Report No. 6.51/239 March 1998 Aircraft management guide

Aircraft Management Guide

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This Manual, for the use of Management personnel is issued as a guide to air operations. The Aircraft Management Guide is not related to specific local conditions but is aimed at providinggeneral guidance and procedures. The aim of this Manual is to provide a ready reference for the management of aviation. It deals with operations from the conceptual phase onwards. In doing so it addresses thefactors to be taken into account when contemplating aircraft operations, the tendering and contractual process, the setting up of support facilities and the expectations required of contractors.

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Page 1: Aircraft Management Guide

Report No. 6.51/239March 1998


Page 2: Aircraft Management Guide

P ublications

Global experience

The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (formerly the E&P Forum) has access to a wealth of technical knowledge and experience with its members operating around the world in many different terrains. We collate and distil this valuable knowl-edge for the industry to use as guidelines for good practice by individual members.

Consistent high quality database and guidelines

Our overall aim is to ensure a consistent approach to training, management and best practice throughout the world.

The oil and gas exploration and production industry recognises the need to develop con-sistent databases and records in certain fi elds. The OGP’s members are encouraged to use the guidelines as a starting point for their operations or to supplement their own policies and regulations which may apply locally.

Internationally recognised source of industry information

Many of our guidelines have been recognised and used by international authorities and safety and environmental bodies. Requests come from governments and non-government organisations around the world as well as from non-member companies.


Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publica-tion, neither the OGP nor any of its members past present or future warrants its accuracy or will, regardless of its or their negligence, assume liability for any foreseeable or unforeseeable use made thereof, which liability is hereby excluded. Consequently, such use is at the recipient’s own risk on the basis that any use by the recipient constitutes agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. The recipient is obliged to inform any subsequent recipient of such terms.

Copyright OGP

All rights are reserved. Material may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, stored in any retrieval system, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any form in any way or by any means except for your own personal non-commercial home use. Any other use requires the prior written permission of the OGP.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising here from shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

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Aircraft Management GuideFORWARD.DOC Issue Date: February 1998 Page i





This Manual, for the use of Management personnel is issued as a guide to air operations. It replacesthe Aircraft Management Guidelines, issued October 1993 and May 1996, both of which should nowbe destroyed.

The Aircraft Management Guide is not related to specific local conditions but is aimed at providinggeneral guidance and procedures. It will be amended from time to time to meet our changingrequirements.

The Manual is not to be construed as authority to operate aircraft other than in strict compliance withthe regulations of the country in which an aircraft is registered or operated.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in thispublication, neither E&P Forum, nor any of its members will assume liability for any use madethereof.

Comment, criticisms and suggestions are welcome as are any specific requests for advice, the aimbeing to ensure that aviation support is both safe and efficient.

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Amendment Effective Date Amended By DateNumber of Amendment Name Ref Ind Signature Inserted

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ICAO-ANNEX 14 Vol 1 Aerodrome Design And Construction

UK-CAP-168 Licensing Of Aerodromes (UK-CAA)

US-FAA Advisory Circular-Ac150/5300-13 Airport Design

US FAA FAR Part 77 - Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace

ICAO ANNEX 14 Vol 2 - Heliports

UK-CAP 437 Offshore Helicopter Landing Areas

US-FAA Advisory Circular AC150/5390-2A Heliport Design

US-FAA FAA Part 139 Certification of Airports, Aircraft Rescue andFire Fighting

API American Petroleum Institute API-RP 26-PlanningDesigning, and Constructing Offshore Heliports on FixedPlatforms

ICAO-DOC 9284-AN/905 Technical Instructions for Safe Transport of DangerousGoods by Air

IATA International Air Transport Association - 618 - DangerousGoods Regulations

UK CAP 434 Aviation Fuel at Aerodromes

UK CAP 426 Helicopter External Load Operations

US FAA Part 133 Helicopter External Load Operations

Petroleum Industry Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) Hand Book (UK - HSE)Training Board

International Chamber Guide To Helicopter Operations and Landing Areasof Shipping

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Foreword ............................................................................................................................................... iAmendment Record.............................................................................................................................. iiReference Publications........................................................................................................................ iiiContents ...............................................................................................................................................iv


CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ...............................................................................1-3

1.1. AIM........................................................................................................................................1-3

1.2. SETTING AN AVIATION POLICY..........................................................................................1-3

1.3. USE OF NON-SCHEDULED AIRCRAFT ...............................................................................1-4

1.4. CHOICE OF SINGLE OR MULTI-ENGINED AIRCRAFT .......................................................1-4

1.5. RISK/ENVIRONMENT - HELICOPTERS ...............................................................................1-4

1.6. OVER WATER OPERATIONS - MINIMUM SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ...............................1-5

1.7. REVIEW AND REVIEW OF AVIATION COMPANIES ...........................................................1-6

1.8. SUPERVISION ......................................................................................................................1-6

1.9. REGULATORY GUIDELINES................................................................................................1-6

1.10. AVIATION ADVISER INVOLVEMENT IN SCOUTING TRIP ..................................................1-6



1.13. RISK INHERENT IN OTHER FORMS OF TRANSPORT .......................................................1-7

1.14. ACCEPTING LIFTS...............................................................................................................1-8


1.16. SENIOR EXECUTIVE PASSENGERS...................................................................................1-8

1.17. EMERGENCY FLIGHTS........................................................................................................1-8

1.18. EMERGENCY EVACUATION BY AIR ...................................................................................1-9

CHAPTER 2 - SELECTING THE RIGHT AIRCRAFT FOR THE JOB ............................................2-3

2.1. FIXED WING, HELICOPTER, OR JOINT OPERATIONS....................................................2-3

2.2. TYPES OF AIRCRAFT........................................................................................................2-3

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Fixed Wing.....................................................................................................................2-3Helicopters .....................................................................................................................2-4Performance ..................................................................................................................2-5Visual/Instrument Flight Rules (VFR/IFR) .......................................................................2-5

2.3. USE OF NON-PRESSURISED AIRCRAFT.........................................................................2-6

2.4. LIMITATIONS OF THE HELICOPTER ................................................................................2-6

2.5. AIRCRAFT: OIL RELATED OPERATIONS .........................................................................2-7

Gravimetric and Seismic Work.......................................................................................2-7Drilling Rig Movement by Air ..........................................................................................2-8Helicopter/Tanker Operations .........................................................................................2-8Communications ............................................................................................................2-8

2.6. NUMBERS OF AIRCRAFT REQUIRED FOR THE TASK....................................................2-8

2.7. AVAILABILITY OF TYPES VS OPTIMUM REQUIREMENT...............................................2-10

Shortage of Time..........................................................................................................2-10Operating Licence ........................................................................................................2-10Military or Government Aircraft.....................................................................................2-10Military or Government Aircrew ....................................................................................2-10Commercial..................................................................................................................2-10

2.8. AIRCRAFT DATA..............................................................................................................2-10


GOVERNMENT OWNED OR SPONSORED ORGANISATIONS ......................................2-10

CHAPTER 3 - CONTRACTS AND APPROVALS............................................................................3-3

3.1. SCHEDULED CARRIERS...................................................................................................3-3

3.2. SOLE USE AIRCRAFT SERVICES.....................................................................................3-3

3.3. BID LIST .............................................................................................................................3-4

3.4. AIRCRAFT TYPE APPROVAL............................................................................................3-5

Procedure for Approval ..................................................................................................3-5Aircraft Types, Marks and Modifications .........................................................................3-5Military Aircraft Types.....................................................................................................3-5

3.5. APPROVAL AND REVIEW PROCEDURES........................................................................3-5

3.6. INVITATIONS TO TENDER ................................................................................................3-7

3.7. SELECTION OF TENDERERS ...........................................................................................3-7

3.8. TENDER EVALUATION......................................................................................................3-7

3.9. CONTRACT FORMULATION..............................................................................................3-8

Definitions ......................................................................................................................3-8Insurance .......................................................................................................................3-8Availability......................................................................................................................3-9Maintenance Considerations...........................................................................................3-9Training Costs ................................................................................................................3-9

3.10. ROUGH COSTING GUIDE .................................................................................................3-9

Fixed Costs ....................................................................................................................3-9Variable Costs ..............................................................................................................3-10

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3.11. TURNKEY OPERATIONS.................................................................................................3-10

3.12. CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR PERFORMANCE MONITORING ........................................3-11

Contractor Safety Record and Philosophy towards Safety ............................................3-11Contractor Responsibilities ...........................................................................................3-12


CHAPTER 4 - AIR TRANSPORT ADMINISTRATION.....................................................................4-3

4.1. GENERAL...........................................................................................................................4-3

4.2. START UP OF OPERATIONS ............................................................................................4-3

4.3. RESOURCING STRATEGY................................................................................................4-3

4.4. SCHEDULING/FLIGHT AUTHORISATION .........................................................................4-4

4.5. PASSENGER HANDLING AND MANIFESTING .................................................................4-4

4.6. COMPILATION OF STATISTICS AND RECORDS .............................................................4-5

4.7. AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.........................................................................4-6

Aircraft Operators...........................................................................................................4-6

CHAPTER 5 - AIR TRANSPORT ORGANISATION........................................................................5-3

5.1. AIR TRANSPORT SUPERVISOR .......................................................................................5-3

5.2. PILOTS AND AIRCRAFT ENGINEERS...............................................................................5-4

Pilot Establishment.........................................................................................................5-4Engineering Establishment .............................................................................................5-4

5.3. OTHER PERSONNEL.........................................................................................................5-5

5.4. CONTRACTOR LIAISON....................................................................................................5-5


6.1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................6-3

6.2. REMOTE AIRSTRIP OPERATION......................................................................................6-4

Airstrip Inspection...........................................................................................................6-4Airstrip Inspections Following Rain .................................................................................6-4Airstrip Manning .............................................................................................................6-5Radio Beacon (NDB) ......................................................................................................6-5Contact with the Aircraft .................................................................................................6-5Airstrip Weather Report..................................................................................................6-6After Landing..................................................................................................................6-7Extended Transit Time ...................................................................................................6-7Before Departure............................................................................................................6-7Night Operations ............................................................................................................6-8Laying a Flare Path ........................................................................................................6-9

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Security and Picketing....................................................................................................6-9

CHAPTER 7 - HELICOPTER FACILITIES ONSHORE ...................................................................7-3

7.1. PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS................................................................................7-3

7.2. THE HELIPORT..................................................................................................................7-4

7.3 UNLICENSED HELIPORTS ................................................................................................7-4

Raised Helipad for Desert Operations.............................................................................7-6Jungle Landing Areas.....................................................................................................7-6

CHAPTER 8 - REFUELLING ..........................................................................................................8-3

8.1 AIRCRAFT FUEL ................................................................................................................8-3

Source of Information.....................................................................................................8-3Types of Fuel .................................................................................................................8-3Density ...........................................................................................................................8-3Batch Number ................................................................................................................8-4Contamination ................................................................................................................8-4

Water ........................................................................................................................8-4Solids ........................................................................................................................8-4Discoloration .............................................................................................................8-4Micro-biological bacteria and fungi ............................................................................8-4

Additives in Fuel.............................................................................................................8-5Personal Protection ........................................................................................................8-5Protective Clothing .........................................................................................................8-5Static Electricity..............................................................................................................8-5Bonding..........................................................................................................................8-6Environmental Management at Airfield Depots...............................................................8-6Leaks .............................................................................................................................8-6Drain Samples................................................................................................................8-7Soil and Ground Water Protection ..................................................................................8-7Vapour Emissions...........................................................................................................8-7

8.2 INSTALLATIONS ................................................................................................................8-7

Storage Tanks................................................................................................................8-7Transportable Tanks.......................................................................................................8-8Bunding..........................................................................................................................8-9Fuel Delivery System .....................................................................................................8-9

8.3 FUELLING OPERATIONS ................................................................................................8-11

Onshore .......................................................................................................................8-11Receipts ..................................................................................................................8-11Testing ....................................................................................................................8-12Responsibilities .......................................................................................................8-13

Offshore .......................................................................................................................8-13Storage and Transport.............................................................................................8-13Receipt, Testing and Transfer..................................................................................8-13Responsibilities .......................................................................................................8-14

8.5 FUEL AT REMOTE LOCATIONS......................................................................................8-14

Supply..........................................................................................................................8-15Aircraft Fuelling ............................................................................................................8-15Drum Stocks.................................................................................................................8-15

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Receipts ..................................................................................................................8-15Storage ...................................................................................................................8-15Decanting to Bulk Storage .......................................................................................8-16Refuelling ................................................................................................................8-16

8.5. TYPES OF REFUELLING .................................................................................................8-17

Pressure Refuelling ......................................................................................................8-17Gravity Refuelling.........................................................................................................8-17System Design .............................................................................................................8-17Aircraft Refuelling.........................................................................................................8-17

General ...................................................................................................................8-17Pre-Refuelling Checks.............................................................................................8-17Ready for Refuelling................................................................................................8-18Refuelling Sequence ...............................................................................................8-18Completion of Refuelling .........................................................................................8-19

Rotors Running Refuelling (RRR) .................................................................................8-19Emergency Procedures - Fire Guard .......................................................................8-19

8.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE....................................................................................................8-20

Water Checks..........................................................................................................8-20Testing With a Water Detector Capsule...................................................................8-20Testing with Water Finding Paste ............................................................................8-21Discoloration Test....................................................................................................8-21

Checks following heavy rainfall, snow, high seas or large temperature changes ...........8-21Testing of Static Stocks................................................................................................8-21Settling.........................................................................................................................8-22Daily Checks ................................................................................................................8-22Periodic Checks ...........................................................................................................8-23

Filtration Equipment ................................................................................................8-23Hose End Mesh Strainers ........................................................................................8-23Pumps.....................................................................................................................8-24Refuelling Dispensers..............................................................................................8-24Hoses......................................................................................................................8-24Commissioning a Hose............................................................................................8-25Monthly Hose Test Procedure..................................................................................8-25Six Monthly Hose Test Procedure............................................................................8-26Bonding Checks ......................................................................................................8-27Tanks ......................................................................................................................8-27Tank Cleaning .........................................................................................................8-28Annual Inspection of Tanks......................................................................................8-28Seal Drum And Pillow Tank Commissioning ............................................................8-29

Equipment....................................................................................................................8-30Record Keeping............................................................................................................8-30Documentation and Manuals ........................................................................................8-31Training........................................................................................................................8-31

CHAPTER 9 - OTHER SUPPORT FACILITIES AND REQUIREMENTS.........................................9-3

9.1. FIRE FIGHTING CRASH RESOURCES .............................................................................9-3

International and Regional Airports and Licensed Aerodromes .......................................9-3Smaller Manned Airfields, Private Airstrips and Heliports ...............................................9-3Unmanned Landing Strips and Heliports.........................................................................9-3Unmanned Helidecks .....................................................................................................9-3Manned Helidecks..........................................................................................................9-4Considerations ...............................................................................................................9-4Scale A - Fire-Fighting Equipment..................................................................................9-4Scale B - Portable Fire-Fighting Equipment....................................................................9-5Scale C - Crash Equipment ............................................................................................9-5

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9.2. COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................9-6

Very High Frequency (VHF) Air Band .............................................................................9-6Single Sideband, High Frequency (SSB-HF) ..................................................................9-7

9.3. NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT................................................................................................9-7

9.4. TECHNICAL ACCOMMODATION.......................................................................................9-9

Engineering Accommodation..........................................................................................9-9Battery Charging ..........................................................................................................9-10Aircraft Stores ..............................................................................................................9-10

9.5. OPERATIONS ACCOMMODATION..................................................................................9-12

Flight Planning Room...................................................................................................9-12Pilot's Crew Room........................................................................................................9-13Operations Room .........................................................................................................9-13Traffic Office ................................................................................................................9-14

9.6. METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION...............................................................................9-15

9.7. SECURITY OF OPERATIONS..........................................................................................9-16

9.8. VEHICLES WORKING AROUND AIRCRAFT ...................................................................9-17

Condition of Vehicle and Equipment.............................................................................9-179.9. DRIVER COMPETENCE...................................................................................................9-17

9.10. DRIVER SUPERVISION DURING REVERSING ...............................................................9-17

9.11. FORK-LIFT TRUCKS........................................................................................................9-17

9.12. VEHICLE SELECTION AND LOADING OF CARGO.........................................................9-18

9.13. AIRFIELD GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT .................................................................9-18

Baggage Trolleys and Passenger Steps .......................................................................9-18Mobile Ground Power Units (GPUs) .............................................................................9-18Mobile Cabin Air Heating or Air Conditioning Units .......................................................9-18Body Bags....................................................................................................................9-18Stretcher ......................................................................................................................9-18Manifest and Scales .....................................................................................................9-19Passenger And Freight Booking System.......................................................................9-19Meteorological Equipment ............................................................................................9-19


CHAPTER 10 - FLIGHT CREW REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................10-3

10.1 MINIMUM PILOT LEVELS ...............................................................................................10-3

Aeroplanes ...................................................................................................................10-310.2 PILOT QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE LEVELS ...................................................10-3

Aircrew Experience Requirement .................................................................................10-510.3 FREELANCE PILOTS .......................................................................................................10-7

10.4 FLIGHT TIME AND DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS ................................................................10-7

Definitions ....................................................................................................................10-7Standby Duty................................................................................................................10-8Recommended Maximum Flying Hour Limits ...............................................................10-8Maximum Flying Duty Periods - General ......................................................................10-9

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Flying Duty Periods/Max Hours - Sole Use Contracts ...................................................10-9Maximum Cumulative Duty Hours .............................................................................. 10-10Pilot Manning - Night Standby Duty ............................................................................ 10-11

10.5 FLIGHT CREW TRAINING ............................................................................................. 10-12

Flight Crew - Definition ............................................................................................... 10-12Pilot Training .............................................................................................................. 10-12

General ................................................................................................................. 10-12Conversion Training .............................................................................................. 10-12Recurrent Training................................................................................................. 10-12Specific Requirements........................................................................................... 10-14

Six Monthly Base Checks........................................................................................... 10-15Annual Checks ........................................................................................................... 10-16Recency Checks......................................................................................................... 10-16Crew Resource Management Training........................................................................ 10-16Other Considerations.................................................................................................. 10-18

10.6. PILOTS FLYING MORE THAN ONE AIRCRAFT TYPE .................................................. 10-18

10.7. SAR CREWMEN TRAINING........................................................................................... 10-18

Initial Training............................................................................................................. 10-18Recurrent Training...................................................................................................... 10-19

10.8 SINGLE PILOT OPERATION.......................................................................................... 10-19

10.9 CABIN ATTENDANTS .................................................................................................... 10-20

CHAPTER 11 - ENGINEER REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................11-3

11.1. ENGINEER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS .........................................................11-3

11.2. AVOIDANCE OF FATIGUE - ENGINEERS.......................................................................11-4

11.3. ENGINEER TRAINING .....................................................................................................11-5

Initial Training...............................................................................................................11-5Recurrent Training........................................................................................................11-5Promotion to Senior Positions ......................................................................................11-5

CHAPTER 12 - REQUIREMENTS FOR OTHER PERSONNEL ....................................................12-3

12.1. SEARCH AND RESCUE CREWMAN................................................................................12-3

12.2. HLOS/HELIDECK CREW..................................................................................................12-3

12.3. REFUELLING SUPERVISORS .........................................................................................12-3

12.4 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS.........................................................................................12-3

12.5 RADIO OPERATORS .......................................................................................................12-3

12.6 DESPATCHERS/TRAFFIC CLERKS.................................................................................12-3

12.7 CARRIAGE OF LOAD MASTERS.....................................................................................12-4

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CHAPTER 13 - PASSENGERS.....................................................................................................13-3

13.1. BRIEFING.........................................................................................................................13-3

13.2. PASSENGER AND BAGGAGE WEIGHTS .......................................................................13-3

13.3 EMBARKING/DISEMBARKING PROCEDURES ...............................................................13-3

13.4 SAFETY AND SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT ...........................................................................13-4

13.5. DISCIPLINE ......................................................................................................................13-5

Smoking.......................................................................................................................13-513.6. ALCOHOL.........................................................................................................................13-5

13.7. AUTHORITY OF CREW ...................................................................................................13-5


13.9. DRESS .............................................................................................................................13-6

13.10. CARRIAGE OF FREIGHT WITH PASSENGERS..............................................................13-6

13.11. USE OF CO-PILOT SEAT FOR A PASSENGER ..............................................................13-7

CHAPTER 14 - HEALTH, SAFETY AND OCCURRENCE REPORTING.......................................14-3

14.1 HEALTH, SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT.................................................................14-3

Chief Executive............................................................................................................14-3Line Supervision...........................................................................................................14-4Employees ...................................................................................................................14-5Implementation ............................................................................................................14-5

14.2. HEALTH AND FITNESS....................................................................................................14-6

Periodic Medical Checks ..............................................................................................14-6Drugs and Alcohol Policy..............................................................................................14-6Alcohol .........................................................................................................................14-6Drugs ...........................................................................................................................14-7Smoking.......................................................................................................................14-7General Hygiene ..........................................................................................................14-7


Aircraft Accident...........................................................................................................14-8Aircraft Incident ............................................................................................................14-8Reporting outside the Company system........................................................................14-9Accident Investigation ..................................................................................................14-9

14.4. MEDIA RELATIONS.........................................................................................................14-9

14.5. REMOVAL OF DISABLED AIRCRAFT............................................................................ 14-10

14.6. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES - MAN MADE MINERAL FIBRES..................................... 14-10

Protection................................................................................................................... 14-10

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CHAPTER 15 AIRCRAFT AND PERSONAL EQUIPMENT...........................................................15-3

15.1 PROTECTION OF PASSENGERS AND CREW ...............................................................15-3

Seats and Seatbelts .....................................................................................................15-3Immersion Suits ...........................................................................................................15-3Life Jackets ..................................................................................................................15-3Inflatable Liferafts.........................................................................................................15-3Underwater Location Beacons ......................................................................................15-4Materials Used in Upholstery and Internal Trim ............................................................15-4Helicopter Flotation Gear..............................................................................................15-4Security of Cargo .........................................................................................................15-5Sideways Facing Seats ................................................................................................15-5

15.2. EQUIPMENT FITTED IN AIRCRAFT ................................................................................15-5

Emergency Locator Transmitters..................................................................................15-6Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR)....................................................................................15-6Flight Data Recorder (FDR)..........................................................................................15-6High Intensity Strobe Lights (HISLs) .............................................................................15-6Ground Proximity Warning Systems (GPWS)...............................................................15-7First Aid Kits.................................................................................................................15-7Survival Equipment ......................................................................................................15-7Radio Transmission Equipment ....................................................................................15-7

CHAPTER 16 - OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES..........................................................................16-3

16.1. COMMUNICATIONS AND FLIGHT FOLLOWING PROCEDURES ...................................16-3

16.2. FUEL PLANNING..............................................................................................................16-4

Aeroplanes ...................................................................................................................16-4Helicopters ...................................................................................................................16-4


16.4. CARRIAGE OF FREIGHT WITH PASSENGERS..............................................................16-7

16.5 SHUTDOWNS AWAY FROM BASE .................................................................................16-7

16.6. USE OF CO-PILOT SEAT FOR A PASSENGER ..............................................................16-8

16.7. INDEMNITIES FOR CARRIAGE OF NON-COMPANY PERSONNEL ...............................16-8

16.8. EMERGENCY FLIGHTS ...................................................................................................16-8

Fixed Wing Operations.................................................................................................16-9Helicopter Operations...................................................................................................16-9Types of Emergency Flight......................................................................................... 16-10Evacuation from Work-Site/Onshore - Day................................................................. 16-10Evacuation from Work-Site/Onshore - Night............................................................... 16-10Evacuation from Work-Site - from Base Camp to Medical Facility.............................. 16-11Authority for Despatch ................................................................................................ 16-11Search and Rescue .................................................................................................... 16-11Other Aviation Emergencies....................................................................................... 16-11Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Shore Based Aircraft (Day) ................. 16-12Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Shore Based Aircraft (Night) ............... 16-12Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Offshore Based Aircraft (Day & Night)..16-12

16.9 ADVERSE WEATHER POLICY ...................................................................................... 16-13

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CHAPTER 17 - AIR SUPPORT OF LAND SEISMIC OPERATIONS.............................................17-3

17.1. HELICOPTER SUPPORT OF LAND SEISMIC OPERATIONS..........................................17-3

Provision of Helicopter Support ....................................................................................17-4Twin Engine Helicopter Performance Considerations ...................................................17-4The Base Camp Helipad...............................................................................................17-5The Helicopter Rejected Take Off at Base Camps........................................................17-5Line Helipads ...............................................................................................................17-6

17.2. SEISMIC BASE CAMP CONSIDERATIONS .....................................................................17-6

Location .......................................................................................................................17-6General Layout of the Base Camp................................................................................17-7Helicopter Parking Areas..............................................................................................17-8

17.3. CARGO AND PASSENGER HANDLING...........................................................................17-8

17.4. ACCOMMODATION (LIVING AND WORKING) ................................................................17-8

Flight Operations Office ...............................................................................................17-9Engineering Facilities ...................................................................................................17-9Sleeping Quarters ...................................................................................................... 17-10

17.5. AVIATION FUEL ............................................................................................................. 17-10

17.6. BASE CAMP HELIPAD LIGHTING.................................................................................. 17-11

17.7. BASE CAMP LOCATION AIDS....................................................................................... 17-11

17.8. BASE CAMP COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................. 17-11

17.9. FOCAL POINT PERSONNEL.......................................................................................... 17-12

Company/Contractor Liaison ...................................................................................... 17-12Base Camp Personnel................................................................................................ 17-12Air Operations Supervisor .......................................................................................... 17-12Pilots .......................................................................................................................... 17-133D Seismic Operations............................................................................................... 17-13Engineers ................................................................................................................... 17-14Refuellers................................................................................................................... 17-14Loadmasters (also known as Hookmen, Marshallers).................................................. 17-14Radio Operators ......................................................................................................... 17-14Winch Operators ........................................................................................................ 17-15Training...................................................................................................................... 17-15Explanatory Note on Pilots Qualifications and Training............................................... 17-15

17.10. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT................................................................ 17-15

17.11. HELICOPTER OPERATORS .......................................................................................... 17-16

Aircraft Scheduling ..................................................................................................... 17-16Air Operations Safety Meetings .................................................................................. 17-16Responsibilities of the Contractor ............................................................................... 17-16Pilots remaining at the Controls of the Helicopter ....................................................... 17-17Radio Communications .............................................................................................. 17-17Flight Following .......................................................................................................... 17-17Search and Rescue .................................................................................................... 17-18Helicopter Winches .................................................................................................... 17-18Crash Rescue Boxes .................................................................................................. 17-18Emergency Locator Transmitters, Aircraft Homing Devices and Survival Equipment..17-18

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Navigation Equipment ................................................................................................ 17-19Lifting Equipment ....................................................................................................... 17-19Helicopter Cargo Hooks.............................................................................................. 17-20External Load Operations ........................................................................................... 17-20Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Restricted Articles)..................................................... 17-21Rotors Running Refuelling.......................................................................................... 17-22Use of Helicopters and Facilities by Third Parties ....................................................... 17-23

17.12. LONG LINE SEISMIC SUPPORT ................................................................................... 17-23

Basis for Requirement ................................................................................................ 17-23Conventional Operations ............................................................................................ 17-24Long Line Operations ................................................................................................. 17-24Considerations ........................................................................................................... 17-24Helicopter and Equipment Selection for Long Line Operations ................................... 17-25Trace Baskets ............................................................................................................ 17-25Dropping Zones (D.S.s) .............................................................................................. 17-25Personnel - Pilots ....................................................................................................... 17-26Personnel - Crewmen................................................................................................. 17-26Personnel - Hookman................................................................................................. 17-26

17.13. SEISMIC LINE OPERATIONS ........................................................................................ 17-26

Landing Areas and Clearings...................................................................................... 17-26Line Helipads in Desert Areas (Special Considerations).............................................. 17-27Line Helipads in Mountainous Areas (Special Considerations) .................................... 17-27Line Helipads in Jungle Areas (Special Considerations).............................................. 17-28Ground to Air Communications................................................................................... 17-29Hazards...................................................................................................................... 17-29Aircraft Shutdown....................................................................................................... 17-30Administration and Documentation ............................................................................. 17-30

CHAPTER 18 - HELIRIG OPERATIONS.......................................................................................18-3

18.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................................................18-3

Provision of Helicopter Support ....................................................................................18-3Helicopter Contract.......................................................................................................18-4

18.2. HELICOPTERS.................................................................................................................18-4

18.3. BASE AIRPORT FACILITIES............................................................................................18-5

Buildings ......................................................................................................................18-5Hard-Standings and Aprons..........................................................................................18-5Service and Ground Equipment....................................................................................18-5Aviation Fuel ................................................................................................................18-6Base Camp Facilities and Procedures ..........................................................................18-7Personnel .....................................................................................................................18-7Safety...........................................................................................................................18-7Specific Items...............................................................................................................18-8Emergencies ................................................................................................................18-9Standards and Practices...............................................................................................18-9Communications ..........................................................................................................18-9Publications and Documentation ..................................................................................18-9Designed Documentation ........................................................................................... 18-10Accounting ................................................................................................................. 18-10Flying Programme...................................................................................................... 18-11Manifests and Loadsheets .......................................................................................... 18-11Refuelling Sheets ....................................................................................................... 18-11Medical Evacuation .................................................................................................... 18-11

18.4. RIGSITE ......................................................................................................................... 18-11

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Considerations ........................................................................................................... 18-11Equipment.................................................................................................................. 18-12Fuel Storage and Consumption .................................................................................. 18-13Jet A-1 Refuelling Units.............................................................................................. 18-14

18.5. JET A-1/DIESEL FUEL TRANSPORTATION - SEAL DRUMS ........................................ 18-14

Identification............................................................................................................... 18-1518.6. HELIRIG ......................................................................................................................... 18-15

Pre-Rig Arrival............................................................................................................ 18-15Rig in Broken Down State........................................................................................... 18-15Rig Arrival .................................................................................................................. 18-16Rig Mobilisation.......................................................................................................... 18-16Rig Assembly ............................................................................................................. 18-16Demobilisation/Rig Move............................................................................................ 18-17

18.7. LOADMASTER ............................................................................................................... 18-18

18.8. HELICREW EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................... 18-19

18.9. HELIRIG SLING EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................ 18-20

18.10. HELICOPTER LOADS...................................................................................................... 18-21

Casing........................................................................................................................ 18-21Consumables, General ............................................................................................... 18-21Consumables, Mud Chemicals ................................................................................... 18-21Consumables, Cement ............................................................................................... 18-21Consumables, Barytes................................................................................................ 18-21

CHAPTER 19 - OFFSHORE EXPLORATION ...............................................................................19-3

19.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................................................19-3

19.2. POLICY ON OVERWATER FLIGHTS...............................................................................19-3

19.3. ADVERSE WEATHER POLICY ........................................................................................19-3

19.4. OFFSHORE ALTERNATES ..............................................................................................19-3


19.6. PASSENGER HANDLING FACILITIES.............................................................................19-5

19.7. MAINTENANCE FACILITIES ............................................................................................19-6

19.8. AIRFIELD REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................19-7

19.9. OFFSHORE HELIDECKS .................................................................................................19-7

Design and Construction...............................................................................................19-7Maintenance and Inspection .........................................................................................19-8Fire Fighting and Crash Rescue Equipment..................................................................19-8Passenger Facilities .....................................................................................................19-9

19.10. EMERGENCY GAS RELEASE ON OFFSHORE PLATFORMS ........................................19-9

19.11. EMERGENCY GAS RELEASE ON OFFSHORE PLATFORMS - NORMALLY UNATTENDEDINSTALLATIONS (NNMP)............................................................................................... 19-10

19.13. SHUTTING DOWN A HELICOPTER ON A REMOTE INSTALLATION ........................... 19-10

19.14. HELICOPTER OPERATIONS DURING PRODUCTION TESTING.................................. 19-11

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19.15. SAFETY AND SURVIVAL ............................................................................................... 19-11

19.16. HELICOPTERS BASED OFFSHORE ............................................................................. 19-12

19.17. SAFETY UNDER THE ROTOR DISC ON OFFSHORE HELIDECKS.............................. 19-12

19.18. HEIGHT OF ROTOR DISC ............................................................................................. 19-12

19.19. ROTOR SPEED.............................................................................................................. 19-13

19.20. EFFECT OF WIND AND MOVEMENT OF HELIDECK ................................................... 19-13

19.21. SIZE OF HELIDECKS AND POSITION OF ACCESS POINTS ....................................... 19-13

19.22. NUMBER OF AIRCREW AND ACTIVITY........................................................................ 19-13

Heli-Admin ................................................................................................................. 19-13Helicopter Operators .................................................................................................. 19-13HLO ........................................................................................................................... 19-14Passengers ................................................................................................................ 19-15Cranes ....................................................................................................................... 19-16

19.23. HELICOPTER UNDERWATER ESCAPE TRAINING (HUET) ......................................... 19-16

19.24. MEDICAL EVACUATION (MEDEVAC) FROM OFFSHORE............................................ 19-16


19.26. MOTION LIMITS FOR LANDING ON MOVING DECKS.................................................. 19-17

CHAPTER 20 - OTHER SPECIALISED OPERATIONS ................................................................20-3

20.1. AERIAL TOP SPRAYING..................................................................................................20-3

20.2. OIL DISPERSANT SPRAYING .........................................................................................20-4

20.3. WINCH OPERATIONS .....................................................................................................20-4

Emergency Winch Capability........................................................................................20-4Winch Equipment.........................................................................................................20-5Empty Winch Hooks.....................................................................................................20-5

20.4. HELICOPTER EXTERNAL LOAD OPERATIONS .............................................................20-5

Specialist Personnel .....................................................................................................20-6Pilots .......................................................................................................................20-6Aircrewmen .............................................................................................................20-6Loadmasters............................................................................................................20-6

Lifting Equipment .........................................................................................................20-6Personal Protective Equipment ....................................................................................20-7

20.5. SAR PROCEDURES.........................................................................................................20-7

20.6. DESERT OPERATIONS ...................................................................................................20-8

20.7. COLD WEATHER OPERATIONS .....................................................................................20-8

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Part 1 - Management Considerations Determination of Air Transport Requirement

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CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................. 1-3

1.1. AIM....................................................................................................................................... 1-3

1.2. SETTING AN AVIATION POLICY........................................................................................ 1-3

1.3. USE OF NON-SCHEDULED AIRCRAFT.............................................................................. 1-4

1.4. CHOICE OF SINGLE OR MULTI-ENGINED AIRCRAFT ..................................................... 1-4

1.5. RISK/ENVIRONMENT - HELICOPTERS.............................................................................. 1-4

1.6. OVER WATER OPERATIONS - MINIMUM SAFETY REQUIREMENTS .............................. 1-5

1.7. REVIEW AND REVIEW OF AVIATION COMPANIES .......................................................... 1-6

1.8. SUPERVISION ..................................................................................................................... 1-6

1.9. REGULATORY GUIDELINES .............................................................................................. 1-6

1.10. AVIATION ADVISER INVOLVEMENT IN SCOUTING TRIP ................................................ 1-6

1.11 HOW THE AVIATION ADVISER CAN ASSIST IF NO SCOUTING TRIP IS CARRIEDOUT ..................................................................................................................................... 1-7


1.13. RISK INHERENT IN OTHER FORMS OF TRANSPORT ..................................................... 1-7

1.14. ACCEPTING LIFTS ............................................................................................................. 1-8

1.15. FLIGHTS ON GROUP COMPANY BUSINESS BY PRIVATE PILOT LICENCEHOLDERS............................................................................................................................ 1-8

1.16. SENIOR EXECUTIVE PASSENGERS ................................................................................. 1-8

1.17. EMERGENCY FLIGHTS ...................................................................................................... 1-8

1.18. EMERGENCY EVACUATION BY AIR.................................................................................. 1-9

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1.1. Aim

1.1.1. The aim of this Manual is to provide a ready reference for the management of aviation.It deals with operations from the conceptual phase onwards. In doing so it addresses thefactors to be taken into account when contemplating aircraft operations, the tenderingand contractual process, the setting up of support facilities and the expectations requiredof our contractors.

1.1.2. Clearly the Air Transport Industry is enormous, with its own accepted structures,processes and standards. However, these do not necessarily relate directly to thepractices, procedures and requirements of the Oil Industry, whilst those responsible formanaging aviation, particularly if they are not aviation specialists, cannot hope todevelop immediate expertise. This Manual and the readily available support fromAviation Advisers, should enable them to plan, develop and control, safely andefficiently, air transport operations that are best suited to their needs.

1.2. Setting an Aviation Policy

1.2.1. Companies should consider the establishment of an Aviation Policy to provide guidelinesfor the safe, economic and efficient use of aircraft in support of Company operations.Such a policy would apply equally to Company and contractors` personnel.

1.2.2. As an example the aviation policy could require that: Preference be given to the use of those international airlines and regionalcarriers with low accident rates. Where any doubt exists, advice is shouldbe sought from an aviation adviser. Exposure to high risk operations should be minimised. In this regard, fixedwing aircraft flying into established airports are to be preferred to operationsinto airstrips or flight by helicopter. For all aviation activities, other than scheduled airline travel, only aircraftoperators and aircraft types approved for use by the accredited AviationAdviser should be used. Contracted aircraft are to be operated only by aircrew, and maintained byengineers, meeting specified minimum qualifications, and experience andcurrency requirements. Aircraft operators are to meet Company Insurance requirements. Specific operational restrictions may be applied, taking account of thecontractor and local environment; amongst these will be the requirement tooperate to public transport standards and to meet airfield performancecriteria. The decision to use aircraft should be weighed against the alternatives ofusing other forms of travel, taking full account of operational, economicand, above all, safety implications.

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1.3. Use of Non-Scheduled Aircraft

1.3.1. When travel by non-scheduled aeroplane or helicopter is deemed appropriate, this maybe on dedicated contract aircraft, by spot charter or on aircraft of joint venture partners.In these cases, specialist advice should be sought from the Aviation Adviser regardingthe approval status of the aircraft operator and aircraft type, and the qualifications of thepilots to be used.

1.3.2. The operator must always be properly licensed for the task, in terms of both operationsand maintenance. Pilots and engineers should meet as a minimum the requirements setout in this Manual.

1.3.3. The normal flight crew complement is to be 2 pilots although single pilot operations areacceptable in certain circumstances. Guidance should be sought from the AviationAdviser when single pilot operations are proposed.

1.4. Choice of Single or Multi-Engined Aircraft

1.4.1. A major requirement is that at all times from take-off to landing, including the en routephase, in the event of an engine failure, the fixed wing aircraft must be able to make asafe emergency landing and the helicopter a safe autorotative landing. A safe landing isdefined as the aircraft being substantially undamaged and the occupants unhurt. Thismay restrict the use of single engine aircraft for use in harsh environments and for nightoperations and flight under IFR conditions. Only twin engine helicopters crewed by twoqualified night current instrument pilots shall be used for all IFR and any night flightoperations.

1.4.2. Where flight routes are at relatively lower levels, over short distances and favourableterrain, and supported by closely monitored flight following with back up Search andRescue resources, day Visual Meteorological Conditions, i.e. Visual Flight Rules (VFR),single engine aircraft may be acceptable (e.g., seismic or geology support or floatplanes).

NOTE: A qualified aviation consultant should be contacted prior to chartering/contracting for single engine aeroplanes.

1.4.3. Certification standards for twin engine aeroplanes vary significantly relative todemonstrated and documented performance criteria. Those aeroplanes certificated toFederal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 25 (or equivalent such as JAR 25) have higherperformance criteria than those certificated to FAR Part 23 (or equivalent). A qualifiedaviation consultant should be contacted to assist in the selection of an appropriate twinengine aeroplane. Major considerations in the selection of an aeroplane are,performance, runway requirement, including type of surface, airport elevation, obstacleclearance, terrain, and mission requirements.

1.4.4. Wherever practical those aircraft that are certificated to Part 25 or JAR 25, or havedemonstrated and published single engine performance which meets the criteria of Part25 should be used.

1.4.5. It is further recommended that turbine powered twin engine aeroplanes crewed with twopilots be used wherever practical.

1.5. Risk/Environment - Helicopters

1.5.1. In determining the class of helicopter to be specified for a specific contract, factors to beconsidered are harsh and non-harsh operating environments. The environment mayaffect the methods of operation and the equipment selected. Risk factors to beconsidered in assessing and characterising the environment are:

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Geographical characteristics of the operating area

Politically sensitive areas

Weather conditions, including temperatures

Performance characteristic of the helicopter

Search and rescue resources and response time.

1.5.2. Harsh or Hostile Environment: For this operating environment, a Class I or Class IIperformance helicopter should be specified because it is an environment in which asuccessful emergency landing cannot be assured, or the occupants of the helicoptercannot be adequately protected from the elements, or search and rescueresponse/capability cannot be provided consistent with the anticipated exposure.

1.5.3. Non-Harsh or Non-Hostile Environment: For this operating environment, a Class I, ClassII, or Class III performance helicopter may be specified because it is an environment inwhich a successful emergency landing can be reasonably assured, the occupants can beprotected from the elements, and search and rescue response/capability is providedconsistent with anticipated exposure. The definition of Class I, II and III is found at19.5.8.

1.6. Over Water Operations - Minimum Safety Requirements

1.6.1. Only twin engine helicopters should be used when operating in a harsh environment suchas remote jungle, arctic conditions, or cold weather water offshore operations, and whensearch and rescue resources are limited. These helicopters when operated over watershall also be fitted with flotation equipment. The helicopter will also carry life rafts.Double-sided reversible life rafts are recommended for offshore helicopter operations.Transport helicopters shall carry two rafts as a minimum each capable of 50% overloadso that in the overload condition one raft will contain all helicopter occupants. Wherepossible, and given the option, it is desirable that life rafts be externally jettisonable.Depending on water temperatures and search and rescue response time and resources,passengers may have to wear an approved immersion suit and with approved life vest.

1.6.2. Single Engine - if permitted by local regulatory authorities, single-engine helicopters maybe operated over open water beyond auto-rotational distance from land provided ALL ofthe following conditions are met:

• The environment is determined to non-harsh or non-hostile

• Daytime VFR operations, and the helicopter shall be on the helideck offshoreor on the beach 30 minutes prior to official sunset.

• The helicopter is fitted with flotation devices

• Inflatable buoyancy vest worn by each person on board

• Each helicopter is fitted with a life raft secured to the helicopter by a lanyard

• Water temperatures are above 60°F

• Acceptable Search/Rescue Services available

• Helicopter operations are conducted with constant radio watch

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• Helicopter characteristics have been demonstrated by experience to providesafe emergency landings and terrain survivability

1.7. Review and Review of Aviation Companies

1.7.1 Any aircraft operator invited to tender should be reviewed and approved by the AviationAdvisor. Furthermore, all operators should be reviewed on a regular basis.

1.7.2 Operators used for Ad hoc charter flights are also subject to review. Should this not bepractical, an exceptional “one off clearance” may be given subject to certain criteriabeing met and accepted, although it must be recognized that this provides lessassurance about the safety of the operation and the contractor’s suitability for theproposed task.

1.8. Supervision

1.8.1. All Companies using aircraft should have a nominated focal point, responsible foroverseeing aviation activities in accordance with the advice laid down in this manual.Advice is available at all times from the nominated Aviation Adviser, and thisadvice is supplemented by the "Guidance to Air Operations Supervisors" bookletissued by E&P Forum.

1.9. Regulatory Guidelines

1.9.1. Most Governments have some form of Civil Aviation Authority, the function of which is tolay down standards for both the aircraft and the manner in which they are operated.However, Aviation Authorities vary in their effectiveness and standards, although a goodaircraft operator may apply more exacting standards than those legislated. Indeed, eventhe best Aviation Authority can only lay down minimum standards, and the ultimateresponsibility for safety in the air lies with the aircraft operator.

1.9.2. This Manual has been formulated from both best industry practice and the regulations ofthe leading regulatory authorities; it does not however, seek to impose unreasonably highstandards. Indeed, additional requirements may be imposed on any operation by thecivil aviation authority in the host country.

1.10. Aviation Adviser Involvement in Scouting Trip

1.10.1. Aviation Adviser involvement, in the early stages of planning a new venture whereaircraft transport, is an option which has proved invaluable in arriving at the optimumsolution for aviation transport requirements. In such cases, Aviation Adviserrepresentation on the scouting team provides the necessary expertise to evaluateinfluencing factors such as terrain, distances, climate, SAR facilities, and make timelyrecommendations. In remote and developing areas, a considerable lead time (typically aminimum of six months) may be required to ensure availability of suitable aircraftoperated by an approved contractor.

1.10.2. To varying degrees, all types of aircraft will require ground facilities, and the location andsiting of runways, helicopter operating area, hangarage and aviation administrationfacilities require careful consideration in order to minimise 'dead' flying time, whileproviding adequate support. Adequate lead time is also required for the planning ofthese facilities.

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1.11. How the Aviation Adviser Can Assist If No Scouting Trip is Carried Out

1.11.1. Aviation Adviser involvement at the earliest possible stage is encouraged, as details ofoperating performance of various aircraft types are held, and the necessary expertiseexists for interpreting these parameters in the context of the potential operatingenvironment. The most suitable aircraft for the task is essential if the operation is to besafe and ton/mile or seat/mile costs are to be minimised. Should analysis of the potentialtraffic show that load and frequency requirements can be met with a single aircraft,before letting such a contract account should be taken of the need for continuousavailability (which cannot be guaranteed with only one aircraft on site), and the need formutual search and rescue support if adequate coverage is not provided by local civil ormilitary authorities. As an alternative to a sole use or 'hull' charter, if the local aviationindustry is sufficiently well developed, it may be possible to enter into a serviceagreement for "call-off" as required from a pool of suitable aircraft.

1.12. Logistic Difficulties Affecting Operating Company Objectives

1.12.1. Where large numbers of personnel have to be moved over long distances on a regularbasis, a dedicated aircraft service should be considered. Regular scheduled servicesmay be available, or offered by a national airline, and, if so, block booking of seats willinvariably represent the most economical option, although standards vary widely, andbefore selecting such an option Aviation Adviser advice should be sought.

1.12.2. Where distances are relatively short, but no infrastructure exists, then charter of asmaller aircraft is likely to prove necessary. Chapter 2 deals with the advantages anddisadvantages of various types of aircraft, but at the stage of assessing whether or not airtransport will be required or cost-effective, it is important to realise that the simpler (andcheaper) unpressurised aircraft may be incapable of crossing safely high mountainranges, or avoiding severe weather.

1.12.3. Only in exceptional cases will the carriage of freight alone justify the regular use of airtransport, such as for the deployment of high-cost rented specialist equipment, or whereland transportation is either impracticable or prohibitively expensive.

1.13. Risk Inherent in Other Forms of Transport

1.13.1. Aviation support generally, and particularly the use of helicopters in areas whereinfrastructure is poor or non-existent, should be considered not only against costs, butalso against the risk to personnel and costly equipment when transported by othermeans.

1.13.2. As a general rule, over the shorter distances where roads are well developed or watersare calm, surface transport is preferred. However, this may not always be the case andanalysis of the factors is required.

1.13.3. For example, in desert areas with poorly marked tracks, the possibility and consequencesof drivers becoming lost can be significant. In mountainous regions, where roads arebadly constructed or maintained, land transport may also be hazardous. Also, wheredriving standards are generally low, the risk of collision is a factor, particularly at night.

1.13.4. In offshore operations, it has been found that, even with the facilities located close to thecoastline, it may not always be practical to transfer personnel from marine craft, to thefixed structure in conditions of poor weather or heaving seas. For this reason helicoptersare invariably used, at least for much of the year.

1.13.5. Terrorism can also be a significant risk, both on the ground and in scheduled airlines.Where operations take place in such areas, sole-use aircraft may represent the onlysecure form of transport.

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1.14. Accepting Lifts

1.14.1. Personnel are sometimes offered lifts in private aircraft or in aircraft operated byunreviewed or non-approved companies. In such cases the Aviation Adviser is unable tocomment on the operators 'Safety'.

1.14.2. For this reason, accepting 'lifts' on aircraft is discouraged when travelling on business; insuch cases the unknown safety risk should be weighed against the importance to thebusiness relationship, as well as any possible embarrassment, in declining a seeminglyreasonable offer. Conversely, Corporate operations tend to be at the safe end of generalaviation and the Aviation Adviser may well be able to provide guidance on a particularoperation. At the very least, prospective passengers should check that their personalinsurance is not adversely affected by flying in a privately operated aircraft.

1.15. Flights on Company Business by Private Pilot Licence Holders

1.15.1. From time to time, enquiries are received from Company employees holding PPL aboutthe policy for use of private aeroplanes when travelling on Company business.

1.15.2. Stringent operating and technical standards are required of aircraft contractors orcompany aviation departments before approval is given to operate services in support ofCompanies, and it is unlikely that a non-professional pilot will meet either thequalification/experience requirements or that maintenance standards of his aircraft wouldbe acceptable. The type of aircraft normally owned by private individuals is also unlikelyto be approved, and for these reasons, private flying on company business is notrecommended.

1.16. Senior Executive Passengers

1.16.1. In Companies with a large management team and limited, heavily utilised aircraftservices, the question frequently arises whether senior executives should fly together inthe same aircraft. On this difficult matter there can be no hard and fast rule, butconsideration should be given to limiting the number of senior executives flying in thesame aircraft be it on a scheduled service, chartered or company owned aircraft.

1.16.2. The criteria used by the Aviation Adviser when evaluating types of aircraft and suitabilityof operators to transport Company personnel are designed to determine that charteredoperations may be conducted at a level of safety compatible with the Company safetypolicy.

1.17. Emergency Flights

1.17.1. Even if aircraft are not employed on day to day business, Companies should considerinclusion of an emergency flight Medrescue procedure in their Company EmergencyProcedure Guide. Such arrangements would be a sensible precaution in those areaswhere operations take place far from proper medical facilities.

1.17.2. In some cases, particularly remote areas, it may well be possible to pool emergencyrequirements with third parties.

1.17.3. If aircraft for use in emergency are not available in the country in which operations areconducted, it may be possible to arrange evacuation to a suitable medical facility by use(on contract or otherwise) of an aircraft based in a convenient location in an adjacentstate.

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1.18. Emergency Evacuation by Air

1.18.1. The Aviation Adviser is available for advice and for support in the provision of aircraftoutside the Companies resources.

1.18.2. Contingency plans should be prepared for the evacuation of Company personnel andtheir families in an emergency. Contingency plans should take into account : The number of people involved (Company - Contractors - families). The nearest suitable airfield as a safe haven. If no bulk fuel of theappropriate type (usually Jet A-1) is available there, drum fuel of therequired type with pump should be pre-positioned, stored correctly, andmaintained in date by rotation. Alternative airfield. This should be a less obvious staging post in case thewhole operation has to be re-located in the last minute due to unforeseencircumstances. Whether passengers can be moved onward from the safe haven? If not,where from? With what (helicopter)? Using likely available resources, the time needed to complete theevacuation. The names of appropriate local contacts, including telephone/fax numbers.This should include Managers of the expatriate companies with transportaircraft (f/w and r/w) or marine vessels, such as barges etc. The Corporate contact number (Co-ordination and Aviation Adviser), andpossible local contacts with HF or SATCOM communication equipment Internal communications for co-ordinating the evacuation, (e.g. companyVHF-FM radio system). Diplomatic clearance, lead time, and who obtains them. Local contacts inall western diplomatic representations should be established. Flight authorisation (who gives the final word and under what condition canhis deputy - name - authorise the evacuation). The absolute minimum baggage case (5kg per family) and the standardbaggage case (20kgs per person) should be specified as appropriate whenlimited air lift capacity is available.

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Part 1 - Management Considerations Selecting the Right Aircraft for the Job

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CHAPTER 2 - SELECTING THE RIGHT AIRCRAFT FOR THE JOB ................................................2-3

2.1. FIXED WING, HELICOPTER, OR JOINT OPERATIONS.........................................................2-3

2.2. TYPES OF AIRCRAFT ............................................................................................................2-3

Fixed Wing ........................................................................................................................2-3Helicopters ........................................................................................................................2-4Performance......................................................................................................................2-5Visual/Instrument Flight Rules (VFR/IFR) ........................................................................2-5

2.3. USE OF NON-PRESSURISED AIRCRAFT..............................................................................2-6

2.4. LIMITATIONS OF THE HELICOPTER.....................................................................................2-6

2.5. AIRCRAFT: OIL RELATED OPERATIONS.............................................................................2-7

Gravimetric and Seismic Work.........................................................................................2-7Drilling Rig Movement by Air............................................................................................2-8Helicopter/Tanker Operations ..........................................................................................2-8Communications...............................................................................................................2-8

2.6. NUMBERS OF AIRCRAFT REQUIRED FOR THE TASK........................................................2-8

2.7. AVAILABILITY OF TYPES VS OPTIMUM REQUIREMENT ..................................................2-10

Shortage of Time.............................................................................................................2-10Operating Licence...........................................................................................................2-10Military or Government Aircraft......................................................................................2-10Military or Government Aircrew .....................................................................................2-10Commercial .....................................................................................................................2-10

2.8. AIRCRAFT DATA..................................................................................................................2-10

2.9. AIRCRAFT SUPPORT FOR GROUP OPERATIONS BY MILITARY OR GOVERNMENTOWNED OR SPONSORED ORGANISATIONS.....................................................................2-10

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Part 1 Management Considerations Selecting the Right Aircraft for the Job

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2.1. Fixed Wing, Helicopter, or Joint Operations

2.1.1. Once the decision has been taken to use air transport, the next step is to decide whetherthe operation should be performed by fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters. In some cases,such as offshore Exploration and Production support, only a helicopter will be able to landon the offshore structures. For other operations, where base and destination areonshore, and airstrips can be made available, a fixed wing operation is likely to bepreferable. If airstrips cannot be made available, however, then a helicopter operation isnecessary. Some operations will benefit on both cost and safety grounds from a jointfixed wing/helicopter service.

2.1.2. Longer distances overland point towards fixed wing aircraft due to their higher speed,thus reducing journey time, increasing comfort, and lowering operating costs. Flights ofmuch more than one hour's duration in a helicopter are in any case fatiguing, due tonoise and vibration levels, and, the load which the helicopter can carry decreases greatlywith increase in distance. Conversely, the helicopter is extremely practical for providing ashort distance "door to door" service.

2.1.3. Operations in jungle, forest, bush and also in mountainous areas are dictated by theavailability of existing airfields, or the ease with which they can be constructed should theduration of the operation warrant the effort and expense.

2.1.4. Flying over desert terrain is not normally a helicopter operation. However, helicopters areoften used for survey work because of the short distances between landing areas, andthe ease with which unscheduled landings can be made to inspect areas of interest.

2.1.5. In sum, fixed wing aircraft are less costly than helicopters and should always be usedwhen task requirements and the operating environment permit.

2.2. Types Of Aircraft

2.2.1. When the decision to use either a fixed wing aircraft or a helicopter, or perhaps acombination of both, has been made, the next decision is the specific type. There is abewildering array of different types with none designed specifically for the oil industry. Themajor subdivision is the power plant. Fixed wing aircraft can be jet, turboprop and piston,and helicopters turbine and piston, although turbine helicopters should always be used..

Fixed Wing In the Company, owned or contract fixed wing aeroplanes may be used for:

a. Executive transportation/communications (Jet and Turboprop)

b. Commuter/crew change activity (Principally turboprop)

c. Joint passenger/freight ("Combi") movement (Turboprop)

d. Pure Freight (Turboprop) Ad hoc charters are also employed to provide any of the above services, withthe poorer performance piston engined aircraft normally used only whenturboprops are not locally available. It is unlikely that special role equipmentwill be needed, although the following types of specialist aircraft andequipment, can be chartered:-

a. Medical evacuation

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b. Large freight aircraft

c. Aerial Application

(Examples of specialist role modifications include:-)

d. Balloon tyres for desert or rough field operations

e. Deflectors to prevent engine ingestion of gravel on rough fields.

f. De-icing equipment

g. Oxygen systems in unpressurised aircraft. Jet powered fixed wing aircraft normally require well maintained, level, hardsurfaced runways and sophisticated backup and maintenance, but have theability to fly high and fast. Depending on type, they can carry any number ofpassengers from six to over four hundred, but they can be expensive tooperate. Some of the newer executive jets are comparable in operating coststo turboprop aircraft of the same capacity. Turboprop fixed wing aircraft combine the reliability of the turbine with thelower operating costs and flexibility of the propeller. They are generally morerugged, and can operate from smaller, less sophisticated airfields, whilerequiring less back-up and maintenance. They can carry between six andone hundred passengers, but at lower altitudes and speeds than jet aircraft.They provide the backbone of the fixed wing aircraft support for the oilindustry. Piston engined fixed wing aircraft are the least desirable option. They areless reliable than turbine engines, so that the chances of a piston failure arehigher. The power to weight ratio of turbine engines is also higher than forpiston engines, providing more excess power. Piston engined aircraft areless costly to operate than turboprops, but if suitable turboprop aircraft areavailable at affordable cost, they are strongly preferred. Airfield requirementsfor piston engined aircraft are similar to those needed by turboprops withvariations depending on the specific type.

Helicopters Turbine power is the standard for helicopters which are capable of carryingmore than about three passengers. Due to much greater reliability of turbineengines, and the increased power availability, turbine powered machinesshould always be chosen. Helicopters can be used in a multitude of roles. Owned or contract machinesare usually configured in passenger or Combi role, with the capability of veryquick change to search and rescue aircraft by installation of a winch or hoist.Such equipment is not normally carried simultaneously with passengersbecause of the weight penalty, requirement to carry a winchman or operator,interference with safety arrangements and blocking of normal or emergencyexits. Role change from passenger to SAR can take as little as 10 minuteson certain types provided maintenance personnel and aircrews are givenregular practice in this activity.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 2 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 2-5 The extent to which search and rescue duties may be undertaken will dependon the specialist equipment carried in addition to the winch: such equipmentmay invariably include full instrumentation for operation in bad weather byday, plus auto-hover for operations in fog or by night. Actual rescues by nightrequires additional search equipment. Each increase in capacity adds to thecost of the helicopter partly because of the hardware needed and partlybecause of the additional pilots required to provide 24 hour service. The levelof training needed to keep aircrew fully competent in the night SAR role alsocontributes to the high costs. Other examples of helicopter specialist role equipment include:

a. Camera (vibration free mounts)

b. Cargo hook (including long-line)

c. Datalink (Automatic position reporting)

d. Emergency Medical Kit (Airborne ambulance)

e. Fixed floats (for amphibious operations)

f. Loud hailer (for airborne control of rig evacuations etc.)

g. Nightsun (searchlight)

h. Oil pollution spraying (either fitted or underslung)

i. Aerial Application (for top dressing)

Performance Only flight manuals approved by competent airworthiness authorities containperformance information which can be regarded as accurate, and eachsituation and/or aircraft type must be carefully assessed for the proposedtask. The Aviation Adviser's advice should be sought, as various marks andmodification states of a specific type may differ enormously.

Visual/Instrument Flight Rules (VFR/IFR) The aircraft service requirement and the operating environment vary widelybetween areas and type of company activity, and before starting the processof acquiring air support, the Aviation Adviser should be approached, toassess the requirement, and advise whether IFR operations are necessary. In essence, VFR aircraft operate on a 'see and be seen' basis in weatherconditions (outside controlled airspace where special rules will apply) wherethe aircraft can remain at least 1 nautical mile horizontally and 1,000 feetvertically from cloud, and in flight visibility of at least 3 nautical miles (5 n.m.above 3,000 feet a.s.l.) or 1nm for helicopters. In Europe, more complicatedrules apply to helicopters operating over water. If the above weather conditions cannot be met, then the aircraft will have toconform with Instrument Flight Rules, which dictate a certain standard ofaircraft instrumentation, pilot qualifications, routing and reporting procedures.This will invariably necessitate some form of landing aid and approachprocedure approved by the regulatory authority at the destination, and this willnormally mean taking off from and landing at an established properlyequipped airfield or heliport.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 2 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 2-6 There are numerous exceptions, exemptions and additional restrictions toqualify the above requirements, and it is essential for the maintenance offlight safety standards that the rules are strictly followed; any pressure tocontinue operations under VFR in conditions that do not technically allowthem is extremely dangerous and a common cause of fatal accidents in theindustry. Conversely, there is no point in paying the incremental cost for anIFR capability if this is not required and the en-route and destinationnavigation aids required for it do not exist at the operating locations. One exception to the above is helicopter flight over water, when an IFRcapability is always recommended because of the increased safety marginsderived from higher standards of training of aircrew and higher aircraftequipment standards that attend this capability. The capability is especiallyimportant in marginal conditions when horizon is indistinct and sea surfacelacks texture, again a common cause of fatal accidents.

2.3. Use of Non-Pressurised Aircraft

2.3.1. To improve the margins of safety, pressurised aircraft should be used wherever possibleon flights above an altitude of 10,000 feet - where such an option is not available, theAviation Adviser may approve the use of non-pressurised aircraft taking into account suchfactors as aircraft type, operator, terrain, weather patterns, airfields, navigation andapproach aids, on board oxygen equipment, routing and minimum IFR altitudes.

2.3.2. However, wherever possible, the use of non-pressurised passenger carrying aircraftshould be limited to those routes where flights can legitimately take place below analtitude of 10,000 feet, with safe terrain clearance under all conditions. This restrictionshould be reflected in contracts and the supervision of operators.

2.3.3. For cargo carrying, approved non-pressurised aircraft and approved operators may beused subject to no passengers being carried above 10,000 feet and the flight crews usingoxygen.

2.4. Limitations of the Helicopter

2.4.1. Contrary to popular belief, a helicopter cannot climb vertically and carry out hoveringmanoeuvres under all conditions. The performance of a particular helicopter isdependent upon three main factors while taking off, hovering and landing. These factorsare:- The effect of increased weight upon the helicopter is self evident, and strictweight limitations are imposed upon the helicopter, because of aerodynamiclimitations and structural considerations. Increases in both altitude and temperature will reduce air density. Underconditions of reduced density, the rotor system of a helicopter becomes lessefficient, which means that its lifting ability or performance is reduced. As wind speed increases, the performance, and therefore the lifting ability ofthe rotor system increases. At a wind speed of some 15 knots (25 km/h) orgreater, the airflow pattern through the rotor system changes, and aphenomenon known as translational lift takes effect. The effect of this is toreduce the amount of power required for the helicopter to hover under a givenset of conditions. As the wind speed factor is not, of course, controllable, itcannot be taken into account at the planning stage, although if wind blowsduring the actual operation, it becomes a bonus.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 2 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 2-7 Thus, from the foregoing, the worst conditions in which to operate ahelicopter, are, a hot and high environment, at a high gross weight, with nowind. The ability of a helicopter to climb vertically, hover at various heights (morepower is required to hover above 30 ft. (10m.) over the ground, than below it)and manoeuvre in these flight regimes is dependent upon the amount ofexcess power which is available under the prevailing air density, airtemperature and gross weight conditions. The greater the power available inexcess of that required to hover at approximately 6 ft. (2m) skid or wheelheight, the greater the flexibility the pilot will have in choosing his flight path. However, if the helicopter is not carrying the maximum load possible, it is notoperating at its most cost effectiveness. It is therefore, unusual for the pilot tohave that flexibility and he is forced to follow a very strictly defined procedureor flight path. He will not have the ability to climb vertically to a high hover,may not have the ability to take-off in the safest direction, as he has totake-off into wind, and when landing, may not be able to follow the safestroute, because he has to land into wind. Thus, to maximise costeffectiveness, the pilot would be forced to compromise flexibility, andultimately safety. Therefore, for safety reasons. it is sometimes necessary toreduce the payload. For specialist operations, such as long-line slingoperations, which require the helicopter to hover at heights often in excess of100 ft. (27m), the payload will have to be reduced considerably. In addition to these considerations, current twin engined helicopters spend ashort period of time, some 1 or 2 seconds, during the early stages of atake-off, and the late stages of an approach to landing, when they will beunable to continue flight in the event of failure of one engine. Thus, on everytake-off there is a need to rapidly achieve full single engine flying capability,and on every landing the final speed reduction is delayed, to maintain singleengine flying capability, for as long as possible. In the event that an enginefails while the aircraft is exposed in either of these two flight regimes, the pilotwill be committed to a landing straight ahead. This means that landing areasneed to be of certain minimum dimensions to provide a suitable landing areain the event of an engine failure while in the critical area of flight.

2.5. Aircraft: Oil Related Operations

2.5.1. The use of aircraft in oil related operations, can greatly assist both production andmarketing by accelerating the job programme. In addition to offshore support, there arefour major areas in oil related operations where aircraft are used. These are:-

Gravimetric and Seismic Work Small to medium sized aircraft, fixed wing and helicopter, are of great value toground geophysical parties in both the transport and support role. They areable to move men and equipment quickly over terrain which would beimpenetrable at surface level, thus speeding up the operation. Helicoptersare normally used for seismic support, and by the continual preparation oflanding sites for temporary use, rapid progress can be made through thearea. This factor and the time taken in construction and preparation of siteshas a very significant impact on the cost of operation. However, there is ahigher risk involved in helicopter support of seismic operations than in mostother helicopter operations. All possible precautions should therefore betaken to minimise the effect of an aircraft accident.

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Drilling Rig Movement by Air If a drill string can be moved into a location and out again quickly to the nextone, substantial savings can be made, helping to offset the ever-increasingdrilling costs. Aerial transport of helirigs may be cheaper than construction ofsurface access roads or canals, the costs of which are not recoverable. Thespeedy movement of equipment also reduces the cost of committed surfacesupport equipment. The advantages of speed will help in the fulfilment oflease obligations and concession requirements generally. The use of airtransport is complex, and planning presents many difficulties such asassessing comparative costs of equipment positioning, rig breakdownweights, terrain conditions and geographical location, all of which must beevaluated before a decision can be made. The advice of the AviationAdviser should invariably be sought by any Company contemplating such anoperation.

Helicopter/Tanker Operations The use of helicopters to transfer stores and personnel between tankers atsea and a land base is now accepted practice which involves specialprocedures and safety precautions. The International Chamber of Shippingunder the title of "Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations" and is the standardwork on the subject. Any Company likely to become involved with this type ofoperation should seek specialist advice from the Aviation Adviser.

Communications This is the broadest area of the four, and can be subdivided into three generalclasses:-

a. senior management transport,

b. general staff transport,

c. general freight. Costing of projects of this kind is complex, and there are many factors whichmust be considered in relation to one another. While there are many caseswhere the application of transport aircraft of the right type will result inconsiderable savings in cost and time, there are others which show that suchsavings are marginal or non-existent.

2.6. Numbers of Aircraft Required for the Task

2.6.1. Estimation of numbers of aircraft required is not always straightforward, and variesdepending on the possible fleet composition - that is whether aircraft are fixed wing,helicopter or both, and whether one is dependent on the other as in, for example, offshorecrew changes originating from a shore airfield where changeovers take place.

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2.6.2. Generally speaking, turboprop and jet fixed wing aircraft are more reliable and likely toremain available for planned use than turbine engined helicopters: this is purely becauseof the larger number of moving parts on any helicopter, and the greater maintenanceeffort and "downtime" required to maintain serviceability. Numbers of fixed wing aircraftrequired can therefore be estimated on the assumption that planned availability will beapproaching 100%: this will be ensured by careful attention to forthcoming maintenancerequirements on any given aircraft at the time of commencing a contract, and by accurateforecasting of scheduled maintenance which can be brought forward (or in certain casesslightly delayed) to coincide with, for example a period of slackened activity. If this doesnot suit the Company, it may be possible to lease in a replacement aircraft for a limitedperiod.

2.6.3. Almost inevitably, despite their generally excellent serviceability, turboprop or jet aircraftwill suffer unscheduled 'snags' from time to time. If this unavailability can be taken up byuse of helicopters in lieu, or can simply be absorbed, then there is no case for having aspare aircraft on site. If however, it is essential that the flying task is carried out 100%with only minor delays acceptable, then it makes sense to have a spare available, eitherpermanently or on an ad hoc basis. Obviously the utilisation (hours used per month) willhave some bearing on the overall fleet establishment. The greater the planned utilisation,the more necessary it becomes to provide an increased number of aircraft. Providedaircrew and maintenance staff are available in sufficient numbers to ensure planned use,turboprop aircraft can be expected to fly at least 150 hours per month, daylight use onlyconsidered. Jet executive aircraft, because of their more specialised use, will seldom flymore than 100 hours per month though there is no reason why this should not beexceeded if necessary.

2.6.4. In E & P Companys employing helicopters for offshore support, it is general practice toprovide a spare helicopter to ensure the flying task is met in full. Cost of the additionalhelicopter has to be weighed against numerous factors including the penalty cost to theCompany of downtime on rigs offshore, cost of waiting for specialist oil field contractorsand employee relations. The method of providing the spare machine will vary dependingon the locality of use: in remote areas, a permanent on site "spare", which is in factrotated within the fleet on the daily flying programme, is a sensible example of a hullcontract dedicated machine. In places where there is a great deal of helicopter activity,such as Aberdeen, it is possible to enter into a service contract where the machines usedare drawn from a pool of like types providing service to a number of clients.

2.6.5. Broadly speaking, the same philosophy applies to provision of spare aircraft for seismicsupport and helirig operations, where non completion of the flying task can have seriousoperational and financial consequences. Both seismic and helirig activities generally takeplace in unfriendly environments, and it is practice never to have less than two helicopterson site regardless of task. The second machine must be available and serviceable toundertake SAR missions in case of accident to the first machine. Flying operations wouldnot normally take place in the event of unserviceability of one helicopter, unless a reliablealternative means of SAR was available.

2.6.6. Like their fixed wing counterparts, modern medium twin engined helicopters can beexpected to provide 125 hours or more per month. Competent spares backup will berequired to realise this utilisation for extended periods due to the need to change rotatingassemblies at regular intervals based on accumulated flying hours.

2.6.7. In all cases, the Aviation Adviser can advise on the optimum number of aircraft requiredfor any particular task.

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2.7. Availability of Types vs Optimum Requirement

2.7.1. In ideal conditions the most suitable type of aircraft will always be identified andcontracted, usually after an invitation to tender has been extended to approvedcontractors. Factors which may adversely influence procurement of the optimum typesfor the job include:-

Shortage of Time Desirable types may not be available due to commitment to other clients. Thetime factor may also affect mobilisation if this is over a long distance.

