All Buttoned Up by MaryJo Tuttle

All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283

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Page 1: All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283

All Buttoned Upby MaryJo Tuttle

Page 2: All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283

All Buttoned UpBy MaryJo Tuttle

Palette: DecoArt Americana AcrylicsAntique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251Blue Harbor #13283 Burnt Sienna #13063Burnt Umber #13064 Graphite #13161Hauser Dark Green #13133 Irish Moss #13548Lamp Black #13067 Leaf Green #13051Medium Flesh #13102 Natural Buff #13547Primary Yellow #13201 Shading Flesh #13137Slate Grey #13068 Soft Black #13155Spicy Mustard #13284 Titanium White #13001Tomato Red #13169 Zinc #13539Hot Shots/Neons Fiery Red #18000

Surface: Buttoned Up Trio #80713

Misc. Supplies:DecoArt Acrylic Spray Sealer/Finisher – Matte #70836Soft Grip Embossing & Stylus – set of 3 #70125

Brushes: Papillon by the Artist’s ClubResin Brush Set #20191Highlighter Set #20173Stipple Set #20172Artist Inspired BrushesMaxine Thomas Mop, size ½” #27179

Preparation:There is no preparation necessary. The resin fi g-ures come ready to paint. Any slight imperfec-tions can be lightly sanded. Wipe with a damp cloth. **Hint: these pieces have a lot of texture – I suggest using older brushes to basecoat**Basecoat as follows:Pierre the Sheep:Graphite – head; tailZinc – legs; bodyLamp Black - hoovesTomato Red – hatBleached Sand – stipple bodyIssabel the CowBleached Sand – body; head; tail; legs1

Page 3: All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283

Graphite – spots; end of tailLamp Black - hoovesAntique White – hornsNatural Buff – nose; udderPenelope the PigNatural Buff – bodyMedium Flesh – spots; earsBurnt Umber – hooves**All buttons & details will be based later**

Painting Instructions:Pierre the SheepShade around the face; under the hat; on the tail next to the body; and on the legs against the body with Lamp Black. Highlight the center of the face; eye area; ears; end of tail, bottom of legs and center of the hooves with Slate Grey. Blush the cheeks and inside of the ears with An-tique Rose. Fill in the eyes and nose with Lamp Black. Highlight with tiny dots of Bleached Sand.Shade the hat above and below the seam line; in the dents and around the button with Black Plum. Highlight the bottom of the hat (next to the face) and open areas of the top of the hat with Hot Shots/Neons Fiery Red. Shade the body, around the head; around the tail, both sides of the seam lines; and around the buttons with Zinc. Stipple in the open areas of Pierre’s body with Titanium White.Transfer the pattern for the tie (it’s really easier to free-hand than transfer, but the pattern is in-cluded) and basecoat Blue Harbor. Shade the tie under the head; above & below the left ear; next to the bow; and on the bow where it overlaps itself with Payne’s Grey. Highlight with dashed lines using a brush mix of Blue Harbor and Tita-nium White (refer to the photo).The button on the hat is basecoated Spicy Mus-tard; the other buttons are basecoated Tomato Red; Blue Harbor; Spicy Mustard and Leaf Green (refer to the photos for color placement). The yellow buttons are shaded on the bottom with Burnt Sienna and highlighted on the top with Pri-mary Yellow. The red buttons are shaded on the bottom with Black Plum and highlighted on the top with Hot Shots/Neons Fiery Red. The blue buttons are shaded on the bottom with Payne’s Grey and highlighted on the top with a brush mix of Blue Harbor + Titanium White. The green


Page 4: All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283

buttons are shaded on the bottom with Hauser Dark Green and highlighted on the top with Irish Moss. The thread in the buttons is Bleached Sand, shaded where it goes into the buttons with Burnt Umber and highlighted in the center with a dash of Titanium White.

Issabel the CowShade around the nose & udder with Shading Flesh and highlight with Bleached Sand. Fill in the nostrils with Shading Flesh. Shade the base of the horns with Burnt Umber and highlight the tips with Bleached Sand. Shade the head above the nose; around the head next to the body; on the body next to the head; around all spots; both sides of the seams; on the tail against the body; around the tail on the body; and top & bottom of the legs with Slate Grey. Highlight the open areas with Titanium White. Shade around the edges of the spots with Lamp Black and highlight the open areas with Slate Grey. Blush the inside of the ears with Antique Rose. Fill in the eyes with Lamp Black and highlight with tiny dots of Bleached Sand. Highlight the hooves with Slate Grey. Transfer the pattern for the cord and bell (it’s really easier to free-hand than transfer, but the pattern is included). Base the cord with Tomato Red and the bell with Spicy Mustard. Shade the cord with Black Plum against the head and bell; highlight with dashes of Hot Shots/Neons Fiery Red; shade the bell with Burnt Sienna, on the loop against the bell; top of the bell; and inside the bell. Highlight the top of the loop; bottom of the bell with Primary Yellow. The clapper is Lamp Black, highlighted with dashes of Bleached Sand.The buttons are basecoated and fi nished the same as Pierre’s (refer to the photos for color placement).

Penelope the PigShade the body with Medium Flesh, around the snout; both sides of the seams; around the eyes; around the spots; around the one but-ton; around the ears; above the hooves; around and on the tail; and in the creases of the legs. Highlight the open areas on the body; top of the snout; and end of the tail with Bleached Sand. Fill in the nostrils with Shading Flesh. Fill in


Page 5: All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283

the eyes with Soft Black and highlight with tiny dots of Bleached Sand. Shade around the spots; around the buttons on the spots & ears; and on the ears next to the head with Shading Flesh. Highlight the open areas of the spots and ears with Natural Buff. Highlight the front and back of the hooves with Bleached Sand. The buttons are basecoated and fi nished the same as Pierre’s (refer to the photos for color placement).The wreath around Penelope’s neck is free-handed with thinned Soft Black and then with thinned Burnt Umber. The berries are brush end dots of Tomato Red. When dry, shade the bot-tom of them with Black Plum and highlight the tops with Hot Shots/Neons Fiery Red. Add small Bleached Sand dots on the berries to further highlight.

Finishing:Finish with several light coats of DecoArt Acrylic Spray Sealer/Finisher – Matte.


Pattern at 100%

1” x 1”

To ensure your pattern is at 100%, this box should measure 1” x 1” when printed.

Page 6: All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283


Page 7: All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283


Page 8: All Buttoned UpAll Buttoned Up By MaryJo Tuttle Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics Antique Rose #13156 Antique White #13058 Black Plum #13172 Bleached Sand #13251 Blue Harbor #13283

Copyright 2013 by MaryJo Tuttle Crafts Americana Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #331793

No. *A331793*© Artist’s Club ®. All rights reserved. For private, non-commercial use only. Please see our web site for terms of use.