Altar Server Guide

Altar Server Guide - stmarysutah.org · Serving Mass is not only a duty, but also a great honor, a true holy service. We are servants of Christ. 1. Attend Altar Server Training Class

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                  Altar Server Guide                            




                Saint Mary Catholic Church LLC #237





MASS SETUP - Clean-Up After Mass

ENTRANCE PROCESSION – Greeting - Penitential Rite







Preparation of the Altar Preparation of the Gifts - Preparation of the Wine - Washing of Hands



COMMUNION -Lamb of God



Altar Server Prayer 

O God, You have graciously called me to serve You upon Your altar.  Grant 

me the graces that I need to serve You faithfully and wholeheartedly.   

Grant too that while serving You, may I follow the example of Saint Tarcisius, 

who died protecting the Eucharist, and walk the same path that led him to 


Thank you, for the trust you have placed in me.  Keep me true to that trust.  I 

make my prayer in Jesus’ name, who is with us in the Holy Spirit.   









                       Definition of Altar Server

Servers are individuals who display a desire for a more intimate union with Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It is a great privilege to serve at the Altar of our Lord. Accordingly, Servers have a solemn responsibility to do their assigned duties with dignity and reverence.

Our loving Savior becomes present on the Altar, just as He was at the Last Supper and Calvary.

Dress Code For Altar Servers

Altar Servers should dress appropriately for Our Lord and Blessed Mother Mary.

Be Modest in your dressing

No tennis shoes, men’s sandals or flip-flops

No shorts, t-shirts, or tops or dresses with plunging necklines.

No large hoop earrings, large jewelry etc.

Dress shoes should be worn for the young ladies and young men.

Young Ladies should wear slacks and/or dresses.

Jewelry – jewelry should not be a distraction.

Young men should wear collared shirts with neckties, slack/khaki style pants.






                            Altar Server Rules

Serving Mass is not only a duty, but also a great honor, a true holy service. We are servants of Christ.

1. Attend Altar Server Training Class (Mandatory)

2. Attend Confession regularly.

3. Be punctual for Mass. Arrive 15 minutes before mass to prepare the sanctuary and yourselves for mass.

4. Your Cassocks and Surplices should be ironed and washed, not crumpled and/or dirty (notify the proper individual). If wax has dripped on either garments, place them on podium next to the door.

5. Ensure that you have on the ministry cross which is located in the ministry drawer. It should be displayed properly. It should never be played with.

6. Serve at every mass that you are scheduled, or you need to make arrangements to have someone cover your scheduled Mass.

7. Before Mass, ensure that the candles are lit, altar bread, wine, water, towels, bowl, prayer book, kneelers and any other sacramental’s are in their proper place.

8. When at the Altar be quiet and respectful, you are role models.

9. Maintain a prayerful posture at all times during mass (feet together and hands on lap).

10. Be attentive; respond immediately when the priest asks for help. When kneeling maintain a prayerful posture.

Mass setup

Ensure that all the chalices are clean.

The Purificator is put on the chalice with the cross on the chalice to the front,

The large host is put on the paten. When we have a normal Sunday Mass only put 1/4 of hosts in the bowl. Masses such as Easter, Palm Sunday, Christmas, etc., more hosts are needed in the crystal bowls.

The paten is put on top of the purificator and chalice, then the corporal goes on top of that and then the pall goes on top of everything.

The purificator’s are put with each chalices and the silver bowl that father uses to wash his hands.

Clean-up after Mass

After mass proper preparation should be made. Wash the Chalice’s, Ciborium and Flagon. Get a clean Pall and Purificator’s. The clean Pall is to cover the Chalice. Ensure that the Ciborium’s have hosts. The Flagon should be filled with wine and get clean Purifcator’s for the next Mass.

Ensure that the Tabernacle key is placed back in the cabinet (it is not to be left on circular tray).

Entrance Procession:

Altar server #1 Cross Bearer, will line up in front of the Baptismal Font.

Altar servers #2 & #3 – Candle (candles should be lit) Bearers will line up behind the cross bearer, etc.

If there is only ONE server, that server will carry the cross.

