TEXTE TEXTE TEXTE TEXTE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH OF THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, NATURE CONSERVATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY Research Report 297 44 849 UBA-FB xxx105/e by UMEG Zentrum für Umweltmessungen, Umwelterhebungen und Gertesicherheit Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe On behalf of the Federal Environmental Agency UMWELTBUNDESAMT UMWELTBUNDESAMT UMWELTBUNDESAMT UMWELTBUNDESAMT Texte 79 01 ISSN 0722-186X Air Pollution Prevention: Manual on Emission Monitoring

Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

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Page 1: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring


Research Report 297 44 849

UBA-FB xxx105/e


UMEG Zentrum für Umweltmessungen, Umwelterhebungen und Gerätesicherheit Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe

On behalf of the Federal Environmental Agency






Air Pollution Prevention:

Manual on Emission Monitoring

Page 2: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

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1. Report No.

UBA-FB 000 2. 3.

4. Report Title

Air Pollution Prevention Manual on Emission Monitoring 5. Author(s), Family Name(s), First Name(s)

8. Report Date

9. Publication Date

10. UFOPLAN – Ref. No.

297 44 849

6. Performing Organisation (Name, Address)

UMEG Zentrum für Umweltmessungen, Umwelterhebungen und Gerätesicherheit Baden-Württemberg Großoberfeld 3, D-76135 Karlsruhe 11. No. of Pages

290 12. No. of References

86 13. No. of Tables


7. Sponsoring Agency (Name, Address)

Umweltbundesamt, Bismarckplatz 1, 14193 Berlin

14. No. of Figures

31 15. Supplementary Notes

16. Abstract

The Manual on Emission Monitoring covers the need for information about the national practice in the field of emission control at plants, requiring official approval. The legal bases for discontinuous and continuous measurements for emission control at plants, requiring official approval, are treated. Thereby also the European environmental legislation is considered. The publication procedure for testing institutes, which execute such measurements, is described. The execution of discontinuous emission measurements (course of the measurement and measurement requests) and for continuous emission measurement (suitability test, installation, maintenance, functional test and calibration of the measuring device) including the evaluation and documentation of the measured values is described. The procedure of remote emission monitoring is explained. The most important measuring procedures are reported. The guide contains a current list of suitability tested measuring devices. Such measuring devices are presented by the manufacturers. The presentations include specifications about the mode of operation and the device characteristics (e.g. parameters from the suitability test).

17. Keywords

emission, emission monitoring, remote emission monitoring, emission measurement, suitability test, measuring institute, measuring laboratory, emission measuring system, emission measuring device, maintenance, calibration, functional test, measuring procedure

18. Price

19. 20.

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Page 5: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

- 1 - Table of contents 1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 PURPOSE OF EMISSION MONITORING.......................................................................................................... 5 1.2 NATIONAL LEGAL BASIS AND MEASUREMENT INSTRUCTIONS, COMPARISON WITH EU LAW................... 5 1.3 STANDARDISATION OF MEASUREMENT METHODS ..................................................................................... 7 1.4 ACCREDITATION PROCEDURES FOR TESTING LABORATORIES..................................................................... 9

2 DISCONTINUOUS EMISSION MONITORING ......................................................................................... 11 2.1 LEGAL BASIS (REASONS FOR DISCONTINUOUS MEASUREMENTS) ............................................................. 11 2.2 MEASUREMENT PLANNING....................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 REALIZATION OF MEASUREMENTS............................................................................................................ 13 2.3.1 Selecting the measurement section and the measurement cross section ........................................ 13 2.3.2 Grid measurements................................................................................................................................ 14 2.3.3 Extractive isokinetic sampling.............................................................................................................. 15 2.3.4 Extractive sampling for gas measurements ........................................................................................ 16 2.3.5 Determination of general waste gas conditions ................................................................................. 17 2.4 SPECIAL MEASUREMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL MEASUREMENTS........................................... 17 2.5 EVALUATION / REPORTING / DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................... 19

3 CONTINUOUS EMISSION MONITORING................................................................................................. 20 3.1 LEGAL BASES ............................................................................................................................................. 20 3.1.1 Installations subject to licensing ........................................................................................................... 20 3.1.2 Installations not subject to licensing .................................................................................................... 23 3.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR CONTINUOUS EMISSION MONITORING........................................................... 24 3.2.1 Suitability tests........................................................................................................................................ 24 3.2.2 Installation, operation and quality control of suitability-tested measurement devices................ 27 Selection of the measurement cross section ................................................................................... 27 Installation of measuring devices .................................................................................................... 27 Maintenance of measurement devices for continuous emission measurement ........................ 28 Checking the functionality of measurement devices for continuous emission measurement 29 Calibration of measurement devices for continuous emission measurement ........................... 30 Special requirements for the functional test / calibration............................................................ 32 Dust content measurement devices................................................................................................. 33 Smoke density meters ....................................................................................................................... 33 Measurement devices for sulphur dioxide..................................................................................... 33 Measurement devices for nitrogen oxide ....................................................................................... 33 Measurement devices for carbon monoxide .................................................................................. 34 Measurement devices for organic compounds.............................................................................. 34 Measurement devices for inorganic gaseous fluorine compounds............................................. 34 Measurement devices for inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds ............................................ 34 Measurement devices for hydrogen sulphide ............................................................................... 34 Measurement devices for ammonia ................................................................................................ 35 Measurement devices for mercury.................................................................................................. 35 Measurement devices for reference values (volume flow, humidity, oxygen,

temperature) ....................................................................................................................................... 35 3.3 EVALUATION AND DOCUMENTATION OF MEASURED VALUES, SUBMISSION TO THE AUTHORITIES /

REMOTE EMISSION MONITORING............................................................................................................... 36

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- 2 - 4 MEASUREMENT METHODS .......................................................................................................................... 40

4.1 CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT OF NON-ATMOSPHERIC SUBSTANCES (STATIONARY / MOBILE) .............. 40 4.1.1 Measurement of particulate emissions................................................................................................ 40 Photometric in situ dust measurement (measurement of optical transmission)....................... 40 Scattered light measurement............................................................................................................ 42 Measurement with beta ray absorption.......................................................................................... 44 Dust measurement using tribo-electric sensors ............................................................................. 44 4.1.2 Measurement of gaseous substances ................................................................................................... 45 Photometry with extractive sampling............................................................................................. 45 In situ photometry ............................................................................................................................. 48 FTIR spectroscopy.............................................................................................................................. 49 Chemiluminescence methods........................................................................................................... 50 Flame ionisation measurement ........................................................................................................ 51 Less common measurement methods............................................................................................. 52 4.2 DISCONTINUOUS MEASUREMENTS............................................................................................................ 53 4.2.1 Manual measurement of dust load and determination of substances contained in dust

(semimetals and metals) ........................................................................................................................ 53 4.2.2 Determination of the mass concentration of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and

polychlorinated dibenzofuranes (PCDD/PCDF)............................................................................... 56 4.2.3 Manual procedures to measure inorganic compounds..................................................................... 57 4.2.4 Determination of individual organic components............................................................................. 59 4.2.5 Olfactometric determination of odour emissions .............................................................................. 60 4.3 MEASUREMENT OF REFERENCE VALUES ................................................................................................... 61 4.3.1 Oxygen measurement (paramagnetic effect)...................................................................................... 61 4.3.2 Oxygen measurement (zirconium dioxide probe)............................................................................. 62 4.3.3 Determination of waste gas humidity ................................................................................................. 63 4.3.4 Flow speed / waste gas volumetric flow ............................................................................................ 64 4.3.5 Temperature measurement................................................................................................................... 66 4.4 LONG-TERM SAMPLING FOR PCDD/F..................................................................................................... 67

5 GLOSSARY........................................................................................................................................................... 69

6 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................................... 71

7 ANNEX 1: LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS / EXCERPTS FROM QUOTED SOURCES........................................................................................................ 79 7.1 EXCERPT OF THE FEDERAL IMMISSION CONTROL ACT ............................................................................ 79 7.2 EXCERPT OF THE TA LUFT........................................................................................................................ 83 7.3 EXCERPT OF THE LARGE FURNACES ORDER (13TH BIMSCHV).................................................................. 95 7.4 EXCERPT OF THE ORDER ON WASTE INCINERATION PLANTS (17 TH BIMSCHV)....................................... 99 7.5 EXCERPT OF THE ORDER ON TITANIUM DIOXIDE (25TH BIMSCHV)........................................................ 104 7.6 EXCERPT OF THE ORDER ON CREMATORIA (27TH BIMSCHV) ................................................................. 105 7.7 UNIFORM PRACTICE IN MONITORING EMISSIONS IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY –

PART 1..................................................................................................................................................... 107 7.8 UNIFORM PRACTICE IN MONITORING EMISSIONS IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY –

PART 2..................................................................................................................................................... 131 7.9 STANDARD FORM OF TEST REPORT FOR THE DETERMINATION OF EMISSIONS IN ACCORDANCE

WITH §§ 26, 28 OF THE FEDERAL IMMISSION CONTROL ACT ................................................................ 141

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- 3 -




Table of figures Figure 1: Flow chart for the “notification / accreditation” process ................................................................. 10

Figure 2.1: Example arrangement of a measurement platform on a vertical flue duct, with two measurement axes and four measurement ports for the realization of traverse measurements (a number of measurement methods can be carried out at the same time) .... 14

Figure 2.2: Position of measurement points in square and round flue-cross sections in accordance with VDI 2066, part. 1 ....................................................................................................................... 15

Figure 2.3: Influence of suction errors (non-isokinetic sampling) on sampling............................................ 16

Figure 3.1: Quality assurance for continuous emission monitoring............................................................... 24

Figure 3.2: Daily printout of the classification of a plant in accordance with TA Luft ................................ 38

Figure 3.3: Remote emissions monitoring system with connection to authorities ....................................... 39

Figure 4.1: Photometric in situ dust measurement (schematic) ...................................................................... 42

Figure 4.2: Scattered light measurement, extractive method (schematic) ..................................................... 43

Figure 4.3: In situ scattered light measurement (schematic) ........................................................................... 43

Figure 4.4: Dust measurement with β-ray absorption (schematic)................................................................. 44

Figure 4.5: Simplest measuring set-up for an absorption photometer (schematic)...................................... 46

Figure 4.6: NDIR photometer (schematic) ......................................................................................................... 46

Figure 4.7: Gas filter correlation method (schematic) ...................................................................................... 46

Figure 4.8: Different in situ photometer arrangements.................................................................................... 48

Figure 4.9: FTIR spectrometer with Michelson interferometer arrangement (schematic)........................... 49

Figure 4.10: Chemiluminescence measurement arrangement (schematic) ..................................................... 50

Figure 4.11: Flame ionisation detector / FID (schematic).................................................................................. 51

Figure 4.12: Example of a dust sampling device with a plane filter device (in-stack) and absorption system for analysis of filter-passing dust componenents ......................................... 55

Figure 4.13: PCDD/PCDF sampling using the filter/cooler method (schematic).......................................... 56

Figure 4.14: PCDD/PCDF sampling using the dilution method (schematic) ................................................. 56

Figure 4.15: PCDD/PCDF sampling using the cooled suction pipe method (schematic) ............................. 56

Figure 4.16: Device for sampling (inorganic) gaseous materials by means of absorption ............................ 57

Figure 4.17: Time-integrating sampling with gas collection vessel (schematic) .............................................58

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- 4 - Figure 4.18: Oxygen measurement using ‘Siemens’ system based on paramagnetic alternating

pressure (schematic) .......................................................................................................................... 61

Figure 4.19: Oxygen measurement using Maihak’s system based on a magnetic torsion balance (schematic) .......................................................................................................................................... 62

Figure 4.20: Oxygen measurement using a zirconium probe (schematic)....................................................... 62

Figure 4.21: Flow speed measurement using the Prandtl tube (schematic) .................................................... 64

Figure 4.22: Flow balance....................................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 4.23: Flow measurement using ultrasound ............................................................................................. 65

Figure 4.24: Schematic diagram of a suction pyrometer with downstream oxygen measurement. ............ 67

Index of tables Table 1: Comparison of statutory regulations.................................................................................................... 6

Table 2: Comparison of current standards and guidelines on emission monitoring.................................... 8

Table 3: Overview of time-related requirements of officially ordered discontinuous emission measurements........................................................................................................................................ 12

Table 4.1: Absorption solutions for accumulating measured objects............................................................... 57

Table 7.1: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with TA Luft. .................................................................................................................................................. 83

Table 7.2: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with the 13th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance....................................................................................... 95

Table 7.3: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with the 17th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance....................................................................................... 99

Table 7.4: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with the 25th (BImSchV)...................................................................................................................................... 104

Table 7.5: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with the 27th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance..................................................................................... 105

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- 5 - 1 General

1.1 Purpose of emission monitoring

In Germany, regular measurements are carried out, especially with respect to the environmental media of air, noise and water, in order to ensure that the quality of the media is controlled and to assess measures to secure and improve quality.

The legal basis for measurements which aim to monitor air quality is the Federal Immissions Control Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG [1]); this contains requirements with respect to the installation and operation of plants which could potentially have a harmful environmental effect. These requirements are put into concrete terms in the form of statutory orders and administrative regulations.

In order to fulfil the relevant requirements, BImSchG gives the authorities the option of determining emissions levels either by means of discontinuous measurements at regular intervals or, if mass flows are large, by means of continuous measurements.

This manual describes the measurement responsibilities which arise as a result of the legal requirements for installations subject to licensing. Increasingly, requirements on plant monitoring resulting from European Community regulations are also becoming more important with respect to national enforcement, and this manual will also deal with these. Requirements derived from UN-ECE protocols (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) which are to be converted into national law, are fulfilled in Germany with respect to plant monitoring.

The measurements themselves and the calibration of the continuous measuring systems are carried out by independent measuring institutes which have been accredited for the purpose. In line with the lightening of the regulations for audited sites, i.e. for operators of plants which are voluntarily subjected to these environment management and operation inspections, this principle will be less rigidly applied in future: These plants will carry out the majority of the monitoring currently required themselves.

1.2 National legal basis and measurement instructions, comparison with EU law

Emission monitoring is among the measures defined in the Federal Immissions Control Act [1]. The Federal Government is authorised, by § 7 BImSchG for installations subject to licensing and by § 23 BImSchG for installations not subject to licensing, to draw up statutory orders which prescribe that the operation and internal monitoring of such installations must fulfil certain requirements, and specifically that “the operators of installations must make measurements of emissions and immissions or charge a third party to make such measurements using methods to be defined in more detail in the statutory order”.

These statutory orders govern the field of installations subject to licensing, with:

- the first General Administrative Regulation pertaining to BImSchG (TA Luft) [2], - the thirteenth Federal Immissions Control Order (13th BImSchV) [7], - the seventeenth Federal Immissions Control Order (17th BImSchV) [8],

and the field of installations not subject to licensing, with:

- the first Federal Immissions Control Order (1st BImSchV) [3], - the second Federal Immissions Control Order (2nd BImSchV) [4], - the twenty-fifth Federal Immissions Control Order (25th BImSchV) [9], - the twenty-seventh Federal Immissions Control Order (27th BImSchV) [10].

Measurements and regulations pursuant to the 1st and 2nd BImSchV are the subject of a different manual published as a text by the Federal Environmental Agency [79]. Therefore, they will not be dealt with further in this manual.

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- 6 - At a European level the directive on integrated prevention and pollution control (IPPC directive) [12] governs the legal prerequisites for the arrangement of emissions measurements. In Art. 9, paragraph 5, it is required that the licence contains “suitable release monitoring requirements, specifying measurement methodology and frequency and evaluation procedure”. The definition of these requirements remains largely a national responsibility, except when an appropriate need for action is ascertained as a result of the exchange of information within Europe.

Emission monitoring requirements are currently applicable across Europe in the following areas:

- for large furnaces, 88/609 EEC [13] - for new installations for the incineration of municipal waste, 89/369 EEC [14] - for existing installations for the incineration of municipal waste, 89/429 EEC [15] - for the incineration of hazardous waste, 94/67/EC [16] - for specific activities and installations using organic solvents (VOC directive), 1999/13/EC [17].

European directives have to be implemented into national law within specific periods of time. The existing national statutory orders partially cover the requirements of the European law. In other cases, the statutory orders can be reworked or amended to implement an appropriate European directive into national law (e.g. the revised version of the 17th BImSchV in February 1999).

Table 1: Comparison of statutory regulations

Regulation National law EU law Licensing procedures / measurement requirements

BImSchG §§ 7, 26, 28, 29 IPPC directive, Article 9 (formerly: 84/360 EEC)

Installations subject to licensing 4th BImSchV IPPC directive, Appendix I Measured objects TA Luft IPPC directive, Appendix IIISpecific measurement requirements: Small furnaces 1st BImSchV Highly volatile halogen hydrocarbons 2nd BImSchV/TA Luft 1999/13/EC Large furnaces 13th BImSchV 88/609 EEC Incineration plants for municipal waste 17th BImSchV 89/369 EEC (new)

89/429 EEC (existing) Incineration of hazardous waste 17th BImSchV 94/67/EC Titanium dioxide industry 25th BImSchV Crematoria 27th BImSchV

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- 7 - 1.3 Standardisation of measurement methods

Different measurement methods to determine a measured object do not always produce comparable results. Strictly speaking, the measured object is only finally defined when the measurement method is selected. In order to make measurement results produced from different installations and different measuring institutes comparable, it is absolutely crucial that measurement and analysis methods are standardised. The measurement and analysis methods standardised in the form of DIN or VDI standards were subjected to stringent testing prior to their publication. These tests covered a range of different aspects, including determination of statistical parameters, potential areas of application and limitations on the use of these measurement methods. Standardised measurement methods therefore represent high-performance tools for determining emissions levels.

National standards [KRdL quote]

“In the Commission on Air Pollution Prevention of VDI and DIN - Standards Committee (KRdL), experts from science, industry and administration, acting on their own responsibility, establish VDI Guidelines and DIN Standards in the field of environmental protection. These describe the state of the art in science and technology in the Federal Republic of Germany and serve as a decision-making aid in the preparatory stages of legislation and application of legal regulations and ordinances. KRdL's working results are also considered as the common German point of view in the establishment of technical rules on the European level by CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and on the international level by ISO (International Organization for Standardization).”

VDI guidelines (summarised in the VDI Air Pollution Prevention handbook) currently cover a wide range of potential measurement tasks. DIN standards have been published for a few selected measurement methods.

European standards on air composition are drawn up by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) in TC 264 (TC = technical committee) and published in Germany as DIN EN standards. If DIN or DIN EN standards have been published for a measurement task, national standards with the same contents should be given precedence over published VDI guidelines. Currently DIN EN standards have been approved for the manual determination of emissions on PCDD / PCDF [43] and HCl [60] and on the continuous determination of total organic carbon emissions using FID [70]. Draft DIN EN standards have been published for some measurement methods. With the increasing scope of EU environment law, especially the setting of emissions tolerance levels throughout the EU, it is expected that measurement methods to determine the level of these emissions will be governed uniformly throughout Europe in the future.

International standards are drawn up by the ISO (International Standards Organisation) in the ISO/TC 146. ISO standards published in Germany are not binding in character. There is a simplified process whereby ISO standards can be converted into DIN ISO standards.

Table 2 gives an overview of the standards and guidelines published to date, in either draft or definitive form, for the field of emission measurement. As well as the published documents, the table also details whether they relate to continuous or discontinuous measurement methods.

The following abbreviations are used: D: draft PD: preliminary draft IP: in preparation WG: Working group DIS: Draft international standard FDIS: Final draft international standard

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- 8 - Table 2: Comparison of current standards and guidelines on emission monitoring

Date: January 2001

Measured object / subject cont. discont.

VDI Manual on Air Quality Control


ISO TC 146

General / framework conditions Planning of spot sampling measurements of emissions

X 2448 part 1

Evaluation of spot sampling measurements of emissions

X 2448 part 2

Realisation of emission measurements X 4200 (D) Determination of emissions from diffuse sources

4285 part 1 (PD)

Calibration of automatic measuring instruments

X 3950 part 1 IP (WG 9) CD 12039.2

Calibration of automatic measuring instruments (reports)

X 3950 part 2 (D)

Sampling (gen.) X 10396 Determination of the uncertainty of emission measurements

4219 (D)

Requirements of testing laboratories 4220 Volume flow X 2066 part 1 10780 X 14164 (DIS) Dust Dust (general) X 2066 part 1 9096 Dust X 2066 part 3 X 2066 parts 4 and 6 10155 Dust (low concentrations) X 2066 part 7 13284-1 (D) X 2066 part 9 (PD) X 13284-2 (IP) Dust (high concentrations) X 2066 part 2 Particle size selective measurement X 2066 part 5 (D) Smoke number X 2066 part 8 (D) Dust constituents Heavy metals (sampling) X 3868 part 1 IP (WG 10) Heavy metals (analysis) X 2268 parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 Mercury X 3868 part 2 (D) 51865-1/-2/-3 (D) 13211 (D) X 3868 part 3 (PD) Asbestos X 3861 parts 1 and 2 10397 Inorganic sulphur compounds Sulphur dioxide X 2462 parts 1, 2, 3 and 8 7934 7934 11632 (FDIS) X 2462 parts 4, 5 and 6 7935 (DIS) Sulphur trioxide X 2462 part 7 Hydrogen sulphide X 3486 parts 1 and 2 X 3486 part 3 Carbon bisulphide X 3487 part 1 Inorganic nitrogen compounds Nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide X 2456 parts 1, 2, 8 and

10 11564 (DIS)

X 2456 part 6 33962 10849 Nitrogen monoxide X 2456 parts 5, 7 and 9 Nitrogen dioxide X 2456 part 4 Dinitrogen monoxide X 2469 part 1 (PD) X 2469 part 2 (PD) Basic nitrogen compounds X 3496 part 1 Carbon monoxide X 2459 part 6 X 2459 part 1 and 7 Inorganic chlorine compounds Hydrogen chloride X 3480 part 1 1911-1, -2 and


X 3480 parts 2 and 3 Chlorine X 3488 parts 1 and 2 Inorganic fluorine compounds Hydrogen fluoride X 2470 part 1

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- 9 - Table 2: Comparison of current standards and guidelines on emission monitoring Date: January 2001 (continued)

Measured object / subject cont. discont.

VDI Manual on Air Quality Control


ISO TC 146

Organic components Hydrocarbons (general) 3481 part 6 IP (WG 4) Hydrocarbons X 3481 part 2 3481 part 5 (PD) Hydrocarbons (FID) X

X 3481 parts 1 and 3 12619

13526 (D)

Hydrocarbons (IR) X 2460 parts 1, 2 and 3 GC determination of organic compounds

X 2457 parts 1, 2, 3 4 (D), 5 (D), 6 and 7

13649 (D)

3481 part 4 (PD) Aliphatic aldehydes C1 to C3 X 3862 parts 1, 2 , 3 ,

4 (D)

Acryl nitrile X 3863 parts 1, 2 and 3 1,3 butadiene X 3953 part 1 (D) PCDD/PCDF X 3499 parts 1 (D), 2 (D),

3 (D), 4 (PD) and 5 (PD)

1948-1, -2 and -3

PAH (general) X 3873 part 1 11338-2 (DIS) PAH (from motor vehicles) X 3872 parts 1 and 2 PAH (nitro-PAH) X 3872 part 3 (PD) PAH (in the carbon industry)

X 3874 part 1 (PD)

Vinyl chloride X 3493 part 1 Odours / olfactometry X 3881 parts 1, 2, 3 and 4

(D) 13725 (D)

X 3882 parts 1 and 2

1.4 Accreditation procedures for testing laboratories

Inspection bodies (measuring laboratories) wishing to carry out officially arranged tests in accordance with § 26 BImSchG must be accredited for the execution of this work by the competent authority under regional law.

Activities which require the accreditation of the measuring laboratory carrying out the work:

- Individual measurements in accordance with BImSchG § 26, § 28, TA Luft, no., 13th BImSchV § 22, 17th BImSchV § 13, 27th BImSchV § 9.

- Certification of proper installation of measurement equipment for continuous measurements in accordance with TA Luft, no.,

13th BImSchV § 26, 17th BImSchV § 10, 27th BImSchV § 7.

- Calibration and functional testing of measurement equipment for continuous measurements in accordance with TA Luft, no.,

13th BImSchV § 28, 17th BImSchV § 10, 27th BImSchV § 7.

In order to be accredited, an institute must fulfil specific requirements with respect to expertise, reliability and human and technical resources.

To date, these requirements have been checked by regional bodies or ministries. The checks were based on the guidelines of the Laender Committee for Immission Protection (LAI) [23]. Once the checks had been passed, names were published in the relevant ministerial journals for the federal states.

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- 10 - In the future, the aim is that there will be two procedures leading to the accreditation of measurement laboratories for inspection activities pursuant to § 26 BImSchG (dual system) [80]:

- Procedure A with requirement criteria based on specific “modules” (drawn up by the LAI, currently available in draft form). The notification is recognised and/or used for the accreditation process.

- A new procedure B based on the accreditation of the measuring laboratory. During the accreditation process, the requirements of DIN EN 450011 must be fulfilled. The accreditation process also involves requirement criteria based on specific “modules”. Government influence is guaranteed by the option of using “special experts” in the accreditation process. Notification (i.e. the formal administrative act, formerly: announcement) comes on top of accreditation and is still the preserve of the federal states. The accreditation is recognised and / or used for the notification.

Figure 1: Flow chart for the “notification / accreditation” process

The federal states should recognise notifications from other states. This means practice of duplicate announcements (measuring laboratories needed to be announced in all federal states in which they wished to be active) is no longer used.

Information on announced institutions and the extent of their accreditation, including any restrictions, can be found on the Internet at http://www.brandenburg.de./land/mlur/i/resymesa/resymesa.htm.

For the area not covered by the regulations, the requirements for emission and immission testing laboratories are defined in VDI guideline 4220 [29].

1) DIN EN 45001 [May 1990] “General criteria for the operation of testing laboratories” is set to be replaced by DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 [April 2000] “General requirements relating to the competence of inspection and calibration laboratories” by the year 2002

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- 11 - 2 Discontinuous emission monitoring

2.1 Legal basis (reasons for discontinuous measurements)

Discontinuous emission measurements enable limited spot samples to be taken at given times to determine the emission level of an installation. The advantage over continuous emission monitoring is that the measuring process affords a lower expenditure on the measurement equipment. Some measured objects can currently not be measured on a continuous (automated) basis, or this requires very high levels of expenditure.

In order to be able to draw conclusions about the continuous emission behaviour of an installation on the basis of observations made at specific times, the measurements must be carried out such that the measurement results reflect a representative picture of the emission behaviour. This is where measurement planning takes on particular significance.

There are many possible reasons for the realization of discontinuous emission measurements. As well as measurements prescribed by the authorities, installation operators can also commission measurements to monitor and optimise the running of the installation.

Reasons for discontinuous emission measurements (selection from VDI 2448, Part 1 [30]):

a) acceptance test (proof of guarantee) b) measurements to ascertain whether emission limits are adhered to c) regular inspection after expiration of a set time interval to establish the condition of the plant d) measurements in the event of complaints e) measurements to initiate the procedure for obtaining a permit (e.g. for extensions, modifications, conversions,

etc.) f) measurements within the framework of internal supervision g) measurements for the emission declaration h) measurements in the event of interruption or disturbance of operations i) measurements within the framework of safety precaution investigations j) measurements for the calibration of continuously operating emission measurement instruments k) measurements for checking the function of continuously operating emission measurement instruments l) measurements to establish the cause of particular emission behaviour (e.g. the determination of the cause of a

failure of the waste gas treatment to maintain the guaranteed / required level of purification) m) measurements to give a prognosis of likely emission levels in special operating conditions, e.g. after changes of

procedure, in the event of disturbance or interruption, or in the event of expansion of capacity

Emission measurements prescribed by the authorities are supported by § 26 BImSchG [1] “Measurements for special reasons” for installations subject to licensing and, under certain circumstances, for installations not subject to licensing, and also by § 28 “Initial and recurrent measurements for installations subject to licensing”.

These measurement requirements are specified in the first General Administrative Regulation pursuant to BImSchG (TA Luft) [2] and in the statutory orders pursuant to the enforcement of BImSchG [7; 8; 10].

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- 12 - Table 3: Overview of time-related requirements of officially ordered discontinuous emission


initial measurements recurrent measurements

BImSchG § 28 after the commencement of operationor any significant alteration of the installation

TA Luft, No. 3.2.2 13th BImSchV, § 22

upon erection or after significant alterations to the installation(1

At the end of a period of three years each

17th BImSchV, § 13 upon erection or after significant alterations to the installation(2

every two months during the first year, thenon at least three days every year

27th BImSchV, § 9 for new installations, three to six months after commissioning

At the end of a period of three years each

1): after the installation is running properly, but no less than three months and no more than twelve months after commissioning 2): after the installation is running properly, but no less than three months and no more than six months after commissioning

Officially ordered measurement are only recognised if they are carried out by measuring institutes who have been accredited and announced for the measurement task in question (see Section 1.4).

2.2 Measurement planning

Before carrying out any measurements, a measurement plan must be drawn up. This contains the definition of the measurement objective and the strategy selected to obtain the information required by the measurement objective. Details on the extent and further requirements of the measurement plan are set out in VDI guideline 2448, part 1 “Planning of spot sampling measurements of stationary source emissions” [30].

The measurement plan must answer the following questions:

Where will the measurements be taken? What must be measured thereby? How exact do the results need to be? With what kind of instrumentation will the results be obtained? Who will execute the measurements? When will the measurements take place?

Prior knowledge specific to the plant is also compiled in the measurement plan. In order to be able to determine the duration and frequency of the tests required, it is important that all possible operating modes are assessed for the installation in question. Selecting the proper measurement frequency and measurement duration can minimise the time and effort involved in fulfilling the measurement objective.

Generally, the duration of an individual measurement should not exceed half an hour. In the same way, measurement results should normally be given in the form of a half-hourly mean (for exceptions, see Section 2.4).

The measurement plan is agreed between the plant operator and the measuring laboratory carrying out the tests. In the case of measurements ordered by the authorities, the competent authority must also be involved in the measurement plan agreement phase.

The measurement plan governs the relationship between the operator, the measuring laboratory and the authority for an emission measurement and can fulfil the function of a target specifications document, as it contains the services to be performed by the measuring laboratory within the framework of the measurement order.

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- 13 - 2.3 Realization of measurements

2.3.1 Selecting the measurement section and the measurement cross section

Careful selection of the measurement section and the measurement cross section within the measurement section is very important for the successful realization of emission measurements and the quality of the resulting measured values. The sample point for the measurement devices in the measurement section must be selected such that it enables a representative measurement on which basis the emission behaviour of the installation can be analysed [18; 30]. For this reason, a specialist institute should be involved at the planning state for new installations to determine measurement sections and cross sections for continuous emission monitoring and for individual measurements.

The distribution of the waste gas speed and mass concentration of the measured object can be inconsistent across the measurement section. Sometimes, preliminary tests need to be carried out before a suitable measurement cross section can be found.

Requirements with respect to the position and nature of the measurement section and measurement cross section are formulated in the following guidelines:

- VDI 2066, part 1 “Measurement of particulate matter – dust measurement in flowing gases; gravimetric determination of dust load – Fundamentals” [34],

- VDI 2066, part 4 “Measurement of particulate matter – dust measurement in flowing gases; determination of dust load by measurement of optical transmission” [36],

- VDI 2448, part 1 “Planning of spot sampling measurements of stationary source emissions” [30],

- VDI 4200 “Realization of stationary source emission measurements” [31],

- VDI 3950, part 1 “Calibration of automatic emission measuring instruments” [32].

The most important requirements relate to: - the position and shape of the measurement section in the flue duct,

- the position of the measurement cross section within the measurement section, - the number, position and nature of the measurement ports, - the nature of the measurement platform (e.g. minimum

dimensions, protection against adverse weather conditions).

In VDI 4200, the requirements with respect to the measurement cross-section are formulated as follows:

“There should be an uninterrupted flow across the measurement cross-section. Experience shows that this is the case if the measurement cross-section is arranged within a straight measurement section with a consistent cross-section size and shape and uninterrupted inlet and outlet. Elbows, branches, shut-off devices, ventilators and other inserts, and any changes to the cross section or dust deposits can have a detrimental effect on the flow characteristics.

The length of both the inlet and outlet sections should always be at least three times the hydraulic diameter1) of the measurement cross section. If this requirement cannot be fulfilled, then position should be selected such that the inlet path is longer than the outlet path.”

When selecting the measurement cross section, it is preferable to use measurement cross sections downstream of the suction fan, as the mixture of waste gases is more likely to be even here than upstream of the fan. The sample taken for the measurement of particulate matter in horizontal flue ducts should be along a vertical measurement axis to compensate for the possible formation of sedimentation [34].

1) Note: The hydraulic diameter is the ratio between four times the circumference and the area of the channel cross-section moistened by the flowing medium.

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- 14 - It must be possible to reach the measurement platform safely. The dimensions of the measurement platform must be adequate for the measured objective (e.g. Fig. 2.1), which means:

- There must be adequate space for all the necessary equipment. When the measuring equipment is put down, there must still be adequate rooms for the measuring personnel to move safely about the measurement platform.

- If grid measurements are to be carried out, there must be sufficient traversing space to enable the probe to be inserted. Care must be taken to ensure that protective gratings or landings do not impede the insertion of the probe.

- The working height from the measuring platform to the measurement axes should be around 1.2 to 1.5 m. It must be possible to insert the probe into the measurement port without risk, and the probe must not be impeded by protective gratings or landings.

Figure 2.1: Example arrangement of a measurement platform on a vertical flue duct, with two measurement axes and four measurement ports for the realization of traverse measurements (a number of measurement methods can be carried out at the same time) [31]

2.3.2 Grid measurements

In order to carry out a network measurement, the measurement cross-section is divided into a number of smaller sections with equal surface area. Fig. 2.2 shows an example of a square and a round flue cross-section being divided into smaller sections in accordance with VDI 2066, part 1 [34] and VDI 4200 [31] respectively. Square cross-sections are divided into smaller squares, while round cross sections are divided into rings. The measurement points are situated at the centre of gravity of each of the smaller sections (square cross-section) or on the points of intersection of the measuring axes with the gravitational lines of the rings (round cross-section). VDI 2066, part 1 and VDI 4200 respectively give detailed instructions on how to select measurement points for grid measurements.

For round cross-section areas, the distance for the measurement points from the channel wall is calculated using Equation 2.1 as a function of the number i of smaller sections and the ordinal number n.

