computational Fluid Dynamics by Anderson


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11. Gas Dynamics by E. Radhakrishnan

12. Fluid Mechanics by Kundu & Cohen, Academic Press, Elsevier ME-0107: EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS

L T P 3 1 0


Elementary Elasticity: Stress: Introduction, Stress Equations of Equilibrium, Laws of Stress Transformations, principal Stresses, Two-Dimensional State of Stress, Stresses Relative to Principal Coordinate System, Special States of Stress.

4 Strain: Introduction, Displacement and Strain, Strain Transformation Equation, Principal Strains, Compatibility, Volume Dilation, Stress Strain Relations, Strain Transformation Equations and Stress Strain Relations for Two-Dimensional State of Stress.


UNIT II Strain Measurements: Introduction, Properties of Strain Gage Systems, Types of Strain Gages, Grid- Method of Strain Analysis.

4 Brittle Coating Method: Coating Stresses, Failure Theories, Brittle Coating Crack Patterns, Resin and Ceramic Based Brittle Coating, Test Procedure, Analysis of Brittle Coating Data.


UNIT III Electrical Resistance Strain Gages: Introduction, Strain Sensitivity in Alloys, Strain Gage Adhesives, Gage Sensitivity and Gage Factor, Rectangular and Delta Roslte.

5 Strain Gage Circuit: Potentiometer and its Application, Wheat-Stone Bridge, Bridge Sensitivity, Null Balance Bridges.


UNIT IV Theory of Photo elasticity: Introduction, Temporary Double Refraction, Stress Optic Law, Relative Retardation, Stressed Model in Plane Polariscope, Effect of Principal Directions, Effect of Principal Stress Difference, Stressed Model in Circular Polariscope, Light and Dark Field arrangements, Tardy Compensation, Fringe Sharpening and Multiplication by Partial Mirrors.


UNIT V Two Dimensional Photo elasticity: Introduction, Isochromatic Fringe Patterns, Isoclinic Fringe Patterns, Compensation Techniques, Calibration Methods, Separation Methods, Shear Difference Method, Electrical Analogy Method, Oblique Incidence Method, Materials for Two-Dimensional Photo elasticity.


Text Books: 1. Experiment Stress Analysis by James W. Dally and William F. Riley, International Student Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company.


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2. Experiment Stress Analysis by Dr. Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publishers. ME-0108: ADVANCED DYNAMICS OF MACHINERY

L T P 3 1 0

UNIT I Dynamic Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines: Introduction, Motion of Rigid Body under a System of Forces, Principle of Virtual Work, D‟Alembert‟s Principle and Dynamic Equilibrium, Dynamic Force Analysis, Stresses in Moving Members, Motion Analysis, Equivalent Force and Mass Method.


UNIT II Dynamics of Direct Acting Engine Mechanisms: Introduction, Piston Motion, Turning Moment on Crank-Shaft, Dynamically Equivalent Link, Approximate Expression for Turning Moment, Correction to the Approximate Expression, Turning Moment Diagram, Fluctuation of Crank-Shaft Speed, Flywheel Analysis.


UNIT III Balancing of Inertia Force and Moments in Machines: Introduction, Balancing of Rotating Masses, Two-Plane Balancing, Balancing of Reciprocates Masses, Balancing of Internal Combustion Engines.


UNIT IV Gyroscopic action in Machines: Introduction, Motion of a Rigid Body in Three- Dimensions, Principal Axes, Angular Velocity and Momentum about Principal Axes, Euler‟s Equation of Motion, Euler‟s Modified Equation, Simple Precession of a Symmetrical Gyroscope, Gyroscopic Effects in Machines, Gyroscopic Stabilization.

8 UNIT V Dynamics of Rotating Shafts: Introduction, Critical Speed, Shaft with an Unbalanced Disc at Mid-Span, Generalized Forces, Lagrange‟s Equation of Motion, Gyroscopic Effect on Critical Speed.


Text Book: 1. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines by Amitabh Ghosh and Ashok Kumar Malik, Affiliated East- West Press Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi. 2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms by Joseph Edward Shigley and John Joseph Uicker, J.R. International Student Edition, Mc-Graw Hill International Company.


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ME-0109: Mechatronics L T P 3 1 0

UNIT-I INTRODUCTION Introduction to mechatronics, systems, measurement systems, control systems, microprocessor-based controllers, The mechatronics approach, Problems.

03 Hrs.

REVIEW OF TRANSDUCERS Sensors and transducers, performance terminology, Displacement position and proximity, velocity & motion, Force, Fluid pressure, Liquid flow, liquid level, Temperature, Light sensors, Selection of sensors, Inputting data by switches, Problems.

05 Hrs. UNIT-II SIGNAL CONDITIONING Signal conditioning, The operational amplifier, Protection, Filtering, Wheatstone bridge, Digital signals, Multiplexers, Data acquisition, Digital signal processing, Pulse - moulation, Problems.

05 Hrs.

DATA PRESENTATION SYSTEMS Displays, Data presentation elements, Magnetic recording, Displays, Data acquisition systems, Measurement systems, Measurement systems, Testing and calibration, Problems.

06 Hrs. UNIT-III PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS Actuation systems, Pneumatic and hydraulic systems, Directional control valves, Pressure control valves, Cylinders, Process control valves, rotary actuators, Problems. 05 Hrs MECHANICAL ACTUATION SYSTEMS Mechanical systems, Types of motion, Kinematics chains, Cams, Gear trains, Ratchet and pawl, Belt and chain drives, Bearings, Mechanical aspects of motor selection, Problems.



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Electrical systems, Mechanical Switches, Solid-state switches, Solenoids, DC motors, AC motors, Stepper motors, Problems.

07Hrs. UNIT-V BASIC SYSTEM MODELS Mathematical models, mechanical system building blocks, Electrical system building blocks, Thermal system building blocks, Problems.

07 Hrs. REFERENCE: 1. Mechatronics - W. Bolton, 2 Ed. Addison Wesley Longman, Pub, 1999 (Delhi). ME-0110: NANO TECHNOLOGY

L T P 3 1 0

UNIT -1 : Introduction: Difinition of Nano-Science and Nano Technology, Applications of Nano-Technology.


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Introduction to Physics of Solid State: Structure: Size dependence of properties; crystal structures, face centered cubic nanoparticles; Tetrehedrally bounded semiconductor structures; lattice vibrations. Energy Bands: Insulators, semiconductor and conductors; Reciprocal space; Energy bands and gaps of semiconductors; effective masses; Fermi Surfaces. Localized Particles: Acceptors and deep taps; mobility; Excitons.



Quantum Theory For Nano Science: Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger wave equations. Particle in a box, Potential step: Refelection and tunneling(Quantum leak). Penetration of Barrier, Potential box(Trapped particle in 3D:Nanodot), Electron trapped in 2D plane(Nano sheet), Quantum confinerment effect in nano materials.


Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots Preparation of Quantum Nanostructure; Size and Dimensionality effect, Fermigas; Potential wells; Partial confinement; Excitons; Single electron Tunneling, Infrared etectors; Quantum dot laser Superconductivity.


Properties of Individual Nano particles Metal Nano clusters: Magic Numbers; Theoretical Modelling of Nanopraticles; geometric structure; electronic structure; Reactivity; Fluctuations Magnetic Clusters; Bulle to Nano structure. Semi conducting Nanoparticles: Optical Properties; Photofragmentation; Coulmbic explosion. Rare Gas & Molecular Clusters: Inert gas clusters; Superfluid clusters molecular clusters. UNIT-3 Growth Techniques of Nanomaterials: Lithograpahic and Nonlithograpahic techniques, Sputtering and film deposition in glow

discharge, DC sputtering technique(p-CuAlO2 deposition). Thermal evaporation technique, E-beam evaporation, Chemical Vapour deposition(CVD), Synthesis of carbon nano-fibres and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Pulsed Laser Deposition, Molecular beam Epitoxy, Sol-Gel Techniuqe (No chemistry required), Synthesis of nanowires/rods, Electrodeposition, Chemical bath deposition, Ion beam deposition system, Vapor-Liquid –Solid (VLS) method of nanowires.

8 UNIT -4

Methods of Measuring Properties: Structure: Crystallography, particle size determination, surface structure, Microscopy: Scanning Prob Microscopy (SPM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Field Ion Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Elecrtron Microscopy (TEM) Spectroscopy: Infra red and Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray Spectroscopy, Magnetic resonance, Optical and Vibrational Spectroscopy, Luninscence.




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Buckey Ball: Nano structuresof carbon(fullerene): Carbon nano-tubes: Fabrication , structure. electrical, mechanical, and vibrational properties and applications. Nano diamond, Boron Nitride Nano-tubes, single elecron transistors, Moelcular machine, Nano-Biometrics, Nano Robots.


Text/Reference Books: 1. C.P.Poole Jr F.J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”. (5)


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th 2. “Introduction to S.S. Physics” - (7 Edn.) Wiley 1996. 3. S. Sugano & H. Koizuoni, “Microcluster Physics” –Springor 1998 4. “Handboole of Nanostructured Materials & Nanotechnology” vol.-5. Academic

Press 2000 5. A.K.Bandyopadhyay, “Nano Materials” New Age InternationaL.


L T P 3 1 0

Unit-I Introduction Power and energy, sources of energy, review of thermodynamic cycles related to power plants, fuels and combustion calculations.

3 Load estimation, load curves, various terms and factors involved in power plant calculations. Effect of variable load on power plant operation, Selection of power plant units.

2 Power plant economics and selection Effect of plant type on costs, rates, fixed elements, energy elements, customer elements and investor‟s profit; depreciation and replacement, theory of rates. Economics of plant selection, other considerations in plant selection.