If there is only TWO servers, NO candles will be used. One server will carry the cross and the other server will line up behind the cross bearer.

If there is three or more servers than TWO servers will carry the lit candles and line up behind the Cross Bearer and the extra servers will line up behind the servers carrying the candles.

Walk at a normal speed. Do not proceed into the church when the music is played, wait until the congregation starts to sing.

Lead the procession into the church, first the Cross Bearer, second the other servers (all).

At the front of the Altar wait for the other ministers and the priest. When all the ministers and priest are at the front of the Altar everyone does a profound bow (with the exception of the Cross Bearer and the server’s with the lit candles.


The priest begins the mass “Sign of the Cross”. When father has said the sign of the cross, the Altar Server will step forward with the Roman Missal (book). Bow and present the book to father. The book should be raised to the Father and opened to the white ribbon. After the reading, close the book and bow. Return to your chair, “Do not ever set the book on the floor” (when seated place book on your lap, when standing place the book on the chair).

Penitential Rite

Confiteor (I Confess to Almighty ...)


Glory to God in the highest...

This is either sung and said.

After the Gloria, the priest will say, “Let us pray”, which is when the Altar Server is to bring the book to the priest in order that the opening prayer can be read. The Altar Server should present the book to father, bow and open the book to the purple ribbon, hold the book up high.

When the priest is done with the reading, the Altar Server will bow and close the book and place the book on the Altar Server lap (the book should never be put on the floor).

Everyone will be seated.

Liturgy of the Word

This is when the Word of God is proclaimed, responded to, authoritatively explained, accepted and made part of our daily lives. It includes the following

First Reading

Responsorial Psalm

Second Reading


Gospel Reading

After the Gospel, all servers remain standing until all are ready and sit at the same time.


All servers should be seated and remain reverent and attentive (hands on lap and feet together).

Profession of Faith (Nicene Creed)

All servers should stand and recite the creed aloud.

Prayers of the Faithful

All servers will respond to the Prayers of the Faithful.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

This part of the Mass corresponds to the words and actions of Christ at the Last Supper.

Offertory Collection is taken

at this time: everyone is seated, the ushers will walk forward with the collection baskets to give to the congregation..

Preparation of the Gifts (Presentation)

Preparation of the Altar

Altar Server(s): Bring from the credence table the Corporal, Purificator(s), Sacramentary (this is placed on the Altar by the Altar server who is seating by the Priest. at this time, this Altar Server will do a profound bow when crossing in front of the tabernacle). and Chalice(s), these will be set on the Altar. Chalice and Purificator will be placed at each side of the Altar.

Preparation of the Gifts

Altar Server(s): The servers will then proceed to the front of the Altar. Altar server that is seated at the left hand side of the Priest will get the cross, he will join the other servers (servers do not retrive the candles). The servers (with the exception of the cross bearer) will do a profound bow, turn to the back of the church (with the cross bearer proceeding first and the other two servers follow behind) and walk slowly to the back of the church to retrieve the gifts.

Altar Server(s): The servers will then proceed with the Offertory gift bearers to the Priest. The cross bearer will lead the procession, the two servers to follow and then the gift bearers. When the Altar Server have reached the Priest, the cross bearer will proceed up to the Altar and place the cross in its stand. The other two Altar Servers will

stand on either side of the Priest and Deacon. The Offertory gift bearers will give the gifts to the Priest. The Priest will hand the Cruets to an Altar Server and Ciborium to the other Altar Server. The Altar Servers will take the ciborium to the Altar and the cruets to the credence table.

Preparation of the Wine

Altar Server(s): The server will remove the stoppers from the cruets (wine and water) and leave them on the credence table. The servers bow to the Priest hand the cruets to the him. Once the Priest is finished with the cruets, he will bow and in return the servers will do a profound bow and return the cruets to the credence table and replace the stoppers in the sacramental wine cruet and the water.

Washing of Hands

Altar Server(s): The servers will retrieve

the water cruet. lavabo bowl and drape a towel over their left arm. At this time the server will return to Altar. When the

Priest places his hands over the bowl, one server will pour the water and the other servers will hold the bowl, pour a small amount of water over his hands. Servers will return the items to the credence table. Return to your seats, but remain standing.

