Amlani Alique Amirali. Transportation design portfolio

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Page 2: Amlani Alique Amirali. Transportation design portfolio


Education:Istituto Europeo di DesignTransportation Design(major: Car Design)2012-2015.

Personal Biography: I am 28 year young fresh graduate who never loses the desire to learn and improve my talents. I never take the easy way out and always give my 100 percent in all that i do. i believe that being good at something means that putting you all into your work and that hardwork should always accompny. I strive to bring out the best in me in every work that i do.Aside from my life as a designer. i am also a self thought cook and a loving friend.

Personal Statement: As for inspiration, I get inspired by anything that innovates, pushes my understanding of some-thing or challenges the reality of what I thought it was. In my work I generally get inspired by like-minded peers, this push-es me to try and do better.

About Me.

Born on : 17th of Novembre 1987

Nationality: Indian.

Languages I Speak: Gujarat(native), Hindi(native), Urdu, English, Italian


Contact Me.Phone: +39 345 225 7762Email: [email protected]

musicmovies go cart travelphotography formula one

What I use?Design Skills.



Clay modeling.

Concept design.




Software Skills.



in it.linkedin.com/in/aliqueamlani

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Project 1: Jeep Grand Cherokee 2015.Brief: The iconic Jeep brand is recognized in the world over forever tied to freedom, capability and adventure. Every Jeep vehicle has a unique story to tell, with a rich heritage that links back to the original Willys MA. Jeep owners have long known that Go Anywhere, Do anything is a way of life not just a campaign slogan. Here with this project i have continued the same ruggied design language of Jeep with bit of tweaks for Polo players/enthusiast.

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Research sketechs: Exterior

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Renders: Marker.

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Renders: Photoshop.

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Project 2:Lamborghini ARESBrief: In Italy just arrived from the future. Lamborghini has a history of revolutionary thinking, whether in terms of deisgn like the iconic scissor doors, or in terms of technology such as V12 engine or carbon-fiber body. going far beyond what was perviously thought possible is just as much a part of Lamborghini brand as their core values; uncompromising, extreme, Italian. the values are the rea-son why every Lamborghini is breathtakingly unique



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Users & Inspiration:

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Research Sketch: Exterior

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Research sketches: Interior.

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Renders: Photoshop.

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Renders: Photoshop.

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Renders: Photoshop.

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Project 3: Jeep Cabriolet.Brief: The spartan cramped, and unstingly functional Jeep became the ubiquitous world war II four wheeled personification. The “can-do” determination Jeep has been producing civilian models in 1945, and this concept is based on the combination of old light weight “go anywhere” chesis and today’s modern technology, not to forget the luxury. This concept is specially designed for Polo play-ers and enthusiasts, you will notice all kinds of polo inspired design through the whole concept.

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Users & Inspiration:








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Renders: Photoshop.

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Renders: Photoshop.

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Renders: Photoshop.

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These are the polygonal magnet-ic blocks which sets on the side walls of roofs at a press of a but-ton when users want to drive with open roof, and comes back to its original position with the same button when users wants privacy and wants closed roof.

The “Cabriolet” concept

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Renders: Maya.

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Renders: Keyshot.

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Project 4: Auto CiecoBrief: This concept is designed for blind people who wants to enjoy all the benefits of having a car and being able to drive it inde-pendently and without causing any harm to self as well as otehrs. This cocepts includes many sensors alon with modern day comput-ing so people can drive it without giving it a second thought or hasitating.

Design Ideation.

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Exterior technology.

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Interior technology

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Story board

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Project 5: Clay Model

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Other work: Maya + Keyshot

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Thesis Project

-Explore the scenario of development of a car, projected in the period after 2020 and beyond, imagning the evolution of user habits and the context of mobility.

-Study according to innovative approaches to disruptive effect in structuring of a new vehicle for the following macro components ranked in sub system.

-Seating -Interface (HMI)

-Storage.-Proposals should have a strong content of historical heritage of the brands of the group-It should be able to communicate features to potential customers around the world.-Proposals should have a strong content of sustainability related to the theme “Feed the world” in proactive terms.

