Name _________________________________________________________ Cell Phone _________________________ Email Address _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gym __________________________________________________________ City, State __________________________ Date Submitted ____________________ Signature _______________________________________________________ Please complete this form using all CAPITAL letters. For the True/False section, please write the entire word TRUE or FALSE. In the multiple choice section, your capital letters should look like the examples below: A B C D T U M B L I N G Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Matching 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Standing Tumbling 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 4. 4. 4. 4. 3. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 6. 6. 5. Matching Matching 7. Matching 6. 1. 1. 8. 1. 7. 2. 2. 9. 2. 8. 3. 3. 3. 9. 4. 4. 4. Running Tumbling 5. 5. 10. True/False True/False True/False True/False True/False 11. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 12. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 13. 3. 3. 14. 4. 4. 15. 5. 5. 16. Score Score Score Score Score WRITTEN TESTS – ANSWER SHEET Please print in all CAPITAL letters.

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WRITTENTESTSANSWERSHEETPleaseprintinallCAPITALletters. Name_________________________________________________________CellPhone_________________________ EmailAddress_____________________________________________________________________________________ Gym__________________________________________________________City,State__________________________ DateSubmitted____________________Signature_______________________________________________________ PleasecompletethisformusingallCAPITALletters.FortheTrue/Falsesection,pleasewritetheentirewordTRUEor FALSE.Inthemultiplechoicesection,yourcapitallettersshouldlookliketheexamplesbelow: ABCD TUMBLING Level 1 Multiple Choice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Matching 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Score Score Score

Level 2 Multiple Choice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Matching 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. True/False 1. 2. 1. 2. 7. 8. 9.

Level 3 Multiple Choice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Level 4 Multiple Choice 1.

Level 5 Multiple Choice 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Matching Standing Tumbling

Matching 1. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8. 9. Running Tumbling 10.

True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Score

True/False 1. 2.


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.Score

Name_________________________________________________________CellPhone_________________________DateSubmitted___________________ Gym___________________________________________________City,State_________________________Signature_______________________________ PleasecompletethisformusingallCAPITALletters.FortheTrue/Falsesection,pleasewritetheentirewordTRUEorFALSE.Inthemultiplechoicesection,your capitallettersshouldlookliketheseexamples:ABCD BUI LDING SKILLS Stunts Stunts Tosses Stunts Tosses Stunts Tosses Stunts Tosses Stunts Tosses Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 Level 4 Level 4 Level 5 Level 5 Level 6 Level 6 Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice Mult. Choice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. True/False 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. True/False True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. Fill In 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2.

True/False 1. Fill In

True/False 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3.


Level 1 TumblingMultiple ChoicePlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. When aligned in the ideal back bend, correct positioningincludes: : a) Arms wider than shoulders to provide a good base b) Shoulders are located directly over the wrists with feet pushing the weight towards the hands c) The body makes a symmetrical arch shape with weight evenly distributed between hands and feet d) The heels of the athlete are off the floor 2. What is the most important function we are teachinganathleteineffectivelyexecutingahandstand? a) How to hold the hollow body position while inverted b) Learning to effectively support their weight in their hands c) Balance d) A progressive skill before learning to walk on their hands 3. Which of the following pictures shows the best entryforforwardroll?

Please List the correct letter next to the name of the body position in numbers 1 through 5 on your answer sheet.


Identify the body positions associated with tumbling: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pike Hollow Tuck Arch Straight






4. Which statement best describes memory of movement? a) An athlete has created a situation where movement occurs without conscious thought b) Memory of movement provides a solid reference in which more advanced skills can be performed safely c) Repetitively performing basic skills incorrectly creates a memory of movement that produces bad habits d) All of the above 5. Whenexecutingahandstand,theheadisinthe correctpositionwhen: a) The athlete is looking at the ground with the head slightly forward and eyes parallel to the ground b) When the chin is tucked in tight to protect the head and neck should the athlete land on it c) In neutral position, with the ears between the arms 6. Inlevel1whichskillinnotallowed? a) Connected tumbling pass (example: Cartwheel swing through to back walk over) b) One Arm Cartwheel c) Front Walk Over d) Dive Roll



True or FalsePlease write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Basic tumbling skills should be mastered before any inverted tumbling skills involving motion be attempted. The entry into the round off is different from the cart wheel. In a lunge position there should be a straight line from the tip of the fingers to the heel of the back leg. In Level 1 back hand springs are allowed in running tumbling but not standing. Front walkovers are legal in level 1.


