AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff Reporter INDEX TO VOLUME X January 2, 1922, to June 19, 1922, Inclusive [Note—Extra copies of this Index may be obtained, without charge, by addressing Howes Publishing Company, 4109 Wool worth Building, New York City.] Subject Index Subject Page Abstracts of A. C. S. Dye Divisipn Papers, Spring Meeting ................... 367 Acetyl Silk : The Dyeing of (Briggs) ................................................................ .. 42 Acid Colors: Dyeing Cotton Cloth in Cold and Slightly Warmed Baths with (Sansone) ................................................................................. .. 220 Acid Colors: Piece Dyeing of Ladies’ Dress Goods and Coatings with: (B. T. C.) [See under “Piece”] Acid on Cotton Cellulose, and an Improved Method of Testing for Oxycellulose: On the Action of Dilute Sulphuric (Knecht and Thompson) .......................................................................................8 Acids Used in the Treatment of Textile Fabrics: Organic (Hall) .... 298 A. C. S. Dye Division Papers, Spring Meeting: Abstracts of ................ 367 After-Chroming of Wool (Claflin) .......................................................................... 397 Alexander: Sir William, on Co-operation as Means for Defeat ot German Dyestuff Aims ....................................................... .............. ............... . 95 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. [See under “ Proceedings.” Provisional test methods of the Research Com- mittee are listed under “Silk,” “Wool,” and “Cotton.”] Amsden, James L.: Obituary ..................................................................... 160 Application of Dyestuffs: A Few of the Important Factors Affecting the (Pulnam) ............................................................................................................. !81 Subject Page Chlorine, with Comparisons of Their Bleaching Action: Notes on Hypochlcrous Acid and (Taylor) .................................................................. 329 Cleanliness in the Scouring of Textiles (Schofield) ....................................... 295 Cloudedness: Some Causes of Shadedness and (Johnson, F. E .) .... 340 Cloudy Goods: The Causes for Shady and for (Bume) ............................. 337 Color Reactions for the Identification of Anthracene Vat Dyes (Mur- ray) ......... 159 Construction, Dyeing and Finishing of Homespuns (Templeton) ............ 401 Control of Dyestuff Stocks .......................................................................................... 73 Cotton: A. A. T. C. C. Provisional Method on Fastness to Washing, Soaping, Laundering and Fulling of Dyed and Printed Cotton Against White Cotton .......................................................................................... -143 Cotton Piece Goods: The Padder in the Dyeing of (Kaeppler) ............... 456 Cotton Cellulose, and an Improved Method of Testing for Oxycellu- lose: On the Action of Dilute Sulphuric Acid on (Knecht and Thompson) ............................................... 8 Cotton : Chemical Constituents of Raw (Fargher and Withers) ............ 116 Cotton Cloth in Cold and Slightly Warmed Baths with Acid Colors: Dyeing (Sansone) ................... 220 Cotton Goods: Control of Chlorine in the Bleaching of (Schroeder).. 300 Cotton Piece Goods: Notes on the Dyeing of Direct Blacks on (San- sone) ............................................................................ 402 Cotton: Two-Color Effects on Silk and (Pierce) ......................................... 40 B D Basic Dyes to Light: Fastness of (Emmons) ................................................... 265 Bibliography of Literature on the Fastness of Dyes (Murray) .............. 123 Bleach-House Processes: Control of (Eastman)— Part IV ............................................................................. .. ..........................; ................ 114 Bleaching Action: Notes on Hypochlorous Acid and Chlorine, with Comparison of Their (Taylor) ...................... .• • • : .............................. ............3529 Bleaching of Cotton Goods: Control of Chlorine in the (Schroeder). . 300 C Carbon Paper: Manufacture of Typewriter Ribbons and (Hassett).. 403 Cause of Nibs and Lousiness in Dyed Silks (Lewis) .................................. 327 Charts for the Dyehouse (Goldthwait and Hoff) ............................................. 325 Chemical Aspects of Water-proofing and Mildew-proofing Textile Fab - rics: Some [Abstract] ( A d a m s , VV. H . ) .................................................... 334 Chemical Constituents of Raw Cotton (Fargher and Withers) ............ 116 Chemical Fire Hazards (Grier) ................. . .......................... 440 Chemist: Logarithmic Constants for the Textile (Pensel) ........................ 4 Chlorine in the Bleaching of Cotton Goods: Control of (Schroeder).. 300 Decimal Pounds, or Metric Weights (Goldthwait) ......................................... l Development of Tests for the Fastness of Dyestuffs (Murray) ............ 231 Differential Reduction of Vat Dyes (Murray) ............................. ................... 17 Direct Blacks on Cotton Piece Goods: Notes on the Dyeing of (San- sone) ...................... ......................................................................... .. ............................ 402 Dress Fabrics: Dyeing Worsted (Matos) ........................................................ 388 Drying Machinery: New Line of .............................................................................. <; Dyehouse: Charts for the (Goldthwait and Hoff) ............................... .. . . . 325 Dyehouse: Guesswork in the ...................................................................................... 22 8 Dyehouse: The Job (Brainerd) .................................................................... .. 361 Dye Imports Granted by U. S. Treasury Dept.: Licenses for [See under “Licenses”! Dye Plant: Safety in the ............................................................................................. 47 Dye Soap (Brainerd) ............................................................... .............. .. ..................... 3 Dyeing: A Historical Survey of (Barradough) ..................... .. 80 Dyeing and Finishing of Homespuns: The Construction, (Templeton) 401 Dyeing and Printing of Foulards ........................................................................ Dyeing: Causes of I'nevenness in Top (Spencer) .......... ..... ! .............. 340 Dyeing Cotton Cloth in Cold and Slightly Warmed Baths with Acid Colors (Sansone) ......................................................................................... . >on

AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff …AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff Reporter INDEX TO VOLUME X January 2, 1922, to June 19, 1922, Inclusive [Note—Extra

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Page 1: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff …AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff Reporter INDEX TO VOLUME X January 2, 1922, to June 19, 1922, Inclusive [Note—Extra


American Dyestuff Reporter



January 2, 1922, to June 19, 1922, Inclusive[Note—Extra copies of this Index may be obtained, without charge, by addressing Howes Publishing

Company, 4109 Wool worth Building, New York City.]

