Fair tonight Cloudy and warmer Friday m LAST EDITION NUMBER 4809 WASHINGTON THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 15 1907 PRICE ONE CENT Sterner Examination Be Asked for Sena- tor Chandler Opinions Differ as to Way Christian Science Leader Acted CONCORD N H A C 1 of the masters have breathed a word so far concerning his impressions of Interview with Eddy the Christian Science leader and the next friends derive encouragement from the fact that the commission today is per- mitting Attorney William E Chandler- to dive into Mrs Eddys life from the time she begun to develop the Christian Science Idea Sterner Examination This means that the commission will accept Mrs Eddys acts for Uw past thirty years a evidence bearing upon Tier present competency to looK after her personal affairs Senator Chandler and his colleagues will now proceed to argue for a sterner examination of Christian Science founder than was made during yesterdays fortylive minutes interview There ic no authoritative report of Mrs Eddys appearance and demeanor white giving to Judge AMrtchs ques tions the answers which ifi print may appear so ready and sane As te her bearing under the ordeal opinions differ Her friend declare she conducted herself like a woman of forty or fifty giving no sign of men- tal or physical decrepitude Others ay that she was a pitiful spectacle being apparently braced for- th interview and repeating her answers in a trancelike and mechanical manner On Verge of Breakdown It is generally acknowledged however that the inquisitors left the aged woman on the verge of breakdown and for this reason considerable astonishment was caused by her appearance immediately after their departure taking her dally ride sitting upright in her riagipano1 waiving her hand at her son Thesa taxes have caused a revival of the ruiftsc that Mrs Middy on those drives Is Impersonated by a yooger and strong er women Sudden Change It was not until the visitors had said farewell and left the library that the aged woman sudden and significant change Thon a sharp ring ing of the bell that hangs close beside Mrs Eddys easy chair filled the house with Its clamor An instant later n member of her household hurried after tho departing masters to say Mrs Eddy wished to complete her statement Back into the library darkened by carefully drawn curtains the mystified visitors hurried They found Mrs Eddy where they had left hor upright and rigid in hor armchair Excitement had crept into her bloodless face and staring eyes Began Talking at Once It was clear at first glance that the aged woman was no longer in mood only ID answer questions Almost before the visitors wore seated Mrs Eddy was talking her high though feeble voice penetrating every corner of the room No question was asked none was needed While the masters and lawyers sat In surprised silence the aged woman told of her powers to heal the sick and of her miraculous appointment- to grofft of her own mouth within the space of ten minutes she had covered the whole ground of alleged delusion charged by the next friends Acute Intelligence Lawyer Streeter who had invited the masters to this personal inspection of aged client assuring thorn of her door acute Intelligence made no at- tempt t check hor words Side by side with the masters and opposing counsel he sat in silence When the masters came from the silent house they declined to make any statement Counsel on both sides were reticent The face of overy man In the party was grave Senator Chandlers hoarded visage looked ashen gray while Lawyer Streelers was sickly white Passed Distasteful Hour It was fear that these men had passed- a memorably distasteful hour and had heard and seen unpleasant things Silence was maintained a to her con dition as read by the trained eye of the alienist Dr Jolly There was not- a ward or hint as to her state of mind body from the two other masters nothing from Senator Chandler or from Streeter THE WEATHER REPORT- The temperature will rise generally the of the Washing ton toroeast Steamers departing today for to fresh northeasterly winds and fair weather Grand Banks TEMPERATURE 70 J2 ni 75 512 TIDE High water Low water tomorrow 72 a m 7 cm HARPERS FERRY 1V 15 Potomac and Shenandoah clear SECRETS NOT REVEALED BY THE MASTERS I I Mrs the t that bolt underwenta his nr er in n SUN 6i6 TAB roo water p m Tow water today tcnnOlrow1IO Pout 15 r EIiDY I t to- by None yes- terdays t oar ti work- Out district Euro- pean 9 a m 1 X m i- r Sag Sets TABIII Sun rises temorrew High today 1208 tn am1366 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ All Wires to Stop Within Three Days Is Smalls Threat MISS ANNIE FAIR Girl Telegraph Striker Who Got 33 a Month When Men Get 8250 and 90 I 4 Strike Leader Says Settlement Must f Be Reached OMAHA Neb Aug 15 Presi- dent S J Small of the Commercial Telegraphers gave ou the following interview today He this is tit first authorized interview he has given since the strike began Three days from now there will not be a single telegraph wire work ing in the United States said Pres ident Small That is there will be no wires except those incidental to the transportation of trains except ing that a settlement satisfactory to us is reached In the meantime Conference With Men- I will go into conference with my colleagues before I even see my fair lly The attitude taken by both com- panies in Chicago is dictated from New York Whether or not the York officials have one eye on the distorted reports sent out by the Associated Press and the other on the small crowd of strikebreakers I cannot of course say but I do know that there are not tnough telegraphers in the United Stales and Canada to move the business f Chicago to say nothing of the rest of the country Because of the duplicity of the offlclals In San Francisco and LOB Angeles strike spread all over the country with groat rapidity As matters now stand we must have as- surances from the highest authorities of both companies backed up by the guarantee from Government officials that they force the two companies to live up to any agreement that may be reached by arbitration or otherwise be fore we will return to work I person- ally regret the inconvenience to the pub lic but tho companies ignored us for five years and said wo did not have the nerve to strike