Phil Lett Group Allison Mietling Gary Reed Jessica Swanson Phillip Lett Renee Younan

Allison Mietling Gary Reed Jessica Swanson Phillip Lett Renee Younan

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Phil Lett GroupAllison MietlingGary ReedJessica SwansonPhillip LettRenee Younan

All About SonicSonic Started 19533500 drive- ins398929 drink options

All American Burger with an Egg YumAdd-ons and Bonus'sTransportation

The Early Bird Burger Product

Competitive Advantage

Available All Day


Target Market

18-34 year oldsFull time college studentsWorking full time or several part time jobs in retailMostly eats on the run

Market Research

Age 18 - 25Mostly eats on the runhigh amount of price sensitivity

Price Strategy

10$3.49 price point for sandwich, $6.89 for medium comboPrices aligns with research and Sonics' current meal offerings Profit Driven


Social And Digital Media Internet RadioBillboards

The Early Bird Burger TRY IT NOW!