www.LucyAnnMoll.com 5 Amazing Names God Calls You! scripture, photos, and words of truth spoken in love Embracing Your True Identity in Christ Lucy Ann Moll

Amazing Names God Calls You! - Lucy Ann Moll - …lucyannmoll.com/5-Amazing-Names.pdf · Amazing Names God Calls You! ... for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is

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5 Amazing



Calls You!

scripture, photos, and words of truth spoken in love

Embracing Your True Identity in Christ

Lucy Ann Moll

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5 AMAZING NAMES GOD CALLS YOU © 2011 by Lucy Ann Moll Cover image by Microsoft Publisher clip art collection Photographs by Microsoft Publisher clip art collection Scripture quotations were taken from: The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV) © 1973, 1984 by International Bible Society. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reprinted or used without prior permission

To my guys, Steve and John,

with the prayer that the gospel of God’s grace will continue to guide you, impressing on your heart your need you know

who you are and

whose you are.

Ephesians 5:1

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From My Heart

1 Chosen

2 Blessed

3 Daughter

4 Saint

5 His

Closing Thoughts

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“I used to think I

had my ducks in a

row, quacking in

perfect harmony.

But my life as I

planned it wasn’t

working. At all.”

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God has blessed me with a new song to sing, a hymn of praise and

thanksgiving, truth and grace. Especially grace.

How I need grace!

I used to think I had my ducks in a row, quacking in perfect har-

mony. But my life as I planned it wasn‟t working. At all.

Restless. Confused. Panicky. Seething. Sad. I threw the best pity par-

ties but no one came. Even after I became a believer in Jesus Christ

as my Savior.

Why? Why such inner turmoil as a Christian woman?

Two reasons: I had yet to embrace the truth of who I am and

whose as I am. Only by God‟s grace — his gift to me — am I able to

know and believe the wonderful truth of my true identity in Christ:

Chosen, Blessed, Daughter, Saint, His.

Once I embraced the truth of who I am and whose I am, my inner

turmoil vanished.

Well, almost.

More than I care to admit, I fall back in my old ways, play old tapes

of self-condemnation, and suffer anew. Thank God for his patience

and loving-kindness because when I mess up, he graciously bathes

me in his truth, reminding me that I belong to him.

What about you, sweet sister?

Do you know and believe the twin truths of who you are and whose

you are? Be encouraged. Our Father will show you. He is Truth and

Love and the One in whom you may trust. In him you are safe. Are

you ready for our truth journey to the heart of God? Let‟s go.

Blessings of real hope,


From My Heart

Psalm 40:3

He has given

me a new

song to sing,

a hymn of

praise. Many

will see what

he has done

and be


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“Before you took

your first baby

step, before you

were conceived,

before God

fashioned the

heavens and the

earth, he chose


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The college sorority sister cautioned us hopefuls during “rush”:

“Please don‟t „suicide‟ by listing only one sorority you like. If you list

only one and the sorority doesn‟t choose you, that‟s it. You have no

place to go but the dorms.”

So what did I do? I “died.”

Not literally, of course. The single sorority I listed didn‟t choose me.

Shut in my dorm room, I cried. A lot. I felt rejected and stupid, ugly

and tossed out. . .like trash. Shoved into a can and rolled to the curb.

Dumped in the landfill. Alone.

Can you recall a time you were not chosen or chosen last?

Wasn’t it awful?

Now the good news: God has chosen you. Yes, you. Let this word

warm you from nose to toes. An amazing name for you.

Jesus told his disciples that he chose them. He chose them simply


John 15:16

You did not

choose me,

but I chose

you and


you to go and

bear fruit—

fruit that will


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because he chose them. No test to pass. No contest. No nothing. You can do

nothing to become more chosen by God.

Not more prayer.

Or more bible study.

Or good works. Or anything.

He Picked You-percent chosen.

The Apostle Paul told the believers in Ephesus that God chose us (that is,

every believer in Christ) to be in the Son before the creation of the world.

Don‟t miss this point. Before you took your first baby step, before you were

conceived, before God fashioned the heavens and the earth, he chose you.