Story of Associated Press We are now disproving that state- ment In California the fruit trade la suffering untold injury In overy other section of the country business IB but none of that gets into the newspapers News Is not being printed The letter of Melville E stone of Associated Press bewailing the hasty action of the opera tors in striking on a few hours notice must sound like music in the ears of his operators Why did not Mr Stone tell the story Over two years ago the same scale of wages was presented to the manage- ment of the Press and trey have had all that tlmo to consider it Their board of directors have met at least five times since the schedule was presented Kicked Men Out When a committee of five operators first presented that scale Mr Stone theoretically tIcked them out of his of- fice and caused his board of directors to rescind a previous resolution granting and vacations to all Ttis to force a restoration of these priv lligos What do you expect when you reach Chicago and get in thorough with the situation- It does not do to tell what one ex Continued on Page Eight I I New the the operators It took the union a year says tele- graph suf- fering 1 over ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < All the telegraph wires of the country will be tied up within three days President Small of the Unlen So far as we are concerned the striKe over President dowry of tho IV C BERLIN Aug 16 Jo f long known as Germanys greatest vio- linist died today He had beet ill and after a change for the worse on Saturday his physicians gave up all hope for his recovery The death of Joachim removes from the musical world one of the masters of this century and one of the few contemporaries of the greet composers Boh in and Mendelssohn He was born at Klttsev Hungary in 1831 and from his earliest childhood gave of brilliant future that was to be his When barely more than h lad litter studying nndei ohm he went to Leii ig to enter the conservatory there but after an examination by Mendelssohn preparatory to entering the latter the young Joseph that tho conservatory had nothing to otter hint his to recognition in the world of his chosen profession was rapid At nineteen years of age he was ap- pointed Hlivctor of the concerts at where his brilliant work plac- ed him at on e at the head of his art He remained here only two years going to Hanover to accept the master of Ue Chapel Royal In 18G9 he went to Ber- lin to be the director and conductor of the Royal Academy of Music that had just been established During his life honors camo lo him all unsolicited for like most greatI- MMsible from the world deslrin life of seclusion to one of fame Oxford and Cambridge universities eon is JOACHIM DEAD GREAT PLAYER ILL LONG TIME Joa him promise many characters he lived apart u muen as Both Opera- tors for- e lung time re- maining the arm r n ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ferred the of doctor of music upon him while Glasgow gave him the degree of LLi D Not only was Joachim a great man and director but a great composer- as well His compositions are of the wild Hungarian style and are espe- cially brilliant most famous and the one on which his fame will probably rest is his Hun- garian Concerto On the sixtieth anniversary of his In on May 10 1004 he was presented at Queens Hall London with portrait painted by argent and one of the notable ovations ever accorded a mual- slan 6 to the Seashore and Return Via Pennsylvania Railroad Delaware River Bridge Route every Friday and Saturday Atlantic Capo May Wild wood or Ocean City Tickets good on all trains and to return until tho following Tuesday Inclusive Stopover phia within limit Special leaves at lQ5 p m d ree I his mot at Philadel Y alter com- position ap- pearance weekdays ¬ ¬ ¬ WIRE TIEUP Commission Men Af- fected by Strike of Tel- egraph Operators Impossible to Get Pro duce Prices From Western CitiesT- hat the telegraph strike fa seriously crippling business of Washington commission merchants WILl developed by i a Times reporter tills morning who reads a canvas of the commission Many merchants claim that they are unable to obtain any quotations from Western markets while those who j say they occasionally receive quotations j declare that they are so badly delayed m to greatly Inconvonlunc and prove practically valueless to the trade in gen eralCapt James F Oyster summed the situation up as follows Our quotations are eomtnsr in nearly a day late from the W t The quota- tions on butter cheese and are nxed by the Elgin Ill board of trade and the quotations whtrh generally ar here on afternoon not in until Tuesday I that the i inconveniencing COM mission merchants the de- lay in the messages leaves us at sea at the close of the days business as to how we should proceed on the next day TieUp Almost Complete Manager Saks of Golden Co who are among the most important LfMurtana avenue merchants said Tile tieup is almost complete so far sa we are concerned and both receipts dod are being greatly curtailed 1 endeavored on Monday- to order a solid car of eggs from an Iowa point and the telegraph company refused to handle the message at alt- A number of the quotations whfch should haute come in Monday have never reached us and as a consequence the commission business In Washington- is being conducted almost entirely by ness m general must be apparent Ottr sea York quotations are coming In fairly well but quotations from the la the West as wen as the iMUar- cbeeeo and eggs markets are not tir had by either telegraph Una G another large Mission merchant said today I offered one of the companies a telegram early In the week to one of my Western They wanted to take my money and said they would keep the tolls but would not promise to deliver the message within any specified time- r couM not even get them to place a limit on the delivery by days much less for they would make no prom- ises whatever except that an effort would be made I did not send the message and my business so far as telegraph quotations Is concerned is be- ing run without them The merchants are doing the best they can with the present man and telephone facilities No Service Fror West H C Coburn Co made similar complaints stating that the service from MERCHANTS HIT BY Of OUOTATIONS the dis- trict i I I J believe