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- 15 -

Eq. 2.1

i = number of smaller cross sections n = ordinal number

Rectangular cross-section withnine measurement points

A/6A/3 A/3






Figure 2.2: Position of measurement points in square and round flue-cross sections in accordance with VDI

2066, part. 1

2.3.3 Extractive isokinetic sampling [34; 41]

Extractive sampling for monitoring particles, particle-bound materials and aerosols must be on an isokinetic basis. This means that the removal of the sample gas from the flow of waste gas must be at the same speed as the flow of waste gas at the measurement point in order to avoid sedimentation when taking the sample. This requires precise knowledge of the flow characteristics in the measurement cross section. It is known that such sedimentation effects are of greater consequence when the suction speed is too low than when the suction speed required is exceeded. If there is a risk that the suction speed required cannot be set with sufficient accuracy (e.g. because the flow speed pulses), the suction speed should be selected higher than the flow speed calculated at the measuring point (max. 10 %). The effect of non-isokinetic suction on the sampling of particles and aerosols can be seen in Fig. 2.3. Failing to adapt the suction speed has an influence on the flow of gas in front of the probe opening. Because of their mass inertia, the larger (heavier) particles do not follow the lines of the gas flow. This has the effect that the sample contains a disproportionately high level of them (Case B) if the suction speed is too low and a disproportionately low level of them (Case C) if the suction speed is too high.

nn DKi2

1n2i212Da =


a I α

a IIα

a III α

a IV α

a IV β

a III β

a II β

a I β















Round cross-section with two measurement axes and eight measurement points per measurement axis

Measurement axis1

Measurement axis2



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- 16 -

Case ASuction velocity correct

Case BSuction velocity too low

Case CSuction velocity too high






n of


Figure 2.3: Influence of suction errors (non-isokinetic sampling) on sampling

For measurement devices which work continuously, samples are normally taken on a spot or linear basis along a measurement axis in the measurement cross section. When carrying out grid measurements using comparative measurement methods (manual measurements) for the purposes of calibrating the measurement device, it must be proved that the sample point is representative for the relevant measured object in the measurement cross section.

Manual measurement of particles, particle-bound materials and aerosols generally take the form of grid measurements.

For isokinetic sampling in accordance with a pre-defined flow profile (see Section 2.3.5), the suction speed at the given measurement point is adjusted to the flow speed previously determined. The suction time selected is the same for each measurement point. This method automatically weights the different mass concentrations at the different measurement points by means of the different flow speeds and the absolute volume of the sample gas sucked out.

Automated manual dust sampling systems measure the flow speed or the pressure conditions at the sampling nozzle continuously and automatically adjust the suction speed (see Section 4.2.1).

2.3.4 Extractive sampling for gas measurements

Extractive sampling for gas measurements can either take the form of a grid measurement (cross section integration) or a spot measurement. Sampling at a measurement point in the measurement cross section (spot sampling) is conditional on the measurement point selected being representative for the whole measurement cross section with respect to the mass flow density of the measured object to be investigated. This representativeness must be proved. In order to demonstrate this, the method normally used is a continuous measuring procedure for the measured object or a key component. The sample can be taken at any point in the measurement cross section if it has been evidenced that the measured object is sufficiently consistent throughout the cross section. If it is evident that the speed and concentration profile is not consistent, then the measured values must be weighted proportional to mass in accordance with the sampling point [31].

For extractive sampling, it is often necessary to condition the sample gas prior to the actual analysis process. This includes processes such as the removal of particles (filters/fine particle filters) or of humidity (measurement gas cooler/dehumidifier) from the sample gas. However, care must be taken to ensure that the conditioning processes

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- 17 - do not affect the sample gas or reduce its volume. Devices to condition sample gases should be incorporated in calibration/functional tests for continuous analysis devices.

2.3.5 Determination of general waste gas conditions

In order to be able to describe the status of a flow of gas in an unambiguous fashion, the following waste gas parameters, known as the general waste gas conditions, must be determined.

- Density of waste gas - Humidity (see Section 4.3.3) - Flow speed and static pressure (see Section 4.3.4) - Temperature (see Section 4.3.5)

The standard density of a dry gas is calculated from the gas composition. It is given from the sum of the standard densities of the components of the gas multiplied by their respective proportions of the volume.

ρ×=ρ i,ni,nn r Eq. 2.2

ρn: standard density of the gas (dry) ρn, i: standard density of gas component i (dry) rn, i: proportion by volume of gas component i (dry)

Only gas components which make up a proportion of the gas volume in excess of 1 % should be considered. VDI 2066, part 1 [34] includes a summary of the numerical values for relative molecular mass, mole volume and standard density for the most important pollutants. For everyday measurements, it is normally sufficient to consider the proportions of nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), although there are a few exceptions (e.g. CO content in the gas at the top of a blast furnace). The operating density (wet) is calculated from the standard density, the humidity, the temperature, and the pressure conditions in the channel.

2.4 Special measurement requirements for individual measurements

- special measurement requirements in accordance with TA Luft [2]

Measurement frequency: In installations where the operating conditions do not vary with time, at least three individual measurements of uninterrupted permanent operation with highest emissions and at least one further measurement each for any regular operating status in which the emission behaviour fluctuates. In installations where the operating conditions largely change as a function of time, an adequate number of measurements, but no less than 6 for operating conditions which experience has shown lead to the highest emission levels.

Measurement duration: Generally, the duration of an individual measurement should not exceed half an hour and measurement results should be given as half-hourly means. In particular cases (e.g. batch mode), adapted mean times are authorised. When measuring particulate emissions, sampling times should be selected such that the mass of the precipitated sample is at least 1/1000 of the filter weight. Where the particulate content is lower, sampling times of up to two hours are normal.

- special measurement requirements in accordance with the 13th BImSchV [7]

Measurement frequency: At least three individual measurements must be carried out when the installation is running at the thermal output for incineration.

Measurement duration: Generally, the duration of the individual measurement should not exceed half an hour and measurement results should be given as half-hourly means. In especially difficult cases, the sampling time can be increased. The duration of an individual measurement should not exceed two hours.

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- 18 - - special measurement requirements in accordance with the 17th BImSchV [8]

Measurement frequency: At least three individual measurements must be carried out on three separate days when the installation is running at the maximum permissible output for the measured object in question.

Measurement duration: For the purposes of determining the materials contained in the particulates, the sampling time must be at least half an hour. It should not exceed two hours.

The sampling time for determining PCDD/PCDF should be at least 6 hours and should not exceed 8 hours.

- Determining the temperature in the reheating zone in accordance with standard German practice for the monitoring of combustion conditions in waste incineration installations [19] (printed in Appendix 1) and [21] and 17th or 27th BImSchV [8; 10]

Measuring method: Tests are carried out using ceramic-shielded suction pyrometers in two measurement cross sections (beginning and end of the reheating zone). These measuring devices measure the proportion of convection heat, while radiation heat is not taken into consideration. The measurement takes the form of a grid measurement (see Section 2.3.2) carried out simultaneously on at least two measurement axes in the furnace body. The suction pyrometer enables the minimum oxygen content by volume to be checked using a suitability tested measurement device.

Measurement frequency: Three grid measurements over a total period of at least three hours while the installation is running permanently and without interruption.

Three grid measurements over a total period of at least three hours in different operating modes (e.g. part-load, if this is approved as an operating mode)

A grid measurement for the final status of the heating phase over a period of around 1 hour – starting up without supply

Measurement duration: The measured values are continually recorded using an electronic measurement value recording system (scanning rate ≤ 10 s) and compressed into 10 minute means.

The dwell time in the reheating zone at a set minimum temperature of 850°C or 1200°C must be checked using a suitable method at least once during start-up under what are assumed to be the most unfavourable conditions for the installation. The minimum oxygen content in the reheating zone is checked in conjunction with the checking of the dwell time. [8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 21]

- Measures when conditions are unfavourable

Unfavourable conditions in the measurement section can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the measurement results unless appropriate measures are taken.

Building devices such as nozzles into the channel can improve the flow characteristics and achieve more even distribution of the sample gas. It is very rare that such conversion work can be carried out prior to emission measurements in existing installations. In this case, the quality of the measurement must be insured using appropriate measures, such as a tighter grid for grid measurements or an increased number of samples. These measures increase the costs of measurements. The extent of the measures is left to the discretion of the measuring institute.

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- 19 -

If the samples are taken isokinetically, a simultaneous continuous flow rate speed measurement is recommended if the flow characteristics are variable, as this enables an immediate reaction to changes in the flow characteristics.

2.5 Evaluation / reporting / documentation

For the purposes of evaluation, the measured values are generally related to a dry volume of waste gas at a standard pressure and temperature. The measurement results are related to an assessment period. Generally, the estimation period is the same as the sample / concentration period, which is normally half an hour. Other assessment periods are possible if different sampling / concentration periods were selected for technical or operational reasons. The loads (mass flows) of the measured object are calculated on the basis of the mass concentrations and waste gas flow volumes. Emission limits are often related to a reference oxygen content defined in the licensing decision. In this case, the emission mass concentrations determined must be converted to the reference oxygen content. The conversion is based on equation 2.3 [2]:





×= Eq. 2.3

EM: emission measured EB: emission relative to reference oxygen content OM: oxygen content measured OB: reference oxygen content

In the case of installations which are subject to licensing (within the jurisdiction of the 4th BImSchV) and which have waste gas purification devices to reduce emissions, the figures can only be converted at times when the oxygen content measured is greater than the reference oxygen content.

Special regulations have to be made for combustion processes using pure oxygen or oxygen enriched air, such as analysing the mass concentrations by means of the carbon dioxide content.

In the case of waste combustion installations (within the jurisdiction of the 17th BImSchV), the conversion can be carried out for materials whose emissions have been reduced and restricted by means of waste gas purification devices only during the periods in which the oxygen content measured is greater than the reference oxygen content.

The results of an emission measurement are communicated in the form of a measurement report. For measurements carried out on the basis of §§ 26/28 BImSchG, the content and format of this report has been defined since 1993 by the “Standard German emission test report” [20] or [29]. This standard measurement report was drafted by the LAI and contains not only the measurement results themselves, but also more detailed information which is important for the analysis of an emission measurement and for the interpretation of the relevant findings.

Sections in the standard measurement report:

1. Formulation of the measurement task 2. Description of the plant, materials handled 3. Description of the sampling point 4. Measurement and analytic methods, apparatus 5. Operating condition of the plant during the measurements 6. Presentation of the measurement results and discussion 7. Annex with: Measurement plan Measurement and calculation figures Measurement protocols

The standard measurement report can be found in Annex 1.

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- 20 - 3 Continuous emission monitoring

3.1 Legal bases

Continuous emission monitoring is among the measures catalogued in the Federal Immissions Control Act [1]. Para. 29 of this act (§ 29 BImSchG) empowers the responsible authorities to order continuous emission monitoring on installations subject to licensing and, under certain circumstances, on installations not subject to licensing.

Concrete requirements for continuous emissions monitoring can be found in the first General Administrative Regulation pertaining to BImSchG (TA Luft) ) [2] and in the statutory orders pursuant to the implementation of BImSchG [7; 8; 10].

3.1.1 Installations subject to licensing

Installations within the jurisdiction of the 4th BImSchV [6]

TA Luft stipulates that the continuous monitoring of non-atmospheric materials can be required for specific types of installation or under specific circumstances (e.g. exceeding of a specific mass flow rate for the specific components or anticipated recurrent exceeding of a specific mass concentration as a result of the susceptibility to faults of the emission reduction device or as a result of changing operating methods at the plant).

Continuous measurement and recording of emissions of:

- dust (waste gas opacity or mass concentration), “filter guards”, - sulphur dioxide, - nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, given as nitrogen dioxide, - carbon monoxide, - fluorine and gaseous inorganic fluorine compounds, given as hydrogen fluoride, - gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds, given as hydrogen chloride, - chlorine, - hydrogen sulphide, - total carbon.

In addition to the requirement for the continuous monitoring of emissions of non-atmospheric materials, it is also a requirement that there is a continuous measurement of reference parameters. Reference parameters such as:

- waste gas temperature, - waste gas volume flow, - humidity, - static pressure, - oxygen content

are required for the analysis and evaluation of continuous emission measurements.

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- 21 - Large furnaces under the jurisdiction of the 13th BImSchV [7]

Continuous measurement and recording of emissions of: - dust (mass concentration) from large furnaces for solid and liquid fuels, - carbon monoxide, - nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide from large furnaces for solid and liquid fuels and from large furnaces

for gaseous fuels with a combustion thermal output of more than 400 MW. The continuous measurement of nitrogen dioxide can be dispensed with if measurements reveal that the nitrogen dioxide content in the nitrogen oxide measurements is less than 5 %. In this case, the nitrogen dioxide proportion is taken into account by means of calculations.

- Sulphur dioxide from large furnaces for solid and liquid fuels, with the exception of large furnaces for liquid fuels which fulfil the requirements in accordance with §§ 3 and 4 (restriction of sulphur content in light heating oil and diesel fuels) of the 3rd BImSchV [5].

Measurement of reference parameters: - continuous recording of oxygen content, - continuous recording of appropriate operating variables or separation efficiency to prove that the required

sulphur emissions levels are not exceeded, - continuous recording of the output of the large furnace.

Waste incineration installations under the jurisdiction of the 17th BImSchV [8]

Continuous measurement and recording of emissions of: - carbon monoxide, - dust, - total carbon, - gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds, given as hydrogen chloride, - gaseous inorganic fluorine compounds, given as hydrogen fluoride, except where purification devices are

used for gaseous chlorine compounds which guarantee that the emissions limits for inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds are not exceeded.

- sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide, given as sulphur dioxide, - nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, given as nitrogen dioxide. The continuous determination of the

nitrogen dioxide concentration can be dispensed with if the materials used, the construction, the mode of operation or the individual measurements show that the proportion of nitrogen dioxide in the nitrogen oxide emissions is less than 10 %. In this case, the nitrogen dioxide proportion is taken into account by means of calculations, if agreed by the competent authority.

- Mercury and its compounds, except if it can be reliably proven that mercury levels are less than 20 % of the defined limits.

Measurement of reference parameters: - continuous recording of oxygen content, - continuous recording of the temperatures in the reheating zone, - continuous recording of operating parameters to assess normal operation, e.g. waste gas temperature, waste

gas volume flow, humidity and pressure.

At a European level, measurement of emissions for installations subject to licensing was first required in line with Article 11 of the “Directive on the combating of air pollution from industrial plants” [11]. The “Directive on integrated prevention and pollution control” [12] (IPPC directive) includes licensing conditions for new and existing installations. In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, the license should include “suitable release monitoring requirements, specifying measurement methodology and frequency, evaluation procedure and an obligation to supply the competent authority with data required for checking compliance with the permit”.

To date, five EU plant directives have been passed within the framework of EU environmental law and on the basis of the “Directive on the combating of air pollution from industrial plants”.

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- 22 - EU directives are implemented into national within set periods through the enactment of national administrative regulations and statutory orders.

The following regulations have been enforced under EU law with respect to the monitoring of emissions:

Large Furnaces (88/609/EEC) [13] New installations with a nominal thermal output of 300 MW or more:

Continuous measurement and recording of emissions of: - dust, - sulphur dioxide, - nitrogen oxide.

Tests on dust and sulphur dioxide can be restricted to individual measurements or other suitable determination methods. These methods must be recognized by the competent authorities.

New installations for the incineration of municipal waste (89/369 EEC) [14] (operation authorised after 01/12/1990)

Continuous measurement and recording of emissions of: - dust, - carbon monoxide, - hydrogen chloride.

Measurement of operating parameters: - continuous recording of oxygen content - continuous recording of the temperatures in the reheating zone - continuous recording of humidity, except when the incineration gas is dried before the analysis of the emissions.

Existing installations for the incineration of municipal waste (89/429 EEC) [15] (operation first authorised before 01/12/1990)

Nominal capacity of at least 1 t/h Continuous measurement and recording of emissions of: - dust, - carbon monoxide.

Measurement of operating parameters: - continuous recording of oxygen content, - continuous recording of the temperatures in the reheating zone.

Incineration of hazardous waste (94/67/EU) [16]

Continuous measurement and recording of emissions of: - dust, - carbon monoxide, - hydrogen chloride, - hydrogen fluoride, except when treatment devices are used for hydrogen chloride which guarantee that the

emission limit for hydrogen chloride is not exceeded, - total gaseous and vaporous organic substances, given as organically combined carbon.

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- 23 - Measurement of operating parameters: - continuous recording of the temperatures in the reheating zone, - continuous recording of oxygen content in the waste gas, - continuous recording of humidity, except when the waste gas sample is dried before the analysis of the

emissions, - continuous recording of the waste gas temperature and pressure characteristics.

VOC directive (1999/13/EU) [17]

Continuous measurement and recording of emissions of organically combined carbon if an emission reduction device is fitted and an average of more than 10 kg/h of organically combined carbon is emitted.

3.1.2 Installations not subject to licensing

Small furnaces under the jurisdiction of the 1st BImSchV Installations under the jurisdiction of the 2nd BImSchV

Measuring procedures and regulations pursuant to the 1st and 2nd BImSchV are the subject of a different manual published as a text by the Federal Environmental Agency [79]. Therefore, they will not be dealt with further in this manual.

Crematoria within the jurisdiction of the 27th BImSchV [10] - carbon monoxide, - dust (flue gas density).

Measurement of reference parameters: - continuous recording of oxygen content, - continuous recording of the temperatures in the reheating zone.

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- 24 - 3.2 Quality assurance for continuous emission monitoring

In order to ensure a standard practice for the continuous monitoring of emissions, a program of quality assurance measures has been developed. Fig. 3.1 shows the building blocks of this quality assurance program.

Federal Immission Control Act§ 29

Statutory orders

Guidelines published by theFederal Ministry for the Environment

orVDI guidelines ‘test plans’

Evaluation by a suitable testing laboratory,generally autorized by the

device manufacturer

Validation in specialist discussions underthe supervision of the UBA. Recommen-

dation for announcement of suitabilityto the “Air/Monitoring” subcommitee of LAI

Announcement of suitability by theFederal Ministry for the Environment

in the GMBl

Competent installation and calibration bya designated measuring laboratory

Regular maintenance andfunctional tests

Evaluation of the results bythe supervisory authority

Legal bases

Execution ofsuitability test

Use of suitability-tested devices

Figure 3.1: Quality assurance for continuous emission monitoring

3.2.1 Suitability tests

Measuring devices for non-atmospheric substances and reference values

Continuous measuring devices which are used for the purposes of emissions monitoring must be suitable for this measurement task, i.e. they must fulfil defined quality requirements. TA Luft [2] and the statutory orders pursuant to BImSchG stipulate the use of suitable measuring devices for continuous emission monitoring. The suitability of measurement devices is determined by means of suitability tests. In order to ensure that the procedure for carrying out suitability tests (extent of test, test criteria / minimum requirements, evaluation of results) is consistent, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, after consultation with the supreme competent regional authorities and in conjunction with the Laender Committee for Immission Protection (LAI), publishes “Guidelines on suitability tests, and on the installation, calibration and maintenance of measuring systems for continuous emission measurement and continuous recording of reference and operating values to enable ongoing monitoring of the emissions of specific substances” in the Joint Ministerial Gazette for the Federal Ministries (GMBl) [18] (printed in Annex 1).

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- 25 - The LAI “Air/monitoring” subcommittee has drawn up and published test catalogues for running suitability tests [24; 25]. On this basis, VDI working groups develop test procedures for running suitability tests which are then published in the form of VDI guidelines [28].

Suitability tests are normally commissioned by instrument manufacturers and carried out at their own expense.

The suitability tests are carried out by testing institutes who can prove particular experience in performing emission and immission measurements, in the calibration of continuous measurement devices and in equipment testing.

Tests and reports from inspection bodies in other member states of the EU or European Economic Area (EEA) are recognized as equal in accordance with the “Standard Federal Practice for the Monitoring of Emissions” [18], in particular when they fulfil the following criteria:

- the suitability test has been carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in the “Standard Federal Practice for the Monitoring of Emissions” [18] or with an equivalent professional procedure (including at least a 3-month field test for the devices),

- the testing bodies have proved the experience detailed above, for example, by being accredited by the competent authority in a member state,

- the testing bodies are accredited in accordance with an accreditation system evaluated by the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) for the test functions in question in accordance with the DIN EN 45000 1 series of standards.

A suitability test can be divided into two stages:

- Laboratory test test of the requirements in terms of controls and settings options, test of the influence of ambient temperature, air humidity and fluctuations in mains voltage

on the measurement signal, test of the linearity of the measurement signal,

test of the influence of interference components on the measurement signal (cross-sensitivities).

- Field test at least three months of permanent testing, normally using two complete and identical measuring systems, determination and checking of statistic performance characteristics by comparing the measurement values obtained by the two measuring systems or by comparing them with measuring values obtained by a reference measurement method at the same time (calibration),

checking the long-term stability (zero point / reference point), setting the maintenance interval, checking the effectiveness of the measuring system under real-life conditions in practice

(installation-specific test), determination of any restrictions on the use of the measuring system.

The field test is carried out under practical conditions. The aim is to prove the effectiveness of the measuring device under real conditions in the field. Therefore, the announcement of suitability is restricted to their use on specific types of installations. For this purpose, a distinction is often made between the measurement tasks outlined in TA Luft and the 13th, 17th and 27th BImSchV (e.g. different minimum measurement ranges for testing).

The institute in question presents a report about the results of the suitability test carried out. The report is examined in line with an expert meeting under the supervision of the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA). The

1) DIN EN 45001 [May 1990] “General criteria for the operation of testing laboratories” is set to be replaced by DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 [April 2000] “General requirements relating to the competence of inspection and calibration laboratories” by the year 2002

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- 26 - panel of experts is made up of representatives of the UBA, the competent regional authorities and the testing institutions. If the review results in a positive overall assessment, it is recommended for publication to the LAI subcommittee on ‘Air / Monitoring”. The suitability of the measuring system tested is then announced on request of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in the Joint Ministerial Gazette for the Federal Ministries (GMBl). The announcement of suitability incorporates information on the field of application, with limitations if appropriate, on the measurement range tested and on the test report.

Electronic devices for evaluation and assessment of continuous emission measurements / remote emission data transfer (EFÜ)

The measured values must be continually recorded and automatically prepared for subsequent processing.

The devices used for this function are deemed to be an integral part of the continuously recording measurement devices. Therefore, they must be subjected to suitability tests in the same way as the measurement devices. Guidelines on the evaluation of continuous emission measurements are published by the BMU in the Joint Ministerial Gazette for the Federal Ministries [18]. These contain performance characteristics and minimum requirements for the suitability test and information on the assessment methods in accordance with TA Luft, 17th BImSchV and for incineration installations.

Further requirements with respect to the recording and evaluation of the measurement results can be found in section of TA Luft [2], paragraph 26 of the 13th BImSchV [7], paragraph 12 of the 17th BimSchV [8], and paragraph 8 of the 27th BImSchV [10]. For remote emissions monitoring systems, the data transfer between the installation to be monitored (B system) and the supervisory authority (G system) is standardised in an interface defined by the “Air / Monitoring” subcommittee of the LAI [26].

List of approved measuring devices for continuous emission measurement

Lists of all approved measuring devices, sorted by measured objects, are published and updated by the UBA (Federal Environmental Agency). These lists can be downloaded from the Internet from the address: http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/uba-info-daten/daten/messeinrichtungen.htm. The approval texts from 1999 onwards are also available on the same site. These lists contain the name of the manufacturer / retailer as well as the year, issue and page of the Joint Ministerial Gazette for the Federal Ministries in which the announcement was published.

Annex 2 of this manual contains a print-out of the lists of devices. The announced devices are allocated into the following groups:

- dust concentration - waste gas opacity - dust (qualitative, monitoring of limit values) - sulphur dioxide - nitrogen oxide - carbon monoxide - inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds - inorganic gaseous fluorine compounds - hydrogen sulphide - phenol - formaldehyde - organic compounds as total carbon - ammonia - mercury - oxygen - humidity - waste gas volume flow - simple classification devices - classification devices with reference value calculators - telemetric monitoring (remote emission monitoring)

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- 27 - 3.2.2 Installation, operation and quality control of suitability-tested measurement devices Selection of the measurement cross section

The same criteria are valid for the selection of the measurement section and the measurement cross section within the measurement section as are used for discontinuous measurement methods (see Section 2.3.1).

For technical reasons, measuring devices working continuously cannot generally take samples across the whole measurement cross section. Extractive samples are normally taken on a spot or linear basis. In the case of optical measurement methods, in-situ measurements cover linear sections of the measurement cross section. A grid measurement (see Section 2.3.2) must be carried out to prove that the measurement point or the measurement axis selected is representative for the relevant measured object in the measurement cross section.

When selecting the measurement cross section, it is preferable to use cross sections downstream of the suction fan, as the mixture of waste gases is more likely to be even here than upstream of the fan. Linear samples or optical in-situ measurements for particulate matter in horizontal flue ducts should be vertical to prevent the possible formation of sedimentation [36].

It is sensible to carry out the manual comparative measuring procedure to calibrate the continuous measuring devices in the same measurement cross section. If the sample gas for the comparative measuring procedure is spot sampled (determination of spot analytical functions), then the sampling probe must be able to be inserted such that the samples for the comparative measuring procedure and for the continuous measurement device can be taken from points on the measurement cross section which are very close together. This ensures that the continuous measurement method and the comparative measuring procedure obtain the same sample gas [32].

The sampling point should be chosen such that it enables the devices for measuring the reference values, e.g. O2, CO2, temperature and humidity, to obtain samples of the sample gas from the same measurement cross section.

The continuous measurement and comparative measurement must not be allowed to have any effect on one another. Where applicable, specific requirements as to the installation and / or sampling point can be found in the test reports for the measuring device in question.

The installation point (in situ measuring devices) and / or the sampling point (extractive sampling devices) and the measurement ports for comparative measurements must be easily accessible by means of safe working platforms. The working platforms must be of adequate size [31]. Installation of measuring devices

The measurement device should be installed in conjunction with the body nominated by the competent authority under regional law [18].

A body announced for this purpose by the supreme competent Federal State authority must draw up a certificate that the continuous measuring device has been properly installed (see Section 1.4).

The following framework conditions should be considered when installing emission measuring devices:

- complying with the operational temperature limits specified by the manufacturer, - sufficient protection against weather influences, - vibration-less and shock-free installation, - avoidance of external influences due to gases and vapours on the measurement device, - avoidance of interfering electric or magnetic fields in the vicinity of the measuring device or measured value transmission systems, - operational limitations based on the results of the suitability test.

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- 28 - Measurement devices with extractive sampling

The sampling path should be kept as short as possible to enable short response times. All gas transmission lines and components of the emission measuring device must be made from suitable material, on the one hand to prevent corrosion and on the other hand to avoid interactive reactions between these materials and the measured component. Probes, filters and sample gas tubing up to the sample gas cooler (condensate separation) must be heated to above the dew point temperature of the measured component.

For instruments using filter back flushing, it must be ensured that the gas used for flushing does not cause the head of the sampling probe to be cooled down below the dew point temperature.

If high levels of condensate are formed, the condensate should be discharged automatically. As a general principle, all gas lines which could contain condensate should be laid with a slight slope.

Optical in situ measurement methods

Where optical in situ measurement methods are used, the influence of external light needs to be taken into consideration, as do any specific requirements with respect to the prevention of warping in the device mount. Maintenance of measurement devices for continuous emission measurement

Measurement devices for continuous emission measurement must be subjected to maintenance on a regular basis. The specialist personnel responsible for looking after the measurement device must be trained how to use the measurement device. It makes sense to conclude a maintenance contract governing the regular inspection of the measurement device. This sort of maintenance contract may not be required if the operator has its own measurement and control workshop and adequately qualified personnel [18]. The competent authority has the right to require the operator to keep a inspection log to document this work.

The scope and frequency of the maintenance work is specific to the instrument and depends on the operating conditions. The maintenance interval determined in the suitability test is taken from the manufacturer’s data or from the suitability test report and must not be exceeded.

Maintenance of in situ measurement devices

Maintenance of optical in situ measurement devices covers a number of areas, including the following:

- cleaning the optical surfaces, - checking the zero point and reference point signals and the sensitivity if applicable, - cleaning the filters (purging air, cooling air), - checking the measurement data recording.

Maintenance of measurement devices with extractive sampling

Maintenance covers a number of areas, including the following:

- checking the sampling system heating, - replacing consumable materials (e.g. filters, reagent solutions), - replacing or cleaning sample gas filters, - checking the registration devices, - checking the condensate separation systems, - checking the gas supply lines and components for leaks, - checking the flow of the sample gas, - checking the instrument zero point and sensitivity, - checking the absorbent dosing, if applicable.

When the plant is shut down, all sample gas lines must be purged using an inert gas. Condensate collection vessels should be emptied.

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- 29 - Checking the functionality of measurement devices for continuous emission measurement

The functionality of measuring devices working continuously to determine emission levels and to measure reference values must be checked by a body authorised by the competent Federal State authority (see Section 1.4) once a year.

The functionality test must always be carried out prior to the calibration of the measurement device (see Section

In accordance with VDI 3950, part 1 [32], functional tests must incorporate the following points:

Measurement devices with extractive sampling:

- Test of the functionality of the components of the measuring instruments (e.g. heating systems). Visual check of the components for damage or dirt.

- Leak testing of the sample gas system. The test includes checking the components to extract the measured gas (probe, filter) and components for gas conditioning. The constancy of the flow section is also checked on dust measurement devices with extractive sampling. This should also be checked for systems with controls to ensure isokinetic suction.

- Checking the zero point and the reference point using zero or test gas or using appropriate measurement equipment,

- Adjusting the zero point and the reference point using appropriate testing equipment, - Checking the instrument characteristic using test gas or using appropriate measurement equipment and zero

gas with - zero point and one reference point for instruments with linear measurement characteristics, - zero point and two reference points for instruments with non-linear measurement characteristics, - zero point and four reference points distributed evenly across the measurement range for devices with

linearized measurement characteristics. The instrument characteristic describes the relationship between the measurement signal of the continuous measurement devices (normally a current signal I) and the face value for the testing equipment standard: I = f(ctest gas).

- Checking cross-sensitivites to the attendant substances contained in the waste gas (for the specific application). In order to do this, the attendant substances must be introduced into the analyser, e.g. in the form of test gases, in conjunction with the removal and conditioning of the measured gas. The first time the system is calibrated, a list of all relevant waste gas attendant substances whose influence will need to be checked is drawn up in accordance with the suitability test for the measurement device. Frequent attendant substances are: - water vapour, - carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide.

- Checking the zero point and reference point drift in the maintenance interval, either on the basis of data recorded by the operator or using test gas / testing equipment at the beginning and end of the maintenance period,

- Determination of the 90 % response time

In measurement instruments which use the principle of ß-radiation absorption, the functionality test is based on individual filter measurements and a check of the partial flow removed and the duration of suction. This should also be checked with systems with controls to ensure isokinetic suction.

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- 30 - Optical in situ measurement devices:

- Testing the functionality of the components of the measuring instruments. Visual check of the components for damage or contamination. It is particularly important to check the optical surfaces for contamination.

- Checking the functionality of the purging air blower and the purging air filter (if installed), - Checking and readjusting the zero point on a comparative measuring path (transmitted light method) or on a

waste gas-free measuring path using appropriate measurement equipment. The length of the comparative measuring path must correspond to the flange/flange distance in the flue duct (can, under certain circumstances, be carried out by the customer services department of the device manufacturer in the presence of representatives of the measurement laboratory).

- Checking the position of the zero point and the reference point in the flue channel using built-in testing equipment,

- Checking the instrument characteristic using appropriate measurement equipment (e.g. optical inspection filters, grating filter with known extinction, test gas cells) (can, under certain circumstances, be carried out by the customer services department of the device manufacturer in the presence of representatives of the measurement body),

- Checking cross-sensitivities to the attendant substances contained in the waste gas (for the specific application). In situ measurement devices for multiple components must be checked with respect to the cross-sensitivity caused by interference between the measurement channels by means of a constant tape writer attached over a period of several days.

Frequent attendant materials are: - water vapour, - carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide.

- Checking the zero point and reference point drift in the maintenance interval, either on the basis of data recorded by the operator or using test gas / testing equipment at the beginning and end of the maintenance period,

- Determination of the 90 % response time

Electronic evaluation systems:

- Checking the data transmission from the measurement device to the evaluation system and the writer. This check can be carried out either by switching on an internal current source or by means of an external calibration current source.

- checking the data registration and adjustment, - checking the transmission of status signals to the evaluation system, - checking the list of parameters.

The functional tests are partially independent of the operation of the plant, i.e. depending on the nature of the tests in question, they can sometimes be carried out while the plant is shut down. Under certain conditions, especially for applications for which there are no stable test gases, it can be necessary to carry out some of the comparative measurements using conventional measurement methods. Calibration of measurement devices for continuous emission measurement [32]

Instruments for continuous emissions monitoring must be calibrated on a regular basis by a body authorised by the supreme competent Federal State authority. The intervals between two calibrations are as follows:

- installations governed by the 4th BImSchV: 5 years No. of TA Luft [2],

- Large furnaces: 3 years if output > 300 MW 5 years for all other installations § 28 of the 13th BImSchV [7], - Waste incineration installations: 3 years § 10 of the 17th BImSchV [8], - Crematoria: 5 years § 7 of the 27th BImSchV [10].

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- 31 - Before calibration, a measurement plan is drawn up by the body carrying out the inspections (see Section 2.2). This contains information on the measurement place, the measurement task, the measurement date, the measurement methods and the measurement personnel [30].

The aim of the calibration is to determine the analytical function of the complete measurement device. The analytical function describes the relationship between the concentration c of the measured object in the waste gas and the measurement signal given by the continuous measurement device (normally a current signal I):

Analytical function: c = f(I)

In order to achieve this, comparative measurements are carried out using conventional methods. A conventional method is an agreed method of determining one or more characteristics of the composition of a gas which it would not be practical to create reference materials to determine. According to the agreement, the measurement result is a measure of the status observed. The conventional methods used are generally characterised by the fact that they involve quantitative chemical or physical reactions whose output parameters (or reaction parameters) can be seen as invariable under specific constant conditions [32].

In order to ensure an unambiguous statistical relationship between the device display and the concentration of the measured object in the waste gas, at least 15 comparative measurements are normally required. The number of measurements required increases as a function of the number of operating statuses and / or the emission behaviour of an installation.

Essentially, there are two possible ways of determining the analytical function:

1.) Direct determination of grid-related analytical function The comparative measurements are carried out as grid measurements. In order to calculate the analytical function, the device display is compared to the values recorded simultaneously by the comparative measurements.

2.) Step by step determination of grid-related analytical function The sampling for the comparative measurements is on a spot basis, near the sampling point for the continuous measuring device (spot-related analytical function). In addition, a grid measurement is carried out for orientation purposes. Comparing the values obtained from the grid and spot measurements gives a correction factor for the sampling point of the device to be calibrated. In order to improve the spatial and temporal representativeness, this factor is incorporated into the spot-related analytical function calculated.

