AMX BPM Overview Presentation From Tibco

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AMX BPM Overview Presentation From Tibco

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Active Matrix BPM

TIBCO Architecture Service Group EMEA 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary. 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Gesamt bersicht 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM High-Level Architecture

TIBCO Business Studio Business Rules

Business Rule AnalystTIBCO AMX BPM

Business AnalystTIBCO AMX Spotfire Process VisibilityBusiness Manager

Operations ManagerProcess Performance DataEnriched with Business Data

TIBCO WorkspacesWebservice APIs Process Participants

Optimize: Continuous Process ImprovementOptimize: Modify Business RulesOptimize: Re-Allocate WorkExecutable Process Models

TIBCO Business StudioBusiness Analyst

Process ModelingForms Modeling

Process Developer

DataOrchestrationIT DeveloperService Development

TIBCO Business Studio 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#3BPM Dimensions: From vision to the new BPM environment

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#SERVICESGartner Architecture - TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM

TIBCO AMX BPMTIBCO AMX PlattformTIBCO SpotfireTIBCO AMX SPMTIBCO Business EventsTIBCO Business StudioTIBCO AMX WorkspaceAMX BPMDashboards 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Point out that there is no ipe service agent anymore,Decisions is going to be replaced, That we are going to use AMX BPM Dashboard and hawk is going to be rreplaced

quickly show there will be more client variants5AMX BPM Modelierung 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#

Modelled using BPMN A standard, flexible language which is easy to learn so we can develop applications fasterSupports process as serviceAllows any process to be available as a consumable serviceExtensive Repertoire of activity typesWorkflow control patternsFrom basic control patterns through to advanced Multi instance patternsWorkflow Resource patternsFrom basic allocation/offering to Chaining, Separation Of Concerns, Piling, etc, etc.Import from other modelsAris, Visio, BizAgi, DIY ... or direct XPDL 2Process Modelling 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Standard Modeling Language Supports a large breadth of patterns --- use and

Business Studio share the same single process repository to aid collaboration between Business and IT: no exporting, no e-mails.Multiple perspective depending on persona.

Business rules are a first class citizen in process projectsRules are created in Business Studio and deployed with processes but can be deployed in their own service container/node. Re-useable

Parent and child subprocesses

Timers, priority, escalation, H2H, H2A, A2A supported.

BPMN and SOA processes connected node(s) natively executes both standardsTraceability across BPMN and SOA


TIBCO Business StudioSupports BPMN & XPDL StandardsBPMN is a graphical notation for representing the steps and flow of business procedures.http://www.bpmn.orgBPMN primarily consists ofFlow ObjectsTasks, Events & GatewaysSub-processesConnecting ObjectsAssociations & Sequence FlowsArtefactsSwim Lanes & PoolsAnnotationsData Objects & GroupsKey Features Process Modelling

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#8TIBCO Business StudioDefine a vocabulary of core business objects & relationshipsAllows analyst to visualise the data structures that underpin a process

Create ObjectsManuallyImporting XSDImporting WSDLImporting Database Tables

Key Features Business Object Modelling

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#TIBCO Business StudioModel Organisation StructuresOrganisations, Units & PositionsHierarchies & AssociationsCapabilities & PrivilegesLocationsResourcesAssociate with ProcessesAuto-generate an organisation model from process participantsKey Features Organisational Modelling

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Integration from within ProcessesServiceWeb Serviceanything on the SOA GridDatabase (SQL and stored procedures)EmailJava (POJO)Rules ServiceScripting (JavaScript)

Key Features Service connections

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Unification of BPM and SOAPiggybacks into existing TIBCO implementations..or onto hetrogeneous legacy implementations. No rip and replace.

TIBCO Business StudioSimulate Process & Step BehavioursBottlenecksCostsDurationsResource UtilisationVarious Tuning ParametersLoad Rates, Durations, Participant CostsGateway ConditionsLooping StrategiesReporting & AnalysisSimulation ComparisonsReport GenerationHTML and PDFKey Features Simulations

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#12TIBCO Business StudioExport Process DiagramsHTML formatImport External AssetsWord, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, etc.XPDL comparegraficallyQuality Process ProjectsInstalls Prince2 Methodology TemplatesKey Features Documentation

