1 The Amador Bird Club meeting will be held on: Friday, August 12th, 2016 at 7:30 PM Place: Administration Building, Amador County Fairgrounds, Plymouth Activity: presentation by Blue Refreshments: Persons with last names beginning with A-K AMADOR BIRD TRACKS Monthly Newsletter of the Amador Bird Club August, 2016 The Amador Bird Club is a group of people who share an interest in birds and is open to all. Officers for 2016 - 2017 President Blue Wrigley Treasurer Cathy Hooper Secretary Terry Ryan Newsletter Todd Sargent Webmaster Kim Schmutzler-Agee Photographer Kim Schmutzler-Agee Presidents Message Hi All, First off let me thank all of you that volunteered and worked the fair. Needless to say, the weather was nothing short of ???, "a female dog!!!" Again, a big thank you to all. Whilst thanking people I have to mention Chris for his great presentation last month on finches, well done Chris. Next month is our semi-annual raffle so start gathering up your bird related goodies for the raffle table. This is one of our means of keeping OUR club financially running, so dig deep and we as always will have a good time and get some good bargains. This months presentation will be from a combination of a walk down memory lane with a little sprinkle of aviculture, possibly a picture or two of birds, and maybe some general info. Try hard to stay cool and we will see each other on the 12th. —Blue Dates of bird club meetings this year: August 12 September 9** October 14 November 11 December 9 (Xmas party) *Friday-the-13 th : drive carefully! ** Semi-Annual Raffle *Friday-the-13 th : drive carefully! Gouldian Finches Editors comment re last months presentation. While Gouldian finches are surely a reward in and of themselves, this was the first presentation that Ive seen at our club from a breeder of a domestic population of an endangered species. Chris also contributed a nicely arranged display cage of them for the state fair. And speaking of endangered species, the following article: home of the rare Amadorian Combo ParrotFoothill Bird Mart! Central California Cage Bird Club Mini-Bird Mart! Terry In our Booth At the Amador County Fair

AMADOR BIRD TRACKS - · PDF fileWith the video Lourdes contacted the biologists from the Society for the Conservation of Birds in Brazil ... Amador Bird Club ... applies Scat to each

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The Amador Bird Club meeting will be held on: Friday, August 12th, 2016 at 7:30 PM Place: Administration Building, Amador County Fairgrounds, Plymouth Activity: presentation by Blue Refreshments: Persons with last names beginning with A-K

AMADOR BIRD TRACKS Monthly Newsletter of the Amador Bird Club August, 2016

The Amador Bird Club is a group of people

who share an interest in birds and is open to all.

Officers for 2016 - 2017

President Blue Wrigley Treasurer Cathy Hooper Secretary Terry Ryan Newsletter Todd Sargent Webmaster Kim Schmutzler-Agee Photographer Kim Schmutzler-Agee

President’s Message

Hi All, First off let me thank all of you that volunteered and worked the fair. Needless to say, the weather was nothing short of ???, "a female dog!!!" Again, a big thank you to all. Whilst thanking people I have to mention Chris for his great presentation last month on finches, well done Chris.

Next month is our semi-annual raffle so start gathering up your bird related goodies for the raffle table. This is one of our means of keeping OUR club financially running, so dig deep and we as always will have a good time and get some good bargains.

This months presentation will be from a

combination of a walk down memory lane with a little sprinkle of aviculture, possibly a picture or two of birds, and maybe some general info.

Try hard to stay cool and we will see each other

on the 12th.


Dates of bird club

meetings this year:

August 12 September 9** October 14 November 11 December 9 (Xmas party) *Friday-the-13th: drive carefully!

** Semi-Annual Raffle *Friday-the-13th: drive carefully!

Gouldian Finches Editor’s comment re last month’s

presentation. While Gouldian finches are surely a reward in and of themselves, this was the first presentation that I’ve seen at our club from a breeder of a domestic population of an endangered species. Chris also contributed a nicely arranged display cage of them for the state fair. And speaking of endangered species, the following article:

“home of the rare Amadorian Combo Parrot”

Foothill Bird Mart!