Care should be taken to ensure that the comparative measurements cover as much as possible of the whole measurement range set for the continuous measurement device. To do this, it may be necessary to intervene into the running of the plant or the waste gas purification system. As a rule, the measurements should be concluded within a five-day period.

The calibration process generally includes the determination of the general waste gas conditions. This determination is especially important if the measurement device to be calibrated calculates pollutant mass concentrations relative to the waste gas volumes in the operating conditions and standardises these using an evaluation unit.

In line with the calibration process, a statement should be made about the functionality of the measuring equipment available for reference values, e.g. O2, CO2, temperature, humidity.

During the calibration process, the measurement signals from the continuous measuring device are logged using recording equipment with 0.5 precision class and a printing width of at least 20 cm. It makes sense to use a measured data recording system to make analysis easier. The scanning rate should be at least 10 Hertz per channel. The measured values recorded must be able to be integrated for the whole duration of the sampling time for the comparative measurement method used.

The pairs of values given by the comparative measurements are analysed statistically [32; 36]. Where a relatively large proportion of the measurement range is covered with pairs of values, the statistical analysis takes the form of a comparison of the face value to the actual value by setting up a linear regression with no hypothesis for the

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- 32 - zero point. Non-linear relationships can be given as appropriate parabolic functions.

The analytical function is determined by a regression calculation. Statistic performance characteristics, such as the two sided confidence intervals and tolerance intervals, are also calculated. The analytical function should enable a direct evaluation of the measurement signal as a mass concentration of the measured object, e.g. in mg/m³.

Sometimes, groups of measurement values recorded for different operating statuses of the installation inspected cannot be evaluated using a single analytical function (e.g. if the optical dust properties are different). In such cases, a separate regression calculation must be carried out for each operating status.

If the measures taken to increase the scatter range of the measured values are not successful, the result is a cluster of points when the results from the continuous measurement values are compared to the results of the comparative measurement method.

If the measured values do not exceed 20 % of the limit value to be monitored, the number of comparative measurements can be reduced to nine. The figures are analysed by means of regression calculation using the zero point. The resulting analytical function is only applicable to the area covered by the measured values.

If experience about the emission behaviour of the plant shows that there are or have been no measured values above 20 % of the limit value to be monitored, then the inverse function for the instrument characteristic can be used as the analytical function for the complete measuring procedure.

The body carrying out the inspections must draw up a report on the functional test and / or the calibration.

The “Air / Monitoring” subcommittee of the LAI has drawn up a “Standard German measurement report on the execution of functional tests/calibration of continuous measurement systems” [22] and [33].

This contains information on the following:

- measurement task, - measurement date, - installation, and the operating status of the installation during the comparative measurements, - measurement location for the continuous measuring device and for the comparative measurement method, - continuous measurement device, - comparative measurement method, - results of the functional test / calibration, - functional test of the electronic analysis system.

The standard calibration report can be found in Annex 1. It is not yet obligatory established in all German federal states. Special requirements for the functional test / calibration

The following section details special instructions on the calibration and functional testing of continuous measurement devices, structured by measured objects. In general, the requirements with respect to the maintenance, functional testing and calibration of the measurement device which were ascertained during the suitability test and can be found in the suitability test report must be adhered to.

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- 33 - Dust content measurement devices [36]

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- Low dust content: Gravimetric determination of dust load in accordance with VDI 2066, part 7 [39] - High dust content: Gravimetric determination of dust load in accordance with VDI 2066, part 2 [35]

The relationship between the instrument reading and the actual dust content in the waste gas depends on a number of factors, including the particle size distribution and material characteristics (surface, reflective properties) of the dust as well as on the representativeness of the measurement in the measurement cross section. It can therefore only be determined by means of gravimetric comparative measurements. It is recommended that the calibration is carried out in the relevant concentration range for the measurement task in question. In order to record any potential influences during the calibration process, measurements must be taken for all important operating statuses which occur in practice. It may be necessary to produce specific emission conditions which need to be captured for the purposes of calibration by adjusting the dust reduction systems installed.

Comparative measurements should, where possible, be carried out within a single maintenance period. Smoke density meters

Smoke density meters can only provide a qualitative indication of the dust concentration in the waste gas. For this reason, it does not make sense to carry out calibration by means of reference measurements with a manual reference measurement method.

Once the zero point signal has been adjusted to the brightness of the smoke-free measuring path, the instrument sensitivity is adjusted by means of test filters of known opacity. Measurement devices for sulphur dioxide

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- H2O2 thorin method in accordance with VDI 2462, part 8 [47] - iodine thiosulphate method in accordance with VDI 2462, part 8 [48] - hydrogen peroxide / barium perchlorate / thorin method in accordance with DIN ISO 7934 [50]

Calibration must be carried out in compliance with VDI guideline 2462, part 6 “Gaseous emission measurement; check of calibrated recording instruments for sulphur dioxide concentration measurements in waste gases of combustion plants” [49].The selection of the reference measurement method is dependent on the sulphur dioxide concentration in the waste gases and on the cross-sensitivity of the measurement method to waste gas attendant substances. Measurement devices for nitrogen oxide

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- sodium salicylate method in accordance with VDI 2456, part 8 [53] - dimethylphenol method in accordance with VDI 2456, part 10 [54]

In plants where the nitrogen dioxide content is greater than 5 % of the total nitrogen oxide content (NO+NO2), the efficiency of the converter (if installed) must be tested. This can be achieved using, for example, test gases containing NO2 in known concentrations or using gas phase titration (with ozone). When producing NO2 test gases, it should be noted that NO2 dimerizes as a function of temperature and pressure. 2 NO2 N2O4. This effect should be taken into consideration for test gas concentrations above 1000 ppm [51].

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- 34 - Measurement devices for carbon monoxide

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- iodine pentoxide method in accordance with VDI 2459, part 7 [56] - measurement using FID after reduction to methane and gas-chromatographic separation in accordance with

VDI 2459, part 1 [57] - for CO concentrations > 1 % by volume, the Orsat method [81]

In furnaces, the CO content of the waste gases is generally too low to allow reference measurements to be performed successfully. In such cases, the analytical function can be calculated by inverting the instrument characteristic worked out during the functional test, if experience shows that no values have been measured which are above 20 % of the limit value to be monitored [32]. Measurement devices for organic compounds

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- silica gel method (ADS) in accordance with VDI 3481, part 2 [58] with restrictions Depending on the composition of the waste gas, this method can produce different measurement results to, for

example, the FID measurement method. The silica gel method is not suitable for measuring short-chain hydrocarbons (C1 to C3) or for measurements in humid waste gases (e.g. waste gas from incineration).

The FID measurement devices need to be calibrated separately because the instrument is adjusted to test gases, such as propane or butane, and the organic compounds emitted by the plant may have a different response factor to that of the calibration gas.

Restrictions relating to operational safety can be found in the suitability test report. Explosion prevention regulations must be adhered to in hazardous locations. It may be necessary to compromise on the best installation position for safety reasons. Measurement devices for inorganic gaseous fluorine compounds

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- absorption method in accordance with VDI 2470, part 1 [59] Generally, the fluoride concentration is determined for analytical purposes by means of ion-chromatographic

determination. Measurement devices for inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- absorption method in accordance with DIN EN 1911-1 [60] Generally, the chloride concentration is determined for analytical purposes by means of ion-chromatographic


Test gases containing chloride are used to check the instrument characteristic of absorption photometers. The water vapour content of the waste gas which is to be measured should be taken into account if the measurement system exhibits an interference response to water vapour. Measurement devices for hydrogen sulphide

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- potentiometric titration method in accordance with VDI 3486, part 1 [61] - iodometric titration method in accordance with VDI 3486, part 2 [62]

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- 35 - Measurement devices for ammonia

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- adsorption method in accordance with VDI 3496, part 1 [63] Measurement devices for mercury

Conventional measurement methods for comparative measurements during calibration:

- potassium permanganate method in accordance with DIN EN 13211 (E) [64]

It should be noted that this method determines the total mercury content, while some announced Hg analysers only detect the proportion of metallic mercury.

During the function test, the instrument characteristic is checked using test gases. The test gases must be produced immediately before being used on the analysis devices (e.g. by setting the required gas pressure in the gas phase over a mercury reactor).

When using test gas, it may be necessary to take the cycle time of the measuring device into consideration. In the same way, the sampling interval for the comparative measurements must be adjusted to the enrichment phase for the measurement device. Measurement devices for reference values (volume flow, humidity, oxygen, temperature)

The functionality of measurement devices for reference parameters is checked using manual comparative measurements.

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- 36 - 3.3 Evaluation and documentation of measured values, submission to the authorities /

remote emission monitoring

Recording and processing of measured values

The measured values are recorded by an electronic analysis system. The scanning rate should not exceed 1 s (0.1 seconds for remote monitoring systems) per channel. The measured values are integrated to short-period means and converted into the appropriate physical value on the basis of the analytical function determined during calibration. In addition, mathematical calculations, such as oxygen reference calculation or standardisation of pressure, humidity or temperature, can be carried out.

The reference period for the integration interval is generally half an hour. For relatively new systems, the interval can be picked anywhere between 3 and 120 minutes.

For the purposes of analysis, the concentration range up to double the emission value of the component to be monitored is divided into 20 classes of equal size. The short-period means calculated, which are generally half-hourly means, are assigned to the appropriate concentration class. The number of short-period means assigned to each class and their total frequency distribution are saved. The total frequency distribution is generally calculated for a calendar year.

A daily mean is calculated every 24 hours and assigned to the appropriate daily mean class. The integration intervals and class definitions can be different for measurement tasks in line with the 13th and the 17th BImSchV.

A daily protocol is printed out containing the contents of the classes saved and any outlying measured values. An annual protocol is drawn up at the end of the year.

Fig. 3.2 shows a daily printout for an installation where the values are analysed for three components in accordance with TA Luft.

The measured values are allocated into the following classes:

Class 1 - 20 Contains all the values, in equal class ranges, up to double the emission limit (short-term limit) 1)

Class 21 This class covers the range above the short term-limit (double the emission limit) up to the short-term limit plus the tolerance interval(2

Class 22 Contains values greater than class 212)

Total of classes 1 -22 Total of all values contained in classes 1 - 22

97 % rule This class contains all the values which are within 1.2 times the emission limit, i.e. 97 % of all half-hourly means must be in classes 1 – 12. 3)

1.2 * TGW This class begins at 1.2 times the emission limit and ends at the limit to the appropriate confidence interval (VB), i.e. 1.2 * emission limit to 1.2 * emission limit + VB.

Calculation of substitution values If a substitution value was used for the calculation of the components, this value also appears in this class. (dual classification)

Integration time < 2/3 Values whose number of individual values used for the formation of the standard value is less than 2/3

Measurement device error Measured values which cannot be considered because of an ongoing error status signal are assigned to this class.

Measurement device maintenance Measured values which cannot be considered because of an ongoing maintenance status signal are assigned to this class.

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- 37 - Computer error Measured values which are recorded or would have been recorded during a

computer error are assigned to this class.

Computer maintenance Measured values which cannot be considered because of an ongoing computer maintenance status signal are assigned to this class.

Plant not in service Measured values measured while the plant is “out of service” are assigned to this class.

Starting up Measured values measured while the plant is “starting up” are assigned to this class.

SPS error (not considered because of smoke gas purification system error) Measured values measured while the plant status is “smoke gas purification

system error” are assigned to this class.

TMW < TGW This class contains all daily means (TMW) which are less than the daily limit (TGW, corresponds to emission limit).

TGW < TMW < TGW+VB This class contains all daily means (TMW) which exceed the emission limit (TGW) but are below the emission limit + confidence interval (VB).

TMW > TGW+VB All daily means (TMW) which exceed the emission limit (TGW) + confidence interval (VB).

no daily mean This class contains the individual values when no daily mean can be calculated. (e.g. not enough valid individual values)

see Standard federal practice on emission monitoring [18], 1): No. 1.2 Classification and saving of half-hourly means, 1.2.1 2): No. 1.2 Classification and saving of half-hourly means, 1.2.3 3): 2: Characteristics of the evaluation process: it is characterised by the fact that 97 % of all half-hourly means must not exceed 6/5 of

the emission limit. 4): No. 1.2 Classification and saving of half-hourly means, 1.2.2


In accordance with the 13th BImSchV (large furnaces), the evaluation period can be extended to 2 hours if the calibration time had to be extended during calibration.

The following evaluation periods are defined in 89/369/EEC (new incineration plants for municipal waste) [14]: 1 hour 1 day Moving 7 day average

The following evaluation periods are defined in accordance with 88/609/EEC (large furnaces) [13]: 48 hours 1 calendar month or Moving 30 day average

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- 38 -

Figure 3.2: Daily printout of the classification of a plant in accordance with TA Luft

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- 39 - Remote emission monitoring / remote emission data transmission (EFÜ) [26]:

In remote emission monitoring systems, the measured data are processed by an emission computer. Once processed, the data are saved on a remote emission monitoring computer (EFÜ computer or B system) and made available for subsequent remote data transmission (DFÜ). The emission computer and EFÜ computer can be integrated into a single unit or networked together. Depending on the number of plants monitored, the plant operator has either one B system or multiple B systems which can be networked together. Each B system analyses the figures for a plant or a section of a plant. A number of emission computers can be connected to a single B system. A G system is installed at the competent monitoring authority. This system allows access to the data stored on the B systems connected. The B system and G system communicate through the telephone system using a modem connection. The data interface has been agreed and standardised. The interface definition is published by the LAI [26]. Fig. 3.3 shows a schematic representation of an Remote emissions monitoring system with a connection to the authorities.

Remote emissions monitoring systems fulfil the following basic functions:

• The B system automatically supplies the data for the most recent period since the last transmission to the G system at predefined intervals (up to max. 7 days, normally every day).

• The G system can also request that the B system supplies the data for the relevant period at any time. • If any limits are exceeded, the B system supplies the data for the current day. • The description of the installation, e.g. configuration, takes place in the B system for the plant and is

transferred in the form of a standard data model to the G system.

Unlike emission analysis computers, remote emissions monitoring systems can allocate individual emission values to the relevant emission times. The daily transmission of data enables the competent monitoring authority to react quickly to irregularities in the emission behaviour of a connected installation.

As the B systems are powerful computers, they can, for example, calculate emission trends to recognise any potential violations of limits before they even happen.



Supervisory authority

B system B system B systemB system B system B system

Operator 1 Operator 2

Central B system

G system

Figure 3.3: Remote emissions monitoring system with connection to authorities

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- 40 - 4 Measurement methods

4.1 Continuous measurement of non-atmospheric substances (stationary / mobile)

All measurement devices suitable for continuous measurements register physical or physico-chemical changes produced by the measured object within the measurement system and convert these into electrical signals. To do this, the sample gas can either be removed from the main volume flow and introduced into the measurement device (extractive sampling) or the sample gas can be examined directly in the flue duct (in situ measurement).

This chapter is a systematic overview of standard measuring principles. It will not take into consideration the specific design peculiarities of devices produced by different manufacturers.

In emissions technology, optical measuring devices are normally referred to as “photometers”, even though they are by definition spectrometers. Normally, only spectrometers which work with radiation in the visible UV range are described as photometers.

4.1.1 Measurement of particulate emissions Photometric in situ dust measurement (measurement of optical transmission) [36]

Photometric dust measurement devices measure the dust load by means of the auxiliary parameters transmission and/or extinction. A beam of light passes through a defined cross-section, e.g. a chimney, a pipe, or a duct, containing a dust-laden waste gas. As a result of absorption and scattering of the particles, the light beam is reduced in intensity which is a function of the dust load. The ratio of the received light I to the transmitted light I0 is the transmission T. The logarithm of the reciprocal of the transmission is called the extinction E.

I I = T


T1ln = E Eq. 4.1 and 4.2

If there is a constant dust load in the flue gas, the extinction gets larger the longer the light path L is. There is an exponential relationship between the transmission and the length of the total measuring path:

L)exp(- = T ε Eq. 4.3

The extinction coefficient ε depends on the properties of the light used, the characteristics of the dust being measured (e.g. particle size distribution, shape of particles, colour, complex refraction index) and the dust content c.

Because there are so many influencing factors, there is no simple formulaic relationship between the dust content and the transmission. It has been proven in experiments that, within certain limits, there is a linear relationship between the dust content c and the extinction coefficient ε, which can be described by the Lambert-Beer law by introducing the proportionality constant α:

E)exp(- = cL)exp(- = T α Eq. 4.4

Assuming that all other influencing factors remain constant, this gives the following relationship between the extinction and the dust load:

cL = E α Eq. 4.5

Depending on the application, a distinction is made between:

- qualitative measurement methods (monitoring of limit values) - measurement methods to determine the smoke number (waste gas opacity) and - quantitative measurement methods (determination of dust content / mass concentration).

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- 41 - Qualitative particulate measuring devices are used for monitoring limit values. They only determine the optical transmission. At least two alarm levels need to be set on the measurement device by means of calibration using a gravimetric conventional method.

Particulate measuring devices to determine the smoke spot number (waste gas opacity) also only determine the transmission. There must be a reproducible relationship between the grey-scale value of the waste gas plume and the display on the measuring device. The measured values are given as a smoke number. (VDI 2066, part 8 [40] and DIN 51402, Part 1 [42])

Quantitative particulate measuring devices determine the dust content (dust load of the sample gas or mass concentration). To do this, the optical transmission of the extinction is derived using the Lambert-Beer law. The measuring devices normally give the measured signal as milligrams of dust per cubic metre of waste gas in operating conditions. In order to obtain reproducible measurements, it must be assumed that the dust being measured is not subject to appreciable alteration with respect to its particle size distribution and optical properties. It therefore follows that each individual device must be calibrated at the place it is used.

Fig. 4.1 is a schematic presentation of a conventional in situ dust content measuring device. The measuring head with its opto-electric receiver is installed on one side of the waste gas duct. The reflector head is on the opposite side.

The light beam emitted by the light source is separated into a measurement beam and a reference beam (dual-beam method). The measuring light beam crosses through the measurement section to the reflector and back to the measuring head, while the reference light beam passes through a dust-free reference path inside the measuring head. Both light beams reach the receiver at staggered phases, the receiver then processes the signal and supplies a direct current signal which is proportional to the extinction. The use of the dual-beam method with automatic compensation ensures that the measurement is not affected by external influences, such as fluctuations in the operating parameters of the receiver or ageing of the optical and electrical components.

In order to keep contamination on the optical surfaces between the measurement head and the waste gas duct and between the reflector head and the waste gas duct to a minimum, dust-free purging air is blown into the flange.

Standard measurement devices have automatic zero point and reference point monitoring mechanisms. For this, a second reflector in the measurement head is swung into the path of the light, so that the light beam is reflected before it reaches the waste gas duct (zero point monitoring). In order to monitor the reference point, a filter which produces a known reduction in light intensity, is also swung into the path of the beam.

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- 42 - Measuring head

Concave mirror







Waste gas duct



Z.R.: Zero point reflectorR.F.: Reference point filter

Figure 4.1: Photometric in situ dust measurement (schematic) Scattered light measurement [85]

When passing through a dust loaded gas, a light beam experiences a reduction in intensity which is a function of the dust load as a result of absorption and scattering of the particles. In addition to the reduction in intensity (extinction photometric dust measurement), the scattering of the light can also be used to determine the dust load in gases under certain circumstances.

The intensity of the scattered light depends on the intensity, the wavelength and the polarisation of the incoming light, the angle at which the scattered light is measured, the size and shape of the particles and the refractive index of the particulate material. Because there are so many influencing factors, there is no simple formulaic relationship between the dust content and the intensity of the scattered light. It has been proven in experiments that, within certain limits, there is a linear relationship between the two, assuming all other influencing factors can be kept roughly constant.

This linearity range is delineated at the bottom by the influence of interference light and at the top by multiple scattering on the particles.

One of the major characteristics of the scattered light measurement principle is the optical separation of the scattered light hitting a light detector at a specific angle (observation angle) from the primary beam of light. This means the measured value zero point is independent of the intensity of the primary light and the detection sensitivity can be considerably increased relative to the extinction measurement method.

Many extractive scattered light photometers use an angle of observation of around 15° because the dust particle size is not small in comparison to the wavelength of the emitted light and therefore forward scattering (known as Mie scattering) is predominant. Fig. 4.2 is a schematic representation of a scattered light photometer. The light source emits light which covers an optical path to the oscillating flicker mirror. This deflects the incoming light in position a as a measurement beam across an optical path to the measurement chamber. Part of the scattered light generated by the measured material is received and measured by a light detector at an angle of around 15°. In position b, the oscillating flicker mirror deflects the incoming light, which is now the reference beam, through a light attenuator and onto the light detector as a reference standard.

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- 43 - The signal currents generated by the light detector in cases a and b are compared in a measurement amplifier and converted into a control signal, which passes through the light attenuator and changes the reference beam until its intensity corresponds to the intensity of the scattered light (scattered by the sample gas). In this compensated status, the position of the light attenuator corresponds to the measurement signal which is amplified and displayed.

The use of the dual-beam method with automatic compensation ensures that the measurement is not affected by external influences, such as fluctuations in the operating parameters of the receiver or ageing of the optical and electrical components.

Light source



Measuring chamber


beam Lightattenuator



Scatter light(15°)




Measurement beam

Figure 4.2: Scattered light measurement, extractive method (schematic)

In situ scattered light photometers work with acute observation angles. These devices can be compact in design as the sender and the receiver can be integrated in a single unit (Fig. 4.3).




Figure 4.3: In situ scattered light measurement (schematic)

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- 44 - Measurement with beta ray absorption [85]

In dust measurement with β-ray absorption systems, a partial gas stream is extracted isokinetically (i.e. the velocity of the particles in the partial gas stream corresponds to the velocity in the waste gas duct) from the waste gas duct and sucked through a filter tape (Fig. 4.4). The dust quantity deposited on the filter tape is measured by the attanuation of the β-radiation after passing through the dust loaded filter.

Filter strip


Amplifier Display




Figure 4.4: Dust measurement with β-ray absorption (schematic)

The radiation source is artificially manufactured using radioactive material of an appropriate level (e.g. the isotope carbon 14 or krypton 85). A Geiger Müller counter is used as the detector. To compensate for the gradual reduction in radioactivity of the β-radiation source over a period of time and the variation of the radiation attanuation due to filter material, measurements of the absorption are taken before and after the dust filtration and the measured values compared with one another.

With β-dust measurement systems, the measured object accumulates on the filter material, so the measurement is not really continuous as such, but takes place in measurement cycles. The duration of a measurement cycle depends on the accumulation time. Increasing the accumulation time can increase the sensitivity of the measuring procedure. Dust measurement using tribo-electric sensors

On collision, dust particles landing on a probe emit tiny electrical charges to the probe which can be detected. The electrical current can be measured. For dust concentrations between 1 and 100 mg/m³, the intensity of the current is in the region of a few pA. The level of the current signal is dependent on a number of influencing factors, such as the velocity of the gas, the properties of the particles, the effective surface area of the probe and the average particle diameter. If the framework conditions remain constant, there is a linear relationship between the current signal and the dust concentration.

Suitability tested tribo-electric measurement devices are used for qualitative dust measurement (limit value monitoring) and, with certain limitations, for quantitative dust measurement (determination of dust load).

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- 45 - 4.1.2 Measurement of gaseous substances

For the continuous measurement of gaseous materials, physical, physico-chemical and chemical effects produced by the measured objects within the measurement system if handled accordingly (e.g. on stimulation) are generally used:

- Interaction with electromagnetic radiation in the optical spectral range ( to, - Thermal ionisation (, - Change of colour when introduced into a reagent solution (, - Change of conductivity when introduced into a reagent solution (, - Heat generation by means of catalytic oxidation (, - Ionisation concentration change when introduced into a buffer solution (, - Interaction with electromagnetic fields (4.3.1), - Change of conductivity of solids (4.3.2). Photometry with extractive sampling

The interaction of electromagnetic radiation in the optical spectral range with the molecules of a gas is very specifically dependent on the molecular structure. When they are exposed to electromagnetic rays, the molecules are stimulated by absorbing energy. This results in the formation of characteristic absorption bands. All heteroatomic molecules, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen monoxide (NO) have a characteristic absorption spectrum in the infrared spectral range. SO2 and NO also have one in the ultraviolet spectral range.

Fig. 4.5 shows the simplest conceivable measuring set-up for an extractive absorption photometer. An optical filter is used to generate light in a specific wavelength range, which is passed through a measuring cell through which the sample gas is flowing. A proportion of the light is absorbed by the molecules of the air pollutant. The resulting attanuation of the light intensity is therefore a measure of the air pollutant concentration. Once it has passed through the measurement cell, the light hits a radiation detector which is connected to an electronic signal processing system.

In this simple set-up, the smallest alteration in the light emission and the receiver sensitivity leads to unacceptably high zero point errors. Measuring set-ups which avoid this fault employ either a periodic zero point correction system or a comparison standard in the form of a second comparison filter (bi-frequency method) or a reference gas (gas filter correlation method, Fig. 4.7). This comparison standard can be either time displaced – i.e. with inverted phase – when brought into the light path or arranged in a parallel reference light path (dual beam photometer).

A distinction is made between different photometers on the basis of the following criteria:

a) the type of radiation source: IR or UV photometer b) the length of the cell used: short-path or long-path cells, c) the type of zero point correction: gas filter correlation method or bi-frequency method, d) the beam path: single or dual beam photometer.

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- 46 -

Measuring chamber


Amplifierr DisplayLightsource


Gas detektor

Figure 4.5: Simplest measuring set-up for an absorption photometer (schematic)

Measuring chamber


Amplifier Display

Light source Chopperwheel

Reference chamber

Gas detektor

Figure 4.6: NDIR photometer (schematic)

Amplifier DisplayLightsource Measuring chamber





Filter chamberwith N2

Filter chamberwith Measurment


Figure 4.7: Gas filter correlation method (schematic)

Simple cells through which a linear beam passes once are known as short-path cells. The light absorption (i.e. the sensitivity of a photometer) increases with the number of absorbing molecules in the path of the beam. This effect is utilised by using long-path cells. As there is generally not sufficient space for a cell to be extended at will, the light beam is reflected by a mirror at the end of the cell, which means that it passes through the cell a number of times. If it passes through the cell enough times, the resulting physical path lengths can be as long as 20 m or more.

Photometric gas analysis devices must address the components to be measured selectively in order to minimise the influence of other components in the measured product (cross-sensitivity). This selectivity can be achieved by dispersive or non-dispersive methods.

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- 47 - Dispersive methods split the light from a broad radiation source into its spectral elements before the actual measurement is made. Only the elements relevant to the specific measured object are used for the measurement.

In bi-frequency methods, for example, a filter is swung into the path of the beam in order to generate the measurement signal (I), this filter filters out anything but the characteristic wavelengths in the range of the components to be measured. Prism filters, refractive gratings or interference filters are used. A second filter is used to generate the zero point signal (I0) which enables an appropriate wavelength range outside the characteristic spectrum to pass through. The measurement signal is derived by applying the Lambert-Beer law to the two measured variables (see Section

In order to measure mercury, the resonance absorption of mercury atoms at a wavelength of 253.7 nm is used. Mercury is the only metal which has enough vapour pressure for this method at room temperature and whose vapour is single-atom. The narrow-band UV radiation is generated using a mercury vapour lamp. Only the content of elemental mercury is measured in the analyser. As some of the mercury in the waste gas of technical plants (e.g. waste incineration plants) can be in the form of water-soluble mercury ions (Hg2+), some analysis devices use a reactor which converts Hg2+ into Hg0.

The non-dispersive methods dispense with the spectral refraction and use other wavelength-selective systems to obtain the desired selectivity.

The non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) method uses a selective detector which detects light from a beam modulated by a chopper wheel (Fig. 4.6). Multi-component measuring devices can be designed on the basis of the NDIR method. To do this, a number of gas detectors (normally two) are connected to one another, one for each of the components. It should be noted that the absorption spectrums of the components to be measured separately must not overlap.

The gas filter correlation method uses a gas-filled filter chamber attached to a filter wheel. This filter chamber is alternately and periodically brought into the light path with an opening in the filter wheel or with a filter chamber filled with nitrogen. Multi-component measuring devices can be designed on the basis of the gas filter correlation method. In this case, the filter wheel is fitted with gas filters for multiple components.

Both methods use detectors filled with the component to be measured (gas detectors). The modulated radiation generates fluctuations in pressure in the receiver chamber by means of absorption in the characteristic wavelength range. The pressure differences between two halves of the receiver chamber are either measured directly using a membrane condensor or by detecting a resulting pressure compensation flow and converted into electrical signals.

Recently, electrochemical detectors based on semiconductors have also been used. The very nature of the system means that these detectors have poor long-term stability, which can be compensated for by structural measures, such as self-calibration, preliminary attenuation or the use of detector arrays. The life expectancy of these detectors is limited and can also be drastically reduced by the influence of attendant materials (“poisoning”).

The non-dispersive ultraviolet (NDUV) method achieves selectivity by using gas-filled discharge lamps which emit characteristic spectral lines.

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- 48 - In situ photometry

In in situ photometers, the absorption measuring path is in the waste gas duct itself. This means that the sample gas is not fed into the measuring cell through a sampling system. The photometer, which consists of a radiation source, a detector, a selectivity device and evaluation electronics, is installed outside the waste gas duct. In the UV range, spectral-refractive gratings are used to achieve selectivity. In the IR range, interference filters or gas-filled filter chambers are used, as with the GFC method. Generally, in situ photometers are fitted with filter combinations for a number of gaseous measured objects and for photometric dust measurement.

Fig. 4.8 shows two possible measuring arrangements. In both cases, the actual photometer is located on one side of the waste gas duct. Either the radiation source (example 1) or a retro-reflector (example 2) is installed on the other side. In the second case, the light beam crosses the measuring path twice. In both cases, the optical interface between the photometer / radiation source or the reflector and the waste gas duct are protected from contamination by means of a screen of purging air, as for photometric dust measurement (see Section



Waste gas duct


Photo-meter Waste gas duct

Case 1

Case 2

Figure 4.8: Different in situ photometer arrangements

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- 49 - FTIR spectroscopy [46, 82]

Infrared-active gases, such as CO2, CO, SO2, NO, NO2 HCl, H2O, can be measured simultaneously using Fourier transform IR spectroscopy (FTIR spectroscopy). Unlike in traditional spectroscopy, the absorption spectrum is not recorded by means of dispersive elements such as lattices or prisms, but using an interferometer arrangement.

Most FTIR spectrometers are based on the Michelson interferometer which has the function of a monochromator. The radiation hits a beam splitter which reflects 50 % of the radiation and transmits the remaining 50 %. The reflected and transmitted beams hit two mirrors which are perpendicular to one another and are reflected back to the beam splitter. The beam splitter recombines the two reflected beams into one. The recombined beam is passed through a cell full of the product to be measured and then focused on an IR detector.

Continuously shifting one of the mirrors opposite the beam splitter produces differences in the optical path length which the two beams have to cover on the way back to the beam splitter. This difference (path difference of the interferometer) produces interference in the recombined beam which results in the fundamental coding. The shifting makes the interference signal (local intensity distribution) variable (interferogram). This means the interferogram contains all the information about the spectrum in encrypted form. The absorption of the modulated IR radiation in the measurement cell means that the interferogram contains all the spectral information at the same time.

A mathematical Fourier transformation into the IR range (demodulation) is then applied to the interferogram recorded. By comparing the IR spectrum recorded to a reference spectrum, the FTIR spectrometer can quantitatively detect a number of IR-active measured objects, depending on the software version used.


Beam splitter withcompensator

Fixed mirror




Measurment chamber



Figure 4.9: FTIR spectrometer with Michelson interferometer arrangement (schematic)

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- 50 - Chemiluminescence methods [52]

Some chemical reactions produce a characteristic radiation known as chemiluminescence. The intensity of this chemiluminescence is proportional to the mass flow rate of the sample gas under constant reaction conditions if the auxiliary gas necessary to produce the reaction is present in excess.

The chemiluminescence emitted during the oxidation of nitrogen oxide molecules with ozone can be used to determine the NO concentration: NO + O3 → NO2 + O2 + hν. The intensity peak of the chemiluminescence is at a wavelength of 1.2 µm.

Chemiluminescence measurements take place in a reaction chamber (Fig. 4.10). Air which has first passed through an ozone generator flows into the chamber. The oxygen in the air is partially converted into ozone by means of electrical discharges (arcing) or by UV irradiation. A constant flow of sample gas enters the reaction chamber via another entrance nozzle and is mixed in. An ozone filter is fitted in the outlet of the reaction chamber to prevent environmental pollution. The chemiluminescence is optically filtered before being measured using a photo-multiplier. A temperature-controlled reaction chamber at a constant internal pressure is required if a stable measuring effect is to be achieved.

In order to determine the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, the sample gas is first passed through a thermo-catalytic converter which reduces NO2 to NO prior to the analysis [51]:

- Operation without converter: NO measurement - Operation with converter: NOX measurement - Difference between NOX and NO measurement NO2 concentration




Ozonprotec-tion filter





N O/NOconverter



Sample gas


Figure 4.10: Chemiluminescence measurement arrangement (schematic)

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- 51 - Flame ionisation measurement [69]

Organic carbon compounds are, in comparison to inorganic compounds, relatively easily ionisable in a hydrogen flame. The resulting cloud of ions is extracted in an ionisation chamber by applying an electric field using electrodes and generates an electric current. This current is approximately proportional across several orders of magnitude to the mass flow rate of organic bound carbon atoms. There is, however, a slight dependence on the structural bond of the C atoms in the particular molecule.

Pure hydrogen flows through a nozzle into the combustion chamber of the flame ionisation detector (FID). The hydrogen can be taken from a pressurised gas cylinder or produced in an electrolytic hydrogen generator unit. Combustion air from the atmosphere is admitted via an annular slit around the nozzle. After electrical ignition, a steady hydrogen flame produces a very small ion density (zero value) in the absence of organic carbon compounds in the sample gas. The electrodes needed to extract the ion cloud are arranged near the flame. The combustion nozzle itself can be used as one of the electrodes, as shown in Figure 4.11. If the electrical potential difference is high enough, all the charge carriers will find their way onto the electrodes, i.e. the saturation current is flowing. This is raised to the desired signal amplitude by a sensitive direct current amplifier. At the same time, the zero value is compensated. The absolute measuring sensitivity depends on the material of the combustion nozzle and the design of the detector. For continuous measurements, the temperature and the pressure of the sample gas must be kept constant.