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#13TIBCO Business StudioBusiness Studio Asset Central two componentsSVN Repository (Subversion) integrated in StudioAsset Central WebsiteSVN RepositorySupports full lifecycle management & team workingVersioning, Check-In/Check-Out, Branching, Merging, Asset Central WebsiteEnables other stakeholders to review process design documentation, etc.Direct DeploymentDirect Deployment i.e. to a Development SeverKey Features Lifecycle Management

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#14TIBCO Business Studio

Key Features DebuggingGraficalBreakpointsEmulationsChange Values on the fly

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#15TIBCO Business StudioBusiness Studio other FeaturesTask SetFragmenteReference TasksSubproceduresIconsQuickfixesProcess OptimationsDeadline EscalationRQLOnline Helpetc

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Business Rules IntegrationTIBCO Business EventsDecision Manager

more than a simple Rules Engine

Rule definitionRule validationRule testingRule approval flowsEvent based rules

Business Studio - Native Eclipse 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM Standard Anwender Interfaces (OOTB) 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#

AMX BPM - Admin Workspace ClientAllows users to start cases as Business ServicesWork with work items in their WorkslistSupervisor & Overview of Cases and EventsAdministrate Organization

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Start process instances, which causes work items to be sent to participants. Open and process work items sent to your work list. View the current status of process instances. Display lists of events that have taken place on the system. Create custom "views" of your work list. Use the Organization Browser to browse the organization model and map users to groups and positions so that they receive work items sent to those groups and positions.AMX BPM Openspace ClientGadget container, Google Web Toolkit based (GWT)Lightweight self service portal

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM Openspace Client To Do list gadget Dynamic worklist rendering

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM Openspace Client Performance reporting gadget

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM Work Management 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#

Workflow PatternsCreationPushPullDetourDirect distributionDistribution by Offer (Many)Resource-Initiated AllocationDelegationRole-based allocationDistribution by Offer (Single)Resource-Initiated Execution Allocated Work ItemEscalationDeferred distributionRandom AllocationResource-Initiated Execution Offered Work ItemDeallocationAuthorizationRound Robin AllocationSystem-determined Work Queue ContentStateful ReallocationSeparation of dutiesDistribution on EnablementResource-determined Work Queue ContentStateless ReallocationCase handlingSelection AutonomySuspension-ResumptionCapability-based distributionAuto-StartSkipOrganization distributionCommencement on AllocationVisibilityAutomatic executionPiled ExecutionConfigurable Allocated Work ItemMultiple ResourceChained ExecutionSimultaneous Execution 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#

Organizational Modeling at a glance

Is a MetaModel, not an org chart!Can build your own schema & semantics

Org UnitsHierarchiesPositionsPrivilegesCompetenciesGeographiesLanguages

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#The Organization Modeler provided as a part of TIBCO Business Studio allows you to define the organizational structure of your enterprise and the relationships between the different components (for example, organization units and positions) within your organization.

The structure of an organization is a key aspect in the operation of information systems like human resources, payroll and accounting and business process/workflow systems. These systems require a consistent view of the organization to operate efficiently.However, maintaining a consistent view of the organization is difficult for two reasons: Modern enterprises are often spread across different locations and have relationships with extended enterprises. People work in cross-functional teams which may be spread across different locations and enterprises. This makes it hard to identify resources when allocating work within the organization. Organizations no longer consist of one global scheme. Organizations are split geographically, by product or by markets and these co-exist within one corporate entity.Organization Modeler allows you to maintain a model of your enterprises organization structure in TIBCO Business Studio. It consists of elements that represent the organizations entities, their attributes and the relationships between them. Organization Modeler does not produce an organization chart; it does not identify named individuals. But it enables you to model your organization abstractly. Managers need to be able to develop robust models of their organization so that this information can be shared by people and systems.

An organization model is deployed to TIBCO BPM as part of an application. The application consists of a Process and supporting material that can include an organization model

Dynamic Worklists

Membership (OU, OP, Group), Capability and Privilege driven based on Organization Meta Models

Dynamic Resource Queriesvia RQL 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#The solution designer can create a participant and use a query language to define an expression that will be resolved dynamically to a relevant user at runtime.

As an example - A query could state that the task is to be assigned to a user who is a member of the group Domestic Claims, AND who has the capability French Speaker.

