Allyson Acres Echo 2 Subdivision CCR's

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  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Echo 2 Subdivision CCR's



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    . -RESTR'rCTIVE COVENANTS FOR ALLYSON ACRES- ECHO. 2 ADDITIONNOW, THEREFORE,. for the purpose of providing an orderly development

    of ALLYS ON i\CRES- ECHO 2 ADDITION and for the further purpose ofprotection of ourselves and our successors in title to any propertytherein, and for the further pUrpose.of preserving the character of

    de v-elopment and tonitruction therein and for the protection and

    safety ofthe genera.l public, insure a pleasant neighborhood appearance, ..edo herby declare, establish and impose certain restrictive covenantsupon ALLYSm ACRES- ECHO. 2 . ADDITIN . ; which are outlined herein belo....,which restrictive covenants sr.all be adhered to byoursucces.sors in titleto properties in ALLYSO~ ACRES- ECHO 2 ADDITON. , and shall be ad-hered to by any person, or persons, who shall resice of make use of, anyproperty therein, and any person , persons ,firr, Or corpora tion,accepti:-.Stitle or conveyances to, residing in, or having any interest, of any kindor type whatsoever , inALLYSO(.ACRES.'ECHO 2 ADDITION

    , shall strictl~adhere to such. rest:=ictive covenants, and by accc? such ti tle or. co~-'veyance , either directly or rer:.otely ,to any property. in ALLYSO~ ACRES-lCHO'2 ADDI.'J ' shall be deemed to have assented and agreed to, ande bound by, sucn restrictive covenants and shall .be entitled to all thebenefi ts thereof, and shall assume all the responsibilities thereof.1. For the purpose of main taini rig values for themselves and their su=ces:ors inti tle, and for the purpose of public health and safety, and to en-hance the property, and to insure a pleasant neighborhood appearance andcharacter and for +-ne Durpose of controlling the develop::.ent of ;"LLYSm;ACRES- ECHO 2 ADDITION , the undersigr.ed owners, to-wi t: STUOEBA~?LAOCO:'LPA(;Y,' A~ OKL.:'.EOK=\ CORPOR.r.Ti:i ,or their designees,. shall ret2iinarchitecturalccntrol of all construction, or any installation therein"Therefore " no residence, building ,v..all, fence, drainage s tructu=e , driveway, parking area, etc., shall be initiated, cons tructe, .ins ta lled, oaintained, altered, placed or permitted on .any property therein, withou~

    . first submitting the plans, plot-plan, and/or the specifications, detailsor other satisfactory i.nformation to the un~rsighed, or their esign~es,for their examination, an written approval ,and such construttion andinstallation, ~tc", shall not be iniiiated until such written approvalhas been executed and granted. In passing upon such plans , etc., theundersigned owners, or their designees,. may take into consideration, thesuitabilitiy of construction and installation, and materials used, to thegeneral area, to the general property values, to the specific builingsite, to the outlook and view to and frol. the adja.cent sites and thege:i-eral area, to the general property values,. to the susceptibility of suchconstruction to fire and/or ot.her hazards, including but not .lir..i ted to,public health, and traffic hazards, .andmay take into consideration theblocking of view and the flo".. of air from and to other properties in tl:earea. The uriders igned owners may, when in their opinion , title to enoug~of the properties has been transferred .to others, or ..hen, in their opir.-ion, enough construction has been completed, appoint ,or cause to be .elected, a commi f.tee of at least three of ththenowners in ALL"fSO(.ACRES- ECHO.2ADDITION to serve in the capacity of theunersigneowers insofarasthisrestrictive covenant concerning architectural con"

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  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Echo 2 Subdivision CCR's


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    Restrictive Covenants... .Page 2.trol is concerned. Should such plans, specifications, etc., for construc~ion and installation be submitted to the undersigned owners ,their desic-nees, of such committee, and no written action.. is taken. wi thin. 30 days.-therefror:, then such construction and installation shall be deemed to havE. been approved.2. No single residential dwelling containing lessd,,;tlih2-?fS"qti.~i,fe-etof floor space, exclusive of garages, carports, porches, or patios ,shallbe placed or permitted to remain, on any lot and all building shall beplaced on permanent and solid type. foundations, footings, or piers ofconcrete 'or masbnry.3. No vehicle, or machiriery, that is in salvage condition or is in theprocess of being torn down or r.epaired,or is in a state of junk, nor' anyother type sa.lvage or junk material, is to be placed, or- kept, or per7.i~e('to remain, on any tract in suchr.anner that it r:ay be seen fror: any of .,the neighboring properties. or from any road in or adjacent to the sub-division. Owners of any tract, or tracts , in ALLYSONACRES- ECHO 2ADDITION , shall not permi t any pile of. dead. foliage or brush or any e.\trees or shrubbery to remain on their property but shall dispose ,of .sar:ein a reasonabletirne and. in such a manner that is not offensive, or insuch a manner to cause a fire hazar,d to any ,prope'rty, and all owners, ren'ers, lessors, occuoants, and oarties with interest in, properties inALLYS ON ACRES-ECHO 2 ADDITION shall out of respect to .their neigh-borsand in order to mainti an enhance property values', shall keep the'::property in reasonable repair, and shall l".ow the property at regular rea-sonable intervals and should grass beallo\~ed togrowtoa height great.e=than 18 II the undersigned m.nersmay enter upon such property and mow sa::.eand such owner or lessor shall be liable for th.e cost of such mowing andthe cost of such mowing shall be corne a lien upon the property. '