FID measurement provides a non-selective total measurement signal for organically bound carbon. At the first approximation, the measurement signal is proportional to the number of carbon atoms detected (e.g. hydrocarbons). The detector sensitivity can be different if the system primarily detects hetero-atomic hydrocarbons. If the composition of the sample gas is known (e.g. for solvent vapours), this different level of sensitivity can be reconciled by means of a response factor for the object to be measured.

Combustion chamber

Amplifier Display

Sample gas




Figure 4.11: Flame ionisation detector / FID (schematic)

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- 52 - Less common measurement methods

Conductometry, colorimetry, heat change and potentiometry are all measurement methods which are now only seldom used for continuous emission monitoring.

In the conductometric measurement method, the sample gas is introduced into a suitable liquid reagent and the change in conductivity is measured after the reaction between the liquid and the gas is complete.

In the colorimetric measurement principle, the sample gas is also brought into contact with a suitable reagent and the change in colour is then measured on a photometric basis.

In the heat change system, the heat (temperature increase) given off during exothermic catalytic oxidation of combustible gas components is measured. Oxidation takes place on the surface of a catalyst heated up to an appropriate temperature.

In potentiometric measurement methods, the sample gas is introduced into a buffered electrolyte solution and the ion concentration, which is changed by the measurement components, is measured using an ion-sensitive electrode chain.

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- 53 - 4.2 Discontinuous measurements

For all discontinuous (manual) measuring methods, part of the flow volume is removed from the flow of waste gas (extractive sampling). For most measuring methods, the measured objects contained in the partial flow volume (sample gas) are accumulated on or in suitable collection phases. The detection limits for the measurement methods used can be influenced by varying the sampling time (accumulation period) and the partial volume flow.

The sampling devices are assembled and mounted prior to sampling. This means that the particular requirements of the measurement method used and the sampling point can be addressed by varying individual components. The sampling device must be checked for leaks both before and after the sampling.

The generation of at least one blank value is an integral part of the measuring procedure. To do this, one has to run through all the stages required for a genuine sampling. But unlike a genuine sampling, the sample pump is not switched on, or is only switched on for a very short period. One way of generating a blank value is to suck purified air through the sampling device. The blank value is forwarded for analysis with the other samples.

4.2.1 Manual measurement of dust load and determination of substances contained in dust (semimetals and metals)

There are two methods for the manual measurement of dust load in stationary sources:

- measurement of low dust contents using plane filter devices in accordance with VDI 2066, part 7 [39] and DIN EN 12384, Part 1 [41]

- measurement of high dust contents using tubular filter devices in accordance with VDI 2066, part 2 [35]

Both measuring methods are based on isokinetic (same-speed) removal of the sample gas from the flow of waste gas and the depositing of the particles on a filter element. Sampling needs to be isokinetic to avoid sedimentation phenomena during sampling (which can occur, for example, because of different densities of gas and solids) (see Section 2.3.3).

The sample gas is sucked through a removal probe set up in the flue duct against the direction of the waste gas. The condensation of water from the sample gas, which is normally damp, before the filter element must be avoided. There are two ways of doing this:

In-stack sampling: All parts of the sampling equipment which carry sample gas, including the separation device for particles, are in the waste gas duct and are heated by the waste gas (see Fig. 4.12). This is conditional on the waste gas temperature being sufficiently high above the dew point temperature for the waste gas (a temperature difference of 20°C is normally adequate). The dimension of the waste gas duct must be adequately large, such that the filter casing in the duct does not adversely affect the flow behaviour. The separation device should be arranged directly after the suction probe in order to minimise dust settling in parts of the sampling equipment before the separation device.

Out-stack sampling: There is a 90° elbow after the suction probe. The sample gas is fed through a suction pipe, which can be heated, to the separation device for particles. The separation device is placed outside the waste gas duct and can also be heated. The temperature of the parts of the sampling equipment carrying the sample gas as far as the separation device must be selected so as to ensure that condensation is avoided. In practice, a temperature level of around 150°C is adequate for most measured objectives. If higher temperatures are required, the temperature is normally selected at around 20°C above the temperature of the waste gas. The heating is either electrical or by means of hot-air blowers. Occasionally, it may also be necessary to cool the suction pipe.

The suction probes must comply with defined geometrical framework conditions. It is possible partially to automate the sampling process. By controlling the partial flow volume extracted by means of monitoring the flow characteristics at all times, the suction speed can be adapted to the flow rate at the point of measurement.

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- 54 - Sampling devices with zero pressure probes compare the static pressure inside the probe against the static pressure in the waste gas duct and control the extraction speed automatically until the two pressures are identical [86].

For measuring low dust contents, a plane filter is used as separation device for the particles in accordance with VDI 2066, part 7 and DIN EN 13284-1. The filter diameters used for in-stack sampling are around 50 mm, while the filter diameters for out-stack sampling are between 50 and 150 mm.

A tubular filter device is used for measuring higher dust contents. The separation device used in this case is a filter tube filled with quartz wool. The detection limit of the process (around 2 mg absolute) can be lowered by connecting a plane filter downstream.

The flow rates of the sample gas are normally between 2 and 4 m³/h. Larger dust sampling devices can cope with up to 12 m³/h.

In order to separate off dust content materials which pass through the filter, part of the gas can be separated from the sample gas after the separation device (out-stack sampling) or after a heated suction pipe (in-stack sampling) and passed through an absorption system (e.g. fritted wash-bottles). The maximum volume flow is around 0.2 m³/h.

The suction is carried out by means of vacuum pumps or lateral duct blowers. The gas volumes extracted are either dried (e.g. using a blue gel receiver) and measured using a gas volume measuring device – dry design – or not dried and measured using a gas volume measuring device – wet design. The temperature and pressure at the gas volume meter are also logged so the extracted gas volume can later be standardised. A flow meter is useful for setting the volume flow required for the isokinetic extraction (e.g. a flow meter or an orifice plate).

All parts of the sampling equipment must be made of corrosion-resistant material which does not interact with the sample gas (e.g. titanium, laboratory glass, etc.) and must be cleaned in accordance with the instructions in the relevant measurement guidelines prior to sampling.

Before and after sampling, the separation elements used (plane filter and / or tubular filter) must be heated and equilibrated in a dessicator or a conditioned balance room. The separation elements are then weighed. The elements are heated for two hours before each use – the temperature is selected at around 20°C above the temperature of the waste gas. Around 150°C has proved adequate for most applications. It can be necessary to limit the temperature to which the full filter is heated because of the thermal instability of the dust sediment, especially if the composition of the dust is to be examined.

If the dust composition is also to be analized, then the separation elements are disintegrated after weighing and analysed in the lab together with the absorption solutions. This means that elements of metal, semimetal and compounds can be analysed from a single sample, including the following (selection from VDI 3868, part 1 [44]):

- Antimony (Sb) - Cobalt (Co) - Arsenic (As) - Copper (Cu) - Barium (Ba) - Nickel (Ni) - Beryllium (Be) - Selenium (Se) - Lead (Pb) - Thallium (Tl) - Cadmium (Cd) - Vanadium (V) - Chromium (Cr) - Zinc (Zn)

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- 55 - Analysis of mercury (Hg) requires a different absorption solution and a different chemical pulping of the filter (cold chemical pulping) [45]; [64]. Therefore a separate sample needs to be taken for any mercury measurements. The materials for the sampling equipment must be selected carefully, as mercury tends to form amalgams with a number of metals.











Suction pipe, heated




Waste gas duct

1: Drying tower 2: Manometer 3: Gas volume meter (dry) with thermometer 4: Flow meter 5: Control valve 6: Vacuum pump

Figure 4.12: Example of a dust sampling device with a plane filter device (in-stack) and absorption system for analysis of filter-passing dust componenents

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- 56 - 4.2.2 Determination of the mass concentration of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated

dibenzofuranes (PCDD/PCDF)

Essentially, there are three different sampling methods (Fig. 4.13 to 4.15) for taking samples to determine PCDD/PCDF in accordance with DIN EN 1948-1 “Emissions from stationary sources – determination of mass concentration of PCDD/PCDF – Part 1: Sampling” [43].

a) filter / cooler method b) dilution method c) cooled suction pipe method

Samples are taken in the same way as for dust (see Section 4.2.1), by means of isokinetic extraction of the sample gas from the flow of waste gas. The PCDD/PCDF adsorbed on the particles or in gaseous form are collected and accumulated in the sampling device. The collection unit can be a combination of a filter, a condensate bulb and a solid or liquid adsorber, depending on the sampling system selected. The sampling equipment must be made of materials which do not interact with the sample gas (e.g. titanium, quartz, glass).

The main collection units are spiked with C13-marked PCDD/PCDF prior to the sampling in order to determine the sample recovery rate for the congeners. The sample gas must be cooled before entering the main collection unit (methods a and c: t<20°C; method b: t<40°C) in order to stabilise the measured object.

In order to isolate the separated PCDD/PCDF from the sampling device, it is extracted using a suitable solvent (e.g. toluene). The filter, adsorbers and, if required, parts of the sampling equipment, are normally isolated by means of Soxhlet extraction, while the condensate is isolated by means of liquid extraction. The extracts are normally cleaned using multi-column chromatography techniques.

The PCDD/PCDF is separated by means of gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (HPLC). High resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) is used in conjunction with the isotope attenuation method for identification and quantification purposes.

Figure 4.13: PCDD/PCDF sampling using the filter/cooler method (schematic)

Figure 4.14: PCDD/PCDF sampling using the dilution method (schematic)

Figure 4.15: PCDD/PCDF sampling using the cooled suction pipe method (schematic)

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- 57 - 4.2.3 Manual procedures to measure inorganic compounds

Accumulative sampling (absorption)

Inorganic gaseous chlorine and fluorine compounds, sulphur oxides (SO2 and SO3) and basic nitrogen compounds can be collected by means of accumulation in liquid phases (absorption).

Table 4.1: Absorption solutions for accumulating measured objects

Measured object Suitable absorption solution Guideline

inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds H2O or Na2CO3/NaHCO3 solution


inorganic gaseous fluorine compounds H2O or NaOH solution or Na2CO3/NaHCO3 solution


sulphur oxides hydrogen peroxide solution iodine solution

[47; 50] [48]

hydrogen sulphide sulphuric acid H2O2 solution cadmium acetate solution

[61] [62]

basic nitrogen compounds (e.g. NH3) 0.05 M sulphuric acid [63] The sample gas is extracted from the waste gas using a suction pipe. The suction pipe must be made of a material which does not interact with the sample gas (e.g. laboratory glass or quartz). Before the sample gas is passed through the absorption system, particulate components are extracted by means of a filter. Condensation effects before the absorption system are avoided by heating the filter and the path of the sample gas. For HCI sampling, it has been agreed that the temperature should be at least 150°C and should be around 20°C above the waste gas temperature.

The absorption system consists of at least two gas wash-bottles arranged in series. Muencke, fritted or impinger wash inserts can be used. Normally, a further (unfilled) wash-bottle is arranged behind the gas wash bottles to separate off the condensate. Fig. 4.16 shows an example sampling device. If there is a risk that the measured objects could occur in the flow of waste gas in aerosol form, then the sampling has to be isokinetic (see Section 2.3.3).

After sampling, the absorption solutions are analysed in the laboratory. If the degree of absorption of the measuring procedure is not known, then the absorption solutions from the wash-bottles that are arranged in series can be analysed separately. The absorption of the first wash-bottle should be at least 80 % of the total.

Depending on the measuring object, the following analysis methods can be used:

- titration - potentiometric titration - photometric determination - analysis with ion-sensitive electrodes - ion chromatography

Fine particulatefilter, heated

Suction pipe, heated

Waste gas duct





1: Drying tower3: Gas volume meter with thermometer4: Flow meter5: Control valve6: Vacuum pump


Figure 4.16: Device for sampling (inorganic) gaseous materials by means of absorption

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- 58 - Non-accumulative sampling (gas collection vessels)

Gas collection vessels are used for sampling for the manual measurement of nitrogen oxides [53, 54]. The best vessels have proven to be glass gas collection containers with a volume of between 0.5 and 1.5 l and with PTFE taps and a screw connection to which a septum can be connected.

Two different versions are used for sampling.

1. Spot sampling Sample gas is led through the gas collection vessel until it is sure that the vessel is filled with undiluted sample gas. Care should be taken to ensure that no condensation forms in the gas collection vessel during the rinsing phase. Measured values generated by this process are only meaningful if it can be guaranteed that the concentration of the measured object in the sample gas is not subject to any fluctuations over time (e.g. in the analysis of test gases).

2. Time-integrating sampling (Fig. 4.17) The gas collection vessel is evacuated and filled with sample gas via a capillary or a critical nozzle for the duration of the sampling time. The throughput through the capillary depends on the internal pressure in the gas collection vessel and can be considered almost linear up to a reduced pressure of nearly 500 hPa. Sampling times of up to 10 minutes can be achieved. The sample volume is calculated by means of the pressure and the temperature in the gas collection vessel at the beginning and end of the sampling time.

In both versions the sample gas is cleaned of particles by being passed through a fine particulate filter before being introduced into the sampling equipment.

Suction pipe, heatable

Gas collectionvesselFine particulate


Stop valve

Bypasspump Vacuum




Waste gas duct



Figure 4.17: Time-integrating sampling with gas collection vessel (schematic)

After sampling, the oxidation agent is introduced into the gas collection vessel. Once oxidation has taken place, the nitrogen dioxide is dissolved by shaking, and can then be analysed.

The analysis is photometric or ion-chromatographic.

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- 59 - 4.2.4 Determination of individual organic components

Sampling for measurements of individual organic components is generally achieved by means of accumulation on appropriate collection phases. Appropriate collection phases are selected according to the following criteria:

- Retaining power for the measured object in question, - Desorption capacity / extractability of the measured object with solid collection phases, - Tendency towards chemical reactions with the measured object, - Influence of attendant materials (e.g. water vapour on solid collection phases) on the retaining power, - Chromatographic separability of the measured object, the solvent and any impurities, - Evaporation rate of the solvent at the sampling conditions.

Accumulation can have an effect on the detection limits for the measurement method. The following are examples of the materials used:

Liquid collection phases (absorbencies) in accordance with VDI 2457, part 1 [65] - Water or aqueous solutions, - Organic solvents, such as benzyl alcohol Decahydronaphtalin (Decalin), N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF), Methyl diglycol, cooled to around 200 K, Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), 2-propanol, Toluene.

Solid collection phases (adsorbencies) - Activated carbon, - Silica gel, - Molecular sieves, - XAD.

Analysis generally takes the form of gas or ion chromatographic separation with appropriate detectors:

- Flame ionisation detector (FID), - Mass spectrometer (MS), - Electron capture detector (ECD), - Heat conductivity detector (WLD), - Conductivity detector (LFD).

If no suitable collection phases are available, the sampling procedure in gas collection vessels described in Chapter 4.2.3 can be used [66], (Fig. 4.17).

Sampling method 1 (flushing the gas collection vessel) should only be applied if it is impossible that the sample gas could accumulate on the glass wall by means of sorption.

The detection limits for measurements with non-accumulative samples are considerably higher than those using accumulative sampling because of the reduced sample volume.

Generally, analysis takes place directly out of the gas phase (analysis of components with a low boiling point) or after absorption of the measured objects in the gas collection vessel into a suitable solvent (components with a higher boiling point) after gas-chromatographic separation.

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- 60 - 4.2.5 Olfactometric determination of odour emissions

For the purposes of emissions measuring, odours are determined using an olfactometer [72; 73; 74; 75; 78]. Sample gas is extracted from the flow of waste gas using a sampling device and introduced into a sample bag (e.g. an aluminium-coated plastic bag or a disposable PE bag). During the measurement, the odour threshold is determined for the sample gas. The human sense of smell is used as an analyser. The tester (sniffer) receives a highly diluted form of the sample through the odour mask of the olfactometer. The dilution is reduced (normally by a factor of 2 or 1.4) until the tester perceives an odour. The mean value between the last dilution stage at which the tester perceived no odour and the dilution stage at which the tester was sure of recognizing an odour is agreed as the odour threshold.

The individual sense of smell of a tester is subjective and depends on a number of influencing factors. The measurement of a odour sample must therefore be undertaken by a number of testers (at least 4) and the tests must be repeated. The group of testers must fulfil specific requirements with respect to their individual odour thresholds. The individual odour thresholds of the testers are determined by measuring the odour of test gases (H2S and n-butanol). However, the personal odour threshold of any tester must be within a specific range (known as the odour window). Testers whose sense of smell is either too acute or too poor are not suitable.

As well as determining the odour threshold, odour measurements also involve determining the intensity of the odour [76] and the hedonic effect of the odour [77]. In order to determine the hedonic effect of the odour, the odour is marked on a scale between “extremely pleasant” and “extremely unpleasant”.

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- 61 - 4.3 Measurement of reference values

4.3.1 Oxygen measurement (paramagnetic effect)

The paramagnetic properties of oxygen can be used to measure oxygen levels. Oxygen is characterised by high magnetic susceptibility (magnetisability). In uneven magnetic fields, oxygen atoms are drawn towards areas with higher field strength. Oxygen measuring devices use this effect in two ways.

Paramagnetic alternating pressure

The sample gas is passed through a measuring chamber. A reference gas (e.g. N2) passes through two channels into the measurement chamber. An uneven magnetic field is generated near one of the inlet openings, which has the effect that the partial pressure in this area increases as a function of the oxygen content in the sample gas. The flow resistance for the reference gas in the measuring chamber also increases. The detection is based either directly on the resulting difference in pressure between the two reference gas channels (membrane condensor) or on the resulting compensating flow in a connecting channel between the channels of reference gas (micro-flow detector).

Figure 4.18: Oxygen measurement using ‘Siemens’ system based on paramagnetic alternating pressure (schematic)

Magnetic torsion balance

A nitrogen-filled glass dumb-bell is suspended in a measuring chamber with an uneven magnetic field such that it can rotate (Fig. 4.19). The glass dumb-bell is diamagnetic, i.e. the ends extend out from the inside of the magnetic field. The resulting torque is compensated by a current flow through a coil on the dumb-bell until the dumb-bell reaches its zero position. If the percentage of oxygen by volume in the measuring chamber changes, the oxygen’s paramagnetic properties mean that it is drawn to the area with the greatest magnetic field strength between the magnetic poles, which displaces the dumb-bell and causes it to rotate. An optical system compensates the dumb-bell’s position by adjusting the flow of current through the dumb-bell coil until it reverts to its zero position. The electrical current required is proportional to the percentage oxygen by volume and can be measured accordingly.

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1: Measuring cell 4: Reflector mirror 2: Glass body (dumb-bell) 5: Light source 3: Electric coil 6: Detector

Figure 4.19: Oxygen measurement using Maihak’s system based on a magnetic torsion balance (schematic)

4.3.2 Oxygen measurement (zirconium dioxide probe)

A property of zirconium dioxide can be used for the measurement of oxygen. At a high temperature, this material becomes an electrical conductor because of the increasing mobility of the oxygen ions in the molecular lattice. If two sides of a zirconium dioxide probe (Fig. 4.20) are impinged with different oxygen concentrations, the cell voltage at constant temperature can be calculated using the following equation:




2 Eq. 4.7

EMK: cell voltage p1: partial oxygen pressure on one side of the cell (e.g. smoke gas side) p2: partial oxygen pressure on the other side of the cell (reference gas, e.g. ambient air) R: gas constant F: Faraday’s constant T: absolute temperature in K C: cell constant

Zirconium probes are mostly used for in situ measurements. It should be noted that the percentage oxygen by volume is measured in the damp gas.

Figure 4.20: Oxygen measurement using a zirconium probe (schematic)

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- 63 - 4.3.3 Determination of waste gas humidity

For calculations in association with emission measurements, the humidity content fn is normally used. This expresses the mass of the water vapour relative to the volume of the dry gas under standard conditions. There are several different methods of determining the humidity content:

Psychrometric humidity determination (two-thermometer method)

The waste gas temperature is measured once directly (dry thermometer) and once with a thermometer surrounded in fabric soaked in water (e.g. cotton, wet thermometer). If the water around the wet thermometer is evaporated as far as the saturation point, the temperature is below that of the dry thermometer. Sprung’s formula can then be used to calculate the humidity content fn on the basis of these two temperatures and other waste gas parameters [83]:

)t-t( *K - (p - p)t-t(K - p

* ρ = fftrf0

ftrtrOHn 2

Eq. 4.8


r* ρc * p




Eq. 4.9

fn: humidity content [g/m³] ρH2O: standard density of water vapour [g/m³] ttr: temperature of dry thermometer [°C] tf: temperature of wet thermometer [°C] p0: absolute pressure in psychrometer [hPa] ptr: saturation vapour pressure at ttr [hPa] pf: saturation vapour pressure at tf [hPa] K: Sprung’s constant cP: specific heat capacity of the gas [kJ/(kg*K)] r: evaporation enthalpy of water [kJ/kg]

In conventional psychrometers, both thermometers are housed in a single casing. The waste gas is introduced into the device via hoses and extracted using a pump. For psychrometric humidity determination, it must be guaranteed that no condensation can be formed either before or on the dry thermometer. This is generally the case if the waste gas temperature is sufficiently above the water dew-point in the waste gas.

Sorption in blue gel or magnesium perchlorate followed by gravimetry

A defined volume of gas is drawn through a cartridge filled with a dried sorption agent. The sorption agent used is blue gel or magnesium perchlorate (Mg(ClO4)2). The cartridge is weighed before and after impinging. The humidity content fn is calculated on the basis of the standardised gas volume and the differential mass of the cartridge.

Other options for determining humidity are as follows: - Using electrical sensors: - Calculating humidity on the basis of oxygen measurements in the dried and non-dried waste gas - Dew-point measurement (heated mirror)

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- 64 - 4.3.4 Flow speed / waste gas volumetric flow

For continuous emissions monitoring, normally only the mass concentration of the relevant pollutants is measured. However, the overall emissions level has to be determined for many installations.

The appropriate scale for continuous monitoring is mass flow of pollutants, which can be calculated as the product of pollutant mass concentration and waste gas volume flow. The waste gas volume flow can often be calculated precisely enough on the basis of known plant parameters, such as fuel consumption or steam generating capacity. If the plant’s operating parameters fluctuate, the waste gas volume flow needs to be determined directly. A direct manual flow speed measurement is an integral part of any discontinuous emissions measurement.

If the cross-section and flow profile of the waste gas flow are known, the volume flow can be determined on the basis of the flow speed. The methods of determining volume flow used in emissions measurements are based on flow speed measurements taken in the flow cross-section of a waste gas duct.

Pressure tubes

Pressure tubes are often used for manual flow speed measurements. The most common type of pressure tube is the Prandtl tube (also known as an L-Pitót tube, see Fig. 4.21). The hook-shaped probe is set up against the direction of flow in the waste gas flow. The overall pressure in the flow is recorded through a hole in the middle of the semicircular or elliptical probe tip. The static pressure is recorded at an annular slot (or alternatively, at radial holes) behind the probe tip. The pressures are measured using differential pressure manometers. (e.g. U-tube manometer, inclined tube manometer for improved resolution or electronic micro-manometer).

Waste gas duct

Figure 4.21: Flow speed measurement using the Prandtl tube (schematic) [84]

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- 65 - The dynamic pressure pdyn is a measure for the flow speed at the measuring point and is given by the difference between the total pressure pges and the static pressure pstat.

p - p = p - p = p statgesstatgesdyn ∆∆ Eq. 4.10

The flow speed (up to 100 m/s) is then given by:

ρp * 2

*k = w dyn Eq. 4.11

where w: gas velocity [m/s] k: factor taking into consideration the geometry of the pressure tube (Prandtl tube: k=1) pdyn: dynamic pressure at Prandtl tube [Pa] ρ: gas density in operating condition [kg/m³]

The pressure tube measurement is direction-dependent. Deviations between the axis of the pressure tube and the direction of flow of less than 10 % have virtually no impact on the measurement results. Continuous measurements can be affected by contamination of the probe holes.

Adaptations of the Prandtl tube, such as multiple hole probes or pressure screens, are used for continuous measurements. These devices have a number of openings distributed across the cross-section of the channel which are pointed against the direction of flow. This enables a measurement of the total pressure across the whole measurement axis.

Flow balance

Fig. 4.22 shows the working principle of a flow balance. The force exerted on a flow body by the flow of waste gas is diverted and measured using a wire strain gauge, for example.

Ultrasound flow measurement

The ultrasound flow measurement is based on a Doppler measurement with ultrasound. Short ultrasound impulses are emitted from both ends of a measurement axis at 45° to the direction of flow and received by the other end in each case. The impulses transmitted in the direction of flow have a shorter time delay than the impulses transmitted against the direction of flow. The differential lifespan is a measure for the flow rate.

Figure 4.22: Flow balance Figure 4.23: Flow measurement using ultrasound

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- 66 - Anemometer

Propeller anemometers are used for manual flow speed measurement. The measurement probe is held in the flow of waste gas. The flow of waste gas drives an impeller wheel, the speed of which is recorded on a no-contact basis (e.g. inductively). At a constant density of waste gas, the waste gas speed is proportional to the speed of the wheel. Propeller anemometers are sensitive to pollution and humidity (condensation). Their use is also limited by a maximum operating temperature, which is specific to the design of the individual device.

4.3.5 Temperature measurement

The measurement of temperature involves observing the properties of solid, liquid or gaseous materials which change predictably as a function of temperature. The changes can relate to, for example, the volume, length, electrical properties (resistance) or optical characteristics of the materials observed.

Expansion thermometer

These devices are based on the thermal expansion of liquids or solids. In liquid expansion thermometers, the liquid (e.g. mercury, alcohol) is held within a capillary tube on which a scale is marked. Bimetal thermometers utilise the different temperature expansion coefficients of two different materials joined together.

Platinum resistance thermometer (DIN EN 60751)

The resistance in a platinum conductor is measured in order to determine temperature. The resistance increases with temperature. The change in resistance is not proportional to the change in temperature. The display instruments used therefore have an integrated linearisation system. By using thermo-sensors with 3 or 4 wires the resistance in the connection cables can be compensated.

Pt 100 resistance thermometers are often used. These devices have resistance of 100 Ω at t = 0°C and can be used for temperatures ranging from –200°C to 850°C. The sensor is normally encased in a ceramic body within a stainless steel pipe for extra protection.

Thermo-electric couples (DIN IEC 584):

Temperature measurement using thermo-electric couples is based on the thermo-electric effect (Seebeck effect). In a conductive circuit with two different metals, there is a potential difference between the two contact points for the two metals if they have different temperatures.

The following are the most common pairs of metals used: - NiCr/NiAl: K type thermo-electric couple -270 to +1,372 °C, - NiCrSi/NiSi: N type thermo-electric couple -270 to +1,300 °C, - Fe/Constantan J type thermo-electric couple -210 to +1,200 °C, - Cu/Constantan T type thermo-electric couple -270 to 400 °C, - PtRh 13/Pt R type thermo-electric couple -50 to +1,768 °C.

The thermo-electric voltage is in the region of 10 to 50 µV/K temperature difference between the reference and the actual measuring point. The voltages are amplified and linearised by means of measuring transducers. As the measurement result is dependent on the temperature of the reference measuring point, this is either thermostat-controlled or the measurement discrepancy is compensated electrically. The sensor is normally encased in a ceramic body within a stainless steel pipe for extra protection.

As thermo-electric voltages can also be generated by extending the thermo-element connection cables, the connections cables may need to be extended by means of compensation cables specially adapted for the thermo-electric couple used.

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- 67 - Radiation thermometer (radiation pyrometer)

Materials above absolute zero emit electromagnetic radiation, the intensity and wavelength distribution of which is primarily dependent on temperature. Hot gases emit in characteristic emission bands.

Radiation pyrometers are a no-contact method of measuring the intensity of these bands in a limited spectral range. Therefore, they are particularly useful for the continuous measurement of very high temperatures (e.g. process monitoring, monitoring combustion chamber temperature, etc.).

The spectral range measured using a radiation pyrometer must be tailored to the measurement task with respect to gas composition and temperature range.

Suction pyrometer

For spot sampling of temperature in the reheating zone (as in the one-off measurements required for plants in accordance with the 17th BImSchV, for example), only the convective part of the heat is of interest, while the radiation heat must not be taken into consideration. Suction pyrometers are used for this sort of measurement.

The thermo-electric couple is positioned towards the front of the suction probe and is protected from the IR radiation from the combustion chamber by a ceramic body. Hot waste gas is extracted through the ceramic body and the thermo-electric couple and its temperature is measured by the thermo-electric couple. The suction probes are normally dual-walled and able to be cooled. The extracted, cooled gas can be used to measure the percentage oxygen by volume in the reheating zone.


2 t H O2

H O2

Coolable probe



Figure 4.24: Schematic diagram of a suction pyrometer with downstream oxygen measurement.

4.4 Long-term sampling for PCDD/F

Systems for long-term sampling have been developed to automate the sampling of emissions for polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofuranes, which can be very time and resource-intensive. The aim is that automated sampling should enable quasi-continuous, uninterrupted monitoring of the emissions of these waste gas components.

Sampling is based on the standard DIN EN 1948-1 “Emissions from stationary sources – determination of mass concentration of PCDD/PCDF - Part 1: Sampling” [43]. Sampling must be isokinetic. The speed of the waste gas is continuously recorded and the resulting partial volume flow to be extracted is calculated and set. The gas volume extracted is dried and measured. There are a number of different collection and accumulation devices available (see Section 4.2.2). The collection and accumulation media can be automated to be changed at adjustable time intervals. The accumulation times can be programmed anywhere between a few hours and several weeks. After sampling, the collection and accumulation media are stored in the sampling system until they are transferred to the analysis laboratory. The samples are then analysed in the laboratory in the same way as samples extracted manually.

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- 68 -

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- 69 - 5 Glossary Measurement laboratory: accredited testing institute which carries out measurements in accordance with

paragraph 26 and 28 of BImSchG.

Sample gas: the medium to be tested by a measurement, e.g. the flow of waste gas from an installation (= measured gas).

Measured objects: chemical compounds contained in the sample gas whose qualitative and quantitative presence is to be detected by the analysis. The measured objects have characteristics which provoke changes in the measurement system.

Extractive sampling: removal of part of the volume from the main volume flow from a plant. The partial volumes extracted can be:

- introduced into continuous measuring devices, - collected in gas collection containers or - fed through sorption devices.

In the latter case, the measured objects are accumulated on or in sorption agents. The term absorption is used for accumulation in liquid phases (e.g. using wash-bottles) and adsorption for accumulation in solid phases.

In situ measurement: parts of the measuring device are in the main volume flow (e.g. the sensor) or directly next to the main volume flow (e.g. for optical measurement methods).

Measurement section: section of the flow channel in which the presence of measured objects is to be detected. The measurement section incorporates an inlet and an outlet path.

Measurement cross section: position in the measurement section at which the measurement cross-section for obtaining the measurement data can be found:

- the sampling position for extractive sampling - the place where the measurement device / sensor is installed for in situ


Complete measuring device/ overall measuring device: consists of measuring devices to detect the relevant pollutants for the installation

and of measuring devices to determine the necessary reference parameters. The complete measuring device includes devices for sampling (e.g. extraction probe, filter, heated sample gas pipe) and devices for conditioning the sample gas (e.g. sample gas cooler / dryer).

Measured variable: physical change in the measuring system brought about by the presence of the measured object, e.g. change in:

- mass, - light absorption, - electrical conductivity. The measured variable is recorded by means of appropriate detectors.

Functional test: analysis of a sample gas with known concentrations of measured objects (setpoint) using the measuring system. Determination of the relationship between the measured variable and the setpoint (instrument characteristic [I=f(c)]), testing the functionality of the most important device components (e.g. seals, heating, etc.) and checking for dirt.

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- 70 - Calibration: determination of the relationship between the setpoint and the measured

variable by means of comparative measurements using a comparative measurement method and a real sample gas (analytical function for the complete measuring procedure [c=f(i)].

Measured value: formed from the measured variable and the analytical function and analysed to produce the measurement result.

Measurement result: measured value aligned to given framework conditions, e.g. - standardised pressure, - standardised temperature, - standardised humidity, - related to reference oxygen content.

Accreditation: formal recognition of the competence of a body (e.g. a testing laboratory) to carry out certain functions (e.g. tests) [DIN EN 450011)]. Accreditation is awarded by a recognised accreditation body once certain requirements have been fulfilled.

Certification: test of conformity with a norm (conformity test) carried out by a third party.

Notification: formal act of announcement by a government body (cf. paragraph 26 of BImSchG [1]).