Steam power plant General layout of steam power plant, Power plant boilers including critical and super critical boilers. Fluidized bed boilers, boilers mountings and accessories, Different systems such as coal handling system, pulverizers and coal burners, combustion system, draft, ash handling system, Dust collection system, Feed water treatment and condenser and cooling towers and cooling ponds, Turbine auxiliary systems such as governing, feed heating, reheating , flange heating and gland leakage. Operation and maintenance of steam power plant, heat balance and efficiency, Site selection of a steam power plant.



Diesel power plant General layout, Components of Diesel power plant, Performance of diesel power plant, fuel system, lubrication system, air intake and admission system, supercharging system, exhaust system, diesel plant operation and efficiency, heat balance, Site selection of diesel power plant, Comparative study of diesel power plant with steam power plant.


Gas turbine power plant Layout of gas turbine power plant, Elements of gas turbine power plants, Gas turbine fuels, cogeneration, auxiliary systems such as fuel, controls and lubrication, operation and maintenance, Combined cycle power plants, Site selection of gas turbine power plant.



Nuclear power plant


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Principles of nuclear energy, Lay out of nuclear power plant, Basic components of nuclear reactions, nuclear power station, Nuclear waste disposal, Site selection of nuclear power plants.

3 Hydro electric station Hydrology, Principles of working, applications, site selection, classification and arrangements, hydro-electric plants, run off size of plant and choice of units, operation and maintenance, hydro systems, interconnected systems.


Non-Conventional Power Plants Introduction to non-conventional power plants (Solar, wind, geothermal, tidal) etc.

4 Unit-V Electrical system Generators and generator cooling, transformers and their cooling, bus bar, etc.


Instrumentation Purpose, classification, selection and application, recorders and their use, listing of various control rooms.


Pollution Pollution due to power generation .


References 1. “Power Plant Engineering” F.T. Morse, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi/Madras. 2. “Power Plant Engineering” Mahesh Verma, Metropolitan Book Company Pvt. Ltd. New


3. “Power Plant Technology” El-Vakil, McGraw Hill.

4. Power Plant Engineering by P.K. Nag, Tata McGraw Hill.

5. Steam & Gas Turbines & Power Plant Engineering by R.Yadav, Central Pub,House. ME-802: NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY RESOURCES

L T P 2 1 0


Energy resources: Indian and global energy sources, Energy exploited, Energy planning, Energy parameters (energy intensity, energy-GDP elasticity), Introduction to various sources of energy, Solar thermal, Photovoltaic, Water power, Wind energy, Biomass, Ocean thermal, Tidal and wave energy, Geothermal energy, Hydrogen energy systems, Fuel cells, Decentralized and dispersed generation.


Solar radiations: Extra-terrestrial radiation, Spectral distribution, Solar constant, Solar radiations on earth,


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Measurement of solar radiations, Solar radiation geometry, Flux on a plane surface, Latitude, Declination angle, Surface azimuth angle, Hour angle, Zenith angle, Solar altitude angle expression for angle between incident beam and the normal to a plane surface (no derivation), Local apparent time, Apparent motion of sun, Day length, Solar radiation data for India.

4 UNIT-2 Solar energy: Solar thermal power and it's conversion, Solar collectors, Flat plate, Performance analysis of flat plate collector, Solar concentrating collectors, Types of concentrating collectors, Thermodynamic limits to concentration, Cylindrical collectors, Thermal analysis of solar collectors, Tracking CPC and solar swing. Solar thermal energy storage, Different systems, Solar pond. Applications, Water heating, Space heating & cooling, Solar distillation, solar pumping, solar cooking, Greenhouses, Solar power plants.


Solar photovoltaic system: Photovoltaic effect, Efficiency of solar cells, Semiconductor materials for solar cells, solar photovoltaic system, Standards of solar photovoltaic system, Applications of PV system, PV hybrid system.



Biogas: Photosynthesis, Bio gas production Aerobic and anaerobic bio-conversion process, Raw materials, Properties of bio gas, Producer gas, Transportation of bio gas, bio gas plant technology & status, Community biogas plants, Problems involved in bio gas production, Bio gas applications, Biomass conversion techniques, Biomass gasification, Energy recovery from urban waste, Power generation from liquid waste, Biomass cogeneration, Energy plantation, Fuel properties, Biomass resource development in India.


Wind energy: Properties of wind, Availability of wind energy in India, wind velocity, Wind machine fundamentals, Types of wind machines and their characteristics, Horizontal and Vertical axis wind mills, Elementary design principles, Coefficient of performance of a wind mill rotor, Aerodynamic considerations in wind mill design, Selection of a wind mill, Wind energy farms, Economic issues, Recent development.



Electrochemical effects and fuel cells: Principle of operation of an acidic fuel cell, Reusable cells, Ideal fuel cells, other types of fuel cells, Comparison between acidic and alkaline hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells. Efficiency and EMF of fuel cells, operating characteristics of fuel cells, Advantages of fuel cell power plants, Future potential of fuel cells.


Tidal power: Tides and waves as sources of energy, Fundamentals of tidal power, Use of tidal energy Limitations of tidal energy conversion systems.


Hydrogen Energy:


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Properties of hydrogen in respect of it's use as source of renewable energy, Sources of hydrogen, Production of hydrogen, Storage and transportation, Problems with hydrogen as fuel, Development of hydrogen cartridge, Economics of hydrogen fuel and its use.



Thermoelectric systems: Kelvin relations, power generation, Properties of thermoelectric materials, Fusion Plasma generators.


Geothermal energy: Structure of earth‟s interior, Geothermal sites, earthquakes & volcanoes, Geothermal resources, Hot springs, Steam ejection, Principal of working, Types of geothermal station with schematic representation, Site selection for geothermal power plants. Advanced concepts, Problems associated with geothermal conversion.


Ocean energy; Principle of ocean thermal energy conversion, Wave energy conversion machines, Power plants based on ocean energy, Problems associated with ocean thermal energy conversion systems, Thermoelectric OTEC, Developments of OTEC, and Economics. Impact of renewable energy generation on environment, Kyoto Protocol, Cost of electricity production from different energy sources, Energy options for Indian economy.


Books / Reference: Bansal Keemann, Meliss," Renewable energy sources and conversion technology", Tata Mc Graw Hill. Kothari D.P., “Renewable energy resources and emerging technologies”, Prentice Hall of India

Pvt. Ltd.

Rai G.D, "Non-Conventional energy Sources", Khanna Publishers.

Ashok V. Desai, "Nonconventional Energy", New Age International Publishers Ltd. Department Elective-II ME-0201: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM

L T P 3 1 0

Unit-I Organisation & Types, Decision Making, Data & information, Characteristics & Classification

of information, Cost & value of information, Various channels of information & MIS.


Unit-II Foundation of Information System : Introduction to Information System in Business Fundamentals of Information System, Solving Business Problems with Information System,


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Concept of Balanced MIS, Effectiveness & Efficiency Criteria. Tool and Techniques of MIS-dataflow diagram, flow chart etc.


Unit-III Business application of information technology, electronic commerce, Internet, Intranet, Extranet & Enterprise Solutions, Information System for Business Operations, Information system for managerial Decision Support, Information System for Strategic Advantage.


Unit-IV Managing Information Technology, Enterprise & Global Management, Security & Ethical Challenges, Planning & Implementing Change. Reports: Various types of MIS reports, GUI & Other Presentation tools.

6 Unit-V Advanced concepts in information system: Enterprise Resource Planning: introduction, various modules like Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, Production & Logistics. Supply Chain Management, CRM, Procurement Management System Object Oriented modeling case studies.


Books 1. O.Brian, “Introduction to Information System”, Mc-Graw Hill.

2. O.Brian, “Management Information System”, TMH.

3. Alter, “Information Systems : A Management Perspective”, Addison Wesley.

4. Arora & Bhatia, “Information Systems for Managers”, Excel

5. Bansal, “Information System Analysis & Design”, TMH.

6. Jawadegar, “Management Information System”, TMH.

7. Murdick, “Information System for Modern Management”, PHI.

8. Alexis Leon, “Enterprise Resource Planning”, TMH. ME-0202: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM)

L T P 3 1 0


Quality Concepts Evolution of Quality control, concept change, TQM Modern concept, Quality concept in design, Review off design, Evolution of proto type. Control on Purchased Product Procurement of various products, evaluation of supplies, capacity verification, Development of sources, procurement procedure. Manufacturing Quality Methods and Techniques for manufacture, Inspection and control of product, Quality in sales and services, Guarantee, analysis of claims.




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Quality Management Organization structure and design, Quality function, decentralization, Designing and fitting organization for different types products and company, Economics of quality value and contribution, Quality cost, optimizing quality cost, seduction programme. Human Factor in Quality Attitude of top management, co-operation, of groups, operators attitude, responsibility, causes of operators error and corrective methods.

8 Unit-III Control Charts Theory of control charts, measurement range, construction and analysis of R charts, process capability study, use of control charts. Attributes of Control Charts Defects, construction and analysis off-chart, improvement by control chart, variable sample size, construction and analysis of C-chart.



Defects Diagnosis and Prevention Defect study, identification and analysis of defects, corrective measure, factors affecting reliability, MTTF, calculation of reliability, Building reliability in the product, evaluation of reliability, interpretation of test results, reliability control, maintainability, zero defects, quality circle.



IS0-9000 and its concept of Quality Management: ISO 9000 series, Taguchi method, JIT in some details.


References: 1. Lt. Gen. H.LaI, "Total Quality management", Wiley Eastern Limited, 1990. .

2. Greg Bounds. “Beyond Total Quality Management”. McGraw Hill, 1994.

3. Menon, H.G, "TQM in New Product manufacturing", McGraw Hill 1992


UNIT-I Brief history of turbo machinery, introduction to blowers, pumps, compressors, steam & gas turbines, turbojet, Review of laws of thermodynamics & SFEE in reference to turbo machinery, Energy transfer in turbo machines, Euler‟s equation, Definition of various efficiencies, Preheat factor, Reheat factor, Blade classification, Blade terminology, Cascade testing, Velocity diagrams for axial and radial turbomachinery and pumps.




