www.theglobaltimes.in AIS GURUGRAM 46 | EDITION VIII MONDAY, JULY 6, 2020 Dear Amitians, as I listened to the speech of our Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi on ‘Self-Re- liance’ or ‘At- manirbharta’, I felt proud of the fact that my Ami- tians are very self-reliant because that’s how we have been nurturing each one of you over the years. Our multitude programmes like YRoNS, AIMUN, Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de- signed in a manner to instil in each one of you sharing, caring and self-reliance at the core. These programmes aim to equip learners with key life skills like time management, discipline, self- management, etc. ‘Self-reliance’ has been an essential part of the lifestyle in India since an- cient times. Earlier students used to be sent to ‘Gurukuls’ where they learnt to cook, search for food, clean up, serve their gurus and classmates, etc. Such system imparted the value of commu- nity service and also made the learners more self-reliant as they undertook various decision making roles and re- sponsibilities throughout their lives. In these 70 days of staying at home, most of us have learnt and are learning to do many chores on our own which we earlier probably never did. From washing dishes to doing laundry, fixing the delicious evening snack to garden- ing, we have been trying our hands-on everything. So, this summer vacation, lets continue doing them more because being self -reliant will not only make us value our life, but also, make us re- alise that we should be grateful for every small and big privilege that life accords us. G T Self-Reliance Dhriti Seth, AIS Gur 46, XII I W ith 5.11 million people testing pos- itive, the battle against COVID 19 has become more fierce than ever. Today, scientists, epidemiologists, researchers, and doctors around the world are putting in the best possible efforts to battle this contagion. With many innovations taking place every- where, a young brother-duo, Vinayak and Kar- tik Tara, aged 8 and 12 years respectively, from Haryana’s Ambala district, in India, too decided to do their bit. Their offering? A ground-break- ing automated ventilator. The making of a saviour While India was battling the virus head-on, challenges were inevitable, and some of them rather conspicuous; one such being the shortage of ventilators. The use of less efficient manual ventilators only added to the difficulty, some- thing their innovation could easily overcome. “Our model automates the process of hand pumping in a manual ventilator, minimizing human inter- vention, as is required today. When the ventilator is connected to a circuit, a balloon-like structure is compressed by a motor be- tween two wooden walls that act as artificial hands, set at a particular speed and time. All this is connected with a mobile app to accurately monitor the patient's health through it,” elabo- rates Kartik. “Though still a prototype, it has been tested and proven successful in helping the medical staff,” added Vinayak. The success story Although the prototype is ready for the world, it was not with- out some challenges of its own. “Due to the nation- wide lockdown, we were unable to go out and shop the required equipments. Thanks to our dad and our robotics teachers who made sure we got every- thing we needed at the right time,” says Vinayak. Continued on page 2... Dr Amita Chauhan Chairperson CORONA WARRIORS Pandemics know no boundaries, and neither do warriors who battle them. This special series, running across Quarantine editions of all Amity schools, is an ode to those fighters. Highlighting stories of young change makers from within and outside Amity, this special series has been curated by young reporters across various Amity branches. QUARANTINE SPECIAL Breathing Life Into A Debilitated World Vent ( it ) lator robot Vinayak and Kartik with their prototype The prototype of ‘Automated Ventilator’

AIS GURUGRAM 46 Vent it lator robot · of you over the years. Our multitude programmes like YRoNS, AIMUN, Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de-signed in a manner to instil in each one

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Page 1: AIS GURUGRAM 46 Vent it lator robot · of you over the years. Our multitude programmes like YRoNS, AIMUN, Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de-signed in a manner to instil in each one

www.theglobaltimes.inAIS GURUGRAM 46 | EDITION VIIIMONDAY, JULY 6, 2020

Dear Amitians,as I listened tothe speech of ourHon'ble PMNarendra Modion ‘Self-Re-liance’ or ‘At-manirbharta’, Ifelt proud of thefact that my Ami-

tians are very self-reliant because that’show we have been nurturing each oneof you over the years. Our multitudeprogrammes like YRoNS, AIMUN,Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de-signed in a manner to instil in each oneof you sharing, caring and self-relianceat the core. These programmes aim toequip learners with key life skills liketime management, discipline, self-management, etc.‘Self-reliance’ has been an essentialpart of the lifestyle in India since an-cient times. Earlier students used to besent to ‘Gurukuls’ where they learnt tocook, search for food, clean up, servetheir gurus and classmates, etc. Suchsystem imparted the value of commu-nity service and also made the learnersmore self-reliant as they undertookvarious decision making roles and re-sponsibilities throughout their lives. In these 70 days of staying at home,most of us have learnt and are learningto do many chores on our own whichwe earlier probably never did. Fromwashing dishes to doing laundry, fixingthe delicious evening snack to garden-ing, we have been trying our hands-oneverything. So, this summer vacation,lets continue doing them more becausebeing self -reliant will not only makeus value our life, but also, make us re-alise that we should be grateful forevery small and big privilege that lifeaccords us.G T


Dhriti Seth, AIS Gur 46, XII I

With 5.11 million people testing pos-itive, the battle against COVID 19has become more fierce than ever.