1) DIN EN 45001 [May 1990] “General criteria for the operation of testing laboratories” is set to be replaced by DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 [April 2000] “General requirements relating to the competence of inspection and calibration laboratories” by the year 2002

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- 71 - 6 References

Statutory regulations / EU directives / LAI publications

[1] Gesetz zum Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinwirkungen durch Luftverunreinigungen, Geräusche, Erschütterungen und ähnliche Vorgänge [Law on the Prevention of Harmful Effects on the Environment Caused by Air Pollution, Noise, Vibration and Similar Phenomena] (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz [Federal Immissions Control Act] - BImSchG) of 14 May 1990, last amended on 3 May 2000 (BGBl. I, p. 632)

[2] Erste allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (Technische Anleitung zur Reinhaltung der Luft - TA Luft) [First general administrative regulation pertaining to the federal immission control act – TA Luft] of 27 February 1986 (GMBl. p. 95, rep. p 202)

[3] Erste Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung über Kleinfeuer-ungsanlagen - 1. BImSchV) [First ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act (ordinance on small furnaces – 1st BImSchV)] of 14 March 1997 (BGBl. I p. 490)

[4] Zweite Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung zur Emissionsbegrenzung von leichtflüchtigen Halogenkohlenwasserstoffen - 2. BImSchV [Second ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act (ordinance on limiting emissions of highly volatile halogen hydrocarbons – 2nd BImSchV)] of 10 December 1990 (BGBl. I p. 2694), amended on 3 May 2000 (BGBl. I, p. 632)

[5] Dritte Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung über Schwefel-gehalt von leichtem Heizöl und Dieselkraftstoff - 3. BImSchV) [Third ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act (ordinance on the sulphur content of light fuel oil and diesel fuel – 3rd BImSchV)] of 15 January 1975 (BGBl. I p. 264), last amended on 26 September 1994 (BGBl. I, p. 2640)

[6] Vierte Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung über genehmigungsbedürftige Anlagen - 4. BImSchV) [Fourth ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act (ordinance on installations subject to licensing – 4th BImSchV)] of 14 March 1997 (BGBl. I p. 504), last amended on 23 February 1999 (BGBl. I, p. 186)

[7] Dreizehnte Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung über Groß-feuerungsanlagen - 13. BImSchV) [Thirteenth ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act (ordinance on large furnaces – 13th BImSchV)] of 22 June 1983 (BGBl. I p. 719), amended on 3 May 2000 (BGBl. I, p. 632)

[8] Siebzehnte Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung über Verbrennungsanlagen für Abfälle und ähnliche brennbare Stoffe - 17. BImSchV) [Seventeenth ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act (ordinance on incineration plants for waste and other combustible materials – 17th BImSchV)] of 23 November 1990 (BGBl. I p. 2545), amended on 3 May 2000 (BGBl. I, p. 632)

[9] Fünfundzwanzigste Verordnung zur Durchführung der Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung zur Begrenzung der Emissionen aus der Titandioxid-Industrie - 25. BImSchV) [Twenty-fifth ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act (ordinance on limiting emissions from the titanium dioxide industry – 25th BImSchV)] of 8 November 1996 (BGBl. I p. 1722)

[10] Siebenundzwanzigste Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung über Anlagen zur Feuerbestattung - 27. BImSchV) [Twenty-seventh ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act (ordinance on crematoria – 27th BImSchV)] of 19 March 1990 (BGBl. I, p. 545), amended on 3 May 2000 (BGBl. I, p. 632)

[11] Council of the European Community: Council directive of 28 June 1984 on the combating of air pollution from industrial plants (84/360/EEC)

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- 72 - [12] Council of the European Community:

Council directive 96/61 EC of 24 September 1996 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC directive)

[13] Council of the European Community: Council directive of 24 November 1988 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants (88/609/EEC)

[14] Council of the European Community: Council directive of 8 June 1989 on the prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plants (89/369/EEC)

[15] Council of the European Community: Council directive of 21 June 1989 on the reduction of air pollution from existing municipal waste incineration plants (89/429/EEC)

[16] Council of the European Community: Council directive of 16 December 1994 on the incineration of hazardous waste (94/67/EC)

[17] Council of the European Community: Council directive of 11 March 1999 on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain activities and installations (1999/13/EC)

[18] Circular of the Federal Environment Ministry of 08/06/1998 – IG I 3 – 51 134/3 – (GMBl. 1998, p. 543-556): Bundeseinheitliche Praxis bei der Überwachung der Emissionen, [Uniform practice in monitoring emissions in the Federal Republic of Germany], guidelines on: - suitability testing, installation, calibration, maintenance of measuring equipment for continuous

emission measurement and the continuous collection of reference or operational values for the continuous monitoring of emissions of special substances,

- evaluation of continuous emission measurements, - assessment of smoke spot number measurement in furnaces operated by extra light fuel oil.

[19] Circular of the Federal Environment Ministry of 01/09/94 – IG I 3 – 51 134/3 – (GMBl. 1994, p. 1231): Bundeseinheitliche Praxis bei der Überwachung der Verbrennungsbedingungen an Abfallverbrennungs-anlagen nach der Siebzehnten Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes [Uniform practice on the monitoring of combustion conditions in waste incineration installations in accordance with the seventeenth ordinance for the enforcement of the federal immission control act in the Federal Republic of Germany]

[20] Anlage zur VwV des UM zur Ermittlung der Emissionen und Immissionen von luftverunreinigenden Stoffen, Geräuschen und Erschütterungen sowie Prüfung technischer Geräte und Einrichtungen [Annex to the administrative regulation from the environment ministry on the determination of emissions and immissions of air pollutants, noise and vibration and the inspection of technical equipment and devices] of 15/03/1993 – Az: 43-8820.50 gen./199- (GABl. 28 June 1993, p. 734 ff.) “Muster eines bundeseinheitlichen Emissionsmessbericht” [standard German emissions measurement report] see also VDI 4220 [29], Annex B

[21] Specialist notes on: Bundeseinheitlichen Praxis bei der Überwachung der Verbrennungsbedingungen an Abfallverbrennungsanlagen nach 17. BImSchV [Uniform practice in monitoring combustion conditions for waste incineration plants in accordance with the 17th BimSchV in the Federal Republic of Germany], part of a series published by the LAI, Volume 7, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 1994

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- 73 - [22] LAI and Landesamt für Umweltschutz [Regional environment protection office] in Sachsen-Anhalt,

Az.: – 02422 of 20/03/1997

Bundeseinheitlicher Musterbericht über die Durchführung von Funktionsprüfungen/Kalibrierungen kontinuierlich arbeitender Messeinrichtungen [Standard German report form for the execution of functional tests / calibrations of continuous measuring devices] see also VDI 3950, part 2 (PD) [33], Annex A

[23] Richtlinien für die Bekanntgabe und die Zulassung von sachverständigen Stellen im Bereich des Immissionsschutzes [Guidelines on the announcement and accreditation of specialist laboratories in the field of immission control], arising from the LAI decision of 12 May 1998, part of a series published by the LAI, Volume 18 “Empfehlungen für die Bekanntgabe von sachverständigen Stellen im Bereich des Immissionsschutzes” [recommendations for the announcement of specialist laboratories in the field of immission control], Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 1999

[24] Minutes of the 87th meeting of the LAI: Prüfkatalog für die Eignungsprüfung von Messeinrichtungen für kontinuierliche Emissionsmessungen [Test catalogue for suitability testing of measurement systems for continuous emission measurements] (September 1994 edition) see also VDI 4203, Part 1 (D) and [28] below

[25] Minutes of the 72nd meeting of the LAI: Prüfkatalog für die Eignungsprüfung von Messeinrichtungen für kontinuierliche Emissionsmessungen - Systeme mit Langzeitprobenahme für Dioxine und Furane [Test catalogue for suitability testing of measurement systems for continuous emission measurements – systems with long-term sampling mechanisms for dioxins and furans] (preliminary version, 18 September 1997)

[26] Series published by the LAI, Volume 15: Emissionsfernüberwachung/Schnittstellendefinition [Remote emission monitoring / definition of interfaces], Erich-Schmitt-Verlag, Berlin, 1997

[27] Geruchs-Immissions-Richtlinie (GIRL) [Odour immissions directive], approved at the 94th meeting of the LAI on 11 to 13 May 1998

Standards and guidelines

[28] Guideline VDI 4203: Prüfpläne für kontinuierlich registrierende Messeinrichtungen – Grundlagen Part 1 (Draft) [April 2000] [Testing of automated measuring systems – general concepts] and following parts (currently in preliminary draft stage)

[29] Guideline VDI 4220: Qualitätssicherung - Anforderungen an Emissions- und Immissionsprüfstellen [September 1999] für die Ermittlung luftverunreinigender Stoffe [Quality assurance – requirements for emission and immission testing laboratories for the determination of air pollutants]

[30] Guideline VDI 2448: Planung von stichprobenartigen Emissionsmessungen an geführten Quellen Part 1 [April 1992] [Planning of spot sampling measurements of stationary source emissions]

[31] Guideline VDI 4200: Durchführung von Emissionsmessungen an geführten Quellen [Realization of (draft) [March 1999] stationary source emission measurements]

[32] Guideline VDI 3950: Kalibrierung automatischer Emissionsmesseinrichtungen [Calibration of Part 1 [July 1994] automatic emission measuring instruments]

[33] Guideline VDI 3950: Kalibrierung automatischer Emissionsmesseinrichtungen - Berichterstattung Part 2 (draft) [Sept. 2000] [Calibration of automatic emission measuring instruments - reports]

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- 74 - [34] Guideline VDI 2066: Messen von Partikeln - Staubmessungen in strömenden Gasen –

Part 1 [October 1975] Gravimetrische Bestimmung der Staubbeladung - Übersicht [Measurement of particulate matter – manual dust measurements in flowing gases; gravimetric determination of dust load – Fundamentals]

[35] Guideline VDI 2066: Messen von Partikeln – Manuelle Staubmessung in strömenden Gasen– Part 2 [August 1993] Gravimetrische Bestimmung der Staubbeladung - Filterkopfgeräte (4 m³/h, 12 m³/h) [Measurement of particulate matter – manual dust measurement in flowing gases - gravimetric determination of dust load – filter devices (4 m³/h, 12 m³/h)]

[36] Guideline VDI 2066: Messen von Partikeln - Staubmessung in strömenden Gasen - Bestimmung der Part 4 [January 1989] Staubbeladung durch kontinuierliches Messen der optischen Transmission [Measurement of particulate matter –dust measurement in flowing gases – determination of dust load by continuous measurement of optical transmission]

[37] Guideline VDI 2066: Messen von Partikeln - Staubmessung in strömenden Gasen - Fraktionierende Part 5 [November 1994] Staubmessung nach dem Impaktionsverfahren - Kaskadenimpaktor [Measurement of particulate matter –dust measurement in flowing gases; particle size selective measurement by impaction method – cascade impactor]

[38] Guideline VDI 2066: Messen von Partikeln - Staubmessung in strömenden Gasen - Bestimmung der Part 6 [January 1989] Staubbeladung durch kontinuierliches Messen des Streulichtes mit dem Photometer KTN [Measurement of particulate matter – dust measurement in flowing gases – determination of dust load by continuous measurement of scattered light with the photometer KTN]

[39] Guideline VDI 2066: Messen von Partikeln - Staubmessungen in strömenden Gasen – geringer Part 7 [August 1993] Staubgehalte - Planfilterkopfgeräte - [Measurement of particulate matter – manual dust measurement in flowing gases – gravimetric determination of low dust contents – plane filter devices]

[40] Guideline VDI 2066: Messen von Partikeln - Staubmessung in strömenden Gasen - Messung der Part 8 [September 1995] Rußzahl an Feuerungsanlagen für Heizöl EL [Measurement of particulate matter – dust measurement in flowing gases – measurement of smoke number in furnaces designed for EL type fuel oil]

[41] DIN EN 13284-1: Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Ermittlung der (draft) [October 1998] Staubmassenkonzentration bei geringen Staubgehalten - Teil 1: Manuelles gravimetrisches Verfahren [Stationary source emissions – determination of low range mass concentration of dust – Part 1: manual gravimetric method]

[42] DIN 51402 part 1: Prüfung der Abgase von Ölfeuerungen - Visuelle und photometrische (draft) [October 1986] Bestimmung der Rußzahl [Analysis of waste gas from oil furnaces - visual and photometric inspection of waste gases from oil furnaces - determination of smoke number]

[43] DIN EN 1948-1: Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Massenkonzentration [May 1997] von PCDD/PCDF - Teil 1: Probenahme [Stationary source emissions – determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs / PCDFs – Part 1: sampling]

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- 75 - [44] Guideline VDI 3868: Messen der Gesamtemission von Metallen, Halbmetallen und ihren

Part 1 [December 1994] Verbindungen - Manuelle Messung in strömenden Gasen - Probenahme- system für partikelgebundene und filtergängige Stoffe [Determination of total emission of metals, semimetals and their compounds – manual measurement in flowing gases – sampling system for particulate and filter-passing matter]

[45] Guideline VDI 3868: Bestimmung der Gesamtemission von Metallen, Halbmetallen und ihren Part 2 (draft) [August 1995] Verbindungen - Messen von Quecksilber - Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie mit Kaltdampftechnik [Determination of total emission of metals, semimetals and their compounds – measurement of mercury – atomic absorption spectrometry with cold vapour technique]

[46] Guideline VDI 2460: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Infrarotspektrometrische Bestimmung Part 1 [July 1996] organischer Verbindungen – Grundlagen [Measurement of gaseous emissions – infrared spectrometric determination of organic compounds – general principles]

[47] Guideline VDI 2462: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen der Schwefeldioxidkonzentration Part 8 [March 1985] - H2O2-Thorin-Methode [Gaseous emission measurement – determination of sulphur dioxide concentration – H2O2-thorin method]

[48] Guideline VDI 2462: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen der Schwefeldioxidkonzentration - Part 1 [February 1974] Jod-Thiosulfat-Verfahren [Gaseous emission measurement – determination of sulphur dioxide concentration – iodometric thiosulphate method]

[49] Guideline VDI 2462: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Überprüfen der Kalibrierung automatischer Part 6 [January 1974] Schwefeldioxid-Konzentrations-Messgeräte an Feuerungsanlagen [Gaseous emission measurement – check of calibrated recording instruments for sulphur dioxide concentration measurement in the waste gases of combustion plants]

[50] DIN ISO 7934: Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Massenkonzentration [July 2000] an Schwefeldioxid - H2O2-Bariumperchlorat-Thorin-Verfahren [Stationary source emissions – determination of the mass concentration of sulphur dioxide – H2O2 / barium perchlorate / thorin method]

[51] Guideline VDI 2456: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen der Summe von Stickstoffmonoxid Part 6 [May 1978] und Stickstoffdioxid als Stickstoffmonoxid unter Einsatz eines Konverters [Gaseous emission measurement – determination of the sum of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide as nitrogen monoxide by use of a converter]

[52] Guideline VDI 2456: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen von Stickstoffmonoxid-Gehalten - Part 7 [April 1981] Chemolumineszens-Analysatoren (Athmosphärendruckgeräte) [Gaseous emission measurement; measurement of nitrogen monoxide – chemiluminescence analysers (atmospheric pressure devices)]

[53] Guideline VDI 2456: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Analytische Bestimmung der Summe von Part 8 [January 1986] Stickstoffmonoxid und Stickstoffdioxid - Natriumsalicylatverfahren [Gaseous emission measurement – analytical determination of the sum of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide – sodium salicylate method]

[54] Guideline VDI 2456: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Analytische Bestimmung der Summe von Part 10 [November 1990] Stickstoffmonoxid und Stickstoffdioxid - Dimethylphenolverfahren [Gaseous emission measurement – analytical determination of the sum of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide – dimethylphenol method]

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- 76 - [55] DIN 33962: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Kontinuierlich arbeitende Messein-

[March 1997] richtungen für Einzelmessungen von Stickstoffmonoxid und Stickstoffdioxid [Measurement of gaseous emissions – automatic measurement systems for single measurements of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide]

[56] Guideline VDI 2459: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen der Kohlenmonoxidkonzentration - Part 7 [February 1994] Jodpentoxidverfahren [Gaseous emission measurement – determination of carbon monoxide concentration – iodine pentoxide method]

[57] Guideline VDI 2459: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen der Kohlenmonoxidkonzentration Part 1 [Dezember 2000] mittels Flammenionisationsdetektor nach Reduktion zu Methan [Gaseous emission measurement – determination of carbon monoxide concentration using flame ionisation detection after reduction to methane]

[58] Guideline VDI 3481: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Bestimmung des durch Absorption an Part 2 [September 1998] Kieselgel erfassbaren organisch gebundenen Kohlenstoffs in Abgasen [Gaseous emission measurement – determination of gaseous organic carbon in waste gases – adsorption on silica gel]

[59] Guideline VDI 2470: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen gasförmiger Fluor-Verbindungen - Part 1 [October 1975] Adsorptions-Verfahren [Gaseous emission measurement - measurement of gaseous fluorine compounds; absorption method]

[60] DIN EN 1911-1: Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Manuelle Methode zur Bestimmung [July 1998] von HCl - Teil 1: Ansaugen des Probengases [Stationary source emissions – manual method of determination of HCI – Part 1: sampling of gases]

[61] Guideline VDI 3486: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen der Schwefelwasserstoff- Part 1 [April 1979] Konzentration - Potentiometrisches Titrationsverfahren [Gaseous emission measurement – measurement of hydrogen sulphide concentration – potentiometric titration method]

[62] Guideline VDI 3486: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen der Schwefelwasserstoff- Part 2 [April 1979] Konzentration - Jodometrisches Titrationsverfahren [Gaseous emission measurement – measurement of hydrogen sulphide concentration – iodometric titration method]

[63] Guideline VDI 3496: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Bestimmung der durch Absorption in Part 1 [April 1982] Schwefelsäure erfassbaren basischen Stickstoffverbindungen [Gaseous emission measurement – determination of basic nitrogen compounds sizeable by absorption in sulphuric acid]

[64] DIN EN 13211: Emissionen aus stationären Quellen – Manuelles verfahren zur Bestimmung (draft) [September 2000] der Gesamtquecksilber-Konzentration [Stationary source emissions – Manual method of determination of the concentration of total mercury]

[65] Guideline VDI 2457: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Chromatographische Bestimmung Part 1 [November 1997] organischer Verbindungen - Grundlagen [Gaseous emission measurement – chromatographic determination of organic compounds – fundamentals]

[66] Guideline VDI 2457: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Chromatographische Bestimmung Part 5 (draft) [Dec 1997] organischer Verbindungen – Probenahme mit Gassammelgefäßen – gaschromatographische Analyse [Gaseous emission measurement – gas chromatographic determination of organic compounds – sampling using gas collection containers – gas chromatographic analysis]

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- 77 - [67] Guideline VDI 3862: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen – Messen aliphatischer Aldehyde (C1 bis C3)

Part 1 [December 1990] nach dem MBTH-Verfahren [Gaseous emission measurement - measurement of aliphatic aldehydes (C1 to C3) – MBTH method]

[68] Guideline VDI 3862: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen – Messen aliphatischer und aromatischer Part 2 [Dezember 2000] Aldehyde und Ketone nach dem DNPH-Verfahren – Gaswaschflaschen- Methode [Gaseous emission measurement – measurement of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes and ketones – DNPH method – impinger method]

[69] Guideline VDI 3481: Messen gasförmiger Emissionen - Messen der Kohlenwasserstoff- Part 1 [August 1975] Konzentration - Flammenionisations-Detektor (FID) [Gaseous emission measurement – determination of hydrocarbon concentration – flame ionisation detector (FID)]

[70] DIN EN 12619: Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Massenkonzentration [September 1999] des gesamten gasförmigen organisch gebundenen Kohlenstoffs in geringen Konzentrationen in Abgasen – Kontinuierliches Verfahren unter Verwendung eines Flammenionisationsdetektors [Stationary source emissions – determination of the mass concentration of total gaseous organic carbon at low concentrations in flue gases – continuous flame ionisation detector method]

[71] DIN EN 13526: Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Massenkonzentration (draft) [September 1999] des gesamten gasförmigen organisch gebundenen Kohlenstoffs in hohen Konzentrationen in Abgasen – Kontinuierliches Verfahren unter Verwendung eines Flammenionisationsdetektors [Stationary source emissions – determination of the mass concentration of total gaseous organic carbon at high concentrations in flue gases – continuous flame ionisation detector method]

[72] Guideline VDI 3881: Olfaktometrie – Geruchsschwellenbestimmung – Grundlagen [Olfactometry - Part 1 [May 1986] odour threshold determination – fundamentals]

[73] Guideline VDI 3881: Olfaktometrie – Geruchsschwellenbestimmung – Probenahme [Olfactometry - Part 2 [January 1986] odour threshold determination – sampling]

[74] Guideline VDI 3881: Olfaktometrie – Geruchsschwellenbestimmung – Grundlagen [Olfactometry - Part 3 [November 1986] odour threshold determination – olfactometers with gas jet dilution]

[75] Guideline VDI 3881: Olfaktometrie – Geruchsschwellenbestimmung – Anwendungsvorschriften Part 4 (draft) [Dec 1989] und Verfahrenskenngrößen [Olfactometry - odour threshold determination – instructions for application and performance characteristics]

[76] Guideline VDI 3882: Olfaktometrie – Bestimmung der Geruchsintensität [Olfactometry - Part 1 [October 1992] determination of odour intensity]

[77] Guideline VDI 3882: Olfaktometrie – Bestimmung der Geruchsintensität [Determination of hedonic Part 2 [September 1994] odour tone intensity]

[78] DIN EN 13725: Luftbeschaffenheit – Bestimmung der Geruchsstoffkonzentration mit (draft) [January 2000] dynamischer Olfaktometrie [Air composition – determination of odour material concentration using dynamic olfactometry]

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- 78 - Texts

[79] Umweltbundesamt Berlin [Federal Environmental Agency in Berlin]: Leitfaden zur bundeseinheitlichen Praxis der Emissionsüberwachung nicht genehmigungsbedürftiger Anlagen im Sinne der 1. und 2. BImSchV [Guidelines on standard German practice for the emission monitoring of installations not subject to licensing in accordance with the 1st and 2nd BImSchV], UBA Texts 1/98 ISSN 0722-186X

[80] Hans-Joachim Hummel, Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich des Bekanntgabewesens von Messstellen i.S.d. § 26 BImSchG [New developments in the accreditation process for measurement laboratories in accordance with § 26 BImschG], 34. Messtechnisches Kolloquium [34th conference on measurement and technology], 10 May 1999

[81] Bracht. G., Betrachtungen über Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Orsatanalyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Koksofengas [Considerations on advance in the field of gas analysis, with special emphasis on coke oven gas], Brennstoff Chemie 42 [chemistry and fuels 42] (1961), p. 37

[82] V. Karfik: Fourier-Transform-Infrared-Spektrometrie für die Emissionsmessung [Fourier transform infrared spectrometry for emission measurement], VDI reports, no. 1059, 1993

[83] Ströhlein & Co.: Feuchtigkeitsmesser für Gase [Humidity meters for gases], test no. 3400-N-E-F

[84] Willi Bohl, Technische Strömungslehre [Technical flow engineering], Vogel Buchverlag. Würzburg 1989, ISBN 3-8023-0036-X

[85] Borho K., Staubmessverfahren, Messen, Steuern und Regeln in der chemischen Technik [Dust measurement methods, measurements, controls and rules in chemical engineering] Volume II. p. 216/223. Pub.: J. Hengstenberg, B. Sturm, O. Winkler. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1980

[86] Ermittlung von Verfahrenskenngrößen eines Messverfahrens zur Messung partikelförmiger Schadstoffe in Abgasen mit Hilfe modifizierter Nulldrucksonden [Determination of process variables for a measurement method for the measurement of particulate pollutants in waste gases using modified zero pressure probes]. Umweltplanung, Arbeits- und Umweltschutz [Environmental planning, industrial safety and environmental protection] Issue 197/1995. Schriftenreihe der hessischen Landesanstalt für Umwelt [series of papers published by the Hessen regional environment office], HLfU 1995, ISSN 0933-2391, ISBN 3-89026-208-2

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- 79 - 7 Annex 1:

Legislative and administrative regulations / excerpts from quoted sources

7.1 Excerpt of the Federal Immission Control Act

Act on the Prevention of Harmful Effects on the Environment

Caused by Air Pollution, Noise, Vibration and Similar Phenomena (Federal Immission Control Act – BImSchG)

as amended and promulgated on 14 May 1990 (BGBl. I, p. 880), last amended on 3 May 2000 (BGBl. I, p. 632)

Section Three

Determination of Emissions and Immissions, safety checks,

Installations safety commission

§ 26 Measurements for Special Reasons

The competent authority may order that the operator of an installation subject to licensing or, insofar as Article 22 hereof is applicable, of an installation not subject to licensing shall have the nature and type of the emissions released from such installation and the immissions occurring within the sphere of influence of such installation determined by one of the agencies designated by the competent authority under regional law if it is to be feared that harmful effects on the environment may be caused by such installation. The competent authority is authorised to specify details regarding the type and extent of the measurements to be made and regarding the presentation of the results thereof.

§ 27 Emission Declaration

(1) The operator of an installation subject to licensing shall be liable to provide the competent authority within a period to be fixed by such authority or on the date which has been fixed in the ordinance issued pursuant to paragraph 4 below with information on the type, volume and the spatial and temporal distribution of air pollution emitted from such installation within a specified period, including the conditions governing such emission (emission declaration); he shall update the emission declaration regularly every four years. Article 52, paragraph 5 hereof shall apply accordingly. The first sentence above shall not be applicable to operators of installations which can emit only insignificant quantities of air pollutants.

(2) Articles 93, 97, 105, paragraph 1, Article 111, paragraph 5, in conjunction with Article 105, paragraph 1 and Article 116, paragraph 1 of the Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung) shall not be applicable to the information and documents obtained pursuant to paragraph 1 above. This shall not apply where the tax authorities need such information for the institution of proceedings on the grounds of a fiscal offence the prosecution of which is compellingly in the public interest, or where wilfully false information has been provided by the person liable to supply such information or by any other person acting on his behalf.

(3) It shall not be allowed to publish details of the emission declaration if these could be used to draw conclusions concerning industrial or business secrets. When submitting the emission declaration, the operator shall contact the competent authority and specify which of the detailed information contained in the declaration could enable conclusions to be drawn about industrial or business secrets.

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- 80 - (4) The Federal Government is authorised to govern by ordinance, with the consent of the Bundesrat, the content, scope, form and precise date of the emission declaration as well as the procedure to be observed when determining emission levels. Provision shall also be made in such ordinance as to which of the operators of installations subject to licensing are to be exempt from the obligation to submit an emission declaration pursuant to paragraph 1, sentence 3 above.

§ 28 Initial and Recurrent Measurements for Installations Subject to Licensing

In the case of installations subject to licensing, the competent authority may: 1. after the commencement of operation or any change as defined in Article 15 or 16 hereof, and then 2. at the end of a period of three years each give orders pursuant to Article 26 hereof, even in the absence of the requirements specified therein. If the authority deems it necessary in view of the type, volume and hazardousness of the emissions released by such installation to carry out investigations within the period specified in number 2 above, it shall authorise, upon application from the operator, that such measurements be carried out by the immission control officer, provided he has the requisite professional qualifications, reliability and technical equipment for the purpose.

§ 29 Continuous Measurements

(1) In the case of installations subject to licensing, the competent authority may order specific emissions or immissions to be continuously logged using recording measuring devices in lieu of the individual measurements pursuant to Article 26 or 28 hereof or in addition to any such measurements. In the case of installations with substantial mass flow of air pollutants or considerable waste gas flow, especially installations whose waste gas flow exceeds 50 000 m³/h, orders shall be given pursuant to sentence 1 above if the presence of emission levels exceeding those specified in any legal provisions, conditions or orders cannot be ruled out by virtue of the specific nature of the installation.

(2) In the case of installations not subject to licensing, the competent authority may, insofar as Article 22 hereof is applicable, order specific emissions or immissions to be continuously logged using recording measuring devices in lieu of the individual measurements pursuant to Article 26 hereof or in addition to any such measurements if this is deemed necessary in order to find out whether or not such installation causes any harmful effect on the environment.

§ 29 a Orders Regarding Safety Checks

(1) The competent authority may order the operator of an installation subject to licensing to charge one of the experts designated by the competent authority under regional law with the execution of specific safety checks and audits of safety-related documents. The order may authorise such checks and audits to be carried out either by the hazardous incident officer (Article 58 a) or an expert appointed in accordance with Article 14 of the Equipment Safety Act pursuant to a statutory instrument issued for installations in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 2 a of the Equipment Safety Act, providing they have the requisite professional qualifications, reliability and technical equipment for such a purpose; the same shall apply to an expert appointed pursuant to Article 36, paragraph 1 of the Industrial Code who can evidence specific technical qualifications in the field of safety checks. The competent authority is authorised to specify details regarding the type and extent of the safety checks to be made and regarding the presentation of the results of the checks.

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- 81 - (2) Orders for the execution of such checks may be given: 1. for a specific date during the building of the installation or at another time before it is commissioned, 2. for a specific date after commencement of operation, 3. at regular intervals, 4. in the case of a cessation of operation or 5. if there is reason to suspect that specific safety-related requirements are not being met. The first sentence above shall apply accordingly in the event of any material alteration as defined in Article 15 or 16 hereof. (3) The operator shall submit the results of the safety checks to the competent authority no later than one month after completion of such checks; he shall present any such results without delay if this is deemed necessary to avert imminent dangers.

§ 30 Costs of Measurements and Safety Checks

The costs for the determination of emissions and immissions and for the safety checks shall be borne by the operator of the installation. In the case of installations not subject to licensing, the operator shall only bear the costs for investigations carried out pursuant to Articles 26 or 29, paragraph 2 hereof if the investigations reveal that: 1. Specific conditions or orders imposed by this Act or by any ordinance issued in accordance with this Act have not been complied with, or 2. Specific conditions or orders imposed by this Act or by any ordinance issued in accordance with this Act are deemed necessary.

§ 31 Information regarding Emissions and Immissions Detected

The operator of an installation shall, if so requested, inform the competent authority of the result of the measurements made by virtue of an order given pursuant to Articles 26, 28 or 29 hereof and shall keep the recordings of the measuring equipment for five years in accordance with Article 29 hereof. The competent authority may dictate the means of transmission of the measurement results.

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7.2 Excerpt of the TA Luft

The TA Luft includes requirements for the continuous measurement of specific emissions (see Section 3.2.3).

Table 7.1: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with TA Luft.

Measured object Criterion for requirement for continuous measurement mass flow

waste gas opacity particulate materials 2 kg/h to 5 kg/h dust concentration particulate materials in excess of 5 kg/h or if emissions

exceed five times the mass flows specified in Section 2.3, 3.1.4 or 3.1.7

sulphur dioxide over 50 kg/h nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide over 30 kg/h nitrogen dioxide if the individual measurements reveal that the proportion

of NO2 in the nitrogen emissions is not less than 10 %. carbon monoxide1) over 5 kg/h carbon monoxide2) over 100 kg/h fluorine and gaseous inorganic fluorine compounds, given as hydrogen fluoride

over 0.5 kg/h

gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds, given as hydrogen chloride

over 3 kg/h

chlorine over 1 kg/h hydrogen sulphide over 1 kg/h total carbon content over 1 kg/h for substances in Section 3.1.7, Class I

over 10 kg/h for substances in Section 3.1.7, Class I to III reference parameters such as: - waste gas temperature - waste gas volume flow - humidity - pressure - oxygen content

Continuous measurements are not required if experience shows that the parameters only fluctuate within a small range, are not significant to the analysis of emissions or can be determined with sufficient accuracy using another method.

1) as the main substance for assessing the burnout of combustion processes 2) in all other cases

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First General Administrative Regulation Pertaining to the Federal Immission Control Act

(Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control – TA Luft)

of 27 February 1986 (GMBl., p. 95, 202)

In accordance with Article 48 of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG) of 15 March 1974 (BGBl. I, p. 721), amended by Article 1 of the Act of 4 October 1985 (BGBl. I, p. 1950), the Federal Government hereby enacts the following general administrative regulation after consultation with the parties involved and with the agreement of the Bundesrat:

2 General Provisions on Air Quality Control

2.1 Definition of Terms and Units of Measurement

2.1.1 Air Pollutants

Air pollutants as defined in these instructions are changes in the natural composition of the air, particularly those due to smoke, soot, dust, gases, aerosols, vapours or odorous substances; the vapours can include water vapour.

2.1.2 Immissions

Immissions as defined in these instructions are air pollutants affected humans, animals, plants or other things. Immission levels are quoted as follows:

Mass concentration as the mass of the pollutant material relative to the volume of the polluted air, in the units g/m³, mg/m³ or µg/m³,

Dust fall as a mass deposition related to time, in the units g/(m²d) or mg/(m²d).

2.1.3 Emissions

Emissions as defined in these instructions are pollutants originating from an installation.

Emission levels are quoted as follows:

a) mass of emitted materials relative to the volume aa) of waste gas under standard conditions (0°C, 1013 mbar) after subtraction of the water vapour content bb) of waste gas (f) under standard conditions (0°C, 1013 mbar) prior to subtraction of the water vapour

content as a mass concentration, in the units g/m³ or mg/m³,

b) mass of emitted materials relative to time, as mass flow in the units kg/h, g/h or mg/h; the mass flow is the total emission occurring for one hour of normal operation of an installation under the operating conditions most unfavourable to the maintenance of air quality;

c) ratio of the mass of emitted materials to the mass of the products generated or processed (emission factors) as a mass ratio in the units kg/t or g/t.

Waste gases as defined in these instructions are carrier gases containing solid, liquid or gaseous emissions.

The quantities of air which are fed into a system in order to dilute or cool the waste gases shall not be considered when determining mass concentration.

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- 85 - 2.1.4 Emission ratio

The emission ratio as defined in these instructions is the ratio of the mass of an air-polluting substance emitted in the waste gas to the mass supplied in fuels and charge materials; it is given as a percentage.

2.1.5 Emission Standards and Emission Limits

Emission standards as defined in these instructions constitute the bases for emission limits.

The emission limits shall be established in the letter of approval or in the supplementary directives and consist of:

a) the approved mass concentrations of air pollutants in the waste gas, under the provision that: aa) all daily means shall not exceed the specified mass concentration, bb) 97 percent of all half-hourly means shall not exceed six fifths of the specified mass concentration, and cc) all half-hourly means shall not exceed the specified mass concentration by more than double, b) approved mass ratios, c) approved emission ratios, d) approved mass flows, e) odour reduction values to be met, or f) other precautionary requirements with respect to effects on the environment by air pollutants.

2.1.6 Unit for Odour

The unit for odour as defined in these instructions is the olfactometrically measured ratio of the volume flows when diluting a waste gas sample down to the odour threshold; it is given as a multiple of the odour threshold.

2.1.7 Symbols for units and abbreviations

µm micrometer; 1 µm = 0.001 mm ng nanogram; 1 ng = 0.001 µg µg microgram; 1 µg = 0.001 mg mg milligram; 1 mg = 0.001 g mbar millibar; 1 mbar = 0.001 bar = 100 Pa kJ/kg kilojoules per kilogram MW megawatt m³/h cubic metres per hour (volume flow) kn knot; 1 kn = 0.514 m/s t ton h hour d day

2.3 Carcinogenic substances

The carcinogenic substances contained in the waste gas must be limited as much as possible in accordance with the principle of relationship.

Please refer to Section II A1 and A2 of the MAK values list (list of maximum workplace concentrations published by the senate commission for the inspection of substances detrimental to health by the German Research Commission).

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- 86 - The following carcinogenic substances must not exceed the following mass concentrations in the waste gas, even in the presence of more than one substance from the same class:

Class I:

Asbestos (chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, actinolith and tremolite) in fine particulate form Benzo(a)pyres Beryllium and its compounds in respirable form, given as beryllium Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 2-naphthylamine for a mass flow of 0.5 g/h or more 0.1 mg/m³

Class II

Arsenic trioxide and arsenic pentoxide, arsenious acid and its salts, arsenic acid and its salts (in respirable form) given as As Chromate(VI) compounds (in respirable form), calcium chromate, chromic (III) chromate, strontium chromate and zinc chromate, given as Cr Cobalt (in the form of respirable dusts/aerosols of cobalt metal and slightly soluble cobalt salts) given as Co 3,3’-dichlorobenzidine Dimethyl sulphate Ethylenimin Nickel (in the form of respirable dusts/aerosols of nickel metal, nickel sulphide and sulphide ores, nickel oxide

and nickel carbonate, nickel tetracarbonyl) given as Ni for a mass flow of 5 g/h or more 1 mg/m³

Class III:

Acryl nitrile Benzene 1,3 butadiene 1-chlorine-2,3-epoxypropane (epichlorhydrine) 1,2-dibromethane 1,2-epoxypropane Ethylene oxide Hydrazine Vinyl chloride for a mass flow of 25 g/h or more 5 mg/m³

Notwithstanding paragraph 3, in the presence of substances from different classes, if the substances are from classes I and II, the mass concentration in the waste gas must not exceed a total of 1 mg/m³ and if the substances are from classes I and III or classes II and III, the mass concentration in the waste gas must not exceed a total of 5 mg/m³.