Subject Index

S u b jec t P ag eA b s t rac t s of A. C. S. D y e D iv is ip n P ap e rs , S p r in g M e e t in g ................... 367A cety l Silk : T h e D y e in g of ( B r i g g s ) ................................................................ .. 42A cid C o lo r s : D y e in g Co t to n Clo th in Cold and Slight ly W a rm e d

B a th s with ( S a n s o n e ) ......................................................................• ........... .. 220Acid C o lo r s : P iece D y e in g of L a d ie s ’ D ress Goods and C oa t ings w i th :

(B. T . C.)[S ee u n d e r “ P iec e” ]

Acid on C o t t o n Cellu lose, and an Im p r o v e d M e th o d of T e s t in g for O x y c e l lu lo s e : O n the A c t io n of D ilu te S u lp h u r ic ( K n e c h t andT h o m p so n ) .......................................................................................• 8

A cids U sed in the T r e a tm e n t of T e x t i l e F a b r i c s : O rg an ic ( H a l l ) . . . . 298A. C. S. D y e Div is ion Papers , S p r in g M e e t in g : A b s t r a c t s o f ................ 367A f te r -C h ro m in g of W o o l (C la f l i n ) .......................................................................... 397A le x a n d e r : S i r W i l l i am , on Co-opera t ion as M eans for D efea t ot

G e rm a n D y es tu f f A im s ....................................................... .............. ............... . 95A m er ican A ssocia tion of Tex ti le C hem is ts an d Colorists . [See u n d er

“ P ro ceed in g s .” P rov is iona l test m e th o d s of the Research C o m ­m i t tee a re li st ed u n d e r “ S ilk ,” “ W o o l , ” an d “ C o t to n .” ]

A m sd en , J a m e s L . : O b i t u a r y ..................................................................... 160App lica tion of D y es tu f f s : A F ew of th e I m p o r t a n t F a c to r s Affec ting

th e ( P u l n a m ) ............................................................................................................. ! 8 1

Subjec t P ag eChlorine, w ith Compar isons of T h e i r B le ach ing A c t io n : N otes on

H y p o ch lc ro u s Acid and ( T a y l o r ) .................................................................. 329Cleanliness in the S couring of Texti les (S ch o f ie ld ) ....................................... 295Clo u d ed n ess : S om e Causes of S hadedness and (Jo h n so n , F. E . ) . . . . 340Cloudy Goods: T h e Causes for Shady and for ( B u m e ) ............................. 337Colo r R eactions for the Iden t if ica tion of A n th race n e V a t D yes ( M u r ­

ray) ......... 159Cons t ruc t ion , D yeing and F in ish in g of H o m esp u n s ( T e m p l e t o n ) ............ 401C ontro l of Dyes tu ff S to c k s .......................................................................................... 73C o t t o n : A. A. T. C. C. P rovis ional M eth od on F as tn ess to W ash ing ,

Soaping , L a u n d e r in g and F u ll ing of D yed and P r in te d CottonA g a in s t W h i te C o t t o n .......................................................................................... -143

C o t to n P iece G oods : Th e P a d d e r in the D ye in g of ( K a e p p l e r ) ............... 456Co t to n Cellulose, and an Im p ro v e d M eth o d of T e s t in g for O x y ce l lu ­

lo se : On the A ction of D ilu te Su lp hur ic Acid on (K n ech t andT h o m p so n ) ............................................... 8

Cotton : Chem ical Cons t i tuen ts of R aw ( F a r g h e r and W i t h e r s ) ............ 116C o t to n Clo th in Cold and Slight ly W a rm e d Ba th s w i th Acid Colo rs :

D y e in g ( S an so n e ) ................... 2 2 0C o t to n G oods : Contro l of Ch lo r ine in the B le aching of ( S c h r o e d e r ) . . 300 C o t to n P iece G o o d s : N o te s on the D y e in g of D ir ec t Blacks on ( S a n ­

sone) ............................................................................ 402C o t t o n : T w o-C olor Ef fec ts on Silk a n d (P ie rc e ) ......................................... 40

B DBas ic D y es to L i g h t : F a s tn e s s of ( E m m o n s ) ................................................... 265B ib l iography of L i t e r a t u r e on the F a s tn e s s of D yes ( M u r r a y ) .............. 123B le ach -H o u se P r o c e s s e s : C o n tro l of ( E a s t m a n ) —

P a r t I V ............................................................................. ............................; ................ 114B le ach in g A c t io n : N otes on H y p o ch lo ro u s Acid and Chlor ine, with

C o m p a r iso n of T h e i r ( T a y l o r ) ...................... .• • • : .............................. ............3529B leach ing of C o t to n G o o d s : C o n tro l of Chlo r ine in the ( S c h r o e d e r ) . . 300

CC arb o n P a p e r : M a n u f a c tu r e of T y p e w r i te r R ib b o n s and ( H a s s e t t ) . . 403C ause of N ibs a n d Lous iness in Dyed Silks ( L e w i s ) .................................. 327C h a r t s for th e D y eh o u s e (G o ld th w a i t and H o f f ) ............................................. 325Chemica l A sp e c ts of W a te r -p ro o f in g and M ildew-proofing Tex ti le F a b ­

r ic s : Som e [ A b s t r a c t ] ( A d a m s , VV. H . ) .................................................... 334Chem ica l C o n s t i t u e n ts of Raw Co t to n ( F a r g h e r and W i t h e r s ) ............ 116Chem ic a l F i r e H a z a r d s ( G r i e r ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... 440C h e m is t : L o g a r i th m ic C o n s ta n t s for the T e x t i l e ( P e n s e l ) ........................ 4C h lo r in e in th e B le ach ing of Co t to n G o o d s : Co n tro l of ( S c h r o e d e r ) . . 300

Decimal P o u n d s , or M etr ic W e ig h ts ( G o l d t h w a i t ) ......................................... lD ev e lo p m en t of Test s for the F as tn es s of Dyes tuffs ( M u r r a y ) ............ 231Differen tial R ed u c t io n of V a t D yes ( M u r r a y ) ............................. ................... 1 7D irec t Blacks on C o t to n P iece G oods : N o te s on the D y e in g of ( S a n ­

sone) ............................................................................................... .............................. 402D res s F a b r i c s : D y e in g W o r s te d ( M a t o s ) ........................................................ 3 88D r y in g M ach in e ry : New Line o f .............................................................................. <;D y e h o u s e : C h ar t s for th e (G o ld th w a i t and H o f f ) ............................... .. . . . 325D y e h o u s e : Guessw ork in t h e ...................................................................................... 22 8D y e h o u s e : T h e J o b ( B r a i n e r d ) .................................................................... .. 361D y e I m p o r t s G ran ted by U. S. T re asu ry D e p t . : Licenses for

[See u n d e r “ L icen ses” !D y e P l a n t : Safety in t h e ............................................................................................. 47Dye So ap ( B r a i n e r d ) ............................................................... ................ ..................... 3D y e in g : A H is to r ic a l Survey of ( B a r r a d o u g h ) ..................... .. 80D yein g and F in i s h in g of H o m e s p u n s : T h e C o n s t ru c t io n , (T e m p le to n ) 401D y e in g and P r in t i n g of F o u l a r d s ........................................................................D y e in g : Causes of I 'n e v e n n e s s in T o p ( S p e n c e r ) ........... . . . . ! .............. 340D y e in g Cot to n Cloth in Cold an d S ligh t ly W a rm ed B a th s with Acid

Colo rs ( S an s o n e ) ......................................................................................... .>on

Page 2: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff …AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff Reporter INDEX TO VOLUME X January 2, 1922, to June 19, 1922, Inclusive [Note—Extra


S u b jec t P a g eD y e in g of D i rec t B la ck s on C o t to n P iec e G o o d s : N o te s on the (San-

sone) ................................................................................................................................ 402D y e in g : I m p u r i t i e s in W a t e r W h ic h Affect . ( H a d f i e l d ) ............................. 75D y e in g of A ce ty l Silk ( B r ig g s ) ................................................................................ 42D y e in g of L a d ie s ’ D r e s s Goods a n d C o a t in g s w i th Acid Co lo rs - ' P i e c e