Operating Licence Some countries will not permit use of civil aircraft which are not already on theregister of civil aircraft of that state. Normally it is possible to get round thisproblem by importing aircraft to work on the licence or operating permit ofcompanies already in the state.

Military or Government Aircraft As covered in 2.9, these bodies may insist on use of specific types eithermilitary or civil, and whether approved or not for Company use. Influence oncosts and operating standards in such cases is likely to be minimal.

Military or Government Aircrew If the qualifications, experience and observed safety standards of imposedaircrew are seen to be unacceptable, it may be possible to specify use of anaircraft type which is not in service with that Military or Government, in whichcase, certainly for a while at least, suitably qualified pilots may be importedcomplete with the aircraft. In these circumstances, the aircraft used may notbe ideal practically, but from the safety viewpoint entirely acceptable.

Commercial Differences in bid prices for various types of aircraft may point to use of aparticular machine. Before deciding, however, a careful comparison of costsbetween the optimum operational type and the economically preferable typewill have to be carried out taking utilisation into account, as this will varyaccording to the size and speed of the contenders.

2.8. Aircraft Data

2.8.1. Aircraft type and mark specifications vary widely and are constantly changing asmodifications are incorporated. Any attempt to publish data for use by Companystherefore has inherent dangers and the Aviation Adviser should be consulted in all cases.

2.9. Aircraft Support For Company Operations By Military Or Government Owned OrSponsored Organisations

2.9.1. When an Operating Company requires air support and the national situation demandsthat such service be provided by the military, or government owned or sponsored civiloperators, the initiative in setting standards, improving performance, achievingoperational reliability and negotiating costs is invariably restricted.

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2.9.2. Some of the more liberal sponsored civil operators will welcome and respond to theAviation Adviser involvement. It may not, however, be always possible to negotiate costsand as normal contractual relationships do not exist, there are no "rights of review" andchoice of aircraft, personnel or support facilities may not be available. Even if a "review"is agreed, there may still be no free access to information, freedom of speech,acceptance of adverse reporting or realistic hope of action on recommendations.

2.9.3. The problems presented to an Company when obliged to use the aviation services of theabove types of organisation, can range from very difficult to the normal day to day hassleexperienced with any contractor. However, in the better cases, an almost normalclient-customer relationship can exist, albeit with the background knowledge that thecontractor can call the tune particularly when it comes to charging for services rendered.

2.9.4. In all cases, with a tendering exercise denied, there is no control of costs at the outsetand subsequent price increases for whatever reason cannot be contested with anychance of success. In consequence, normal methods of assessing operating costscannot apply and contingencies must be expected.

2.9.5. A further factor which may have a significant impact on the operation is that less thanideal aircraft types may have to be accepted with consequent incremental costs forfacilities, (e.g. longer/possibly paved runways, larger seismic helipads/clearings) andfactors such as range, payload/capacity, speed, ease of operation and fuel consumptionare not controllable.

2.9.6. Reliability and smooth running of an operation is controlled by choice of aircraft,operations and maintenance staff, and procedures, availability of spare parts, andback-up aircraft. None of these is truly negotiable in such a situation.

2.9.7. Difficulties are by no means confined to military operators, and monopoly operators canand do present equally intractable fronts. The difficulty of highlighting unsatisfactory ordangerous situations in these circumstances is of serious concern because of theunknown and possibly considerable risks to Company personnel.

2.9.8. It is appreciated that when a concession agreement is negotiated there are many aspectsto be considered and that air transport may be considered a relatively minor item.However, the decision to embark on an operation in the above circumstances should betaken at the highest level after due consideration. If concern is registered with theauthority at an early stage, it may be possible to influence some of the conditionsnormally set.

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CHAPTER 3 - CONTRACTS AND APPROVALS ..............................................................................3-3

3.1. SCHEDULED CARRIERS .......................................................................................................3-3

3.2. SOLE USE AIRCRAFT SERVICES .........................................................................................3-3

3.3. BID LIST .................................................................................................................................3-4

3.4. AIRCRAFT TYPE APPROVAL................................................................................................3-5

Procedure for Approval ....................................................................................................3-5Aircraft Types, Marks and Modifications .........................................................................3-5Military Aircraft Types.......................................................................................................3-5

3.5. APPROVAL AND REVIEW PROCEDURES............................................................................3-5

3.6. INVITATIONS TO TENDER.....................................................................................................3-7

3.7. SELECTION OF TENDERERS................................................................................................3-7

3.8. TENDER EVALUATION..........................................................................................................3-7

3.9. CONTRACT FORMULATION..................................................................................................3-8

Definitions .........................................................................................................................3-8Insurance...........................................................................................................................3-8Availability.........................................................................................................................3-9Maintenance Considerations............................................................................................3-9Training Costs...................................................................................................................3-9

3.10. ROUGH COSTING GUIDE ......................................................................................................3-9

Fixed Costs .......................................................................................................................3-9Variable Costs.................................................................................................................3-10

3.11. TURNKEY OPERATIONS .....................................................................................................3-10

3.12. CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR PERFORMANCE MONITORING.............................................3-11

Contractor Safety Record and Philosophy towards Safety ..........................................3-11Contractor Responsibilities............................................................................................3-12

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3.1. Scheduled Carriers

3.1.1. When the numbers of personnel required to be moved are relatively small and theCompany's operational requirement can be met by the use of scheduled fixed wingcarriers then these will invariably prove the cheapest method of moving personnel by air.However, Companies has no "right of review" for scheduled operations. Before beinggranted a licence to carry passengers on scheduled air services, an aircraft operator willhave been subjected to an examination by the relevant authority in the country ofregistration, and this in many countries provides a stringent control.

3.1.2. In some countries, however, confidence in the relevant authority examinations may not beso well founded and the quality of scheduled operations is by no means assured. TheAviation Adviser recognises the concerns that may exist on the use of certain scheduledairlines and is available to provide limited advice based on general industry knowledgeand observation, and to assist in producing guidelines for use of scheduled carriers.Where, however, there remains serious doubt about the standard of scheduledoperations, then the only recourse is to establish a corporate aircraft or to arrange ad-hocor sole use charter of suitable aircraft; in either case the Aviation Adviser's advice shouldbe sought.

3.1.3. Where a scheduled carrier also performs charter work there may be different operatingstandards, aircraft, crews and maintenance procedures. Moreover, the nature of a soleuse charter is often quite different from flying scheduled operations. In such cases theAviation Adviser would be entitled to review, and an review would be appropriate since,for any charter operation, the Company must assume responsibility for employee safety.

3.2. Sole Use Aircraft Services

3.2.1. In companies using dedicated aircraft, there are two types of management; thoseemploying a Contractor, and those operating their own aircraft. The decision whether toown and operate aircraft, whether to charter, or a combination of both, is likely to dependon the duration of the requirement and its degree of specialisation.

3.2.2. The principal advantage of a company owning and operating its own aircraft, is that inthe long term, substantial cost savings will accrue from the elimination of the Contractor'sprofit and the reduction of the contingencies factor which all Contractors include in theircontract price. In addition to these savings, there may also be considerable taxadvantages to be gained by owning aircraft. A company owned and operated aircraftoperation benefits from unquestioned employee loyalty, and their identification with aims.Management can also maintain a much tighter control of an in-house operation.

3.2.3. Using a Contractor, on the other hand, also has its advantages. The capital commitmentis avoided, and the day to day administration of the operation becomes the responsibilityof the Contractor. The second point is to a degree offset in practice as the performanceof the Contractor has in turn to be monitored, and his administration checked. A thirdmajor point in favour of using Contractors, is that they are required to provide their ownspecialist qualified personnel, and, on termination of the contract, be responsible forthem. This eliminates the requirement for the company to recruit such specialisedpersonnel, and then provide suitable career development.

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3.2.4. Under certain circumstances a combination of the two alternatives may be the bestsolution to a particular problem. It may be worthwhile leasing aircraft, providing companyflight crew, and contracting the maintenance to an outside organisation, or, owning theaircraft and contracting the provision of both the operational and maintenance personnelto an outside organisation. There is obviously a wide choice when taking into accountconsiderations of this nature, and great care must be taken to make the correct decision.Use of resources is valuable in enabling companies to maintain standards, and, if nosuitable Contractor and/or aircraft are available, to assist in achieving their goal.

3.2.5. If the decision is taken to set up a Company operation under any of the above categories,then the Aviation Adviser has the necessary experience to advise closely on alloperational and technical matters.

3.3. Bid List

3.3.1. If it is decided to put the whole or any part of the aircraft operation out to contract, thenthe choice of the Contractor is the next consideration. It should be noted that in order toprovide a satisfactory service the Contractor's aircraft type and the Contractor'soperations should be of a standard that can be approved by the Aviation Adviser.

3.3.2. For reasons of economy, and sometimes political necessity, a list of local operators withthe perceived potential to perform the required service should be drawn up. In regionswhere the Company has maintained a presence for some time, the Aviation Adviser islikely to be able to respond rapidly with general guidance on suitability of operators forinclusion in a bid list. In any case, The Aviation Adviser should be requested to carry outan operational and technical review of these operators if their approval is not current(normal validity one year).

3.3.3. In some cases, although local operators abound in the concession area, they may lackthe necessary equipment or personnel to perform satisfactorily the contract services fromtheir own resources. If this is the case, then it will be appropriate either to invite tendersonly from established international operators, or if local circumstances dictate, to invitetenders only from local operators with the support of an international aviation company.For very specialised work such as helirig support it may be necessary to insist on aircraft,crews and operational and administrative organisation being provided directly by themajor operator, using the local company only as the licence holder. Satisfactory resultshave been achieved by using various combinations, but great care should be taken toinclude only companies capable of performing cost effectively and, above all, safely onthe contract bid list to avoid possible later recriminations. While it is acceptable but notdesirable to invite tenders from operators "subject to successful review", contract awardshould never be made subject to this condition. The bid list ideally should contain onlyapproved operators.

3.3.4. Another factor to consider when compiling bid lists is the performance, based on pastexperience if any, of individual operators. This assessment should include safety record,"value for money", ease of administration, performance on contract and ability to continueto provide high quality service in the type of activity required.

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3.4. Aircraft Type Approval

3.4.1. Great care must be taken in selecting a specific type of aircraft.

Procedure for Approval Before considering a particular type of aircraft for use, the managementshould seek advice from the Aviation Adviser on its operational suitability forthe job, and technical safety and reliability. Approval of a particular type (orsub type) of aircraft will be granted only after an exhaustive review oftechnical and in-service operational reliability, usually in an environmentsimilar to that envisaged. To assist in this, liaison is maintained with aircraftmanufacturers and operators world-wide. Accidents and incidents are reviewed for the purposes of establishing trendsand monitoring corrective action. Due to the complicated nature of helicopters (of which only turbine poweredmodels will be approved) and the relatively small number of types, these arekept under constant review, and response to a type approval query will bemore or less immediate. The large number and variations of aeroplane types,however, means that if approval is required for a type that has not previouslyseen service, extended research may have to be undertaken. This processwill take from several days to some weeks if the aircraft is not on the registerof a state to whose records the Aviation Adviser has reasonable access.

Aircraft Types, Marks and Modifications While the ultimate decision to use an unapproved type (e.g. for a one-off adhoc charter) must rest with the Chief Executive, it is strongly recommendedthat only approved types be considered. In this context it should be notedthat an apparently small change in the type reference number may indicate asignificant difference in performance or reliability and therefore requireindividual research. Furthermore, the safety and reliability of someunapproved types is poor, and much worse than their approved counterparts.

Military Aircraft Types Because of the lack of readily available safety and reliability information, theuse of military aircraft of any type without exhaustive review will not beapproved.

3.5. Approval and Review Procedures

3.5.1. The Aviation Adviser provides specialist advice to companies who contract aircraft on aregular or occasional basis, or wish to screen locally available aircraft services. Theadvice and assistance available is aimed at ensuring the safe and efficient use of aircraft,partly achieved by carrying out operational, technical and limited financial reviews onContractors. These reviews are carried out before aircraft are contracted and duringcontract periods on a regular on-going basis.

3.5.2. The Aviation Adviser aims to approve aircraft operators by establishing that they are of asuitable standard for the provision of service to the Companies and their Contractors.This implies not only a high standard of aircraft maintenance and operation, but also anassessment of the operator's ability to provide a reliable and efficient service.

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3.5.3. The authority to issue an approval for an aircraft operator to carry Company orContractors personnel should be vested only in the Aviation Adviser. This policydetermines that in view of the far-reaching implications of aircraft operator approvals,criteria applied are consistent and interpreted by personnel with appropriate experience,and suitably removed from possible internal pressures.

3.5.4. Aviation advisers are available to carry out operational and technical reviews of aircraftoperators, and for tendering purposes, the object is to establish by detailed inspection ofoperational and maintenance procedures, whether an operator is competent to tender onthe contract. The procedure normally includes an assessment of management,administration, and all operational and technical procedures and standards. A commenton financial status is desirable, and aircraft types considered suitable will be itemised asbeing available for use by the Company. The review may also include providing thecontractor with the E&P Forum Questionnaire/Checklist to be completed prior to visitingthe contractor, followed up by a formal review of the contractor.

3.5.5. To complete reviews prior to issue of invitations to tender, it is advisable to give as muchnotice as possible of the requirement, preferably three months, in order to assist inprogramme planning. Sufficient notice will also assist in reducing costs where possible,by combining visits within a region. Similarly, for a recurrent review, the Aviation Adviserwill liaise with the Company to agree a visit programme in good time.

3.5.6. In order to be of value, sufficient time must be allocated to an review visit, to enable theadviser to inspect operational and crew training procedures, engineering facilities andmaintenance control procedures. Inspection of an actual flight is a requirement andshould be representative of the type of service required by the company, and over arelevant route. Alternatively a representative training flight (e.g. a base check) is normallyacceptable. However, a ten minute demonstration confined to the airport vicinity wouldbe of little value. If the review is required only to place the operator on a list of possibleproviders of ad hoc services, it may not be possible to justify the time and expense of aninspection flight. Conversely, if the contract is for provision of a sole-use aircraft, theninspection of a representative flight, if necessary by arrangement with another oilcompany or similar client, is considered essential.

3.5.7. The time taken to review a small (say 2 or 3 aircraft) ad hoc operator by one adviser maybe up to one working day, but in any event not less than five working hours. Inspection ofa large company operating from several bases may take a number of days depending onthe size and complexity of the company and travelling time involved between bases.

3.5.8. Frequency of an Aviation Adviser review will depend on various factors and is assessedaccording to a formula taking account of area and type of operations, safety record,exposure, whether or not there is a specialist aviation focal point and the result of theprevious review.

3.5.9. Normally, the period of approval is for one year, but can be less if a follow-up review isrequired to ensure certain recommendations have been carried out. Conversely, it canbe extended by up to two years if exposure is low in a well regulated environment andwhere close and expert supervision is exercised by the focal point. Extension to theapproval period can only be given by the Aviation Adviser.

3.5.10. When a review is being carried out, the Adviser will also assess which of the aircraftoperated and/or available is on the Aviation Adviser list of Approved Aircraft Types, andhe will make recommendations on their suitability for use by Company or Contractorspersonnel.

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3.5.11. A general report will be made for management, covering all aspects of the visit, andmaking recommendations where appropriate, which may be applicable only to theoperating area. Individual reports will also be made on the visit to each aircraft operatorand it is left to the discretion of the company management to forward this report to theContractor concerned. The reports are written with the intention of giving constructivecriticism and recommendations, and are usually, although not exclusively received in theright spirit. As a general rule, it is beneficial for the report to be passed to the aircraftoperator, although in some cases certain information may be confidential to companies.Where confidentiality is stated in a report it should be treated accordingly.

3.5.12. Aircraft operators must be made fully aware of the scope of a review. The requirementsmay be provided in the form of the E&P Forum Questionnaire/Checklist. They mustrealise that if standards are not sufficiently high, or that if they are seen as unlikely toimprove to an acceptable standard in a reasonable period, they will be disqualified fromoperating on Company business. If an operator should refuse a review visit, that operatorwill automatically be dropped from the approved list of carriers.

3.6. Invitation to Tender (ITT)

3.6.1. In order that tenders from all operators on the bid list may be assessed and evaluated onan equitable basis, it is essential that invitations to tender be standardised andadequately detailed, particularly in the area of aircraft payload and performance andprovision of supporting facilities by Company and Contractor respectively. In aircraftperformance, seemingly small variations of temperature and altitude can have a largeeffect on the maximum weight authorised for take off of a particular aircraft. It is thereforeimportant that competing tenderers use the same parameters for calculation of thismaximum weight. The available payload will be further affected by the basic weight of theaircraft when prepared for service, and this may vary significantly from machine tomachine, although Contractors will often quote for a fleet average which may or may notbe representative.

3.7. Selection of Tenderers

3.7.1. There is a fine balance between selecting sufficient tenderers to promote competition andhaving too many companies bidding for work who have not got any chance of winning thecontract.

3.7.2. No one should be included on a bid list unless they meet operating guidelines and have achance of winning the contract. The actual exercise of putting a tender together isexpensive for Contractors and if their efforts are perceived as being wasted this couldhave a detrimental effect on future relations.

3.7.3. Where practicable, the tenderers selected should be taken from those that have a currentreview approval. Where a non reviewed Contractor is invited to tender, it is highlydesirable that it be informed that an aviation review will be conducted of the probablecandidate with award of work dependent upon a satisfactory outcome.

3.8. Tender Evaluation

3.8.1. Commercial evaluation of tenders may appear a simple process, and if all competingaircraft operators submitted unconditional bids, this might be the case. In practicehowever, variations in modification and equipment status of similar aircraft types operatedby different companies results in differing quotations of aircraft performance andspecification. When such operational or technical conditions are placed on a tender, theevaluation becomes more complicated and decisions need to be taken with some degreeof judgement, taking into account both cost and operational impact of variations.

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3.8.2. In order to maintain a visible display of detachment on behalf of those conducting theevaluation, it is recommended that the weighting of the relative importance of particularfactors to be addressed in the evaluation be agreed and recorded prior to opening thetender.

3.8.3. This may allot weightings to different aircraft types, speed, comfort, existing operationalknowledge etc., but there should be no attempt to try to evaluate safety record as aweighting. If an operator does not meet the required safety standards they will not beconsidered for the work in the first place.

3.9. Contract Formulation

3.9.1. The Aviation Advisor should provide assistance and recommendations pertaining to thetechnical and operational aspects of the contract. Aircraft contracts are highly specialiseddocuments and even though check lists, standard conditions and standard contracts maybe made available by the Aviation Adviser, there are many pitfalls in contract formulation,and therefore contracts should be prepared by contract administrators in conjunction withthe company’s legal staff.

3.9.2. Some of the issues to be considered in contract formulations are as follows:

Definition of "Flying Hours" Flying Hours are defined as "the period between which the aircraft takes offand lands". It is proposed that this definition continue to be used, althoughthere are now a number of options available to aircraft operators under theirmaintenance schedules which can allow significant differences in themethods of recording time for the life and overhaul of components. It isimportant that this definition is made clear in the contract document, as it isotherwise impossible to compare the various bids. Whatever arrangement ismade, it must be easily administered and not liable to misinterpretation. Some Contractors will try and argue for "Block Hours" to be the measureused, because the block hours will invariably be more than the flying hours,and can considerably increase their profit margins. Whatever unit is used, itis essential to 'normalise' these between contractors during any tenderevaluation.

Insurance The levels of insurance quoted in the specimen contract document for use oncontracted aircraft are under constant review by insurance, in the light of therelevant fluctuating indices. Any amendments which it is felt necessary toimplement will be notified immediately to all Companies holding currentaircraft service agreements. While the risks of under-insurance are obvious,it is equally important not to over-insure as the cost of the excess insuranceborne by the Contractor is fed straight back to the Company, directlyincreasing the cost of operating. Equally important is the status and financialstanding of the insurance company providing the cover. If local expertise isnot available to assess this, the insurance department can provide advice.

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Availability It must be appreciated that the Operator needs time to maintain their aircraftand the availability clause should be drafted to allow that with minimuminterference to the operation. The availability clause used as a standarddefines the amount of unavailability which is allowed within the contract andthe conditions under which time not available will not be counted asunavailability for the purpose of reducing the Standing Charge paid to theContractor.

Maintenance Considerations A reasonable amount of scheduled maintenance downtime must be allowedin hull contracts if no spare aircraft is included. If spare aircraft are includedno additional allowance should be made for either scheduled or unscheduledmaintenance. This may lead to a reduction in the number of aircraft availableon a particular day, and this should be set out by the Company in agreementwith the Contractor. The scheduled maintenance, downtime will have to beassessed by an inspection of the aircraft operators maintenance schedule,which covers such items as the check cycles, the frequency of inspections,and component replacement periods. An allowance of two to three days permonth for unscheduled maintenance is also normally included. The AviationAdviser can provide the necessary expertise to advise on requiredmaintenance downtime allowance, but it is important to detail in the contractwhat maintenance is to be achieved and the down time allowance set asidefor it.

Training Costs Where the aircraft operation includes specialist tasks such as search andrescue or winching, it may be necessary for the aircraft operator to undertakespecialised training and/or currency and proficiency checks, subsequent tocontract signature, prior to commencing operations, or during the contractperiod. It is considered reasonable for the Company to reimburse the aircraftoperator for the extra costs involved. The cost of providing for normal aircraft type proficiency training and checkingand for the renewal of instrument rating is, however, a standard burden, andwill normally be reflected in the fixed monthly charge element of contractpayments.

3.10. Rough Costing Guide

3.10.1. Aircraft operating costs are conventionally broken down into fixed and variable cost:

Fixed Costs Fixed Costs are those costs which arise whether or not the aircraft flies. Theyare not affected by the hours flown, remaining relatively unchanged frommonth to month, and can therefore be forecast with reasonable accuracy.Fixed costs normally include:

a. Depreciation

b. Interest on capital

c. Insurance

d. Rental of hangar space and other facilities

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e. Taxes

f. Salaries, wages and welfare costs for aircraft personnel

g. Professional services, including where applicable private weatherinformation service, personnel membership fees of professional societies,periodical subscriptions, pilot and engineer training and refresher cursesand outside medical examinations.

h. Administrative costs such as communications, accommodation, officesupplies, heating and lighting.

Variable Costs Variable costs are directly attributable to the operation of the aircraft, thusthey will vary with the utilisation of the aircraft measured in hours flown.Variable costs normally include:-

a. Fuel and oil.

b. Maintenance and repair.

c. Materials and supplies necessary for the maintenance of the aircraft butalso including catering if applicable.

d. Landing and handling fees.

e. Crew travelling expenses such as accommodation and meals when awayfrom base.

3.10.2. It is normal practice to charge a profit element only on the fixed costs. The only othersignificant costs involved in providing aircraft services are Mobilisation and Demobilisationat the start and end of the services. These can be particularly significant for short termcontracts, especially if the operation is remote from the supplier of the service. Suchcosts usually include:

Mobilisation Flight to the location.Set up of hangar/office/base facilities, if applicable.Administration in acquiring visas etc.

Demobilisation Flight to next location or company base.Closing down/tidying up of a location before leaving.

3.11. Turnkey Operations

3.11.1. Turnkey contracts provide a particular challenge for the assurance of flight safety. Withthe responsibility for supervision delegated to the prime Contractor the danger exists thatwithout direct supervision of the aircraft operator and with the pressing need for theContractor to stay within budget, the control of flying may not be up to standards nor theneeds of this manual met.

3.11.2. It is important therefore, that if a turnkey contract is being considered embracing aircraftoperations, then the Aviation Adviser's advice be sought on the wording of the contract. Itis recommended that the operation be reviewed and approved by the Aviation Adviser,who should also be present before and during operation start-up. In essence: The contract should embrace the Aviation Adviser standard conditions. The aircraft and operator must be approved by the Aviation Adviser.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 3 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 3-11 The operation must meet the minimum standards and requirements set by theAviation Adviser. The Aviation Adviser should be present at the start-up of the operation. The Company's focal point should have the right competence to manage theoperation and his responsibility and accountabilities should be clearly set outin his job description. He must have sufficient time to supervise the operationin detail. The focal point should be adequately trained in the special aspects of theoperation e.g. seismic work. The contract must allow the focal point and, with the approval of theCompany, the Aviation Adviser, free access to the aircraft operator.

3.12. Contractor/Operator Performance Monitoring

3.12.1. Once the contract has been awarded, it is essential for the maintenance of high standardsof flight safety, maintenance quality assurance, cost effective utilisation and speedyresolution of problems, that the operator's performance against contract standards andother criteria be continuously monitored.

3.12.2. The costs directly and indirectly attributable to aircraft operations are significant and mayrepresent a substantial proportion of an Company's capital and operating budget. Wherethis is the case, and aircraft are contracted on a sole-use base, the most satisfactorymethod of monitoring performance and maintaining standards is to introduce a position ofHead of Aircraft Services, filled by a trained employee. Additionally, in seismicoperations, it may be found advantageous to employ a Seismic Aviation Supervisor whowill both monitor performance and control the flying programme on site.

3.12.3. The position in the company reporting relationship will inevitably vary, but it has beenfound appropriate in companies making sole use of say 5 - 6 aircraft, for the incumbent toreport to the Operations Manager. In the case of a large offshore Company, employingalso significant numbers of vehicles and marine craft, the aviation commitment clearlybelongs within the Logistics function.

3.12.4. With the aim of achieving measurable performance and safety data on operators of soleuse or ad hoc contracts it is necessary to collect and collate information from Companieson their usage of aircraft services, and their assessment of reliability and the quality of theservice provided. This will necessitate regular reports from Heads of Aircraft Service,where the position is established, and these will also be invited from all Companies usingaircraft services. Such information sent to the Aviation Adviser is not only useful for themonitoring of safety and utilisation but will lead to the compilation of performance ratings,which will be used for influencing selection for the "bid list", and allocation of a weightingfactor, if possible in financial terms, prior to putting the contract out to tender and forsubsequent use in the tender evaluation.

Contractor Safety Record and Philosophy towards Safety Aircraft operators' safety and accident/incident records are monitored by theAviation Adviser and adverse trends may be considered sufficient to withdrawapproval, or removal from the bid list. While many countries require by lawthe reporting of specific types of occurrence and others operate a voluntarysystem (there are good arguments for each system or a combination, so longas there is a system), guidelines have been developed for the use ofCompanies in the reporting of accidents or incidents suffered by operatorsengaged on contracted operations.

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Contractor Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the Contractor to comply with:-

a. All laws and regulations for the time being in force in the area ofoperations relating to the employment, recruitment and conditions ofservice of workmen and other employees or relating to or affecting any ofthe operations under the Agreement.

b. All permits, licences, or clearance which are granted by competentauthorities to either the Company or the Contract in connection with theoperations under the Agreements.

c. All instructions, practices and procedures as to the safety welfare ofworkmen and other employees which the Company may from time to timerecommend to the Contractor. Prior to the start of any contract, the Contractor should submit a proposed listof personnel, with whom he proposes to man the operation, to the Companyconcerned. If at any stage during the contract, the Contractor wishes tochange any of the accepted personnel, or if additional personnel are required,the same procedure should be followed. These personnel details should be examined by the Company aviationrepresentative, to see if the proposed staff meet the required standards ofexperience, as laid down in the standard conditions. Under normalcircumstances, only personnel who meet these rigid experience requirementswill be acceptable to operate on operations. Although the aircraft operator may be approved, if during the period of validitya new type of aircraft should be acquired, even if that type is alreadyapproved by the Aviation Adviser, the company would not automatically beapproved to operate that type. The reason for this is that the Aviation Adviserwould wish to ensure that the necessary levels of skill and experience for bothpilots and engineers on that type, and the required level of technical andspares support, has also been acquired. Notwithstanding routine renewals, however, an aviation adviser should bemade available at short notice if a Company has cause for concern and sorequests. In case of accident to an aircraft contracted to, it would beexpected that an adviser, experienced in aircraft accident investigationtechniques would immediately be despatched to the operating area to assistin the Company and for regulatory authority investigations.

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CHAPTER 4 - AIR TRANSPORT ADMINISTRATION.......................................................................4-3

4.1. GENERAL............................................................................................................................... 4-3

4.2. START UP OF OPERATIONS ................................................................................................4-3

4.3. RESOURCING STRATEGY ....................................................................................................4-3

4.4. SCHEDULING/FLIGHT AUTHORISATION.............................................................................4-4

4.5. PASSENGER HANDLING AND MANIFESTING .....................................................................4-4

4.6. COMPILATION OF STATISTICS AND RECORDS.................................................................4-5

4.7. AIRCRAFT EMERGENCY PROCEDURES .............................................................................4-6

Aircraft Operators .............................................................................................................4-6

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4.1. General

4.1.1. Whether the aircraft operation is company-owned or contracted, the guidance given inChapters 2 and 3 will help to ensure that the correct number of suitable aircraft,adequately crewed, is available to meet the Company's requirements at the minimumcost.

4.1.2. Once the aircraft and personnel are on site and working, however, it is important forsafety, operational efficiency and cost control (particularly the variable cost) to ensurethat the contract or aviation department is well administered. Much of the routine butessential work such as payload, utilisation, and fuel statistics may be handled bynon-specialist personnel, but overall supervision is best carried out by an experiencedpilot or engineer able to identify the details that combine to make the difference betweena satisfactory and a highly cost-effective operation.

4.2. Start up of Operations

4.2.1. It is important, particularly in a multi-function company, to establish from the beginning ofoperations, an administrative cell independent of any one user department, in order thatthe optimum use may be made of the aircraft resources, without any one function ordepartment independently establishing priority.

4.2.2. When air operations are difficult due (for example) to climate, altitude or topography, it isrecommended that management request the assistance of the Aviation Adviser inproviding on-site personnel to set up the necessary procedures and documentation. Ifthe procedures recommended in foregoing sections have been followed, arrival on siteapproximately 6 weeks before start-up would be adequate, but if there are anticipateddifficulties with the local regulatory authorities, then it would be advisable to make anearlier start in order to pre-empt problems. A visit period of 7-10 days would be thenorm.

4.3. Resourcing Strategy

4.3.1. One of the features of aircraft utilisation is that it tends to expand with time andfamiliarity, and unless periodic re-assessments of the requirement are carried out, costsand exposure will rise unnecessarily. While exclusive use of an aircraft generallyremains the prerogative of senior management, there is a tendency for individualdepartments to demand aircraft at the same (convenient) times and this rapidly leads toextra aircraft being required on site in order to cover peak periods.

4.3.2. The maximum monthly availability of an aircraft will vary with its complexity and theoperating environment, but the range of 110-170 hours per month is an indication, andclearly the most efficient utilisation will be achieved by filling the available payload at alltimes, if necessary calling at several locations to embark and disembark passengersrather than originating special flights for each location.

4.3.3. The number of aircraft and crew coverage required should be based on informationresearched by the department responsible for transport administration, and will preferablybe based on a 'seat-mile' requirement per department, which is readily converted toflying hours.

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4.3.4. At this stage a judgement has to be made as to whether it is more efficient to employ onelarger aircraft (which will generally give lower costs per seat mile) or two smaller aircraft,which will be less cost-efficient but give flexibility of operation. It is vital that userdepartments be made fully aware of the overall costs of aircraft operations, and be madeaccountable for their proportion of the budget. Actual utilisation against forecast shouldbe circulated to user departments and taken into account when reviewing resourcelevels.

4.3.5. It is recommended that strict control be exercised on the shipping of freight by air. Whilethere may be cases where there is no alternative, and airlifting perishables may bejustified, without tight control the situation may arise in which passengers are taking lowerpriority than non-urgent freight and this should not be tolerated.

4.3.6. In U.K., Europe and America, where aircraft may be made available from a reasonablylarge pool, it will probably be satisfactory formally to review the requirement on an annualbasis, as, provided the contract is appropriately written, additional aircraft may beacquired and surplus released at reasonably short notice.

4.3.7. In less developed parts of the world it is important to consider the regional market forprovision of aircraft service, before settling on the review period. Low availability andreliability may make the consideration of a company operation worthwhile, and highmobilisation/ demobilisation costs dictate careful forecasting of requirements.

4.4. Scheduling/Flight Authorisation

4.4.1. In addition to aiding the control of costs, an efficient flight booking and schedulingorganisation is essential in order to ensure that only authorised passengers with a clearneed to travel are able to make use of company air transport.

4.4.2. Most well established Companies will have a 'Manual of Authority' or similar documentwhich should contain a section referring to the authority levels required for bookings ofseats on aircraft, and thus provide the basis of booking procedures.

4.4.3. Booking and scheduling functions may either form part of the Transport departmentplanning cell, when marine and land transport is also employed, or may be located withinthe Aviation department. There are pros and cons in both arrangements, but theessential requirement is for strict control of seat allocation in a function independent ofany one user department, and for recording and subsequent analysis of actual payloadutilisation.

4.4.4. It is often stated, particularly in exploration companies, that the style of operationrequires total flexibility of aviation support, and it is true that ad hoc requirements willform a proportion of the activity. It has been shown however, that time spent in planningaircraft routing and cargo loading in advance is well spent and results in considerablecost savings. Even in the most transient of operations it will be possible to establish abackbone schedule of crew change personnel, management inspection routings etc., onwhich payload utilisations can be maximised and around which short notice requirementsmay be fitted.

4.5. Passenger Handling and Manifesting

4.5.1. An efficient system is required for notifying passengers of the details of their flight and forthe consignment of cargo. The widespread availability of computers has enabled theautomatic manifesting of passengers, from information and allocations stored at the timeof booking, and there exists a range of systems suitable for use in differing sizes ofoperation. By pre-processing of the passenger list, time and effort spent at the check-inpoint will be minimised.

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4.5.2. The manifest should contain the following details:-

a. Aircraft Registration

b. Flight Number

c. Destination (s)

d. ETD

e. Aircraft Commander's name

f. Passenger list with following details:-

g. Name

h. Nationality and passport no. if international flight or if required for offshore travel

i. Weight

j. Baggage weight

k. Freight list with following details:-

l. Description (to include reference to UN Classification or I.C.A.O. Code if classified as"Dangerous Goods")

m. Weights

n. Special Handling Instructions

o. In some countries, legislation may allow the use of standard passenger weights forpayload calculation purposes, but due to the statistically unreliable samplerepresented by small helicopters, it is recommended that actual weights be used inthese cases.

p. Manifests should be signed by a crew member.

q. Minimum copies required:-

i. To be filed and left at point of departure

ii. For crew in-flight reference

iii. To be left at destination

4.6. Compilation of Statistics and Records

4.6.1. In order to monitor the performance of the aircraft operator against the requirements ofthe contract or departmental objectives, it is important to ensure that relevant statisticsare compiled and recorded.

4.6.2. Items for consideration are as follows:-

a. Aircraft flying hours (preferably defined as take-off to landing, or else in accordancewith contract provisions)

b. Pilot flying hours.

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c. Pilot duty hours.

d. Sectors flown (take-off point to next landing point).

e. Distance flown.

f. Passengers (or freight equivalent) flown per sector (by user function)

g. Passenger-miles (or freight equivalent miles) flown (by user function).

h. Aircraft availability against contractual provision.

i. Delays per schedule.

j. Rotors running time (helicopters only).

k. Cumulative fixed and flying hour costs.

l. Cost/flying hour.

4.6.3. Many of the above headings are common to those required by the EP standardOperations Managers Monthly report, and provide measurable performance criteria forassessment against the objectives that will have been set when establishing the numberof aircraft and crews required. By continuous and detailed monitoring of the abovestatistics, it will be possible to reduce wasted flying time, and also ensure thataccountable departments and functions are fed back with adequate information tominimise costs.

4.7. Aircraft Emergency Procedures

4.7.1. Wherever Companies are responsible for the operation of aircraft on a charter basis,management should determine that there exists adequate procedures in the companyand adequate resources (if necessary in-house) for search and rescue purposes in theevent of aircraft accident or incident.

Aircraft Operators The operator has a prime responsibility for determining that his OperationsManual covers all potential aspects of aircraft accident or incident.Contingency planning and the contents of safety and survival equipmentspecified for carriage in aircraft should be appropriate to the type of terrain tobe encountered.

Companies Emergency procedure guides should be produced and distributed throughoutthe company organisation in order to determine that appropriate personnelare aware of their duties in the event of the procedure being activated. The actual procedure to be followed in the event of aircraft accident will varysomewhat, depending on the environment, functional organisation within thecompanies, availability of government resources etc., but key elements areas follows:-

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a. Duty Personnel - A nominated co-ordinator must be readyand available at all times, to take over thisrole.

b. Communications - Must be established between base andaircraft in flight, between bases, andbetween base and a portable set to be usedby search parties.

c. Crash Box - Containing equipment appropriate to searchand rescue activities in the terrain to beencountered.

d. Rescue Teams - Particularly in jungle areas, nominatedpersonnel, with knowledge of the local areashould be available to form search parties,and protective clothing and tools should bemaintained in a special store, specificallyfor use in emergency. Equipment such asbush knives, chain saws, bolt croppers etc.,may be necessary, and if it is deemed likelythat the team will need to be inserted bymeans of winching from a helicopter,members should be familiarised with thisprocedure. The requirement is that effective Search and Rescue cover should exist forall air transport operations. Typical organisational procedures for SAR,crash, and medrescue will be developed by the contractor. This subject isalso addressed in Chapter 16.8. The Aviation Adviser's advice should besought on all occasions. Recommendations can be made on all aspects,including the initial need for company cover down to a suggested list of itemsto be held in the crash box.

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CHAPTER 5 - AIR TRANSPORT ORGANISATION ..........................................................................5-3

5.1. AIR TRANSPORT SUPERVISOR ...........................................................................................5-3

5.2. PILOTS AND AIRCRAFT ENGINEERS...................................................................................5-4

Pilot Establishment...........................................................................................................5-4Engineering Establishment ..............................................................................................5-4

5.3. OTHER PERSONNEL.............................................................................................................5-5

5.4. CONTRACTOR LIAISON........................................................................................................5-5

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5.1. Air Transport Supervisor

5.1.1. The prime responsibility of the Air Transport Supervisor is to maintain safe andefficient operating standards in all aspects of the Company's aviation operationsand to promote a high standard of flight safety.

5.1.2. The responsibilities and accountability of this position should include thefollowing: Provision of aircraft support to meet the needs of the company. Formulation, administration, amendment and control of contracts forthe provision of aircraft services. Ensuring that a comprehensive monitoring and recording system ismaintained to generate relevant data for evaluation of costs andefficiency of the operation. Controlling scheduling and usage of company contracted aircraft inan efficient manner and supplying records to management and userdepartments to quantify efficiency. Liaison with user departments concerning aviation supportrequirements. Monitoring the operational and technical performance of the aviationcontractor to determine that high standards of flying and maintenanceare being practised. Preparation, distribution and amendment of emergency proceduresrelating to aircraft emergencies. The provision and control of all aviation related facilities including,where appropriate, the supply, storage and quality control of aviationfuel. Responsibility for all contacts, liaisons and negotiations withgovernment bodies concerning the operation of aircraft. Determining that all necessary permits, permissions and licenceswhich are required for the operation of aircraft in support of theCompany's business are held or obtained by the aviation contractorand kept in date thereafter. Provision of advice on aviation matters to senior management. Implementation of Company's policy and standards in all areas of theaviation operations.

5.1.3. The incumbent of this position should have a direct reporting relationship to asufficiently high level of management to promote effective execution of theforegoing responsibilities and accountabilities and have adequate seniority todeal effectively with user departments.

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5.2. Pilots and Aircraft Engineers

5.2.1. Although under I.C.A.O. influence there is a trend towards standardisation, andmost if not all national governments nominate a department responsible forregulating civil aviation, the depth of knowledge encountered and the quality ofcontrol exercised varies throughout the world, from informed and practicalguidance, to complete laisser-faire. Both legislation and administration oflicensing requirements can be extremely variable.

5.2.2. As aircraft become technically more complex - albeit with greater reliability ofindividual components, it becomes increasingly important that pilots andengineers are adequately qualified and suitably experienced.

5.2.3. In the first instance, it is essential that pilots and engineers conform with thelicensing requirements of the state of registration of the aircraft operated. Ifaircraft are registered in a state other than that in which the work is being carriedout, then additional requirements may apply. In addition, to determine as far aspossible that Company and contracted personnel are provided with an aircraftservice that is safely and efficiently conducted. Specimen guidelines for theminimum qualifications and experience levels acceptable for pilots and engineersemployed on contracts may be found in Part 3, Chapters 10 and 11. These mayvary within companies and any queries should be referred to the Aviation Advisor.

5.2.4. A significant number of incidents and accidents can be attributed to humanfactors of some kind - what used to be called 'pilot error', and it is stronglyrecommended that the pilot and engineer qualifications and experience levelrequirements be included as a standard condition of contract. Experience levelsare of necessity detailed and specific as the demands made of a pilot in, forexample, seismic operations differ greatly from those made on him in the sameaircraft type employed on offshore production support, and dispensations fromrecommended minima are rarely advised.

Pilot Establishment Noting the pilot flight time and duty limitations as laid down at Part 3,Chapter 10, the calculation of the numbers of pilots required on sitefor an operation is straightforward, but must be based not only on theforecast flying hours, but also the hours of stand-by cover needed. The nominated senior pilot will be required to spend some time inmanagement, administration and monthly returns for the operator andfor the Company and these hours must be included in the duty hourscalculations. The additional hours will be proportional to the numbersof aircraft and crew employed.

Engineering Establishment Levels of engineering manpower required to provide adequateengineering support of flight operations will be very much dependenton such factors as number and complexity of aircraft to be operated,hours to be flown in support of operations, length of operational day,intensity of weekend operations, requirements for night and weekendmaintenance, levels of maintenance to be carried out, etc. Whilst engineers are not subject to the stringencies of flight crew flightand duty hour restrictions, they do require adequate time away fromthe work-site for rest and relaxation and the labour laws of somecountries do in fact lay down the maximum number of overtime hoursthat can be worked in a given period of time. Guidelines for CompanyOperations are set out at Part 3 Chapter 11.

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AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT GUIDECHAPTER 5 ISSUE DATE: FEBRUARY 1998 PAGE 5-5 It is recommended that a minimum of two type licensed or approvedengineers per type to be operated form part of any establishment.Even in the case of a single aircraft operation, a second A and Cengineer is occasionally needed in order to meet the requirement forduplicate inspection of any work which has involved disturbance ofthe flying or engine controls or any vital points. It should be notedthat although this requirement is regarded as mandatory by the UKC.A.A. this is not the case with many other regulatory bodies; it maytherefore be necessary to make it a standard condition of contract.The second engineer required to meet this condition need not bedirectly employed if arrangements can be made to call up suchservices from another source on an ad hoc basis. Furthermore, in anemergency away from base, a pilot may be authorised to carry outthe role of the checking engineer. It is considered essential that where complex aircraft are operated, atleast one multi-category avionics and Radio Engineer forms part ofthe establishment and in the case of smaller less complex machines,such a rated engineer should be available on site at short notice. The manpower loading of the contract operation should be reviewedby the Aviation Adviser to determine that number of personnelassigned and their respective disciplines and qualifications areappropriate for the task.

5.3. Other Personnel

5.3.1. In considering the personnel required to staff an Air Transport organisation, it isnecessary to take into account both the size of the operation and the contractualobligations of the Company and the operator. Thus the number of personnel, andtheir responsibility will vary.

5.4. Contractor Liaison

5.4.1. It is essential for the smooth running of a contracted operation that a focal pointalso be nominated within the contractors' organisation, and this will normally bean area manager or Operations Manager.

5.4.2. Day to day problems should be discussed between the senior pilot on site andthe field Company Supervisor.

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Part 2 - Aviation Base Support Requirements Airfields, Runways & Operation of Fixed Wing Aircraft

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6.1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................6-3

6.2. REMOTE AIRSTRIP OPERATION ..........................................................................................6-4

Airstrip Inspection ............................................................................................................6-4Airstrip Inspections Following Rain.................................................................................6-4Airstrip Manning ...............................................................................................................6-5Radio Beacon (NDB) .........................................................................................................6-5Contact with the Aircraft...................................................................................................6-5Airstrip Weather Report....................................................................................................6-6After Landing ....................................................................................................................6-7Extended Transit Time......................................................................................................6-7Before Departure...............................................................................................................6-7Night Operations...............................................................................................................6-8Laying a Flare Path ...........................................................................................................6-9Security and Picketing......................................................................................................6-9

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6.1. Introduction

6.1.1. The operation of fixed wing aircraft in support of Company activities is a daily occurrenceand most of these flights are into licensed airfields.

6.1.2. There are, however, occasions when fixed wing air transport is needed to supportactivities in remote areas. A small airfield may exist in the proposed theatre of operationsbut its use by local aircraft operators should not be seen as automatic endorsement of itssuitability. In all probability the existing runway will need to be extended.

6.1.3. Experience has shown that operators of smaller twin engined aeroplanes, and sometimeseven the larger twins, all too often find it convenient to disregard the take off and landingperformance characteristics of their aircraft. Some pilots are not too familiar with theperformance section of the Aircraft Flight Manual and unwittingly expose their passengersto unnecessary exposure which could result in serious injuries. Whilst such an approachto the operation of aircraft is clearly unacceptable, it is not uncommon.

6.1.4. The need to extend a runway or restrict the number of passengers is often brought intoquestion . A 1200 m runway for a small 8 seater piston engined twin versus a 1100 mrunway for a 19 seater turboprop aircraft also raises questions. Runways are built toaccommodate aeroplanes and it is the performance characteristics of the particularaeroplane intended to be used that needs to be considered. As an example, turbo propaircraft such as a DHC-6 Twin Otter has a Short Take Off and Landing (STOL)performance that far outstrips the performance characteristics of light piston enginedtwins.

6.1.5. It is emphasised that separate criteria apply to a runway used with visual conditionscompared to a runway required for instrument conditions.

6.1.6. Having decided that fixed wing support is required and either an airfield exists but therunway needs to be extended or an airfield is just not available in the proposed theatre ofoperations, it is necessary to consult the National Aviation Authorities prior to embarkingon any construction work.

6.1.7. Assuming an airfield and runway are to be developed it should be made clear to theAuthorities that the airfield is intended for use in support of Company activities only andnot for public use.

6.1.8. Most runways constructed or further developed by the Company are initially used insupport of seismic and exploration drilling campaigns and as such are unpaved, visualrunways. The need to keep costs to a minimum is understandable but minimumstandards must be attained. Furthermore, although these minimum standards areacceptable for a limited traffic flow and a limited period, when operational requirementsdemand an increase in utilisation or the use of larger aircraft then consideration will needto be given to upgrading the runway and support facilities.

6.1.9. International standards and recommended practices in airfield design and operations areset down in Annex 14, Volume 1, of the ICAO document to the Convention onInternational Civil Aviation; this document is available in English, French, Russian andSpanish and can be obtained by either contacting the National Aviation Authorities.Further guidance is available in UK CAA Publication CAP 168 Licensing ofAerodromes.

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Figure 25Windsocks

6.2. Remote Airstrip Operation

6.2.1. The following guidance applies particularly to the operation of remote airstrips.

Airstrip Inspection At remote airstrips an inspection must be at least 60 minutes prior to the ETAof an aircraft. This safety inspection must be made over the full length of theairstrip driving at a low speed of approximately 10 kph. Drivers should keepto the right and watch out for any animals, obstructions, washouts, holes orlarge stones, etc., in the middle of the area. Stones measuring 4cm or morein diameter should be removed. Repeat the exercise above but driving back down the right hand side of therunway on the opposite side. Particular attention should be paid to landing areas approximately 200 metresfrom the runway ends. The pilot must be warned if there are serious defects which may present ahazard when landing. Runway side markers should be checked to see thatthey are correctly positioned. Fire extinguishers/fire tender must be in placeand the windsock(s) free.

Airstrip Inspections Following Rain Many remote airstrips are made up of laterite, compacted sand, etc. Theymust be inspected, preferably by Field Engineering, after heavy rain beforebeing declared serviceable. In some circumstances Air Operations, Safety or Rig Personnel may berequested to inspect an airstrip. It is essential that the inspection is carriedout by the most senior person available, and the correct criteria must be metbefore the airstrip is declared fit for use.

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a. No visible water is permitted on a runway or parking area that will beused. (Remember that if the strip is a remote desert or laterite strip itwill not be covered by bitumen).

b. Sand/mud must not accumulate on the tyres of the inspection vehicle,nor be thrown up on the underside of the vehicle.

c. The surface must be tested by driving a Land Rover or similar vehicleover it. If 80 kph cannot be attained, or if ruts deeper then 2.5 cm aremade, then the surface is probably too soft. check for good brakingaction by hard-braking at 60 kph and that this action causes no deepruts (i.e. deeper than 3.5cm).

d. Dig a small hole to a depth of 15 cm in the centre area of the wettestpart of the airstrip and check if soft mud or sand is reached. The holeshould not fill with water. Refill the hole.

e. Check the edges of the runway for washouts and ruts where waterhas deposited the grade surface.

Airstrip Manning Remote airstrips must be manned 30 minutes prior to the estimated time ofarrival (ETA) of an aircraft. The airstrip must be manned at least 30 minutesafter departure or up until the point of no return, whichever is the least time. Aircraft must be monitored by radio whilst in flight and position reportsregularly given by the pilot. A log is to be kept of all aircraft movements. Search and rescue procedures, with regular exercises, are to be in place.

Radio Beacon (NDB) Where possible, a party operating an airstrip must use a Non DirectionalBeacon (NDB). This equipment assists the pilot to locate the airstrip usingthe Aircraft Radio Compass (ADF). The position of the NDB will be shown ona Pilot's Route Map with courses from/to other locations. The NDB should beactivated one hour before the scheduled estimated time of arrival (ETA) of theflight and remain switched on for at least 30 minutes after the departure of theaircraft or up until the point of no return, whichever is the least time. If an airstrip is used by more than one party, then only one NDB is to beoperated.

Contact with the Aircraft When contact is made, the following information is to be given to the pilot ofthe aircraft. The information is to be given in the order listed below andwritten down prior to aircraft arrival.

a. Flight.... this is ..... Airstrip. The runway has been inspected and isclear.

DO NOT SAY: Clear to land.

b. The surface wind is .... degrees at ... knots.

c. Visibility is ... kilometres.

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d. IF less than 5 kilometres, say why (e.g. fog, rain, dust, haze, etc.).

IF over 10 kilometres say: more than 10 kilometres.

e. Cloudbase is ... octas at ... feet estimated.

f. Temperature is plus ... degrees Celsius.

Note: Reference items c and d: report a single CAV OK if visibility is morethan 10 kilometres and the sky is clear.

Airstrip Weather Report If a remote airstrip is called upon to give a weather report(s), the followingdetails are required:

a. Name of airstrip (this may be different from a Rig Location).

b. Type of report (routine or Special).

c. time of report (Local).

d. Surface horizontal visibility in kilometres (this can be judged by usinga vehicle to lay off markers) and any significant weather (e.g. 4kilometres in rain, dust, haze, fog, etc.).

e. Cloud cover in octas (8ths) - 4/8 equals half blue sky - and estimatedheight of lowest cloud (in feet).

f. Temperature in degrees Celsius. At permanently manned airstrips, markers should be placed to give areference point for estimating horizontal visibility to improve accuracy ofreporting. A special weather report must be sent immediately to aircraft (if possible) orbase if conditions deteriorate considerably after a routine report and exceedthe following parameters:

a. Wind exceeding 25 knots

This may impose crosswind limits on the aircraft, therefore thedirection as well as the speed is important

b. Visibility less than 3 kilometres

c. Unusual weather

For example, fog, moderate to heavy rain, thunderstorms,dust/sandstorms, hail, snow etc. Light rain is not significant unlessthe runway is affected.

d. Low cloud covering more than half the sky

This is probably the most difficult for an untrained observer to judge.Four octas below 2000 feet is probably best described as 'lowovercast', and becomes significant at those airfields which have noposition-fixing aids or approved approach procedures.

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After Landing Inform base control of the actual time of landing. The responsible person at the airstrip must keep personnel away from theaircraft until the propellers/rotor blades have stopped. Personnel must not beallowed to approach the aircraft until the pilot indicates that it is safe to do so.This is vital for safety reasons. A fire extinguisher is to be positioned in the front of the aircraft where it canbe seen by the pilot, in preparation for starting of engines, refuelling, etc. The crews will open the aircraft doors. Other personnel must keep clear whilethis is being done. It is important that all cargo consigned to the airstrip is offloaded. The cargomanifest must be thoroughly checked. Any cargo remaining/added must besecured. The crew, or sometimes the loadmaster, will advise on this.Particular attention must be given to ensuring that:

a. The name and weight of all boarding passengers are recorded.

b. All pieces of cargo to be loaded are weighed in advance and itemsmarked.

c. No dangerous goods are loaded. A list of dangerous goods mustbe available at all rigs, stations and remote airstrips. If in doubt, theitem must not be carried. The cargo/passenger manifest is to be issued by the person handling theflight and given to the pilot, who will sign for receipt. It is a legal requirementthat copies are retained on file for the period of one month. Scheduled transit times at remote airstrips must be observed. This will avoiddelays at other locations and to later flights.

Extended Transit Time If for good reason the aircraft is to remain at the airstrip for a period longerthan the normal transit time, accommodation should be made available forpassengers and crew. It is important that pilots have reliable two-waycommunication with a radio room and/or telephone in order that they may becontacted in the event of an emergency situation developing at anotherlocation. The aircraft should be guarded whilst on the airstrip to prevent tampering byunauthorised persons.

Before Departure (Manned airport or airstrips) On completion of loading freight and passengers, the doors will be closed andchecked by the crew. People must be kept away from the aircraft and the fireextinguisher must be manned. The person in charge of the extinguisher mustbe in the pilot's line of sight.

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Aircraft Management GuideChapter 6 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 6-8 The pilot will request clearance to start the engines. Clearance is indicatedby the 'thumbs up' sign from the aircraft marshaller or the person holding thefire extinguisher in the marshaller's absence. When both engines are started,the pilot will, by waving crossed hands, signal confirmation that all equipmentis clear and there are no chocks at the wheels. This should then be checkedand fire extinguisher removed. Clearance to the pilot to taxi is indicated by afurther 'thumbs up' sign. The person in charge of the fire extinguisher must know how to use it andwhere. (Most fires occur at engine start-up). Staff involved in aircraft operations should wear ear defenders while enginesare running. After take-off, VHF and fire coverage must be maintained at the airstrip for 30minutes or up until the point of no return, whichever is the least time. Thedeparture time must be radioed to base.


Night Operations Night operations may be required for emergency purposes (e.g. Medevac,etc.) at remote locations. In such cases it is normal to fly with two pilots (thisis appropriate for both fixed wing and rotor aircraft). An attendant, preferably a person with medical knowledge, should travel withthe sick or injured person. The flight crew are unable to attend and supervisea sick or injured person and safely fly the aircraft. Night flying will impose restrictions on pilots' normal duty hours. The following definitions of emergency flight are now accepted throughout theIndustry:

a. Search and Rescue (SAR)

An emergency mission to locate and rescue a person who is in anabnormal environment and whose life is threatened if not removedfrom the environment or if not provided with protection andassistance. This has priority over all other operations.

b. Medrescue (medical rescue)

Indicates a 'life and limb' emergency and is a medical mission torescue a person who is in hostile environment. Also indicates that anevacuation or doctor's visit is necessary to prevent death or seriousdamage to a person's health.

c. Medevac (medical evacuation)

Indicates a non-urgent situation requiring a seat in an aircraft a t atime to be specified by Medical. This terminology is necessary toalert those concerned to the degree-of-response facilities required.This has no priority other than seat allocation; priority shall be advisedby the doctor.

Note: The term 'Casevac' has been dropped by the UK Rescue Co-ordination Centres and the UK Offshore Operators Association.

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Laying a Flare Path Wherever possible battery operated glim lights should be used rather thanflare pots. On arrival at the airstrip, pass a weather report to the person who asked forthe strip to be illuminated. If unable to determine which is the upwind end ofthe runway, the air operations supervisor or the aircraft captain will advise asto which way the flare path is to be laid. If flare pots are the only means of illumination, ensure that flare wicks areprotruding and the reservoir is sufficiently filled with kerosene, paraffin ordiesel.

Note: DO NOT USE PETROL. The flares are to be positioned 50 metres (ICAO) apart along the edge of theairstrip, on the inside of the normal edge markers. Six flares should be placed across the upwind end of the runway. Thedownwind end should be marked with additional flares on each side and thesurface can be lit with dipped headlights of two vehicles. The parking area (if any) is to be marked. The flare path is to be lit 30 minutes before the flight is expected and must notbe extinguished until at least 30 minutes after the flight has departed. When contact is made with the aircraft, handle as for a day operation.However, the pilot must be informed if a major change in the wind directionhas occurred since the flare path was laid (i.e. if the flare path is laid thewrong way). When giving wind state, be as accurate as possible. The pilot isunable to see the windsock and the wrong information can lead to adownwind landing which is potentially dangerous. If possible, the windsockshould be illuminated by spotlights.

Security and Picketing No aircraft is to be left unattended, day or night. A guard must be posted nomatter how short or long the transit time of the aircraft. If high winds are forecast, the aircraft is to be 'picketed' (lashed down). Theaircraft crew will advise and must be in attendance when this is carried out. Ifpossible, the aircraft should be turned 'head to wind'.

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CHAPTER 7 - HELICOPTER FACILITIES ONSHORE ......................................................................7-3

7.1. PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................7-3

7.2. THE HELIPORT ......................................................................................................................7-4

7.3 UNLICENSED HELIPORTS ....................................................................................................7-4

Raised Helipad for Desert Operations .............................................................................7-6Jungle Landing Areas.......................................................................................................7-6

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Reference: I.C.A.O. Annex 14 Vol 2 - Heliports

7.1. Performance Considerations

7.1.1. Offshore helicopter facilities are detailed in Chapter 19. This chapter concerns itself withthe onshore environment. The definitions reference is ICAO Annex 14 Vol 2(Heliports)

7.1.2. The regulation of helicopter operation varies widely between countries, and the firstrequirement when establishing a helicopter base is to determine that the law of the land iscomplied with. That said, the Aviation Adviser is aware of the need to minimiserestrictions in order to exploit the helicopters flexibility, without jeopardising safety.

7.1.3. In principle, the Aviation Adviser would wish to see the dimensions and relative location ofhelicopter take-off, landing areas and parking areas selected in such a way that in theevent of a engine failure (in either a single or multi-engined machine) at any stage offlight, including air taxiing, the aircraft should either be able to make an immediate safelanding back in the departure site, or be able to fly safely to and complete a controlledapproach and landing at a predetermined site. It is accepted that in certain specialisedoperations, notably support of seismic activities, this will not always be practicable due tothe temporary nature of line clearings, and this subject is addressed in Chapter 17 It isrecommended however, that the above requirements be met at all helicopter bases.

7.1.4. The following Performance Classes are recognised internationally: Performance Class 1 Helicopter. A helicopter with performance such thatin case of critical power unit failure, it is able to land on the rejected take offarea or safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area. Performance Class 2 Helicopter. A helicopter with performance such thatin case of critical power unit failure, it is able to safely continue the flightexcept when failure occurs prior to a defined point after take off or after adefined point before landing, in which case, a forced landing may be required. Performance Class 3 Helicopter. A helicopter with performance such thatin case of a power unit failure at any point in the flight profile, a forced landingmust be performed.

7.1.5. Pilots of Class 3 helicopters are required to follow flight paths that will allow forcedlandings at all times.

7.1.6. Helicopters are also constructed to one of two build standards reflecting their overallperformance: Category A and Category B, but for practical purposes it is the PerformanceClass which reflects the chosen method of operation

7.1.7. Helicopter operators are required to ensure that: Helicopters which have a maximum approved passenger seatingconfiguration of more than nineteen are always operated in accordance withPerformance Class 1 requirements. Helicopters which have a maximum approved passenger seatingconfiguration of nineteen or less but more than nine may be operated inaccordance with Performance Class 1 or Performance Class 2 requirements,depending on their actual take-off weight.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 7 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 7-4 Helicopters which have a maximum approved passenger seatingconfiguration of nine or less may be operated in accordance withPerformance Class, 1 2 or 3 requirements.

7.1.8. Present generation helicopters are not built to full Category A and hence unlimitedPerformance Class 1 standards but it is recommended that wherever possible, payloadand profiles should be adjusted to operate to as near Performance 1 standards aspossible. Certain activities, in particular seismic work, do not allow this opportunity andthis is covered in Chapter 17.

7.2. The Heliport

7.2.1. The physical characteristics for a Heliport are set out in ICAO Annex 14. They set outdimensions required of a licensed heliport i.e. one suitable for scheduled public transportflights. Whereas unscheduled public transport flights may not be compelled legally to usesuch heliport dimensions, it is desirable for them to do so.

7.2.2. Fire/Crash response requirements are set out in Chapter 9.

7.2.3. It is essential that helicopter operations are conducted safely and with the minimum risk ofdanger to persons or property. It is also important from the "good-neighbour" aspect thatdisturbances or annoyances to others is minimised. Both these aims can be met to alarge extent by ensuring that flight paths to and from a heliport pass over ground whichwill provide open areas suitable for a forced landing. Engine failure at a low height in aPerformance 3 or in restricted areas. Performance Class 2 helicopters will give a pilotvery little option as to where he will land.

7.3. Unlicensed Heliports

7.3.1. Whereas the aim is to set up heliports to the "licensed" standard in accord with ICAOAnnex 14, this may not always be fully achieved but the main principles still apply:sufficient clearance on the ground for both parking and for movement by personnel andvehicles and sufficient clearance for helicopter ground manoeuvring, approach andlanding, and take off and climb away. Where the licensed standard cannot be achieved,advice from the Aviation Adviser should be sought.

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7.3.2. An example of an unlicensed site with adequate reject area, to accommodate a Bell 212is shown below:

7.3.3. The positioning of helicopter parking spots requires careful consideration to avoid thepossibility of main or tail rotor contact with an obstacle or adjacent helicopter duringmanoeuvring. Notwithstanding the distances specified in the reference, it isrecommended that adequate rotor clearance be maintained, such that no part of onehelicopter shall ever come closer than rotor diameter to another helicopter or otherobstacle.

7.3.4. It should also be noted that static electricity continues to cause aircraft explosions andfires year after year. Fixed floats, fibre glass skis, wooden dollies (or landing pads) andpoor bonding can effectively insulate the helicopter, preventing it from dissipating itselectrostatic charge on landing. If such conditions are coupled with an accumulation offuel-air vapour in either empty or partly full fuel-tanks then there can be a high risk ofignition from an electrostatic discharge.

7.3.5. When using any landing site particularly those constructed of wood, fibre-glass, or anyother non-conductive material, one should be aware of the electrostatic hazards andensure that any bonding is regularly checked for integrity. In the absence of any clearstatic discharge path, consideration should be given to fitting a surface mounted earthingstrap laid across the normal points of contact with the helicopter undercarriage or skids.

7.3.6. The layout of, for example, a seismic base camp should allow for complete segregation ofhelicopter activity from passenger and vehicular traffic, with only authorised and trainedpersonnel allowed access to the helicopter operating area. Routes for embarking anddisembarking passengers should be marked and a clear indication should be given of thepoint beyond which passengers must not proceed unless accompanied by a member ofthe aviation staff.

7.3.7. The siting of refuelling points should be chosen to reduce the necessity for rotors runningrefuelling, and the bulk fuel installation should be sited as far as possible from thehelicopter parking and landing/take-off areas. Under no circumstances should the bulkfuel installation infringe the zone defined in the reference as the "peripheral area".



Reduce RTOW by 5% if1. Obstacle height > 15mm max 30m or2. Reject area reduced by <30m or3. Part of reject area (max 50m) is swamp or waterNote: - No more than two of the above circumstances (10% reduction) should occur simultaneously - No more than two degrading steps should be allowed to occur concurrently

Maxobstacleheight 15 m(50’)Add 30m ofreject areafor every 3mof obstacleheightincrease.

Reject area

Surface should:1. Be smooth enough to allow road vehicle to travel on (4WD)2. Not have obstacles, including grass, higher than 0.25m









Winddirectionmust bewithin 30°either sideof runwaydirection


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7.3.8. All the foregoing is intended to show the large variety of important considerations whensetting up an on-shore helicopter base, but there is no substitute for on-site expertinvolvement at the earliest possible stage of the operation planning process, as latemodifications to facilities invariably involve higher costs.

Raised Helipad for Desert Operations The Spreeuwenberg Steiger Bouw C.V. Helipad is suitable for working insandy conditions. The equipment can easily be handled by manpower aloneand the building technique is not complicated. The helipad consists of a steel framework built on a base of wooden scaffoldboards. The actual deck is made up of two layers of 18mm plywood attachedby screws to the wooden crossbeams. The helideck is 25 metres square and 1.75 metres above ground level. The construction of the raised pads can be by any number of means,however, there are light-weight easily constructed portable systems available,other alternatives are large tarpaulins suitably secured or oiled sand/bitumenor even watered sand. Clearly sand erosion and sandouts on approach ortake off are hazardous considerations and therefore, the reduction of theseeffects to the minimum is highly desirable.

Jungle Landing Areas Remote sites to be used for helicopter operations in jungle locations for shortperiods of time should follow the criteria listed below.

a. Landing area at Ground Level

Width Equal to overall length (main to tail rotor tip) of largesthelicopter intended for use (D).

Length Twice dimension (D) above.

Surface Smooth, stable and firm under both wet and dry conditions.Maximum inclination not to exceed three degrees from thehorizontal.

b. Elevated Landing Pad

This is an alternative to (a) and is likely to prove most suitable forjungle clearings with uneven ground. For ease of access it isrecommended that the pad should not be raised more than anaverage of one metre above ground level.

c. Recommended Dimensions

The area should be large enough to contain a circle the diameter ofwhich should be equivalent to the overall length (main to tail rotor tip)of the largest helicopter intended for use.

d. Minimum Dimensions for Skid Fitted Aircraft

An area large enough to contain a circle of a diameter equivalent tothree quarters of the main rotor diameter.

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e. Construction

Local materials may be used. If logs are to be used the top layershould be approximately fifteen centimetres in diameter. The joints ofthe top surface should be as close as possible in order to afford thebest possible "ground effect" for helicopters and ease of movementby personnel. There should be no projecting articles which mighthazard underslung load operations.

Construction should be of logs or sawn timber. Note that packedsand and/or clay is not recommended. Operational proceduresshould indicate that aircraft be landed with skids across and notparallel with the top timbers.

f. Transition Area

Length 20 metres from edge of landing pad in direction of take-offpath.

Width 10 metres or equivalent to width of landing pad whichever isthe greater.

Surface Should be cleared of brush and stumps to maximum heightof half metre above ground level and with no obstructions toextend through the horizontal plane subtended by the landingpad surface.

g. Cleared Area

Length Shall be a minimum of 25 metres measured from the edge ofthe landing area/pad to the base of the trees and with amaximum slope of 40 degrees measured from the sameedge of the landing area/pad to the top of the trees on thesame side.

Also a minimum of 150 metres horizontally and a maximumslope of 15 degrees measured from the other side of thelanding area/pad to the base/tops of the trees respectively.

Notes: i. Hilltops and ridges make good areas for landing sites ifsufficiently close to the area of operations, as the clearancerequired is considerably reduced and due consideration istaken into possible wind tolerance.

ii. Loose brush and all material likely to be moved by helicopterdownwash must be cleared well away from the landing area.

iii. The landing area/pad must be kept clear of all items forlandings and take-offs, therefore, a baggage assembly/loaddespatching area should be designated/constructed clear ofthe landing area and no items awaiting loading/unloadingmay be above level of landing pad.

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CHAPTER 8 - REFUELLING.......................................................................................................... 8-3

8.1 AIRCRAFT FUEL ................................................................................................................. 8-3

Source of Information.................................................................................................... 8-3Types of Fuel.................................................................................................................. 8-3Density ........................................................................................................................... 8-3Batch Number ................................................................................................................ 8-4Contamination................................................................................................................ 8-4

Water.......................................................................................................................... 8-4Solids......................................................................................................................... 8-4Discoloration............................................................................................................. 8-4Micro-biological bacteria and fungi.......................................................................... 8-4

Additives in Fuel ............................................................................................................ 8-5Personal Protection ....................................................................................................... 8-5Protective Clothing ........................................................................................................ 8-5Static Electricity ............................................................................................................. 8-5Bonding.......................................................................................................................... 8-6Environmental Management at Airfield Depots............................................................ 8-6Leaks .............................................................................................................................. 8-6Drain Samples................................................................................................................ 8-7Soil and Ground Water Protection ................................................................................ 8-7Vapour Emissions.......................................................................................................... 8-7

8.2 INSTALLATIONS ................................................................................................................. 8-7

Storage Tanks ................................................................................................................ 8-7Transportable Tanks...................................................................................................... 8-8Bunding.......................................................................................................................... 8-9Fuel Delivery System..................................................................................................... 8-9

8.3 FUELLING OPERATIONS.................................................................................................. 8-11

Onshore........................................................................................................................ 8-11Receipts................................................................................................................... 8-11Testing..................................................................................................................... 8-12Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 8-13

Offshore........................................................................................................................ 8-13Storage and Transport............................................................................................ 8-13Receipt, Testing and Transfer ................................................................................ 8-13Responsibilities ...................................................................................................... 8-14

8.5 FUEL AT REMOTE LOCATIONS....................................................................................... 8-14

Supply .......................................................................................................................... 8-15Aircraft Fuelling ........................................................................................................... 8-15Drum Stocks................................................................................................................. 8-15

Receipts................................................................................................................... 8-15Storage .................................................................................................................... 8-15Decanting to Bulk Storage...................................................................................... 8-16Refuelling ................................................................................................................ 8-16

8.5. TYPES OF REFUELLING................................................................................................... 8-17

Pressure Refuelling ..................................................................................................... 8-17Gravity Refuelling ........................................................................................................ 8-17System Design ............................................................................................................. 8-17Aircraft Refuelling........................................................................................................ 8-17

General .................................................................................................................... 8-17Pre-Refuelling Checks ............................................................................................ 8-17Ready for Refuelling ............................................................................................... 8-18Refuelling Sequence............................................................................................... 8-18

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Completion of Refuelling........................................................................................ 8-19Rotors Running Refuelling (RRR) ............................................................................... 8-19

Emergency Procedures - Fire Guard...................................................................... 8-19

8.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE..................................................................................................... 8-20

Water Checks .......................................................................................................... 8-20Testing With a Water Detector Capsule ................................................................. 8-20Testing with Water Finding Paste .......................................................................... 8-21Discoloration Test................................................................................................... 8-21

Checks following heavy rainfall, snow, high seas or large temperature changes.... 8-21Testing of Static Stocks............................................................................................... 8-21Settling ......................................................................................................................... 8-22Daily Checks ................................................................................................................ 8-22Periodic Checks ........................................................................................................... 8-23

Filtration Equipment ............................................................................................... 8-23Hose End Mesh Strainers ....................................................................................... 8-23Pumps ..................................................................................................................... 8-24Refuelling Dispensers............................................................................................. 8-24Hoses....................................................................................................................... 8-24Commissioning a Hose........................................................................................... 8-25Monthly Hose Test Procedure ................................................................................ 8-25Six Monthly Hose Test Procedure.......................................................................... 8-26Bonding Checks...................................................................................................... 8-27Tanks ....................................................................................................................... 8-27Tank Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 8-28Annual Inspection of Tanks.................................................................................... 8-28Seal Drum And Pillow Tank Commissioning ......................................................... 8-29

Equipment .................................................................................................................... 8-30Record Keeping ........................................................................................................... 8-30Documentation and Manuals....................................................................................... 8-31Training ........................................................................................................................ 8-31

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8.1. Aircraft Fuel

8.1.1. This section is intended as a basic guide to operating companies when setting up orsupervising the operation of aircraft fuelling systems for upstream operations, and notretail operations. Those handling and dispensing aviation fuel should fully understandthat the safety of an aircraft and its passengers is affected by on their ability to deliver thecorrect grade of uncontaminated, dry fuel into its tanks.

