American Nuclear Society 7 7 th th I I n n t t e e r r n n a a t t i i o o n n a a l l C C o o n n f f e e r r e e n n c c e e o o n n A A d d v v a a n n c c e e d d N N u u c c l l e e a a r r F F u u e e l l C C y y c c l l e e s s a a n n d d S S y y s s t t e e m m s s GLOBAL 2007 September 9-13, 2007 Boise, Idaho, USA Volume 1 of 3 Printed from e-media with permission by: Curran Associates, Inc. 57 Morehouse Lane Red Hook, NY 12571 www.proceedings.com ISBN: 978-1-60423-944-7 Some format issues inherent in the e-media version may also appear in this print version.

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American Nuclear Society

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September 9-13, 2007 Boise, Idaho, USA

Volume 1 of 3

Printed from e-media with permission by:

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ISBN: 978-1-60423-944-7

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American Nuclear Society

7th International Conference on Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems 2007




Initial Irradiation of the First Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Experiment in the Advanced Test Reactor................................................................ 1

S. Blaine Grover, David A. Petti

Advanced TRISO Fuels with Zirconium Carbide for High Temperature Reactors ....................... 9Sergiy T. Lobach, Travis W. Knight, Norman P. Jacob, Clifton E. Athon

Progress on Inert Matrix Fuels for Minor Actinide Transmutation in Fast Reactor ................... 15Jean-Marc Bonnerot, Dominique Warin, Marie-Pierre Ferroud-Plattet, Lionel Gosmain, Jérôme Lamontagne

On-Line Nondestructive Methods for Examining Fuel Particles.................................................. 25A. F. Pardini, L. J. Bond, M. S. Good, K. J. Bunch, G. A. Sandness, R. L. Hockey, J. J. Saurwein, J. N. Gray

Progress in R&D Project on Oxide Dispersion Strengthened and Precipitation Hardened Ferritic Steels for Sodium Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor Fuels ................................. 37

Takeji Kaito, Satoshi Ohtsuka, Masaki Inoue

Innovative Non-Destructive Evaluation Methods on HTR Fuel at AREVA NP: Towards a 100% Non Invasive Control Strategy ........................................................................... 43

J. Banchet, P. Guillermier, D. Tisseur, S. Hermosilla Lara, M. Piriou, R. Bargain


A Metal Fuel Core Concept for 1000 MWt Advanced Burner Reactor ......................................... 52W. S. Yang, T. K. Kim, C. Grandy

Current Status and Perspective of Advanced Loop Type Fast Reactor in Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development Project .......................................................................... 62

Hajime Niwa, Kazumi Aoto, Masaki Morishita

Conceptual Design Features of the KALIMER-600 Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor ..................... 71Dohee Hahn, Yeong-Il Kim, Seong-O Kim, Jae-Han Lee, Yong-Bum Lee, Hae-Yong Jeong

Metal Fueled Long Life Fast Reactor Cores with Inherent Safety Features ............................... 81Tsutio Yokoyama, Hisashi Ninokata, Hiroshi Endo

Physics Characterization of a Heterogeneous Sodium Fast Reactor Transmutation System ..................................................................................................................... 87

Samuel E. Bays


Synthesis of Mixed Actinide Compounds by Hydrometallurgical Co-Conversion Methods ............................................................................................................................................. 98

Stephane Grandjean, Benedicte Arab-Chapelet, Anne-Charlotte Robisson, Sebastien Picart, Jean-Philippe Dancausse, Pascal Baron, Philippe Brossard, Dominique Warin

Separation of Trivalent Actinides from Lanthanides Using a Capillary Electrophoresis ............................................................................................................................... 106

Tomotaka Mori, Yasuo Ishii, Kazunori Hayashi, Isamu Satoh, Hideo Suganuma

Separation of Actinides(III) from Lanthanides(III) by Extraction Chromatography Using New N,N9-Dialkyl-N,N9-Diphenylpyridine-2,6-Dicarboxyamides .................................... 111

Makoto Arisaka, Masayuki Watanabe, Takaumi Kimura

Extraction Based on in situ Formation of Dithiocarbamate for Separation of AM(III) from Ln(III) ........................................................................................................................... 114

Sunao Miyashita, Isamu Satoh, Makoto Yanaga, Kenji Okuno, Hideo Suganuma

Separation of Actinide(III) from Lanthanide(III) by Thermosensitive Gel Copolymerized with TPEN Derivatives ......................................................................................... 120

Kenji Takeshita, Glenn Fugate, Tatsuro Matsumura, Yoshio Nakano, Atsunori Mori, Sachio Fukuoka

New Hydrolytically Stable Solvent for Am/Eu Separation in Acidic Media............................... 126I. V. Smirov, V. A. Babain, A. V. Chirkov


Factors Affecting the Disposal Capacity of a Repository at Yucca Mountain.......................... 131W. M. Nutt, M. T. Peters, R. A. Wigeland, C. Kouts, D. Kim, S. Gomberg

Environmental Impact of Yucca Mountain Repository After UREX+1A Separation ................ 140Denia Djokic, Joonhong Ahn

Effect of Separation Efficiency of Repository Loading Values in Fuel Cycle Scenario Analysis Codes ............................................................................................................... 148

T. E. Radel, P. P. H. Wilson, T. H. Bauer, R. M. Grady

Geologic Repository Design and Disposal: GNEP Spent Fuel Processing-Waste Volume ............................................................................................................................................. 155

T. H. Bauer, R. A. Wigeland

Use of Integrated Decay Heat Limits to Facilitate Spent Nuclear Fuel Loading to Yucca Mountain............................................................................................................................... 160

Jun Li, Man-Sung Yim, Steven Piet, David McNelis


Mass Balance and Separation Factor of Actinides Through Series Process Test on Pyroprocess ............................................................................................................................... 165

Shinichi Kitawaki, Mineo Fukushima, Noboru Yahagi, Masaki Kurata

Material Control and Accountability Experience at the Fuel Conditioning Facility ................. 170D. Vaden, G. L. Fredrickson

Monitoring and Control of UREX Radiochemical Processes ..................................................... 176Samuel A. Bryan, Tatiana G. Levitskaia

Fundamental Chemical Kinetic and Thermodynamic Data for Purex Process Models .............................................................................................................................................. 180

R. J. Taylor, O. D. Fox, M. J. Sarsfield, M. J. Carrott, C. Mason, D. A. Woodhead, C. J. Maher, H. Steele, V. S. Koltunov

Development and Validation of Process Models for Minor Actinide Separations Processes Using Centrifugal Contactors ..................................................................................... 182

O. D. Fox, M. J. Carrott, E. Gaubert, C. J. Maher, C. Mason, R. J. Taylor, D. A. Woodhead

Modeling and Analysis of a Molten Salt Electrowinning System with Liquid Cadmium Cathode .......................................................................................................................... 189

K. R. Kim, D. H. Ahn, S. Paek, S. W. Kwon, S. H. Kim, J. B. Shim, H. Chung, E. H. Kim

Monte Carlo Analysis of Neutron Slowing-Down-Time Spectrometer for Fast Reactor Spent Fuel Assay.............................................................................................................. 194

Jianwei Chen, Michael Lineberry


Advanced Spent Fuel Conditioning Process (ACP) Progress with Respect to Remote Operation and Maintenance............................................................................................. 202

Hyo Jik Lee, Jong Kwang Lee, Byung Suk Park, Ji Sup Yoon

Coral: A Stepping Stone for Establishing the Indian Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing Technology ............................................................................................................. 208