(B . T . C.)LSee u n d e r “ P iec e” ]

D y e in g of Sh o d d y M ate r ia ls ( S i d e b o t t o m ) ......................................................... 253D y e in g of C o t to n P iece G o o d s : T h e Padcler in th e ( K a e p p l e r ) ............ 4 5 6D y e in g : Som e E x p e r ie n c e s w i th U n ev en W a r p ( H a s k e l l ) ........................ 339D y e in g : Te ch n ica l and P rac t ica l F a u l t s in W o o l ......................................... 259D y e in g W o o l a n d W o r s t e d P ie c e s : N o te s on ( K n o x ) ............................... 369D y e in g W o o i as R aw Stock ( B a t t y e ) .................................................................... 435D y e in g W o o len s a n d W o r s t e d s : Piece ( F i s k ) ................................................ 151D y e in g W o r s t e d D r e s s F a b r i c s ( M a t o s ) ............................................................... 383D y e in g s : S u g g es ted M eth o d for F il ing S am p le (A d am s , E. W . ) .......... 433D y e s : A Bib l iography of L i t e r a t u r e on the F a s tn e s s of ( M u r r a y ) . . . . 123Dyes, and T h e i r U se : R ed u c t io n V at ( H a d l e y ) .............................................. 289D y e s : Co lo r R ea c t io n s for the Id en t i f ica t io n of A n th race n e V at ( M u r ­

ray ) .................................................................................................................................. 159D y e s : D if ferent ia l R ed u c t io n of Vat ( M u r r a y ) ............................................. 17D y e s : T e s t in g and S ta n d a r d iz in g ( G r e e n h a l g h ) .................................... . . . . 381D yes to L i g h t : F a s tn e s s of Bas ic ( E m m o n s ) .................................................. 265D y es tu f f s : D ev e lo p m en t of T e s t s for th e F a s tn e s s of ( M u r r a y ) ............ 231D y es tu f f s : A F e w ot th e I m p o r t a n t F a c to r s A ffec ting the Applica tion

of ( P u t n a m ) .............................................................................................................. 181D yes tu f f S to c k s : T h e C ontro l o f ............................................................................. 73

EE D I T O R I A L S [T i t le s in so m e cases a r e ab b rev ia te d ] —

A L eaf from th e G e rm a n B o o k ............................................................................. 2 1T h e I n d e x ....................................................................................................................... 21T h i s I s s u e ....................................................................................................................... 2 1E x p lan a t io n s A re W a n t e d ......................................................................................... 221922 22B r i t i s h l )y e C o n su m ers and the L icen s in g S y s t e m .................................. 53I n te r n a t io n a l Business and th e E x c h a n g e S i t u a t i o n .................................. 54T h e E n g l ish C olour I n d e x ........................................................................................ 55I n R e t r o s p e c t—and P r o s p e c t .................................................................................. 89“ W h e r e T h e r e ’s a W i l l—■” ....................................................................................... 90A C o n s t ru c t iv e C o n tr ib u t io n to th e D y e L eg is la t io n C o n t r o v e r s y . . 91T h e D y e I n v e s t i g a t i o n ................................................................................................ 125R esea rc h and the A. A. T. C. C ........................................................................... 127D is t r ib u t io n of R e p a ra t io n C o lo r s ...................................................................... 161A n I ll -T im ed D e m a n d .................................................................................................. 162A m u s in g , P e rh ap s , b u t N o t I m p o r t a n t .............................................................. 163W h a t Does S en a to r K in g W a n t ? ......................................................................... 19 7A D is t in c t io n ................................................................................................................. 233“ T h e W o r l d D o M o v e” .............................................................................................. 233T h e 1923 Silk E x p o s i t i o n ........................................................................................ 235I m p ro v e d P ro sp e r i ty T h r o u g h Im p ro v e d C omm ercia l S t a n d a r d s . . . . 235P ro c e e d in g s of the A. A. T. C. C ........................................................................ 273T h e P ro p o se d Ex ten s io n of L i c e n s in g ................................................................ 273T h e Goal of C o a l -T a r Chem ical R e s e a r c h ........................................... . . . 274Capi ta l ize the Silk Show and Silk W e e k P u b l i c i t y .................................. 275T h r e e F u l l Y e a r s ....................................................................... 303“ T h e N e x t B es t T h i n g ” ............................................................................................ 304I n d u s t r ia l I n s u r a n c e ................................................................................................. 355W e lc o m e to th e K n i t t i n g A r ts E x h i b i t i o n ....................................................... 391F a rew e l l to th e D y e I n v e s t i g a t i o n ..................................................................... 392A N ew Lesson from I t a l y ........................................................................................ 4 1 1A W e lc o m e H e lp to Chem ical I n d u s t r y .......................................................... 411A n Allied I s su e ............................................................................................................ 412A Br it ish W a r n i n g ....................................................................................................... 453C o m p e t i t io n from R ep a ra t io n C o l o r s ................................................................ 454T h e I n d e x ......................................................................................................................... 454

Effec t of S co u r in g and B le ach ing upon the S t r u c tu r e and S t ren g th ofC o t to n F ab r ic s ( H u e b n e r ) .................................................................................. 1 90

E lec t ro m e t r i c T i t r a t io n as a M ean s of D e te rm in in g the F r e e Sodium S u lph ide in a S u lp h u r Black D y e Ba th [ A b s t r a c t ] (Russe ll andA rn o ld ) . ..................................................................................................................... 343

E x t ra c t io n of O i ls and Soap from T h ro w n Silk ( M u d g e ) ........................ 377

