THE AKHBAR A Student Publication of the American School of Dubai A Seasonal Special: Non- f at, extra f oam , double shot, pumpkin spice Akhbar Shots Syrup Milk Drink 2 NF PSL How to: FALL in Dubai Spook Cu lture Fall Recipes Vegan is the new Black '16 Vs. '19? MESAC C lash of the Titans World W ide Headlines Menu

Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

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Page 1: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

THEAKHBARA Stu den t Pu b l i cat i on of t h e A m er i can Sch ool of Du bai

A Seasonal Special:Non- fat, extra foam, double shot, pumpkin spice Akhbar



M ilk





How to: FALL in Dubai

Spook CultureFall RecipesVegan is the new Black

'16 Vs. '19?MESAC

Clash of the Titans

World Wide Headlines


Page 2: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

THE AKHBAR 2015/ 16:


LAYOUT EDITOR: Kaley Garvey, '16

COPY EDITOR: Sowon Yoon, '17

PHOTO EDITOR: Paige Ardill, '17

STUDENT LIFEBeat Editor: Danah Alkhamis, '16

Carolyn Whitlock, '16

Ashley Thompson, '17

Sowon Yoon, '17

Sara Trogen, '18

Leena Jamal, '19

Aahana Punjabi, '19

ARTSBeat Editor: Kaley Garvey, '16

Sofia Fazal, '16

Emaan Uppal, '16

Paige Ardill, '17

Chloe Stone, '17

Anoushka Aggarwal, '19

SPORTSBeat Editor: Louis le Roux, '18

Zack Yengulalp, '18

Kian Sohrabi, '18

Shehryar Farooqi, '19

Rebal Abdul Hadi, '18

CURRENT EVENTSBeat Editor: Zeena Shehadeh, '17

Chris Yum, '16

Basel Fayoumi, '16

Sowon Yoon, '17

Maria Morales, '19

Alex Kush, '19

Advisor: Ms. Praxia Apostle

W ith a new season com es a new edi t ion of our beloved publ icat ion. Though the typical autum nal scene is one of fal l ing leaves and fr igid winds, Dubai sees no such al terat ion in landscape. For the m ost par t , pract ical ly noth ing we see changes. H owever, that?s not to say that there aren?t any notewor thy events going on outside the ci ty and even with in the school . As our work loads begin to stockpi le at seem ingly unprecedented rates, we search for r espi te with in our per iods of str ess. Journal ism ?s purpose is to r efr esh the in form ation of the in form ed, just as autum n sign i f ies a tr ansi t ion in the cycle of l i fe everywhere. This issue of The Akhbar is sure to serve as that r el ief fr om our str ain and also as a rem inder of the other happenings going on around us whi le our heads are in our textbooks. From the spook cul ture, to professional spor ts , to cur rent event analyses, th is edi t ion is as diverse in i ts palette of ar t icles as Starbucks is in i ts m enu offer ings dur ing th is t im e of year. Relax and read on,Chr is Yum , '16

A Let t er f r om t he Edit or

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Student L ife

Seeking opportunities to help you get more involved in the Dubai community? Are you looking for a fulf il l ing way to spend your free time and not be stuck in the wrong FLEX? Below I will be introducing you guys to Room To Read and Club GEM, which are both passionate about women?s education and literacy while also strengthening girls self esteem and leadership skil ls. These are just a selection of the various clubs the school has to offer to the students, that will hopefully spark your interest!

As you guys al l m ight th ink , Room To Read is a place to go to dur ing FLEX to cozy up with your own book and read, when in r eal i ty, Room To Read is a club to r aise awareness of the im por tance of fem ale l i teracy and education around the wor ld. The W or ld Peace Day Celebrat ion, H al loween Carn ival , the DUCE (Dubai Ul t im ate Char i ty Event) are just som e of the m any char i ty events they take par t in . You m ust be wonder ing where al l th is m oney goes, wel l we are told that th is year they plan to star t by bui lding schools in developing countr ies which Room to Read is just beginn ing to work in . Am ong other projects such as bui lding l ibrar ies and helping fund school fees for underpr ivi leged chi ldren. A h ighl ight of the club is the tutor ing at the Li t t le Flower Engl ish School in Dubai. But the m ain catch is, M s.Apost le is the head of the club! She m ain ly fel t inspir ed to star t the club because she?s passionate about wom en's education, l i teracy, and gett ing the ASD students to be aware and involved in the Dubai com m unity.

Club GEM is a club that str ives to m ake gir ls feel com for table and confident in their own sk in by gett ing m entorship fr om high school gir ls, to their m iddle school peers. I t is centered around gett ing gir ls to bui ld sel f-esteem and leadership sk i l ls whi le creat ing a safe, fun and suppor t ive envir onm ent to talk about any tough issues gir ls m ay be deal ing with. By bui lding their leadership sk i l ls, they raise m oney for m any di fferent organizat ions to suppor t leadership and education for wom en. W ith EGG (Educating Gir ls Global ly) and W om en for W om en In ternat ional , they raise m oney and awareness for wom en in torn countr ies. Addit ional ly, the m iddle school gir ls also host the year ly YogaThon, by fundraising m oney for Dare W om en?s Foundation for a both local and global m ission to bui ld the sk i l ls they have learned throughout the year by attending Club GEM . M rs.Fava was inspired to star t the club because as the school psychologist, she states, ?I l istened to gir ls fr om elem entary to h ighschool share their exper iences of r elat ional aggression, fear of fai lure, pressures to be per fect, tough peer com peti t ion, and low sel f-esteem . I t hur t m y hear t to hear so m any wonder fu l gir ls be so hard on them selves.? So she fel t the need to address the issue by watching gir ls talk about their tough problem s in a secure envir onm ent wi th their peers, that have also faced the sam e chal lenges. M rs.Fava is not on ly helping gir ls in the Am er ican School of Dubai, but she has also star ted Club GEM in m any schools around Oregon.

There, are just a few of the clubs and events that ASD provides for the students that want to contr ibute and be m ore involved in the com m unity. I f you?re the type of person that is in terested in wom en's education and sk i l l bui lding, then I th ink you m ight be a f i t to one of these clubs. Don?t get m e wrong, there are st i l l lots of other clubs you can join , but these are just a few that are just a step away.


Leena j amal '19

(Visit their website: http:/ / gemsgc.org/ )(Visi t their websi te: http:/ /www.room toread.org/ )

Page 5: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Student L ife

Fal l diy's

6 cups fr esh apple cider

2 tablespoons packed dark -brown sugar

2 whole nutm eg seeds

1 vani l la bean (spl i t and scraped)

W hipped cream

H oneyed W alnuts

Com bine apple cider, dark -brown sugar, nutm eg seeds, and vani l la bean in a

saucepan. Gently sim m er over m edium -low heat for 15 m inutes. Rem ove

fr om heat and discard sol ids. Divide am ong 6 m ugs and top each with

whipped cream and honeyed walnuts.

Pressed leaves taped to craft ing paper m ake for sim ple seasonal ar t . H ang a few

rows with r em ovable

adhesive str ips for h igh im pact above

a bed or sofa.

W ith these quick and easy DIY?s you can l iven up your fal l

exper ience and get you in the autum n m ood. W hi le you

cuddle up with your warm cider and

adm ire your wal l ar t , we hope you have a

wonder fu l fal l !

1/ 2 cup pum pk in puree

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 tablespoon jojoba, alm ond or ol ive oi l

1/ 4 teaspoon cinnam on powder (opt ional)

Com bine al l of the ingredients in a bowl and m ix

wel l . The scrub is best appl ied to dr y sk in and needs

to be used at the t im e of m ixing, not stored for later.

The recom m ended appl icat ion process is a 10-20 warm water bath soak , towel dr y, scrub, and then shower

to r inse off.

Fal l is such a fest ive season, fr om the com fy clothes to the

hot beverages and let?s not forget the

pum pk in-them ed-everyth ing. Unfor tunately here in Dubai,

we don?t get to exper ience the changing leaves and autum n

weather, but that doesn?t m ean we can?t act l ike i t 's fal l ! H ere are a couple of do-i t-yoursel f

fal l them ed i tem s that can spice up your l i fe and m ake i t

seem a l i t t le m ore l ike fal l . W arm Vani l la Cider

Pum pk in Cinnam on Body Scrub

W al l Leaf Ar t

Ashl ey Thompson '17

Does t he cl ass of 2018 have a bad r eputat ion?

"They have loads of great people and don 't deserve a bad reputat ion at al l . " (Gir l 18')

I t?s no secret that the class of 2018 has had a bad reputat ion in both M iddle School and H igh School . I wrote th is ar t icle wi th the in tent ion of f inding out what people th ink of th is grade and i f we deserve th is bad reputat ion. In the graph I on ly asked upperclassm en. M y personal opin ion is that we don 't deserve th is r eputat ion, we are after al l teenagers and have m ade one too m any m istakes. I also th ink that people should not judge an ent i r e grade based on a sm al l group of people. M y other purpose for wr i t ing th is ar t icle was to m aybe change som e people's m inds about their opin ions. Our grade doesn 't deserve th is r eputat ion and I defin i tely th ink we have gotten better as a grade.