Page flows at a glance

Business process containing work itemsPage flow for the work type/itemUI flow as experienced by the user 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#A pageflow process is a specialized version of a normal business process that can be used to provide an animated user interface - a sequence of forms rather than just a single form - for a single work item to the same user. They are always executed by one person (the person that initiates the process instance)

n this example, the user is presented with the user interface page (in this case a form created using TIBCO Business Studio Forms) associated with pageflow user task one. When the form is submitted, the service task runs. When the service task is completed, and the user interface page associated with user task 2 is displayed. The user is not aware of the service task, and sees one form followed directly by the next one. Reassignment of WorkCan be Automated by process

Manually by an authorized user

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Advanced Work Force Optimization Unified work list Push work capability Structured Data Extensive patterns support Organisational model support UI channels Page FlowsDynamic Tasking Auto or manual.

Chained Execution

Chained execution means that when a user submits one work item, they are immediately presented with the next work item. 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#29

Separation of Duties

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Separation of Duties allows you to specify that different users perform specific tasks in a process using a Task Group


2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.# Work items may be opened automatically because of one of the following reasons: Auto-Repeat - This is a feature you can select from the work item list that causes the next available work item to be opened automatically after youve cancelled, closed, or submitted a work item. For more information, see Auto-Repeat. Piling - Work item piling (or piled execution) is a feature that is designed into the process template and user task that causes work items generated by the same user task to be opened automatically. For more information,

PilingWhen a user task is defined in a process template, the designer specifies whether or not work items generated from that user task should be piled. If they are piled, when you cancel, close, or submit a work item generated by that user task, the system will search through your work list to see if there are any other work items from that user task. If it finds one, it automatically, opens it. For example, if the "Claim Screening" user task is set up to be piled, when you cancel, close, or submit a Claim Screening work item, the next Claim Screening work item in your work list is immediately opened. If there are no more Claim Screening work items, you are returned to your Inbox.This feature allows the system to be designed so that if your job entails processing a certain type of work item, the system will automatically open work items of that type, without requiring you to continually select work items from your work item list its as if you are working on a pile of work items.AMX BPM bersicht 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM Node SCA Composite

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM Web Service Interfaces (APIs)

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Go to the AMX (or Silver) Administrato, pick the AMX BPM composite, [click]Pick a exposed service[click]And select WSDL..

And you can use the WSDL in BW.. Or soap ui.

If you pass the correct info it works ! And you get the info requested

It should allow you to quickly build widgets, brokers etc for specific task and users,

However if you now need access the system via an API. Wrap things like action processor as a Webservice and work with that

34Processes can be emulated and debugged from the modelling environment.

Process Debug / Emulation

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#After you design a process in TIBCO Business Studio, you can debug the process at runtime.

To prepare a process for debugging, you need to set breakpoints in a process so the debugger suspends execution and allows you to debug

A breakpoint suspends the execution of the process engine when the execution reaches the location where the breakpoint is added. You can add the breakpoints to activities such as events, tasks, gateways, and sub-processes

Change data on-the-fly in executing processes

Run simulations: resources, bottlenecks, utilization, cost analysis

35AMX Platform bersicht 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM Platform

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#

AMX BPM deployment 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM deploymentun-spezifische / unabhngige Prozesse

Environment XNode 1Node 2Service AService AService BHost 1Hardware Machine

Host 2Hardware Machine

Host 3Hardware Machine

Host 4 & moreHardware Machine

Node 3Service CService DVorteile:einheitliche Prozesseein BPM Datenbank ServerEin oder mehre Organisations Meta ModelsEine Administrations OberflcheEinheitliche BerechtigungssteuerungMandatenkennzeichen fr AuswertungenOptimale Auslastung der vorhandenen Hardware 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM deploymentspezifische ProzesseNode 1Environment ANode 2Node 1Environment B & moreNode 2Service 1Service 1Service 3Service 2Service 2Service 4Host 1Hardware Machine

Host 2Hardware Machine

Host 3Hardware Machine

Host 4 & moreHardware Machine

Eine einheitlicheAdministrator OberflcheABVorteile:spezifische ProzesseSeparierte BPM Datenbank ServerOrganisations Meta Model spezifischEine Administrations OberflcheEinheitliche BerechtigungssteuerungMandanten Trennung bei Bedarf mglichOptimale Auslastung der vorhandenen Hardware 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#ActiveMatrix Deployment Topology