I N Q U I R Y I) E 1 * A R T M E N T —])yes for H ig h -G rad e W o o d S t a i n s ........................ ..........................H e a th e r - M ix Effec ts on Cotton and Silk H o s i e r y ............... -•D y e in g W o r s te d Cloth with U n res i s ted Silk S t r i p e s . . . . . .C h an g e of T o n e in Dyed M ate r ia ls U n d e r Art ificia l L ig h tA nil ine Bla ck on Cot to n and S i l k .....................................................D y es for L ig h t T in t s on Silk and C o t t o n ..................................Bo il ing Off Half-S ilk H o s i e r y ........................................... ................Dyes tu f fs for F a n c y S h ad es on W ool to S ta n d F u l l i n g . . . .Bas ic D yes for W o o l ......... .......................................................................L u s t e r in Sized Coarse T w i n e s ..............................................................R ed y e in g F ad ed W o o len G a r m e n t s ..................................................R em o v in g D y e S ta in s from H a n d s ..................................................A f te r -C h ro m ed Black on W o o l S h o d d y .........................................C h ro m in g S u lp h u r Black o n C o t t o n ..................................................D yes tu ff for I r o n Gal late I n k ............................................................D y e for C o lor ing G e la t i n e .....................................................................S t r ip p in g Acid Dyestu ffs from W o o l ................................................Dyes tu f fs for T u s s a h S i l k .......................................................................D yes for C h ro m e -T an n ed L e a t h e r .......................................................A f te r - T r e a tm e n t with C h ro m e and B lu e s t o n e ...............................D es ig n a t io n s of P r e - W a r D ev e lo p e rs ................................................S of tene r with S u lp h u r B la cks in F r a n k l in M a c h i n e ...............Soluble M o rd an t for G e la t in e ...............................................................A f te r -C h ro m in g for P r e v e n t io n of T e n d e r i n g ............................W o r s te d P ieces with R es is te d Silk E f f e c t s ..................................P r in t i n g I n k s ................................................... ............................................D yes for F ea th e r s ......................................................................................D yes for Co lor ing C oated P a p e r s ......................................................Deep Brow n for W ool W a s t e ..............................................................Mfrs. of Ace ty l S i l k .................................................................................F a n c y Shades with F a s t Acid C o lo r s .............................................N a v y Blues on Cot to n F a b r i c s ..............................................................D y es on T h r e a d Silk F a s t to H o t Soap and L i g h t .................Bas ic D yes on U n m o r d a n te d C o t to n ............................................ .M e ta to lu y len ed iam in e ...............................................................................K a th e to n T a n on Raw Co t to n S t o c k ..............................................Artificial Silk L a c e ...................................... ...............................................D yes for Co t to n to S tan d W e a k Chlo r ine E l e a c h .....................“ L im e P o t s ” for C lean in g H a n d s .......................................................S u lp h o n a ted Oil on L e a t h e r ...................................................................M eth y l Viole t G ro u n d in C as to r O i l ................................................“ P a r a T o n e r ” ...............................................................................................S t r ea k s on Silk H o s i e r y ..........................................................................Rem oval of P u r e M inera l O i l ................................................................D ye ing- Cheap Black F u r s .....................................................................W a shab le Shades on Viscose A rt Silk Y a r n ..................................




137138 175 175 175 175 208 208 209 209 243 243243244 244 267267268 268 268 306 306 359 359 359 359 359 419419420 420

JJ a p a n ’s D r u g and Dyestuff P ro tec t ion L e g i s l a t io n : F i r s t Complete

Tra n s la t io n of ........................................................................................................... 61Job Dvebouse ( B r a i n e r d ) ............................................................................... ............. 361

KK ie r Boi l in g : P rac t ica l S cie nce of (W ee d o n ) 37

LL I C E N S E S F O R D Y E I M P O R T S G R A N T E D B Y U. S. T R E A S ­

U R Y D E P A R T M E N T —D ecem ber , 1921 ........................................................................................................... 48J a n u a r y , 1922 ............................................................................................................... 129F eb r u a r y , 1922 237M arch 1922 .................................................................................................................. 318

L i g h t : F as tn es s to ( P i e r c e ) .......................................................................................... 222L o g a r i th m ic C o n s tan t s for th e Tex ti le Chem is t ( P e n s e l ) ........................... 4

FF as tn es s of Bas ic D yes to L ig h t ( E m m o n s ) .................................................. 265F a s tn e s s of Dyed Silk to W a sh in g , S co u r in g and F u l l i n g : A. A. T.

C. C. P rov is io nal M e th o d o n .................................................. .......................... 374F a s tn e s s of D yed W ool to F u l l ing , S co u r in g and W a s h i n g : A. A. T.

C. C. P rov is io nal M eth o d o n ............................................................................ 332F a s tn e s s to W a sh in g , Soaping , L a u n d e r in g and F u l l in g of D yed and

P r in ted Co t to n A g a in s t W h i t e Co t to n : A. A. T. C. C. Provis ionalM eth o d on ................................................................................................................ 443

F a s tn e s s of D y e s : A B ib l io g rap h y of L i te ra tu re on ( M u r r a y ) ............ 123F a s tn e s s of D yes tu f fs : D ev e lo p m en t of T e s t s to r th e ( M u r r a y ) . . . . 231F a s tn e s s to L ig h t ( P i e r c e ) ........................................................................................... 222F in i s h in g of H o m e s p u n s : T h e Cons t ruc t ion , D y e in g and (T e m p le to n ) 401F i r e H a z a r d s : Chem ical ( G r i e r ) ....................................................... 440F O R E I G N T R A D E O P P O R T U N I T I E S —

173, 244, 26 8, 308, 352, 420 F o u la r d s : D y e in g and P r in t i n g o f . ..................................................................... 84

GGreen-Schu lt z and Scl iu ltz -Green N u m b e r s : A C ro ss - In d e x of

( W a le s ) ....................................................................................................................... 461G uessw ork in the D y e h o u s e ........................................................................................ 228

MM a ch in e ry : N ew L in e of D r y i n g .......................................................................... 6M an u fac tu re of T y p e w r i te r R ibbons and C arb o n P a p e r ( H a s s e t t ) . . . . 403 M E N O F M A R K I N T H E D Y E S T U F F F I E L D —

Crossley , M. L ................................................................................................................ 30Rose. Dr. Rober t E ...................................................................................................... 207S co tt , W a l te r M ........................................................................................................... 310W o o d , l ’ercival J ........................................................................................................... 102

M ercer iza t io n [A b s t ra c t ] ( C h a s e ) .......................................................................... 52M e rce r iz in g : W a r p Y arn ( S t e a d ) ......................................................................... 437M etr ic W e ig h t s : Decimal P o u n d s , or ( G o l d t h w a i t ) ......................................... IM icro sco p e : An I m p o r t a n t Indus t r ia l I n s t r u m e n t in Analysis , T e s t ­

ing and M a n u f a c t u r e : Th e ( J o h n so n . A. K . ) —P a r t I ................................................................................................................................ 145P a r t I I ............................................................................................................................. 184P a r t I I I ............................................................................................................................ 257P ar t I V ....................................... 290

Mildew-proofing Tex t i l e F a b r i c s : Some Chem ical A spec ts of W a t e r ­proofing and [A b s t ra c t ] (A d am s , W . H ) ................................................... 334

M il l in g : Sco u r in g and ( S c h o f ie ld ) ......................................................................... 349M o rd a n t in g W ool for H e m a t i t e ( C r a v e n ) .......................................................... 406

HH e m a t in e : M o rd a n t in g W o o l for ( C r a v e n ) ....................................................... 406H is to r ic a l Survey of D y e in g ( B a r r a c l o u g h ) ....................................................... 80H o m e s p u n s : T h e C ons t ruc t ion , D y e in g and F in ish ing of ( T e m p le to n ) 401H y d r o - E x t r a c to r s : T h e i r U s e and A b u se ( S t e p h e n s ) .................................. 458I ly p o c h lo ro u s Acid and Chlorine, w ith C om par isons of T h e i r B le ach ing

A c t i o n : N otes on ( T a y l o r ) ............................................................................... 329

II m p o r t s G ran ted by U. S. T r e a su r y D e p t . : L icenses for Dye

[S ee u n d e r “ Licenses” ]

NN ib s a n d Lous iness in D yed S i lk : Cause of ( L e w i s } .................................... 327N otes on D y e in g W ool and W o rs te d Pieces ( K n o x ) .................................. 369N o tes on the D y e in g of D irec t Blacks on Cotton P iece Goods (San-

so n e) .............................................................................................................................. 402

