Alice in Action with Java Chapter 12 Arrays and Lists in Java

Alice in Action with Java Chapter 12 Arrays and Lists in Java

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Page 1: Alice in Action with Java Chapter 12 Arrays and Lists in Java

Alice in Action with Java

Chapter 12Arrays and Lists in Java

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Alice in Action with Java 2


• Understand Java’s array data structure

• Solve problems using Java’s LinkedList data structure

• Solve problems using Java’s ArrayList data structure

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Arrays and Lists in Java

• Features common to arrays and lists– Used to define variables that store groups of items– Provide access to a given item using an index

• Differences between arrays and lists– Array’s size is fixed at runtime, a list’s size can change– Array stores items using less memory than a list– Array provides direct item access faster than a list

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Introductory Example: Air Pollution Reporting

• Review of AirPollutionIndex.java– Read air pollution level readings from five points– Compute and display the average reading (the index)

• Additional requirements of the enhanced program– Display the five readings used to compute the average

• High-level algorithm for AirPollutionReport– Build an array named readings with length = 5 – Read the air pollution readings into readings– Compute and display average of values in readings– Display the individual values in readings

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Java Arrays

• General pattern for defining (declaring) an array– Item[] anArray = new Item[N];

• Item: specifies the items type

• Brackets tell compiler that anArray is an array handle• new operator: allocates memory for the array• N: an integer that specifies the array length (size)

• An example of an array definition: double[] readings = new double [NUM_READINGS];– NUM_READINGS is an integer constant = 5– readings is a handle to a 5 unit double type array

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Java Arrays (continued)

• Element: indexed unit variable in an array

• Item: value stored in an array element

• Items are initialized to default values for array’s type– Example: default value for item in double type is 0.0

• Creating an array parameter– Place brackets between parameter’s type and its name– General form: public ReturnType methodName( Item[] parameterName ){…

– Example: public static double average(double [] anArray)

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Java Arrays (continued)

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Java Arrays (continued)

• Components needed to access an array’s elements– Array’s handle, item’s index, subscript operator ([])

• Pattern for accessing an element: anArray[i]– anArray is the handle to the array – i: index value, which must be a non-negative integer– An index value out of bounds throws an exception

• Example of an array access: readings[0]– Accesses the first element of the readings array– Note: index is off by one relative to item’s cardinal order

• length property: returns number of items in an array

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Java Arrays (continued)

• for loop provides convenient access to an array

• Example of an array traversal using a for loop– for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){

System.out.println("Reading #" + (i+1) + ": " + arr[i]);}

• for each loop – Special loop used to read each item in an array– Limitation: cannot be used to write to array’s elements

• Example of array traversal using a for each loop– for (double item : anArray){sum += item;}

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Example 2: Month Names From Numbers

• Essential elements of user story – Randomly generate a month number– Query user for a month name matching the number– Read the user’s response– Display a message appropriate to the response– Let the user keep playing as long as he or she wants

• Instance variables declared in the Month class– An integer myNumber and a string myName

• Role of the Month()constructor– Construct a Month object given a month number

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Example 2: Month Names From Numbers (continued)

• MONTHS will be used to store the month names– The array is declared as a constant class variable– Declaration also includes an initialization values list– The array functions as a lookup table for the constructor

• Other Month members– Accessors for the instance variables– A toString()method

• Other classes used in MonthTester– Random (to generate a random number)– Scanner (to read in the month’s name)

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Example 2: Month Names From Numbers (continued)

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Arrays and Memory

• An array is a random access data structure– Contiguous elements are accessed in constant time

• Subscript operation computes an element’s address

• How to compute the address of an array element– Multiply the index i by the size of an item– Add the resulting product to the starting address– Example: anArray[4]= (anArray+4*itemSize)

• Insertion and removal are linear time operations– Up to length–1 items are shifted in each operation– Many of these operations can slow down a program

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Arrays and Memory (continued)

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Arrays and Memory (continued)

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Multidimensional Arrays

• Dimension: axis used to specify element’s location • length determines space for one-dimensional array

• You can create arrays with multiple dimensions– Example: two-dimensional array to model a table

• How to declare an N-dimensional array handle– Use N pairs of brackets to declare

• Example of declaring a two-dimensional array– private double [][] myTable = null;

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Multidimensional Arrays (continued)

• Defining a multidimensional array with default values – Use the new operator and specify dimensions– Ex: myTable = new double[rows][columns];

• Defining multidimensional array with non-default values– Use an initialization list

• Accessing a multidimensional array element– Use N subscript operators for N dimensions– Example: myTable[row][col] = item;

• Processing multidimensional arrays – Use N for loops to traverse array with N dimensions

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Lists in Java

• Interface: a structure that only declares methods

• A class implementing an interface defines methods

• Example: String implements CharSequence• Java’s List is an interface

• Two classes implementing List– LinkedList: similar to Alice’s list data structure– ArrayList: dynamic container offering fast access

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Lists in Java (continued)

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Lists in Java (continued)

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Using ArrayLists

• ArrayList implements the List interface• Features of an ArrayList

– Reference type data structure– Can increase in size during execution– set()and get()access items in constant time

• Patterns for declaring and defining an ArrayList

• Insert items in an ArrayList using add()

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Using ArrayLists

• Rules for declaring an array list– The type of an array list must be a reference type– Use a wrapper class when a primitive type is needed

• Wrapper class contains primitive type plus operations

• Pattern for declaring an ArrayList– ArrayList<ItemType> handleName = null;

• Example of a ArrayList declaration– ArrayList<Double> listOfNumbers = null;

• Produces a handle called listOfNumbers• listOfNumbers is capable of storing an arbitrary

number of Double objects

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Using ArrayLists (continued)

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Using ArrayLists (continued)

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• Array: fixed-size container used to store items of the same type

• Items: values stored in an array’s elements

• Accessing an array element is a constant time operation

• Inserting and removing items in an array are linear time operations

• Arrays can have an arbitrary number of dimensions• ArrayList includes the random access capability of

arrays and the ability to change size