Amanda Hall Paper1 Profolio

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  • 8/2/2019 Amanda Hall Paper1 Profolio


    For Heavens Sake, Get to thePoint!

    BY: Amanda Hall

    If an innocent, truly interested read-

    er picks up a book and wants to really

    feel the story, is it more effec-

    tive writing if he reads, The

    kind-hearted and fair damsel

    labors strenuously, bringing herself nearly

    to the brink of exhaustion on behalf of that

    noble organization, the Federation of the

    Blind, devoting as many as twenty hours in

    every week to this laudable endeavor. or

    The woman works tirelessly for charity,

    contributing more than 20 hours every

    week at the Federation of the Blind? No

    contest! While flowery wording is often

    misguidedly chosen as a writing style mas-

    querading as effective, it is really concise,

    direct writing with optimal word choice

    that always better conveys and captivates

    the reader.

    Really, Less is More!

    When it comes to writing, authors

    lacking confidence, or just extremely ver-

    bose, believe loading a sentence with a lot

    of elaborate, descriptive words will force

    the reader to feel the intended emotion and

    be captivated; however, using unnecessary,

    countless words in general will most likely

    confuse the reader who has no hope of de-

    ciphering the point the writer is trying to

    make, if there actually is a point. Inexperi-

    enced writers find it easier to exhaustibly

    describe scenes or elaborate on feelings be-

    cause it is easier to fill up a page with

    words than effectively and efficiently tell a

    story that, in its telling, provides real expe-

    rience to the reader. According to Sherice

    Jacobs, the education system today encour-

    ages students to use creativity in their writ-

    ing to facilitate the expression of emotions

    (pg). Unfortunately this teaching style usu-

    ally leads to purple patches, or needless

    sections of flowery words that instead of

  • 8/2/2019 Amanda Hall Paper1 Profolio


    captivating the reader, draw him or her

    away from what the writer is really trying

    to say. Most people embark on reading for

    either work or pleasure. When reading for

    pleasure, the reader wants to be swept off

    his or her feet with active text that allows

    ones own imagination to fill in the blanks.

    Active, exciting, effective story telling

    makes a literary piece intriguing; whereas,

    never ending, over-inclusive storytelling

    leads to disinterest, confusion and even

    coma-like stupor. Likewise, a reader tack-

    ling a document for work, or a student at-

    tempting an academic article with the goal

    of the most expedient absorption of con-

    tent, does not want to waste any time try-

    ing to glean importance out of a piece drip-

    ping with inconsequential verbiage and

    monotonous droning of grandiose or trivial

    inclusions. In the article Dos and Donts

    of Writing a Compelling Opening

    Chapter, Idrees Patel agrees, explaining

    that tight writing is a great way to keep

    the reader engaged. Shorter sentences

    make reading easier, because it makes it

    more likely the reader will be able to re-

    member what was said.

    The Fix

  • 8/2/2019 Amanda Hall Paper1 Profolio


    The fix to overloading a sentence

    with a bunch of words is simplicity: keep it

    short! Adding extra words in the hope that

    a beautiful writing piece will grow is a los-

    ing proposition, unless of course the author

    is William Faulkner, an extremely gifted

    master in writing long flowing sentences.

    Unfortunately, in elementary through high

    school, as well as on the dreaded and col-

    lege-determining standardized tests such as

    the SAT, the use of as many words as pos-

    sible is shamelessly encouraged by assign-

    ing papers with minimum word counts, in-

    stead of papers geared to effectively and

    consummately cover assigned points. Ac-

    cording to Jacobs, a reader wants to be able

    to get straight to the point, so a writer

    should limit taking short cuts, detours, or

    becoming unnecessarily repetitive.

    Effective word Choice

    An unforgivable way to lose a readers in-

    terest is through poor word choice.

    Filling a sentence with a bunch of adjec-

    tives to describe something is monotonous

    and sometimes even overwhelming to the

    reader. Good word choice is like cooking: a

    chef doesnt want to overpower the eater

    with a dizzying array of spices because it

    makes the food bitter, over stimulating the

    diners pallet. On the other hand, if the

    cook does not add enough spices, the meal

    is bland and boring. Balance is the key and

    the same principle applies to an inviting lit-

    erary work. Too many words can over

    stimulate a readers brain; he or she simply

    cannot process it, or may not have the en-

    ergy or motivation to try. Effective word

    choice creates a nice flow, which resonates

    with the reader and makes the story deli-

    cious. In Element of Style, William

    Strunk, Jr. concurs, explaining that A sen-

    tence should contain no unnecessary

    words, and a paragraph no unnecessary


    The Fix

  • 8/2/2019 Amanda Hall Paper1 Profolio


    One valuable tool used to attract

    and hold the readers attention is the use of

    the strongest, most accurate verb at every

    opportunity. For example, the word

    searches is bland and not nearly as dy-

    namic and effective as explores. A reader

    can visualize a character exploring but is

    lulled to sleep picturing someone finding

    something. Verbs, however, tend to have a

    presence of their own and have to be treat-

    ed with respect when writing; a great verb

    can be ruined with a lack of understanding

    by the writer. For example, a sentence

    such as, The woman died a horrific

    painful death, sounds overly dramatic and

    unnecessary, whereas The woman died a

    painful death, gets the point across quick-

    ly and effectively.

    Getting to the Point

    Many an unsuspecting, aspiring

    writer has been seduced by the promise of

    flowery writing, which is both misguided

    and tragic when attempted written pieces

    become redundant, mind-numbing works

    that serve to lull the reader into resigned

    submission. In Writing Concise Sen-

    tences, Gary Larson explains how redun-

    dant phrases are bad habits just waiting to

    take over a persons writing. Larson as-

    serts that this bad habit tends to sprout

    from wordiness, a practice which also re-

    sults in a garden variety of misinterpreta-

    tions by the reader. As previously stated,

    students are sometimes encouraged to fo-

    cus on writing a lot of words because they

    are assigned a certain length of paper, or

    that the piece needs to be so many words.

    Teachers are challenged to recognize the

    value of writing 500 effective words in-

    stead of 1000 words chosen to take up as-

    signed space, and to encourage students to

    write concise sentences that make sense,

    get to the point, and are free of ineffective


    The Fix

  • 8/2/2019 Amanda Hall Paper1 Profolio


    Writers can avoid the pitfalls ac-

    companying flowery writing if they

    crunch up their sentences. Sherice Ja-

    cobs advises writers to read aloud a couple

    of sentences and, if out of breath due to the

    outrageous length, try making it more di-

    gestible for the reader by eliminating extra

    words (pg). Teachers can likewise motivate

    their students to produce powerful, charis-

    matic writing by challenging them to write

    a consummate piece that meets their own



    The misguided promise that flow-

    ery writing is effective will unfortunately

    continue to influence the novice writer try-

    ing to impress unsuspecting readers every-

    where, but it by no means has to become a

    death sentence to once-promising literary

    works. If writers commit to concise writing

    they will prove that less is really more and

    will be victorious in the eyes of the reader.

    Finally, writers cant forget the main ingre-

    dient for good writing: good word choice.

    Mastering the arts of balance and effective

    word choice are the keys to memorable

    writing, mesmerizing lucky readers and

    guaranteeing their overall satisfaction.

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  • 8/2/2019 Amanda Hall Paper1 Profolio