Source of Information Most Companies that have downstream operations will have procedures inplace for quality assurance for aviation products. The relevant Companyprocedures should be checked but the remainder of this chapter should notbe found to be at variance with normal good practices.

Types of Fuel There are two types of aviation fuel used, namely Kerosene and Gasoline,with various grades available in both types. However, generally Jet A1 andAVGAS-100LL will be encountered.

a. Jet A-1 is a kerosene grade of fuel suitable for most turbo-prop or jetengined aircraft. Usually clear in colour, it has a relatively high flashpointfor a fuel, and the ability to absorb significant quantities of water, holding itin suspension. The amount of water the fuel is capable of absorbing isdirectly proportional to its temperature. The ICAO colour code to identifyJet-A1 is black on a white background.

Note: TC-1 is commonly used in the CIS. this wider cut grade, with a flashpoint that can be as low as 28°C, requires additional handling care. Othergrades are also available and all are normally wider cut than Jet A1.

b. Aviation Gasoline (AVGAS) is the grade of gasoline fuel for reciprocatingpiston engined aircraft and, having a very low flash point, is extremelyflammable at normal operating temperatures. For easy identificationAVGAS-100LL fuel is dyed blue.

Note: As a safeguard against Jet A1 being mistakenly decanted into apiston engined aircraft, steps were taken in the late 1980's to introduce asmaller size refuelling orifice to the aircraft tanks, and a correspondinglysmaller refuelling nozzle. However, many piston engine aircraft are notfitted with this modification and refuelling operators should take great careto ensure the correct grade is delivered. Refuelling with the wrong fuelcontinues to be a regular cause of fatal accidents in aviation.

Density The mass (or weight) per unit volume of a product and a density result mustinclude units of measurement. While kg/lt at 15ºC is still widely used kg/m³ at15ºC is the unit measurement standard that should be adopted wherepossible.

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Batch Number. The batch number, given on the Aviation Tank Filling Record, should becarefully maintained on all documentation relating to a consignment of fuel, asit enables its storage and movement of to be traced in the event ofcontamination being found.

Contamination - Water Water may be present in three forms:

a. Dissolved Water. Water molecules are present in JET A-1 as part of itschemical structure. Provided the molecules remain chemically combinedwith the fuel they are undetectable and present no hazard to aircraft. Itshould be remembered, however, that the quantity of dissolved water heldby the fuel is directly proportional to its temperature, i.e. the warmer thefuel the more water it can hold.

b. Suspended Water. A very fine mist of water droplets suspended in fuel,which can cause it to take on a cloudy appearance if present in sufficientquantity; but at very low concentrations the fuel will appear clear.Suspended water will gradually settle to the bottom of the tank, forminglarge drops of free-water.

c. Free-water. When sampling fuel, free water will appear as slugs, or as alayer lying on the bottom of the glass sample jar.

Contamination - Solids. Solid contaminants comprise mainly of dirt, dust, pipe or tank lining scale, orrust particles. Fuel must not be passed for use until a clean, contaminationfree sample, taken from the clean side of filters is obtained.

Contamination - Discoloration.

8.1.1 7. Discoloration of fuel can be caused by many contaminants, including otherpetroleum fuels and substances, fine suspended solids or water. Fuel thatshows signs of discoloration must not be used.

Contamination - Micro-biological bacteria and fungi There are many species of bacteria and fungi that can grow in hydrocarbonfuels, given suitable temperature conditions and the availability of water, andcertain essential nutrients; two in particular can cause problems in fuelhandling systems and in aircraft. They are the fungus Cladosporium Resinaeand sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB's), in particular Desulfouibrio.

The development of corrosive fuel in storage due to bacterial action can beavoided by stringent adherence to water drain procedures.

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Additives in Fuel Generally, additives are included in the composition of the product duringmanufacture; however, Anti-Icing Additive (AIA) may have to be introducedseparately, due in part to the high risk to refinery staff when handling bulkAIA. For example, "Prist", a commonly used AIA product is consideredhazardous to health as it can be absorbed through the skin and is thought tobe a carcinogen. A metered nozzle should therefore be used when applyingPrist into fuel.

Personal Protection Contamination of the skin by fuels, can cause chapping, irritation andinfection. Skin should never be exposed to prolonged contact. This canoccur when operatives continue wearing clothing that has been contaminatedand soaked with fuel. First aid treatment is essential:

a. Fuel, however small a quantity, must be washed from the skin as soon aspossible, using soap and water.

b. Contaminated clothing must be removed at once and laundered before re-use.

c. Protective gloves must be worn and barrier cream used to protect exposedskin.

Protective Clothing Correct Personnel Protect Equipment (PPE) is essential when dealing withfuel or fuel additives such as Prist or AIA. When handling additives the PPEshould include a long sleeved garment, long rubber gloves and goggles andwhen dealing with Jet-A1 fuel the gloves and goggles are still considerednecessary. Operators must always stand upwind of the refuelling activity, incase there is leakage from the applicator. In the event of clothing beingaccidentally splashed by neat AIA, the garments must be immediatelyremoved and the affected area of skin washed vigorously with soap andwater. Similarly if clothing becomes wetted by fuel it is important to changeout of the clothes quickly and wash the affected parts. Overalls or protective clothing made of synthetics such as Nylon or Polyestercan be uncomfortable in hot climates and can be hazardous in a fire situationby sticking to the skin when it burns.

Static Electricity When fuel is flowing through handling systems, in particular filters,electrostatic build-up will increase until the potential difference is sufficient toallow an electrical discharge to earth through an adjacent member, thuscausing a spark. To prevent a static discharge and subsequent risk of fire orexplosion in a fuel rich atmosphere, all components must be effectivelybonded before the commencement of any procedure for the movement ortransfer of fuel (including fuel drain).

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CAUTION: Pipework and major components, pumps, meters, filters, etc., must beeffectively bonded to clean unpainted metal parts. The danger of fire or explosion brought about by faulty or ineffective bonding,or negligence in carrying out bonding procedures, cannot be over stressed.Bonding leads must be checked for continuity at least weekly. Fuelinstallation bonding cables, located in the refuelling cabinet and attached tothe gravity refuelling nozzle, must be connected to the aircraft beforerefuelling commences and not removed until it is completed. Similarly, hosesmust not be connected to transportable or sample recovery tanks until tebonding lead has been attached. Refuelling hoses have an antistatic covering, but must be bonded to theaircraft to ensure complete continuity. Bonding the hose to the aircraft whenpressure refuelling is effected through the coupling, as the coupling forms apositive metal to metal contact and during gravity refuelling must be effectedby the use of a nozzle end cable by connection to a nearby aircraft structure.

Environmental Management at Airfield Depots Environmental matters assume an ever increasing importance and whereverpersonnel operate, they should adopt a policy of continuous improvement inenvironmental performance. The potential for environmental pollution is always present when handling,transporting and storing fuel, and great care should always be taken tocontain the product. This section highlights the most common causes ofrelease into the environment and offers guidance on minimising the risks. As a minimum, discharges should be controlled in line with national or locallegislative standards and be consistent with internationally agreedconventions. A quantitative inventory of current emissions, effluents and discharges ofwaste material for all processes should be maintained. The potential consequences of the environmental effects of past operationsshould be assessed. Action plans should be developed to implement improvements, withquantitative targets supported by regular audits, reports and appraisals ofperformance.

Leaks Leakage is more likely to occur from ageing hydrant systems and buriedpipelines than from tank bottoms and buried tanks. If a hydrant leak issuspected, immediate efforts must be made to identify its location. Methodsof detection will depend on hydrant size, position and design, but the followingshould be considered:-

a. Digging. This involves physically locating the leak by excavation of thepipeline at selective points; it is a crude and is only likely to be effective onsmall hydrants.

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b. Ultrasonic Sounding. In its simplest form, a single ultrasonic transduceris fitted to various points along the line and the local noise level is noted ona hand held meter. Leakage may then be traced to the area producing theloudest ultrasonic noise signal. This technique has been used withconsiderable success, and is simple and reasonably inexpensive.

c. Local Pressure Testing. Provided the hydrant line can be sectionedusing valves, short sections may be individually pressure tested to confirmtheir integrity, thereby narrowing down the source of the leak.

d. Gas Sniffing. This technique involves the injection of a light gas, usuallyhelium, into the pipeline and monitoring concentrations of the gas in thearea above the pipeline using a special detecting device. Tank installations should also be reviewed to minimise the risk of leakage. Innew installations, buried horizontal tanks should be avoided. The design andconstruction of vertical tank bottoms should take into account measures tominimise the risk of leakage due to corrosion, and consideration should begiven to secondary containment of leakage.

Drain Samples Drain samples should not be tipped into the ground, but should be returned totank storage systems by means of a suitable product return system.

Soil and Ground Water Protection Top soil and the ground water layer at airfield depots may be contaminated byminor leakage and spills, or by oil contaminated water e.g. drained from thetank bottom, overflowing from the tank during filling, leaking pipelines, orleaking drainage channels. The bunded areas should be impervious to fuel.

Vapour Emissions AVGAS tanks should either have an internal floating cover or be fitted withconventional pressure vacuum (PV) valves as a means of reducing vapourloss. Both floating covers and PV valves require regular maintenance toassure their effectiveness.

8.2. Installations

8.2.1. The specification for a refuelling system in general, consists of a number of elementsconnected together to form a complete installation. Elements include bulk storage tanks,filtration, sample testing orifices, pumping facilities, pipework, valves, quantity gauges anddispensing equipment. The various elements described in this part assume a refuellingsystem for Jet A1 dedicated to the uplift of fuel and having a flow rate of 50 GPM.

Storage Tanks Tanks will either be fixed or transportable and will vary in type, dependant onwhether they are installed on-shore or off-shore; however, they shouldincorporate the following features:

a. Be constructed from stainless steel, steel, reinforced neoprene rubber,(pillow tanks) or glass reinforced epoxy, although the latter is rarely used.Stainless steel tanks are preferable for general use and are mandatory forthe storage and transportation of fuel offshore.

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b. Tanks fabricated from steel (other than stainless steel) must have interiorsurfaces coated with an amino epoxy paint finish.

c. Tanks should be installed in a frame or on supports. (Tanks are normallycylindrical and mounted with a slope of at least 1 in 60 to give a low point,where an externally mounted sump with gate valve for protection and a3/4" diameter steel ball drain valve with a dust-cap on the outlet, is fitted.The drain valve has at least 12" clearance above the ground to allow fuelsamples to be taken. Buried tanks require a suitable manual "thief pump"to allow bottom samples to be taken).

d. With the exception of transportable and pillow tanks, floating suctionshould be fitted to draw-off fuel. Some dispensations have been granted toolder fixed installation but certain operational restrictions apply. New tanksrequire floating suction.

e. Tanks must have a flanged and bolted manhole (pillow tanks excepted) inthe top surface at the high end of the tank. There should also be a meansof checking the contents and the floating suction through easy accesssealable ports.

f. Tanks must allow space for expansion, amounting to 2% of the totalcontent when full. A pressure vacuum valve with a mesh cover to preventthe ingress of contamination is also fitted on Avgas and offshore Jet A1tanks. Pillow tanks and seal drums will not have this installed.

Transportable Tanks Transportable tanks are subject to additional criteria, which is detailed below,However, the standard continues to evolve and before purchasing new tanksadvice should be sought.

a. Off-shore Transport Tanks. These tanks are designed for transportingfuel to offshore locations, where they are either used to supply a bulkstorage system or connected directly to the installation's refuelling system.

Tanks transporting Jet A1 at sea must conform to the Inter-GovernmentalMaritime Consultative Organisation Code entitled 'International MaritimeDangerous Goods Code Class 3 Inflammable Liquids'. However, nationalauthorities may have higher standards, as is the case in the UK. It istherefore strongly recommended that the local Marine Authority isconsulted prior to purchasing tanks, to ensure they meet the requiredstandard.

b. Pillow Tanks. Collapsible rubber (pillow) tanks may be used as bulkstorage. This type of tank has the advantage of being available in a widerange of sizes and is readily transportable when empty and collapsed.This type of tank requires a firm, flat base, with 1 in 60 slope, otherwiseripples can form on the bottom, and lead to the formation of water pocketsand subsequent micro-biological growth. The construction of the basearea must also include a bund capable of holding 110% of the tanksmaximum capacity. It will also be necessary to provide shelter for thetanks when used in hot climates to avoid deterioration of the tank andleaching from the tank walls.

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c. Seal Drums. Neoprene rubber seal drums are available in various sizesand are strengthened for transportation either underslung, in nets, ontrucks or even towable. These tanks have the added advantage of beingused as the bulk tank on location, and are filled and drained via a filtermonitor to ensure that the fuel remains clean and dry. The seal drum iscollapsible and when empty takes up 15% of the filled out volume. It has astainless steel cable mounted internally between the upper and lower endplates, from which it gains its strength and rigidity when being moved.

Seal drums should be housed within a bund, capable of containing 110%of the largest seal drum. Use of these drums requires specificcommissioning procedures to be followed which is detailed in underslung they can be lifted one above the other, the first beingconnected via a two point sling to the two lugs on the bearing supportedswivel neck; this is connected to the helicopter. The second seal drum isconnected from the lower plate of the first drum to the upper two lugs onthe bearing supported swivel neck of the second tank. It has been foundpractical to carry seal drums two at a time in a suitable underslung net. Toaid the pilots underslinging the seal drums and to ensure that the contentsof the drums are not confused, the practice of painting the top plate of theseal drum yellow for Jet A1, white for water and red for diesel is used.

Disadvantages of Seal Drums are:

i. They are virtually impossible to clean, and are thereforedowngraded to diesel after a year in operation.

ii. They are relatively expensive for their short service life.

d. Drum stock. This should only be used as an emergency fuel supply andnot as the prime source of bulk storage unless absolutely unavoidable.Drums (normally 45 gallons) should be metal.

Bunding Storage tanks must be housed in a protective barrier (a bund) capable ofretaining the fuel, thus preventing environmental damage, should the tankrupture. The bund should be capable of holding 110% of the tank capacityand be of sufficient strength to withstand the initial shock should the tanksuffer an instantaneous rupture. Where multiple tanks are housed within abund, it must be capable of retaining 110% of the largest tank. There must bea means of draining the bund to clean standing rainwater, and contingencyplans in place to deal with product leaks.

Fuel Delivery System Each delivery system will be designed for the specific location or type ofapplication. However, certain guidelines and requirements should be met:

a. General Requirements. A permanent site fuel delivery system consistsof pipework and valves from a bulk storage system, connecting it topumps and a dispenser cabinet via a filter separator and filter monitor. Apressure differential gauge measures any pressure drop across the filtersand a metering system measures the quantity of fuel delivered.

The meter outlet is fitted with a 1½" lever operated ball type shut off valve,approximately 25 feet of 1½" aviation delivery hose and a stainless steel,trigger operated fuelling nozzle with static ground wire. The delivery hoseshould be stored on a hose reel or suitable stowage brackets to facilitateeasy stowage clear of the ground.

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Fuelling components are so positioned to minimise connecting pipework,which should be of stainless steel.

A static electricity bonding reel, connected to the pumping and meteringequipment and fitted with 50 feet of braided copper cable, covered by aclear PVC sheath is located near the delivery hose. The end of thebonding cable is fitted with a crocodile clip for attachment to the aircraftwhen refuelling.

The installation should have adequate fire extinguishers and fire alarms.The types and quantity of extinguishers may be dictated by legislation ordecided by local fire officers; however, at least two 12Kg dry powderextinguishers are recommended on an on-shore helicopter fuelling pad,and a further two at the tank storage area.

As with storage tanks, the delivery system must be laid out such thatproduct spillage does not become a hazard. Drainage must be providedwith an oil interceptor or other container to avoid the risk of pollution fromany spillage.

The layout and requirements for refuelling systems at temporary sitesshould meet the above specification but may be scaled down for ease oftransportation.

b. Filtration Units. Filters, including micro filters, filter water separators andfilter monitors will be required in a fuelling system to provide protectionagainst contaminants. The majority of fuelling installations will have a filterwater separator at the pumping unit, and must have a fuel monitor at thedispenser cabinet. On the inlet to the bulk tank, dependant on the design,there should be either a dedicated filter water separator, or pipeworkrouting the fuel via the outlet filter water separator to the inlet side of thetanks with valves to direct the flow as required. Automatic shut off, wherewater is detected in the fuel, achieved by using special filter elementswhich rapidly swell on contact with water to block the flow of fuel.

Filter housings should be fitted with an air eliminator, low point drainvalves and a differential pressure gauge to monitor any pressure dropacross the filter pack. The differential pressure gauge should be a movingpiston type, with a three way valve facilitating full deflection testing in bothdirections. Alternatively we accept the use of separate pressure gaugesmeasuring the inlet and outlet pressures on established facilities.

c. Pumps. Fuel pumps can either be independent, or form part of acomposite unit, including filtration, control valves and gauging equipment,and can be driven by diesel or petrol engines, electrical motors,compressed air, or by an aircraft's electrical power supply, in the case ofsome portable models. Units should have adequate pumping rates for thedesired flow, with the correct level of filtration. The pump inlet is normallyprotected by a 60 mesh Y-strainer. If electrically powered they, and anystarters, switches and wiring must be explosion proof. Pump motorcontrols should be fitted with an easily identifiable 'emergency stop'control, readily accessible to the system operator. The pumping systemshould be fitted with a device to prevent excessive pressure in the hoses.

Hand pumps are least favoured as a means of moving fuel, however, theymust be provided as an emergency back up and to prime motorisedpumps when required.

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Portable pumps, either powered or hand operated, should be completewith the proper filtration, and care must be taken to ensure that the unit ismaintained in a clean condition, and that both inlet and outlet are blankedat all times when not in use.

d. Weather Protection. All components should be designed for outsideoperation in the prevailing climatic conditions, without special protection. Itis recommended that on drilling rigs, aircraft fuelling components, fittingsand supporting structures are, wherever possible, made from stainlesssteel. In addition, dispensing equipment should be protected by a fullyenclosed cabinet, preferably of fibreglass, with shutters or doors that canbe easily locked in the closed or open positions. Onshore installations willnormally have a cabinet for both the dispensing and the pumping units.

e. Paint Colour Scheme & Grade Marking. All tanks, fuelling pipework andcomponents should be painted; onshore installations are normally silver,whereas offshore tanks, requiring improved visibility, should be paintedYellow with the framework and supporting structures in black.

Irrespective of usage and colour scheme, each tank should have a dataplate displaying the following information on a visible external surface:

i. The product and grade.

ii. The serial number of the tank

iii. The due inspection date.

iv. The due cleaning date.

v. The tank capacity.

The Data plate should be painted, black on pale grey for JET A1 and Redon White for AVGAS. Near the fill and discharge connections, and at thepoint of delivery, there should be product identification labels and surfacepipelines should be marked at 10 metre intervals with the API code of theproduct they carry:

Jet A1 - two black bands on a pale grey background.

AVGAS-100 - a red band on a green background.

AVGAS-100LL - a red band on a blue background.

Trigger nozzles used for overwing fuelling should be colour coded toidentify the grade of product - jet fuels should be painted black, whilstAVGAS should always be red.

8.3. Fuelling Operations

8.3.1. Detailed procedures should be in place at each fuelling facility. The following providesguidance in the development of such procedures. One important aspect of receipt,delivery and maintenance of the system, often found lacking, is the need for goodrecords.

Onshore - Receipts Deliveries of fuel are generally by road, although the following guidelinesapply for other means of delivery. Before discharge:

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a. Check that seals on the bridger discharge connections and manhole coverare intact. Dip the tanks to confirm the quantity.

b. Check that the correct grade plates are displayed.

c. Check that documentation, (release or advice note) shows grade, batchnumber, quantity and density of the product.

d. Draw 5 litre samples from the drain connection of each vehiclecompartment. Inspect visually for colour and particulate or watercontamination. When testing jet fuels check for water in suspension, usingWater Detector capsule.

e. Whenever practical, measure the density of the fuel and check that thecorrected value agrees with the advice note or expected batch value towithin .002 kg/lt.

Note Only road bridgers dedicated to one grade of fuel should be accepted; furtherchecks are required for non-dedicated vehicles.

Onshore - Testing Fuel sample testing should be carried out before the stock is released forservice and where an aircraft operator is responsible for the control andsupply of his own fuel, it is essential that he carries out at least the minimumchecks, given below:

a. Visual checks - must be carried out:

i. On receipt of bulk stocks, before transfer to on-site storagetank(s)

ii. Having transferred into storage, on completion of theappropriate settling period.

iii. Before commencement of refuelling operations each day.

iv. At additional times during the day, if requested by the pilot ofthe aircraft or if conditions warrant close monitoring.

b. Water detection Test. Using a Water Detector capsule (or similaracceptable test method) and a syringe, test in conjunction with visualchecks shown above.

c. Density test. Using a hydrometer, measure the fuel density andtemperature, correct the reading to the standard reference temperatureand check against batch records. Again, carry out in conjunction with thevisual checks:

d. Membrane filtration test (Millipore test). This test is used to check thecleanliness of fuel as it passes various points in a system, by determiningthe amount of solid contamination. Checks can either be colorimetric orgravimetric. However, in both cases results are difficult to interpret andstaff require training to carry out this task successfully. Colorimetricchecks are normally carried monthly and gravimetric quarterly.

e. Conductivity check. Using either a Maihak or Emcee meter.

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Onshore - Responsibilities The operator is responsible for determining that all fuel uplifted is of thecorrect grade and quality, and that the tests are carried out.

Offshore - Storage and Transport Fuel must be transported to off-shore locations in purpose built, dedicatedsealed tanks. Drum stocks are not acceptable. At some off-shoreinstallations the transportable tanks are also used to supply fuel, in whichcase only one may be connected to the supply manifold at any one time.

Offshore - Receipt, Testing and Transfer Tanks should be used in order of receipt and, on installations where a fixedstock tank is used, transportable tanks should be discharged into the stocktank as soon as possible following the compulsory setting time and qualitycontrol checks. On receipt of full transportable tanks, the following checks should be carriedout:

a. Examine the tank seals to confirm that they are not broken. All sealsexcept the inspection hatch cover seal should then be removed.

b. Examine the tank for signs of damage and leakage.

c. Vent the tank to relieve any pressure.

d. Connect the bonding wire between the tank and the filling facilities toprevent static discharge.

e. Remove the dipstick cover and take a dipstick reading; on completion,replace the dipstick and cover.

f. Check the advice note for the correct grade of fuel (JET A-1), quantity offuel, tank serial number, and fuel batch number. Record this information inthe appropriate installation record.

g. Check that the test dates on the tank test certificate and sling are valid(date of sling test is stamped on the ferrule).

h. Having allowed the fuel to settle:

i. From the tank sample drain valve draw a 3 litre fuel sample.

ii. Visually inspect and check the sample for quality, check forsediment, clarity, free water, colour and for water in suspension,using a detector capsule and record results. Measure the densityand ensure compatibility with the advice note (as for

iii. Transfer the fuel to the fixed installation tanks if applicable orconnect the transportable tank into the delivery system.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 8 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 8-14 Suspect tanks, those damaged or giving unacceptable fuel samples, or withseals broken, must be returned to the point of dispatch for further checkingwithout being used. Empty tanks returned to shore without intact seals mustbe sent for cleaning before further use, irrespective of their visual cleanliness.If a tank is being returned for further checks, the local Aviation Focal Pointmust be immediately advised. He is to ensure the tank is not inadvertentlyreturned to service without being checked. Fuel installations should have a sample recovery tank into which clean fuelsamples are put after being tested. They should be allowed to settle beforecarrying out quality control checks, normally at the end of the days flying. Ifacceptable, the fuel can be transferred back into the bulk tank for future use,after the minimum settling period. The quantity returned to bulk storageshould be noted, from the transfer meter, and recorded on the appropriatedocumentation. Dirty fuel samples shall be discharged into a separatecontainer and returned to the shore for environmentally safe disposal. Fuel states should be checked daily at completion of flying. The quality offuel in each transportable or fixed stock tank should be recorded on therelevant documentation and passed daily to the Aviation Focal Point tofacilitate the planning of replenishment stocks. Fuel should only be transferred during the day when the following conditionscan be met:

a. The shorter settling period of two hours is only allowable when the fixedstorage tank is equipped with a floating suction; this allows the fuel to betaken from near the surface.

b. Fuel in transportable tanks with no floating suction device must be allowedthe full time of one hour per foot to settle before transfer. The settling timeshould be recorded on the fuel tank documentation.

Note: On mobile installations the motion of the vessel will continually agitate thefuel, keeping water in suspension, often to the extent that an acceptablesample cannot be obtained. Therefore it is recommended that all fixedtanks on vessels should have a sump at the base and be fitted withfloating suctions.

Offshore - Responsibilities The responsibility for fuel quality on an offshore location rests with thehelicopter operator. He may delegate some of the work in controlling the fuelbut must determine the overall quality of the product is acceptable. Anyproblems must be reported to the Aviation Focal Point and the helicopter pilotbefore uplifting/dispensing fuel. The pilot is ultimately responsible for deciding whether the fuel is acceptable. If fuel is not fit for use, helicopter pilots must be informed immediately, as itmay be necessary for them to carry extra from the shore or to divert if alreadyairborne.

8.4. Fuel at Remote Locations

8.4.1. The following paragraphs offer guidance on refuelling facilities used in support of aircraftoperating from remote locations such as jungle and desert drilling sites, forward supportheli-lift bases, forward air strips, seismic camps, etc.

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Supply The method of supplying bulk fuel to the area of operations will depend onavailable access routes, and may be by land, water or air, or any combinationof the three, but where possible, should be shipped by road or barge. Fueltransported by road should normally be carried in dedicated tankers.Otherwise transportable tanks, which can also be carried by boat or barge,may be used. In some areas underslinging fuel by helicopter may be the only practicalmethod of supply, in which case the use of rubber seal drums is stronglyrecommended. Seal drums are specially designed, rubberised, transportable containers,available in a variety of sizes to suit the lifting capacity of most helicoptertypes, and may also be used as bulk storage tanks. They do, however,require specific commissioning checks before use and the advice of theAviation Adviser should be sought prior to the commencement of operations. Normal steel drums should not be used as they are not designed to cope withthe type of damage usually sustained during underslung operations. Theyare susceptible to splitting if dropped or being set down at the landing site,and create a problem of disposal after use. Pillow tanks are an option as are fixed bulk tanks, but both have to be filledvia road tanker or barge. Drum stock fuel is also listed as a Dangerous Goods cargo and therefore cannot be carried inside the aircraft, unless special arrangements are made.They are governed by the IATA or ICAO rules.

Aircraft Fuelling Aircraft refuelling requirements at remote locations do not differ from the basicminimum standard required at any other facility. Contractors must be madeaware of the required standard and some training may be necessary toensure routine refuelling guidelines are followed.

Drum Stocks Whenever possible the use of drum stock fuel should be avoided as it is theleast easy to control, and carries the highest risks of contamination andabuse. Drums may also inadvertently become mixed and the wrong productdelivered to an aircraft.

Drum Stocks - Receipts No tests are required on receipt of drum stocks, provided there is no doubt onthe grade and quality, i.e. all markings clear and drums in good condition, withseals intact, and the consignment is accompanied by satisfactory releasedocumentation. However, prior to release for use testing will be required.Drums not meeting this standard should be rejected on delivery.

Drum Stocks - Storage Drums should be segregated by batch number and filling date, and the oldeststock used first. They should be stored off the ground and on their sides, withthe bungs below liquid level, and should be inspected weekly for leaks.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 8 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 8-16 After 12 months' storage, the stock should be replaced, and the old stock sentback to the supplier for test and reprocessing as required. If re-testing isavailable locally then a further six months storage is acceptable following asuccessful re-test.

Drum Stocks - Decanting to Bulk Storage Check condition of each drum and its markings, ensuring it contains thecorrect grade of fuel and that the seals are intact. Roll the drum to the required location, and allow to stand on its end for aminimum of 10 minutes. Place a wedge under the rim of the drum at the opposite side to the filler capto create a low point for water to run. Check for water using water findingpaste or paper on a dip stick. Draw a bottom sample using a "thief pipe" and transfer to a glass jar. Checkfor colour, clarity and freedom from dirt or free water. Check for water insuspension using a Water Detector capsule and syringe. If the tests are satisfactory the drums should be set back in the uprightposition and decanted to storage using a transfer pump fitted with a micro-filter, filter/separator or filter/monitor. Ensure the pump has been correctlystored with blanks on the inlet and outlet. The pump standpipe should have asuction break 1½" (4cm) from the bottom of the drum to avoid uplifting the fuelat the bottom of the drum.

Note: The pump filter should be kept moistened with fuel whilst in storage.The maximum operating life for filter elements is 3 years, although due tothe continued disruption to the system and the high potential forcontamination, the E & P Forum strongly recommend filters are routinelyreplaced every six months. The due change date should shown on thefilter housing. Prior to commencing the transfer, ensure the drum, pump unit and receivingtank are electrically bonded together. Take a 3 litre sample from the nozzle,into a glass jar and carry out the standard quality checks. On completion of the transfer, having allowed the fuel to settle, draw a 3 litresample from the bottom drain of the receptor tank and check for water using aWater Detector capsule. To avoid the ingress of contaminants, ensure the standpipe and the outlethose of the pump unit are always blanked when not in use. Drums may only be re-used subject to condition and must be inspected to anapproved standard before reuse.

Drum Stocks - Refuelling The above procedure should be followed when uplifting the fuel directly intoaircraft except for the after transfer sampling and testing; this is covered asfollows. A filter drain (clean side) sample should be taken and tested with aWater Detector capsule and the result shown to the pilot, who should confirmthe quality is acceptable. He must also confirm (preferably in writing) that heis satisfied the correct grade and quantity of fuel was delivered to has aircraft.

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8.5. Types of Refuelling

Pressure Refuelling Pressure refuelling utilises a female quick release, self sealing connectorfitted to one end of the refuelling hose, and coupled to a corresponding maleconnector permanently installed on the aircraft. The hose coupling should beassembled with a pressure control valve incorporating surge protection andan integral 100 mesh strainer. The action of the connection automaticallyopens self sealing valves in the two halves of the coupling, allowing the fuel toflow.

Gravity Refuelling A gravity or overwing refuelling system has an open, trigger operated nozzlefitted to the end of the hose, and is inserted into a refuelling orifice on theaircraft. The nozzle should have a 100 mesh cone shaped strainer in thespout.

System Design Refuelling systems for smaller aircraft, and helicopters in particular, are flowrate limited to a standard 50 GPM. Systems with higher flow rates are notsuitable and must be mechanically restricted before use.

Aircraft Refuelling - General Refuelling Operations must not take place during local thunder storms, or iflightning is evident, and will normally be carried out with the aircraft enginesor the helicopter rotor and engines shut down. It is permissible to carry outrotors running refuelling on helicopters under certain conditions, but specialsafety procedures must be followed. Personnel in charge of refuelling operations should have received someformal training in fuel receipt, storage and dispensing procedures, and ideallyshould attend periodic refresher training. It is essential that proper records of all aspects of refuelling operations aremaintained. Although the aircraft captain is ultimately responsible for ensuring the correctgrade, quality and quantity of fuel is delivered to his aircraft, there is no roomfor complacency, and system operators should always follow approvedprocedures and constantly strive to maintain the highest standards. Therefueller should determine that the correct grade fuel is to be delivered andthat the decals by the aircraft fuel receptacle matches that of the fuel.

Aircraft Refuelling - Pre-Refuelling Checks Prior to each refuelling:

a. Daily quantity/quality control checks must be carried out on the tanks andthe system.

b. Necessary documentation must be completed before the aircraft arrives.

c. The "on line" tank must contain sufficient fuel for the aircraft'srequirements.

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d. The isolation valves on the suction and discharge side of the pump mustbe open.

e. Check and record the meter readings, zero the issue record meterreading.

f. Off-shore A minimum refuelling crew of two people is required.Helideck fire fighting crews must be standing-by during all refuellingoperations.

On-shore Refuelling should be carried out by at least two personnel,one of which may be supplied by the aircraft operator. One, usually thesystem operator, should oversee the function and position himselfaccordingly. He should stand in sight of the pilots, if they remain in thecockpit, and must be able to shut down the refuelling operationinstantaneously if required to do so. The second person should operatethe refuelling nozzle during gravity refuelling operations.

Aircraft Refuelling - Ready For Refuelling When the aircraft is ready to receive fuel:

a. Passengers should disembark the aircraft or helicopter and move off thehelideck or away from the refuelling operation. However, in somecircumstances it may be safer for them to remain on board, in which caseat least two exits on the side opposite to where refuelling is taking placeshould remain open throughout the refuelling operation. Smoking or useof high energy electrical equipment is not permitted during refuelling.

b. Take a minimum 1 litre sample of fuel from the outlet side of the filter,monitor and check for quality, showing the result to the pilot wherepossible.

c. When authorised to commence refuelling by the pilot, ensure the power isswitched on and personnel are in their correct positions. If the passengers are to remain on board then the following additionalprecautions should be taken:

a. Passengers remain in their seats with seat belts fastened.

b. The "NO SMOKING" lights must be on and strictly enforced.

c. At least two cabin doors on the opposite side to the aircraft's refuellingpoints must remain open.

d. Passengers must be briefed on emergency procedures, including thewarning they will receive and the action they must take should there be aneed for emergency evacuation.

Aircraft Refuelling - Refuelling Sequence Commence the refuelling task:

a. Bond the aircraft to the dispensing unit with the main bonding lead.

b. Run out the hose to the aircraft.

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c. Confirm that the grade identity plate, located next to the filling point on theaircraft, specifies the requested grade of fuel.

d. Gravity refuelling: before removing the tank filler cap, connect the hoseend bonding lead to the bonding point on aircraft, adjacent to the refuellingorifice, or touch the nozzle on an unpainted metal surface of the aircraft.Remove fuel tank filler and refuelling nozzle caps and insert the nozzleinto the filler orifice.

e. Pressure refuelling: will be conducted in accordance with the procedurescontained in the contractors air operations manual. The Aviation Advisershould review the process.

Aircraft Refuelling - Completion of Refuelling On completion of the refuelling the refueller should:

a. Check and record meter trip and totaliser readings. Zero the meter.

b. Take a 1 litre fuel sample from the outlet side of the filter monitor, check itfor quality and show the water detector capsule to the pilot.

c. Close the refuelling cabinet doors where applicable.

d. Obtain Pilot's signature accepting the fuel grade, quantity and quality. These procedures are also applicable where fuel is uplifted from a fueller, andits operator is responsible for their completion. The fueller should be parkedin a manner such that in an emergency it can be driven away in a forwardgear without further endangering the aircraft.

Rotors Running Refuelling (RRR) Rotors running refuelling may be authorised for both on and off-shoreoperations. However, local management should be aware of the additionalrisks involved and seek the advice of the Aviation Adviser, giving sufficientnotice to enable them to comment or render practical assistance. If it is an operational requirement to carry out rotors running refuelling theoperator should determine that there are written procedures stipulating that allstaff involved should have formal training. Rotors running refuelling shall be conducted in accordance with theprocedures contained in the contractors air operations manual. The AviationAdviser should review the process.

Emergency Procedures - Fire Guard In an emergency the Fire Guard should:

a. Discharge 45kg Dry Powder extinguisher onto source of fire and continuefighting the fire using hand held extinguishers, whilst safe to do so, untilthe installation fire team arrives.

b. Follow the refueller’s instructions

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8.6. Quality Assurance

8.6.1. To maintain the integrity of aircraft fuel it is essential that the product and all equipmentused to deliver or store it is subject to regular maintenance and stringent quality checks.A programme of inspections and checks should be written for those responsible for fuelon offshore installations, and checks are equally applicable to aircraft operatorscontrolling their own fuel stocks and/or delivery systems.

WARNING Plastic containers must not be used for fuel sampling (or fuel drainage fromaircraft), due to the possible discharge of accumulated electrostatic charges.Glass containers are the most suitable, but care should be taken in handlingdue to their fragility. Steel sampling containers if used must be correctlybonded and are used to drain initial samples and dead fuel prior to the finaltest sample, which will be taken in a glass container. Failure to observethese precautions may result in fuel igniting and/or exploding.

Sampling Methods - Water Checks Storage tanks and refuellers are checked for water by taking a bottom samplefrom the low point of the tank and testing with either a Water Detector capsuleor water finding paste as follows:

a. Tanks in use should be sampled daily prior to the first refuelling. In theUK, CAP 434 requires samples to be retained for 7 days, elsewhere it isrecommended that it be retained for 24 hours, or until the next sample istaken. Samples should be stored in sealed 4 litre cans, clearly labelledand recorded in a fuel sample record book.

b. Tanks not in use should be sampled at least weekly.

c. Bulk tanks located on offshore installations should always be sampledafter a periods of heavy seas, storms etc.

d. After inter-tank transfers, fuel in the receptor tank should be allowed twohours to settle before testing and release to service.

e. Prior to releasing a delivery system into service each day, and before thefirst delivery of the day, a sample should be taken from the Filter separatordrain point and tested with a Water Detector capsule.

f. Where gravity refuelling is used, prior to delivery into an aircraft, samplesshould be taken from the filter monitor drain and from the hose end, andtested with a Water Detector capsule.

Sampling Methods - Testing With a Water Detector Capsule If water or solid contamination is found in the initial sample, further checksmust be carried out, until a clear sample is obtained, otherwise the fuel shouldbe rejected (maximum 5 samples). Additional settling time may help to clearthe problem, but in any case the contamination should be recorded andreported to the person responsible. He in turn should advise the aircraftoperator, particularly where no other fuel is available. In the case of anoffshore installation, helicopter crews need this information before departurefor the platform, to allow alternate arrangements to be made.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 8 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 8-21 The Water Detector capsule kit is used to identify the presence of finelydispersed suspended water in concentrations smaller than those normallydetected by visual examination. The kits are usually comprised of two parts,a standard 5ml polythene syringe with nozzle fitting, and a plastic detectorcapsule containing water sensitive filter paper. The capsules are supplied inmetal tubes and are life limited to one year from manufacture. The expiry dateis etched on the base of the tube.

Note: Care should be taken to keep the tubes sealed when not in use toavoid the ingress of contamination and moisture. The syringe must alsobe kept scrupulously clean to avoid false indications.

CAUTION Vital evidence, for example filter break up, can be gained from the initialsample; therefore, it is essential that it is not flushed away whilst attemptingto obtain a clear one. Such practices tend to mask problems until it is toolate. Fuel must not be drained off for any reason before the initial sample hasbeen taken.

Sample Methods - Testing with Water Finding Paste or Paper The use of water finding paste or paper is a simple method of identifying freeor droplets of water that may have collected at the bottom of a fuel sample.Its poor sensitivity and the difficulty in interpreting results makes the pasteunsuitable for identifying water in suspension. The method of testing for settled water is as follows:

a. Collect a minimum 3 litres bottom sample in the prepared container.

b. Using the spatula, or rod with paste or paper on the end section, gentlyagitate the sample, ensuring the water finding paste on paper is at thebottom of the container. The paste or paper will change from GREEN toPURPLE where water is present and the same rejection criteria applies tocontaminated samples as with tests using Water Detector capsules.

Sampling Methods - Visual Check The visual check is carried out by examining the fuel in a clear glasscontainer, looking for contaminants that cloud or colour the fuel, or for freewater (settled at the bottom). The fuel should be clear and bright or clear andstraw coloured.

Checks following heavy rainfall, snow, high seas or large temperature changes Following heavy rainfall, snow or high seas, fuel sample should be taken fromthe tank sump and checked for quality. The system should also be checkedfor damage and water ingress. In operations carried out in humid conditions,condensation within the tank will result in water in the fuel. Where suchconditions exist, tanks should be kept well filled whenever possible andbottom drain samples taken daily.

Testing of Static Stocks Where fuel has remained in storage tanks (fixed or mobile) for six monthswithout receipts (even though deliveries may have been made), a 2 litrebottom sample should be drawn and sent to a laboratory for the followingtests to be carried out:

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Appearance AppearanceColour (by inspection) Lead contentDensity Colour (by inspection)Existent Gum DensityCopper Strip Corrosion DistillationSilver Strip Corrosion Reid vapour pressureWater Reaction Copper strip corrosion

Existent gum Provided that the results are satisfactory, the stock may be used but must befurther re-tested at three monthly intervals if still not replenished.

Settling All fuels, Jet fuel in particular, need time to settle before being tested andreleased for use. As a general rule jet fuels will settle at a rate of 1 hour perfoot of depth. The minimum acceptable time before a fuel product may bedelivered from a tank is one hour after receipt, and testing is required beforerelease. Off-shore transport tanks may require to be repositioned when putting theminto service, if so, a further 1 hour settling period should be allowed beforerelease.

Daily Equipment Checks The following daily inspections should be carried out on the fuellinginstallation in conjunction with fuel quality checks shown in the precedingparagraphs:

a. Calculate the total fuel state of the installation by dipping each tank.Replace all dipstick covers and record the results.

b. Check the entire system for evidence of leaks and physical damage.During the inspection check each tank and filter placard to confirm the duedate for inspection has not lapsed.

c. Confirm the integrity and cleanliness of the bulk stock bunding.

d. Check valve positions to ensure only released tanks are on line to thedelivery system.

e. Check the signs indicating each tanks current status are in place.

f. Check the delivery meter totaliser and record the figure; also check thedelivery meter is zeroed.

g. Visually inspect the hose and nozzle/coupling for condition.

h. On systems fitted with air powered equipment, check and empty themoisture and filter auto drain traps.

i. Using a standard continuity tester, check the following for continuity:

• Fuel bund delivery/transfer bonding cable.

• Main dispensing cabinet bonding cable.

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• Gravity refuelling nozzle bonding cable.

j. Examine the bonding cables for damage, fraying and serviceability of theclip/plug.

k. Maintain a record of these checks.

Daily Fuel Stock Checks Take and test samples of fuel from the drain points at the tank sump and inlet(dirty) side of each filter on fixed or mobile units. Samples will be a minimumof one litre depending whether the drain point is direct or offset withintervening pipework.

Periodic Checks Some periodic maintenance is required in addition to the above checks. Thiscan fall due at weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual intervals, or as specifiedfor a particular installation. Local operating conditions should be taken intoconsideration when determining the periodicity of this maintenance: forexample the filter element on a portable pump on seismic operations wouldas a minimum be changed every six months, whereas at a fixed installation inEurope or the USA it may remain in service up to three years. Guidelines on the type of maintenance work required are given below, but arenot intended to be exhaustive. Each facility manager should draw up aschedule of inspections in accordance with the equipment manufacturersrecommendations, or with the assistance of the facility constructor and/or bulksupplier.

Periodic Checks - Filtration Equipment Each differential pressure gauge should be checked weekly at maximum flowrate and the readings plotted to obtain a trend. A progressive rise indicateschoking of the filter elements, and replacement will be necessary should thedifferential pressure exceed a value recommended by the manufacturer. Arapid rise is indicative of blocked filter elements, possibly due to watercontamination. If samples drawn from the dirty or clean drain points are contaminated, andthe trend continues, dismantle and clean the filter housing. Otherwise openand inspect the filter casing annually. Replace the filters at every thirdinspection or if found to be contaminated. Items containing gauze elements should be inspected and cleaned at leastonce every three months.

Note: The addition of an approved filter water separator upstream of thefilter monitor is considered necessary on new facilities, and on existingfacilities where the presence of water has been a continuous problem.Although not mandatory on existing facilities where there are nooperational problems, it is advisable for the same modification to beincorporated.

Periodic Checks - Hose-End Mesh Strainers Inspect and clean at least once a month. The cone mesh, in particular,should be checked for fragments of hose liner, indicating break-up, whichmay occur due to ageing or kinks in the hose. If rubber particles are found,they should be retained for further investigation.

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CAUTION: Handle nozzle filters with extreme care as they are fragile and if kinked, candevelop large holes in the mesh. Inspect cone mesh filters is as follows:

a. Unscrew the nozzle spout from the main assembly and remove the conefilter.

b. Withdraw the cone from the spout.

c. Check for debris and damage to the mesh and joints, and replace asnecessary. Replacement is essential as this last chance filter could avoidcontamination of the aircraft tanks, filters and fuel valves with particles ofhose lining rubber.

d. Wash the filter gently in clean Jet A-1 and blow through with low pressureclean, dry compressed air. Use protective clothing and take the necessaryprecautions when dealing with compressed air and fuel particles.

e. Replace the filter, ensuring the sealing ring is clean and serviceable. Fitthe spout into the nozzle body.

f. Tighten the retaining nut finger tight only; to avoid damage do not useexcessive force when tightening the nut.

Periodic Checks - Pumps Pumps suitable for use in refuelling installations may be powered manually,electrically, pneumatically or by diesel engine; petrol powered pumps are notconsidered suitable. The most common types are powered by explosionproof electric motors. Although the bearings of pump and motor are pre-packed and sealed, they require periodic checking and replacement.Similarly regular checks of the power supply, switching and connectionsshould form part of the inspection programme. Pumps generate considerableheat when in operation, therefore, their ventilation, position in regard to otherequipment and the availability of fire appliances should be considered whenplanning a facility. The emergency shut off system should be checkedmonthly.

Periodic Checks - Refuelling Dispensers These cabinets normally house a hose drum, meter, filter monitor, whereprovision for drawing samples should be made, and a bonding lead.Combustible loose articles, sampling containers, test capsules and rags,should not be kept inside the cabinets as ventilation is poor with the doorsclosed.

Periodic Checks - Hoses Hoses used for aviation refuelling should by of the heavy duty semi-conducting type, conforming to specification BS3158 Grade 2 type C orequivalent. Hoses should be stored away from direct ultra violet light and laid flat, or incoils of not less than 20 times the diameter of the hose, and end caps mustbe fitted. They have a recommended shelf live of two years and shouldalways be used in rotation, i.e. oldest first. Total life must not exceed 10years from date of manufacture recorded on the hose, and records should bemaintained to ensure they are changed at the appropriate time.

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Periodic Checks Commissioning a Hose When commissioning a hose, the following procedure will be followed:-

a. Visually inspect the new hose for defects or for damage in shipment.

b. Check the hose assembly details against the suppliers certification.

c. Check that the couplings have been correctly installed and using standardhand tools, check that the bolts on clamp type couplings are properlytightened.

d. Pressure test in accordance with the six monthly test procedure.

e. Soak the hose in product for at least eight but preferably twenty four hours.

f. Flush the hose for at least two minutes at maximum flow rate either bycirculation or preferably back to main storage.

g. Check the hose end strainer for any foreign matter and if necessary, flushthe hose again.

If a newly installed hose is not used for several days, a hose-end sampleshould be visually checked for deterioration in colour and if necessary thehose should be re-flushed as in (f) above. This check is particularly importantfor small bore hose at high ambient temperatures.

New hose should not be into immediate service where the ambienttemperature is very cold without a period of soaking at room temperature. Toimprove flexibility, the hose should be filled with product (leaving a small airspace for expansion), securely capped and allowed to soak in a safe area ofthe workshop for at least seven days and preferably longer. It can then beinstalled following the above procedure.

Periodic Checks - Monthly Hose Test Procedure With the hose connected to the fuelling unit, extend it to its full length.Pressurise to normal operating level at zero flow and inspect for the followingdefects:

a. Darker areas on the cover indicating that fuel is percolating through thelining.

b. Cuts, gouges, nicks or abrasion which expose the reinforcement.

c. Bulges or blisters.

d. Coupling slippage or leakage.

Reduce the pressure to zero and examine the hose by pressing the circumference alongits length to feel for kinks, soft spots or blisters which may indicatedelamination or other structural damage.

Special attention should be paid to sections of the hose within about 2 metres ofcouplings, at hose reel connections and support contact points. These areasare particularly prone to deterioration.

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Check the bolts on clamp type couplings for tightness and, without removing them,inspect the pins on hinged type couplings for signs of wear or distortion thatcould indicate imminent breakage due to shear forces. Checks should alsoensure that a gap remains between the clamp halves and that it is in parallelalignment.

Periodic Checks - Six Monthly Hose Test Procedure The purpose of this high pressure test is to establish that the structuralintegrity of the hose is satisfactory rather than its ability to withstand normaloperating pressure. It therefore applies equally to hose used in both high andlow performance situations.

a. Extend the hose to its full length either still attached to the vehicle orremoved.

Testing with hose attached may only be carried out providing suitableisolating valves are fitted to protect vehicle pipework, meters, filter vesselsetc. not rated to withstand the test pressure of 20 bar (300 lbf/in²).

If hose is to be tested on the vehicle, then the whole vehicle should bepressurised to approximately 5.5 bar (80 lbf/in²) before the isolating valvesare closed. This will minimise leakage across the valves.

The vehicle pressure level should be monitored closely to see that it doesnot increase due to valve leakage. If this happens, some fuel should bedrained to restore the 5.5 bar pressure.

Valves which are found to leak unduly should be repaired at the earliestopportunity.

b. Hose end nozzles and regulators should be protected from the potentiallydamaging effects of the test pressure by:

either - removing them and substituting a threaded blankingcap or plug.

or - removing the nozzle from the quick disconnect andinserting a plug formed from a spare adaptor andblanking plate of adequate thickness.

or - connecting the nozzle to a blanked off aircraftadaptor, opening the poppet handle and using a'block out device' to ensure that the hose endregulator remains open.

or - using a isolating valve (if fitted) upstream of the hoseend regulator and connecting the nozzle to anaircraft adaptor, e.g. on a drain trolley, with thepoppet open.

c. Connect the hose to a suitable hydraulic pump combined with a linepressure gauge, fuel reservoir and coupling.

Fill the hose with the grade of fuel it normally handles, ensuring that all airis bled from it.

Gradually apply and maintain a test pressure of 20 bar (300 lbf/in²) for fiveminutes.

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d. After this time, inspect the hose as described in the monthly test procedurepart (a).

e. Reduce the test pressure to zero.

f. Increase the pressure to 3.5 bar (50 lbf/in²) and maintain for two minutes.

This low pressure test is to ensure that any inherent (already existing)hose damage made worse by the high pressure test (which may notappear at high pressure due to the lining having self sealed) becomesapparent. The high pressure test itself will not damage a hose which is ingood condition.

g. Inspect the hose for fuel leakage, bulges or blisters.

h. Reduce the pressure to zero and examine the hose as described in themonthly test procedure part (b).

i. Check coupling security as described in the monthly test procedure part(c).

j. If the hose was disconnected from the refueller or facility or if a deliverynozzle was removed to carry out the high pressure test, the systemintegrity should be checked at normal maximum operating pressure afterre-installation.

Periodic Checks - Bonding Checks Bonding leads should be checked at least weekly as follows:

a. Run the bonding cable out to its fullest extent, check the connections atboth ends are well made, and not clamped on the insulation.

b. Ensure the plastic covering is intact along the entire length of the cable.

c. Attach one lead of a tester to the crocodile clip or pin at the end of thebonding lead and attach or rub the other on any clean dry part of the metalbase of the refuelling cabinet.

d. Press the button at the same time - the tester will illuminate if theconnection between bonding lead and frame is good.

Note: On off-shore installations which have metal decking, the hose endcoupling must be clear of the deck when carrying out the test.

Periodic Checks - Tanks Weekly checks: Floating suction (if fitted) should be tested by pulling on thecheck cable attached to the float. Monthly checks:

a. Tank tops should be securely in place and be dirt and water tight.

b. Gratings and safety railings mounted on the tanks should be secure andsafe.

c. Fixed ladders should be secure and handrails in place.

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d. Bonding jumpers between tank connections and the surrounding pipeworkshould be intact.

e. Tank vents should be clear.

Periodic Checks - Tank Cleaning Entering a fuel vessel is a high risk activity, and the dangers should notbe under estimated; at all depots "Vessel Entry Permits" should be required.The vessel should be drained and vented, with entry ports open, and theatmosphere inside tested. Personnel should not be allowed into the vesseluntil non explosive readings are obtained, and then only with full facebreathing apparatus fed from an external source. At all times with one ormore men in the vessel a safety man must remain outside the tank, and beimmediately available to rescue/raise the alarm in case of emergency. To protect the lining, clean rubber soled shoes should be worn, andindividuals entering the vessel should wear suitable protective clothing toavoid fuel contacting his skin. Ad hoc contractors should also apply thesestandards, although it may not always be possible to influence them to do so. Fixed storage tanks should be cleaned at least every three years and arecord maintained of their internal condition. The date of cleaning should beclearly marked on the outside of each tank. Visual internal checks for the build up of debris or damage to the lining, wheretanks are treated with Epicote, are normally made through an inspection portand should be carried out at least annually. Transportable tanks should be sampled before each filling, and flushed orcleaned as necessary. Empty tanks held on off-shore installations should bereturned to the shore depot as soon as convenient, with all connectionssealed before despatch. The criteria for good tank management needs thetank to be controlled and maintained throughout its working life. We considerthe following inspection criteria should be applied. Depending on the ability tocontrol the tanks it may be necessary to inspect them more frequently.However, we strongly recommend that frequent opening of the tanks isavoided.

Note: The storage of unleaded product in a tank which has previouslycontained leaded gasoline does not make it safe and lead warning noticesmust be displayed on the tank even though it has been gas-freed, de-sludged, de-scaled and cleaned.

Annual Inspection of Tanks This work will include but not be limited to the following operations:

a. Visual inspection of the exterior, lift tests and inspection of lift lugs tocomply with the requirements of local legislation and good safetypractice. The tank should be filled with Jet A-1 for lift test.

b. Dip tank to ascertain contents. Sample and transfer the contents to arecovery tank.

c. Open the tank and vent then internally steam clean and inspect interior.

d. Ensure all water removed and close up the tank ready for return to service.

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e. Check details on tank identification plate, load test plate, inspection dateplate are correct, re-stamp and re-new as required.

f. Raise documented records to cover inspections above. After checking for water, residual product may be transferred to another tankby drawing from the normal outlet or, if necessary, by drawing from the lowpoint drain, although particularly stringent precautions should be taken toavoid contamination and spillages.

Seal Drum and Pillow Tank Commissioning Procedure. The following procedure is the accepted requirement for commissioning anew flexible neoprene tank and is necessary to ensure that the tank is fit forservice. Only new or reconditioned tanks are acceptable for aviation fuels.

a. Seal Drums. The screwed self sealing adapter is fitted to the tank outlet(not normally removed again during service life). The elbow couplercomplete with seal adapter opening device is clamped to the outlet and thecoupling opened when fuel supply is connected.

All fuel is to be pumped via a filter monitor unit, once it has been testedclear.

Partially fill the drum sufficient to wet all the internal surface (25-30 litres ofJet A-1)

The drum is to be agitated at regular intervals to keep the surfaces wetted,for a period of one week. This leaching process will allow any excessadhesive from manufacture to be drawn out.

Completely fill the drum with Jet A-1 and allow to settle, take and test thesample. Look for colour, clarity and water content.

If satisfactory release the seal drum to service.

b. Pillow tanks. Position the tank on the base with the drain point at thelowest point, ensuring that this is level and well prepared, and has a slopeof at least 1 in 60. check that easy access to the drain valve can beachieved to allow sampling and draining as required.

Connect the inlet/outlet connection and check that the vent valve is inplace.

All fuel is to be pumped via a filter water separator and filter monitor unit,once it has been tested clear.

Fill the tank to 95% of the manufacturer's maximum capacity (allowingspace for expansion of the fuel). The site chosen should ideally allow thetank to be in the shade or under a cover, with an air gap of at least 1 metrebetween the tank and the cover.

Allow the tank to stand unused for 7 days and then draw of a sample fortesting. Check the sample for clarity colour and water content. Draw off asecond sample and send it to a laboratory for recertification.

If satisfactory release the tank to service.

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Equipment The probable equipment requirement for a small fuel facility to allow theroutine maintenance and testing of the fuel system:

a. A number of 3 litre screw top jars with protective wire cages.

b. Enough metal screw top sample cans for the storage of samples withlabels to identify date place from which the sample was taken.

c. Calibrated dipsticks suitable for the bulk fuel containers used.

d. Tank tables for conversion of depth to volume (dependant on availability ofcalibrated dipsticks).

e. Water finding paste (drum fuel).

f. Water Detector capsules (in date), complete with 5ml syringe.

g. One stainless steel bucket with bonding lead attached.

h. Hydrometers for the ranges 0.75 to 0.8 and 0.8 to 0.85.

i. Measured glass for density checks.

j. Temperature conversion charts for density checks.

k. Thermometer in brass protective case, range -10 to 50°C.

l. Meger Ohmmeter.

m. Avo multimeter.

n. Field flash point testing apparatus (nice to have)

Record Keeping It is essential to maintain clear, concise and accurate records of all fuel qualitycontrol checks and routine maintenance carried out at fuelling depots andinstallations. Some operatives may not be completely aware of theirimportance, and managers should issue precise instructions to ensure staffare fully conversant with the requirement. During audit visit where an inspection of fuelling facilities is required, the leveland quality of the record keeping should be examined, to include:

a. Records of all daily and periodic checks, and maintenance carried out.

b. Water drain sampling records.

c. Stock records covering all fuel receipts and deliveries, to enable productmovement to be traced through the system To assist those bases not having adequate records of their own, a selectionof sample forms has been developed and are available from Shell Aircraft Ltd.

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Documentation and Manuals The processes and practices for operating a fuelling facility should be clearlyset out in a manual produced by local management. Manuals to ensure thecorrect operation and maintenance of equipment should also be available,together with documentary records of component changes, maintenance andquality checks. Where fuel supply forms part of the Aviation Contractors activities andresponsibilities, the contracted company should have its own procedureguide, covering all aspects of refuelling operations.

Training Personnel involved in fuelling operations should receive formal, recognisedtraining, with the award of a certificate on completion, followed by regularbiennial refresher courses. This is particularly important for the supervisornominated as being responsible for the facility, and he should personally trainthose assigned to work with him, and organise them into an effective and safeteam.

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CHAPTER 9 - OTHER SUPPORT FACILITIES AND REQUIREMENTS............................................9-3

9.1. FIRE FIGHTING CRASH RESOURCES ..................................................................................9-3

International and Regional Airports and Licensed Aerodromes ....................................9-3Smaller Manned Airfields, Private Airstrips and Heliports..............................................9-3Unmanned Landing Strips and Heliports.........................................................................9-3Unmanned Helidecks........................................................................................................9-3Manned Helidecks.............................................................................................................9-4Considerations..................................................................................................................9-4Scale A - Fire-Fighting Equipment ...................................................................................9-4Scale B - Portable Fire-Fighting Equipment ....................................................................9-5Scale C - Crash Equipment...............................................................................................9-5

9.2. COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT............................................................................................9-6

Very High Frequency (VHF) Air Band...............................................................................9-6Single Sideband, High Frequency (SSB-HF)....................................................................9-7

9.3. NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................9-7

9.4. TECHNICAL ACCOMMODATION...........................................................................................9-9

Engineering Accommodation...........................................................................................9-9Battery Charging.............................................................................................................9-10Aircraft Stores.................................................................................................................9-10

9.5. OPERATIONS ACCOMMODATION......................................................................................9-12

Flight Planning Room .....................................................................................................9-12Pilot's Crew Room ..........................................................................................................9-13Operations Room............................................................................................................9-13Traffic Office....................................................................................................................9-14

9.6. METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................9-15

9.7. SECURITY OF OPERATIONS...............................................................................................9-16

9.8. VEHICLES WORKING AROUND AIRCRAFT .......................................................................9-17

Condition of Vehicle and Equipment .............................................................................9-17

9.9. DRIVER COMPETENCE .......................................................................................................9-17

9.10. DRIVER SUPERVISION DURING REVERSING....................................................................9-17

9.11. FORK-LIFT TRUCKS ............................................................................................................9-17

9.12. VEHICLE SELECTION AND LOADING OF CARGO.............................................................9-18

9.13. AIRFIELD GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ......................................................................9-18

Baggage Trolleys and Passenger Steps........................................................................9-18Mobile Ground Power Units (GPUs)...............................................................................9-18Mobile Cabin Air Heating or Air Conditioning Units......................................................9-18Body Bags.......................................................................................................................9-18Stretcher..........................................................................................................................9-18Manifest and Scales........................................................................................................9-19Passenger And Freight Booking System.......................................................................9-19Meteorological Equipment..............................................................................................9-19

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9.1. Fire Fighting Crash Resources

9.1.1. The principal objective of a rescue and fire fighting service is to save lives in the event ofan aircraft accident or incident. An important factor affecting rescue in a survivableaircraft accident is the standard of training of personnel, the effectiveness of theirequipment and the speed at which they and their equipment can be brought into use.

9.1.2. The numbers of emergency response personnel at an airfield, their reaction time and thelevels of fire and rescue equipment shown in this section are based on Annex 14(Chapter 9.2) of the ICAO Aerodromes Manual, which relates the requirement to thesize of the largest aircraft expected to operate there. The figures quoted constitute aminimum requirement, but may be supplemented as deemed necessary by localCompanies.

9.1.3. In some countries the local regulatory authority neither endorses Annex 14 nor offersguidance, and in such cases a simplified policy is recommended, but still based on theAnnex 14 guideline. The size of the aircraft being operated is generally relational to thenumbers it can carry. Therefore fire fighting equipment should be supplied equivalent totable A. In cases where larger aircraft (more than 49 passengers) are in use then theAnnex 14 standard for fire fighting equipment should be the standard.

9.1.4. There is a great diversity in the size and standard of airfields and landing sites from/towhich aircraft supporting activities operate, including:

International and Regional Airports and Licensed Aerodromes There are invariably operated by the local Civil Aviation Authority or by thirdparties licensed and controlled by them. They should conform to the ICAOstandard in every way.

Smaller Manned Airfields, Private Airstrips and Heliports These may not be under the control of the local aviation authority andstandards could be minimal. The crash and fire-fighting resources may besupplied by the owner, or an aircraft operator. As these locations are bydefinition manned, staff should be trained in equipment use and have adesignated vehicular capability to reach runway and local off-site incidents.Prior to any regular flights to such locations the Company should determinethat suitable levels of crash rescue equipment are available.

Unmanned Landing Strips and Heliports These are often found in remote and/or infrequently used locations. Theremaybe no specific equipment on site and it is often up to the user to make hisown arrangements. For flights to such locations the Company shoulddetermine that mobile fire-fighting and crash rescue personnel and equipmentis available.

Unmanned Helidecks These will be constructed to various international, national and/or Companyspecifications. During the design phase the most appropriate method of fireand crash rescue protection, relative to all the perceived risks should havebeen considered. The number of flights to such installations is likely to beminimal, with limited self help crash rescue and fire cover provided on thedeck. The supply of fire fighting equipment should be to Scale B and rescueequipment as appropriate.

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Manned Helidecks These will be constructed to various international, national and/or Companyspecifications. During the design phase the most appropriate method of fireand crash rescue protection, relative to all the perceived risks should havebeen considered. The crewing of the deck should include the supply of atrained fire fighting crew, usually 3 in number. The supply of suitable levels ofequipment will vary dependant on the aircraft type used. The prime firefighting equipment is normally two or more monitors which are capable ofspraying a foam type extinguishant (such as AFFF) to all parts of the helideckand these will be supported by hand held branch lines and portable fireextinguishers. Fire fighting equipment will be to Scale A. Crash rescueequipment will be supplied to Scale C.

Considerations The following points should be considered when establishing, monitoring orauditing fire fighting and crash resources:

a. The Numbers of Staff available.

b. Availability of information.

c. The training they have received.

d. Aircraft fire fighting and rescue procedures.

e. Frequency of exercises.

f. Response times achieved.

g. Communications and alarm systems.

h. Specification and quality of fire fighting vehicles.

i. Protective clothing and respiratory equipment.

j. Extinguishing agent characteristics.

k. Ambulance and medical services.

l. Local water supply.

m. Emergency access roads.

n. Environmental conditions (i.e. jungle, swamp, marine,).

Scale A - Fire-Fighting Equipment Dependant on the type of foam extinguishant used and the concentration ofthe mix (water to foam), the bulk will vary however as a minimum a dischargerate of 5.5 litres/m2/min and being capable of a continuous discharge for aminimum of 10 minutes.

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Water in litres plusfoam compound

Dry chemical(Kg)

or Halons(kg)

or CO2(kg)

9 metre 8 250 45 45 90

12 metre 10 750 90 90 180

15 metre 20 1000 135 135 270

20 metre 40 2000 135 135 270

25 metre 50 3000 180 180 360

Scale B - Portable Fire-Fighting Equipment

Dry chemical (Kg) or Halons (kg) or CO2 (kg) and Foam/ AFFF (lt.)

45 45 90 90

A lance or hose and horn nozzles is recommended for dealing with engine fires (not drypowder)

*Note: The use of Halon should be avoided where a suitable alternativeexists.

Scale C - Crash Equipment The crash equipment should consist of the following items:

a. . Aircraft or fireman's type axe.

b. . Large axe.

c. . Heavy duty hacksaw with blade.

d. . Four spare hacksaw blades.

e. . Grab hook with a long handle or line.

f. . Harness knife with sheath (2 off).

g. . Heavy duty crowbar.

h. . 24 inch (61cm) bolt croppers.

i. . Flameproof gloves (at least two pairs).

j. . Two fireman's face masks.

k. . Torch with spare batteries.

l. . Adjustable spanner.

m. . Fire blanket.

n. . Side cutting pliers.

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o. . Assorted screwdrivers.

p. . ladder. (8 ft. min)

q. . Breathing Apparatus (2 sets) (note: offshore locations only). Useful publications for reference are:-

a. United Kingdom Civil Aviation Publications 168 "Licensing ofAerodromes" and 437 - "Offshore Helicopter Landing Areas -Guidance on Standards".

b. The Petroleum Industry Training Board - "Helicopter LandingOfficer's Handbook".

c. ICAO Annex 14 Aerodromes Manual.

d. U.S.F.A.A., Part 139, Certification of Airports. Aircraft Rescue andFire Fighting.

9.2. Communication Equipment

9.2.1. It is vitally important for the safe and efficient conduct of flights, that aircraft shall be ableto communicate with a ground station at all times. Adequate, serviceable equipment of atype authorised for aeronautical use is therefore essential, both in the aircraft and on theground, and the Operations and Flight Manuals of the aircraft operator should include asection on the minimum level of equipment required for the despatch of the aircraft.There should always be a back-up system both in the air and on the ground, and it isnormal practice for aircraft engaged on public transport operations to carry at least threeindependently powered radios in two or more of the following frequency bands, whichmust also be capable of receiving broadcast meteorological information.

Very High Frequency (VHF) Air Band This is the most common band in use in civil aviation, and generally applies tothe frequency range 117.975 MHz to 137 MHz. VHF airborne equipment issmall, lightweight and easy to use, although propagation is limited to line ofsight, leading to short range capability between aircraft at low level andtemporary or low ground antennae.

Typical maximum range of between an aircraft flying at 1,000 feet and abuilding roof mounted antennae is 20 miles. Range may be extended byincreasing ground antenna height and by careful locations of antennaerelative to local topography.

The readability of VHF air band (am) propagation is good, although not to thesame standard as FM transmissions.

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Single Sideband, High Frequency (SSB-HF) The aeronautical mobile service operates in the band 2.8 MHz to 22 MHz inmultiples of 1 KHz, normally in the Upper Side Band (USB) and is inwidespread use throughout the world. It has the advantage of long rangepropagation, provided that a range of frequencies is available in order toavoid the problem of diurnal variation of the sky wave, and the "dead zone"between ground and sky waves. HF reception is noisy and fatiguing to listento for long periods although SELCAL systems are used in larger aeroplanesand helicopters to provide an alerting signal to crews not on listening watch.For low level operations, especially in mountainous or jungle areas, whereline of sight between transmitter and receiver cannot be maintained, HF is theonly option until sophisticated satellite relaying becomes widely available. It should be appreciated that in almost all countries licences are necessary forthe operation of all radios, and the control of frequency allocation isparticularly tight in the air bands. Due to congestion on administrationfrequencies, it is often necessary to have a dedicated aviation frequency, setand operator to ensure flight safety, and if the ATC network does not provideadequate coverage, it is essential that the necessary permits are acquired toallow the company to provide flightwatch cover. Advance planning isnecessary, as telecommunications bureaucracies are notoriously slow.

9.3. Navigation Equipment

9.3.1. Navigation equipment for aviation is used in standard form throughout the world as amajor aid to positioning and flight safety.

