I VOL MX. I .. . »^nr a Virginia Advartlaar, piSLUHtO ItkllT HI I fcllli AK S Jl O W D K I , I ii Ki;M 1»H«« P"' *nuMtn- WMm holf yoorly. I 4 v,,f,Bta AdrtrtlMr. (ruR Till COCNTRV) H 19 PklHLlBHSIt, KXOULAHLT, OK tviyPAVS. THVK8DAY8 AND SATURDAY!, At n»« f"1!4r* P"r aunum. p»y«bu in »dTM><n. , ijvtRTiiJJca..AdTortlaomonU not .xeweding S 1 , \ J4-. inv rt-d »hre« tline* for on« d»ll»r. AdrerI "t'nu,-d lftrr lbrm time*, for 60 ooati a H 'Jt> »* ijhahtio* imudc, or Ot conta octoidi.. * ,4,1 line* *re couutod a* a square. th>- ve.nr, at price* te ho agreed twin, ' .. .1. J far.uc« to IB. O.U.. .J I jwtMu* b7 tb<* y*r not to advertise article* 1 in their r.-eul»r buelnttea, nor to lnnert la I 3 ? jJ»rrtl«-in«"iU»ny other names than their own. f, ,nj OsltCART .VoTICSS, exceeding Hv« lines, H , v n»r;.I for tdrcrtlsementa. i 0|unue and ALEXANDRIA RAIL ROAD. I I o'clock. A.M., lor Gordonsville, connecting -Tin the tiains on the Virginia Central Rail !o: the South and W est, and with the ..41!S -he M.ina«sA8 Cap Railroad, for WoodI A at d intermediate points. V 14.tf J R. N1CKLIN, Ticket Agent. MANASSAS GAP RAIL ROAD. l I I Alexandria Station, in the Orange Train 9 » 71.1 A M. dailv (Sundays expected.) I 4 33.tf EI>W GREER.Twaruw. 1 ALEXANDRIA A WASHINGTON R. ROAD. (/ the Trains on this Road, until further no ;ict, will run regularly, at the following hours : 9 They will leave Alexandria, for Washington, I it»i l'L 12, 2, 3J. and o'clock. I Leave Washington at £$. h$, 10, 11 J, lj, 3 I r il Jflt a,,d o'clock, and connect with a I OMNIBUSES at the Bridge, j I r.cniiig to the Office of the Company on Seventh r re: in the National Hofef building, a few I :«cr» irom Pennsylvania Avenue, and to the I Ba'timore depot in time for the«L'ars Kor Alexandria, the Omnibuses will leave the 9 romcr of 7th street and Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, in time to connect with the cars at the Bridge. Pashagk to Pennsylvania Avenue, ?f> cents Light articles, or Bundles, will be forwarded 9 a'»"n Alexandria and Washington, Irom the 9 -tit' >n cither place. I Heavy freights will be transported over the I road, it delivered at the Depot in Alexandria, or 9 >: ^e Long Bridge. JOB CORSON, 9 .'au *«».*1 Superintendent. 9 -b:- PALL AMl> W1NTKH AKRANUKMK.NTti. 186". 9 ADAMS' EXPHES8 COMPANY TWITE the attention of the public to the) 9 1 'tciiities a/Torded by this Company, for the 9 ?a'fk and safe conveyance of Specie, Bank 9 ^'"s valuable packages, heavy and bulky H treigbl, Ace. 9 EXPRESSES for the East, to Baltimore,! ® tvu... V*w Vnrlr. Kontoii. Providence, H&r'.iotd. &c., leave our office daily, at 2, P. M. EXPRESSES for the South, to Richmond,; Fredericksburg. Petersburg, Lynchburg, and for po;nta in North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor-1 fu Alabama, and Tennessee, leave daily at 2. P. M t'ur EXPRESSES are always accompanied by-areiul and trustworthy messengers, and the paoiir can rely upon all business entrusted to us km* done with safety, punctuality, and despatch. Ratks. On heavy freight from Baltimore, fc) cents 100 lbs.; from Philadelphia, $1; tam New York, $1.50. No packages of goods taken by weight, units weighing over 200 lbs. .tf K W FALLS, Agent THE steamers GEORGE PAGE itStjiS^ASv THOMAS COLLYER will run nearly, at the following hours: Udw Alexandria at 4$, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, A. -V. 1;J. 2. 3. 4, and 5, P M. Lra\e Washington at fij, 8, 9, 10, II, A M, lj, 3J. 4, 5$, and «, P. M. FA RE 13 CENTS. WHALKY'S OMNIBUSES connecting with -»I'AtiE and COLLY ER, will leave the Cap and corner of 12th street and Pennsylvania Avenue, the >ame time the boats leave Alexan RICHARD WALLACH, mh 4.tf President , THE WASHINGTON, ALEX-j NDK1A, AND GEORGETOWN flfcAU PACKET COMPANY..The ateamer | IMLIMHM (apt James Harper, will leave j 3»!' more on Saturday, at 4 o'clock. P. M. Re* truing. leave Alexandria every Wednesday Koraine. at 7 o'clock. > steamer DIAMOND STATE, Capt. J. ierwrn. will leave Baltimore every Wednesday 1 oriock. P. ,M.,and returning, leave Alexans'»uu Saturday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. For freight, w.v To WHEAT fc BRO. Agents. V freight will be required invariably in **»»ce. mb 2.tl ^ F'OK BOSTON..The Tegular packet ttb'ig ANDOVF.R, Crowell, master. For tr*»ght or passage, apply to *? >7 M. ELDRIDGE, Union Wharf. FOR BOSTON..The regular packet ftfcHhr SEARSV1LLE, Sears, master. For ftUbt or passage, apply to M. ELDRIDGE, Union Wharf J> VKsSEL WANTED.A Vessel wantSllted tor Providence. Despatch eiven. Ml FOWLE a co. BOOTS AND MIIOKS. \ LKXANDRIA, VA.. january 1st. 1857.. *"1 RICHARD T. CROSS has this day aaso |'>d with him in business, JOHN tV. LLGEN'ML and HENRY C. FIELD, for the parJeol carrying on a GENERAL SHOE BUSl ^NS AT No. 74, King street. Alexandria, Va., the tirm name and style of CROSS, ^ENBKEL ft CO., where the public gene *r >re invited to call and examine their large lx'*r selected Stock ol BOOTS, SHOES, &e., *' - will be sold for cash, or to strictly putic "* customers, as low as they can be had v">wtv considered) in this or any other city. IJ& Particular attention paid to CUSTOM °RK. both as to material and workmanship, ^ **rrant»>d tp please. A call is respectfully *'*'1*1 at the SHOE STORE of * : CROSS, LUGENBEKL A CO. p^f. cash systkm adoptid..The subscriber J.^ wvwg ttied the credit system, and found 'twill not pay, has concluded to adopt the '4,H principle. In future and from this date, * *'11 continue to do business upon the above pr.neiple In bidding adieu to the old system, return nis thanks to his customers for '*v°rs, and hojies by strict attention and , J 'oducements as he may offer, to continue " Ucder the new. JOHN L. SMITH Y?!S SHOESTFOR CASH ONLY!! H D V ^ SIMPSON, Agent tor STEJAJHKN K FIELD, will continue to lur. *f B>OTS AND SHOES,/or cash only, at hi. . Mend. No. h Sank RoyalUrod. mh l3-3"_ \| 00L purchased by HILL, BROWN A PARTLOW. W it a ParChMBoSwiON k PAYNE. DKl'G*, CHKNICALS, Ac. TRY BURNETT'S EMBROCATION.The great Linim»nt for Rheumatism and Neuralgia.25 cts. will get one of the best Liniments in the world.do not fail to give it a trial, for sale by PEEL. STEVENS A CO.. my 14 cor. of King and Alfred-sts. C^IAEWIVG TOBACCO.Another supply of J that superior Golden Twist CHEWING TOBACCO; a'so. Fannie Fern fine cut SHEWING TOBACCO, just received, and for sale by WILLIAM A HART, No. 100. King street, cor. of Pitt. W Sign of the Golden Mortar my M DRUGS, Ac..Linseed Oil; Casiile Soap; Sal .Fir at us, BraDdrelLs' Pills; Lee's Anti Bilious Pills; Flour of Elm; CI lorate of Potash, White Castile Soap; Calabria Liquorice, just re ceived, and lor sale bv JAMES ENTWISLE. Jr, my 11 Apothecary, No. 04. King st 1NINE SEGARS..The subscriber has just rereceived a large addition to his stock of HAVANA SEGAKS. which now embraces some very choice brands, to wb ch he invites atten lion. JOHN A. M1LBURN, my 18 N. F.. ccr. ol King ai d Wash-sts. MRS. ALLEN S HAIR RESTORER, and Bylobalsamum, Hunt's Hair Restorer, Wo< d'sdo Jayne's Hair Tonic, 'l'ricoph-rous, Katheiron, Ac., Ac., for sale by J. LEADBEATKR A SON, 5 mo 12 Stabler s old stand. J^RANGIPANM EXTRACT AND SATCHETS; Reusel's Pomade tor the Hair; Old Brown Windsor Soap; Wright's Colognes, and Lubin's Extracts tor the Handkerchiel, for Sale by PEEL. S'l EVENS A CO., my 11 corner King and Ailred streets DR. IVA WARREN'S Compound of pure Cod Liver Oil, Phosphate of Lime and Sugar of Milk, lor the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Ac , just r-ceived at STONE'S Drug Store, my 10 opposite Marshall House. OIL RHODIUM, Lavender, Rose, Lemon, Cloves, Pennvroyal. Spearmint, Wintergrain, Cinnamon, Wormseed, and Verbena, lor sale by PEEL. STEVENS A CO., my 15 cor. King A Alfred sts. OIL LEMON, Oil Bergamot, Oil Citronella, Oil Arigamar. Oil Rosemary, Oil Roses, Oil Cumma, Oil Rhodium, Ac., received, and lor sale by HENRY CO«lK A CO, my 19 Sarepta Hall MATTSON S SYRINGES..Mattson's Improved Pocket Sell Syringe, the best and cheapest kind in use, tor sale by my is H. COOK A CO., \IM,°DS HA IK RESTORATIVE. Bur f y nett's I'ure Cod Liver Oil, ior sale bv DK. K H STABLER, my 25 No. 165, King st cor. ot Washington. SULPHURIC ACID..HJ Carboys, received and for sale by HENRY COOK & CO, my 12 Sarepta Hall Keystone state saponified «r Concentrated Lye, just received, and for sale by J. R. P1ERP01NT, No. 172, my 12 S. E cor. of King and Wash sts. SARATOGA WATER.A lresh supply, received and for sale by HENRY COOK \ CO., my 12 Sarepta Hall. IT RESH BEDFORD WATER .just received in glass carboys, and for sale bv HENRY COOK A CO., ! my 12 Sarepta Hall, "ITiCTORIA REGIA..Seeds of the Victoria f Regia, and other Aquatic Plants, very choice varieties, received and tor sale by my 17 H. COOK K CO., Sarepta Hall 17TTHEREAL OIL.Best quality, just received, and lor sale by J. R PIER POINT, No 172. my 12 S. E. cor. ot Kiiik and Wash sts Cloxe's sparkling gelatine.a full / supply, just received, and tor sale at STONE'S Drug Store, my 10 opposite Marshall House. Howard association, philadel PHI A..A benevolent Institution, established by special endowment tor the rebel of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases..To all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such as SPERMATORRHEA, urr U'VL'ti. IMUUITXTP A,n i! r.nan wn, , .m v . ... ... The Howard Association, in \ iew of the awful destruction ot human Inc. caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practised upon the unfortunate victims ot such diseases by quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon as a charitable act. worthy ot their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Medical advice gratis. to all who apply by let ter with a description of their condition, (age occupation, habits of life, Ac ,) and in cases ol extreme poverty, to furnish Medicines free ot charge. It is nerdlpss to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age. and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their laborsin this sphere ol benevolent effort, have been of great benefit to the at- dieted, especially to the young,and they have r?- solved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal. to this very important but much despised cause Just published by the Association, a Report on Spermatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness, by the Consulting Surgeon, which wiil be sent by mail, (in a sealed letter envelope.) tree ot charge, on receipt of two stamps for postage. Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEO. R. CALHOl'N, Consulting Surgeon. Howard Association. No. 2 south Ninth street. Philadelphia, Pa By order o' the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWKLL, President. George FAiRCHti,!), Secretary. Philadelphia, sop 4.