God chose you in love. You and I can take no credit for our salvation. Your

salvation is a gift from God.

He chose you for a purpose: to be holy and blameless in his sight. If you‟re

like me, you may think, “Me? Holy and blameless?”


Holiness is fundamental to God‟s character. “You shall be holy, for I am

holy,” we read in 1 Peter 1:16. How? With the help of the Holy Spirit, who

lives inside every believer.

Becoming holy takes time. God makes you holy — in his time.

It‟s tough to wait. Chances are, you want the fruit of the Spirit (which display

a moral portrait of Christ) — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control — now. I know I do.

Hmm. Patience, now? It sounds like I have a ways to go. How about you?

Wonderfully, the second part of God‟s purpose — to be blameless before him


For he chose us in him before the creation of

the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

Ephesians 1:4

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— has already occurred in you as long as you are in Christ.

When? Where? How? Let‟s find out.

In Him

The moment you trusted Jesus as your Savior, your old self died. You became a new creation. You

are in Christ and Christ is in you.

This “in” means you have a place as a member of Christ‟s body, vitally united with him. The death,

resurrection and ascension of Jesus — yes, the heart of the gospel — made possible your new iden-

tity. God now sees you as blameless because his Son is blameless, having paid the ultimate price to

conquer sin and death.

Being “in Christ” is the true you.

This is why God chose you.

You are free from the shackles of guilt that had chained you. Remember: You are chosen. This is your

name. It defines you. Think on this amazing truth. Delight in your true identity.

BONUS: Watch this powerful music video by Mary Mary, dramatizing the new you.

Amazing Name 1: Chosen!

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“When he chose

you, he blessed

you. Now you can

delight in blessing


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When my husband and I adopted our first child as well as the two

who followed, well-meaning folks often declared, “How blessed are

your children to have you as parents!”

I replied, “No, I am the blessed one.” And I meant it. God has not

only blessed me, he calls me blessed.

Like me, you are blessing, another amazing name God gives you.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, embraced this name. In the gospel of

Luke, she humbly boasts, “From now on all generations will call me

blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his

name” (1:48,49)

Do you embrace your blessedness?

The word “bless” means to speak well of someone. Mary‟s song in

Luke praises God‟s choice to exalt the humble and to bring humilia-

tion upon the proud and right. It‟s the great reversal. The strong

shall be weak, and the weak become strong.


Ephesians 1:3

Praise be to

the God and

Father of our

Lord Jesus

Christ, who

has blessed

us in the


realms with

every spiritual


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God gives blessings to believers.

In fact, he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly

realms. Every means every. . .even when you feel “less than.”

Life Is a Battle

Financial struggles, emotions like fear and depression, arguments at work

and home, illness, grief, inner turmoil — all these wage war in our mind,

body, and soul.

Thank God for his riches of blessings.

These blessings bestowed by God on you and me and all believers prepare us

for success in battle with the forces of evil who also are part of the heavenly

realms (that is, the unseen spiritual world).

So we need not feel “less than,” for God has armed us with every blessing we

need to win. Among the fiercest battlegrounds: the mind.

Blessed to Win-percent chosen.

God knows we need the reminder of our blessedness. In fact, Jesus too heard

the blessing when John the Baptizer baptized him in the Jordan River. God

spoke from heaven: “You are my Beloved Son, on you my favor rests.” This

blessing “sustained Jesus though all the praise and blame, admiration and

condemnation that followed. . . .Jesus never lost the intimate knowledge that

he was „the blessed one,‟” wrote Henri Nouwen in Life of the Beloved.

Yet we Christians often forget our true identity as “blessed.” Satan dupes us

with lies, which may have a kernel of truth.

Yes, I stupidly locked my keys in my minivan the other day. But am I stupid,

stupid, stupid? Satan insists I am. Will I believe Satan or God?


Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial,

because when he has stood the test, he will

receive the crown of life.

James 1:12

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Thoughts are powerful. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). When you think well

your emotions and actions will line up with God‟s purpose and plan for you, which is the abundant

life. The abundant life is a blessed life.