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Centrifugal compressors- Principle of operation, work done and pressure rise,Velcoity diagram for centrifugal compressor, Slip factor, Stage pressure rise, Loading coefficient, Diffuser, degree of reaction, Effect of impeller blade profile, Pre-whirl and inlet guide vanes, Centrifugal Compressor characteristic curves.

4 Axial flow compressor- Principle of operation and working, Energy transfer, Velocity diagram for axial compressor, Factors affecting stage pressure ratio, Blockage in compressor annulus, Degree of reaction, 3-D flow, Design process, blade design, calculation of stage performance, Axial compressor performance characteristic curves.


UNIT-III Axial flow turbines-Elementary theory of axial flow turbine, Energy transfer, Velocity diagram, Types of blades, Vortex theory, Choice of blade profile, pitch and chord,Estimation of stage performance, Characteristic curves.


UNIT-IV Steam turbines- Constructional details, working of steam turbine.

4 Pumps : Classification of Pumps, Main components, indicator diagram and modification due to

piston acceleration, Performance characteristics, Cavitation and its control, Miscellaneous types of pumps.

4 Radial flow turbines: Elementary theory of radial flow turbines, Enthalpy- Entropy diagram, State losses, Estimation of stage performance, Performance characteristics.


UNIT-V Gas Turbine Starting & Control Systems: Starting ignition system, Combustion system types, Safety limits & control. Turbine Blade coding: Different cooling techniques, Types of coolants, Comparative evaluation of different cooling techniques. Mechanical Design consideration: Overall design choices, Material selection, Design with traditional materials.


Books- 1. Gas turbine theory : Cohen & Rogers, Addison Weslay Longman Ltd. 2. Design of high efficiency turbomachinery and gas turbines, David Gordon Wilson, Theodosios Korakianitis, Prentice Hall International. 3. Turbomachinery : S.M. Yahya.

4. Turbine, Compressors and Fans, S.M. Yahya, Tata Mc Graw Hill.

5. Gas Turbine- Ganeshan, Tata Mc Graw Hill.



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Engineering process and System Approach Basic concepts of systems, Attributes characterizing a system, system types, Application of system concepts in Engineering, Advantages of system approach, Problems concerning systems, Concurrent engineering, A case study-Viscous lubrication system in wire drawing.


Problem Formulation Nature of engineering problems, Need statement, hierarchical nature of systems, hierarchical nature of problem environment, problem scope and constraint, A case study: heating duct insulation system, high speed belt drive system.

4 UNIT-II System Theories System Analysis, Black box approach, state theory approach, component integration approach, Decision process approach, A case study- automobile instrumentation panel system.


System modeling Need of modeling, Model types and purpose, linear systems, mathematical modeling, concepts, A case study compound bar system.



Graph Modeling and Analysis Graph Modeling and analysis process, path problem, Network flow problem, A case study: Material handling system.


Optimization Concepts Optimization processes, Selection of goals and objectives-criteria, methods of optimization, analytical, combinational, subjective. A case study: aluminium extrusion system.



System Evaluation Feasibility assessment, planning horizon, time value of money, Financial analysis, A case study: Manufacture of maize starch system.


Calculus Method for Optimization Model with one decision variable, model with two decision variables, model with equality constraints, model with inequality constraints, A case study: Optimization of an insulation system.

4 UNIT-V Decision Analysis Elements of a decision problem, decision making, under certainty, uncertainty risk and conflict probability, density function, Expected monetary value, Utility value, Baye‟s theorem, A case study: Installation of machinery


System Simulation


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Simulation concepts, simulation models, computer application in simulation, spread sheet simulation, Simulation process, problem definition, input model construction and solution, limitation of simulation approach, A case study: Inventory control in production plant.


Books/References- 1. Design and Planning of Engineering systems-DD Reredith, KV Wong, RW Woodhead, and RR Worthman, Prentice Hall Inc., Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jerse 2. Design Engineering-JR Dixon, TMH, New Delhi

3. An Introduction to Engineering Design Method-V Gupta and PN Murthy, TMH, New Delhi

4. Engineering Design-Robert Matousck, Blackie and son ltd. Glasgow

5. Optimization Techniques-SS Rao

6. System Analysis and Project Management-Devid I Cleland, William R King, McGraw Hill. ME-0205: TRIBOLOGY

L T P 3 1 0

Unit-I: Introduction to Tribology Definition, Scope, Applications, Friction, Definition, Scope, Laws of friction. Friction theories. Surface contaminants, Effect of sliding speed on friction.


Unit-I: Wear Definition, Scope, wear of metals, Types, Classification. Mechanism of wear, Quantitative laws. Hypothesis of Holm. Hypothesis of Burwell and Strang. Hypothesis of Archard, Rawe, Rabinowicz. Quantitative law for Abrasive wear, Bayerku surface fatigue theory. Delamination theory & Fatigue theory of wear, wear resistant materials. Introduction to wear of Polymers and Ceramics. Wear reduction by Surface Improvements, Pitting, Erosion & Stress Corrosion.


Unit-III: Surface Interactions Elastic & Plastic deformation of surfaces. Contact of Solids, Contact of Ideally Smooth Surfaces. Distribution of Pressure over elastic contact of two curvilinear bodies. Formulae for calculation of contact area. Physico-Mechanical properties of surface layers, Characteristics of Surface Geometry. Classes of surface roughness. Contact of rough surfaces. Interaction of surface peaks. Real and contour area of contact.


Unit-IV: Lubrication Definition & Scope. Generalized Reynold‟s equation. Flow and shear stress, energy equation. Mechanism of pressure development in bearings. Concept of Boundry Layer.


Unit-IV: Bearing design considerations & characteristics Bearing design procedure & steps. Plain slider bearing. Step (Rayleigh step) bearing. Infinitely long journal bearing. Infinitely short journal bearing. Future scope and applications.


REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Introduction to Tribology of bearings by - B. C. Majumdar., S Chand & Co.

2. Hand Book of Tribology -- WHILEY


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3. Fundamentals of Fluid film lubrication by – Bernard Hamrock, Mc Graw Hill International Edition. 4. Tribology in Industries by Sushil. K. Srivastava, S Chand & Publications.

5. Basic Lubrication theory by Alastair Cameron. ME-0206: INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS

L T P 3 1 0

Unit-I 1. Introduction: Importance applications and principles of occupational ergonomics.

2 2. Physiological Principles: Muscular work, Nervous control of movements, Improving working efficiency. Optimal use of muscle strength. /Guidelines for work layout.

4 3. Skilled work: Acquiring skill, control of skilled movements. Design of tools and equipments for skilled work.


Unit-II 4. Heavy work: Energy consumption, Efficiency, Heart rate as a measure of workload.

2 5. Work-station Design: Anthropometric data, Reach and clearance dimensions. Percentiles to be accommodated.


Unit-III 6. Working Heights: Comfortable working postures. Room to grasp or move things, and operate controls. Sedentary work. Its advantages, disadvantages and limitation. Sedentary workplace design. Design of VDT workstations, Design of Key board.

5 7.Handling Lads: The Human spine, back troubles associated with industrial work, Intervertebral disc, disc pressure, slip of disc, Bio-mechanical models of lower back. Recommendations for handling loads.

3 8.Man-Machine System: Display equipment, Controls, Relation between control and display instruments, Mental activity, Fatigue, Occupational stress, Job design in monotonous task.


Unit-IV 9.Human Visual System: Accommodation, Aperture of the pupil, Adaptation of reline, eye movements Visual capacity, Visual strain, Physiology of reading.

3 10.Ergonomic Principles of Lighting: Light sources, measurement, physiological requirements of artificial lighting, arrangement of light. Light for fine work and for VDT offices.


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3 Unit-V 11.Noise and Violation: Sound perception, Noise load, damage to hearing, physiological and psychological effects of noise. Protection against noise, Vibrations and their effect on performance.

3 12.Working Environment: Thermo-regulation in human body, comfort indoors, Air quality and its dryness, Air pollution and ventilation. Heat in industry Recommendations for comfort indoors.Daylight, colours and music for pleasant work environment.


Books 1. Fitting the task to the Man, E. Gandjean, Taylor and Francis.

2. A guide to Ergonomics of Manufacturing, Helander, M., East-West Press. 3. Human Factor in Engineering and Design, Sanders, M.S., and Mc Cormik, E.J., Mc Graw.Hill


Unit-I Introduction: Background and challenges faced by modern production environment, sequential engineering process, Concurrent engineering definition and requirement, meaning of concurrent objectives of CE, benefits of CE, Life cycle design of products, life cycle costs.


Support for CE Classes of support for CE activity, CE organizational, structure CE, team composition and duties, Computer based Support, CE Implementation Process.



Design Product for Customer Industrial Design, Quality Function Deployment, house of quality, Translation process of quality function deployment (QFD).


Modeling of Concurrent Engineering Design Compatibility approach, Compatibility index, implementation of the Compatibility model, integrating the compatibility Concerns.



Design for Manufacture (DFM) Introduction, role of DFM is CE, DFM methods, e.g. value engineering, DFM guidelines, design for assembly, creative design methods, product family themes, design axioms,


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Taguchi design methods, Computer based approach to DFM. Evaluation of manufacturability and assemblability.



Quality by Design Quality engineering & methodology for robust product design, parameter and Tolerance design, Quality loss function and signal to noise ratio for designing the quality, experimental approach.



Design for X-ability Design for reliability, life cycle serviceability design, design for maintainability, design for economics, decomposition in concurrent design, concurrent design case studies.