-dlteoSmAwiv Alexandria "livery and sale STABLE..Will be opened on Tuesday, Sentember 1st, at the inrnrr of ijunti end Fmr- .a , fax streets, ant mjuurc north of Sen-ton * Hotel, the LIVKRY STABLE recently erected b) the subscriber, where m<iv be had at all times HORSES AND BUGGIES, RIDING HORSES. Ac Ac The proprietor will also receive HORSES on sale, and at Livery. All Horses sold at my Stable will be sold as though they were my own, and prompt returns will be trade. Com mission tor the sale ot' HORSES entrusted to my care moderate. My Stables are titled up in the best style, and the business will receive my Eersonal atteution. Gentlemen in the country sving Horses tor sale or exchange, are reterred to any ot the merchants ot Alexandria. tug 38.eott THOMAS C0\ LF. KEROSENE OILS, imstilikd from Coal, (sot axi'LOSivs).Secured by Letters Patent..The different grades ot these celebrated Oils, suitable tor Machinery ot all kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had ot the under| signed, also ot the Wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in the city ol New York, and ot the authorized Local Agent ot the Company in this place. AUSTENS. General Agents, Kerosene Oil Company, No. hO Beaver si., N. Y. XWLocal Agencies granted on application as above. Orders should «pecify the description ot lamp or machinery <or which the Oil is wanted. my 30.eoly C1L0VER 8EED..A prime article, tor sals J by [frb 5) C. F. SUTTLE k CO. i- s THURSI A I C'TIO.V SAI.KS. BY C. W BOTELKR.Adtioskkk SALE THIS DAY. 1 EXTENSIVE ^ALEOF SUPERIOR ROSE^ WOOD PIANO FORTE. CABINET FUR- MlURE, (JILT FRAME MIRRORS, SILK and DAMASK CURTAINS, VELVET and BRUSSELS CARPETS, Ac.. On '1 hurnluy vutrmrig, May Uiilh.at 10 o cluck, and continuing daily at that hour, until the whole n> disposed of. I shall sell,by virtue of a deed ol trust from .1 H. Freeman, dated Maich 31st. and recorded April 10, 1 S',N) all and singular the good? ufni chattels. HOUSEHOLD am. KITCHEN Fl'R N ITU RE enumerated in the schedule annexed to said deed, and embracing every articl* of Household and Kitchen Furniture contained in the Ebbet House, situated on 1* , between 13th and 14th streets, consisting of a very extensive collection of superior Parlor, Dining-room, Chamber Furniture. Ac.. such as. Elegant Rosewood seven-octavo Piano Forte, by Chickering Elegant French plate, gilt-frame Mantel, Pier, and Oval Mirrors, ot various sizes and styles Superior rosewood and walnut crimson plushcovered French Tete-a-te'e Solas Suite of rosewood Parlor Furniture, finished in crimson and gold brocatelle, comprising two Tete-a-tete Solas, two Arm Chairs, and eight Parlor Chairs Suites ol handsome walnut hgured damask covered Parlor Furniture, consisting of two Solas, two Arm Chairs, Rocker, and four Parlor Chairs Handsome walnut Whatnots, Etageres, and Book-stands, of various patterns Beautiful marble top Centre, Sola, and Side Tables in rosewood, walnut and mahogany Elegant br»catelle, damask and lace Curtains, throughout the house, with gilt Cornice, Cords, Tassels, Ac., complete Superior Velvet. English. Brussels, and Threeply Carpets, throughout the house Brussels and Venetian hall and stair Carpets Oilcloth. Rugs. Stair Rods and Eves Splendid rosewood, walnut and mahogany marble top Dressing Bureaus and Washstands. W ardrobes Jenny Lintl and French Bedsteads Fine painted Cottage Sets, with and without marbles Solid cherry Bedsteads, Wardrobes and Washstands. ot superior make Painted Wardrobes, Bedsteads, and Wasbstands Superior curled hair Mattresses Fine Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows Very extensive lot ol superior Blankets. Marseilles Quilts. Comforts, Bedspreads, Sheeting, Bolster and Pillow Slips French China, marbled and granite Toilets Sets Mahogany hair spring Solas, Rockers, Arm, and Side Chairs Book cases. Writing-Desks. Arm Chairs Siher-j.laled Castors Waiters. Tea and Coffee l*i us. Spoons, and Forks Walnut and mahogany extension, hreaktast, card, and side 'Tables Superior oak caue-seat Dining Chairs French China and granite Dinner, Dessert, and Tea Service Block tin Urns, ( 'haling Dishes, and Dish Covers Radiator, open-grate,and air tight Stoves Together with a general assortment ol every article in the housekeeping line. 'I'""-1 .:nwl miHei* radii over *30. and not exceehng $100, »>U and 9<i ilays; over $100, 1, 2, 3, and 4 months, for approved endorsed notes, hearing interest JOHN A LINTON, Trustee. C. W. BOTF.LKR, Auct. The HOUSK is lor rent. Inquire ot T. J. F1*HKR. esq., at McGuire's Auction Store. Washington, mv 10.'It BV S J. MoCOK.MlCK.Al'ctionf.kii rI^Ki'sTKK'S SALK.By virtue ol a Deed I ol Trust, from Henry L Simpson and w iK to the sub>criber. bearing date the 6th day of April, lhf.6, and fur the purposes in said deed mentioned, I will ofler lor sale, at Public Auction, in iront of the Mayor's Office, in the city of Alexandria, on Mono ay, thr I l/A day of Jvn* next, at 12 o'clink, M.. KOK ( ash. that valuable LOT OF GROUND, in the said city of Alexandria. situated on the west side of Roval. between King and Cameron streets, lronting on Royal street 20 feet, in depth 6o feet, with the ST1? "hree sforv BRICK TKNK.MKNT. thereon jlH^erected, now occupied by the said Henry I. Simpson, as a Shoe store LAWK KNUR B. TAYLOR, my 11.eots Trustee. 1)UBLIC SALK .By virtue ol an order of the County Court for Alexandria County, tendered at its April term. 186*. I will, on tht IS/A Hay of May,nt ]Q o'clock, expose to rale, the lot.owing property .One Steam Kngine and Boiler; one small Lathe with rest; one Screw Lathe wt'h taps and dies; one Vice; one large Lathe Head and Side rest; one Drill Press; one Chuck Lathe with rest; Shading and Pnllies, oAi.iuinii/1 iittVvA liiitMincr rui I ninn latplv VUl.lUI.'tM «. IU' /u,< "" ^ J occupied bv Entwisle at Moore, ami owned by Mrs. K. Munr«>e Sale to take place on the premiss. Terms, c«.s'ii. tr.y 10.3t JOSEPH PADGETT. R" The above sale is postponed to Friday, 21 ft instant, at same hour and p ace, my 19.31 JOSEPH PADGETT. BY S. J.McCORMICK.Acctiomkk. 1 POSITIVE SAKE OF STOCKS..jit 12 o'clock. M. on Saturday, the i'Zud of May. in iront ot the .Mayor's Oltice, in Alexandria, I will sell, without reserve, ninety-eight shares ot the capital stock ol the BANK OK ALEXANDRIA, and live shares of ASHBY'S GAP TURNPIKE S TOCK. O. FAIRFAX, Executor my l'l.dts ol Thomas Fairfax, j VUCTIOX HOUSE. No. 112 Kixtt Stukkt . Just received a fresh supply ot DRYI GOODS. We name in part, Lawns. Mourning Goods, Ginghams, Counterpanes, Bobbinetts. >wiss Muslins, Coliais, Sleeves. Cutfs, Mourn- mg do.. Diaper Cambric, Dotted Sw iss Muslin, Plaid Cambrics. Wool Tlanls, Fancy ^hawls. Inserting*. Laces.Shirting Linen. Apron Check Handkerchiels, Kid Gloves, Cotton, Thread. Wool, Cas-umere, Doeskin do., Combs, Razor Strops, and a great variety ol other Goods too numerous to mention, all ot which we will sell 30 per cent, less than any other house this side o! Philadelphia. We also call the attention of Country Mer- chants, strangers, and others, to our lot ot BOOTS and SHOES.Ladies' Slippers, Jeffer| sons. Kc. We arc in weekly receipt ot iresh Woods, oi all descriptions. Auction every night, commenj cing at 7j o'clock. POISAL Ac ST I'Ml'. 11*2 King street. Alexandria. Va TAYLOR A CO., Auctioneers ap '<3 ISlNE TABLE CUTLERY AND PLATED WARK.. I otier at a small advance upon I cost, superior Ivory Handle Table ana Dessert Knives, with or without Forks; Carvers; Game Carvers; Scoops lor Pine Apple Cheese; Biead Knives, and Nut Ticks. Also. Silver Plated Forks, Spoons. Ladles, Castors. Ac These Goods are Irom the best manuiacturer I know. They are heavily plated on the best quality of Albata, and will give satisfaction, mh 2 JOHN OGDEN. TTALUABLE LOT OF GROUND FOR V SALE..1 am authorized to sell the LOT OF GROUND, immediately south of the Machine >hop of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company. The lot frou s al>out 88 ttet Sj inches on Henry street, and extends through the whole square to Patrick street. Terms, easy. [ap 30.ttJ 1. LOUIS KINZER. A LEXANDRIA CITY six per cent. Stock, jf\ Registered and Coupon, for sale by I dec 30.tf CORSE BROTHERS. o )AY MORNING. MA1 LOTTERY ADVKRTItKMEKT. * * »'»> « K. hail far till a roriiincoi5n»,uwv.v SWAN Ac CO'5 LOTTERIES!.Authorize by tiik State or Georgia .The rollowinj Scheme will be drawN by S. SWAN A CO Managers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, ii each of their Single Nurrbcr Lotteries tor May 1858, at Augusta. Georgia, in public, under th< superintendence of Commissioners. Class lb. to be drawn in the city of Augusta Ga., in public, on Saturday. May l2d, 1858. Class 17 to be drawn in the city of Augusta Ga., in public, on Saturday. May 29/A. 1858. On the Plan or Sinkle Numbers. 5.455 Prizes.'.Nearly one Prize to every 9 Tickets MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! TO bk drawn kach saturday in may. 1 Prize ot .$7U.UOU 4 ITi/.es oi $4hi< 1 44 30,000 4 44 SOI 1 " 10,000 4 44 70< 1 44 5,000 4 44 60< 1 44 4,'XlO 50 41 501 1 44 3,01X1 50 44 301 1 44 1,500 100 44 121 4 44 1,000 230 44 10< Approximation Prizes. 4 Prizes ol $400 ap'g to $7U,U00 are $1,60( 4 Prizes o! 300 ap'g to 30,01X1 are 1,20( 4 Prizes of 200 ap'g to 10,000 are 80( 4 Prizes of 125 ap'g to 5,000 are 50' 4 Prize?, of too ap'g to 4.0o0 are 40( 4 Prizes of 75 ap'g to 3.000 are 3(X 4 Prizes of 50 ap'g to l,5oO are 20t 5,000 Prizes of 20aie 100,'XX 5.485 Prizes amounting to $320,00( Whole Tickets $10; Halves $ '; Quarters $2.50 Plan or thk Lottery. The Numbers from 1 to 50,000, correspondini with those Numbers on the Tickets printed or separate slips of paper, are encircled with smal tin tubes, and placed in one wheel The first 457 Prizes, similarly printed and en circled, are placed in another wheel. The wheels are then revolved, arid a n lrnbei is drawn irom the wheel of Numbers, and at thi same time a Prize is drawn lrom the othe wheel. The Number and Prize drawn out an opened and exhibited to the audience, and regis tereil by the Commissioners, the Prize beinj placed against the number drawn. This opera tion is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out Aitkoxination Prizes..The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those draw ing the lirst 7 P-izes, will be entitled to the 21 Approximation Prizes. For example if Ticket No. 11250 draws th< $70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 1J24N 112-19, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled $400. If Ticket No. 550 draws the $80,00< Piizf, 'hose. Tickets numbered 54S, 549 551 552. will each be entitled to $300, and soon ac cording to the above scheme. The 5,000 Prizes ot $20 will be determine* by the last figure ot the Number that draws tb< if711,COO prize. For example, il the Nurnbei drawing the $70,000 Prize ei-ds with No. 1, thei all the Tickets where the number ends in 1 wil be entitled to $20. It the Number ends with No 2, then all the Tickets where the Number end in 2 will be entitled to $'20, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at th< following rates, which is the risk: Certificates of Packages. lOwte. tickets, $80 Oi Do do do 10 hall do 40 0< Do do do 10 quarter do 20 0( Do do do 10 eighth do 10 0( i!» ordkrino tickkts or ckktii'icatkb Enclose the money To our address for th< Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they wil be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have Tickets ending in an; figure they may designate. Tnelist ot drawn Numbers and Prizes will bi sent to purchasers immediately alter the drawing Purchasers will please write their signa tures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. l£7~ Remember that every prize is drawn, am payable in full without deduction. VJT All prizes of $ 1,000 and under, paid im mediately alter the drawing.other prizes at thi usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Address onlers for tickets or certificates t< S. SWAN & CO.. Augusta. Ga. l~& Persons residing near .Montgomery, Ala. or Atlanta. Ga., can have their orders filled, am save time, by addressing S. SWAN f*. CO.. a either of those cities FiT A list ot the numbers that are drawi from the wheel, with ihe amount of the pr zi it "tiTi11**<I tn will be ntihlishei alter every drawing, in the following papers:Augusta, (Georgia.) Constitutionalist, Nev Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charlestoi Standaid. Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligen cer. New York Week'y Day Book, .Savanna) Morning News, Richmond Dispatch, New Y«»rl Dispatch, and Paulding (Miss) Clarion, am Little Hock (Ark ) True Democrat, ap 21.dtd OVA NO, &c. 1)H<>SPHATIC GUAN". I am receivinj supplies of NF.VASSA OR BROW li COLOMBIAN GUANO, and beg to call espe cial attention to its analysis below. No 20. Kxchanrk Bitildisgs, ) Baltimore, Feb S, 1858. s A sample of Guano trnm the Island of Nevassa consisting ot reddish brown grains.ot pea siz< and smaller, having been left at this office foi examination. I have analyzed it end lound i to be composed as lol'ows : Bone Phosphate of Lime 64.0< Containing ot Lime 34.67 Do. do. Phosphoric Acid 2^.35 Phosphate of Iron 6.0! Con'aming of Per. Oxide of Iron.... 3 53 Do. do Phosphoric Acid 3.15 Carbonate ot Lime 4.71 Containing of Lime 2.64 Do do. Catbontc Acid 2.07 Per. Oxute <>i Iron and Alumina, (with a trace of sand) 15.7Z Water 8.S.' 100.01 The above article is a most concentratec Phosphatic manure, and should be welcomed ai a great desideratum. (Signed) CHARLF.S BICKELL, Ph. D. The article is ground to a fine powder, anr put up in strong bags. For sale low rrn 13 JAMES C. NEVETT. DK RI'Rf} EXCELSIOR.. This valuable manure originally known a Super Phos pliate ol Lime, is now infinitely superior u value to any fertilizer sold under that name, be ing as quick in its effects as Peruvian Giian: (which no mere Super Phosphate can be) am leaving the land in a much better conditio! than tnat ancle. The genuine is pul up in strong Barrels wit! white head-, the name stencilled in Black let ters, ami the inspection brand in red letters un derneatb. For sale at Baltimore puces JAM KB C.NEVETT. Agent for »eb 57 Alexandria, opposite Pioneer Mills / "1 I'ANOS.I have in s'ore and will be re \T ceiving during the season, lull supplies o ^o I. COLUMBIAN GUANO,in strong sacks MEXICAN Gl'AM) A. A. A A., in sack and barrels, ail warranted to be of the very bes quality, and having the Baltimore liiepcctioi brand on each package, lor sale at lowest rates by JAMES C, NEVETT, feb 97 Successor to Nevett A Snowden G1 L'ANO.. Peruvian Guano, in store, an* T tor sale by ir.b 31 ADDISON. WALLACE A CO. MASSER'S PATENT CREAM FREE ZERS have given entire satisfaction, am are considered the beet Freejers in use Fo sale by [mh 22] JOHN OC.DEN. i' -20, IS5S. LOTTERY ADVERTISEMENTS. SPLENDID SCHEMES for MAY, 185S 0 To be lirntrn under the Superintendence of Comm. nonet t appointed by the Governor. ' GRKOORY 2fe 91 A I'll V, Manager*. 50,154 DOLLARS! I" OTTERV lor the benefit ot the State I i Delaware, Class M, lor 1858, to be draw at Wilmington, Delaware.on SATURDAY.Ma l' 22d, 1858 78 number Lottery.13drawn ballots. l' | MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. 1 grand prize $50,154 1 nrize ot $3.5( , 1 prize ot 25,000 1 do ot 2,5< ' do ot" 20,000 3 prizes ot 1.21 1 do of 10.000 75 do of 1,«X 1 do of 7.5(|0 '200 lowest 3 No. ' 1 do of 5,U0U prizes 5C Ac., Ac.. Ac. 3 Tickets $15.Halves $7 50.Quarters $3.7 Eighths $1 S" J. ] Certificates oi packag's 20 whole tickets $2001 } do do 26 half do 100 do do 20 quarter do 501 do do 20 eighth do 25 C > 36,500 DOLLARS! j T~ OTTERV for the benefit ot the State Delaware. Class 115, for 1858,to be draw at Wilmington.Delaware.onSATURDAY. Ma j 29th, 185S. 73 number Lottery.12 draw n ballots. BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 prize of $36,500 1 prize of $3,0(1 " 1 do 15.000 1 prize of 2.25 1 do 12,500 1 prize oi 1,14 1 do 7,5ou 50 prizes of 1,00 1 do 5,000 50 prizes of 5(J ' 1 do 4,000 111 prizes oi 2fi Ac., . Ac.. Ac. Tickets $10; Halves $5;Quarters $2.50. Certificates ot packag's'25 whole tickets $140 0 Do do 25 hall do 7oij Do do 25 quarter do 35 0 [ UrORDERS for Tickets and Shares and Ce tificates ol Packages in the above Splendid Lo [ teries, will receive the most prompt attentioi and an account of each drawing w ill be sei immediately after it is over. to all who ordi ' from me. Address, P.J. BUCKKY, Agent, ap 26.lm Wilmington, Delawar ; "It f ARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES - I - lTl FRANCE A CO., Managers of the Mi i ryland State Lotteries, present the followin Splendid Schemes » FOR MAY, 1858. , They cant on purchasers of Tickets to bewai i of ordering Tickets in Lotteries, where extri ) ordinary large Capitals are oflered lor a sma . cost ot Tickets.all such are swindles. The Maryland Lotteries have been in exi tence for forty years. They are drawn by 1 State Officer, and ran be relied on. If yo s draw a Prize, you will get your money. Tt r whole country is flooded with Bogus Loiter 1 ""oenrnc U. u urn f\( tllnlD 1 JIT"Order in the Maryland State Lot'eries. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME, s GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, CLASS Ci, To be draw n in Baltimore City, May '/id, 185! » 16 drawn Ballots ort ol 7t>, Making mohk Phizes than Blanks. j Every Package 26 Tickets must contai ) 16 drawn numbers, so that there are 16 Prizi j to 10 blanks. ) 1 gd. prize ol $40,000 10 prize* of $20 1 prize of 10,000 510 prizes of 1C e 1 prize of 5,000 62 prizes of t | 1 prize of 5,000 62 prizes of " 2 prizes of 2,350 62 prizes of t 5 prizes of 1.30U 62 prizes of A 111 prizes of 1,000 7.102 prizes ol V g 10 prizes of 4oo 30,256 prizes ol 1 38,256 prizes amounting to $601,01 Tickets $10; Hli«. #5; Quar. $2 51'; Eigh. $1.2 A Certificate ol Package ol 26 W'ooles, $124 t Do. do. 26 Halves... .62 I j Do. do. 26 Quarter!.. .31 0 Do. do. 26 Eighths. .. 15 fi HAVANA ' LAN. p this is the old mode ok drawing. Prizes in one wheel ami Twkets in a nothe j Every Prize is drawn out. Prizes paid in full, without any deduction. G1 HAND CONSOLIDATED. Extka Clai | 6 to be drawn in Baltimore, Md.. Saturda j May '29th. 1858. i 20,685 PRIZES! 40.000 NUMBERS!! SPLENDID SCHEME 1 Prize of.... .$51. lOo 4 Apr x to $21 j 1 Pn/e of 5,ouO^ 1 Prize ol 5.000 , ., .. 1 Prize ol 5,000 j ' ^ 1 Prize of 5,0(10J 1 Prize of 2,000 1 1 Prize of 2,00*> ... ] 1 Prize ol 2,000 j 1 Prize of 2,UW 1 Prize of 1,260] 1 Prize of 1,260 J . M . 1 Prize of 1.260.' " 1 Prize of 1,260J , 4 Prizes of 1,000 16 " ....10 10 Prizes ol 30() 40 "... 4 . UJ Prizes of 2f>0 40 " .... 3 100 Prizes ol 200 4'»0 " .... 2 20.0OU I'rizes oi #" > each. The $20,000 Prizes ol determined by th drawing oi the Capital, whether odd or even. , Whole Tickets #10; Halves #3: Quarters $J.5i .) A Managers'Certificate of 16 Wholes.wber t persons wish to pay the ri k only, will be sei lor , Do. do. 16 Halves, lor 4 I)n do lri Quarters. " 2 Do <|r> 16 Eighths, u 1 , The Managers have been compelled Irom th numerous complaints made to th°m, ot unfaitl tulness on the part of those who have been a tending to the tilling o! orders, to resume ih correspondence business in their own name. RTOrder Tickets trom the Managers onl; Address al! letters to l K. FRANCE ft CO., Baltimore, Md. ap '21 . 1m C5ABINKT, CHAIR ash SOFA MAN I I FACTORY, No. 130, A'lwg ilrrrt. Jtltxa\ dria, Va..Having lately -tted up one of th handsomest and most spacious ware-rooms i the city, tor the FURNITURE BUSINESS. I r I spectfully invite public attention to my lar* stock ot Fa'HMTCiilt, which I am constantly ii creasing. Persons visiting our city w ill luid it t j their advantage to give me a call as the range < my GOODS in respect to quality and price,; such as to cover tue wants and views ot ail.' My stock comprises Mahogany Solas, Rockrni Cane and Wood seat Sitting Chairs, Sid » boards, Dressing Bureaus, (marble top and plain marble top and plain Wash Stands, marble to 1 Sofa,Card, Book and fancy Tables, Cottage Se Bedsteads, of all patterns; such as high, Fieli I ing, French, low-post, and Trundle Bedstead several patterns of Coftage Bedsteads, Ha racks. Wardrobes, Looking Classes, and alarj number oi other articles embraced in the busines rr Beds, Bolsters, Pillows. Mattresses, &r constantly on hand. II oct2.tf FAMES H DFVAUGHN. New wall papers am> df.cor.TIONS..Just receiving at J. TJ1CEY b -Yo. 157, Aurth. tide uf A'mg tiicet, trie very latei styles of WALL PAPERS a*d DECOR/ i I IONS, direct Irom the manufacturers, whic w ill be disposed ot very low to prompt pur<-hi [nib 31 j J TACEY Refrigerators, water cooler ST1MPSONS roUBLE ICE PITC1 1 EKa, Pat*st Cbiam Feasasks.I oder a be ter assortment ol these goods than ever b fore The '-Excelsior Refrigerator" is not su ^ passed. [ap 2k] john OGDEN. r TI700L purcuaaed by W je 12 WHEAT k BRO. _ teif' To the Independent Voter* of the. Town , and County of Alexandria : . fkllow citizens.. As the election of County Officers is uear at hand, and being before you as a candidate tor the Sheriffalty. I think it due to you, as well as myself, that my position should be more distinctly understood. Yielding to the solicitation ot many of my Irienus, without distinction of n party, I consented to become a candidate, on the »y express condition that my claims to the office It.ml.I n.\f It., K|',au.I I,,, narti' 11 nil ft bllt that I should be ietr to occupy an independent position. I wa« implied to this course from a ''J thorough knowledge ot the importance ol the 0 office, and having long been sa;ished ot the evils -f resulting to the public interest by the selection '0 ot incompetent men, because of their connection with some dominant party, 1 determined >0 to rest my claims u|>on your judgment, rather than upon the endorsement ot either of the politi5- cal parties now in existence. At the time I announced myself a candidate, my intention was 'ff to see as many of the voters as possible, but the position I now occupy precludes the possi10 bility of my seeing you in person, aud I shall "J be compelled to rely upon your discrimination in the coming contest. If. in your judgment, the experienc-r of thirty years of active com- of mercial business, and a residence among you of n over twenty years, entitle me to your support, 1 ,y shall lie thankful; and. if elected, will bring to the office the best ot my ability in the discharge , of its duties. The matte- now rests with you, and in your decision 1 shall cheerfully arqui10 esce ROBERT CRUPPER. 