Alexandria 4$»\.tit+ TUESDAY EVENING. AFBIL 30 1901' ^LOCAL MATTERS. -an ils«· tomorrow at 5 01 « m and <·<¦ ait «:53 p. m. High water at OtlwJ a. m. and 6:37 p. m. J_ Weather PaoBABiUTiie . For this sec¬ tion fair t( nigbt «n1 Wednesday, light varia¬ ble winds._ ^_ Business ???'? Lkauur..-But few attended tbe meeting of tbe Business Men's League last nigbt, and no busi¬ ness was transacted. Those present indulged in an interchange of opinion in connection with Alexandria's affairs, her prospects and hope-«, and it was de¬ cided to make an eilort to bave another meeting next Monday night to wbich all interested in tbe city's welfare would be invited in order tbat some plan caá be formóla'oi by which or commercial eiowth may be accelerated. Mr. ?. B, Harlow stated tbat should our people erect buildings suitable for manufacturing purposes tbey could readily be rented to manufacturers wbo would bave an incentive» to come to Alexandria by tbe oheap rents prevail¬ ing bere. He cited an instance: A gentleman from a neighboring city was here recently looking for a r-uitable building in wbich to locate a silk fac¬ tory. He would have been satiefieid with one floor of any building where sufficient light could have been ob¬ tained. He neither purposed baying or ereoting a structure, but was anxious to lease one. Tbeie was but one place which met his requirements, and tbat was the Mount Vernon Cotton Factory. He found be could not lease even one II »or of that building, aod bad been compelled to leave the city reluctantly. Mr. Harlow further stated that other cities w°re ready to «met such requirement?; that syndi¬ cates were formed, buildioga erected for manufacturirg purposes and money loaned those wbo were ready to embark io such enterprises. He thou-ht a similar spirit should be manifested in Alexandria. The people of Norfolk, he said, bad offered to pat up in sixty day-'lime a suitable building for tbe gentleman wbo wanted to bring bis Bilk factory to Alexandria. The meet¬ ing adjourned after an hour and a half session. Gyi\3V Camp Sbabchbd .Detectives O'Connell, of New York, and Weedon and Parham, of Washington, were out among tbe gypsy campa in tbe vicinity of this city all day yesterday and outil late last night endeavoring to obtain some information in the Willie McCor- mick case, Tbe detectives came to Alexandria late in tbe afternoon and visited the camp at 8r. Asaph, and one located near Fort Myer. Tbe detectives, it is thought, did not make much bead- way yesterday. Detective O'Connell sent several telegraphic communica¬ tions to New York during tbe day, and two more after be returned from this city late laet night. It is understood tbat the detectives are waiting some in¬ formation from Jersey City in reference to a dispatch, which is said to bave been sent there by one of the gypsies last Friday ui-ht, while the two girls were under arrest. A JAPANK8B Picture .Mr. Eidie Schüler io writing from Cavité where he is stationed aa a member of Co. B, 1st Battalion U. T. M. C. tells bis rela¬ tives and friends in this city that be is blessed with excellent health and bas nothing of wbiob to complain in bis se vice to Uncle Sam, yet he has a strong desire, if not a longing, to get back into "God's country." Eddie often remembers family ties by seeding mementoes from tbe distant islands. Among those just received is an oil portrait of hie brother, Mr. F. Bcbuler, It is of medium bust si?; and was en¬ larged from a miniature linotype sent from this city, and as a copy shows the wonderful artistic skill of tbe Japanese. The rememberances sent toother mem¬ bers of the family show remaikable ingenuity in workmanship and are ad¬ mired by all wbo a^e them, m WJ» -F--..» Puhick Chtjboh..-At tbe regular morning services at old Pohick Church on Sunday last the rector, Rev. Mr. Meade, announced to bis congregation that tbe ladies of the Mount Vernon Regents' Association would visit tbe pariah Suodav, May 12, for the pur¬ pose of engaging in oomtnunion service in tbe old bouse of worship so intima't- ly connected witb the life of Washing¬ ton. The movement inaugurated by Mount Vernon Chapter, daughters of the American Revolution for the restor¬ ation of the church has brought it .'prominently before the public. Rohukd on Chain Bbidmb..Mìhs Blanche Ferguson, of Langley, Fairfax county, reported to tbe Washington po¬ lice yesterday morning that she was robbed of a pocket-book containing $2 .nd six car tickets at 8 o'clock yester day morning on tbe Chain Bridge be yond Georgetown. Miss Ferguson aays she was accosted by three persons. WDom ebe supposed to be gypsies. They took ber pocket-book and left. Tbe county authorities are to investigate tbe matter. POLICB CoUBT..-The following casi ß were disooeed of today : Aaron Jackson, colored, charge'! with being dronk in the atreet. waa dlsrvisaed. Sdward Qlorot, charged with being drank .nd · auspicious character, waa dietulseee), Martha Haghta, colored, charged with aa- san li and beating Mary Williams, forfeit¬ ed t& collateral. N'ifiht Repurt..Laat night we· eleer and coo Three piaoners and tbr-elodgfri were .t tbe stetiou house. Cannot Comb.Rev. W. J. Young, D. IV, pastor of the ?. E. Church South in this city and who, it was an¬ nounced, would preach in tbat ohorch on W-ihiesday nigbt, has telegraphed tbat owing to tbe death of a prominent member ot bis church he would be un¬ able to till bis engagement here. Tbe usual prayer meeting services will be held. HoBBKSeji.D .Hampton Stock Farm, >?>. G??-rliaud H. tìtnilh. propaetor, Alexandria county, has sold to Mr. Francia Coobran ot New York city, the chestnut heavy weight hunter "Em¬ peror," 16 2 bande. Stop·, the Cemgh and Works Off tin· Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet« care a coli in one day, No Care, no Pay. Price 95 cents. » «?» » "I had pile· 10 bid I could get to rest nor find a care antil I tried DeWitt'a Witch Has«l Salve. After using it once, I forgot I ever had anything like piles." E. C. Boiee, borner j Point, N. T. Lookout for imitations. Be tare yon aak for DeWitl'i. Bow Art» 1 our Kidney· f l>r Hohb«'Sparaeu» Pills pore all kid tier Ills. sam¬ ple tree. Ada. eterno« Ucimxi» tu-, Calcano or N. V. PKB30NAL. -Mr. S. G. Brent has been invited by tbe Ladies' Association to deliver the address at tbe floral decoration of the Confederate graves at Warrenton. Mr. Jacob Yot-t, of S'.aunton, wan in | tbe city yesterday, the guest of Mr. Park Agnew, having cone to discute republican politice concerning State ! affairs. i Mr. C W. Spangler has been ap¬ pointed temporary agent in this city of ! the B. & O. Railroad in place of D. P. Hurley, who mysteriously disappeared from this city recenty. Mr. David Makeiy, who was seriously hnrt by falling from a street car in Washington on Saturday evening and I who is now at tbe Euergancy Hospital in that city, is rapidly recovering from his injuries. Tbe condition of Mr. W. F. Creighton continues quite serions, though be was resting comfortably today. Mr. Leonard Marbury and family who spent tbe winter at fumter, T. C, have returned to tbeir borne to Ibis city. Mr. Marbury is much improved in in bealtb. Mrs. James Kirk, widow of Rev. James Kirk, who before the war was a well-known educator of Alexindria, was in tbe city yesterday on a short vifit to old friends. The condition of Mr. William Violett, who has been critically ill for tbe past two weeks, is still serions. Last night be was removed from the Infirmary to his late home, on south Lie street. Coubt Notes.Judge Norton in the Corporation Court today granted a charter to the Springman