Today, scientists, epidemiologists, researchers,and doctors around the world are putting in thebest possible efforts to battle this contagion.With many innovations taking place every-where, a young brother-duo, Vinayak and Kar-tik Tara, aged 8 and 12 years respectively, fromHaryana’s Ambala district, in India, too decidedto do their bit. Their offering? A ground-break-ing automated ventilator.

The making of a saviourWhile India was battling the virus head-on,challenges were inevitable, and some of themrather conspicuous; one such beingthe shortage of ventilators. The useof less efficient manual ventilatorsonly added to the difficulty, some-thing their innovationcould easily overcome.“Our model automates theprocess of hand pumpingin a manual ventilator,minimizing human inter-vention, as is requiredtoday. When the ventilatoris connected to a circuit, aballoon-like structure iscompressed by a motor be-

tween two wooden walls that act as artificialhands, set at a particular speed and time. All thisis connected with a mobile app to accuratelymonitor the patient's health through it,” elabo-rates Kartik.“Though still a prototype, it has been tested and

proven successful in helping the medicalstaff,” added Vinayak.

The success storyAlthough the prototype is ready for

the world, it was not with-out some challenges of itsown. “Due to the nation-wide lockdown, we wereunable to go out and shopthe required equipments.Thanks to our dad and ourrobotics teachers whomade sure we got every-thing we needed at the righttime,” says Vinayak.Continued on page 2...

Dr Amita ChauhanChairperson

CORONA WARRIORSPandemics know no boundaries, andneither do warriors who battle them.This special series, running acrossQuarantine editions of all Amityschools, is an ode to those fighters.Highlighting stories of young changemakers from within and outsideAmity, this special series has beencurated by young reporters acrossvarious Amity branches.


Breathing Life Into A Debilitated WorldVent(it)lator robot

Vinayak and Kartik with their prototype

The prototype of ‘Automated Ventilator’

Page 2: AIS GURUGRAM 46 Vent it lator robot · of you over the years. Our multitude programmes like YRoNS, AIMUN, Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de-signed in a manner to instil in each one

2MONDAY, JULY 6, 2020

The beginning of an eraAre We All Actually Ready For It?

Farhan Siddiqui, AIS Gur 46, X E

At the midnight of December 31,2019, when the whole world wascelebrating the onset of a new

decade, a new year, no one could have everpredicted how disconcerted and off-the-trackthis year was going to leave us in its first halfitself. A gigantic piece of space rock almosthit us, numerous natural disasters andtragedies befell the world and of course,COVID-19 – it has all changed the waywe see the world. With over 10 millioncases and more than 500k deathsworld-wide, it has proven to be thebiggest bump in our monotonous yetever advancing paths. But it hasimposed some very important questions too.Here, take a look.

Is it the last time we are seeing apandemic like this?

The world was wrecked by the Spanish Flu in1918 that took over 50 million lives and thequestion that came up was, ‘is it the last time’?Evidently, the answer is ‘no’, because here weare, facing a pandemic that just keeps gettingworse every day. And there is no telling if wewill ever face another large out-break. Theworld has become a playground for humansand while it’s slowly rotting, nobody seems tocare enough. For, it really took another suchpandemic for us humans to stay inside, behygienic and let the world heal altogether.

Are our health systems ready for the combat?

We can’t stop the outbreaks with just travelrestrictions and locking people in their housesbecause it is not economically feasible in thelong run. The real way to make outbreaks lessdangerous is to build a global health systemand to support core health care functions inevery country, making them capable offighting against such outbreaks. If we reallywant to make sure that these epidemics havethe least possible impact, then we mustact together as one big world, wherein

every country comes together andsupports each other.

Is it the start of a Bio-War for supremacy?