9.3.2. First of all there is the basic aircraft equipment concerned with navigation and positioningbut being self contained in the aircraft and requiring no ground station for its operation. Compass - to fly specific magnetic headings. Airspeed Indicator - to indicate speeds flown throughout the flightparameters. Altimeter - to maintain selected heights. Vertical Speed Indicator - to climb and descend at required rates. Radar - mainly used to show weather build ups and enable safe avoidance, itis also used by helicopters as an offshore approach aid. Radio Altimeter - to give height indications at low altitudes and to provide atrigger for ground proximity warnings.

9.3.3. Secondly there is equipment fitted to the aircraft which complements and responds toground stations. A supplementary method of communication is secondary surveillance radar(SSR). The aircraft is fitted with a transponder and its signals (pulses) areinterrogated on the ground and information concerning the aircraft'sidentification and flight level is available to the ground station. NDBs (non-directional beacons) are ground stations and may be situated atairfields, beneath air routes on offshore locations and in any position that willassist in positioning aircraft. NDBs transmit on the MF band radiating in alldirections and provide a basic navigational positioning system. The cockpitpresentation is a single needle indicating the direction of the ground station.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 9 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 9-8 This indication can be displayed on a compass and the pilot can utilise thisinformation to steer towards or away from a charted ground position. Thesystem uses a radio receiver to identify the direction and directional indicationis displayed on a radio magnetic indicator (RMI). VOR (VHF omni-directional radio range) - the VOR is a ground navigationalaid operating in the VHF band as a standard short range facility. The VORtransmits through 360° and therefore theoretically produces an infinitenumber of tracks. The cockpit presentation can be in two forms: it will be represented as aneedle on the Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) and will therefore indicate thedirection of the VOR. It will also be shown on a left and right indicator, and inthis mode the pilot can pre-set a heading required and fly towards it by usingthe left/right indications. It will also provide to/from information. VORs are used on airways and for final positioning before airport approachprocedures are instigated. DME - distance measuring equipment - the DME is a secondary radar systemwhich provides accurate and continuous indications in the cockpit of thedistance between an aircraft and the ground transmitter. DME will alsoenable the pilot to assess ground speed and time to go before arriving at theDMEs location. G.P.s. Global positioning system, transmitting a signal from the aircraft to prepositioned satellites and retransmitted back provides long./lat. position,ground speed, heading and altitude and through DGPS application can beused for instant approaches where approved by the Regulatory Authority. ILS - instrument landing system - the ILS is a pilot interpreted precisionrunway approach aid and is installed at virtually every major airport. Thesystem provides the pilot with visual instructions enabling the aircraft to beflown along a predetermined flight path to the threshold of the runway beingserved by the system.

. The procedure is started by the aircraft self-positioning or being vectored byground radar to a point where the ILS may be used as the next and mostreliable aid. In using the ILS the pilot follows the indications in the cockpit forfinal approach, the instrument provides two references. One needle showsleft or right deviation from the centre line, the other indication is up or downtelling the pilot if he is above or below the final glide slope. By flying theindications on centre line (localiser) and glide slope the aircraft arrives at apre-determined decision height, from which point a visual landing is made oran overshoot commenced. Marker beacons, typically an inner and outermarkers will provide way points for the approach. Area navigational aids - Apart from navigating overland by ground stationsproviding short range assistance, aircraft travel over vast areas of ocean anduninhabited lands and require the use of long range assistance. LORAN (Long range aid to navigation) is a hyperbolic navigation system: ahyperbola is defined as the locus of a point having a fixed difference in rangefrom two other fixed points. Loran works on the principle of differential rangeby pulse techniques. DECCA - is another hyperbolic navigation system but is a shorter rangenavigation aid.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 9 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 9-9 Both the above systems have ground stations variously over the world, Loranoperates on MF (medium frequency) and Decca on LF (low); both are usedfor maritime navigation and have largely been surpassed in InternationalAviation usage. For helicopters, however, Decca is still widely usedespecially in European waters and the once tedious methods of plotting on achart have been replaced by a sophisticated computerised aircraft receiverproviding instant accurate position information including distances travelled,distance to go to next destination, speed and bearings. VLF (very low frequency) also provides area navigation aid services in theform of ONTRAC II and the Omega system, operating on a system of world-wide transmitters and using the principle that signals from different stationsarrive at a given position at different times. INS (inertial navigation system) is the system used by the majority of airlineson long haul routes. The principle of the inertial navigation system is ofaccelerometers so arranged that they can detect changes of aircraft motionand through two successive integration procedures indicate aircraft positionand velocity. Currently while INS and OMEGA compete to be used as global navigationsystems the future awaits the introduction of laser-based INS (LINS) and theformal adoption as a primary aid of GNSS (Global Navigation SatelliteSystem) or GLONASS (the CIS equivalent) based on a constellation ofsatellites. The generic term GPS (Global Positioning System) is used todescribe this aid and it is already in use, albeit regarded as a supplementaryaid until world-wide reliable coverage is proven. It is likely using differentialGPS that it will eventually be used as a primary approved aid, even to theextent of replacing ILS..

9.4. Technical Accommodation

9.4.1. Adequate technical accommodation is required to ensure sound maintenance support.

Engineering Accommodation The amount of accommodation required will depend on the size of theoperation. For a small operation, an office for the Senior Engineer which alsodoubles as a Technical Records Office is considered sufficient, whereas alarge operation which has an independent Quality Control function will requireoffice space for a Chief Engineer, Engineering, Technical Records, TechnicalLibrary and Quality Control office which will require sufficient space to housea Standards Room. Irrespective of the size of the operation, provision should be made for anengineers crew room which should be reasonably comfortably furnished. On contracts of some duration it is normal to expect that the contractedaircraft will be operated from a fixed base. This fixed base should havehangarage and ancillary facilities suited to support of the maintenancerequirements of the type/types of aircraft to be operated during the duration ofthe contract. The hangarage and ancillary facilities at the fixed base should include but notbe limited to:-

a. Hangarage sufficient to house all aircraft on contract and furnished withlighting, air, water and electrical supplies and lifting equipment safe weightloaded to lift the heaviest component installed in the contract aircraft.

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b. Ground equipment, maintenance stands and special tooling sufficient tosupport all maintenance tasks to be carried out.

c. Technical office accommodation.

d. Engineer's crew room.

e. Stores Suite

f. Quarantine store.

g. Commercial store.

h. Flammable store.

i. Ancillary workshops sufficiently equipped with special tooling to performthe overhaul and repair tasks as approved by the Regulatory Authorityresponsible for the operational area.

j. Battery Shop. Where the nature of the operation is such that provision of hangarage is notpractical, i.e. contracts of short duration, seismic operations which changebase camps at regular short intervals, etc. aircraft can be expected to beoperated and maintained under these conditions for short periods of time.However, due to the fact that aircraft require general husbandry which only afixed base can be reasonably expected to provide, the maximum period anaircraft should be operated away from a proper fixed base is 300 hours orthree months. In all cases, an aircraft operated away from its fixed baseshould be returned to that base for scheduled major component changes andmajor inspections. At all operating bases which do not have hangarage, there remains arequirement to provide simple office, workshop and storage accommodation.

Battery Charging Where there is a requirement to service aircraft batteries, an intrinsically safebattery shop should be provided. If there is a requirement to service bothlead acid and Nicad batteries, these must be serviced in widely separateddedicated battery shops. These shops must be fully ventilated, fitted withsmoke alarms and have a mains electricity power breaker fitted externally, butin the immediate vicinity.

Aircraft Stores The aircraft spare parts should be stored in a dedicated, secure area. Thisgenerally forms part of the operators engineering accommodation. The itemscontained within such a store are aircraft parts which have been received,inspected and released as being fit for use on an aircraft and will besupported by documentation that allows traceability. Items such as generaluse commercial parts, oil, greases and paints should not be stored in thesame area as aircraft spare parts. The Aircraft Parts Store should be supported by several sub-stores. Thesecould include all or some of the listed stores, depending on the size ofoperation, local legislation, and the level of sophistication of the operatorsprocedures. The list is not exhaustive but the following need to be consideredwhen developing a store:

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a. Receipt and Despatch Area. Self explanatory use; but should be asecure and separate area. Incoming items are not acceptable for use onaircraft until inspected and authenticity is established. Outgoing parts aregenerally unserviceable or on dispatch to another base and as such arenot acceptable for use.

b. Quarantine Store. Is a secure and strictly controlled room in which partsthat need to be isolated from possible use are retained. These could besuspect or undocumented incoming parts, or unserviceable or suspectparts removed from aircraft. We should check if the stock held in this areais regularly checked and is processed in a reasonable time frame,generally not exceeding one year.

c. Dark Store. An area within the bonded store which contains aircraft partsthat would deteriorate in sunlight. Normally this covers the rubber basedproducts, but can contain other items that could be affected.

d. Commercial Store. A place to store the support products required to runthe base and maintain aircraft, but not intended for aircraft installation.

e. Lubricants Store. Normally expected to be located on the exterior of thehangar, it contains the oils and greases used on the aircraft and itssystems. This should be equipped with explosion proof lighting (if any)and be of robust fireproof type construction. Stock should be batched andissued on an oldest stock first basis. Most of the products found in thisstore should be subject to life limit controls.

f. Chemicals Store. Many of the dangerous and hazardous chemicals usedin maintaining aircraft can react with lubricants and general cleaningproducts. Therefore the ideal solution would be a separate store althoughthis is not often found to be the case.

g. Paint Store. Paints and their relative products should be stored in aventilated external store similar to the lubricant store and their life subjectto similar controls.

h. Explosives Store. Normally a steel cabinet to hold flares and squibsused in aircraft and survival equipment.

i. Role Equipment Store. Part of the aircraft parts store in which theseating, spare covers, SAR, EMS and other specific role equipment ishoused. The operator should have a written procedure guide to cover all aspects of hisstores operation which should include the names or positions of the personauthorised to carry out receipt inspections and release to bond. Some of the storage areas need to be temperature and humidity controlleddependent on global location and planned use. All parts should be racked orbinned in a manner such that they are individually stored by part number andreadily locatable. Every item should be identified, normally with a label,although for smaller items this may cover a batch (e.g. a bag of washers).The label should contain the following information: part number, serial number(if applicable), description, quantity, authenticity information (e.g. referencenumber of the incoming approved certificate) and the store location. Thelabel must advise the current serviceability state of the item and will often besigned by the stores inspector at the base.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 9 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 9-12 A records system should be kept which affords easy location of all spare partsheld in the store and reflects an accurate record of the stock levels of eachindividual item. Regular stock checks should be carried out; this may includea continual selective check of items as well as the annual total check. The operator should have a formal policy on shelf life control and accuraterecords of any such controlled items should be in evidence. It is recommended that access be restricted to storemen and management. Ifthis is not possible then restricted access by selected users could be agreed.Information on approved stores access should be posted at the storeentrance. All issues must be recorded and the record system updated. A booking outsystem is normally used but direct requests through a computer based recordwould be acceptable. In most cases, operators storage space will not be large enough to store suchlarge items as main rotor blades, main gearboxes, engines, etc. In suchcases the larger items will usually be stored in the hangar. The control ofissues of stock stored in this manner needs additional effort as the staff havedirect access. All parts thus stored must be clearly labelled and protectedagainst environmental and other damage. They are normally best kept intheir transfer boxes with silicon-gel to prevent damage through humidity. Aircraft spare parts should be traceable through bona fide records (Approvedcertificates, Airworthiness releases and certificates of conformity) to theirsource of manufacture to ascertain the validity of the item. The purchase ofnew and used spare parts should be closely scrutinised to be certain ofcondition, traceability and correct specification. Used parts need additionaleffort to confirm that the quoted time since new, time since overhaul, and liferemaining are supportable. Airworthiness tags in themselves are notsufficient evidence to establish integrity, and it is up to each aircraft operatorto establish, by audit and cross checks, suitable levels of trust and reliabilitywith its suppliers.

9.5. Operations Accommodation

9.5.1. For quality assurance purposes, adequate office space must be made available foroperations and technical functions of the aircraft service organisation. The question ofwhether company or Contractor(s) will be responsible for providing these facilities shouldbe addressed at the invitation to tender stage, as the cost has a significant impact onfixed charges, and the responsibility must be clearly defined in the final contract. If theContractor(s) is to be responsible, then the amount and standard of such accommodationshould be stipulated and monitored throughout the period of the contract to ensure thatcrews, administrative and technical personnel have appropriate space to plan anddocument flying and maintenance operations.

9.5.2. Offices should be heated or cooled to the standards normally expected by office staff,although the case for air conditioning in temporary seismic camps is considered inChapter 18.

Flight Planning Room This area should be quiet and have adequate communications (either byvirtue of location or telecommunications facilities) with the followingagencies:-

a. Contractor(s) Operations Office,

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b. or Company Traffic Organisation

c. Air Traffic Control

d. Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN)

e. Meteorological Information (Area forecast, destination, METARS andterminal forecasts)

f. Maintenance Control Office

g. Live Maintenance Office

h. Refuelling co-ordinator (if not Operations office) Desk space should be sufficient to allow the maximum number of crews tocarry out essential flight planning in reasonable comfort, and when operationsonly take place during normal working hours, this will mean catering for peakperiods in the early morning. While feeder and offshore flying is normallyconducted on well-established routes or airways, support of explorationactivity may require planning from basic maps before each flight, and wall anddesk space for the handling of large aeronautical charts will be required. While it will be the responsibility of the aviation department or Contractor(s) toprovide up to date copies of aeronautical publications, operations manuals,etc. these are bulky publications and space for their ready-use storage mustbe considered. While not ideal, if crew numbers are small, the Flight Planning office may becombined with the space allocated for pilots day use as a crew room. If morethan two or three crews are employed on an operation, then it is advisable forthe nominated senior pilot to be allocated individual office space for hisadministrative duties, which will include a variety of returns called for by thecompany.

Pilot's Crew Room A reasonably quiet room should be provided for use by crews between trips,and should be simply but adequately furnished, and within easy reach of theOperations or Traffic room. Occasionally it is necessary for crews onnight-emergency duty, to stand by at the aircraft base, for example, whendomestic accommodation is distant from the operating base. In such cases,suitable beds must be provided in a quiet and private area with sanitaryfacilities. A camp bed set up the crew room for example, is not consideredsatisfactory if the pilot is to be available for a flying duty period the followingday. Provision of a reasonably comfortable crew room for day time use has theattendant benefit of keeping the aircrew immediately available for short noticeflights.

Operations Room In areas such as the North Sea, where several aircraft operators serve avariety of oil company customers, the Contractor(s) will invariably have anoperations organisation, complete with office facilities at each location, andday to day liaison with the customer department will be through this office,and not directly with aircraft crews.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 9 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 9-14 In another situation, for example, where the Company has been establishedfor some years and a long-term sole-use contract exists, the Company maybe responsible for providing the office accommodation, as it forms part of theoil field infrastructure, but the Contractor(s) provides operations personnel forco-ordination of flights, passenger handling and aircraft availability. In short-term, highly mobile aircraft contracts, such as seismic or helirigsupport activities, Company will usually be responsible for the provision ofoffice accommodation and personnel for the limited degree of operationalco-ordination that is required. The Contractor(s) chief pilot will normally carryout the duties that call for specialist knowledge. Whatever the level of Company involvement, it is important that the followingfunctions are available, from a room (size appropriate to the scale ofoperations).

a. Communication with:-

• Contractor(s) main operations centre

• Contractor(s) central maintenance office

• Aircraft in local area

• Aircraft en-route (if necessary via another agency).

• Refuelling organisation

• Passenger traffic office

b. Access to:-

• Aircraft payload and basic weight information

• Company backbone and detailed flight schedules

• Aircrew flight time and duty time records

• Telex facilities (except in seismic field operations)

• Desk space and clerical equipment.

• Shelf space and filing cabinets.

Traffic Office It is a legal requirement in most countries and should be a Companyrequirement elsewhere, that the names of all occupants of an aircraft berecorded on a manifest document. A suitable traffic office must therefore be provided, where passengersarriving, duly authorised, are required to report prior to embarking. A goodtraffic section will also provide the opportunity to conduct security checks(including search for contraband), passenger safety briefing by video or otheraudio-visual medium, and to ensure that passengers proceed to the correctaircraft in an orderly way, under supervision. Depending on the scale of operation, any or all of the following rooms will berequired.

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a. Traffic clerk administration area, separated by a check-in counter frompassengers.

b. Waiting room before check-in.

c. Waiting room after check-in (this is the ideal place for pre-flight briefingsystems).

d. Changing room (where survival suits are issued, if required)

e. Security checking area.

f. Cargo check-in bay, which for ground transport safety reasons should bewell separated from the passenger movement area. To avoid bottlenecks, it is important to consider carefully the flow ofpassengers in the traffic handling organisation, and at peak periods, a visualdisplay of the current flight schedule is helpful to minimise personal enquiries.Where flight booking, scheduling etc. is computerised, this information can bedisplayed at small additional cost, on large V.D.U.s close to the check-in area.

9.6. Meteorological Information

9.6.1. For flight planning purposes, pilots must have access to accurate, up to date informationon the weather actually being experienced, and forecast for the departure, en-route anddestination stages of their flight.

9.6.2. For international and long range flights, the requirements for weather reporting andforecasting are met by stations at most airports and by World and Regional Area Forecastcentres, which conform to standard reporting codes and formats, and provideAeronautical Meteorological Service (AMS) to international standards as detailed inI.C.A.O. Document 8896-AN/893/3 "Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological Practice".

9.6.3. Thus, company owned or chartered aircraft operating to and from licensed aerodromesconforming with international standards will experience little difficulty in obtaining thefollowing information, which is required for pre-flight planning purposes:-

Upper/medium level winds and temperatures

Significant en-route weather phenomena

Aerodrome forecasts

Aerodrome reports

Take-off forecasts

SIGMET (potentially hazardous en-route weather information)

Air reports

NOTAMS - (Notice to Airmen)

A variety of media (telephone, broadcast, telex, facsimile) is used todisseminate this information, and use is made of automatic broadcastingequipment for in-flight information.

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9.6.4. In many operating areas however, company or chartered aircraft operate from remotebases with limited or no access to the sophisticated AMS. This has led in some cases toa private meteorological facility being funded by oil companies (although other partieshave also benefited from the service). This was essential in the North Sea area whereextreme weather conditions are encountered, and are frequently difficult to predict.

9.6.5. In other areas with a more benign climate, a lower standard of service may beacceptable, where sector distances are shorter and the area of operation restricted. Insuch cases access to area forecasts by radio or telephone may be acceptable, at thediscretion of the aircraft operator, but accurate reporting of conditions at departure anddestination point is essential.

9.6.6. It is recommended that the Aviation Adviser be consulted prior to establishing an aircraftbase, and detailed guidance will be given but the following information must be available: Pressure at runway/helipad level (QFE) Dry bulb air temperature (plus preferably wet bulb) Wind speed and direction Assessment of surface visibility Estimate of cloud base and cover (in octas)

Note 1 Many countries have established minimum legal requirements forpre-flight planning and these must be strictly complied with irrespective ofother recommendations.

Note 2 A high proportion of aircraft accidents occurring due to human factorsinvolve poor or deteriorating weather and many of these, particularly indeveloping countries could have been avoided by better pre-flightplanning, and established procedures to be following in the event ofencountering weather worse than anticipated.

9.6.7. Under no circumstances should pressure be exerted on pilots or operations personnel tofly in marginal conditions.

9.7. Security of Operations

9.7.1. Aircraft operation is a high-profile activity, involving expensive equipment, and oftenpassengers who present an attractive target to criminal elements.

9.7.2. Hijacking incidents and other threats to scheduled flights of international airlines are wellpublicised, and there is no need to expand further in this manual, other than to point outthat use of dedicated, company-owned and operated executive aircraft does provide adegree of insulation against these threats.

9.7.3. In countries or locations where security is a significant problem, protection of owned orcontracted operations may well have to be considered as part of overall company securityprecautions. Aircraft and associated ground facilities, including fuel installations areclearly attractive targets for criminal or terrorist elements, as are offshore oil installations,and in all cases, advice on protective measures should be sought from CompanySecurity, who are in a position to advise of the measures appropriate to the perceivedthreat.

9.7.4. There are, however, some basic precautions for consideration by all operatingcompanies, which can perhaps best be described as the avoidance of unnecessary risks,at minimal inconvenience. Some such measures are:-

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 9 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 9-17 Adopting as low a profile as possible - avoid unnecessary publicity concerningcompany operations. Avoiding the use of stickers etc. with company logos on baggage, decals onaircraft etc. Restricting the distribution of flight schedules to those with a real need toknow. Recognition of V.I.P. passengers, and security checks and baggage checkson others. Institution of strict flight authorisation procedures, and passenger bookingprocedures.

9.7.5. In certain cases, it may be considered necessary for aircrew to receive ground training, inthe response to hijack or bomb threats. The Aviation Adviser can advise on this, andarrange short courses on request.

9.8. Vehicles Working Around Aircraft

9.8.1. The operation of vehicles adjacent to aircraft requires care and supervision to ensuresufficient separation from aircraft, personnel and equipment.

Condition of Vehicle and Equipment Vehicles must be in good condition with serviceable handbrakes. In manycountries the vehicle may have driven over rough terrain to meet a flight. Onarrival at the airstrip it must be checked for damage (e.g. fuel tank leakage). A buffer should be fitted to vehicles used in the loading/offloading of aircraft toprevent damage in case of the vehicle touching the aircraft. Old tyres may beused for this purpose and should be in place only for the actual reversing andloading/offloading operation.

9.9. Driver Competence

9.9.1. Aircraft are easily damaged and therefore the driver chosen for aircraft operations mustbe well briefed and competent. Drivers should be regularly checked to see that they areperforming their duties in a calm and competent manner.

9.10. Driver Supervision During Reversing

9.10.1. When reversing up to the aircraft, the driver must be guided and supervised by an aircraftcrew member or the senior person in charge of the aircraft handling party.

9.10.2. When the vehicle is correctly positioned, the handbrake is to be applied, neutral selected,and the engine switched off.

9.10.3. Wheel chocks are to be placed behind the vehicle rear wheels to prevent movement ofthe vehicle towards the aircraft during loading/offloading operations.

9.11. Fork-Lift Trucks

9.11.1. When using a fork-lift truck for loading/offloading heavy objects to/from aircraft, the utmostcare must be taken. The operation must be supervised by an aircraft crew member insidethe aircraft and by the senior materials-handling member present at the airstrip.

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9.11.2. Aircraft crews will advise on weights and point loadings. However, all heavy objects duefor air transportation should be palletised if at all possible, to facilitate weight distribution.Air cargo is to be lashed down and preferably netted.

9.11.3. Palletising will depend on the weight and shape of the cargo to be carried. Each aircrafthas its own loading criteria. Information is available in the flight manual of the aircraft.

9.12. Vehicle Selection and Loading of Cargo

9.12.1. The vehicle selected must be large enough for the freight to be collected. This may seemobvious, but fresh and frozen food boxes in particular are often seen piled far too high onvehicles with insufficient capacity. This frequently results in the load falling from the truckwith the chance of damage to the contents and injury to personnel.

9.13. Airfield Ground Support Equipment

9.13.1. The contractor should wherever practicable be required to provide ground support mobileequipment at main and other locations. If this is not agreed then the Company mustconsider purchase of such units as "Moveable Capital Assets".

Baggage Trolleys and Passenger Steps Baggage trolleys are often towed by battery-operated 'tractors'. The tractorsare also used for manoeuvring helicopters and small fixed wing aircraft in andout of hangars. A battery-charging unit should be available at the airstrip withone spare set of batteries on charge. Flight schedules are often delayed by the slow loading/offloading of baggage.The delays in many cases are caused by the lack of baggage trolleys. Thereshould be sufficient trolleys on site to ensure that outward-bound and inward-bound baggage can be handled simultaneously.

Mobile Ground Power Units (GPUs) To avoid aircraft using on board batteries in start-up engines, mobile GroundPower Units should be positioned at base locations to provide a powersource.

Mobile Cabin Air Heating or Air Conditioning Units In very hot or cold climates such units should be provided to make the internalcabin environment comfortable for aircrew and passengers. Units should beprovided at main base and major offbase locations.

Body Bags There should be available at least 5 body bags at the main base of operationsand at each location at least one body bag for the transport of a fatality. Thisis a requirement which is often overlooked. Avoid transporting dead bodies and passengers on the same aircraft. Legal documents are required for the transportation of dead bodies - checkwith the local authorities (e.g. CAA and police).

Stretcher A stretcher of the rigid type should be available.

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Manifest and Scales Scales must be available for the correct weighing and manifesting ofpassengers, personal baggage and freight.

Passenger And Freight Booking System Operators are recommended to have a centralised, manual or computerisedbooking system.

Meteorological Equipment The meteorological equipment available at airstrips will vary. However,remote strips should, as a minimum, have the following to meet therequirements at 9.6.

a. Wind Sock. Fixed at each end of the airstrip and clear of obstructions.

b. Thermometer. To measure shade temperature in degrees Celsius. Thisshould be positioned in the shade away from a radiant heat source (e.g.not on the bonnet of a vehicle or closer than one metre to the ground whentaking a reading).

c. Anemometer. To measure wind speed in knots. If not on a fixedstructure, it should be held in shoulder height away from the body.

d. Compass. To measure wind direction from the direction in which it isblowing (e.g. from 020 degrees, from 180 degrees etc.).

Note: All of this equipment is very fragile and will not stand up to roughtreatment.

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CHAPTER 10 - FLIGHT CREW REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................10-3

10.1 MINIMUM PILOT LEVELS.................................................................................................10-3


10.2 PILOT QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE LEVELS ....................................................10-3

Aircrew Experience Requirement ................................................................................10-5

10.3 FREELANCE PILOTS ........................................................................................................10-7

10.4 FLIGHT TIME AND DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS ..................................................................10-7

Definitions.....................................................................................................................10-7Standby Duty ................................................................................................................10-8Recommended Maximum Flying Hour Limits .............................................................10-8Maximum Flying Duty Periods - General.....................................................................10-9Flying Duty Periods/Max Hours - Sole Use Contracts ................................................10-9Maximum Cumulative Duty Hours .............................................................................10-10Pilot Manning - Night Standby Duty ..........................................................................10-11

10.5 FLIGHT CREW TRAINING ...............................................................................................10-12

Flight Crew - Definition ..............................................................................................10-12Pilot Training ..............................................................................................................10-12General........................................................................................................................10-12Conversion Training...................................................................................................10-12Recurrent Training .....................................................................................................10-12Specific Requirements ...............................................................................................10-14Six Monthly Base Checks ..........................................................................................10-15Annual Checks ...........................................................................................................10-16Recency Checks.........................................................................................................10-16Crew Resource Management Training ......................................................................10-16Other Considerations.................................................................................................10-18

10.6. PILOTS FLYING MORE THAN ONE AIRCRAFT TYPE....................................................10-18

10.7. SAR CREWMEN TRAINING.............................................................................................10-18

Initial Training.............................................................................................................10-18Recurrent Training .....................................................................................................10-19

10.8 SINGLE PILOT OPERATION............................................................................................10-19

10.9 CABIN ATTENDANTS......................................................................................................10-20

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10.1. Minimum Pilot Levels

10.1.1. The recommended number of pilots for routine flight operations has been set after manyyears experience and takes into account aircraft equipment, cockpit workload and in-flightconditions. Pilot levels have been determined assuming the crews meet or exceed the E& P Forum minimum qualification and levels of experience. Where, exceptionally,regulatory requirements are more stringent then these must be followed.


VFR IFR and Night

Single Engine 1 † Not recommended

Multi Engine <5,700 kgs 2* † 2

Multi Engine >5,700 kgs 2 2

* Exceptionally one pilot may be utilised provided the aircraft is certified for single pilotoperations and performance/requirements dictate e.g. single blind flying panel orbecause of the special payload demands for a specific task. All cases of proposedsingle pilot operation should be referred to the Aviation Adviser.

† Under no circumstances should the control of a helicopter be left unattended whileeither engines are running or rotors are turning.


VFR IFR and Night

Single Engine 1 Not recommended

Propeller driven <5700 kgs 2* 2

Pure jet and propeller driven >5700kg 2 2

* Exceptionally one pilot may be utilised where certified for single pilot operations,where workload is very light, the flight does not take place in a busy air trafficenvironment, poor or uncertain weather conditions, or does not consist of multiplesectors or sectors of over 1½ hours in duration. All cases of proposed single pilotoperation should be referred to the Aviation Adviser.

10.2. Pilot Qualifications and Experience Levels

10.2.1. The following tables stipulate the flying experience and qualifications of pilotsrecommended by E & P Forum before they can fly passengers of the Company orContractor(s) either on ad hoc charter or under contract. Where these requirementscannot be met it may be possible to obtain a dispensation and, in any event, companiesmay wish to establish their own specific requirements. Where this is requested, fulldetails of an individuals experience and qualifications under the headings shown in thetables must be submitted to the Aviation Adviser for assessment and consideration priorto agreeing or otherwise such a dispensation.

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10.2.2. For those operators on sole use contract who have an ab initio pilot training schemeinvolving carefully structure modules from selection through to ab initio training,conversion training and supervised line training, then dispensation may be given to thegraduates of such a scheme for acceptance as captains or co-pilots on Company flights.Such a requirement could arise during a process of regionalisation or where there is ashortage of suitably qualified and experienced pilots in the market place.

10.2.3. Some civil aviation authorities allow "captaincy under supervision", or "PI U/S" as it issometimes called, to count towards captaincy time, usually counting as half captaincytime. Before such an arrangement can be agreed during the progression of a co-pilottowards captaincy on a Company contract, guidance should be sought from the AviationAdviser to ensure the validity of that flying.

10.2.4. In some countries air taxi and helicopter pilots may not be entitled to an ATPL. If this isthe case then a CPL is considered acceptable.

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E&P Forum Recommended Aircrew Experience Requirement





5,700kgs MAUW(1)


5,700kgs MAUW


5,700kgs MA




EXPERIENCE Not less than

TOTAL HOURS 4,000 3,000 1,500 3,00

TOTAL HOURS IN COMMAND (4) 2,500 1,500 1,000 1,50



500 500 1,20





EXPERIENCE Not less than

TOTAL HOURS 1,000 500 500 1,00







LICENCE 2nd Class Licence 2nd Class Licenc



LICENCE 1st Class Licence 1st Class Licenc



Notes: 1. Maximum All Up Weight2. Instrument ratings are required to be tested at periods not exceeding 13 months. [Instrument base checks should be at 6 monthly intervals].3. Requirement for Instrument Rating depends on role or task. However, in all cases, proven and current instrument competence is required.4 These Hours to be fully on either aeroplanes or helicopters as appropriate. Up to 10% may be achieved in a flight simulator approved for the purpose by the regulatory authority5. It is unlikely that a co-pilot will be required.

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6. Flight Engineer and Navigator experience requirements are applicable to all Former Soviet Union (FSU) aircraft when flown in or outside the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS



Where specialist activities are involved,such as airborne pollution control, topdressing, aero magnetic surveys, thenadvice on specialist experiencerequirements should be sought fromAviation Adviser.

Land Seismic Operations - Total time required for seismic support is 300 hours which, where relevant must areas. A formal and recorded training scheme of underslung operations must have been undertaken plus a minoperations. [50 of the 200 hours must be relevant to the role to be flown on contract, i.e. short or long line as apphours may form part of the total requirement, pilot under instruction flying must not be undertaken within a Compa

Offshore Role Experience - Total time for operating to fixed and moving platforms - 500 hours [(above 5,700kgs)

Mountain Flying Operations - A formal and recorded training scheme flying in mountain operations must hoperations in mountainous terrain.

Winching - A formal and recorded training scheme must have been undertaken plus a minimum of 50 hours of wland seismic operations as appropriate as above.

Offshore Spraying / Pollution Control - Prior offshore experience. Details in each case to be agreed with SAL.

For all the above role requirements recent experience is considered essential and pilots who have not operateexcess of a year will require refresher training [more frequent in the case of winching]. Advice should be sought fr

In those cases where a co-pilot has no opportunity to accumulate 50 hours on the contract type, then an allowable variation is for him to have flhours on the contract type as follows:

Total Hours On Contract Type Which Must Include The Following Minimum Hours Under Each Section

Aeroplanes Type conversion plus Instrument flying training on type

Helicopters Type conversion VMC

Aeroplanes Initial type test, day Base Check, night BC and IR on type

Helicopters Initial type test, day Base Check, night BC

Helicopters Instrument flying Training

Helicopters Instrument rating test and IR Base Check

Helicopters Rig approaches (5 Day & 5 Night)

Both Simulator / procedural trainer if available

Aeroplanes Third pilot in jump seat on representative routes & observing procedures & duties of first officers in the normal area of operations

Helicopters At least 15 hours which must also include a minimum of 30 sectors with maximum exposure to all the current routes to be flown, as third jump seat or equivalent passenger seat, observing the operating procedures, paperwork in the cockpit and duties of a First Officer.


Must be followed by further experience which may be gained during contract revenue flights :

• a further 30 hours on line with type Training Captain and

• final P2 Line Check on achieving 50 hours on type before being rostered to fly with other typequalified Line Captains.

Must be followed by further experience which may

• On completion he is to fly on line a further 30

• A final P2 line check on achieving 50 hoursother type qualified Line Captains.

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Part 3 - Air Operations, General Flight Crew Requirements

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10.3. Freelance Pilots

10.3.1. Freelance pilots are not normally recommended to be employed on Company flights.There are, however, occasions on the smaller operation where their use cannot alwaysbe avoided. In such cases the freelance pilot should only be employed in the co-pilot roleand prior to his use he should at least have carried out full base and line checks by thesenior Company Training Captain, preferably be included in simulator training, and beindoctrinated in company procedures. He should sign to the effect that he is fullyconversant with such procedures and will abide by them, and should be included in thesystem for ensuring that amendments, warnings, and notices are drawn to the attention ofcrews. his competence and suitability should also be formally endorsed by the seniormanagement of the company. He must of course meet all Aviation Adviser flyingqualifications and experience levels.

10.3.2. An exception to the foregoing is where 'self-employed' pilots are used by the company ona 'permanent' basis. In such cases, provided that management has determined thatthese pilots are fully conversant and compliant with company rules and procedures, andprovided training and checking is under the aegis of the operator and in accordance witha properly controlled and supervised programme, then they may be employed ascaptains. As a condition of their employment, these pilots may be free to fly with otherContractor(s), in which case the operator must determine, by proper controls, thatAviation Adviser standards for flight and duty times are being met.

10.4. Flight Time and Duty Time Limitations

10.4.1. In most but not all countries, flight crews are governed by regulations on the maximumnumber of flight and duty hours over different periods of time. The prime objective of anyflight time limitations scheme is to provide crew members who are adequately rested priorto the beginning of each flight, and when flying are sufficiently free from fatigue so thatthey can operate to a satisfactory level of efficiency and safety in all normal and abnormalsituations. Aircraft operators are expected to appreciate the relationship between thefrequency and pattern of scheduled flying duty periods, rest periods and time off, and givedue consideration to the cumulative fatigue effects of working long hours interspersedwith minimum rest.

10.4.2. The actual limitations will vary from country to country, and the first requirement in aCompany managed operation is that work schedules shall not exceed the legal maxima inforce in the country of operation, which in some cases, may be generous. It is stronglyrecommended that even if not legally required, all operators should have a system forcontrol of maximum flight time and duty periods, on call periods and minimum restperiods. This should be detailed in the Operations Manual for the benefit of all crewmembers and the staff concerned with the preparation and day to day management ofrostering and scheduling.

Definitions Flying Hours - The definition of flying hours varies with different civil aviationregimes but a generally acceptable criterion is the time between first movingwith the intention of taking off, and coming to rest after a flight. In the case ofhelicopters completing multiple sectors, this will include time spent with rotorsrunning between landing and next take-off. Flying Duty Period (FDP) - Any time during which a person operates in anaircraft as a member of its crew. It starts when the crew member is requiredby an operator to report for a flight and finishes at on-chocks, engines off, orrotors stopped, on completion of the final sector. It is desirable that arecording system is used to help prevent excessive FDPs.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 10 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 10-8 Duty Period - Any continuous period during which a crew member is requiredto carry out any task associated with the business of an aircraft operatorincluding any period spent completing post flight duties. Duty periodsparticularly affect crew members required to carry out administrative,managerial or executive roles in addition to flying duties. Rest Period - A period of time before starting a flying duty period which isdesigned to give crew members adequate opportunity to rest before a flight. Split Duty - A flying duty period which consists of two or more sectors,separated by less than a minimum rest period Days Off - Periods free from all duties. A single day off shall include twolocal nights. Consecutive days off shall include a further local night for eachadditional consecutive day off. A rest period may be included as part of a dayoff. Acclimatised - When a crew member has spent 3 consecutive local nightson the ground within 2 hours of the local time zone, and is able to takeuninterrupted nights sleep. The crew member will remain acclimatisedthereafter until a duty period finishes at a place where local time differs bymore than 2 hours from that at the point of departure

Standby Duty A period during which an operator places constraints on a crew member whowould otherwise be off duty. However, it should not include any time duringwhich an operator requires a crew member to be contactable for the purposeof giving notification of a duty which is due to start 10 hours or more ahead.

Recommended Maximum Flying Hour Limits The following table will serve as a general rule for all operations.



Fixed Wing 900 - 100 - - 8 10Helicopter 800 240 80 30 18 7 9 The following either singly or in combination will affect the amount of flyinghours considered available for a pilot:

a. Where there is a high frequency of landings, continuous underslung/helirig operations, high ambient temperatures, wearing of immersion suits,night flying and shuttling in night or IMC. For instance in underslungloads/heli rig work, one pilot should be restricted to 5 hours a day and twopilots 7 hours a day. When wearing immersion suits schedules whichinvolve continuous flying in excess of 4½ hours will include provisions for abreak free of duty of at least 30 minutes not including a total of 30 minutesfor immediate post and pre-flight duties. The break will be scheduled priorto exceeding a total of 6 hours flying.

b. Helicopter pilots may exceptionally fly up to 90 hours a month but 80 hoursshould be the planning maximum and in no case should 240 hours in 3consecutive 28 day periods be exceeded.

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Maximum Flying Duty Periods - General The general rules to be applied to aircrew are:

a. Rest periods should normally be a minimum of 12 hours. A formalschedule for rest periods should be laid down.

*b. They should not work more than 7 consecutive days between days off.

*c. They should have not less than 2 consecutive days off in 14.

*d. They should average at least 8 days off in each consecutive 5 week periodaveraged over 3 such periods.

e. For single pilot helicopter operations a maximum limit of 10 hours FDP is arequirement and for two pilot operations, 12 hours. These will be reducedby early morning or evening starts.

f. For single pilot aeroplane operations a maximum limit of 10¼ hours FDP isa requirement and for 2 pilot operations 14 hours. Again these will bereduced by early morning or evening starts, the number of sectors andwhether or not pilots are acclimatised to local time.

g. For split duties with less than 2 hours rest within the FDP then noextension is allowed. With 2-3 hours rest, the FDP can be extended byone hour and with 3-10 hours rest, the FDP can be extended to half theconsecutive hours rest which most not include the time for post and pre-flight duties. With more than 6 hours consecutive rest, suitableaccommodation must be provided.

h. Any concern about the FDPs being applied should be referred to AviationAdviser.

i. The wearing of immersion suits can contribute to fatigue and pilotswearing them should not participate in moving freight or baggage or in anyother physical effort. His role should be supervisory.

j. Records for duty and rest periods of all flying staff should be kept.

* (Dispensation can be given under b,c, and d if crews are rostered to be onsite for limited periods interspersed with extended leave periods (e.g. 14days on, 14 days off) but discretion will need to be tempered by theintensity and nature of the flying operation).

Flying Duty Periods/Max Hours - Sole Use Contracts For sole use contracts a greater degree of control can be exercised overaircraft operators and the following tables enable FDPs and daily flying hoursto be more tightly governed by time of start, single or two pilot operation,numbers of sectors and whether or not pilots are acclimatised. These hourshave been determined from careful research by national and internationalinstitutions on the immediate and cumulative efforts of work in flight.

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Table of Duty and Flight Time Limitations


LOCAL TIME OF START Max FDP Max Fly Hours Max FDP Max Fly Hours

0600-0659 9 6 10 7

0700-0759 10 7 11 8

0800-1359 10 7 12 8

1400-2159 9 6 10 7

2200-0559 8 5 9 6


(Acclimatised to local time) SECTORS

LOCAL TIME OF START 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8/+

0600-0759 13 12¼ 11½ 10¾ 10 9½ 9 9

0800-1259 14 13¼ 12½ 11¾ 11 10½ 10 9½

1300-1759 13 12¼ 11½ 10¾ 10 9½ 9 9

1800-2159 12 11¼ 10½ 9¾ 9 9 9 9

2200-0559 11 10¼ 9½ 9 9 9 9 9


(NOT acclimatised to local time) SECTORS


Up to 18 or over 30 hours 13 12¼ 11½ 10¾ 10 9¼ 9

Between 18 and 30 hours 11½ 11 10½ 9¾ 9 9 9


(Acclimatised to local time) SECTORS

LOCAL TIME OF START Up to 4 5 6 7 8/+

0600-0659 10 9¼ 8½ 8 8

0700-1259 11 10¼ 9½ 8¾ 8

1300-1759 10 9¼ 8½ 8 8

1800-2159 9 8¼ 8 8 8

2200-0559 8 8 8 8 8

Maximum Cumulative Duty Hours


Helicopters 60 - 200

Aeroplanes 55 95 190

Cabin Attendant 60 105 210

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Pilot Manning - Night Standby Duty Companies often state a requirement for nigh stand-by duty and this willrequire additional pilots to be made available to fulfil what is likely to be a veryoccasional commitment. The principles to be observed are:

a. The requirements of the regulatory authority in terms of flight and dutylimitations must be met.

b. The maximum FDP/Flying Hours specified must be observed.

c. After a day duty period, each pilot should not normally have less than 12hours rest.

d. If the pilots nominated for night standby duty are not used for such, thenthey can be considered available for duty on the following day period.Otherwise, they will normally be due for 12 hours rest beforerecommencing duty. Where a fleet of aircraft is in use, careful scheduling will enable night standbyto be covered without an increase in establishment. For a one aircraft, twopilot operation, however, it follows that, after a full day's duty, a further twopilots will normally be required, except in the circumstances outlined in10.4.2.16 below. A problem that could arise, is that where flying rates are low, but duty timesare high, pilots could be under-employed and this could have a negativeeffect on morale and flight efficiency, particularly bearing in mind that nigh-callout is rarely exercised. In such circumstances, and subject to the requirements of the regulatoryauthority, a concession can be considered whereby the day and night iscovered by 3 pilots for one aircraft. For this to be acceptable, the day dutyshould be foreshortened, to enable there to be a rest period beforecommencement of night duty. Additionally, the 3rd pilot already rostered fornight duty and not utilised during the preceding day should be nominated ascommander, with one of the day pilots nominated as co-pilot. A prerequisitefor such a scheme is that there should be adequate and convenient restfacilities, to enable the co-pilot to work a safe split shift and that the overalllong term workload is light. It is emphasised, however, if a night call out takesplace then the full rest period must be available for both crew members,before either can resume a day duty. This will inevitably mean a late start ofthe following day's programme. As a guide to the prudent maximum previous day's flight before night standbycommences, to enable 3 as opposed to 4 pilots to be used, day operationsshould be limited to a maximum FDP of 8 hours and a maximum flight time of4 hours. The day programme should be arranged to enable a release fromduty as early as practical provided this does not mean an inordinately earlystart. As every situation is likely to be different, sensitive management isrequired and guidance should always be sought from Aviation Adviser.

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10.5. Flight Crew Training

10.5.1. This section sets out guidelines for flight crew training.

Flight Crew - Definition A member of flight crew is defined as a pilot, engineer, cabin attendant,loadmaster or other person required to fly in an aircraft for the specificexecution of its allocated task.

Pilot Training - General Initial and recurrent training is a vital factor in flight safety and must be carriedout to ensure that high professional standards are set and maintained. The validity of a pilots licence depends upon regular flight checks. Eachoperation will have on site (or access to) a suitably qualified training captainwhose responsibilities will include pilot training, testing and maintainingappropriate records. The minimum level of periodic training and testing will be laid down by thecivil aviation authority existing in the country of operations, and while thesestandards are normally acceptable certain countries fall short of the E & PForum requirements.

Pilot Training - Conversion Training Initial competency on a specific aircraft type is assessed by an examinerapproved by the Regulatory Authority and is recognised by the award of atype rating. Although the E & P Forum has no practical way of determiningeither the adequacy of this training or the standards set by the regulatoryauthority, safeguards are built into the system by the imposition of pilotexperience levels and qualifications.

Pilot Training - Recurrent Training There are two main elements to recurrent training:

a. Base training: The purpose of base training is to improve, standardise andtest pilots' knowledge of systems and procedures, their handling of aspecific aircraft type and their instrument flying skills.

b. Line training; The purpose of line training which can take place on revenueflights is to train, standardise and assess crews in the performance of theirtask. A minimum of five hours per pilot per year is recommended as the target forrecurrent training and this would be a firm requirement for any sole usecontract. This assumes 3 hours to cover base checks and instrument ratingrenewal and a minimum of 2 hours line checking. This may need to beextended depending on typical stage lengths flown. If full motion/visual flightsimulators are available a proportion of the training may be carried out inthem as they provide the ability to practice emergencies which cannot orshould not be performed in the air. They also provide the ability to freeze andplay back events, to conduct readily third seat supervision and to repeatpractise specific events. Simulators can be used for both base and linetraining.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 10 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 10-13 Dedicated flight and simulator sorties for training should be for theContractor(s) account; line training may be undertaken on revenue sorties.Procedures trainers also perform a useful role in training but should beregarded as an addition to the 5 hours total training requirement. Although commitment to training is a measure of a company's attitude tosafety and proficiency, it is impractical to insist on five hours per year foroperators who provide no more than occasional use when the regulatoryauthority may require little more than an annual test. In such cases, a prerequisite for charter would be for six monthly and annual base checks to becarried out as described below together with a line check and for trainingrecords to reflect the adequacy of this training. Wherever practicable, training should be conducted as a crew, with thetraining/check captain occupying the third seat. This would improvestandardisation and optimise the crews activity as a fully integrated team. In addition to the periodic and recurrent training of aircrew, specialised tasktraining may be necessary depending upon the Company aviation needs. Forinstance, where the aircraft operator is expected to provide qualified crews inwinching and sling load work, a formal course of instruction followed byregular continuation training is necessary to maintain proficiency. Training ofall relevant members of the crew should be accommodated during periods ofcontinuation training and should include pilots, winch operators, winchmen,load marshallers, loaders and relevant ground crew. If regular programming demands routine winching and sling load operationsthen less training would be required but to maintain standards andcompetency a minimum of three lifts per 30 days winching overland and sixlifts per 30 days over water is considered necessary. Similarly if external loadlifting is infrequent, then one hour per quarter is considered the minimum tomaintain proficiency. In larger companies it is not necessary for all pilots on site to be qualified ineach specialised task but nominated pilots will be expected to remain currentto meet demands and only these may be used to complete the specialisedtasks. Continuation training in specialised tasks is normally accepted for Companyaccount and the hours will be included in the revenue flying returns andcharged to the Company. The aircraft operator will either have a separate training manual or it will be asection of the Operations Manual. Results of training exercises and renewal dates for flight checks may be keptin computerised format, but all checks should have a hand-written completedform of the actual exercises carried out, together with the result,recommendations and both the subject's and Training Captain's signatures.These should be kept and available for inspection. Narrative comment on thepilots' performance should invariably be included to enable trends andweaknesses to be identified and actioned. A record of the debrief should alsobe included. Seismic support, tanker transfers, pollution survey and control, are allindividual tasks that require specialised skills and experience. Companiesshould be aware that certain levels of competence and continuation trainingwill be necessary in areas of flying differing from normal operations, forexample mountain flying where only occasional excursions are required.

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Pilot Training - Specific Requirements The addition of a new type to an operating fleet or the replacement of existingtypes would normally add to the training commitment for the period ofintroduction. The cost of this additional training would be subject tocontractual negotiations but the Company should expect to contribute onlywhen instigating fleet changes.

a. Single-Engined Helicopters

During day base checks, pilots of single-engined helicopters should carryout one or more full engine off landings to the satisfaction of the trainingcaptain.

This requirement must be clearly stated to prospective Contractor(s), sothat special arrangements may be concluded if necessary to conduct thetraining; additional hull insurance cover may also be necessary.

b. Night Training

Where there is a requirement to carry out routine (or emergency) flights atnight, then the operator should arrange for each pilot to carry out at least 3night take-offs and landings at a typical operational location every 90 days.In case of offshore operations, these should embrace a balance of bothonshore and offshore locations.

c. External Training

Should smaller companies not have the in-house capability to perform therequired training due to lack of facilities of a formal flight trainingestablishment, approved simulators or the engagement of the services ofqualified training captains from other companies, or even the completetraining facilities of other companies may be necessary. In such cases,documentary evidence on the satisfactory completion of the trainingshould be available for inspection.

d. Emergency and Survival Training

For over water operations, on conversion to type, wet and dry dinghy drillshould be carried out in addition to training in and checking of evacuationdrills and knowledge of safety equipment. Thereafter, dry dinghy drillshould be carried out annually and wet dinghy drill on a 3-yearly basis. Itis recommended, in accordance with regulatory requirements in severalcountries, that breathing apparatus be provided for crew use in case offire. Training on this equipment should be conducted on a 3-yearly basis.

e. Training - Offshore Flight Crews

Wet dinghy drill should be carried out at least every 3 years. It is an E & PForum recommendation for operators of offshore helicopters, wherepractical, to train their crew in response to a ditching by use of anunderwater escape simulator.

Underwater escape training should also be carried out at three yearintervals.

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f. Crop Spraying Aircraft

A syllabus for conversion and recurrent training is a requirement anddetails of an operators training scheme should be referred to the AviationAdviser for assessment.

g. Underslung Load Operations

If underslung load operations are likely to be required, it should bespecified in the contract, with a requirement that sufficient crews for thecover demanded are line-checked in this role before contractcommencement. 200 hours previous sling load experience is required forsupport of land seismic operations.

Pilots' nominated for underslung load work should have the competencecheck formally signed off under one of the following categories:

• Onshore• Offshore• Vertical Reference

Unless at least five hours practical application has been achieved in thepreceding six months, competency should be re-checked during VisualBase Check procedures and the pilot re-cleared under the abovecategories.

h. Long-Line/Vertical Reference

Competence in long-line work is only achieved after considerable linetraining, and if combined with vertical reference, will generally requireaircraft modification.

Vertical reference techniques employed by trained crews operatingsuitably arranged aircraft can save much time particularly for precisionwork where external visual references are poor (e.g. flare tip changesoffshore), safety margins may well be enhanced by use of the techniquewhere permitted by regulatory authority.

Since it is unlikely that more than one or two pilots' in a crew changeoperation will be so qualified, training (refresher) will probably be requiredprior to a specific operation and this would reasonably be taken for clientaccount. In this regard, a minimum of 10 hours vertical reference work inthe preceding six months would be the minimum required for currency.

Six Monthly Base Checks Each pilot should be VFR and, if appropriate, IFR base checked every sixmonths on all types of aircraft being flown on contract. The IFR base check isfundamental to both IFR operations and night Medrescue. Where there is a requirement for night flying, whether on a routine oremergency only basis, then alternate base checks should examine the pilot'sproficiency in the handling of aircraft emergencies at night. VFR base checks will include normal operating drills with simulatedemergencies followed by a written questionnaire based on the Flight andOperations Manuals and/or an oral discussion. IFR base checks will include single engined approaches and overshoots andother suitable emergencies.

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Annual Checks The annual check should embrace the following:

a. Instrument Rating Renewal - procedures are flown under simulated oractual instrument conditions where the pilot under check has no visualreference outside the cockpit

b. Line/Route Check - this is carried out during a normal revenue flight toensure continued operating standards are maintained.

c. Emergency and survival checks - to cover evacuation drills and knowledgeof safety equipment.

d. VFR only operations - an instrument check to ensure a minimum ability tomaintain height, heading and airspeed and to recover from unusualattitudes, and also tracking to and from a navigational aid.

e. Questionnaire covering all aspects of both operational and technicalknowledge.

Recency Checks Recency checks for all pilots should be carried out after 28 or more daysabsence from flying and may be carried out by any suitable Senior /LineCheck Captain but preferably, the Chief Pilot or Training Captain. ForCaptaincy the following limitations should apply:


3 - 4 weeks 1 flight as Co-Pilot

4 - 6 weeks 2 flights as Co-Pilot

6 - 12 weeks 1 flight with an Instructor1 flight as Co-Pilot


12 weeks or more 1 flight with an Instructor1 flight as Co-Pilot1 flight with Check Pilot2 flights with Instructor and basecheck if due

plusplusor Some critical tasks require practice to achieve the necessary high standardse.g. night rig landings, specific site rejects and supervisors must ensure thatsuch techniques are practised after an absence of 28 days or more beforerouting to captaincy.

Crew Resource Management Training With over 80% of accidents ascribed to human factors, the most fertile areafor the improvement of safety lies in the cockpit. This requires optimisation ofcrew activities, procedures and training. This in turn requires a clearunderstanding of the interaction between all crew members and the effects ofthe environment i.e. psychology and physiology.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 10 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 10-17 The importance of this has been recognised by certain regulatory authoritiesand most of the worlds leading airlines. Where these requirements are notmet by regulation or by the operators own initiative, it is important that weencourage a proper understanding and response to the needs of effectivecockpit resource management. As a minimum for two pilot operations we require:

a. Checklists to be in challenge and response format.

b. Responsibilities of the aircraft commander and co-pilot, handling and nonhandling pilot, to be clearly spelt out and endorsed by the Chief Executive.There should be a clear understanding that the non handling pilot has theprime responsibility to monitor the handling pilot's flying and if he believesthat a hazard exists or potentially exists, or there is anything he considersto be untoward, he should have the clearly stated responsibility tochallenge and if necessary take control. It is vital that at critical stages offlight e.g., final approach, any intervention should be positive andunambiguous. Although parameters for all aspects of flight cannot belegislated, the maintenance of correct altitudes, airspeeds, rates ofdescent, check and decision heights and standard operating proceduresshould always be tightly monitored and limits of deviation where practicalspelt out.

c. Cockpit workload to be optimised between the handling and non-handlingpilot so that each plays a fully active and integrated role. The balancebetween look-out and the monitoring of instruments is particularlyimportant, as is the need to subordinate logistics management andpaperwork aspects of the task, to the prime requirement of operating theaircraft safely.

d. Training to embrace discussion on the physiology of flight e.g. the effectsof fatigue, hypoxia, hypothermia and the recognition of subtleincapacitation. Also to consider how to deal with a incapacitated crewmember. It should also embrace a clear understanding of crewrelationships and differing personalities to ensure that these do notinterfere with correct decision making. Because many countries and air taxi operators are not alive to therequirements of Crew Resource Management (CRM), they should be advisedthat if at all practical, their Chief Pilots and Training Captains at least shouldattend one of the growing number of CRM courses being run for third parties. The CRM course is not an end in itself but should be an integral part of abinitio, conversion and recurrent training. It fits neatly into Line OrientatedFlight Training (LOFT) which should be encouraged as a concept. Within the total Safety Policy, CRM must have the positive support of seniormanagement. It should also be acceptable as a concept to a new aircrewand they should be encouraged to take the lead themselves in analysis anddebriefings. E & P Forum recommend that sole use contracts require a full commitment toCrew Resource Management through the allocation of responsibilities, andthrough procedures and training.

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Other Considerations The Aviation Adviser should carry out regular reviews of all aircraft operators.These checks include a thorough inspection of the training section to ensureadequate training is flown records are kept and the training staff are fullyqualified. Results of training exercises and renewal dates for flight checks may be keptin computerised format, but all checks should have a hand-written completedform of the actual exercises carried out, with the result, recommendations andTraining Captain's signature. These should be kept and available forinspection. Seismic support, tanker transfers, pollution survey and control, are allindividual tasks that require specialised skills and experience. Companiesshould be aware that certain levels of continuation training will be necessaryin areas of flying differing from normal operations, for example mountain flyingwhere only occasional excursions are required. The addition of a new type to an operating fleet or the replacement of existingtypes would normally add to the training commitment for the period ofintroduction. The cost of this additional training would be subject tocontractual negotiations and the Company can expect to contribute wheninstigating fleet changes.

10.6. Pilots Flying More Than One Aircraft Type

10.6.1. Aircraft operator policy regarding how many types of aircraft their pilots may fly variessignificantly from company to company. If often either takes the form of underwrittenunderstandings, or is delegated to base Chief Pilots and so varies across the sameorganisation according to necessity and individual preference.

10.6.2. The advisability of pilots flying more than one type will vary with the types involved, theexperience level and ability of the individual pilot. A single rule is, therefore, notappropriate. Nevertheless, because flying several types on a day-to-day basis inevitablyincreases the danger of incorrect responses in the case of emergency, and the likelihoodof handling errors or errors of omission, a limit must be placed on the practice.

10.6.3. E & P Forum recommends that each company have a written policy on the subject, whichapplies across their operations. While pilots are quite correctly endorsed on a number ofaircraft types, the E & P Forum recommends that only in exceptional circumstances wouldmore than 2 types be flown on a day-to-day basis, and prefer to see a single type flown,or scheduling in blocks of days on a particular type. If more than one type is flown,recency flying and type training must be closely monitored both by individual pilots and anominate member of the flying, training or operations staff.

10.7. 10.7. SAR Crewmen Training

10.7.1. 10.7.1 Training should embrace:

Initial Training A recognised formal course of instruction should include, but not be limited to,the following topics:

a. Basic Weight and Balance

b. Aircraft safety and survival equipment

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c. Emergency procedures.

d. Technical details of winch operation.

e. First aid and cold water recovery techniques including cold shock andhypothermia.

f. Wet dinghy drill.

g. Search and Rescue/Coastguard local organisation.

h. Wet and dry winching practical instruction which shall include at leasttwenty lifts as the winch operator and twenty lifts as the winchman wherepermitted by the regulatory authority.

Recurrent Training Recurrent training should be conducted at regular intervals in accordancewith the requirements of the regulatory authority:

ANNUAL -Wet dinghy drill.

SIX MONTHLY - 1. Survival and safety check

2. A minimum of ten lifts, five of eachas winch operator and winchman.

10.8. Single Pilot Operation

10.8.1. Where aircraft are certified for single pilot operations and are practically operable by asingle pilot, then this mode of operation will be considered. Among the factors affectingthe decision are: Workload. Flight conditions. Whether flights are conducted by day or night. Whether flights are conducted under Instrument Flight Rules. Traffic density. Aircraft equipment (and the interface with approach and en-route aids) andparticularly in the case of fixed wing IFR operations whether an operativeapproved auto-pilot system is fitted. Length and nature of intended flights. Whether flights involve departure or arrival at major Control Zones. Whether traffic flow is managed and STARS/SIDS apply. Whether flights are carried out in a hostile or non hostile environment

10.8.2. It will follow from the above that single pilot operations will be approved only by exceptionand 2 pilots will always be required for: All executive jet operations.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 10 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 10-20 Helicopter operations at night or under I.F.R. When so decreed by the regulatory authority.

10.8.3. It is common practice for small helicopters used for pipeline inspection activities, seismicand helirig campaigns to be flown single pilot in the interests of increasing the availablepayload. Such operations will be conducted in VMC.

10.8.4. Offshore helicopter operations may be conducted with single pilot in Day VFR, non-harshor non-hostile conditions. The operations should be conducted within 25 miles of asuitable landing area on-shore or heliport or helideck.

10.8.5. During single pilot operation, it is vital that the controls of a helicopter are never leftunattended with engines running, or rotors turning. The practice of the pilot vacating thehelicopter before rotors have run down is strictly forbidden.

10.9. Cabin Attendants

10.9.1. Cabin attendants will inevitably be a requirement when more than 19 passengers are arequirement. Below that number the need to carry a cabin attendant should be assessedagainst the need for ex-route and passenger loading and unloading supervision.

10.9.2. Cabin attendants must have completed a formal and recorded course of training whichshould include coverage of the following items:

10.9.3. Safety Equipment, First Aid, Aircraft Knowledge, Emergency Procedures, LoadingProcedures Documentation and The Handling of Dangerous Goods.

10.9.4. The training course may be carried out by the operator but it should be formally recordedand a syllabus should be available for reference.

10.9.5. Formal training should be carried out yearly and should include dinghy drill etc., intandem with the training for cockpit crews.

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Part 3 - Air Operations, General Engineer Requirements

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CHAPTER 11 - ENGINEER REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................11-3

11.1. ENGINEER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS ..........................................................11-3

11.2. AVOIDANCE OF FATIGUE - ENGINEERS ........................................................................11-4

11.3. ENGINEER TRAINING .......................................................................................................11-5

Initial Training ..............................................................................................................11-5Recurrent Training .......................................................................................................11-5Promotion to Senior Positions....................................................................................11-5

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Intentionally Blank

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11.1. Engineer Experience and Qualifications

11.1.1. The following qualifications and experience are offered as a guide (They are inaccordance with the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority Airworthiness Notice Nº10,other countries have similar qualifications).

(C1) Chief Aircraft Engineer/Quality Manager

Qualifications : Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licence in the appropriatein the appropriate category (airframe and engines) withendorsements to cover contract Aircraft. Exceptionally anddepending on experience, multiple Licences may beacceptable.

Experience : Not less than 15 (fifteen) years aircraft engineering,embracing all aspects of aircraft maintenance. Holder of anappropriate type rated or equivalent licence for not less than10 years.

(C2) Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Qualifications : Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licence of appropriatecategory (airframe and engines) with type endorsements tocover at least one of the Aircraft types operated.

Experience : Not less than 5 (five) years aircraft engineering, embracingall aspects of aircraft maintenance. Holder of a licence withappropriate type ratings for not less than 2 (two) years.

(C3) Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Radio)

Qualifications : Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licence Category 'R' or USFCC with endorsements to cover such equipment as is usedon the contract Aircraft.

Experience : Not less than 5 (five) years aircraft engineering, embracingall aspects of aircraft radio and associated systemsmaintenance. Holder of a Category 'R' licence withappropriate type ratings for not less than 2 (two) years orU>S> FCC. license.

(C4) Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Electrics, Instruments, Automatic Pilots, Compasses)

Qualifications : Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Licence Category 'X' withendorsements as applicable and required in respect ofequipment used and embraced by the appropriateparagraphs : 8, 9, 10, 13 and 15 of Notice Nº10.

Experience : Not less than 5 (five) years aircraft engineering, embracingall aspects of applicable aircraft equipment and associatedsystems maintenance. Holder of an 'X' licence withappropriate endorsements for not less than 2 (two) years.

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Note: The qualifications at C3 and C4 may be combined.However, in such cases each category group should havebeen held for not less than 2 (two) years

11.2. Avoidance of Fatigue - Engineers

11.2.1. Other than any specific labour laws that may be applicable locally, engineers are notregulated by duty hour limitations. The following guidelines should therefore apply to allengineering staff as a minimum standard: Work periods should not exceed 12 hours. Where it is essential that theworking period be extended, this should be approved by the Chief Engineeron a case by case basis. The type of work carried out during the extensionshould neither be intricate, nor have significant airworthiness connotations. Where shifts are regularly rostered with a heavy maintenance workload to becompleted through the night, the length of the duty period should be reducedfrom the 12 hour maximum. Medical studies have shown that workerscarrying out complex processes between the hours of 03.00 and 06.00 aremore likely to make mistakes than at any other time of the day. This factorneeds to be taken into account when introducing a shift pattern and whenplanning high levels of overnight aircraft maintenance. Ideally the bulk ofwork should be completed by the shifts on duty up to midnight; with theresidue completed by a swing shift covering the period from approximately2300 to 0700. Each full working shift should be followed by a minimum 8 hour rest period.When setting the establishment for any operation, duty and rest periods willaffect the numbers of staff required. When working a 24 hour split shift online operations, at least 6 hours rest must be possible excluding travel. The entitlement for days off should be a minimum of 7 per month of which atleast 4 should be in a minimum of 2 day periods; when the location or climateis arduous then this should be increased to minimise fatigue. Suitable relaxation and refreshment facilities should be available. If the shiftsystem routinely encompasses meal times and staff are unable to take theirmeal breaks away from the work-site, then facilities for an appropriate mealshould be provided. In tropical climates, the problems associated with bugs and insects have tobe seriously considered and effective control of these pests may be essentialfor regular evening and night maintenance to be performed. Sufficient and adequate lighting for the depth of work being undertakenshould be provided in all areas of the work-site. On locations such as seismic camps, where it is not feasible to provide otherthan the bare accommodation necessities, a regular "time on site, time offsite" routine must be set up to ensure that Engineers working under theseconditions do not stay in the field for prolonged periods. The minimumacceptable ratio of time on site to time off site is considered to be 2:1 with amaximum period on site not to exceed 2 months.

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11.3. Engineer Training

11.3.1. Engineer training is broken down as follows:

Initial Training It is considered essential that all engineers receive formal training and have aminimum of 6 months experience on type before issue of licences or typeapproval for the type/types of helicopters/aeroplanes to be covered. Incountries where this is not required by the national licensing authority, thenthe aircraft operator must provide formal, general and type training for itscertifying staff to meet the minimum requirements.

Recurrent Training It is considered desirable that companies provide continuation and 'updating'training for their licensed and approved engineers and the attendance bytheir senior engineering personnel at manufacturers' conferences andairworthiness authority symposia, it is considered to be of great value.

Promotion to Senior Positions Prior to promotion to a more senior position, it is considered essential thatengineers received formal instruction in company procedures andresponsibilities applicable to the new position. They should also receivemanagement training appropriate to their own level.

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CHAPTER 12 - REQUIREMENTS FOR OTHER PERSONNEL ......................................................12-3

12.1. SEARCH AND RESCUE CREWMAN .................................................................................12-3

12.2. HLOS/HELIDECK CREW ...................................................................................................12-3

12.3. REFUELLING SUPERVISORS...........................................................................................12-3

12.4 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS..........................................................................................12-3

12.5 RADIO OPERATORS.........................................................................................................12-3

12.6 DESPATCHERS/TRAFFIC CLERKS..................................................................................12-3

12.7 CARRIAGE OF LOAD MASTERS ......................................................................................12-4

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12.1. Search and Rescue Crewman

12.1.1. SAR crewmen should have completed a satisfactory approved formal and recordedcourse . Approval will only be given after examination of the syllabus obtained from thecourse organiser or governing institution. SAR crewmen should also have someexperience, preferably with a military background.

12.2. HLOs/Helideck Crew

12.2.1. All such staff should have completed a formal training course which should equate to theUK Petroleum Industry Training Board course or its equivalent. HLOs should preferablyhave had at least some experience as helideck assistants.

Note: This level of experience and qualifications is recommended for those helideckcrew on manned platforms where the volume of air traffic warrants this level ofexpertise.

12.3. Refuelling Supervisors

12.3.1. These persons will have completed an approved formal training course. It isrecommended that a refresher training course be undertaken at intervals not exceedingtwo years.

Note: It is a firm requirement that specific refuelling supervisors be nominated andavailable where bulk facilities exist.

12.4. Air Traffic Controllers

12.4.1. These persons should be licensed or unlicensed in accordance with the requirements ofthe country in which operations are taking place and they should be familiar with thecompany emergency and call-out procedures. They are also required to keep a log of airtraffic control radio transmissions.

12.5. Radio Operators

12.5.1. They should be VHF/HF licensed where applicable with relevant experience of A/Coperations and procedures and be completely familiar with aviation R/T terminology.Additionally, they should also be completely familiar with company emergency and call-out procedures. They are responsible for flight watch and the R/T log of all aircraftcommunications. It is highly desirable that all communications and radio logs shall be inthe English language.

12.6. Despatchers/Traffic Clerks

12.6.1. Such persons should be completely familiar with the operation of aeroplanes orhelicopters and should have a good understanding of basic weight and balance problemsand manifest documentation.

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12.7. Carriage of Load Masters

12.7.1. For operation (and sometimes commercial) reasons it is expedient to carry "loadmasters" who are not trained aircrew, for the control of passengers and freight duringflight and while the aircraft is on the ground. These personnel should always be givenbasic training as defined under "Crew" above and then should be given crew status.

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CHAPTER 13 - PASSENGERS.......................................................................................................13-3

13.1. BRIEFING...........................................................................................................................13-3

13.2. PASSENGER AND BAGGAGE WEIGHTS.........................................................................13-3

13.3 EMBARKING/DISEMBARKING PROCEDURES ................................................................13-3

13.4 SAFETY AND SURVIVAL EQUIPMENT.............................................................................13-4

13.5. DISCIPLINE........................................................................................................................13-5

Smoking ..........................................................................................................................13-5

13.6. ALCOHOL ..........................................................................................................................13-5

13.7. AUTHORITY OF CREW .....................................................................................................13-5

13.8 CARRIAGE OF PASSENGER OPERATING ELECTRONIC DEVICES ..............................13-6

13.9. DRESS ...............................................................................................................................13-6

13.10. CARRIAGE OF FREIGHT WITH PASSENGERS ...............................................................13-6

13.11. USE OF CO-PILOT SEAT FOR A PASSENGER ...............................................................13-7

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13.1. Briefing

13.1.1. The type of aircraft chosen and the operator selected to provide aircraft services forCompany will have been subjected to evaluation by the Aviation Adviser and proceduresand maintenance standards will conform to minimum requirements.

13.1.2. It is however, a legal requirement in most countries, and prudent practice in all others, todetermine that passengers and crews are thoroughly familiar with routine and emergencyprocedures and with equipment carried in aircraft for use in the event of accident orincident.

13.1.3. Basic briefing should be carried out by the aircraft operator on boarding the aircraft, but ithas been found effective in Companies with sole-use aircraft services agreements, toarrange for mass briefings (e.g. by use of video or audio/visual briefing machines) at thepassenger assembly points. Items to be covered during briefings are as follows:

13.2. Passenger and Baggage Weights

13.2.1. At the discretion of the Company and the Contractors, standard weights based onaverages relative to the operation may be used when preparing a manifest for aircrafthaving a maximum gross take-off weight of 5,700 kg or more, or having seats for 12 ormore persons, including the crew. This standard figure may include hand carriedbaggage but no baggage checked in which must always be individually weighed. Suchrequirements are sometimes stipulated by regulation.