0 my I'2.eotK . ' Wet)" To the Voters of Alexandria: . Ah t some persons seem determined to misrepresent t my position, and are still engaged in circulating c the report that 1 have declined being a candi- t date tor the Sheriffalty, I deem it due to myselt e to state, that such report (whether the otlspring j of "political trickery" or not.) is an unqualified c '' falsehood.maliciously invented and secretly j circulated, tor the sole purpose of defeating my r" election. I now announce myselt a candidate, i and pbdge myselt to do my wholeduty.il eiecrb ted. £mh 4.eotEJ JAMES SANGSTER. * ?r At the solicitation of many citizens, f I offer myself as a candidate for the Sheriffalty j e ol this County, at the ensuing May election, t and can only piomise (it elided.) to discbarge ( the duties impartially to the best of my ability. , * mh 82.tE* R CRUPPER. ( DP" To THE VoTKKh ok ALEXANDRIA ClTY ano < County,.1 offer myself as a candidate for the i re office of Sheriff, at the ensuing May election, I a- and most respectfully solicit your support. I 11 dec 11.eote H. L. M()NROE. < nr; amks Sasostkr will be supported for ' s the office of Sheiiff tor this County, at the com- 8 a ing election, by [dec f>] MANY VOTERS. J ie fcif To the Voters oj the County uj Alex- , y undria .. Aiisweiing the calls ol many friends, j 1 announce myselt a candidate 'or the office of Clerk ot the County Court, and pledge my undi- , tided attention to tl.e dutiet In presenting my ' name to an intelligent and generous constituen- ] cy. I w ish to inform them that 1 hold no offices, i nor nave I other business to divide the pledge 1 ; make them. Respectlully i » mh 9.tE GEORGE P. WISE. < 's . a:, n.: ' war 1 urn H UUL1U IUUIU nil n-ntmuu tu I iio ^ 10 Office of ( lerk of the County Court for this ,q County, subject to the decision oi no convention it) whatever. [up 10.tE] B. H. BERRY. fikjX" I present myself an a candidate for the office of Clerk of the County Court, and will devote rnyselt exclusively to its duties, if elect* ") ed [tel. 1. tel ' R. JOHNSTON. 0| . l. J in HV NOTICE.. 1 offer myself as a candidate 5 'or the Office ol Cleikot the Countv Court, ,o mhii.tf James dempnkv. ID- REWARD MERIT..MAJOH Georob 1 Dltkby. (the present incumbent.) Commissioner ; IJ o! Revenue, is respectfully presented to the vo- « ters ot Alexandria County, for reelection. < The faithful and impartial manner in which discharged his duty, will recommend him to the entire people. NO WOOLING. jan 23.tE ! 19 EC To thr Cofern of Alexandria Count y.I y, offer rnyselt as a candidate lor the office ot Commissioner ol the Revenue, at the election in May next, [jan no.te] F. C CI.Al'GH TON. ij %*&" T" the People of' Alexandria.. I em a candidate lor the office ui Clerk ol the Circuit Court, and respectfully solicit your votes toi that position. H RTAKR WAT1I.ES. ap if».te 1 Sicf?" I hereby offer myself an mi Indepen,0 dent candidate lor the Clerkship ol the Circuit Couit, trusting, by attention and energy, should I be elected, to faithfully pel form the duties ol | the office, [leb 9.tE] EDW. B FOWKLL. 0 r o THR Voteim or Alexandria..I hereby announce rnyselt as a candidate tor the office ol i0 County Constable, and respectfully solicit your 0 support, and plrdge mtself, it elected, to dis10 charge the duties of the office laithitilly. 0' «p 15.tE GEO f. SHERWOOD C1 C. BERRY, WHOLESALE AND RKTAILDKALl9 EH IN FoRKION AMD DoMKHTIC NOTIONS. Fancy Goods. \c . Ao 72, A'ttig-sneif, is now ' receiving a large and well selected stock ot e FALL GOOI>b, to which he calls the attention ot dealers and others visiting our city, as he is '' satistied that he can turnish them goods upon ^ as good terms as any house luither North. * Sep 11 9 1 p I ) H. HOttKF, Alexandria Va.. FLOUR. 1 . ORJ IN (r GROCERY MERCHANT,! t- has removed to No. ->b Socth ok Pkinck, and on ie j Union btkket. Particular attention will be given to all consignments ot Produce. Plamtkr, y. Salt, and Groceries furnished at current rates. jy vtrt A f ELDKIDGE, GENERAL COMMIS .Al SION MERCHANT and SHIP BRO t KER. also, Agent for the Boston, Alexandria, ^ and Georgetown regulaYline ot Pa' ke's. Union e Wharf. Alexandria. Va nov 4.11 n 117 1LL1AM H. ML'IR, Mantkactukkr AND \V DEALER IN ALL KIND8 OK CABINET FL'R:« MTURK, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, LOOKINC GLASSES. Arc., rorner of kwq and St. 0 Jltnpii ftrtrit Alrmndrui. I n. je '}. I y H\ TULIUS DIENELT.DEN'llST, Ai.kxan _ f) DRIa Va Office. Royal street, below e I rinre.Offers his professional services to those desiring them. Particular attention paid to the insertion ot Artificial Teeth nov 5.|y P T P- CLARKE, dealer in Paper Hangings t) Shade*, and Fixtures. Curtain Hanging*,1 '* j and Venitian Blinds, King street, Alexandria, Va si jy 14.dfr -e W B K,CHAR,)*- J*' No" 1:0> K,!<0 b W street. Alexandria. Va., manutac-' turer ot Hooped Skufs. Bonnets, Elastic. Morocm ami nftipr Belts. Head Dresses, Ac. jy IH ' SXO H RdMTWSO* TH0MA8 I. MIH. F) OB1NSON At PA VNF., Grocers, Commission V Jr\ and Forwarding Merchants, Prince Street Wharf. Alexandria, Va. oct K.tf »t V- T OHN MARSHA L L, ATTORSL V AT b fj LA W, Altxundria Va Office on K ng a- street,over Taylor 5"Hatchfson's ap'^".tf A CARD..NATH'L BOJUSH, GROCER aud SHIP CHANDLER, So. 3. Irwin t 1- Wharf. Alkxardbia, Va. mh 1 !t* mHOMAS PERRY", COMMISSION MER-1 ** I CHANT, No. 5. Janney'a Wharf, Alexau-1 r" dria. Va my W.tf - I Tf f dcgr~PURCHASED at 'highest cash | \Y prim. bjr I ian 8 HILL, BROWN A PARTLOW I 1 V I y I < jB NO. 120. MISCELLANEOUS HEADING. SPRING WEATHER. It shines, it raios, Then shines again, Wbat does the weather mean1 It hangs in doubt, The sun comes out. With drizzling miat* between. Now dark, now light, Like day, like night, Tis changing, tickle weather, It mists at times. Then rains or shines, And sometimes all together. 0! now I see, It w hkt wis, A wise head and a dunce; I tret, 1 smile, Then cry awhile, < And sometimes all at once. I pout, I pet, Well pleased I get, Both diligent and lazy, In my own way, Is such a day, When rainy, shiny, hazy. VICTORIA TT^LDEKSHOTT. On the 22J nil, ber Majesty fairly opened he military season at Aldershott with a narade inspection of all the troops in camp. The occasion was marked with the usual oiriumstances which seem always to aocompany bene displays, vis: magnificent weather, ineose heat, clouds of dust, and crowds of disippointed sightseers. Preoiaely at eleven o'dock her Majesty came upon the field. As he royal party came in view, all the troops tood at "attention," and when ber Majesty tad approached sufficiently near, the arms if the whole mass wero presented altbe saute, and the colors lowered with one eim Itaneous movement, that was most imposing, ler majesty, who was mounted on a dark ihesnu; charger, and wore a scarlet jacket ind a general's plume of red and white gathers in her riding hat, then prooeded to nspect the force, riding etowly the whole exended front. On ber right and left rode icneral Knollys and the Prince Consort, and i brilliant staff of officers, inoluding the Quarter-Master and Adjutant General, followed her Majesty and the open pony carriage, id which was the little Prinoe Arthur, iu Highland costume. As soon'as the royal [>arty had traversed the entire line.which iccupicd them more than half en boar.ber Hujesty returned to the side of the valley ind witnessed the marching past of the vhole force. Amoog the militia the marchng of the Limorick and Kerry Regiments, with those of the West York and South Jowns was most praised. C10MF. AM) SEE JOHNSON'S $60 PA/ TENT ELASTIC STITCH, and the 01VIOCK LOOPKR $15 SEWING MACHINES, iow on exhibition, and tor sale, at POISAL it ^TUMP'S .Auction House, l\o. 1IV, lung street, text door to the Marshall House, where you ran witness the opera'ion oi two of the most valuable household articles ever offered to any rommunity. They are both particularly adapted to family use, as they will sew substantially the coarsest cloth, as also the finest fabric. All |>ersons are invited to call and see their wonderful performance, and have the opportunity of securing their valuable services. Their even operation, durability and cheapness, puts them within the reach of every iamily. To give the rea 'er an idea of the simplicity and ease with which they can be managed, we would say. that one houis' instruction only ia required to ?n.ihle the learner to become perfectly familiar with their operations. Give us a call, and if you are satisfied of their value, leave your orler, and you shall be furnished with one in ?very particular equal to those on exhibition, or :hose on exhibition, if preferred. POISAL At STUMP, Agents. We are the only authorized Agents for the i-ale of the above Machines, in the county and sity of Alexandria, [my 18.dim] P. At S. 1HJHT! LIGHT!! LIGHT!!!.THE VESj PER GAS LIGHT, is now on Exhibition and for sale at the cheap Auction House, Ao. 11'2 Kmitstrrrt, mat the Marshall Houu.This is the cheapest and saiest LAMP.no danger ol EXPLOSION.and gives a most beautiful GAS LIGHT, lar superior to the Gas now in use, and is, without doubt, the most economical Lamp ever brought before the Public. And tbe cheapness ol this Lamp places it within the reach ot all. Corne one, come all. Leave your orders.Pay your five dollars, which is the price lor the VKSLKR GAS LAMP, and you will save twenty-five dollars a year by the operation. f? We are the onlv authorized Agents for the Vesper Gas Light in the county and eity of Alexandria. POISAL tt STUMP, Agents, my 11.dim 1^' . 1 ue suoscriuer, agem lor William Hughes, of Washington city, respectfully informs tlie public that he hat removed Irom bummer Hill.aad taken the Lot on the west side ot Hood's run. belonging to Mrs. Catherine Deifz, where he will keep all the different varieties of FLOWERS and PLANTS, selected by himself with care. In his GREENHOUSE will be found at all times RARE and CHOICE FLOWERS. He desires a visit from the ladies and gentlemen of the city, feeling confident that they will be pleased with the arrangements ot the grounds, ami the variety and beauty of tb«TPLANTS. JOHN F. CHAUNCEY, my f».lm Agent tor Wm Hughes. JEN KINS A LAMBDI N, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, SHUT 7 Rt S. HJ.INDS, and FRAMES, keep constantly on hand a large assortment of the above named articles, and will sell them, (quality cor.sidered,) as cheap as they can be bought in the United States. li.j~ All orders promptly attended to. Circulars ot sizes and prices tur..ished, on application. Address JENKINS & LAMBDIN, cor. ot Oueen and Fairtax-ats., Alex., Va. ap '21 . eoly L) KOUCTION OF FARE .'The fare at the \j MARSHALL HOUSE, corner of King and Pitt streets, Alexandria, Va., will herealter be 11 0>J per day. UF OMNIBUSES and PORTERS regular in attendance at the arrival and departure of the Cars and Boats. J. R- GRIGSBY, my v,.tf Proprietor. . . v»i r, « VT LllKl- J inatlaa Uv. Ull'flrtl' i n"on. 4 «mv-v. mm j drant Hose, for washing pavements, witaring gardens, &c.; also, Vj inches Locomotive Ho>e, Gum Belting, Packing, Ae., just received, and tor sale by L. M. McCORMICK, my 10 Theatre Building. WANTED TO HIRE for the remaiider yy of the year, or by the month, a good Cook, Washer, and Ironer. None need apply exc> pt they ran come well recommended. Application can be made at the Gazette office. my 13. \\T ANTED.A situation, by a young man T f who has had several years experience in business, m this city. For further information, address Nimrnd, Alexandria, Va. ap 2£. tf RO.sENDALE CEMENT, aud Calcin. l Plaster, just received and for aale fcy WATERS, ZlMMERSUft * CO. my 18.3t JUST RECEIVED a fine lot of AP PLES, for sale by C. 8CHAPER my 19 Confectioner, No. 3 Fairfax st. ' * :

Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ... · ceived, and lor sale bv JAMES ENTWISLE. Jr, my 11 Apothecary, No. 04. Kingst 1NINESEGARS..Thesubscriberhasjust rereceived

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Page 1: Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ... · ceived, and lor sale bv JAMES ENTWISLE. Jr, my 11 Apothecary, No. 04. Kingst 1NINESEGARS..Thesubscriberhasjust rereceived


I .. . »^nr a Virginia Advartlaar,piSLUHtO ItkllT HI

I fcllli AK S Jl O W D K I ,

I ii Ki;M 1»H«« P"' *nuMtn- WMm holf yoorly.

I 4 v,,f,Bta AdrtrtlMr.(ruR Till COCNTRV)



At n»« f"1!4r* P"r aunum. p»y«bu in »dTM><n.

, ijvtRTiiJJca..AdTortlaomonU not .xewedingS 1

, \ J4-. inv rt-d »hre« tline* for on« d»ll»r. AdrerI"t'nu,-d lftrr lbrm time*, for 60 ooati a

H 'Jt> »* :« ijhahtio* imudc, or Ot conta octoidi..*

,4,1 line* *re couutod a* a square.th>- ve.nr, at price* te ho agreed twin,

' .. .1. Jfar.uc« to IB. O.U.. .J

IjwtMu* b7 tb<* y*r not to advertise article*1 in their r.-eul»r buelnttea, nor to lnnert la

I 3 ? jJ»rrtl«-in«"iU»ny other names than their own.

f, ,nj OsltCART .VoTICSS, exceeding Hv« lines,H , v n»r;.I for tdrcrtlsementa.


I I o'clock. A.M., lor Gordonsville, connecting-Tin the tiains on the Virginia Central Rail

!o: the South and W est, and with the

..41!S -he M.ina«sA8 Cap Railroad, for WoodIA at d intermediate points.


lI I Alexandria Station, in the Orange Train9 » 71.1 A M. dailv (Sundays expected.)I 4 33.tf EI>W GREER.Twaruw.1 ALEXANDRIA A WASHINGTON R. ROAD.

(/ the Trains on this Road, until further no

;ict, will run regularly, at the following hours :

9 They will leave Alexandria, for Washington,I it»i l'L 12, 2, 3J. and o'clock.I Leave Washington at £$. h$, 10, 11 J, lj, 3

I r il Jflt a,,d r° o'clock, and connect with a

IOMNIBUSES at the Bridge, jI r.cniiig to the Office of the Company on Seventh

r re: in the National Hofef building, a fewI :«cr» irom Pennsylvania Avenue, and to theI Ba'timore depot in time for the«L'ars

Kor Alexandria, the Omnibuses will leave the

9 romcr of 7th street and Pennsylvania avenue,Washington, in time to connect with the cars at

the Bridge.Pashagk to Pennsylvania Avenue, ?f> cents

Light articles, or Bundles, will be forwarded

9 a'»"n Alexandria and Washington, Irom the

9 -tit' >n cither place.I Heavy freights will be transported over theI road, it delivered at the Depot in Alexandria, or

9 >: ^e Long Bridge. JOB CORSON,9 .'au *«».*1 Superintendent.9 -b:- PALL AMl> W1NTKH AKRANUKMK.NTti. 186".

9 ADAMS' EXPHES8 COMPANYTWITE the attention of the public to the)

9 1 'tciiities a/Torded by this Company, for the

9 ?a'fk and safe conveyance of Specie, Bank

9 ^'"s valuable packages, heavy and bulkyH treigbl, Ace.

9 EXPRESSES for the East, to Baltimore,!® tvu... V*w Vnrlr. Kontoii. Providence,

H&r'.iotd. &c., leave our office daily, at 2, P. M.EXPRESSES for the South, to Richmond,;

Fredericksburg. Petersburg, Lynchburg, and forpo;nta in North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor-1fu Alabama, and Tennessee, leave daily at

2. P. Mt'ur EXPRESSES are always accompanied

by-areiul and trustworthy messengers, and thepaoiir can rely upon all business entrusted to us

km* done with safety, punctuality, and despatch.Ratks. On heavy freight from Baltimore,

fc) cents 100 lbs.; from Philadelphia, $1;tam New York, $1.50.No packages of goods taken by weight, unitsweighing over 200 lbs.

.tf K W FALLS, AgentTHE steamers GEORGE PAGE

itStjiS^ASv THOMAS COLLYER will run

nearly, at the following hours:Udw Alexandria at 4$, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, A.

-V. 1;J. 2. 3. 4, and 5, P M.Lra\e Washington at fij, 8, 9, 10, II, A M,

lj, 3J. 4, 5$, and «, P. M.FARE 13 CENTS.

WHALKY'S OMNIBUSES connecting with-»I'AtiE and COLLY ER, will leave the Cap

and corner of 12th street and PennsylvaniaAvenue, the >ame time the boats leave Alexan4» RICHARD WALLACH,

mh 4.tf President


flfcAU PACKET COMPANY..The ateamer |IMLIMHM (apt James Harper, will leave j3»!' more on Saturday, at 4 o'clock. P. M. Re*

truing. leave Alexandria every WednesdayKoraine. at 7 o'clock.> steamer DIAMOND STATE, Capt. J.ierwrn. will leave Baltimore every Wednesday1 oriock. P. ,M.,and returning, leave Alexans'»uuSaturday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. For freight,w.v To WHEAT fc BRO. Agents.V freight will be required invariably in

**»»ce. mb 2.tl

^ F'OK BOSTON..The Tegular packetttb'ig ANDOVF.R, Crowell, master. For

tr*»ght or passage, apply to

*? >7 M. ELDRIDGE, Union Wharf.

FOR BOSTON..The regular packetftfcHhr SEARSV1LLE, Sears, master. ForftUbt or passage, apply to

M. ELDRIDGE, Union Wharf

J> VKsSEL WANTED.A Vessel wantSlltedtor Providence. Despatch eiven.Ml FOWLE a co.


\ LKXANDRIA, VA.. january 1st. 1857..*"1 RICHARD T. CROSS has this day aaso

|'>dwith him in business, JOHN tV. LLGEN'MLand HENRY C. FIELD, for the parJeolcarrying on a GENERAL SHOE BUSl^NSAT No. 74, King street. Alexandria, Va.,

the tirm name and style of CROSS,^ENBKEL ft CO., where the public gene*r >re invited to call and examine their largelx'*r selected Stock ol BOOTS, SHOES, &e.,*'

- will be sold for cash, or to strictly putic"* customers, as low as they can be hadv">wtv considered) in this or any other city.

IJ& Particular attention paid to CUSTOM°RK. both as to material and workmanship,^ **rrant»>d tp please. A call is respectfully*'*'1*1 at the SHOE STORE of* : CROSS, LUGENBEKL A CO.

p^f. cash systkm adoptid..The subscriberJ.^ wvwg ttied the credit system, and found

'twill not pay, has concluded to adopt the'4,H principle. In future and from this date,* *'11 continue to do business upon the abovepr.neiple In bidding adieu to the old system,

return nis thanks to his customers for'*v°rs, and hojies by strict attention and


J 'oducements as he may offer, to continue" Ucder the new.



V ^ SIMPSON, Agent tor STEJAJHKNK FIELD, will continue to lur.*f B>OTS AND SHOES,/or cash only, at hi.. Mend. No. h Sank RoyalUrod. mh l3-3"_\| 00L purchased by


W it a ParChMBoSwiON k PAYNE.


TRY BURNETT'S EMBROCATION.Thegreat Linim»nt for Rheumatism and Neuralgia.25cts. will get one of the best Linimentsin the world.do not fail to give it a

trial, for sale byPEEL. STEVENS A CO..

my 14 cor. of King and Alfred-sts.

C^IAEWIVG TOBACCO.Another supply of

J that superior Golden Twist CHEWINGTOBACCO; a'so. Fannie Fern fine cut SHEWINGTOBACCO, just received, and for sale by

WILLIAM A HART,No. 100. King street, cor. of Pitt.

W Sign of the Golden Mortar my M

DRUGS, Ac..Linseed Oil; Casiile Soap; Sal.Firat us, BraDdrelLs' Pills; Lee's Anti BiliousPills; Flour of Elm; CI lorate of Potash,

White Castile Soap; Calabria Liquorice, just re

ceived, and lor sale bvJAMES ENTWISLE. Jr,

my 11 Apothecary, No. 04. King st

1NINE SEGARS..The subscriber has just rereceiveda large addition to his stock ofHAVANA SEGAKS. which now embraces somevery choice brands, to wb ch he invites atten

lion. JOHN A. M1LBURN,my 18 N. F.. ccr. ol King ai d Wash-sts.

MRS. ALLEN S HAIR RESTORER, andBylobalsamum, Hunt's Hair Restorer,

Wo< d'sdo Jayne's Hair Tonic, 'l'ricoph-rous,Katheiron, Ac., Ac., for sale by

J. LEADBEATKR A SON,5 mo 12 Stabler s old stand.

J^RANGIPANM EXTRACT AND SATCHETS;Reusel's Pomade tor the Hair;Old Brown Windsor Soap; Wright's Colognes,and Lubin's Extracts tor the Handkerchiel, forSale by PEEL. S'l EVENS A CO.,my 11 corner King and Ailred streets

DR. IVA WARREN'S Compound of pureCod Liver Oil, Phosphate of Lime and

Sugar of Milk, lor the cure of Consumption,Bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Ac , just r-ceived

atSTONE'S Drug Store,

my10 opposite Marshall House.

OIL RHODIUM, Lavender, Rose, Lemon,Cloves, Pennvroyal. Spearmint, Wintergrain,Cinnamon, Wormseed, and Verbena, lor

sale by PEEL. STEVENS A CO.,my 15 cor. King A Alfred sts.

OIL LEMON, Oil Bergamot, Oil Citronella,Oil Arigamar. Oil Rosemary, Oil Roses,

Oil Cumma, Oil Rhodium, Ac., received, and lorsale by HENRY CO«lK A CO,

my 19 Sarepta Hall

MATTSON S SYRINGES..Mattson's ImprovedPocket Sell Syringe, the best andcheapest kind in use, tor sale bymyis H. COOK A CO.,

\IM,°DS HA IK RESTORATIVE. Burf y nett's I'ure Cod Liver Oil, ior sale bv

DK. K H STABLER,my 25 No. 165, King st cor. ot Washington.

SULPHURIC ACID..HJ Carboys, receivedand for sale byHENRY COOK & CO,

my 12 Sarepta Hall

Keystone state saponified «r

Concentrated Lye, just received, and forsale by J. R. P1ERP01NT, No. 172,my 12 S. E cor. of King and Wash sts.

SARATOGA WATER.A lresh supply, receivedand for sale byHENRY COOK \ CO.,

my 12 Sarepta Hall.

ITRESH BEDFORD WATER.just receivedin glass carboys, and for sale bv

HENRY COOK A CO., !my 12 Sarepta Hall,

"ITiCTORIA REGIA..Seeds of the Victoriaf Regia, and other Aquatic Plants, very

choice varieties, received and tor sale bymy 17 H. COOK K CO., Sarepta Hall

17TTHEREAL OIL.Best quality, just received,and lor sale byJ. R PIERPOINT, No 172.

my 12 S. E. cor. ot Kiiik and Wash sts

Cloxe's sparkling gelatine.a full/ supply, just received, and tor sale at

STONE'S Drug Store,my 10 opposite Marshall House.

Howard association, philadelPHIA..A benevolent Institution, establishedby special endowment tor the rebel of the

sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent andEpidemic diseases..To all persons afflicted withSexual Diseases, such as SPERMATORRHEA,

urr U'VL'ti. IMUUITXTP A,ni! r.nan wn, , .m v . ... ...

The Howard Association, in \ iew of the awfuldestruction ot human Inc. caused by Sexualdiseases, and the deceptions practised upon theunfortunate victims ot such diseases by quacks,several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeonas a charitable act. worthy ot their name, to

open a Dispensary for the treatment of thisclass of diseases, in all their forms, and to giveMedical advice gratis. to all who apply by letter with a description of their condition, (ageoccupation, habits of life, Ac ,) and in cases ol

extreme poverty, to furnish Medicines free ot

charge. It is nerdlpss to add that the Associationcommands the highest Medical skill of the

age. and will furnish the most approved moderntreatment.The Directors, on a review of the past, feel

assured that their laborsin this sphere ol benevolenteffort, have been of great benefit to the at-

dieted, especially to the young,and they have r?-

solved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal.to this very important but much despised cause

Just published by the Association, a Reporton Spermatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness, bythe Consulting Surgeon, which wiil be sent bymail, (in a sealed letter envelope.) tree ot charge,on receipt of two stamps for postage.

Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEO.R. CALHOl'N, Consulting Surgeon. HowardAssociation. No. 2 south Ninth street. Philadelphia,Pa By order o' the Directors.