M. Venkataraman, R. Natarajan, Baldev Raj

MOX Reprocessing at Tokai Reprocessing Plant........................................................................ 217Katsuya Taguchi, Shinichi Nagaoka, Atsushi Yamanaka, Takehiko Sato, Yoshinobu Nakamura, Eiichi Omori, Nobuyuki Miura

Current Status of Active Tests at Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant ............................................. 223Toshihide Nago, Noriyuki Ishihara, Yoshihiro Ohtou

Active Test of Head-End Facility at Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant .......................................... 227YoshiroYamamoto, Satoshi Tanaka, Shuji Kawabe, Yoshiaki Kamada

Active Test of Purification Facility at Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant ....................................... 234Tadahiro Iseki, Akino Tsujimura, Takeshi Nitta, Takashi Matsuda

Results of Active Test of Uranium-Plutonium Co-Denitration Facility at Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant......................................................................................................................... 238

Teruhiko Numao, Hiroshi Nakayashiki, Nobuyuki Arai, Susumu Miura, Yoshiharu Takahashi, Hironobu Nakamura, Izumi Tanaka

Stress Corrosion Cracking of Zirconium Used in the Reprocessing Plant .............................. 245Chiaki Kato, Takafumi Motooka, Masahiro Yamamoto


Launch of Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development Project in Japan ............................. 251Yutaka Sagayama

Perspective and Current Status on Fuel Cycle System of Fast Reactor Cycle Technology Development (FaCT) Project in Japan ..................................................................... 259

Hideyuki Funasaka, Masanori Itoh

The Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility (AFCF) Role in the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership ...................................................................................................................................... 268

Andrew Griffith

The Prospective Role of JAEA Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories ........................ 273Hisao Ojima, Shigeru Dojiri, Kazuhiko Tanaka, Seiichiro Takeda, Shigeo Nomura

A Rational Minor Actinide (MA) Recycling Concept Based on Innovative Oxide Fuel with High AM Content ............................................................................................................ 283

Kenja Tanaka, Isamu Sato, Tetsuya Ishii, Hiroshi Yoshimochi, Takeo Asaga, Ken Kurosaki

Conceptual Study of Measures Against Heat Generation for TRU Fuel Fabrication System ............................................................................................................................................. 290

Koichi Kawaguchi, Takashi Namekawa

Concept of Advanced Spent Fuel Reprocessing Based on Ion Exchange............................... 296Tatsuya Suzuki, Kazuyuki Takahashi, Masanobu Nogami, Masao Nomura, Masaki Ozawa, Shinichi Koyama, Hitosi Mimura, Reiko Fujita, Yasuhiko Fujii


Management of Recyclable Fissile and Fertile Materials............................................................ 300Evelyne Bertel, Thierry Dujardin

Scenarios for P/T Implementation in Europe Within a Regional Approach.............................. 304M. Salvatores, L. Boucher, M. Meyer, D. Morel, B. Na, A. Schwenk-Ferrero, P, Coddington, S. Pelloni, E. Gonzalez, B. Verboomen, D. Westlén, J. Uhlir

The Sustainable System for Global Nuclear Energy Utilization................................................. 310Kazuo Arie, Masatoshi Kawashima, Yoshio Araki, Mitsuyoshi Sato, Kenji Mori, Yoshiyuki Nakayama, Kazuo Ishiguma, Yoichi Fuji-ie

A Comparison Study of Various Nuclear Fuel Cycle Alternatives............................................. 318Eun-ha Kwon, Won-il Ko

A Review of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options for Developing Nations ............................................. 323R. K. Harrison, A. M. Scopatz, M. Ernesti

Nuclear’s Role in 21st Century Pacific Rim Energy Use............................................................. 331Clifford Singer, J’Tia Taylor

Energy Profit Ratio Compared....................................................................................................... 341Osamu Amano


Neptunium Flow-Sheet Verification at Reprocessing Plants ..................................................... 346P. Rance, B. Chesnay, T. Killeen, M. Murray, M. Nikkinen, A. Petoe, J. Plumb, H. Saukkonen

Proliferation Resistance and the Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility (AFCF) ................................... 353Scott DeMuth, Kenneth Thomas, Stephen Tobin

Safeguards System for the Advanced Spent Fuel Conditioning Process Facility................... 356Ho-dong Kim, T. H. Lee, J. S. Yoon, S. W. Park, S. Y. Lee, T. K. Li, H. Menlove, M. C. Miller, A. Tolba, R. Zarucki, S. Shawky, S. Kamya

A Preliminary Study on the Safeguardability of A Korean Advanced Pyroprocessing Facility (KAPF) .................................................................................................... 362

S. Y. Lee, K. E. Thomas, J. B. Marlow, H. O. Menlove, W. I. Ko, M. S. Yang, S. W. Park

Spent Fuel Safeguards and Physical Protection Issues Relevant for Advanced Fuel Cycles ...................................................................................................................................... 372

Brian D. Boyer, Eleanor T. Dixon, Michael C. Browne, Robert F. Parker

Safety Assessment for a Potential SNF Repository and Its Implication to the Proliferation Resistance Nuclear Fuel Cycle ............................................................................... 381

Y. Hwang, M. S. Jeong, C. S. Seo


Application of the DART Code for the Assessment of Advanced Fuel Behavior .................... 382J. Rest, T. Totev

Fuel Behavior Modeling Issues Associated with Future Fast Reactor Systems...................... 390A. M. Yacout, G. L. Hofman, J. D. B. Lambert, Y. S. Kim

Performance Limit Analysis of a Metallic Fuel for Kalimer ........................................................ 397Byoung Oon Lee, J. S. Cheon, C. B. Lee

Development of Probabilistic Design Method for Annular Fuels .............................................. 404Takayuki Ozawa

Physical Characteristics of LWRs and SCLWRs Loaded by (233U-Th-238U) Oxide Fuel with Small Additions of 231Pa .............................................................................................. 409

E. G. Kulikov, A. N. Shmelev, G. G. Kulikov, V. A. Apse

Calculation of the Pressure Vessel Failure Fraction of Fuel Particular of Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor 300C ..................................................................................... 416

J. Aihara, S. Ueta, Y. Mozumi, H. Sato, Y. Motohashi, K. Sawa

GFR Fuel and Core Pre-Conceptual Design Studies................................................................... 423N. Chauvin, J. Y. Malo, J. C. Garnier, F. Bertrand, J. C. Bosq, A. Ravenet, D. Lorenzo, M. Pelletier, J. M. Escleine, I. Munoz, J. M. Bonnerot


Partitioning and Transmutation Technology in Japan and Its Benefit on High-Level Waste Management .............................................................................................................. 434

Hiroyuki Oigawa, Kenji Nishihara, Takeshi Yokoo

Down Selection of Partitioning Routes and Transmutation Fuels for P&T Strategies Implementation ............................................................................................................. 443

C. Fazio, M. Salvatores, W. S. Yang

Advanced ORIENT Cycle Toward Realizing Intensified Transmutation and Utilization of Radioactive Wastes.................................................................................................. 451

Masaki Ozawa, Shinichi Koyama, Tatsuya Suzuki, Reiko Fujita, Hitoshi Mimura, Yasuhiko Fujii

Mathematical Model for Transmutation System with a Two-Member Chain and Variable Separation Coefficients ................................................................................................... 458

Joonhong Ahn, Masaki Kurata

Acceptable Requirement of Decontamination Factor for LLW Disposal of PEACER Pyroprocessing Wastes ................................................................................................. 467

Sung Il Kim, Min Ho Ahn, Kun Jai Lee


Development of a Korean Reference HLW Disposal System Under the Korean Representative Geologic Conditions ............................................................................................ 473