    . - - ,.,., '._ ' ." \",..n ":,' ,"0:,: \:;;'(:':_,:::..i""".~,~,4'. &ohousetrailer,dtent, shack, garage, barn, outbuilding or anyterr-porary or movable structure, shall at any' time be used for residentialpurposes on any tract and no structure of any description shall be rnov~fr)m any other; location into this sub-division. 1"S. Each dwellirig unit constructed on any tract shall have modern sanita~facilities, and septicsysterns shall be constructed and installed in acc-ordance with the regulations and standards of the Oklahoma State Depart-ment of Health .No outdoor privies shall at any time be permitted on anylot, nor. shall any noxious , offensive, unsightly, malodorous or unliealt~Yactivity or condition be carried on, or~e permitted to remain, upon anylot, nor shall any horse, cow, swine, sheep or goat be kept or permitted

    to remain on any tract. .6. No b.uilding,. nor any part thereof, shall be placed nearer to any road'line than the building set back lines ,of is feet and no structure otherthan fencing , shaii be placed on ny easer..ent area outlined on the abo\"'eplat nor nearrthan S' to any proper~ty ownership line ,except that thi~restrictive cvenantshall not b~ deemed to prohibit installation of u~~lity lines, water wells, and their appurtenances on such easements.

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  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Echo 2 Subdivision CCR's


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    Restrictive Covenants. u ..Page 3'.'7. The exterior or any dwelling , including installation of windows and ..doors, shall be completed and finished ,not la terthan l2 months a:terinitiation of the foi:ndation,' or initiation of any construction, therefo=.or thereon. ShoUld the exterior not be cornpletd and finished within sai12 'months( then the undersigned shall have the right to' ertter upo~ theproperty and toco:nplete and finish the ,exterior of any bUildir.g initi.a~Ewhereupon the grantee of the property shall ir.~eiately pay to the the. full costs of such conpletionand firtishing or shall' automa t-ically grant lien rights for sUch.8. No garbage or trash cans, trash burnsrs, butane or propane storageLanks, shall be placed c.n any tract in such a r.anner. so as to be seenfrom the adjoining .lots or by the general public. They may be of thesunken type or r:ay be. above ground. if hidden by decora ti ve screening,and no clothes line poles other than one collapsible UI.brella type, shaiibe installed, or peri:itted torernain on any tract. . ,9. for the Public Safety and to provie for ease of traffic passage,parking in and along the road tra:fic-ways in excess of l-hour is pro-hibi ted and vehicular traffic in ALLYSON. ACRES- ECHO, 2 ADDITIONshall not exceed 25 miles per hour.10. There shall be only one building on a 'lot unless wr.itten' consent freower or developer, is ,obtained.11. .N,o sign of nature will be allowed on "any lot unless written consentis gi.ven by owner or developer.12. No addition wilL. be allowed on' any home' unless written consent isgiven by 'owner or' developer.13. A fee of $24.00 per year will be charged to all lot owners forupkeep of roads and beautification of development.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we,the above d~signated owners, do hereby set our ";'1~&nds...:tliis 6th day of November, 1974.,.", . S T U .. .....,~ .",. (: t ..

    / ~ ~rirES'1.:.~ \.-: \,'A-.. ~~.. Co -: ... ,f "l~ ~il.~:,f;.,I;tlt.lti~: . :;:l' ,'j ~ 1;~ '?'~ :C": :,.~.. ~ :.--' ~.-..-. '; '), ,.. ..': O. '. .. ...)..'':0:.. "7.'Srk1EQF~-,(KtAHMA",;,"to'o'WJ;''9~/bELAWARE. . ... . ss.. ""I""';':::d~e.f)r~ me ,a notary pu~lic in and for said county and state, on this

    6t~~'(~i..,&f NOvember ,l974, personally appeared Robert L. StUdebaker ,Presi-de!) ....0f. 'tU~_~bc:ke: Land Companr,. .t? me known tObethe: identical person who. /ec~~~.J ~t;h,~,::ithin and f?regoinginstrument, and acknowledged to me that' .h~ .e.'l..:-B~t. G :tl.~.' sa. .his and . voluntary act and deed for the uses;a~dllp~tl3ea Chereinset forth. '\,~\~~Wd.'t~is.$ ~yhand and seal the~)it ~Cor.PS.sidh:':expires: .. ... . --N()V~~~.ze~~"'~Lq7~6.__

    sro:~ L~DGOMPAN .. ABy: / l I /. - '/ I ". " ~,' 'Ll.~ \ ~/l(4gt: itob rt L. Stu ebaker, President