EZRA D. HEARTWKLL, President.George FAiRCHti,!), Secretary.Philadelphia, sop 4.-dlteoSmAwiv

Alexandria "livery and saleSTABLE..Will be opened on Tuesday,

Sentember 1st, at the inrnrr of ijunti end Fmr-.a ,

fax streets, ant mjuurc north of Sen-ton * Hotel, theLIVKRY STABLE recently erected b) the subscriber,where m<iv be had at all times HORSESAND BUGGIES, RIDING HORSES. Ac AcThe proprietor will also receive HORSES on

sale, and at Livery. All Horses sold at myStable will be sold as though they were myown, and prompt returns will be trade. Commission tor the sale ot' HORSES entrusted to

my care moderate. My Stables are titled up in

the best style, and the business will receive my

Eersonal atteution. Gentlemen in the countrysving Horses tor sale or exchange, are reterred

to any ot the merchants ot Alexandria.tug 38.eott THOMAS C0\ LF.

KEROSENE OILS, imstilikd from Coal,(sot axi'LOSivs).Secured by Letters Patent..Thedifferent grades ot these celebrated

Oils, suitable tor Machinery ot all kinds, Binnacleand Family use, can be had ot the under|signed, also ot the Wholesale Oil Dealers andDruggists in the city ol New York, and ot theauthorized Local Agent ot the Company inthis place. AUSTENS. General Agents,Kerosene Oil Company, No. hO Beaver si., N. Y.XWLocal Agencies granted on application as

above. Orders should «pecify the description otlamp or machinery <or which the Oil is wanted.my 30.eoly

C1L0VER 8EED..A prime article, tor salsJ by [frb 5) C. F. SUTTLE k CO.

i- s




BRUSSELS CARPETS, Ac.. On '1 hurnluyvutrmrig, May Uiilh.at 10 o cluck, and continuingdaily at that hour, until the whole n> disposedof. I shall sell,by virtue of a deed ol trust from.1 H. Freeman, dated Maich 31st. and recordedApril 10, 1 S',N) all and singular the good? ufnichattels. HOUSEHOLD am. KITCHEN Fl'RN ITU RE enumerated in the schedule annexedto said deed, and embracing every articl* ofHousehold and Kitchen Furniture contained inthe Ebbet House, situated on 1* , between 13thand 14th streets, consisting of a very extensivecollection of superior Parlor, Dining-room,Chamber Furniture. Ac.. such as.Elegant Rosewood seven-octavo Piano Forte, by

ChickeringElegant French plate, gilt-frame Mantel, Pier,

and Oval Mirrors, ot various sizes andstyles

Superior rosewood and walnut crimson plushcoveredFrench Tete-a-te'e Solas

Suite of rosewood Parlor Furniture, finished incrimson and gold brocatelle, comprisingtwo Tete-a-tete Solas, two Arm Chairs,and eight Parlor Chairs

Suites ol handsome walnut hgured damask coveredParlor Furniture, consisting of two

Solas, two Arm Chairs, Rocker, andfour Parlor Chairs

Handsome walnut Whatnots, Etageres, andBook-stands, of various patterns

Beautiful marble top Centre, Sola, and Side Tablesin rosewood, walnut and mahoganyElegant br»catelle, damask and lace Curtains,

throughout the house, with gilt Cornice,Cords, Tassels, Ac., complete

Superior Velvet. English. Brussels, and ThreeplyCarpets, throughout the houseBrussels and Venetian hall and stair CarpetsOilcloth. Rugs. Stair Rods and EvesSplendid rosewood, walnut and mahogany marbletop Dressing Bureaus and Washstands.W ardrobesJenny Lintl and French BedsteadsFine painted Cottage Sets, with and without

marblesSolid cherry Bedsteads, Wardrobes and Washstands.ot superior makePainted Wardrobes, Bedsteads, and WasbstandsSuperior curled hair MattressesFine Feather Beds, Bolsters, and PillowsVery extensive lot ol superior Blankets. MarseillesQuilts. Comforts, Bedspreads,

Sheeting, Bolster and Pillow SlipsFrench China, marbled and granite Toilets SetsMahogany hair spring Solas, Rockers, Arm,

and Side ChairsBook cases. Writing-Desks. Arm ChairsSiher-j.laled Castors Waiters. Tea and Coffee

l*i us. Spoons, and ForksWalnut and mahogany extension, hreaktast,

card, and side 'TablesSuperior oak caue-seat Dining ChairsFrench China and granite Dinner, Dessert, and

Tea ServiceBlock tin Urns, ( 'haling Dishes, and Dish CoversRadiator, open-grate,and air tight StovesTogether with a general assortment ol every articlein the housekeeping line.

'I'""-1 .:nwl miHei* radii over *30. andnot exceehng $100, »>U and 9<i ilays; over $100,1, 2, 3, and 4 months, for approved endorsednotes, hearing interest

JOHN A LINTON, Trustee.C. W. BOTF.LKR, Auct.

The HOUSK is lor rent. Inquire ot T. J.F1*HKR. esq., at McGuire's Auction Store.

Washington, mv 10.'It

BV S J. MoCOK.MlCK.Al'ctionf.kiirI^Ki'sTKK'S SALK.By virtue ol a DeedI ol Trust, from Henry L Simpson and w iK

to the sub>criber. bearing date the 6th day ofApril, lhf.6, and fur the purposes in said deedmentioned, I will ofler lor sale, at Public Auction,in iront of the Mayor's Office, in the cityof Alexandria, on Monoay, thr I l/A day of Jvn*next, at 12 o'clink, M.. KOK ( ash. that valuableLOT OF GROUND, in the said city of Alexandria.situated on the west side of Roval. betweenKing and Cameron streets, lronting on

Royal street 20 feet, in depth 6o feet, with theST1? "hree sforv BRICK TKNK.MKNT. thereonjlH^erected, now occupied by the said Henry I.Simpson, as a Shoe store

LAWKKNUR B. TAYLOR,my 11.eots Trustee.

1)UBLIC SALK .By virtue ol an order ofthe County Court for Alexandria County,

tendered at its April term. 186*. I will, on thtIS/A Hay of May,nt ]Q o'clock, expose to rale, thelot.owing property .One Steam Kngine andBoiler; one small Lathe with rest; one ScrewLathe wt'h taps and dies; one Vice; one largeLathe Head and Side rest; one Drill Press; one

Chuck Lathe with rest; Shading and Pnllies,oAi.iuinii/1 iittVvA liiitMincr rui I ninn latplvVUl.lUI.'tM «. IU' /u,< "" ^J

occupied bv Entwisle at Moore, ami owned byMrs. K. Munr«>e Sale to take place on thepremiss. Terms, c«.s'ii.

tr.y 10.3t JOSEPH PADGETT.R" The above sale is postponed to Friday,

21 ft instant, at same hour and p ace,

my 19.31 JOSEPH PADGETT.BY S. J.McCORMICK.Acctiomkk.

1POSITIVE SAKE OF STOCKS..jit 12 o'clock.M. on Saturday, the i'Zud of May. iniront ot the .Mayor's Oltice, in Alexandria, Iwill sell, without reserve, ninety-eight shares ot

the capital stock ol the BANK OK ALEXANDRIA,and live shares of ASHBY'S GAP TURNPIKES TOCK. O. FAIRFAX, Executormy l'l.dts ol Thomas Fairfax, jVUCTIOX HOUSE. No. 112 Kixtt Stukkt.

Just received a fresh supply ot DRYIGOODS. We name in part, Lawns. MourningGoods, Ginghams, Counterpanes, Bobbinetts.>wiss Muslins, Coliais, Sleeves. Cutfs, Mourn-mg do.. Diaper Cambric, Dotted Sw iss Muslin,Plaid Cambrics. Wool Tlanls, Fancy ^hawls.Inserting*. Laces.Shirting Linen. Apron CheckHandkerchiels, Kid Gloves, Cotton, Thread.Wool, Cas-umere, Doeskin do., Combs, RazorStrops, and a great variety ol other Goods toonumerous to mention, all ot which we will sell30 per cent, less than any other house this sideo! Philadelphia.We also call the attention of Country Mer-

chants, strangers, and others, to our lot ot

BOOTS and SHOES.Ladies' Slippers, Jeffer|sons. Kc.We arc in weekly receipt ot iresh Woods, oi

all descriptions. Auction every night, commenjcing at 7j o'clock. POISAL Ac ST I'Ml'.

11*2 King street. Alexandria. VaTAYLOR A CO., Auctioneers ap '<3

ISlNE TABLE CUTLERY AND PLATEDWARK.. I otier at a small advance upon

I cost, superior Ivory Handle Table ana DessertKnives, with or without Forks; Carvers; GameCarvers; Scoops lor Pine Apple Cheese; BieadKnives, and Nut Ticks. Also. Silver PlatedForks, Spoons. Ladles, Castors. Ac TheseGoods are Irom the best manuiacturer I know.

They are heavily plated on the best quality of

Albata, and will give satisfaction,mh 2 JOHN OGDEN.

TTALUABLE LOT OF GROUND FORV SALE..1 am authorized to sell the LOTOF GROUND, immediately south of the Machine>hop of the Orange and Alexandria RailroadCompany. The lot frou s al>out 88 ttet

Sj inches on Henry street, and extends throughthe whole square to Patrick street. Terms,easy. [ap 30.ttJ 1. LOUIS KINZER.

A LEXANDRIA CITY six per cent. Stock,jf\ Registered and Coupon, for sale by




* * »'»> « K. hail far tilla roriiincoi5n»,uwv.v

SWAN Ac CO'5 LOTTERIES!.Authorizeby tiik State or Georgia .The rollowinj

Scheme will be drawN by S. SWAN A COManagers of the Sparta Academy Lottery, iieach of their Single Nurrbcr Lotteries tor May1858, at Augusta. Georgia, in public, under th<superintendence of Commissioners.

Class lb. to be drawn in the city of AugustaGa., in public, on Saturday. May l2d, 1858.

Class 17 to be drawn in the city of AugustaGa., in public, on Saturday. May 29/A. 1858.

On the Plan or Sinkle Numbers.5.455 Prizes.'.Nearly one Prize to every 9 Tickets

MAGNIFICENT SCHEME!TO bk drawn kach saturday in may.

1 Prize ot .$7U.UOU 4 ITi/.es oi $4hi<1 44 30,000 4 44 SOI1 " 10,000 4 44 70<1 44 5,000 4 44 60<1 44 4,'XlO 50 41 5011 44 3,01X1 50 44 3011 44 1,500 100 44 1214 44 1,000 230 44 10<

Approximation Prizes.4 Prizes ol $400 ap'g to $7U,U00 are $1,60(4 Prizes o! 300 ap'g to 30,01X1 are 1,20(4 Prizes of 200 ap'g to 10,000 are 80(4 Prizes of 125 ap'g to 5,000 are 50'4 Prize?, of too ap'g to 4.0o0 are 40(4 Prizes of 75 ap'g to 3.000 are 3(X4 Prizes of 50 ap'g to l,5oO are 20t

5,000 Prizes of 20aie 100,'XX

5.485 Prizes amounting to $320,00(Whole Tickets $10; Halves $ '; Quarters $2.50

Plan or thk Lottery.The Numbers from 1 to 50,000, correspondini

with those Numbers on the Tickets printed or

separate slips of paper, are encircled with smaltin tubes, and placed in one wheelThe first 457 Prizes, similarly printed and en

circled, are placed in another wheel.The wheels are then revolved, arid a n lrnbei

is drawn irom the wheel of Numbers, and at thisame time a Prize is drawn lrom the othewheel. The Number and Prize drawn out an

opened and exhibited to the audience, and registereil by the Commissioners, the Prize beinjplaced against the number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out

Aitkoxination Prizes..The two precedingand the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the lirst 7 P-izes, will be entitled to the 21

Approximation Prizes.For example if Ticket No. 11250 draws th<

$70,000 Prize, those Tickets numbered 1J24N

112-19, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled t«

$400. If Ticket No. 550 draws the $80,00<Piizf, 'hose. Tickets numbered 54S, 549 551552. will each be entitled to $300, and soon ac

cording to the above scheme.The 5,000 Prizes ot $20 will be determine*

by the last figure ot the Number that draws tb<if711,COO prize. For example, il the Nurnbeidrawing the $70,000 Prize ei-ds with No. 1, theiall the Tickets where the number ends in 1 wilbe entitled to $20. It the Number ends with No2, then all the Tickets where the Number endin 2 will be entitled to $'20, and so on to 0.