t I mail strikes upon our ay1or W e ho rs i nave come the pur- chases In- consequence effect buM cen- ters eon con- nections ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the West was of no service whatever Other merchants stated that quotations were being received by moll and that the telephone was being used for the nearby points Altogether not a single merchant seen had a cheering word about present telegraphic conditions ail of them pronouncing the as com- plete oo far a it affected the commis sion business Vice President Seattle of the Inter national Union was jubilant this morn ing at the manner in which the Wash- ington operators word meeting the situa tion Not a man has returned to work he said but on the other hand we are mining recruits As soon as President mall arrives in Chicago and issues a general strike order I believe that a number of those operators who are now holding on awaiting such general in structions walk out further pling the companies Some disapoint ment was circles at the de lay yesterday In the promulgation of this general order President to reach as punned but I believe by night a gen eral walkout will be in progress all over the country Expect Long Struggle That the striking telegraphers antici- pate a long and bitter struggle was evi- denced this when eleven ex- pert operators the majority of them Postal employes made arrangements to leave Washington during the and night and accept positions with the Norfolk and Western the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Baltimore and Ohio railways According to the present plans five of these operators will go with the and Ohio five with th Norfolk and Western and one with the Chesa- peake and Ohio The men state that they have secured offers paying almost as much as those formerly hold with the companies hore and In order not to be dependent the support of the union the strike the positions offered b Smal morning afternoon du1ln hicngd Balti- more ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Relieve Men on vacations Quite a number of the strikers have also obtained positions In the city with the newspapers and stock brokers while others are relieving the regular leased wire operators who have availed them- selves of this opportunity to take their vacations and at the same time assist the strikers The meu who arc accepting positions with the railroads will be in thorough with the Order of Railway Telegrapners and like the members of that order will decline to handle any commercial messages over railroad wires the of the Com mercial Telegraphers Union strike Were All Right Says Taft At the Western Union offices this morning Manager Taft made the state- ment that all business was being cared for and that the strike was having no disastrous effects In Washington Asked Continued on Eleventh Page pen Ieney ¬ ¬ Woman Injured Struck Down by Wetmores Auto I ROGER WETMORE Sea of Senator vfetmece of Rb de Isfead a1 DYNAMITE KILLS Mor Factory JExplosfops ExpeCted GerfiWjrv Today BERLIN It One hundred were killed today hjr the exptoemn of a largo dynamite factory DB emits on the Elbe river Part of the town was destroyed the Inhabitants ordered to leave for fear there will be further explosions Many workmen were busy in the factory when the explosfon occurred Several were blown to Workmen- in other parts ol the factory were by the falling walls and ceilings It Is flared many of the injured will die BLOWN TO BITS HUNDRED MEN I In at and been And IMw barn hits Inj- ured RAISULI NAY TANGIER Aug 15 Uews of the bombardment of Casablanca has raach ed Ralsull the bandit who to the great fear of Europeans will probably take to the Add a the Ifiador of the wild tribes- men in their holy war against Euro peans Raiaull It is reported is furious over news The first action of the bandit was to recapture Raid Sir McLean the Sultans adviser whom he re- leased after holding for ransom for some weeks He had turned Sir Harry over to theKMass tribesmen to be de- livered in safety but changed his mind when the news of the holy war reached him McLean is protected the vengeance of the KMaas tribesmen by Ralsull The tribesmen were angry the news qf the bombardment and are furious against all Christians They preparing to take to the field and sup port the tribesmen who are at war Plays MacLean Against Powers Ralsulis first movement in Ills cam- paign was to remove his prisoner to a strategic position in the country of Ben Iarous He showed his fearlessness by defying the combined powers of Europe- to follow him He mocks at threats of punishment for his effrontery is con fident he can withstand any dttaoc When the French out policy of invading Morocco the tribesmen it is will fall beck to Raisuirs position and a campaign of long durance find great magnitude will b necessary to dislodge them KAID j jOiN HOLY WAR I at ar carr their rCllorte RETAKEN and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Alarming at Mazagan Advises from Casablanca say that the situation at Maaagan continues to bo alarming In that town and in mour not far distant the doers of tha jails have been opened and the prisoners are now free They for the most part Immediately joined the warring tribes men In front of Casablanca Philibert to station and El Araish It is thought that the French certainly have to overstep the limit of the terms of Algeciras conven tion and the held from the before peace is again restored Artillery shipped to Casablanca will replace the machine guns landed from the battleships which are n t of sufficient p reach the camj 3 of the tribes surrounding the city daffaires here has warships In the roadsteads of rill tit Ass asked Admiral r ¬ ° UNDER ARREST FOR Victim Is Mrs Cfiase and She Is Seriously Hurt Roger Wetmore son of Senator Peabody Wctmore of JtkWe Intend was arrested at dawn toWs morning at the Arlington Hotel sad Was taken to the nth precinct where a charge of assault was plac ed against him for having run over and seriously injured Mrs Mary C Chase of 1501 It street northwest in his automobile test about 730 oeloek Regaining conseioonnesB rallying- as well as could be expected under circumatances Mr Chase today a chance of recovery Dr CSarenew SENATORS SON ASSAULT f George Oct loss Mar fight the good ¬ A Weaver of KM Q street who was summoned otter