Heui-Joo Choi, Jong Youl Lee, Jongwon Choi

Concept and Design of the JAEA KMS for Geological Disposal of HLW.................................. 478Hitoshi Makino, Hideaki Osawa, Katsushi Nakano, Morimasa Naito, Hiroyuki Umeki, Hiroyasu Takase, Ian G. McKinley

Research on Long Term Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal at the Research Center Karlsruhe, Germany........................................................................................................................ 486

Klass Gompper, Dirk Bosbach, Melissa A. Denecke, Horst Geckeis, Bernhard Kienzler, Reinhardt Klenze

Repository Size for Deep Geological Disposal of Partitioning and Transmutation High Level Waste ............................................................................................................................ 496

Kenji Nishihara, Shinichi Nakayama, Hiroyuki Oigawa

Nuclear Energy and Radioactive Waste Disposal in the Age of Recycling .............................. 502James L. Conca, Michael Apted

An Analysis of Dual Zone Loading for Shipping Spent Nuclear Fuel ....................................... 509William Christopher Allen, Man-Sung Yim

Examining Repository Loading Options to Expand Yucca Mountain Repository Capacity ........................................................................................................................................... 519

Jun Li, Mark Nicholson, W. Cyrus Proctor, Man-Sung Yim, David McNelis


Treatment of Radioactive Organic Wastes by an Electrochemical Oxidation.......................... 526K. H. Kim, Y. G. Ryue, K. K. Kwak, K. P. Hong, D. H. Kim

Waste Handling Activities in Glovebox Dismantling Facility ..................................................... 531Akihiro Kitamura, Takashi Okada, Kashio Kashiro, Masanoro Yoshino, Hiroshi Hirano


Advanced Separation Processes for Sustainable Nuclear Systems......................................... 537P. Baron, M. Masson, C. Rostaing, B. Boullis

Nuclear Processing—A Simple Cost Equation or a Complex Problem? .................................. 541Z. Banfield, A.W. Banford, B. C. Hanson, P. J. Scully

GANEX: Adaptation of the DIAMEX-SANEX Process for the Group Actinide Separation........................................................................................................................................ 550

M. Miguirditchian, L. Chareyre, X. Hérès, C. Hill, P. Baron, M. Masson

Development of Nitrogen Oxide Closed System in the Future Reprocessing Process ............................................................................................................................................ 553

Y. Takaoku, I. Hattori, T. Watanabe, N. Moriya, Y. Sumida, S. Araya, S. Homma, Y. Suzuki, Y. Akai


Engineering-Scale Development of Injection Casting Technology for Metal Fuel Cycle................................................................................................................................................. 557

Takanari Ogata, Takeshi Tsukada

A Zirconium Cermet for Transuranic Isotope Storage and Burning ......................................... 563Aaron R. Totemeier, Sean M. McDeavitt

GEN IV: Carbide Fuel Elaboration of the “Futurix Concepts” Experiment ............................... 568Stéphane Vaudez, Chantal Riglet-Martial, Laurent Paret, Eric Abonneau

Production of ZrC Matrix for Use in Gas Fast Reactor Composite Fuels ................................. 574Gokul Vasudevamurthy, Travis W. Knight, Elwyn Roberts, Thad Adams

Synthesis of Uranium Nitride and Uranium Carbide Powder by Carbothermic Reduction......................................................................................................................................... 586

J. T. Dunwoody, C. R. Stanek, K. J. McClellan, S. L. Voit, H. M. Volz, R. R. Hickman

Synthesis and Characterization of Actinide Nitrides .................................................................. 591Brian Jaques, Darryl P. Butt, Brian M. Marx, A. S. Hamdy, Daniel Osterberg, Gordon Balfour

An Evaluation of Potential Liner Materials for Eliminating FCCI in Irradiated Metallic Nuclear Fuel Elements ..................................................................................................... 597

Dennis D. Keiser Jr., James I. Cole


Direct Assay of Filter Media Following DEOX Testing................................................................ 605B. R. Westphal, R. P. Lind, J. J. Giglio, D. G. Cummings, M. W. Huntley, C. D. Morgan, K. J. Bateman, D. L. Wahlquist, D. A. Sell

Cesium Trapping Characteristics on Fly Ash Filter According to Different Carrier Gases................................................................................................................................................ 610

Jin-Myeong Shin, Jang-Jin Park, Kee-Chan Song

A Study on a Vol-Oxidizer with an Oxygen Concentration Controller for a Scale-Up Design ........................................................................................................................................ 615

Young-Hwan Kim, Ji-Sup Yoon, Byung-Suk Park, Jae-Hoo Jung

Numerical Approach for the Voloxidation Process of an Advanced Spent Fuel Conditioning Process (ACP) .......................................................................................................... 620

Byung Heung Park, Sang Mun Jeong, Chung-Seok Seo


Evaluation of Radioactivity Release at Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant .................................... 624

Hiroshi Sugiyama, Noriyuki Ishihara, Akira Maki

Waste Management Planned for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility .......................................... 628Nick Soelberg, Dirk Gombert, Daryl Haefner


Practical Combinations of Light-Water Reactors and Fast Reactors for Future Actinide Transmutation .................................................................................................................. 635

Emory D. Collins, John-Paul Renier

Minor Actinides Transmutation in SFR Depleted Uranium Radial Blanket, Neutronic and Thermal Hydraulic Evaluation .............................................................................. 645

L. Buiron, F. Varaine, D. Lorenzo, H. Palancher, B. Valentin

Improvement on the Prediction Accuracy of Transmutation Properties for Fast Reactor Core Using the Minor Actinides Irradiation Test Data on the Joyo MK-II Core .................................................................................................................................................. 653

Kazuteru Sugino

Plutonium Transmutation in Thorium Fuel Cycle........................................................................ 662Vladimir Necas, Juraj Breza, Petr Darilek

Comparison of PWR-IMF and FR Fuel Cycles ............................................................................. 667Petr Darilek, Radoslav Zajac, Juraj Breza, Vladimir Necas

Minor Actinide Transmutation for Low Conversion Ratio Sodium Fast Reactors................... 671Rodolfo Ferrer, Samuel E. Bays, Benoit Forget, Mehdi Asgari


Nuclear and Hazardous Material Perspective .............................................................................. 679Gary M. Sandquist, Jay F. Kunze, Vern C. Rogers

Characterization of an Advanced Gadolinium Neutron Absorber Alloy by Means of Neutron Transmission ............................................................................................................... 685

G. W. Wachs, J. W. Sterbentz, L. M. Montierth, F. K. Tovesson, T. S. Hill

Optimizing Nuclear Waste Repository Development by Implementing Experimental Data on Radiolysis .................................................................................................. 691

Patricia Paviet-Hartmann, Thomas Hartmann

A New Neutron Absorber Material for Criticality Control ........................................................... 696Alan H. Wells


Extractant Separation in DIAMEX-SANEX Process ..................................................................... 699Xavier Hérès, E. Ameil, I. Martinez, P. Baron, C. Hill

Neptunium-Uranium-Plutonium Co-Extraction in TBP-Based Solvent Extraction Processes for Spent Nuclear Fuel Recycling .............................................................................. 700

S. T. Arm, J. Abrefah, G. J. Lumetta, S. I. Sinkov

Active Test of Separation Facility at Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant ........................................ 707Tadahiro Iseki, Makoto Inaba, Naoki Takahashi

Partitioning of Minor Actinides from Purex Raffinate by the TODGA Process ........................ 713D. Magnusson, B. Christiansen, J.-P. Glatz, R. Malmbeck, G. Modolo, D. Serrano Purray, C. Sorel

Understanding the Chemistry of Uncommon Americium Oxidation States for Application to Actinide/Lanthanide Separations ......................................................................... 719