OOils and Soap from T h r o w n S i lk : E x t rac t io n of ( M u d g e ) .................... 377O x y c e l lu lo s e : O n the Action of Dilu te Su lp hur ic Acid on Cotton

Cellulose, and an Im p ro v ed Method of T e s t in g fo r : ( K n e c h t and T h o m p so n ) ................................... *........................................................................... 8

Page 3: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff …AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff Reporter INDEX TO VOLUME X January 2, 1922, to June 19, 1922, Inclusive [Note—Extra


PS u b jec t P ag e

P a d d e r in the D y e in g of Co tton P iece Goods ( K a e p p l e r ) ........................ 456P A T E N T S [T i t le s in some cases a re abbrev ia ted] —

G reen Acid D y e s tu f f s .................................................................................................. 34G reen D yes tu f f ............................................................................................................. 34Arti ficial S ilk ............................................. ’............. 34C lo th o m e te r G au g e .................................................................................................... 34M ercer iz in g H o se ...................................................................................................... 34D e g u m m in g Tex ti le F ib e r s ................................................................................... 34Ch lo r in e C ontro l ......................................................................................................... 34D yes tu f f ........................................................................................................................... 3 1Arti ficial T e x t i l e F a b r i c ............................................................................................. 34T r e a t m e n t of V eg e tab le F i b e r s ............................................................................. 34T r e a tm e n t of V ege tab le F i b e r s ............................................................................. 35M - N i t ro -P -C reso l ........................................................................................................ 35D y e in g M ach in e ........................................................................................................... 35W ool - like E ffec ts on Co t to n F a b r i c s ................................................................ 35P 'i reproofing T e x t i l e F a b r i c s ................................................................................... 35Colo red N it roce l lu lose C o m p o u n d s ..................................................................... 35D y e in g M ach in e ............................................................................................................ 35F ib e r P r o d u c ts ............................................................................................................. 35T r e a tm e n t of V eg e tab le F i b e r s ............................................................................. 35D y e in g F ib ers , T h re ad s , F a b r i c s ............................................................................ 36P ro ces s of D y e i n g ......................................................................................................... 36P re c ip i ta t in g Viscose ................................................................................................. 36U n ra v e l in g K n i t t e d G o o d s ..................................................................................... 36P lea t in g W a l l for Coke O v e n s ............................................................................... 36T a k e - U p M ech an ism for K n i t t in g M a c h i n e s .................................................. 36Y a r n S evering and C lam p in g Devic e for K n i t t in g M a c h i n e s ................. 36K n i t t i n g M ach in e C o n s t r u c t io n ............................................................................ 69S to p M o t io n for K n i t t in g M a c h i n e s ..................................................................... 69M a c h in e fo r T r e a t in g Co t to n ............................................................................... 69Clo th F in i s h in g ........................................................................................................... 69D y e in g Y a r n s ................................. 70W a r p i n g a n d B ea m in g M a c h i n e .......................................................................... 70F ib e r C o n d i t io n in g ...................................................................................................... 70P r e p a r a t io n of K n i t t e d F a b r i c s ....................... 70H a n d W h e e l D o o m M e c h a n i s m ............................................................................ 71P 'eed ing M ech an ism for H o s ie ry P r e s s e s ........................................................ 71P i le F a b r ic F r a m e ........................................................................................................ 71H a lo g e n a t io n of A n th raq u in o n e D e r iv a t iv e s ................................................. 71C o m p o u n d in g Colors ................................................................................................. 71C o lo r in g M ach in e ...................................................................................................... 72P a ra n i t ro a n i l in e f rom P a r a n i t r o a c e ta n i l id ........................................................ 72S a lv a g e T r i m m e r for L o o m s ................................................................................... 72Cellulose f rom V egetab le M a t t e r .......................................................................... 107T r e a t m e n t of C e l lu lo se ............................................................................................... 107C h ro m iu m C o m p o u n d s of Azo D y es tu f f s .......................................................... 107C o a t in g F a b r ic w i th V u lcan izab le P la s t i c M a te r i a l .................................. 107C o lo r Compos it io n ............................................................................................ . . . 107F a b r i c S t r ip p in g M a c h i n e ........................................................................................ 107D r y in g and S h ap in g La ce H o s i e r y ..................................................................... 107B le ach in g C o t to n ......................................................................................................... 107K n i t t i n g M ach in e ........................................................................................................ 107Slic ing M echan ism for C ircu la r K n i t t in g M a c h i n e .................................... 103T h r e a d C arr ie r S to p M echan ism for C irc u la r K n i t t in g M a c h i n e s . . . 108T u c k in g and D r o p S t i t ch M echan ism for K n i t t in g M a c h i n e s .............. 108C o k in g R e to r t O v e n .................................................................................................... 108R eg e n e ra t i v e Coke O v e n .......................................................................................... 108W a r p D y e in g M a c h i n e ................................... 108T r e a tm e n t of Ar tif ic ia l G oods from V is c o s e ................................................. 139W a r p D y e in g B e a m ...................................................... 140B le ach ing T e x t i l e F ib e r s and F ab r ic s and T i s s u e s ................................... 140P ro ces s of B le ach in g M a t e r i a l ............................................................................ 142M a c h in e for M a k in g Tu l le ...................................................................................... 143D y es tu f f s D y e in g on M o r d a n t .............................................................................. 144C o k e-O v en H e a t in g W a l l ....................................................................................... 176P urif ic a tion of A n t h r a q u i n o n e ............................................................................... 176P urif ic a tion of C ru d e A n t h r a c e n e ....................................................................... 176T u b u l a r F a b r ic s ..................... 177D r a w in g T u b e for R in g S p in n in g M a c h i n e s . . . . ........................................ 178B ea te r for C o t to n P i c k e r s ..................................................................................... 179A ce t ic A n h y d r id e ......................................................................................................... 180D y e in g A p p a r a tu s ........................ .. . . . .................................................................. 209A p p a r a tu s for T re a t in g W ool , S lu b b in g Yarns , e t c ................. 210C o a t in g F a b r i c s ............................................................................................................ 211D y e in g M a c h in e ........................................................................................................... 212V a t Dyestuffs ................................................................................................................. 213Azo D yes .............. 214A p p a r a tu s for Artificial S i l k . . . ........................................... . . . .......................... 215D e te rm in i n g Q u a n t i ty of Chemica l to Be Added to U n i t V o lum e of