"No, they'r e exact ly l ike every other grade but

people are m ore gossipy about their s for som e

reason. " (Gir l 18')

"Tbh yeah, because we aren 't that great of a whole grade, and have bad spir i t and behavior. But in our grade we are relat ively successful , but a couple of bad apples spoi led the bunch." (boy 18')

Sar a Tr ogen 18'"I don 't th ink we deserve i t because in general we are a hardwork ing grade that puts a lot of effor t in to school . Also the decisions we m ade 3+ years ago shouldn 't define what people th ink of us now. " (Gir l 16')

Page 6: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Is the senior class gett ing punished for being exclusive? Is there a case of bul lying going on? Are the senior s tak ing their power too far? These are relevant quest ions that have been cir culat ing the student body for the past few weeks. The real

issue is, what is the issue? There is a f ine l ine between jok ing and tak ing your power of super ior i ty too far. There is no doubt that once a class enter s their senior year, the students gain a sense of accom pl ishm ent as wel l as author i ty. I t happened to the classes before the class of 2016 and i t wi l l happen to the classes after. School h ierar chy is som ething that wi l l not be changed; i t has been ingrained in the school?s social scene.

I t is a r ight of passage to tr udged through the social classes of h igh school . This is our (class of 2016) last year to be able to say yes to m ost th ings that we could not before and joke around with our grade. This has m ade us sor t of sel f absorbed, especial ly when m ak ing m em or ies that wi l l last us for l i fe. On the other hand, we do not want th is egot ist ical

att i tude to effect our r elat ionship with other grades. Just because we our al l about ourselves r ight now, that does not m ean that we do not want to welcom e the fr eshm en to the h igh school .

The taunt ing that som e fr eshm en encounter is purely in a jok ing m anner. I t happened to us and we l ived through i t . Even though we m ight have m oved past the phase of ?fr eshm en bedtim e,? did we real ly get over i t? Just because i t happened to us does that r eal ly just i fy us project ing i t onto others? In social psychology, i t is said that once a person is im m ersed in a group, they can som etim es lose them selves and feel l ike their individual act ions do not have as m uch of an im pact on others. I feel l ike som e senior s are vict im s

of th is social faci l i tat ion and act m ore radical than they would i f they were alone. A lot of students with in our senior class have forgotten how insign i f icant you

can feel as a fr eshm an. Now, I am not saying that every senior needs to befr iend a fr eshm en but what I am saying is that we need to m ake sure that they don?t feel l ike we are out to get them . H onest ly, indulging in the power that we have over people younger than us, is not wor th r isk ing our senior pr ivi leges.

I was lucky enough to have a si t down in ter view with Dr. Leever to discuss the adm in istr at ion?s view on the issue at hand. Dr. Leever r ecognizes the h ierar chy that is present in not on ly ASD but other h igh schools as wel l . As our pr inciple however, he cannot si t by and let underclassm en be excluded. Al though Dr. Leever states that he ?would never punish a whole group for an individual?s act ions,? th is does not m ean that there should be individual upperclassm en abusing their in f luence. W ith the new sect ion of the cafeter ia opening in a shor t whi le, I th ink th is could be a great oppor tun i ty for the senior class to show the adm in istr at ion our leadership qual i t ies and welcom e the fr eshm en to the inside of the cafeter ia (h in t, h in t). I t is on ly hal f way through f i r st sem ester, so don?t wor r y senior s, we st i l l have t im e to take back our senior year.

Student L ife

-Anon '19

supposed Senior Super ior it y

Danah Al khamis '16

# RE16N2016 vs.


Page 7: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Student L ifeEmbar r assing High School Moment s

?It was in my freshman year and I was new to the school. It was the f irst few days of classes and I didn?t really know my teachers and classes that well. So I was on my way to History and I ended up late. So I walked in, awkwardly, sat in the back and got my books out and everything. I sat in that class for 40 minutes, and that was when I realized I was in the wrong class - I was in a Senior Study Hall! I had been sitt ing in the wrong class for 40 minutes! Once I had realized I was in a dif ferent class, I just stood up and left.?

?I was in m y sophom ore year - i t was m y f i r st year at ASD - and I was f in ishing up som e last m inute hom ework for m ath class. I was al r eady late for m y next class, so I decided to stay a few extra m inutes after the bel l to f in ish i t . So once I was done, I spr in ted al l the way to the th ir d f loor to m y class. So I burst in to the classroom m idway through his lesson (panting and out of breath,) and said ?I?m so sor r y I?m late dad, i t won?t happen again!? And everyone had fal len in to si lence. I t r ied to apologize and cor rect m ysel f, but then I ended up cal l ing h im by m y old teacher?s nam e; I t was real ly em bar rassing!"

?I t was in m y sophom ore year, and I had been at ASD since four th grade. I was in m y science class, and i t was never r eal ly m y favour i te back then, and I never used to pay attent ion to the teacher. So m y fr iend and I were having a contest dur ing the lesson and were tr ying to see who could m ake the other person laugh f i r st . So we were m ak ing faces at each other and everyth ing, and then I don?t r eal ly know what cam e over m e, but I stood up, took m y shir t off, and star ted whipping i t in the air whi le m y teacher was talk ing! M y fr iend star ted laughing, so I put m y shir t back on and sat down in m y seat. Then once m y teacher had stopped her lesson and was helping another student towards the back of the class, her back towards us,

m y fr iend had said that he?l l give m e 100 AED i f I do i t again. I agreed to, so I stood back up and took m y shir t off once again. I was doing the sam e th ing as before and whipping i t around l ike last

t im e, and then, again, I don?t know what I was th ink ing - I star ted unzipping m y pants. M y teacher though, ended up seeing m e through the reflect ion of her com puter. So she slowly turned around and calm ly told m e to si t down, and asked i f she could talk to m e once class was over. I did so, and waited unt i l the bel l r ang. Once i t did, al l I was th ink ing about was how screwed I was! I was expect ing an in fr act ion, detent ion, suspension, m aybe even expulsion! But al l she had said was ?please don?t do that again, as i t is disrupt ive for the other student?s learn ing. Thank you,? and then she just let m e leave! I was so surpr ised I didn?t even get in tr ouble, but that was defin i tely one of m y m ost em bar rassing m om ents in m y high school years - I have a lot!"

Aahana Punj abi '19W e?ve al l had those em bar rassing m om ents in our l i fe; you?re not the on ly one! The best par t about i t is being able to laugh about them in the future! H ere are a few em bar rassing stor ies shared by a few students - you m ay even know them ?

And there you have i t ! For al l you Freshm en and new students - don?t wor r y! Everyone?s had those m om ents, and in a few years, m aybe i t?l l be your stor y on here!

"M y teacher caught m e un dr essi n g" i n cl ass!

"I cal l ed m y

teacher dad !"

"I w as i n the w r on g

cl ass for 40 m i n u tes!"

-Far yal M i r za '16

-An on '18

-An on '16

Page 8: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Fir st of al l , i f you?ve been l iving under a rock and have no idea what veganism is, vegans are people who do not consum e any an im al products or by-products such as dair y, eggs, or honey. This can be for heal th, envir onm ental ,

and/or eth ical r easons. I am not vegan, but I have heard lots of negative talk lately about students who are vegan or have recently chosen to becom e vegan. There seem s to be a st igm a against vegans at ASD. People ei ther don?t take vegans ser iously or take their decision to becom e vegan as alm ost offensive.

W hen asked why th is st igm a exists, an anonym ous student r esponded, ?I th ink i t com es fr om people who ident i fy them selves as vegan one day then turn around and eat l ike, a Subway cook ie or som ething that defin i tely isn?t vegan.? Another student said, ?Som etim es I feel as i f people just say they?re vegan for attent ion, l ike i t?s som e k ind of new fad or som ething?.

A fad is any form of behavior that develops am ong a populat ion and is fol lowed by a large group with in that populat ion for a long per iod of t im e. This is general ly a r esul t of that behavior being perceived as popular by one?s peers or being deem ed ?cool? by social or other m edia. Fads tend to fade pretty quick ly once the perception of novel ty is gone. W hen Beyoncé announced she was going to go vegan for the sole purpose of weight loss, there was an increase in the num ber of 15-25 year olds who ident i f ied as vegan. W e al l know that cor relat ion does not equal causation (thanks M r. Gott), but when a celebr i ty wi th as m uch in fluence as Beyoncé goes vegan, we can in fer that th is diet change was perceived as ?cool? by m any of her fans and m ay have been a factor in their decision to go vegan.

I took a survey of 180 ASD high school students to f ind out whether or not veganism at ASD is r eal ly a fad or i f i t isn?t actual ly as present as everyone seem s to th ink i t is.

The real i ty is that out of the 180 students who responded to the survey, on ly n ine of them are cur rent ly fu l ly vegan and 15 have been vegan in the past. This is on ly 13% of the respondents. The m ajor i ty of people aren?t vegan, and i t?s real ly not as prevalent of a th ing as everyone th inks. W hen I in ter viewed som eone who was vegan (and who also wished to stay anonym ous), they stated that they bel ieve vegans get a bad rep at ASD because of ?a few isolated incidents involving people who decided to go vegan and then f launt i t in everyone else?s faces. M ost of us don?t actual ly th ink we?re better than those who choose to eat an im al products. I f you?re just doing your th ing and i t doesn?t affect others in a negative m anner, that?s cool . Everyone has di fferent wants and needs, and in the end, i t?s not a m atter of what k ind of diet is heal th iest for other people, i t?s a m atter of what you tr u ly bel ieve is the heal th iest diet for you.?

vegan is t he new bl ack?

Car olyn whit l ock '16

Student L ife

Car olyn whit l ock, '16

Page 9: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Hor oscopesLi br a- A power fu l turn ing point for your career and big-picture plans are near. This is a t im e when you are f i l led with ideas about the future. W hi le th is can be exci t ing, tr y not to take on m ore than you can handle. Your vision is qui te opt im ist ic, and you m ight over -est im ate what you are capable of doing down the road!