7 Books 1. Concurrent Engineering Kusiak John Wiley

2. Concurrent Engineering Menon Chapman & hall


Unit-I Introduction, operating life cycle, reliability, Failure data analysis, failure rate curve, hazard models, elements in series, parallel, mix, logic diagrams, improving reliability, redundancy-element, unit, standby, maintainability, availability, reliability and maintainability trade off.


Unit-II Maintenance Strategies: Break down maintenance, planned maintenance, strategies, preventive maintenance, design out maintenance, planned lubrication, total productive maintenance, zero break down, preventive inspection of equipment used in emergency.


Unit-III Replacement planning maintain or replace decision, replacement of items that deteriorate identical equipment, replacement of items that fail without deterioration individual, group replacement, replacement in anticipation of failure.


Unit-IV Break down maintenance planning, assignment model, waiting time models expected waiting time, minimum cost service rate, PERT.


Unit-V Maintenance Management, production maintenance system, objectives and functions, forms, policy, planning, organization, economics of maintenance, manpower planning, materials planning, spare parts planning and control, evaluation of maintenance management.


Books: 1. Management of systems – R.N. Nauhria & R. Prakash.

2. Operations Research – Wangner.


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Unit I (8 Sessions) Introduction: Basic Concept & Philosophy of Supply Chain Management; essential features, infrastructure, flows (cash, value and information), key issues in SCM, benefits and case examples Unit II (8 Sessions) Inventory Management: Concept, various costs associated with inventory, various EOQ models, buffer stock (tradeoff between stock out / working capital cost), leave time reduction, re-order point / re-order level fixation, exercises –numerical problem solving, ABC Analysis, SDE / VED Analysis Unit III (8 Sessions) Purchasing & Vendor management: Centralized and Decentralized purchasing, functions of purchase department and purchase policies. Use of mathematical model for vendor rating / evaluation, single vendor concept, management of stores, accounting for materials, Just-In-Time & Kanvan System of Inventory management. Unit IV (8 Sessions) Logistics Management: Logistics as part of SCM, Logistics costs, different models, logistics sub-system, inbound and outbound logistics, bullwhip effect in logistics, outbound logistics-distribution and warehousing management. Unit V (8 Sessions) Recent Issues in SCM : Role of Computer / IT in Supply Chain Management, CRM Vs SCM, Benchmarking- concept, features and implementation, Outsourcing-basic concept, value addition in SCM-concept of demand chain management

SUGGESTED READINGS 1. G. Raghuram (I.I.M.A.)-Logics and Supply Chain Management Macmillan, 2000 ME-0210: ROBOTICS

L T P 3 1 0

1. Introduction: Definition, Classification of Robots, geometric classification and control classification.

4 2. Robot Elements: Drive system, control system, sensors, end effectors, gripper actuators and

gripper design. 6

3. Robot Coordinate Systems and Manipulator Kinematics: Robot co-ordinate system representation, transformation, homogenous transform and its inverse, relating the robot to its world.


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Manipulators Kinematics, parameters of links and joints, kinematic chains, dynamics of kinematic chains, trajectory planning and control, advanced techniques of kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems, parallel actuated and closed loop manipulators.



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4. Robot Control: Fundamental principles, classification, position, path velocity and force control systems, computed torque control, adaptive control, Seroo system for robot control, and introduction to robot vision.


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8 5. Robot Programming: Level of robot programming, language based programming, task level

programming, robot programming synthesis, robot programming for welding, machine tools, material handling, assembly operations, collision free motion planning.

8 6. Applications: Application of robot in welding, machine tools, material handling, assembly

operations parts sorting and parts inspection. 6

Text/Reference Books: 1. Coifet Chirroza, “An Introduction to Robot Technology” Kogan Page.

2. Y. Koren “Robotics for Engineers” Mcgraw Hill.

3. K. S. Fu, R.C. Gonzalez Y& CSG Lee, “Robotics” McGraw Hill.

4. J.J. Craig, “Robotics” Addison-Wesley.

5. Grover, Mitchell Weiss, Nagel Octrey, “Industrial Robots” Mcgraw Hill.

6. Asfahl, “Robots & Manufacturing Automation” Wily Eastern. M E - 0 2 1 1 : - F RACTURE MECHANICS

L T P 3 1 0

Unit-I Introduction and overview, Concepts of fracture mechanics and strength of materials, Elements of solid mechanics,


Unit-II Elasticity and plasticity, Incremental plasticity and deformation theory. Elastic crack-tip fields, Basic concepts of linear elastic fracture mechanics, Griffth‟s theory, stress intensity factor, Energy release rate, Plastic zone and fracture toughness, path invariant integrals and numerical approach.


Unit-III Plastic crack-tip fields, Mode-I fields and fracture criterion, Engineering approach to plastic fracture, J-integral approaches and numerical concepts, Tearing modulus, Time dependent fracture, non-linear aspects of fatigue crack growth,


Unit-IV Theoretical models, Fatigue cracks in welds, standard tests and testing procedures. Brittle fracture of welded structures, Notch toughness, weld cracks and joint restrains, Weld defects and service behaviour,


Unit-V Application of fracture mechanics concepts and limitations, Weld cracking tests and elimination of joint restraints, Residual stress and its interaction in fracture behaviour, Numerical approaches for estimation of fracture parameters.


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References Books: 1. Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications Anderson, T. L CRC Press 2. Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue Dowling, Norman E Dowling Prentice Hall 3. Advanced Fracture Mechanics Kanninen, Melvin F Popelar, Carl H Oxford University Press

4. Analytical Fracture Mechanics Unger, David J Dover Publications

Department Elective-III


Unit-I Psychrometry of Air Conditioning Processes, Design Conditions & Load Calculations Psychrometric Processes in Air Conditioning Equipments, Analysis of Air Conditioning systems for summer & winter conditions, Inside & out side design conditions for comfort, Industrial Air Conditioning. Cooling & Heating Load calculations- Heat transfer through building structures, solar heat gain, Infiltration & ventilation air, Internal heat gain, Occupancy & Product load, Room sensible heat factor, Effective sensible heat factor & Grand sensible heat factor, capacity of the plant.


Design & Selection of Air conditioning Apparatus Heat & moisture transfer in Air conditioning apparatus, Enthalpy potential, Analysis of Coil & Spray Equipments Design of Cooling & Dehumidifying coils, Design of Air Washer & Cooling Towers. 3 Unit-II Analysis of Complete Vapour Compression System – Design and Balancing of System Components

,Type of Refrigerant Compressors, Condensers, Evaporators & Expansion devices used in Vapour

Compression Refrigeration Cycles, Design and Selection of individual components and their

performance characteristics, Use of P-H charts for different Refrigerants in performance predication

of the cycle. Analysis of the complete vapour-compression-system and determination of „Balance

Points‟ using Graphical and Analytical methods, system simulation. Layout & selection of Refrigerant, water and Brine pipings for the designed system. Selection of Refrigeration and Air conditioning Controls for the system.



Design of Turbomachines: Principles of Design of turbo machines, Design of axial flow turbine stage, Design of axial flow compressor stage, Design of centrifugal compressor.

8 Unit-IV Design of Heat Exchanger : Study of design aspects, fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics, Material requirement of heat exchange equipments, Liquid – to liquid and Liquid – to – gas heat


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exchange systems, Familiarity with use of design related standards and codes, Design of Heat exchanger.


Unit-V Optimization of design of thermal systems like condenser, evaporator, cooling tower for minimum cost and maximum performance, Development of computer program for design, Environmental consideration in design of thermal systems, Analysis of thermal systems using FEM.


References 1. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning - By C.P. Arora

2. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning - By Manohar Prasad

3. Principles of Refrigeration (S.I.Units) - By Roy J.Dossat

4. Air Conditioning Engineering - By W,P.Jones

5. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning - By Mc Quistion, Parker & Spitler

6. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Data Book – Manohar Prasad

7. Ashrae hand Book – Fundamentals

8. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning-Stoecker & Jones

9. Refrigeration & Air condioning – By P.L.Ballaney ME-0302: ADVANCED SYNTHESIS OF MECHANISM

L T P 3 1 0

UNIT-I Introduction: Mechanisms, Classifications, Relative & absolute motion, degree of freedom, 4-bar mechanisms-planar & spatial mechanisms, Inversion and equivalent linkage, Transmission deviation and pressure angles. Kinematic analysis of Planer motion Relative velocity and velocity difference, Instantaneous Centre, Poles and centrodes, Relative acceleration, acceleration difference.


UNIT-II Kinematic Synthesis Type, number and dimensional synthesis, spacing of accuracy points, Chebyshev polynomials


Four bar coupler point curves: Four bar linkage, Equation of coupler curves, Double points and symmetry, Robert Chebyshev theorem, Approximate and exact straight line mechanisms.



Geometrical Method of Synthesis: Poles and relative poles of four bar linkage, Poles and relative poles of slider crank mechanism, Synthesis with three accuracy points, Pole triangle, Four position synthesis,


Algebraic Methods of Synthesis-I:


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Displacement equation of four bar linkage, Crank and follower synthesis with three accuracy points, Four bar function generator with three accuracy points, Crank and follower synthesis: angular velocities and accelerations.



Algebraic Methods of Synthesis-II: Synthesis of slider crank mechanism with three accuracy points, Synthesis of slider crank mechanism with four accuracy points, Five accuracy points synthesis of crank and follower mechanism, Analysis of mechanical errors in linkage, Mechanical error in four bar linkage.


Books & References: 1. Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages RS Hartenberg and J Denavit McGraw Hill, New York

2. Kinematic and Linkage Design AS Hall Jr Prentice Hall India Ltd.

3. Mechanism and Machine Theory Amitabh Ghosh and AK Mallick

4. Mechanism Design: Analysis & Synthesis Erdman & Sandor Prentice Hall of India ME-0303: Six Sigma Methods & Application

L T P 3 1 0

Unit 1 Quality Perception; Quality in Manufacturing, Quality in Service Sector; Differences between Conventional and Six Sigma concept of quality; Six Sigma success stories.Statistical foundation and methods of quality improvement. Descriptive statistics: Data Type, Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Variation, Standard Deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis. Probability Distribution: Normal, Binomial, Poisson distribution.