Express Com¬ pany, the purpose of which organiza¬ tion is to conduct a general exprese and hauling business, and to transport pas¬ sengers, friegbt and bat gage, with the privilege of establishing agencies, erect¬ ing storehouses in which to place prop¬ erty entrusted to its care &c. The capi¬ tal stock" of tbe company is to be $25,· 000, divided into 350 shares at $100 eacb. Mr. Springman is president and Mr. James E. Clements is the agent for this section. Messrs. James E. Alexander and E. E. Downbam were appointed trustées of Andrew Jackson Lodge of Masons in place of B. F. Price and F. A. Reed, de¬ ceased. A decree was entered directing Geo. D. Cupid to show cause why a resale of oertain property of tbe estate of George L Seaton should not be. sold, Cupid having made default in the payments. During the month tbe clerk of the Corporation Court recorded 47 deeds and issued 48 marriage licenses.88 to white and 5 to colored people. Thb Golf Club.The coarse of the Alexandria Golf C ub presented quite a lively appearance yesterday after¬ noon when its first handicap of the sea- pon was played. Of a considerable number of starters twelve returned curd*. 1 · tbe ladies' contest Mrs. H. F. Robertson was winner, with a net score of 52, bavin; a handicap of f.irty-five. In the gentlemen's contest Mr. C. F. Thomas and Master Beaudric Howell made a tie for first honors with a t^cire of 51, thank to a handicap of 10 each. The scores were as followe: C. F. Thomas, 61.1C*=51; Beaudric Howell. 61.10=51; W. F. Lambert, 55-0=55; 0. R Howard, 60.4=56: L9Wis Cheese- man, 64.8=56: O. D. Barrett, 66.10= 56, Laurenoe Stabler, 67.6=61; Mrs. H. R. Robertton, 97.15=52; Miss Hildreth Gatewood, »8-45=53; Mis« Lulle Critcbe.r, 105-35=70; Mrs. J. D. Uitewood, 75-0=75; Misi Mary Pow¬ ell, 77-0=77. Good Tbmi'LABS..The Golden Light Lodge of Good Templáis met last oigbtand eleoted the following offioers for the ensuing quarter: Andrew Sulli¬ van, jr., P. C. T.; C. R. Herbert, Chief Templar; Mies Belle Steele, Vice Templar; Eiward Naylor, Secretary; Kl ward Walker, Assistant Secretar;; Mb·» Sadie Lyles, Financial Secretary; A. S. Mankln, Treasurer; Mrs. E. Lyle?, Cbaplair; Joseph Glover, Mar¬ shal; Miss Either Griffin, Deputy Marshal; Henry Baker, Guard; Roger dallivau, Sentinel; A. S. Mankin, J. H. Bartlett and Joe. Glover, Trustees. The se officers will be installed at tbe meeting to be held next Monday night, Death ok an Old Rk&ident..Mr. Richard Ratclitf?, an old and well* known citizen, died at tbe home of bis lirotber-in-law, Mr. Richard H. Warder, on upper King etreet, last Bighe, Tue deceased was 71 years old. lie bad lived in the First ward until a few months ago. In early life he ac¬ quired tbe cabinet-maker's trade under nie uncle, tbe late William Demaloe, an occupation be, however, relin¬ quished, and followed to some extent that of c irpentering. He was regarded as a good mechanic, r-PHiNc Opening..The spring opee ing of the Concordia Hotel today brought together many of tbe patrons ot that well-known houee. Lunch, wbich was commenced at 12 m., will be served until 12 p. ro. tonight. The set-out was elaborate and the edibles, including fried oysters' and other deli¬ cacies, were prepared in an artistic manner. Ibe spread sent to tbis office was much enjoyed, ae is everything else that comes from tbe Concordia. School Entertainment..Ad enter· tainment for tbe benefit of the piano fund of Mt. Vernon Avenue school in theounty, will be given on the even¬ ing of May S, at toe school hall, by pupils and friend* of the rchoo!. Ojb of the feature? of tbe eveuing «ill be tbe specialties of Mr. Floyd Featbet- stone io c >mic songa and recitations aod hie chime of belle, the "Peak Ste¬ tere," will be given by the pupils. Fishtown..Affairs at Fish to wn have undergone but little change since yes¬ terday. Prices ranged from $12 to $14 per hundred for shad, aod herring were bringing $2.25 per thousand. Receipts are still limited. Mr. Theo. Balleuger has cut cut from Freestone Point. The fishery of 11*01 bas not been satisfactory hereabouts. _____ Thk One Thino Nbkdkd..Tbe h«*edof the Bureau· of Statistics at \Vaibingtoo réali-ts tbat the li'eblood of modern busine sis j idicious aelver- lltim, Io bis opinion advertising is all that is needed to enable our manufac¬ turers to increaae their export trade enormously. His scheme for tbe erec¬ tion ota floating exposition of A ?-ri¬ cen industrial products is purely an advertising enterprise. Thi« signature is on oven- box of the gcu.no· Laxative Bromo<Quin.ne t»¡.m. the remedy that caureti «a colei laa osa· day Educete Vour Hoar el« Tilth Cttctret«. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever 10v.,_>c. 11C. C. C. tail, «lrufgist- atjtjsj money' MEDICINAL. If ron haTen't a regular, bealthj movement the bowel· erery day. you're He«, or will be Keep r»ur bowel· open, and be well. Force In tuo shape of Tlulent pbyslc or pill poison, U dangerous. Toe smoothest, easiest, mutt perfect way of keeping ibe bowel« clear and clean to take CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good Do Good, Sever »Icken. Weaken, or Uripe. 10c. 30c. Mie Writ« for free «ample, aod booklet on health. Address lUrllx R.wrd. I capta», t hies««, Sonlr»«!, ?·? T*rl. WI» KjEPYDUflJLOOD CLjjH DRY GOODS. LAN5BURGH «& BRO., Washington'« Favorite Store. Building Sale of Wrappers and Skirts r»ty!iih Skirts, made of fas! lark percaline. Foil umbrella ityle», deep double tliaifi, Gored at the top on French yoke. EQ/, Length, 40-42 Special prke.Or\* Oar regular ¡97 50 Silk Skirts, ezcelleut quality taffeta silk. Fall circolar style, with three email ruffles. Gored at the top on French yoke. Length, 42- ie 1 q 43. Building bale Price.¿?*!. 1 V Walking Skirt of Ii ne quillty black sateen Fall width, deep accordion-pleated flounce. Length, 40-42. Boildiag QtZr· Sale Price.^..mm*0*' Hon·« Skirt of good quility etripod ging¬ ham. Full width and length, finished with ß-lnch flounce. 40-42. 8pecial AQr Price»-.~.-~.^vl* Building Sale of Handkerchiefs Ladie·' and Children's Colored Bordered Handkerchief«.fast colors-8c value?. Ϋ Building Sale Price..«»««.».***· Ladies' All-linen Handkerchiefs.lace and inserting trimmed.20c value. Build- f ?~ ingSsle Price.....»»...».¦ vlv Men's JsponetteHandkerchiefs, himit'tck ed with silk.initial.regular 15 each. ^C ? Boilding Sale Priée, 4 for..*>l,w Free Dally Deliveries to Alexandria. Lansburght&Bro., 420 to 426 Seventh street, WASHINGTON, P. C._ TO CURB A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quiñi st. Tablxtb All druggists refund the money if It falla to cure E. W. Gbovb'h signature il on eacb box. 2o*._ _ LOCAL BREVITIES. The weather continues fine. Tbo f'cuoty Court adjourned yesterday for the term. Tbe weekly drill of the A, L. I. was well attended lut nigbt. A new schedule will go into effect on tke eloetric railway tonnrrow. The athlete cla»s of the Y. M. 8. L. closed last night «fter a very gin ceetlul eon ron. The ? and the oyster will now take the» departuro from loJety for a .