Credentialing USASF 2010

Level 2 TumblingMultiple ChoicePlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet. Please List the correct letter next to the name of the body position in numbers 1 through 5 on your answer sheet.


1. When executing a round-off back handsprings series where should your feet be in the landing and connection: a) Underneath the hips and slightly in front of the body b) Behind hips by 18 inches so the athlete doesnt undercut c) In front of the body by 18 inches so the athlete lands in an off balance position and is forced to execute the next one d) Close to where your hands hit the ground 2. When spotting a standing back handspring the spottershould: a) Place one hand on the lower back and the other on back of the legs b) Be strong enough to manipulate the body to move through proper placement c) Be able to anticipate potential problems and safely spot the athlete through the skill to a safe landing d) All of the above 3. Selectthepicturewhichshowsanathleteinthe correctjump/sitpositionforabackhandspring:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Demonstration of an attentive spotter Station Drill that aids in reach and length Partner Drill that aids in core strength and hollow body Power Drill that aids athlete in the rebound for a back handspring Equipment Drill that strengthens core and arms for the snap from arch to hollow in a back handspring







4. Airborneskillsmustinvolve___withbothhands whenpassingthroughtheinvertedposition.: a) Tightness b) Flexibility c) Hand support d) Spotting 5. WhichofthefollowingisNOTaLevel2tumbling skill? a) Round-off back handspring b) Standing back handspring series c) Front handspring d) Standing back handspring


True or FalsePlease write the correct answer on the answer sheet.



During a front handspring, the head should remain between the arms, but held back slightly to enable the shoulders and hips to stay open. Layouts are legal in Level 2.


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Level 3 TumblingPlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

1. When performing a running tumbling pass, in Level3,thesetmustcomefromapowerful: : a) Jump b) Punch c) Arm Swing d) Cartwheel 2. To protect the ligaments in the leg what is the properlandingpositionofatuck: a) Balls of the feet to heels of the feet to knees which absorb b) Nice straight legs to stick the landing c) Solid, flat landing on the feet with weight mostly in the heel, with chest down 3. When spotting the tuck in a round off back handspringbacktuckthespottershould: a) Try to place one hand on the middle back shortly after they finish the back handspring b) Place a hand under the thighs of the athlete to assist with the lift and rotation phase c) Be confident in moving with the pass and strong enough to move a stalled tuck through rotation d) All of the above 4. To perform a round-off tuck the athlete should firstbeabletodemonstrate: a) A round off back handspring back tuck b) A round off rebound (with arms up by the ears quickly) c) A strong punch out of the round off d) All of the above 5. Whenconnectingjumpstobackhandspringsthe feetshouldland: a) Together and behind the hips with all the weight in the toes b) Together and underneath hips in the athletic stance c) Together and in front of hips with the weight in the heels d) Slightly apart and underneath hips


Whatisacommonmistakeinbacktucks? a) The athlete has too much height (and then they cannot control the skill) b) The set leans back (and then the back tuck travels) c) The athlete uses the drive of their toes up and over to create the rotation (instead of their knees) d) All of the above

7. What is the difference between a Russian lift andapunchfront? a) There is no difference b) A Russian lift is usually used for continued passes and a punch front lands c) A punch front is legal in level 3 and a Russian lift is not d) Both b and c 8. Whatistheonefoundationalskillthatthebody passesthroughinvirtuallyeverytumblingskill? a) Arch Position b) Hollow Position c) Hand Stand Position 9. Whenattemptingaround-offfollowedbyseries backhandspringsifanathletehasdifficultyperforming morethanonebackhandspring,thefollowingshouldbe analyzed: a) The round off b) Landing position after first back handspring c) Both d) Neither

Please write the correct answer on the answer sheet .

True or False

1. 2.

In order for the athlete to get a better rotation in the tuck when performing a round-off back handspring tuck series they should throw their head back. During a standing back tuck, the head should remain in neutral and not be allowed to be thrown back.