Unit 2 Basics of Six Sigma: Concept of Six Sigma, Defects, DPMO, DPU, Attacks on X‟S, Customer focus, Six Sigma for manufacturing, Six Sigma for service. Z score, Understanding Six Sigma organization, Leadership council, Project sponsors and champions, Master Black Belt, Black Belt, Green Belts.


Unit 3 Methodology of Six Sigma, DMAIC, DFSS, Models of Implementation of Six Sigma, Selection of Six Sigma Projects.


Unit 4


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Six Sigma Tools: Project Charter, Process mapping, Measurement system analysis, Hypothesis Testing, Quality Function deployment, Failure mode effect analysis, Design of Experiments.


Unit 5 Sustenance of Six Sigma, Communication plan, Company culture, Reinforcement and control, Introduction to softwares for Six Sigma, Understanding Minitab, Graphical analysis of Minitab plots. References: 1. Six Sigma: SPC and TQM in manufacturing and service, Geoff Tennant, Gower Publishing Co. 2. Six Sigma for managers, Greg Brue, TMH

3. What is Six Sigma, Pete Pande, TMH

4. The Six Sigma Way, Peter S. Pande, TMH Team Field book

5. The Six Sigma way, Peter S. Pande, TMH


Unit-I Atomic & Quantum Physics: Wave-Particle Duality. Atomic-models. Quantum Physics-Planck, Bohr, de-Brogli, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Born. Quantum and Wave Mechanics. X-ray, Laser etc.


Unit-II Particle Physics & Dynamics: Molecule, Atom and Nucleus. Elementary Particles (& antiparticles) and its characteristics & historical development. Conservation laws. Quarks and quarkmodel. Simple particle interaction /dynamics. Feynman Diagrams & rules.


Unit-III Relativistic Mechanics : Special-Relativity. Relativity as a bridge of electricity and magnetism. Minikowaskian space-time. Introduction to General-Relativity (almost without Tensors), concept of curved space-time and gravity as curvature. Tests of Special & General Relativity.


Unit-IV Astro-physics and Cosmo-Dynamics: Brief review of universe big-bang to black-hole including nucleo-synthesis, solar-system and galaxy. Hubble‟s law. Critical density, space- from closed, flat, open. Recent studies on Dark-matter and Dark-energy and its possible candidates.


Unit-V Unification of forces: Fundamental forces- gravitational, electrical, magnetic, strongnuclear & weak nuclear. Maxwell (& Faraday) unification of electric & magnetic field as electromagnetic. Brief introduction (with Feynman diagram) to GSW Electro-weak unification, and Standardmodel. Brief mention of GUT, and String/M-theory.



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Books 1. Stephen Hawking- Brief History of Time

2. Besier- Concept of Modern Physics

3. Krane- Modern Physics

4. Kaku- Beyond Einstein

5. Griffith- Quantum Electrodynamics

6. Griffith- Elementy Particles

7. Hartle- Gravity

8. Bryan Greene- Elegant Universe ME-0305: FINITE ELEMENT METHOD

L T P 3 1 0

UNIT-I Introduction Introduction to finite difference method and finite elements method, Advantages and limitations, Mathematical formulation of FEM, Different approaches in Finite Element Method - Direct Stiffness approach, simple examples, Variational approach, Elements of variational calculus - Euler Lagrange equation, Rayliegh Ritz method, Weighted Residual methods, Point Collocation method, Galarkin method - Steps involved in FEM.



Types of Elements Used Interpolation Polynomials - Linear elements Shape function - Analysis of simply supported beam

- Element and Global matrices - Two-dimensional elements, triangular and rectangular elements

- Local and Natural Co-ordinate systems. 8


Finite Element Formulation of Field Problems 1-D and 2-D heat transfer, fluid flow (incompressible and non viscous fluid) in ducts, Simple electrical and magnetic field problems. Simple Numerical examples.



Finite Element Formulation of Solid Mechanics Problems 1-D problem of shaft; Truss element analysis of pinned truss, Plane stress/strain problems, Axi-symmetric problems, thin plate problems; Vibration of shafts & beams.



Numerical Methods in FEM Evaluation of shape functions - One dimensional & triangular elements, Quadrilateral elements, Isoperimetric elements - Numerical Integration, Gauss Legendre quadrature - Solution of finite element equations – Gauss Elimination Method, Cholesky decomposition.

Books: 1. The Finite Element Method O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor McGraw Hill


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2. An Introduction to Finite Element Method J. N. Reddy McGraw Hill

3. Finite Element Procedure in Engineering Analysis K.J. Bathe McGraw Hill

4. Finite Element Analysis C.S. Krishnamoorthy Tata McGraw Hill 5. Concepts and Application of Finite Element Analysis R.D. Cook, D.S. Malcus and M.E. Plesha John Wiley 6. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering T.R Chandragupta and A.D. Belegundu Prentice Hall India 7. Finite Element and Approximation O.C. Zenkiewicy & Morgan -

8. Numerical Methods E Balagurusamy Tata McGraw Hill


L T P 3 1 0

Unit-1: Introduction Scope and advantages of NDT. Comparison of NDT with DT. Some common NDT methods used since ages, Terminology. Flaws and Defects, Visual inspection, Equipment used for visual inspection. Ringing test chalk test (oil whitening test). Attractive uses of above tests in detecting surface cracks, bond strength & surface defects.


Unit-2: Common NDT methods Die penetrate test (liquid penetrate inspection), Principle, scope. Equipment & techniques, Tests stations, Advantages, types of penetrant and developers. Illustrative examples – Heavy castings of large size, frame of jet engine, porosity testing of nickel alloys, leak testing. Zyglo test

6 Magnetic particle Inspection – Scope , principle, Ferro Magnetic and Non-ferro magnetic materials, equipment & testing. Advantages, limitations Interpretation of results. DC & AC magnetization, Skin Effect, use of dye & wet powders for magna glow testing, different methods to generate magnetic fields, Applications.


Unit-3: Radiographic methods X-ray radiography principle, equipment & methodology. Applicability, types of radiations, limitations. Interpretation of Radiographs, limitations of γ-ray radiography – principle, equipment. Attenuation of electro magnetic radiations, source of radioactive materials & technique. Photo electric effect, Rayleigh‟s scattering (coherent scattering), Compton‟s scattering (Incoherent scattering). Pair production, Beam geometry, Scattering factor. Advantages of γ-ray radiography over X-ray radiography Precautions against radiation hazards. Case Study ─ X-ray of human body.


Unit-4: Ultrasonic testing methods Introduction, Principle of operation, Piezoelectricity. Ultrasonic probes, CRO techniques, advantages, Limitation & typical applications. Applications in inspection of castings, forgings, Extruded steel parts, bars, pipes, rails and dimensions measurements. Case Study – Ultrasonography of human body.


Unit-5: Eddy Current Inspection Principle, Methods, Advantages, Scope and limitations. Types of Probes. Case Studies.



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Suggested References: (1) ASM Handbook Vol. 11, 8th Edition – Non-destructive Testing & Evaluation

(2) Research Techniques in NDT Vol.3, R.S. Shah, Academic

(3) Industrial Quality Control, Webstar (4) Bray, Don E. and Stanley, Roderic K., Nondestructive Evaluation: A Tool in Design, Manufacturing, and Service. Revised Edition 1997, CRC Press New York.


UNIT-1 Introduction to energy, Sources of energy, Forms of energy, Energy reserves, renewable energy sources, Unites of energy and the laws of thermodynamics,, Energy consumption and GDP, energy database , Energy demand analysis, Costs of exploration and utilization of depletable resources, energy pricing, National energy plan.

7 UNIT-2 Energy audit concepts, Energy audit based on 1st law and 2nd law of thermodynamics, Mass and Energy balances, Availability analysis, Evaluation of energy conserving opportunities, Economic analysis and life cycle costing.


UNIT-3 Energy conservation areas, Energy transmission and storage, Plant wide energy optimization Models, Data base for energy management , Energy conservation through controls, Computer aided energy management, Program organization and methodology.


UNIT-4 Electrical energy conservation in building lighting, heating, ventilating and air conditioning, Energy efficient motor, power factor improvement in power systems, Energy audit of Combustion process, Boilers, Turbines, compressors, Pumps, Heat exchangers, Condensers, Use of industrial, wastes.


UNIT-5 Energy environment interaction, Environmental issues, Global warning, Carbon dioxide emissions, Depletion of ozone layer, Government's regulations, Energy economy interaction.


BOOKS: 1. Energy Management and condevtion, by Clive Beggs, Butterwoth- Heinemann Elsevier Science. 2. Optimising Energy Efficiency in the Industry, By Rajan, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers.

3. Guide to energy Management , By C.L Capehart, Fairmont Press. 4. Renewable Energy Sources and their Environment Impact, by Abbasi & Abbasi, Prentice Hall of India.


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5. Environmental Risks and Hazards by Cutter, Prentice Hall of India. 6. Energy and Power Risk Management: New Developments in Modeling, Pricing and Hedging, buy Alexander Eydeland, John Wiley & Sons. 7. Energy Management Handbook by, Wayne C. Turner.

8. Thermodynamics, By Kenneth Wark, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers. 9. Exergy Analysis of Thermal, Chemical and Metallurgical Process, By Jan Szargut, David R. Morris, Frank R. Steward, Hemisphere Pub, Springer Verlag Publisher


UNIT I: Biomechanics Statics and dynamics of the musculoskeletal system, forces and moments. Acting in the skeletal system and the various techniques used to describe them. Forces and moments with in the body such as forces acting at hip and knee joint and in the extremities. Analysis of pathological situations of human joints.