Every country in the world wants to be asuperpower and there is no way of knowinghow far one can go to achieve it. China’sSARS outbreak in 2003 was and is stillspeculated to be a biological weapon used bythe USA against China. This makes peoplespeculate if COVID-19 is another one of suchplanned schemes. But nobody can be sure.Coronavirus has impacted economies all overthe world, halting all development activitiesfor superpowers like USA, Great Britain andRussia. Is it really what we are thinking it is?How much more emotional baggage is 2020going to leave us with? Well, only time cananswer that. *Alexa, bring me Doraemon’sTime Machine* G T

Since, we convert the manual ventilatorsinto automatic ones, we did not actually require much equipments. For the motor,we re-used the one used in a car’s window,and used Arduino for controlling, keepingthe design as eco-friendly and budget-friendly as possible; pricing it at around1560 INR,” further added Kartik. To maketheir product more accessible, the duo iscurrently seeking government assistance tobegin bulk-manufacturing.

The thought of it“We were horrified looking at the devastat-ing effect of COVID-19 on the entireworld. To proactively contain the spread ofthis contagion, we decided to help the gov-ernment and health workers in this fight.The prevalent shortage of ventilators cameas a threat then, crippling India in thisprocess and so, we acted out on them first,”says Kartik when quizzed about the incep-tion of this innovation. The fact both ofthem have been pursuing a course in robot-ics for over 4 years now played a signifi-cant role in bringing this concept to reality.

If the prototype gets a nod, it could play asignificant role in improving India’s currentpredicament. However, their quest to helptheir country does not just end here. Theduo is currently working on two morerobot prototypes, both aimed at helpinghealth workers. While the robots are still intheir nascent stages, the two boys have al-ready reach an advanced stage of patriot-ism, one that begins with an honest desireto serve your country.G T

...Continued from page 1


The World Teenage Reporting Project, COVID19 is a global collaboration of teenagereporters in newsrooms around the worldwho produce stories about what their peersare doing to help during the Coronavirus

Page 3: AIS GURUGRAM 46 Vent it lator robot · of you over the years. Our multitude programmes like YRoNS, AIMUN, Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de-signed in a manner to instil in each one

3MONDAY, JULY 6, 2020

A stroll to rememberAnd Lessons To Keep In Mind That Can Go A Long Way

Sayantani Dubey, AIS Gur 46, XI I

“This is so boring.” mumbled Aria,staring at her ceiling. It was aday just like the day before and

the days, the previous week and every daysince the lockdown began. For a child of 10,who thrived on her ability to play all the time,the lockdown took a huge toll on Aria. Shemissed riding her bike and hanging out withher friends.The Coronavirus wasn’t her fault,so why was it punishing her?“Maybe I should just sneak out.” The littlegirl said, jumping up. She peeped into herparents’ room. Seeing both of them busy, Ariafinally decided to go for a walk. She’d beback before they even realised she was gone.Tip-toeing across the living room, Ariastopped by the shoe rack to wear her shoes.She was so desperate to get out of her boringrealm that Aria almost didn’t care of the tightscolding she might have gotten when shereturned. She put on her mask andcommenced on a journey that felt no lessadventurous than that of Huckleberry Finn.

Hopping delightfully down the stairs, she wasalmost on the 5th floor when she heard loudmusic playing from one of the flats. The doorwas slightly ajar, so she peered inside to findan old man dancing with his daughter. Theyseemed happy, as if they were at a party. Howwere they having fun, even while stuck athome? Turning her gaze away from thedancing pair, Aria walked down another floor.It looked from the clouds that it was going torain later in the evening. What a shame itwould be to sit at home in such beautifulweather! Aria wished she could go to the park.Reaching the 4th floor, she saw a lady step outof her house with a watering can. “Are theneighbours out of town?” Aria asked the lady.“Yes, they flew to Bangalore to bring theirdaughter back home from college but gotstranded.” the woman replied. Howunfortunate! Well, at least the lady was niceenough to water their plants. Before she couldask Aria why she was going down, the littlegirl continued her reckless adventure. On the 3rd floor, Aria stopped to admire thebeautiful mural painted on the door of one of

the apartments. It showed a sick Earth lyingon a hospital bed wearing a mask, while allthe other planets stood outside the windowholding a large sign that read “Get well soon,Earth!” Aria smiled as she continued down.As Aria stepped onto the 2nd floor, the elevatordoor opened to reveal a boy holding threeshopping bags. He told her he had gonegrocery shopping to get ingredients for a newdish he was making. Who knew the collegeboy would cook for fun someday! “I feel goodtaking care of myself. The lockdown has givenall of us a chance to learn almost anything,hasn’t it?” he said, smiling, as he shut his door. Aria thought of what he said. The boy wasright- she could do anything. She could watchmovies and read her favourite books anddiscover new hobbies as well.“I can finally learn calligraphy! All thesepeople are doing their best to keep themselveshappy and busy. Why was I so sad when Ihave so much to do!” Aria exclaimed.Rushing back up and bracing herself for alittle scolding, Aria was happy to have takena stroll to remember.G T