the acci- dent happened however that he would not be able to determine the of Mrs Chases injuries nnctt to- morrow Wetiaore Is Paroled Wettnore who Is twentytour yours of aye after being taken to the pence station was paroled in the custody of his torney S G Hopkins Attorney Hopkins an Mr Wetmore said that bond be furnished ta any named by the District Attorney The accident occurred about 7 oclock Mrs Chase was walking south on Sixteenth street Just as she step ped from the curb at the corner of Corcoran street the automobile bore her down Several persons who wit- nessed the accident say that there was no warning given Without stopping for even a moment witnesses of the accident say the driver of the err threw on the speed clutch and drove away Several persons were sitting on the porch of John Neil IsiS Sixteenth street at the time Rushing to Mrs Chases aid they carried the Injured woman Into Mr NetTs house and later she was taken to her home in Dr Weavers automobile Concussion of Braia Mrs Chases injuries consist of con- cussion bf the brain a fractured nose crushed ankle and contusions about the heed body Before the automobile ha disappeared around the corner It was ohfterwd that the rear of the machine bore a District license No X 4 This Information was turned over to the police with the result that Wetmore was located early title morning by Policemen Levy and John- son Wetmore was driving a gasolene run about of a kite model which is said to be almost neissleoc as an electric I Mrs Chase during a todd interval last night kept secret Mr Wetinores Statement would sum I I I and ail I J1J oat that the M said ex- tent asked rodent ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ S G Kopkms of the law firm of Thomas S S G Hopkins in the Washington Lour and Trust BttiMtag attorney for Mr Wetmore when some this afternoon regarding the accident saw I saw Mr Wetmore for only a few minutes this morning and conaeojuentty know but little mncernmg th accident Mr told me that h was driving south un Sixteenth street close to the curbing on the right hand fide at a rate certainly not ex- ceeding six miles an hour when some one stfrtr from the rurb directly i1 front of him Tli swerved his lii till in an attempt to miss the pedestrian was struck by the mudguard on the A l a line hut Contl1tirl Ninth regret- table R etn Bore sud- denly autslt Itt she ca Fag ¬ << Assessor Griffin Con siders Advisability- of Action May Recommend Two Per Cent Increase- on Earnings Commissioners Report of Assist- ants Board It toara 4 today that Assessor Griffrn IB aertoocty oaMMocteg the ad vteaMttty of teckmltog fat Ills forthcom- ing report to west deal- Ing with UM taxes om public vtttHy cor- poration a recttazaeadttCloR K the railway companies be increased frees 4 to per cent He to inclined to this recommendation RAISE j- ST RYe TAXES was en ITT te Cr t tax18Iii tIM grons the S Await- ing ps enzalngs of street ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ for the reason that at the preeeett time UM rails on UM streets are not taxed as real mints taxes on them being way in the tax on gross earategc personally of the opinion said As senior SrUOn today that the rails and franchisee of the steel railway eew- paal snoot be but stnee Con- gress haj not mwvidojl for Uric I think would be a fairer return to the District for valuable pri7eges than the 4 per oent saw paid Thinks Tax The tax for two companies at the 4 per cent rate amounted In sT to aSBsflR1 This Mr Gftftn redacts as tnadoquate and that lacgar r toiq s to the OJetrtlt alMnlit be Made by contpanlee tee the vahmM fvancttsde enjoyed Commteatoner West said keaay that the Board of Diarist Cammlartonefa- recoMme lexl to Ute hot Congress an taereaae in taxes Ci per oent on the green earnings of the atreec raflwayv- jactton to such an m tax rates likely to te for Increased aceese menU for this year are the Potomac Ktectrio Power Company and pASoibly the telegraph companies The Baltimore tad Ohio railroad the street railways aoabtetily have largely increased menU made against them in tri ennial of ill the property of those companies Assessment f B 0 to be a I a f per ceRt tax the gI08 earnings the the to It Is that tile street rail will not any uu tRUe TIle only other that are come sad In of the oUters WIlt un sup- posed Included in general am taxed tun Inadequate these 4 pee cent S deMoed tm ways sake sfrenreas eerporatione fact all assess the assessment R ¬ ¬ The annual aoseasenent of the Balti- more sad Ohio trot show ant Increase ba the statement of that company to th assessors They have accepted those valuations which are on sea track laid dorme the year which the company made In Its statement The of the Potomac Etoetri Power Company Is very simitar to the of the gsa companies The aoseseors dont to know whether the eon nanv is paying taxes on their meters service conduits or They ar now trying to discover the facts and this information will be mctode to report of Mr Griffin to Commlaoioner West METCALF TO NAME Speculation Among Em ployes as to Who Will Be Appointed Secretary f Xy eMtssAC has bjr wire ef OM 0ex of Benjasl F Peters side clerk el the Navy Department bas IMSA asked for Instructions as to the appointment sf his ULUssor Because of on tin wires due to the ers strike It Is doubtful which despit dentals of of the companion in- volved has to some extent taterferred with Government hedges It te an answer may be expected Th present acting chief clerk P S Curtis has keen te the sPies Sac more titan fif- teen y ars He would eb ietfcM successor to tile vacancy created Mr Peters There Is another csjMMdate m tbe person of Charles V Stewart of the library and nava war records many of whose friends feel that h Is fully competent to tak the chief 6 to Atlantic City or Cape May and return Friday sad Saturday via Pennsylvania Railroad route Tickets good to retttrs until the foflowir Tuesday inclusive Stopover hr Phila- delphia returnfng within limit Same rate at 106 dee Oft valuations Mad ease seem and set c the PEl RS SUCCESSOR the tIt and the doubtful y death superintendent t I I to t ldwood orOt anClty Through tract to IEaves p m road the a been nodded de- lays telegraph oil imte whoa the now however atlantic City wee dal sAdv ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