UNIT II: Biomaterials Stress strain behaviour of bone. The mechanical properties including elasticity, hardness, viscoelasticity, surface and fatigue properties of skin; soft tissues; bone; metals; polymers and ceramics. Biocompatible materials and its applications. The effects of degradation and corrosion.


UNIT III: Bio Fluid Flow Fluids-laminar and turbulent flow, boundary layer, non-newtonian and pulsatile models, blood

rheology, circulatory system, blood-flow in arteries, veins and heart, synovial fluid, joint friction. 6

UNIT IV: Bioinstrumentation Fundamentals of producing a medical image, image collection techniques, image reconstruction algorithms, detailed examination of the four main areas of medical imaging : Nuclear Medicine and positron Emission Tomography, Ultrasound, Diagnostic Radiology, Magnetic Resonance and its clinical applications. Physiological signals, noise, and available sensors and transducers and their characteristics.



Computing for Biomedical Engineers Health care information and communications, Including telemedicine, medical informatics, networks and privacy. Data Collection, Medical coding and classification. Standards for medical data interchange. Aspects of database design, client/server topologies.


Reference: 1. Basic orthopedic biomechanics, Editors-VC Mow & Wc Hayes, Lippincott Raven Publishers. 2. Biomaterials Science- An Introduction to Materials in Medicine. Buddy D.Rattner, Allan S.Hoffman, Frederick J.Schoen, Jack E.Lemmons, Editors, Academic Press. 3. Biomaterials: An Introduction(second edition) Joon B.Park & Roderic S.Lakes, Plenum Press, 1992. 4. Biofluid Mechanics, Jagan N.Mezumdar; World Scientific Pub.Co.,NJ 1992 5. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, RS Khandpur.


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6. Mthematical models in biology and medicine- J.N.Kapur, Affliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi-India 7. Bone Mechanism – W.C.Heys, CRC Press

8. Computers in Medicine- Lele


L T P 3 1 0

Introduction: FMS definition and classification of manufacturing systems, Automated production cycle, Need of flexibility, Concept of flexibility, Types of flexibilities and its measurement. FMS Equipment: Why FMS, Factors responsible for the growth of FMS, FMS types and applications, Economic justification for FMS, Functional requirements for FMS equipments, FMS processing and QA equipment, e.g., turning and machining centers, Co-ordinate measuring machines, Cleaning and deburring machines, FMS system support equipment, Automated material handling and storage equipment, cutting tool and tool management, Work holding considerations, Fixture considerations in FMS environment. Group Technology: GT concepts, Advantages of GT, Part family formation-coding and classification systems; Part machine group analysis, Methods for cell formation, Use of different algorithms, mathematical programming and graph theoretic model approach for part grouping, Cellular vs. FMS production.

FMS related problem and Solution Methodology:

FMS design problems: Part assignment, Machine selection, Storage system selection, Selection of pallets and fixtures, Selection of computer hardware and software, designing for layout integration of machine storage, Material handling System and computer system, Communication networks.

FMS planning problems: Strategic planning, Part type selection, Machine grouping,

production ratio and resource allocation, Machine loading problems.

Operational & Control problems: Part scheduling, Machines robots & AGVS, Process monitoring & control.

FMS Implementation: Objectives, acceptance testing, Performance goals and expectation

maintenance concerns.

Books: 1. Automation, Production System & Computer Integrated Manufacturing Groover Englewood

2. Design and Operation of SMS Rankey IFS

3. Flexible Manufacturing System Wernecks Spring-Verlag

4. FMS in Practice Bonctto Northox Ford

5. Flexible Manufacturing Cells and systems W.W. Luggen Prentice Hall India 6. Performance Modelling of Automated Manufacturing Systems Vishwanathan & Narahari Prentice Hall India. ME-310: MOLECULAR DYNAMICS & BIOENERGETICS

L T P 3 1 0


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UNIT-I Energy, energy flow cycle, energy conversion; Structure and properties of ATP; High energy compounds, Thermodynamic considerations, Coupling reactions of ATP and NDP (nucleotide di phosphate); photosynthesis.


UNIT-II Biological membrane: structure, permeability, properties, passive transport and active transport, facilitated transport, energy requirement, mechanism of Na+/ K+, glucose and amino acid transport; Organization of transport activity in cell; Active potentials; Role of transport in signal transduction processes. Signal Tansduction.


UNIT-III Metabolism and bioenergetics; Generation and utilization of ATP; Metabolism of Nitrogen containing compounds: nitrogen fixation, amino acids and nucleotides;


UNIT-IV Energetics of Metabolic Pathways; Energy Coupling (ATP & NADH); Stoichiometry and energetic analysis of Cell Growth and Product Formation - elemental Balances, Degree of reduction concepts; available-electron balances; yield coefficients; Oxygen consumption and heat evolution in aerobic cultures; thermodynamic efficiency of growth.


UNIT-V Electron Flow as source of ATP Energy, Site of Oxidative Phosphorylation, ATP synthetase, Electron- Transferring Reactions, Standard Oxidation, Electron Carrier, electron transport complexes, Incomplete reduction of Oxygen, Mechanism of Oxidative Phosphorylation, Oxidation of Extra mitrochondrial NADH, ATP yield and P: O Ratio, Role of Electron Transport Energy, Respiratory Inhibitors, Regulatory control among Glycolysis, the Citric Acid Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation.


Text books: 1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering thermodynamics by Smith and Vannes ( Mcgraw Hill)

2. Chemical engineering thermodynamics by Y.V.C. rao ( New age international),


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Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur

M.Tech.- Mechanical Engineering (Regular Programme)


Note: *15 Marks are for Class Test and 15 Marks are for Lab., if any, Otherwise 30 Marks are for Class Test

# Dissertation to be continued in IV Semester

S Course Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme Subject

N Code


L T P Sessional Exam

CT Attd TA Total ESE

Semester I

1 MME-101 Numerical Methods & 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

Computer Programming

2 MME-102 Simulation, Modelling and 3 1 - 30 10 10 50 100 150


3 MME-106 Advance Fluid Mechanics 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

4 MME-109 Advanced Thermal Sciences 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

5 MME-1?? Elective-I 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

Total 15 5 8 250 500 750

Semester II

1 MME-201 Renewable Energy System 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

2 MME-211 Advance Heat Transfer 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

3 MME-212 Design of Thermal Systems 3 1 - 30 10 10 50 100 150


MME-2?? Elective II 3 1 - 30 10 10 50 100 150

5 OEL-2?? Open Elective 3 1 2 30 10 10 50 100 150

Total 15 5 6 250 500 750

Semester III

1 MME-351 Dissertation # - - 8 - - - 50 - 50

2 MME-352 Seminar / Minor Project - - 2 - - - 100 - 100

Total 10 150 - 150

Semester IV

1 MME-451 Dissertation - - 18 - - - 150 200 350

Total - - 18 150 200 350


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Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology,Sultanpur M.Tech.- Mechanical Engineering (Part Time Programme)


S Course Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme Subject

N Code


L T P Sessional Exam

CT Attd TA Total ESE

Semester I

1 MME-101 Numerical Methods & 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

Computer Programming

2 MME-102 Simulation, Modelling and 3 1 - 30 10 10 50 100 150


3 MME-105 Applied Operations Research 3 1 - 30 10 10 50 100 150

Total 9 3 2 150 300 450

Semester II

1 MME-201 Renewable Energy System 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

2 MME-213 Micro- electro mechanical

system 3 1 - 30* 10 10 50 100 150

3 MME-214 Project Management 3 1 - 30 10 10 50 100 150

Total 9 3 2 150 300 450

Semester III

1 MME-303 Design of Production Systems 3 1 - - - - 50 100 150

2 MME-3?? Elective-I 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

3 MME-352 Seminar / Minor Project - - 2 - - - 100 - 100

Total 6 2 4 200 200 400

Semester IV

1 MME-4?? Elective-II 3 1 2 30* 10 10 50 100 150

2 OEL-4?? Open Elective 3 1 - 30 10 10 50 100 150

3 MME-451 Dissertation - - 12 - - - 50 - 50

Total 6 2 14 150 200 350

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1 MME-551 Dissertation - - 12 - - - 50 - 50

Total - - 12 - - - 50 - 50


1 MME-651 Dissertation

- - 12 - - - 100 200 300


Note: *15 Marks are for Class Test and 15 Marks are for Lab., if any, Otherwise 30 Marks are for Class Test # Dissertation to be continued in IV Semester

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Elective-I (MME-1?? / MME-3??)

S.N. Subject Code Subject 1. MME-151 / MME-351 Product Design and Development 2. MME-152 / MME-352 CAD/CAM 3. MME-153 / MME-353 Experimental Modal Analysis and Dynamic Design 4. MME-154 / MME-354 Computer Aided Design of Thermal Systems 5. MME-155 / MME-355 Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Systems 6. MME-156 / MME-356 Advanced Mechanism Design 7. MME-157 / MME-357 Machine Tool Design 8. MME-158 / MME-358 Machining Science 9. MME-159 / MME-359 Manufacturing System Analysis 10. MME-160 / MME-360 Production, Planning and Control 11. MME-161 / MME-361 Modern Manufacturing Processes 12. MME-162 / MME-362 Metal Casting 13. MME-163 / MME-363 Metal Forming 14. MME-164 / MME-364 Computer Aided Process Planning & Control 15. MME-165 / MME-365 Design for Manufacture 16. MME-166 / MME-366 Rapid Prototyping and Tooling 17. MME-167 / MME-367 Concurrent Engineering & Product Lifecycle Management 18. MME-168 / MME-368 Quality Assurance 19. MME-169 / MME-369 Power Plants Engineering 20. MME-170 / MME-370 Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer 21. MME-171 / MME-371 Gas Turbines and Compressors 22. MME-172 / MME-372 Combustion Engineering 23. MME-173 / MME-373 Internal Combustion Engines

Elective-II (MME – 2?? / MME – 4??)