Page 4: AIS GURUGRAM 46 Vent it lator robot · of you over the years. Our multitude programmes like YRoNS, AIMUN, Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de-signed in a manner to instil in each one

MONDAY, JULY 6, 2020 4Homebound and bored

Sanvi BatraAIS Gur 46, VIII A

The finest, mostcherished part ofschool life pops up

around May, whenexaminations are over andsummer holidays begin. Nostudying, no classwork andno homework. Summerholidays are truly the time toshut off our brains and diveinto a month long fest ofsleeping, eating, meetingfriends and sleeping somemore. Even our mothers don’tcomplain about us sleepingtill late because c’mon, it’sthe summer hols, the fun,sunny cousin of the winterholidays. Tragically, this yearour summer has beendifferent. The school quarterwinded with online classes,with students stuck at homefor months courtesy of aparticular pandemic doing the

rounds. Being quarantined athome, alone with yourthoughts, sure is fun!This year we don’t have theoption to travel to and visitcool places. We can’t evengo to our Nani’s house. Howin the world have scientistsnot developed e-travellingyet? At the beginning of theyear, we were fantasizingabout lounging in twinehammocks, sipping frothydrinks and playing in thesand on the beach.Unfortunately, this yearcalled for sleeping andeating home cooked food,which does not sound thatbad in retrospect. Oursummer vacation bucket listhas gone for a toss and allwe can do is bake bananabread. There are no new TVshows too, owing toshooting being halted in dueto the virus. The onlymovies and TV shows we

are watching this summerare on OTT platforms. Since Gen Z does not playmuch of gilli-danda or pithoo,our gadgets are our bestfriends, giving us somethingto spend hours on, because it’snot like we have any holidayhomework to do right? Aftera good six hours of staringinto a screen, life does feelmonotonous sometimes. But,let’s not let the pandemicbring us down. Although, wecan’t create medical wondersto curb the virus but we cando our part and stay inside ourhomes. There’s a plethora ofinteresting and creativeactivities to dive into from thesafety and comfort of our ownspace, be it the new cookingtrends or Instagram trends. So, maybe it’s time weunleash our creative skillsthis summer vacation.Maybe a vacation quarantinewon’t be that bad! G T

Our Bizarre Summer Vacation

As Coronavirus takesover our life, thelanguage we use has

also been infected, which iswhy Udita Pannu, AISGurugram 46, VIII B, bringsyou some new Coronaverse toadd to your dictionary.

Quarantini The last drops of your juice poured intoa fancy glass and enjoyed as you ignoreall the million things you should bedoing instead.

Zoom party The latest trendy venue to host all yourmeeting, whether an office conferenceor a gossiping session with your BFFs.

isodesk The isolated corner of the house whichyou seem to spend all your day scrollingon your phone while completelyignoring your assignments.

moronaA person who believes themselves to beinvincible and acts like Corona couldnever infect them, so they still go outsocialising and that too, without anyprecaution / mask.

LocktaiLA refreshing and cooling lemonade thathelps you deal with these corona andheatwave blues.

C vidioticlexicals

Page 5: AIS GURUGRAM 46 Vent it lator robot · of you over the years. Our multitude programmes like YRoNS, AIMUN, Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de-signed in a manner to instil in each one

MONDAY, JULY 6, 2020 5

Tanish Jain, AIS Gur 46, XI F

COVID-19 has completely changed the livesof millions of people around the world. Manyare struggling to afford a square meal are theyare left jobless. Now, if you rememberanything from economics class, you wouldknow that with the emergence of more smallbusinesses, the Indian economy wouldskyrocket. However, this pandemic has putquite a damper on those plans, not to mentionthe people who started these businesses, whoare, now, going into loss. The only way for these businessmen to stayafloat is to run their businesses online. To aidthese businessmen, social media platformshave integrated tools that make it easier forthese people to navigate through theseplatforms in the following ways:

InstagramInstagram has put forth quite a lot of measuresto assist small businesses during these tryingtimes. One of them being The Support SmallBusiness Sticker, through this, the people canshow their love and support for these smallbusinesses on their stories. Many celebritieshave been using this sticker which hasstatistically improved the variety of productsbeing advertised to the public. Then there isCOVID-19 Business Resources whichprovides for easy communication between theproducers and customers and is available onprofessional accounts. Morover, trendinghashtags like ‘#coronavirus’ and‘#smallbusinesses’ are also being used andconstant support is being provided by creators.