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Composite Editor






AccountDetails _JMS



ServicesReferencesComponents 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#42Uniform Deployment & Life Cycle ManagementServices DashboardInfrastructure DashboardDetailed Service Summary Report

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Policy & SLA Enforcement (Separate Products)

Policy Definition SLA Dashboard with Alerts & Triggers

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#ActiveMatrix Service Grid - HighlightsSimplified Service Construction & CompositionClear Separation between Business Logic and TransportConfigurable Security/Policy ImplementationAllows Implementation Heterogeneity. Support forJava.Net/C# and .Net/VBC++RubyBusinessWorks (separate product)Adapters (separate products)Built-in Service Bus

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#

TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Services Enablement ComponentAdvanced services for SOAGUI based XSLT transforms (any-to-any XML) WS-BPEL2.0 supportWeb services asset lifecycle management XML, WSDL, XSD, process models

Integrated Service EnvironmentModel driven configuration based approachAssembly, orchestration, testingDeployment, monitoring and management

Integrated, role-based securityWS-Security standards compliant, LDAPPolicy Server for identity management, SAML

Packaged extensionsCross-reference Uniquely identify and manage services across different domainsB2B TIBCO BusinessConnectData integration TIBCO DataExchangeBAM TIBCO BusinessFactor, OpsFactorNative Standards based XSLT MapperDrag-n-Drop Access to ResourcesAdapter,Service, Deployment, Management ConfigsFully IntegratedTest EnvironmentAssign Human-oriented TasksGraphical Service Modeling Business Studio eclipse Environment 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#46Built from the ground-up for SOA and EDABuilt-in, complete XML schema support Multi-protocol SOAPWeb services (doc-literal and RPC style encoding)SOAP over JMS, .NET, Rendezvous (EMS)Leverages existing assets (150+ Adapters)XSLT Transformations + (any-to-any via XML)GUI based XML/XSLT/XPATH transformationsBuilt-in functionality (e.g. translation tables)performance optimizationIntegrated service orchestrationWS-BPEL export supportXML lifecycle managementWeb services asset lifecycle management XML, WSDL, XSD, process models XML Canon: repository, change management, impact analysis, and dependency checkingCross-reference Uniquely identify and manage services across different domainsUDDI registry supportSupport for integrated and role-based securitySAML, WS-Security standards compliant, LDAPPolicy Server for identity management

BusinessWorks Deployment Features: Leverages XML Schema for data validationEliminates need for validation codingSupports multi-user concurrent development through flexible check-in, check-out featureAllows reuse of componentsVersion control through XML Canon or any other customer installed package

Unlike competitive products, BusinessWorks does not require users to manipulate code. Instead, users build functionality through an easy-to-use graphical interface that manages Metadata. TIBCO AMX BusinessWorks standard Adapter (+150)TIBCO Adapter SDK (Software Development Kit)TIBCO Adapter for ActiveDatabaseTIBCO Adapter for ArborTIBCO Adapter for AS400TIBCO Adapter for Broad VisionTIBCO Adapter for CICSTIBCO Substation ES in combination with CICS InterfaceTIBCO Adapter for ClarifyTIBCO Adapter for COMTIBCO Adapter for CORBATIBCO Adapter for EJB TIBCO Adapter for Files OS/390TIBCO Adapter for Files OS/400TIBCO Adapter for FilesTIBCO Adapter for InfranetTIBCO Adapter for SAP R/3TIBCO Adapter for PeoplesoftTIBCO Adapter for SiebelTIBCO Adapter for JDEdwards OneWorldTIBCO Adapter for JDEdwards OneWorld XeTIBCO Adapter for JDEdwards WorldSoftware TIBCO Adapter for Lotus NotesTIBCO Adapter for QuintessentTIBCO Adapter for MetaSolvTIBCO Adapter for VantiveTIBCO Adapter for i2 Demand FulfillmentTIBCO Adapter for Oracle ApplicationsTIBCO Adapter for TeradataTIBCO Adapter for MQSeriesTIBCO Adapter for LDAPTIBCO Adapter for SWIFTTIBCO Hawk Adapter for TIVOLITIBCO Hawk SNMP AdapterTIBCO Adapter for GEIS-AITIBCO Network Adapter for Ariba CSN SAP R/3

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#AMX BPM Monitoring & Reporting 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Actionable Insight into Process PerformanceMonitoring, Reporting and Analytics

Business Analyst

Continuous Process ImprovementBy analyzing trends Ive identified an inefficiency in the business process. Ill update the process definition so we are working more effectively.

