Alternative Strategies in Alternative Spaces

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  • 8/2/2019 Alternative Strategies in Alternative Spaces



    ABERRA, Edlam. Alternative strategies in alternative spaces: livelihoods o pastoralistis in the peri-urban

    interface of Yabello, Southern Ethiopia. In: MACGREGOR, Duncan; SIMON, David; THOMPSON,

    Donald. The Peri-Urban Interface . Ed. Earthscan. Londres. 2006. P. 116-133.


    Periurbano; Pastoreio; Estratgias de Subsistncia; Sustentabilildade Social; Yabello (Etipia)


    ABERRA tece um quadro sobre a condio de vida dos Borana Etinia do sul da Etipia e norte do

    Qunia, dedicada ao pastoreio nmade que, por diversos problemas, principalmente a seca, deixam o

    nomadismo para se estabelecerem nas reas circundantes de cidades como Yabello aproximadamente

    qosfhod (confirmar) 16.700 pessoas. O estudo foca na sustentabilidade das estratgias de vida, pensada

    essa como o exerccio de recursos tangveis recursos financeiros, gado, terra e intangveis apoio


    Conclui que os Borana moradores das reas periurbanas encontram-se em uma situao insustentvel,

    tendo em vista que pela falta de recursos apresentam limitadas opes de estratgias vitais, mormente a

    coleta de lenha para venda na cidade. Conclui, ainda, que mesmo os benefcios que deveriam advir da

    residncia prxima cidade, tais como servios de sade e educao, no se fazem presente, por conta da

    extrema pobreza dessas pessoas, ganhando menos que U$1,00 por dia.


    Definio (aspecto menos rgido nos casos africanos)() defined as the transition zone at the e dge of cities (Rakodi, 1999; Brook and Dvila, 2000; Mbiba

    and Huchzermeyer, 2002). A central feature of the PUI is its location between urban centres and rural

    areas, although the distinctions between these spaces are increasingly becoming blurred (Tacoli, 1998).

    The PUI is neither urban nor rural, but shares common characteristics with both. For instance, while

    urban-base employment and trade opportunities provide a source of income for PUI inhabitants,

    agricultural and livestock production common in rura l areas is also practiced. (P. 119)

  • 8/2/2019 Alternative Strategies in Alternative Spaces


    Estatgias de sobrevivncia emprego informal para os mais pobres

    It is argued that inhabitants of the PUI derive a living from multiple livelihoods strategies, mostly in the

    informal economy. However, PUI inhabitants are not a homogeneous group, particularly in terms of

    capital asset ownership, which, in turn, determines the type of livelihood strategies pursued. Those who

    own assets such as land engage in more lucrative economic activities, such as agricultural production,

    whereas poorer groups rely on their labour power and urban-based opportunities largely in the informal

    sector. () Furthermore, livelihood strategies accessible to poorer members often entail physical and

    health hazards exacerbated by lack of acce ss to clean water, health facilities and housing. (P.119)