S.N. Subject Code Subject 1. MME-251 / MME-451 Finite Element Method 2. MME-252 / MME-452 Industrial Automation & Robotics 3. MME-253 / MME-453 Advanced Mechanical Vibrations 4. MME-254 / MME-454 Theory of Elasticity & Plasticity 5. MME-255 / MME-455 Fracture Mechanics 6. MME-256 / MME-456 Industrial Tribology 7. MME-257 / MME-457 Advanced Materials Technology 8. MME-258 / MME-458 Heat Treatment of Metals 9. MME-259 / MME-459 Advanced Welding Technology 10. MME-260 / MME-460 Advanced Foundry Technology 11. MME-261 / MME-461 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 12. MME-262 / MME-462 CNC, FMS & CIM 13. MME-263 / MME-463 Total Quality Management 14. MME-264 / MME-464 Materials Management 15. MME-265 / MME-465 Production & Operations Management 16. MME-266 / MME-466 Computer Aided Plant Layout and Materials Handling 17. MME-267 / MME-467 Metrology & Computer Aided Inspection 18. MME-268 / MME-468 Work Science 19. MME-269 / MME-469 Advanced Gas Dynamics 20. MME-270 / MME-470 Cryogenics Systems 21. MME-271 / MME-471 Cold Preservation of Food 22. MME-272 / MME-472 Optimization for engineering Design 23. MME-273 / MME-473 Combustion, Engines and Pollution

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Open Elective (OEL – 2?? / OEL – 4??)

S.N. Subject Code Subject 1. OEL-201 / OEL-401 Accounting & Financial Management 2. OEL-202 / OEL-402 Information Systems and Data Management 3. OEL-203 / OEL-403 Industrial Design and Ergonomics 4. OEL-204 / OEL-404 Industrial Policy, Management Research and Development 5. OEL-205 / OEL-405 Quantitative Techniques in Decision Making 6. OEL-206 / OEL-406 Management Information Systems 7. OEL-207 / OEL-407 Energy Management 8. OEL-208 / OEL-408 Reliability, Maintenance Management & Safety 9. OEL-209 / OEL-409 Environmental Pollution & Its Control 10. OEL-210 / OEL-410 Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 11. OEL-211 / OEL-411 Neural Network and Fuzzy Systems 12. OEL-212 / OEL-412 Applied Probability and Statistics 13. OEL-213 / OEL-413 Intelligent Instrumentation 14. OEL-214 / OEL-414 Microprocessor Systems 15. OEL-215 / OEL-415 Machine Vision 16. OEL-216 / OEL-416 Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems 17. OEL-217 / OEL-417 Electric Drives 18. OEL-218 / OEL-418 Alternative Fuels & Engine Pollution

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3 1 2 Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equation: Newton-Raphson method including method of complex

roots, Graeffe’s root square method (Computer based algorithm and programme for these methods) Interpolation and Approximation: Lagrange’s and Newton-divided difference formula, Newton interpolation

formula for finite differences, Gauss’s forward and backward interpolation formulae, Bessel’s and Laplace-

Everett’s formulae, Cubic spline, least squares approximation using Chebyshev polynomial. Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations: Cholesky’s (Crout’s) method, Gauss-Seidel iteration and

relaxation methods, Solution of Eigenvalue problems; Smallest, largest and intermediate Eigen values

(Computer based algorithm and programme for these methods) Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation using difference operators, Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules, Boole’s rule, Weddle’s rule. Solution of Differential Equations: Modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method of 2

nd, 3

rd and 4

th orders,

Predictor-Corrector method, Stability of Ordinary differential equation, Solution of Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations by Liebmann’s method, Relaxation method. Books:


Numerical Method for Scientific and


M.K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyenger

and Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Computation R.K. Jain

2. Numerical Methods for Engineers S.K. Gupta Wiley Eastern Ltd.



Methods B.S. Grewal





Methods A.D. Booth

Academic Press,


5. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis K.E. Atkinson

John Wiley & Sons,


6. Introduction Methods of Numerical Analysis S.S. Sastry

Prentice Hall of


7. Elementary Numerical Analysis S.D. Conte McGraw Hill


3 1 - Introduction: A review of basic probability and statistics, random variables and their properties, Estimation of

means variances and correlation.

Physical Modelling: Concept of System and environment, Continuous and discrete systems, Linear and non-linear systems, Stochastic activities, Static and Dynamic models, Principles of modeling, Basic Simulation

modeling, Role of simulation in model evaluation and studies, advantages of simulation System Simulation: Techniques of simulation, Monte Carlo method, Experimental nature of simulation,

Numerical computation techniques, Continuous system models, Analog and Hybrid simulation, Feedback

systems, Computers in simulation studies, Simulation software packages. System Dynamics: Growth and Decay models, Logistic curves, System dynamics diagrams.

Probability Concepts in Simulation: Stochastic variables, discrete and continuous probability functions,

Random numbers, Generation of Random numbers, Variance reduction techniques, Determination of length of

simulation runs. Simulation of Mechanical Systems: Building of Simulation models, Simulation of

translational and rotational mechanical systems, Simulation of hydraulic systems.

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Simulation of Manufacturing Systems: Simulation of waiting line systems, Job shop with material handling

and Flexible manufacturing systems, Simulation software for manufacturing, Case studies. Books:

1. System Simulation Geoffrey Gordon Prentice Hall

2. System Simulation: The Art and Science Robert E. Shannon Prentice Hall

3. System Modelling and Control J. Schwarzenbach and K.F. Gill Edward Arnold


Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic


Charles M Close and Dean K.




5. Simulation of manufacturing Allan Carrie

John Wiley &




3 1 2 Recapitulation of Fundamentals: Basic definitions & concepts, Simplified Carathedory’s formulation,

Equation of state-Calculation of Thermodynamic properties, Generalized compressibility charts, Second

law analysis-availability, Thermodynamics of reactive mixtures, Stoichiometry, First and Second law

analysis of chemical reactions, Elements of irreversible thermodynamics. Derivation of 3D generalized conduction equation, steady state conduction, Transient conduction,

Numerical methods, Fundamentals of discretization, radiation heat transfer, Surface properties, Configuration factors, Calculation of radiative heat exchange between grey surfaces, Fundamentals of two-

phase flow, Condensation & evaporation. Navier-Stokes equation, Potential flow theory: Flow around bodies, Cylinder and aerofoil, Transformation

of circle into aerofoil, Boundary layer theory: Basic equations, Blasius solution, Integral similarity

solutions, Fundamentals of turbulent boundary layer, Convective heat transfer in laminar and turbulent




Thermal Spraying for Power Generation

Components Klaus Erich Schneider -

2. Engineering thermodynamics Jones & Dugan -

3. Engineering thermodynamics Achuthan -

4. Thermal Engineering Sarkar -


3 1 2 Two-Dimensional Irotational Flow: Two dimensional irotational flow in rectangular and polar coordinates-

Continuity equation and the stream function; Irrotationality and the velocity potential function; Voriticity and

circulation; Plane potential flow and the complex potential function. Sources, sinks, doublets and vorities-Superposition of uniform stream with above; Flow around corners;

Ranbkine ovals; Flow around circular cylinders with and without circulation; Pressure distribution on the

surface of these bodies and D’Alembert’s paradox; Blasuis theorem for forces and moments; Method of

residues, Conformal transformation of flows with solid boundaries. Elements of two-dimensional aerofoil theory; Joukowski transformation; Circular are symmetrical aerofoil

theory; Joukowski hypothesis, Lift and moment. Three-Dimensional Irotational Flow: Irrotationality and the velocity potential function; Symmetric flows and

the Stokes stream function; Sources, sinks. Vortex Motion: Definition; Vortex lines; Surfaces and tubes; Vorticity; Kelvin’s circulation theorem; Helmholtz’s vorticity theorems; Convection and diffusion of vorticity. Vortex filament, Biot-Savart law for induced velocities; Rectilinear vortex filaments; System of vortex

filaments; Horse-shoe vortex filaments; Ring vortices; Vortex sheets; Karman vortex sheet. Viscous Flow: exact solution; Plane Poiselle and Courtte flows; Hagen-Piselle flow through pipes.

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Flow with very small Reynold’s number, Stoke’s flow around a sphere; Seen’s approximations; Elements of

hydrodynamic theories of lubrication, Hele-Shaw flow. Flows with very large Reynold’s number; Elements of two-dimensional boundary solutions for boundary layer

on a flat plate without pressure gradient; Karman Polhausen integral method for obtaining approximate

solutions. Drag on bodies; Form drag and skin friction drag profile drag and its

measurement. Compressible Fluid Flow: Derivation of basic equations,

Fanno flow, Rayleigh flow. Books:

1. Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications Vijay Gupta & S.K. Gupta

New Age


2. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery DR Durgaiah

New Age


3. Engineering Fluid Mechanics

J A Roberson And C T


Jaico Publishing


4. Fluid Mechanics: Problems And Solutions Joseph H Spurk -

5. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics A.F. James

Prentice Hall of



3 1 - Introduction: Definition and scope of OR, Techniques and tools, model formulation, general methods for

solution, Classification of Optimization problems, Optimization techniques

Linear Optimization Models: Complex and revised Simplex algorithms, Degeneracy and duality, Post

optimum and Sensitivity analysis, Assignment, transportation and transshipment models, Traveling salesman

problem, Integer and parametric programming.

Game Problems: Minimax criterion and optimal strategy, two persons zero sum game, Games by Simplex

dominance rules.