3 Control and Determination of Emissions

3.1 General Emissions Control Provisions

The provisions of the following paragraphs 3.1.1 through 3.3 contain: - emission values which can be obtained by application of the state of technology, - emission control requirements in accordance with the state of technology, - other precautionary requirements with respect to effects on the environment by air pollutants and - methods for determining emissions. Requirements under these provisions shall be established in the letter of licence for each individual source and for each air pollutant substance or group of substances, providing relevant amounts of these substances or substances are contained in the raw gas.

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- 87 - Where special operational or measurement procedures (e.g. batch processing, extended calibration times) call for emission control times other than those defined under 2.15, these shall be established accordingly.

Special arrangements must be made for start-up or shut-off operations during which it cannot be avoided that established emission standards will be exceeded by more than double. This particularly includes operations, during which: - the waste gas purification installation must be bypassed for safety reasons (to avoid deflection, blockage or

corrosion), - the waste gas purification installation is not fully operational because the waste gas flow rate is too low, or - waste gas collection and purification cannot or can only be carried out insufficiently when filling or emptying

containers and during discontinuous production processes.

3.1.1 General introduction

The provisions of 3.1 in conjunction with 3.2 apply to all installations; supplementary or different provisions listed under 3.3 supersede those requirements resulting from 2.3, 3.1, 3.2 or 4.2. 2.3, paragraph 1 and 3.1.7, paragraph 7 shall remain unaffected.

Where 2.3, 3.1 or 3.3. contain no provisions or incomplete provisions on emissions control, the guidelines on process and gas purification techniques contained in the VDI air pollution prevention manual and DIN standards should be applied.

3.1.2 Basic requirements

All installations must be fitted and operated with emission control mechanisms which meet modern technical standards. The emission control measures must aim to reduce both the mass concentration and the mass flow or mass relationships of the air pollutant emitted from an installation in order to reduce or minimise the generation of pollutant emissions from the outset. The following must particularly be taken into account:

- reduction of waste gas volume, e.g. by encapsulating system components, specific logging of waste gas flows, application of air circulation measures in accordance with industrial safety regulations

- process optimisation, e.g. extensive utilisation of raw materials and energy - optimisation of start-up and shutdown processes and other special operating conditions.

If substances as defined in 2.3, 3.1.4 Class I or II or lead and its compounds, 3.1.6 Class I or II, 3.1.7 Class I or 3.1.7, paragraph 7 could be emitted, the materials used (raw and auxiliary materials) should, where possible, be selected such as to minimise emissions.

Process cycles which could result in increased emissions of substances as defined in 2.3, 3.1.4 Class I or II, 3.1.7, paragraph 7 or in substances containing lead as a result of accumulation should be avoided where possible by means of technical or operational measures. Where these process cycles are crucial to the operation, i.e. for the processing of production residues to recover metals, measures must be taken to avoid increased emissions, e.g. by means of specific materials transfer or particularly effective gas purification mechanisms.

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- 88 - Operating processes which involve the gas purification mechanisms being bypassed or switched off must be designed such as to minimise emissions and operation must be carefully monitored by recording relevant process variables. Measures must be put in place to avoid excessive emissions in the event of the breakdown of the emission control installations immediately.

Where emissions standards relate to oxygen contents in the waste gas, the emissions measured in the waste gas must be converted using the following equation:

The following abbreviations are used: EM emission measured EB emission relative to reference oxygen content OM oxygen content measured OB reference oxygen content.

Where waste gas purification devices to reduce emissions are installed, the figures can only be converted for the times when the oxygen content measured is greater than the reference oxygen content. Special arrangements must be made for combustion processes which use pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air.

3.1.3 Total dust

The particulate emissions contained in the waste gas must not exceed: - for a mass flow of more than 0.5 kg/h, the mass concentration of 50 mg/m³ - for a mass flow of up to and including 0.5 kg/h, the mass concentration of 0.15 g/m³ 3.1.4 Particulate inorganic materials

The following particulate inorganic substances must not exceed the following total mass concentrations in the waste gas, even in the presence of more than one substance from the same class:

Class I:

Cadmium and its compounds, given as Cd Mercury and its compounds, given as Hg Thallium and its compounds, given as Tl for a mass flow of 1 g/h or more

Class II:

Arsenic and its compounds, given as As Cobalt and its compounds, given as Co Nickel and its compounds, given as Ni Selenium and its compounds, given as Se Tellurium and its compounds, given as Te for a mass flow of 5 g/h or more

E O - 21O - 21 = E M


BB ×

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- 89 - Class III:

Antimony and its compounds, given as Sb Lead and its compounds, given as Pb Chromium and its compounds, given as Cr Cyanides easily soluble (e.g. NaCN), given as CN Fluorides easily soluble (e.g. NaF), given as F Copper and its compounds, given as Cu Manganese and its compounds, given as Mn Platinum and its compounds, given as Pt Palladium and its compounds, given as Pd Rhodium and its compounds, given as Rh Vanadium and its compounds, given as V Tin and its compounds, given as Sn for a mass flow of 25 g/h or more

2.3 remains unchanged.

Particulate inorganic materials which can reasonably be assumed to have carcinogenic potential should be assigned to Class III; please refer to Part II B of the list of MAK values.

Notwithstanding paragraph 1, in the presence of substances from different classes, if the substances are from classes I and II, the mass concentration in the waste gas must not exceed a total of 1 mg/m³ and if the substances are from classes I and III or classes II and III, the mass concentration in the waste gas must not exceed a total of 5 mg/m³.

If the physical conditions (pressure, temperature) prevalent when waste gases are emitted are such that a significant proportion of the materials could be present in vaporous or gaseous form, checks should be made to ascertain whether, bearing in mind the specific conditions for the particular case, the mass concentrations specified in Paragraph 1 can also be adhered to for the total of the vaporous, gaseous and particulate emissions.

3.1.7 Organic substances

The organic materials assigned to Classes I to III in Annex E must not exceed the following mass concentrations, even in the presence of multiple substances in the same class:

Class I substances for a mass flow of 0.1 kg/h or more 20 mg/m³

Class II substances for a mass flow of 2 kg/h or more 0.10 g/m³

Class III substances for a mass flow of 3 kg/h or more 0.15 g/m³

In the presence of organic materials from different classes and assuming the mass flow totals 3 kg/h or more, the mass concentration in the waste gas must not exceed a total of 0.15 g/m³ as well as fulfilling the requirements laid out in Sentence 1. The organic materials not detailed in Annex E must be assigned to the classes containing the materials most similar to them with respect to their effect on the environment. The most important factors in this instance are degradability and accumulability, toxicity, effects of decomposition processes, by-products and odorous intensity.

2.3 remains unchanged.

Organic materials which can reasonably be assumed to have carcinogenic potential should be assigned to Class I; please refer to Part III B of the list of MAK values.

For organic particulate materials assigned to Classes II or III, the requirements in 3.1.3 are applicable, notwithstanding Sentences 1 and 2.

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- 90 - For materials which are very difficult to degrade and highly accumulable and of high levels of toxicity, or which cannot be allocated to any of the above classes because of other detrimental effects on the environment (e.g. polyhalogenated dibenzodioxins or polyhalogenated biphenyls), the emission mass flow must be limited as much as possible, taking into consideration the principle of relationship. This could involve special waste gas purification devices, process measures or measures which have effects on the composition of raw materials and products.

3.2 Measurement and Monitoring of Emissions

3.2.1 Measurement Sites

When approving installations, the establishment of measurement sites or sampling sites shall be requested and clearly defined. The recommendations of the guideline VDI 2066, part 1 of October 1975 must be adhered to. Measurement sites shall be sufficiently large and easily accessible, as well as designed and selected in such a way that they ensure emission measurements which are technically satisfactory and representative of the emissions of the installation in question.

3.2.2 Individual Measurements Initial and Repeated Measurements

A requirement shall be that upon erection, after substantial alterations, and thereafter, repeatedly every three years, emissions measurements of all air polluting substances for which emission limits are to be defined in the letter of licence with respect to paragraph 3.1, clause 2 shall be carried out by an agency designated in accordance with Article 26 of BImSchG.

Initial measurements after erection or substantial alterations shall be made upon reaching undisturbed operation, however, not before three months of operation and not later than twelve months after the start of operation.

Initial or repeated measurements are not required if emissions are measured in accordance with 3.2.3 or 3.2.4.

Individual measurements in accordance with paragraph 1 may be waived if the adherence to emission limits can be sufficiently proved by applying other tests, e.g. efficiency demonstration of emission control facilities, composition of fuels or raw materials or processing conditions. Measurement planning

Measurements for determining emissions shall be carried out in such a manner that the results are typical for the installation’s emissions and may be compared to similar facilities and operating conditions. Measurement planning shall comply with the guideline VDI 2066, part 1 of October 1975.

In the case of facilities with operating conditions which primarily remain constant with time, at least three individual measurements shall be made during undisturbed continuous operation with maximum emission and at least one additional measurement for each regular operating condition with changing emissions, e.g. cleaning or regeneration operations or during relatively long start-up or shut-down periods. In installations with operating conditions which primarily vary with time, measurements shall be made in sufficient number, although there should be no fewer than six, which should be carried out under the operating conditions which are known to cause maximum emissions.

The duration of the individual measurement shall not exceed half an hour; the results of individual measurements shall be assessed and given as half-hourly means. For special cases, e.g. for batch operation or if different mean times are defined under 2, 3.1 or 3.3, they shall be adjusted accordingly.

For measurements of particulate emissions, such as those mentioned under 2.3 or 3.1.4, it is to be ensured by a sufficient length of the sampling time, that the amount of samples taken amounts to 1/1000 of the weight of the filter, in general at least 20 mg. The result of the measurements shall be adjusted as a function of the sample time used.

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- 91 - In the case of substances which are largely present in vaporous or gaseous form, special measurements have to be taken in the measurement process to measure these proportions (e.g. using an impinger in accordance with VDI 2452, page 1). Selection of measurement procedures

Measurements to determine emissions shall be carried out using measuring methods and instruments which comply with the latest measurement technologies. Emission measurements shall be made according to the methods described in the guidelines of the VDI manual on air quality control, as detailed in Annex G.

Sampling shall comply with the guideline VDI 2066, Part 1 of October 1975. Furthermore, measurement methods and measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of the VDI guidelines listed in Annex F.

In particular, other or supplementary measurement methods are admissible, provided that they were published as suitable by the Federal Minister for the Interior in the Joint Ministerial Gazette after consultation with the competent supreme Federal State authority. Evaluation and assessment of measurement results

A report on the outcome of the measurements shall be prepared and submitted immediately. The measurement report shall contain information on the measurement planning, the result of each individual measurement, the measurement methods used and the operating conditions which are important for the assessment of individual data and measurement results. It must also include information on the fuel and raw materials as well as on the operating state of the installation and the emission control facilities; the recommendations in the guideline VDI 2066, Part 1 of October 1975 must be adhered to.

No objection to the installation shall be made with respect to emissions if no individual value exceeds the emissions standards established in the letter of licence. Measurement of highly odorous substances

If the licence of an installation involves emission control for highly odorous substances by defining the odour reduction value of a waste gas purification system, this value shall be checked by making olfactometric measurements.

3.2.3 Continuous Measurements Measurement Programme

Emissions shall be monitored by means of continuous measurements if mass flows defined in or are exceeded and emissions limits are set accordingly.

If it can be expected that an installation will repeatedly exceed the mass concentrations defined in the letter of licence, e.g. when changing its mode of operation or due to the malfunctioning of an emission control facility, continuous emission measurement may also be demanded for lower mass flows than those outlined in or For installations whose emission control facilities will have to be repeatedly shut down during undisturbed operations for safety reasons, or the efficiency of which has to be reduced considerably, mass flows resulting from the remaining precipitation capacities shall be assumed.

Where there is a constant relationship between the pollutants in the waste gas, continuous measurements may be restricted to the main component. Continuous emission measurements may again be waived if the fulfilment of emission standards can be sufficiently proved by applying other tests, e.g. continuous efficiency demonstration of emission control facilities, composition of fuels or raw materials or processing conditions. This also applies if the mass flows defined in or will be exceeded for less than 10 % of the operating time and the conditions detailed in paragraph 2, sentence 2, do not apply.

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- 92 - Dust emissions

Installations with particulate emission mass flows of 2 to 5 kg/h shall be equipped with measurement instruments at the relevant sources which enable continuous recording of waste gas opacity, e.g. by means of optical transmission.

Installations with particulate emission mass flows of more than 5 kg/h shall be equipped with measurement instruments at the relevant sources which enable continuous recording of the mass concentration of the particulate emissions.

Installations with particulate emissions of the materials detailed in 2.3, 3.1.4 or 3.1.7, Class 1 shall be equipped with measuring instruments for the relevant sources which continuously determine the total particulate concentration if the emission mass flow exceeds on of the mass flows detailed therein by more than five times. Vaporous and gaseous emissions

Installations emitting vaporous or gaseous substances in excess of the following emission mass flows shall have the relevant sources fitted with measuring instruments which continuously determine the mass concentrations of the respective substances:

Sulphur dioxide 50 kg/h Nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, given as nitrogen dioxide 30 kg/h Carbon monoxide as the main substance for assessing the burnout for combustion processes 5 kg/h Carbon monoxide in all other cases 100 kg/h Fluorine and gaseous inorganic fluorine compounds given as hydrogen fluoride 0.5 kg/h Gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds, given as hydrogen chloride 3 kg/h Chlorine 1 kg/h Hydrogen sulphide 1 kg/h.

If sulphur dioxide mass concentration is to be measured on a continuous basis, the mass concentration of sulphur trioxide shall be determined during calculation and included in the calculation.

If individual measurements show that the proportion of nitrogen dioxide in the nitrogen oxide emissions is less than 10 per cent, continuous measurement of nitrogen dioxide shall be waived and its proportion can be determined by calculation.

Installations whose emission mass flows of organic substances, given as total carbon, exceed the following: substances in 3.1.7, Class 1 1 kg/h substances in 3.1.7, Classes I to III total 10 kg/h, shall be equipped with measuring equipment for the relevant sources which continuously monitor the total carbon content. Reference values

Installations whose emission mass concentrations require permanent monitoring shall be equipped with measuring instruments for the continuous determination of operational parameters, e.g. waste gas temperature, waste gas volume flow, moisture content, pressure or oxygen content.

The continuous measurement of operational parameters may be waived if experience shows that the parameters only fluctuate within a small range, are not significant to the analysis of emissions or can be determined with sufficient accuracy using another method.

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- 93 - Selection of measurement equipment

Continuous measurements shall be carried out using suitable measuring instruments which allow permanent determination and recording of the values of the parameters to be monitored in accordance with, or 3.3 and their assessment in accordance with

There must be a requirement that a agency accredited by the supreme competent Federal State authority for calibration draws up a certificate that the continuous measuring device has been properly installed.

The Federal Minister of the Interior publishes in the Joint Ministerial Gazette, after consultation with the competent supreme Federal State authorities, a list of suitable measuring instruments and guidelines for the suitability test and the installation, calibration and maintenance of measuring instruments. Evaluation and assessment of measurement results

Measured values shall generally be used to form half-hourly means for each successive half-hour period. If necessary, the half-hourly means can be adjusted to the respective reference units, classified into at least 20 classes and saved as a frequency distribution. The calculation of frequency distributions shall begin again at the beginning of each calendar year. Frequency distributions must always be readable and must be recorded once a day. The half-hourly means shall be amalgamated to form a daily mean for each calendar day relative to the time the installation was running on the given day. Daily means shall be saved as in the form of a frequency distribution. No objection to the installation shall be made with respect to emissions if analysis of the frequency distribution for the operating hours of a calendar year shows that emission standards established in accordance with 3.1, paragraph 2, of the letter of licence are not exceeded. There must be a requirement that the operator draws up a measurement report about the results of the continuous measurements and submits it to the competent authority within three months of the end of every calendar year. Measurement results shall be kept on file by the operator for at least 5 years. The Federal Minister of the Interior publishes in the Joint Ministerial Gazette, after consultation with the competent supreme Federal State authorities, guidelines for the evaluation and assessment of continuous emission measurements. Calibration and functional testing of measuring systems

There must be a requirement that measuring instruments which continuously determine and record the mass concentration of emissions shall be calibrated and tested with regard to their functionality once a year by an agency designated by the supreme competent Federal State authority for calibrations. The calibration of the measuring instruments should relate to a half-hour period. For special cases, e.g. during batch operation, where the calibration period exceeds half an hour or other recording times are used in accordance with 2, 3.1 or 3.3, the recording time shall be adjusted accordingly.

Calibration of measuring instruments shall be repeated upon substantial alterations or otherwise every 5 years. Reports on the outcome of the calibration and the functional tests shall be submitted to the competent authority within a period of 8 weeks.

There shall be a requirement that the operator is responsible for ensuring regular maintenance and functional testing of the measuring instruments.

3.2.4 Continuous monitoring of emissions of special substances

For installations with emissions of substances in accordance with 2.3, 3.1.4 or 3.1.7, Class 1, there shall be a requirement that the daily mass concentration of these substance in the waste gas is calculated as a daily mean relative to the hours of operation if the mass flows established therein are exceeded by more than ten times.

If the daily mean values fluctuate only slightly, the mass concentration of these substances can be determined as a daily mean or over long periods, such as weekly, monthly or annually. The determination of special substance emissions may be omitted if other tests, e.g. a continuous functional control of the waste gas purification system,

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- 94 - can show with sufficient certainty that emissions standards are not exceeded.

Compliance with the requirements in accordance with 3.1.7, paragraph 7 shall be evidenced by permanently recording suitable operating parameters if the measurement conditions do not allow continuous emission monitoring.

There must be a requirement that the operator draws up a measurement report about the results of the continuous emissions monitoring for special substances and submits it to the competent authority within three months of the end of every calendar year. Measurement results shall be kept on file by the operator for at least 5 years.

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7.3 Excerpt of the Large Furnaces Order (13th BImSchV)

The 13th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance (BImSchV) contains requirements for the continuous measurement of certain emissions (see § 25).

Table 7.2: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with the 13th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance.

Measured object Criterion for requirement for continuous measurement dust concentration furnaces for solid or liquid fuels carbon monoxide all installations Nitrogen monoxide furnaces for solid or liquid fuels and furnaces for gaseous

fuels with a combustion thermal output of more than400 MW.

Nitrogen dioxide if the individual measurements reveal that the proportion of NO2 in the nitrogen emissions is not less than 5 %.

sulphur dioxide Sulphur dioxide from furnaces for solid and liquid fuels, with the exception of furnaces for liquid fuels which fulfil the requirements in accordance with §§ 3 and 4 (restriction of sulphur content in light fuel oil and diesel fuels) of the 3rd Federal Immissions Control Ordinance (BImSchV).

suitable operating variables to prove that the set sulphur emission levels are not exceeded

detection method specified by the competent authority

oxygen content by volume all installations output of large furnace all installations

Thirteenth Order Implementing the Federal Immission Control Act

(Large Furnaces Order – 13th BImSchV) of June 22, 1983 (BGBl. I p. 719),

amended on 3 May, 2000 (BGBl. I p. 632).

Part IV Measuring and Monitoring Emissions

§ 21 Measurement Sections

To determine emissions in respect of which limit values have been laid down in this order, the furnace operator shall install measuring sections in accordance with the specific provisions of the competent authority. Once installed, such measuring sections must ensure that emission measurements are technically flawless and completely hazard-free.

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§ 22 Initial and Recurrent Measurements

(1) Once furnaces have been constructed or have undergone major modification, the operator must allow their compliance with parts II and III of this order to be checked by having an agency designated in accordance with Article 26 of the Federal Immission Control Act, carry out measurements, in particular:

1. no earlier than after three months of operation and no later than twelve months after commencement of operation, and 2. every three years thereafter.

(2) Paragraph 1 shall not apply if compliance with requirements has to be demonstrated by using recording apparatus for continuous measurement in accordance with Article 25.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph 1, liquid fuel furnaces shall not require measurements to determine emissions in accordance with § 11, paragraphs 4 to 6 and § 20, paragraph 1, if the emission limit values can be complied with merely by using an appropriate fuel. In this case, proof of the sulphur content and the net calorific value of the fuel shall also be provided and submitted to the competent authority on request. Such proof shall be kept for a period of three years.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraph 1, measurement for determining emissions shall be carried out in accordance with § 3, paragraph 2, § 8, paragraph 2 and § 17, paragraphs 3 and 4 within the framework of the calibration of measuring apparatus for the continuous measurement of dust emissions pursuant to § 28, paragraph 2.

§ 23 Programme for individual measurements

(1) Measurements to determine emissions in accordance with § 22 shall be carried out using state-of-the-art measuring apparatus and methods. At least three individual measurements shall be carried out with the plant operating at its thermal rating.

(2) An individual measurement shall not last longer than half an hour; the result of an individual measurement shall be expressed as a half-hourly mean.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph 2, an individual measurement shall not last more than 2 hours if it is not possible to keep the duration down to half an hour in very difficult cases.

§ 24 Reporting and evaluating individual measurements

(1) Reports shall be compiled on the results of the measurements carried out under § 22 in conjunction with § 23 and immediately sent to the competent authority. (2) The reports must contain data on the result of each individual measurement, on the measurement method used and on any operating conditions which may affect the evaluation of the results. They shall also include information on the fuel used and the operating status of the emission reduction equipment. (3) The emission limit values shall be regarded as having been met if the result of each individual measurement does not exceed the prescribed value.

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§ 25 Continuous Measurements

(1) Solid and liquid fuel furnaces shall be fitted with measuring apparatus for the continuous determination of the mass concentration of dust emissions in the waste gas.

(2) Furnaces shall be fitted with measuring apparatus for the continuous determination of the mass concentration of carbon monoxide in the waste gas.

(3) Solid and liquid fuel furnaces and gaseous fuel furnaces with a thermal rating of more than 400 MW shall be fitted with measuring apparatus for the continuous determination of the mass concentrations of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in the waste gas. If measurements show that the proportion of nitrogen dioxide in the emissions of nitrogen oxide is less than 5 per cent, continuous measurement of nitrogen dioxide may cease and the proportion can be determined by calculation. If continuous measurement of nitrogen dioxide is required, the furnace must be fitted with the appropriate measuring apparatus at the latest six months after it comes into operation.

(4) Solid and liquid fuel furnaces shall be fitted with measuring apparatus for the continuous determination of the mass concentration of sulphur dioxide in the waste gas. The proportion of sulphur trioxide ascertained during calibration must be incorporated into the calculations. Sentence 1 shall not apply to liquid fuel furnaces which satisfy the requirements under §§ 3 and 4 of the 3rd Order Implementing the Federal Immission Control Act.

(5) Continuous recording of suitable operational quantities or the removal efficiency of the final waste gas purification system shall show whether or not the sulphur emission levels laid down in § 6, paragraphs 1 and 2 and § 11, paragraphs 1 and 2 are being exceeded. The type of proof required shall be specified by the competent authority.

(6) Furnaces shall be fitted with measuring equipment for the continuous determination of the volume of oxygen in the waste gas.

(7) Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 6, it shall not be necessary to fit old plants with such equipment if it as established by a declaration in accordance with § 20, paragraph 6 that the plant has a residual useful life of no more than 10 000 hours.

§ 26 Recording and Plotting Continuous Measurements

(1) In the case of continuous measurements, instantaneous values for the quantities to be measured under § 25 and for the efficiency of the furnace shall be recorded automatically and continuously by suitable measuring apparatus while the furnace is in operation. The half-hourly mean shall be calculated for each consecutive half hour, and the daily mean shall be calculated for each calendar day – relative to the hours of operation in the day. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the averaging time for the half-hourly mean shall be adjusted to the minimum calibration time, if it is not possible to keep the duration of the calibration time down to half an hour, as in § 28, paragraph 1. The averaging time may not be more than 2 hours. (3) The means obtained by virtue of paragraph 1 shall be converted to the appropriate reference oxygen content, classified and stored as frequency distributions. For the half-hourly mean, there shall be at least 20 classes; the tenth class shall correspond to the level of the emission limit value. The frequency distributions shall be determined from new at the beginning of each calendar year. The frequency distributions must be readable at any time and must be recorded once a day. (4) The measuring apparatus records obtained in accordance with § 1 and 3 shall be kept for three years.

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- 98 - (5) A certificate issued by an agency appointed by the supreme competent Federal State authority or the authority under Federal State law showing that automatic measuring apparatus has been correctly installed must be submitted without delay to the competent authority.

§ 27 Reporting and evaluating continuous measurements

(1) Reports shall be compiled on the results of the measurements carried out under § 25 in conjunction with § 26 and submitted to the competent authority within 3 months after the end of each calendar year. (2) The emission limit values shall be regarded as having been met if the evaluation of the results obtained in accordance with paragraph 1 for the operating period within any one calendar year shows that: 1. no daily means exceed the emission standard, 2. 97 percent of all half-hourly means do not exceed six fifths of the emission limit, and 3. no half-hourly means exceeds double the emission standard The periods of time referred to in § 6, paragraph 6, § 11 paragraph 6, and § 20 paragraph 5 shall not be taken into consideration. (3) The prescribed sulphur emissions standards shall be regarded as met if the results of the measurements under § 25, paragraph 5 fulfil the evaluation criteria of paragraph 2 accordingly.

§ 28 Calibration and Operational Testing of Measuring Apparatus

(1) Measuring apparatus which continuously determines and records the mass concentration of dust and gaseous emissions shall be calibrated and tested as to its operating conditions once a year by an agency designated by the supreme competent Federal State authority or an agency under Federal State law. (2) In the case of furnaces with a thermal rating of more than 300 MW, calibration shall be repeated every three years, and in other cases every five years. (3) The calibration and operational testing reports shall be submitted to the competent authority within a period of four weeks.

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7.4 Excerpt of the Order on Waste Incineration Plants (17 th BImSchV)

The 17th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance (BImSchV) contains requirements for the continuous measurement of certain emissions (see § 11).

Table 7.3: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with the 17th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance.

Measured object Criterion for requirement for continuous measurement carbon monoxide all installations dust concentration furnaces for solid or liquid fuels total carbon except when emissions of individual substances nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide can be ruled out or are only expected in sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide small concentrations gaseous inorganic fluorine compounds, given as hydrogen fluoride

gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds, given as hydrogen chloride

gaseous inorganic fluorine compounds, given as hydrogen fluoride

except where purification stages are used for gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds which guarantee that the emissions limits for HCl are not exceeded.

mercury and its compounds, given as mercury except if it can be reliably proven that the emission limits for mercury are used to less than 20 %.

nitrogen dioxide if the nature of the materials used, the design, the method of operation or individual measurements reveal that the proportion of NO2 in the nitrogen oxide emissions is not less than 10 %.

oxygen content by volume all installations temperatures in the reheating zone all installations the operating variables required to assess normal operation, especially: - waste gas temperature - waste gas volume flow - humidity - pressure

measurement devices for humidity are not required if the waste gas is dried prior to the measurement of mass concentrations of the emissions

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Seventeenth Order Implementing the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance on Incineration Installations for Waste and other Combustible Materials – 17th BImSchV)1)

of 23 November 1990 (BGBl. I, p. 2545, 2832), last amended on 3 May 2000 (BGBl. I, p. 632)

Section Three Measurement and monitoring

§ 9 Measurement Sites

For measurements, measuring sites shall be set up according to detailed regulations from the competent authority. These sites shall be sufficiently large, easily accessible, and designed and selected in such a way that representative, flawless measurements can be guaranteed.

§ 10 Measuring procedures and equipment

(1) State of the art measuring procedures and equipment shall be used according to detailed regulations from the competent authority for measurements to determine emissions or combustion conditions and to measure reference and operational variables.

(2) A certificate issued by an agency for calibrations appointed by the supreme competent Federal State authority or the authority under Federal State law must be submitted without delay to show that measuring equipment for continuous monitoring has been correctly installed.

(3) The operator must allow measuring equipment used for continuous emission measurement to be calibrated and their functioning tested each year by an agency appointed by the supreme competent Federal State authority or the authority under Federal State law; calibration must be repeated after any major modifications to the plant or at least every three years. The report containing the results of calibration and functional tests must be submitted to the competent authority within eight weeks.

§ 11 Continuous Measurements

(1) The operator shall continuously determine, register and evaluate the following:

1. the mass concentrations of the emissions in accordance with § 4, paragraph 6, § 5, paragraph 1 no.1 and 2 and § 17, paragraph 4,

2. the content of oxygen by volume in the waste gas,

3. the temperatures in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 or 3 and

4. the operating quantities required for the evaluation of correct operation, especially exhaust gas temperature, exhaust gas volume, moisture content and pressure.

1) The amended ordinance of 23/02/1999 contains the following official footnote: The ordinance serves to implement the Council Directive 94/67/EC on 16 December 1994 relative to the incineration of hazardous waste (ABl. EU no. L 365, p. 34).

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- 101 - The plants shall be equipped with suitable measuring equipment and evaluation systems for this purpose. Sentence 1, no. 1 in conjunction with sentence 2 is not applicable where emissions of individual substances as defined in § 5, paragraph 1, no. 1 can be ruled out or can only be expected in small concentrations. Measuring equipment is not necessary for the moisture content if the exhaust gas is dried prior to the measurement of mass concentrations in the emissions

(2) If the fuel, the design, the mode of operation or the individual measurements show that the proportion of nitrogen dioxide in the nitrogen oxide emissions is less than 10 per cent, the competent authority shall dispense with continuous measurements and allow the ratio to be determined by calculation. For mercury and its compounds, given as mercury, the competent authority shall dispense with continuous measurements if it is reliably proven that emissions levels are less than 20 per cent of the emission limit defined in § 5, paragraph 1, no. 1, letter g) and no. 2, letter g).

(3) Paragraph 1, sentence 1, no.1 shall not apply for gaseous inorganic fluorine compounds if purification stages for gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds are in operation which ensure that the emission limits are not exceeded in accordance with § 5, paragraph 1, no. 1, letter c) and no. 2 letter c).

(4) The plants shall be equipped with registration devices which record locks and shut-downs in accordance with § 4, paragraph 5.

(5) The operator shall continuously measure mass concentrations of emissions upon request from the competent authority in accordance with § 5, paragraph 1, no. 3 and 4, if suitable measuring equipment is available.

§ 12 Evaluation and assessment of continuous measurements

(1) During operation of the installation, the half-hourly mean value shall be generated from the measuring values for each consecutive half hour and converted to the reference oxygen content. The conversion can only be carried out for materials whose emissions have been reduced and restricted by means of waste gas purification devices during the periods in which the oxygen content measured is greater than the reference oxygen content. The half-hourly means shall be amalgamated to form a daily mean for each calendar day relative to the time the installation was running, including any start-up or shut-down times, on the given day. § 4, paragraph 6 remains valid.

(2) The operator shall compile a report concerning the evaluation of the continuous measurements and submit it to the competent authority within 3 months of the end of each calendar year. The operator shall keep the records made by the recording device on file for 5 years. Sentence 1 is not applicable if the competent authority has stipulated remote transmission of the measurement results.

(3) The emission limits are deemed to have been complied with if no daily mean as defined in § 4, paragraph 6 and § 5, paragraph 1, no. 1 and no half-hourly mean as defined in § 4, paragraph 6 and § 5, paragraph 1, no. 2 is exceeded and the limits for peak concentrations are maintained in accordance with § 4, paragraph 6, sentence 2. (4) The operator shall include details on the frequency and duration of any non-compliance with the requirements in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 in the measurement report, as defined in paragraph 2.

§ 13 Individual Measurements

(1) On start-up after construction of or any major change to the installation, the operator shall allow measurements to be made by an agency designated in accordance with Article 26 of the Federal Immission Control Act to ascertain whether the combustion conditions stipulated in § 4, paragraph 2 or 3 have been fulfilled.

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- 102 - (2) On start-up after construction of or any major change to the installation, the operator shall allow measurements to be made by an agency accredited in accordance with § 26 of the Federal Immission Control Act to ascertain whether the requirements set out in § 5, paragraph 1, no. 3 and 4 or – if § 11, paragraph 3 is applicable – in § 5, paragraph 1, no. 1 and 2 have been fulfilled. For the twelve months following commencement of operations, measurements shall be made on at least one day every two months and subsequently on at least three days every twelve months. The measurements shall be made when the plant is running at the peak capacity for which the raw materials used for the measurement have been approved for continuous operation.

(3) For the measurements to determine the substances in accordance with § 5, paragraph 1,

1. number 3, the sampling time shall be at least half an hour and shall not exceed two hours,

2. number 4, the sampling time shall be at six hours and shall not exceed eight hours.

For the substances listed in the Annex, the detection limit for the analysis procedure used shall not be greater than 0.005 nanograms per cubic metre of waste gas.

§ 14

Reporting and evaluation of individual measurements

(1) A report shall be compiled on the results of the measurements carried out under § 13 and immediately sent to the competent authority. The measurement report shall contain information on the measurement planning, the result of each individual measurement, the measurement methods used and the operating conditions which are important for the assessment of the measurement results.

(2) The emission limit values shall be regarded as having been met if the result of each individual measurement does not exceed the prescribed mean value set out in § 5, paragraph 1.

§ 15

Special monitoring of heavy metal emissions

(1) If the composition of the materials used or other findings, especially the evaluation of individual measurements, suggests that the emission concentrations for substances in accordance with § 5, paragraph 1, no. 3 expected could exceed 60 per cent of the emission limit values, the operator must report and document the mass concentrations of these substances once every week: § 13, paragraph 3, sentence 1 hereof shall apply accordingly.

(2) The determination of emissions may be omitted if other tests, e.g. functional test of the waste gas purification system, can show with sufficient certainty that emissions standards are not exceeded.

§ 16

Operational problems

(1) If measurements show that the requirements for the operation of installations or for limiting emissions are not being met, the operator must report this to the competent authority without delay. He must take the necessary action to ensure the resumption of correct operation; § 4, paragraph 5, no. 2 and 3 remain valid. The competent authority must implement appropriate monitoring methods to ensure that the operator complies with his legal obligations to operate the installation correctly or shut it down.

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- 103 - (2) For installations which consist of one burner unit or of several burner units with shared exhaust gas equipment, the authority shall define the time limit during which emission limits in accordance with § 5, with the exception of § 5, paragraph 1, no. 1, letter b and no. 2, letter b, can be broken under specific circumstances where it is technically impossible to avoid a failure of the waste gas purification system. For plants emitting substances requiring special monitoring, continued operation may not exceed 4 hours in succession and 60 hours in any calendar year, while for other plants, emissions can continue for up to 8 hours in succession and 96 hours in a calendar year. The emission limit for total dust must not exceed a mass concentration of 150 milligrams per cubic metre of waste gas, measured as a half-hourly mean. § 4 paragraph 5, § 5 paragraph 2 and § 11 paragraph 4 are applicable accordingly.