-mm r's rest. Mr. E. E. Lawler his been appointe! sgent in this city of the American Fruit Compsny, It is .stated that operations at Freestone Point flibing sbore will be discontinued attor today. Moat of ths big shores hav 3 now "cu t out." It is »gtin stated that an envelope factoiy will bo shortly opened in the ell cotton fai- tory oo oorlh Waibington itreet. A marriego license wie issued in Washing¬ ton yesteiday to Bobert W. Jones aud Maty L. Dos'er. both of Westmoreland. An infant child of Mr. Charles Bcynolds died at the he me of iti parent·, on upper King street, this afternoon from spinel meningitis. A delegation of Alexandria Sbrinerà last nigbt attended a meetitK of Aimas Temple in Washington and apenl a most enjoyable evening. Endors Caldwell, · well-known colored resident of this city and a balf-3ister of John Credit, died at her horns on south Boytl itreet lut night. which handle« over 00 per cent, of the fruit trade in all this section, and more irait is now being esten in tbis city than ever before ani at cheaper prices. Tbe remains of the la'e John C. Clark, for¬ nici 1 ? of this city, who died in Washington on Sunday, were brought here today and in¬ toned In tho Methodist cemetery. Tbe new dont recently pat in at tho drug atore of Mr. Edgar Warfield, j r, at tho coraor of King and Pitt streets, ia a flnepioce of work and reflects credit on tbe builder, Mr. J. F. Beider-. Robert W. Duttm, a new-pipe r man, baa loen appointed chief engineer of the Waah- irgton fire dcp&itmen to aucoeed Mr. Joseph Partis The appointment will tako effect to¬ morrow. The city démocratie committee will meet tonight to consider plana for choosing dele- tatt· to tho gubernatorial convention to be bold in Norfolk next Augaat. In many of the cities and counties early primarie« will l>s bold " to get rid of the matter" before hot weather comes on, and ihn may be done in thia city. Tbe alarm of fire early last night was caused by the burning of loot in tho stach at Sin >ot ä Co.'s planing mill, 00 north Lee street. By the prompt arrival of the fire dé¬ putaient a diseitroos cjnuigration was averted. Tbe atat k was at a whta heat at at one time, and adjoining woodwork bad be- gor. to burn. The prompt «oik of tbe fire¬ men toon placed the fire nnler control. Pkttmjío Up .The olii »ß of «"Olloctor Agnew, U. 8. Internal Bevenuo Collector for this distri, t, bas prcae&ted a baay scene t> day, numbers of deputies being there settling their acce nati with Mr. Agnew whoae new teim. aa atated yeatcrday, ccrumencca to morrow. Dr. Ball'» Celebrated l'ili-, care many ills. One pi l a dose. Box, (SO pills, 10 cts. Cure Constipation, Liver Trouble«, BiUonsne·«, Dyspepsia Impure Blocel snd Poor Blocd. Female Complaints, Stomach and Bowel Disorders. Dr. Ball'« Pills neyer gripe. Hold by Bichsrd Gibson sad »11 drug. gi«s. _ Those fti..->as little pill·, DeWitt's Little Early Bisen will remove ill impariti·· from your system, cleanse your bowel«, make them regular. < ASE BALLS, ATS, AGS, No«? la lha Time to orfani«) yonr Club. April lit ahoold be "play bal." Hare a COMPLETE NEW LINE. Should certainly be teen. Baseball SUITS in differ, ent C0L0B8 and at Washing on pricas. Country otders solicited. All Kinds Sporting Goods. R. E. KNIGHT, 621 KING bTBEET. STATI· »NEB AND NEW8DEALEB. _JCE DEALERS. _| __IC^ DEALERS._ r_iT_tr^ar_«^-ir«ir_r_r_^^ Made from distilled water, now on sale from our platform. Sold only for cash. Upon receipt of ice wagons we will deliver on the streets. T, atata?atatatata?a?atatatatatatatatatata?a?a?atatatata DRY GOODS 10th, 11th and F Sts.. New Cotton Dross Goods, Embracing the proper sorts to meet the to· coptod Ptris »nd London fashion. WE OFFEB THE POPULA» AND BEAUTIFUL. Mercerized Organdie Façonne AT HALF PBICE. 958 a Yard, Instead of 50c. A variety of exquisite floral printing· in new deiigo· ou a silk-like white ground, that retain· its rich loster after being laundered. Thi« verr fashionable and qnlck-Btliing fab¬ ric was purchased from the manufacturer tt t price concession and is offered st half the regular price. First floor-Tenth st. Men's Department. (Displaying for woaaea's wear.) New Wash Silk De Join ville Scarfs, White and exquisite light coloring·. May be worn ts four in-hand« or "twi» around«," specially attractive as scarfs for talking nata. .Mie· Each. Men's Storo.First flxir. Black Tosca Nets, A Third Off. (Lsce Dopar traen t.) 4.5-ioeh Bleck Tom« Net« por :heeed under price·. L*r«e mesh. Popolar for waists, en¬ tire dresses, Ae. ?ßß the yard. Uaually $1 OO. First floor. The "Arnold" Knit Night Drawers, (For Children.) Tbey are tbe beet protection agalast «old· a child can have wbile sleeping. They are light »nd floe in texture, and will not over¬ heat in the hottest weather. And very little bed covering is necessary. «Oc to $2 OO. They are superior to all others. Our Mrs. Beynol !·- is demonstrating tbe full line of the "Arnold" good·.Knit Under¬ wear for woman and children. Catt'ogae fret. Millinery Parlors.Second floor. Another Rose Bush Sale. WEDNESDAY. MAT 1, We will begin a second Bore Bosh sal·, wben wo will offer new, fresh Com Bathe·, which heve been started in pots and are ready to plant out of doors at once. They are hardy varieties, and nicely put up ia packaiei of four, includine such well-known kinds m Sambier-, La France, Ac. 25c for pekg. of 4 Bush e*. ß??????t» received now. Fifth floor. ßtr-GOODS DELIVERED IN ALEXAN¬ DRIA. Woodward & Lothrop. ioth, nth & F Sts., n. w. Washington, D C. 11m· lti-,1 Iti.«ul Purifier. Th« blood le constanti·/ being puri· liei by the long··, liver and kidney·. Keep theee organa in a healthy condi¬ tion and tbe bowels regular aod you will have do need of a blood purifier. For this pnrpoee there nothing equal to Chamberlain'«?. Htomach and Lifer Tablet?, ooe dose of them will do yon more good than a dollar bottle of the beet blood purifier. Price 25 canta. Samples free at Richard Gibson's drug store. -??· « · -! To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atonra^ra in applying liquida Into the nastl passage« for raUirrhal tronblt», th· proprietors propare Cream Btlm in liquid form, which will be known Ely'· Liquid Cream Balm Price, including the «praying tube, 75 eta. Druggists or by mai!. «The li a 1 form embodies the medicinal properties ot the solid preparation. Cream Balm ia quickly absorbed by the membrane aod doee not dry up the lerrstlons, but changea them to · natural and healthy character. Ely Brothers, 56 Wijrren street, New York. You will waste time if you try to car· la. digestion or dytpepsia by starving yourself. Tbst only makes it ivorse wben yoa do eet heartily. You a'ways need plenty of good food properly ditjeeted. Kodol Dyspepsie Care is the result ot yean of scientific re« search for something that woald digest net only some el«mints of food bat every kind And it is tbe one remedy that will do it. S BALED PBOP. SALS will be reetivsd tt my office natii 12 o'clock m. on Wednes¬ day. May 1. 1901, for PA VINO WITH OOBBLE8TONÍ 8 ONE SQDABE on Prince«· street, between Washington and Columbus The right to reject any or ell bids is retar -ed. J. G. HOLOOMBE, tpi27 td_City Engineer. WS KEEP A FULL SUPPLY OF THI CELEBRATED KBETOL KEMKDIE8, for the ente of Ectenia, Diphtheria» Hast Toni« Velvet Lotion, Beth Holutioa end Ca¬ tarrh Care. WABFIELD A HALL, Ortmr P«·««*«· .te' Ftirf»x «tl>w>! ANOTHEB INVOICE OF ???????a?G 1FOBNIA LEMON CUNO SLICED PEACHEB, in etna, received tnd fer aale ay 4.aMU.HVlM. DBY GOODS. Ii PROTECT TN On Prices. Our stock is carefully selected. We buy nothing simply lor the profit there is in it, without regard to quality. Our goc-ds are always as represent ed, and we <*an conscientiously say they are Thb Best as to qualities, colors, Ac , bought at a good price and sold at a close profit In addition we will protect you on prices; that is, if others advertise a cut, we will allow the same. All we ask is that you will protect us by re¬ porting same to us. Full and handsome lines MA¬ DRAS, India Linens, corded striped and plaid. Muslins, PIQUES, &u. Covert Cloths, Galatea Cloths, and Ginghams. Bleached and Unbleached MUH LINS. UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, NEGLIGE 8HIRTS, TABLE DAMASKS, TOWELS, NAPKINS. BEDSPREADS, UMBRELLAS, eie., eke. Full line small Notions, Embroid¬ eries, Laces, eie. i. C. Si NO. 429 King street. CHINA, GLASSWARE, Seo. 8UCCEeeOB8 TO GABTEB A HOWARD. Are now ready to supply the-ir patrons with new and pretty spring goods. Ina few days they will offer a new line of cut glass bowls at very low prices. No. 423 King Street. The E. J. Miller Co, IsapoTtcri «nd Jobber* in Earthenware, Glassware, China and all House- furnishing Goods. WATER COOLERS. ICE CREAM FREEZERS- White Mountain and Arctic. Everything in Tin and Enamel Ware. Tea Sets-d»'! pieces.reasonable prices. Gall oa as before 70a parchase anythicg in oar linn. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTE Quality Established Out Reputation. Yes. SOFT-SHELL CRABS. Want any? We have'them. UNEXCELLED DEVILED CRABS. FAMIIilF» SKHVED. RAMMEL'S RESTAURANT. HOME 'PHONE 63. Doa't Toba-.o S»it aad S-aaA.« 1««r Ufe Away. To quit tobacco eaaUy aad forever, be mag¬ netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- B&c, the stender-worker, that make« weak meta SKocg.' druggiate, Il a box Cure guarda· teed Booklet and «ample free. Addwss Sterili* Remedy Co, Chicago 0: New YorJr. DRY G?ODe._____ J ____JDRY GOOI«^ 424-426 KING STREET. STORE OPEN TILL 7 P. M. SATURDAYS EXCEPTER SPECIAL THREE DAYS' SALE. FOR THREE DAYS we will offer the Housekeepers of Alexandrin in opportunity te> lay in a supply of Seasonable and Staple Dry Goods and Notions, at prices which we believe to 1m- the lowest ever quote'd in Alexan¬ dria for reliable goods. We do not misrepresent anything, ami every artici«· ivill be found exactly as represented. Remember this sale is for THREE DAY'S ONLY, Saturday« Monday and Tuesday, April 27th, 29th, and 30th, Respectively. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES : DRY GOODS. Genuine Lancaster Apron Ginghams. Spe¬ cial price.asas«·..........4V yard Andronoggan Bleached Muslin, one yard wide. Special prie·..................<¡e yar·! Frait of Tbe Loom Bleached Mailin, one yard wide...«V yard Five piece· White Flannel, 27 inckee aid· the regular 20c ajnility. Special piiee, 14c yard Twenty piece· good Cottoa Craah. Special price.......axaaaaa.2«*jC yard The Genuine Lons lai· Cambric, one ytrd wide. Usual price 12V Special price Do ytrd Five pieces good Cambric, one yard wide. Usati prie» 10c. Special priese.........7c yard Twenty-one pieces best qnality Colored Table Oileloths, 1 '4 yards wide. Unstl price 20c. Special price..12V yaid Good qnslity Linen Shades. Begular 25c kind. Special price.18: etch The regular 10c Felt Shade« for three days only...7c each 12V Bat·1 Towels, bleached or unbleach¬ ed.¦.Oo oacli NOTIONS, For three days only we will sell Brainerd & Armstrong'· 103 ytrd Black Spool Si k for.m...6c Good Pearl Bottons. Dozan._2e One lot Stocknet Drcsi Shield·, good qnali¬ ty. Pair-...M....4c Treasure Nickle Safety Pin·, three elees. Per card. 3c Black and Colored Velveteen Facing, l*aj inches wide. Begalar 12c quality, 4 yards to piece. Each.......tío taJtv-Duriniç this THREE DAYS' exactly half their mark eel prices. OBOOBBIE8. mmTRanmy Seilt the Bit. New POTOMAC ROE HERRING 120 Packages, Barrels, Halves & Kits, Branch Herring; PRICE&CO.SPACK, G.WM. RAMSAY. 5 GROSS FINE AMERICAN GINGER ALE, BELFAST STYLE, 75 cents a dozen AT RAMSAY'S. Rolled Ox Tongues, 3 Sizes, JUS G BECEIVED BT G, WM. RAMSAY'S. NOTIONS. Twenty-fcur dozen Kensington Black Vel- roteen Fattine, 1\ iaokea wide, 6 yard« to ,ho piece. Eegular price 15c. Speeial price. Bach.~..~~~.-.~mm.........m..9c We will cloas oat all the snap and fear loop Hooks and Eyes, The regolar price 10c card. Jpecial price.......mm.~~.~.~.5c One lot of Covered Whalebones. Dos......5c Linen-back Velvet Blbbons, No. l^e. the regalar price is 25c pc Speeisl price, pc... 17c One lot of Ladie·* Black and Fancy Hose, reducei from 10c to-..........~.5<: pair Odo lot of Ombrio Edge and Insetting· in romnants, some worth np to 12V yard. To close them out. Per yard.....2c Lot of Lalios' Gauze Vests. Each.M.MM4c MEN'S FURNISHINGS. In this three day· apeclal sale we cannot overlook the men, therefore we have soaae very special birgains for tbem also as follows: We offer fifteen dosen Men's Oood Colored Wash Sospendere. Oar leader at 10c. Spe¬ cial ptioe 2 pairs for..«...«,...^.25c One lot of Men's Fincy Hoae, all liaet, the regular 12V kind. Speeial priée, two pain for.15c One lot of Men's Bleaohed Jean Drawera. Pair.,...,....,.15c Lot of Men's Oood Handkerchiefs. Each 2c One lot of Men's Tsn and Fancy Hose. ·****·* in-- ?.a.5c All of on ? Men's Oolf Hose that we have been selling for 75e, f1.00, 11.25 and f 1 50, to close them ont they goat.ßOe pair Several dosen paira of Men's Working Qloves, reduced to.......25c pair SALE all ninnante will be; sold for DRY GOODS. D.Bendheim &Sons Sl-rOND WEEK'S SALE OP the (ìreensboro (N. C.) stock. Positively the (¡reatest Harj-ain ever liappeneel. We have» no room for stirpiti* stoek. It must he gold no ma'ter what loss we sustain. These Bargrins e-an be had so long as they last. One lot Black Sa'i ? Dache·· in neit itripe and lìgoree, 69e to 89c valaei. «t 39c yd. One lot Fancy Silk« in over 25 d ftVront designs, suitable for tfiists and trimmings, 39 to 50c vaine«, choice 26c yard. One lot All-silk Black Brocaded Satin Daches*, 2 piece»; all silk Black Taffeta; one lot all (ilk Blaek Oro« Grains, neat fsney ??¬ at?· and stripes, 75c, 89c to 98c vaines. Your choice 49c. Plsin Colored Taffeta Silka, in every new spring shade, 60 to 69c value·, at 39oyard. One lot double-width Fancy Black Good·, Mf value at 12V yard. 5 pieces sll wool 50-inch Black Cheviot, 89c vaine, at59eyard. 2 pieces 28-inh Black ludi· Silk, 75c val¬ ue, 59c jard. All-wool Black Lace Grenadine, '{8-inch. GOc vaino, at 49c. All-wool Gray Home spar, 54 ine bee wide 89c valae, at 59c y«rd. One lot Wh te Dotted Swisces, 15c valar, at 9c yard. One lot White Organdie·, doable width, 9e yaii. India L;nen«, 40 inches wide, 15c vaine, 10c yard. One ease 4-4 fine White Cambric, 12V vaine, at ß l4<\ One case of White Shirt Madras, 26c valae, 12 V rard. 1000 yard· White Piques, 19c vaine, at 12 V jard. 25 piece ? now Imported White Goods, lace stripe effects, worth 25o. at 16c yard Beady-made 10-4 Bleached sheet», hemmed ready for ase 69c yard. Cotton Bird Eye DUpering 5c yard. Curtain Scrims, 3V yard. One cate gexd quality Shirting Print·, .T,c yard. 20pieces Linen Crash Skirting, <t\a yd. 2000 yarda assorted Calicoes, Ginghams, Ac, Ac, 3c yard. 2000 yards assorted Perealea, Gingham·, Catinga, Ac·. Ac, 5c yard. 10 pieee« White Wool Flannel, 12V yd. Fait Black Satine, 7 V yard. One lot Johnson'« Fine Madras, 15c valae, 7 V yard. One lot Wool Mixed Chain«, 18c valae, 12 V yard. 25 pieces Plain Colore! Organdies, 10c yd. All-wool Silk Stripe Chillis, 50c value, 29c yard. No. 2000 Long Cloth·, 20c value·, short length», 12V 60 pifoea new fancy Figared Lawns, 4 V- yard, 25 piece« new Figured Dimities, 12V value, 7V yard. 2 piece« All Linen Table Damask, ?ß? yd. Large aise Linen Hook Tow«! -, 9c. Large liz » Honey Comb Towels, 4e. One lot Window Shade«, slightly Imper¬ fect. 6>. Great Bargain in Hosiery-ene lot child¬ ren's and misses' white, cream and piak ho·«, foil rigulsr made; one lot children'· ss·»« ribbed boie. 7m ß, 6*. 8, «k one lot chi dren'« fancy «tripe «oek«; one lot ja*··» fall regalar made bo··, plain co on. raiao. ringing from 15c te 2¿>c, at He P*'r· Children's 25c Hosi.ry, laa only, .11 úam, 17c pair. D. Bendheim & Sons, 316 KING STREET.

Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1901-04-30. · Alexandria 4$»\.tit+ TUESDAY EVENING. AFBIL 30 1901' ^LOCALMATTERS.-an ils«· tomorrow at 501 « m and

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Page 1: Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1901-04-30. · Alexandria 4$»\.tit+ TUESDAY EVENING. AFBIL 30 1901' ^LOCALMATTERS.-an ils«· tomorrow at 501 « m and

Alexandria 4$»\.tit+TUESDAY EVENING. AFBIL 30 1901'

^LOCAL MATTERS.-an ils«· tomorrow at 5 01 « m and <·<¦

ait «:53 p. m. High water at OtlwJ a. m. and

6:37 p. m.J_Weather PaoBABiUTiie.For this sec¬

tion fair t( nigbt «n1 Wednesday, light varia¬ble winds._ ^_

Business ???'? Lkauur..-But fewattended tbe meeting of tbe BusinessMen's League last nigbt, and no busi¬ness was transacted. Those presentindulged in an interchange of opinionin connection with Alexandria's affairs,her prospects and hope-«, and it was de¬cided to make an eilort to bave anothermeeting next Monday night to wbichall interested in tbe city's welfarewould be invited in order tbat someplan caá be formóla'oi by which orcommercial eiowth may be accelerated.Mr. ?. B, Harlow stated tbat shouldour people erect buildings suitable formanufacturing purposes tbey couldreadily be rented to manufacturers wbowould bave an incentive» to come toAlexandria by tbe oheap rents prevail¬ing bere. He cited an instance: Agentleman from a neighboring city was

here recently looking for a r-uitablebuilding in wbich to locate a silk fac¬tory. He would have been satiefieidwith one floor of any building wheresufficient light could have been ob¬tained. He neither purposed bayingor ereoting a structure, but was anxiousto lease one. Tbeie was but one

place which met his requirements, andtbat was the Mount Vernon CottonFactory. He found be could not leaseeven one II »or of that building, aodbad been compelled to leave the cityreluctantly. Mr. Harlow furtherstated that other cities w°re ready to«met such requirement?; that syndi¬cates were formed, buildioga erected formanufacturirg purposes and moneyloaned those wbo were ready to embarkio such enterprises. He thou-ht a

similar spirit should be manifested inAlexandria. The people of Norfolk,he said, bad offered to pat up in sixtyday-'lime a suitable building for tbegentleman wbo wanted to bring bisBilk factory to Alexandria. The meet¬ing adjourned after an hour and a halfsession.

Gyi\3V Camp Sbabchbd .DetectivesO'Connell, of New York, and Weedonand Parham, of Washington, were outamong tbe gypsy campa in tbe vicinityof this city all day yesterday and outillate last night endeavoring to obtainsome information in the Willie McCor-mick case, Tbe detectives came toAlexandria late in tbe afternoon andvisited the camp at 8r. Asaph, and one

located near Fort Myer. Tbe detectives,it is thought, did not make much bead-way yesterday. Detective O'Connellsent several telegraphic communica¬tions to New York during tbe day, andtwo more after be returned from thiscity late laet night. It is understoodtbat the detectives are waiting some in¬formation from Jersey City in referenceto a dispatch, which is said to bave beensent there by one of the gypsies lastFriday ui-ht, while the two girls wereunder arrest.

A JAPANK8B Picture .Mr. EidieSchüler io writing from Cavité wherehe is stationed aa a member of Co. B,1st Battalion U. T. M. C. tells bis rela¬tives and friends in this city that be isblessed with excellent health and basnothing of wbiob to complain in bisse vice to Uncle Sam, yet he has a

strong desire, if not a longing, to getback into "God's country." Eddieoften remembers family ties by seedingmementoes from tbe distant islands.Among those just received is an oilportrait of hie brother, Mr. F. Bcbuler,It is of medium bust si?; and was en¬

larged from a miniature linotype sentfrom this city, and as a copy shows thewonderful artistic skill of tbe Japanese.The rememberances sent toother mem¬

bers of the family show remaikableingenuity in workmanship and are ad¬mired by all wbo a^e them,

m WJ» -F--..»

Puhick Chtjboh..-At tbe regularmorning services at old Pohick Churchon Sunday last the rector, Rev. Mr.Meade, announced to bis congregationthat tbe ladies of the Mount VernonRegents' Association would visit tbepariah Suodav, May 12, for the pur¬pose of engaging in oomtnunion servicein tbe old bouse of worship so intima't-ly connected witb the life of Washing¬ton. The movement inaugurated byMount Vernon Chapter, daughters ofthe American Revolution for the restor¬ation of the church has brought it.'prominently before the public.

Rohukd on Chain Bbidmb..MìhsBlanche Ferguson, of Langley, Fairfaxcounty, reported to tbe Washington po¬lice yesterday morning that she wasrobbed of a pocket-book containing $2.nd six car tickets at 8 o'clock yesterday morning on tbe Chain Bridge beyond Georgetown. Miss Ferguson aaysshe was accosted by three persons.WDom ebe supposed to be gypsies. Theytook ber pocket-book and left. Tbecounty authorities are to investigatetbe matter.

POLICB CoUBT..-The following casi ßwere disooeed of today :Aaron Jackson, colored, charge'! with being

dronk in the atreet. waa dlsrvisaed.Sdward Qlorot, charged with being drank

.nd · auspicious character, waa dietulseee),Martha Haghta, colored, charged with aa-

san li d« and beating Mary Williams, forfeit¬ed t& collateral.

N'ifiht Repurt..Laat night we· eleer andcoo Three piaoners and tbr-elodgfri were

.t tbe stetiou house.

Cannot Comb.Rev. W. J. Young,D. IV, pastor of the ?. E. ChurchSouth in this city and who, it was an¬

nounced, would preach in tbat ohorchon W-ihiesday nigbt, has telegraphedtbat owing to tbe death of a prominentmember ot bis church he would be un¬able to till bis engagement here. Tbeusual prayer meeting services will beheld.

HoBBKSeji.D .Hampton Stock Farm,>?>. G??-rliaud H. tìtnilh. propaetor,Alexandria county, has sold to Mr.Francia Coobran ot New York city, thechestnut heavy weight hunter "Em¬peror," 16 2 bande.

Stop·, the Cemghand Works Off tin· Cold.

Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet« care a

coli in one day, No Care, no Pay. Price95 cents.

» «?» »

"I had pile· 10 bid I could get to rest norfind a care antil I tried DeWitt'a WitchHas«l Salve. After using it once, I forgot Iever had anything like piles." E. C. Boiee,borner j Point, N. T. Lookout for imitations.Be tare yon aak for DeWitl'i.

Bow Art» 1 our Kidney· fl>r Hohb«'Sparaeu» Pills pore all kid tier Ills. sam¬

ple tree. Ada. eterno« Ucimxi» tu-, Calcano or N. V.

PKB30NAL. -Mr. S. G. Brent hasbeen invited by tbe Ladies' Associationto deliver the address at tbe floraldecoration of the Confederate graves atWarrenton.Mr. Jacob Yot-t, of S'.aunton, wan in

| tbe city yesterday, the guest of Mr.Park Agnew, having cone to discuterepublican politice concerning State

! affairs.i Mr. C W. Spangler has been ap¬pointed temporary agent in this city of

! the B. & O. Railroad in place of D. P.Hurley, who mysteriously disappearedfrom this city recenty.Mr. David Makeiy, who was seriously

hnrt by falling from a street car inWashington on Saturday evening and

I who is now at tbe Euergancy Hospitalin that city, is rapidly recovering fromhis injuries.Tbe condition of Mr. W. F. Creighton

continues quite serions, though be was

resting comfortably today.Mr. Leonard Marbury and family

who spent tbe winter at fumter, T. C,have returned to tbeir borne to Ibis city.Mr. Marbury is much improved inin bealtb.Mrs. James Kirk, widow of Rev.

James Kirk, who before the war was a

well-known educator of Alexindria,was in tbe city yesterday on a shortvifit to old friends.The condition of Mr. William Violett,

who has been critically ill for tbe pasttwo weeks, is still serions. Last nightbe was removed from the Infirmary tohis late home, on south Lie street.