Central California Cage Bird Club Mini-Bird Mart!

Terry In our Booth At the

Amador County



Amador Bird Club Newsletter August 2016

Spix’s Macaw Reappears in Brazil By Shaun Hurrell, 24 Jun 2016

It was Grandpa Pinpin’s dream: to see his favorite bird, Spix’s Macaw, fly again over the skies of Curaçá, a small town of about 30,000 in the dry Caatinga area of Bahia, Brazil, where goat herding is the main activity. Pinpin Oliveira passed away last year, aged 94, his wish unfulfilled. But the baton was passed to his 16 year old grand-daughter, Damilys, who not only saw the macaw, not seen in the wild since 2000, but also managed to film it with her mobile phone.

Spix’s Macaw, Cyanopsitta spixii is Critically Endangered and possibly extinct in the wild, primarily as a result of trapping for trade plus habitat loss. Does this vibrant blue bird look familiar? The species also became the star of the animated film ‘Rio’, as main characters ‘Blu’ and ‘Jewel’. 130 Spix’s Macaws remain as part of a captive breeding programme.

The bird was first sighted on 18th June by local farmer Nauto Sergio de Oliveira. On the following day, his neighbor Lourdes Oliveira and daughter Damilys woke up before dawn to look for the macaw in Barra Grande creek’s riparian forest. At 6:20 AM they found and filmed it.

With the video Lourdes contacted the biologists from the Society for the Conservation of Birds in Brazil (SAVE Brasil, BirdLife Partner), one of the organizations that make up Projeto Ararinha na Natureza (Spix’s Macaw in the Wild Project) which aims to bring the bird back from extinction. The video and the distinctive vocal calls killed all doubts: it was indeed a Spix’s Macaw. Pedro Develey, SAVE Brasil’s Director, immediately told other project members and organized an emergency trip to Curaçá to locate the bird.

“The local people were euphoric,” said Develey. “They set up a WhatsApp group to coordinate and maximize the search for the bird, and ensured no potential dealers could enter the area.”

The people of Curaçá are extremely proud of the Spix’s Macaw. It is a symbol of their town, and they are aware of its importance, thanks in part to two years of community work from SAVE Brasil.

This individual’s origin is uncertain, but was quite possibly released from captivity. Conservationists have had a large presence in the area where it would likely have been seen, and recent patrols and project warning signs against trapping might have prompted a panic release.

That said, Spix’s Macaw can live for 20-30 years in the wild (more in captivity) and the area is very large with some parts difficult to access.

“We don't know yet,” said Develey. “And that makes it even more interesting."That said, Spix’s Macaw can live for 20-30 years in the wild (more in captivity) and the area is very large with some parts difficult to access.

“We don't know yet,” said Develey. “And that makes it even more interesting."

One thing is for sure: a Spix’s Macaw in the wild is precious. “Now we have a model to understand the bird's behaviour in the wild,” said Develey. “We can understand what to do when we release the captive birds in Curaçá.”


The video: https://youtu.be/YZi0g_UXcts

There is no more news as yet, but the project’s biologists and local residents of Curaçá are now mobilized. An official project expedition is also commencing, led by Instituto Chico Mendes para a Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio, federal government’s environmental agency responsible for biodiversity conservation). The expedition is sponsored by Vale, through Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (Funbio – Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity).

According to Ugo Vercillo, Director of Biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment, another partner organization of Ararinha na Natureza project, the fact that a Spix’s Macaw appeared in Curaçá’s region reinforces the necessity of protecting this area. Since 2014, Ararinha na Natureza project has been working to create a 44,000 hectares protected area in the municipality to protect the Caatinga and riparian forests.

In parallel to the field efforts, breeding the species in captivity for future reintroduction in the wild is crucial for the project’s success, and is thanks to the participation of the breeders AWWP (Qatar), ACTP (Germany) and Fazenda Cachoeira (Brazil). With improvements in artificial insemination technologies, this year there were 19 new-borns.