Aquar i us- I f you'r e r eturn ing to abandoned projects or program s, these can begin any t im e in the f i r st hal f of the m onth because afterwards they m ay cause a potent ial ly disor ient ing per iod when indecision can occur. Close relat ionships and negotiat ing are com ing in to str ong focus, but later in the m onth you m ay be feel ing a l i t t le less enthused.

Gem i n i - This can be a str ong t im e for m ak ing use of your natural talents. Be careful of what you com m unicate, but do stand up for yoursel f. There is a str ong focus on personal possessions and valuables, com for ts and pleasures. Secur i ty is a m ain focus, and you m ay f ind yoursel f r eevaluat ing both how you earn and spend.

Can cer - You m ight be undergoing a personal m akeover of sor ts. You are expressing yoursel f and speak ing up m ore often and m ore confident ly. Your attent ion to work in progress, as wel l as com m unicat ions and learn ing m atter s. You m ay develop som e new relat ionships, whi le som e old ones m ay fade out.

Vi r go- The need to work with others in team effor ts can f igure str ongly, but your independent and sl ight ly com peti t ive side can dom inate now. For the m ost par t you can feel especial ly m otivated to im prove yoursel f and your projects. The relat ionship you share with a sibl ing is l ikely to be happier than usual .

Capr i cor n - This m onth spot l ights your f i r st house of sel f, ident i ty and independence. Pr im e t im e to asser t yoursel f and get your agenda on the fr ont burner, Capr icorn. H om e and fam i ly issues wi l l defin i tely have t im es of im por tance, but overal l i t is your work that gets the attent ion. Prosper i ty is great but so are the obstacles.

Ar i es- M idm onth, the dom estic focus is at i ts str ongest. You m ay begin look ing to r evam p your cur rent abode or connect m ore with your fam i ly. Confidence and inner balance m ake i t easy to get ahead and achieve your goals. There should be l i t t le r esistance to your plans and you can even expect help fr om others.

Scor p i o- Som e people m ay not seem as open or str aightforward to you about what they want or need. M any of you could be deal ing with a need to r eview, r eassess, or r ework cer tain work projects. Conversat ions could be especial ly charged with in tr igue, and som eone could confide a secret in you, or vice-versa.

Leo- Your confidence in yoursel f and fai th in the wor ld are growing exponential ly. Freedom is som ething you seek , but be wary of the costs of fr eedom when i t 's pursued without necessary attent ion to r esponsibi l i t ies.You are hungry for knowledge and for gain ing new exper iences. You?re discover ing that som e of the people in your l i fe aren?t sui table for you anym ore as you see them m ore real ist ical ly.

Pi sces- I t?s rare to get back together and have i t st ick , but that very wel l could be the case here. Relat ionships are defin i tely h ighl ighted but that encom passes al l of your sign i f icant one-on-ones. Your tendency is to m erge, but the wisdom to hold your own whi le choosing your com panionship careful ly.

Sagi t tar i us- Relat ionships with loved ones are m ore in tense th is m onth. You're in a great posi t ion to look with in for answers, as you'r e less incl ined to jum p in to act ion in m ost l i fe depar tm ents, and m ore incl ined to plan and form ulate str ategies for going after what you want.

Taur us- Excessive em phasis on having fun to the detr im ent of other l i fe depar tm ents. This is m ore l ikely to occur when you m ay be glossing over im por tant, pract ical detai ls and the appeal of gam bl ing or tak ing other form s of r isks can be str ong. Things m ay not be very great, yet hold on, as they shal l get better fr om here.

Ashl ey Thompson '17

Page 10: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015



There are m any talented student m usicians, ar t ists, and actor s and actresses who have m ade contr ibut ions to the ASD com m unity. Faryal M ir za is a senior at ASD who is cur rent ly enrol led in her f inal year of AP Ar t. In the past, she has taken several ar t classes, including Sculpture and Photography. She is also an off icer of club GAIA and has been a par t icipant in M UN for several years. Chr is Yum is also a senior at ASD who has been in the Cham ber Orchestra since 11th grade. In addi t ion to playing the cel lo, he is a par t of the Varsi ty swim team and NH S.


W her e do you get the i n sp i r at i on for you r w or k ? I get m y inspirat ion fr om th ings I?ve gone through, personal exper iences? W hatever I am feel ing at the t im e real ly inspir es m y work .

W hat i s you r favor i te p i ece of w or k that you?ve cr eated an d w hy? M y favor i te piece of work that I?ve created is cal led ?Forgive M e Father For I H ave Sinned?. The m essage behind i t is that even i f you th ink the choices you?ve m ade are wrong, they are what m ake you ?you? and eventual ly they wi l l m ake you a whole person.

W hat t i ps or adv i ce do you have for other asp i r i n g ar t i sts? W hen you?re doing a large por tfol io, you have to have good t im e m anagem ent. You don?t want to be in a posi t ion where you are doing pieces that you don?t r eal ly l ike or you?re not inspir ed by.

W hy do you m ak e ar t? I m ake ar t because i t is a way to express m ysel f. Everyone has their own way of expressing them selves, and m ine is through ar t .

W hen an d w hy d i d you star t p l ay i n g? I star ted playing when I was f ive years old. At f i r st , I played because m y m om got m e in to i t , but after a year or two, I r eal ly star ted to love the instrum ent.

H ow ar e you i n vol ved w i th m usi c at ASD? I?m a par t of the Cham ber Orchestra at school . Last year, we had seven or eight m em bers but th is year, we have f i f teen, so there is a lot m ore that we can do.

W hat t i ps or adv i ce do you have for other asp i r i n g m usi ci an s? I f you don?t pract ice, you?l l never sound the way you want to. I f you aren?t wi l l ing to put in the t im e and com m it to doing sm al l th ings l ike scales or pract icing a di ff icul t m easure, you won?t be able to sound as good as you want to sound.

W hat fam ous m usi ci an s do you adm i r e? W hy? One of the m usicians that I adm ire is Yo-Yo M a. I th ink he is one of the best cel l ists of al l t im e and he is m ak ing a nam e for h im sel f by being able to play pieces fr om a num ber of di fferent genres.

Emaan Uppal '16

Page 11: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015


Dubai is hot even in the fal l , m ak ing i t hard to get in to the fal l spir i t . The palm tr ees don?t change color, no chi l l in the wind except for the ASD AC, and date pick ing just isn 't the sam e as apple pick ing. This ar t icle is here to give you helpfu l t ips to help you get in to the spir i t of fal l .

Get t ing int o t he Fal l Spir it Whil e in DubaiChl oe St one, '17

1. Crank the AC down to 15 degrees and si t in the m iddle of the room wear ing cloth ing to keep you warm

2. Buy fake leaves and jum p in them

3. Stom p on the leaves with Ugg boots.

4. Buy som e fal l candles and burn them unti l the ent i r e house sm el ls l ike fal l m orn ing.

5. W ear leggings with oversized sweater , but not at ASD because uni form s! (Flannel shir ts are also an opt ion)

6. Tr y Pinterest! You wi l l never fai l .

7. Apply seasonal lot ion from Bath & Body W orks al l over your body.

8. Eat anyth ing ?Pum pk in Spice?

9. Then inhale your pum pk in scented candle and cr y sad, warm tears because i t 's st i l l hotter than Satan 's insides

Page 12: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Do you want to be a wr i ter or exper ience the ar t of the spoken word fr om di fferent cul tures and perspect ives? Then we have a plan for you. The Em irates Air l ine Fest ival of Li terature is the M iddle East?s one of the m ost sign i f icant celebrat ion of the wr i t ten and spoken word. I t br ings individuals of al l ages and backgrounds together

wi th authors fr om across the wor ld to encourage education, and above al l else to share the love of r eading and wr i t ing with al l . This is a great oppor tun i ty for al l to show your r eading and wr i t ing sk i l ls and share them with others.

The Fest ival creates a wonder fu l oppor tun i ty for UAE nat ionals, locals, r esidents, and visi tor s to contr ibute together and exper ience th ings l ike m eeting wor ld fam ous authors, attend l i terar y debates, l isten to r eadings, par t icipate in workshops and exper ience al l of the exci t ing chi ldren?s events. This exper ience wi l l encourage you to see di fferent perspect ive of al l the wr i ter s and expand your hor izons. I t wi l l give you the t im e to m eet fam ous authors and learn their stor ies and hopeful ly inspir e you as wel l . For the 2016 Taleem Award and The Oxford Universi ty Press Story Com peti t ion, the them e is Tim e. For al l the individuals who do not understand or com prehend Arabic or Engl ish there wi l l be tr anslat ion sessions and these individuals get to exper ience m ul t icul tural l i terature.

Ar tsArts

Fest ival of Lit er at ur e in t he Middl e East

I f you want to r eceive updates on the Fest ivals progress, subscr ibe to em ai l newsletter, or to their blog or other social m edias including Twit ter, Facebook , and even Youtube. This wi l l be a great exper ience for al l wr i ter s and al l individuals to be educated upon di fferent perspect ives and cul tures about the ar t of l i terature. The 2016 Fest ival wi l l be held fr om M arch 1-12 at the In terContinental H otel . Entr ies can be subm itted on l ine unt i l 15 Novem ber 2015.