Credentialing USASF 2010

Level 4 TumblingMultiple ChoicePlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet.


Whatistheproperbodypositioninalayout? a) Slight pike to ensure the feet get around for a safe landing b) Slight arched position with hips pushing forward to ensure the skill rotates c) Hollow body position d) Straight body position Alayoutwillrotate____atuck. a) Slower than b) Faster than c) Same speed as

Please List the correct letter next to the name of the body position in numbers 1 through 4 on your answer sheet.


Identify the body positions associated with tumbling: 1. 2. 3. 4. Proper position to pass through in a back handspring Front Aerial Layout Proper Position for a layout a) b)


3. What should an athlete be able to demonstrate beforeprogressingintoalayout? a) Can connect three back handsprings to a round off b) That the tuck travels back a good distance c) That there is a high set with arms by their ears in the rebound, time to rotate and land d) None of the above 4. When executing a layout, once airborne, the athletesheadpositionshouldbe: a) Chin tucked tightly to the chest b) Head in neutral c) Head should go back slightly to lead the rest of the body thru the rotation 5. Forserieswithabackhandspringconnectedtoa layout,whichofthefollowingmustoccur? a) Arms immediately by ears after back handspring b) Body in a slight arch position c) Head looking in the direction of the layout d) Driving through the knees for power



True or FalsePlease write the correct answer on the answer sheet.


2. 3. 4. 5.

Prior to teaching an athlete a back tuck they should be able to demonstrate a correct backward roll in a tucked candle stick position. A whip is considered a standing tumbling skill. The standing back tuck is an advanced skill that requires a trained professional to teach and (if applicable) spot. In Level 4, athletes may perform aerial skills with up to 1 flipping and twisting rotation. In Level 4, athletes may perform a connected front hurdler front flip combination.


Credentialing USASF 2010

Level 5 TumblingPlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

Please List the correct letter next to the name of the body position in numbers 1 through 15 on your answer sheet.


1. What is the correct position/placement of the armsintwistingskills? : a) Arms wrapped around the body in a hugging position b) Arms in a half T position c) Make an X with the arms across the chest d) There is not ONE (and only one) position that is right for everyone 2. Which statement is correct for the take-off of a double-fullfromaround-offbackhandspringentry?After thebackhandspring______. a) The athlete lands with a slight forward lean and feet slightly behind them b) The athlete lands in an upright position with the feet directly under the hips and chest/shoulders upright c) The athlete lands with their feet slightly in front of them and shoulders leaning back and weight quickly shifting back to initiate the take off for the double full 3. a) b) c) d) Theathleteinitiatesthetwistwiththeir: Head Shoulders and torso Arms Hips

Put these skills in the order in which you should teach them: StandingTumbling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. RunningTumbling 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. a) Standing full b) Standing Tuck c) Multiple handspring tuck d) Round off back handspring layout e) Multiple handsprings to double f) Multiple handsprings to a full g) 2 back handsprings h) Round off round off back handspring i) Round off 2 handsprings j) Round off back handspring tuck k) Standing handspring tuck l) Multiple handsprings to layout m) 1 back handspring n) Round off back handspring full o) Bounding tumbling consisting of combinations of tucks, fulls, whips, arabians p) Round off back handspring double full

True or FalsePlease write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

1. 2.

Allowing an athlete to perform a layout with a slight arch will aide in their ability to learn twisting skills. Twisting skills are elite skills that require training and instruction by trained professionals only.


Credentialing USASF 2010

Level 1 StuntsPlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

1. To make a lunge deeper (to be able to give a nice deep pocket) the base should: a) Step back with the straight leg b) Step forward with the bent leg c) Keep the feet planted on the ground and push the bent knee forward farther over the toe 2. In a thigh or knee stand where they are going to execute a heel stretch, the Top should: a) Demonstrate the ability to perform a heel stretch on the ground first b) Take a strong hop off the ground while pushing on the bases shoulders to climb into the stunt c) Lock the supporting leg d) All of the above 3. When up in a prep (chest level), a Tops legs/feet should be: a) Together b) No wider that shoulder width c) Wider than the flyers shoulder width apart to give a good base d) Where ever is comfortable for the bases 4. When loading into a prep, the Top should: a) Place most of their weight in their feet so the Bases can feel them in their hands b) Stand up slowly and make sure the Bases can get them up before they lock out their legs c) Hold their weight in their arms and place their feet lightly into the Bases hands d) Keep their weight back in their hips so as not to put any undo stress on the Bases hands or shoulders When performing a cradle, the Back: a) Let go of the Tops ankles/legs right before the Bases dip to pop so they are ready to catch b) Step in to scoop under the arms of the Top after the bases have caught her c) Keeps arms high to catch Top as early as possible d) Catches/Scoops under the arms with open hands to get a better grip under the T of the flyer