According to Ugo Vercillo, Director of Biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment, another project partner, the fact that a Spix’s Macaw appeared in Curaçá’s region reinforces the necessity of protecting this area. Since 2014, the project has been working to create a 44,000 hectares protected area in the municipality to protect the Caatinga and riparian forests.

In fact, Granpa Pinpin’s family donated a small area of their property (30 hectares) to become a reserve for Spix’s Macaw. And the bird then appears in front of their house!

“It’s very symbolic,” said Develey. “There’s hope again, and the people there are really committed for the reintroduction.”

Many questions remain: how did it reappear in the region? How long has it been roaming free? How is it adapting to living in the wild? Answers will come in due time. For now just one, thrillingly pleasant thought: a Spix’s Macaw is soaring free, again, in Curaçá’s Caatinga. BirdLife will keep you updated on progress.

For more information contact SAVE Brasil CEO Pedro Develey - (+55) 11 999 133 724.

Amador Bird Club Newsletter August 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Blue at 7:30pm. Members in attendance were: Blue, Lynn, Kim, Terry, Jackie, Todd, Ingrid, Chris, Jack, Jane & Dave, Daryl & Cathy, Mario & Patty, and Mariana & Don, along with guest Maureen, Ingrid’s sister! The minutes were approved as written and Cathy gave the treasurer’s report! The fair booth was discussed and all shifts filled with club volunteers. Jane & Dave were decorating, Jackie and Blue also helping Wednesday night! Birds displayed in the big cage are Jackie’s Doves. The other birds: Terry bringing Gloster Canaries & Bourkes Parakeets, Jane & Dave bringing Red Factor Canaries & English Budgies, Jackie besides the Doves bringing American Budgies, Mario & Patty bringing English Zebra finches and Lovebirds (they also brought a beautiful male Scarlet Chested Grass Keet). Kim will bring Toby with her while at the fair and Todd will bring Calvin during his shift! Terry will print up more club flyers! July 10th is another Exotic Bird Expo with a change of address to: 7323 Home Leisure Plaza. Blue reminded everyone of elections coming later this year. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm for refreshments and Chris’ presentation “Finch Husbandry 101” The lucky door prize winners were: Maureen-a Ring of Birds, Todd-windchimes and Terry-a little Duck! Respectfully submitted, Terry Ryan

A few notes from Chris’ presentation

Chris is no way an expert on any of this but has kept birds for over 40 years with Gouldians for the last 12! He discussed Quaranting his birds after purchased, his aviary, breeding prep, seed and egg food prep along with seed sprouting, dietary supplements, medications and nursing. When he gets a new bird the first week he uses Vitalize in the water, does nail trim, dust with powder & applies Scat to each bird. Week 2: uses Worm Away and Ronivet 12%. Week 3: Ovserves eating behavior and droppings. Week 4: Scat again and S-76 He has used a drop of bleach on the vent with thorough washing after. Other things I wrote down that he uses are: Wheat Germ Oil or Cod Liver Oil, Vionate, E Powder, Trace Minerals, Herb Salad, Hemp, Flaxseed, Bee Pollen, Apple Cider Vinegar 1t/gal, Iodine and Calcium +.

Amador Bird Club Minutes July 8, 2016


August 5-6, 2016 - 11th ANNUAL SHOW The West Coast Zebra and Society Finch Show

group is very happy to announce their eleventh annual show to be held August 5-6, 2016 in Sacramento, CA. La Quinta Inn Downtown 200 Jibboom St. Sacramento, CA Call 916-448-8100 and mention the "Bird Show" Make your reservations before July 4th!