Anoushka Aggar wal '19

Page 13: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015



If you are a lover of fall, these cupcakes will make you think we actually have yellow and orange leaves in our front yards. It is meant to be the cupcake version Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks but if you ask me, its even better! Although it was a bit t ime consuming with all components, it was well worth it. I encourage you to make these cupcakes for a great dessert to enjoy with your friends and family.

Ingr edient s Dir ect ions

1. Preheat the oven to about 176º C.

2. Line the cupcake pans with paper l iners.

3. In a m edium bowl, com bine al l the dr y ingredients (f lour, espresso powder, bak ing soda, bak ing powder, cinnam on, nutm eg, cloves, and sal t) then m ix i t and set i t aside.

4. Using an electr ic m ixer, blend the pum pk in, both the granulated and brown sugar, and the oi l adding the eggs in one at t im e beating wel l after each addi t ion.

5. W hi le putt ing the m ixture on low speed, add the f lour in 3 addi t ions and beating unt i l just incorporated.

6. Fi l l the cupcake l iners unt i l they are about ¾ fu l l .

7. Bake the cupcakes for about 18-20 m inutes unt i l they are golden and when a toothpick is inser ted in to the

center, i t com es out clean.

8. Rem ove the cupcakes out of the pan about 10 m inutes after cool ing them and whi le the cupcakes are st i l l warm , brush them with the coffee or espresso 2-3 t im es. Then, let the cupcakes cool com pletely.

9. To m ake the fr ost ing, put the heavy cream in a bowl of an electr ic m ixer that is f i t ted with the whisk attachm ent. W hip i t on m edium -low speed whi les lowly increasing i t to h igh speed.

10. Gradual ly blend in the confect ioners sugar and whip i t unt i l st i f f peaks form .

11. Use a pastr y bag that 's f i t ted wi th a decorat ive t ip to fr ost the cupcakes and spr ink le som e cinnam on on top (caram el sauce is opt ional). Store in an air t ight container and refr igerate.

Yield: about 2 dozen cupcakes

For the cupcakes:

2 2/3 cups al l -purpose f lour 3 tbsp. espresso powder 2 tsp. bak ing soda 2 tsp. bak ing powder 1 tsp. ground cinnam on 1/8 tsp. grated nutm eg 1/8 tsp. ground cloves 1 tsp. sal t 1 (15 oz.) can pum pk in puree 1 cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup canola or vegetable oi l 4 large eggs ½ cup coffee or espresso, for brushing

For the frosting: 2¼ cups heavy cream , chi l led ¼ cup confect ioners? sugar

To finish: Ground cinnam on Caram el sauce (opt ional)

*Recipe adapted f rom Annieseats *

Sof ia Fazal '16

Page 14: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

MoviesScar y

?The Shi ni ng?

?Hal l oween?

?Scr eam? 1

?Ni ght mar e on El m St r eet ?

?Si ni st er ?

?I Know What You Di d Last Summer ?

?Dar k Summer ?

?Tr i ck ?r Tr eat ?

?The Exor ci st ?


?Rosemar y?s Baby?

?You?r e Next ?

?Fr i day t he 13t h?

?The Conj ur i ng?

?Amer i can Psycho?

Not So Scar y

?Hal l oween Town? 1 & 2

?Hocus Pocus?

?Twi t ches? 1 & 2

?Scar y Movi e? 1 & 2

?The Cr af t ?

?Cor al i ne?

?A Ni ght mar e Bef or e Chr i st mas?

?Pr act i cal Magi c?

?The Haunt ed Mansi on?

?Monst er House??Scooby- Doo! and t he

Wi t ch' s Ghost ?

?Beet l e Jui ce??Cor pse Br i de?

Hal l oween i s over but t hat doesn?t mean t he spi r i t of spook i s gone; f r om musi c t hat ?l l THRI LL you, t o TV shows and movi es t hat ?l l keep you on t he

edge of your seat s, we?ve put t oget her a mega- pl ayl i st t hat wi l l f i l l your dr eams ( and ni ght mar es) wi t h j ust t he r i ght amount of scar e.

by Pai ge Ar di l l ' 17


Page 15: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

TV showsNot So Scar y

The Si mpsons

?Tr eehouse of Hor r or V? Communi t y

?Remedi al Chaos Theor y?

?Epi demi ol ogy?

?Hor r or Fi ct i on i n 7 Easy St eps?

Fr eaks and Geeks

?Tr i cks and Tr eat s?

The Of f i ce

?Hal l oween?

Par ks and Recr eat i on

?Meet n Gr eet ?

?Hal l oween Sur pr i se? Fr asi er

" Hal l oween"

Bob?s Bur ger s

?Ful l Bar s?

Fr esh Pr i nce of Bel - Ai r

Hex and t he Si ngl e Guy

Fr i ends

?The One wi t h The Hal l oween Par t y?

Sabr i na t he Teenage Wi t ch

?A Hal l oween St or y?

?Good Wi l l Haunt i ng?

?Mur der on t he Hal l oween Expr ess?

Scar y

X- Fi l es

?The Cal usar i ?

?Chi nga?

?I r r esi st i bl e?

Amer i can Hor r or St or y

?Hal l oween Par t 1"

?Hal l oween Par t 2"

Buf f y t he Vampi r e Sl ayer

?Fear I t sel f ?

?Hal l oween?

Page 16: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

AHS: welcome to hotel cortezAssumi ng al l f our l obes of your br ai n ar e connect ed and f unct i oni ng and you have opi ni ons wor t h hear i ng, I ?m goi ng t o come t o t he concl usi on, t hat you, l i ke ever y ot her per son of r el evance, l ove Hal l oween! And i n or der f or your Hal l oween exper i ence t o l i ve up t o i t ?s spooky pot ent i al , you' l l need t o wi t ness t he wonder f ul l y hor r i f i c new season of Amer i can Hor r or St or y: Hot el .

I t hi nk we can al l agr ee t hat season 4 of Amer i can Hor r or St or y, was di sappoi nt i ng t o say t he l east . I t was a good i dea, but t he f r eak show si mpl y wasn' t f r eaky enough, and who want s Even Pet er s i n l obst er hands? However , Ryan

Mur phy must have been savi ng up t he hor r or and t he f r eak f or season 5, Amer i can Hor r or St or y: Hot el . Wi t h mor e bl ood, sex, and gor e t han ever bef or e, t hi s season has us al l checked- i n and wai t i ng i n ant i c i pat i on f or a br ut al exper i ence at t he Hot el Cor t ez.

Lady Gaga made her unf or get t abl e debut on t he show i n t he f i r st epi sode, Checki ng- I n. Her and t he hot new addi t i on t o t he cast , Mat t Bomer , t ake a l ovel y coupl e home f or a l at e ni ght snack. . . t al k about goi ng out wi t h a bang! Speaki ng of whi ch, Max Gr eenf ei l d was st abbed i n t he back( si de) and spent t he r est of hi s st ay r esi di ng i n hi s hot el r oom?s mat t r ess st uf f i ng.

And because i t ?s t he 21st cent ur y, what hor r or ser i es woul d be compl et e wi t hout t he addi t i on of vampi r es? But t hese bl ood- sucki ng ni ght - wal ker s come wi t h no f angs and t wi ce t he bi t e, as t hey seem t o be t he most r ut hl ess and most gor geous cr eat ur es i nhabi t i ng Hot el Cor t ez.

Best of l uck t o John and hi s new x- wi f e ( i n bot h senses of t he wor d) . One mor e doubl e mar t i ni and a shot of absi nt he and he may end up j oi ni ng her mor e t hi r st y t han ever .

I n t he wi se wor ds of Li z Tayl or , ?Cont r ol i s j ust an i l l usi on?, and i t seems t he onl y per son who has i t i s Ryan Mur phy keepi ng us l ocked i n f or an unf or get t abl e st ay at t he Hot el Cor t ez.

Kal ey Gar vey, ' 16

Sp o i l e r a l e r t

Page 17: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

MusicTr i ck or Tr eat Dancef l oor

Wher e Wol f

Evi l

Cr eep

Pet Semat ar y

Af t er l i f e

Cr yi ng Li ght ni ng

Wi cked Gi l

Dead and Gone

Oct ober

Spi der head

Deat h of Me

The Funer al Par t y

My Body?s a Zombi e f or You

I Br ought a Gun

Dead Man?s Tet r i s

The Gor e

Dead Man?s Wi l l


Backst abber

Fr eak

Our Tr ut h

Ni ght Ter r or

No Rest f or t he Wi cked

Dead Di sco

Super massi ve Bl ack Hol e

RI P 2 My Yout h

Wol f and I

I bl eed

Cr eep i n a T- shi r t

Zombi e

Ghost St or y


Vi ol ence

Cemet r y Gat es

Cher r y Gl azer

Gi nger and t he Ghost

I nt er pol

Radi ohead

The Ramones

Ar cade Fi r e

Ar ct i c Monkeys

Band of Hor ses

The Bl ack Keys

Br oken Bel l s

Cage t he El ephant

Ci t y and Col our

The Cur e

Dead Man?s Bones

El vi s Depr essedl y

Fl yi ng Lot us


I r on & Wi ne

The Ki l l er s

The Kooks

Lana Del Rey

Lacuna Coi l

Laur a Mar l i ng

Lykke Li

Met r i c


The Nei ghbour hood

Oh Land

The Pi x i es

Por t ugal . The Man

The Pr et t y Reckl ess

Radi at or Hospi t al

Si r Sl y

The Shi ver s

The Smi t hs

Fear of Sl eep The St r okes

The Devi l Por t ugal . The Man

Fl oat i ng Cof f i n Thee Oh Sees

Wi t chi ng hour XXYYXX

Hal l oween The Mi sf i t s

Lesser known "Spooky Jams"

Bobby Pi cket t

Rocky Hor r or Pi ct ur e Show

Danny El f man

Davi d Sevi l l e

Ray Par ker , Jr .