13.2.2. For aircraft of less than 5,700 kg in weight, all passengers and all their baggage mustalways be weighed.

13.2.3. Where immersions suits are carried or worn by either passengers or crew, and standardweights are in use, 3 kg should be added for each suit.

13.2.4. Where standard weights are used, and even when approved by the regulatory authority,as a control, a full passenger weighing should be undertaken at intervals, to determinethat the standard weights in use provide a safety margin over actual weight. If it is foundto be inadequate then, until justified otherwise, the standard weight should be factored upby the appropriate amount, or actual weights always used.

13.3. Embarking/Disembarking Procedures

13.3.1. This should cover the access route from passenger assembly point to the waiting aircraftand should highlight the dangers of approaching aircraft with engines or rotors running.In the case of fixed wing aircraft on a shuttle service, embarkation will only be permittedvia doors on the opposite side of the fuselage from any engines which remain runningduring turn-round.

13.3.2. Helicopters should never be approached from behind, but always from a sector in fullview of the pilot, who will normally operate from the starboard side of the aircraft.Embarkation procedures for helicopters will however be specific to aircraft type, as therotor height above ground of, for example, the Sikorsky S76 helicopter precludesapproach from directly in front of the aircraft. It is essential that the aircraft operator berequired to supervise this briefing.

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13.3.3. Aircraft, particularly helicopters, are constructed from lightweight materials which,although robust, are designed primarily to withstand aerodynamic loads rather thanenthusiastic handling by rig floor crews. If a cabin attendant is carried, he or she willnormally operate doors and cargo hatches, but if not carried, this task should be carriedout only by specified ground personnel who have been briefed on the operation of doors. Helicopters - Basic requirements are that:

a. Only passengers or authorised and trained traffic staff should enterthe aircraft operating area, and passengers should only approach thehelicopter when invited to do so by the crew and under guidance oftraffic personnel.

b. Passengers should not embark until any cargo to be carried in thecabin has been loaded and properly secured.

c. The number of personnel around helicopters should be kept to aminimum at all times.

d. Personnel should not approach helicopters when red anti-collisionbeacons (usually on tail area and underside of the aircraft) areflashing.

e. Lightweight items should be securely attached or firmly held.

f. Personnel at remote locations must always remain outside the rotordisc until called to embark.

g. After landing, passengers should remain seated, with seat beltsfastened, until doors are opened and the crew has indicated that it issafe to disembark, when the aircraft should be vacated in a brisk andorderly manner. Only baggage and cargo handlers should remain inthe vicinity of the aircraft and passengers should await theirbelongings outside the aircraft operating areas, unless otheroperating procedures are in place to permit passengers to safelyobtain their baggage.


13.4. Safety and Survival Equipment

13.4.1. During an accident that occurred to an aircraft on contract to a Company, two passengersspent some time inverted in the aircraft as it lay on it's side, simply because they wereunable to release the seat-belt mechanism. This serves to illustrate that familiarity withsuch basic equipment cannot be assumed, and pre-flight briefing must be carried out oneach occasion.

13.4.2. The following items must be demonstrated either by cabin staff or crew, or by videobriefing. Operation of normal and emergency exits. Operation of seat belts. Operation of emergency passengers oxygen masks where appropriate. Operation of smoke hoods when fitted.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 13 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 13-5 Wearing and activation of individual life jackets. Location of first aid kits and fire extinguishers. Location, deployment and operation of inflatable life-rafts. Where appropriate (during operations over hostile environments) the locationand contents of survival kits. Donning and use of immersion/survival suits or "Shuttle Jackets"

13.5. Discipline

13.5.1. The following rules apply:

Smoking Notwithstanding any concessions made by a Company to smoking in a workenvironment, it is strongly recommended that smoking be prohibited at alltimes in aircraft, as it represents an avoidable hazard, and, health reasonsapart, may affect electronic equipment and hamper good aircraft husbandry.If it is felt that industrial relations problems dictate a compromise whichallows smoking during certain periods of flight, then this may only bepermitted under the aircraft's operating release. Wherever possible, it shouldbe discouraged. Smoking should never be permitted during:-

a. Take-off and landing

b. Turbulence

c. In lavatories

d. Periods other than when seated in a passenger seat

e. Refuelling operations

13.6. Alcohol

13.6.1. Personnel under the influence of alcohol or drugs must not be allowed to board anyaircraft.

13.7. Authority of Crew

13.7.1. It should be stressed to all passengers that, in matters concerning the operation ofaircraft, control of embarked passengers, routing, serviceability, conduct of the flight,etc., the aircraft commander's decision is final, and in most countries this is supported bythe law of the land.

13.7.2. For reasons of flight safety, it is unacceptable for a commander's decision to be debatedduring a flight, and should any dispute arise, the matter should be referred to the contractholder or appropriate department head for resolution after the event.

13.7.3. It is particularly important that instructions from the crew are immediately and strictlyfollowed in the event of an emergency situation developing.

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13.8. Carriage of Passenger Operating Electronic Devices

13.8.1. The use of small (laptop/notebook) portable computers by passengers in business aircraftis generally permitted with the following provisos:- The crew are advised and agree to their use. The equipment is switched off during take-off and landing (seatbelt signswould be the cue). When not in use, the equipment should be securely stowed.

13.8.2. Due to the confined space in helicopter cabins, their use is not recommended. Vibrationlevels in any case inhibit their use.

13.8.3. Passenger operated devices specifically prohibited include any transmitting device whichintentionally radiates radio frequency signals such as Citizen Band radios, cellulartelephones and transmitters that remotely control devices such as toys.

13.9. Dress

13.9.1. In field areas, passengers should be dressed appropriately for the environmentregardless of the duration of the flight. Over remote and inhospitable areas, passengersshould wear clothing, in particular, tough footwear, appropriate to the terrain (marsh,jungle, desert, Arctic) being overflown

13.10. Carriage of Freight with Passengers

13.10.1. The carriage of freight in the cabin with passengers is permitted by the Civil AviationAuthorities / Federal Aviation Authority within certain rules defined in Crew OperatingManuals. The following additional constraints are recommended to enhance safety andcomfort: Urgent freight, including mail bags, shall normally be loaded in thefreight/baggage compartment. In exceptional circumstances only, it may becarried in the cabin with passengers, but strictly subject to the followingconditions:

a. It must not obstruct main emergency exists or access routesavailable to the passengers.

b. It must not obstruct secondary exit windows adjacent to occupiedseats.

c. It must be securely tied down to aircraft strong points or with atensioned net acceptable to the aircraft commander.

d. If seats are folded up, care must be taken to ensure that they arestowed in such away that they do not present a hazard to anypassenger in an emergency. Routine air freight should not be carried in the cabin when there arepassengers on the flight.

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13.10.2. The primary mode of transportation for freight offshore should be by sea, and it isexpected that the authorisers will screen all air freight requests for genuine justification.The priorities for air freight are set by the individual Company depending on theirparticular circumstances, whilst remaining realistic and in line with the overall safetythrust of the Company. The setting of the level of the priorities should be agreed at anappropriately senior level within the Company.

13.11. Use of Co-Pilot Seat for a Passenger

13.11.1. When aircraft dual controls are fitted the co-pilot's station may only be used forpassengers carrying in emergency situations and after careful briefing on the hazards ofinterfering with controls.

13.11.2. When duel controls have been completely removed a passenger may be carried in theco-pilot's station subject to the following conditions: A separate briefing covering any items which may differ from the standardpassenger briefing has been given. In particular, the use of crew emergencyexits should be covered, and attention drawn to any switches etc., vulnerableto interference. That the aircraft commander is satisfied that no safety or security risk isinvolved.

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Part 3 - Air Operations, General Health, Safety and Occurrence Reporting

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CHAPTER 14 - HEALTH, SAFETY AND OCCURRENCE REPORTING.........................................14-3

14.1 HEALTH, SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................14-3

Chief Executive ...............................................................................................................14-3Line Supervision.............................................................................................................14-4Employees.......................................................................................................................14-5Implementation ...............................................................................................................14-5

14.2. HEALTH AND FITNESS .......................................................................................................14-6

Periodic Medical Checks ................................................................................................14-6Drugs and Alcohol Policy...............................................................................................14-6Alcohol ............................................................................................................................14-6Drugs...............................................................................................................................14-7Smoking ..........................................................................................................................14-7General Hygiene .............................................................................................................14-7


Aircraft Accident .............................................................................................................14-8Aircraft Incident ..............................................................................................................14-8Reporting outside the Company system.......................................................................14-9Accident Investigation....................................................................................................14-9

14.4. MEDIA RELATIONS.............................................................................................................14-9

14.5. REMOVAL OF DISABLED AIRCRAFT ...............................................................................14-10

14.6. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES - MAN MADE MINERAL FIBRES........................................14-10


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14.1. Health, Safety and the Environment

14.1.1. There should be absolutely no question of operational urgency or other pressures takingpriority over safety. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that improved safety inoperations goes hand in hand with greater efficiency, quality and cost effectiveness.Work should not start before it is confirmed that essential safety systems are in placeand that staff are accountable for this requirement. It should be policy that if safetycannot be ensured, operations should be suspended and this applies equally to flying.

14.1.2. The promotion of health and safety at work and protection of the environment isfundamental to Company operations and it is considered important that Contractor(s)adopt and implement the same philosophy and these should be reflected in theContractor’s management system. Cross reference should be made to the E&P ForumHSE Management System Guidelines.

14.1.3. Additionally although some companies have set up flight safety and quality assuranceorganisations, these are the exception rather than the rule and the matter is left to, atbest, middle management. In consequence, the approach is often reactive, no morethan the regulations specify.

14.1.4. Threading through any organisation should be the understanding that responsibility forhealth, safety and protection of the environment lie directly and personally with linemanagement from the Chief Executive through to every employee.

Chief Executive The Company's policy on health and safety at work and protection of theenvironment is normally undersigned by the Chief Executive. Such a policyshould include the requirement for proactive flight safety and an effectivecompany wide quality assurance organisation. Ideally this would meancompliance with IS0 9000. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure:

a. The adoption and formulation of safe and environmentally soundworking systems, practices and procedures .

b. The development of plans and programmes for the promotion ofhealth, safety and protection of the environment.

c. The auditing of the plans and programmes to measure progress, toidentify deficiencies and to close out all actions, ensuring lateralimplementation across the company.

d. The proper training of staff to enable them to work safely and toavoid damage to the environment.

e. The selection of Contractors and sub-contractors who can meet thesame standards and have the same commitment, and the monitoringof their work to ensure these standards are maintained.

f. Ensuring that any deficiencies in equipment, standards, operatingprocedures and training facilities are corrected.

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g. Ensuring that all incidents involving injury to persons, damage toproperty or the environment, and those having potential for seriouseffect are thoroughly investigated. The aim is to identify immediateand basic causes and prevent recurrence, and ensure that effectivefollow-up action is initiated. The Company should not limitthemselves simply to mandatory reporting requirements for externalprocessing but all those that meet the foregoing definition.

h. Establishing individual responsibilities, targets and accountabilitiesfor health, safety and protection of the environment for subordinates .

i. Setting a clear leadership example and promoting a high degree ofsafety and environmental awareness among all staff.

j. Developing an environment which encourages staff to report unsafeacts/conditions and near misses. This is applicable to human error innormal and abnormal operations.

k. Providing waste disposal systems which allow for environmentallysensitive material, fluids and chemicals to be removed safely in linewith national, international and Company guidelines.

l. Recording an analysis of days off sick per employee.

Line Supervision It is the responsibility of all line supervisors to ensure:

a. That work under their control is conducted in a safe andenvironmentally sound manner by appropriately trained andcompetent staff.

b. That subordinates are made aware of any health and safety hazardsand of any activities that could cause environmental damage.

c. That they are aware of the contents of National or departmentalhealth, safety and environmental programmes and understand theirrole in implementing them.

d. That subordinates carry out work in accordance with their statutoryobligations, company standards and the departmental health, safetyand environmental programmes.

e. That subordinates are aware of their individual responsibilities,accountabilities and tasks and targets for health, safety and theprotection of the environment and that they are assessed againstthese responsibilities.

f. That management is informed immediately of unsafe orunsatisfactory plant and systems not being operated to theappropriate standard.

g. That all incidents causing injury to persons, damage to property orthe environment, and those having potential for serious effect are tobe reported, recorded and properly investigated.

h. That they set a clear leadership example by promoting a high degreeof safety and environmental awareness amongst their subordinates.

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i. That through consultation they encourage the active participation ofall subordinates in the improvement of health, safety andenvironmental standards.

j. That all environmentally sensitive material is disposed of in thecorrect manner.

Employees It is the responsibility of all employee:

a. To co-operate fully in implementing Company health, safety andenvironmental plans and programmes.

b. To carry out their work in accordance with their statutory obligations,and Company health, safety and environmental standards andprocedures.

c. To take care of the health and safety of themselves and others.

d. To familiarise themselves with the information on the safety andhealth hazards of their surroundings, equipment, material andworking procedures in their area of employment.

e. To bring to the immediate notice of the staff concerned or, ifnecessary their colleagues and supervisors any potential hazards tosafety or the environment caused by the actions (voluntary orotherwise) of others.

Implementation There are several questions to be asked when conducting an audit:

a. Does the operation have a clear policy and staff involvement alongthe lines of the above?

b. Does the policy require the implementation of proactive safety andenvironmental plans and programmes?

c. Does the operation have a properly organised and managed accidentand incident investigation procedure? Are the lessons learnedapplied in a positive way to prevent a recurrence?

d. Are regular safety meetings held involving senior management, linemanagement and employees? Do they work on the cascadeprinciple with feed back loops?

e. Does the safety publicity take note of third party as well as ownexperience?

f. Is a safety data base held?

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14.2. Health and Fitness

14.2.1. The following medical guidance is given:

Periodic Medical Checks Regulations require that all personnel who fly aircraft be examinedperiodically by Government approved physicians. Pilots who hold AirlineTransport Pilot's Licences (or equivalent) must be examined every sixmonths and must hold a first-class medical certificate; details of thestandards required are contained in most civil air regulations. Pilots who have been absent from duty due to illness for longer than threeweeks are required to have a consultation or medical examination with theirCompany Medical Officer or Medical Adviser. Every pilot is responsible for keeping himself both physically andpsychologically fit for duty. Any working conditions which seem to contributeto physical or psychological deterioration should be reported to the Chief Pilotfor investigation. The operator should endeavour to remedy such situationsbut the employee must remember that his own misconduct or neglect is notthe responsibility of his employer. Pilots are responsible for self-grounding whenever they sense that theirphysical condition might affect their flying. No such statutory requirement generally exists for engineers; however,Company's supervisors are expected to monitor routinely their staff's health,including hearing and visual acuity; a full medical at not less than 2 yearlyintervals should be considered to be the minimum requirement.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Sole use Contractors should have a formally documented policy on Drugs &Alcohol consistent with that of the Company. Ad hoc Contractors areexpected to provide similar direction and guidance. Requirements areoutlined in the following paragraphs

Alcohol Alcoholic drinks must NOT be consumed by Flying, Engineering orOperational Staff during duty or the eight hours prior to reporting for arostered duty or commencing a standby duty period. If, in the event the localCompany or regulatory policy is more restrictive then it should apply. Pilots should voluntarily disqualify themselves for duty if a non-scheduledflight assignment should arise during or immediately following a drinkingperiod. Aircrew and engineers employed in connection with sole use aircraftoperations must not consume alcoholic drinks in uniform when in publicareas.

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Drugs The E&P Forum Aviation Management Guide prescribes to the E&P ForumSubstance Abuse Management Strategies Report 6.23/173, July 1991. Thisstrategy includes random testing for substance abuse and applies topersonnel in risk sensitive designated positions, which include aircraft pilotsand aircraft maintenance engineers/mechanics. Substance abusemanagement includes random testing for personnel in designated risksensitive positions. Any person using drugs of addiction is not fit to be amember of flight crew or maintenance staff. Staff taking prescribed medication should advise their supervisor beforecarrying out a duty. Sleeping pills should only be used if absolutely necessary and then onlyunder close medical supervision. All sleeping pills tend to cause mentalconfusion, slow reaction time and cloud the mind on working after their use.Moreover, their effects cannot accurately be predicted in different individualsor at different times in the same individual. Combined with alcohol theireffects can be very dangerous. Anti-histamine drugs all tend to have a sedative side effect and can causedrowsiness. They are found in many different preparations for variousillnesses such as hay fever, asthma, eczema and are often incorporated invarious 'cold cure' preparations. Sedatives and tranquillisers such as 'Valium', 'Librium' and 'Equaril' cansometimes cause dangerous confidence or drowsiness and should beavoided. Anti-depressant drugs can cause side effects, including giddiness and blurredvision. Appetite suppressant drugs are liable to cause a variety of side effectsincluding drowsiness, giddiness, depression and other mental effects. Streptomycin should be avoided as an antibiotic drug, as it can cause loss ofbalance and dizziness with permanent disability. It is recommended that allflying personnel advise their doctors of the risks of receiving treatment withthis drug and request a substitute whenever the use of streptomycin iscontemplated. It is recommended that flying personnel do not become blood donors due tothe temporary lowering of the oxygen carrying capacity the blood whichfollows a donation.

Smoking Guidance on smoking by passengers is given at 13.5. It is recommendedthat the flight crew should never smoke whilst manning an aircraft on aCompany flight and that the contract be worded to that effect.

General Hygiene Whatever the operating location, all should be aware of the strict need forcleanliness and general hygiene, particularly in the areas of catering.Maintenance of toilet blocks and associated soakaways should be of a highorder

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14.3. Accident/Incident Reporting and Accident Investigation

14.3.1. A comprehensive and open incident reporting system is considered essential as a meansof preventing both future incidents or even accidents. Unfortunately, many incidents gounreported, particularly those concerned with Human Error. This reluctance to report canbe caused by a fear of blame, embarrassment or even laziness. It is important thereforethat operators develop a blame free culture with people encouraged to report as apositive contribution to flight safety.

14.3.2. Similarly, Companies in requiring such incident information, should also employ theblame free approach. Exceptions are, of course, where cases involving culpablenegligence come to light, causing concern to both operator and Company. These willrequire deeper investigation and the Aviation Adviser should be approached for advicewithout delay.

14.3.3. The following definitions apply:

Aircraft Accident An aircraft accident is an occurrence associated with the operation of anaircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraftwith the intention of flight until such time as all such persons havedisembarked, in which:

a. Any person suffers death or serious injury as a result of being in orupon the aircraft or by direct contact with the aircraft or anythingattached thereto,


b. The aircraft receives substantial damage.

Notes: 'Substantial damage' includes any damage or structural failure whichadversely affects the structural strength, performance of flightcharacteristics of the aircraft and which would normally require themajor repair or replacement of the affected component and anyaccident with damages/costs of more than, say, pounds 10,000.

'Serious Injury' shall be defined as injury that requires hospital ormedical treatment and results (or is expected to result) in suspensionor substantial restrictions of normal activities for period of fifteen (15)days or more.

Aircraft Incident An aircraft incident is an occurrence other than an aircraft accident whicheither:

a. Jeopardises - or could jeopardise - the safety of the aircraft.

b. Involves an aircraft and causes injury or severe mental strain to anyperson, or

c. Causes damage to property.

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Reporting outside the Company system Individual national requirements will have to be met: these will generally beknown to and be the responsibility of the aircraft Contractor(s) (or groupaviation department) and form part of the air legislation of the countryconcerned. Organisations which must be informed will invariably include:

a. The Directorate of Civil Aviation or Civil Aviation Authority of thecountry in which the accident takes place.

b. The Directorate of Civil Aviation or Civil Aviation Authority of thecountry of registration of the aircraft if this is different from (a).

c. The Accident Investigation Branch or equivalent if it exists.

d. The Police

e. Provincial authorities Companies usually assist in reporting some or all of the above as theContractor(s) will often be heavily engaged in Search and Rescue activitiesin the immediate aftermath of an accident.

Accident Investigation National regulations normally exist. Under no circumstances should aircraftwreckage be disturbed or moved until clearance from the national authorityhas been given. Because of the specialist nature of knowledge required, Accidentinvestigations are best carried out by aviation personnel with appropriatebackground and qualifications. Company safety departments can assist,when available, by carrying out the following:

a. Interviews of passengers leading to written statements.

b. Interviews of witnesses leading to written statements.

c. Compilation of an accurate map of the accident area showinglocations and disposition of wreckage and obstructions.

d. Taking an accurate and complete photographic coverage ofwreckage and the accident site.

e. Ensure that arrangements are made for the crew to be medicallyexamined immediately after any accidents and local instructionsshould also address a similar requirement for passengers involved. On receipt of the initial accident advice, assess whether the nature of theaccident warrants an immediate visit by an Aviation Adviser. Accidentsinvolving death or serious injury to passengers or crew will invariably result inthe despatch of an Aviation Adviser to the area concerned.

14.4. Media Relations

14.4.1. It is essential that Heads of Aircraft Services and Aviation Focal Points familiarisethemselves with their Operating Company's policy for dealing with the media in the eventof an aviation related crisis.

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14.4.2. Official "Position Statements" will need to be issued about the incident / accident by theCompany and normally the Head of Aircraft Services / Aviation Focal Point contribute tothe draft of the statement.

14.5. Removal of Disabled Aircraft

14.5.1. In the event of an aircraft accident and once rescue has proven successful a guardshould be posted with the wreckage to prevent interference with evidence which mayprove invaluable to accident investigators. Wherever possible, the wreckage should notbe removed nor any parts touched until an on site investigation into the accident hasbeen concluded.

14.6. Hazardous Substances - Man Made Mineral Fibres The hazards at a crash site that may be encountered on aircraft andhelicopters which have components made from MMMF, fall into three maincategories, and will depend on a number of factors such as the extent of postcrash burning and the nature of the terrain and environment:

a. Those associated with the fibres themselves; skin contact withdamaged structure can cause needle-stick injuries and dermatitis.

b. The organic products of a post-crash fire pose a vapour hazard,which can cause occupational asthma, and an injection hazard, viafibre shards, to unprotected skin.

c. Certain exotic metals, such as beryllium and cadmium, which are tobe found in small quantities in most aircraft types, are eitherpoisonous in their own right or produce hazardous oxides when burnt.

Protection The aircraft manufacturer and sometimes the Company should be able toprovide information on the use of MMMF or exotic metals. Generalguidelines when involved with a crash site are as follows:

a. When there are no known toxic substances, special protectivemeasures are not required although arms should be covered, andboots, gloves and a hard hat worn.

b. Where there is a risk of non-toxic dust or other contaminants thatmight cause irritation to the skin or respiratory tract, a face maskshould also be worn.

c. Where there is a risk of toxic dust or other contaminants that maypose a serious risk to health, advice should be sought from therescue services. As a minimum, it is anticipated that full PPE will berequired: sabre mask or respirator, impermeable pvc/neopreneoverall with hood, wellington boots and disposable latex gloves plusleather gauntlets.

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CHAPTER 15 AIRCRAFT AND PERSONAL EQUIPMENT.............................................................15-3

15.1 PROTECTION OF PASSENGERS AND CREW....................................................................15-3

Seats and Seatbelts ........................................................................................................15-3Immersion Suits..............................................................................................................15-3Life Jackets .....................................................................................................................15-3Inflatable Liferafts...........................................................................................................15-3Underwater Location Beacons.......................................................................................15-4Materials Used in Upholstery and Internal Trim ...........................................................15-4Helicopter Flotation Gear ...............................................................................................15-4Security of Cargo............................................................................................................15-5Sideways Facing Seats...................................................................................................15-5

15.2. EQUIPMENT FITTED IN AIRCRAFT ....................................................................................15-5

Emergency Locator Transmitters ..................................................................................15-6Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) .....................................................................................15-6Flight Data Recorder (FDR) ............................................................................................15-6High Intensity Strobe Lights (HISLs).............................................................................15-6Ground Proximity Warning Systems (GPWS) ...............................................................15-7First Aid Kits ...................................................................................................................15-7Survival Equipment ........................................................................................................15-7Radio Transmission Equipment ....................................................................................15-7

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15.1. Protection of Passengers and Crew

15.1.1. The following guidance should be followed:

Seats and Seatbelts No passenger or crew member should ever be carried in an aeroplane orhelicopter other than in a seat of a type approved by the aircraftmanufacturer and adequately secured to the aircraft floor. The passengermust be provided with a seat belt to a standard approved by the regulatoryauthority, which must be fastened at all times when required by regulation orcrew instructions.

Immersion Suits Survival after immersion in cold water has been the subject of extensivestudy. Policy on the wearing of survival suits by passengers and crew shouldbe detailed in a Safety Publication or similar instruction. The policy on wearing of immersion suits by aircraft crews is less easy toresolve, due to the problems of reconciling comfort during long periods ofwear (with its effect on fatigue, concentration etc. and consequently on flightsafety), and effectiveness against the short and long term impact of coldwater immersion. The policy for aircrew will rest with the aircraft operator theairworthiness authority and possible legal requirements in addition to anyprovisions considered necessary.

Life Jackets Helicopters. Life jackets approved for aircraft use should be worn bypassengers and crew for all over water flights. Fixed Wing. Life jackets approved for aircraft use should be provided forcrew and passengers on all overwater flights. Crew (fixed and rotary wing). Crew life jackets should be fitted with Searchand Rescue Beacon Equipment (S.A.R.B.E.) transmitting on the appropriateinternational and/or national aeronautical distress frequencies in areas wheresuitable air and/or seaborne homing equipment is available to Search andRescue Services. In areas where such services are non-existent, Companymanagement should consider the provision of such homing equipment incontract aircraft. Such a decision should be taken in the context of theoverall contingency planning and safety provisions of the company.

Inflatable Liferafts Helicopters. Transport helicopters in the offshore support role should carrysufficient liferafts, approved by the airworthiness authority, such that in theevent of loss or non operation of one liferaft, the remainder would have thecapability, in the overload case, to accommodate all aircraft occupants.Helicopters having less than 9 seats and operating over water shall carry atleast one life raft.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 15 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 15-4 Fixed Wing. With multi-engined fixed wing aircraft the criteria used todetermine the need for liferafts is the time/distance from land in the event ofan engine failure. The local regulatory authority stipulates the life raftrequirements for multi-engine fixed wing aircraft. Generally speaking, allaircraft operating over water for company charter purpose should carry liferafts.

Underwater Location Beacons Most Civil Aviation Authorities have made it a mandatory requirement forunderwater locating devices to be fitted to Flight Data Recorders on publictransport aircraft. Examples of such requirements may be found in JAR-29.1459 and US FAR-29.1459 covering rotorcraft and in JARs 23/25.1459and US FAR 25-123.1459 covering fixed wing aircraft. In the past, underwater locating devices were fitted to the airframe. With theintroduction of combined Cockpit Voice Recorder/Flight Data Recorder unitsfitted with an underwater locating device, the airframe devices are beingremoved. Whilst the Company cannot recommend manufacturers of thistype of equipment, the Dukane (DK 100) beacon, with a six year service life,is most commonly used by western operators. Once activated, the DK 100will "ping" for a minimum of 28 days. It is important to ensure that the aircraftoperator has access to locator receiver equipment. In countries where underwater locating devices are not mandatory, Companycontracted "sole use" aircraft engaged on overwater flights are to be fittedwith an underwater locating beacon. Whilst it may not always provepracticable, aircraft contracted on an ad hoc basis should preferably beequipped with underwater locating beacons when operating over water.

Materials Used in Upholstery and Internal Trim A major concern in an aircraft accident is fire, but the toxic fumes and smokeproduced by the fire are the major causes of death. The types of materialused in the construction of aircraft systems and interiors are regulated inmany but not all countries, and are subject to tightening controls. It istherefore important that aircraft offered to Companies are not modifiedmerely to give an attractive appearance, but embody only approvedmaterials in their construction. Recent legislation in the United Kingdom and the United States of Americarequires the use of fire blocking materials in seat cushions of newconstruction aircraft, and where this is practicable, it should be considered asa contract condition in other operating areas.

Helicopter Flotation Gear If helicopters are to be operated over the water, they should be capable ofalighting on the surface of the water, either by virtue of inherent designfeatures, e.g. boat hull, fixed floats, etc. or with the aid of inflatable flotationgear.

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Security of Cargo Whenever possible, cargo should be carried in a compartment which isseparated by a strong bulkhead from the passenger cabin, and equipped withan independent fire and smoke monitoring and extinguishing system. Thiswill not be possible in some of the smaller aeroplanes employed byCompanies, or in all but the larger helicopters so a compromise solution mustbe sought. Apart from the considerations for the handling of dangerous goods, which aredealt with in 16.33, it is essential that all cargo be securely tied down in theaircraft. Light aeroplanes and helicopters are particularly sensitive to shifts ofcentre of gravity in a fore and aft sense and it is unfortunately this class ofaircraft which is most often exposed to rapid turn-round of payload, whenthere is a temptation to cut corners by not securing cargo in a mistakenattempt to save time. This temptation must be resisted. Each item of freight must be weighed and manifested accordingly, to enablethe pilot to calculate his performance requirements correctly and thus ensureadequate safety margins in the event of engine or other system failure. The positioning, securing and removal of cargo and baggage should only beaccomplished by authorised aviation personnel. This is particularly importantduring times when the aeroplane or helicopter has engines/propellers/rotorsrunning. The carriage of cargo by external helicopter hook is considered inChapter 17.

Sideways Facing Seats Current side-facing seat/restraint systems in fixed wing aircraft do not alwaysprovide the necessary restrain to protect the occupants from serious injury.Without a shoulder harness, side-facing seats provide very little restraint ofan occupant's upper and lower torso, and legs.

15.2. Equipment Fitted in Aircraft

15.2.1. In addition to personal safety equipment that is required by law to be carried in aircraft foruse by passengers and crew, there is a trend, which starts at the scheduled publictransport end of the market, to require locating and data recording equipment for theassistance of investigators in the event of an accident or incident.

15.2.2. Currently all large public transport aircraft registered in I.C.A.O. member states arerequired to carry the following equipment:-

• Emergency Locator Transmitter

• Underwater Sonar Location Device

• Cockpit Voice Recorder

• Flight Data Recorder

15.2.3. While regulatory authorities will not always require the carriage of these items ofequipment in other types of aircraft, the following sections should apply to aircraftengaged on service contracts to companies.

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Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) ELTs are to be carried on all aircraft, and in some areas, such as offshoreUK, an automatic deployment capability (ADELT) is mandatory. Ideally, suchELTs should be located in an area where they can easily be deployed oralternatively best protected in the case of an accident, e.g. dinghy packs andcrew lifejackets. Features should include crash switches, immersion switches, and the unitshould be buoyant. If portable, it should have integral and self-deployableaerials. Desirable features in addition to the basic radio transmitters should includeradar reflector, radar transponder, strobe light, and satellite (406 MHz) signaltransmission which is widely available and will have world-wide coverage.

Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) Support should be given to Airworthiness Authorities mandatory requirementsfor CVRs in all public transport operated aircraft including helicopters above2730 kgs. Where possible, an underwater location device should be associated with theCVR.

Flight Data Recorder (FDR) Legislation is anticipated, which will require the provision of 30 channel FDRsin helicopters over 7,000 kg. maximum certificated take-off weight, and of 15channel FDRs in helicopters of between 2,700 and 7,000 kg. A 4 channelCVR with the ability to record the 15 parameters will meet the requirementsof the second case. Advice should be sought from the Aviation Adviser ifthere is any doubt on what is required in a contract aircraft.

High Intensity Strobe Lights (HISLs) Conspicuity of aircraft can be increased significantly by the fitment and useof HISLs. These generally white strobe lights, as distinct from the routinelyfitted red anti-collision beacons, provide particular benefit when operationstake place under VFR in congested airspace. They are an added benefitwhen lookout has to be shared between general surveillance and a particulartask. Because of their intensity, restrictions should be placed on their use onthe ground. Whilst it would not be practical to insist on this equipment in remote areas,where visibility is almost unlimited and traffic is of low density, in busyuncontrolled airspace they are considered essential particularly in the lowerlevels where vertical separation and visibility is often reduced.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 15 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 15-7 Accordingly, it is an E & P Forum recommendation that HISLs should befitted for flights within Europe and where low level VFR flying takes place inand around conurbation's. Areas of uncertainty should be referred to theAviation Adviser.

Ground Proximity Warning Systems (GPWS) Controlled flight into terrain is responsible for a large proportion of accidentsand, as a preventive measure, GPWS is being fitted in an increasing numberof scheduled airliners. Because of the weight and cost penalties, it would beimpracticable to insist on its installation in all aircraft types, although it islikely to be a growing regulatory requirement for certain classes of aircrafte.g. turbine powered aeroplanes with 10 or more passenger seats (already afirm requirement in the United States unless an alternative means ofdetermining excessive closure rates with the terrain is available). It isrecommended GPWS fitted aircraft be contracted wherever practical foraircraft of 10 seats and above. For helicopters, a radar altimeter, preferablyfitted with Automatic Voice Alerting, is an acceptable alternative It is essential that clear instructions and procedural guidance for crews ontheir response to the various GPWS alerts laid down in Operations Manualsand/or Standing Operating Procedures.

First Aid Kits Suitable and comprehensive first aid kits are to be carried on all aircraft.These kits should be serviced as part of the aircraft role equipment, ideallyevery 6 months, but not exceeding one year. Use of the kit should bereported through the normal defect reporting systems so that used items canbe replenished prior to the next flight.

Survival Equipment A survival kit, suitable for the area of operation, is to be carried on flightswhich are planned to overfly hostile terrain, including offshore operations.

Radio Transmission Equipment In some regions, intercom systems are rarely found in aeroplanes, and theuse of hand-held microphones is widespread. This practice is notrecommended even in the case of two-crew aircraft. It is also highlydesirable that all single-pilot operated aircraft should be equipped withheadsets and control column mounted transmission switches.

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CHAPTER 16 - OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES............................................................................16-3

16.1. COMMUNICATIONS AND FLIGHT FOLLOWING PROCEDURES.......................................16-3

16.2. FUEL PLANNING..................................................................................................................16-4

Aeroplanes ......................................................................................................................16-4Helicopters ......................................................................................................................16-4


16.4. CARRIAGE OF FREIGHT WITH PASSENGERS..................................................................16-7

16.5 SHUTDOWNS AWAY FROM BASE......................................................................................16-7

16.6. USE OF CO-PILOT SEAT FOR A PASSENGER..................................................................16-8

16.7. INDEMNITIES FOR CARRIAGE OF NON-COMPANY PERSONNEL ...................................16-8

16.8. EMERGENCY FLIGHTS .......................................................................................................16-8

Fixed Wing Operations...................................................................................................16-9Helicopter Operations ....................................................................................................16-9Types of Emergency Flight ..........................................................................................16-10Evacuation from Work-Site/Onshore - Day .................................................................16-10Evacuation from Work-Site/Onshore - Night...............................................................16-10Evacuation from Work-Site - from Base Camp to Medical Facility ............................16-11Authority for Despatch .................................................................................................16-11Search and Rescue.......................................................................................................16-11Other Aviation Emergencies ........................................................................................16-11Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Shore Based Aircraft (Day) ..............16-12Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Shore Based Aircraft (Night) ...........16-12Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Offshore Based Aircraft (Day andNight).............................................................................................................................16-12

16.9 ADVERSE WEATHER POLICY...........................................................................................16-13

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16.1. Communications and Flight Following Procedures

16.1.1. Every aircraft operation carrying group personnel must be backed by an efficientrescue procedure. Any rescue procedure can only be efficient if it can be directed tothe casualty without delay. Aircraft reporting and accurate plotting at base canincrease the chances of survival of the occupants of aircraft significantly.

16.1.2. When first considering the use of aircraft for the carriage of Company personnel,management should, with the Aviation Advisers advice, carefully assess the regulatoryframework within which aviation is administered in the host country. The requirementsof high flying aircraft transiting on international routes have ensured that mostcountries have at least a basic form of air traffic control or advisory service. Radiocommunication and flight monitoring presents no great problems from the usualen-route altitudes, as VHF propagation is excellent, and compulsory reporting pointsreasonably frequent.

16.1.3. Aircraft support of oil company activity presents very different problems usuallyassociated with short sectors at low altitudes, and the aviation infrastructure is ofteninadequate for flight safety purposes.

16.1.4. The basic requirement is that, in the event of accident or incident occurring to anaircraft engaged in support of Company operations, a reasonably accurate positionshall be known to a ground station monitoring the flight. For flight safety reasons it isessential that at all times the aircraft is in flight, the crew should be able to make goodradio contact with a reliable ground station, and that 'handover' between these groundstations should be possible. This requirement should only be waived if sufficient andsuitable compatible navigation equipment is available in the aircraft and on theground, to ensure that an accurate aircraft position is being continuously monitored bya ground station, or the aircraft is on an IFR flight in tightly controlled airspace. Flightsalong designated airways with mandatory way point calls at not more than 30 minuteintervals would fall within this category, or where the aircraft has filed IFR but is offairways. Otherwise, in order to reduce a possible search area or "circle of uncertainty"to manageable proportions, the crew should make "Operations Normal" calls atintervals of 10 minutes and do more than 15 minutes. These calls should beacknowledged and logged at the ground station. The calls should also include theaircraft's position and intentions if diversion from the planned route has occurred. Oncertain operations e.g. seismic, 'flight following' will require dedicated personnel andequipment. See “Flight Following and Chapter 7, Annex D.

16.1.5. The state Air Traffic Control network in many countries is not capable of meeting theabove requirements, and the Group Company (or preferably the aircraft operator) maybe required to set up the system. On certain operations e.g. seismic, this will requirededicated personnel and equipment.

16.1.6. VHF (AM air band of frequencies) propagation is preferred, due to clarity and speed oftransmission and reception, but is limited to line of sight, and depending on terrain andsurface attenuation only gives ranges in the order of 15-20 miles to an aircraft at 1000ft a.g.l. from an aerial mounted at building roof height. Other solutions to the problemof VHF range have been to build appropriately sited antenna towers to extend VHFrange, but HF radio is commonly used for ranges over ±50 miles. It is essential that aselection of HF frequencies be available, in order to cover diurnal variations infrequency propagation, and the airborne equipment should be of the synthesised(infinitely variable) frequency selection type if possible.

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16.1.7. Where traffic levels are moderate, sharing of frequencies and equipment by air andcompany operations requirements may be possible, but if there is danger of 10 minuteflight watch calls being missed due to other operational R/T traffic, then a dedicatedset, frequency, and operator should be provided in order to guarantee coverage. Inany case, all radio calls to and from aircraft should be logged against time oftransmission.

16.1.8. Where use of aircraft by the company is restricted to regular routes on an establishednetwork, and it is possible for crews to maintain contact at all times, with an Air TrafficControl station, then there is no requirement for full-time radio coverage, but acompany VHF frequency at base for the passing of operational messages in flight willbe found useful.

16.2. Fuel Planning

16.2.1. Detailed fuel requirements are laid down by the regulatory authority. The followinggeneral rules however should apply to Company operations except when therequirements of the regulatory authority are more stringent:

Aeroplanes For flights in both IFR and VFR, an aeroplane at the pre-planning stageshould be planned to arrive overhead a destination airfield with sufficientfuel to:

a. Make an approach to land; and

b. Carry out a missed approach; and

c. Fly to an alternate airfield; and

d. i. In the case of piston engined aircraft, hold for 45 minutesat the alternate aerodrome, and carry out an approachand landing;

ii. in the case of a turbine engined aircraft; hold for 30minutes at 1,500 feet above the alternate airfield understandard temperature conditions, and carry out anapproach and landing. A reasonable percentage of the fuel to destination and thence to thealternate, should be provided for contingencies such as errors in forecastwinds and temperatures, navigation errors and ATC restrictions on altitudeand route. This allowance should be about 5%.(i.e. of a,b, and c above)

Helicopters For flights in IMC, Offshore and Hostile Terrain the total fuel carried mustbe at least:

a. Route fuel from departure point to destination; and fuel to carryout a missed approach; and,

b. Fuel to an alternate; and,

c. Contingency reserve of 10% of (a) and (b); and,

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d. Holding fuel at alternative of at least 30 minutes at loiter speed.Additional fuel may be required in areas where Air Traffic delaysare likely to occur. For flights in VMC over hospitable terrain ( i.e. where a safe forced landingmay be carried out with no consequent survival problem), total fuel mustbe at least:

a. Route fuel from departure to destination; and,

b. Holding fuel at destination of at least 20 minutes at loiter speed;and,

c Contingency reserve of 5% of route fuel

Note 1: Flights using VMC fuel formula must not enter IMC unless all thefuel requirements in above are available at the timeflight in IMC is commenced.

Note 2: Loiter speed at a holding point is endurance speed. Fuel plannedin flying the route and to an alternate is assumed to be at the bestcruising speed for the height to be flown in accordance with theflight plan.

16.3. Carriage Of Dangerous Goods And Restricted Articles By Air

16.3.1. It is an E & P Forum recommendation to comply with the requirement of Annex 18 ofthe Chicago Convention and the associated 'Technical Instructions for the SafeTransport of Dangerous Goods by Air' (Doc 9284-AN/905 adopted by the councilof ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and published biennially byICAO). Alternately, the IATA (International Airline Transport Association),Dangerous Good Regulations, published annually, may be used.

16.3.2. The regulations and rules imposed by these bodies define such matters as: Type of goods considered dangerous. Type of aircraft allowed to carry certain goods, e.g. dedicated to freight,able to transport a mixture of passengers and freight, etc. The packing and labelling required for certain goods. The manifesting and air way bills required for certain goods. The type (and quantity) of goods a passenger is allowed to carry aspersonal baggage.

16.3.3. The ICAO publications provide explicit instructions on the packaging and marking ofdangerous goods where carriage of these items by air is permitted, but requirespecialist interpretation, and training in its application for personnel supervising thehandling of aircraft cargo. The requirements for carriage of certain items may involvespecial packing and marking, carriage by cargo aircraft only, separation of varioustypes of non-compatible materials, or total prohibition in the case of 'forbidden' items.

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16.3.4. There is provision within the "Technical Instructions" for the regulatory authorities ofmember states to issue dispensations from the requirements of the document.However, it is recommended that whenever an alternative means of transport exists,albeit at inconvenience, the requirements of Document 9284 should not becompromised. It is recognised, in some operations, such as seismic support in remoteareas, air transport of explosives, and other goods may be the only option available.Certain types of explosive may be carried under the terms of the ICAO Instructions,and these should be used whenever possible.

16.3.5. The IATA 'Dangerous Goods Regulations' published by the IATA Dangerous GoodsBoard constitutes the manual of industry carrier regulations, which fully recognisesAnnex 18 and ICAO as the sole legal and technical source for the transport ofdangerous goods by air. It contains material that gives practical assistance to usersand draws on its extensive experience to give special attention to the format andwording of the Regulations to make them readily understandable in an easy-to-useformat. It is widely used, authoritative and practical document and Companies fullyrecognises its use by IATA members and in helicopter operations.

16.3.6. Note: It is the responsibility of the consignor to declare the presence of theDangerous Goods to the aircraft operator.

16.3.7. Passengers, checking-in for flights should be shown the list of prohibited items. Theyshould be asked to declare any prescription medicines they may be carrying and makea verbal statement to the effect that they are not knowingly carrying such articles intheir baggage or on their person. Where appropriate conditions warrant, authorizedsecurity staff staff should then carry out a thorough search of personal baggage in thepresence of the passenger, before moving it to the loading area. Where appropriateconditions warrant, body searches should be made when the flight is called forboarding and prior to the issue of immersion suits (offshore flights).

16.3.8. List of items prohibited for carriage on aircraft or to offshore installations, which shouldbe displayed at dispatch counters for passengers to view and read.

•• Adhesives•• Aerosols•• Alcohol of any kind (offshore flights)•• Canned drinks of any kind•• Cigarette lighters•• Drugs (save on prescription) See Note 1•• Explosives, fireworks•• Firearms/Ammunition•• Flammable gas or liquid, Tear Gas, CS Gas•• Magnetic materials•• Matches of any kind (offshore flights)•• Oils and greases•• Paints and solvents•• Poisons, weedkillers, pesticides and insecticides•• Radio-active materials•• Radio, cassette and disc players, unless batteries are removed•• Weapons - including knives with a blade longer than 3" See Note 2•• Wet Batteries•• Wet Fish

Note 1 Prescription drugs may have to be surrendered at check-in for safe-handcarriage, record and re-issue on installation; with a similar procedure forpassengers returning onshore.

Note 2 Knives which are tools of trade (e.g. chefs and divers) must be declared atcheck-in.

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16.3.9. It is the responsibility of the consignor to declare the presence of the DangerousGoods to the aircraft operator.

16.4. Carriage of Freight with Passengers

16.4.1. The carriage of freight in the cabin with passengers is permitted by Civil AviationAuthorities within certain rules defined in Crew Operating Manuals. Certainconstraints should however be applied to enhance safety and comfort: The primarymode of transportation for freight offshore should be by sea, and authorisers shouldscreen all air freight requests for genuine justification. The priorities for air freightshould be set by the individual Companies depending on their particularcircumstances, whilst remaining realistic and in line with the overall safety thrust of theCompany. The setting of the level of the priorities should be agreed at anappropriately senior level within the Company.

16.4.2. Priority freight including mail bags shall normally be loaded in the freight/baggagecompartment. In exceptional circumstances only it may be carried in the cabin withpassengers, but strictly subject to the following conditions: It must not obstruct main emergency exits or access routes available tothe passengers. It must not obstruct secondary exit windows adjacent to occupied seats. It must be securely tied down to aircraft strong points or with a tensionednet acceptable to the aircraft commander in such a manner that it cannotbecome an obstruction to escaping passengers after a ditching or crashlanding, regardless of the final attitude of the aircraft. If seats are folded up, care must be taken to ensure that they are stowedin such away that they do not present a hazard to any passengers in anemergency.

16.5. Shutdowns Away from Base

16.5.1. Statistically, aircraft component or system defects most commonly become apparentduring the start-up and shut-down sequences, and there is therefore an argument forkeeping an aircraft running for as long as practicable, once started.

16.5.2. For reasons of safety, however, and in some contractual situations, for reasons ofeconomy, it is often preferable to close down engines/propellers/rotors prior toembarking or disembarking passengers of handling cargo. In the case of fixed wingaircraft operating from established airfields, the problem may not be acute, asmaintenance facilities may be immediately available, or can be flown in and the worstimpact will be a delay to the schedule.

16.5.3. In remote areas however, other considerations may come into play, such as theinability to clear a stationary aeroplane from a narrow strip with no parking bay in theevent of unserviceability. In such cases, thought must be given to the method ofinserting engineers and spare parts, should the airstrip be blocked, and it may beprudent to keep the engines running on the side of the aircraft away from thepassenger door in use.

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16.5.4. The case of helicopters operating from single machine helidecks offshore, or smallclearings on-shore presents an even more acute problem. If the contractualarrangement is that flying hour charges accrue only between take-offs and landings,there is little commercial argument for shutting down at outstations, unlessoperationally required. In this case, careful consideration should be given to thelocation, and helicopters should only be shut down in landing areas where sufficientspace exists for a second machine to carry out a safe landing and take-off withengineering back-up. In such cases, aircraft should also only be shut down if radiocommunications is available at the location, or is fitted in the aircraft and may beoperated from the aircraft battery.

16.6. Use of Co-Pilot Seat for a Passenger

16.6.1. When aircraft dual controls are fitted the co-pilot's station may only be used forpassenger carrying in emergency situations.

16.6.2. When dual controls have been completely removed a passenger may be carried in theco-pilot's station subject to the following conditions: A separate briefing covering any items which may differ from the standardpassenger briefing has been given. In particular, the use of crewemergency exits should be covered, and attention drawn to any switchesetc., vulnerable to interference. That the aircraft commander is satisfied that no safety or security risk isinvolved.

16.7. Indemnities for Carriage of Non-Company Personnel

16.7.1. As a general principle, the carriage in company owned or chartered aircraft ofpersonnel not on company business is strongly discouraged.

16.7.2. However, in cases where it is politically or practically expedient to do so a form ofwords indemnifying the company in case of death, injury or damage to third partyproperty etc. should be signed by the traveller.

16.7.3. It is appreciated that the legal value of such waivers may not be great, however, itserves to remind people of the problem and may avoid frivolous claims.

16.7.4. Companies may well not wish to ask "important" passengers to fill in such a form(particularly in view of its value). Also further consideration should be given to thecontractual requirement for the Contractor to hold "liability" insurance for all"nominated" passengers.

16.8. Emergency Flights

16.8.1. Many group companies, more especially in E & P ventures will determine that theiractivities are covered by emergency procedures, probably contained in an"Emergency Procedure Guide" or equivalent. Such a guide, where fixed wingaeroplanes of helicopters are employed on an owned or contract basis in support of anoperation, should include clear instructions on how to arrange emergency flightswhich, depending on circumstances may be made for medical or technical reasons.

16.8.2. The ability to carry out emergency flights both by day and night will depend on anumber of variables which would have to be assessed for each particular operation.These include:-

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Fixed Wing Operations The Aeroplane - Most owned, contracted or chartered aircraft will carryfull instrumentation for Instrument Flying in Instrument MeteorologicalConditions (IMC). Pilots will normally possess Commercial Pilots Licences(or better) with a rating which permits them to fly in IMC (this includesnight flying). Thus, the aeroplane type and crew will not normally be alimiting factor. Airfields - Aeroplanes require runways to take off and land, therefore it isessential that airfields are available at the locations required which areopen (or can be opened) with adequate facilities at the time theemergency flight is carried out. "Facilities" include lighting, Navigationaids, Radio, Air Traffic Control, Meteorological Information andCustoms/Immigration where appropriate. Lack of suitable lighting at aremote airstrip would for example, effectively rule out a safe fixed wingflight. Aeroplane Performance - Clearly the performance of the aeroplaneselected for the flight must be equal to the task in hand. For example, if amedical rescue has to be carried out from the same remote airstrip by day,the performance must be sufficient to ensure that the aeroplane can safelyoperate within the length of strip available, at the temperature envisaged,at the actual altitude, if necessary in nil wind conditions, at the operatingweight. In all cases, the pilot will advise whether such a flight is possible byreference to the approved flight manual, which should be carried on board.Calculation of fuel requirements is the pilot's responsibility.

Helicopter Operations The Machine - Almost invariably, helicopters used by the group are twinengined. Depending on the nature of the operation, they can be fullyinstrumented (as in offshore operations) or equipped to a lesser standardof instrumentation where an abundance of avionics is not appropriate (asin helirig or seismic support). The former are crewed by pilots withInstrument Ratings and may thus be used day or night, weather,topography and Navigation Aids permitting. The latter group may be usedonly for day visual or short night flights with adequate visual reference inVisual Meteorological Conditions, irrespective of pilots qualifications. Two pilots must be carried at all times at night or in instrument flightconditions. In some states, often in association with security regulations, helicoptersmay not be permitted to fly at night. It is usually possible to obtaindispensations from the Directorate of Civil Aviation, or equivalent body, fornight flights for medical reasons, and for the associated trainingrequirements to ensure crews are proficient in night flying. In the very few locations where single engined helicopters are used,emergency flights may be conducted under day visual flight conditionsonly. Heliports - Helicopters are very often based in fixed wing airfields, wherethe same facilities must be available, although in general, less space isrequired to operate safely. Emergency flights to offshore locations areusually straightforward, requiring a return to a land airfield where medicalfacilities are conveniently to hand.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 16 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 16-10 Where helicopters are based at forward basic strips, or in jungle clearingsof small dimensions, it is unusual to find facilities to aid night emergencyflights, such as lighting. It is very important to avoid rushing in to carry outa medical rescue without sufficient thought, and this endangers thehelicopter and crew. In these circumstances, it is often better, and indeedthe only safe course, to await first light to set out on the emergency flight. Under no circumstances should helicopter crews attempt to land inminimum sized seismic clearings at night, as failure of an engine is almostcertain to cause a serious accident. Helicopter Performance - The pilot is once again responsible forperformance calculations. For genuine emergencies, weather limits aregenerally reduced to "captains discretion".

Types of Emergency Flight The following definitions are now accepted throughout the group:

a. Search and Rescue (S.A.R.). An emergency mission to locateand rescue a person who is in an abnormal environment andwhose life is threatened if not removed from that environment or ifnot provided with protection or assistance.

b. Medrescue (Medical Rescue). Indicates a "life or limb"emergency and is a medical mission to rescue a person who is ina hostile environment.

An evacuation or a Doctors visit is necessary to prevent death orserious damage to a persons health.

c. Medevac (Medical Evacuation). Indicates a non-urgent medicalsituation requiring a seat in an aircraft at a time to be specified byMEDICAL. This terminology is necessary to alert those concernedto the degree-of-response facilities required.

This has no priority other than seat allocation; priority shall beadvised by the doctor.

Evacuation from Work-site/Onshore - Day There is no particular requirement for detailed crew unless winching isinvolved in which case the crew should be fully qualified for winchoperation as set out above. Medical staff should be carried at the discretion of the local management. If no medical staff are carried as in (ii) above, then a loadmaster or otherresponsible person preferably medical trained or with first aid qualificationsshould accompany the flight.

Evacuation from Work-site/Onshore - Night It should be noted that such an evacuation at night is only consideredpossible from an airfield or helipad with full obstruction clearance onapproach and overshoot, full and adequate landing for the runway andhelipad and "alignment" lighting/"approach guidance" lighting and with thefurther assistance of a navigational facility.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 16 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 16-11 In all cases of a night medical evacuation consideration should be given totransport by land to a more suitable facility if the above conditions cannotbe met at the work site. Only multi-engined fully instrumented and equipped aircraft with two crewshould be used. Aircraft equipment must include dual controls, landinglights, full blind flying capability from either side, and technically assessedserviceable for night flying. Consideration should be given to proper flight planning, information beingpassed to Area Air Traffic Control centre, the institution of a proper andrealistic flight watch, and full radio communications with both ends of theroute. As always, but particularly important in these circumstances, the Captain'sdiscretion is considered final.

Evacuation from Work-site - from Base Camp to Medical Facility It is recommended that management consider this requirement andconsult with the Aviation Adviser as necessary to establish suitable airsupport. In both the above cases it is important to note that the Captains discretionis always final.

Authority for Despatch To determine a safe and effective response to genuine S.A.R. situationsand medical emergencies, it is vital that a prompt orderly authorisationprocess is undertaken prior to launch of rescue helicopters or otheraircraft. A decision to launch must always be taken by the responsibleCompany manager after consideration of all the circumstances. Thisprocess, if planned and implemented meticulously, will preventover-reaction to the type of uncomplicated medical situations which haveled in the past to exposure to possible hazards and unnecessary risks inthe air. Precise details of the authorisation group will depend on the nature andlocation of the operation and whether shore or offshore based.

Search and Rescue The company Head of Aircraft Services, Head of Transport or SafetyDepartment should draw-up Aviation Search and Rescue procedures(either separately or within the Emergency Procedure Guide) in closeco-operation with the aircraft Contractor(s), other transport functions andthe Medical Department.

Other Aviation Emergencies Depending on actual location, procedures may have to be drawn up for:

a. Aircraft Crashes/Fires at base/away from base.

b. Loss of Radio Contact.

c. Aircraft in distress.

d. Aircraft crashes in hostile terrain (e.g. jungle, mountains)

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Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Shore Based Aircraft (Day) Operations or Service Manager/Head of Aircraft Services (MarineSuperintendent/Head, Scheduling) Chief Pilot Captain of Emergency Service Aircraft Medical Adviser

Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Shore Based Aircraft (Night) Duty Manager/Head of Aircraft Services (Marine Duty Office/DutyScheduler) Chief Pilot Captain of Emergency Service Aircraft Medical Adviser

Typical Decision Making Team Organisation - Offshore Based Aircraft (Day andNight) OIM/Flight Operations Controller/Marine Controller Chief Pilot of Offshore Aviation Unit Captain of Emergency Service Aircraft Medical Adviser (Offshore or shore based)

Note: The Chief Pilot should not be rostered for SAR duties, and canthus advise team on soundness of rescue strategies withoutpersonal involvement. Typical Organisation Flow diagrams will be found at Appendix 8.

Training of Rescue Team Personnel Operations involving the transfer of personnel by winch should normally becarried out only under aircraft weight and performance conditions thatensure the ability to maintain a hover in the event of a single enginefailure. It is recognised, however, that nominated members of for example, thecrash rescue team would benefit from a familiarisation winch lift as part oftheir training, and that the type of aircraft available may not be capable ofthe required performance in the ambient conditions experienced. In this case the exposure to risk is justified on balance provided that:

a. The helicopter crew and trainees are briefed on actions in theevent of engine failure.

b. The exercise is carried out on an airfield or airstrip.

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c. Training for personnel nominated is restricted to initialfamiliarisation (say 2 lifts) and annual continuation.

d. Company management and the personnel involved are aware thatthe accepted levels of protection afforded by twin-engine aircraftare eroded in such operations.

16.9. Adverse Weather Policy Companies should have a safe system for utilising aircraft in adverseweather. Similarly, aircraft Contractors should also have their ownadverse weather policy setting out limits of operation and this should betaken account by the Company’s policy in developing its own system. Adverse weather embraces those conditions which are detrimental tosafety or the ability to achieve the task. These conditions include snow,ice, fog, hail, lightning, heavy rain, high winds, low cloud base, forwardvisibility, severe turbulence, the existence or potential for micro bursts orstrong wind gradients near the surface, severe sea states and strongcurrents, low sea temperatures related to exposure time and SARcapability combined with personal protection. Night operations would alsobe a factor. Decisions should be made in good time, normally no later than an hourbefore aircraft departure, and should weigh the business need against therisk. Often, it will be a combination of factors that should influence adecision. Although the Contractor(s) will have some absolute limitsapplying to weather minima, e.g. minimum cloud base, minimum visibility,even being just within these limits, if seen in combination, can oftenpresent a totally unnecessary risk. Any policy should never be used to challenge a pilot's decision not to fly,rather it is to provide an overview to a manager at a sufficientlysubstantive level e.g. OIM, Ships Master, Operations or TransportManager, and to flag up a situation whereby if more than routine risk isinvolved, then the need for the flight can be reviewed against that risk. Clearly, in order to make a judgement, the relevant information must beavailable to the Manager. In the offshore environment, the informationcan readily be ascertained from direct observation, through met reportsand readings, and through the Contractor or airfield authority. SomeCompanies may find it convenient to develop a matrix and even acomputer programme to alert them to increasingly marginal conditions. Atthe very least however, guidance should be developed in conjunction withthe operator. This will have the advantage of alerting the operator toCompany's needs and will also underline the fact that the operator is notexpected to automatically operate down to the margins. It will alsoremove the frequent misconception of commercial pressure. In the onshore environment, the acquisition of information can be muchharder with large distances, remote airfields and small fixed wingContractors, and it may be that the judgement to go or not may have to bedelegated down even as far as the senior passenger although suchdelegation would carry the risk of "pressonitus". It could also be that thefinancial return is important enough for an operator to play down thepotential hazard on the grounds that the flight will be within minima. Insuch circumstances thought should be given to developing a rule of thumbfor use by the Company manager who can influence the situation. At thevery least it is important that users of aircraft keep a critical eye open forthe situation and be ready to cancel unless the requirement to travel iscritical.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 16 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 16-14 The Aviation Adviser is available to discuss these aspects and as eachsituation is different, this supervision of flying will be a subject forexamination on review visits.

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CHAPTER 17 - AIR SUPPORT OF LAND SEISMIC OPERATIONS................................................17-3

17.1. HELICOPTER SUPPORT OF LAND SEISMIC OPERATIONS............................................17-3

Provision of Helicopter Support.....................................................................................17-4Twin Engine Helicopter Performance Considerations ..................................................17-4The Base Camp Helipad .................................................................................................17-5The Helicopter Rejected Take Off at Base Camps.........................................................17-5Line Helipads ..................................................................................................................17-6

17.2. SEISMIC BASE CAMP CONSIDERATIONS.......................................................................17-6

Location ..........................................................................................................................17-6General Layout of the Base Camp .................................................................................17-7Helicopter Parking Areas................................................................................................17-8

17.3. CARGO AND PASSENGER HANDLING............................................................................17-8

17.4. ACCOMMODATION (LIVING AND WORKING)..................................................................17-8

Flight Operations Office .................................................................................................17-9Engineering Facilities .....................................................................................................17-9Sleeping Quarters .........................................................................................................17-10

17.5. AVIATION FUEL...............................................................................................................17-10

17.6. BASE CAMP HELIPAD LIGHTING...................................................................................17-11

17.7. BASE CAMP LOCATION AIDS ........................................................................................17-11

17.8. BASE CAMP COMMUNICATIONS...................................................................................17-11

17.9. FOCAL POINT PERSONNEL ...........................................................................................17-12

Company/Contractor Liaison .......................................................................................17-12Base Camp Personnel ..................................................................................................17-12Air Operations Supervisor............................................................................................17-12Pilots..............................................................................................................................17-133D Seismic Operations .................................................................................................17-13Engineers ......................................................................................................................17-14Refuellers ......................................................................................................................17-14Loadmasters (also known as Hookmen, Marshallers) ................................................17-14Radio Operators............................................................................................................17-14Winch Operators ...........................................................................................................17-15Training .........................................................................................................................17-15Explanatory Note on Pilots Qualifications and Training .............................................17-15

17.10. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT..................................................................17-15

17.11. HELICOPTER OPERATORS ............................................................................................17-16

Aircraft Scheduling.......................................................................................................17-16Air Operations Safety Meetings ...................................................................................17-16Responsibilities of the Contractor ...............................................................................17-16Pilots remaining at the Controls of the Helicopter ......................................................17-17Radio Communications ................................................................................................17-17Flight Following ............................................................................................................17-17Search and Rescue.......................................................................................................17-18Helicopter Winches.......................................................................................................17-18Crash Rescue Boxes ....................................................................................................17-18Emergency Locator Transmitters, Aircraft Homing Devices and SurvivalEquipment .....................................................................................................................17-18

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Navigation Equipment ..................................................................................................17-19Lifting Equipment .........................................................................................................17-19Helicopter Cargo Hooks ...............................................................................................17-20External Load Operations.............................................................................................17-20Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Restricted Articles)....................................................17-21Rotors Running Refuelling...........................................................................................17-22Use of Helicopters and Facilities by Third Parties ......................................................17-23

17.12. LONG LINE SEISMIC SUPPORT .....................................................................................17-23

Basis for Requirement ..................................................................................................17-23Conventional Operations..............................................................................................17-24Long Line Operations ...................................................................................................17-24Considerations..............................................................................................................17-24Helicopter and Equipment Selection for Long Line Operations .................................17-25Trace Baskets ...............................................................................................................17-25Dropping Zones (D.S.s) ................................................................................................17-25Personnel - Pilots..........................................................................................................17-26Personnel - Crewmen ...................................................................................................17-26Personnel - Hookman ...................................................................................................17-26

17.13. SEISMIC LINE OPERATIONS ..........................................................................................17-26

Landing Areas and Clearings.......................................................................................17-26Line Helipads in Desert Areas (Special Considerations) ............................................17-27Line Helipads in Mountainous Areas (Special Considerations) .................................17-27Line Helipads in Jungle Areas (Special Considerations)............................................17-28Ground to Air Communications ...................................................................................17-29Hazards..........................................................................................................................17-29Aircraft Shutdown.........................................................................................................17-30Administration and Documentation .............................................................................17-30

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17.1. Helicopter Support Of Land Seismic Operations

17.1.1. The acquisition of gravimetric, topographical and seismic data presents logistic problemswhich, in many remote areas, can only be solved by the use of helicopters, or sometimeshelicopters plus a feeder service by small fixed-wing aircraft. This section focuses onhelicopter operations in support of seismic work in jungle or mountainous areas.Helicopter operations in this kind of environment, of necessity, must exhibit greaterflexibility than, for example, operations in support of offshore oil and gas production.There are, however, operational, safety and basic financial controls that must beexercised to ensure an acceptable level of operational safety and cost effectivenesscompatible with main exploration activities. The operation of aeroplanes and the physicalcharacteristics associated with the development of a runway are dealt with in Chapter 6.

17.1.2. Specialist seismic contractors are, to varying degrees, familiar with the use of helicoptersand may well offer to tender on a turnkey basis; including the provision of the aircraftservice. Experience has shown that familiarity, without a basic understanding of andtraining in aviation matters, can lead to an unacceptable exposure to aircraft relatedhazards. It is, therefore, strongly recommended that any requirement for air support inseismic operations be put out to tender as an independent exercise and advice be soughtfrom the Aviation Adviser at the earliest possible stage, preferably during a scouting trip.

17.1.3. The particular problems encountered during seismic data acquisition, such as striking therequired balance between the provision of adequate support facilities and the extremelytemporary and mobile nature of these facilities, are recognised. The E & P Forumrecommendation on this subject is quoted as follows:-

17.1.4. "Only approved helicopter types operated by Contractors recommended by The AviationAdviser, shall be used in support of seismic operations in jungle or mountainous areas".

17.1.5. Due to the need for rapid progress through the seismic area, the majority of helicopterlanding sites are required for only very temporary use. The time taken in construction andpreparation of sites has a very significant impact on the cost of an operation.

17.1.6. E & P Forum recommendations take into account the impracticalities of either cutting andclearing or constructing landing sites to full public transport standards and therequirement to maintain the operation within acceptable limits. Management shouldtherefore be aware that helicopter operations into restricted line landing sites in support ofseismic work in jungle or mountainous areas carry a higher risk than the risk associatedwith normal public transport operations.

17.1.7. It is important to realise that there is a difference between Normal Public TransportStandards, which are recommended for the carriage of passengers, and the minimumstandard accepted by the Company when operating helicopters into line helipads insupport of seismic activities. In a public transport operating regime, the safety of anaircraft and occupants will, in the event of failure of one of the engines at any stage of theflight, be assured. With helicopter types suitable for use in seismic activity, whenever theminimum standards are applied for operations into line helipads, safety is only assuredduring the critical stages of flight when both engines continue to operate normally.

17.1.8. In recognising the higher risk* involved in seismic operations, the Company shoulddetemine that all possible precautions have been taken to minimise the effect of anaircraft accident. This may be achieved by enforcing the following: Each flight to be confirmed as operationally essential. All passengers to be briefed on helicopter safety disciplines before their firstflight.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-4 The number of passengers travelling by helicopter to be strictly controlled. Load masters, marshallers and loading crews to be trained. At line sites as well as at base camp sites the movement of passengersaround a helicopter to be supervised by trained and experienced staff. Every loading to be supervised to ensure emergency exits are not obstructed. All cargo to be correctly secured and the regulations relating to the carriage ofDangerous Goods By Air to be strictly observed. Passengers not to be carried in combination with external loads.

17.1.9. *The higher risk relates to an engine failure or significant technical malfunction occurringduring critical exposure times, particularly on take-off and landing. The aircraft may wellbe extensively damaged and the passengers.

Provision of Helicopter Support Standards, quality and availability of air support, particularly helicoptersupport, vary widely between countries, and for this reason, it is consideredessential that the Aviation Adviser be invited to comment on the local aviationsituation at as early a stage as possible in the planning process. If a scoutingtrip is arranged, then this presents an ideal opportunity for such involvement.If a scouting trip is not possible then an assessment of the aviation situation inthe prospect area should be sought from the Aviation Adviser before theCompany enters into negotiation with government regulatory bodies orprospective contractors - including gravimetric survey contractors. Where local helicopter operators exist, there are obvious cost benefits inemploying their services against mobilisation of a major international operatorprovided the local company is financially and operationally capable ofperforming to E & P Forum recommended standards and the managementfully appreciates the requirements of an operation. In many areas of theworld, however, a large-scale seismic campaign mounted by a Companywould make demands that a small local operator would not be able to meet.Joint ventures, with more established operators, would need to be arranged,but this would require careful supervision to ensure that uniform andacceptable standards are met. Advice may be obtained from the AviationAdviser. Similarly, the most cost-effective type of helicopter for seismic support maynot be available in the prospect area. The impact on the company's operationthrough the use of a less than ideal type should not be under-estimated.Although in some cases government intervention may limit the choice, givensufficient lead time, it may be possible to arrange importation and registration(perhaps temporary) of the appropriate helicopter. Experience shows thatalthough basic contracts for seismic work tend to be short-term, extensionsand exercised options often justify early planning and commitment to securethe optimum helicopter for the task.

Twin Engine Helicopter Performance Considerations Contrary to popular belief, helicopters cannot operate to the safest standardswhen flying from what is conventionally thought of as a 'heliport' - that is acleared area just a little larger than the overall length of the helicopter. Mostcivil aviation authorities require and the E & P Forum recommends thathelicopters operate from what is in effect a runway, the dimensions of whichwill depend on the performance of the specific type in use.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-5 The weight at which a helicopter can take-off depends upon the altitude andtemperature at the point of departure. Basically, the higher and hotter, thelighter the helicopter must be to achieve a given level of performance; inmany cases this will lead to a reduction in allowable payload. The reason for the requirement to provide a cleared space is that, in the eventof failure of one of the engines during the take off manoeuvre prior to a targetspeed and height known as the decision point, the pilot must reject the takeoff and land the helicopter. Should an engine failure occur after the decision point, the pilot must continuethe take off for two reasons: firstly, the cleared area remaining ahead of thehelicopter will not normally be long enough to accommodate a reject andsecondly, from this point in the take off profile the pilot will be able to fly thehelicopter away to circuit height before making an approach to land.Depending on the all-up weight of the helicopter, the pilot may be obliged tocarry out a run-on landing similar to, but much slower than, a fixed wingaircraft. The cleared area at a base camp heliport must not only meet the minimumdimensions for a particular type of helicopter but the surface must be level,flat and clear of obstructions.

The Base Camp Helipad In areas where land acquisition is difficult or politically sensitive, the take-offspace required for twin engine helicopters must, in order to maximise thepayload/fuel uplift from the base camp without prejudicing the protectionafforded by such aircraft, be considered. It must be borne in mind thatalthough base camps may be considered as temporary, the helibase willfunction as the air hub in support of personnel working on the seismic lines.In complete contrast to the size restricted line helipads, with their associatedrisk and which may be used for as little as 10 helicopter support flights withinas many days, a base camp helipad will need to accommodate at least 50helicopter movements throughout each operational day for several months. Take-offs and landings at base camps must be able to comply with publictransport criteria.