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7.5 Excerpt of the Order on Titanium Dioxide (25th BImSchV)

The 25th Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) includes requirements for the continuous measurement of specific emissions in accordance with TA Luft (see Section 3.2.3).

Table 7.4: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with the 25th (BImSchV).

Measured object Criterion for requirement for continuous measurement mass flow

waste gas opacity particulate materials 2 kg/h to 5 kg/h dust concentration particulate materials in excess of 5 kg/h or if emissions

exceed five times the mass flows specified in Section 2.3, 3.1.4 or 3.1.7 of TA Luft

sulphur dioxide over 50 kg/h gaseous inorganic chlorine compounds, given as hydrogen chloride

over 3 kg/h

chlorine over 1 kg/h

Twenty-Fifth Order Implementing the Federal Immission Control Act

(Order to Restrict Emissions from the Titanium Dioxide Industry – 25th BImSchV)1)

of 8 November, 1996 (BGBl. I p. 1722),

§ 5 Measurement and monitoring methods

The appropriate requirements in the First General Administrative Regulation to the Federal Immission Control Act (Technical Instructions on Air Pollution Control) of 27 February 1986 (GMBl. p. 95, 202) are applicable to the measurement and monitoring of emissions of dust, sulphur dioxide, sulphur trioxide and chlorine. At the same time, the appendix to Council Directive 92/112/EEC of 15 December 1992 on procedures for harmonising the programmes for the reduction and eventual elimination of pollution caused by waste from the titanium dioxide industry (ABl. EU no. L 409, p.11) is also applicable.

1) This order serves to implement Article 9 of Council Directive 92/112/EEC of 15 December 1992 on procedures for harmonising the programmes for the reduction and eventual elimination of pollution caused by waste from the titanium dioxide industry (ABl. EU no. L 409, p.11)

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7.6 Excerpt of the Order on Crematoria (27th BImSchV)

The 27th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance (BImSchV) contains requirements for the continuous measurement of certain emissions (see § 7).

Table 7.5: Measured objects for which continuous measurement is required in accordance with the 27th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance.

Measured object Criterion for requirement for continuous measurement flue gas density all installations oxygen content by volume all installations carbon monoxide concentration all installations temperature in the reheating zone all installations

Twenty-Seventh Order Implementing the Federal Immission Control Act

(Crematoria Order – 27th BImSchV)

of 19 March, 1997 (BGBl. I, p. 545) amended on 3 May, 2000 (BGBl. I p. 632).*

§ 7 Continuous Measurements

(1) The installations shall be fitted with measurement devices which continuously measure and register the following:

1. the content of oxygen by volume in the waste gas, 2. the mass concentration of carbon monoxide in the waste gas and 3. the minimum temperature in accordance with § 3, paragraph 2.

The plants shall be equipped with fully functional measuring equipment which is suitable for the purpose.

(2) The systems shall be fitted with measuring devices which continuously measure the flue gas dust-density in order to monitor the functionality of the dust separation mechanisms. The installations shall only be operated with suitable, functional flue gas dust-density meters which enable conclusions to be drawn about the ongoing compliance with the emission limits for total dust in accordance with § 4, no. 2, letter a.

(3) The operator shall allow a calibration agency authorised by the supreme competent Federal State authority or under Federal State law to certify the proper installation of the measuring equipment for continuous monitoring of carbon monoxide, oxygen, flue gas dust-density and temperature, to calibrate the measuring equipment before it is first used and to test its functionality every year thereafter. The operator shall ensure that the equipment is calibrated no later than five years after it was last calibrated. The operator shall submit the certification of proper installation, the reports about the results of the calibration and the functional tests to the competent authority within a period of three months after implementation in each case.

* Promulgated as Article 1 of the Crematoria Order and as in amendment of the Order on Installations Subject to Licensing. Official footnote: The obligation contained in Council Directive 83/189 EEC of March 28, 1983 relating to an information method in the field of standards and procedural rules (EC gazette no. L 109 p. 8), amended last by European Parliament and Council Directive 94/10/EC of March 23, 1994 (EC gazette no. L 100 p. 30) was considered.

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§ 8 Reporting and evaluating continuous measurements

(1) During operation of the installation, the mean carbon monoxide value shall be generated for each consecutive hour.

(2) The operator shall compile a report concerning the evaluation of the continuous measurements, or charge a third party with its compilation, and submit it to the competent authority within 3 months after the end of each calendar year. The operator shall keep the records on file for 5 years.

(3) The limit for carbon monoxide shall be deemed to have been met if no hourly mean in accordance with § 7, paragraph 1, no. 2 in conjunction with paragraph 1 exceeds the limit value defined in § 4, no. 1.

§ 9 Individual Measurements

The operator of an installation built subsequent to the enactment of this order must charge an agency designated in accordance with Article 26, paragraph 1 of the Federal Immission Control Act to inspect it with respect to its compliance with the requirements for total dust, total carbon and dioxins and furans in accordance with § 4, no earlier than 3 months and no later than six months after it commences operation. The operator shall ensure that inspection in accordance with sentence 1 is repeated at three-yearly intervals.

§ 10 Evaluation and reporting of individual measurements

(1) A report shall be compiled on the measurements carried out under § 9 and sent to the competent authority within three months after the execution of the measurement. The measurement report shall contain information on the measurement planning, the result, the measurement methods used and the operating conditions which are important for the assessment of the measurement results. The operator shall keep the reports on file for 5 years.

(2) The emission limit values shall be regarded as having been met if no single result of an individual measurement for the hourly mean exceeds the relevant emission limit in accordance with § 4, no. 2 or the mean across the sampling time in accordance with § 4, no.3.

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- 107 - 7.7 Uniform Practice in Monitoring Emissions in the Federal Republic of Germany –

Part 1

Date: 24 August 1998 /ME

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Uniform Practice in monitoring emissions in the Federal Republic of Germany1

- Circular of the Federal Ministry for the Environment of June 8, 1998 – IG I3 – 51 134/3 -

Instructions relating to:

• suitability testing, installation, calibration, maintenance of measuring equipment for continuous emission measurements and the continuous collection of reference or operational values for the continuous monitoring of emissions of special substances,

• evaluation of continuous emission measurements, • assessment of smoke spot number measurement in furnaces operated by extra light heating fuel.

The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the supreme regional authorities responsible for immission control have reached agreement on the instructions presented hereinafter in the Regional Committee for Immission Control.

Distribution: To the Supreme Immission Control Authorities of the Federal States

1) The obligation contained in Council Directive 83/189/EEC of March 28, 1983 relating to an information method in the field of standards and procedural rules (EC gazette no. L 109 p. 8), amended last by the 94/10/EC guideline of the European Parliament and the Council of March 23, 1994 (EC gazette no. L 100 p. 30) was considered (Notification of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Commission of the European Community of December 15, 1997 – Notification 97/26/D).

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- 108 - List of contents

A. Introduction

1 Statutory basis 2 Field of application 3 Lifting of instructions

B.1 Minimum demands on continuous emission measuring equipment during suitability tests

1.1 General aspects 1.2 Dust-like emissions 1.2.1 Determination of mass concentration 1.2.2 Qualitative measuring methods 1.2.3 Determination of the smoke spot number (waste gas opacity)

1.3 Gaseous emissions 1.3.1 General demands 1.3.2 Additional demands on measuring instruments for organic compounds

1.4 Measurement of reference values/operational values 1.4.1 Oxygen content 1.4.2 Waste gas volume flow 1.4.3 Humidity 1.4.4 Special demands on measuring equipment for accomplishing tasks according to the 17th Federal

Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV)

1.5 Electronic evaluation of continuous emission measurements 1.5.1 Calculation and standardization of half-hourly means 1.5.2 Classification and storing of half-hourly means 1.5.3 Calculation and classification of daily means 1.5.4 Data output 1.5.5 Demands on electronic evaluation systems 1.5.6 Execution of suitability tests of electronic evaluation systems 1.5.7 Use of electronic evaluation systems 1.5.8 Special individual cases for furnaces 1.5.9 Special demands on electronic evaluation systems for accomplishing tasks according to the 17th

Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV)

1.6 Remote emission control

1.7 Systems for long-term sampling 1.7.1 General aspects 1.7.2 Measurement of emissions 1.7.3 Checking of the measuring equipment

2. Testing institutes

3. Method of announcing suitability

4. Installation, testing, maintenance, use and reporting 4.1 Selection and installation of the equipment 4.2 Use and maintenance

Annex 1 Electronic evaluation systems: Special cases of use in furnaces

Annex 2 Electronic evaluation systems: Special demands according to the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV)

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- 109 - A. Introduction

The instructions presented hereinafter refer to the continuous monitoring of emissions and parameters important for emission control. They involve the evaluation of continuous emission measurements and the remote transmission of emission-relevant data.

1. Statutory basis

The thirteenth ordinance relating to the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance relating to large furnaces – 13th Federal Immission Control Ordinance) of June 22, 1983 (Federal law gazette I p. 719/730) prescribes that furnaces shall be equipped with measuring equipment for the continuous monitoring of dust, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide emissions and the measuring results shall be continuously and automatically evaluated.

The seventeenth ordinance relating to the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance relating to incinerating plants for waste and similar combustible substances – 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance) of November 23, 1990 (Federal law gazette I p. 2545/2553) prescribes that waste incinerating plants shall be equipped with facilities for: • the continuous recording of dust, organic substances, inorganic halogenated compounds, sulphur

oxides and nitrogen oxides emissions, • the evaluation and assessment of the reference values required for emission measurements and • assessing the regular operation and the required operating values. The measuring results shall be

continuously recorded and automatically evaluated. For plants subject to approval which are not subject to the regulations of the 13th Federal Immission

Control Ordinance or the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance there has been specified under which conditions significant emissions of dust and gaseous air pollution shall be continuously monitored and the measuring results shall be continuously evaluated to implement § 29 in connection with § 48 no. 3 of the Act on the Control of harmful environmental impacts by air pollution, noise, vibration and similar processes (Federal Immission Control Act as amended on May 14, 1990 (Federal law gazette I p. 880/901) amended last on March 17, 1998 (Federal law gazette I p. 502/510) in the First general administrative regulation for the Federal Immission Control Act (General Guideline on Air Pollution Control – Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control “TA Luft”) of Feb. 27, 1986 (Joint ministerial gazette of the federal ministries 1986, p. 95/143).

According to § 3.2.4 of the TA Luft there shall be a requirement that plants with substance emissions according to 2.3, 3.1.4 or 3.1.7, class I determine the daily mean of the mass concentration of these substances in the waste gas related to the daily operating time if it exceeds the tenfold of the fixed mass flows. The 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance prescribes in § 15 (special monitoring of heavy metal emissions) comparable requirements to the TA Luft as regards measuring methods for the determination of substances according to § 5, § 1 no. 3 (emission limits), yet with other criteria for the sampling time and frequency of individual measurements.

According to no. of TA Luft a continuous monitoring of waste gas opacity is required for individual furnaces operated with type EL fuel oil with a thermal output of the furnace of 5 MW and more.

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- 110 - 2. Field of application

The instructions given hereinafter deal with

• the minimum demands to be made on measuring equipment for measuring emissions and reference values and electronic evaluation systems during the suitability test,

• the testing institutes which come into consideration for carrying out the suitability test, • the practice of making known appropriate measuring equipment, • information relating to the installation, calibration, use and maintenance of measuring equipment

for continuous emission measurement, electronic evaluation systems and remote emission data transmission systems,

• details of the electronic evaluation practice, • assessment of the results of smoke spot number measurements and • special demands made on long-term sampling systems.

Appropriate measuring and evaluation equipment must be used for all the tasks detailed above. The appropriate equipment is announced in the Joint Ministerial Gazette of the Federal Ministries.

3. Lifting of instructions

The instructions presented hereinafter replace the instructions relating to:

• suitability testing, installation, calibration, maintenance of measuring equipment for continuous emission measurement and the continuous collection of reference or operational values for the continuous monitoring of emissions of special substances,

• evaluation of continuous emission measurements, • assessment of smoke spot number measurement in furnaces operated by type EL fuel oil.

- Circular of the Federal Ministry for the Environment of 09/01/1997 - IG I3 - 51 134/3 - (Joint ministerial gazette of the federal ministries 1997, p. 528)

B 1. Minimum demands on continuous emission measuring equipment during suitability tests

1.1 General aspects

1.1.1 The suitability test shall be carried out with regard to the definitions of VDI guideline 2449, part 1 (edition: Feb. 1995), DIN ISO standard 6879 (edition: Dec. 1996) and DIN IEC standard 359 (edition: September 1993).

1.1.2 Compliance with the minimum requirements for the suitability test shall be proven in line with a permanent test lasting at least 3 months. If possible, the long-term test shall be carried out at a single test point over a continuous period. Only in exceptional cases may shorter test periods from various test points be included in the continuous test.

1.1.3 During the suitability test, the connection between the instrument reading and the value of the object measured in the waste gas is to be determined according to a conventional method, e.g. as mass concentration, volume concentration or volume flow by means of regression calculation (analytical function). A characteristic instrument curve built up by the manufacturer shall be supplied with each measuring instrument. The characteristic instrument curve shall be checked according to VDI guideline 3950 part 1 (edition: July 1994).

1.1.4 It shall be possible to secure the adjusting controls for the measuring and evaluation systems against illicit or unintended adjustment during operation.

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- 111 - 1.1.5 The zero (living zero) of the instrument reading shall be at about 10 or 20 %, the reference point position

at about 70 % of the end-scale deflection.

1.1.6 The measuring equipment shall be designed in a way as to allow the display range to be adjusted to the respective measurement task. The display range of plants in accordance with TA Luft and the 13th Federal Immission Control Ordinance shall, as a rule, total 2.5 to 3 times the effective emission limit, for plants covered by the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance 1.5 times the effective emission limit according to § 5. paragraph 1, nos. 2 – 4 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance.

1.1.7 The measuring equipment shall have a data output to which an additional indicator or recorder may be connected.

1.1.8 The measuring equipment shall be in a position to transmit its respective operating state (readiness for working, maintenance, failure) through a status signal to a higher-level evaluation system.

1.1.9 The availability of the measuring equipment has to reach at least 90 % when being permanently used and 95 % during the suitability test. (The availability describes the time share during which utilizable measuring results for assessing the emission behaviour of a plant are obtained.)

1.1.10 The maintenance interval of the measuring equipment shall be determined and indicated. The maintenance interval must be at least 8 days.

1.1.11 The reproducibility RD shall be determined on the basis of repeat determinations.

It shall be determined according to:


D tSrangetmeasuremenofendR


SD: standard deviation from repeat determinations, tf; 0.95: Student factor; statistical reliability 95 %.

The repeat determinations shall be carried out simultaneously by means of two identical complete measuring systems at the same measuring point. The reproducibility shall be determined in the smallest measuring range with regard to no. 1.1.6.

1.1.12 The suitability test involves the complete measuring equipment including sampling, preparation of samples and data output. The instructions from the manufacturer, which must be available in German, shall be considered in the suitability test.

1.1.13 The minimum requirements have to be observed under the conditions of nominal use according to DIN IEC 539, nominal range of use II, mentioned hereinafter:

a) supply voltage, b) relative atmospheric humidity, c) liquid water content of air, d) vibration.

The tolerance limits for the plant position shall be fixed by the manufacturer.

1.1.14 These functions shall be included in the suitability test of measuring equipment with an automatic performance test and adjustment function. The maximally permissible range of correction in which subsequent adjustment is possible shall be determined. If it is exceeded, a status signal shall be given.

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- 112 - 1.1.15 The use of measuring and evaluation equipment shall be possible in the areas mentioned hereinafter at

ambient temperature:

- for structural components installed in the open air (unprotected ambient conditions): –20°C to 50°C, - for structural components installed in locations where the temperature is controlled: 5°C to 40°C.

1.1.16 For measuring equipment which extracts part of the waste gas flow, the effects of changes in the sample gas flow rate on the measuring signal shall be indicated and shall not exceed ± 1 % relative to the measuring range. A status signal must be emitted if it exceeds the maximum value or fails to reach the minimum value.

1.1.17 Multi-component measuring equipment shall meet the requirements for each individual component, even if all measurement channels are simultaneously operating.

1.2 Dust-like emissions

1.2.1 Determination of mass concentration According to 1.1.11, the reproducibility RD shall not remain under the value 50 for the measuring range ≥ 20 mg/m3 and the value 30 for the measuring range ≤ 20 mg/m3. During the maintenance interval the temporal change of the zero reading shall not exceed ± 2 % (measuring range ≥ 20 mg/m3) or ± 3 % (measuring range ≤ 20 mg/m3) of the instrument range.

During the maintenance interval the temporal change of the reference point reading shall not exceed ± 2 % (measuring range ≥ 20 mg/m3) or ± 3 % (measuring range ≤ 20 mg/m3) of the desired value. The deviation of the actual values from the desired values of the characteristic instrument curve according to 1.1.3 may not exceed ± 2 % of the instrument range. If the principle of measurement is based on optical methods, the measuring equipment shall be fitted with a facility allowing the control of pollution during operation. If necessary, optical interfaces shall be protected against pollution by dust-free cleaning air. If the principle of measurement is based on optical methods, the disturbing influence shall be indicated in the event of the measurement beam drifting. It shall not total more than 2 % of the instrument range in an angle range of ± 0.3°. The measuring equipment shall have a facility allowing an automatic recording of the zero and reference points at regular intervals. In the case of measuring equipment with an automatic correction of the zero point, the correction value shall be recorded as a measure of the dirt. For extractive measuring equipment, the waste gas volume extracted shall have an accuracy of ± 5 % of the desired value.

1.2.2 Qualitative measuring methods If the measuring equipment monitors the functioning of a waste gas purification system, the calibration-compatibility shall be detected using a conventional gravimetric method.

The measuring equipment shall allow control of the zero and the reference points. The zero and reference point shall be checked and recorded at least once in the maintenance interval.

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- 113 - The measuring equipment shall have two selectable alarm thresholds which can be adjusted over the

whole instrument range. The reproducibility, as defined in 1.1.11, must be at least 30. The deviation of the actual values from the

desired values of the characteristic instrument curve according to 1.1.3 may not exceed ± 2 % of the instrument range. During the maintenance interval, the temporal change of the zero reading shall not exceed ± 2 % of the instrument range. During the maintenance interval, the temporal change of the reference point reading shall not exceed ± 3 % of the desired value. If the principle of measurement is based on optical methods, the dirt on the optical surfaces shall be kept as low as possible by taking appropriate measures. The measuring equipment should be equipped with facilities which allow the control of dirt during operation. In the case of measuring equipment with an automatic zero point correction, a status signal must be given when the maximum permissible correction range is reached.

For measuring equipment with an automatic zero point correction, this correction shall be recorded as measure of the dirt. The requirement is applicable.

1.2.3 Determination of the smoke spot number (waste gas opacity) A continuous measurement of the smoke spot number according to no. of TA Luft requires that measurements be taken for at least 50 % of the operating time of the plant and the results shall be evaluated as minute means. The measuring results shall be given as a smoke spot number. The instrument range shall include a scale up to smoke spot number 3. The reproducibility, as defined in 1.1.11, must exceed 15. The temporal change of the zero point reading shall not exceed 3 % of the desired value during the maintenance interval. The temporal change of the reference point reading, caused by a change in sensitivity, shall not exceed 4 % of the desired value during the maintenance interval. Measurements shall automatically be stopped when the burner is not running. A preset fixed value shall be indicated to mark the standstill. The measurement shall be restarted 10 seconds after ignition of the burner. The requirements detailed in, and are applicable. The calibration of the measuring equipment shall be effected according to VDI guideline 2066, part 8 (edition: August 1995). Evaluation of measurement

Smoke spot number 1 is to be regarded as exceeded if the measured value rounded up to whole smoke spot numbers reaches number 2; this refers to measured values greater than/equal to 1.5. In the same way as for smoke spot number 1, smoke spot number 2 is regarded as exceeded if the rounded measured value reaches number 3; this refers to measured values greater than/equal to 2.5.

This rounding instruction considers the uncertainties of the measuring method, calibration according to VDI 2066, part 8 and return to the smoke spot number defined according to DIN 51402, part 1 (edition: October 1996).

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- 114 - For continuous measurements in accordance with of TA Luft, smoke spot number 1 is

regarded to be respected if smoke spot number 1 is not exceeded for 97 % of the operating time and smoke spot number 2 is not exceeded for 99 % of the operating time.

The operating time of the burner and the time of exceeding the smoke spot number according to paragraph 3 shall be recorded by an operating hour counter. The smoke spot number shall be continuously recorded using a line recorder. On request from the competent authority, a control book containing the data detailed in clause 1 shall be kept and submitted.

1.3 Gaseous emissions

1.3.1 General demands The detection limit of the measuring equipment shall not exceed the following values in the most sensitive measuring range:

1. tasks subject to the 13th Federal Immission Control Ordinance and TA Luft: 5 % of the instru- ment range.

2. tasks subject to the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance and TA Luft: 5 % of the limit of the daily mean. The changes of the zero and reference point readings shall be determined over the temperature range mentioned in 1.1.15; these changes shall not exceed ± 5 % of the instrument range over the whole temperature range starting from 20°C.

Effects on the zero or reference points due to changes in the temperature of the sample gas shall be compensated by taking appropriate measures. The disruptive effects caused by a cross-sensitivity to attendant substances contained in the sample gas in mass concentrations normally occurring in waste gases shall total no more than ± 4 % of the instrument range. If it is not possible to meet this requirement, the effects of the respective disruptive component on the measuring signal shall be considered by taking appropriate measures. The time of adjustment (90 % of the time) of the measuring equipment including the sampling system shall not exceed 200 seconds. The requirements detailed in and are applicable. Sampling and preparation of samples shall be organized as regards material and heating in a way as to achieve a perfect filtration of solids and to avoid conversions and carryover effects by adsorption and desorption phenomena as far as possible. The reproducibility, as defined in 1.1.11, must exceed 30.

1.3.2 Additional demands on measuring instruments for organic compounds (total carbon content)

The relative standard deviation of the evaluation factors for the organic compounds butane, cyclohexane, n-heptane, isopropanol, acetone, toluene, ethyl acetate and isobutyl acetate shall not exceed 15 %.

The investigation shall be extended to the following substances for use in waste incineration plants: benzene, ethyl benzene, xylene, methane, propane, acetylene, chlorobenzene. tetrachloroethylene.

If there are grounds to suggest that the range of substances from some plants will be clearly different from the components specified here, further main components will have to be included.

The deviation of the actual values from the desired values of the characteristic instrument curve may not exceed ± 2 % of the instrument range according to 1.1.3. The instrument characteristic generally relates to propane as the test gas.

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- 115 - 1.4 Measurement of reference values

1.4.1 Oxygen content For continuous use, the availability of the measuring equipment has to be at least 95 % and at least 98 % for the suitability test. The detection limit of the measuring equipment shall not exceed 0.2 % by volume. The changes in the zero point and reference point display must be determined across the temperature range defined in 1.1.15. These changes shall not exceed ± 0.5 % by volume across the whole temperature range, starting from 20°C.

Effects on the zero or reference point by changing the temperature of the test material shall be compensated by taking appropriate measures. The disturbing effects owing to a cross-sensitivity to attendant substances contained in the sample gas in mass concentrations usually occurring in waste gases shall not altogether exceed ± 0.2 % by volume. If it is not possible to meet this requirement, the effects of the respective disruptive component on the measuring signal shall be considered by taking appropriate measures. The requirements detailed in and are applicable. The temporal change of the zero or reference reading shall not exceed ± 0.2 % by volume in the

maintenance interval. The reproducibility, as defined in 1.1.11, must exceed 70. The deviation of the actual values from the desired values of the characteristic instrument curve according to 1.1.3 shall not exceed ± 0.3 % by volume.

1.4.2 Waste gas volume flow The instrument range shall be chosen in a way as to reach 80 % of the end-scale deflection for the highest volume flow to be expected at the respective place of installation. The detection limit of the measuring equipment shall not exceed 20 % of the instrument range. is by analogy applicable to ± 5 % of the instrument range. The temporal change of the zero or reference reading shall not exceed 2 % of the instrument range. The instrument shall be calibrated according to a conventional method (e.g. Prandtl’s tube). The time of adjustment of the measuring equipment shall be determined and indicated. The reproducibility, as defined in 1.1.11, must exceed 30. The deviation of the actual values from the desired values of the characteristic instrument curve according to 1.1.3 may not exceed ± 5 % of the instrument range.

1.4.3 Moisture content The instrument range shall be chosen in a way as to ensure that the values measured during normal operation will be in the upper third of the instrument range. The detection limit of the measuring equipment shall not exceed 5 % of the most sensitive instrument range. is by analogy applicable to ± 5 % of the desired value. is by analogy applicable to ± 3 % of the instrument range. Furthermore,,, are also applicable.

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- 116 - The reproducibility, as defined in 1.1.11, must exceed 30. The competent authority shall demand that comparison measurements shall be made using a gravimetric absorptive measuring method within the framework of the annual checking of the functionality of the measuring equipment.

1.4.4 Special demands on measuring equipment for accomplishing tasks according to the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) It shall be proved that the minimum demands as to pollutants have been fulfilled in the limit range for daily means.

The measurement range is to be covered up to 1.5 times the limit for half-hourly means, for CO up to 2 times the limit for short-term values. The calibration of CO measuring instruments is to be effected on the basis of ten-minute means. Measuring instruments for measuring the waste gas volume flow and moisture shall be designed in a way that the measuring values will be at about 80 % of the measuring range given normal operating conditions. Continuous determination of the minimum temperature 1, no. 3 in connection with § 4, paragraph 2 and 3)

At least two measuring systems are to be installed in an appropriate place in the afterburning room (e.g. boiler cover) according to VDI/VDE guideline series 3511; the mean shall be recorded and evaluated according to § 11, paragraph 1.

The competent authority shall ensure that immediately after failing, measuring equipment will be replaced by emergency measuring equipment of the same construction.

Checking of the incineration conditions and further parameters shall be carried through according to the uniform federal practice adopted in monitoring the incineration conditions of waste incineration plants according to the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance, circular of the Federal Ministry for the Environment of 09/01/1994 – IG I3 – 51 134/3 (Joint ministerial gazette of the federal ministries 1994, p.1231). Minimum volumetric content of oxygen (§ 11, paragraph 1, no. 3 in connection with § 4, paragraph 2 and 3)

An suitability-tested oxygen measuring device (recommended measuring range: 0-12 % by volume or 0-6 % by volume) shall be installed at an appropriate point in the waste gas path (e.g. after the boiler) and fitted with additional mechanisms (e.g. for back-washing) where necessary.

1.5 Electronic evaluation of continuous emission measurements

1.5.1 Calculation and standardization of half-hourly means All measured values obtained during the operating time shall be included in the evaluation. The start and end of the operating time shall be transmitted to the evaluation unit through status signals. The measured values of the continuous measuring equipment shall be integrated and converted to the respective physical value (as a rule, mass concentration) taking the regression curves determined during calibration as a basis. For integration intervals which are not completely documented by measured values, means are calculated with regard to the time where usable measured values were obtained. The comparison with the applicable emission limits requires, in general, a standardization of the emission values according to specific reference values. Half-hourly means are obtained accordingly from continuous measurements which are required for evaluating the respective reference values.

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- 117 - The integration times for measuring pollutants and reference values have to be identical for

standardization according to the respective reference values. This requirement may be waived if doing so has only a negligible effect on the results of the reference value calculation. If the limitation of emissions is related to a specific oxygen content, the regulations of 3.1.2, paragraph 7 of TA Luft and § 12, paragraph 1 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance shall be taken into account. If a disturbance or maintenance of the measuring equipment for the determination of reference values is indicated, the evaluation shall be continued by substituting values for the reference values defined in line with the calibration process and in consultation with the competent authority. The number of half-hourly means obtained with the aid of substitute values shall be recorded in a special class. If the pollutant and oxygen concentrations are measured using moist waste gas, but the respective limitation of emissions is related to dry waste gas and a continuous measurement of the moisture contents of water vapour cannot be required, the moisture contents shall be deducted by means of a correction value to be determined during calibration.

1.5.2 Classification and storing of half-hourly means The classification shall be chosen in a way as to cover an area up to double the emission limit by 20 classes of a uniform width and to ensure that the emission limit and 1.2 times and double the emission limit will fall onto class limits. A class independent of the classification according to shall be established with adjustable limits starting with 1.2 times the emission limit and ending at the limit of the respective confidence range, the width of which shall, however, total at least 5 % of the emission limit. Above double the emission limit, two classes with adjustable limits shall be established, the first starting at double the emission limit and ending at the limit of the respective tolerance range. However, the width of the first class must total at least 10 % of the emission limit. According to, and, half-hourly means are classified if at least two thirds of the reference period will be based on utilizable measuring results. The number of half-hourly means which do not fulfil this prerequisite shall be logged in a separate class. The respective time (date, time) shall be stored for half-hourly means assigned to classes according to The storage capacity shall record at least the values of one calendar year. If an error or maintenance is reported by the emission measuring instruments by means of a status signal, the half-hourly means obtained during this time will not be considered. These half-hourly means shall be recorded in a separate class with a time reference.

1.5.3 Calculation and classification of daily means To calculate the daily means of the measurement components, the arithmetic means of the means used for classification according to shall be calculated. The half-hourly means in the first class according to shall be considered.

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- 118 - The daily mean involves the interval between the last half-hourly mean whose integration time started

before 0:00 hours and the last half-hourly mean whose integration time ended before 24:00 hours.

Alternatively, the daily mean can be calculated on the basis of half-hourly values which are recorded and classified in a fixed time grid - starting at 0:00 hours. The daily mean is only classified if, during the daily operating time of the plant, a minimum number of classifiable half-hourly means was obtained. As a rule, at least 12 half-hourly means must be available for calculating the daily mean. Daily means not fulfilling this prerequisite (i.e. as a rule, calculation on the basis of one to eleven half-hourly means) shall be recorded in a special class with a time reference. The frequency distribution incorporates a class for daily means below the limit and at least two classes for daily means above the limit. The classification shall be chosen in a way that the second class will start with the emission limit and end with the limit of the respective confidence range; however, the width must total at least 5 % of the emission limit.

1.5.4 Data output The daily recording shall include the following data:

- data relating to the daily operating time,

- number of the half-hourly means recorded for the calendar day passed according to and,

- state of frequency distributions of half-hourly and daily means for the current calendar year (classes according to and

- status of the special classes according to,,,, and,

- times according to for the calendar day passed.

The daily recording shall be automatically printed as a protocol at a programmed time every day. The data output at the end of the year shall involve the following data for the whole calendar year:

- operating time,

- number of half-hourly means according to and,

- frequency distributions of the half-hourly and daily means

(classes according to and,

- results in the special classes according to,, and, and,

- times according to,

- times according to

The data output at the end of the year and the commencement of determination of the frequency distributions for the following calendar year shall take place within a week after the end of the year.

1.5.5 Demands on electronic evaluation systems The evaluation system shall completely execute the evaluation process in accordance with 1.5.1 –1.5.4. The availability of the evaluation unit shall total at least 99 %. The availability is given as a ratio of measuring time to time of use. The time of use is the sum of all measuring, failure and maintenance periods. The measuring time is the time when the evaluation unit supplies utilizable results for the measuring tasks.

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- 119 - The saved data must be secured against unauthorised programming, parameterisation or deletion. It

must only be possible to delete the data after a complete data printout has been made. Calling of the stored constants, conversion factors and variable inputs shall be possible by printout at any time. The printout shall contain the date of the last parameter input. The input and output of the parameters required for evaluation shall be well arranged, directly readable and thus comprehensible. This also applies to the computer routines (software) used on the freely programmable computers. The respective software version shall be output at the same time if the parameters are requested. According to, the date for each change of the parameter input shall be recorded in memory and contained in the data output at the end of the year. The evaluation system shall be designed in such a way that the competent authority may access the required data without engaging operating staff. The measuring inputs of the evaluation system shall be within a current range between 0 and 20 mA.

The input resistance per measurement channel shall be about 50 Ω and not exceed 100 Ω. If a multiple processing of a measured value is required, a serial connection of various channels or an inquiry via a multiplexer must be possible. The measuring inputs shall allow the connection of a transmitter. This connection option must be secured against unauthorised use during continuous operation. The evaluation unit shall indicate if the concentration values are within the defined limits. Each measurement channel shall be equipped with at least two potential-free switches to indicate if threshold values are exceeded. The evaluation system shall have an interface for connecting an external printer. The evaluation system shall be able to recognize status signals from emission measuring instruments for the operational states of maintenance and error and exclude the respective measured values from measured value processing. These status signals shall be transmitted via potential-free contacts. The evaluation unit shall be equipped with a precision quartz internal clock. An adaptation to legal time (conversion from summer to winter) must be possible. The evaluation system shall allow definition of the operational time according to through the variable presetting of a specific oxygen content in the waste gas and the input of status signals. It shall be possible to adjust the evaluation unit to various integration times in an interval between 3 and 120 minutes. The standard case shall be an integration time of 30 minutes. The integration time error may total a maximum of ± 0.005 % of the adjusted time value. The option for conversion to a reference oxygen content according to shall be available for each channel. It shall be possible to include a continuous measurement of moisture. In computing operations for determining the emission mass concentration, the inaccuracy in the limit range shall not exceed 2 % of the determined value once the reference values have been taken into consideration. This requirement does not refer to the classified data. It shall be possible to store at least five-digit numbers in the memories for the classification. If the power supply fails, the evaluation unit can interrupt the calculation operation. All information stored shall be saved for at least 72 hours. The power cut must be displayed. Further minimum requirements may be derived from 1.5.8 in connection with Annex 1 for cases of special use.

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- 120 -

Options: The evaluation system should allow a connection to other computer systems. If the evaluation unit has a connection for remote data transmission (V24) this shall correspond to the effective telecommunication regulations. To assess the emission conditions at any time, it should be possible to form partial or continuous integrals. The evaluation unit should issue a preliminary alarm signal if an intermediate assessment according to suggests that the current half-hourly mean will exceed double the limit. The evaluation unit should issue an advanced warning if the intermediate report made up during the day suggests that the daily mean will exceed the limit. The classes according to can be subdivided into multiple classes. To prepare the emission declaration in the sense of the 11th Ordinance relating to the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Emission Declaration Ordinance – 11th Federal Immission Control Ordinance of 12/12/1991 (Federal law gazette I p. 2213)) or other reporting obligations of the operator, it must be possible to document the determined daily means relative to the daily operating time and the process causing the emissions. It must be possible to determine the total annual emission, including a measurement of the waste gas volume flow. It should be possible to print out the data stored according to and, either as a class frequency or as a percentage of the cumulative frequency. It should be possible to output the half-hourly means for the calendar day passed relative to time or as a frequency distribution. For testing and maintenance of the evaluation system, there should be key switches which make it possible to switch off the classification of the measured values while maintaining all computing operations.