The Blessed Life

Your blessedness flows from the fact God chose you. (Peek at the previous chapter for details.) When

he chose you, he blessed you. Now you can delight in blessing others.

Let the love you have for God overflow to others.

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman. . .

whose mind thinks on her wonderful Lord,

whose lips praise his holy Name,

whose eyes see what matters most.

This is true of you, sweet sister, as you pour your cup of blessing on your family, your community,

even the world. Your name “blessed” speaks well of you. Most important, it speaks well of God, who

has equipped you with every spiritual blessing for success in a sin-stained world.

Remember: You are blessed. Celebrate your true identity.

BONUS: Check out (and print) my complimentary Think Well charts, showing you HOW to ex-

change ungodly, spirit-crunching thoughts for godly, spirit-lifting thoughts, helping you to feel and

act as a blessed Christian woman.

Amazing Name 2: Blessed!

Amazing Name 1: Chosen!

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 14

“Daughter” means

family. It means I

belong to

Someone. This

thought warms me

like a bowl of chili

on a rainy day. I

feel special, that I


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When I was a little girl, I didn‟t know what to make of my dad. Quiet,

even sullen, a rare smile. And yet, he taught me how to play chess

and instilled in me a love of football. He did the best he could.

Only years later did my dad get the medical help he needed. I was

glad for him. Sad for us. Growing up, I had wanted a Brady Bunch

kind of Dad. Daddy-daughter dates, shared jokes, tickles, and “I love

you.” I missed out.

But did I? Really?

Yes, I lacked a warm relationship with my flesh-and-bones dad and

felt confused over the term “Father” for God. (For instance, since my

dad was distant, I figured the Father was too.) But God answered my

questions and quelled my confusion.

One of his answers: “You are my precious daughter.” Daughter.

“Daughter” means family. It means I belong somewhere and to

Someone. This thought warms me like a bowl of chili on a rainy day.

I feel special, that I matter. What about you?


1 John 3:1

How great is

the love the

Father has

lavished on

us that we

should be

called chil-

dren of God!

And that is

what we are!

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 16

Have you embraced your true identity as a precious daughter of our heavenly

Father? If not why not? Did you grow up without a dad at home? Was your

father abusive? Or an alcoholic? Did he hurt you as no dad should?

If your dad wasn‟t there when you needed him, if he wounded you, my heart

cries for you and with you.

The good news for all daughters: Your Father in heaven adores you. You‟re

Daddy‟s girl. The apple of his eye.

In Ephesians, the apostle Paul wrote, “He predestined us to be adopted as

his [daughters] through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and

will — to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the

One he loves” (1:5,6; modification mine).

He Loves to Love You-percent chosen.

Being adopted was a big deal in ancient Roman law. (Rome ruled this region

of the world when Paul wrote Ephesians.) The adoptee was placed in a new

relationship with a new father. All debts were cancelled too.

As adopted daughters, we Christian women are freed from the debt of sin

and receive the rights of the God‟s own children.

Wow. This my response. What’s yours?

I marvel that the God of all creation would even know my name, let alone

embrace me as his precious daughter, safe and secure and loved.

Yet the Bible tells us God is love. Perfect love.

In the “love chapter” often read at weddings, we discover the true nature of

love. “Love is patient, love is kind. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is

not easily angered. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always

perseveres” (1 Corinthians 13:4,5,7).


He predestined us to be adopted as his

[daughters] through Jesus Christ, in accordance

with his pleasure and will.

Ephesians 1:5

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What‟s more, God not only loves us but also created each of us with care. “For you created my inmost

being; you knit me together in my mother‟s womb. I praise you for you are fearfully and wonderfully

made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14,15).

Whatever your shape, color, size — you are perfect to your Father. Of course you make mistakes like

everyone else. But you are not a mistake. God doesn‟t make mistakes and he made you, sweet sister.

Oh Baby

When my husband and I welcomed home our eldest child, my life turned upside down. I now had a

tiny baby completely dependent on me. She slept through the first three weeks of life, or so it

seemed, and woke up a holy terror. Yes, colic rocked her world and mine. I felt like such a failure.