Leigh R. Martin, Bruce J. Mincher, Nicholas C. Schmitt

Speciation of Plutonium and Other Metals Under UREX Process Conditions ......................... 723Alena Paulenova, Peter Tkac, Brent S. Matteson


Pyroprocessing Technology Development in Japan .................................................................. 728Tadashi Inoue, Tadafumi Koyama, Munetaka Myochin Yasuo Arai

Pyrochemistry Assessment at CEA—Last Experimental Results ............................................. 738J. Lacquement, S. Bourg, H. Boussier, O. Conocar, A. Laplace, P. Baron, A. Grandjean, D. Warin, B. Boullis

Pyroprocessing Progress at Idaho National Laboratory ............................................................ 741R. W. Benedict, C. Solbrig, B. Westphal, T. A. Johnson, S. X. Li, K. Marsden, K. M. Goff

Fundamental Study on Electrolyte Recycle Process by Phosphates Conversion Technique ........................................................................................................................................ 748

Ippei Amamoto, Hirohide Kofuji, Munetaka Myochin, Takayuki Terai

Electrolytic Reduction of Spent Nuclear Oxide Fuel—Effects of Fuel Form and Cathode Containment Materials on Bench-Scale Operations.................................................... 758

S. D. Herrmann, S. X. Li, D. A. Sell, B. R. Westphal

Direct Electrolytic Reduction of UO2 vs. U3O8 ........................................................................... 763L. A. Barnes, J. L. Willit

Integrated Efficiency Test for Pyrochemical Fuel Cycles........................................................... 766S. X. Li, D. Vaden, B. R. Westphal, G. L. Fredrickson, R. W. Benedict, T. A. Johnson


Impact of P&T in Geological Repositories: An Overview of the Euratom Red Impact Project ................................................................................................................................. 772

Daniel Westlén, Simon Norris, Enrique M. Gonzalez-Romero, Dominique Greneche, Lionel Boucher, Jan Marivoet, Colin Zimmerman, Werner von Lensa

A New Paradigm: Near-Complete Recycling of Spent Fuel—A Path to Sustainable Nuclear Energy................................................................................................................................ 782

Guillermo D. Del Cul, Barry B. Spencer, Emory D. Collins

A Metallic Fuel Cycle Concept From Spent Oxide Fuel to Metallic Fuel ................................... 785Reiko Fujita, Masatoshi Kawashima, Mitsuaki Yamaoka, Kazuo Arie, Tadafumi Koyama

Regulatory Challenges Facing the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership ................................... 790Edwin S. Lyman

Spent Fuel Accumulations and Arisings in “Fuel User” States: Implications for a World Nuclear Partnership............................................................................................................. 795

M. J. Lineberry

Investigation on the Harmonious Transition from LWR to FR Cycle for the Nuclear Sustainability..................................................................................................................... 800

Junichi Yamashita, Tetsuo Fukasawa, Kuniyoshi Hoshino, Koji Fujimura, Akira Sasahira


Developments in SO3 Decomposition for Nuclear Hydrogen Production................................ 806Sam Suppiah, G. Tan, L. Deschenes

Conceptual Design of the HTTR-IS Hydrogen Production System—Dynamic Simulation Code Development for Advanced Process Heat Exchanger in thye HTTR-IS System .............................................................................................................................. 812

Hiroyuki Sato, Shinji Kubo, Nariaki Sakaba, Hirofumi Ohashi, Naoki Sano, Tetsuo Nishihara, Kazuhiko Kunitomi

Long-Term Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM) on Nuclear Production of Hydrogen—A Case Study of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) ............... 820

Kazuaki Yanagisawa

Hydrogen Production by High Temperature Electrolysis with Nuclear Reactor...................... 827Takashi Ogawa, Seiji Fujiwara, Shigeo Kasai, Kazuya Yamada

Evaluation of the Cell Voltage of Electrolytic HI Concentration for Thermochemical Water-Splitting Iodine-Sulfer Process............................................................. 833

Nobuyuki Tanaka, Mitsunori Yoshida, Hiroyuki Okuda, Hiroyuki Sato, Shinji Kubo, Kaoru Onuki

Modeling a Filter Press Electrolyzer by Using Two Coupled Codes Within Nuclear GEN IV Hydrogen Production ........................................................................................................ 837

J. P. Feraud, F. Jomard, D. Ode, J. Duhamet, Ph. Dehaudt, J. Morandini, Y. Duterrail Couvat, J. P. Caire


The Pebble Recirculation Experiment (PREX) for the AHTR...................................................... 845P. Bardet, J. Y. An, J. T. Franklin, D. Huang, K. Lee, A. Mai, M. Toulouse, P. F. Peterson

TRU-Fueled VHTRs: Design, Performance, and Applications.................................................... 852Pavel V. Tsvetkov, David E. Ames II, Meagan L. Pritchard, Ayodeji B. Alajo, Tom G. Lewis III

Neutronic and Depletion Analysis of the PB-AHTR .................................................................... 856Massimiliano Fratoni, Ehud Greenspan, Per F. Peterson

A Modular Radiant-Heat-Initiated Passive Decay-Heat-Removal System for Salt-Cooled Reactors.............................................................................................................................. 866

Charles W. Forsberg

Transient Thermal Response of the PB-AHTR to Loss of Forced Cooling............................... 872A. Griveau, F. Fardin, H. Zhao, P. F. Peterson

AMBIDEXTER-DUPIC: An LWR-MSR Symbiont Operating on an Effective and Efficient Fuel Cycle ......................................................................................................................... 885

T. K. Ham, Y. J. Lee, M. H. Seo, S. K. Oh


Study on Characteristics of Recycled MOX Powder Suitable for Low Density Pellet Fabrication ............................................................................................................................ 891

Tatsutoshi Murakami, Kiichi Suzuki, Shigenori Aono

Research and Development of Americium-Containing Mixed Oxide Fuel For Fast Reactors ........................................................................................................................................... 897

Kosuke Tanaka, Masahiko Osaka, Isamu Sato, Shuhei Miwa, Shin-ichi Koyama, Yohei Ishi, Takashi Hirosawa, Hiroshi Obayashi, Hiroshi Yoshimochi, Kenya Tanaka

Fabrication of Advanced Oxide Fuels Containing Minor Actinide for Use in Fast Reactors ........................................................................................................................................... 903

Shuhei Miwa, Masahiko Osaka, Kosuke Tanaka, Yohei Ishi, Hiroshi Yoshimochi, Kenya Tanaka

Actual Scale MOX Powder Mixing Test for MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant in Japan ................... 909Shuichi Osaka, Ichiro Kurita, Morimoto Deguchi, Masanori Ito, Masakazu Goto

Preparation of Low Oxygen-to-Metal Mixed Oxide Fuels for the Advanced Fast Reactor ............................................................................................................................................. 916

Masato Kato, Shinya Nakamichi, Tatsuo Takano

Separation of Particles Precipitated from (U, RE)3O8 Powder Oxidation by Dry Process ............................................................................................................................................ 921

Lee Jae Won, Lee Jung Won, Yang Myung Seung, Song Kee Chan, Park Geun Il

Sensitivity Analysis of a Dry-Processed CANDU Fuel Pellet’s Design Parameters ................ 926Hangbok Choi, Ho Jin Ryu

Application of Modified Direct Denitration to Support the ORNL Coupled-End-to-End Demonstration in Production of Mixed Oxides Suitable for Pellet Fabrication................ 930

E. A. Walker, R. J. Vedder, L. K. Felker, S. C. Marschman


Reactivity Control Mechanisms for HPLWR Fuel Assembly ...................................................... 934Marc Schlagenhaufer, Bastian Vogt, Thomas Schulenberg