Davi d Sevi l l e

Mi chael Jackson

War r en Zevon

Classic Hal loween AnthemsMonst er Mash

Ti me War p

Sci ence Fi ct i on / Doubl e Feat ur e

Thi s i s Hal l oween

Wi t ch Doct or

Ghost bust er s

Wi t ch Doct or

Thr i l l er

Wer ewol ves of London

Page 18: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015


M any of us love spor ts at school , especial ly when i t com es to playing with your fr iends. The second season is going to be one of the m ost in tense seasons of the year. Soccer, wrest l ing, cross countr y, and tennis al l l in ing up to prepare for season two M ESAC. These are very in tense on our bodies, but also need in tense preparat ion. The com peti t ion that you wi l l see in tr youts wi l l be very h igh al r eady. Your preparat ion is key, as you m ust f i r st m ake the team and then star t im proving.

The three key focuses for your preparat ion are cardio, t im e m anagem ent, and a cor rect m indset.

1. Cardio - Cardio is very tough to work on, as you need to push yoursel f. No, I don?t m ean walk ing down the stair s to go eat dinner and back up the stair s to your r oom . Do si tups, pushups, and pul lups regular ly do bui ld str ength in your m uscles. To bui ld up your cardio the sim plest act ivi ty you could do is r unning, and you don?t have to r un everyday. W hen running, you m ust set goals for yoursel f, keep them real ist ic, and get a fr iend to r un with you so you do not feel a drag whenever you need to r un. I f you don?t push yoursel f you wi l l not get anywhere

2. Tim e M anagem ent - You m ust plan accordingly to m ove forward. You cannot go in to tr youts unprepared to do everyth ing you can do to m ake the team . I would suggest you get ahead on work , studying, and projects. Pract ices take up an hour and a hal f after school everyday, which m eans you have less t im e to r elax, less energy, and less t im e for hom ework i f you are not prepared.

3. M indset - Spor ts are not very easy on you physical ly or m ental ly, so you should be ready for a long, heavy season. Al though you wi l l always have so m uch fun, there wi l l be rough patches. To m ake i t al l the way, you need to star t out knowing at what poin t you are at, and where you should go. This wi l l help you forward when you want to im prove.

W ith so m uch com peti t ion you need to be able to go out and do the very best you can and show your potent ial . M ental ly you m ust going in knowing what you expect to do. Tr youts are al l about f i r st im pressions on the coaches, so you m ust do everyth ing in your abi l i ty to im press them . Your best sk i l l at the t im e m ust be displayed to m ake the team , and then you m ove forward to im prove.

Season 2 Needs You! Louis l e r oux, '18

If you need anyth ing for season two spor ts, to get the largest r ange of choices you can go to the M odel l 's in M al l of the Em irates. Another great opt ion is to go to one of m any Sun and Sand Spor ts. Both of these spor ts out let stores have a m assive var iety of m ater ials for any spor t. Al l m ater ials you f ind there are h igh qual i ty and wi l l last you for a whi le. Pr ice is not a problem ei ther as there is equipm ent that does not cost a lot, and obviously top l ine brands that wi l l cost you qui te a bi t .

wher e can i f ind spor t s equipment f or season t wo? Louis l e r oux, '18

Page 19: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

SportsVolleybal l Boys M ESAC:

Coach: Shawn Sawyer and Arm an Aituar

Alex Abou-Jaoude, '16

Alex Cam pbel l , '17

Anirudh Anand, '17

Braden Gar r ison, '17

Dany I tan i , '17

Jad Khal i l , '16

Luiz Ol iveir a, '16

Ram sey M akhzoum i , '17

Saam Nam azi, '17

Zachary M asr i , '17

Vol leybal l Gir ls M ESAC:

Coach: Joe Taylor

Anna Nem eth, '16

Cam el l ia H aghighat, '17

Deem a Abu-Nasrah, '17

Laura Bom bala, '17

M aya Khalaf, '16

Rachel M ol loy, '18

Salm a M oawad, '16

Sarah Fekete, '16,

Sarah W helchel , '16

Valent ina Rodr iguez , '17

Var sit y vol l eybal l Mesac 2015A very heated tournam ent has just passed and al l the team s have been putt ing loads of effor t in for th is speci f ic tournam ent. Al l of the tr ain ing al l season has com e down to just 1 week . This is the m ost im por tant week of the whole season, th is is M ESAC. M ESAC is an abbreviat ion for M iddle East South Asia Conference. For al l the new k ids M ESAC is a very large tournam ent at the end of the season. The team s wi l l al l go to a designated place th is could be in the countr y our out of i t , i t depends on the spor t that you play and also the level you play at. I f you are on JV the JV gir ls and boys wi l l go together and so on. There are six di fferent schools that go to M ESAC including ASD and you know that there can on ly be one winner so i t is a very heated weekend for everyone.

The varsi ty gir ls and boys both did very wel l at DAA last weekend both team s br inging hom e the gold m edal against Doha. The varsi ty boys won 3 sets and Doha won 1 set. In fact al l tournam ent ASD went undefeated the whole t im e,not losing one gam e.The varsi ty gir ls won al l 3 sets.

var sit y t eams

Zack Yengul al p, '18

Picture was taken after the Varsity Boys won the MESAC f inals

Picture was taken after the Varsity girls won the MESAC f inals

Page 20: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015


Calisthenics and Power l i f t ing are two total ly di fferent beasts. One of which focuses on pure str ength and the largest m uscles of the body, whi le the other r el ies on range of m otion, and al l m uscles of the body. To star t , people begin tr ain ing to get in to shape, or get f i t , or lose weight. W hatever i t m ay be, you have heard of the standard P90x or other workout guides. H owever, there is a hardcore side to str ength and f i tness. And i t is th is hardcore side that wi l l actual ly give you the resul ts you want, as long as you are wi l l ing to work for i t . As stated ear l ier, both tr ain ing techniques have their special t ies. So let 's f ind out which is best.

To star t off wi th, we wi l l take a look at power l i f t ing. A spor t that 's been al ive since the beginn ing of m ank ind, power l i f t ing is al l about pick ing up heavy stuff. Real ly heavy stuff. This sor t l i f t ing al l tax the largest, heaviest m uscles of the body. Because of th is m uscle target ing, and a lack of h igh rep/ fat burn ing exercises, power l i f t ing ath letes don 't often look shredded or r ipped, instead they look less l ike bodybui lders and m ore l ike just th ick str ong m en (Strong M an is also a type of

tr ain ing). They often lack the sam e in tensi ty of visual cuts or m uscles but instead spor t bel l ies and th ick / stocky profi les. They are ul t im ate exam ples of pure str ength and power.

On the other side of the spectrum , we have cal isthenics ath letes. Cal isthenics has also existed since the beginn ing of t im e and only r equires one piece of equipm ent, yoursel f. Al though there are no real ?records? in cal isthenics, there are am azing feats com pleted by cal isthenics ath letes every day. Cal isthenics exercises focus m ore on the total body, both the large m uscle groups, and the sm al ler in ter connect ing m uscles. They are also very di fferent com pared to the rout ines of power l i f t ing tr ain ing. Cal isthenics posi t ions such as hum an flags, planches, handstand pushups, levers, ghost stepping, pul l ups, and m uscle-ups. These are the opposi te to exercises such as deadl i f ts. In power l i f t ing exercises there is often very l i t t le m ovem ent, whereas a planch requires a huge range of m otion to per form cor rect ly. This u l t im ately r esul ts in a physique that is best descr ibed as cut, lean, and shredded, lack ing the bulk of power l i f ter s.

As i t can be seen, both tr ain ing m ethods have their own ways of bui lding the hum an body. W hich one is best is u l t im ately up to you. I f you are in r elat ively good shape, and would say that you have very h igh propor t ionate str ength (str ength::weight), I would recom m end cal isthenics. Cal isthenics wi l l let you do th ings that you never thought your body could do. Also, i f you are not the m ost act ive/ f i t person, cal isthenics is great for gett ing cut and losing unneeded body fat. On the f l ip side, i f you are relat ively str ong in general , not necessar i ly propor t ionate, and you don 't m ind keeping that bel ly and som e flab, then power l i f t ing is for you. Power l i f t ing wi l l let you un leash the str ength that you hold with in . H owever, just because you wi l l be bui lding m uscle, don 't expect to be gett ing sl im m er or losing weight. Instead, expect to get heavier, but str onger. The choice is up to you, you m ay not even be in terested in ei ther. You m ay choose general f i tness, crossfi t , str ongm an (as m entioned ear l ier ). W hatever you choose, just m ake sure i t works for you. And give i t your al l .