Coubt Notes.Judge Norton inthe Corporation Court today granted acharter to the Springman Express Com¬pany, the purpose of which organiza¬tion is to conduct a general exprese andhauling business, and to transport pas¬sengers, friegbt and bat gage, with theprivilege of establishing agencies, erect¬ing storehouses in which to place prop¬erty entrusted to its care &c. The capi¬tal stock" of tbe company is to be $25,·000, divided into 350 shares at $100eacb. Mr. Springman is president andMr. James E. Clements is the agent forthis section.

Messrs. James E. Alexander and E.E. Downbam were appointed trustées ofAndrew Jackson Lodge of Masons inplace of B. F. Price and F. A. Reed, de¬ceased.A decree was entered directing Geo.

D. Cupid to show cause why a resale ofoertain property of tbe estate of GeorgeL Seaton should not be. sold, Cupidhaving made default in the payments.During the month tbe clerk of the

Corporation Court recorded 47 deedsand issued 48 marriage licenses.88 towhite and 5 to colored people.Thb Golf Club.The coarse of the

Alexandria Golf C ub presented quitea lively appearance yesterday after¬noon when its first handicap of the sea-pon was played. Of a considerablenumber of starters twelve returnedcurd*. 1 · tbe ladies' contest Mrs. H. F.Robertson was winner, with a net scoreof52, bavin; a handicap of f.irty-five. Inthe gentlemen's contest Mr. C. F.Thomas and Master Beaudric Howellmade a tie for first honors with a t^cireof 51, thank to a handicap of 10 each.The scores were as followe: C. F.Thomas, 61.1C*=51; Beaudric Howell.61.10=51; W. F. Lambert, 55-0=55;0. R Howard, 60.4=56: L9Wis Cheese-man, 64.8=56: O. D. Barrett, 66.10=56, Laurenoe Stabler, 67.6=61; Mrs.H. R. Robertton, 97.15=52; MissHildreth Gatewood, »8-45=53; Mis«Lulle Critcbe.r, 105-35=70; Mrs. J. D.Uitewood, 75-0=75; Misi Mary Pow¬ell, 77-0=77.Good Tbmi'LABS..The Golden Light

Lodge of Good Templáis met lastoigbtand eleoted the following offioersfor the ensuing quarter: Andrew Sulli¬van, jr., P. C. T.; C. R. Herbert,Chief Templar; Mies Belle Steele, ViceTemplar; Eiward Naylor, Secretary;Kl ward Walker, Assistant Secretar;;Mb·» Sadie Lyles, Financial Secretary;A. S. Mankln, Treasurer; Mrs. E.Lyle?, Cbaplair; Joseph Glover, Mar¬shal; Miss Either Griffin, DeputyMarshal; Henry Baker, Guard; Rogerdallivau, Sentinel; A. S. Mankin, J. H.Bartlett and Joe. Glover, Trustees.The se officers will be installed at tbemeeting to be held next Monday night,Death ok an Old Rk&ident..Mr.

Richard Ratclitf?, an old and well*known citizen, died at tbe home of bislirotber-in-law, Mr. Richard H.Warder, on upper King etreet, lastBighe, Tue deceased was 71 years old.lie bad lived in the First ward until a

few months ago. In early life he ac¬

quired tbe cabinet-maker's trade undernie uncle, tbe late William Demaloe,an occupation be, however, relin¬quished, and followed to some extentthat of c irpentering. He was regardedas a good mechanic,

r-PHiNc Opening..The spring opeeing of the Concordia Hotel todaybrought together many of tbe patronsot that well-known houee. Lunch,wbich was commenced at 12 m., willbe served until 12 p. ro. tonight. Theset-out was elaborate and the edibles,including fried oysters' and other deli¬cacies, were prepared in an artisticmanner. Ibe spread sent to tbis officewas much enjoyed, ae is everythingelse that comes from tbe Concordia.

School Entertainment..Ad enter·tainment for tbe benefit of the pianofund of Mt. Vernon Avenue school intheounty, will be given on the even¬ing of May S, at toe school hall, bypupils and friend* of the rchoo!. Ojbof the feature? of tbe eveuing «ill betbe specialties of Mr. Floyd Featbet-stone io c >mic songa and recitationsaod hie chime of belle, the "Peak Ste¬tere," will be given by the pupils.Fishtown..Affairs at Fish town have

undergone but little change since yes¬terday. Prices ranged from $12 to $14per hundred for shad, aod herring were

bringing $2.25 per thousand. Receiptsare still limited. Mr. Theo. Balleugerhas cut cut from Freestone Point. Thefishery of 11*01 bas not been satisfactoryhereabouts.


Thk One Thino Nbkdkd..Tbeh«*edof the Bureau· of Statistics at\Vaibingtoo réali-ts tbat the li'ebloodof modern busine sis j idicious aelver-lltim, Io bis opinion advertising is allthat is needed to enable our manufac¬turers to increaae their export tradeenormously. His scheme for tbe erec¬tion ota floating exposition of A ?-ri¬cen industrial products is purely an

advertising enterprise.

Thi« signature is on oven- box of the gcu.no·Laxative Bromo<Quin.ne t»¡.m.the remedy that caureti «a colei laa osa· day

Educete Vour Hoar el« Tilth Cttctret«.Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever

10v.,_>c. 11C. C. C. tail, «lrufgist- atjtjsj money'


If ron haTen't a regular, bealthj movement oí thebowel· erery day. you're He«, or will be Keep r»urbowel· open, and be well. Force In tuo shape ofTlulent pbyslc or pill poison, U dangerous. Toesmoothest, easiest, mutt perfect way of keeping ibebowel« clear and clean 1« to take


Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good Do Good,Sever »Icken. Weaken, or Uripe. 10c. 30c. Mie Writ«for free «ample, aod booklet on health. AddresslUrllx R.wrd. I capta», t hies««, Sonlr»«!, ?·? T*rl. WI»


LAN5BURGH «& BRO.,Washington'« Favorite Store.

Building Sale of

Wrappers and Skirtsr»ty!iih Skirts, made of fas! lark percaline.

Foil umbrella ityle», deep double tliaifi,Gored at the top on French yoke. EQ/,Length, 40-42 Special prke.Or\*Oar regular ¡97 50 Silk Skirts, ezcelleut

quality taffeta silk. Fall circolar style, withthree email ruffles. Gored at thetop on French yoke. Length, 42- ie 1 q43. Building bale Price.¿?*!. 1 V

Walking Skirt of Ii ne quillty black sateenFall width, deep accordion-pleatedflounce. Length, 40-42. Boildiag QtZr·SalePrice.^..mm*0*'Hon·« Skirt of good quility etripod ging¬

ham. Full width and length, finishedwith ß-lnch flounce. 40-42. 8pecial AQrPrice»-.~.-~.^vl*

Building Sale of HandkerchiefsLadie·' and Children's Colored Bordered

Handkerchief«.fast colors-8c value?. ΫBuilding Sale Price..«»««.».***·

Ladies' All-linen Handkerchiefs.lace andinserting trimmed.20c value. Build- f ?~ingSsle Price.....»»...».¦ vlv

Men's JsponetteHandkerchiefs, himit'tcked with silk.initial.regular 15 each. ^C?Boilding Sale Priée, 4 for..*>l,w

Free Dally Deliveries to Alexandria.

Lansburght&Bro.,420 to 426 Seventh street,


Take Laxative Bromo Quiñi st. TablxtbAll druggists refund the money if It falla tocure E. W. Gbovb'h signature il on eacbbox. 2o*._ _

LOCAL BREVITIES.The weather continues fine.Tbo f'cuoty Court adjourned yesterday for

the term.Tbe weekly drill of the A, L. I. was well

attended lut nigbt.A new schedule will go into effect on tke

eloetric railway tonnrrow.The athlete cla»s of the Y. M. 8. L. closed

last night «fter a very gin ceetlul eon ron.

The ? and the oyster will now take the»departuro from loJety for a .-mm r's rest.Mr. E. E. Lawler his been appointe! sgent

in this city of the American Fruit Compsny,It is .stated that operations at Freestone

Point flibing sbore will be discontinued attortoday. Moat of ths big shores hav 3 now "cu tout."