Certificates of Packages will be sold at th<following rates, which is the risk:Certificates of Packages. lOwte. tickets, $80 Oi

Do do do 10 hall do 40 0<Do do do 10 quarter do 20 0(Do do do 10 eighth do 10 0(i!» ordkrino tickkts or ckktii'icatkb

Enclose the money To our address for th<Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they wilbe forwarded by first mail.

Purchasers can have Tickets ending in an;figure they may designate.

Tnelist ot drawn Numbers and Prizes will bisent to purchasers immediately alter the drawing

Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, Countyand State.

l£7~ Remember that every prize is drawn, ampayable in full without deduction.VJT All prizes of $ 1,000 and under, paid im

mediately alter the drawing.other prizes at thiusual time of thirty days.

All communications strictly confidential.Address onlers for tickets or certificates t<

S. SWAN & CO.. Augusta. Ga.l~& Persons residing near .Montgomery, Ala.

or Atlanta. Ga., can have their orders filled, amsave time, by addressing S. SWAN f*. CO.. a

either of those citiesFiT A list ot the numbers that are drawi

from the wheel, with ihe amount of the pr ziit "tiTi11**<I tn will be ntihlishei

alter every drawing, in the following papers:Augusta,(Georgia.) Constitutionalist, NevOrleans Delta, Mobile Register, CharlestoiStandaid. Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Intelligencer. New York Week'y Day Book, .Savanna)Morning News, Richmond Dispatch, New Y«»rlDispatch, and Paulding (Miss) Clarion, am

Little Hock (Ark ) True Democrat,ap 21.dtd

OVA NO, &c.

1)H<>SPHATIC GUAN". I am receivinjsupplies of NF.VASSA OR BROW li

COLOMBIAN GUANO, and beg to call especial attention to its analysis below.

No 20. Kxchanrk Bitildisgs, )Baltimore, Feb S, 1858. s

A sample of Guano trnm the Island of Nevassaconsisting ot reddish brown grains.ot pea siz<and smaller, having been left at this office foiexamination. I have analyzed it end lound i

to be composed as lol'ows :

Bone Phosphate of Lime 64.0<Containing ot Lime 34.67

Do. do. Phosphoric Acid 2^.35Phosphate of Iron 6.0!Con'aming of Per. Oxide of Iron.... 3 53

Do. do Phosphoric Acid 3.15Carbonate ot Lime 4.71Containing of Lime 2.64

Do do. Catbontc Acid 2.07Per. Oxute <>i Iron and Alumina, (with

a trace of sand) 15.7ZWater 8.S.'

100.01The above article is a most concentratec

Phosphatic manure, and should be welcomed ai

a great desideratum.(Signed) CHARLF.S BICKELL, Ph. D.The article is ground to a fine powder, anr

put up in strong bags. For sale lowrrn 13 JAMES C. NEVETT.

DK RI'Rf} EXCELSIOR..This valuablemanure originally known a« a Super Phos

pliate ol Lime, is now infinitely superior u

value to any fertilizer sold under that name, being as quick in its effects as Peruvian Giian:(which no mere Super Phosphate can be) am

leaving the land in a much better conditio!than tnat ancle.The genuine is pul up in strong Barrels wit!

white head-, the name stencilled in Black letters, ami the inspection brand in red letters un

derneatb. For sale at Baltimore pucesJAMKB C.NEVETT. Agent for

»eb 57 Alexandria, opposite Pioneer Mills

/ "1 I'ANOS.I have in s'ore and will be re

\T ceiving during the season, lull supplies o

^o I. COLUMBIAN GUANO,in strong sacksMEXICAN Gl'AM) A. A. A A., in sack

and barrels, ail warranted to be of the very besquality, and having the Baltimore liiepcctioibrand on each package, lor sale at lowest rates

by JAMES C, NEVETT,feb 97 Successor to Nevett A Snowden

G1 L'ANO.. Peruvian Guano, in store, an*

T tor sale byir.b 31 ADDISON. WALLACE A CO.

MASSER'S PATENT CREAM FREEZERS have given entire satisfaction, am

are considered the beet Freejers in use Fosale by [mh 22] JOHN OC.DEN.



0 To be lirntrn under the Superintendence of Comm.nonet t appointed by the Governor.

' GRKOORY 2fe 91 A I'll V, Manager*.50,154 DOLLARS!

I" OTTERV lor the benefit ot the StateI i Delaware, Class M, lor 1858, to be drawat Wilmington, Delaware.on SATURDAY.Ma

l' 22d, 185878 number Lottery.13drawn ballots.

l' | MAGNIFICENT SCHEME.1 grand prize $50,154 1 nrize ot $3.5(

, 1 prize ot 25,000 1 do ot 2,5<' do ot" 20,000 3 prizes ot 1.211 do of 10.000 75 do of 1,«X1 do of 7.5(|0 '200 lowest 3 No.

' 1 do of 5,U0U prizes 5CAc., Ac.. Ac.

3 Tickets $15.Halves $7 50.Quarters $3.7Eighths $1 S" J.

] Certificates oi packag's 20 whole tickets $2001} do do 26 half do 100

do do 20 quarter do 501do do 20 eighth do 25 C

> 36,500 DOLLARS!

j T~ OTTERV for the benefit ot the StateDelaware. Class 115, for 1858,to be draw

at Wilmington.Delaware.onSATURDAY. Maj 29th, 185S.

73 number Lottery.12 draw n ballots.BRILLIANT SCHEME.

1 prize of $36,500 1 prize of $3,0(1"

1 do 15.000 1 prize of 2.251 do 12,500 1 prize oi 1,141 do 7,5ou 50 prizes of 1,001 do 5,000 50 prizes of 5(J

'1 do 4,000 111 prizes oi 2fi

Ac., .Ac.. Ac.

Tickets $10; Halves $5;Quarters $2.50.Certificates ot packag's'25 whole tickets $140 0

Do do 25 hall do 7oijDo do 25 quarter do 35 0

[ UrORDERS for Tickets and Shares and Cetificates ol Packages in the above Splendid Lo

[ teries, will receive the most prompt attentioiand an account of each drawing w ill be sei

immediately after it is over. to all who ordi' from me. Address, P.J. BUCKKY, Agent,

ap 26.lm Wilmington, Delawar

; "It f ARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES - I- lTl FRANCE A CO., Managers of the Mii ryland State Lotteries, present the followin

Splendid Schemes» FOR MAY, 1858.

, They cant on purchasers of Tickets to bewaii of ordering Tickets in Lotteries, where extri) ordinary large Capitals are oflered lor a sma

. cost ot Tickets.all such are swindles.The Maryland Lotteries have been in exi

tence for forty years. They are drawn by1 State Officer, and ran be relied on. If yos draw a Prize, you will get your money. Ttr whole country is flooded with Bogus Loiter1 ""oenrnc U. u urn f\( tllnlD

1 JIT"Order in the Maryland State Lot'eries.MAGNIFICENT SCHEME,

s GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, CLASS Ci,To be draw n in Baltimore City, May '/id, 185!

» 16 drawn Ballots ort ol 7t>,Making mohk Phizes than Blanks.

j Every Package 26 Tickets must contai) 16 drawn numbers, so that there are 16 Prizij to 10 blanks.) 1 gd. prize ol $40,000 10 prize* of $20

1 prize of 10,000 510 prizes of 1C

e 1 prize of 5,000 62 prizes of t

| 1 prize of 5,000 62 prizes of "

2 prizes of 2,350 62 prizes of t

5 prizes of 1.30U 62 prizes of A111 prizes of 1,000 7.102 prizes ol V

g 10 prizes of 4oo 30,256 prizes ol 1

38,256 prizes amounting to $601,01Tickets $10; Hli«. #5; Quar. $2 51'; Eigh. $1.2A Certificate ol Package ol 26 W'ooles, $124 t

Do. do. 26 Halves... .62 I

jDo. do. 26 Quarter!.. .31 0Do. do. 26 Eighths. .. 15 fi


this is the old mode ok drawing.

Prizes in one wheel ami Twkets in anothej

Every Prize is drawn out.Prizes paid in full, without any deduction.

G1 HAND CONSOLIDATED. Extka Clai| 6 to be drawn in Baltimore, Md.. Saturda

j May '29th. 1858.i 20,685 PRIZES! 40.000 NUMBERS!!

SPLENDID SCHEME1 Prize of.... .$51. lOo 4 Apr x to $21

j 1 Pn/e of 5,ouO^1 Prize ol 5.000 ,.,

.. 1 Prize ol 5,000 j'

^ 1 Prize of 5,0(10J1 Prize of 2,000 11 Prize of 2,00*>...

] 1 Prize ol 2,000 j1 Prize of 2,UW1 Prize of 1,260]1 Prize of 1,260 J . M .

1 Prize of 1.260.' "

1 Prize of 1,260J, 4 Prizes of 1,000 16 " ....10

10 Prizes ol 30() 40 "... 4

.UJ Prizes of 2f>0 40 "

.... 3100 Prizes ol 200 4'»0 "

.... 2

20.0OU I'rizes oi #" > each.The $20,000 Prizes ol determined by th

drawing oi the Capital, whether odd or even.

, Whole Tickets #10; Halves #3: Quarters $J.5i.) A Managers'Certificate of 16 Wholes.wbert persons wish to pay the ri k only, will be sei

lor, Do. do. 16 Halves, lor 4

I)n do lri Quarters. " 2Do <|r> 16 Eighths, u 1

, The Managers have been compelled Irom thnumerous complaints made to th°m, ot unfaitltulness on the part of those who have been a

tending to the tilling o! orders, to resume ihcorrespondence business in their own name.RTOrder Tickets trom the Managers onl;Address al! letters to

l K. FRANCE ft CO., Baltimore, Md.ap '21. 1m

C5ABINKT, CHAIR ash SOFA MAN II FACTORY, No. 130, A'lwg ilrrrt. Jtltxa\

dria, Va..Having lately -tted up one of thhandsomest and most spacious ware-rooms ithe city, tor the FURNITURE BUSINESS. I r

I spectfully invite public attention to my lar*stock ot Fa'HMTCiilt, which I am constantly iicreasing. Persons visiting our city w ill luid it t

j their advantage to give me a call as the range <

my GOODS in respect to quality and price,;such as to cover tue wants and views ot ail.'My stock comprises Mahogany Solas, RockrniCane and Wood seat Sitting Chairs, Sid

» boards, Dressing Bureaus, (marble top and plainmarble top and plain Wash Stands, marble to

1 Sofa,Card, Book and fancy Tables, Cottage SeBedsteads, of all patterns; such as high, Fieli

I ing, French, low-post, and Trundle Bedsteadseveral patterns of Coftage Bedsteads, Haracks. Wardrobes, Looking Classes, and alarjnumber oi other articles embraced in the businesrr Beds, Bolsters, Pillows. Mattresses, &r

constantly on hand.II oct2.tf FAMES H DFVAUGHN.

New wall papers am> df.cor.TIONS..Justreceiving at J. TJ1CEYb -Yo. 157, Aurth. tide uf A'mg tiicet, trie very latei

styles of WALL PAPERS a*d DECOR/i I IONS, direct Irom the manufacturers, whic'» w ill be disposed ot very low to prompt pur<-hi

[nib 31 j J TACEY

Refrigerators, water coolerST1MPSONS roUBLE ICE PITC1

1 EKa, Pat*st Cbiam Feasasks.I oder a beter assortment ol these goods than ever bfore The '-Excelsior Refrigerator" is not su

^ passed. [ap 2k] john OGDEN.

r TI700L purcuaaed byW je 12 WHEAT k BRO.

_ teif' To the Independent Voter* of the. Town, and County of Alexandria : . fkllow citizens..

As the election of County Officers is uear at

hand, and being before you as a candidate tor

the Sheriffalty. I think it due to you, as well as

myself, that my position should be more distinctlyunderstood. Yielding to the solicitationot many of my Irienus, without distinction of

n party, I consented to become a candidate, on the»y express condition that my claims to the office

It.ml.I n.\f It., K|',au.I I,,, narti' 11 nil ft blltthat I should be ietr to occupy an independentposition. I wa« implied to this course from a

''J thorough knowledge ot the importance ol the0 office, and having long been sa;ished ot the evils-f resulting to the public interest by the selection'0 ot incompetent men, because of their connectionwith some dominant party, 1 determined>0 to rest my claims u|>on your judgment, rather

than upon the endorsement ot either of the politi5-cal parties now in existence. At the time I announcedmyself a candidate, my intention was

'ff to see as many of the voters as possible, butthe position I now occupy precludes the possi10bility of my seeing you in person, aud I shall

"J be compelled to rely upon your discriminationin the coming contest. If. in your judgment,the experienc-r of thirty years of active com-

of mercial business, and a residence among you ofn over twenty years, entitle me to your support, 1,y shall lie thankful; and. if elected, will bring to

the office the best ot my ability in the discharge ,of its duties. The matte- now rests with you,and in your decision 1 shall cheerfully arqui10esce ROBERT CRUPPER.