Eucharistic Prayer

The priest will then begin with the preface and then will enter the congregation into the HOLY, HOLY, HOLY …

The congregation, along with the servers, will kneel at the steps in front facing the Altar and the Priest will continue with the Eucharistic prayer.

The Priest will first pick up the host, to be consecrated, by saying … take this, all of you and eat It; this is my body … The Priest will raise the Body of Christ above his head, and the server will ring the bells (three times).

The Priest will kneel and then pick up the chalice and say … take this and drink from it, this is the cup of my blood … The Priest will

raise the Chalice above his head, and the server will ring the bells (three times). 

The Priest will proclaim the mystery of faith, which will be recited or sung.

The Priest will then finish up the prayer by remembering the Saints, all those who have departed before us, and recite or chant, “through Him, with Him and in Him ….”

The congregation, along with the Priest with recite or sing the great “Amen”.

The Communion Rite:

The congregation, along with the Priest and

Servers with hands raised and sing or recite the “The Lord’s Prayer:” Our Father, who art in heaven …

Sign of Peace: The Priest will ask the congregation to share with each other the “Sign of Peace.” The Server’s will share in the sign of peace, after the servers will return to the front of the steps and kneel. The congregation will also kneel.


Lamb of God

The congregation, servers will recite or sing the “Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us….

The Eucharist Ministers will approach the Altar, when they are all up at the Altar they will do a profound bow in unison and approach the main Altar to receive the of the Bread and Wine from the Priest.

The Priest will proceed at the front of the Altar, the server’s will line up before the congregation to receive communion. After receiving communion they will return to their chairs, they will kneel in front of their chairs while communion is being received by the congregation.

When the Priest has completed giving the congregation communion, he will return to the Altar to purify and clear the Altar.

Altar Server: The server’s will approach the sides steps of the Altar and receive from the Euchristic Ministers the

Chalices and Ciboriums. They will set them on the Altar for the Priest to purify. The servers that sit by the Priest will do a profound bow when they cross in front of the Tabernacle to help with the clearing of the Altar.

Altar Server: The server will retrieve the cruet of Holy Water and approach the side of the Altar, when the Priest will instructs (motion) to the server to pour the Holy Water into the Chalice. When the Priest is

done the server will do a simple bow (head) and take the cruet back to the credence table.

Altar Server: The servers will retrieve the Ciborium’s, Chalices and Sacramentary to the credence table. Once everything has been taken care of, the server’s may go back to their

seats. The servers that sit next to the Priest, will do a profound bow in front of the tabernacle when returning to their seats.

Concluding Rite:

The Priest will then stand, he will ask for the congregation to stand and pray (closing prayer). The Priest will say, “Let us pray…” which is the cue for the server (this is the cross bearer) with the Sacramentary to present the book to the Priest.

Altar Server: The cross bearer will stand with the Sacramentary and hold it up (chest high) in order that the Priest can read.


The Priest will conclude the Mass with “The Sign of the Cross”.

The choir will then start the final song.

Altar Servers: The server (cross bearer) will go get the cross and proceed to the front of the Altar. The other servers (if there is two or more) will get the candles and stand on each side of the cross bearer, leaving room for the Priest to stand with them. When the Priest does a profound bow, the servers with the candles will also do a profound bow (the cross bearer will not do a profound bow) and turn towards the congregation and process out being lead by the cross bearer and then the other servers.

After Mass

Altar Servers: Remain in the

narthex (vestibule) until the closing song is finished. Cross

bearer return cross to its appropriate place up at the Altar. All servers will assist in clearing items from the credence table. Ensure all candles are extinguished. (Remain vested until all is completed). Wash the Ciboriums, Chalices and Flagon. Put the soiled Purificator’s in the hamper. Get a clean Pall and Purificators. The clean Pall

is to cover the Chalice. Ensure that the Ciborium’s have hosts. The Flagon should be filled with wine and get clean Purifcators for the next Mass.

Ensure that the Tabernacle key is placed back in the cabinet after the last mass (it is not to be left in the tabernacle or on circular tray after the last mass).