W a t e r to P i t I t fo r U se in the A r t s ....................... 215D y e in g M ach ine ........................................................................................................... 246F ra c t io n a l D is t i l l ing A p p a r a t u s ............................................................................. 247Colo r Iden t i fy in g A p p a r a t u s ................................................................................. 249F i b e r T r e a t in g M a c h i n e ......................................................................................... 271A p p a ra tu s for D y e i n g . . . . . . .................................................................................. 271Vert ica l R e to r t fo r C a rbon iz ing C o a l ................................................................ 277C a rd in g or S t r a ig h te n in g the F ibe rs of C o t t o n ............................................ 311Artif ic ial Goods f rom V isco se .............................................................................. 312M a n u fa c t u re of R e so rc in o l ..................................................................................... 313M ach ine for Spinn ing . W a sh i n g and D yeing Viscose T h r e a d s ............ 314T e x t i l e D r y in g M a c h i n e ......................................................................................... 315K n i t t i n g M ach in e ....................................................................................................... 353O r th o - o x y m o n o a z o D y es ......................................................................................... 354O r th o - o x y a z o D y es .................................................................................................... 387A z o D y es ........................................................................................................................ 388O r th o -o x y azo D y es for W o o l . . ............................................................................. 389C lo th P l a i t i n g o r P i l i n g M a c h i n e ........................................................................ 389P ro cess of D y e i n g ......................................................................................................... 390B le ach in g P o w d e r ........................................................................................................ 413S u ed e C o t to n C l o t h . ................ 414Dyes tu f fs of th e In d ig o S e r ie s ............................................................................... 415D eco m p o s in g Soapy W a t e r s .................................................................................... 416B ro w n D y e .................................................................................................................... 417Alkyl Anil ines ............................................................................................................... 417

P iece D y e in g of L a d ie s ’ D res s Goods and C o a t in g s w i th Acid Colors (B . T . C . ) —

P a r t I .................................................................................................................................. 217P a r t I I .................................................... 255

P iece D y e in g W o o len s a n d W o r s t e d s ( F i s k ) ..................................................... 151P iece G o o d s : Ex p e r ien ce s w i th S h ad y ( P u t n a m ) ........................................... 341

Subjec t P ag eP l a n t : Safet> in th e D y e ............................................................................................ 47Pongee Silk T roub les ( L o e b l ) ................................................................................... 439P rac t ica l Science of K ie r Boil ing ( W e e d o n ) ........................................................ 37P r in t i n g of F o u la r d s : D y e in g a n d .......................................................................... 84P R O C E E D I N G S O F T H E A M E R I C A N A S S O C I A T I O N O F T E X ­

T I L E C H E M I S T S A N D C O L O R I S T S —9, 49, 85, 121, 157. 193, 229, 331, 37 3, 441

RR ed u c t io n of V a t D y e s : Different ial ( M u r r a y ) ............................................. 17R ed u c t io n V a t Dyes, and T h e ir U se ( H a d l e y ) ............................................... 289R E V I E W S [Ti tles in some cases are abbrev ia ted] —

P r esen ce of Acids in C l o t h ...................................................................................... 32Som e Uses of H y p o ch lo r i tes in Tex ti le M i l l s .............................................. 32New P rocess of S co u r in g and B le a c h in g ......................................................... 33Artif ic ial Silks ............................................................................................................ 33Prin cip les of W ors te d S p in n in g ........................................................................ 33M an u fac tu re of V a t D y e s ....................................................................................... 33Coke O ven and By-product W o rk s C h e m is t ry ............................................... 67The Carboniz ing P ro c e s s .......................................................................................... 67Glossa ry of Tex ti le T e r m s ........................................................................................ 67C o t ton Spinn ing .......................................................................................................... 08Ble ach ing ........................................................... 68Cotton F a c t s ................................................................................................................ 1 06T h in Boi l ing S ta r c h e s ............................................................................................... 1 06Dress, Blouse and Cos tum e C lo t h s ...................................................................... 106F u n d a m e n ta l s of Colo r Researc h for T e x t i l e s ............................................... 138A lp h a-A m in o an th raq u in o n e ..................................................................................... 138System a t ic Q ua l i ta t ive Chemical A n a ly s i s ...................................................... 139Boiled-Off L iq u o r in the D y e B a t h ............................................ 1 7 3P a te n ts and Chemica l R e s e a rc h ............................................................................. 1 7 4M an u al of S tan d a rd P r ac t ice for the Power L a u n d ry W a s h r o o m . . 174Tex ti le Raw M ate r ia ls and T h e ir Convers ion in to Y a r n s ................... 208Applica tion of th e P r in c ip le s of Efficiency to the Teach in g ot

C hem is try ................................................................................................................... 208T h e P o p u la r Chemical D ic t io n a r y ......................................................................... 242Tex ti le M athemat ic s . P a r t I I .............................................................................. 242T h e J u t e I n d u s t r y ......................................................................................................... 242T h e Cotton I n d u s t r y in F r a n c e ........................................................................... 242Tex ti le M ach ine D r a w i n g ......................................................................................... 243T r a i t de T issage au J a c q u a r d ........................................................................... 243Book of the W o r ld Cot to n C o n feren ce .............................................................. 269Dis ti llat ion Princip le s and P r o c e s s e s ........................................................ . . . 270In t ro d u c t io n to Tex t i l e C h e m is t r y ......................................................................... 270F u n d am e n ta l P rocesses of Dye C h e m is t r y ...................................................... 307F i r e H a z a r d s in Chemica l P l a n t s ............................................. 3 3 5L u b r ica t io n of W o o l ..................................................................................................... 386P a te n t s and Chemica l R e s e a rc h ................................................................................386D ecor t i ca t ion of F ib ro u s P l a n t s .................................................................. 386Y arn P r in t i n g .....................................................................................................’ ’ ’ * 3 3 7Some O bse rva t ions on th e Behavio r of Oxidized C e l l u l o s e . " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 418T r a n s p a r e n t Effects on C o t t o n .............................................................................. 4 1 sB leaching ................................................................................................’ " . ’ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 419

SSafety in th e D y e P l a n t ...............................................................................................S chult z-G reen N u m b e r s : A C ro ss - In d ex of Green-Schu lt z and

( w a l e s ) .......................................................................................................................S co u r in g and Mil l ing ^Schof ie ld ) .............................................................................Scour ing of T ex t i l e s : Clean liness in th e ( S c h o f i e l d ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ !.Shaded Goods ( B i e r y ) ...................................................................................................S hadedness and C lo u d ed n ess : Some Causes of ( Jo h n so n , F . E . )’ ! ! ! ! .S h ad y and for Cloudy G o o d s : T h e Causes for ( B u m e ) .............................S h ad y Piece G oods : Experiences with ( P u t n a m ) ...................................... ..S hoddy M ate r ia l s : D y e in g of ( S i d e b o t t o m ) ....................................................S ilk and Co t to n : Tw o-Colo r Effects on ( P i e r c e ) ......................... . . . . . . !S i lk : Ex t rac t io n of Oils and So ap from T h r o w n ( M u d g e ) ............ . ! ! .S i lk : T h e D y e in g of Ace tyl ( B r i g g s ) ...................................................................Silk to W ash ing , S co u r in g and F u l l i n g : A. A. T. C. C. Provis ional

M e th o d on F as tn ess of D y e d .........................................................................S ilks : Cause of N ibs and Lous iness in D yed ( L e w i s ) . . . , . ,S i lk s : T r e a t in g ....................................................................................................... ’Silk T ro u b le s : P o n g ee ( L o e b l ) ............................................................ . " " . " !Soap : D ye ( B r a i n e r d ) .......................................................Soap from T h r o w n S i lk : E x t rac t i o n of Oils and ( M u d g e ) . . . . . . . . . ’ .*S o a p : M o d ern Views on (G o ld th w ai t ) —

P a r t I ..........................................................................................P a r t I I ................................................ " ...............................P a r t h i ............................................... ......v . v ; . v ; ; ; ;

Sodium Sulphide in a Su lp h u r B lack Dye B a t h : E lec t ro m etr ic T i t r a ­ti on as a M ean s of D e te rm in in g the F ree [A b s t r a c t ] (Russe ll andA rn o ld ) .......................................................................................................................