The Helicopter Rejected Take-off Area at Base Camps The safe operations of helicopters to public transport standards requiresconsideration of aircraft performance during all stages of a flight. To achievethe required level of safety for take-off and landing, extensive clearance andcareful preparation of sites is necessary. For helicopter operations, the requirement is for a sufficient length (calculatedfrom the performance section of the flight manual as a horizontal distance andappropriate to ambient conditions) of level, flat, ground clear of allobstructions and capable of bearing the helicopter for a running landing in theevent of an engine failure. The minimum length required for a specific type ofhelicopter can be obtained from the helicopter’s flight manual. The minimumwidth of a helicopter rejected take-off area should be 2.5 times the lengthoverall of the largest helicopter with its rotors turning.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-6 To cover the case of an engine failure after the critical point mentioned, whenthe take-off would be continued on the one remaining engine, the take-offflight path must be cleared to a gradient in accordance with the performancesection of the flight manual. Advice may be obtained from either the aircraftoperator or, alternatively, the Aviation Adviser. A slope of 1:20 for 1200mhorizontally may be used but only as a guideline.

Line Helipads The minimum overall dimensions for a line helipad in a jungle environment,including maximum ground slopes, heights of obstructions and maximumangles of approach are clearly depicted in the "Jungle Helipad Check Form "which may be found at Annex C at the end of this Chapter. All line helipads must be inspected by qualified and nominated personnel,namely the senior pilot, an engineer or the Air Operations Supervisor, beforebeing declared operational for the carriage of passengers into or from the site.Any line helipad that has not been prepared to at least Company minimumspecification must be rejected even if this entails the line opening crewwalking back into the jungle to complete the clearing operation. Whilst at theoutset it may appear extravagant to arrange some special flights for linehelipad inspections, experience has shown that a line helipad left uninspectedand later found to be below specification can hold up the seismic programme,incurring considerable expense in down time. A "Jungle Helipad Check Form" must be completed and signed for each linehelipad declared operational.

17.2. Seismic Base Camp Considerations

17.2.1. The standard of facilities provided at a seismic base camp will, to a degree, depend onthe expected duration of work in the area. However, certain basic provisions areunavoidable for operational efficiency and the assurance of minimum flight safetystandards. While local materials will be used to best advantage, essentialaccommodation, equipment and facilities detailed in the following sub-sections will needto be provided.

Location Where possible, the siting of a base camp should allow for the bulk delivery oflarge quantities of aviation fuel; sites located adjacent to arterialcommunications such as roads, or rivers navigable by flat-bottomed barges,are ideal. Base camps are often located in remote areas adjacent to small villages.While this is helpful for recruiting labour, the alignment of landing strips andaircraft operating areas must take account of the prevailing wind and the needto avoid overflying populated areas during take-off and approach to landing.Government or mission airstrips can be used to good effect; hopefully, theeducation of the available labour force will start from a basis of at least a littleunderstanding of aviation. However, the particular hazards associated withthe operation of helicopters requires special consideration. Local topography affects the aviation aspects of base camp selection and forthis reason the following locations should be avoided:

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a. Valley and bowl locations which present obstacles on take-off andunacceptably steep approaches. Early morning mist is slow to clearfrom such sites in jungle areas and may, especially in mountainousareas, give rise to excessive turbulence.

b. Ungrassed areas that are likely to give rise to excessive dust duringdry periods.

c. Sites close to population centres which cannot easily andeconomically be made secure. The local security situation should befully assessed. While this aspect affects the entire seismic operation,aircraft and aircrew are particularly sensitive to threats such assabotage and hijacking.

d. Low lying areas susceptible to flooding which can affect aviation fuelstorage, aviation fuel quality control and aircraft maintenance.Mosquito nuisance may affect evening and night maintenance.

e. Power lines are a particular hazard, especially near the heavilyutilised base camp helipad. Therefore and depending on theproximity of these cables, the position of the base camp helipad mustbe considered with regard to approach and departure routes. Wherepower lines are prevalent in any seismic area the following types ofrestrictions should be imposed:

i. All power lines within 5000m of any helipad should be clearlymarked with "coloured balls".

ii. All flying should cease when met conditions are worse than1000m forward visibility and below 1500ft cloud ceiling (thismay have to change depending on height of power linesabove ground level).

iii. Care should always be taken with small lower, low tensiontelephone cables which are difficult to see.

iv. Every pilot joining an operation for the first time should befully briefed and area airborne familiarisation checked on theposition of overhead cables, with pilots' topographical mapsmarked accordingly. All maps should be checked for validityon subsequent periods of duty. The permanence or otherwise of base camps will clearly be affected by manyfactors but there are benefits from a flight safety point of view in establishingfacilities for as long as possible. Permanence ensures the appropriatehandling of maintenance and operational records, aircraft spares, refuellingequipment, etc. When the concession area is large and progress through thearea rapid, then the establishment of small forward refuelling bases willreduce helicopter transit time.

General Layout of the Base Camp A prime requirement is that pedestrian and vehicular traffic should beseparated from helicopters when they are parked, being refuelled,manoeuvred or operated. Warning notices, advising personnel not toproceed beyond appropriate points should be prominently displayed and, ifnecessary, a traffic flow control system introduced to halt vehicles duringhelicopter arrivals and departures.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-8 An area adjacent to the Party Chief or administrator's office should beallocated to a logistics office/radio room and materials loading bay and thisarea should have direct access for authorised personnel (e.g. load master) tothe aircraft parking area. It has been found helpful to locate the pilotsplanning/rest room adjacent to the radio room. Aviation fuel should be stored as far away as possible from the base camp;preferably in a secure area on the opposite side of the helicopter landing padto offices and accommodation. Aviation fuel must not be stored with anyother types of fuel such as diesel or gasoline and it is essential that theaviation fuel areas is clearly marked "AVIATION FUEL", in large capitalletters. This is clearly particularly important when bulk aviation fuel suppliesare in the form of drum stock. Consideration should also be given to the needto duplicate signs in the local language if English is not understood or read byALL.

Helicopter Parking Areas Ground handling of helicopters can be difficult on rough strips at seismic basecamps and helicopters fitted with skids may prove impossible to move.Helicopter parking spots will be required. If a metalled or concrete surface isnot an option then level areas may be constructed with hardwood planks;softwood is not suitable for use in tropical areas. It should be assumed that there will be a need for all helicopters to turn whenhovering to position over their parking spots. Positioning of these spotsrequires careful consideration to avoid the possibility of main or tail rotorcontact with an obstacle or adjacent helicopter whilst manoeuvring. Adequateclearance must be assured such that no part of one helicopter shall evercome closer than 1 rotor diameter to another helicopter or other obstacle.

17.3. Cargo and Passenger Handling

17.3.1. Depending on the contractual arrangement, aircraft hourly charges may well becalculated from the time of rotor engagement. It is, therefore, beneficial to the Companyto ensure that passenger embarkation/disembarkation and cargo handling time be kept toa minimum. Loading bays allocated to individual line crews and the pre-selection of cargoare simple and effective controls; this is provided that only nominated personnel, familiarwith the system, are employed in aircraft loading. Colour coding by means of tapes has,in areas where the labour force is largely illiterate, been found useful to ensure that cargoreaches its intended destination.

17.3.2. In areas where the labour turnover is high, it is important that passengers are controlledduring embarkation and disembarkation - the tendency to mill around a running helicopteris dangerous and slows down the loading process. Nominated, trained, load masters areessential on the ground and, in some cases, prove valuable as additional helicopter crewmembers.

17.3.3. A well considered logistic organisation, albeit on a small scale, is the key to the safe andefficient utilisation of available helicopter payload in seismic operations.

17.4. Accommodation (Living And Working)

17.4.1. The office accommodation provided for aviation personnel should be of a similar standardto that arranged for administrative personnel in the seismic party organisation shouldinclude desk space, ventilation, lighting etc. and be adequate for the planning of flightsand the processing of paperwork in relative peace and quiet.

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17.4.2. There may, however, be a case for air conditioning a small space for the storage ofsensitive aircraft spares when stocks have to be held on site. Advice on this subjectshould be sought from the aircraft operator's engineering manager.

Flight Operations Office A flight planning/briefing area, with suitable wall space for the display oftopographical charts, NOTAMs, meteorological information and currentoperational notices is essential. Desk space should be appropriate to thenumber of aircraft daily on line. Shelf space will be required for Operationsand Flight Manuals and there should be easy access to the radio room. Aquite rest area for aircrew, with reasonably comfortable seating, shall also beprovided; when base camps are very temporary this facility is often combinedwith the operations area.

Engineering Facilities Technical support facilities are essential. Maintenance at base camps willnormally be restricted to line maintenance with major inspections carried outat the helicopter contractor's main base. The chief engineer of the aircraftCompany(s) will be able to advise on line-support facility requirements at thetime the contract is awarded. It will, however, be necessary to provide thefollowing:-

a. A secure store for aircraft spare parts complete with rack and binfacilities appropriate to the numbers of aircraft on site.

b. A secure area for the storage of special oils and fluids.

c. A well ventilated battery charging bay; in the unlikely event of bothlead-acid and nickel-cadmium batteries being serviced, then twoseparate areas will be required.

d. A small basic workshop area; where mechanical drilling rigs andpumps are supported at the base camp, simple mechanical workshopfacilities may, at the discretion of the Chief Aircraft Engineer, beshared with the seismic party mechanics

e. An engineers' rest area with reasonably comfortable seating and, ifovernight accommodation is distant or inconvenient, nearby washingfacilities. This could be combined with an area for the completion andstorage of technical records and maintenance manuals. The guideline on hangarage is detailed in Chapter 9 but if this is not providedthen it should be borne in mind that most aircraft line maintenance will becarried out after the return of the aircraft at the end of the day's flying.Generator power and mobile lighting will need to be provided andconsideration will need to be given to the problems associated with insects. The costs associated with positioning flights for scheduled maintenance aregenerally shared equally between the contractor and the Company; theCompany is normally allowed to make use of these flights. A maintenance schedule, for each aircraft operated should be made availableto the Air Operations Supervisor who must closely monitor the number offlying hours available (remaining) per aircraft to its next major inspection. It isalso an advantage to try to balance the fleet hours to ensure that twohelicopter will not be away from the seismic operation at the same time.Provision for this monitoring has been built into the "Seismic HelicopterOperations - Daily Utilisation Report".

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Sleeping Quarters Aviation personnel contracted to work on seismic operations will invariablywork on a cycle of "time in/time out". This may be different from that workedby seismic party personnel and will vary according to the regulations of thecountry of operation. The system has the advantage that pilots will, on aregular basis, be able to work to the maximum daily and weekly Flight TimeLimitations since longer term maxima will be balanced out during time off site. However, to comply with recognised Flight Time Limitation maxima and toavoid the safety hazard represented by short term fatigue, sleepingaccommodation must be quiet and comfortable, furnished to a reasonablestandard, well ventilated and with the facility to control levels of light andtemperature. Whilst it is appreciated that senior staff beds are often at a premium inseismic operations, consideration for the avoidance of accumulative effects offatigue leads to the normal expectation of a pilot for single accommodation;whenever possible, single accommodation shall be provided. Where roomshave to be shared it is strongly recommended not to mix seismic and aircraftoperator crews. Engineering personnel will be required to work unusual hours and theiraccommodation shall, whenever possible, also be equally and suitablyappointed and separate from other Companies.

17.5. Aviation Fuel

17.5.1. For logistic planning purposes, typical monthly fuel consumption of a twin-enginehelicopter operating 120 flying hours, will be in the order of 10,000 gallons (45,000 litres)and 5,400 gallons (20,000 litres) for a single engine helicopter.

17.5.2. The task of maintaining stocks of aviation fuel should not be underestimated. A suitableorganisation for the transportation, storage, quality assurance and delivery of clean, dry,fuel to aircraft must be considered at the planning stage when setting up an air-supportedseismic operation. Chapter 8 deals at length with Company standards in aviation fuelbut it is stressed here that although the seismic task may be small in scale and of shortduration, the quality assurance of fuel is as critically important as in larger scaleoperations. In fact, given the inhospitable nature of terrain typically found in prospectareas, the consequences of engine failure due to fuel contamination may be particularlydire.

17.5.3. While steel bulk tanks are always to be preferred for fuel storage, the temporary nature ofseismic base camps may make this impractical or uneconomic; collapsible tanks, suitablyinstalled and protected from the elements, are an option.

17.5.4. Drum fuel may, in some parts of the world, be the only option available but must beconsidered the least desirable for reasons of quality assurance and losses due topilferage.

17.5.5. When operating on seismic lines more than 15 minutes flying time away from the mainbase camp, helicopter refuelling on the line should be employed to avoid transits back tobase. Collapsible, heli-transportable, approved seal-drums are strongly recommended. Ithas been found that seal-drums, although expensive at the outset, are more economicalthan using conventional 40 gallon steel drums and greatly reduce the likelihood ofcontamination. Information on lightweight heli-transportable refuelling pumps can beobtained from the Aviation Adviser.

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17.6. Base Camp Helipad Lighting

17.6.1. The provision of helipad lighting will depend on the decision by Company's managementon the requirement for a night evacuation capability from the base camp; normal flyingoperations will invariably take place only by day under Visual Flight Rules (DAY/VFR).Unless simultaneous drilling and seismic activities mean that a suitably equipped facility isalready established and IFR equipped helicopters and qualified crews are available, thena night capability from a base camp will, in all probability, prove unrealistic. It isemphasised that a night capability should never be assumed in the seismic environment.Alternative contingencies should be sought in order to cover the eventuality of an accidentor injury during the hours of darkness.

17.6.2. General guidance on the provisions for heliports can be found in Volume II of Annex 14to the I.C.A.O. Document - Heliport. These instructions however, require interpretation,and local civil aviation regulations may dictate minor differences. Advice should besought from the Aviation Adviser especially in areas where such policy is not welldeveloped and guidance is lacking. If the aircraft operator is well established andexperienced to an International standard then the Operations Manager can also beconsidered competent to advise.

17.7. Base Camp Location Aids

17.7.1. The minimum requirement for daylight operations is a medium frequency non-directionalbeacon (NDB) tuned to a frequency in the aviation band which has been approved by thelocal regulatory authority. There are many different models available, some of which arereasonably portable, and power outputs vary widely. Radio propagation is effected bytopography; jungle and mountainous areas present particular attenuation problems.Specialist advice should be sought and attention paid to aerial siting and tuning. Basecamp equipment specification should require a usable range of at least 15nm for anaircraft at 1000ft above local ground level; ranges in excess of this are highly desirable asan aid to en-route navigation.

17.7.2. The provision of low power NDB units should be considered for use by initial traverse andcutting crews at the first location on new lines; aircraft time wasted in searching virginterritory for a small clearing or helipad is expensive. Information on GPS may be foundunder the sub section "Navigation Equipment"

17.8. Base Camp Communications

17.8.1. The minimum requirement is for duplicated equipment to ensure that helicopters, whenairborne, are never out of contact with either the base camp or the local Air Traffic Controlnetwork. In many areas of the world, where such a network is basic, if it exists at all, theonus will be on either the Company, the seismic party or the aircraft operator to provideappropriate coverage. Contractual agreements should clearly define this responsibility.

17.8.2. For logistic and local advisory information VHF (AM, air band) base equipment isappropriate provided the area can be covered by line of sight propagation; the alternateset may also be VHF. If, however, continuous cover cannot be guaranteed then HF mustbe employed and suitable alternative equipment and an alternative power supplyprovided.

17.8.3. The allocation by government bodies of suitable HF frequencies for use both by aircraftand by seismic crews has been found to be a protracted process in developing countries;this aspect is one that should be addressed at an early stage in the planning process.Selection of frequencies should take into account diurnal ionospheric variations, distancesto be covered, and the need to separate the radio flight watch frequency from frequenciesused for seismic party logistic and operational traffic.

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17.8.4. There must, at all times, be a communications link between the seismic base camp andcompany headquarters and a means by which any available search and rescue facilitycan be contacted in the event of a helicopter being overdue or involved in an accident.While such a link may be as basic as HF voice equipment, it is recommended, for safetyas well as operational reasons, that the use of more sophisticated satellite links capableof telex carriage etc. be investigated.

17.8.5. It should be noted that even where night emergency flights from base camps are notconsidered practicable, a 24 hour communications link with all line crews in the field isvital for the transmission of medical advice and the organisation of a possible evacuationat first light.

17.9. Focal Point Personnel

Company/Contractor Liaison For the timely resolution of problems, Company and Contractor focal pointsmust be nominated. At contractual level, liaison will normally take placebetween the Head of Aircraft Services and the Operations Manager of theaircraft operator. In Companies that do not have an aviation representativethen either the Materials/Transport Superintendent or the Senior Geophysicistwill be the appropriate company representative.

Base Camp Personnel At field base camp level, an Aircraft Operations Supervisor should be maderesponsible for day to day co-ordination of company and contractorrequirements, including the monitoring of aircraft charge time against actualactivity. It is essential that the aircraft operator nominate an on site seniorrepresentative, normally one of the senior pilots, through whom allcommunication with line pilots and engineers should be channelled; thisensures that co-ordination is maintained in spite of the work cycle ofindividuals. The Operations Manager of the aircraft contractor should ensure that theCompany is kept informed of the pilots' and engineers' roster. Nominationsfor new pilots and engineers, who must meet E & P Forum recommendedrequirements in qualifications and levels of experience, must be submitted onthe appropriate acceptance forms well in advance of the date the nominee isdue on site. Contractor personnel should not be mobilised until Companyacceptance is given. In the close living environment of a seismic camp,human factors, other than the ability to carry out the job, may adversely affectan individual pilot or engineer to such an extent that they are considered notsuitable for the task given the environment in which they will be expected towork. The contract should address the Company's right to decline or requirethe withdrawal of an person considered unsuitable.

Air Operations Supervisor The appointment of an Air Operations Supervisor is recommended to overseeseismic helicopter operations in the field; experience has proven thatemploying a supervisor has not only led to improvements in safety but has ledto massive savings due to the efficient utilisation of expensive helicopter flyingtime.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-13 An Air Operations Supervisor would normally report either directly to the Headof Aircraft Services or indirectly to the Chief Geophysicist via the OperationsGeophysicist. It is recommended that assistance be sought from the AviationAdviser when reviewing the qualifications and level of experience ofpersonnel being considered for the position of Air Operations Supervisorsince the person selected should have a proven sound background incommercial aviation involving the operation of helicopters; an individual with abackground in private flying is not considered to be appropriately qualified. It must be realised that helicopter seismic support in a jungle environment isexposed to a risk already higher than the risk associated with helicoptersupport to normal public transport standards. Seismic helicopter supportneeds to be professionally managed. The responsibilities of the AirOperations Supervisor must be clearly defined; a sample job description is atAnnex A-1.

Pilots Flying in support of jungle seismic activity demands special skills notexperienced by pilots accustomed to, for example, offshore operations. It is,therefore, important that attention be paid to the specific role experience aswell as experience on helicopter type. Flight and Duty Time Limitations for pilots are detailed in Chapter 10 andthese limits are to be used to establish the number of pilots required on site atany given time to meet the task. The maxima for scheduling purposes shouldbe observed and whilst it is recognised that peak demands may result inindividual pilots occasionally exceeding these scheduling limits this is not tobe accepted as the "Norm". Flight crew fatigue is a complex matter with bothlong and short term effects; the subject has been well studied and in manycases regulated for. Pilots are responsible for keeping records of their ownflight and duty times. During times of peak demand, Flight and Duty TimeLimitations must be carefully considered by the Air Operations Supervisorand in no case should legal limits be exceeded. It has been found that dailyflying should not exceed 7 hours, and where sling work is involved, thismaximum should be reduced to 6 hours. Further advice from the AviationAdviser should be sought regarding the requirement covering the maximumnumber of take offs/landings per day per pilot.

3D Seismic Operations With the close proximity of helipads required in some 3D operations,restrictions may have to be imposed to prevent fatigue of aircrew, particularlyin tropical conditions.

a. Planning the task should not exceed 25 landings per hour.

b. When landings/take-offs exceed 15 per hour then the pilot shouldhave a break from flying for AT LEAST 30 minutes, within anycontinuous period of 2 hours (This could be achieved at a refuellingstop).

c. Flying under these conditions should be restricted to 5 hours per day.

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Engineers E & P Forum recommendations in technical qualifications and levels ofexperience for engineers are detailed on Chapter 11. The on site seniorengineer should have field experience of seismic operations. It isrecommended that the work cycle established for engineers be broadlysimilar to that of the pilots; whilst this is a contractor's responsibility, lowmorale due to poor employment conditions could have an adverse effect onmaintenance standards. Moreover, consideration must be given to the needto cover the requirement for duplicate inspections. The Aviation Adviser canadvise.

Refuellers The importance of aircraft fuel quality control procedures to ensure onlyclean, dry, fuel is delivered to an aircraft cannot be over emphasised. Staff,specifically nominated as aircraft refuellers, must be given proper training toensure standards are to be complied with. An engineer normally supervisesthe refueller; it has been found that customer supervision is necessaryespecially in areas when the turnover of labour is high. Aircraft refuelling procedures, equipment and examples of aviation fuel qualitycontrol forms may be found at Chapter 8.

Loadmasters (also known as Hookmen, Marshallers) These are key personnel in the smooth running of passenger and cargotransport and should be chosen from the least mobile section of the labourpopulation. It is essential that they be properly trained in the use of handsignals for directing helicopters and in the basic loading and safetyprecautions associated with operations with helicopters. Once the required training has been given they should be checked andformally authorised by the senior pilot as being proficient in the handling ofinternal and external cargo; load masters should be solely responsible fororganising loads and signalling to the helicopter crew. Attempts by otherpersonnel to assist inevitably results in confusion and loss of confidence. It isemphasised, however, that the pilot remains responsible for the security ofinternal loads. Two load masters should be assigned to each seismic line crew and whenhandling external loads one must remain in clear view of the pilot whilst theother hooks up the load. At no time should personnel be allowed under asuspended load.

Radio Operators The individual appointed as the Radio Operator must be competent andreliable. In most countries, it will be necessary for the individual to hold theappropriate R/T licence which should be endorsed for communications withair traffic. It is preferable that aviation communication be carried out in theEnglish language, but where this presents insurmountable problems and analternative language is used then the absolute criterion is that the languagechosen must be fluently spoken by all parties in the network. It is essential that the aircraft operating frequency be continuously monitoredwhenever aircraft are airborne; position reports are communicated at intervalsnot exceeding ten minutes. Suitable arrangements must be made to coverthe full work day which will call for more than one operator to man the radioset dedicated to aviation use.

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Winch Operators In areas where government Search and Rescue capabilities are either limitedor even non-existent, and management consider that rescue facilities (e.g. tocover eventualities such as an aircraft accident) should be provided in-house,then it is necessary to ensure that a helicopter, complete with a winch and anadequately trained crew, be made available. One member of such a crew,who may be a pilot, specialist air crewman or a suitably experiencedengineer, must be trained as a winch operator; in some countries winchoperators as well as the pilots require formal qualification for this role. It isrecommended that Search and Rescue crewmen should have satisfactorilycompleted a formal course approved by the Aviation Adviser and have someprevious experience, preferably with a military background.

Training When conducting operational and technical reviews prior to approval of anaircraft operator, the Aviation Adviser assesses the management's trainingphilosophy, which should include provision for continuation training for pilotsand engineers. The costs for such training will normally be included in fixedcharges and the associated flying considered non-revenue. However, shouldthe seismic base camp be considered too restricted as an operating area thenit will be necessary to release an aircraft to a nearby airstrip to conduct someaspects of the check/training flight.

Explanatory Note on Pilots Qualifications and Training While most if not all governments nominate a department or directorateresponsible for regulating civil aviation, the depth of knowledge exhibited andcontrol exercised varies widely from an informed and professional approachto a complete laissez-faire approach. It is strongly recommended that the applicable section(s) from the table on"Pilot Qualifications and Levels of Experience", in Chapter 10, be included asa standard condition of contract. Experience levels are, of necessity, detailedand specific since the demands made of a pilot in, for example, seismicoperations differ greatly from those made on the same pilot, in the sameaircraft type, but employed on offshore production support. Dispensationsfrom recommended minima are rarely advised. Role training is often overlooked. For this reason E & P Forum recommendsminimum levels of continuation training; the aircraft operators stance on thisrequirement is taken into account during initial approval and renewal auditprocedures.

17.10. Protective Clothing and Equipment

17.10.1. It is important that personnel such as load masters and refuellers are equipped withcoveralls for protection against dust, sand and small objects disturbed by rotor wash and,to a degree, against flash burns in the event of incident. Colour selection of thesecoveralls also serves to identify personnel authorised to work in aircraft operating areas.

17.10.2. The need to supply all personnel with safety helmets, boots etc. will depend on theseismic work local habits and conditions, but the following protective clothing andequipment should be supplied to all base camp personnel, other than passengers, whoare directly involved in aircraft operations:

Safety helmet - with chin strap fitted to theEar defenders (or at least ear plugs)

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Eye protectionCoverallsSafety shoes.

17.11. Helicopter Operations

Aircraft Scheduling Given the high proportion of total costs that air support represents, it isimportant that decisions on aircraft loading and utilisation are taken at asufficiently senior level in the company or seismic contractor organisation.The time spent flight planning the next day's helicopter flying requirements istime well spent. The flying programme should be prepared by the Party Chiefwith the Chief Pilot and Air Operations Supervisor in attendance; it is at thistime that the day's flight safety and flight operations should be reviewedincluding the status of helipads and any other special requirements such astraining etc.. The nature of seismic work calls for a certain amount of ad-hocuse of helicopters, but this can be minimised by careful calculation of labourfood quotas, aircraft fuel requirements, camp and line moves. Examples ofplanning boards which will greatly assist in the flight programme planning maybe found at Annex C.

Air Operations Safety Meetings Air operations safety meetings, involving at least the Party and Crew Chiefs,the senior pilot and senior engineer and Air Operations Supervisor, should beheld monthly. These meetings have proven to be an excellent tool inimproving an awareness to flight safety in the seismic environment and haveled to improved efficiency in air operations. All meetings should haveminutes, and copies distributed to focal point personnel for action. Minutes ofsafety meeting should be attached to the copy of the monthly report submittedto the Company.

Responsibilities of the Contractor Clearly the aircrew, and primarily the pilot, will be responsible for the conductof each flight. The seismic contractor is more closely integrated into theseismic operations than is common in, for a example, a production orientedcompany. This brings about a better understanding of the requirements ofthe seismic crews but in this closeness exists a danger of over familiarity andof dilution of responsibility for matters of airmanship. Ultimately, it is the aircraft commander's responsibility to determine that allactivities and equipment in and around the aircraft are compatible with a safeoperation. The pilot is responsible for ensuring that the aircraft is properlyequipped with sufficient seats, seat belts and ear defenders and that allpassengers, no matter how short their journey, are fully briefed on theoperation of seat belts, the location of emergency exists and on emergencyevacuation procedures. The final decision on whether or not to accept a load is the pilot's although hewill be guided by international regulations and the aircraft operatorsOperations Manual. In most seismic operations, it will be convenient for load masters (includingthose selected for flying duties) to be sourced either from the seismiccontractor or from the Company. However, the aircraft operator will be bestqualified to maintain standards of training and performance.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-17 Straps, cargo nets, shackles and lifting equipment may be provided by theaircraft operator or by the Company. It is essential that a procedure exists forthe regular rotation of these items through the base camp for checking. Itremains the responsibility of the aircraft commander to determine that theparticular sling, swivel or cargo net is in a suitable condition for the flight. In a small or newly established seismic operation, the aircraft contractor willusually assume responsibility for aircraft refuelling and quality control onaviation fuel. Alternatively, this task may be carried out by the Company.Whatever, either the pilot or the aircraft engineer will still be expected tocheck, on each refuelling, the pre and post delivery fuel samples to confirmthat only clean, dry fuel has been delivered to the aircraft.

Pilots remaining at the Controls of the Helicopter The controls of a helicopter must never be left unattended whilst either theengines are running or the rotors are turning. Furthermore, the practice ofvacating helicopters before the rotors have stopped turning after the engineshave shutdown is to be prohibited.

Radio Communications The safe and cost-effective utilisation of expensive aircraft time in oftenremote areas, depends to a great extent, on good communications; both air toground and ground to ground. If the requirements for communications areconsidered at an early enough stage in the planning process, it should bepossible to arrange suitable equipment and a selection of frequencies(allocated by the appropriate government authority) so as to guaranteecommunication at all times of the day and night. It is strongly recommendedto separate aircraft R/T traffic from the seismic party requirement. Helicopters engaged in seismic support should be equipped with 2 x VHF(AM) sets operating on the aeronautical band of frequencies and one HFsingle side-band set; it should be specified that the HF set be capable offrequency synthesised (infinite spacing) tuning.

Flight Following Flight following is a system by which the positions of helicopters (and fixedwing aircraft) are continually updated and recorded by a competent radiooperator. It is essential that the radio operator be thoroughly briefed on allaspects of flight operations including the importance of the EmergencyContingency plan, its structure and his role in effecting the plan should it beput into effect. For the purpose of flight following and to keep to a minimum the scene ofsearch area (in the case of a helicopter becoming overdue) pilots must beinstructed to report their position and intentions at intervals of not more than10 minutes during a flight; "Operations Normal" calls may be agreed.Furthermore, it is essential that pilots make pre-landing calls, especially whenlanding at remote sites, and advise whenever transferring to anotherfrequency or when the responsibility for the flight watch will be transferred.An example of a Radio Flight Watch log is at Annex B. The requirement to pass aircraft movements and loading information betweenbase camp and line crews will normally be satisfied by frequencies devoted toseismic operations. The requirement for hand held VHF sets for line crews isaddressed under "Line Operations".

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Search and Rescue Helicopter operations must cease at least on hour prior to official local sunsetleaving enough daylight to mount a Search and Rescue (SAR) mission in theevent of a missing or overdue helicopter. The capabilities of the National SAR organisation (assuming such anorganisation exists) should be established either during the scouting trip orwhen The Aviation Adviser carries out an audit of the helicopter contractor (incountry) prior to the start up of the seismic campaign. Maps are a basic requirement as an aid to locating a downed helicopter. Insome parts of the world accurate topographical maps may not be available.Either grid superimposed survey maps on a scale of 1:100,000, clearlydepicting prominent geographical sites, or, if available topographical maps ona scale of 1:250,000, must be made available to all parties who may be calledupon to provide SAR cover. It is imperative that a procedure be set up toensure that those parties holding maps have received any updated versions.Maps should be prominently displayed at the base camp and, as a minimum,copies should be held at the Company's head office, the operator's localoffice and with the SAR organisation.

Helicopter Winches In areas where winch fitted helicopters from Government or other sources arenot available and the terrain is such that initial access to the site of an incidentor accident is likely to be impracticable by any other means, an in-housewinching capability is recommended; typically, this will be the case in jungleor swampy areas. It should be noted that SAR is a specialist task and adviceshould be sought from the Aviation Adviser. If a winching requirement is foreseen, then this must be specified in thecontract as certain fixed modifications will be required to the standard aircraft.Winches should not be permanently fitted, as this would not only be animpediment to the routine loading and unloading of seismic personnel andequipment and reduce the available payload but should the helicopter withwinch fitted be lost then the operation is left without a winch which could befitted to another back up helicopter. The winch must be stored in a suitablearea to ensure that it remains in serviceable condition. Winch equipment,including cable and drum, is subject to routine planned maintenance as areother aircraft components.

Crash Rescue Boxes At least two crash rescue boxes, clearly marked in large red block letters"CRASH RESCUE" must be readily available at the seismic base camp. Eachbox must contain the following:

Emergency Locator Transmitters, Aircraft Homing Devices and Survival Equipment Helicopters engaged on seismic support must be fitted with an EmergencyLocator Transmitter (ELT) which should be capable of both manual initiationand automatic operation by crash switches and transmit on 121.5 MHz and406 MHz. The contractor should register this aircraft with the regionalSARSAT/COPAS organization.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-19 In countries where the Companies are obliged to provide SAR cover duringthe seismic campaign, the most effective way of locating a downed helicopteris by way of a VHF homing device fitted to the search helicopter. It will benecessary to ensure that more than one helicopter is fitted out with fixedfittings, ready to receive the homer set which can be held in storage at thebase camp. A survival kit should also be carried in each helicopter; the contents should beselected for suitability to the environment. In many countries, guidance maybe sought from the Aviation Authority but the aircraft operators OperationsManual should cover the subject. Whilst individuals, both pilots and seismic crew personnel may elect to carrytheir own small survival packs in addition to the mandatory aircraft equipment,it is recommended that no firearms be allowed on the seismic camp unlesscircumstances dictate otherwise, i.e. Alaska and Canadian Northernoperations. Experience has shown that firearms are a liability in somecountries. The sophisticated communications and navigation equipment required inhelicopters approved for flight under Instrument Flight Rules will normally beincompatible with seismic support flying which is normally confined to flight indaylight, under Visual Flight Rules. The minimum requirement is for helicopters to be equipped with at least onenon-directional beacon receiver and for a beacon to be located at the basecamp. Modern light weight area navigation and global positioning systems (GPSsatellite based) are widely available and provide the desired precisionnavigation in undeveloped areas against reasonable cost. Civil aviationauthorities have not yet approved GPS as a primary navigation aid.Nevertheless, GPS should be specified for seismic support helicopters; anylimitations in hours of coverage in the operating area should be established. The provision of GPS will greatly assist the accuracy of navigation and may,other then pilot dead reckoning, relieve the need for any of the other un-sophisticated aids.

Lifting Equipment When setting up the seismic operation, it will be most convenient to requirethe helicopter contractor, under the terms of the contract, to provide loadrestraint and external load equipment such as straps, nets, slings, swivels,and shackles. It is important to ensure that these items are provided insufficient quantities, particularly cargo nets since a minimum of two netsshould be assigned to each line crew for use during camp moves.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-20 It is absolutely essential that this lifting equipment be dedicated to helicopteruse only (strops must not be used for towing vehicles etc.) and that it berotated through base camp for checking at regular intervals. Batch colourcoding of strops and advising all staff of the colour code that may be usedover a defined period is one method of effecting control on the strops in use.As an example, all strops marked orange may only be used during the first sixmonths of a seismic campaign changing over to strops marked blue duringthe next six months; the strops marked orange will be recovered forinspection at the base camp before being returned to service when the bluestrops are returned for inspection. E & P Forum recommends that due to thenature of use in seismic operations, lifting equipment should be rejected afterit has been in service for twelve months. Alternatively, but not recommended,a representative sample of the equipment may be returned to themanufacturer for testing to destruction. Nylon ropes should not be used forsling work. All lifting equipment should have a breaking strain of not less than 4 times theweight of the load to be carried: due to the danger of chafing in flight, steelwire slings are preferable to nylon webbing. Compatible lifting points shouldbe considered when specifying the materials and drawing up plans for specialequipment such as the air transportable recording pod (doghouse/Labo). As an additional duty, load masters may be made responsible for theinspection and maintenance of load restraint and external load equipmentsuch as straps, nets, slings, shackles, etc. whilst in service.

Helicopter Cargo Hooks Although a cargo hook is an optional and removable item of helicopterequipment, it will normally remain fitted at all times during seismic supportoperations since external loads are so frequently required. The hook issubject to planned maintenance as a fitted aircraft component and must,therefore, be proof load tested in accordance with the manufacturersinstructions; usually annually. Being fitted to the underside of the helicopterexposes the hook and releasing mechanism to contamination by dust anddirt. Therefore, in order to minimise the likelihood of inadvertent load release,all hard points, cables, wires, pins and connectors etc. should be checked ona daily basis. Functional checks on all electrical (primary) and manual(secondary) release systems should be carried out at the beginning of eachworking day. In remote areas, where it is unlikely that weighing equipment will be availableat all loading points, consideration should be given to specifying strain gauge(load cell) equipment with a suitable display to the pilot; this will preventinadvertent overloading.

External Load Operations External load operations are most demanding on pilots and present specifichazards which should be carefully considered and drawn to the attention of allcrews prior to start up of an operation and to new personnel on joining. Thorough training of all ground personnel is essential for the safe conduct ofexternal load operations. Each line crew should have two trained loadmasters who, alone, should carry out the hooking-up and marshalling ofhelicopters.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-21 Recurrent briefing programmes for load masters must be established.Briefings, normally covered by the senior pilot, must address normal andemergency operation of the cargo hook, safe movement under the helicopterwhen hooking up the load, procedure in the event of an engine failure whenunder the helicopter, the use of protective equipment and a general insightinto the limitations of helicopters when load lifting. Once load masters are appointed, seismic supervisors should resist thetemptation to attempt to marshal helicopters themselves. However, should itbecome obvious that a hazardous situation is developing then supervisorsshould not hesitate to intervene to avert an accident; use can be made of, forexample, an air band, hand-held, VHF set. The vulnerability of seismic operations to the hazards of external loadoperations lies in the often rapid turnover of personnel and in hastily preparedsites and camp moves. At line sites, a flat area, free from snaggingobstructions, must be prepared for the hook-up location. Loads should beplanned in such a way that light items, such as bed rolls and tarpaulins, arecombined with heavier items; this improves the "flying" qualities of the nettedload. It should be borne in mind that when transporting underslung loads, the in-flight manoeuvrability of the helicopter will be reduced. Under nocircumstances may passengers be carried during external load operations,and it should be pointed out to seismic party personnel that observers, bird-dogs etc. cannot be considered as crew for the purposes of avoiding thisrestriction. When line crews do not have access to water it will be necessary to airliftwater to the line. Collapsible water bladders, underslung in a net, arepreferred to rigid water containers since the bladders, when empty, can befolded for transportation in the helicopter. This not only reduces the slingexposure time but also improves helipad turnaround times and since thebladder is carried inside the aircraft, passengers can be transported on anotherwise passenger prohibited sector.

Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Restricted Articles) Dangerous goods (as defined in I.C.A.O. document 9284-AN/905"Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods byAir") may be either prohibited or subjected to special conditions of quantityand packing. It is policy to strictly follow these instructions. On seismicoperations, classified dangerous goods most commonly required are:-

a. Gasoline

b. Explosives

c. Detonators

d. Batteries

e. Kerosene Cooking Stoves Dangerous goods, if prohibited by I.C.A.O./I.A.T.A. regulations may be carriedas an external load but a check must be made to determine if any Nationalvariations apply. Whatever, explosives and detonators shall not be carried asa mixed load even though civil aviation authorities in some parts of the worldmay be prepared to issue dispensation to this effect.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-22 In the case where transport by helicopter is the only practicable means ofmoving items such as explosives or detonators, then the following guidelinesshould be followed:

a. Explosives should never be transported on the same flight asdetonators and whenever possible, explosives and detonators shouldbe carried as external cargo.

b. Detonators should be carried as external cargo, securely packaged ina wood lined metal box, painted red and clearly marked"DETONATORS". Inert goods such as a water bladder may becombined with small quantities of detonators in order to comprise astable load.

c. Where member states permit the carriage of articles described asI.C.A.O. Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport ofDangerous Goods by Air as "Forbidden", these should betransported as in a and b above.

d. Passengers shall not be carried on any flight transporting DangerousGoods defined either as "forbidden" or as "suitable for carriage incargo aircraft only". The carriage of explosives or detonators during thunderstorms or in squalllines must be avoided due to possible lightning discharge and, for reasons ofpossible induced static charge, flight in sandstorms should be avoided. The I.C.A.O. document referred to requires specialist interpretation. In theabsence of on-site aviation expertise, qualified staff at the Aviation Adviserwill be pleased to advise.

Note: In some countries, due to terrorist activities the transportation ofexplosives as external loads may not be advisable since in the eventof inadvertent release of the load the authorities may make theCompany responsible for the retrieval of each and every stick ofexplosive. Premature release of an external load during the cruisewhen transiting rain forest would probably render it impossible tolocate all the explosives. Lamps, stoves and chain saws must always be drained of any fuel beforebeing loaded in the baggage compartment; carriage of this equipment in thepassenger cabin is strictly prohibited. It may be possible to fit external basketsto the skids of the helicopter to transport batteries to the line; the helicoptercontractor must be consulted.

Rotors Running Refuelling The practice of refuelling helicopters while engines and rotors are runningcarries an increased element of risk over and above refuelling while shut-down. If for sound operational reasons it is considered necessary, then theoperator should ensure that there are written procedures and that all staffinvolved have undergone formal training.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-23 In the context of seismic operations, the need for rotors running refuelling atthe base camp is unlikely; aircraft payload utilisation approaches themaximum and therefore refuelling and loading can be carried outsimultaneously while the helicopter is shut down. However, at remotelocations with pre-dumped fuel, there may be good reasons for not shuttingdown the aircraft; e.g. the inability to fly spare parts and/or engineers into asmall clearing in the event of the helicopter becoming unserviceable on start-up. Again, written procedures are essential. The aircraft operator's OperationsManual and Instructions to Seismic Party Personnel should give clearguidance on rotors running refuelling in this case including the suitability ofrefuelling equipment.

Note: The location of fuel tank caps relative to intakes and exhausts shouldbe taken into account before rotors running refuelling is considered.Rotors running refuelling of some models is strongly discouraged dueto the possible mixing of exhaust gases and fuel vapour duringrefuelling.

Use of Helicopters and Facilities by Third Parties In developing countries where a company is operating helicopters in supportof seismic data acquisition, these helicopters are likely to be the mostsophisticated available in that country. Company management can anticipateoccasional demands from local politicians and dignitaries for the use of ahelicopter from time to time. While it may be preferable to maintain operational control of the helicopter onsole-use contract by arranging a sub-charter to the third party, considerationshould be given to the potential liability in the event of accident. It may bepreferable to arrange to release the aircraft and crew back to the aircraftcontractor for the purposes of such a third party flight, especially since promptreimbursement by government bodies is not often a feature of sucharrangements. Consideration should also be given to allowing third party aircraft to operateto company ground facilities, particularly where unlicensed heliports, helipadsand operating areas have been constructed by the Company. Third party refuelling from a remote facility, even if sufficient stocks exist,should be carried out only in cases of genuine emergency such as providingsupport to a Search and Rescue mission.

17.12. Long Line Seismic Support

Basis for Requirement During the planning phase of a seismic campaign it may be that theconcession area will include terrain and vegetation of such a particularseverity that the speed of acquisition during the campaign will be reduced toan unacceptable level. Compounded by high labour costs, or even ashortage of labour, there may be a requirement to use helicopters to costeffectively carry out the campaign. The impact on the environment will needto be carefully considered. Where disturbance to, for example, rain forests isto be kept to a minimum and there is no alternative to using helicopters thenthe technique of long lining should be employed.

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Conventional Operations Where helicopters are employed in conventional seismic support operations,and depending on the acquisition parameters, number of shots per kilometreetc., helipads are likely to be spaced 2-3 kms apart; the impact on a jungleenvironment can be enormous. The data acquisition unit (LABO) will bepositioned on or near the helipad. As acquisition shots are made at the backof the line, the Observer will advise the personnel along the line when theyare clear to disconnect and recover the spread of station boxes, cables andgeophones. These are then carried to the nearest helipad for heli slinging toa helipad ahead of the acquisition unit in readiness for redistribution andreconnection. This seismic acquisition method is called "roll along".

Long Line Operations Long line operations are likely in jungle areas and where the terrain dictates.Helipads are spaced along the line at 5-6 km intervals which corresponds toapproximately 1 day's production. Spaced out between the helipads aredropping zones (D.Z.s) into which baskets, containing station units,geophones and cables are lowered on a 50 to 60m wire cable. Front andback crews, working the line ahead of and behind the data acquisition unit(LABO), overnight at the helipads and walk into position at the start of theday. After shooting, the back crew recovers the traces. Twelve traces are loadedinto a heliliftable basket at the DZ at the back of the line and the basket isthen helilifted from the back of the line to the front of the line. There, the frontcrew removes the traces from the basket and prepares the spread ready forshooting and data acquisition. The weight of the basket, loaded with seismic acquisition equipment, togetherwith the endurance and payload of the helicopter selected for the task willdetermine the spacing of the D.Z.s. If, as in this example, 12 traces are liftedthen, with a typical trace spacing of 40m., the dropping zones will be 480mapart.

Considerations If long-line operations are considered economical and desirable by seismicplanners, it must be remembered that weather conditions can play animportant part in the operation. When long lining, helicopters need to transithigher to allow safe clearance for the suspended load. Accordingly, in orderto maintain visual contact, the cloud base needs to be significantly higherthan for normal sling operations. Similarly, dropping zones in the rain forestcan be difficult to locate and as a consequence the horizontal visibility needsto be at least 5 kms. The impact of baskets not being moved due to low cloudand poor horizontal visibility needs to be evaluated.

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Helicopter and Equipment Selection for Long Line Operations Twin engine helicopters are desirable for long line operations in harshconditions. It is clear that this requirement cannot guarantee that an accidentwill not be occasioned by an engine failure at the most critical point. However,the safety factory for the overall case is greatly improved by the ability toimmediately jettison a load in an emergency. With enough fuel to give anairborne endurance of at least 1½ hours, plus fuel reserves, the helicoptermust be capable of lifting at least 500kgs. Consideration should be given asto whether or not the helicopter used for long lining will also be used for othertasks such as passenger transport. Advice should be sought from theAviation Adviser. The long line cable should be multi stranded steel. Intropical rain forest areas the cable will need to be between 50 to 60 metres inlength; it will weigh approximately 100 kgs. Running the length of the longline cable and normally sheathed in a reinforced protective plastic "hose" willbe an electrical cable supplying power from the helicopter to the remote cargohook at the lower extremity of the long line cable; the power supply enablesthe pilot to activate the release mechanism from the cockpit. It is important toensure that the electrical cable is one complete length without any jointswhich could hold moisture/water leading to a short circuit and inadvertentrelease of the lower cargo hook in flight. The long line assembly, complete with the remote cargo hook, is attached tothe helicopter by means of a conventional cargo hook on the underside of thehelicopters. This hook can be either electrically or manually operated by thepilot to jettison the long line complete with the load should the need arise; e.g.failure of one of the engines or the load snagging on a tree when load liftingout of a DZ.

Trace Baskets Trace baskets are normally manufactured from 1¼" steel angle iron for theframe, a 1/3" steel plate bottom and 1" wire mesh for the sides. Dimensions for a typical basket, capable of holding 12 traces would be 110cms x 100 cms x 70 cms (high). The empty weight of a steel basket is in theorder of 100 kgs. Lighter alternative construction materials such asaluminium have proven successful reducing the weight of the basket by morethan 50%; the available payload is normally used to increase the enduranceof the helicopter through the uplift of the equivalent weight reduction in fuel. Baskets should be complete with four welded "eyes" suitable for slinging witha 4 point 5 ft sling with thimbled eyes. A forged, weldless, ring should beused for hook attachment.

Dropping Zones (D.Z.s) The importance of clearly marking D.Z.s for identification from the air cannotbe over emphasised. Each DZ. is given a number which corresponds to atrace number for the particular line. In typical rain forest areas, D.Z.s should be cut to provide:

a. a clear base area not less than 5m x 5m.

b. a clear tree opening of not less than 30m x 30m at tree top level.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-26 The ground area should be flat and clear of debris and obstructions whichcould be a snag hazard. The cone area extending from ground level to treetop level should be clear of branches. The identification markings, paintedwhite, should be a minimum of 1m high in plan view. An example of a DZcheck sheet is at Annex C.

Personnel - Pilots It is important that pilots employed on this type of operation have adequateexperience as defined by E & P Forum for the particular technique. However,a minimum of 200 hours actual sling work experience is likely to be requiredincluding formal training and recent practice. Long line flying requires a particular proficiency and high level of pilotconcentration to assure a safe and speedy operation. Because of the intensenature of the work a maximum of 5 hours long line flying per day, per pilot, ispermissible.

Personnel - Crewmen A trained crewman, normally one of the engineers, will generally be carried onthe helicopter to relay to the pilot the position of the helicopter in relation tothe pick-up/ drop-off zones; with a 60 mtr long line, the helicopter will hover atleast 190- 200 feet above ground level during pick up/drop-off. Whenever acrewman is carried, he must be equipped with an approved harness ontransport helicopters. Vertical reference flying is practised but this is generally confined tohelicopters operated two crew (pilots) with reference through a bubble cockpitwindow; unlikely to be viable for jungle seismic. It is known that some workhas been executed with a helicopter fitted with a central, vertical cockpitwindow, to allow single pilot vertical reference flying.

Personnel - Hookman After the baskets have been loaded by the rear crew, a trained hookman willwalk along the line from DZ. to DZ. hooking up baskets. An advantage is forhim to be equipped with a VHF FM radio allowing communication with thepilot operating the long line helicopter.

17.13. Seismic Line Operations

Landing Areas and Clearings The statement of policy at the introduction of this Section gives thebackground to the minimum dimensions quoted for helicopter landing areas.These dimensions will have the most relevance to operations in jungle areaswhere the cost and time impact of felling trees and clearing large tracts ofvegetation is greatest. In areas where the terrain is hospitable, an increase in the level of safety maybe achievable at a reasonable cost by increasing the dimensions of thecleared area. Long line systems for the carriage of external loads may alsoprove beneficial by dramatically reducing the size of many clearings.However, full size clearings and landing pads will still be required for themovement of passengers and internal cargo. The intervals along lines atwhich helipads will be required will depend on such factors as the type ofseismic recording equipment used and the expectations of the labour force.

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Line Helipads in Desert Areas (Special Considerations) While the selection of a suitable landing area adjacent to the seismic line isunlikely to present great problems, precautions must be taken to preventdamage to helicopter engines and rotor blades due to sand erosion.Invariably, the helicopters will be specified with suitable sand reductionmodifications. However, some preparation may be required at temporarylanding sites; a simple remedy would be to suppress the sand with water.

Line Helipads in Mountainous Areas (Special Considerations) Seismic parties in areas of mountainous terrain will invariably require thesupport of helicopters. The performance specification of the helicopters mustbe such that it is suitable for mountain operations. Mountain flying,particularly at high altitudes, presents a pilot with special problems,demanding a close study of the aircraft limitations and performance graphsand interpretation of local wind and turbulence effects caused bytopographical features. When undulations in the terrain are relatively smooth, or where the windvelocity is low, a laminar air flow can be expected, giving a gentle up-draughton the windward slope of a hill or mountain and a corresponding down-draught on the leeward side. Where the terrain contours are abrupt or jagged or the wind velocity high, theeffects are less predictable, as a turbulent airflow will occur, both over andaround the obstructions; whirls and eddies will produce local effect reversalsof wind direction as well as vertical air currents. The behaviour of air currentsin these conditions can be expected as shown in the following diagram,although variations may occur.

WIND A phenomenon known as Standing Waves may occur when the wind directionis roughly perpendicular to a mountain range resulting in strong vertical aircurrents at intervals downwind of the range. To ensure the safety of transitflights, it may be necessary for the pilot to select a route and altitude thatwould not appear to be the most direct. Disorientation and a feeling of vertigo is a potential hazard of mountain flyingwhere the route involves flights over knife-edge ridges or approaches topinnacles. Inexperienced pilots are prone to these effects which only servesto emphasise the need for selection of a suitably experienced operator.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-28 It should be anticipated that there will be occasions where the choice of thelanding site will be dictated by topographical features and therefore not ideallylocated on the line. It is essential that the helicopter operator be involved inthe selection of landing sites. Hill-top and ridge locations may present obvious landing sites and are oftenselected. However, these locations present their own problems due toturbulence, wind shear effect and inaccessibility due to low cloud.Consideration should be given to the down-time due to these factors. When operating to any landing site in mountainous terrain, the pilot willrequire, at all times during the approach and take-off phase, an escape routeto be flown in the event of encountering, for example, down-draughting air.Time spent in planning the location of landing sites, preferably including anairborne survey, will rarely be wasted; locations can usually be found whichfulfil the aviation safety requirements and involve the minimum of rock andvegetation clearance.

Line Helipads in Jungle Areas (Special Considerations) The work involved in clearing trees, primary or secondary jungle, even to 1mlevel is considerable and the removal of tree trunks is unlikely to be achievedwith the resources of a helicopter supported seismic party. In order toachieve a flat area, clear of immediate obstructions allowing transitionbetween the hover and forward flight, it will often be convenient, especially inareas prone to flooding, to construct a raised helipad. However, the rate ofdecay and destruction by insects of softwoods in tropical climates should notbe underestimated. Whenever raised wooden helipads are used, thefollowing procedure is recommended:-

Upon first construction - Inspection and release to service bythe senior pilot. (That will alsoinclude a check of the entire clearingfor correct dimensions and freedomfrom obstructions).

Two months from construction - Inspection by a ground party whomay be brought in by helicopterprovided the pilot is briefed and ableto keep the helicopter light on theundercarriage. Subject to findingsduring this check, the landing sitemay be released to service for afurther month.

Three months from construction - Complete rebuild of elevatedhelicopter landing platform and pre-release inspection. For more permanent landing sites consideration should be given to usinghardwood planks; the structure, which will also be subject to a three monthinspection interval, may be repaired on condition. Should the seismiccampaign run into a drilling campaign, then all pads to be used by rig supportaircraft should be constructed of hardwood. Used engine oil has been foundeffective as a hardwood preservative, and using this method, no deteriorationwas noticed after eight months. However, should oil be used as apreservative then due attention will have to be paid to ensure the environmentis not contaminated during the application of the oil.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-29 When short sling loads are to be handled in standard clearings, it is essentialthat an area free of obstruction, of approximately 5 metres square and abovethe level of stumps/felled trees, be made available. Although the landing areamay be used for this purpose, in order that loads may be pre-positionedwithout prejudicing the ability to land a helicopter with passenger or internalloads, it has been found convenient to prepare secondary pads, displaced atleast 5 metres from the main landing area. Fly camps should be set up well inside the tree line so as not to intrude intothe cleared area. This serves to avoid the danger from falling trees whichhave been rendered unstable by the clearing process, to distance tarpaulinsand other loose camp equipment from the rotor downwash which may liftitems into blades or engine intakes with disastrous results and to protectpersonnel from the danger of flying debris in the event of a helicopter crashlanding at the helipad. It is also essential to brief personnel not to set up the fly camp in the areadirectly under the approach and overshoot flight path since in the event of anengine malfunction during sling operations the pilot will release the load togain additional performance from the helicopter.

Ground to Air Communications It is recommended that all helicopter supported seismic teams be equippedwith hand held VHF-AM airband transceivers to communicate with thehelicopter pilots. These sets have a very short range and may, therefore, beoperated on one frequency which should be the same as that at the basecamp. It is, however, important to instil radio discipline, but such short rangedirect communication has proved highly useful to all crews and is consideredessential for the recording crew who require frequent supply and equipmentmoves. Licensing of small transceivers is restricted in many areas and lead times forapproval may be lengthy; advance application is recommended.

Hazards While the control of passengers and loaded cargo is generally fairly easilymaintained at base camp, there is often a tendency to ignore basicprecautions when operating on the line. This is usually due to the belief thatproductivity will suffer if, for example, time is taken to correctly secure allcargo and passengers in the aircraft before take-off. There have been several serious incidents involving helicopters engaged inseismic operations. Whilst the aircraft were extensively damaged, theoccupants, thanks to the correct wearing of seat belts and correctly securedcargo, suffered little injury. Unsecured cargo such as boxes of tinned food,spades, bush knives etc., so easily become lethal missiles during anemergency situation; the load masters under the control of crew supervisorson the line must be made responsible for ensuring that all cargo is suitablyrestrained. Knives should be transported in the baggage compartment. The pilot is ultimately responsible for the professional conduct of each flightbut there have been instances, in the interests of speed, of undue pressurebeing brought to bear on pilots; this must be discouraged. The only occasionwhen cargo may be loaded without restraint is when it is contained in aspecially designated compartment and separated from the passenger seatingsection by a bulkhead or webbing net capable of restraining the cargo.Heavier items, such as drill pipe and pumps, may require additional tie-downs.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-30 Kerosene-powered cooking stores present a particular hazard on campmoves since the fuel containers are often glass; they should therefore beemptied and cleaned before loading internally. It has, however, been found apractical solution to combine such items with tarpaulins, bed rolls etc., in thebuild up of netted external load. Other hazards that regularly affect helicopter operation to line crews are asfollows:

a. Generators and gasoline tanks. These should only be carried inaccordance with the guidelines on the carriage of dangerous goods,and they should be pre-positioned for loading no closer than 10m tohelipads in active use.

b. Litter and loose articles. In spite of the very temporary nature ofline camps, housekeeping should keep helicopter operating areasfree of litter, plastic bags, tarpaulins, recording paper and otherarticles easily lifted by the rotor down wash into the engines, rotors oreven the eyes of ground personnel.

c. Location of and access to the helipad relative to the camp area.

i. A walkway from the camp area to the helicopter landing areais often required for safe access to the helicopter. Therouting and relative locations should be carefully consideredto avoid leading personnel to the rear of the helicopter.

ii. On sloping ground, the helicopter landing area should alwaysbe on a higher level than the camp area; this is to maintainthe maximum possible clearance between the ground (andpersonnel) and rotor.

Aircraft Shutdown Careful consideration should be given to shutting down helicopters whenaway from base, especially in small clearings. The majority of aircraft defectsoccur or are observed during start-up. Should a helicopter fail to start then itmay be necessary to gain access to the site by means of another helicopter.It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that prior to shutdown the approach andlanding space is adequate to accommodate a second helicopter.

Administration and Documentation Although aviation operations in support of seismic parties may appeargenerally to be on a small scale, the rate of accumulation of flying hours isoften high. The costs of helicopter transport in support of a seismiccampaign, in relation to total operating expenditure, justifies carefuladministration of all flights. Documentary procedures should be set up and all flights details should beregistered on a daily utilisation report. An Air Operations Monthly Reportshould be raised at the end of every month copied to the ExplorationManager, the Chief Geophysicist and the Head of Aircraft Services. Anexample of a Daily Report Form and an example of a Monthly Report Formcan be found at Annex C.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 17 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 17-31 The aircraft contractor should nominate a focal point to deal with contractualarrangements and week by week administration of the task. Furthermore, asenior member of the aircraft operators field staff (usually senior or lead pilot)should be nominated as the focal point for day to day operational andtechnical matters. He will normally liaise with the field representative orseismic party chief, and will be responsible for such matters as inspecting andreleasing to service new landing sites, approving unusual loads, and justifyingto the representative the daily return of flying hours. An example of a JungleHelipad Check Form can be found at Annex C. The following documents should be set up to assist in monitoring theoperation:

Jungle Helipad Check Form Annex COutline Job Description for Air Operations Supervisor Annex AFlight Planning Board Annex CAircraft Flight Following and Radio Log Annex BDZ Check Sheet Annex CDaily Utilisation Report Annex CMonthly Utilisation Report Annex CDaily Programme Planning Board Annex CHelipad Status Board Annex CWater Supply Status Board Annex CSeismic Base Camp Aircraft Crash Rescue Procedure Annex CPilots Daily Flight and Duty Limitations Chapter 10.3

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CHAPTER 18 - HELIRIG OPERATIONS.........................................................................................18-3

18.1 GENERAL ..........................................................................................................................18-3Provision of Helicopter Support ..................................................................................18-3Helicopter Contract ......................................................................................................18-4

18.2. HELICOPTERS...................................................................................................................18-4

18.3. BASE AIRPORT FACILITIES .............................................................................................18-5Buildings.......................................................................................................................18-5Hard-Standings and Aprons ........................................................................................18-5Service and Ground Equipment...................................................................................18-5Aviation Fuel.................................................................................................................18-6Base Camp Facilities and Procedures.........................................................................18-7Personnel......................................................................................................................18-7Safety ............................................................................................................................18-7Specific Items ...............................................................................................................18-8Emergencies.................................................................................................................18-9Standards and Practices..............................................................................................18-9Communications ..........................................................................................................18-9Publications and Documentation ................................................................................18-9Designed Documentation...........................................................................................18-10Accounting .................................................................................................................18-10Flying Programme......................................................................................................18-11Manifests and Loadsheets .........................................................................................18-11Refuelling Sheets .......................................................................................................18-11Medical Evacuation ....................................................................................................18-11

18.4. RIGSITE ...........................................................................................................................18-11Considerations ...........................................................................................................18-11Equipment...................................................................................................................18-12Fuel Storage and Consumption.................................................................................18-13Jet A-1 Refuelling Units..............................................................................................18-14

18.5. JET A-1/DIESEL FUEL TRANSPORTATION - SEAL DRUMS..........................................18-14Identification...............................................................................................................18-15

18.6. HELIRIG ...........................................................................................................................18-15Pre-Rig Arrival ............................................................................................................18-15Rig in Broken Down State ..........................................................................................18-15Rig Arrival ...................................................................................................................18-16Rig Mobilisation..........................................................................................................18-16Rig Assembly..............................................................................................................18-16Demobilisation/Rig Move ...........................................................................................18-17

18.7. LOADMASTER.................................................................................................................18-18

18.8. HELICREW EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................18-19

18.9. HELIRIG SLING EQUIPMENT ..........................................................................................18-20

18.10. HELICOPTER LOADS........................................................................................................18-21Casing.........................................................................................................................18-21Consumables, General...............................................................................................18-21Consumables, Mud Chemicals ..................................................................................18-21Consumables, Cement ...............................................................................................18-21Consumables, Barytes ...............................................................................................18-21

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18.1. General

18.1.1. The use of helicopters to move an exploration rig into position is an expensive exercise.The overall cost is likely to be in excess of 25% of the total cost of rig, consumables andstaff involved. This may be overlooked by personnel involved in the actual drilling of thewell who will naturally concentrate towards the end result, finding hydrocarbons. Withcareful attention to detail however, and pre planning, these costs can be constrained

18.1.2. It is highly recommended that the Aviation Adviser is involved in the engineering anddesign of the intended rig site in areas that affect helicopter operations. From experienceit has been found that without an input from aviation personnel at the outset, much timeand extra effort can be expended in altering helicopter pad sizes, load drop and pick upareas, and fly away dimensions and directions. Once the helicopter contract has beenawarded the contractor's representative and/or senior pilot assigned for the helirigoperation, should be available for a visit to the well-site during construction, in order toestablish future operating and flying procedures.

18.1.3. A helirig operation will have been deemed necessary because of the lack of water or landtransport access. Even if a land or water move were possible, carriage by helicoptercould still be considered worthwhile on cost because of the speed advantage andpossible reduced rig time costs. This planning and the type of rig to be used will be amatter for the Exploration Manager but the appointment of a company aviationrepresentative early in the planning will be of great assistance to the exploration team.The Operations Petroleum Engineer needs to liaise with the aviation representative onhow to plan casing weights, grades and range, packaging of mud chemicals and lostcirculation materials, where these aspects concern transport by helicopter. The aviationrepresentative will need to discuss with the drilling contractor the preparation of the rigitself so that move-in may be executed speedily. He may assist in the planning of the rigsite itself with relation to aviation activities.

18.1.4. A helirig is a drilling rig designed in such a way that it can be dismantled and itscomponent parts carried by helicopter in underslung loads to remote locations not readilyaccessible by road or river. It is usual for helirigs to break down into units of 4,000 lbeach. Some helirigs break down into 6,000 lb units, necessitating the use of largerhelicopters.

18.1.5. A helirig operation is very expensive as large tonnage must be transported in smallweights. Considerable flying time is involved and this may require contracting two orthree helicopters, depending upon circumstances. Helicopters are expensive to hire andconsume large quantities of fuel, which may have to be flown in.

18.1.6. Because of the high costs, distances to be covered during such operations must be keptto minimum and the forward base or staging area should be located as close as possibleto the drilling location.

18.1.7. Crew changes, supplies and materials should be moved to the forward base by land,river, or fixed wing aircraft in order to minimise helicopter flying time.

18.1.8. Operations will vary from area to area but the following paragraphs will serve as an aidememoire highlighting points for action when planning a helirig operation.

Provision of Helicopter Support Is this available in the country of operations? Are the necessary types of helicopters available for the movement of theselected rig, provided by companies with the right amount of experience?

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 18 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 18-4 Could foreign registered helicopters be imported if this is not the case? The Aviation Adviser should be requested to carry out an official review ofpotential helicopter operators. Consultation will be necessary with local civil aviation authorities and possiblymilitary aviation departments.

Provision of Helicopter Support - Helicopter Contract Draft contracts are available from the Aviation Adviser and these should beused as a basis for negotiation. Provision of equipment and personnel to support the aviation aspects of theoperation have to be discussed, and the following subjects requireconsideration.

a. Mobilisation and demobilisation costs.

b. Fixed fees.

c. Flying hours charges.

d. Insurance liabilities for aircraft and third parties.

e. Transportation costs of aircraft spares and contractor personnel toand from the operational area.

f. Customs liabilities for import of equipment and re-exportationprocedures.

g. Standards and provision of ground equipment and facilities.

h. Standards of accommodation, food and recreational facilities forpersonnel.

i. Standards of training, proficiency of pilots and engineers.Responsibility for aviation fuel quality.

j. Is there a night flying commitment? If so, then IFR fitted machinesand qualified crews are necessary. Will there be a requirement for awinch fitted aircraft for emergency use?

18.2. Helicopters

18.2.1. Aircraft for the carriage of the rig and support equipment will have been selecteddepending upon availability but it should be realised that there is also likely to be arequirement for helicopter support during site preparation. Perhaps one sling aircraftwould be enough for this purpose rising to a greater number for the rig move itself whererig costs will require a fast operation.

18.2.2. A smaller helicopter type (e.g. Bolkow 105) should be considered for general use orcarriage of small loads and inspection personnel. This will save costs over under-utilisingthe more expensive helirig machines.

18.2.3. For efficiency, helicopters should be utilised as close as possible to their maximum liftingcapacities.

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18.2.4. When the maximum weight which the helicopter can lift is known, loads should beassembled and accurately weighed. All calculated weights must include lifting tacklesuch as slings, shackles, cargo nets and pallets.

18.2.5. When using a weighing apparatus the accuracy of the instrument must be checkedagainst a known test-weight. All loads are likely to be clearly marked with their weight.

18.3. Base Airport Facilities

18.3.1. It is possible that some facilities will be inherited from a previous seismic campaign, butconsiderable expansion will be necessary, not least a considerable enlargement of fuelstocks.

18.3.2. It is also likely that the Company will be required to provide most support equipment but inany event the following is a guide as to what will be required.

18.3.3. It is possible that fixed wing facilities may be necessary in addition, in order to supportcrew changes and urgent freight requirements.

Buildings The following buildings are required:

a. Some form of hangar or covered area for aircraft maintenance.

b. Offices for personnel - aircrew and engineers.

c. Workshop facilities.

d. Air conditioned stores with suitable shelving.

e. Petrol, oil and lubricants store.

f. Toilet facilities.

g. Battery charging room(s). (Nicad/lead acid)

h. Generator house.

i. Covered area for storage and preparation of sling equipment.

j. Aircraft despatchers office.

k. Passenger waiting area.

l. Covered cargo preparation area.

m. Visual control position for air radio operators.

Hard-Standings and Aprons The sophistication will vary depending on the length of the operation andaircraft types. However, the minimum should require concreted or solidparking spots. Weather conditions may dictate hard topped taxyways, apronsand runway (for fixed wing use).

Service and Ground Equipment The following base airport service and ground equipment are required:

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a. AC electric power.

b. Fresh water supply near to helicopter parking area.

c. Air compressor - mobile.

d. Inspection lamps - mobile.

e. Hoist preferably hand operated. Hangar roof/or floor bogie.

f. Ground power unit. (AC and/or DC depending on helicopter)

g. Non Directional Beacon.

h. Radios ground/air:

i. HF SSB (with voltage stabiliser)

ii. VHF AM (with voltage stabiliser)

iii. HF SSB (battery operated) for s/by use.

iv. VHF FM to base camp if remote from airfield.

v. HF SSB to locations.

i. Rotor blade storage racks.

j. Aircraft ground servicing and platforms complete with wheels andbrakes. Creeper board for under aircraft servicing.

k. Lead/acid battery charging facility.

l. Freight and baggage handling trolley.

m. First aid equipment.

n. Aircraft crash box (containing equipment relevant to the area ofoperations for immediate carriage to an aircraft emergency position).

o. Fire extinguishers. CO²/dry chemical foam making.

p. Heavy duty weighing scales. (200 kgs) A/C cargo.

q. Portable battery powered force transducer weighing instrument.

r. Banding machine.

s. Cargo labels - denoting distinction and weight.

Aviation Fuel Some form of bulk storage will be necessary, the size will depend on the fuelusage requirement. Drummed fuel is extremely wasteful and difficult tocontrol. Pumping equipment will be necessary with attendant filter monitorand separator systems, and tanks must be coated internally with theapproved treatment, or be rubberised seal drums.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 18 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 18-7 The standards and procedures to be used and followed are documented inChapter 8 of this manual. Reference should be made to sub-sections of thatChapter for tankage, equipment, filtration, maintenance and procedures. Bulk deliveries could be by sea or land depending on the situation butconsiderable advance planning will be necessary with local suppliers, andmost likely government agencies, to ensure supply when it is required. If aviation fuel is supplied by fuel barge it is fully recommended that the vesselis fitted with metering equipment, since dipping tanks can produceconsiderable inaccuracies depending on the trim of the vessel, which willmake stock control difficult. Barges must have Jet A1 tanks coated internallywith the recommended paint scheme and piping should be of stainless steel.Pumping equipment on board should be for the sole use of Jet A1 transfers.

Base Camp Facilities and Procedures Since the base camp will be supporting a drilling activity it is likely to havemore facilities than one for a seismic operation. Generally it will be expectedto provide single accommodation for aircraft captains and senior engineersand loadmasters with air conditioning as appropriate. It will be necessary to provide transport to the airstrip if distance is sufficientfrom the base camp.