Cl ash of t he Titans : Power l if t ing vs. Cal ist henics Rebal Abdul H adi '18

Bench Pr ess 722l bs

Er ic Spot o

Cur r ent Power l if t ing Wor l d Recor ds

Squat 1260 l bs Donnie


Deadl if t 1115 l bs

Zydr unas Sav ickas

Page 21: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

At l an ta Fal con s

The Atlanta Falcons weren?t on m any people?s radars when the NFL star ted. H owever, a 5-0 star t that included a clean sweep of the NFC East and a victor y against the Texans has changed m any people?s opin ions. Dan Quinn, form er coordinator of the daunted and vaunted Seatt le Seahawks defense (a.k .a. the Legion of Boom ), has been the spark to the Falcons f ier y star t . They star ted the season of f i r e by winn ing their f i r st 5 gam es. On defense, the team is stat ist ical ly average. H owever, consider ing that last year they were 32nd (last) in poin ts per gam e, 32nd in total yards per gam e and 32nd yards per play, average is a huge im provem ent. The biggest change is on offense, where they are showing their tr ue f i r epower. They have a star r unning back in second-year player, Devonta Freem an, and superstar wide receiver, Jul io Jones, is tor ching opposing defenses when heal thy. In addi t ion, their offensive l ine was ranked #1 by Pro Footbal l Focus going in to W eek 5. Al l th is suppor t has helped turn M atty Ice in to the star quar terback he once was and has propel led th is team to a 5-0 record. On Thursday Night Footbal l , they were proven to be m or tals when the New Or leans Saints beat them . The Falcons bounced back with a tough win against the Ti tans and they look forward to a possible division cham pionship.

M an chester Ci ty

M anchester Ci ty is off to a str ong star t in the Prem ier League. They cur rent ly lead the league table with 18 points and are look ing to get their 3rd Prem ier League Trophy. The team ?s attack is lead by Sergio Agüero (6 goals) and Vincent Kom pany on defense. They are at the top of the table and at the t im e of wr i t ing had a posi t ive goal di fference of 26, which is f ive m ore than second placed Arsenal and alm ost double United's. Their great star t is a r eason to be exci ted for Ci ty fans, but that Prem ier League is a m arathon not a spr in t, and i t 's on ly just star ted. Arsenal is cur rent ly level on poin ts wi th City so M anchester Ci ty m ust cont inue to excel dur ing their m atches so that they can cl inch their th i r d t i t le for the club and second under m anager M anuel Pel legr in i .

Fl or i da Gator s

As a Flor ida Gators fan, I wish I could say that I saw th is one com ing and was expect ing such a great star t to the season, but I wasn?t. The Gators got off to a n ice 4-0 star t to the year. They beat sol id team s. I f you consider how awful the Flor ida Gators played last year, any 4-0 star t would be great. The Gators didn?t stop there though. They were ranked the #25 team in the nat ion (AP Pol l ) and their next gam e was against form er ly #3 ranked Ole M iss, who had just beat previously #2 ranked Alabam a. In a gam e which m any favored Ole M iss, the Gators obl i terated them in the 1st hal f. At hal ft im e, the Gators were up 25-0 and they won the gam e 38-10. This propel led the Gators to #11 in the AP pol l and after week 6, they were #8. Sim i lar to the At lanta Falcons, they f inal ly lost a gam e after a fantast ic star t . Their loss did not com e against feeble foe, their loss cam e against #5 LSU (led by superstar Leonard Fournette). I don?t th ink the loss should be counted against them too harshly. This loss proves that Flor ida st i l l has work to do to r eturn to their form er glor y (the Tim Tebow/Urban M eyer era), but i t shows great im provem ent fr om their last year.

H on or abl e M en t i on : Leon ar d Fou r n et te

Fournette?s stat l ine through the f i r st 6 gam es of the season says enough. The 6?1?, 235 pound tr ue sophom ore with a 4.35 40-yard dash is having one of the best col lege footbal l seasons of al l t im e. H e?s al r eady being com pared to the greatness of Bar r y Sanders and H erschel W alker, 2 am azing yet com pletely di fferent r unning backs. Fournette had scouts drool ing as a senior in h igh school and i t looks l ike he?l l have them drool ing when he?s el igible to becom e a professional (which won?t be unt i l 2017!).

Hot star t pr o t eamsKian Sohrabi '18

image credit - Google.com, Genius.com

Manchester City Team Photo

Florida Gators celebrating a TD against Ole M iss

Atlanta Falcons Pre-Game


Page 22: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

SportsHow can kl opp f ix t he kop?

This season we saw som ething we never thought would happen (th is ear ly); Liverpool m anager Brendan Rodgers was sacked. Liverpool has had a bad star t to the season, losing to team s l ike W est H am United and M anchester United, and not having a single win in European com peti t ion (which, sadly, is com m on for Engl ish team s in Europe th is year.) for near ly 2 m onths.The replacem ent they brought in was a surpr ise; Jurgen Klopp, the m an who said he didn?t want to m anage a big club ever again, ended up in M erseyside. H e was very successful in h is two previous m anagem ent endeavours, br inging two League t i t les for Germ an club Borussia Dor tm und and sending them to the f inal of the Cham pions League in 2013 before leaving at the end of the 2014 season.

W atch your money Liverpool has m oney. A lot of m oney. And they need to use i t . W inter is a t im e for str engthening a weak team , and Liverpool are a weak team r ight now. They can also use th is t im e to secure their future; players becom e avai lable for fr ee in the winter for the next season and i f Liverpool are able to negotiate deals for key players with expir ing contracts then there is no need to go on a spending spree in the sum m er. That m oney can be used im m ediately and they m ust use i t i f they want any chance at the t i t le th is year.

Br ing in a str iker Last year they on ly scored in Europe 6 t im es fr om 8 gam es in two com peti t ions, and their top goalscorer in al l com peti t ions was a m idfielder. You could argue that Stur r idge and Benteke are dependable, but Stur r idge has had som e ser ious in jur y problem s and only appeared 12 t im es out of 38 gam es in the season last year, and Benteke won?t give you goals al l the t im e. Sure, h is goals are pretty good, however, he?s not consistent wi th them . After scor ing twice before Decem ber, i t took h im unt i l M arch the next year to score again. A str iker who can give them goals when they need them is essential for Liverpool to at least qual i fy and do wel l in Europe for the next year, and there are plenty of good candidates fr om other clubs to br ing in .

For t he Cl ub For t he Pl ayer sBr ing up morale At the m om ent, al l is not wel l at Anfield. The team seem s to have deter iorated since near ly winn ing the BPL in the 2013-2014 season, losing players that they depended on heavi ly l ike Luis Suarez (to Barcelona), Steven Ger rard (to LA Galaxy), and Raheem Ster l ing (to M anchester Ci ty.) They need to r each that peak again, but the on ly way they can do that i f they bel ieve in them selves. There?s plenty of players who are able to f i l l in those voids left and be just as good, they just need to be given the chance. Klopp needs to m ake sure each player bel ieves in them selves and that they do not need Ger rard or Suarez to be successful .

Br ing in a leader The loss of long serving captain Steven Ger rard was a huge one for the club and for the players. H e was a great leader who wi l l m ost probably ended up as a club legend for what he?s done at M erseyside, but having h im as a club legend wi l l not do anyth ing to help the club. They need to take quick act ion, and br ing in som eone who is a natural leader, and preferably a defender. This is because at the m om ent Liverpool?s defense is weak and having som eone who can be an anchor for that back l ine and give them direct ions wi l l help them to no end. I f they?re co-ordinated, they?l l concede less. I t?s a win/win si tuat ion real ly, because they get a better defense and great team captain .

Jurgen has a lot to do at M erseyside and i t won?t be easy to solve everyth ing, but i f he does, Liverpool?s tr ophy cabinet wi l l star t f i l l ing up again and the club i tsel f wi l l r eturn to i t?s form er glor y. In m y opin ion, he was a great appointm ent and one they can depend on for a whi le, as we saw with h is work at Dor tm und. I wish h im the best of luck , and that he?s able to exceed expectat ions given to h im by the club and i t?s fans.

Who is Jur gen?

Shehr yar Far ooqi, '19

Jurgen Klopp is a 48 year old Germ an professional footbal l player turned m anager who has an im pressive m anager ial pedigree, winn ing a league double in the 2011-12 season and nom inated Germ an m anager of the year twice. Before he star ted m anaging club he was a professional player, spending al l of h is career at Germ an club FSV M ainz 05 before going on to m anage said club for 7 years. H e had an overal l win / loss rat ion of 56% at Dor tm und, and brought a form er m id table club to one of the biggest clubs in Germ any.

Phi l ippe Coutinho scores for the reds in a recent win against ChelseaPhoto credi t - Fansided

Klopp sm i l ing with the Liverpool k i t at AnfieldPhoto credi t - The M ir ror

Page 23: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015


NFL Pl ayof f Pict ur e

How wel l do you know your spor t ?

Photo Credit: NFL.com

The UAE Falcons went to Singapore dur ing H al loween and played the Singapore Falcons. On the U-15 level , the Falcons em erged victor ious with a 38-0 victor y.

Dekavian Shepard (Left , black jer sey) is pictured tr uck ing a Singaporean safety in to the end zone.

Jason Cobb (Right, blue shoes) was the star of the gam e. The 11 year -old r unning back averaged approxim ately 8 yards per car r y. On defense, he had 3 plays at defensive end, dur ing which he am assed 2 QB sacks and 1 QB hi t .


Heisman Race

W ho is the top scorer in the BPL?

W ho won the Balon d'or last year?

W hich countr y has won the m ost W or ld Cup tr ophies?

W hich team has won the m ost Cham pions League tr ophies?

W ho is the the al l -t im e top scorer for the Cham pions League?

W hat Engl ish club has the m ost Prem ier League t i t le?

W ho won the recent W or ld Ser ies?

W ho was the f i r st Afr ican Am er ican player in the M LB?

W ho won the last hom e run derby?

W ho had the m ost M VP's in their M LB career?

W ho won the M VP award last year in the NBA?

W hat team won the NBA FInals last year?

W ho is leading the NFL in passing yards?