S tan d a rd iz in g D y e s : T e s t in g and ( G r e e n h a l g h ) ........................S ugges ted M eth o d for F i l in g Sam p le D yein gs (A d am s , E. W A . . . . " S u lp h u r Black D ye B a t h : E lec t rom etr ic T i t r a t io n as a M ean s of D e ­

te rm in in g the F r e e Sod iu m Su lp h id e in a [A b s t r a c t ] (Russe ll and A rno ld ) ....................................................................................................


46]349295338340 337341 253









T es t in g and S tan d a rd iz in g Dyes ( G r e e n h a l g h ) ................................................ 3 3 1T e s ts for th e F as tn es s of D yes tu f fs : D eve lopm ent ot ( M u r r a y ) . ! ! ! . . 231 Tex t i l e F a b r i c s : O rg an ic Acids U sed in the T r e a tm e n t of ( H a l l ) . . ! ! 298 Tex t i l e F a b r i c s : S o m e Chemica l Aspects of W a te r -p ro o f in g and M il ­

dew -P roof ing [ A b s t r a c t ] (A d am s , W. H . ) ................................................. 334T ex t i l e s : C lean liness in the S co u r in g of (S c h o f ie ld ) ......... ............ 295T H I N G S E V E R Y T E X T I L E C H E M I S T S H O U L D K N O W — " ”

No. 1 — T h e F u n d a m e n ta l Dif ference Between V eg e tab le and Anim alF ib e r s ............................................................................................................ 44

No. 2 — T w o T ypes of B le ach in g : O x id a t io n and R e d u c t io n ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 77No. 3— H y g ro sc o p ic M ois tu re , P e r C en t M ois tu re Co n ten t , and P e r

Cent R eg a in .............................................................................................No. 4 — Recla imed and E x t r a c t e d Animal F i b e r s . . " 294No. 5 - ^ M a n u f a c tu r e d F ib ers ............................................................

T o p D ye in g . Causes of U n ev en n ess in ( S p e n c e r ) ............ .. . . .................... 340T w o-C olor Effects on Silk and C o t to n ( P i e r c e ) . . . . . . . . . . , ’ ................. 40T y p e w r i te r R ibbons and C a rb o n Papei : M a n u fa c tu re of ( N asYett) 403

Page 4: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff …AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 44E American Dyestuff Reporter INDEX TO VOLUME X January 2, 1922, to June 19, 1922, Inclusive [Note—Extra


S u b jec t P a g e

VV a t Dyes, and T h e i r Use : R ed u c t io n ( H a d l e y ) .............................................. 289V a t D y es : C o lo r R ea c t io n s for the Iden t if ic a tion of A n th race n e

( M u r r a y ) .................................................................. 1 5 9V a t D y es : D if feren t ia l R ed u c t io n of ( M u r r a y ) ............................................. 17V e g e ta b le F ib e r I n d u s t r y : T h e G e r m a n ............................................................ 79

WW a r p D y e in g : Som e E x p e r ien ces w i th U n ev en ( H a s k e l l ) ........................... 339W arp. Y a r n Mercerizing ( S t e a d ) ............................................................................... 437W a te r -p ro o f in g and M ild ew-proof ing T e x t i l e F a b r i c s : Some Chemica l

A sp e c ts of [ A b s t r a c t ] (A d am s , W . I I . ) ..................................................... 334

Subjec tW a t e r Purif ic a tion for T e x t i l e P u rp o se s [ A b s t r a c t ] ( W e s t o n ) ...................... l a *W a te r W h ich Affec t D y e in g : I m p u r i t i e s in ( I i a d f i c l d ) .............................. 75W o o l : A f te r -C h ro m in g of (C la f l i n ) ........................................................................ ^9 7W ool and W o rs te d P ie c e s : N o te s on D y e in g ( K n o x ) ................................ 369W ool as Raw S to c k : D y e in g ( B a t t y e ) ................................................................ 43oW ool Dyeir.g : T e ch n ica l and P ract ica l F a u l t s i n ............................................. 259W ool for I l e m a t in e : M o r d a n t in g ( C r a v e n ) ............................................. 406W o o l to Fu ll ing , S co u r in g and W a s h i n g : A. A. T. C. C. P rovis ional

M e th o d on F a s tn e s s of D y e d . . . ............ ......................................................... 332W oolens and W o r s t e d s . P iece D y e in g ( F i s k ) ................................................ 151W o rs te d D re s s F a b r i c s : D yeing ( M a t o s ) .......................................................... 383W o r s te d s : Piece D yeing W oo len s and ( F i s k ) .................................................. 151W o rs te d P iec es : N o te s on D y e in g Wool and ( K n o x ) ................................. 369

Author Index

A u th o r P a g eA D A M S , E. W . —

S u g g es ted M eth o d for F i l i n g Sample D y e i n g s .............................................. 433A D A M S , W . H . —

W a te r -p ro o f in g and Mildew-proofing Tex t i l e F a b r i c s ............................... 334A L E X A N D E R , S I R W I L L I A M —

'E n g la n d M u s t F o r m u la te “ E m p ir e P o l ic y ” in D ea l in g with I n t e r ­n a t io n a l D ye S i t u a t i o n ........................................................................................... 95

A R N O L D , S. T .—E lec t ro m e t r i c T i t r a t io n as a M eans of D e te rm in in g the F ree Sodium

S u lph ide in a S u lp h u r Black D y e Bath (in co l labora t io n with W . W . R U S S E L L ) :

P a r t I ................................................................................................................... 346B A R R A C L O U G H , C. E .—

A H is to r ic a l Survey of D y e i n g ............................................................................. 80B A T T Y E , R A L P H J .—

D y e in g W o o l as R aw S t o c k .................................................................................. 435B I E R Y . T H O M A S J . —

Shaded Goods ................................................................................................................. 338BRAT N E R D , A R T H U R T .—

D y e Soap .......................................................................................................................... 3T h e J o b D y e h o u s e ......................................................................................................... 361

B R I G G S , J. F .— .T h e D y e in g of A cety l S i l k .................................................................................... 42

B. T . C.—T h e P iece D y e in g of L a d ie s ’ D ress Goods and Coa t ings with Acid

Co lo rs •P a r t I .................................................. : .............................................................. 217P a r t I I ................................................................................................................ 255

B U M E , L O U I S F . —Causes for S h ad y and C lo u d y G o o d s .................................................................... 337

C H A S E , R O S C O E L.—M erce r iza t io n ................................................................................................................ 52

C L A F L I N , A L A N A.—T h e A f te r -C h ro m in g of W o o l ............................................................................... 397

C R A V E N , A. B.—M o r d a n t in g W o o l for H e m a t i n e ........................................................................... 406

E A S T M A N , H . W . —T h e Contro l of Bleach H o u s e P ro cesse s : P a r t I V .................................. 114

( N o te — F o r P a r t s I, I I and I I I , see I n d ex to preced ing V olu m e.)