When performing a cradle, the Top: a) Bends her knees when the Bases dip so she can jump with their pop to get higher in the air b) Rides the pop with a high V and then slaps her arms to her sides (keeping them in tight so she doesnt hit the bases) as she pikes for her cradle c) Kicks her feet out to quickly get into a pike position as the Bases give her a pop d) Rides the pop with straight legs, pulls legs to a slight pike position and wraps arms around bases to help catch herself When performing a cradle, the Bases: a) Dip with the legs and shrug through shoulders to give the top a good pop b) Catch the Top when she is back at their chest level c) Push really, really hard through their arms to throw as high and as hard as possible without worrying about the use of their legs d) Need to decide who is catching the head and shoulders and who is catching the hip and leg area


8. When practicing a cradle dismount, which of the following should Bases NOT do: a) Dip with legs, shrug with shoulders and extend arms upwards b) Keep arms high to catch c) Bend at knees to cushion the landing d) Bend at the waist 9. At level 1, which rule(s) apply for dismounts: a) Cradles from a double based prep level stunt must have 2 catchers and a separate spotter supporting the head and shoulder area b) c) d) e) f) turn dismounts are permitted All dismounts must originate from prep level or below Both A & B Both A & C All of the above


True or FalsePlease write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Hands on spotting should be used on all skills until they have been mastered. Cheerleaders do not need to develop Memory of Movement for stunting skills. Partner stunts should be taught in progressions for the safety of the participants. While executing a prep, as a transition before the dismount, the Back can do a forward roll under the flyer and between the two bases then turn around and grab the hands of the flyer to execute a step off or pop down dismount. Credentialing USASF 2010


Level 2 StuntsPlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

3. In a load in for the LoadtoExtension:a) The Bases should practice timing without the top person b) The Top should hold their weight in their arms while loading in c) The Back must follow the top person for timing and spot as high as they can reach on the back of the legs of the top person d) All the above

1. In building skills, the keytoclimbinglightlyis; a) The Base has a tight grip onthe top persons foot b) The Back lifting hard on the top person c) The Top jumping off the ground foot and transferring their weight into their hands d) The Top using their arms to pull themselves up on the bases

6. In an extension from prep level, which of the following should the Top NOT do?a) Stay tight throughout the stunt b) Keep feet in a narrow stance c) Look at the bases d) Pull body upward by lifting with the shoulders

Please write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

True or False


For any Base position, the feet should be wide (much farther than shoulder width apart) to add stability. In a press extension from a prep, the bases should support the entire bottom of the Tops feet. Prior to executing an extended stunt, the Bases should always practice timing of a stunt without the Top. On a cradle dismount from one-leg stunts at prep level, the Back must step back to avoid getting hit. Tops should look down to spot the bases during a cradle dismount. Release moves can land in a prone position.


7. The responsibility of thecoachis:a) Establish an environment where risk management is a priority b) Know his/her limitations. c) Know the limitations of their team members d) All the above


2. In a liberty at prep level,theTopshould:a) Slightly lift the hip of the lib leg to make sure all their weight has transferred to the straight leg b) Lift through the shoulders c) Have a hollow body position d) Make sure they have a soft slightly bent knee on their straight leg to balance the stunt e) Both A & B f) Both B & C g) Both C & D

4. The correct starting bodypositionforabaseinthe loadinposition:a) Back Straight b) Feet Shoulder width apart c) Hands together palms up d) All the above


5. In a cradle dismount fromanextension:a) The Top rides by lifting with the chest and shoulders b) Bases keep back and legs straight as they catch c) Back lets go early on the pop to be ready to catch d) All the above

8. In a load to Extension the Top can make it easier on herBasesby:a) Keeping her feet no wider than shoulder width apart b) Committing to the skill c) Push through arms and lift with the shoulders while the bases stand up d) All the above

5. 6.

