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Aloe Vera in english

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Aloe Vera, Aloe Barbadensis Miller, Medical aloe

All kinds of chit- chats circulated round them. Ones refer to as wonderplant. Others consider that a drastic exaggeration. I try to give more information about this plant based on my independent book of virtuous plant. As you are aware of wht is my line beyond the child care, do not wonder, that I enlarge on a subject of this plant.

I have already introduced some plants that I appreciate extremely high.All of these are such plants as soddy people, doctors and other healers use since milleniums. The modern science always seek new and newer agent and prove their experience through researches, which has already been appeared in medieval, moreover perhaps in antique scripts. This is like a polypody or the Mimosa tenuiflora too. Just as the Aloe.

You should not wonder on the fact, that we did not know (respects to one who know) about the existence of this plant. First of all, I came to know like an ornametal plant. After that like a beauty-nursing aggregrate. Handcreams including Aloe, body lotions. When I was interested very much in herbals, I purchased some herbal and spicy book. However among the spices do not (to my big sorrow), but among the herbals I found it so much the more.

Aloe Vera, Aloe Barbadensis Miller, Aloe Vulgaris. Means one and the same plant. They belong to the family of lily’s. According to the estimates, about 300-500 Aloe species belong to the direct affinity of Aloe Vera. Not all of these health-giving. Some have less, some have more active substance. They differ in size also. The books mention the numerical datas distinctly, so do I. The plant is 60-90 centimeters tall, the leaves are 40-50 centimeters long and 6-10 centimeters wide. In the two edges of the leaf small thorns are found. It is similar to the peyote, but this is belong to the Amarillis species. Researches try to map the composition of the slimy material, gel inside the Aloe’s leaves. This has ran more than 30 years, but still not reach the end.

The plant can live in most of the tropical and subtropical landscape amid natural conditions.

In truth where they stem from? I did not find answer for this. People traded with that so long, in the form of plant, that this truly lost in the haze of history. It belongs to history, that there were wars for the possession of Aloe. Since the start of time it used to treating cutaneous diseases and curing wounds. No wonder, if the Aloe was both the reason for wars and healer of soldiers. Alexander the Great, when he „made a trip” in Egypt, he heard news about such a plant which has big healing power.He has

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found in an island not far from the coast of Somalia, then he used this for curing his soldiers. The greek doctor Dioskorides suggested solely for external use, on hemorrhoids, on ulcer, on hairfall treatment. Hippokrates, father of medicine, suggested against bleeding wounds, abscesses, eye-infections, dysentery cancer, ventral-ache in his book written 2000 years ago.

The arabs call it the desert’s lily, in the case of epidemics and starvation they eat the succulent leaves with asperity.

The american indians honour it as saint plant, and used on declassify nephrolith, on alleviation of intestinal ulcer, on easement of cough.

The Philippines apply for burn wounds, skin ills curing, laxative against helminths or rather green scale curing dropped to eyes.

The eating of the extruded liquor are included in the dietary of japans and chinese.

In the aloe-grower countries the plant’s undiluted sap was engaged to kill of the pests, as a vaporizer.

It conserves very well the timber, so thus the ships made of woods, body of boats were handled by aloe.

In the VI century it reached India, where ayurvedic remedy came to know the healing effect of Aloe. It has got to China, and has spread all over the world. Where it could not been grown, here it was transported in the form of powder. Now we are aware of, that through dehydration, lot of component bane in loss. Hence it could be use effectively by laxative or vermicide. Today lots of companies have the technique stabilizing the active substance. That protects by licences.

Itself the plantcicatrizes very fast its lesions. I have got a small part of leaf, I plucked off from the end of a big one. By now I have had this since 3 months, it did not shrivel or rot away. Only it healed the lesion. A part of plant, which do not rot away. I am curious, how long it remains healthily.

Lots of companies dealing with Aloe work effectively in the world. Many cosmetic firm and even more firm selling food auxes. From these you should accept the product from firms that bear the trademark of International Aloe Science Council(IASC). Not so little this, however of this a little fragment represents themselves in Hungary. The competition is very big between them, especially among working in the MLM system.

The Aloe can grow in wild, warm tropic semi-desert areas. It can grow up best in an arid, sandy, calcareous soil. Relatively frugal plant.

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After the gel stabilization had solved, an enormous demand stepped up for the production. In North-America became very popular.

Look out one thing! Use the plant only in exrenal-use at home. Namely it is not sure enough that the medicine Aloe smile in your pottery, however it is possible that the seller sold under this name to you. As I have already mentioned, that there are similar species, so that the differentiation can be made only by a botanist.

NEVER put chemical fertilizer on and in the soil of Aloe Vera used for therapeutic purpose. Neither in the form of liquid nor powder.

It is excellent for little burned wounds. But if it do not come up with the competent effect, then we will sure, that we get bitten in the shop. This is not then the Aloe Vera.

You can keep it outside in temperate zone, on summer, but when the freezes come, it should be bring into the house.

I found the following question in a forum:

Why I should buy the Aloe drinks, when there are in the flowerpot at home?

It does not contain the same agents.

The composition of the black mould is very good, but not the same as the wild-living plant’s soil-needs.

It does not take up the same alimentary substances. It should not be fertilize, because it may contain chemicals. We harm ourselves much more than uses.

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If now we want to use the gel in cure-like, use your brains, that the Aloe latex, which can be found straight under the leaf external stuff, it is laxative. Hard laxative!

I do not dare use this. This is named as the blood of Aloe. It is nude.

It do not cause problems in case of external use.

There are two other reasons, why I will choose the food supplementaries. We simply cannot retrieve such amount of juice, that will be a people dalily need. It works out as the problem may be, but minimum 1 dl.

The Aloe Vera obtains their active substances optimal amount in year 4-5. They use up the biggest and the most well-conditioned leaves.