Mechanical Design of Core Components for a High Performance Light Water Reactor with a Three Pass Core .................................................................................................... 944

Kai Fischer, Tobias Schneider, Thomas Redon, Thomas Schulenberg, Joerg Starflinger

Mixing Coefficients for Subchannel Analyses with Supercritical Water................................... 951Bastian Vogt, Eckart Laurien, Andreas G. Claas, Thomas Schulenberg

Design and Optimization of a Backflow Limiter for the High Performance Light Water Reactor .................................................................................................................................. 961

Kai Fischer, Eckart Laurien, Andreas G. Claas, Thomas Schulenberg


400MWth Gas Cooled ADT Core Neutronic Benchmark ............................................................. 970C. Chabert, G. Rimpault, Y. Peneliau, J. Tommasi, D. Plisson-Rieunier, D. F. da Cruz, E. Malambu, A. Rineiski

Progress of Nitride Fuel Cycle Research for Transmutation of Minor Actinides..................... 980Yasuo Arai, Mitsuo Akabori, Kazuo Minato

MEGAPIE Spallation Target: Irradiation of the First Prototypical Spallation Target for Future ADS................................................................................................................................. 989

Ch. Latgel, F. Groeschel, P. Agostini, M. Dierckx, C. Fazio, A. Guertin, Y. Kurata, G. Laffont, T. Song, K. Thomsen, W. Wagner, K. Woloshun

Feasibility Study of Accelerator Driven System Proposed by JAEA ........................................ 998Takanori Sugawara, Kenji Nishihara, Kazufumi Tsujimoto, Kohei Iwanaga, Yuji Kurata, Toshinobu Sasa, Hiroyuki Oigawa

Effects of TRU Distributions of Electron Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Core Systems on Transmutation .......................................................................................................... 1008

Stephen Yodersmith, Man-Sung Yim


Development of Glass Matrix for Immobilization of CS/SR Fraction After HLW Partitioning .................................................................................................................................... 1017

A. S. Aloy, A. V. Trofimenko, Yu. V. Glagolenko

HIPed Tailored Ceramic Waste Forms for the Immobilization of Cs, Sr, and Tc.................... 1022Melody L. Carter, Martin W. A. Stewart, Eric R. Vance, Bruce D. Begg, Sam Moricca, Julia Tripp


An Option Making for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing by Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide ........................................................................................................................................... 1029

Youichi Enokida, Kayo Sawada, Takashi Shimada, Ichiro Yamamoto

Feasibility Study of a Plant for LWR Used Fuel Reprocessing by Pyrochemical Methods ......................................................................................................................................... 1033

A. V. Bychkov, M. V. Kormilitsyn, Yu. P. Savotchkin, Yu. S. Sokolovsky, Catherine Baganz, Serge Lopoukhine, Guy Maurin, Michel Medzadourian

Development of Engineering Technology Basis for Industrialization of Pyrometallurgical Reprocessing ................................................................................................. 1038

Tadafumi Koyama, Takatoshi Hijikata, Takeshi Yokoo, Tadashi Inoue

Issues for Conceptual Design of AFCF and CFTC LWR Spent Fuel Separations Influencing Next-Generation Aqueous Fuel Reprocessing ...................................................... 1044

D. Hebditch, R. Henry, M. Goff, K. Pasamehmetoglu, D. Ostby

Clean-in-Place and Reliability Testing of a Commerical 12.5 cm Annular Centrifugal Contactor at the INL.................................................................................................. 1055

N. R. Mann, T. G. Garn, D. H. Meikrantz, J. D. Law, T. A. Todd

Hydraulic Performance and Mass Transfer Efficiency of Engineering Scale Centrifugal Contactors ................................................................................................................. 1063

David Meikrantz, Troy Garn, Nick Mann, Jack Law, Terry Todd

Development of Centrifugal Contactor with High Reliability.................................................... 1070Nobuo Okamura, Masayuki Takeuchi, Hideki Ogino, Takeshi Kase, Tsutomu Koizumi


Recovery of the Actinides by Electrochemical Methods in Molten Chlorides Using Solid Aluminium Cathode ............................................................................................................ 1076

R. Malmbeck, L. Cassayre, E. Mendes, J. Serp, P. Sou?ek, J.-P Glatz

Identification of Statistical Invariance for Anodic Signals of Mk-IV Electrorefiner................ 1083Supathorn Phongikaroon, Tae-Sic Yoo

Electrolysis of Uranium Nitride Containing Fission Product Elements (Mo, Pd, Nd) in a Molten LiCl-KCl Eutectic ....................................................................................................... 1090

Takumi Satoh, Takashi Iwai, Yasuo Arai

Simplified Reference Electrode for Electrorefining of Spent Nuclear Fuel in High Temperature Molten Salt .............................................................................................................. 1099

Kim Davies, Shelly X. Li


Joint Recovery of f-Elements Using Solvent Based on Carbamoylphospine Oxides Heading Toward ORGA-Process .................................................................................... 1104

M. Ozawa, V. Babain, A. Shadrin, S. Strelkov, R. Kiseleva, A. Murzin

Diamide Derivatives of Dipicolinic Acid as Actinide and Lathanide Extractants in a Variation of the UNEX Process................................................................................................. 1106

D. R. Peterman, R. S. Herbst, J. D. Law, R. D. Tillotson, T. G. Garn, T. A. Todd, V. N. Romanovskiy, V. A. Babain, M. Yu. Alyapyshev, I. V. Smirnov

Demonstration of a TODGA/TBP Process for Recovery of Trivalent Actinides and Lathanides From a PUREX Raffinate .......................................................................................... 1111

G. Modolo, H. Asp, H. Vijgen, R. Malmbeck, D. Magnusson, C. Sorel

Chemical Separation of Actinides for High Level Radioactive Liquid Waste Using Diglycolamide (DGA) Compounds .............................................................................................. 1117

Yuji Sasaki, Yoshihiro Kitatsuji, Yumi Sugo, Toshihide Asakura, Takaumi Kimura

Development of Alternate Extractant Systems for Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle .......................... 1121P. R. Vasudeva Rao, A. Suresh, K. A. Venkatesan, T. G. Srinivasan, Baldev Raj

The Application of N,N-Dimethyl-3-OXA-Glutaramic Acid (DOGA) in the PUREX Process .......................................................................................................................................... 1131

Wang Jianchen, Chen Jing

Study on Selective Separation of Uranium(VI) by New N, N-Dialkyl Carboxyamides ............................................................................................................................. 1137

Shinichi Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Yaita, Yumi Sugo, Takaumi Kimura

Fluorinated Diluents—New Possibilities for Radiochemical Technology .............................. 1142V. A. Babain


Advanced Fuel Cycles Activities in IAEA ................................................................................... 1149H. P. Nawada, C. Ganguly

The IAEA CRP on Studies of Advanced Reactor Technology Options for Effective Incineration of Radioactive Waste .............................................................................................. 1155

W. Maschek, A. Stanculescu, B. Arien, Y. Bai, C. Chabert, A. Chebeskov, X. Chen, D. F. da Cruz, V. Dekoussar, K. Devan, S. Dulla, V. Gopalakrishnan, O. Feynberg, R. Harish, V. Ignatiev, J. Kópházi, J. Li, E. Malambu, P. Mohanakrishnan, K. Morita, G. Pandikumar, Y. Peneliau, P. Ravetto, A. Rineiski, M. Schikorr, R. Srivenkatesan, V. Subbotin, A. Surenkov, M. Szieberth, S. Taczanowski, K. Tu?ek, P. Vertes, M. Vorotyntsev, J. Uhlí, H. Wider, Y. Wu, R. Zakirov, S. Zheng