Level 2 TossesPlease write the correct letter on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

Please write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

True or False

1. Acoachshouldrequireeach tossgrouptodoahangdrillto: a) Test the Tops strength in controlling their own body weight b) Test the Tops ability to keep their weight in their hands and not in their feet c) Test the Bases core alignment, strength and endurance d) All of the above 2. Coaches can minimize the riskassociatedwithbaskettossesby: a) Teaching them in progressions b) Become properly trained in coaching this skill c) Make sure your athletes fully understand the skill and are attentive at all times d) All of the above

3. Which of the following body positionsareallowedinatossatLevel2? a) Straight Ride b) Toe Touch c) Pretty Girl d) Tuck Arch 4. The interlocking basket grip is formedbytheBases: a) Grabbing mid-way up their forearm and then in the same location of the other base b) Crossing their arms (right on top of left) and then intertwining fingers with the other base c) Using ones own hand to grab their other wrist and then reaching forward to grab the other base at the wrist d) All of the above are acceptable interlocking grips

1. 2.

Because of the nature of the basket toss as a free flying skill, they should only be performed on appropriate surfaces. Once the straight ride has been mastered at Level 2 and the toss group progresses to Level 3, there is never a need to do a straight ride again as it is far too basic of a skill for more advanced stunters to perform. When performing a straight ride, the Top should stay straight as long as possible and quickly shift to the pike position just as her toes are even with the bases heads on the way down. In the cradle portion of the skill, the Bases dont need to leave their arms up for the catch because the top catches herself by wrapping her arms around the bases on the way down and the top takes care of the absorbing themselves. Traveling tosses are allowed at Level 2. To make it easier for the Top to load in the basket toss, the Bases should stand far apart from each other and lean in with their backs at a 45 degree angle to give more leverage for a high toss.



5. 6.

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Level 3 StuntsPlease write the correct Letter on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

1. A full twist cradle requiresdifferenttechniquethan aregularcradlefor: a) Bases b) Back c) Top d) All of the above 2. In setting up an extended liberty that loads and fully extends, which statement is incorrect? a) The Top will step down hard take a soft spring off the ground so it doesnt counter act the bases driving upwards with their legs b) The Back will have one hand on the load ankle and the other under the seat of the Top, exercising caution to drive the stunt up and not forward c) The main Base holds under the toe and heel of the Top trying to support most of the foot d) The secondary Base can chose from a variety of grips for this stunt

3. When executing a straight (pop) cradle from and extendedonelegstunt: a) The Bases should dip with their legs and then sweep the one foot of the Top forward to help them get in the proper pike position b) The Bases should dip with their legs and shrug through their shoulders to give the Top person a little height to ride the cradle c) The Bases should give a good dip with their arms (bending their elbows for leverage) and give a strong upward throw to create a nice pop d) The Top needs to get into the pike position immediately after the bases pop her out of their hands 4. A Top should be taught theconceptoftwisting: a) At the prep level first b) At the extended level (its easier to learn it here because they have more time to twist) c) On the ground before going up in any stunt and attempting this dismount

5. In extended one leg stunts where the hips are facing forward (such as a liberty, heel stretch or bow and arrow), the Topshould: a) Keep their weight towards their toes so the dont fall off the back b) Focus on a point slightly above their extended eye level to help steady their center of balance c) Keep their weight set back in their heels (slightly) so they dont go off the front d) Make periodic checks on the bases by looking down and quickly looking back up 6. TheBack: a) Is responsible for protecting the head and neck of the top person b) Should be able to see the shoulders, head and neck of the top person c) Makes sure the bases are looking at each other and controlling the stunt d) A and B e) B and C f) A and C

Please write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

True or False


Twisting transitions to and from an extended position can include but not exceed 1 twisting rotation. When teaching a Top to execute a twist cradle an additional spotter (someone NOT a part of the stunt group) should stand directly behind the back spot so they can quickly get to either side to catch the flyer if need be. When executing a twist cradle at prep level, it is okay for the bases to give a big twist with the pop to help initiate the spin because the top isnt up as high as an extended stunt and may need a little extra help getting around. It is the responsibility of the Top to balance an extended liberty by lifting and lowering the hip of their lib leg until they find the spot that works best for the bases.