Waiting Line Problems: Classification of queuing problems, M/M/1 & M/M/1/N queuing systems, Steady

state analysis of M/M/m queues, Discrete and continuous time Markov models, Chapman-Kolmogorov

equation, Birth & death processes in manufacturing, Open and Closed queuing networks. Inventory Management: ABC analysis, deterministic and Probabilistic models. Dynamic Programming: Characteristics of dynamic programming problems, Bellman’s principle of

optimality, Problems with finite number of stages. Stochastic Programming: Basic concepts of Probability theory, Stochastic linear programming. Books:

1. Elements of Queuing Theory Saaty Pitam

2. Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming Hadley



3. Fundamentals of Operations Research Ackoff & Sasieni Wiley eastern


Principles of OR with Applications to Managerial

Decisions Wagner Prentice Hall



Research Taha McMillan



Research R Panneerselvam

Prentice Hall of


7. Operations Research A P Verma

S.K. Kataria & Sons

8. Introduction to Operations Research Hillier and Lieberman Prentice Hall

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3 1 - Introduction: Energy and Development; Energy demand and availability; Energy crisis; Conventional and

Non-conventional energy; Renewable and Non-renewable energy resources; Environmental impacts of

conventional energy usage; Basic concepts of heat and fluid flow useful for energy systems. Solar Energy Systems: Solar radiations data; Solar energy collection, Storage and utilization; Solar water heating; air heating; Power generation; Refrigeration and Air-conditioning; Solar Energy system Economics. Micro and Small Hydro Energy Systems: Resource assessment of micro and small hydro power; Micro, mini

and small hydro power systems; Economics; Pump and turbine; Special engines for low heads; Velocity head

turbines; Hydrams; Water mill; Tidal power. Bio mass Energy Systems: Availability of bio mass-agro, forest, animal, municipal and other residues; Bio

mass conversion technologies; Cooking fuels; Biogas; producer gas; Power alcohol from biomass; Power

generation; Internal engine modifications and performance; system economics. Wind Energy Systems: Wind data; Horizontal and vertical axis wind mills; Wind farms; Economics of wind

energy. Integrated Energy Systems: Concept of integration of conventional and non-conventional energy

resources and systems; Integrated energy system design and economics. Books:

1. Energy Efficient Buildings in India Mili Majumdar Tata Energy Research Institute


Understanding Renewable Energy

Systems Volker Quaschning -


Renewable Energy


Simmoes Marcelo

Godoy CRC Press

4. Renewable Energy Resources John Twidell Taylor and Francis

5. Renewable Energy Sources and Their Abbasi & Abbasi Prentice Hall of India

Environmental Impact


3 1 2 Review: Reviews of basic laws of Conduction, Convection and Radiation Conduction: One dimensional steady state conduction with variable thermal conductivity and with internal

distributed heat source, Local heat source in non-adiabatic plate, Thermocouple conduction error, Extended

Surfaces-Review, Optimum fin of rectangular profile, straight fins of triangular and parabolic profiles,

Optimum profile, Circumferential fin of rectangular profile, spines, design considerations. 2D steady state

conduction, semi -infinite and finite flat plates, Temperature fields in finite cylinders and in infinite semi-

cylinders, spherical shells, Graphical method, relaxation technique. Unsteady state conduction, Sudden changes

in the surface temperatures of infinite plates, cylinders and spheres using Groeber’s and Heisler charts for

plates, cylinders and spheres suddenly immersed in fluids. Radiation: Review of radiation principles, Diffuse surfaces and the Lambert’s cosine law. Radiation through

non-absorbing media, Hottel’s method of successive reflections, Gebhart’s unified method, Poljak’s method.

Radiation through absorbing media, Logarithmic decrement of radiation, Apparent absorptive of simple shaped

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gas bodies, Net heat exchange between surfaces separated by absorbing medium, Radiation of luminous gas

flames. Convection: Heat transfer in laminar flow, free convection between parallel plates, Forced internal flow

through circular tubes, Fully developed flow, Velocity and thermal entry length, solutions with constant wall

temperature and with constant heat flux, Forced external flow over a flat plate, two-dimensional velocity and

temperature boundary layer equations, Karman Pohlhousen approximate integral method. Heat transfer in

turbulent flow, Eddy heat diffusivity, Reynold’s analogy between skin friction and heat transfer, Prandtl-Taylor,

Von Karman and Martineli’s analogies, Turbulent flow through circular tubes. Books:

1. Advances in Heat Transfer James P Hartnett Academic Press

2. Principles of Heat Transfer Kaviany M Wiley-International

3. Heat Transfer: Principles and Applications B.K. Datta Prentice Hall of India

4. Heat Transfer Calculations Myer Kutz

McGraw-Hill Professional


5. Convective Heat Transfer Burmeister Louis Wiley-International


3 1 - Design of Refrigeration systems, design of Air -Conditioning equipments and systems, Design of turbo

machines comprising of axial flow turbines and compressors, Centrifugal Compressor. Analysis and Design of Thermal systems using FEM Books:


Developments In The Design Of Thermal

Systems Robert F Boehm

Cambridge University


2. Design Analysis Of Thermal Systems Boehm R F John Wiley




3 1 - Introduction, Computer Aided Project management, Computer Tools & software, Project Definition Structure,

Work break down structure, Project functional organization, Project Budget and Cost control system, Project

Planning and schedule control system using CPM and PERT networks, case studies. Books:

1. Project Management K . Nagarajan




Guide to the Project Management Body of

Knowledge Project Management

Project Management


Institute 3. Project Management Greer Michael JAICO PUBL

4. Successful Project Management Trevor Young viva

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3 1 - - Essential of Manufacturing Systems: Basic system concepts, System design, Manufacturing systems,

Structural and transformation aspect of manufacturing systems, Integrated manufacturing systems and its frame


Process System for Manufacturing: Modes of production-mass production, Multi-product small batch

production, Group Technology based production, Cellular and flexible manufacturing systems, Automation

systems for manufacturing, CAM/CIM, Economic evaluation of processes.

Discrete Part Manufacturing Systems: Different types and management decision system models, Basic

approach of modeling, Analytical vs Simulation models, Modelling approach, Long run analysis, deterministic

models, Binomial approximation, Sample path analysis, Markov models, Examples High Volume Production System: Automated flow lines, Method of work part transport, Transfer mechanism,

Automation for machining operations, Analysis of automated flow lines, Automated flow lines with/without

buffer storage, computer simulation of automated flow lines, Automated assembly system, design for automated

assembly, Analysis of multi-station assembly machines, Assembly systems and line balancing.

Manufacturing Process Design: Process planning and design, Process design operation design, Optimum

routing analysis, Facility location and layout planning, Single and multiple facility placement problem,

Continuous facility location, Computer Aided plant layout, Material handling system design, Storage &

warehousing, Automated storage and retrieval systems, Simultaneous development of plant layout and material


Management systems for Manufacturing: Managerial information flow in manufacturing systems, Decision problem in managerial information, flow, Production planning and scheduling, Production control, Scope and

problems; Quality control & function deployment. Information Systems for Manufacturing: Fundamentals of Information technology information systems,

Information networking, Computerised manufacturing information systems Books:

1. Manufacturing Hitomi -

2. Manufacturing Facilities Sule -


Automation, Production Systems & Computer Aided

Manufacturing Groover - Elective-II Subjects -All specializations (Regular & Part Time)

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Introduction: Historical Developments, Engineering applications of Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Review of single and multivariable optimization methods with and

without constraints, Non-linear one-dimensional minimization problems, Examples. Constrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Direct methods - Cutting plane method and Method of Feasible

directions, Indirect methods - Convex programming problems, Exterior penalty function method, Examples and problems

Unconstrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Direct search method - Random, Univariate and Pattern search

methods, Rosenbrock’s method of rotating co-ordinates, Descent methods - Steepest Decent methods-Quasi-Newton’s and

Variable metric method, Examples. Geometric Programming: Introduction, Unconstrained minimization problems, solution of unconstrained problem from

arithmetic-geometric inequality point of view, Constrained minimization problems, Generalized polynomial optimization,

Applications of geometric problems, Introduction to stochastic optimization. Novel methods for Optimization: Introduction to simulated annealing, selection of simulated annealing parameters,

simulated annealing algorithm; Genetic Algorithm (GA), Design of GA, Key concepts of GA, Neural Networks, A frame

work for Neural Network models, Construction of Neural Network algorithm, Examples of simulated algorithm, genetic

annealing and Neural Network method. Books:

1. Engineering Optimization S. S. Rao New Age International 2. Applied Optimal Design E. J. Haug and J.S. Arora Wiley, New York 3. Optimization for Engineering Design Kalyanmoy Deb Prentice Hall of India 4. Optimization G.V. Reklaites, A. Ravindran and K.M. Wiley, New York Rogsdeth

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SYLLABUS M.Tech. Semester III

Open Electives-All Specializations (Regular & Part Time)


3 1 - Introduction: Nature and extent of pollution problems; Types of pollution. Air Pollution: General nature of air pollution; Air pollutants; Sources of air pollutants; Pollination from stationary

sources and its control; Pollution from mobile sources and its control. Thermal Pollution: Introduction; Effects of thermal pollution on ecology; Thermal plume, regions of plume;

Parameters relevant to thermal plume and their limits; Mechanics of condenser water discharge from thermal power

plants; Modelling of heated water discharge. Global Atmospheric Change: Introduction; Simple global temperature models; Green House effects, Green house gases; CO2 and its estimates; Equilibrium temperature increase caused by CO2, Chloroform carbons and warming and Ozone depletion impacts of CFC’s, changes in stratospheric ozone. Books:

1. Environmental Pollution And Protection Garg, Bansal, Tiwana

Deep and Deep



Environmental Pollution- Hazards And

Control R D Gupta

Concept Publishing


3. Environmental Pollution Compliance H.C. Sharma



4. Global Effects of Environmental Pollution

American Association

For Kluwer Aca

The Advancemen

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