Progress and Interim Results of the INPO Joint Study on Assessment of INS Based on Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle With Fast Reactors........................................................ 1165

Vladimir Usanov, Baldev Raj, Alfredo Vasile

Nuclides Economy ........................................................................................................................ 1173Evgeny Ivanov, Stanislav Subbotin

Status of IAEA CRP on Study of Process-Losses in Separation Processes in Partitioning and Transmutation Systems in View of Minimizing Long-Term Environmental Impacts................................................................................................................. 1181

J. Ahn, K. C. Bimova, A. Bychkov, T. Inoue, L. Koch ,M. Kormilitsyn, K. Nagarajan, H. Nawada, Y. Ye, J. H. Yoo


Plutonium Utilization Options in Future UK PWRs Using MOX and Inert Matrix Fuels ............................................................................................................................................... 1191

A. Worrall, T. J. Abram, R. W. H. Gregg, K. W. Hesketh, I. D. Palmer, G. D. Rossiter, G. M. Thomas

Actinide Burning in CANDU Reactors ........................................................................................ 1201B. Hyland, G. R. Dyck

Multirecycling Minor Actinides in a Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor ................................................ 1205W. F. G. van Rooijen, G. J. van Gendt, D. I. Van der Stok, J. L. Kloosterman

Thermal- and Fast-Spectrum Molten Salt Reactors for Actinide Burning and Fuel Production ..................................................................................................................................... 1214

Charles W. Forsberg

Opportunities to Reduce Consumption of Natural Uranium in Reactor SVBR-75/100 When Changing Over to the Closed Fuel Cycle ............................................................ 1226

G. I. Toshinsky, O. G. Komlev, K. G. Mel’nikov, N.N. Novikova

Advantages of Co-Located Spent Fuel Reprocessing, Repository and Underground Reactor Facilities .................................................................................................. 1234

James M. Mahar, Jay F. Kunze, Car Wes Myers, Ryan Loveland

Comparison of Removed Fuel Compositions of CANDLE, PWR, and FBR ............................ 1242Akito Nagata, Hiroshi Sekimoto



Selection of the Reference Steam Generator for the Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor ........................................................................................................................................... 1246

Eric P. Loewen, Chuck Boardman

Investigation of Sodium-Carbon Dioxide Interactions; Potential Consequences on Reactor Operation......................................................................................................................... 1261

C. Latagé, N. Simon

Rebirth of a Control Rod at the Phenix Power Plant ................................................................. 1267Corinne De Carvalho, Bernard Vignau, Marc Masson

Instrumentation, Monitoring and NDE for New Fast Reactors ................................................. 1274Leonard J. Bond, Steven Doctor, Kyle Bunch, Morris Good, Alan E. Waltar

An Effective Loading Method of Americium Targets in Fast Reactors ................................... 1280Shigeo Ohki, Isamu Sato, Tomoyasu Mizuno, Hideyuki Hayashi, Kenya Tanaka

Thermal Criteria to Compare Fast Reactors Coolants for the Intermediate Loop ................. 1289Manuel Saez, Gilles Rodriguez

Subcritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle Energy Conversion for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors/Advanced Burner Reactors................................................................................. 1298

James J. Sienicki, Anton Moisseytsev, Dae H. Cho, Yoichi Momozaki, Dennis J. Kilsdonk, Robert C. Haglund, Claude B. Reed, Mitchell T. Farmer


Supporting the Global Threat Reduction Initiative Through Nuclear Material Recovery: Collaboration Between NNSA and AREVA .............................................................. 1308

Andrew Bieniawski, Ken Sheely, Ian Hunter, Thibault Louvet

The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and the Spent Fuel Take-Back Provision ............... 1317James C. Bresee

Progress in the Development of LEU Fuel ................................................................................. 1322Daniel Wachs, Dennis Keiser, Mitchel Meyer, Douglas Burkes, Curtis Clark, Glen Moore, Jan-Fong Jue, M. Ross Finlay, Totju Totev, Gerard Hofman, Tom Wiencek, Yeon So Kim, Jim Snelgrove

Effective Citizen Advocacy of Beneficial Nuclear Technologies ............................................. 1328J. Malvyn McKibben, Susan Wood


METAPHIX-1 Non Destructive Post Irradiation Examinations in the Irradiated Elements Cells at PHENIX ............................................................................................................ 1333

Laurent Breton, M. Masson, E. Garces, S. Desjardins, B. Fontaine, B. Lacroix, T. Martella, L. Loubet, H. Ohta, T. Yokoo, M. Ougier, J. P. Glatz

Irradiation of Metallic and Oxide Fuels for Actinide Transmutation in the ATR..................... 1341Heather J. MacLean, Steven L. Hayes

Irradiation Experiment on Fast Reactor Metal Fuels Containing Minor Actinides up to 7 at.% Burnup ...................................................................................................................... 1346

H. Ohta, T. Yokoo, T. Ogata, T. Inoue, M. Ougier, J. Glatz, B. Fontaine, L. Breton

The FUTURIX-FTA Experiment in PHENIX: Status of Oxides Fuels Fabrication.................... 1353F. Jorion, C. Maillard, J. C. Martin, L. Donnet, N. Drin

Short Term Irradiation Test of Fuel Containing Minor Actinides Using the Experimental Fast Reactor Joyo ................................................................................................. 1360

Takashi Sekine, Tomonori Soga, David Wootan, Shin-ichi Koyama, Takafumi Aoyama


Properties-Microstructure-Processing Relationships of Monolithic Fuel Forms .................. 1369Douglas E. Burkes, Jan-Fong Jue, Michael D. Chapple, Glenn Moore, Dennis D. Keiser, Mitchell K. Meyer

Microstructural Characterization of Cast Metallic Transmutation Fuels ................................ 1375J. I. Cole, D. D. Keiser, J. R. Kennedy

Microstructure Damage of Thin Aluminum Films by Irradiation With Alpha Particles and Fission Fragments................................................................................................. 1380

S. Sadi, A. Paulenova, W. D. Loveland, P. R. Watson

Precursors for the Immobilization of Radioactive Cesium and Strontium From Spent Nuclear Fuel........................................................................................................................ 1385

Luis H. Ortega, Sean M. McDeavitt

Intergranular Corrosion Mechanism of Ultra-Low Carbon Type 304 Stainless Steel in a Nuclear Reprocessing Plant ................................................................................................. 1389

Fumiyoshi Ueno, Chiaki Kato, Takafumi Motooka, Shiro Ichikawa, MasahiroYamamoto


Strategic Minimization of High Level Waste from Pyroprocessing of Spent Nuclear Fuel................................................................................................................................... 1394

Michael F. Simpson, Tae-Sic Yoo, Robert W. Benedict, Supathorn Phongikaroon, Steven Frank, Prateek Sachdev, Kellianne Hartman

Conditioning Matrices From High Level Waste Resulting from Pyrochemical Processing in Fluorine Salt.......................................................................................................... 1398

Agnès Grandjean, Thierry Advocat, Christophe Jegou, Nicolas Bousquet

Immobilization of Technetium in a Metallic Waste Form .......................................................... 1404S. M. Frank, D. D. Keiser Jr., K. C. Marsden

Disposition of Salt Waste from Pyrochemical Nuclear Fuel Processing ................................ 1412E. R. Vance

Co-Oxidation of Some Rare-Earth Chlorides in Chloride Melts ............................................... 1416Yung Zun Cho, Hee Chul Yang, Hee Chul Eun, Eung Ho Kim, Hwan Seo Park, In Tae Kim