Twitter and WhatsAppWith their 24/7 customer support for the new-comers and simplification in the GUI of theplatform, Twitter has been doing a lot tosupport small businessmen without changingthe feeling of the social platform. Where asWhatsApp has changed its business accountplatform to allow easier GUI, communicationcomputing and linking with parent company,Facebook, which provides more facilities.

FacebookBeing the parent company of Instagram andWhatsApp along with running its ownplatform, the Facebook team has been busy.It provides linking abilities with its

subsidiaries, allowing for a simpler model. Italso provides features for business grantswhich links to Instagram as well, allowing foran interactive session with their consumers aswell as other companies. In fact, most otherprovided features are in tandem withInstagram as the purpose and feeling of it isbetter suited for business promotions.

Social media can be a powerful tool for smalland large businessmen alike. Overall, it hasbeen doing quite a lot of good during asituation where millions of people arehelpless. Hey, maybe you could finally tellyour parents that social media is not acomplete waste of time! G T

Chiseling The Way OutNot Just A Time Pass, Social Media Has Solutions Too

Fun with punsMansimar Kaur, AIS Gur 46, IX H

COVID19 is currently under the sun.Being bored at home I decided to havesome fun. Hence, I wrote some puns:

Finland closed its borders due to Co-rona. No one can cross the finish line.What do you tell yourself when youwake up late and realise you have afever? Self-I-so-late.Did you hear the joke about germs?Never mind, let’s not spread it around.Why do they call it the novel coron-

avirus? Because it’s a long story….So many coronavirus jokes outthere, it’s a pandemic.Why didn’t the sick person get thejoke? It ‘flu’ over his head.Chinese doctors have confirmed thename of the first person to contract Coro-navirus. His name is Ah-Chu.

Page 6: AIS GURUGRAM 46 Vent it lator robot · of you over the years. Our multitude programmes like YRoNS, AIMUN, Youth Power, Vasudha, etc., are de-signed in a manner to instil in each one


An Eye Opener For Us, The ‘Master’ Species Of Earth

On coffee with the virusMONDAY, JULY 6, 2020

Divyanshi ShuklaAIS Gur 46, XI G

Coronavirus this, Coronavirus that.Millions of voices, innumerableopinions. The virus has the world

feeling so shook that even earthquakes arenow working freelance. It has become anabsolute overnight sensation! A littlebackground check, the word ‘coronavirus’comes from the Latin word ‘corona’meaning ‘king’. Oh, finally, a virus whichlives up to its name! A true king. How aboutwe sit back and have some coffee with thestar itself? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, thehaunting, the daunting, the absoluteopposite of a diva, the talk of the town, theking of the meme world, COVID-19.

COVID: Are you always this fake andcheery mate?Me: Wow, you’re rude.COVID: And your point is? My life isgood, your coffee is not. I expected it to bea bit stronger because, you know, jet lag.I’ve been doing a lot of travellinglately.Me: Of course.COVID: To be honest, it’sexhausting. To be the centre of

everyone’s attention, to be the newsheadline. To be or not to be? I mean I havea lot of expectations to fulfil. The legacy ofthe virus family lies on my shoulders and Ivery well intend to uphold it. Always beena firm believer, come what may, alwaysfulfil your responsibilities. Dear God, what have I not done in the pastfew months? Shut down businesses, takenthe global economy down, improved airquality, restricted everyone from steppingout of their own houses, made virtualconferencing a reality, human contacthistory. At times I lie down in bed,wondering, ‘what did I do to deserve all thisfame?’ Then I realise what I did. That’s it,that’s the end of the story. I don’t even know what you humans keepcomplaining about. First, you need a longbreak and then when I give you all the

Netflix and chill thing you require, youwhine. No wonder you guys yourselfprefer animals over your own species. Ohanimals! We hang out a lot these days. Ipromised them I’d turn time around, havethem free, humans in cages. Kept it well.Also, the weather, oh the hawaein!Everything’s so much better with humanslocked-down. But it’s not like I’m inhuman (oops! punintended). I don’t really like taking away thelives of innocent people. Most of you thinkthat I’m the villain, that I’m the bad guy,right? Well no. You do realise that there isan end to everything? And that applies tohuman superiority too. I know humans arefierce, intelligent and all that jazz, but thatgives them no right to dominate otherspecies, right?. Every hero gives the villain one last chance.Well, this is mine to you. Let there be life.So, my dear humans, binge watch all youcan, but learn your lessons, accept the factthat you can be wrong too. Coexist in peace.Also, wear a mask and practice socialdistancing, for god’s sake. You small

number of brats are ruining it forthe rest of your kind.Me: (Wiping away mytears) I don’t know whatto say anymore!G T