Level 3 TossesPlease write the correct letter on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

Please write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

True or False

1. In a tuck arch basket (or ball-out), aftertheTopridesthetosstoreachitspeakand initiatesthetuckposition,theyshouldhitwhich ofthefollowingpositions: a) hollow body position b) arched body position c) toe touch d) pike 2. Inatoetouchtoss: a) Execute the toe touch, bring feet back together and underneath them, then begin to pike for the cradle b) The Top needs to lean back with the shoulders c) Hit the toe touch at the highest point and then immediately swing the legs forward to a pike

3. Theexplosioninabaskettossis createdby: a) The Back holding on at the waist and giving a strong flick/upward throw of the top b) The Top standing up quickly and pushing hard with their feet to get a good jump out of the bases hands c) The Bases pushing through their legs and lifting hard with their arms all the way up (to the point where they can no longer keep connected) and giving a final upward thrust with hands and shoulders 4. Foragoodloadin,forLevel3type tosses,theTopwould: a) Align their shoulders, knees and toes b) Align their chest, hips and heels c) Evenly distribute weight between their hands and feet


Tops can start facing backwards and execute a twist toe touch toss at Level 3, as long as they use the same bases for the throw and the catch. In a full twisting basket toss, the Top needs to load, and ride the pop out of the bases hands and start to twist as soon as they realize the are no longer in contact with the bases. In a tuck arch basket, as the Top pulls their tuck/ball they need to lie back to create a strong arch as they open up. In Level 3 tosses, since a Top can now do tricks that are harder and require more height, it is necessary for them to load in with their weight evenly distributed between their hands and their feet as they need to be able to push harder off the bases hands (pushing through their toes) to create a higher toss.


3. 4.


In level 3, the tosses may travel either

forward or backwards (but not side to side) to add visuals to the routine.

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Level 4 StuntsPlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

1. In a double twisting dismount, if a Top is having a difficult time completing the secondrotationyoushould: a) Tell them to twist faster b) Go back to the a single twist to verify technique and improve muscle memory of the skill c) Have the Bases initiate the rotation for her d) Have the Bases throw harder with their arms for more height 2. During a pendulum and pendulum style transition the followingshouldhappen: a) There should be three stationary catchers b) Two of those three catchers should not be original Bases c) One catchers must remain in contact with the top person d) All of the above

3. In level 4 double twistingextendeddismount: a) Must originate at prep level for all skills b) Can be from a single foot stunt as long as the Top brings their leg back to a lib position first c) Must be from a two foot skill d) Are not permitted 4. Duringaninversion,the mostimportantconsiderationis: a) Showing the judges how controlled your team can execute the skill b) Protecting the head and neck of the Top c) Protecting the Bases from undo strain on their knees and back d) Adding a dramatic visual to increase your overall impression score

5. During an extended stunt to a full twist cradle, the Basesshouldgiveastrongpopto theTopandthen: a) Bring arms to side in order to have a clear line of sight to the Top b) Leave arms up, but turn head so as not to get hit by Top c) Leave arms up to catch and absorb with their legs d) None of the above 6. For a clean spin in a full twisting dismount from an arabesque,theTopshould: a) Swing leg forward and spin fast b) Pull their body back up into a good straight line c) Leave leg back and spin towards the leg d) None of the above

7. All braced inversions MUST: a) Be caught by at least three stationary catchers b) Catchers must maintain visual contact with top person throughout entire transition c) Catchers must not be involved with any other skill or choreography when the transition is initiated d) All of the abovePlease write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

True or False


At level 4 inverted transitional pyramids may involve changing bases. Release moves can travel from one set of bases to another at Level 4. Non-inverted pyramid release moves must be caught by at least 3 stationary catchers.



Level 4 TossesMultiple Choice True or False

Please write the correct letter on your answer sheet.