Personnel Pilots, engineers and loadmasters will be provided by the contractor.Marshallers and hookmen will be provided by the company, althoughnumbers will depend on the operation, type of aircraft and so on. The operational control of marshallers, hookmen and on site refuellers shouldbe designated to the aircraft contractor's senior loadmaster, but their trainingand safety standards will be very much a Company responsibility. At each end of a rig move there will be a requirement,, in addition to theloadmaster, for at least one marshaller, four hookmen and two refuellers. The helicopter contractor may be able to advise on where to obtainexperienced Personnel will have to be acquired and probably trained in fuel quality controlmanagement, stock and record keeping (see section on documentation).

Safety It is usual that during periods of loading and unloading cargo from rotorsturning helicopters the period will be considered as flying time. Hence it isimportant that the move is done speedily because of cost. Helicrews willknow this, but enthusiasm for speed to the detriment of safety is notacceptable. The following points should be considered in the particular operation.

a. No smoking in aircraft by passengers.

b. All internal cargo to be properly lashed. (0ften difficult to ensure inthe field when so much may be moved in short distances.)

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c. Use of life jackets if over water.

d. Carriage of life-raft equipment if over water.

e. Carriage of survival equipment.

f. Briefing of passengers.

g. Use of floatation gear for over-water flights.

Specific Items It is policy that items classified as Dangerous Goods be carried in accordancewith I.C.A.O. Technical Instructions, which should be considered as theauthoritative document. The following brief indications should not beconsidered contradictory to the I.C.A.O. document, and cases of doubt shouldbe referred to The Aviation Adviser.

Internal Cargo External Cargo

Kerosene/Diesel Yes in metal conts. Yes

Petrol/High inflamms No Yes

Acid Yes in glass/metal conts Yes

Batteries (lead/acid) Yes in protective boxes withlid, surrounded by absorbentmaterial(sawdust)


Gas Bottles Full No YesEmpty Yes (taps open) Yes

Radio active materials Yes with properly approvedcontainers


Internal Cargo External Cargo

Fire arms No Yes

Explosives No Yes

Detonators No Yes in approvedconts.

Note: Explosives and detonators may not be carried together internally orexternally in same net.

Magnetic equipment No Yes


Yes in sealed bags Yes

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Emergencies All helicopters when flying must be in two way radio communication. In theevent of a loss of communication various lost aircraft procedures must beformulated. Aircraft emergency procedures must also be introduced andunderstood by aircrew and radio operators.

Standards and Practices Certain ground procedures the company representative should produce acomplete set of instructions for contractor aircrew and engineers on certainground and airborne procedures. For instance:

a. Base airport arrival and departure procedures.

b. Altimeter settings

c. Heights to fly

d. Taxying instructions

e. Action in the event of aircraft fire or accident

f. The pilot/engineer "to read" file should be signed for by each newlyarriving person and on subsequent amendments of the documents.

Communications It should be noted that all radio transceivers used will require a licence fromthe authorities, and frequencies used will have to be authorised and allocated. Personnel using ground or air radio equipment will also have to be licenced.

Publications and Documentation The following publications should be obtained:

a. Aeronautical maps of various scales.

b. Air Information Publications issued by the country concerned.

c. Quality Control Manual.

d. Guide for Contractor(s).

e. Petroleum Industry Training Board Helicopter Refuelling Handbook.

f. Micro biological Fuel Contamination and A/c Tank Corrosion (SIPC)

g. CAP 168 Licencing of Aerodromes (U.K. C.A.A. Publication).

h. I.C.A.O. Technical Instructions for the Transport of Dangerous Goodsby Air.

i. The Aircraft Contractor's Operations Manual.

j. Air Law documentation of the Country concerned.

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Designed Documentation In order to maintain close and accurate recording of all aviation activities, thefollowing types of documents will have to be utilised. Staff will have to be employed and trained to collect and correlate statistics.

a. Radio Flight following log (G/A radio operator)

b. Take-off and Landing Log (G/A radio operator)

c. Daily helicopter refuelling sheets (Refuelling party)

d. Fuel installation maintenance record sheets

e. Daily fuel quality control check records

f. Passenger/cargo manifests (Blocks of 5 self carboning)

g. Flying programme forms

h. Pilots flight sector load sheets

i. Pilots flying hour record forms

j. Pilots/engineers occurrence report forms

k. Pilots/co-pilots/engineers record forms (details of licence/base checkdates/total flying hours etc. in accordance with contract)

l. Engineers Daily Report on aircraft availability.

m. Transport request forms. Statistics sheets for recording monthly Jet A1 stock, flying hours by aircraft,flying hours by allocation to individual wells (if more than one site in use),aircraft fuel consumption records and fuel allocation to well accounts must bemaintained. Records indicating A.O.G./maintenance time will also benecessary since "down time" may mean a reduction in standing monthlycharges.

Accounting In order to cost flying hours and fuel used, procedures have to be enforced toallocate these costs. This is important if more than one well site in operation. For instance, it may be that the helirig will be moved to a different location inthe same concession area.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 18 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 18-11 It may be important to be able to record passengers/cargo/sling loads takento and from each well location. Each well location will have a differentaccount code for each phase, site preparation, mobilisation, drilling, rig move,demobilisation. Calculation and recording can be based as follows.

Flight From To Allocated To

Base Well A Well AWell A Well B Well BWell B Base Well B

Flying Programme Transport requests for helicopter transport should be required 24 hours inadvance when of a routine nature. Flying programmes have to be writteneach evening to give maximum utilisation of aircraft in conjunction with otheroperational flying commitments.

Manifests and Loadsheets Manifests should be completed at the well location by the Radio Operator andCamp Boss. All helicopter loads, internal or external, should be recorded bythe Loadmasters. This document indicates in detail items transported byhelicopter with weight information, and should be submitted on completion ofeach day's flying. The information is invaluable for calculation of rig movestatistics and for company staff to assess progress.

Refuelling Sheets Every uplift of fuel by helicopter or fixed wing aircraft must be recorded andsigned for on the daily refuelling record. The information may be used for thecalculation of fuel used in the period for an individual aircraft, when this canbe related to flying hours allocated to the well concerned and subsequentlycosted.

Medical Evacuation Helicopter medevac plans must be produced and incorporated in theoperation emergency plan. It is likely that in a remote area helicopter andfixed wing aircraft will have to be used to evacuate casualties for specialistmedical treatment.

18.4. Rigsite

18.4.1. The design of the rigsite should include two helipads one to serve the camp and one therig. It is useful to consider the prevailing winds so the site may be orientated correctly forthe approach and departure of helicopters.

Considerations Standard pads would be 12m x 12m and the typical size of fly-aways 250m x80m min. This length will depend on aircraft performance to clear a 50 ftobstacle at maximum weight in prevailing DA. Edges of helipads should beraised slightly and painted to warn passengers of the danger, particularly ifthe pads are above ground level. Pads should be marked with an 'H' andlanding circle, with direction arrows to give disembarking passengers the exitroute from the aircraft vicinity.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 18 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 18-12 If the rig or location cannot be reached by vehicle or boat, the first people onsite must either walk in or be winched down by helicopter. Usually there is aseismic line close by from which access to the location can be gained. Usinghand-held power saws a clearing can be created and a helicopter landingarea prepared to receive the generators, fuel, stores and equipmentnecessary to construct the camp. This activity may involve heli-lifting abulldozer (D5 or D6) and other earth-moving equipment. These must bedismantled into acceptable loads for underslinging from helicopters and mustbe reassembled on site. When the maximum weight which the helicopter can lift is known, loadsshould be assembled and accurately weighed. All calculated weights mustinclude lifting tackle such as slings, shackles, cargo nets and pallets. When using a weighing apparatus the accuracy of the instrument must bechecked against a known test-weight. All loads are to be clearly marked withtheir weight. The decision to move a camp is usually taken when the rig is fully rigged-down and the emphasis is on the rigging-up at the next location. Generally, helirig camps comprise skid-mounted, lightweight caravans in theform of sleepers, kitchen, mess room, laundry, and shower and toilet units.The number of caravans required to make up a camp is agreed at the time ofnegotiating the contract and is dependent upon the number of peoplerequired for a particular venture. Before lifting caravans, the air-conditioners, refrigerators and heavy furnitureinside the caravans may have to be removed to limit the overall weight. In areas of dense jungle, a saw-mill will also be flown in to cut felled trees intoplanks which can then be laid to form a level, hard standing for rig equipmentand supplies. In swampy soil conditions, steel piles must first be driven into the ground bydiesel hammer to support the platform on which the rig can operate. In other areas where the ground is less soft a reinforced concrete pad may beconstructed to support the main part of the rig. It is not possible to state the precise number of flights required for civilengineering construction activity, as this is obviously dependent upon criteriasuch as the amount of earth to be moved, the number of trees to be felled,timber availability, the number of bulldozers required, machinery, fuel, waterpipes, etc. Flights are also required to transport in the workforce and food. Approach and take-off paths must be cleared for safety reasons. Thedirections are determined by the prevailing winds and local topography. Thedimensions of such paths will depend on the type of helicopter in use andadvice may be sought from the helicopter Contractor.

Equipment The following will be required at the rigsite.

a. VHF AM ground/air radio with operator, in addition to normal rig radiocommunications.

b. VHF AM or FM ground/air hand-held radios for loadmasters (probablyprovided by the helicopter contractor).

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c. Easy flying access to pipe racks.

d. Flare and diverter lines should not end in the approach path to beused by helicopters.

e. Coloured flags to mark the derrick safety escape line. This isessential in bad light when the wire is difficult to see. The safety lineshould not be positioned in the approach path that helicopters will usefor pads, pipe racks and drop zones.

f. Notice boards should be positioned at the entrance to helipads givingwarnings of no smoking and about items that cannot be carried in theaircraft. Similarly at this exit to helipads, instructions should be visibleto disembarking passengers on where and to whom to report onarrival.

g. A trained helipad man should always be in attendance at the helipadto ensure nobody is on the pad during take off and landing, and to actas the supervisor and link with the pilot.

h. Passenger manifests should be written by the Radio Operator inconjunction with the Camp Boss. The Camp Boss, particularly, needsto know who he is catering for, so after obtaining clearance from thetoolpusher, a departing individual reports to the Camp Boss andRadio Operator for inclusion on the manifest. Movement ofpassengers and cargo to and from the rigsite needs a goodco-ordination between the company aviation representative and thedrilling Contractor(s) staff at the Base Camp. This ensures advanceprogrammes may be written and economical use of aircraft made.

The drilling contractor at Base Camp will have his owncommunications set up with the rig.

Crew change transport planning must be excellent, there should notbe mistakes since men who have been on a rig for 4 weeks do notlike to be late off. This concept can be complex when personnel aretravelling far with international connections so a great deal of time isneeded on this aspect.

i. Fire fighting equipment adjacent to the helipad. (CO² & Foam typeextinguishers.)

j. Helitransportable aircraft refuelling unit.

k. Windsocks (8ft) to provide pilots with suitable landing direction.

l. Martin Decker weighing scale for attachment to crane jib.

Fuel Storage and Consumption Considerable quantities of aviation turbine fuel (Jet A-1) are consumed byhelicopters during the construction, supply and drilling phases, and this fuelmust be transported to the forward base from which the flying of theequipment, supplies and rig commences. Considerable quantities of diesel oil are also required by the rig and themechanical handling equipment. Adequate storage must therefore beprovided for both the storage of Jet A1 and diesel fuel.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 18 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 18-14 One of the main difficulties in transporting and storing large quantities of fuelis quality control. Quality control is paramount in ensuring a safe operationand must be maintained to a very high standard, whatever the conditions.Heavy rainfall, high humidity, large variations in temperatures, muddyunderfoot conditions or wind-blown sand are some of the conditions whichmust be overcome. It is possible to store fuel in river barges, steel tanks or nylon fabric bladderson land. If the barges or tanks are not already in use for carrying/storingaviation fuel, they must first be sand blasted and painted with an epoxy resin.All piping should preferably be stainless steel and must be flushed throughbefore use. This is an area which can quite easily be overlooked and where considerablesavings can be made simply by selecting the correct equipment.

Jet A-1 Refuelling Units Units are manufactured by a number of companies. Each one must be selfcontained with engine, pump, filter monitor and water separator plusassociated hosing and delivery nozzle. They must be helitransportable i.e. contained in a steel frame with lifting eyesfor helicopter slinging. The distances involved in the rig-move will decide whether a unit is requiredat each end of the move. It may well be advisable to have at least two units in case of unserviceability.A mechanic should be dedicated to the maintenance of all helicopterrefuelling equipment. Settling tanks have been used in the past but if collapsible seal-drums areused these are not necessary. Pump delivery rates must be as high as practicable to reduce rotors runningrefuelling time.

18.5. Jet A-1/Diesel Fuel Transportation - Seal-Drums

18.5.1. Portable collapsible rubber seal-drums are recommended for the transportation of fuel.The use of rigid metal drums for all fuel, and particularly Jet A-1, is open to abuse. Metaldrums are easily damaged in transportation and if so have to be rejected if containing JetA-1. Seals have to be intact and each drum has to be tested, with fuel being lost insampling, and approx. 15 litres is rejected at the end of the drum in case of water pick-up.Furthermore, contents can only be assumed to be 200 litres, often it will be less, and oncea drum has been used it may not be utilised for Jet A-1 again unless cleaned, andchecked and sealed by an authorised agent.

18.5.2. Collapsible seal drums will ensure no losses and their use will reduce the concern ofcompany personnel on whether fuel is in good condition or not.

18.5.3. Drums collapse to 15% of their normal size and although a 500 US Gallon drum iscumbersome to handle in the empty state it can be lifted by four men.

18.5.4. Drums come in 500/250/55 US gallon sizes, and UniRoyal type have been successful inthe past, being made of thick elastomeric tyre cord and less prone to damage by badhandling and severe environmental conditions than other makes.

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18.5.5. Drums may be suspended one under the other for sling loads but cargo nets have alsobeen used which probably allows faster flying speeds. UniRoyal seal drums have built-inswivels and an internal cable to prevent over filling. 2" male thread/male adapter checkvalves are used on the drums and it is recommended that metal protective caps arepurchased.

18.5.6. Single drums may be underslung using 2 point, 3ft slings attached to a forged weldlessring, with eye ends to 5/8" shackles for securing to the drum attachment points. Repairkits should be available on site.

Identification It is imperative that the contents of drums are easily identified, so no errorsmay occur. Pilots also need to have easy recognition so they know where todrop the particular drum. Established colour marking is:

a. Jet A1 -yellow

b. Diesel - red

c. Water - white

18.6. Helirig

18.6.1. The following conditions apply

Pre-Rig Arrival Prior to the arrival of the rig it is very opportune to stock the rigsite with full rigand camp diesel bladders. Collapsible seal-drums are ideal transport for thispurpose, and a small Gorman-Rupp type pump can be used for the transfers.Similarly initial stock piling in the mud warehouse is desirable andnon-contractor items, which are likely to be casing and tubing, can be flown-inin advance. It should be remembered that casing on the pipe racks must be positionedwith the box ends at the correct end of the pipe rack or problems will occurlater when they are dispensed to the derrick.

Rig in Broken Down State It is strongly recommended that in order to save considerable expensivedelays after rig mobilisation there is lengthy pre-planning and discussionbetween the drilling contractor and the company aviation representative onthe rig break-down. Depending on distances to be flown, aircraft endurance and payloadconsiderations will decide the weight of each underslung load. Componentparts should be made to reflect this payload and certain items may be carriedtogether. A load plan will be made and all items should be weighed with the weightmarked on in bold numbers. Certain items, for example rectangular mudtanks, fly slowly although not of great weight so aircraft endurance must beconsidered.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 18 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 18-16 Loading onto barges for instance should be done in a set sequence since theorder that items are taken to the rig site is important. The camp and domesticequipment always go first and the sub-base will be the first units of the actualrig to go. Sub-Contractor(s) equipment, Halliburton, Corelab andSchlumberger will go towards the end of a mobilisation. All items should be prepared with welded lifting tabs and it is suggested itemsshould be pre-slung. It should be remembered that cables used inpre-slinging should not have fibre cores if transit is necessary on a long seapassage. These points are to emphasise the importance of establishing a lifting plan. Itthe company representative is not over familiar with rig items it may besuggested an experienced loadmaster be employed by the company ordrilling contractor to assist in the loading plan.

Rig Arrival On arrival the broken down rig will be closely packed onto barges or landtransport. No attempt should be made to lift by helicopter directly from thetransport. It will be found that loads should be repositioned by crane onto a lift area.Manpower safety will result, in that hookmen can more easily clear the areaas the load is lifted. Pilots may also have a better ground cushion effect andhovering times may be reduced.

Rig Mobilisation The inexperienced are often surprised at the speed of mobilisation of a rig byhelicopter, particularly using an aircraft lifting around 5400 lbs each load. It will be found that after the initial two days one helicopter may be enough tosupply items. The assembly crews can only work at a certain rate and the rigplatform can become very cluttered very quickly. In addition, rigging-up crewsdo not require the continuous interruptions of arriving helicopters. So onehelicopter producing about 14 loads a day may well be enough after the initialbuild-up. The other spare helicopter on contract may be used for crewchanges or supply of fresh food etc. from the base area. Basically, one maybe pressed into thinking that three helicopters are required for a rig move.Distance to be flown will be a factor but it is likely that two aircraft will beenough for a single well situation. The number of loads will vary for a particular rig size and helicopter payloadsbut the rig, Corelab, Halliburton and Schlumberger total will be in the order of600 mts.

Rig Assembly It has been found from experience that positioning of equipment by helicopterfor actual assembly in the hover is an expensive exercise as the method isslow, even if the equipment is well prepared. A preferred method is to dropitems onto the designated dropping zones on the rig platform and repositionby mobile crane. A common type of crane in use nowadays is a hydraulicdriven track mounted rotating crane with telescopic boom which can be heliflown in 7 lifts with a Puma type helicopter. The use of this crane, type name Sherpa, will help to save valuable time andexpensive hovering time using helicopter assembly methods.

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Demobilisation/Rig Move Before mobilising the rig, and before any rig-move, a meeting must be heldbetween the involved parties to discuss the operation, set targets, establishresponsibilities, determine requirements and pre-plan the move step-by-step.This will involve representatives from Transport and Air operations, Drilling,Materials, civil engineering and the drilling and aircraft Contractor(s). Such meetings should determine that all participating parties are fully briefedand aware of their individual responsibilities for the forthcoming move. Theparticipants must then brief the staff reporting to them who will be involved inthe rig-move. All items for mobilisation and demobilisation must be arranged in pre-slungloads as close as possible to the maximum underslung weight which thehelicopter can carry. To move any rig economically from one location to another, it must betransported in the correct sequence for assembly at the next location. The following is a simplified rigging down (dismantling) sequence:

a. Move advance loads

b. Rig released.

c. Mast laid down.

d. Dismantle mast.

e. Disconnect drawworks and remove from sub-base.

f. Disconnect engines and remove from sub-base.

g. Remove 'A' frame from sub-base.

h. Remove rotary table from sub-base.

i. Remove rotary table beams from sub-base.

j. Dismantle sub-base.

Note: The above items must be transported and rigged up in reverse order. This is extremely important when moving a helirig because of the largenumber of loads (approximately 300). It is necessary to dismantle thecomplete rig in order to remove the substructure bases which are the firstloads required at the next location. To lift out the sub-bases requiresconsiderable working space, and it is therefore necessary to move as manyadvance loads as possible to the next location The same applies to smaller pieces of equipment. On a normal land-rigmove, a truck would transport a bulldozer as one unit; but for a bulldozer tobe carried by helicopter it would have to be broken down into some 12individual loads. If the 12 loads were not dispatched to the next location inthe correct sequence, the bulldozer could not be assembled quickly.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 18 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 18-18 A day to day plan only for demobilisation is necessary and items are flown outas they become available. Discussions with the Operations PetroleumEngineer will indicate costs involved but Schlumberger, Corelab and Otis testequipment's are likely to be demobilised first:

a. to clear the area quickly for rig-down


b. on rental cost A company aviation representative should be on site to ensure the drillingcontractor demobilises as quickly as possible, particularly if the rig is notimmediately scheduled elsewhere. If the rig is to be moved and re-assembled at another site it may beconsidered that the operation will be slow since the sub-base, for instance,will be the last item out of the first site but required first for re-assembly.Again the planning of the rig move may be carried out on a daily basis inconjunction with the drilling contractor's toolpusher. Experience has shownno long term plan ever works and is considered necessary. As loads becomeavailable they may be flown and deposited at the new site for repositioning bymobile crane. During times that rig items are unavailable for transfer, excess chemicals,barytes, casing etc. can be transferred. It should be noted that a crane will be essential at either end for rig down andrig up. The camp move and transfer of frozen foodstuffs will have to be done withsome precision and will depend on when the majority of personnel may bereleased from rig down duties to be employed on rig up activities.

18.7. Loadmaster

18.7.1. A loadmaster is required to co-ordinate activities between the ground and the helicopterpilot and to ensure that only safe practices are used. It is often preferable that the personappointed should be an employee of the helicopter company.

18.7.2. The loadmaster should ensure that ground staff use their protective clothing, e.g. safetygoggles (safety glasses should not be worn), ear protectors (plugs or mufflers), hard hat(chin strap must be worn), safety footwear and work gloves, and that no one is wearingloose flapping clothes or carrying any long object above shoulder height.

18.7.3. The loadmaster should also log times and maintain records of the loads transported byeach aircraft.

18.7.4. The responsibilities of a loadmaster include: Accurate pre-weighing of the loads to ensure they are within the capabilitiesof the helicopter. checking that all gear is in a safe and sound condition. Use of the correct lifting gear for each individual lift and ensuring that thelifting gear is properly secured to the load. Ensuring loads are placed free of obstructions before lifting.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 18 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 18-19 Supervising the hook-up of the lifting slings to the helicopter hook. Despatching loads in the correct sequence. Giving directions to the pilot by radio and/or hand signals. Ensuring pick-up area is free from loose articles which may be ingested intohelicopter engines or rotor systems.

18.8. Helicrew Equipment

18.8.1. It is desirable that all helicrew should be identifiable from other personnel by the wearingof particular clothing. This gives instant recognition, particularly to pilots, of the personnelconcerned with aviation activities in any location.

18.8.2. Each crew should be issued with the following to be worn at all times during helicopteroperations and when on the active rig site.

• Safety helmet with chin strap.

• Safety goggles for eye protection (during sling operations).

• Gloves - polka dot.

• Safety boots with steel toe caps.

• Ear plugs or ear defenders.

• Coloured shirts:

Marshallers red

Hookmen/helipadmen yellow

Refuellers green

18.8.3. All helmets should be of a uniform colour, say white for added recognition.

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18.9. Helirig Sling Equipment

18.9.1. The drilling contractor may be required to provide slings for the rig equipment at their costbut the following will be required to be provided by the company or helicopter contractor.Numbers may vary depending on the size of the rig and the operation itself.

100 Shackle Crosby Type C Dia. 5/8 inch pin screw dia 3/4 inch. 30 Shackle Crosby Type C Dia. 3/4 inch pin screw dia 7/8 inch. 20 Shackle Crosby Type C Dia. 5/8 inch pin screw dia 3/4 inch with

split pin(All shackles with swl number)

30 Swivels double Sakuren BS103 3T Eye and Eye 20 Pipe hooks Crosby eye opening 1 3/8 inch throat opening top 2

13/16 inch swl 2t bottom 1 1/4 inch swl 7.5t.For casing and tubing/H beams 20 Two (2) point sling each cable 29 foot long. Each point with

mechanical spliced eye thimbled to take 5/8 inch Crosby shackletype C. Other ends thimbled on to forged weldless ring, stockdia 7/8 inch ring five (5) inch inside diameter.

For rig engines. 20 Two point sling each cable 6 foot long. All cable steel wire 5/8

inch dia, 6 strand 19 wire steel core min. breaking strain of cable30,000 lbs before eyes spliced.

For extension and single point lifts. 50 Strops 3 foot 5/8 inch cable as above with thimbled eye at both

ends for Crosby 5/8 inch type C shackles.For timber slings and general purposes use, baskets, etc. 10 Four (4) point sling each cable 20 foot long 10 Four (4) point sling each cable 6 foot long 10 Four (4) point sling each cable 8 foot long 10 Four (4) point sling each cable 10 foot long rest as above.

(All coire should have test certificates for at least a sample)Cargo nets 3/4 inch dia. nylon rope 6 inch mesh. Outside edge 1 inch dia.

nylon rope with 4 foot length at each corner-single rope, 1 inch,with spliced eye.

For mud chemicals 10 12 ft x 12 ftFor pallets/helilift boxes 10 18 ft x 18 ftFor small helicopters 10 6 ft x 6 ftCargo baskets

2 sets of each sizes in metres.1.50 x 1.00 x 0.801.75 x 1.20 x 0.802.00 x 1.30 x 0.902.25 x 1.40 x 1.002.50 x 1.50 x 1.20

Constructed of 1/8 inch plate steel bottom and metal screen sides no 8, eyelet'swelded at each corner for sling attachment. Baskets may be loaded inside eachother for storage or empty sling load return.

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18.10. Helicopter Loads

18.10.1. The following should be considered:

Casing The drilling department now prefers for a variety of reasons 12 metre lengthcasing, so called range 3, rather than 9 metre lengths. Running time is lessand the likely threat of thread damage reduced since there are less in aparticular string, moreover, the longer lengths are slightly cheaper by themetre. Because weight is at a premium in a helicopter operation, in order to obtainthe required strength, quality can be increased and weight reduced. For flexibility it is important to reduce variations in grade and weight. All these factors must be considered when helicopter transport is also afactor.

Consumables, General Planning on the packaging of consumables must take into account the aircraftpayload in conjunction with the best way to store mud chemicals and lostcirculation materials. Long sea passages, storage for long periods on rig locations and supplybarges, for example, in hot humid conditions has to be considered.

Consumables, Mud Chemicals Experience shows that boxes are often made of a poor quality product whichmay become water logged and heavy to fly. It is suggested expensive mud chemicals and those with a low consumptionrate be obtained in boxes made up to a suitable weight for the operation, andcheap high usage chemicals arrive in palletised form 'jungle' wrapped.

Consumables, Cement Palletised (standard pallet is 28 sacks of 94 lbs each sack). Do not beseduced into thinking of pallet bars and sophisticated customised baskets. Inall cases a cargo net (18 ft x 18 ft) is the best method of slinging. A box or apallet can go into a net easily and safely.

Consumables, Barytes This can be obtained in any size of packaging from suppliers. For ease of operation "Big Bags" of a suitable weight for the helicopteroperation have been successful. They can be supplied in double wrappedform and suspended directly from the helicopter cargo hook.

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CHAPTER 19 - OFFSHORE EXPLORATION..................................................................................19-3

19.1 GENERAL ..........................................................................................................................19-3

19.2. POLICY ON OVERWATER FLIGHTS.................................................................................19-3

19.3. ADVERSE WEATHER POLICY ..........................................................................................19-3

19.4. OFFSHORE ALTERNATES................................................................................................19-3


19.6. PASSENGER HANDLING FACILITIES ..............................................................................19-5

19.7. MAINTENANCE FACILITIES..............................................................................................19-6

19.8. AIRFIELD REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................19-7

19.9. OFFSHORE HELIDECKS...................................................................................................19-7

Design and Construction................................................................................................19-7Maintenance and Inspection ..........................................................................................19-8Fire Fighting and Crash Rescue Equipment..................................................................19-8Passenger Facilities........................................................................................................19-9

19.10. EMERGENCY GAS RELEASE ON OFFSHORE PLATFORMS ..........................................19-9

19.11. EMERGENCY GAS RELEASE ON OFFSHORE PLATFORMS - NORMALLYUNATTENDED INSTALLATIONS (NNMP) .......................................................................19-10

19.13. SHUTTING DOWN A HELICOPTER ON A REMOTE INSTALLATION.............................19-10

19.14. HELICOPTER OPERATIONS DURING PRODUCTION TESTING ....................................19-11

19.15. SAFETY AND SURVIVAL.................................................................................................19-11

19.16. HELICOPTERS BASED OFFSHORE ...............................................................................19-12

19.17. SAFETY UNDER THE ROTOR DISC ON OFFSHORE HELIDECKS ................................19-12

19.18. HEIGHT OF ROTOR DISC................................................................................................19-12

19.19. ROTOR SPEED ................................................................................................................19-13

19.20. EFFECT OF WIND AND MOVEMENT OF HELIDECK......................................................19-13

19.21. SIZE OF HELIDECKS AND POSITION OF ACCESS POINTS..........................................19-13

19.22. NUMBER OF AIRCREW AND ACTIVITY..........................................................................19-13

Heli-Admin.....................................................................................................................19-13Helicopter Operators ....................................................................................................19-13HLO................................................................................................................................19-14Passengers....................................................................................................................19-15Cranes ...........................................................................................................................19-16

19.23. HELICOPTER UNDERWATER ESCAPE TRAINING (HUET) ...........................................19-16

19.24. MEDICAL EVACUATION (MEDEVAC) FROM OFFSHORE..............................................19-16

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19.26. MOTION LIMITS FOR LANDING ON MOVING DECKS....................................................19-17

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19.1. General

19.1.1. Aviation support of offshore exploration activities has long been established and mostCompanies will be familiar with the concept. In many countries helicopter operations tooffshore destinations and in-field or inter-field in producing oil fields are highly organisedand subject to stringent regulations imposed by the Civil Aviation Authorities of the statesconcerned.

19.1.2. This chapter sets out some general requirements for operations and the facilities neededto support them and further advice is available from the Aviation Adviser. The chapteralso needs to be read in conjunction with Chapters 6 and 7 on Airfields and OnshoreHeliports, Chapter 8 on Refuelling and Chapter 9 on Fire/Crash Facilities.

19.2. Policy on Overwater Flights

19.2.1. E & P Forum recommends the following particularly for operations in hostile waters: Selection of a helicopter of an approved type. Full instrumentation for compliance with the Instrument Flight Rules. Properly qualified and experienced pilots. Engineers meeting certain qualification and experience requirements. Wearing of lifejackets at all times. Wearing of immersion suits where appropriate, such as harsh climates or coldwater. Installation of flotation gear or fixed floats if the helicopter is not amphibious. Specific modifications and fitments including EXIS lighting, EmergencyLocation Transmitters (ELT), Pop-out Windows and a Health and UsageMonitoring System. Advice on standard of fit should invariably be soughtfrom the Aviation Adviser

19.3. Adverse Weather Policy

19.3.1. See Chapter 16.9

19.4. Offshore Alternates

19.4.1. The benefits of an offshore alternate are recognised, but several considerations makesuch a policy generally unacceptable.

19.4.2. The first consideration is that a conventional alternate is generally accepted to be anairfield with sufficient space for an aircraft without full systems or control to manoeuvre foran emergency landing and which would also be served by a full range of emergencyservices. This is not the case with an offshore platform; indeed it is questionable whetherit is acceptable to attempt to land an aircraft in such a condition on a rig, other than in thecase of single engine failure to an aircraft with good single-engine performance, when thealternative is a long overwater flight to a shore airfield.

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19.4.3. Secondly, weather has traditionally been a major causal factor in the requirement for analternate and a "significantly" different weather pattern or factor was always stipulated. Atpresent weather reporting from offshore locations is generally of a low order and anyforecasting is done on an "area" basis by remotely located forecasts using data which isnot always of prime quality. Additionally, "alternates" are sometimes nominated which areno greater than two miles across open sea.

19.4.4. The final consideration is the non-availability of a nominated diversion helideck due toeither operators traffic or oil related closure of the helideck, e.g.: hazard status. Theco-ordination required between oil companies and aircraft operators to assure availabilityis not yet a practical proposition.

19.4.5. It follows that reliance on offshore alternates is only acceptable in certain specific caseswhen the alternative is equally unacceptable. All cases should be referred to seniormanagement for consideration. The above is a planning consideration and should not, ofcourse, be taken to prohibit a single-engined landing offshore by an aircraft of adequateperformance at the discretion of the captain under the emergency conditions pertaining.

19.4.6. The foregoing policy means that aircraft proceeding to an offshore destination mustalways carry sufficient fuel to return to a land base (not always the airfield of departure) tocater for the chance that it is not possible for any reason (such as poor weather or a rigemergency) to land at that offshore destination.

19.5. Twin Engined Helicopter Performance Considerations

19.5.1. Contrary to popular belief, helicopters cannot operate to the safest standards when flyingfrom what is conventionally thought of as a 'heliport' - or a helideck that is an area aboutthe same size as the helicopter. Onshore most civil authorities require that helicoptersoperate from what is in effect a runway, the dimensions of which will depend on theperformance of the specific type in use.

19.5.2. The reason for this is to ensure that, in the event of failure of a single engine on take-offprior to a known decision point, the helicopter must re-land and have a place to do it.After the decision point should a failure occur, the helicopter will be able to continue,maintaining height to complete a circuit prior to re-landing. The return also requires, inmost cases, sufficient space for the helicopter to carry out a run-on landing similar to butmuch slower than a fixed wing aircraft.

19.5.3. The weight at which a helicopter can take-off depends upon the altitude and temperatureat the point of departure. Basically, the higher and hotter, the lighter the helicopter mustbe to perform at a given level of performance. In many cases this will lead to a reductionin allowable payload, leading to the apparently anomalous situation in which thehelicopter departs with empty seats while some passengers may well have been leftbehind! In flight, this weight reduction will ensure that, when after the take-off and intocruise flight an engine failure occurs, the helicopter will be able to climb at a minimum rateof 150 feet per minute whilst using maximum continuous power on the remaining engine.All twin engined helicopters in common offshore use can operate thus: in future, with newdesign aircraft, it should be possible for full Performance Class 1 parameters to be met,namely that in the event of an engine failure right from the first hover after take-off andthroughout the flight to a final landing, safe operation will be ensured by the powerdeveloped by the remaining engine, or engines in the case of a helicopter with threepower units.

19.5.4. While this future planning is desirable, it is relevant to point out that in all the years ofhelicopter operation in the North Sea where it is generally acknowledged the greatestadvances have taken place, there have been no accidents attributable to performancedeficiencies where the operating rules have been properly applied.

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19.5.5. To enable safe operation with existing types, aircraft performance data is scheduled in theFlight Manual to enable the operator to comply with the principal performancerequirement that, in the event of a power unit failure, the safety of the aircraft and itsoccupants remains assured in the ambient conditions. This means, in general terms, thatfollowing an engine failure the aircraft can either re-land at the take-off point, continuewith landing at the intended landing point, or fly to a place where a safe landing can bemade.

19.5.6. In conjunction with the Flight Manual, the Operations Manual should provide guidance toensure that helicopters are operated in a way which minimises exposure of the aircraftand its occupants during the short critical period following a power unit failure during theinitial stage of take-off, or final stage of landing.

19.5.7. For any given helicopter size, weight ambient temperature and pressure altitude, thelength of the exposure period mentioned in 19.5.6 will vary according to the operatingtechnique, effective wind speed component, size of deck, and the flight path obstructionsabove and below deck level (including the sea surface). In many circumstances theperiod will be zero. It should be noted that, following a power unit failure, it will frequentlybe necessary for the helicopter to descend below deck level to gain sufficient speed tosubsequently fly away, or in rare circumstances, to land on the water. It therefore followsthat with obstructed environments, unfavourable winds, or with undersized or cluttereddecks and those close to the unfavourable winds, or with undersized or cluttered decksand those close to the water, exposure periods can become unacceptably long. In thesecircumstances reducing helicopter weight (and therefore payload) may be required toreduce the risk to an acceptable level or it may be necessary to suspend flyingoperations.

19.5.8. When considering helicopter performance it is useful to note that ICAO have introducedclassifications to denote performance requirements. These should not be confused withCategories A and B which denote the build standard of the aircraft out of which aperformance capability is derived (i.e. A Category A aircraft has a Performance Class 1capability). Refer section 7.1. Performance classes are: Performance Class 1 Helicopters. A helicopter with performance such thatin case of critical power unit failure, it is able to land on the rejected take-offarea or safely continue the flight to an appropriate landing area. Performance Class 2 Helicopters. A helicopter with performance such thatin case of critical power unit failure, it is able to safely continue the flightexcept when failure occurs prior to a defined point after take-off or after adefined point before landing, in which as, a forced landing may be required. Performance Class 3 Helicopter. A helicopter with performance such thatin case of a power unit failure at any point in the flight profile, a forced landingmust be performed.

19.6. Passenger Handling Facilities

19.6.1. On outward flights, passengers will require to undergo the following. Check in Security check Issue of immersion suit - for cold temperature operations. Customs/immigration formalities Video or audio visual safety briefing

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19.6.2. It is at the passenger check-in that the ideal opportunity occurs to check if the passengersare carrying (even inadvertently) any dangerous or restricted articles. While the list ofprohibited items is quite extensive, experience in the North Sea has shown that thefollowing items are commonly presented for carriage or found on offshore passengers:

• Adhesives• Aerosols• Alcohol of any kind• Canned drinks of any kind• Cigarette lighters• Drugs (save on prescription) See Note 1• Explosives, fireworks• Firearms/Ammunition• Flammable gas or liquid, Tear Gas, CS Gas• Magnetic materials• Matches of any kind• Oils and greases• Paints and solvents• Poisons, weed killers, pesticides and insecticides• Radio-active materials• Radio, cassette and disc players, unless batteries are removed• Weapons - including knives and a blade longer than 3" See Note 2• Wet Batteries• Wet Fish

Note 1: Prescription drugs may have to be surrendered at check-in for safe-handcarriage, record and re-issue on installation; with a similar procedure forpassenger returning onshore.

Note 2: Knives which are tools of trade (e.g. chefs and divers) must be declared atcheck-in.

19.7. Maintenance Facilities

19.7.1. Helicopters require some or all of the following maintenance support facilities: Hangarage (for the more important inspections). Workshops (general, engine, hydraulic, 'clean', sheet metal,instrument/electrical, radio, NDT). Technical Records Office. Sundry offices for Chief and other engineers. Battery charging rooms (2). Air compressors. Hydraulic rigs. AC/DC generators and mains supply. Tractors and towbars. Ground equipment (stands, etc.). Oxygen/nitrogen.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 19 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 19-7 Stores (general, lifed item, air conditioned). Oil, grease and paint compound. Mobile hand held fire fighting equipment. First aid. Safety equipment store. Ground training office.

19.7.2. In third world countries, depending on the scale of helicopter support required, and lengthof programme anticipated, the Company may be obliged to provide these facilities.

19.8. Airfield Requirements

19.8.1. In addition to the above, the following must be available: An airfield or ample sized heliport Air traffic control including flight following Fire Services

19.8.2. Depending on the level of supervision exercised by the local Civil Aviation Authority, thestate may dictate the establishment of Air Traffic Control staff and level of fire fightingequipment. This will to some extent depend on whether the airfield/heliport is used byother operators, particularly so those operating full or restricted public transport services.

19.9. Offshore Helidecks

19.9.1. The provision of helidecks on offshore platforms, mobile drilling rigs, vessels and bargesis a very complex subject, and there is a number of reference works available some ofwhich are issued by government departments, within a legal framework. Management ofCompanies should, however, be aware that there are very significant differences instandards in different parts of the world, and that some of these differences have a directimpact on Flight Safety.

Design and Construction It is recommended that the following documents are referred to as appropriatefor the construction of offshore helicopter facilities:

a. ICAO Annex 14 and equivalent publications such as U.K. CAA CAP 437.

b. American Petroleum Institute API Recommended Practice 2.L.,“Helidecks”.

c. Department of Transportation and Development – State of Louisiana,USA, Offshore Heliport Design Guide.

d. International Chamber of Shipping Guide to Helicopter - Ship Operations.

Offshore helicopter landing areas, physical characteristics are described in Part 5,Annex F, of this manual.

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19.9.2. Other factors to be considered during the design and construction of offshore helidecks,not specifically addressed in the above publications include the siting of diesel and turbineexhausts, and gas vent stacks in relation to the helideck. Exhaust and hydrocarbongases have an adverse effect on the performance of helicopter turbine engines, as dolocal increases in air temperature due to radiant or convective heating and althoughresearch into these effects has been limited, it is clearly prudent to ensure that exhaustsand vents are situated as far as possible from the helideck and down the prevailing wind.

19.9.3. Offshore rigs and platforms should be constructed with helidecks which should becapable of receiving the largest helicopters likely to be used. The principal dimension(diameter or length/width if a square) should be a minimum size of dimension 'D' which isthe overall length of the largest helicopter likely to be used taken from the foremost pointof the main rotor disc when turning to the rearmost point of the tail rotor in the samesituation.

19.9.4. Offshore helidecks require: Appropriate markings. Lighting. Perimeter Safety netting. A landing net or other means of preventing the helicopter from sliding on thedeck. Fire fighting facilities/rescue equipment. Refuelling facilities (depending on location). Starting power (depending on location). Two way radio communication with helicopter (on manned rigs). Facilities for securing the helicopter to the helideck.

Maintenance and Inspection It is recommended that design plans for helidecks be routed through the AirOperations Supervisor prior to approval and if he is a non-specialist he shouldseek advice from The Aviation Adviser. The deck should be inspected priorto commissioning, to ensure that obstruction-free sector, non-skid paintsurfaces and helideck markings etc. all meet requirements. It is particularly important that helidecks and associated equipment receiveregular maintenance and although this is generally not difficult on mannedinstallations, unmanned platforms in tropical climates suffer from rapiddeterioration of the paint surface, which if not dealt with may flake off, andpresent a hazard to personnel and to helicopter engines. If wood planking isused in the deck construction, it should be regularly inspected for signs ofdecay or excessive warping and the possible fire hazard should beconsidered, including the effect of fuel seeping through the deck.

Fire Fighting and Crash Rescue Equipment The relevant requirements are laid down in this manual Chapter 9 and, forexample, CAP 437 Chapter 5, which, among other points, list the necessaryequipment to be located on unmanned platforms.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 19 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 19-9 For unmanned helidecks, the following equipment should be available on theinstallation. A dry powder fire extinguisher having a capacity of not less than 45kgs; and acarbon dioxide fire extinguisher with engine applicator having a capacity ofnot less than 22.5kgs. Serious consideration should be given to the provision of a portable foam unit.Such a unit should be self contained, with a minimum capacity of 90 litres andshould be fitted with an aspirated branch. Every effort should be made toselect equipment which will require minimum maintenance. Two sets of the following items of fireman's equipment:

a. A protective outfit, including gloves, boots, a face mask or hood and ahelmet.

b. A self-contained breather apparatus.

c. A portable battery-operated safety lamp capable of functioningefficiently for a period of not less than three hours.

d. A fireman's axe, a safety harness and a lifeline

Passenger Facilities It is recommended that a Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) be appointed ateach manned platform and his duties are detailed in the Helicopter LandingOfficer Handbook published by the Offshore Petroleum Industry Board as asupporting publication to U.K. CAP 437. On large installations with a high throughput of passengers, a suitable areashould be identified for waiting passengers, which may also serve as aviewing room for safety equipment, aircraft evacuation and survival briefingsconducted by video or audio-visual means. An area should also be providedfor changing into/from survival suits if worn, in order to minimise turnroundtimes. Scales should be provided for the weighing of passengers and freight.

19.10. Emergency Gas Release on Offshore Platforms

19.10.1. On the majority of platforms the requirement for emergency discharge presents little riskto helicopters running on their decks, as: Although in some cases the emergency discharge system is automatic, thesequence from General Alarm, following conformation of fire or productrelease in the process area, to release takes some 6 to 9 minutes frominitiation to valve opening, giving adequate time for helicopters to clear thearea; On gas production platforms the majority of product is dissipated intopipelines and the block valves closed, leaving only the residue to bedischarged at normal operating pressure through the emergency vent. Wherecompressors are used to increase flow-line pressure, only the volume of gasin the compressor casing is discharged at high pressure.

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19.10.2. However, on some oil production and "collector" platforms, operating pressures are suchthat the emergency discharge systems must sequence rapidly, releasing large volumes ofproduct into the atmosphere. In these cases the risk to helicopters in certain windconditions is real and should be addressed in the individual platform safety case. Adviceon restrictions to flying should also be sought from the local Authority and The AviationAdviser.

19.10.3. On production platforms where "hot" venting (flaring) takes place, large releases of gascause a rapid increase in the flame size, temperature and footprint. Even if the winddirection is such that the discharge blows over the helideck, there is little danger to ahelicopter positioned there as the hot efflux naturally rises. The only problem caused is adegradation of take-off performance due to the increase in air temperature caused byradiated heat. On decks where this is likely to cause an ambient temperature increase ofgreater then 2 degrees Centigrade the helicopter operator should be advised. Possibledangers from all venting processes form part of individual platform safety cases.

19.11. Emergency Gas Release on Offshore Platforms - Normally Unattended Installations

19.11.1. The majority of Normally Unattended Installations have manual emergency releasesystems controlled by the nodal platform. Those having automatic release usually operateat standard, uniform pressure with sequenced actuation, giving helicopters adequate timeto clear the area. In the North Sea, as elsewhere, conventional status lights are installedon platforms to warn of gas release or other malfunctions and the output and integrity ofthe platform is of course always monitored by the controlling facility by telemetric link.

19.11.2. The UK CAA has directed that in addition to the normal status lights, "wave off" lightsshould also be installed on the helideck, although they have yet to specify the type, colourand meaning.

19.11.3. Procedures for manning these installations are contained in platform SOPs and areavailable to the contracted helicopter operator. The minimum number of personnelrequired to secure and operate a platform, and their qualifications, are outlined in theUKOOA Guidelines For Helicopter Operations To Normally UnattendedInstallations, the essence of which is shown below and is considered sound guidance forgeneral use:

19.11.4. Manning procedure includes a fly-round to allow the designated Offshore InstallationManager (OIM) to visually check all is in order before effecting a landing, after which heand Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) disembark the helicopter. The OIM goes below toassure the integrity of the installation and it's systems, and to establish communicationswith the controlling platform/terminal. Meanwhile, the HLO secures the aircraft forimmediate departure should there be a gas alarm. When cleared by the OIM, theremainder of the crew rapidly disembark under the supervision of the HLO.

19.11.5. The helicopter will either return to shore if there are aircraft able to provide emergencycover for the platform during their normal in-field operations, otherwise it will shut down onthe controlling platform.

19.11.6. When operating to remote installations, (i.e. those greater than 40nm from the nearestmanned installation or airfield/helipad) the helicopter may shut down, provided therequirements set out in the UKOOA guide are satisfied. If an emergency evacuation isnecessary due to massive discharge or fire, all personnel will abandon the platform usingthe TEMPSC, or other means as defined in the platform safety case, leaving thehelicopter on deck.

19.13. Shutting Down a Helicopter on a Remote Installation

19.13.1. The following criteria must be met if a helicopter is required to shut-down on a remoteunmanned installation:

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 19 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 19-11 *Helideck of sufficient size to allow a second helicopter to land or depositpersonnel using special procedures for operations to obstructed helidecks,as set down in the helicopter operators Operations Manual. Equipment capable of relaying (to the control facility) windspeed anddirection, outside air temperature, QFE and QNH. Lights to indicate the status of the platform. External power source for starting the helicopter. Radio communication with the controlling facility must be assured.

19.13.2. Weather minima for helicopter operations should be as set out in the platform safety case,or the helicopter operator's limitations for operating to unmanned installations, whicheverare the most stringent.

Note: *Helicopter operator's Operations Manuals should be checked to ensure theycontain the above information.

19.14. Helicopter Operations During Production Testing

19.14.1. From time to time the Production Department in Company(s) may require advice onwhether it is possible to continue to operate helicopters to offshore rigs on whichproduction tests are taking place. These tests normally require that oil or gas produced isburned-off at one of two booms placed on opposite sides of the rig parallel with the seasurface. For obvious reasons, the flaring is carried out on the boom downwind of the rigstructure. Assuming that prior warning has been given by Production, helicopteroperations may take place subject to the following: Helicopter operations should not commence until the production test is in asteady burning state (i.e. avoiding period of start-up). The helideck must be clear of smoke and any other products of combustion.This is particularly important when the wind is light and variable. The helideck should normally be upwind or well crosswind of the test site. If there is a likelihood of increased temperatures on the helideck due toradiant heat from testing, the observed ambient temperature should beradioed to the pilot prior to the helicopter's arrival at the rig. The pilot has at all times discretion to make the final decision regarding thesafety or otherwise of helicopter operations in the conditions prevailing.

19.15. Safety and Survival

19.15.1. Modern offshore helicopters generally carry the following safety and survival equipment: Two life-rafts (each of which can carry the entire number of crew andpassengers when in an overload state). *Life jackets: (the crew life jackets should have two-way radio operating onthe emergency VHF frequency). Radio Homing Beacons (at least one deploying automatically). Sonar transponder.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 19 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 19-12 Flotation gear (or fixed floats). High visibility paint (on underside). Emergency Exit Illumination System.

* Life jackets of modern design now incorporate a light whistle, spray hood,manual top up valve, radar reflective patch.

19.16. Helicopters Based Offshore

19.16.1. This concept is also well established, and broadly speaking the maintenance facilitiesrequired are similar to those needed onshore as listed above, although helicopters areflown to a land base for major maintenance.

19.16.2. Advantages of having offshore based aircraft include: The ability to start delivery of staff to their workplaces early in the day. An instantly available Search and Rescue service, which may be usedthroughout the 24 hours depending on the type of helicopter used.

19.16.3. Disadvantages of having offshore based aircraft include: Increased staffing levels offshore. Increased requirement for fuel facility and throughput.

19.17. Safety Under the Rotor Disc on Offshore Helidecks

19.17.1. The movement of passengers to and from a helicopter whilst its rotors are turning may beconsidered a normal activity. However, some tragic occurrences have demonstrated thereis no room for complacency, and that procedures and guidelines must be followedstringently by all concerned if accidents and injuries are to be prevented.

19.17.2. The degree of risk is dependent on many factors, including: The height of the rotor disc The wind The stability of the vessel on which the helicopter has landed The size of the helideck The position of access points Whether the helicopter is being operated by one or two pilots The activity taking place

19.18. Height of Rotor Disc

19.18.1. The height of the rotor disc varies from type to type but in all cases the tip path plane islowest at the front of the aircraft. On some helicopters, such as the S76, the disc is solow at the front that even under normal conditions it can only be safely entered at rightangles to the fuselage.

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19.19. Rotor Speed

19.19.1. When accelerating or decelerating the main rotor below normal flight idle speed, severeblade sailing can occur; in the extreme case blade tips can dip to near ground level.Personnel must, therefore, NEVER enter the rotor disc area whenever the pilot is startingup or stopping the rotor.

19.20. Effect of Wind and Movement of Helideck

19.20.1. Gusting winds can cause the disc height clearance at the front of any helicopter to bedecreased to unsafe levels. Pitch and roll movements of the helideck, where the aircrafthas landed on a mobile installation, can compound the problem, Where these conditionsexist, aircraft should be approached at right angles to the fuselage.

19.20.2. It can be seen that confusion could exist as to which type of helicopter is on deck and towhether its rotors are particularly affected by the wind or not. Accordingly, all helicopters,regardless of type, should be approached at right angles to the fuselage at all times,unless specific contrary instructions are issued by the pilot or HLO.

19.21. Size of Helidecks and Position of Access Points

19.21.1. The area of deck outside the rotor disc on Not Normally Manned Platforms is greatlyreduced as helidecks tend to be of minimum size. On larger helidecks, where the pilot hasnot been able to land the helicopter with the passenger door adjacent to a helideckaccess due to cross wind limitations, the passengers can walk outside the disc area untilthey reach the safe entry point before boarding the aircraft. On small helidecks this maynot always be possible and, other than emergencies, the landing should be abandoned.Wind limitation factors, together with the proximity of tail rotors to access points normallyform part of individual platform safety cases.

19.22. Number of Aircrew and Activity

19.22.1. On helicopters operated by two crew, one pilot can continually monitor the flight controls,whilst the other attends to paperwork, refuelling or other activities. Where helicopters areoperated by only one pilot, it is possible for his attention to be sufficiently distracted bypaperwork, conversations on the radio or other factors, to the extent that flight controlsare no longer fully monitored, and may even be inadvertently displaced.

19.22.2. Adherence to the following guidelines and procedures will reduce the risk to personneloperating under the rotor disc of helicopters:

Heli Admin Pass details of return or transfer payloads to the pilot(s) in good time. Do not offer last minute load changes to the pilot(s) during a period fiveminutes before the expected time of arrival to landing at the platform. Whenever a helicopter is rotors running on the helideck, keepcommunications with the pilot(s) to a minimum.

Helicopter Operators Companies should liaise with helicopter operators to ensure pilots are awareof the guidelines and that the following procedures are in place within thecompany.

a. Pilots

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i. Should not process paperwork unless in the cruise or on ahelideck.

ii. Should, after landing:

• disengage the AFCS and make no attempt to "fly" thedisc.

• switch off the anti-collision lights, signal the HLOwhen ready to disembark passengers and throughoutthe whole period on deck continue to hold the flightcontrols, whilst monitoring the attitude of the disc andobserving the movements of personnel wheneverthey are under the rotor disc.

iii. If it is necessary to process paperwork, switch on the anticollision lights, signal the HLO and ensure all personnel areclear of the disc before beginning to write. Continue to holdthe cyclic control and monitor the attitude of the disc.

iv. After the paperwork is complete, switch off the anti collisionlights, signal the HLO when ready to embark passengers,hold the controls, monitor the disc attitude and observe themovement of personnel throughout the loading operation.

v. After boarding passengers hand any documentation to theHLO and continue to hold the controls, monitoring the discattitude until he is clear.

vi. Switch on the anti-collision lights and brief the passengers fordeparture.

Note: The controls should be held, the disc maintained in a level attitudeand movements observed whenever personnel are underneath therotor disc. The only exception is when the HLO is "close in" for theexchange of paperwork or to show fuel samples. Rotor RPM shouldremain stable at flight idle whenever personnel are movingunderneath the rotor disc, and control checks never be conductedunless all personnel are clear.

HLO HLOs should ensure that personnel should only enter or exit the rotor discarea of any helicopter from a position at right angles to the fuselage, eitherthe 3 or 9 o'clock positions, dependant on the location of the passenger door.

a. After the helicopter has landed and the anti-collision lights have beenswitched off, and the pilot signals you to do so, regardless of aircrafttype, enter the rotor disc from right angles to the fuselage, unless thepilot directs otherwise, stooping slightly as you do so. Take theinbound manifest and other paperwork from the pilot and hand himany return documentation.

b. Disembark passengers, reminding them to stoop slightly, and useyour HDAs to ensure they exit in the rotor disc area in the correctdirection, and the helideck by the correct stairwell.

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c. If the aircraft does not require fuel, check whether the pilot needs toprocess paperwork and if so, either remain "close in", standingadjacent to the pilot's window or leave the rotor disc area while hewrites.

d. If the aircraft requires fuel, follow the refuelling procedures in Chapter8 and ensure your HDAs enter and leave the disc at the correct placewhen carrying out their duties.

e. After refuelling, show the pilot the after fuelling sample and remain"close in" whilst waiting for his signature and any documentation.

f. When the pilot signals he is ready to board passengers, position yourHDAs to ensure they enter the disc in the correct direction and theystoop slightly when doing so.

g. After boarding is complete and the doors are secure, move clear ofthe rotor disc.


Note: Passengers should be briefed and supervised along the followinglines. Personnel should only enter or exit the rotor disc area of anyhelicopter from a position at right angles to the fuselage, either the 3or 9 o'clock positions, dependant on the location of the passengerdoor. This procedure may be changed from time to time as localconditions dictate, therefore, always follow the instructions of thehelideck crew. Personnel must NEVER go to the rear of the aircrafttowards the tail-rotor. Do not wear headgear when on the helideck; hard-hats are permissibleprovided the chin strap is worn. Do not carry newspapers or anything thatmay be blown into the engine intakes. The use of plastic bags, bin liners etc.,to carry freight or personal effects is strictly forbidden.

a. If you have to walk round the helicopter to the safe boarding position,always ensure you stay outside the rotor disc when doing so.

b. When entering the disc, stoop slightly as blades can suddenly flap upand DOWN.

c. Having entered the disc, walk briskly and in a straight line to the cargobay and leave your baggage on the deck (on the larger mannedplatforms or flotels your baggage will be carried onto the deck andloaded for you) and, remaining as close as possible to the fuselage,move to the passenger door and board the helicopter.

d. When arriving on a helideck, once the "seat belt" signs have beenswitched off, disembark via the passenger door, move to thebaggage bay keeping as close as possible to the fuselage and pickup your baggage. Look to the helideck staff for guidance on thedirection in which you should leave the rotor disc area, stoopingslightly, walk briskly in a straight line until clear of the disc. Onceclear, look to the helideck crew for guidance on the appropriate exitfrom the deck and go to it, keeping clear of the rotor disc at all times.

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Cranes Platform/installation cranes should be static during helicopter operations inorder to avoid any risk of collision or distraction of the pilots attention duringlanding/take-off. It is the installations manager's responsibility to determine procedures existand are documented in the Installation Operations Manual stating that allcranes are immobilised (not necessarily run down) during helicopteroperations and are parked in a position agreed with the contracted helicopteroperator. It is the HLOs responsibility to determine that the procedures areimplemented before each helicopter operation, or to advise the OIM onoccasions where this cannot be achieved, breakdown, bunkering, mid-lift orsupplies or 'divers down' for example. The OIM will advise the helicoptercommander making him aware of the out of position crane, leaving him tojudge whether aircraft operations may continue without detriment to safety. Aviation Focal Points should ensure such procedures are in place and arereflected in pilots en-route guides, and in HLO and Installation OperationsManuals.

19.23. Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)

19.23.1. Every Company or Contractor personnel travelling regularly on company chartered orowned helicopters offshore should have attended a HUET course (minimum one day forinitial course). This course, if conducted in an approved facility to North Sea standard,can be accepted regardless of which helicopter models or emergency exits theyrepresent. Frequency of continuation training may vary according to the operation,exposure and identified threats, but 3 years should be the goal.

19.23.2. If a flight over water is contemplated in "temperate climate-daytime only", then anoverseas type HUET facility, purpose made for regional requirements, is acceptable, butthe selected facility must have a current approval. Temperate climate HUET facilitiesshould have the correct emergency exit mechanism installed for the less frequent flyer tofamiliarise himself in the wet environment. Frequency of training is 2 years.

19.23.3. For example, the quality of the training given in the North Sea environment is to a highstandard, permitting less frequent retraining than the less comprehensive trainingprovided elsewhere.

19.23.4. All trained and tested passengers should hold a training record, similar to a licence, whichshould be carried on all flights offshore. Alternatively, some Companies have replacedthe training record with an offshore approval procedure linked into a computerisedtracking system which flags up or prevents travel for personnel who have not completedsuitable training.

19.24. Medical Evacuation (Medevac) from Offshore

19.24.1. The evacuation of injured or critically ill personnel from isolated or hostile environmentshas always been an emotive issue, resulting in occasions where pilots have flown theirmachines and themselves to the very limits, and sometimes, sadly, beyond.

19.24.2. Aviation focal points must ensure there are systems and procedures in place within theirCompanies to assure emotion does not drive an inappropriate response and the benefitsof returning a casualty to a base facility are not outweighed by the risk to aircraft, crewsand property.

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19.24.3. There should be a safety check in each stage of a procedure, where an action or thereason for an action is challenged or verified by an impartial expert in that field or amanager able to present a detached view.

19.24.4. For example, if during the night a member of a platform crew has suffered serious injuryor displays symptoms of severe illness, it would be perfectly understandable for the OIMto call for a medevac flight. If Company procedures left that decision entirely with the OIM,one can see there is an immediate risk to the patient, as the OIM cannot have the medicalexpertise to assess whether the man is stable enough to travel by helicopter or not. In theworst case the journey could prove fatal.

19.24.5. To build in a safety loop into this decision making process, Companies should establish aprocedure whereby a doctor is always available to discuss the case with the platformmedic and ultimately make a decision on whether it would be beneficial for the patient tobe returned to shore and whether he is indeed stable enough to survive the journey. Insome cases the doctor may have to travel with the helicopter to stabilise the patientbefore evacuation.

19.24.6. If the doctor does not travel in the helicopter, the platform medic will invariably have toaccompany the patient to hospital, thus denuding the platform of medical cover.Therefore, where helicopters are on sole use contract and a cabin attendant normallyforms part of the aircrew, Companies should consider having them trained to the samestandard as platform medics.

19.24.7. Having decided to evacuate the patient, the next logical step is to call out the dutyhelicopter crew, for what in most cases would be a fairly routine flight. However, there willbe occasions where weather conditions or other factors are outside normal operatingparameters and there is a risk of good sense being clouded by the not unnatural desire tohelp someone whose life may be in jeopardy. Once again a control loop must be builtinto the procedure and Companies should ensure that the helicopter operator'semergency call-out procedure includes an independent assessment of the feasibility ofthe task by the Company duty manager. Where a medevac cannot be completed withoutgreater risk than benefit, the duty manager should liaise with the duty doctor, the seniorpilot and the Company's Incident Response Team to advise on the earliest time the flightmay take off and to assess alternatives. The final decision to carry out a task in inauguralconditions should rest with the Company Duty Manager.

19.25. Helicopter Rotorbrake - The Requirement for Flights Offshore

19.25.1. Helicopter offshore operations require the availability of a serviceable rotorbrake capableof being utilised by the crew. There is a need to be able to slow the rotor quickly whenshutting down offshore in high winds; moreover, even if the flight is scheduled for a returnflight without shutting down, this can not be guaranteed. A serviceable rotorbrake istherefore considered essential, and is not an acceptable deferred defect, except for flightsback to base for rectification.

19.25.2. There have been instances where on certain helicopter types, the use of the rotorbrakehas been restricted for safety or technical reasons. In such cases The Aviation Adviserwill consider the location, type of operation and aircraft available on a case by case basis,granting approvals only where appropriate.

19.26. Motion Limits for Landing on Moving Decks

19.26.1. Aircraft operators should specify roll and pitch motion limits for their different types ofhelicopter and vessels should have the means and procedures for passing roll and pitchmotion to the pilot before landing and take off. Propriety equipment is available for themeasurement of movement and The Aviation Adviser can provide further advice ifrequired. Advice on rate of roll and pitch is also important. As a guide the UK Standardsare as follows:

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PITCH, ROLL AND HEAVE LIMITATIONSThe pitch and roll figures are half amplitude related to the vertical. Heave is in meters, Acceptable parameters are up to and including the limits givenbelow. Experience may dictate that minor changes be made to the limits for a particular vessel within a category.


B214ST B212 S76A/C 365N/N2

356C Bo105

CAT1-2 CAT 3Semi-Subs(which includes semi-sub crane and laybarges)

Pitch and Roll/HeaveDAY & NIGHT 3°/5M 4°/5M 4°/5M 4°/5M 4°/5M 4°/5M 5°/5M 5°/5MLarge Ships(e.g. Drill ships, converted oil tankers, nonsemi-sub crane and lay barges) + Jack-upson the movePitch & Roll/Heave 2.5°/4M 4°/5M 4°/5M 4°/5M 4°/5M 4°/5M 5°/5M 5°/5MDAY & NIGHTSmall Shipsa. Bow Decks Pitch & Roll/Heave DAY 2°/3M 3°/3M 3°/3M 3°/3M 2°/3M 3°/3M 4°/3M 5°/3M

NIGHT 1°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 1°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 2°/1.5M 2.5°/1.5Mb. Stern Deck & AmidShip Pitch & Roll/Heave DAY 2.5°/3M 3°/3M 3°/3M 3°/3M 2.5°/3M 3°/3M 4°/3M 5°/3M

NIGHT 1.5°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 1.5°/1.5M 2°/1.5M 2.5°/1.5MOil Tanker MooringBuoysPitch & Roll DAY 2° 2° 2° 2° 2° 2° 2° 3°

NIGHT 1° 1° 1° 1° 1° 1° 1° 1.5°

DefinitionsCAT 1 Helideck with 'D' value of 22.2M or greater e.g. cleared for S61NCAT 2 Helideck with 'D' value of 18.70 to 22.19M e.g. cleared for AS332L/Bell 214STCAT 3 Helideck with 'D' value of 16.00 to 18.69M NOTE: S76 'D' value is 16.00M

19.26.2. The roll and pitch limits for each type may differ by day and by night and may varydepending on the type of vessel being considered, e.g., semi-sub, large ship, small ship,oil tanker mooring buoy, and indeed the location of the helideck, e.g. on small ships thebow deck, stern deck and amidships. The appropriate limits should be made available tothe vessel operator who needs to be aware of the operating margins, one of thedeterminant in any decision or advice by him to suspend flying in adverse weatherconditions. The vessel operation and aircraft operator should also be aware that if an'across the deck' landing is required because of wind direction, the vessels pitch maybecome the aircraft's roll and vice versa.

19.26.3. The operator should also provide advice on heave, albeit recognising that this is moredifficult to measure. The ability of the vessel to measure heave is most useful, althoughhigh costs may deter any fitment of the necessary equipment. Wherever possible, ajudgement should be made on heave and passed to the pilot.

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CHAPTER 20 - OTHER SPECIALISED OPERATIONS ............................................................... 20-3

20.1. AERIAL TOP SPRAYING................................................................................................ 20-3

20.2. OIL DISPERSANT SPRAYING........................................................................................ 20-4

20.3. WINCH OPERATIONS .................................................................................................... 20-4

Emergency Winch Capability ...................................................................................... 20-4Winch Equipment ........................................................................................................ 20-5Empty Winch Hooks .................................................................................................... 20-5

20.4. HELICOPTER EXTERNAL LOAD OPERATIONS........................................................... 20-5

Specialist Personnel.................................................................................................... 20-6Pilots........................................................................................................................ 20-6Aircrewmen ............................................................................................................. 20-6Loadmasters ........................................................................................................... 20-6

Lifting Equipment ........................................................................................................ 20-6Personal Protective Equipment .................................................................................. 20-7

20.5. SAR PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................... 20-7

20.6. DESERT OPERATIONS.................................................................................................. 20-8

20.7. COLD WEATHER OPERATIONS.................................................................................... 20-8

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Intentionally Blank

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20.1. Aerial Top Spraying

20.1.1. A requirement sometimes exists in forestry companies for the dressing of plantations tobe undertaken from the air. It is an unfortunate fact that the only aircraft available forthis purpose are single engined. Therefore, taking note of the fact that such operationsare recognised throughout aviation as being high risk, involving not only single engineaircraft but ones that are robustly manoeuvred very close to the ground, circumspectionis required before using this method of application as opposed to dressing from theground.

20.1.2. Analysis shows that past accidents can be attributed to: Striking obstacles caused by misjudged height and clearances, poor decisionmaking and inadequate preparation and planning. Landing and take-off accidents, often caused by unsuitable landing and take-off areas. Engine failure or power loss, usually to piston-engined aircraft.

20.1.3. The last two can be countered to a large extent by the provision of sound all-weather,properly designed air strips of adequate length and width and with prepared over-runs,under-runs and shoulders, with approach and take-off gradients sensibly clear ofobstacles, and the use of the much more reliable turbine powered aircraft, be they fixedwing or helicopter.. Birds can be difficult to avoid at low level but the risk can be reducedby sensible routing and heights during transit flying, and where practical avoiding the useof airstrips in known high areas of bird concentration.

20.1.4. The first can be countered by carefully selected and experienced pilots and theinsistence on proper preparation planning and supervision. Aircraft are robust, simpleand are designed for VMC flying only with the most rudimentary instrument panel.Rarely are pilots instrument rated, dual equipped aircraft are not normally available forconversion or recurrent training, the pilot is often self-supervising and rules andprocedures are rarely embraced in an Operations Manual. Furthermore, this is anactivity in which the regulatory authority will often take no more than a passing interest.

20.1.5. The foregoing points to the need for scrutiny of both operator and proposed operation. Itwill also be necessary to have an active focal point within the Company to oversee theoperation from the planning stage through to completion. Not only will he need toscrutinise the operation on site but also, for instance the method of transit, where thepropensity for the pilot to fly close to the ground, even unnecessarily, has led tonumerous bird strikes and collision with objects such as unmarked or unplotted overheadwires.

20.1.6. The focal point will need to concern himself with procedures and control but also thesuitability of the operating sites in terms of size, quality and adequacy of supportfacilities. He will need to pay particular attention to the spraying area to agree with thepilot on the method of positioning for each swathe and the briefing, training andsupervision of support personnel including markers if employed. All obstructions willneed to be plotted and the method of their avoidance agreed. A list of items forconsideration is found in Part 5, Annex G, of this manual.

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20.2. Oil Dispersant Spraying

20.2.1. Oil dispersant spraying is not a public transport activity and the increased risks posed bymanoeuvring an often large aircraft close to the sea in conditions of sometimes poorvisibility/no horizon must be fully recognised.

20.2.2. The increased risks can be abated by using multi engine aircraft; where a single engineaircraft must be used, it should be turbine powered since turbine engines are very muchmore reliable than their piston engine equivalent. It is also imperative that the operationsbe closely controlled in operations terms.

20.2.3. This includes the provision of adequate airstrips, properly authorised routings, and transitand spraying altitudes, well trained and experienced personnel operating within theconfines of a comprehensive Operations Manual, and suitably equipped aircraft. Theaircraft should always carry two instrument rated pilots, each with full blind flying panels,Radalt with audio, auto-pilot and an accurate and rapid fixing aid such as GPS. Goodvisibility from the cockpit is a requirement. A rapid dispersant dump facility is alsonecessary.

20.2.4. Oil spraying operations require good organisation, accurate flying discipline and effectiveco-ordination of resources. In this last regard more than one aircraft may be employedon the operation and a spotter aircraft is an almost invariable requirement. In mostcases of spillage in open areas, spraying effectiveness will be much enhanced by theexpert use of side scan radar and or infra-red surveillance equipment in the spotteraircraft.

20.2.5. The complex and risky nature of these operations means that the Aviation Advisershould be consulted early on in the planning stage and should carry out a subsequentaudit of the proposed operator. Ad hoc operations would be highly risky and should beavoided.

20.3. Winch Operations

20.3.1. Winching activities and the equipment utilised are not to full public air transportstandards and the risk of accident and injury to personnel is therefore higher than thatnormally acceptable for air operations. It is therefore imperative that winchingoperations, including training, are only undertaken when judged operationally essentialand, then, strictly in accordance with the specified procedures.

20.3.2. Twin-engined helicopters shall always be used for winch operations and shall have asingle-engined Out of Ground Effect (OGE) hover capability at all stages of the operationother than for actual emergency use.

