ALL SAINTS MESSENGER SUNDAY 18 th OCTOBER 2015 SUNDAY 25 th OCTOBER 2015 9.00am Saints Alive (All Age Service) 9.00am Saints Together (Holy Communion) A warm welcome to everyone this morning. If you are visitor we do extend a particularly warm welcome to you and if you would like any help or more information about the church or the services then please speak to one of the welcome team. Back Supports and large print copies of hymns are available. Children are very welcome at any of our services and there are activities available for them. Please check the notices weekly for separate children’s events. CHURCH PLANNING DAY SATURDAY 24 th OCTOBER - 10AM – 4PM in CHURCH We would love as many people as possible to be involved so please come if you can. If you Working Party Convened by Children Amanda and Alison Music Darren Prayer and Bible Study Claire Buildings Outreach David Finance John and Mike Older People, befrienders, Bridget and Violet SUNDAYS AT ALL SAINTS IN OCTOBER, NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER We will be looking together at the Story of Ruth.. It’s set in the violent times of the Book of Judges (c.1100-1000 BC). Ruth a Moabite woman is married to an Israelite. When he dies, Ruth shows uncommon loyalty to her Israelite mother-in –law and deep devotion to the God of Israel. In the end she finds a new husband among her former husband’s relatives, and through this marriage becomes the great-grandmother of David, Israel’s greatest king. The stories of Judges show the disaster that came when God’s people turned away from him. Ruth shows the blessing that came to a foreigner who turned to Israel’s God and so became part of his faithful people. 25 th October - Ruth Chapter 2 - The greatest of these. In which Boaz is CHURCH GATES NOTICE BOARD - Someone once wisely said “You never get a second chance to make a first impression!” Because that’s true I am very happy to provide attractive, laminated colour posters, which I have purchased for the notice board, because first impressions are important. So please do not remove them without first having a word with Charles, and if occasionally

All Saints Church ~ Middleton Cheney€¦  · Web viewAll Saints Messenger ... Ruth Chapter 2 - The greatest of these. In which Boaz is surprised by love, ... So please do not remove

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ALL SAINTS MESSENGERSUNDAY 18 th OCTOBER 2015 SUNDAY 25 th OCTOBER 2015 9.00am Saints Alive (All Age Service) 9.00am Saints Together (Holy Communion)

A warm welcome to everyone this morning. If you are visitor we do extend a particularly warm welcome to you and if you would like any help or more information about the church or the services then please speak to one of the welcome team. Back Supports and large print copies of hymns are available. Children are very welcome at any of our services and there are activities available for them. Please check the notices weekly for separate children’s events.


We would love as many people as possible to be involved so please come if you can. If you would like to be involved in any of these working parties or if you have any comments or suggestions then please speak to the PCC members indicated by the groups.

SHARED LUNCH AT PLANNING DAYTea, coffee, biscuits and cake will be provided. Please bring a plate of sandwiches or finger-buffet food to share for lunch. 

Working Party Convened by

Children Amanda and AlisonMusic DarrenPrayer and Bible Study ClaireBuildings Outreach DavidFinance John and Mike Older People, befrienders, visitors, MU and other Bridget and Violet

Fabrics ClaireDevelopment of a Welcome Team Mary and HeidiPreparation of the Church for services Chris and David

Social and fellowship Heidi and Violet

WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED - Next Thursday evening - 22nd October at 7.30pm - will be the last evening that the church will be open for prayer, for Middleton and for our mission and ministry in the village. Please do join us on Wednesday mornings, however, when there will be opportunity for prayer as well as coffee/tea, cake and chat.


We will be looking together at the Story of Ruth.. It’s set in the violent times of the Book of Judges (c.1100-1000 BC). Ruth a Moabite woman is married to an Israelite. When he dies, Ruth shows uncommon loyalty to her Israelite mother-in –law and deep devotion to the God of Israel. In the end she finds a new husband among her former husband’s relatives, and through this marriage becomes the great-grandmother of David, Israel’s greatest king. The stories of Judges show the disaster that came when God’s people turned away from him. Ruth shows the blessing that came to a foreigner who turned to Israel’s God and so became part of his faithful people.

25th October - Ruth Chapter 2 - The greatest of these. In which Boaz is surprised by love, and Ruth is overwhelmed by grace.22nd November - Ruth Chapter 3 - The midnight meeting.  In which a simple act of faith brings the dawning of a new day.13th December - Ruth Chapter 4 - Love finds a way. In which Boaz and Ruth get married, Naomi finds her empty heart full of joy and her empty hands full of a baby boy.

“The Lord always keeps his promises to the living and the dead”. ( Ruth 2:20)

Please come having read the passage and so ready to hear what God may be wanting to say to us as a church and as his people.