It is »gtin stated that an envelope factoiywill bo shortly opened in the ell cotton fai-tory oo oorlh Waibington itreet.A marriego license wie issued in Washing¬

ton yesteiday to Bobert W. Jones aud MatyL. Dos'er. both of Westmoreland.An infant child of Mr. Charles Bcynolds

died at the he me of iti parent·, on upper Kingstreet, this afternoon from spinel meningitis.A delegation of Alexandria Sbrinerà last

nigbt attended a meetitK of Aimas Templein Washington and apenl a most enjoyableevening.Endors Caldwell, · well-known colored

resident of this city and a balf-3ister of JohnCredit, died at her horns on south Boytlitreet lut night.which handle« over 00 per cent, of the fruittrade in all this section, and more irait is nowbeing esten in tbis city than ever beforeani at cheaper prices.Tbe remains of the la'e John C. Clark, for¬

nici 1 ? of this city, who died in Washington onSunday, were brought here today and in¬toned In tho Methodist cemetery.Tbe new dont recently pat in at tho drug

atore of Mr. Edgar Warfield, j r, at tho coraorof King and Pitt streets, ia a flnepioce of workand reflects credit on tbe builder, Mr. J. F.Beider-.Robert W. Duttm, a new-pipe r man, baa

loen appointed chief engineer of the Waah-irgton fire dcp&itmen to aucoeed Mr. JosephPartis The appointment will tako effect to¬morrow.The city démocratie committee will meet

tonight to consider plana for choosing dele-tatt· to tho gubernatorial convention to bebold in Norfolk next Augaat. In many ofthe cities and counties early primarie« will l>sbold " to get rid of the matter" before hotweather comes on, and ihn may be done inthia city.Tbe alarm of fire early last night was

caused by the burning of loot in tho stach atSin >ot ä Co.'s planing mill, 00 north Leestreet. By the prompt arrival of the fire dé¬putaient a diseitroos cjnuigration wasaverted. Tbe atat k was at a whta heat atat one time, and adjoining woodwork bad be-gor. to burn. The prompt «oik of tbe fire¬men toon placed the fire nnler control.

Pkttmjío Up .The olii »ß of «"OlloctorAgnew, U. 8. Internal Bevenuo Collector forthis distri, t, bas prcae&ted a baay scene t>day, numbers of deputies being there settlingtheir acce nati with Mr. Agnew whoae newteim. aa atated yeatcrday, ccrumencca tomorrow.

Dr. Ball'» Celebrated l'ili-, caremany ills. One pi l a dose. Box, (SO pills,10 cts. Cure Constipation, Liver Trouble«,BiUonsne·«, Dyspepsia Impure Blocel sndPoor Blocd. Female Complaints, Stomach andBowel Disorders. Dr. Ball'« Pills neyergripe. Hold by Bichsrd Gibson sad »11 drug.gi«s.


Those fti..->as little pill·, DeWitt's LittleEarly Bisen will remove ill impariti·· fromyour system, cleanse your bowel«, make themregular.



No«? la lha Time to orfani«) yonr Club.April lit ahoold be "play bal."

Hare a COMPLETE NEW LINE. Shouldcertainly be teen. Baseball SUITS in differ,ent C0L0B8 and at Washing on pricas.Country otders solicited.

All Kinds Sporting Goods.R. E. KNIGHT,


_JCE DEALERS. _| __IC^ DEALERS._r_iT_tr^ar_«^-ir«ir_r_r_^^

Made from distilled water, now

on sale from our platform.Sold only for cash.

Upon receipt of ice wagons we

will deliver on the streets.



10th, 11th and F Sts..

New CottonDross Goods,

Embracing the proper sorts to meet the to·coptod Ptris »nd London fashion.


Mercerized Organdie FaçonneAT HALF PBICE.

958 a Yard, Instead of 50c.A variety of exquisite floral printing· in

new deiigo· ou a silk-like white ground, thatretain· its rich loster after being laundered.Thi« verr fashionable and qnlck-Btliing fab¬ric was purchased from the manufacturer tt t

price concession and is offered st half theregular price.

First floor-Tenth st.

Men's Department.(Displaying for woaaea's wear.)

New Wash SilkDe Join ville Scarfs,White and exquisite light coloring·. May beworn ts four in-hand« or "twi» around«,"specially attractive as scarfs for talking nata.

.Mie· Each.Men's Storo.First flxir.

Black Tosca Nets,A Third Off.

(Lsce Dopar traen t.)4.5-ioeh Bleck Tom« Net« por :heeed under

price·. L*r«e mesh. Popolar for waists, en¬

tire dresses, Ae.?ßß the yard. Uaually $1 OO.

First floor.

The "Arnold"Knit Night Drawers,

(For Children.)Tbey are tbe beet protection agalast «old·

a child can have wbile sleeping. They arelight »nd floe in texture, and will not over¬heat in the hottest weather. And very littlebed covering is necessary.

«Oc to $2 OO.

They are superior to all others.Our Mrs. Beynol !·- is demonstrating tbe

full line of the "Arnold" good·.Knit Under¬wear for woman and children. Catt'ogae fret.Millinery Parlors.Second floor.

Another Rose Bush Sale.WEDNESDAY. MAT 1,

We will begin a second Bore Bosh sal·, wbenwo will offer new, fresh Com Bathe·, whichheve been started in pots and are ready toplant out of doors at once. They are hardyvarieties, and nicely put up ia packaiei offour, includine such well-known kinds mSambier-, La France, Ac.

25c for pekg. of 4 Bushe*.

ß??????t» received now.Fifth floor.


Woodward & Lothrop.ioth, nth & F Sts., n. w.

Washington, D C.11m· lti-,1 Iti.«ul Purifier.

Th« blood le constanti·/ being puri·liei by the long··, liver and kidney·.Keep theee organa in a healthy condi¬tion and tbe bowels regular aod youwill have do need of a blood purifier.For this pnrpoee there i« nothing equalto Chamberlain'«?. Htomach and LiferTablet?, ooe dose of them will do yonmore good than a dollar bottle of thebeet blood purifier. Price 25 canta.Samples free at Richard Gibson's drugstore.

-??· « · -!

To accommodate those who are partial tothe use of atonra^ra in applying liquida Intothe nastl passage« for raUirrhal tronblt», th·proprietors propare Cream Btlm in liquidform, which will be known a« Ely'· LiquidCream Balm Price, including the «prayingtube, 75 eta. Druggists or by mai!. «Theli a 1 form embodies the medicinal propertiesot the solid preparation. Cream Balm iaquickly absorbed by the membrane aod doeenot dry up the lerrstlons, but changea themto · natural and healthy character. ElyBrothers, 56 Wijrren street, New York.

You will waste time if you try to car· la.digestion or dytpepsia by starving yourself.Tbst only makes it ivorse wben yoa do eetheartily. You a'ways need plenty of goodfood properly ditjeeted. Kodol DyspepsieCare is the result ot yean of scientific re«search for something that woald digest netonly some el«mints of food bat every kindAnd it is tbe one remedy that will do it.

SBALED PBOP. SALS will be reetivsd ttmy office natii 12 o'clock m. on Wednes¬

day. May 1. 1901, for PAVINO WITHOOBBLE8TONÍ 8 ONE SQDABE on Prince«·street, between Washington and ColumbusThe right to reject any or ell bids is retar -ed.

J. G. HOLOOMBE,tpi27td_City Engineer.


for the ente of Ectenia, Diphtheria» HastToni« Velvet Lotion, Beth Holutioa end Ca¬tarrh Care. WABFIELD A HALL,

Ortmr P«·««*«· .te' Ftirf»x «tl>w>!


PEACHEB, in etna, received tnd fer aale ay4.aMU.HVlM.



Our stock is carefully selected. Webuy nothing simply lor the profitthere is in it, without regard to

quality.Our goc-ds are always as represent

ed, and we <*an conscientiously saythey are Thb Best as to qualities,colors, Ac , bought at a good priceand sold at a close profitIn addition we will protect you on

prices; that is, if others advertise a

cut, we will allow the same. All weask is that you will protect us by re¬

porting same to us.Full and handsome lines MA¬

DRAS, India Linens, corded stripedand plaid.

Muslins, PIQUES, &u.Covert Cloths, Galatea Cloths, and

Ginghams.Bleached and Unbleached MUH






Full line small Notions, Embroid¬eries, Laces, eie.

i. C. SiNO. 429 King street.



Are now ready to supply the-ir patronswith newand pretty springgoods.Ina few days they will offer anew line of cut glass bowls

at very low prices.No. 423 King Street.

The E. J. Miller Co,IsapoTtcri «nd Jobber* in

Earthenware, Glassware,China and all House-furnishing Goods.WATER COOLERS.

ICE CREAM FREEZERS-White Mountain and Arctic.