Melting of Uranium Metal Powders with Residual Salts ........................................................... 1420Jin-Mok Hur, Dae-Seung Kang, Chung-Seok Seo

Dechlorination and Stabilization of Radioactive Chloride Salt Waste in a Molten State................................................................................................................................................ 1424

In-Tae Kim, Hwan-Seo Park, Yong-Jun Cho, Hwan-Young Kim, Seong-Won Park, Eung-Ho Kim


Development of Safety Assessment for Radioactive Waste Disposal .................................... 1428Tomofumi Shimizu, Yoshihiro Miyauchi, Noriyuki Sasaki

Comparison of Environmental Impacts for PWR-UO2, PWR-MOX and FBR .......................... 1436Erwan Bouvier, Joonhong Ahn, Tetsuo Ikegami

Modeling the Degradation of a Metallic Waste Form Intended for Geologic Disposal ......................................................................................................................................... 1445

T. H. Bauer, E. E. Morris

Critical Safe Disposal of Spent Fuel: Behavior of Neutron Poisons ....................................... 1453Bernhard Kienzler, Bernhard Gmal


Development of Uranium Crystallization System in “NEXT” Reprocessing Process .......................................................................................................................................... 1461

Koichi Ohyama, Kazunori Nomura, Tadahiro Washiya, Toshimitu Toyama, Kimihiko Yano, Atsuhito Shibata, Jun Komaki, Takahiro Chikazawa, Toshiaki Kikuchi

Development of Advanced Head-End Systems in “NEXT” Process ....................................... 1467Tadahiro Washiya, Jun Komaki, Hideyuki Funasaka

Fluorination Behavior of UO2F2 in the Presence of F2 and O2 ............................................... 1474Minoru Matsuda, Nobuaki Sato, Akira Kirishima, Osamu Tochiyama

Development of FLUOREX Process as a Progressive LWR Reprocessing System .............. 1477Akira Sasahira, Yuko Kani, Kenji Iino, Kuniyoshi Hosino, Fumio Kawamura

Simplified Purex Process—Perspective SNF Reprocessing Technologies for the Plant of the Next Generation........................................................................................................ 1484

V. V. Bondin, P. M. Gavrilov, B. Ya. Zilberman, E. G. Kudryavcev ,Yu. A. Revenko, V. N. Romanovskij, Yu. S. Fedorov, A. V. Haperskaja, A. Yu. Shadrin

Development of Fluoride Reprocessing Technologies Devoted to Molten-Salt Reactor Systems ........................................................................................................................... 1490

Jan Uhlí?, Martin Mare?ek, Radka Tulá?ková, Karolina Chuchvalcová Bímová

Sulfurization Behavior of Cerium Doped Uranium Oxides by CS2.......................................... 1497Nobuaki Sato, Shintaro Kato, Akira Kirishima, Osamu Tochiyama


Co-Extraction of Am(VI) and the Major Actinides with Tributyl Phosphate............................ 1500Bruce J. Mincher, Leigh R. Martin, Nicholas C. Schmitt

Development of Advanced Reprocessing System Based on Use of Pyrrolidone Derivatives as Novel Precipitants with High Selectivity and Control Ability (1)—Concept of Advanced Reprocessing System and Precipitation Behavior of U(VI) ............... 1503

Yasuhisa Ikeda, Koichiro Takeo, Masayuki Harada, Yasuji Morita, Masanobu Nogami, Kenji Nishimura

Development of an Advanced Reprocessing System Based on Use of Pyrrolidone Derivatives as Novel Precipitants With High Selectivity and Control Ability—Precipitation Behavior of Plutonium........................................................................................... 1508

Yasuji Morita, Seong-Yim Kim, Yahuhisa Ikeda, Masanobu Nogami, Kenji Nishimura

Equilibrium of Molybdenum in Selected Extraction Systems .................................................. 1513Peter Tkac, Alena Paulenova

Extraction of Uranium from Spent Fuels Using Liquefied Gases ............................................ 1518Kayo Sawada, Daisuke Hirabayashi, Youichi Enokida

Conversion of Actinide and RE Oxides into Nitrates and Their Recovery into Fluids.............................................................................................................................................. 1523

V. V. Bondin, S. I. Bychkov, I. G. Efremov, Y. A. Revenko, V. A. Babain, A. A. Murzin, V. N. Romanovsky, Y. S. Fedorov, A. Y. Shadrin, N. V. Ryabkova, E. N. Li

Safety Research of Multi-Functional Reprocessing Process Considering Nonproliferation Based on an Ion-Exchange Method ............................................................... 1530

Shin-ichi Koyama, Masaki Ozawa, Ken Okada, Kiyoko Kurosawa, Tatsuya Suzuki, Yasuhiko Fujii


Application With COSI Code of GEN IV Fast Reactors Introduction in the French Park................................................................................................................................................. 1537

Jean-Paul Grouiller, Lionel Boucher, Maryan Meyer, Marc Delpech

The Uranium Resource: A Comparative Analysis ..................................................................... 1543Erich A. Schneider, William C. Sailor

Depleted and Recyclable Uranium in the United States: Inventories and Options ............... 1549Erich Schneider, Mark Deinert, Anthony Scopatz

Thorium Fuel Cycle: A Technical Overview and Practical Approach to Deployment.................................................................................................................................... 1555

Hajimu Yamana

Potential Applications for Nuclear Energy Besides Electricity Generation: AREVA Global Perspective of HTR Potential Market .............................................................................. 1563

Finis Southworth, Jean-Claude Gauthier, Michel Lecomte

Business Opportunities for Small Reactors .............................................................................. 1575Akio Minato, Satoshi Nishimura, Neil W. Brown

Base-Load and Peak Electricity from a Combined Nuclear Heat and Fossil Combined Cycle Plant .................................................................................................................. 1585

James C. Conklin, Charles W. Forsberg

The NuGasTM Concept—Combining a Nuclear Power Plant With a Gas-Fired Plant................................................................................................................................................ 1591

Paul Wilson, Alistair Smith


Which Elements Should be Recycled for a Comprehensive Fuel Cycle?............................... 1595Steven Piet, Trond Bjornard, Brent Dixon, Dirk Gombert, Chris Laws, Gretchen Matthern

Global Evaluation of Nuclear Infrastructure Utilization Scenarios (GENIUS)......................... 1604Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Christopher A. Juchau, Kemal Pasamehmetoglu, Paul P. H. Wilson, Kyle M. Oliver, Paul J. Turinsky, Hany S. Abdel-Khalik, Ross Hays, Tracey E. Stover

Assessments of Uncertainties in Advanced Equilibrium Fuel Cycles .................................... 1612Jeff Preston, B. Thomas, T. Anderson, M. Humberson, J. Hou, S. Frederiksen, J. McConn, L F. Miller

What Can Recycling in Thermal Reactors Accomplish? .......................................................... 1617Steven J. Piet, Gretchen E. Matthern, Jacob J. Jacobson

Study on Nuclear Fuel Cycle System Using Coated-Particle Fuel and Hybrid Microcapsule Method ................................................................................................................... 1624

Toshio Wakabayashi, Hitoshi Mimura


NHI Component Technical Readiness Evaluation System ....................................................... 1627Steven R. Sherman, Dane F. Wilson, Steven J. Pawel

Integrated Laboratory Scale Demonstration Experiment of S-I Cycle .................................... 1634Jean Leybros, Jean Duhamet, Denis Ode, Nicolas Pons, Philippe Dehaudt, Michel Boidron, Max Helie

Catalyst Needs for Thermochemical Hydrogen Production Cycles ........................................ 1638Daniel M. Ginosar, Lucia M. Petkovic, Harry W. Rollins, Kyle C. Burch