Why couldn‟t I soothe her? Why won‟t she stop screaming?

Our heavenly Father never sees you as a failure. Ever.

He is your comfort. When you fear monsters, he invites you to crawl onto his lap and get a daddy

hug. His arms aren‟t too big to hold you. He won‟t abandon you.

You are God‟s daughter, forever more. Think on this truth. Dance in your true identity.

BONUS: Why not read my article, “Why Does God Allow Pain?”

Amazing Name 3: Daughter!

Amazing Name 2: Blessed!

Amazing Name 1: Chosen!

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 18

I had heard

limitless times

from the pulpit and

other Christians

that you, I and

every believer are

“sinners saved by

grace.” The truth:

we are saints.

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 19

At the Catholic school I attended, we did Halloween different than

the public schools. The public school kids turned into witches and

vampires, Superman and fairies. Not us. On All Saints‟ Day (the day

after Halloween), we dressed up as our patron saint.

My mom found fabric, probably a white sheet, and fashioned it into a

gown. Over the gown she slipped purple sash. A rope belted my

saintly garment. I felt special.

With great drama, I told my seven-year-old self: “My saint wasn‟t an

ordinary saint. She was a martyr, who could have gotten married but

she loved Jesus. Because she wouldn‟t do what the bad man wanted,

he stuck a dagger in her.” Hand to forehead, faint, play dead.

But it was all pretend, right? Only truly holy people become saints.

Not sinners like me. Like you.

Hmm. Let‟s see what the Bible says.

Wonderfully, we‟ll discover our next name: saint.


Romans 8:27

He who

searches our

hearts knows

the mind of

the Spirit, be-

cause the

Spirit inter-

cedes for all

the saints in


with God’s


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“Can a sinner be turned into a saint? Can a twisted life be made right?” asks

Oswald Chambers, rhetorically. In God‟s hands: YES!

Many epistles written by the apostle Paul address believers as saints.

Here are just three:

In Second Corinthians, “To the church of God in Corinth, together with all

the saints throughout Achaia; Grace and peace to you from God our Father

and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

In Ephesians, “To the saints in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus.”

In Philippians, “To all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the

overseers and deacons.”

Had you overlooked these references? They appear at the beginning of the

letters, easy to skim over to get to the good stuff of theology and practical ap-

plication of biblical truth. Here are other references defining believers as

saints: Romans 8:27;Ephesians 1:15, 1:16, 6:18; Philemon :7.

A Sinning Saint? chosen.

“Saint” in the Bible means “holy one” or “consecrated person.” It doesn‟t

mean sinless. In short, any Christian is a saint.

When God opened by eyes to this truth, my jaw dropped. I had heard limit-

less times from the pulpit and other Christians that you and I and every be-

liever are “sinners saved by grace.” While true, this identification tells half

the story — the sin side (and, yes, we each sin and have flaws). The other half

is equally important: In Christ you are loved, welcomed and a saint.

At this very moment, God is conforming you to the precious image of his

Son. Romans 8:29 tells us, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to

be conformed to the likeness of his Son.”


The Spirit intercedes for the saints in

accordance with God’s will.

Romans 8:27

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God‟s plan for you is to become like Jesus. The fancy word for this process is sanctification. When

you trusted in Jesus as your Savior, God sanctified you. It‟s a done deal.

As mentioned, sanctification is also happening as God changes you, empowering you to overcome sin

in your life. Yes, you are a saint but you also sin. A sinning saint. An oxymoron? Not in God‟s

business of turning messes into masterpieces. It is your divine design.

Divine Design

God wants you to grow in godliness. And you will. What God begins, he finishes. He has begun a

good work in you. Philippians 4:19 reads, “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glo-

rious riches in Christ Jesus.”

The Holy Spirit works in you so you desire what God desires. God himself put his holy desires in your

heart. So you‟re getting a complete makeover, sweet sister, from the inside out. Yet there will be in-


Our enemy points out your sins, gaffs, and blunder all the time. Why? To get your eyes off Jesus. He

wants to discredit Jesus‟ perfect sacrifice and thus steal your joy. Don‟t let him. You have God‟s

power to believe the truth that you are a saint loved by the Most High. . .forever.