20.3.3. Marine support operations e.g., ship pilot transfer should routinely be conducted inaccordance with the recommendation of the International Chamber of Shipping guide.

20.3.4. It should be noted that training should always be carried out with full single-enginedhover capabilities at the operator designated heights ASL/AGL.

Emergency Winch Capability After due consideration and regular reassessment of the task and emergencyresponse environment, recommendations may be made for Companies tohave "a winch capability". In this case a formal initial/recurrent trainingprogramme must be instituted by the aircraft Contractor and it is equitablethat the Companies should support this contractually.

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Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 20 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 20-5 Should the Companies have a day only flying operation and it is required toextend this winch capability to night flying, assuming the aircraft is suitablyequipped, then formal training programmes must cover this aspect as well.Where this capability has been requested and is established it isrecommended that exercises should be held regularly to assess speed ofresponse including the winch fitting. An assessment should also be made of whether there is any realisticavailability of SAR capable helicopters from government or other sources, ifnot, and the need is confirmed then it is prudent that two winches should beavailable on site.

Winch Equipment Where certified winch equipment is available and is not used on the aircrafton a regular basis, routine maintenance of the winch and equipment must becovered under the operator's maintenance schedule. This must includetesting of the winch on the aircraft at regular intervals not to exceed a periodof two months.

Empty Winch Hooks Several incidents have occurred where empty winch hooks have beensnagged on vessels with the resultant loss of the helicopter. To minimise therisk of such an occurrence, a double lift procedure should be adoptedwhenever aircraft performance or ambient conditions permit. In any case, asan extra precaution bolt croppers should be immediately available on deckand the aircraft cable cutter must be armed throughout the manoeuvre.

20.4. Helicopter External Load Operations

20.4.1. The unique ability of the helicopter to carry payload externally by means of cargohook(s), slings and nets makes it a particularly useful vehicle in support of oil explorationand production operations, and in some regions, the underslung movement of drilling rigstructure and consumables may be the only viable means of transport. The ability tomake up netted loads in advance of the helicopter arrival at a pick-up point also reduceswasted time (often at high hourly flying charge rates) and thus may assist in minimisingoperating costs.

20.4.2. The potential advantages of external loads operations are to a degree offset by additionalsafety hazards presented by the need for precision manoeuvring of the helicopter inhovering flight close to ground handling personnel. The high power settings required tohover and transition to and from forward flight with an underslung load generate heavyrotor downwash in the hook-up and drop zones, and marshalling and cargo handlingpersonnel must therefore be suitably protected. Structures, buildings and equipment inthese areas must also be sufficiently robust and well secured to prevent movement.

20.4.3. These and other hazards should be considered, and brought to the attention of allpersonnel prior to starting operations and to all new personnel. Detailed guidance isavailable in a small publication CAP426 "Helicopter External Load Operations" issued bythe U.K. Civil Aviation Authority or U.S. FAA FAR-133 - External Load Operations.Thorough training of all ground crew is essential for the safe conduct of these operations,and only nominated personnel should carry out marshalling and hooking up duties.

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Specialist Personnel - Pilots Only experienced pilots should be employed on external load operations, andin some areas, such as Australia, a specific rating must be obtained by a pilotbefore he may carry out this type of work as aircraft commander on arevenue basis. Where sling load work is infrequent, some continuationtraining may be required from time to time. Continuous external load operations are recognised as more fatiguing thanconventional flying, and where the regulatory body does not impose morestringent limitations, then the recommendations in Section 4.1 Note 3 shouldbe followed.

Specialist Personnel - Aircrewmen Non-pilot crew members are known by various names, but in some types ofaircraft, where the pilot is seated some distance from the cargo hook, or asystem of rear-view mirrors for sighting the hook assembly is not adequate,they form an essential part of the crew. Although the ground marshaller is able to signal coarse directional indicationsto the pilot, a crewman on a despatcher harness and on the aircraft intercomsystem is best placed to con the pilot over the load to be picked up, or overthe drop zone. The crewman may also be usefully employed in the recordingof statistics. If the decision is taken to employ aircrewmen, they must beappropriately trained as full members of the crew.

Specialist Personnel - Loadmasters These personnel may also be known as cargomasters, loaders, marshallers,hookmen etc. but the basic requirement is that on each occasion when ahelicopter is required to pick up a sling load, one appropriately trained personmust be positioned ahead (and usually to starboard) of the aircraft, in fullview of the pilot where he directs the aircraft over the load by hand signals.In addition, one hookman attends the load, to place the shackle or hard eyeof the sling, over the cargo hook. When dropping a load, only the marshalleris required, and all other personnel should be well clear. Loadmasters should be readily recognisable from other personnel by meansof coloured overalls and/or surcoats.

Lifting Equipment The size, safe working load, length etc. of slings, hooks, nets shackles and'D' rings will clearly vary with the capability of the helicopter employed, andthe type of load. It is essential however, that these items be clearly identifiedfor aircraft use only (e.g. by colour coding) and stored separately fromgeneral purpose slinging and other equipment. Adequate records shouldalways be maintained to ensure that all items are within life or a test date. Some basic safety points:

a. A swivel must always be inserted between the fixed hook assemblyof the helicopter, and the external load.

b. A shackle or hard eye must form the direct connection between thecargo hook and sling. Soft eyes, and particularly rope may bind onthe cargo hook and prevent release when normally selected, or, moredangerously, in case of emergency.

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Part 4 - Air Operations, Specific Other Specialised Operations

Aircraft Management GuideCHAPTER 20 Issue Date: February 1998 Page 20-7

c. All items in the load chain must have a breaking strain of at least 4times the weight of the largest load to be carried.

d. Steel wire slings should be used in preference to nylon webbing,which may chafe very rapidly in flight if badly rigged.

e. Electrical and emergency mechanical cargo hook releasemechanisms should be tested daily. Winch, shackles, line slings, hoist, controls etc. are all part of same systemand should be controlled in the same manner to ensure that all thecomponents are subjected to the same overall maintenance testingprogramme. The aircraft hook assembly and operating systems are subject to the sameplanned maintenance requirements as other aircraft components.

Personal Protective Equipment All personnel working around running aircraft should be provided withcoveralls for protection against dust, sand and small objects disturbed byrotor or propeller wash, and to a degree against flash burns in the event ofaccident. Loadmasters in particular must be supplied with the following, which shouldbe worn at all times when engaged in external load work.

a. Safety helmet - with chinstrap

b. Ear defenders (or at least ear plug type)

c. Eye protection

d. Coveralls

e. Safety shoes

20.5. SAR Procedures

20.5.1. It is imperative that the SAR Section of the Operations Manual is explicit in terms of thefollowing: Aircrew and SAR team duties and responsibilities. Hoist operation and limitations. Hoist installation, removal and inspection requirements. Training limitations - including height and positioning for live loads. Standard operating procedures - to include winching circuit, standard calls,hand signals, single lift, double lift, crew co-operation. Aircraft and hoist emergencies procedures - to include cable runway, singleor double engine failure, discharge of static electricity, control of swing.

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Part 4 - Air Operations, Specific Other Specialised Operations

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20.6. Desert Operations

20.6.1. In a desert location, it is impossible, irrespective of the area, to operate helicopters oraeroplanes in a substantially sand free environment during the take-off and landingphases.

20.6.2. Desert winds are such that any cleared area is rapidly covered with sand and irrespectiveof the efforts to do so, they cannot be maintained in a completely sand free condition.

20.6.3. The onus must be placed on the Contractor(s) to provide such sand filtration systems asare necessary to protect the engines and to adopt, especially where helicopters are used,such maintenance procedures as will protect the bearings of rotating assemblies.

20.6.4. Operations should be closely monitored to ensure that dust clouds generated by take-offsand landings do not make these operations unsafe. Some form of binding agent such asoil or bitumen can be used in the immediate vicinity of helipads to lessen the effect ofhelicopters landing and taking off and the use of a raised helipad (see Chapter 7 forfuller details) can significantly decrease the amount of sand disturbed.

20.7. Cold Weather Operations

20.7.1. Cold weather operations require careful planning in terms of the operation of the airfield,the protection of personnel, the provision of adequate aircraft support equipment and thepreparation and operation of the aircraft. In some locations, cold weather operations arethe norm and sound established procedures are in place. Elsewhere, severe weathermay be seasonal or occasional and adequate preparations need to be made, if only as acontingency. Some aspects fall under the heading of "airmanship" but nevertheless, onewould expect an Operator to ensure the subject is covered comprehensively in the FlightManual for the aircraft operated and in both the Operations Manual and the EngineeringProcedures Manual. The Operator would also be expected to train and equip hispersonnel to be effective in such conditions.

20.7.2. Thorough preparation is required; the factors considered in Part 5 Annex H at the end ofthis manual, highlight some of the considerations for both fixed wing and helicopteroperations.

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Part 5 - Annexes

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E-1 Jungle HeliportsE-2 Helipad Status BoardE-3 Daily Program Planning BoardE-4 Flight Planning BoardE-5 Dz Check ListE-6 Water Supply Status BoardE-7 Daily Utilization ReportE-8 Monthly Utilization ReportE-9 Aircraft Crash Rescue Procedural Chart




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The Air Operations Supervisor normally reports directly to the Head of Aircraft Services or indirectly to the ChiefGeophysicist via the Operations Geophysicist. It is recommended that assistance be sought from The AviationAdviser when reviewing the qualifications and level of experience of personnel being considered for the positionof Air Operations Supervisor; an individual with a background in private flying is not considered to beappropriately qualified. It must be realised that helicopter seismic support in a jungle environment is exposed toa risk already higher than the risk associated with helicopter support to normal public transport standards.Seismic helicopter support needs to be professionally managed. The responsibilities of the Air OperationsSupervisor must be clearly defined and include the following:-


• make the most efficient and economical use of helicopters assigned to the operation and to plan allaircraft flying.

• determine that helicopters are operated with complete regard to all aspects of flight safety and aremaintained in accordance with contractual obligations and industry norms.

• keep scheduled maintenance records updated daily and advise when scheduled maintenance falls dueresulting in loss of availability to the Company.

• determine that quality control procedures for the delivery of clean, dry fuel to the helicopter are in placeand quality control records are kept. If bulk fuel is the Company concern he will also be responsible forthe ordering and timely delivery of sufficient supplies to meet requirements and for the condition andmaintenance of the refuelling equipment.

• confirm all pilots and engineers assigned to the task meet E & P Forum recommendations inqualifications and levels of experience.

• confirm that the accommodation provided for pilots and engineers is acceptable.

• confirm pilots keep daily records of duty times and hours flown and that the The Company limits arenot exceeded.

• confirm helicopters are safely and correctly loaded with either cargo or passengers.

• confirm all helipads are inspected by him prior to being declared operational ensuring the landing point,reject areas, fly-aways and markings are up to specification and dropping zones are cut to the correctsize and correctly marked. Similarly airstrips for the use of fixed wing aircraft involved in the operationare his responsibility.

• immediately report all accidents/incidents to the Company and to ensure that in the event of anaccident, aircraft are not removed from the scene of the accident until the Aviation Authorities and TheAviation Adviser have completed their investigations.

• confirm that all helicopter role equipment is maintained in a serviceable condition, i.e. slings, strops,cargo nets, baskets, long lines and cargo hooks. All lifting equipment should be colour coded,registered on site, and valid test certificates should be readily available at the helicopter operators mainbase facility.

• confirm that all staff assigned to the seismic campaign who have not previously worked withhelicopters, be shown (prior to their first flight) around a helicopter (when shut down) and be thoroughlybriefed in embarking/disembarking and emergency procedures on escape from and behaviour in andaround a helicopter; all passengers are to receive regular briefings.

• maintain complete records of all flying carried out with hours flown in the different roles for lineopening, recording, drilling, gravimetric, surveying, detonators, dynamite, long lining, transit and recceand record the total cargo and passengers carried specific to each role.

• confirm dangerous goods transported by air are carried in accordance with ICAO / IATA regulations,paying due consideration to any variation that may be applicable to the country in which operations arebeing carried out or through which the dangerous goods may transit.

• submit Aviation weekly and monthly reports to the Head of Aircraft Services and the ChiefGeophysicist covering helicopter operations, engineering, personnel and safety as appropriate.

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• organise monthly aviation safety meetings with aviation personnel including line opening supervisorsand seismic party chiefs. All meetings should be minuted, minutes of meetings circulated for commentand, where necessary, for follow-up action.

• liaise closely with Company Field Seismic and Survey Supervisors in matters concerning aircraftoperations. Similarly, to maintain a close liaison with the assigned aviation contractor's Chief Pilot toensure that all aviation matters are directed through the Air Operations Supervisor and not through theseismic contractor.

• confirm all personnel directly involved with aircraft operations e.g. hookmen and aircraft loaders, areproperly trained and utilise the approved safety equipment, i.e. boots, helmets, gloves and clothing.

• maintain company Notices to Pilots / Engineers files and ensure they are read and signed by aviationpersonnel; this file should contain anything specific to the seismic aviation activities e.g. last landingtimes, approach paths to specific helipads, transit heights, etc."

• prepare an area map with crash grid overlay for emergency purposes and establish a completecontingency plan to cover events of an aircraft accident or forced landing. Similarly a contingency planshould be available for medevac, casevac and ground search where this involves the use ofhelicopters and possibly fixed wing.

• brief all concerned on the emergency contingency plans, their responsibilities and the use of SARmaps and equipment.

• arrange, at quarterly intervals, a practice of the emergency contingency plan.

• maintain and supervise a satisfactory radio flight following system with a radio operator logging alltake-offs and landings and maintaining a continuous two-way communication with aircraft whenairborne.

• be responsible for the disposition of serviceable fire fighting equipment in and around aircraft operatingareas as appropriate and the disposition of flight safety notices to ground personnel in and aroundaircraft operating areas and passenger waiting positions.

• confirm that all aircraft "unavailable" time is recorded and, where this exceeds the contractor'sallowance in accordance with the service agreement, advise on the reduction to the invoiced charges.All flight charge documents submitted by the aircraft contractor which will subsequently be used forinvoicing should be vetted and signed by him.

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The purpose of this section is to give guidance on flight following to aircraft operators or fieldunits, when operating in regions where no service is provided by the National Air Trafficorganisation, or when aircraft are operating beyond the normal coverage of an Air TrafficControl network.

In such cases, having cleared the local airfield/camp/rig frequency on departure, aircraftremain out of contact with a ground facility until "checking in" with their destination or makinga landing/landed call. They often operate over unpopulated and inhospitable areas for longdistances (the reason for their use) and, should they suffer an emergency or be forced toland, some considerable time may pass before the receiving station initiates overdueprocedures. Rescue services would be faced with sweeping a large area in their search forthe missing aircraft.

It is, therefore, essential for ground stations and aircraft to maintain radio contact not only attake-off and landing but throughout the whole flight; both to alert watch-keepers to a possibleemergency and to focus the search and rescue operation.

It is preferable to develop a system of reporting based on either time, normally ten minuteintervals or known check points, or a combination of both, rather than attempting to maintainconstant radio contact, which invariably proves too onerous for both parties.

Having decided which system is most suited to the particular operation or route, allposition/operations normal reports, together with the expected time of the next check call,should be logged. Procedures on the action to be taken if an aircraft fails to make a positionreport should be developed, set down and practised.

Note: The Aviation Adviser can assist in both selecting a suitable position reporting systemand in writing overdue procedures pertinent to the theatre of operations.

An example of a typical procedure is given below:


The aircraft fails to transmit a position report at the given lapsed time or at a check-point.



1. Call the aircraft yourself; if no reply repeat this twice, also on any secondary frequency.

2. If near its ETA, contact the destination to check if the aircraft has landed withoutmaking a radio call.

3. If it has not landed, check your radio with another station (preferably an airborne one).If your radio is serviceable and the other station is also unable to establish contact withthe aircraft, continue calling for up to 30 minutes from the time the check call/positionreport should have been made, then continue with ALERT PHASE.

4. If your radio is unserviceable, contact a nearby radio facility by other means; ask themto call the aircraft. If this proves successful transfer the flight watch to that station,giving them full details of the flight, otherwise continue with the ALERT PHASE.


All attempts to establish contact with the aircraft have failed.

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1. If possible, alert other aircraft and surface facilities to start searching along the track ofthe lost aircraft.

2. Contact the rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC) or other agency.


1. Location and telephone number

2. I have lost contact with:

a. Aircraft callsign ...............................................................

b. Aircraft registration ...............................................................

c. Aircraft operating company ...............................................................

3. En route from/last known position ...............................................................

4. To ......................................................

5. Departure or reporting time ......................................................

6. Last ETA given by aircraft ...............................................................

7. Number of persons onboard ...............................................................

8. Fuel endurance ...............................................................

9. I have already alerted (if applicable)

Aircraft: Vessel or location:callsign ............................... name/callsign ...............................position ............................... position ...............................VHF-frequency ............................... marine VHF ...............................

10. Weather conditions, including sea state ..............................................................(Where applicable)

11. Any additional information ......................................................

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The aircraft has or is about to make a forced landing.


1. If possible, alert another aircraft or surface vessel to proceed to the last known position.

2. Contact the Rescue Co-ordination Centre and pass the following message (preferably bytelephone):

Distress Message

a. Location name and telephone number

b. I have received a message from ............................................. (source ofinformation)

c. That an aircraft has made/is about to make a forced landing at or en route to


Position ....................................................................................................(platform/rig name, lat/long. or bearing and distance from.

3. Continue with your company altering procedure.

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1 1TOPO 2

2 3GRAVI. 4

5SAT. 6






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DZ No ......................................

Trace .......................................

Profil ........................................

Crew: Crew Chief:

The DZ is 5mx at ground level

The clearing is 30m x 30m at height

No protruding branches

Numerals not smaller than 1m

Numerals are in white

All debris has been cleared







30 m

30 m

5 m5 m

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80 cm

40 cm





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1. Log time and demand position.2. Log all calls - note times

1. Log all calls - note times2. Call overdue a/c on VHF and HF3. Ask other a/c to try all frequencies4. Call ground station at last departure point5. Call destination ground station.

1. Lo2.

3. Can 4. I

A. Obtain runners - PC, Safety Officer Chief Pilot

B. Establish position by Dead Reckoningon map.

C. Establish P.O.B.

1. On receiving alert,monitor all radios

HF VHF 121.52. Minimise R/T traffic

1. Muster crash team2. Load crash boxes KEY3. Board, with hand-

held VHF


Note: Radio fits varyper type

1. Co-ordinate from base2. Organise ground rescue

party3. Inform , D.C.A.of Callsign

TypeTime last contactLast known position

4. Large map5. ?fixed wing

When a/c is 30 mins OVERDUE




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1. General

1.1. This Annex provides guidance on the physical characteristics of helidecks on offshoreinstallations. It should be noted that where a Certificate of Fitness is required, it shouldstate for each helicopter landing area the maximum size of helicopter in terms of D-valuefor which that area is approved by the Civil Aviation Authority with regard to strength, sizeand arrangement, in accordance with these requirements. The D value given on theCertificate of Fitness should be qualified by one of the following statements as necessaryfor 'single main rotor helicopters' or 'tandem main rotor helicopters'. Where these criteriacannot be met in full for a particular size of helicopter the Aviation Adviser should beconsulted to determine if another type should be selected or if any operational restrictionsto compensate for minor shortfalls from these criteria may be acceptable.

1.2. The criteria which follow are based on helicopter size and weight. These are summarisedin the table below:

Figure 1: 'D' Value and Helicopter Type Criteria

Type D value(metres)





Landing netsize

Bolkow Bo 105D 11.81 3.80 9.90 2300 Not required†Bolkow 117 13.00 3.84 11.00 3200 Not required†Agusta A109 13.05 3.30 11.00 2600 SmallDauphin SA 365N2 13.68 4.01 11.93 4250 SmallSikorsky S76B and C 16.00 4.41 13.40 5307 MediumBell 212 17.46 4.80 14.63 5080 Not


Super Puma AS332L 18.70 4.92 15.00 8599 MediumBell 214ST 18.95 4.68 15.85 7936 MediumSuper Puma AS332L2 19.50 4.92 16.20 9150 MediumSikorsky S61N 22.20 5.64 18.90 9298 LargeEH101 22.80 6.65 18.60 14290 Large

* With skid fitted helicopters, the maximum height may be increased when ground handling wheels are fitted.† Where skid fitted helicopters are used routinely landing nets are not recommended.

2. Location

2.1. The location of a specific landing area is often a compromise given the competingrequirements for space. It should be situated so that:

2.1.1. It is located on the installation with respect to prevailing wind conditions, in such aposition that any structure induced airflow and temperature effects are minimised.

2.1.2. Ready access to and from the accommodation area is provided without the needto pass through working areas.

2.1.3. The clear approach and take-off sector recommended in para 4 is available, withdue regard to prevailing winds;

2.1.4. Air turbulence due to adjacent structures and temperature gradients due to suchitems as gas turbine exhausts, are minimised and remain acceptable for all winddirections (see para 3). If these conditions cannot be met it may be necessary toimpose restrictions on helicopter operations. In extreme cases these may beparticularly severe, in which case consideration should be given to providing asecond landing area at the opposite side of the installation to cater for winddirections unfavourable to the primary site.

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2.1.5. It is at or above the highest point of the main structure. This is a desirable featurebut it should be appreciated that if this entails a landing area much in excess of 60metres above sea level, the regularity of helicopter operations may be adverselyaffected in low cloud base conditions.

2.1.6. From the helicopter pilot's point of view, the preferred approach and take-off pathfor the helicopter would be in such a direction(s) that the Captain in the right handseat has the best view of the obstacle environment.

2.1.7. Taking into account and allowing for all the points above, on balance the bi-sectorof the obstacle free sector should be positioned facing into the prevailing wind.

3. Air Turbulence and Temperature Gradient

3.1. Turbulent airflows across the landing area can be caused by wind flow around adjacentstructures and by exhausts such as from gas turbines, which can also cause temperaturegradients. These effects can seriously influence helicopter handling or performancecharacteristics.

3.2. Landing areas situated directly on top of deep slab-sided structures such asaccommodation modules, have been known to suffer from excess vertical airflowcomponents unless there is sufficient separation to allow airflow beneath the helideck.

3.3. For this reason the combined effects of airflow direction and turbulence, prevailing windand installation prime mover exhaust emissions, should be determined for eachinstallation. As a general rule, the vertical component of airflows resulting from windvelocities up to 25 metres per second should not exceed ± 0.9 metres per second over thelanding area at main rotor height.

3.4. Ideally, where gas turbines are installed and the exhaust gases may affect helicopteroperations, some form of exhaust plume indication should be provided for use duringhelicopter operations, for example, by the production of coloured smoke. Unless it isobvious that the air temperature in the vicinity of the flight paths to and from the helideckwill not be affected by the exhaust plume, a survey of ambient temperatures should beconducted during periods when the wind is blowing directly past the turbine exhaust ducttowards the landing area. Where ambient temperature, in the vicinity of the flight pathsand over the landing area, is increased by more than 2°C the helicopter operator shouldbe informed.

4. Size and Obstacle-Free Environment

4.1. For any particular type of single main rotor helicopter, the landing area should besufficiently large to contain a landing area circle of diameter D equal to the largestdimension of the helicopter when the rotors are turning. This landing area circle should betotally unobstructed.

4.2. In considering deck size, Companies will need to take account of possible use by militarySAR aircraft and even, perhaps, tandem on side by side rotor helicopters. Such twinrotored helicopters require much larger decks and introduce the concept of the square orrectangular decks.

4.3. From any point on the periphery the above mentioned landing area circles, an obstacle-free approach and take-off sector should be provided which totally encloses the landingarea circle or rectangle and which extends over an arc of at least 210 degrees. Within thissector, and out to a distance of 1000 metres from the periphery of the landing area, onlythe following items may exceed the height of the landing area, but should not do so bymore than 0.25 metres:

4.3.1. The guttering or slightly raised kerb for drainage

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4.3.2. Landing area lighting.

Figure 2 Obstacle Free Areas for Single Main Rotor Helicopters

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Figure 3: Obstacle Free Areas - Below Landing Area Level(For all types of helicopters)

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4.4. The outboard edge of the safety net.

4.5. The foam monitors.

4.6. Those handrails and other items associated with the landing area which are incapable ofcomplete retraction or lowering for helicopter operations.

Note: As a general rule, at helidecks where obstacle free sectors are infringed by installations orvessels which are positioned within 1000 metres of the point of origin of the sector, it maybe necessary to impose helicopter operating restrictions.

4.7. The bisector of the 210 degrees obstacle free section should normally pass through thecentre of the landing circle or rectangle. The sector may be 'swung' by up to 15 degrees(Figure 2) in the case of landing area circles.

4.8. Within the remaining 150° arc (limited obstacle sector) out to a distance of 0.62 Dmeasured from the centre of the helideck, objects shall not exceed a height of 0.05 Dabove helideck level. Beyond that arc out to an overall distance of 0.83 D the limitedobstacle surface rises at a gradient of 1:2 (Figure 2).

4.9. On the 150° limited obstacle sector side of the helideck, where the perimeter marking andassociated lighting encompass an area greater than the D-value, the obstacle clearancesreferred to in para. 4.10 above and shown in Figure 2 should be measured from theperimeter marking/lighting.

4.10. Whilst application of the previous criteria will ensure that no unacceptable obstructionsexist above the helicopter landing area level over the whole 210 degrees sector, it isnecessary to consider the possibility of helicopter loss of height during the later stages ofthe approach or early stages of take-off. Accordingly, a clear zone should be providedbelow landing area level on all fixed and mobile installations. This clear zone should beprovided over at least 180 degrees, with an origin at the centre of the declared landingarea, and with a falling gradient of 5 in 1 from the edges of the landing area within the 180degrees sector (Figure 3).

Note: For practical purposes the falling obstacle limitation surface can be assumed to be definedfrom points on the outboard edge of the helideck perimeter safety meeting supports. Minorinfringements of the surface by foam monitor platforms or access/escape routes may beaccepted only if they are essential to the safe operation of the helideck.

4.11. It is recognised that when support installations, such as 'flotels' are operating close to themain installation, it will not always be possible to meet the horizontal and vertical obstacleprotected surface requirements. In these circumstances, installation operators shouldattempt to meet the above criteria as closely as possible when planning the siting of acombination of installations or an installation and a vessel. Consultation with thehelicopter operator in the early planning stages can help to optimise support installationlocation for helicopter operations.

4.12. It is accepted that, at times, short term infringement to obstacle protected surfaces cannotbe avoided when supply/support vessels work close to an installation. Again, it is essentialthat suitable arrangements are made between the installation and helicopter operator tocover any period when infringements to obstacle protected surfaces occurs.

5. Surface etc.

5.1. The landing area should have an overall coating of non-slip material and all markings onthe surface of the landing area should be made with non-skid materials. Alternatively,extruded section aluminium decks should incorporate adequate non-slip profiles in theirdesign.

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5.2. Every landing area should have a drainage system which will contain any rainwater andfuel spills within its boundary and conduct them to a safe place. The deflection of thehelideck surface on any installation due to loads from a helicopter at rest should notmodify the landing area drainage system to the extent of allowing spilled fuel to remain onthe deck. A system of guttering or a slightly raised kerb should be provided around theperimeter to prevent spilled fuel from falling on to other parts of the installation and toconduct the spillage to a proper drainage system. the capacity of the drainage systemshould be sufficient to accept a maximum spillage of fuel on the deck. the calculation ofthe amount of spillage to be contained should be based on an analysis of helicopter type,type capacity, typical fuels loads and uplifts.

5.3. Tautly-stretched rope netting should be provided to aid the landing of helicopters withwheeled undercarriages for adverse weather conditions. The intersections should beknotted or otherwise secured to prevent distortion of the mesh. It is preferable that therope be 20 mm diameter sisal, with a maximum mesh size of 200mm. The rope should besecured every 1.5 metres round the landing area perimeter and tensioned to at least2225N. Netting made of material other than sisal will be considered but netting should notbe constructed of polypropylene type material which is known to rapidly deteriorate andflake when exposed to weather. Tensioning to a specific value may be impracticaloffshore. As a rule of thumb, it should not be possible to raise any part of the net by morethan approximately 250 mm above the helideck when applying a vigorous vertical pull byhand.

5.4. There are three sizes of netting as listed below in Figure 4. The minimum size dependsupon the type of helicopter for which the landing area is to be used as indicated inFigure 4.

Small 6 metres by 6 metres

Medium 12 metres by 12 metres

Large 15 metres by 15 metres

Figure 4: Helicopter Deck Netting

5.5. For normally manned installations where no significant movement due to environmentalconditions occurs, e.g. concrete gravity and steel jacket structures, provided the helideckcan be shown to achieve an average surface friction value of not less than 0.65determined by an approved test method, the helideck landing net may be removed. Theinstallation operator should ensure thereafter that the helideck is kept free from oil, grease,ice, snow or any other contaminant that could degrade surface friction. Following removalof the netting, the helideck should be re-tested at regular intervals. Figure 5 indicatestypical frequencies for given ranges of friction value.

Average surface friction value Maximum period between tests0.7 and above 12 months0.65 to 0.69 6 months

Less than 0.65 Net to be retained

Figure 5 Friction Requirements for Landing Area Net Removal

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6. Helicopter Tie-Down Points

6.1. Sufficient flush fitting (when not in use) tie-down points should be provided for securing thehelicopter types for which the landing area is designed. They should be so located and beof such strength and construction so as to secure the helicopter when subjected to weatherconditions pertinent to the installation design considerations. They should also take intoaccount, where significant, the inertial forces resulting form the movement of floatingunits.

6.2. Tie down rings should be compatible with the dimensions of tie-down strop attachments.Advice on recommended safe working load requirements for stop/ring arrangements forspecific helicopter types can be obtained from the helicopter operator.

6.3. An example of a suitable tie down configuration is shown at Figure 6.

Figure 6 Example of Suitable Tie-Down Configurations

Note 1: The tie-down configuration should be based on the centre of the touch down marking.

Note 2: Additional tie-downs will be required in a parking area.

7. Safety Net

7.1. Safety nets for personnel protection should be installed around the landing area exceptwhere adequate structural protection against falls exists. The netting used should be of aflexible nature, with the inboard edge fastened level with, or just below, the edge of thehelicopter landing deck. The net itself should extend 1.5 metres in the horizontal planeand be arranged so that the outboard edge is slightly above the level of the landing areabut by not more than 0.25 metres so that it has an upward and outward slope of at least10°. The net should be strong enough to withstand and contain without damage, a 75kgweight being dropped from a height of 1 metre.

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7.2. A safety net designed to meet these criteria should not act as a trampoline giving a'bounce' effect. Where lateral or longitudinal centre bars are provided to strengthen thenet structure they should be arranged to avoid causing serious injury to persons falling onto them. The ideal design should produce a 'hammock' effect which should securelycontain a body falling, rolling or jumping into it, without serious injury.

8. Access points

8.1. Many helicopters have passenger access on one side only and helicopter landingorientation in relation to landing area access points is important because it is necessary toensure that embarking and disembarking passengers are not required to pass around thehelicopter tail rotor, or under the main rotor of those helicopters with a low profile rotor,when a 'rotors-running turn-round' is conducted.

8.2. There should be a minimum of two access/egress routes to the helideck ideally locatedequal distance around the perimeter. The arrangements should be optimised to ensurethat, in the event of an accident or incident on the helideck, personnel will be able toescape upwind of the landing area. Adequacy of the emergency escape arrangementsfrom the helideck should be included in any evacuation, escape and rescue analysis forthe installation and may require a third escape route to be provided.

8.3. The need to preserve, in so far as possible, an unobstructed falling 5:1 gradient over the180° sector of the helideck and the provision of up to three helideck access/escape routes,with associated platforms, may present a conflict of requirements. A compromise maytherefore be required between the size of the platform commensurate with itseffectiveness and the need to retain the protection of an unobstructed falling 5:1 gradient.In practice, the 5:1 gradient is taken from the outboard edge of the helideck perimetersafety net supports. Emergency access points which extend outboard from the perimetersafety net constitute a compromise in relation to an unobstructed falling 5:1 gradient whichmay lead, in some instances, to the imposition of helicopter operating restrictions. It istherefore important to construct access point platforms in such a manner as to infringe thefalling 5:1 gradient by the smallest possible amount but preferably not at all. Suitablepositioning of two major access points clear of the requirements of the protection of thefalling 5:1 gradient should always be possible. However, the third access referred to in theprevious paragraph will probably lie within the 180° sector and where this is the case itshould be constructed within the dimensions of the helideck perimeter safety net supports(i.e. contained within 1.5 metres of the edge of the landing area).

8.4. Where foam monitors are co-located with access points care should be taken wherepossible to ensure that no monitor is so close to an access point as to cause injury toescaping personnel by operation of the monitor in an emergency situation.

8.5. Where handrails associated with helideck access/escape points exceed the heightlimitations given at para 4, they should be retractable, collapsible or removable.Procedures should be in place to remove, retract, or collapse them prior to helicopterarrival. Once the helicopter has landed, and the crew have indicated that passengermovement may commence, the handrails may be raised and locked in position. Thehandrails must be collapsed or removed prior to the helicopter taking off.

9. Satellite Installations

9.1. It should be noted that for any installation, normally manned or otherwise, for whichhelicopters are a normal mode of transport for personnel, a helicopter landing area shouldbe provided. Winching should not be adopted as a normal method of transfer. However,where winching operations are required, they should be conducted in accordance withprocedures agreed by the Regulatory Authority and contained within the HelicopterOperator's Operations Manual.

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10. Installation Markings - General

10.1. The registered name or designation of the installation should be clearly displayed in such aposition on the installation that it can be readily identified from the air.

10.2. The installation identification should be marked on the helideck surface between the originof the obstacle-free sector and the touchdown marking in symbols not less than 1.2metres high and in a colour which contrasts with the background. The name should notbe covered by the deck netting.

10.3. Helideck marking and lighting serves to identify the limits of the safe landing area anddominant obstructions thereby facilitating the safe use of the helideck both for day andnight operation.

10.4. Where reference is made to the 'safe landing area' this means the area equal to or greaterthan the 'D' value of the helideck, the outer limit of which is defined by the perimetermarking and lighting. The obstacle protected surfaces outside the safe landing areashould ensure that any helicopter, the 'D' value of which is no greater than the 'D' value ofthe helideck, can land within the safe landing area with no risk of collision. The touchdown marking (circle) is the aiming point for normal landings and is so designed that thepilot's seat can be placed directly above it an any direction with assured tail rotorclearance.

10.5. A wind direction indicator (windsock) should be provided and located so as to indicate thewind conditions over the helideck. It should be illuminated for night operations.

11. Helicopter Landing Area - Markings

11.1. The colour of the helideck should be dark green, dark grey or yellow. The perimeter of thesafe landing area should be clearly marked with a contrasting colour painted line 0.3metes wide.

11.2. Aluminium helidecks are in use throughout the offshore industry. Some of these are anatural light grey colour and often very difficult to paint. The natural colour is usuallyacceptable provided where, necessary, additional measures are taken to increase theconspicuity of helideck markings.

11.3. The origin of the 210 degrees obstacle-free sector for approach and take-off should bemarked on the helideck by a black chevron, each leg being 0.79 metres long and 0.1metres wide forming the angle in the manner shown in Figure 7. Where the obstacle-freesector is swung in accordance with the provision of para. 4 above this should be reflectedin the alignment of chevron. The actual D value of the helideck (as quoted on theCertificate of fitness) should be painted on the helideck inboard of the chevron inalphanumeric symbols of 0.1 metres high. Where a helideck has been accepted whichdoes not meet the normal obstacle-free sector requirements of 210°, the black chevronshould represent the angle which has been accepted and this value should be marked onthe helideck in a similar manner to the certificated D value. The helideck D value shouldalso be marked around the perimeter of the helideck in the manner shown in Figure 7 in acolour contrasting with the helideck surface. The D value should be to the nearest wholenumber with 0.5 rounded down e.g. 18.5 marked as 18.

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Figure 7.

11.4. A maximum allowable weight marking should be marked on the helideck in a positionwhich is readable from the preferred final approach direction i.e. towards the obstacle-freesector origin. The marking should consist of a two digit number followed by the letter 't' toindicate the allowable helicopter weight in tonnes (1,000kg). The height of the figuresshould be 0.9 metres with a line width of approximately 0.12 metres and be in a colourwhich contrasts with the helideck surface. Where possible the weight marking should beseparated from the installation identification marking in order to avoid possible confusionon recognition.

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11.5. Touchdown markings (aiming circles) should be provided as follows: (see Figure 8).

Figure 8:

11.5.1. The marking should be a yellow circle with an inner diameter of 0.5 of thecertificated D value of the helideck and a line width of 1 metre. Its centre shouldbe located 0.1 D from the centre of the landing area towards the outboard edge ofthe helideck on the bisector of the obstacle-free sector.

11.5.2. A white H should be marked co-located with the touchdown marking with the barof the H lying along the bisector of the obstacle-free sector. Its dimensions are asshown in Figure 9.

11.5.3. Where the obstacle-free sector has been swung in accordance with para. 4.4 thepositioning of the touchdown marking and H should comply with the normalunswung criteria. The H should however, be orientated so that the bar is parallelto the bisector of the swung sector.

Figure 9:

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11.6. Prohibited landing heading sectors should be marked where it is necessary to protect thehelicopter from landing or manoeuvring in close proximity to limiting obstructions which,for example, infringe the 150° limited obstacle sector protected surface. The prohibitedsector(s) are shown by white and red hatching of the touchdown reference circle with thehatching extending out to the edge of the safe landing areas as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10:

11.7. When positioning over the touchdown area helicopters should be manoeuvred so as tokeep the aircraft nose clear of the hatched prohibited sector(s) at all times.

11.8. For certain operational or technical reasons an installation may have to prohibit helicopteroperations. In such circumstances, where the helideck cannot be used, the 'closed' stateof the helideck will be indicated by use of the signal shown in Figure 11. This signal is thestandard 'landing prohibited' signal given in the Rules of the Air and Air Traffic controlRegulations, except that it has been altered in size to just cover the letter 'H' inside theaiming circles.

Figure 11:

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12. Helicopter Landing Area - Lighting

12.1. The safe landing area should be delineated by all yellow lights visible omni-directionallyabove the landing area level. These lights should not be below the level of the deck andshould not exceed the height limitations in para. 4.3. Alternate yellow and blue lights maybe accepted on existing installations but should be replaced with the all yellowconfiguration at the earliest opportunity. The lights should be equally spaced at intervalsof not more than 3 metres around the perimeter of the safe landing area, coincident withthe white line. The yellow lights should be of at least 25 candelas intensity and the bluelights of at least 5 candelas intensity. Higher intensity lighting can be of assistance inconditions of poor visibility in daylight, but where such lighting is fitted it should incorporatea brilliance control to reduce the intensity to the values quoted for night use.

12.2. Where the declared D value of the helideck is less than the physical helideck size, theperimeter lights should delineate the limit of the safe landing area so that the helicoptercould land by reference to the perimeter lights on the limited obstacle section (150°) sideof the helideck without risk of main rotor collision with obstructions in this sector. Byapplying the limited obstacle sector clearances from the perimeter marking, which aregiven at para. 4.5, adequate main rotor to obstruction separation should be achieved. Ifthis cannot be met then unsafe sectors must be delineated with red lights of 25 candelasand advice on the adequacy of the arrangements agreed with the Aviation Adviser.

12.3. The landing area should also be floodlit if intended for night use. The floodlighting shouldbe so arranged as not to dazzle the pilot and, if elevated and located off the landing areas,the system should not present a hazard to helicopters landing or taking off and should beclear of the limited obstacle sector (150°). Such floodlights should be capable of beingswitched off at pilots request. Where linear dual function perimeter/floodlighting fixturesare fitted, the average illuminance should be 10 lux with a uniformity ratio (average tominimum) of not more than 8 to 1. It may be necessary to enhance the lighting to improvedepth perception, possibly by using discrete floodlighting of the main structure.

12.4. It is particularly important to confine the illumination to the landing area since any lightoverspill could cause reflections from the sea. The floodlighting should be controlled fromthe radio room or Helicopter Landing Officer's office or be easily accessible by them.

12.5. The quoted intensity values for lights apply to the intensity of the light emitted form theunit when fitted with all necessary filters and shades.

12.6. If a condition can exist on a not-normally-manned installation which may be hazardous forthe helicopter or its occupants a visual warning system should be installed. The systemshould be a flashing red light which is visible to the pilot from any direction of approachand on any landing heading. The system should be automatically initiated at theappropriate hazard level and be visible out to a range in excess of the distance at whichthe helicopter may be endangered.

12.7. Dual lamp/filament type fittings should be installed to allow for single failures whereproblems of access occur for the replacement of unserviceable light fittings.

12.8. The emergency power supply for helidecks should, where possible, include the landingarea floodlighting.

13. Obstacles - Marking and Lighting

13.1. Fixed obstacles which present a hazard to helicopters should be readily visible from theair. If a paint scheme is necessary to enhance identification by day, alternate black andwhite, black and yellow, or red and white bands are recommended, not less than 0.5metres nor more than 6 metres wide. The colour should be chosen to contrast with thebackground to the maximum extent.

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13.2. Obstacles to be marked in these contrasting colours including any lattice tower structuresand crane booms which are close to the helideck or the 150 degree sector boundary.Similarly, parts of the leg or legs of jack-up units adjacent to the landing area whichextend, or can extend, above it should also be marked in the same manner.

13.3. Omni-directional red lights of at least 10 candelas intensity should be fitted at suitablelocations to provide the helicopter pilot with visual information on the proximity and heightof objects which are higher than the landing area and which are close to it or to the 150degree sector boundary. This should apply, in particular, to all crane booms on theinstallation. Objects which are more than 15 metres higher than the landing area shouldbe fitted with intermediate red lights of the same intensity spaced at 10 metre intervalsdown to the level of the landing area (except where such lights would be obscured by otherobjects). It is often preferable for some structures such as flare booms and towers to beilluminated by floodlights as an alternative to fitting the intermediate red lights, providedthat the lights are arranged such that it will not dazzle the helicopter pilot.

13.4. An omni-directional red light of intensity 25 to 200 candelas should be fitted to the highestpoint of the installation unless it is less than 15 metres above the level of the landing area.Where this is not practicable (e.g. on top of flare towers) the light should be fitted as nearto the extremity as possible.

13.5. In the particular case of jack-up units, it is recommended that when the tops of the legs arethe highest points on the installation, they should be fitted with omni-directional red lightsof intensity 25 to 200 candelas. In addition the leg or legs adjacent to the helideck shouldbe fitted with intermediate red lights of at least 10 candelas at 10 metre intervals down tothe level of the landing area. Sufficient lights should be fitted to provide omni-directionalvisibility. As an alternative the legs may be floodlit providing the helicopter pilot is notdazzled.

13.6. Any ancillary structure within 1 kilometre of the landing area, and which is significantlyhigher than it, should be similarly fitted with red lights.

13.7. These red lights should be arranged such that the location of the objects which theydelineate are visible from all directions above the landing area.

14. Helicopter Landing Areas on Vessels

14.1. The International Chamber of Shipping Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations shouldbe used as the definitive reference.

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1. Is the aircraft turbine powered?

2. Is the operator Company approved?

3. Do the pilots meet E & P Forum or Company recommendations for qualifications andexperience

4. Has a Company focal point been nominated with the time to supervise the operationeffectively BEFORE operations begin as well as once they are underway ?

5. Have all logistics aspects been considered, i.e. location of landing strip(s), flightclearances, supply of fuel, chemicals, flight information and personnel?

6. Has the site(s) and associated routes been surveyed for obstacles, bird activity andprohibited areas?

7. Have arrangements been made for the construction and maintenance of theairstrip(s)?

8. Have base facilities commensurate with the task been planned e.g. provision ofwind-sock, wind and weather information, refuelling, fire- fighting equipment,chemical storage, supply and protection, transportation, first-aid, protection from theweather, and air/ground radio?

9. Have instructions been formulated for the control of the airstrip, safe approach to theaircraft, safe refuelling and loading of the aircraft, inspection of the airfield, control ofoperations, provision of first aid, fire fighting and manning and use of the radio?

10. Has the task been fully analysed and the method of delivery including height ofdispersal, size of swathe, and means of accurate track keeping been established andorganised? Have marker personnel, if appropriate, been selected, fully briefed andtrained and arrangements been made for the issue of operating instructions andsupervision?

11. Has an emergency plan been issued detailing arrangements in the event of anaircraft or personnel accident?

12. Have adequate steps been taken to prevent chemical environmental damage toneighbouring property and health hazards to all personnel including markers?

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Intentionally Blank

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The Airfield

The following questions should be asked:

• Does the airfield authority have an adequate plan for snow clearance?.

• Are inspection arrangements satisfactory? Is there an effective management and supervision chain toensure operations are effective? Are arrangements made to ensure that aircrew are given timely andcomprehensive advice on the suitability of the airfield?

• Is the appropriate snow/ice clearing equipment available and is its serviceability assured by routinemaintenance?

• Are procedures written for the use of snow/ice clearing equipment, including the need for effective operationwithout detriment to airfield surfaces and installations such as lighting?

• Is there a contingency plan, including provision for the airfield being cut off for considerable periods?

• If preventative or surface de-icing fluids are to be used on the airfield, have HSE factors been fully taken intoaccount? Salt or calcium chloride products should never be used.

• Do personnel have a clear understanding of the plan and the need to ensure that snow clearance does notin itself hazard operations, for instance by leaving snow banks at the side of the runway, or by clearing snowunder certain circumstances and creating ice in its place? Are manoeuvring areas left large enough takingaccount of high winds and icing conditions?

• Is a Mu meter available to check the braking efficiency of the runway and are people familiar with itsoperation?

• Are frangible markers available for runways, taxiways and aircraft manoeuvring areas? Is lightingadequate?

• Are the runway thresholds adequately marked, bearing in mind, snow cover? Consider the use of red ororange coloured dyed water not less than 60 ft x 300 ft across threshold applied by spray after snowshowers and renewed as necessary. This is particularly useful for a packed snow airstrip.

• Is the airfield equipped with appropriate communications, lighting (including temporary snow hazards),meteorological, navigation and approach aids?

• Is the fire fighting equipment suitable and prepared for use? Is it protected from freezing up, not least itscontents, if water based?

• Is there an adequate flight following system?

Protection of Personnel

The following precautions must be taken:

• For ground staff and passengers, consideration should be given to the wearing of high quality winterparkas, scarves, mitts, boots, balaclavas. Minimal amount of skin must be exposed. Clothing should bekept dry and clean, worn loose and in layers, and sufficient for warmth without overheating.

• Flight crews should have available to wear insulated coveralls or flight suits, fleece lined flying boots ormilitary snow boots.

• Logistics should be planned to minimise external exposure.

• Personnel should keep out of the wind wherever possible.

• All ground operations should be conducted using 2 people in a buddy system. "Work outside for 15minutes, warm up and inspect each other for frost bite, work another short period, warm up and inspect".

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• Sufficient rest and high calorie intake are very important. Avoid dehydration.

• Wear UV sun-glasses on bright days.

• If necessary, precautions, e.g. defence sprays, guns, should be taken against the possibility of unwelcomeintruders such as wolves and polar bears.

Aircraft Equipment

The following should be considered:

• Aircraft compass and navigation systems should be capable of operation in the climatic and geographicconditions of the area of operations.

• Aircraft should be equipped with independent navigation systems such as VLF-Omega with GPS/Satellitesensors or INS.

• If aircraft has a potable water system, measures should be taken to ensure it does not freeze, or systemshould be drained and not used. Lavatory must have glycol anti-freeze added every time the lavatory isserviced.

• Batteries should have battery blankets installed. These must be compatible with the local electrical supplysystem. Alternatively, the batteries can be removed at the end of the day, stored in a warm area, andreinstalled just before flight.

• A spare ELT and or battery could be worthwhile.

• Aircraft should carry a good supply of spare filters for fluids, O ring seals and packings. Supply of sparelight bulbs in the cockpit should be doubled.

• Spare oils and fluids should be carried as deemed necessary. The aircraft should have the appropriate oilfor the temperature - oil for grease where appropriate in sleeve bearings.

Aircraft Support Equipment

Carriage of the following support equipment would be appropriate for flights in Arctic regions:

• Arctic and, if appropriate, sea survival packs. Sample contents of a basic Arctic survival pack are at Annex BPage 8.

• Engine covers and/or blankets, canopy covers, wing and tail covers if practical, and pitot head covers, andundercarriage wheel covers.

• Space blankets and/or sleeping bags.

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Compiled from Alaskan and Northern Canada requirements :

APPROXIMATE WEIGHT : 12lbs (5.4kgs)APPROXIMATE SIZE : 8" x 14" x 15"(excluding sleeping bags)


1 30 ea Dried soup

2 1 ea Survival manual

3 4 ea Space blankets - 56" x 84"/ compressed sleeping bags

4 2 ea Box of matches

5 1 ea Compass

6 1 ea Water purifier kit

7 1 ea Mirror / Lanyard assembly

8 1 ea Flare kit

9 1 ea Knife, positive lock

10 1 ea Ration

11 2 ea Insect repellent

12 1 ea Fishing kit

13 1 ea Flashlight

14 2 ea Chapstick

15 1 ea Rope - 12ft, 1000lbs, test nylon

16 1 ea First aid kit

17 4 ea Long burning candles assy.

18 4 ea Cans Sterno

19 4 pcs Aluminium foil

20 1 ea Aluminium pan

21 1 ea Survival saw

22 2 ea Head nets

23 1 ea Gill net

24 1 ea Inner & outer case, vinyl covered, international orange, snap fastened inside& out with handle.

Maximum use/Duration = 2-man / 5 days

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• Soft bristle broom with collapsible long extension handle for sweeping snow of wing and tail surfaces.

• De-icer fluid and means of application e.g. garden spray can.

• Spare flashlights and lots of spare batteries.

• Electric car warmers with internal circulating fan, 850 watt, one per engine.

• 500 -1500 watt thermostatically controlled heater with internal fan, to place in cockpit entrance.

• Electric extension cords, compatible with local supply. To avoid tripping, two separate sources may berequired.

• Spare wheel assemblies with tyres (inflated +5 to + 10 psi above manufacturers recommendations) , tools,jack and jack pads and a suitable source of inflation should be carried if possible.

Ground Support for extended remote locations

The following should be considered.

• Access to heated hangar if possible.

• Portable ground support heaters and blower units, fuel (e.g. kerosene) or electric. Specialist vehicles aresometimes available with flexible hot air ducts for both cabin and engine heating.

• Work tents or wind breaks, heavy duty and easily erected.

• Heavy duty portable lighting.

• Portable fuel powered generators.

• In the dry environment usually found in extreme cold weather zones, static electricity levels are high andsparks easily produced. During aircraft fuelling from either bowsers or drums, particular attention must bepaid to bonding in order to prevent potential static electricity discharges.

• The movement of cold soaked fuel should also include additional precautions against the potential fordamage to the filters and pumps. Diaphragm hand pumps are particularly unsuitable as they are prone tothe flexible diaphragm failing after only a few strokes of the pump. Fuel bowsers usually pre heat the fuel toa limited level, but care must be taken to always protect the skin which will freeze on to any metallic partssuch as the fuelling nozzle. If other than bowser fuelling is required, portable motor driven pumps should beused.

• All normal refuelling standards still apply and are covered in the refuelling section of this manual.

• Toboggans or sleds for moving equipment.

• Towbars (and chains for towing vehicles).

• Ropes, mooring cables and anchor points/snow pegs capable of securing the aircraft in very high windconditions.

• All support equipment should be easy and simple to use (e.g. Cam locks on hoses). Equipment requiring ahigh degree of manual dexterity is not compatible with cold weather operations.

• A local acclimatisation flight before an operation could be useful to establish modus operandi and use ofequipment.

Aircrew Operations

To supplement any information contained in the flight manual, the following are some of the more general pointsthat apply to cold weather operations:

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Before Flight

• Do not skimp checks because its cold and wet.

• Do not fly with a cold or under medication. As well as the effect on the ear and sinuses, it can lead todisorientation, more dangerous in Arctic conditions.

• Ensure the aircraft is free of deposits of frost, ice, snow, and any "ice and de-icer gel", including controlsurfaces and hinges.

• If de-icing fluid used, there should be no significant delay before take-off. Be aware of the procedures onde-icing and hold-over times. Co-operate closely with the ground crew. CRM should be exploited fully toexpress any crew concerns on the icing state. Ensure that the aircraft icing condition is confirmed by animmediate pre-flight inspection. Ensure the ground crew have carried out the required procedure. DO NOTASSUME IT WILL BE ALL RIGHT - CHECK!.

• Check undercarriage bays, tyres and micro-switches. Also intakes, upper surfaces of rotor blades controlruns and bearings, pitot heads, static vents and drain holes.

• Ensure canopies clean and frost free with no de-icing fluid on them.

• Check pitot head heaters and anti-icing systems are working before taxying.

• Check all plugs and covers have been removed.

• Note minimum temperatures for starting/ rotors running; need for pre-heating (e.g. Herman Nelson Heater)

• Have a procedure in event of spillage; it will not drain away.


• Taxi forward some distance before turning; it is easy to peel cold "square" tyres off their rims.

• Do not blast snow and ice over other aircraft, ground crew or ground equipment.

• Keep your distance from other aircraft and relate taxi speed to conditions. Avoid puddles and slush. Rotordownwash may restrict visibility due to blowing snow.


• Consider retarding effect of snow and slush on take off. As a general rule, if depth of slush exceeds 1/2inch or dry snow 2 1/2 inches then take off should not be attempted unless allowed by the Flight Manual.Use driest section of runway, normally the middle. Also bear in mind of the possibility of abort stoppingdistances and any subsequent need to return to the airfield for a landing.

• If take off is surrounded by a vast expanse of unbroken snow, beware disorientation.

• Helicopters - from snow covered surface or near loose snow, make a maximum performance take off andprepare to go onto instruments.

• If possible leave your undercarriage down a little longer to blow off water, slush or snow to avoidsubsequent freezing up of the undercarriage.

• Make frequent use of controls and trims during the climb and avoid areas of heavy weather if possible.

• Switch on anti-icing devices for both airframe and engine early.

• Be aware of possible slush build-up in helicopter engine intakes while ground running in falling snow.Check for Flight Manual entry. Extended hover checks are not compatible with max. performance take off.

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• Avoid flight in icing or wet snow conditions whenever possible. Know the conditions for engine and airframeicing and the remedial action.

• With helicopters, ice and snow can quickly accumulate on the exposed rotor head, control rods andairframe. These accumulations can then shed and may go into the tail rotor, causing tail rotor vibration orcontrol problems.

• Where visual navigation is employed, be aware of the cloaking of ground features and dramatic changescaused by floods.

• Be aware of optical illusions e.g. false horizons created by unusual forms of aurora boriaylis.

• Frequently cross check position because of the risk of magnetic anomalies.

• Be familiar with icing let down procedures and the effect of icing on aircraft controllability and performance.

• When slinging in snow conditions, the helicopter can create blowing snow in the hover. Therefore it isdifficult to see signals from the ground men. Use the radio and extra caution.

Approach and Landing.

• Stand off or divert if conditions are not satisfactory for a safe approach and landing.

• Visual perception can be affected by snow, mist and rain: use PAPIs and VASIs and do not rely on justone method of monitoring the glide path.

• In helicopters, to avoid `white-out`, the approach and landing should be planned with little or no hover, tominimise the effect of rotor down-wash on the snow. After touchdown, slowly reduce the collective until theaircraft is firmly on the ground. A slight rotation of the cyclic, whilst decreasing the collective, will help `seat`the wheels or skids.

• When landing on sloping ground, beware of the helicopter sliding down slope. If unhappy, don't trust toluck but move to another area of more suitable ground.

• Do not continue an approach below Decision Height or Minimum Descent Height, unless the criteria for avisual landing has been fully satisfied. Be prepared to go round again or divert.

• When runways are slippery, land positively without drift on the centre line. Beware of aquaplaning andunderstand its cause, formulae and characteristics.

• Notify Air Traffic Control/Operations if actual weather was different or worse than forecast.

• A log helipad may be required for use on snow or ice. Shell Aircraft is available to provide the necessaryadvice.

Groundcrew Operations


• Ensure groundcrew are adequately trained and supervised for cold weather operations. Manning shouldtake account of the more difficult operating conditions.

• Do not skimp checks because it is cold and wet.

• Keep the hangar door closed to keep heat in.

• Parked aircraft should, where practical, be chocked with the brakes off to avoid freezing on (unlessspecified otherwise in the Flight Manual).

• Take care when climbing ladders and standing on the aircraft. Use wing mats. Some Russian aircraft havethe ability to secure spanwise cables to which ground crew can strap themselves.

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• Do not handle cold metal with bare hands or place items e.g. pip pins, in the mouth.

• Be aware that prolonged cold reduces efficiency - TAKE CARE.

• Use extra care when handling or towing ground equipment.

• Keep a lookout for ice, dirt, grit and sand. Clean downlocks. exposed portions of hydraulic jacks and micro-switches properly, but beware of over-lubrication. Hydraulic leaks are more likely after a sudden drop intemperature.

• Ensure wing and tail surfaces are free of all ice and snow.

• Correctly position helicopter wheel mats.

• Position ground heater units downwind of aircraft entrances to avoid exhaust contamination.

• Soak the felt edges of blanks and control locks with de-icing fluid if frost is forecast. Fit covers as soon assnow starts, but ensure canopies are clean and dry before fitting them.

• If possible, move the aircraft into a heated hangar long enough to ensure all surfaces, control hinges, etc.,are dry. Avoid moving aircraft out of hangar if snow is falling; it will melt on contact with the aircraft skin andthen form ice as metal cools. De-icing would then be necessary.

• Apply approved de-icing fluids in accordance with the rules laid down.

• If sweeping is employed, the aircraft must be earthed and rubber soled boots must be worn.

• Aircraft parked outside should be fitted with blade covers.

De-icing Fluid

• Ensure de-icing equipment heaters are switched on each evening whenever adverse conditions areforecast.

• It is vital to comply with the instructions for use with the equipment and particular de-icing fluid used.Holdover times, i.e. the period after de-icing before build up recommences, varies with the anti-icing code ofthe type of deicing fluid and the prevailing conditions. Do not de-ice too early before take off as the aircraftmay freeze up again.

• Do not use fluid near hot surfaces or near any type of engine exhaust.

• Avoid canopy areas and ensure fluid does not get into cabin conditioning system

• Spray from the front of the aircraft and NEVER CHIP ICE OFF AN AIRCRAFT SURFACE

Ground Running

• Do not blast snow or ice into other aircraft, equipment, or people.

• Beware of movement on icy surfaces, even when chocks are fitted.

• Use guards where appropriate, but beware of ice accumulation on the guard mesh..


• Give more room to turn and allow a greater stopping distance.

• Wear high visibility clothing.

• Beware helicopters weathercocking and over responding to yaw input when operating from packed snow.

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The following terms and abbreviations are provided for the general reference of readers whose mainarea of experience is not in the aviation field, and where they appear in other documents for example,in regulator publications, may have a more detailed and specific definition.

ADELT Automatically Deployable Emergency Locator Transmitter.

ADF Automatic Direction Finder (used in conjunction with NDB - NonDirectional Beacon)

Aeroplane Fixed wing aircraft.

Air Taxiway A defined path on the surface established for the air transiting ofhelicopters.

Aircraft Any flying machine - includes both aeroplanes and helicopters.

AM Amplitude Modulated.

APS Weight Aircraft prepared for service weight: fully equipped operational aircraftbut empty, i.e. without crew, fuel or payload.

ASDA Accelerate Stop Distance Available.

ATC Air Traffic Control

Auto-hover facilities A sophisticated electronic flight control system which enables ahelicopter to transition to and from, and maintain a hover withoutoutside visual reference. Without such a system, approved by therelevant aviation authority, night search and rescue or winchingoperations over water are not practicable.

AVGAS A general term covering the range of fuel required by pistonreciprocating aero engines.

Balanced Field See Chapter 6

Block booking an arrangement of regular automatic booking of a number of seats on anairline schedule.

Block time The average flight time between two locations - this method is oftenused when quoting prices.

Buffer stocks The quantity of e.g. fuel held in reserve or for use between bulkdeliveries.

CAA Civil Aviation Authority. The national regulatory authority. Sometimescalled the CAD (Civil Aviation Department).

Cabinet Dispenser A term sometimes used to refer to the pumping and filtration units at asmall refuelling station.

Cargo hook The slinging point, beneath the belly of a helicopter, for the attachmentof external cargo by means of a sling/swivel.

Casevac An emergency evacuation by air or a person who has sustained an injuryrequiring medical treatment not available at the current position of thecasualty.

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CDP Critical Decision Point - a notional point in a helicopter takeoff profilebefore which the aircraft must land back immediately, and after which itshould continue and establish safe single-engine flight in the event offailure of one power unit.

Clearway Extension to runway as described in Chapter 6.

Coalescer An element within the filter/water separator that causes any waterpresent in the fuel to gather together and separate out.

Combi. Used to describe an aircraft with a dual passenger/freight capability,utilising a divided cabin e.g. Boeing 747 Combi.

Copper Strip CorrosionSilver Strip Corrosion

These are tests which are used to determine whether a fuel has becomecorrosive through poor handling procedures. The Copper Strip Testapplies to all aviation fuels whereas the Silver Strip Test applies to JETA-1 only. Those tests should be carried out in a laboratory.

CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder

Cycle A factor used in determining the safe life of an aircraft component, e.g.,an engine cycle will include on start-up, a period of running and oneshutdown.

Density Altitude An equipment altitude, used in aircraft performance calculations, whichtakes into account the pressure altitude and air temperature.

DME Distance Measuring Equipment

Dry Lease A term used to describe the arrangement when an operator leases anaircraft but provides his own crew and maintenance support.

DZ Dropping Zone

Elevated heliport A heliport located on a raised structure on land.

ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter.

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival.

ETD Estimated Time of Departure.

Existent Gum The formation of gum is a rare occurrence and is usually caused bypresence of high boiling point contaminants such as lubricating oil andanti-corrosion inhibitors. Tests for existent gum are carried out by alaboratory.

FAA Federal Aviation Authority - the USA Civil Aviation Authority.

FATO Final approach and take-off area. A defined area over which the finalphase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or landing is completed and,where the FATO is to be used by Performance Class 1 helicopters,includes the rejected take-off area available

FDR Flight Data Recorder.

Filter Monitor A device, usually based on a micro filter which is arranged to stop fuelflow if excessive water and/or dirt is present in the fuel.

Filter SeparatorWater Separator

A vessel containing special elements which provide filtration and causeany water to coalesce and be separated from the fuel.

Flight Envelope Usually used to describe the limitations on an aircraft, in terms ofmaximum and minimum speeds at altitudes under various conditions.

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Flight Watch The radio reporting and monitoring procedure set up to ensure that anaircraft's flight progress is continuously tracked at a ground station.

Fly Way The area beyond the landing and transition areas which has been clearedto allow take-off and approach at a remote helicopter site.

FM Frequency Modulated.

GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System.

Gross Performance The measured performance of a test aeroplane adjusted so as to berepresentative of the type and reflecting either a fleet mean or minimumguaranteed engine power.

Helicopter Clearway A defined area on the ground or water under the control of theappropriate authority, selected and/or prepared as a suitable area overwhich a Performance Class 1 helicopter may accelerate and achieve aspecific speed and height.

Helicopter GroundTaxiway

A ground taxiway for use by helicopters only.

Helicopter Stand An aircraft stand which provides for parking a helicopter and, where airtaxying operations are contemplated, the helicopter touchdown and lift-off area.

Heliport An aerodrome or a defined area on a structure intended to be usedwholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement ofhelicopters.

Helirig A drilling rig which can be dismantled into small components andcarried as underslung loads by helicopters to remote locations which arenot readily accessible by road or river.

HF High Frequency

HISL High Intensity Strobe Light

Hollander Weave Filter A weave gauze filter used in handling aviation gasoline.

Hull Charter An agreement for the sole use charter of an aircraft specified by hull orserial number or registration number.

IATA International Air Transport Association

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

IFR Instrument Flight Rules. Internationally agreed rules governing theconduct of flight without visual reference and to ensure separation fromground obstacles and other aircraft.

IMC Instrument Meteorological conditions. Weather minima below whichflight must be conducted under IFR.

ISA International Standard Atmosphere

ITT Invitation to Tender

Jeppesons An often referred to Aeronautical Information Publication providingairfield and airspace information.

Jet A-1 The most widely-used and generally recommended fuel for consumptionby gas turbine aero engines (e.g. turbine-powered helicopters, turbo-prop and pure jets).

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LDA Landing Distance Available (Chapter 6)

LDAH Landing distance available. The length of the final approach and take-off area plus any additional area declared available and suitable forhelicopters to complete the landing manoeuvred from a defined height.

Leaching In the fuel context, the slow absorption into the fuel or impurities fromthe containing material.

Load Factor The ratio of aircraft payload fulfilled to payload available, expressed asa percentage.

Manifest (aviation) A document signed by a member of the crew which lists the passengers,baggage and freight carried on an aircraft. Copies are:

i. filed at the point of departure

ii. carried on the aircraft to in-flight reference, and

iii. left at the destination.

Medevac A non-urgent medical situation requiring a seat in an aircraft at a timeto be specified by the medical department. This term gives no indicationof priority, which should be advised by the doctor. See also medrescue.

Medrescue A 'life and limb' emergency in which an aircraft flight is necessary foran evacuation or doctor's visit in order to prevent death or seriousdamage to a person's health.

MOR Mandatory Occurrence Report

NDB Non Directional Beacon

Net Performance The gross performance of an aircraft adjusted downwards to account forreasonable errors in operational variables and flying techniques.

Night The period between half and hour after sunset and half an hour beforesunrise at ground level.

NFPA National Fire Protection Agency

NOTAM Notice to Airman issued by the Regulatory Authority.

NM Nautical Mile

On ConditionMaintenance

Maintenance of components without a fixed overhaul interval.Continued use dependent on periodic inspection, up to ultimateretirement life.

Overwing Refuelling By common usage taken to mean refuelling through open filter caprather than sealed pressure connection.

Pallet A rigid platform which supports goods during storage and transport,usually allowing entry below for the tines of a forklift truck or otherlifting device. In aircraft operations a pallet may be used to spread thedeck loading

PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator.

Payload Aircraft carrying capacity in terms of weight for passengers andpayload. This will decrease with any increase in fuel.

Performance The capability, measured by various parameters such as rate of climb,take-off distance etc., of an aircraft under various condition of weight,altitude and temperature.

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Podmed Field Described in Chapter 6

Power Settling A dangerous condition that can be encountered by helicopters in verticalor near vertical descent - see vortex ring state.

PPE Personal Protective Equipment


Aircraft maintenance schedule that is not based on inspection and majormaintenance at fixed hourly intervals, but on continuous attention inorder to reduce the length of unavailable periods.

Public Transport An aircraft is deemed to be flying for public transport if hire or rewardis given or promised for the carriage of passengers or cargo.

There are other minor qualifications

RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator

Road Bridger A vehicle used for the bulk transport of fuel by road.

RPT Regular Public Transport. A term used by some regulatory bodies forscheduled services.

RTODAH Rejected take-off distance available. The length of the final approachand take-off area declared available and suitable for Performance Class1 helicopters to complete a rejected take-off

RTOW Regulated Take-off Weight. The maximum weight for take-off,governed by performance requirements at specified weight, altitude andtemperature.

Safety Area. A defined area on a heliport surrounding the FATO which is free ofobstacles, other than those required for air navigation purposes, andintended to reduce the risk of damage to helicopters accidentallydiverging from the FATO.

SAR Search and Rescue. Government or independently resourced.

SARBE Search and Rescue Beacon Equipment

SATCOM Satellite Communications

Seal Drums A collapsible rubber tank suitable for transporting aviation fuel byunderslinging from an helicopter.

Seat-mile Statistical term also used for costing purposes e.g. the cost/seat-mile =cost of moving one passenger one mile.

Sector The distance or time between one take-off and the subsequent landing.

Service Agreement An agreement for the charter on a sole or part-use basis of the servicesof an aircraft. The type and specification will be agreed, but not anindividual aircraft, so it may be drawn from a pool.

SID Standard Instrument Departure

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

Standing Waves See section 6.1.7

STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route.

STOL Short take-off landing - used to describe a short field capable aircrafte.g. the Twin Otter.

Stopway Extension to runway described in Chapter 6.

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Surface Level Heliport A heliport located on the ground or on the water.

Thief Pump A pump used for taking samples from various levels in the tank.

TLOF Touchdown and lift-off area. A load bearing area on which a helicoptermay touch down or lift off.

TODA Take-off Distance Available (Chapter 6)

TODAH Take-off distance available. The length of the final approach and take-off area plus the length of the helicopter clearway (if provided) declaredavailable and suitable for helicopters to complete the take-off..

TODR Take-off Distance Required (Chapter 6)

TORA Take-off Run Available (Chapter 6)

Translational Lift The additional lift, resulting in reduced power demand, experienced by ahelicopter as it transitions from the hover to forward flight. The effectreaches its maximum at 25-30 kts.

V1 Decision point used on take-off. Below this speed the take-off run canbe aborted safely. Above this speed take-off should be continued.

V2 Take-off safety speed.

VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator; a system of coloured light beamarranged to define a safe approach angle to an airfield.

VFR Visual Flight Rules. Rules requiring aircraft to remain at specifieddistances from cloud, and in specified flight visibility in order not tohave to comply with the Instrument Flight Rules. In essence, see and beseen.

VHF Very High Frequency.

VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions. The weather conditions required topertain for flight under VFR.

VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range

Vortex Ring State A dangerous state that can be experienced by helicopters in vertical ornear vertical descent with power on, which, if allowed to develop mayresult in a uncontrollable sink rate. Normally proficient handling willprevent this condition occurring.

VR Speed at which the aircraft is rotated on take-off.

Water Separator See Filter Separator.

Wet Lease An arrangement under which an operator bases in an aircraft completewith crew and usually, maintenance personnel.

Zero Fuel Weight The maximum zero fuel weight is the weight of an aeroplane abovewhich all weight must consist of fuel. It is a structural loadinglimitation normally applying to aircraft in the corporate/executive sizerange and upwards.

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What do we do?

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