Business Manager

Business PerformanceIm happy with the performance of our new service so Ill reduce the threshold requirements for manual approval.

Operations Manager

Resource Performance and UtilizationDeadlines are at risk. I need to re-prioritize work across my team. I need to check individual workloads and task details so I can best re-distribute work.

Business Manager

Performance Data

Operations Manager

Reporting and Analytics ActiveMatrix BPM Spotfire

Business Data

Web Client

MonitoringMetrics: Process Resource WorkEvent ViewerTIBCO Business EventsComplex Event Processing3rd Party Reporting Tools

Leverage existing investments 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Process Audit and MetricsInstance MeasuresProcess Cycle TimeTask Active DurationTask Wait DurationTask Action DurationTask Working DurationCountersProcesses: hr/week/monthTasks: hr/week/monthResource Tasks: hr/week/monthBusiness Measures (hr/week/month)Avg. Process Cycle TimeAvg. Task Active DurationAvg. Task Wait DurationAvg. Task Action DurationAvg. Task Working Duration

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#50

AMX BPM Spotfire Process Reporting & AnalyticsNext generation Business Intelligence applied to BPMUnderstand impact of process performance on the businessTargeted at business usersVisualize & interact with data to gain new insights and make better decisionsStandard process performance reports providedDynamically create new reports and analysisCombine process data with business data

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#51TIBCO iProcess Spotfire provides these capabilities as it goes beyond traditional BPM reporting it is the application of a next generation Business Intelligence tool to business process reporting and analytics. As well understanding business process performance, iProcess Spotfire allows you to understand the impact of process performance on the business performance.

TIBCO iProcess Spotfire uses next generation business intelligence software to deliver process reporting and analytics that enables business users to report on, analyze and evaluate business processes, providing deep insight into the performance of key processes and the knowledge needed to continuously improve them. An easy-to-use reporting and analytics dashboard provides an intuitive user interface with rich visualization options to enable business users to visually interact with the data, allowing them to quickly view and comprehend process data and high-level business metrics, and then delve deeper with ease to analyze trends and perform root cause analysis.

TIBCO iProcess Spotfire is targeted at various business users business users who need to understand the operational aspects of the process performance, business analysts and managers who need to understand and dive deep into the process performance data and executives who quickly need to understand the big picture regarding process performance.TIBCO iProcess Spotfire enables personalized process reporting and analytics by providing a fully extendible solution based on configurable templates. An out of the box template provides standard process reporting metrics which can be customized and extended by non-technical users to create business specific reports and analysis quickly without the need for IT support. These new reports and analysis are created dynamically at run-time by business users using the intuitive user interface that allows users to experiment with the data.TIBCO iProcess Spotfire can combine process performance data with business data from spreadsheets, files, databases and applications to enable process performance to be understood in the full business context.

NOTE: SAP ERP (R/3), SAP BW,, Siebel, Oracle eBusiness Suite and Web Services are supported application data sources and require the additional Spotfire Application Data Services which is NOT included in iProcess Spotfire.Process performance in the context of the business

Business Data SourcesProcess data captured for reporting and analytics Audit trail data Process variable dataiProcessEnriched with business data to provide full business context

Business ManagerI see that some orders are act risk of missing deadlines. As the dashboard combines order processing data from the BPM with customer information from the CRM system, I can understand the impact on individual customers and prioritize our most valued customers.

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Spotfire can report on and analyze data from multiple sources.

Process performance data can be combined with business data from spreadsheets, files, databases and application data services to provide the complete business context.

NOTE: SAP ERP (R/3), SAP BW,, Siebel, Oracle eBusiness Suite and Web Services are supported application data sources and require the additional Spotfire Application Data Services which is NOT included in iProcess Spotfire.

52Template includesOutstanding Work OverviewCompleted Cases OverviewCase Duration AnalysisCase Activity AnalysisResource Activity AnalysisDeadline Analysis

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Working on getting details of reports and analysis in this template.

53Graphical map of processes

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#Vielen Dank & Fragen ?Jrg GroteSolution Development ManagerTIBCO Architecture Service Group EMEA

Email: [email protected] 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary. 2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#55AMX BPM based on a modular SCA Platform




Analyze &Optimize

2008 TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.#