All Wires to Stop Woman Injured Three Days Struck Down by ... · Fair tonight Cloudy and warmer Friday m LAST EDITION NUMBER 4809 WASHINGTON THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 15 1907 PRICE

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Page 1: All Wires to Stop Woman Injured Three Days Struck Down by ... · Fair tonight Cloudy and warmer Friday m LAST EDITION NUMBER 4809 WASHINGTON THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 15 1907 PRICE

Fair tonight Cloudy andwarmer Friday m



Sterner ExaminationBe Asked for Sena-

tor Chandler

Opinions Differ as to Way

Christian ScienceLeader Acted

CONCORD N H A C 1 ofthe masters have breathed a word sofar concerning his impressions of

Interview with Eddy theChristian Science leader and the nextfriends derive encouragement from thefact that the commission today is per-mitting Attorney William E Chandler-to dive into Mrs Eddys life from thetime she begun to develop the ChristianScience Idea

Sterner ExaminationThis means that the commission will

accept Mrs Eddys acts for Uw pastthirty years a evidence bearing uponTier present competency to looK afterher personal affairs Senator Chandlerand his colleagues will now proceed toargue for a sterner examination ofChristian Science founder than wasmade during yesterdays fortyliveminutes interview

There ic no authoritative report ofMrs Eddys appearance and demeanorwhite giving to Judge AMrtchs questions the answers which ifi print mayappear so ready and sane

As te her bearing under the ordealopinions differ Her friend declare

she conducted herself like a womanof forty or fifty giving no sign of men-tal or physical decrepitude

Others ay that she was a pitifulspectacle being apparently braced for-th interview and repeating her answersin a trancelike and mechanical manner

On Verge of BreakdownIt is generally acknowledged however

that the inquisitors left the aged womanon the verge of breakdown and for thisreason considerable astonishment wascaused by her appearance immediatelyafter their departure taking her dallyride sitting upright in herriagipano1 waiving her hand at her sonThesa taxes have caused a revival of theruiftsc that Mrs Middy on those drivesIs Impersonated by a yooger and stronger women

Sudden ChangeIt was not until the visitors had said

farewell and left the library that theaged woman sudden andsignificant change Thon a sharp ringing of the bell that hangs close besideMrs Eddys easy chair filled the housewith Its clamor An instant later nmember of her household hurried aftertho departing masters to say Mrs Eddywished to complete her statement

Back into the library darkened bycarefully drawn curtains the mystifiedvisitors hurried They found Mrs Eddywhere they had left hor upright andrigid in hor armchair Excitement hadcrept into her bloodless face and staringeyes

Began Talking at Once

It was clear at first glance that theaged woman was no longer in mood onlyID answer questions Almost before thevisitors wore seated Mrs Eddy wastalking her high though feeble voicepenetrating every corner of the roomNo question was asked none wasneeded

While the masters and lawyers sat Insurprised silence the aged woman toldof her powers to heal thesick and of her miraculous appointment-to grofft

of her own mouth within thespace of ten minutes she had coveredthe whole ground of alleged delusioncharged by the next friends

Acute IntelligenceLawyer Streeter who had invited the

masters to this personal inspection ofaged client assuring thorn of her

door acute Intelligence made no at-tempt t check hor words Side by sidewith the masters and opposing counselhe sat in silence

When the masters came from thesilent house they declined to make anystatement Counsel on both sides werereticent The face of overy man In theparty was grave Senator Chandlershoarded visage looked ashen gray whileLawyer Streelers was sickly white

Passed Distasteful HourIt was fear that these men had passed-

a memorably distasteful hour and hadheard and seen unpleasant things

Silence was maintained a to her condition as read by the trained eye ofthe alienist Dr Jolly There was not-a ward or hint as to her state of mind

body from the two other mastersnothing from Senator Chandler or from



The temperature will rise generallythe of the Washing

ton toroeastSteamers departing today for

to freshnortheasterly winds and fair weatherGrand Banks


J2 ni 75



High waterLow water tomorrow 72 a m 7 cm

HARPERS FERRY 1V 15Potomac and Shenandoah clear















in n


TAB roo

water p mTow water todaytcnnOlrow1IO Pout














9 a m

1 X m i-r Sag Sets TABIII

Sun rises temorrew

High today 1208tnam1366











All Wires to StopWithin Three Days

Is Smalls Threat

MISS ANNIE FAIRGirl Telegraph Striker Who Got 33 a Month When Men Get 8250 and 90

I 4

Strike Leader SaysSettlement Mustf Be Reached

OMAHA Neb Aug 15 Presi-

dent S J Small of the CommercialTelegraphers gave ou the followinginterview today He this is titfirst authorized interview he hasgiven since the strike began

Three days from now there willnot be a single telegraph wire working in the United States said President Small That is there will be

no wires except those incidental tothe transportation of trains except

ing that a settlement satisfactory to

us is reached In the meantimeConference With Men-

I will go into conference with mycolleagues before I even see my fairlly The attitude taken by both com-

panies in Chicago is dictated from NewYork Whether or not the Yorkofficials have one eye on the distortedreports sent out by the AssociatedPress and the other on the small crowdof strikebreakers I cannot of coursesay but I do know that there are nottnough telegraphers in the United Stalesand Canada to move the business fChicago to say nothing of the rest ofthe country