CHURCH GATES NOTICE BOARD - Someone once wisely said “You never get a second chance to make a first impression!”  Because that’s true I am very happy to provide attractive, laminated colour posters, which I have purchased for the notice board, because first impressions are important. So please do not remove them without first having a word with Charles, and if occasionally they may appear in need of a change, rest assured they will be. Thank you also to everyone who does display events and activities. If we can follow those up

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Notices should be submitted to Heidi Fowler by e-mail to [email protected], or phone 711 268. Items for inclusion should be received by 5pm Wednesday to ensure inclusion for the coming Sunday. Contacts – Rector: Reverend Charles Jefferson 712 418 Church Wardens: Bridget Robb 710192 & Mike Wilks 711516 – Website - http://chenderit-c-of-e.org

FOOD BANK - Very many thanks for all the food donations to the Food Bank. They once again require Breakfast cereals, along with all the Standard staples of tinned meat, tinned vegetables, and Long Life full-cream or semi-skimmed milk and sometimes, just for a treat, some chocolate or biscuits would be nice!

ALL SAINTS CHURCH OPEN MORNINGS - The church will be open every Wednesday morning from 11.00am until 1.00pm . There will be coffee and cake, raising money for refugees via Christian Aid, Prayers will be led in the chancel for those who would like to participate at 11.00 for 15mins. Donations may also be left for the food bank and it will be a drop off point for operation Christmas Child boxes and kit. If you would like to support this venture, I shall need 2 volunteers to be in church to make the coffee and to chat etc you know what to do.. I shall be in church for most Wednesdays but there are a few I cannot do. I am hoping that this becomes a regular opportunity for the whole village to meet in the church, and we can positively promote the life of our church in our village… Please keep this new venture in your prayers and if you have any ideas or experiences of doing this before please do let me know, Thank you, Amanda 01295 712648

REGULAR GIVING - A REMINDER - As Regular Giving forms the core of our Church finances, this is a reminder for those parishioners who are not already in one of our two available schemes which are:- Peterborough Scheme - This scheme involves making a monthly standing order payment to the Peterborough Diocesan Board of Finance (PDBF) for the benefit of All Saints. The great advantage of this scheme from our point of view is that PDBF collects this Gift Aid Tax Repayment on a monthly basis from HMRC and pays this to us, together with the total of all monthly Standing Orders in a monthly lump sum. This scheme is particularly ideal for those parishioners who are in a position to GIFT AID their contributions to All Saints (essentially they must be tax payers). Weekly Envelope Scheme - This scheme has been in existence for many years and is used by nearly 30 parishioners. Contributions can still be GIFT AIDED, but the relevant tax repayment can only be collected in arrears at the end of the financial year. Should anyone be interested in joining one of the above schemes, I would be very happy to arrange an appointment to discuss it further and deal with the necessary documentation. John Stimpson (Treasurer), 01295 760094

QUEST - Remember, remember the 5th of November …. Quest has now moved to Thursday evening, still at 8pm and on alternate weeks. Come and join us on 5th November (with a sparkler and toffee apple?) as we begin an advent themed series.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD 2015 – WRAP & FILL & COFFEE MORNINGSThe first Wrap & Fill Coffee Morning is rapidly approaching (Sat 31st October – 9.30am – 2pm) at the Methodist school rooms, everyone is welcome to come along and help or to donating goodies, empty shoe boxes, and any cash donations gratefully received to cover distribution costs or come along for some coffee and cake. Also needed are cakes for selling at the coffee morning please, they can be dropped off that morning or let Mary Phipps know (712894) Leaflets with full details of how to do a shoe box, including a list of suitable items, are available from All Saints and Methodist churches, the Library & The Butler’s Pantry, which are also ‘Drop-off Points’ during their normal opening times; or please call Mary Phipps on 712894 or Carol Souch on 275334.

ALL SOULS SERVICE - 4PM ON 1ST NOVEMBERAs in previous years this is an opportunity for more recently berieved families and those for whom the anniversary of a death falls at this time, to remember their loved ones.  During the service the names of those departed in the past year and any others people might like remembered, are read out, and candles lighted.   Any names please to either Violet 712431 or Chris Wells 710076 or to Rev. Charles Jefferson 712418.

CHIURCH LANE ROAD CLOSURE - Anglian Water will be carrying out repairs, for 19a Church Lane, from 9 to the 20 November. This will mean that a section of Church Lane, the narrow roadway by the west wall of the churchyard, will have to be closed for this period.

HOT POTATOES FOR CHILLY NOVEMBERYou are invited to make a bright start to November by coming to the Bring-and-Share lunch in the Methodist Church Hall, at 12.30 on November 1st, All Saints Day.  Baked potatoes are provided, just bring a topping for the potatoes, or a pudding, and we'll share them all out. Everyone welcome. The lunch follows the united service in the Methodist Church, where we will be joined by members of Chacombe Methodists and the service will be led by Mrs Janice Smith