AK Summer 2021 eBook - Valerie & Valise

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A L A S K AS U M M E R 2 0 2 1E S S E N T I A LT R A V E L I N F O

A L A S K AS U M M E R 2 0 2 1E S S E N T I A LT R A V E L I N F O

A F R E E G U I D E F R O MV A L E R I E & V A L I S E

V O L . 2

Page 2: AK Summer 2021 eBook - Valerie & Valise

welcomeThanks so much for using me as a resource to plan

your Alaska trip this summer.

In this book, you'll find a brief overview of the most up-to-date information I have about visiting The Last Frontier this

year. This includes suggestions on how to deal with travelrestrictions and requirements, as well as planning ahead to

make sure your trip goes smoothly and you arrive home withonly amazing memories.

I hope you find this helpful, and that you join me for the morein-depth event I'm holing in March (details on the last page!)

Who am I?I am Valerie Stimac, the blogger behind thetravel blog Valerie & Valise. I've been bloggingfor seven years – but traveling for over 20! 

After growing up in Alaska, I now share storiesand travel resources for Alaska and the rest ofthe American West.

Head over to valisemag.com to check it all out.

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let's talkabout thepandemic...

E S S E N T I A L I N F O # 1 Obviously, the most important info you need tovisit Alaska this summer relates to the COVID-19pandemic, which continues to be transmittedwithin Alaskan communities and by Alaskanvisitors despite precautions in place.

While the rules have changed frequently sinceMarch 2020, the current modified "Phase 3/4"rules have been in place mostly since May andJune of last year.

Testing and vaccine requirements continue toshift, but I will update and share newinformation as it becomes available. Read on formore specific details about how Alaska is askingvisitors to do.

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more specific infoMasks & Distancing

At this point, in accordance withCDC guidelines, Alaskans andvisitors are requested to wear amask at all times while in publicand practice social distancing.

Testing Requirements

Currently, visitors are not requiredto arrive with a negative PRCCOVID-19 test, but it is encouraged.

What About the Vaccine?

The State of Alaska has not releasedofficial guidance to visitors whohave received one of the COVID-19vaccines.

Note that this information onlyapplies at the State level. Somecommunities and businesses stillrequire masks and distancing!

see currentCOVID-19travel info

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tours &charters

E S S E N T I A L I N F O # 2 : There are no State-level restrictions ontour capacity or occupancy, however manybusinesses are reducing capacity to helpwith social distancing.

As such, you may encounter issues withavailability for the tours and excursions youwant to do.

I always recommend making reservationsfor tours and excursions as far in advanceas possible; this is especially prudent advicethis year.

As soon as you know your travel dates,you should book as much as you canin advance! N O M A D I C | 2 4

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E S S E N T I A L I N F O # 3 As of writing, restaurants in Alaska are allowed tooffer both indoor and outdoor dining; this willlikely continue into the summer especially as betterweather makes outdoor dining a pleasant option.

That said, there are some restrictions that mayaffect your dining experiences in Alaska thissummer, including reduced capacity and closures.To prepare, here are some tips:

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Plan out the restaurants you want to dine at inadvance, and research which dining option(s)they will offer.Make reservations to ensure you can dine whenand where you want to.Bring and wear your mask when not seated tohelp reduce possible infection.

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hotels,vacationrentals& more

E S S E N T I A L I N F O # 4 Based on my research, most of the major hotelsand vacation rentals in Alaska have been able toweather the storm of the pandemic and are stillin operation.

This means the suggestions I make in my freeitineraries should be available – but they arebooking up fast!

Most are offering contactless or low-contactcheck-in options, too!

In terms of booking, I recommend doing that assoon as you confirm your travel dates. Pent-updemand from people who didn't travel in 2020will mean availability may be limitedthroughout the summer.

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need moreinfo?If you're looking for morespecific information aboutvisiting Alaska this summer –including the most up-to-date COVID-19 information,openings & closings ofrestaurants, hotels, and morein cities like Anchorage,Fairbanks, and beyond, I canhelp!

On March 31, 2021, I hostedthe Alaska Summer TravelSummit. Over 20 Alaskadestinations and companiesshared the most up-to-dateinfo available.

You can purchase access tothe video replays from thissession at any time.

Click the button below formore information:

Have a great trip!

learn more