W ho is leading the NFL in r ushing yards?

W hich team has won the m ost Super Bowls?

W hich coach has had the h ighest success rate throughout h is career in the NFL?

W hich player has the m ost Super Bowl r ings?

W ho has the m ost touchdowns of al l t im e in the NFL?

Soccer BAsebal l / basket bal l FOOTBALL

Answers - Soccer - 1: Jamie Vardy 2: Cristiano Ronaldo 3: Brazil 4: Real Madrid 5: Cristiano Ronaldo 6: Manchester United Baseball/Basketball - 1: Kansas City Royals 2: Jackie Robinson 3: Todd Fraizer 4: Barry Bonds 5: Stephen Curry 6: San Antonio Football - 1: Phillip Rivers 2: Devonta Freeman 3: Pittsburgh Steelers 4: Guy Chamberlin 5: Charles Haley 6: Jerry Rice

Photo Credi t - CBS Spor ts, the NBA, and the Noisy Vuvuzela


Page 24: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Current Events

Pal est inian Fl ag Raised at t he Unit ed

Nat ions

Is Br itain going t o l eave t he EU?

Hur r icane Pat r icia hit s t he Pacif ic Coast of Mexico Zeena Shehadeh '17

H ur r icane Patr icia r ecently h i t M exico?s Paci f ic Coast. I t?s known as the str ongest storm to h i t the western hem isphere with winds of at least 165 m ph and violent r ain . The hur r icane has h i t sm al l r esor ts off the paci f ic coast. In M anzi l lo (a por t ci ty), the waves have r isen up to 20 feet but so far, there are no repor ts of in jur ies or death. Author i t ies predict that the hur r icane could cause deadly f loods ,m udsl ides, and the winds are l ikely to go up to 190m ph

In Ot her News...Wat er f ound on Mar sZeena Shehadeh '17

Nasa's latest break through is the discovery of l iquid water f lowing on M ars. By using an im aging spectrom eter they discovered str eak ing on the red planet which seem s to have ebbed over t im e. Nasa not iced these patterns in areas that were above m inus 10 degrees Fahrenheit . Now that they have found water on M ars, our future m ay be changing.

Gay pr iest f ir ed by The Vat ican af t er coming


Headl inesar ound t he wor l d

Has t he Syr ian issue become a pr oxy

war ?

SHOOTINGS AND Gun LAWS wit hin t he Unit ed Stat es













Page 25: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Current Events

Recently, the Palest in ian Flag was raised for the f i r st t im e at the United Nations headquar ter s in New York . Palest in ian President, M ahm oud Abbas, was accom panying the raising of the f lag and was arguing that i t was im m oral that the statehood of Palest ine rem ained unresolved. Abbas also insisted that the agreem ents Palest ine had with Israel were cont inuously violated and that the Palest in ian Author i t ies (PA) no longer fel t bound by these agreem ents. H e also announced that "As long as Israel r efuses to cease sett lem ent act ivi t ies and to r elease of the four th group of Palest in ian pr isoners in accordance with our agreem ents, they leave us no choice but to insist that we wi l l not r em ain the on ly ones com m itted to the im plem entat ion of these agreem ents." Israel i Pr im e M in ister, Benjam in Netanyahu's, on ly com m ent was that Abbas? statem ent was prom oting violence with in the M iddle East. The state of Palest ine has rem ained an unresolved issue for qui te som e t im e now, and enough is enough. They are f inal ly being recognized by the UN, (and the Palest in ian Flag is a new addit ion to the Em oji fam i ly), progress! The recur r ing issue seem s to have im proved recently, but is st i l l far fr om being solved.

Novem ber 29, 1947, the day the United Nations General Assem bly recom m ended the im plem entat ion of the Par t i t ion Plan. This plan spl i t Palest ine in to two separate states, the Jewish side and the Arab side. This was created to accom m odate for the Jewish refugees of the H olocaust. The idea was to form a Jewish state where the Jews could l ive peaceful ly. As waves of r efugees and im m igrants f lowed in to th is new Jewish state, Zion ism fol lowed closely behind them . Zion ism is a m ovem ent whose

m em bers bel ieve that Jews should not assim i late with other cul tures and people, and that Palest ine (what the Zion ists cal led Israel) was their land by divine r ight. I t was or iginal ly adopted by som e Jewish refugees to com bat the ant i -Sem it ic discr im inat ion after the Jews ar r ived in Palest ine. Despi te the unwi l l ingness of the Arab nat ions to al low for th is par t i t ion to occur, the State of Israel was born, which sparked the Arab-Israel i confl ict in 1948. W hat fol lowed was the evacuation of m any Palest in ians, and the denial of their hum an r ights. Today, there are constant clashes between Palest in ian ci t izens and Israel i sett ler s and soldier s. The Israel-Palest ine confl ict wi l l on ly be resolved once the two groups decide to cooperate, but before that happens, the recognit ion of Palest ine as a state should help create the awareness that Palest ine needs. H opeful ly, the confl ict wi l l be resolved soon, because innocent civi l ians in Palest ine and Israel are unnecessar i ly dying, al though the m ajor i ty of those deaths seem to have been on the Palest in ian side. For now, both sides to create an agreem ent agreem ent for the resul t that m ost want: peace.

A st epping st one t o Pal est ine's f r eedom Zeena shehadeh '17 and basel fayoumi '16










Palestinian Flag being raised for the f irst t ime at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

Palestinian and Israeli f lag

Page 26: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Current Events

W hile Russia and the U.S. have preached sim i lar m essages of ant i -ter ror ism , speci f ical ly targeted towards ISIS, the two countr ies have essential ly engaged in a proxy war with their r espect ive involvem ents in the Syr ian civi l war. The U.S. has cont inued to suppor t the rebels throughout the ent i r e affair. This past week , i t successful ly sent 50 tons of am m unit ion and hand grenades to r ebel for ces in nor thern Syr ia. M eanwhi le, Russia has been providing assistance to Syr ian President Bashar al -Assad, who faces two dir ect threats in ISIS and the Syr ian rebels to h is r egim e. Just two weeks ago, Russian President Vladim ir Put in approved air str ikes in Syr ia which purpor tedly dem onstrated their ?aim at m ak ing a contr ibut ion in the f ight against ter ror ism , which is dangerous for the United States, for Russia...and for the whole wor ld without exaggerat ion.?

H owever, the United States governm ent feels that the attacks have been ?reck less and indiscr im inate? and that they have only par t ial ly targeted ISIS for ces, im plying their bel ief that the Russian governm ent is blatant ly defending against the rebels as the air str ikes have pr im ar i ly been target ing rebel-control led regions of Syr ia. W hi le Russia has launched over one hundred air str ikes, wi th a fair am ount in ISIS-control led regions, m arked m aps show that a m ajor i ty have occur red on the border of r egim e and rebel areas. As evident by their com m endable yet fai led attem pt at tr ain ing the Syr ian rebels, ISIS is the pr im ary concern for the United States, so i t is understandable that the Russians? apparent ?m isclaim s? have tr oubled President Obam a and his Congress.

Though the U.S. cont inues to vi l i fy the Russian governm ent, there are reasons as to why they rem ain sided with the Syr ian regim e. For star ter s, the two countr ies have been closely connected tr ade par tners, wi th the regim e having purchased bi l l ions of dol lar s? wor th of weaponry. In addi t ion, Russia does not bel ieve revolut ions can tr u ly br ing any posi t ive change or stabi l i ty. The quest ion m ay rem ain as to whether or not th is tr u ly is a proxy war, seeing Regardless, i t is undeniable that th is ent i r e confl ict is one that has placed a heavy cost on the residents - the bystanders who can do noth ing but tr y and stay al ive.

Has t he Syr ian Conf l ict Become a Pr oxy War ?

Photo Credi t : Google Im ages

Photo Credi t : Google Im ages

Photo Credi t : Google Im ages

Photo Credi t : CNN News

The United States feels that Russia is not, in fact, targetting I SI S but rebel forces instead.

The Syr ian civilians remain in the crossfire between the rebels and the regime.

Chr is Yum '16

Bashar al-Assad has gained the suppor t of the Russian government in M oscow.

US and Russian involvement in the entire affair has some are questioning whether or not it is a proxy war .

Page 27: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Current EventsThe Vat ican f ir es gay pr iest af t er coming outMar ia Mor al es'19

"I t 's t i m e for the Chur ch to open i ts eyes abou t gay Cathol i cs an d to un der stan d that the sol u t i on i t pr oposes to them ? total abst i n en ce f r om a l i fe of l ove ? i s i n hum an ."-Krzysztof Charam sa

Photo Credit: Google Images

Photo Credit: Google Im


Kr zysztof Charam sa speak ing at an in ter view

Pope Francis celebrates the opening Mass of the Synod of Bishops

?W ho am I to Judge?? is Pope Francis? m ost quoted phrase. In h is few years as the Pope, he has been m odern izing the Cathol ic Church?s old-fashioned views on hom osexual i ty and overal l br inging m ore acceptance. H owever, m any people thought that the Vatican would be m ore suppor t ive when a pr iest, nam ed Krzysztof Charam sa, announced that he is gay and has a par tner. Instead, he was f i r ed fr om the Vatican al together on the sam e day he com e out.