Please write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

1. a) b) c) d)

AtechnicallycorrectkickfullincludestheTop: Riding the toss high and executing the kick in a mostly upright position Takes their kick leg over their body to initiate the roll over into the twist Stays tight for the spin of the full All of the Above


To make it easier to get around on the full during a kick full toss, it is important that the Top kick extremely hard and lean back during the kick so their body is parallel to the ground during the full twist. For a double full, the front spot will grab the ankles of the Top as they load and as the Top pops up and out of the toss, they will help initiate the twist as they toss them upward. In level 4 it is advised to add an additional tossing base (making it 5 tossers) to increase height so that there is enough time to execute the connected skills. In level 4, tosses may travel over stunts below prep level (example: its okay to toss over a thigh stand) The Top can land in a smoosh position as long as they are caught by the original Bases.

2. WhatistheminimumnumberoftheoriginalBasesmustcatchtheTopafter thetoss? a) 1b) 2 c) 3 d) 4




Whencatchingacradlethattwistsonthewaydown,thebackspot: a) Must stay directly behind the flyer and in to catch with both their two arms under the arm pits of the Top b) May step slightly to the side while still staying in to catch with one arm while still protecting the head and neck of the Top c) Should try to reach high and catch the tops shoulders with open hands



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Level 5 StuntsPlease write the correct answer on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

Please write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

True or False

1. Thepurposeofasponge, toss,reloadtospongepositionis: a) To show how high the bases can toss the top person b) To add points to basket scores c) As a progressional skill to work bases and Top toward other release moves d) To take up extra 8 counts when there is an empty space in the routine 2. The Top should initiate the spin of a double full twisting cradle: a) Immediately off the bases hands b) Slightly earlier than when they would initiate a single full twisting cradle c) Slightly later than when they would initiate a single full twisting cradle

3. In a Sponge, Toss, Reload to Sponge position, the baseshavetomakesurethatthe height of the toss is not greater than: a) 6 inches b) 12 inches d) 18 inches e) 24 inches 4. Release moves in Level 5 have which of the following restrictions. a) The Top must be connected by at least one other person at prep level or below b) The Top can be tossed and released to a new set of bases c) Cannot land in prone position d) Must be tossed at a height that does not exceed 18 inches above the extended arm level

5. During the training phases of level 5 skills, when employingadditionalspottersfor safetyitisimportant: a) For spotters to understand and anticipate possible problems with the stunt b) That spotters are experienced at spotting stunting skills at every level c) For spotters to be able to move through transitioning so not to hinder or obstruct the skill d) All of the above


Downward inversions from above prep level may not be caught and/or land in an inverted position. Inverted transitional pyramids may involve changing bases. The body position of the Top in a twist dismount is different than that of an athlete performing twists in tumbling. When executing a twist in a tumbling skill the athlete should maintain a tight hollow position where as in dismounts the athlete will remain very straight. In Level 5 you can eliminate the back spot for a double base, two foot extension.

2. 3.



Please write the correct Numbers on the answer sheet

Fill In the Blank

In Level 5, while the Top is released from the bases, the top must maintain contact with how many person(s)?

Level 5 TossesPlease write the correct letter on your answer sheet.

Multiple Choice

Please write the correct answer on the answer sheet.

True or False

1. According to the USASF safety guidelines, what skills can you connecttoakickdoubleinalevel5basket? a) Switch kick b) Hitch kick c) Toe touch d) All of the above 2. Acommonmistakeinakickdoublebasketisthatthe: a) The Top is more aggressive in pulling the full than the double full b) The Top pulls the kick leg up and over the top of the body when entering into the full c) The Top rides the basket too long before kicking d) The Top compromises the execution of the kick to start the full earlier than they should 3. Whendoingabackflipbaskettossinlevel5,atwhichpointshould thetoppersonpulltheirkneesforthebackflip? a) On the way up b) On the way down c) Back flip is not allowed at Level 5 d) At the point of weightlessness


When executing a Helicopter the Top may start on their back and end on their belly.

Please write the correct Numbers on the answer sheet

Fill In the Blank

2. 3. 4. 5.

Helicopters are allowed up to a _______ degree rotation. Helicopters are allowed up to a _______ twist. According to the rules, a Helicopter must be caught by _____ catchers. To increase the safety of executing a Helicopter and minimize the risk of injury, it is recommended that you use _____ tossers to execute this skill. In Level 5, a basket toss may have up to _____ twisting rotations.


Credentialing USASF 2010