August 12, Plymouth, CA Amador Bird Club meeting

August 14, San Jose, CA Exotic Bird Mart see: http://www.exoticbirdmart.com August 21, Modesto, CA CCCBC Mini Bird mart 12-3pm see: mycccbc.org

August 28, Roseville, CA Foothill Bird Fanciers Bird Mart

September 10, Sonora, Ca Gold Country Exotic Bird & Animal Expo

October 29th, Turlock, CA CCCBC 62nd Annual Bird Show & Bird Mart see: mycccbc.org

October 30th, Sacramento, CA Exotic Bird Mart see: http://www.exoticbirdmart.com

Bourkes Parakeets Terry Ryan (209) 969-9030 Diamond Doves

Bird Placement

If you need to place a bird (find a home for a beloved companion), please consider the ABC as a resource. We have several members that are experienced at finding good homes for birds in need. We also have members that take rescue birds (already homeless birds, and/or birds with special needs). For more information, please contact: Sherri Elliot (209) 245-6921 Terry Ryan (209) 969-9030 (Amador/Calaveras area)

For information on birds, referrals or the Amador Bird Club, please contact: Sherri Elliot (209) 245-6921 (Amador/Calaveras area) Jackie Fox (530) 677-1035 (northwest area) or Virginia Blake (209) 981-5016 (Amador/Calaveras area)

Email: [email protected] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AmadorBirdClub Website: www.mycccbc.org/abc

(530) 621-4171

CST 1013939-40

Interesting Bird Facts:

A bird’s eye takes up about 50 percent of its head; our eyes take up about 5 percent

of our head. To be comparable to a bird’s eyes, our eyes would have to be the size

of baseballs.

A group of larks is called an exaltation, a group of chickens is called a peep, a

group of geese is called a gaggle, a group of ravens is called a murder, and a group

of owls is called a parliament.

Amador Bird Club Newsletter August 2016


Gold Country Avicultural Society

Exotic Bird & Animal Expo English Budgie Show!

Saturday, 9am to 4pm

September 10, 2016 Motherlode Fairgrounds, Sonora, Ca

Vendors Wanted!

10’ x 10’ space $50 Before August 1st after $65

Reserve your space now! Please Contact: MaryAnn Silva

(559) 909-8181 Email: [email protected]

Central California Cage Bird Club Newsletter July 2016


The CCCBC 63rd Annual Bird Show & Bird Mart

Saturday Oct. 29, 2016

Divisions include: Finch Canary-Colorbred, Type I & Type II Cockatiel Junior (18 & under) Please see our website www.mycccbc.org Located at: Stanislaus County Fairgrounds For info call:

Bird Show Manager Darrell Brewer (510) 860-0701

Bird Mart Manager Terese Davis (209) 869-5066

Coming August 21st! 12-3pm

Stanislaus County Agricultural Center 3800 Cornucopia Way Modesto, CA 95358

The CCCBC Mini Bird Mart is open to the public with admission fee of $3 per person, under 16 free. Club members ONLY will be selling birds. Fee per member is $5 per table. We will also have a raffle and a silent auction and are asking members for donations for both. This is the club fundraiser to help support our show and bird mart. Set up at 11:00am! The CCCBC will sell Drinks & Snacks!

Foothill Bird Fanciers 25th Annual

Exotic Bird Mart

Sunday, August 28, 2016 9:00am-3:00pm

Placer County Fairgrounds 800 All American City Blvd, Roseville, CA

Jones Hall

Lots of Parking! Exotic Birds, Cages, Toys, Raffle


Amador Bird Club Membership Application The Amador Bird Club meets the 2nd Friday of each month, 7:30pm in the Administration Building of the Amador County Fairgrounds!

Name:______________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________ State__________ Zip________________ Phone#___________________________ Cell#_____________________________ E-mail address:_______________________________________________________ Family members:_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Birds owned, bird related items made/sold:_________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ New Member______ Renewal______ Are you a ____breeder and/or____ hobbyist (please check one or both) Do you want your address printed in the membership directory? ___yes ___no Signature:_______________________________Date:___________________ Annual Dues: Family: $15.00 Single: $10.00 Junior: $7.50 $_________ E-mailed newsletters free! Fee for newsletter via US mail: $5.00 $_________ Please make check payable to club secretary: Total $_________ Terry Ryan, 17706 Hwy 26, Glencoe, CA 95232

Amador Bird Club c/o Terry Ryan 17706 Hwy 26 Glencoe, CA 95232