Krzysztof Charam sa was a m em ber of the Congregation for the Doctr ine of Fai th since 2003, but was str ipped fr om his dut ies after he announced publ icly in I taly's Corr iere della Sera newspaper that he is gay and cur rent ly has a par tner. Charam sa said that he did th is to ?br ing attent ion to the issue of hom osexual i ty? but said i t was di ff icul t due to the ?hom ophobic wor ld of the Cathol ic Church?. Pr iests take vows of cel ibacy and therefore are not al lowed to have a relat ionship, whether they are str aight or gay. Despi te th is, he has said that wi th in the f i r st 48 hours of com ing out he fel t fr eedom , peace and happiness. On the other hand, the Cathol ic Church stated that the t im ing was i r r esponsible; as i t was on the eve of a Synod of Bishops fr om around the wor ld gather ing to discuss fam i ly issues, including hom osexual i ty.

I t is not cer tain whether som ething wi l l be said at the synod that wi l l change the Vatican?s perspect ive on hom osexual i ty as wel l as whether Pope Francis wi l l form al ly speak about th is issue or not. H is act ions in showing others to accept people fr om the LGBT com m unity has lead people to th ink that the Vatican would be m ore suppor t ive of Charam sa's decision. H owever, the Vatican does not th ink disapprove of h is sexual i ty, but m ore so that he has a par tner.

Page 28: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Current EventsBetween the m i gr at i on cr i si s and the Gr eek econ om i c cr i si s there are tensions r ising between EU states. The referendum of Br i tain leaving the EU is m ore possible and closer than ever.

The UK governm ent sends 350,000,000 GBP (541,718,720 USD) of taxpayers m oney every week to the EU , which is hal f of England's school budget and can bui ld and staff a fu l ly operat ing hospi tal . The m oney is then lent by the European Central Bank (ECB) to in-debt countr ies such as Greece, I taly and Por tugal . According to IM F (In ternat ional M onetary Fund) in 2015, I taly's and Greece's foreign debt surpasses their GDP by 150%. The Greece econom ic col lapse decreased the value of the euro as l iquidi ty had to poured in . I t has also created a m ore di ff icul t tangled web of the EU debt states. The EU econom y is at great r isk .

Br i tain r eal ize that the EU cannot work cooperat ively as recently seen with the cur rent m igrat ion cr isis. H ungary closed i ts borders and received a lot of back lash. Germ any broke the Dubl in Treaty which states that the f i r st countr y asylum seekers com e in to then that countr y m ust process their appl icat ion. This also caused a lot of anger between the m em ber states which blam ed Germ any for funnel l ing al l m igrants through east Europe. Austr ia for a shor t per iod ended the Schengen agreem ent by block ing road tr avel fr om cer tain poin ts.Br i tain is unhappy with the EU 4 year work benefi ts. This al lows for EU ci t izens to fr eely work and l ive in Br i tain for the f i r st 4 years without applying for special work visas provided by the UK.The EU states that th is pol icy is ?beneficial? but not to the UK. This has h i t m any young Br i ts as now real estate pr ices have r isen and f inding work is m uch harder. This has also boosted ant i -im m igrat ion par t ies such as UKIP and BNP.

The EU now is also advising Br i tain to take m ore refugees which the governm ent is r eal ly not in favour. As recently prom ised by David Cam eron dur ing the m ay elect ion that he wi l l al low m uch less people in to the UK. This r ecent m ovem ent of m igrants in to the UK has also increased Islam ophobia and ant i -m usl im violence by 75%.

As the Conservat ive par ty had a m ajor i ty win back in M ay, m any Tor ies cam paigned their way for the UK to leave the EU. Br i tain and the EU aren?t on good term s lately as David Cam eron and m ajor i ty of Br i ts don?t approve their pol icies m ade overseas at Brussels . David Cam eron stated in an in ter view with the Telegraph that "The sooner I can del iver the referendum the better. I want a prosperous and growing Br i tain and i f the EU isn?t growing, isn?t work ing and proposes m igrat ion pol icies that don?t work for countr ies l ike Br i tain then we got a problem and these problem s m ust be deal t wi th."

According to r ecent pol ls done by ICM , the num ber of Br i ts wanting to stay to the num ber to leave is 45% to 38%. 17% are st i l l unsure. Previously pol ls done in June stated that the am ount of people wanting to leave was at a low 27% and staying in the EU was at a h igh of 61%. The num bers have dram atical ly turned towards the favour of leaving the EU. The ?Vote Leave? cam paign is also gett ing a lot of attent ion and funding with Pol i t icians such as Nigel Farage and Bor is Johnson and Br i t ish m i l l ionaires such as John M i l ls being a par t of i t . A Brexi t would cer tain ly change the econom ic relat ionship with Europe however the Br i t ish m arkets are st i l l m i ld and not wor r ied about the for thcom ing referendum . M ost EU states are unfavourable of a Brexi t as i t would great ly change power with the EU, increase nat ional ism , r e-ign i te independent cam paigns and tr ade shi ft . Jean Claude Juncker - H ead of the EU par l iam ent publ icly said that 'EU is r eady to work close with Br i tain to solve i ts dem ands'.

Overal l I t is uncer tain whether Br i tain wi l l spl i t fr om the EU however with the recent favourable pol ls and the cam paign advances of ?vote leave? a Brexi t is look ing very prom ising. These pol l num bers have dram atical ly increased based on the recent cr isis? the EU had to deal wi th. W ith the for thcom ing future of the referendum , decisions and publ ic view m ight change and a cer tain predict ion cannot be m ade.

Is Br itain going t o l eave t he EU?Al ex Kush 19'

Economic Out look

European Pol icies

Migrat ion

Publ ic and pol it ical views

David Cameron's View


Current Events

Page 29: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Current Events

Chr is H arper M ercer, a 26 year old m an broke the peace in the Um pqua Com m unity Col lege, Roseburg, Oregon when he m urdered at least 10 people, and in jured four on October 1st, 2015 with h is gun. According to the BBC news, the Oregon shooting incident is the 294th gun related cr im e just th is year. Another surpr ising stat ist ic. According to the centers for disease control and prevention, U.S. State depar tm ent, year ly 120

t im es m ore people die due to gun violence than due to any k ind of ter ror ism acts. I t is obvious that ?gun violence? is an issue in the United States. M ore so because ordinary people have an easy access to guns and also because . In th is ar t icle wi th a lot of stat ist ics (hopeful ly in terest ing) , wi l l look at som e popular opin ions about gun possession and also see why i t has been so hard for president Obam a to change the law even though he has del ivered speech related to th is issue for countless t im es in sim i lar ci r cum stances.

H ere is another in terest ing stat.

The gun possession issue is h ighly r elated to every Am er ican?s basic r ight. According to the second Am endm ent, ?a wel l r egulated M i l i t ia, being necessary to the secur i ty of a fr ee State, the r ight of the people to

keep and bear Arm s, shal l not be in fr inged.? So, the quest ion is, is your r ight m ore im por tant than safety?

A survey showing what people th ink .

I f th is is m ajor i ty?s opin ion and as far as I know Am er ican pol i t ics advocates dem ocracy, then why is the law not changing?

H er e ar e som e r eason s w hy.

1. Disposi t ion of Congress is a r eflect ion of the dispropor t ionate power of less-populated, m ore conservat ive states in the Senate.

2. Gun com panies have power fu l lobby in the congress. They sure do not advocate gun control which wi l l m ost l ikely severe their gun sales.

H opeful ly, or r ather ideal ist ical ly, i f everyone would go toward better "us" not the i l lusion of better "m e", we would be able to see som e solut ions to "Am er ica's Gun Issues."

Amer ica's Gun IssuesSowon Yoon '17

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S State Department

Source: Survey conducted July 14-20, 2015PEW Research Center

http:/ /www.scienceworldreport.com/entimes-have-impulsive-anger-issues-new-study-shows.html

Page 30: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

Thanksgiving is one of Am er ica's favor i te hol idays. W ho doesn 't love eat ing gui l t -fr ee food (because i t 's that one day of the year ) and being sur rounded by al l of your wonder fu l fam i ly? Unfor tunately, in Dubai m any of us have m ore distance between our fam i ly and ourselves than we'd l ike dur ing the hol iday season, but th is doesn 't m ean you can 't spend i t around loved ones. Fr iends are one of the greatest gi fts l i fe has to offer and to m any they'r e just as m uch fam i ly as the people we share blood with. And that 's exact ly what Fr iendsgiving is al l about. W e at the Akhbar want to encourage everyone to not let such a wonder fu l hol iday celebrat ion go to waste and to em brace a very thank ful Fr iendsgiving th is Novem ber.

M s. H ickey is showing fu l l suppor t of Fr iendsgiving th is year by host ing another Very Thank ful Thanksgiving in r oom D216. She would l ike her students to com e together in a pot luck fashion in celebrat ion of their com m unity. You can sign up for her Flex to en joy th is lovely hol iday with fr iends. For M s. H ickey's advisory and US H istor y class , Fr iendsgiving wi l l be held on Novem ber 17th, and her APUSH and Sociology class wi l l be held on Novem ber 23rd. W hether you are on cam pus or off, don 't m iss out on celebrat ing Fr iendsgiving.

Celebrate Friendsgiving

Page 31: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015


FALL ISSUE, 2015if you would l ike to see your work in pr in t, get in touch

with our edi tor s...

chr is yum , edi tor -in-chief:cyum .16@asdubai .or g

sowon yoon, copy edi tor :syoon .17@asdubai .or g

kaley garvey, layout edi tor :k gar vey.16@asdubai .or g

paige ardi l l , photography edi tor :par d i l l .17@asdubai .or g

dead l i n e for studen t subm i ssi on s: Decem ber 6, 2015

Page 32: Akhbar Fall Issue 2015