Because of the duplicity of theofflclals In San Francisco and

LOB Angeles strike spread all overthe country with groat rapidity Asmatters now stand we must have as-

surances from the highest authoritiesof both companies backed up by theguarantee from Government officialsthat they force the two companies tolive up to any agreement that may bereached by arbitration or otherwise before we will return to work I person-

ally regret the inconvenience to the public but tho companies ignored us forfive years and said wo did not havethe nerve to strike

Story of Associated PressWe are now disproving that state-

ment In California the fruit trade lasuffering untold injury In overy othersection of the country business IB

but none of that gets into thenewspapers News Is not being printedThe letter of Melville E stone ofAssociated Press bewailing the hastyaction of the operators in striking on a few hours noticemust sound like music in the ears ofhis operators Why did not Mr Stonetell the story

Over two years ago the same scale ofwages was presented to the manage-ment of the Press and treyhave had all that tlmo to consider itTheir board of directors have met atleast five times since the schedule waspresented

Kicked Men Out

When a committee of five operatorsfirst presented that scale Mr Stonetheoretically tIcked them out of his of-

fice and caused his board of directors torescind a previous resolution granting

and vacations to all Ttis

to force a restoration of these privlligos

What do you expect when you reachChicago and get in thorough withthe situation-

It does not do to tell what one ex

Continued on Page Eight






operators It took the union a year























All the telegraph wiresof the country will betied up within threedays

President Small of theUnlen

So far as we areconcerned the striKeover

President dowry of tho IV C

BERLIN Aug 16 Jo flong known as Germanys greatest vio-linist died today He had beet ill

and after a change for theworse on Saturday his physicians gaveup all hope for his recovery

The death of Joachim removes fromthe musical world one of the mastersof this century and one of the few

contemporaries of the greetcomposers Boh in and Mendelssohn

He was born at Klttsev Hungary in1831 and from his earliest childhoodgave of brilliant future thatwas to be his When barely more than hlad litter studying nndei ohm he wentto Leii ig to enter the conservatorythere but after an examination byMendelssohn preparatory to enteringthe latter the young Joseph thattho conservatory had nothing to otterhint his to recognitionin the world of his chosen professionwas rapid

At nineteen years of age he was ap-pointed Hlivctor of the concerts at

where his brilliant work plac-ed him at on e at the head of his artHe remained here only two years goingto Hanover to accept the master of UeChapel Royal In 18G9 he went to Ber-lin to be the director and conductor ofthe Royal Academy of Music that hadjust been established

During his life honors camo lohim all unsolicited for like most greatI-

MMsible from the world deslrinlife of seclusion to one of fameOxford and Cambridge universities eon





Joa him



characters he lived apart u muen asBoth


for-e lung time



arm r








ferred the of doctor of musicupon him while Glasgow gave him thedegree of LLi D

Not only was Joachim a great manand director but a great composer-

as well His compositions are of thewild Hungarian style and are espe-cially brilliant most famous

and the one on which hisfame will probably rest is his Hun-garian Concerto

On the sixtieth anniversary of hisIn on May 10 1004

he was presented at Queens HallLondon with portrait painted byargent and one of thenotable ovations ever accorded a mual-slan

6 to the Seashore and ReturnVia Pennsylvania Railroad DelawareRiver Bridge Route every Friday andSaturday Atlantic Capo May Wildwood or Ocean City Tickets good on alltrains and to return until tho followingTuesday Inclusive Stopoverphia within limitSpecial leaves at lQ5 p m

d ree I


at Philadel









Commission Men Af-

fected by Strike of Tel-

egraph Operators

Impossible to Get Produce Prices From

Western CitiesT-

hat the telegraph strike fa seriouslycrippling business of Washingtoncommission merchants WILl developed by i

a Times reporter tills morning whoreads a canvas of the commission

Many merchants claim that theyare unable to obtain any quotationsfrom Western markets while those who j

say they occasionally receive quotations j

declare that they are so badly delayedm to greatly Inconvonlunc and provepractically valueless to the trade in gen

eralCapt James F Oyster summed thesituation up as follows

Our quotations are eomtnsr in nearlya day late from the W t The quota-tions on butter cheese and arenxed by the Elgin Ill board of tradeand the quotations whtrh generally ar

here on afternoon notin until Tuesday I that

the i inconveniencing COMmission merchants the de-lay in the messages leaves us at sea atthe close of the days business as to howwe should proceed on the next day

TieUp Almost Complete

Manager Saks of Golden Co whoare among the most important LfMurtanaavenue merchants said Tile tieupis almost complete so far sa we areconcerned and both receipts dod

are being greatly curtailed1 endeavored on Monday-

to order a solid car of eggs from anIowa point and the telegraph companyrefused to handle the message at alt-A number of the quotations whfchshould haute come in Monday havenever reached us and as a consequencethe commission business In Washington-is being conducted almost entirely by

ness m general must be apparent Ottrsea York quotations are coming Infairly well but quotations from the

la the West as wen as the iMUar-cbeeeo and eggs markets are not tirhad by either telegraph Una

G another largeMission merchant said today I offeredone of the companies a telegram earlyIn the week to one of my Western

They wanted to take mymoney and said they would keep thetolls but would not promise to deliverthe message within any specified time-r couM not even get them to place alimit on the delivery by days much less

for they would make no prom-ises whatever except that an effortwould be made I did not send themessage and my business so far astelegraph quotations Is concerned is be-ing run without them The merchantsare doing the best they can with thepresent man and telephone facilities