You are free from the identity of sinner (even though you still mess up and sin). Remember: You are

a saint. Think on this truth. Rejoice in your true identity.

BONUS: Read my blog post on secrets and healing. While at my blog, please subscribe to receive

regular posts (typically three a week). Thanks! :-)

Amazing Name 4: Saint!

Amazing Name 3: Daughter!

Amazing Name 2: Blessed!

Amazing Name 1: Chosen!

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 22

Here’s another


truth: the Father

loves you just as

much as he loves

his Son.

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 23

Do you remember the day you prayed, “Jesus, please save me from

my sins and be my Lord”? You claimed him as your own and, in a

nanosecond, you became his.

My earth-shaking nanosecond: Age 23, out of work, at the library

looking for a home decorating book, brought home Basic Christian-

ity by John Stott instead, and the rest — as it‟s said — is “his story.”

Did you know you God planned to make you his?

Even before you became a believer, he had his eyes on you. “We love

because he first loved us,” reads 1 John 4:19. God is the great initia-


Here‟s another mind-blowing truth: the Father loves you just as


Ephesians 1:13,14

You were

marked with a

seal, guaran-

teeing our in-

heritance un-

til the re-

demption of

those who are



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much as he loves his Son. He cannot love you any more than he does, or any

less. He is love.

“Father, I want those that you have given me to be with me where I am, and

to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the

creation of the world,” Jesus prayed (John 17:24). This was the very night

Judas betrayed him and Roman guards hauled him off.

Wow. . .those that you have given me. This means all believers are his.

As his you have numerous privileges. Here are three.

H iding Place.

Jesus is able and willing to comfort you. He loves you so much that he died

in your place on the cross that you may not only find forgiveness but also

freedom — from fear, anger, guilt, addictions, envy, discouragement and de-

spair. He hasn‟t removed you from all the difficulties you face but he is with

you in them.

“You are my hiding place:

You will protect me from trouble

And surround me with songs of deliverance.”

Psalm 32:7

God is your hiding place. Run to him life‟s troubles are closing in. He is your

safe place.

True I dentity

The world tell us women that we‟re trash: not pretty enough, not smart

enough, not good enough. God‟s mirror reflects your true identity in Christ:


Father, I want those that you have given me to

be with me where I am, and to see my glory.

John 17:24

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Chosen, Blessed, Daughter, Saint, His! When you‟re tempted to tell yourself a lie, like “I‟m such an

idiot” or “I‟m just a mom,” fight back with God‟s truth. Even play with the five names I‟ve listed here:

I am His Chosen and Blessed Daughter who also happens to be a Saint, thank you very much.

You are who God says you are! Believe it. Believe God.

S olid Rock

On the rock you shall stand. Jesus told Peter, “On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of

Hades will not overcome it.” What is the rock? Most theologians agree that “rock,” or petra in Greek,

is the believer‟s faith that Jesus is God.

Your faith sustains you in tough times. It overflows your cup with joy.

You are heaven-bound, sealed by the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13,14 says: “Having believed you were

marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance

until the redemption of those who are God‟s possession.”

What God seals he doesn‟t unseal, sweet sister. You are his possession.

You are his!

This is the true you.

You are free to know and believe you are who God says you are: his, forever. Think on this truth.

Bask in your true identity. Praise him.

BONUS: On pages 28 and 29, I have an amazing offer for you.

Amazing Name 5: His!

Amazing Name 4: Saint!

Amazing Name 3: Daughter!

Amazing Name 2: Blessed!

Amazing Name 1: Chosen!

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 26

God is faithful. He

pulled me out of a

pit of depression,

pride, fear, and

selfishness. He’ll

help you too and

give you rest. He

loves you so much,

sweet sister.

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 27

Chosen, Blessed, Daughter, Saint, His — these five amazing names

God calls you is only the beginning.

He also calls you Forgiven, Treasured, Bride, Beloved, and even

Warrior. You are a soldier in God‟s army of truth. And you will win.

A guaranteed victory.