Recent Results in the Development of High Temperature Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production ................................................................................................................... 1639

J. Stephen Herring, James E. O’Brien, Carl M. Stoots, Gregory Housley


Tags to Track IIllicit Uranium and Plutonium............................................................................. 1649M. Jonathan Haire, Charles W. Forsberg

Next-Generation Online MC&A Technologies for Reprocessing Plants ................................. 1657L. E. Smith, J. M. Schwantes, J. J. Ressler, M. Douglas, K. A. Anderson, C. G. Fraga, C. Durst, C. Orton, R. Christensen

Neutron List Mode Data for Advanced Safeguards ................................................................... 1667M. T. Swinhoe, J. B. Marlow, H. O. Menlove

The Role of Nuclear Data in Advanced Safeguards .................................................................. 1670P. Santi, D. Vo, M. Todosow, A. Aronson, H. Ludewig

Toward Reactor Monitoring with Antineutrinos ........................................................................ 1679Benoît Guillon, S. Cormon, M. Cribier, M. Fallot, L. Giot, T. Lasserre, A. Letourneau, D. Lhuillier, J. Martino


U.S. Plans for the Next Fast Reactor Transmutation Fuels Irradiation Test........................... 1688B. A. Hilton, W. J. Carmack,, S. L. Voit, S. L. Hayes, K. O. Pasamehmetoglu

French R and D Program for Minor Actinide Bearing Fuel Developments ............................. 1692Dominique Warin, Philippe Brossard, Jean-Philippe Nabot

Historical Review of U.S. Transient Fast Reactor Fuel Testing ............................................... 1698William J. Carmack, Heather J. MacLean, Douglas C. Crawford

The Materials Test Station: A Fast Spectrum Irradiation Facility ............................................ 1703Eric J. Pitcher


Neutronic Study of Slightly Modified Water Reactors and Application to Transition Scenarios..................................................................................................................... 1708

Richard Chambon, Perrine Guillemin, Alexis Nuttin, A. Bidaud, N. Capellan, S. David, O. Méplan, J. Wilson

Advanced LWR Concept of FLWR for TRU Recycling .............................................................. 1718Takamichi Iwamura, Tsutomu Okubo, Sadao Uchikawa

BWRs for Long-Term Energy Supply and for Fissioning Almost All Transuraniums .............................................................................................................................. 1725

Renzo Takeda, Junichi Miwa, Kumiaki Moriya

Feasibility of Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor Based on LWR Technology ............. 1733Naoyuki Takaki, Sidik Permana, Hiroshi Sekimoto


A Concept of the Innovative Nuclear Technology Based on Standardized Fast Reactors SVBR-75/100 With Lead-Bismuth Coolant for Modular Nuclear Power Plants of Different Capacity and Purpose .................................................................................. 1739

A. V. Zrodnikov, G. I. Toshinsky, O. G. Komlev, Yu. G. Dragunov, V. S. Stepanov, V. N. Generalov, V. N. Krushelnitsky

Principles of Providing Inherent Self-Protection and Passive Safety Characteristics of the SVBR-75/100 Type Modular Reactor Installation for Nuclear Power Plants of Different Capacity and Purpose ...................................................................... 1749

G. I. Toshinsky, O. G. Komlev, N. N. Novikova, I. V. Tormyshev, V. S. Stepanov, N. N. Klimov, A. V. Dedoul

Neutronic and Severe Safety Aspects of 1500 MWth Lead and Sodium Cooled Fast Reactors ................................................................................................................................ 1759

Kammil Tu?ek, Johan Carlsson, Dragan Vidovi?, Hartmut Wider

Optimization of Fast Breeder Reactors Employing Innovative Liquid Metal Coolants ......................................................................................................................................... 1766

Stevan Pilarski


Simulation Enabled Safeguards Assessment MEthodology.................................................... 1773Robert Bean, Trond Bjornard, Tom Larson

Safeguards Optimization Tool for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility ...................................... 1778Scott DeMuth, Kenneth Thomas, Eleanor Dixon

Testing and Assessment of Inputs for Proliferation Assessment Tools ................................ 1784David H. Saltiel, Virgina D. Cleary, Paul E. Rexroth, Gary E. Rochau, Dominique Grenèche, Selena Ng, William S. Charlton, David “Grant” Ford

Proliferation Resistance of Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems............................................. 1793Lara Pierpoint, Mujid Kazimi, Pavel Hejzlar

Model-Based Calculations of the Probability of a Country’s Nuclear Proliferation Decisions ....................................................................................................................................... 1802

Jun Li, Man-Sung Yim, David N. McNelis


On-Line Physical Property Process Measurements for Nuclear Fuel Recycling ................... 1808Richard A. Pappas, Leonard J. Bond, Margaret S. Greenwood, Cody J. Hostick

Multicomponent Analysis of Mixed Rare-Earth Metal Ion Solutions by the Electronic Tongue Sensor System.............................................................................................. 1817

A. Legin, V. Babain, D. Kirsanov, A. Rudnitskaya, S. Rovny, M. Logunov

Cosmic Rays to Acoustics: Non-Intrusive Monitoring for Nuclear Applications................... 1822S. J. Stanley, P. Scully

A Pilot Test of Partitioning for the Simulated Highly Saline High Level Waste...................... 1831Jing Chen, Jianchen Wang, Shan Jing

Extraction of Palladium From Nitric Acid by Diamides of Dipicolinic Acid ............................ 1836M. Yu. Alyapyshev, V. A. Babain, Yu. A. Pokhitonov, V. M. Esimantovskiy

Usage of Dibutyl Phosphoric Acid and Its Zirconium Salt for Extraction of Transplutonium Elements and Rare Earths with Their Partitioning ........................................ 1840

B. Ya. Zilberman, Yu S. Fedorov, O. V. Shmidt, N. D. Goletskiy, D. N. Shishkin, V. M. Esimantovskiy, S. A. Rodionov, O. N. Egorova, Yu. V. Palenik


Electrochemical Study on the Electrodeposition of U, Nd, Ce, La and Y on a Liquid Cadmium LiCl-KCl Eutectic Salt ...................................................................................... 1841

Sung Bin Park, Jong Hyeon Lee, Sung Chan Hwang, Young Ho Kang, Joon Bo Shim, Han Soo Lee, Eung Ho Kim, Seong Won Park

Conceptual Design of a High Throughput Electrorefining of a Uranium by Using Graphite Cathode .......................................................................................................................... 1845

J. H. Lee, Y. H. Kang, S. C. Hwang, S. B. Park, J. B. Shim, H. S. Lee, E. H. Kim, S. W. Park

Development of an ACP Facility .................................................................................................. 1850Gil-Sung You, Won-Myung Choung, Jeong-Hoe Ku, il-Je Cho, Dong-Hak Kook, Kie-Chan Kwon, Eun-Pyo Lee, Ji-Sup Yoon, Seong-Won Park, Won-Kyung Lee


DIAMEX-SANEX Solvent Behavior Under Continuous Degradation and Regeneration Operation ............................................................................................................... 1857

I. Bisel, B. Camès, M. Faucon, D. Rudloff, B. Saucerotte

Hydrolysis of Acetohydroxamic Acid Under UREX + Conditions............................................ 1861M. Alyapyshev, A. Paulenova, M. Cleveland, J. E. Bruso, P. Tkac

Prevention of Pu(IV) Polymerization in a PUREX-Based Process ........................................... 1865Patricia Paviet Hartmann, Gerald Senentz

Attempts to Improve a Radiolytic Stability of Amidic Extractants .......................................... 1870Yumi Sugo, Yuji Sasaki, Takaumi Kimura, Tsutomu Sekine

Author Index