No Service Fror WestH C Coburn Co made similar

complaints stating that the service from














mail strikes upon our

ay1or W e

ho rs





chases In-


effect buM














the West was of no service whateverOther merchants stated that quotationswere being received by moll and thatthe telephone was being used for thenearby points Altogether not a singlemerchant seen had a cheering wordabout present telegraphic conditions ailof them pronouncing the as com-plete oo far a it affected the commission business

Vice President Seattle of the International Union was jubilant this morning at the manner in which the Wash-ington operators word meeting the situation

Not a man has returned to work hesaid but on the other hand we aremining recruits As soon as President

mall arrives in Chicago and issues ageneral strike order I believe that anumber of those operators who are nowholding on awaiting such general instructions walk out furtherpling the companies Some disapointment was circles at the delay yesterday In the promulgation ofthis general order President

to reach aspunned but I believe by night a general walkout will be in progress all overthe country

Expect Long StruggleThat the striking telegraphers antici-

pate a long and bitter struggle was evi-

denced this when eleven ex-

pert operators the majority of themPostal employes made arrangements toleave Washington during theand night and accept positions with theNorfolk and Western the Chesapeakeand Ohio and the Baltimore and Ohiorailways

According to the present plans five ofthese operators will go with the

and Ohio five with th Norfolkand Western and one with the Chesa-peake and Ohio The men state thatthey have secured offers paying almostas much as those formerly hold withthe companies hore and In order not tobe dependent the support of theunion the strike thepositions offered




















Relieve Men on vacationsQuite a number of the strikers have

also obtained positions In the city withthe newspapers and stock brokers whileothers are relieving the regular leasedwire operators who have availed them-selves of this opportunity to take theirvacations and at the same time assistthe strikers

The meu who arc accepting positionswith the railroads will be in thorough

with the Order of RailwayTelegrapners and like the members ofthat order will decline to handle anycommercial messages over railroadwires the of the Commercial Telegraphers Union strike

Were All Right Says TaftAt the Western Union offices this

morning Manager Taft made the state-ment that all business was being caredfor and that the strike was having nodisastrous effects In Washington Asked

Continued on Eleventh Page

pen Ieney



Woman InjuredStruck Down by

Wetmores AutoI


Sea of Senator vfetmece of Rb de Isfead



Mor Factory JExplosfopsExpeCted GerfiWjrv


BERLIN It One hundredwere killed today hjr the exptoemn ofa largo dynamite factory DB emitson the Elbe river Part of the townwas destroyed the Inhabitants

ordered to leave for fear therewill be further explosions

Many workmen were busy in thefactory when the explosfon occurredSeveral were blown to Workmen-in other parts ol the factory were

by the falling walls and ceilingsIt Is flared many of the injured willdie






And IMw





TANGIER Aug 15 Uews of thebombardment of Casablanca has raached Ralsull the bandit who to the greatfear of Europeans will probably take tothe Add a the Ifiador of the wild tribes-men in their holy war against Europeans Raiaull It is reported is furiousover news

The first action of the bandit was torecapture Raid Sir McLean theSultans adviser whom he re-leased after holding for ransom forsome weeks He had turned Sir Harryover to theKMass tribesmen to be de-livered in safety but changed his mindwhen the news of the holy war reachedhim

McLean is protected thevengeance of the KMaas tribesmen byRalsull The tribesmen were angrythe news qf the bombardment and arefurious against all Christians Theypreparing to take to the field and support the tribesmen who are at war

Plays MacLean Against PowersRalsulis first movement in Ills cam-

paign was to remove his prisoner to astrategic position in the country of BenIarous He showed his fearlessness bydefying the combined powers of Europe-to follow him He mocks at threats ofpunishment for his effrontery is confident he can withstand any dttaocWhen the French out policyof invading Morocco the tribesmen itis will fall beck to Raisuirsposition and a campaign of long durancefind great magnitude will b necessaryto dislodge them




carr their










Alarming at MazaganAdvises from Casablanca say that

the situation at Maaagan continues tobo alarming In that town and inmour not far distant the doers of thajails have been opened and the prisonersare now free They for the most partImmediately joined the warring tribesmen In front of Casablanca

Philibert to stationand El Araish

It is thought that the Frenchcertainly have to overstep the limitof the terms of Algeciras convention and the held from the

before peace is again restoredArtillery shipped to Casablancawill replace the machine guns landedfrom the battleships which are n tof sufficient p reach the camj 3of the tribes surrounding the city

daffaires here haswarships

In the roadsteads of










Victim Is MrsCfiase and She Is

Seriously Hurt

Roger Wetmore son of SenatorPeabody Wctmore of JtkWe

Intend was arrested at dawn toWs

morning at the Arlington Hotel sadWas taken to the nth precinctwhere a charge of assault was placed against him for having run overand seriously injured Mrs Mary C

Chase of 1501 It street northwestin his automobile test about730 oeloek

Regaining conseioonnesB rallying-as well as could be expected undercircumatances Mr Chase todaya chance of recovery Dr CSarenew











A Weaver of KM Q street who wassummoned otter the acci-dent happened however that hewould not be able to determine the

of Mrs Chases injuries nnctt to-morrow

Wetiaore Is ParoledWettnore who Is twentytour yours

of aye after being taken to the pencestation was paroled in the custody ofhis torney S G Hopkins AttorneyHopkins an Mr Wetmore said thatbond be furnished ta anynamed by the District Attorney