Everything in Tin and Enamel Ware.Tea Sets-d»'! pieces.reasonable prices.Gall oa as before 70a parchase anythicg in

oar linn.


Quality EstablishedOut Reputation.


CRABS.Want any?

We have'them.UNEXCELLED




Doa't Toba-.o S»it aad S-aaA.« 1««r Ufe Away.To quit tobacco eaaUy aad forever, be mag¬

netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-B&c, the stender-worker, that make« weak metaSKocg.' A» druggiate, Il a box Cure guarda·teed Booklet and «ample free. AddwssSterili* Remedy Co, Chicago 0: New YorJr.

DRY G?ODe._____ J ____JDRY GOOI«^

424-426 KING STREET.


SPECIAL THREE DAYS' SALE.FOR THREE DAYS we will offer the Housekeepers of Alexandrin

in opportunity te> lay in a supply of Seasonable and Staple Dry Goods andNotions, at prices which we believe to 1m- the lowest ever quote'd in Alexan¬dria for reliable goods. We do not misrepresent anything, ami every artici«·ivill be found exactly as represented.

Remember this sale is for THREE DAY'S ONLY,

Saturday« Monday and Tuesday,

April 27th, 29th, and 30th, Respectively.NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES :

DRY GOODS.Genuine Lancaster Apron Ginghams. Spe¬

cial price.asas«·..........4V yardAndronoggan Bleached Muslin, one yard

wide. Special prie·..................<¡e yar·!Frait of Tbe Loom Bleached Mailin, one

yard wide...«V yardFive piece· White Flannel, 27 inckee aid·

the regular 20c ajnility. Special piiee,14c yard

Twenty piece· good Cottoa Craah. Specialprice.......axaaaaa.2«*jC yardThe Genuine Lons lai· Cambric, one ytrd

wide. Usual price 12V Special priceDo ytrd

Five pieces good Cambric, one yard wide.Usati prie» 10c. Special priese.........7c yardTwenty-one pieces best qnality Colored

Table Oileloths, 1 '4 yards wide. Unstl price20c. Special price..12V yaidGood qnslity Linen Shades. Begular 25c

kind. Specialprice.18: etchThe regular 10c Felt Shade« for three

daysonly...7c each12V Bat·1 Towels, bleached or unbleach¬

ed.¦.Oo oacli

NOTIONS,For three days only we will sell Brainerd

& Armstrong'· 103 ytrd Black Spool Si kfor.m...6c

Good Pearl Bottons. Dozan._2eOne lot Stocknet Drcsi Shield·, good qnali¬

ty. Pair-...M....4cTreasure Nickle Safety Pin·, three elees.

Per card. 3cBlack and Colored Velveteen Facing, l*aj

inches wide. Begalar 12c quality, 4 yardsto piece. Each.......tío

taJtv-Duriniç this THREE DAYS'

exactly half their mark eel prices.OBOOBBIE8.mmTRanmy Seilt the Bit.




120 Packages,

Barrels, Halves & Kits,

Branch Herring;






75 centsa dozen



Rolled Ox Tongues,

3 Sizes,



NOTIONS.Twenty-fcur dozen Kensington Black Vel-

roteen Fattine, 1\ iaokea wide, 6 yard« to,ho piece. Eegular price 15c. Speeial price.Bach.~..~~~.-.~mm.........m..9cWe will cloas oat all thesnap and fear loop

Hooks and Eyes, The regolar price 10c card.Jpecial price.......mm.~~.~.~.5cOne lot of Covered Whalebones. Dos......5cLinen-back Velvet Blbbons, No. l^e. the

regalar price is 25c pc Speeisl price, pc... 17cOne lot of Ladie·* Black and Fancy Hose,

reducei from 10c to-..........~.5<: pairOdo lot of Ombrio Edge and Insetting· in

romnants, some worth np to 12V yard. Toclose them out. Per yard.....2cLot of Lalios' Gauze Vests. Each.M.MM4c

MEN'SFURNISHINGS.In this three day· apeclal sale we cannot

overlook the men, therefore we have soaae

very special birgains for tbem also as follows:We offer fifteen dosen Men's Oood Colored

Wash Sospendere. Oar leader at 10c. Spe¬cial ptioe 2 pairs for..«...«,...^.25cOne lot of Men's Fincy Hoae, all liaet, the

regular 12V kind. Speeial priée, two painfor.15cOne lot of Men's Bleaohed Jean Drawera.

Pair.,...,....,.15cLot of Men's Oood Handkerchiefs. Each 2cOne lot of Men's Tsn and Fancy Hose.

·****·* in-- ?.a.5cAll ofon ? Men's Oolf Hose that we have been

selling for 75e, f1.00, 11.25 and f1 50, toclose them ont they goat.ßOe pair

Several dosen paira of Men's WorkingQloves, reduced to.......25c pair

SALE all ninnante will be; sold for


D.Bendheim &SonsSl-rOND WEEK'S SALE OP

the (ìreensboro (N. C.) stock.Positively the (¡reatest Harj-ain ever

liappeneel. We have» no room forstirpiti* stoek. It must he gold no

ma'ter what loss we sustain.These Bargrins e-an be had so long

as they last.One lot Black Sa'i? Dache·· in neit itripe

and lìgoree, 69e to 89c valaei. «t 39c yd.One lot Fancy Silk« in over 25 d ftVront

designs, suitable for tfiists and trimmings,39 to 50c vaine«, choice 26c yard.One lot All-silk Black Brocaded Satin

Daches*, 2 piece»; all silk Black Taffeta; onelot all (ilk Blaek Oro« Grains, neat fsney ??¬at?· and stripes, 75c, 89c to 98c vaines.Your choice 49c.Plsin Colored Taffeta Silka, in every new

spring shade, 60 to 69c value·, at 39oyard.One lot double-width Fancy Black Good·,

Mf value at 12V yard.5 pieces sll wool 50-inch Black Cheviot,

89c vaine, at59eyard.2 pieces 28-inh Black ludi· Silk, 75c val¬

ue, 59c jard.All-wool Black Lace Grenadine, '{8-inch.

GOc vaino, at 49c.All-wool Gray Homespar, 54 inebee wide

89c valae, at 59c y«rd.One lot Wh te Dotted Swisces, 15c valar,

at 9c yard.One lot White Organdie·, doable width, 9e

yaii.India L;nen«, 40 inches wide, 15c vaine,

10c yard.One ease 4-4 fine White Cambric, 12V

vaine, at ß l4<\One case of White Shirt Madras, 26c valae,

12V rard.1000 yard· White Piques, 19c vaine, at

12V jard.25 piece ? now Imported White Goods, lace

stripe effects, worth 25o. at 16c yardBeady-made 10-4 Bleached sheet», hemmed

ready for ase 69c yard.Cotton Bird Eye DUpering 5c yard.Curtain Scrims, 3V yard.One cate gexd quality Shirting Print·, .T,c

yard.20pieces Linen Crash Skirting, <t\a yd.2000 yarda assorted Calicoes, Ginghams,

Ac, Ac, 3c yard.2000 yards assorted Perealea, Gingham·,

Catinga, Ac·. Ac, 5c yard.10 pieee« White Wool Flannel, 12V yd.Fait Black Satine, 7V yard.One lot Johnson'« Fine Madras, 15c valae,

7V yard.One lot Wool Mixed Chain«, 18c valae,

12V yard.25 pieces Plain Colore! Organdies, 10c yd.All-wool Silk Stripe Chillis, 50c value,

29c yard.No. 2000 Long Cloth·, 20c value·, short

length», 12V60 pifoea new fancy Figared Lawns, 4 V-

yard,25 piece« new Figured Dimities, 12V

value, 7V yard.2 piece« All Linen Table Damask, ?ß? yd.Large aise Linen Hook Tow«! -, 9c.Large liz » Honey Comb Towels, 4e.One lot Window Shade«, slightly Imper¬

fect. 6>.Great Bargain in Hosiery-ene lot child¬

ren's and misses' white, cream and piak ho·«,

foil rigulsr made; one lot children'· ss·»«

ribbed boie. 7m ß, 6*. 8, «k one lot

chi dren'« fancy «tripe «oek«; one lot ja*··»fall regalar made bo··, plain co on. raiao.

ringing from 15c te 2¿>c, at He P*'r·Children's 25c Hosi.ry, laa only, .11 úam,

17c pair.

D. Bendheim& Sons,316 KING STREET.