0 my I'2.eotK .

' Wet)" To the Voters of Alexandria:. Ah tsome persons seem determined to misrepresent t

my position, and are still engaged in circulating c

the report that 1 have declined being a candi- tdate tor the Sheriffalty, I deem it due to myselt eto state, that such report (whether the otlspring jof "political trickery" or not.) is an unqualified c

'' falsehood.maliciously invented and secretly jcirculated, tor the sole purpose of defeating my

r" election. I now announce myselt a candidate, i

and pbdge myselt to do my wholeduty.il eiecrbted. £mh 4.eotEJ JAMES SANGSTER. *

?r At the solicitation of many citizens, fI offer myself as a candidate for the Sheriffalty j

e ol this County, at the ensuing May election, tand can only piomise (it elided.) to discbarge (the duties impartially to the best of my ability. ,

* mh 82.tE* R CRUPPER. (DP" To THE VoTKKh ok ALEXANDRIA ClTY ano <

County,.1 offer myself as a candidate for the ire office of Sheriff, at the ensuing May election, Ia- and most respectfully solicit your support. I11 dec 11.eote H. L. M()NROE. <

nr; amks Sasostkr will be supported for '

s the office of Sheiiff tor this County, at the com- 8

a ing election, by [dec f>] MANY VOTERS. Jie fcif To the Voters oj the County uj Alex- ,

y undria .. Aiisweiing the calls ol many friends, j1 announce myselt a candidate 'or the office ofClerk ot the County Court, and pledge my undi- ,

tided attention to tl.e dutiet In presenting my'

name to an intelligent and generous constituen- ]cy. I w ish to inform them that 1 hold no offices, i

nor nave I other business to divide the pledge 1 ;make them. Respectlully i

» mh 9.tE GEORGE P. WISE. <

's. a:, n.: '

war 1 urn H UUL1U IUUIU nil n-ntmuu tu I iio^

10 Office of ( lerk of the County Court for this,q County, subject to the decision oi no conventionit) whatever. [up 10.tE] B. H. BERRY.

fikjX" I present myself an a candidate forthe office of Clerk of the County Court, and willdevote rnyselt exclusively to its duties, if elect*

") ed [tel. 1.tel'

R. JOHNSTON.0| . l. J

in HV NOTICE.. 1 offer myself as a candidate5 'or the Office ol Cleikot the Countv Court,,o mhii.tf James dempnkv.


Dltkby. (the present incumbent.) Commissioner ;IJ o! Revenue, is respectfully presented to the vo- «

ters ot Alexandria County, for reelection. <

The faithful and impartial manner in which h«discharged his duty, will recommend him tothe entire people. NO WOOLING.jan 23.tE !

19 EC To thr Cofern of Alexandria County.Iy, offer rnyselt as a candidate lor the office ot Commissionerol the Revenue, at the election in May

next, [jan no.te] F. C CI.Al'GH TON.

ij %*&" T" the People of' Alexandria.. I em a

candidate lor the office ui Clerk ol the CircuitCourt, and respectfully solicit your votes toi

that position. H RTAKR WAT1I.ES.ap if».te 1Sicf?" I hereby offer myself an mi Indepen,0dent candidate lor the Clerkship ol the Circuit

Couit, trusting, by attention and energy, shouldI be elected, to faithfully pel form the duties ol

| the office, [leb 9.tE] EDW. B FOWKLL.0 ro THR Voteim or Alexandria..I hereby

announce rnyselt as a candidate tor the office ol

i0 County Constable, and respectfully solicit your0 support, and plrdge mtself, it elected, to dis10charge the duties of the office laithitilly.0' «p 15.tE GEO f. SHERWOOD


' receiving a large and well selected stock ote FALL GOOI>b, to which he calls the attention

ot dealers and others visiting our city, as he is'' satistied that he can turnish them goods upon^ as good terms as any house luither North.* Sep 119 1

p I ) H. HOttKF, Alexandria Va.. FLOUR.1 . ORJIN (r GROCERY MERCHANT,!

t- has removed to No. ->b Socth ok Pkinck, and on

ie j Union btkket. Particular attention will begiven to all consignments ot Produce. Plamtkr,

y. Salt, and Groceries furnished at current rates.

jy vtrt


t KER. also, Agent for the Boston, Alexandria,^ and Georgetown regulaYline ot Pa' ke's. Unione Wharf. Alexandria. Va nov 4.11n 117 1LL1AM H. ML'IR, Mantkactukkr AND

\V DEALER IN ALL KIND8 OK CABINET FL'R:«MTURK, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, LOOKINCGLASSES. Arc., rorner of kwq and St.0 Jltnpii ftrtrit Alrmndrui. I n. je '}. I y

H\ TULIUS DIENELT.DEN'llST, Ai.kxan_ f) DRIa Va Office. Royal street, below

eI rinre.Offers his professional services to thosedesiring them. Particular attention paid to theinsertion ot Artificial Teeth nov 5.|y

P T P- CLARKE, dealer in Paper Hangingst) Shade*, and Fixtures. Curtain Hanging*,1

'* j and Venitian Blinds, King street, Alexandria, Vasi jy 14.dfr

-e W B K,CHAR,)*- J*' No" 1:0> K,!<0

b W street. Alexandria. Va., manutac-'turer ot Hooped Skufs. Bonnets, Elastic. Morocmami nftipr Belts. Head Dresses, Ac. jy IH


F) OB1NSON At PA VNF., Grocers, CommissionV Jr\ and Forwarding Merchants, Prince Street

Wharf. Alexandria, Va. oct K.tf»tV- T OHN MARSHA L L, ATTORSL V ATb fj LA W, Altxundria Va Office on K nga- street,over Taylor 5"Hatchfson's ap'^".tf


1- Wharf. Alkxardbia, Va. mh 1

!t* mHOMAS PERRY", COMMISSION MER-1** I CHANT, No. 5. Janney'a Wharf, Alexau-1r" dria. Va my W.tf- I Tffdcgr~PURCHASED at 'highest cash

| \Y prim. bjrI ian 8 HILL, BROWN A PARTLOW I



I< jB


SPRING WEATHER.It shines, it raios,Then shines again,

Wbat does the weather mean1It hangs in doubt,The sun comes out.

With drizzling miat* between.

Now dark, now light,Like day, like night,

Tis changing, tickle weather,It mists at times.Then rains or shines,

And sometimes all together.0! now I see,It w hkt wis,

A wise head and a dunce;I tret, 1 smile,Then cry awhile, <

And sometimes all at once.

I pout, I pet,Well pleased I get,

Both diligent and lazy,In my own way,Is such a day,

When rainy, shiny, hazy.VICTORIATT^LDEKSHOTT.

On the 22J nil, ber Majesty fairly openedhe military season at Aldershott with a

narade inspection of all the troops in camp.The occasion was marked with the usual oiriumstanceswhich seem always to aocompanybene displays, vis: magnificent weather, ineoseheat, clouds of dust, and crowds of disippointedsightseers. Preoiaely at eleven o'dockher Majesty came upon the field. Ashe royal party came in view, all the troopstood at "attention," and when ber Majestytad approached sufficiently near, the arms

if the whole mass wero presented altbe saute,and the colors lowered with one eimItaneous movement, that was most imposing,ler majesty, who was mounted on a darkihesnu; charger, and wore a scarlet jacketind a general's plume of red and whitegathers in her riding hat, then prooeded to

nspect the force, riding etowly the whole exendedfront. On ber right and left rodeicneral Knollys and the Prince Consort, andi brilliant staff of officers, inoluding theQuarter-Master and Adjutant General, followedher Majesty and the open pony carriage,id which was the little Prinoe Arthur, iu

Highland costume. As soon'as the royal[>arty had traversed the entire line.whichiccupicd them more than half en boar.berHujesty returned to the side of the valleyind witnessed the marching past of thevhole force. Amoog the militia the marchngof the Limorick and Kerry Regiments,with those of the West York and SouthJowns was most praised.

C10MF. AM) SEE JOHNSON'S $60 PA/TENT ELASTIC STITCH, and the 01VIOCKLOOPKR $15 SEWING MACHINES,iow on exhibition, and tor sale, at POISAL it^TUMP'S .Auction House, l\o. 1IV, lung street,text door to the Marshall House, where youran witness the opera'ion oi two of the mostvaluable household articles ever offered to anyrommunity. They are both particularly adaptedto family use, as they will sew substantiallythe coarsest cloth, as also the finest fabric. All

|>ersons are invited to call and see their wonderfulperformance, and have the opportunity ofsecuring their valuable services. Their even

operation, durability and cheapness, puts themwithin the reach of every iamily. To give therea 'er an idea of the simplicity and ease withwhich they can be managed, we would say.that one houis' instruction only ia required to

?n.ihle the learner to become perfectly familiarwith their operations. Give us a call, and ifyou are satisfied of their value, leave your orler,and you shall be furnished with one in?very particular equal to those on exhibition, or

:hose on exhibition, if preferred.POISAL At STUMP, Agents.

We are the only authorized Agents for thei-ale of the above Machines, in the county andsity of Alexandria, [my 18.dim] P. At S.

1HJHT! LIGHT!! LIGHT!!!.THE VESjPER GAS LIGHT, is now on Exhibitionand for sale at the cheap Auction House, Ao.11'2 Kmitstrrrt, mat the Marshall Houu.Thisis the cheapest and saiest LAMP.no dangerol EXPLOSION.and gives a most beautifulGAS LIGHT, lar superior to the Gas now in

use, and is, without doubt, the most economicalLamp ever brought before the Public. Andtbe cheapness ol this Lamp places it within thereach ot all. Corne one, come all. Leave yourorders.Pay your five dollars, which is the pricelor the VKSLKR GAS LAMP, and you willsave twenty-five dollars a year by the operation.f? We are the onlv authorized Agents for

the Vesper Gas Light in the county and eity ofAlexandria. POISAL tt STUMP, Agents,my 11.dim

1^' E» . 1 ue suoscriuer, agemlor William Hughes, of Washington city,

respectfully informs tlie public that he hat removedIrom bummer Hill.aad taken the Lot on

the west side ot Hood's run. belonging to Mrs.Catherine Deifz, where he will keep all the differentvarieties of FLOWERS and PLANTS,selected by himself with care. In his GREENHOUSEwill be found at all times RARE andCHOICE FLOWERS. He desires a visit fromthe ladies and gentlemen of the city, feelingconfident that they will be pleased with the arrangementsot the grounds, ami the variety andbeauty of tb«TPLANTS.

JOHN F. CHAUNCEY,my f».lm Agent tor Wm Hughes.

JEN KINS A LAMBDI N, MANUFACTURERSOF SASH, DOORS, SHUT7 Rt S. HJ.INDS, and FRAMES, keep constantlyon hand a large assortment of the abovenamed articles, and will sell them, (quality cor.sidered,)as cheap as they can be bought in theUnited States.

li.j~ All orders promptly attended to. Circularsot sizes and prices tur..ished, on application.Address JENKINS & LAMBDIN,cor. ot Oueen and Fairtax-ats., Alex., Va.

ap '21. eoly

L) KOUCTION OF FARE .'The fare at the\j MARSHALL HOUSE, corner of King

and Pitt streets, Alexandria, Va., will herealterbe 11 0>J per day.UF OMNIBUSES and PORTERS regular in

attendance at the arrival and departure of theCars and Boats. J. R- GRIGSBY,my v,.tf Proprietor.

. . v»i r, « VT LllKl- J inatlaa Uv.Ull'flrtl' i n"on. 4 «mv-v. mm j

drant Hose, for washing pavements, witaringgardens, &c.; also, Vj inches LocomotiveHo>e, Gum Belting, Packing, Ae., just received,and tor sale by L. M. McCORMICK,

my 10 Theatre Building.WANTED TO HIRE for the remaiideryy of the year, or by the month, a good

Cook, Washer, and Ironer. None need applyexc> pt they ran come well recommended. Applicationcan be made at the Gazette office.my 13.

\\T ANTED.A situation, by a young man

T f who has had several years experience in

business, m this city. For further information,address Nimrnd, Alexandria, Va. ap 2£. tf

RO.sENDALE CEMENT, aud Calcin. lPlaster, just received and for aale fcy

WATERS, ZlMMERSUft * CO.my 18.3t

JUST RECEIVED a fine lot of APPLES, for sale by C. 8CHAPER

my 19 Confectioner, No. 3 Fairfax st.' * :