The accident occurred about 7oclock Mrs Chase was walking southon Sixteenth street Just as she stepped from the curb at the corner ofCorcoran street the automobile boreher down Several persons who wit-nessed the accident say that there wasno warning given

Without stopping for even a momentwitnesses of the accident say the driverof the err threw on the speed clutchand drove away Several persons weresitting on the porch of John Neil IsiSSixteenth street at the time Rushingto Mrs Chases aid they carried theInjured woman Into Mr NetTs houseand later she was taken to her homein Dr Weavers automobile

Concussion of BraiaMrs Chases injuries consist of con-

cussion bf the brain a fractured nosecrushed ankle and contusions about theheed body

Before the automobile ha disappearedaround the corner It was ohfterwd thatthe rear of the machine bore a Districtlicense No X 4 This Information wasturned over to the police with the resultthat Wetmore was located early titlemorning by Policemen Levy and John-son

Wetmore was driving a gasolene runabout of a kite model which is saidto be almost neissleoc as an electricI

Mrs Chase during a todd intervallast nightkept secret

Mr Wetinores Statement

would sum





ail I

J1J oat

that the M



asked rodent








S G Kopkms of the law firm ofThomas S S G Hopkins in theWashington Lour and Trust BttiMtagattorney for Mr Wetmore when somethis afternoon regarding the accidentsaw

I saw Mr Wetmore for only a fewminutes this morning and conaeojuenttyknow but little mncernmg th

accident Mr told methat h was driving south un Sixteenthstreet close to the curbing on the righthand fide at a rate certainly not ex-ceeding six miles an hour when

some one stfrtr from the rurbdirectly i1 front of him Tliswerved his lii till in anattempt to miss the pedestrianwas struck by the mudguard on the


la line


Contl1tirl Ninth

regret-table Retn Bore



ca Fag


< <

Assessor Griffin Con

siders Advisability-

of Action

May Recommend Two

Per Cent Increase-

on Earnings

CommissionersReport of Assist-

ants Board

It toara 4 today that AssessorGriffrn IB aertoocty oaMMocteg the advteaMttty of teckmltog fat Ills forthcom-ing report to west deal-Ing with UM taxes om public vtttHy cor-poration a recttazaeadttCloR K the

railway companies be increased frees 4

to per centHe to inclined to this recommendation





en ITT te Cr

ttax18Iii tIM grons the




ps enzalngs of street






for the reason that at the preeeett timeUM rails on UM streets are not taxedas real mints taxes on them being

wayin the tax on gross earategc

personally of the opinion saidAs senior SrUOn today that the railsand franchisee of the steel railway eew-paal snoot be but stnee Con-

gress haj not mwvidojl for Uric I think

would be a fairer return to the Districtfor valuable pri7eges than the 4per oent saw paid

Thinks TaxThe tax for two companies at the

4 per cent rate amounted In sT toaSBsflR1 This Mr Gftftn redacts as

tnadoquate and that lacgar r toiq s tothe OJetrtlt alMnlit be Made bycontpanlee tee the vahmM fvancttsdeenjoyed

Commteatoner West said keaay thatthe Board of Diarist Cammlartonefa-recoMme lexl to Ute hot Congress antaereaae in taxes Ci

per oent on the green earnings of theatreec raflwayv-

jactton to such an m tax rates

likely to te for Increased aceesemenU for this year are the PotomacKtectrio Power Company and pASoiblythe telegraph companies The Baltimoretad Ohio railroad the street railways

aoabtetily have largely increasedmenU made against them in triennial of ill the propertyof those companies

Assessment f B 0

to be a


a f per ceRt tax the gI08 earnings




It Is that tile street railwill not any uu

tRUeTIle only other that are


sad In of the oUters WIlt un

sup-posed Included in general






4 pee cent S

deMoedtmways sake sfrenreas


fact allassess





The annual aoseasenent of the Balti-more sad Ohio trot show antIncreaseba the statement of that company to thassessors They have accepted thosevaluations which are on sea track laiddorme the year which the companymade In Its statement

The of the Potomac EtoetriPower Company Is very simitar to theof the gsa companies The aoseseorsdont to know whether the eonnanv is paying taxes on their meters

service conduits or They arnow trying to discover the facts andthis information will be mctode toreport of Mr Griffin to CommlaoionerWest


Speculation Among Em

ployes as to Who WillBe Appointed

Secretary f Xy eMtssAC hasbjr wire ef OM 0ex of

Benjasl F Peters side clerk el theNavy Department bas IMSA askedfor Instructions as to the appointmentsf his ULUssor Because of

on tin wires due to theers strike It Is doubtful which despitdentals of of the companion in-

volved has to some extent taterferredwith Government hedges It te

an answer may be expected Thpresent acting chief clerk P S Curtishas keen te the sPies Sac more titan fif-

teen y ars He would eb ietfcMsuccessor to tile vacancy created

Mr PetersThere Is another csjMMdate

m tbe person of Charles V Stewartof the library and nava

war records many of whose friendsfeel that h Is fully competent to takthe chief

6 to Atlantic City or Cape Mayand return Friday sad Saturdayvia Pennsylvania Railroad routeTickets good to retttrs until the foflowirTuesday inclusive Stopover hr Phila-delphia returnfng within limit Same rate

at 106

deeOft valuations Mad



and setcthe






y death




I to t ldwood orOt anClty Through tractto IEaves p m

roadthe a

been nodded

de-lays telegraph

oil imte




atlantic City weedal sAdv