Design Brief:

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YOU THINK IT, YOU WANT ITKriyākri (kree-long eee, not i or cry) Ya (yaa) thus KreeyaaKriyā (in Sanskrit “action,deed,effort”) most commonly refers to a “complete action”What is Kriya?: The project Kriya mainly highlights the new techniques of using the interior space of the car.This technique enables users to change interior seating position according to their needs and perferances but it elemenates the need to visit any workshop.This technique will make the optimum use of interior space of a car

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Time Line Next step: Meetings/ Workshop/ Lectures.

Concept Design.

Concept develpoment.

Concept freezing.

Finetuning.April-July 2015.

March 2015.

Novembre-Decembre 2014.

January-Febuary 2015.

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main points to focus on.

-A car for 2020 and beyond.-Ecofriendly.-Resembles Functions of Pixels.-seating arrangements.-interface.-Storage.

After understanding the brief and all the major details we started our research with keeping in mind the philos-ophy of simplicity to enhance User eXperience and User Interface.


Every human being works around these five sense in everyday life which makes life simple, therefore we de-cided to work on these senses too, which lead us to a interesting question. HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE CAR IN A NON-VERBAL MANNER? and answer to that is EMOTIONAL GESTURES.

Emotional InterfaceGestures }Non-verbal communication

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Feed theWorld

On the goGeneration

You think it,You want it.




Connecting the dots...

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Social Network






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Lets start exploring these points.

-Body & Hand gestures/Facial Expressions: For our concept we are trying to mini-mize the daily physical activities we do in car, like for example using a streering wheel; we are removing the convenctional streering wheel and instead using high profile camers and sensors o one can operate this car simply by using their hands and facial expres-sions.

After collecting all the good points from our mood board, we somehow managed to create a concept out of it but focusing on the different parts of a car for 2020 and and beyond.

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-Lego: This is very interesting idea we had during our group discussions. Lego is some-thing very common, something everyone knows how to use and something very user friendly, all you have to do is attach or detatch with other lego. People do wonders with lego because it gives you all sorts of freedom to creat anything you want from scratch. so we thought to use it for interior as well as exterior.

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-Ecological: our goal is to achieve and develope a material that can greatly reduce vehi-cal weight in support of improvement in fuel economy. For exapmple :

-Light weight concept fusion.-Aluminium.

-High strength steel.-Magnesium.-Composites

-Carbon fiber. we are also keeping in mind that Milan Expo is very close and it is all about healthy living and going green.

On the go generation (users): since this concept is for year 2020 and beyond, we choose our users who loves their gadgets and and are always connected.we created four catagories to focus on.

-Late 20’s and mid 30’s young people.-A family of 3 or max 4 people.

-Small music band .-Adventure seekers.

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-Intuitive: we all love our touch screen phones. we like to interact with our gadgets. we all like things which are intuitive, because it makes our life easier. so why should a car be any exception? and thats why we take this as a very important part for our project.

-You think it, you want it: we all at some point have wished for some magic which would bring anything and everything which is in our mind. This line does sound very interesting and exciting but it is also a bit of a challenge. But we found our magic “Lego”, think of the unpredictable amount of exciting ideas possible. Its the game changer.

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-Cloud commuting: If “Lego” is the backbone of our concept then this is the brain, because we are already in digital age and entering in cloud age, so think of the possibilities in year 2020. so we just cannot ignore this.

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-Glocal: “Sold globally, made in local taste”. This is one of the million possibilities of our concept, you can customise your vehicle according to your taste, gone are the day when you are stuck to buy the interior you get along with your car. Our concept elimi-nates all the rules for obligatory interior and gives you the freedom to choose you own interior and actually love your car. But wait it does not end here, you can also replace the same after you buy it, and all you have to do is log in into our dedicated website, its as easy as going to IKEA and purchasing things for your home.

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Exterior sketches.

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Interior Sketches.

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Sample Website: This is the place where all Fiat Kriya users will be able to view our catalogue and customize their car accordingly.

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Market: 4 different people, 4 different location, 4 different occupation, 4 different needs, 1 common solution KRIYA.

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