E M M O N S , G E ( ) R G E —F a s tn e s s of Basic D yes to L i g h t ........................................................................

F A R C .H E R , G E O R G E R O B E R T —T h e Chem ica l C o n s t i t u en ts of Raw Co t to n ( in co l la bora t io n with

J O H N C H A R L E S W I T H E R S ) .....................................................................F I S K , H. J . —

Piece D y e in g W o o len s and W o r s t e d s ..............................................................G O L D T H W A I T , C H A R L E S F .—

D ecim al P o u n d s or M etr ic W e i g h t s ...................................................................M o d e rn V iew s on S o a p :

P a r t I ...................................................................................................................P a r t f l ...............................................................................................................P a r t I I I ................... ..................................... ....................................................

C h a r t s for the D yeh o u s e ( in co l labora t ion with J O H N E. H O F F ) . . G R E E N H A L G H , E.—

T e s t in g and S tan d a rd iz in g D y e s ..........................................................................G R I E R , W I L L I A M G.—

Chemica l F i r e H a z a r d s ..............................................................................................H A D F I E L D , T —

Im p u r i t i e s in W a t e r W hich Affect D y e i n g .....................................................H A D L E Y , W A L T E R E.—

R educ t ion V a t Dyes, and T h e i r L ' s c ................................................................H A L L . A. J —

O rg an ic Acids Used in the T re a tm e n t of Tex ti le F a b r i c s ...................H A S K E L L , W A L T E R F .—

Exper iences w i th U neven W a r p D y e in g .........................................................H A S S E T T , P A U L J .—

T h e M an u fac tu re of T y p e w r i te r R ibbons and C arb o n P a p e r .................H O F F , J O H N E .—

C h ar t s for the D yehouse (in co l labora t ion with C H A R L E S F.G O L D T H W A I T ) ..................................................................................................

H U E B N E R , J .—T h e Effect of Sco u r in g and Ble ach ing U pon the S t ru c tu re and

S t r e n g th of Co tton F a b r i c s .................................................................................




11 < 9 153 188 325









A u th o r P ageJ O H N S O N , A. K .—

Th e M ic ro sco p e : An Im p o r t a n t I n d u s t r i a l I n s t r u m e n t in Ana lysis ,T e s t in g and M a n u f a c tu r e :

P a r t I ................................................................................................................... 145P a r t I I ................................................................................................................ 184P a r t I I I .............................................................................................................. 257P a r t I V ................................................................................................................ 290

J O H N S O N , F R A N K E —Som e Causes of S h ad ed n ess and C lo u d e d n e s s ................................................ 340

IC N E C H T , E D M U N D —O n th e Action of Dilu te S u lp h u r ic Acid on Co t to n Cel lulose, and an

I m p ro v e d M eth o d of T e s t in g for O xyce l lu lose ( in co l labora t ionwith E. P. T H O M P S O N ) ...................... '.......................................................... 8

K N O X , J O S E P H A.—N o tes on D y e in g W ool and W o rs te d P i e c e s ................................................369

L E W I S , L. C.—Cause of N ibs and L o u s in ess in D yed S i lk s ................................................ 327

L O E B L , J O S E F — wP o n g ee Silk T r o u b l e s .................................................................................................. 439

M A T O S , L O U I S J .—D y e in g W o rs te d D ress F a b r i c s ............................... 383

M U D G E , 11. S.—E x t rac t i o n of Oils and Soap from T h r o w n S i l k ........................................ 377

M U R R A Y . W A L L A C E J .—Differentia l R educ t ion of V a t D y e s ....................................................................... 17A B ib l io g rap h y of L i te ra tu re on the F a s tn e s s of D y e s ........................... 123T h e D evelopm ent of T e s t s for th e F a s tn e s s of D y e s tu f f s ...................... 231

P E N S EL . G E O R G E R.—L o g a r i th m ic C o n s tan t s for th e Tex t i l e C h e m is t .........................................

P I E R C E , E. W A L L A C E —Tw o -C o lo r Effects o n Silk a n d C o t t o n ............................................................F a s tn e s s to L i g h t ...........................................................................................................

K A E P P L E R , J O S E P P I M.—T h e P a d d e r in the D y e in g of C o t to n P iece G o o d s ....................................

P U T N A M , L E V E R E T T N —A F ew of the I m p o r t a n t F a c to r s A ffec ting th e A pplica ti on of D y e ­

s tu f fs ..............................................................................................................................Experiences with S h ad y P iece G o o d s .................................................................

R U S S E L L , W. W .—Elec t ro m e tr ic T i t r a t io n as a M eans of D e te rm in in g th e F r e e Sodium

Sulphide in a Su lp h u r Bla ck D y e Ba th ( in co l labora t ion with S. T. A R N O L D ) :

P a r t I ..................................................................................................................S A N S O N E, R A F F ;A E L E—

D y e in g C o t to n Clo th in Cold and S l igh t ly W a r m e d B a th s with D irec t Co lo r ing M a t t e r s ......................................................................................

N o te s on the D y e in g of D irec t Bla cks on Cot to n P iece G o o d s ............SC I I O F I E L D , J O H N —

Clean liness in the S co u r in g of T e x t i l e s ............................................................S co u r in g and M i l l in g .................................................................................................

S C H R O E D E R , C. M. E D W A R D —T h e Contro l of Ch lo r ine in the B le ach ing of C o t to n G o o d s ...................

S I D E B O T T O M . L E O N W . —T h e D y e in g of Sh o d d y M a te r i a l s ................................................ 1 ....................

S P E NC ER, F R E D E R I C K —Causes of Unevenness in T o p D y e i n g .............................................................

S T E A D , L A W R E N C E A.—W a r p Y arn M e r c e r i z in g ...........................................................................................

S T E P H E N S , H A R R Y I I .—P ly d ro -E x t rac to r s : T h e i r LTse and A b u se .......................................................

T A Y L O R , R. L.—N otes on E lypoch lorous Acid and Chlor ine, w i th Com p ar iso n s of

T h e i r B leach ing A c t i o n .........................................................................................T E M P L E T O N , G E O R G E E.—

T h e C o n s t ru c t io n , D ve in g and F in i s h in g of H o m e s p u n s ........................T H O M P S O N . E. P .—

O n th e Action of Dilu te Su lp hur ic Acid on Cotton Cellu lose, and an Im p ro v ed M e th o d of T e s t in g fe r O xycel lu lo se (in co l labora t ionwith E D M U N D K N E C H T ) .............................................................................

W A L E S , H . [Colo r L a b o r a to r y , U. S B u rea u of C hem is t ry ] —A C ro ss- In d ex of G reen-Schult z and Schult z-Green N u m b e r s ............

W E E D O N , D. R.—P rac t ica l Science of K ie r B o i l i n g .......................................................................

W E S T O N , R O B E R T S PU R R .—W a te r Purif icat ion for Tex t i l e P u r p o s e s ..........................................................

W I T H E R S , J O H N C H A R L E S —T h e Chemica l C o n s t i tu en ts of Raw Cotton (in co l labora t io n with

G E O R G E R O B E R T F A R G H E R ) ................................................................


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