For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you

against your enemies to give you victory.

Deuteronomy 20:4

My prayer for you is that you‟ll embrace your true identity in Christ

and you will seek God first. As you seek him , the Holy Spirit will re-

mind you of whose you are. You belong to Jesus.

Yes, the cares of the world pull us in every direction. Dirty laundry.

Unpaid bills. A migraine. And worse, much worse.

The big question: When troubles come, will you determine

to fix your eyes on Jesus?

Here‟s good news: As you focus on Jesus, your troubles become

manageable. You may even welcome them. Why? In the crucible of

suffering you learn patience and perseverance. You comfort others

because the God of comfort has comforted you.

And more good news: It‟s okay if you‟re struggling to find your focus.

You will get there. Promise. God is faithful. He pulled me out of a

pit of depression, pride, fear, and selfishness. He‟ll help you too and

give you rest. He loves you so much, sweet sister.

Blessings of real hope,


Closing Thoughts

Deuteronomy 20:4

For the Lord

your God is

the one who

goes with you

to fight for

you against

your enemies

to give you


www.LucyAnnMoll.com 28

Do You Need Help?

I suppose if we each we‟re honest, the answer would be “yes.” In CAPITALS.

God helps us nonstop. In fact Jesus asked the Father to send another Counselor to

be with you always. This Counselor is the Holy Spirit, who guides and comforts you.

Sometimes we need help from another believer.

When you‟re hurting, God may bring someone to help. She could be a friend, a

neighbor, a co-worker or a godly woman from your church. Sometimes God brings a

Christian (gospel-centered, biblical) counselor.

The big question

Do you want to be well? Are you tired of feeling angry or depressed, confused or

“less than”? Are you sick of fear, shame or frustration? Do you want to live the abun-

dant life promised by Jesus? You can.

The better way

Call it soul care, pastoral care, biblical counseling, or intensive discipleship. This

better way is a God-anointed process that effects genuine change in the inner per-

son. For your good and for God‟s glory!

Do you desire real lasting peace?

Real peace results from a heart change with only God can provide. The Bible tells

you why you need a heart change — even if you’re a believer — and it tells you how.

God also encourages you to share your burdens. Ideally this sharing takes place in

the local church.

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 29



Good questions! You have an option. You have hope.

Your option: You can choose Christian (gospel-centered, biblical) counseling that

uses today‟s advanced technology. And it‟s easy.

Christian counseling by Skype

I am among the few women biblical counselors who counsel women via Skype.

Skype is a free service you use through your computer. Skype -to-skype calls are free


As a seminary-trained counselor in pastoral care to women, I love to help women who hurt. Why? First, I‟ve been in deep emotional pain. I know what it‟s like. Sec-ond, God called me to this ministry. I counsel Christian women because God — through his Word — placed on my heart a burden for you.

Yes, you. If you‟re reading this now, I have no doubt God wants us to connect.

I encourage you to find out more about me and my counseling ministry. Here are the links you need:

More about Lucy.

Lucy‟s counseling ministry.

Send Lucy a note.

Blessings to you,


My offer to YOU: A free counseling session! Contact me and mention this offer! Click HERE.

www.LucyAnnMoll.com 30

I used to think I had my ducks in a row, quacking in

perfect harmony.

But my life as I planned it wasn‟t working. At all.

Restless. Confused. Panicky. Seething. Sad. I threw

the best pity parties but no one came. Even after I

became a believer in Jesus Christ as my Savior.

Why? Why such inner turmoil as

a Christian woman?

5 Amazing Names God Calls You will open your

eyes to who you truly are and to whom you belong.

It‟s a truth journey you don‟t want to miss!

Do You Know Your True Identity Christ?

Do You Know Whose You Are?

Discover the answers and know peace. . .at last.

Lucy Ann Moll wanted to know her true identity and she found God.

A Christian biblical counselor, radio show host, speaker, and author,

she candidly shares how God brought her from a pit of fear and

despair to a safe place in God’s heart where she belongs. Lucy has

written several books for the general and Christian markets.

~ Chosen

~ Blessed

~ Daughter

~ Saint

~ His