1.5.6 Execution of suitability tests of electronic evaluation systems During the suitability test, it should be determined for which evaluation tasks the tested device is suitable in line with the statutory requirements. The operating instructions of the manufacturer, which must be available in German, shall be included in the test. The requirements defined in 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.13, 1.1.15 shall be applicable. The difference between the sums of the individual classes from repeat determinations shall be used to determine the reproducibility. The deviation may not exceed 1 % relative to the total sum. Testing of complex evaluation systems

It is permissible to use evaluation systems which may take over the evaluation of the emission measurements for multiple plants or which exhibit properties which enable the involvement of additional monitoring and control tasks.

If it is not possible to carry out a suitability test according to 1.5.6, the evaluation system shall be designed in such a way that the complete system used for accomplishing tasks according to no. can be subjected to a suitability test of its functionality. An announcement of suitability does not apply to this individual test.

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- 121 - For evaluation systems where the reproducibility cannot be determined by repeat determination, a

performance test of the accuracy of the evaluation shall be carried out by comparing desired and actual values. In these tests, the deviation from the maximum input value in the whole working range may not exceed 0.5 % .

1.5.7 Use of electronic evaluation systems Conditions of use

As a rule, the aim is to use a classifying unit with a reference value computer. If the original data needs to be available for evaluations over a longer period, the system shall be fitted with appropriate levels of memory.

The competent authority shall fix the start and end of the operating time by means of clearly determinable operating values. This process must take into consideration the peculiarities of start-up mode. Attention shall be paid to the fact that start-up periods which are of importance to the emission behaviour of a plant by virtue of their frequency or duration must be incorporated into the emissions analysis.

In furnaces, the oxygen contained in the waste gas shall be considered when fixing the operating time. As a rule, the following is applicable to furnaces: the operating time starts when the oxygen content in the waste gas is under 16 % by volume; the operating time ends when the oxygen content in the waste gas exceeds 16 % by volume.

For evaluation, as a rule, the time basis for integration shall be 30 minutes, if this is compatible with the time basis for calibration. In justified cases, e.g. in batch operation or in the event of longer calibration time, the time basis may be shortened accordingly or extended up to 120 minutes according to § 26, paragraph 2 of the 13th Federal Immission Control Ordinance or no. 3.1, paragraph 3 of TA Luft, the time basis can be shortened or extended to up to 120 minutes where appropriate. When using plants which could produce emissions detrimental to the environment in the short term , additional regulations shall be made.

The characteristics required for evaluation according to,, and shall be determined when calibrating the emission measuring equipment with regard to VDI guideline VDI 2066, part 4 (issue: January 1989) and VDI 3950, part 1 (issue: July 1994). Installation and maintenance

When transmitting measuring signals from the emission and the reference value measuring instruments to the recording units for instantaneous values and the evaluation systems, appropriate measures (e.g. cable screening and joint earthing, ceramic bushing type capacitors, low-pass filters and band limitation) shall be taken to ensure that the disruptive signals will not adversely affect the processing of the measured values.

The competent authority shall ensure that the evaluation system will be subjected to annual performance testing of the emission measuring instruments.

1.5.8 Special individual cases for furnaces

Special individual cases which may occur in operating furnaces and have to be considered in the electronic evaluation are described in Annex 1 to this circular.

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- 122 - 1.5.9 Special demands on electronic evaluation systems for accomplishing tasks according to the 17th

Federal Immission Control Ordinance

The special demands are described in Annex 2 of this circular. In the absence of regulations to the contrary, the requirements detailed in nos. 1.5.1 – 1.5.7 will be applicable.

1.6 Remote emission control

According to § 31, clause 2 of the Federal Immission Control Act the competent authority may prescribe the type of transmission of emission measuring results. One possibility is the installation of a remote emission data transmission system.

Remote emission data transmission systems consist of a system installed on the plant operator’s premises and a system installed at the competent monitoring authority’s premises. The requirements below refer to the system installed on the operator’s premises. The remote emission data transmission system may also take over the processing of emission data in addition to the transmission of emission data.

A remote emission data transmission system must fulfil the following functions:

• display of the temporal progression of emissions, respective limits and operational states on the system of the monitoring authority. This requires:

- transmission of all means of emission values and operational values (e.g. in a half-hour grid) according to the requirements of the approval certificate or the monitoring authority,

- transmission of status characteristics for each mean,

- transmission of the applicable limits, tolerance and confidence ranges for each measuring variable,

• option of classification of means by the monitoring authority,

• possibility of balancing by the monitoring authority (e.g. acc. to of TA Luft),

• regular data transmission to the monitoring authority, generally once a day,

• accessing of data by the monitoring authority at any time up to the current time,

• spontaneous data supply by the operator system in the event of the limits being exceeded,

• accessing of the data for the last 24 months by the monitoring authority,

• transmission of short explanatory texts on events by the operator,

• possibility of transmitting process pictures of the monitored plant,

• self-logging of operator systems on the computer of the monitoring authority and transmission of data models with logging.

1.6.1 General aspects

The requirements of 1.5 shall be applied in the absence of regulations to the contrary. The technical specifications of the remote emission data transmission system and the software used shall be documented by the manufacturer, provided to the testing institute and updated in the event of any changes.

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- 123 - If the remote emission data transmission system also takes over processing of measured data, the AD

converter cards shall have a resolution of at least 12 bit and may not exceed a residual noise of ± 2 bit. In the event of the type of card being changed, the accuracy of the converter function shall be checked by the competent testing institute.

The scanning rate for data recording must exceed the value of 0.1/s per measurement channel in order to guarantee a continuous recording of the measuring signal. The computer of the remote emission data transmission system shall be equipped with a DCF-77 clock. The system clock shall be synchronized against the radio-controlled clock at least once a day. Averages are generated for all measured values synchronously with the current time. The daily average is generated at the end of the day. Together with the transmission of the results, there should also be the possibility of transmitting comments. It must be possible to shorten the integration intervals for test purposes and for carrying out performance tests. Essential changes to the installed system, e.g. exchange of AD converter cards, BIOS or interface cards, require coordination with the testing institute and information of the competent supervisory authority. After a new installation of the remote emission data transmission system on the operator’s premises, the emission data remote transmission processes, including error reactions, shall be checked by a testing institute and the appropriate installation shall be certified.

1.6.2 Data backup Unauthorized access to programs and data files shall be prevented by a password and appropriate

checksum procedures and documentation of the programme data files. Data model changes must be logged and transmitted within 24 hours. As a rule, the remote emission data transmission system shall be exclusively for the purposes of emission monitoring and remote data transmission. It shall be ensured that it is not possible to access the system through the data transmission line from outside without permission. Appropriate arrangements shall be made to ensure that data transmission shall be interrupted and the connection shall be broken off in the case of incorrect connections. The number of unsuccessful connection attempts shall be limited. In the event of data models changing, the new version number shall be transmitted together with the new data model. The data model change shall be documented by the operator. The storage time for the measured emission data (means according to TA Luft, the 13th and 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinances) in the system shall total at least 2 years. Higher-level regulations relating to the storage of emission data remain unaffected. Appropriate data backup routines must be implemented to enable regular backup of all measured data, the data model and the program data files.

1.6.3 Suitability tests of remote emission data transmission systems The suitability test of remote emission data transmission systems refers to the hardware and software used and to observing the actual description of remote emission data transmission system interfaces. The hardware is tested in on a sample system and is transmissible to systems of another origin and configuration, if, after installation at the plant to be monitored, an appropriate specification is verified in the framework of a performance test.

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- 124 - If the remote emission data transmission system also takes over processing of the measured values, a

suitability test shall be carried out to determine for which tasks the system is suitable in accordance with the 13th Federal Immission Control Ordinance, 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance and TA Luft. Testing shall be carried out with regard to the remote emission data transmission system processes in a system similar to that used by the competent authority. This shall be based on the standard federal interface description for the operator system. The G system and the software version used for testing shall be specified.

1.7 Systems for long-term sampling

1.7.1 General aspects Suitability testing involves the sampling system (including preparation of samples), analysis and data output. The requirements detailed in 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.10, 1.1.13, 1.1.16 are applicable. The measuring method shall be checked as a complete measuring method (sampling including preparation of samples and analysis) by carrying out comparison measurements using a reference measuring method. The comparison measurements shall be carried out over the practical test period. It shall be possible to secure the adjusting device of the measuring equipment against unauthorized or unintentional adjustment during operation. Any changes to the instrument parameters shall be documented. The measuring equipment shall be designed in a way that it may be adapted to the respective measurement task. As a rule, the measuring equipment shall be able to record double the effective emission limit. In the event of long-term sampling, sampling may be also carried out in cycles, i.e. in a regular alternation of sampling and pauses. In each case, at least 30 % of the total time of use shall be documented by measurements. Various operating states of the plant shall be considered. The time of adjustment (90 %-time) shall be determined. It shall not exceed 10 % of the minimum cycle time. The measuring equipment shall be able to process status information on the operation of the plant. The measuring equipment shall be able to transmit its operational state (e.g. readiness for operation, maintenance, error, sampling or pause intervals) by means of a status signal either to its own or a higher-level evaluation system During permanent use, the availability of the measuring equipment shall be at least 80 % and reach 90 % during the suitability test. (The availability describes the ratio of individual sampling, e.g. daily means, during which utilizable results are obtained for assessing the emission behaviour of a plant). In justified individual cases, the reproducibility according to 1.1.11 may also be determined by means of suitable measuring equipment and using a reference measuring method. In measuring equipments with an automatic post-adjustment unit, the relevant facilities shall be included in the suitability test. In the case of an automatic correction system, the control range shall be determined. If the regulation range to be determined is be exceeded, a status signal shall be given.

1.7.2 Measurement of emissions The requirements according to 1.1.15 are applicable to the permissible ambient temperature range. The partial waste gas volume flow extracted off shall be determined to an accuracy of ± 5 %. There must be the option of controlling a flow or its parameters.

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- 125 - The loss of the substances to be determined in the sampling pipeline (e.g. due to deposition, sorption,

diffusion) shall not exceed 10 % of the limit (related to the sample gas volume obtained). If necessary, there must be an option of back-washing the sampling pipeline. During the suitability test, at least 15 values, distributed over the whole permanent test period, shall be determined per component using the reference measuring method. The measuring filters, cartridges etc. used shall be clearly marked by labelling, stamps, etc.

The required informations are as follows: - marking of the measuring point/designation of the plant, - date, - sampling period, - sample gas volume extracted. The storage life of the measuring filters, cartridges, etc. sampled shall be determined during the suitability test and shall be assessed with regard to the measurement tasks. The blank value of the filter and sorption materials shall not exceed 5 % of the limit to be checked relative to the respective sample volume. The start time and duration of the sampling and pause intervals shall be adjustable and adaptable to the operating conditions of the plant. Where specified in the VDI/DIN guidelines, sampling shall be isokinetic and carried out to an accuracy of ± 10 %. The reproducibility according to 1.1.11 in connection with shall not exceed the value of 10 – relative to double the limit – for total dust as the key parameter, provided this comes into consideration.

The measuring inaccuracy of the other monitored substances contained in the waste gas shall be assessed and compared with the value of the respective VDI/DIN guideline series. Essential characteristic data shall be automatically documented in a printer log (e.g. the data outlined in, the effective sampling period and total period of use). Electronic data carriers may be also used.

1.7.3 Checking of the measuring equipment

If the operator is not obliged to do so by means of statutory regulations, the competent authority shall ensure that an agency to be nominated by the authority competent under Federal State law, after consulting the competent supervisory authority, shall carry out a check on the functionality of the system for long-term sampling at least once a year. The principles of VDI guideline 3950, part 1 (issue: July 1994) shall be taken into account.

In the instruction or regulations relating to the installation of measuring equipment for the continuous monitoring of the emission of special substances, the operator shall be obliged to have the installed measuring device checked by an agency nominated by the competent authority under Federal State law. For this, at least three comparison measurements shall be effected using a conventional measuring method in accordance with the relevant VDI guidelines. A renewed check will be required in the event of a substantial change to the operation of the plant or the measuring equipment or after one year at the latest. If required, the sampling time can be shortened for this purpose; more information can be found in the relevant suitability test.

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- 126 - 2. Testing institutes The suitability test is carried out by testing institutes authorised by the government which have been

proven to have specialist experience in carrying out emission and immission measurements, calibrating continuous measuring equipment and in testing equipment.

Tests and expert opinions presented by testing laboratories from other member states of the EU or of the European Economic Area (EEA) are recognized as adequate, particularly if:

- suitability tests were made according to the requirements contained in this guideline or according to equivalent professional procedures involving, in particular, a field test of the equipment for at least three months and

- the testing laboratories have been proven to have specialist experience in carrying out emission and immission measurements, calibrating continuous measuring equipment and testing equipment, e.g. by authorisation by the competent authorities of a member-state and

- the test stations have been accredited by an accrediting system evaluated by the ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) for the respective test tasks according to the standard series EN 45000.

3. Method of announcing suitability

3.1 Upon completion of a suitability test, the testing institute must present a test report detailing the results which will be transmitted to the Regional Committee for Immission Control, Sub-committee Air/Monitoring, for assessment.

3.2 If the coordination between the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, the competent regional authorities and the testing institutes results in a general positive assessment, the suitability of the tested equipment shall be announced in the Joint Ministerial Gazette of the Federal Ministries. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety arranges for such an announcement.

3.3 The testing institute shall make the test documentation and results accessible to the competent supreme authorities under Federal State law and keep them for at least five years.

4. Installation, testing, maintenance, use and reporting

4.1 Selection and installation of the equipment

If equipment is to be used beyond the framework announced, the monitoring authority may require comments from the testing institute which carried through the suitability test (general clause).

4.1.1 The competent authority shall make sure that the installation of the measuring equipment will be effected with the participation of an agency nominated by the competent authority under Federal State law.

4.1.2 The competent authority shall make sure that the sampling spot for the measuring equipment in the measuring cross-section is chosen in such a way that a representative measurement will be provided for assessing the emission behaviour of a plant (see also VDI guideline 3950, part 1 (issue: July 1994)). Furthermore, the places of installation of measuring equipment and comparison measuring equipment shall be easily accessible via safe traffic routes; the working platforms required for measurement and maintenance shall have a size appropriate to the respective tasks and meet all relevant safety regulations.

4.2 Use and maintenance

4.2.1 The competent authority shall make sure that equipment in accordance with this regulation shall be only operated by staff trained in its operation and according to the operating instructions of the manufacturer.

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- 127 - 4.2.2 The competent authority shall recommend that the operator of the plant shall conclude a maintenance

contract for the regular checking of the equipment in accordance with this regulation. The maintenance contract can be waived if the operator has a measuring and controlling workshop and qualified staff.

4.2.3 The competent authority may demand that the operator of a plant keep a logbook covering all work on equipment in the sense of this regulation and present it to it.

Annex 1 Electronic evaluation systems: Special cases of use in furnaces

1. Large-scale furnaces with desulphurisation units

1.1 The method of continuous monitoring of emissions from furnaces with desulphurisation units shall be fixed by the competent authority in the individual case depending on the operation and the proportion of desulphurisation units in observing the level of sulphur emission required.

1.2 For plants with a terminal waste gas purification unit, the separation efficiency may be determined by measuring the sulphur dioxide concentration and the respective reference values in non-purified and purified waste gas. If the sulphur emission level is observed exclusively by using the terminal waste gas purification unit, the separation efficiency is a measure for the sulphur emission level. If the uptake of sulphur into solid incineration residues which either natural way or increased by adding sorbent agents is to be considered, the connection between the separation efficiency of the desulphurisation unit and the sulphur emission level shall be determined as a function of the dosing ratio of additive to fuel.

1.3 If only a partial waste gas flow is treated in the terminal waste gas purification system, its share in the total waste gas flow must be continuously determined and the measured separation efficiency must be converted accordingly.

1.4 In special cases, the sulphur emission level shall be determined by analysing the fuel sulphur and measuring the sulphur dioxide concentration in the purified waste gas.

1.5 The sulphur emission level shall be determined as a half-hourly mean and a daily mean and classified accordingly. In cases according to 1.4, the averaging period shall be fixed by the authority.

1.6 In determining the sulphur emission level, a confidence range of 7 % and a tolerance range of 14 % of the required sulphur emission level shall be applied. (The confidence range is applied as the individual value for the daily mean and the tolerance range for the half-hourly mean).

1.7 Start-up times when emissions cannot be maintained within double the limit for technical reasons shall be communicated to the evaluation unit via a status signal. Half-hourly means for sulphur dioxide logged during these periods shall be quantitatively collected in a special memory. They remain unconsidered in determining the frequency distributions.

1.8 The downtimes of the desulphurisation unit shall be communicated to the evaluation unit via a status signal and recorded in two separate memories for consecutive hours of operation and for the current calendar year. The criteria for the status signal shall be fixed by the competent authority. The memory for consecutive hours lost shall be automatically deleted at the end of the downtime. The half-hourly means for sulphur dioxide generated during the downtime shall be left unconsidered when calculating the frequency distributions.

1.9 The results in the memories defined in 1.7 and 1.8 shall be contained in the data output at the end of the year and in the daily record for the completed calendar day.

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- 128 - 2. Mixed and multi-component furnaces

2.1 In mixed and multi-component furnaces, the type of continuous monitoring of emissions shall be fixed by the competent authority in the individual case depending on the operation and the ratio between the fuel quantities used.

2.2 In mixed furnaces, the usual fuel mixing ratios may be summarised into a few mixing ranges. For these, mixing ranges limits shall be fixed and representative calibration curves shall be recorded. The evaluation unit shall be designed in such a way that the evaluation is recalculated to the assigned calibration curve if the mixing range is changed. The means obtained for the various mixing ranges shall be separately classified and stored. The daily records need not include data relating to mixing ranges which were not used during operations in the preceding day.

2.3 In order to reduce costs, an evaluation may be made with a limit flexibly adapted to the fuel mixing ratio being used to reduce the expenses.

2.4 In the case of mixed furnaces in accordance with § 31, paragraph 2 of the 13th Federal Immission Control Ordinance or no., paragraph 2 of TA Luft, the fuel for which the highest emission limit is applicable shall be used for calibration.

2.5 For multi-substance furnaces, there is the option of accepting multiple calibration curves assigned to the usual fuels and to design the evaluation unit in a way that when the fuel is changed, the evaluation will be converted to the assigned calibration curve. The means obtained when using various fuels shall be separately classified and stored. The daily record need not include data on to classes and memories, the content of which has not changed during the preceding day.

Annex 2 Electronic evaluation systems: Special demands on tasks according to the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance

1. Calculation, standardization and classification

1.1 Pollutants (acc. to § 5, paragraph 1, nos. 1 and 2 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

1.1.1 Basically, half-hourly means are classified into 20 classes of a uniform width. The classification shall be chosen in such a way that the emission limit for half-hourly means comes to the upper limit of the 20th class.

1.1.2 The classification system outlined in 1.1.1 also applies to the use of measuring instruments with electronically adjustable measuring ranges.

1.1.3 If a special measurement channel or an additional measuring instrument is used for determining the concentrations in the emission limit range for daily means, the classification may be refined in this range.

1.1.4 Above the emission limit for half-hourly means, two classes with adjustable limits shall be defined, the first of which starts at the emission limit for half-hourly means and ends at the limit of the respective tolerance range. However, the width of the first class must total at least 5 % of the limit for half-hourly means.

1.2 Carbon monoxide measurements (§ 4, paragraph 6 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

1.2.1 Instead of half-hourly means, hourly means are formed, standardized, classified and stored.

1.2.2 The classification shall be chosen in such a way that the range will be covered by 20 classes of an equal width up to double the emission limit for hourly means and the emission limit for hourly means will fall onto the upper limit of the 10th class.

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- 129 - The daily means will be formed from the hourly means.

1.2.3 Ten-minute means are also formed.

The ten-minute means obtained during the operating time shall be classified in two classes for each calendar day, the joint limit of which is formed from the limit of the confidence range above the emission limit for short-term values (150 mg/m3). Only ten-minute means whose whole integration time is documented by utilizable measuring results will be recorded.

At the end of the day, it shall be checked and recorded whether more than 90 % of the short-term values in the first class were counted (90 % rule). Thereupon the classes will be deleted. As a rule, at least 36 ten-minute means shall be available for evaluation.

1.3 Operational values/reference values

1.3.1 Afterburning temperature (§ 4, paragraph 2.3 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

Ten-minute means shall be formed from the measured values of the afterburning temperature.

These ten-minute means shall be classified in 20 classes of a uniform width. The classification shall be chosen in such a way that a temperature range of altogether 400 K is covered and the fixed minimum temperature falls on the boundary between the 10th and 11th classes.

1.3.2 Oxygen content in the afterburning zone (§ 4, paragraph. 2.3 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

At the end of the afterburning zone the oxygen content shall be measured (§ 11, paragraph 1, no.4). Ten-minute means shall be formed from the measured values.

The ten-minute means shall be classified in 20 classes of a uniform width. The classification shall be chosen in such a way as to cover an oxygen range of altogether 0-12 % by volume or 0-6 % by volume and the fixed minimum oxygen content will fall on the boundary between the 10th and the 11th classes.

Only ten-minute means whose whole integration time is documented by utilizable measuring results will be recorded.

1.3.3 Load monitoring (§ 4, paragraph 4 in connection with § 11, paragraph 4 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

Times at which the loading of the systems was blocked or interrupted shall be recorded for each calendar day.

1.3.4 Failure of the waste gas purification units (§ 16, paragraph 2 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

Downtimes of the waste gas purification units shall be communicated to the evaluation unit via status signals and be recorded in two separate memories for consecutive operating hours and for the current calendar year. The criteria for the status signals shall be fixed by the competent authority. The memory for consecutive hours lost shall be automatically deleted at the end of the downtime.

The half-hourly means for inorganic gaseous compounds formed during the downtimes remain unconsidered when calculating the frequency distributions according to 1.1.

The half-hourly means for total dust formed during the downtimes shall be classified in two classes, the joint limit of which is formed by the emission limit for half-hourly means (150 mg/m3) applicable to downtime.

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- 130 - 1.3.5 Emission coefficient for inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds of old plants (§ 17, paragraph 4 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

If the provisional regulation in accordance with § 17, paragraph 4, clause 2 is be applied, the method of continuous monitoring of emissions of inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds shall be fixed by the competent authority in the individual case depending on the operation.

The emission coefficient for inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds may be determined by measuring the concentration and the respective reference values in the non-purified and purified waste gas.

1.3.6 Other operational and reference values (§ 11, paragraph 1, no. 4 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

If further operational or reference values (e.g. waste gas volume flow or moisture content) are continuously measured, the method of evaluation shall be fixed by the competent authority in accordance with 1.1 in the individual case.

1.4 Data output

1.4.1 The daily recording shall also include the following data: - result of check in accordance with 1.2.3, - state of frequency distribution according to 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, - locking times according to 1.3.3, - results in the memories and classes according to 1.3.4.

1.4.2 The data output at the end of the year shall also include the following data:

- dates of any days when the 90 % rule defined in 1.2.3 was not observed, - frequency distribution according to 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, - results in the memories and classes according to 1.3.3 and 1.3.4.

1.4.3 For the data output, the frequency distribution in accordance with 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 shall be represented inversely by assigning the higher classes to lower temperatures or oxygen contents.

2. Suitability test of electronic evaluation systems

2.1 The evaluation system shall be able to process measured values from measuring instruments with electronically adjustable measuring ranges. The change-over indicated by the status signal shall be electronically compensated.

2.2 The evaluation system shall be able to execute a combined evaluation if two separate measurement channels or two measuring instruments with different measuring ranges are used for individual pollutants.

2.3 It shall be possible to include a continuous measurement of the waste gas volume flow and of the waste gas moisture.

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- 131 - 7.8 Uniform Practice in Monitoring Emissions in the Federal Republic of Germany –

Part 2 Date: January 1997

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Uniform Practice in Monitoring the Combustion Conditions

for Waste Incineration Installations: in accordance with the Seventeenth Ordinance for the Enforcement of the

Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance on Incineration Installations for Waste

and other Combustible Materials – 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance)

- Circular of the Federal Ministry for the Environment of 01/09/1994 – IG I3 – 51 134/3 – (Joint ministerial gazette of the federal ministries 1997, p. 1231)

The Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the supreme regional authorities responsible for immission control have reached agreement on the instructions presented hereinafter in the Regional Committee for Emission Control.

The seventeenth ordinance relating to the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance on Incineration Installations for Wastes and other Combustible Materials – 17th BImSchV) of November 23, 1990 prescribes that waste incinerating plants shall be constructed and operated such as to ensure as comprehensive as possible a combustion of the fuels used.

§ 4, paragraph 2 or 3 of the 17th BImSchV largely stipulates the combustion conditions, such as the minimum temperature, minimum oxygen content and the minimum dwell time, assuming even distribution of the combustion gas and the combustion air, in order to achieve as comprehensive as possible combustion of the fuels, they also require a measurement inspection in accordance with § 10 of the 17th BImSchV.

The Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety recommends that the competent supreme regional authorities pass administrative regulations in enactment of this directive which tally as close as possible with its requirements.

1. Continuous measurements in accordance with § 11, paragraph 1, no. 3 of the 17th BImSchV

1.1 Minimum temperature in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2, 3 of the 17th BImSchV

At least two measuring systems are to be installed in an appropriate place in the afterburning room (e.g. boiler cover) according to VDI/VDE guideline series 3511; the mean shall be recorded and evaluated according to § 11, paragraph 1.

If a measuring instrument fails, it shall immediately be replaced by emergency measuring equipment of the same construction.

1.2 Minimum volumetric content of oxygen in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2, 3 of the 17th BImSchV

An suitability-tested oxygen measuring device (recommended measuring range: 0-12 % by volume or 0-6 % by volume) shall be installed at an appropriate point in the waste gas path (e.g. after the boiler) and fitted with additional mechanisms (e.g. back-washing) where necessary.

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The measured values shall be analysed in accordance with the directive on the evaluation of continuous measurements under the Order on Incineration Plants for Waste and Similar Combustible Materials (circular from the Federal Ministry for the Environment of 26/10/92; GMBl. 1992, p. 1138) and correlated with dried waste gas. Generally, the oxygen measuring device in the pure gas is not suited for measuring and logging the minimum oxygen content by volume in the reheating zone.

2. Checking the combustion conditions in accordance with § 13, paragraph 1 of the 17th BImSchV

2.1 Checking the minimum temperature

2.1.1 Defining the measurement cross sections

One measurement cross section (measurement cross section 1) should be located at the end of the reheating zone (above the auxiliary burner) in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2, 3 of the 17th BImSchV for the approved operating states. This is based on the location data provided by the manufacturer or supplier. A second measurement cross section (measurement cross section 2) shall be set up at the beginning of the reheating zone.

This measurement cross section shall be set after the last combustion air inlet on the basis of location data provided by the manufacturer or supplier.

The plane at which an even distribution of combustion gases with combustion air can be assumed for the first time is defined as the beginning of the reheating zone in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 of the 17th BImSchV.

The position of measurement cross section 2 can deviate slightly from the actual beginning of the reheating zone if the nature of the plant does not allow it to be in exactly the right position. This must be compensated for by appropriate conversion calculations (cf. Fig. 1).

2.1.2 Measurement method

Based on the technology currently available, suction pyrometers with a ceramic shield must be used for measuring and checking the minimum temperature. At least one measuring device must be used at the same time for each measurement axis defined. The thermo-electric couples used in the suction pyrometers must comply with the PTB requirements 14.2 of April 1988.

2.1.3 Defining the measuring points for the grid measurement

The temperature measurement takes the form of a grid measurement in the combustion chamber on at least two measuring axes. The measurement cross-section is divided into smaller sections of equal area, with the measuring points at the centres of gravity of each of the smaller sections. The number of measuring points is equivalent to approx. 1 per 2 m². It must be ensured that the points are distributed evenly across the measurement cross-section.

2.1.4 Processing of measured values

Measured values shall be processed electronically at a scanning rate # 10 s. The measured values shall be compressed into 10-minute means.

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- 133 - 2.1.5 Acceptance measurement in accordance with § 13, paragraph 1 of the 17th BImSchV

The following number of grid measurements, as defined in 2.1.3, is required to evidence that the minimum temperature is being maintained in boilers exhibiting dirt from normal operation:

- uninterrupted permanent operation (nominal load): 3 grid measurements over a total period of at least 3 hours

- differing operating modes (e.g. partial load, if approved as an operating mode): 3 grid measurements over a total period of at

least 3 hours - Start-up without material load (in accordance with § 4, paragraph 5, no. 1): 1 grid measurement for the final status of the

heating phase over a period of around 1 hour (taking point 4 into consideration).

For each measuring point defined as in 2.1.3, the individual 10-minute means are converted using the temperature gradients ascertained as in 2.3.2 to a fictive measurement cross section, which represents a dwell time of 2 seconds (minimum dwell time).

The evaluation criterion is the minimum temperature in each of the measuring points defined in accordance with 2.1.3 for each measurement as a 10-minute mean.

2.2. Checking the minimum oxygen content by volume

Preliminary remark:

Generally, the oxygen measurements are made at the same time as the temperature measurements as in 2.1 using the suction pyrometer, which ensures that that the measurement cross section and the measuring points are identical.

2.2.1 Defining the measurement cross section

One measurement cross section (measurement cross section 1) should be located at the end of the reheating zone (above the auxiliary burner) in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2, 3 of the 17th BImSchV for the approved operating states. This is based on the location data provided by the manufacturer or supplier. A second measurement cross section (measurement cross section 2) shall be set up at the beginning of the reheating zone. This measurement cross section shall be set after the last combustion air inlet on the basis of location data provided by the manufacturer or supplier. The plane at which an even distribution of combustion gases with combustion air can be assumed for the first time is defined as the beginning of the reheating zone in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 of the 17th BImSchV.

The height of measurement cross section 2 can deviate slightly from the actual beginning of the reheating zone if the nature of the plant does not allow it to be in exactly the right position. This must be compensated for by appropriate conversion calculations (cf. Fig. 1).

2.2.2 Measurement method

Only oxygen measuring devices which have been suitability-tested may be used.

2.2.3 Defining the measuring points for the grid measurement

The oxygen measurement takes the form of a grid measurement in the combustion chamber on at least two measuring axes. The measurement cross-section is divided into smaller sections of equal areas, with the measuring points at the centres of gravity of each of the smaller sections. The number of measuring points is equivalent to approx. 1 per 2 m². It must be ensured that the points are distributed evenly across the measurement cross-section.

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- 134 - 2.2.4 Processing of measured values

Measured values shall be processed electronically at a scanning rate # 10 s. The measured values shall be compressed into 10-minute means.

2.2.5 Acceptance measurement in accordance with § 13, paragraph 1 of the 17th BImSchV

The following number of grid measurements, as defined in 2.1.3, is required to evidence that the minimum content by volume is being maintained in boilers exhibiting dirt from normal operation:

- uninterrupted permanent operation (nominal load) 3 grid measurements over a total period of at least 3 hours

- differing operating modes (e.g. partial load, if approved as an operating mode): 3 grid measurements over a total period of at

least 3 hours.

The evaluation criterion is the minimum content by volume in each of the measuring points defined in accordance with 2.2.3 for each measurement as a 10-minute mean, providing a minimum oxygen content by volume of 3 per cent in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 of the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance is appropriate.

In all other cases, the evaluation criterion is the minimum oxygen content by volume as the mean for each grid measurement, although the individual values for each of the measuring points defined in accordance with 2.2.3 (as a 10-minute mean for each individual measurement) must not deviate more than minus 50 per cent from the mean oxygen content by volume (for the grid measurement).

2.3 Checking the dwell time of the waste gases

2.3.1 Measurement cross sections

Two measurement cross sections (measurement cross section 1 and measurement cross section 2) are used to determine the dwell time during which the minimum temperature is maintained. (cf. 2.1.1).

2.3.2 Determining the temperature gradient

At the same time, temperature measurements (3 grid measurements each) shall be taken in measurement cross sections 1 and 2 for the same plant operating mode.

The conditions for the measurement are as defined in point 2.1. (The measurement results obtained with respect to measurement cross section 1 can be used for checking the minimum temperature in accordance with 2.1.) The measured values are used to form the mean temperature differential ∆T1,2 between cross section 1 and 2 for the operating mode in question (see Point 2.1.5):

=∆ 2,1T

( )=


1ii,1i,2 TT


T1i mean of the temperature grid measurement in measurement cross section 1 T2i mean of the temperature grid measurement in measurement cross section 2 n number of temperature grid measurements in cross section 1 or 2.

Assuming a linear temperature pattern between measurement cross sections 1 and 2 and beyond, this ascertains the mean temperature for each cross section in the combustion chamber, and, inversely, the last cross section in the combustion chamber at which the minimum temperature of the waste gases is still maintained can be calculated arithmetically (cf. Fig. 1).

=∆ TH

( )2,1

2,1M1 T









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The mean temperature gradient is calculated from T1,2/H1,2 T1 mean of the temperature grid measurements in measurement cross section 1 TM minimum temperature for waste gases (850 or 1200°C) ∆H1,2 distance between measurement cross section 1 and 2 ∆HT Distance between the last cross section in the combustion chamber at which the waste gases still

attain the minimum temperature on average and measurement cross section 1.

2.3.3 Determining the dwell time in accordance with § 13, paragraph 1 of the 17th BImSchV

In order to determine the dwell time for the waste gases above the minimum temperature, the waste gas volume flow needs to be measured (e.g. at the end of the boiler) and converted to the waste gas conditions in the reheating zone.

The volume flow measurement is carried out in accordance with VDI 2066, part 1 and at the same time as the grid measurements to check the minimum temperature. The behaviour of an ideal flow duct (plug flow) is assumed for the calculation of the dwell time.

The basic temperature assumed for the volume flow is the mean of the temperature at the beginning of the reheating zone TBNBZ and the minimum temperature. The dwell time in the reheating zone can then be calculated on the basis of the volume flow and the geometry of the chamber.

( )FR




FRV The mean volume flow of the waste gases in the combustion chamber (in damp operating mode)

at 2


∆H distance between beginning of reheating zone and measurement cross section 1 A cross-sectional area of combustion chamber (for A = const.) Tvz dwell time of waste gases above the minimum temperature.

The evaluation criterion is the minimum dwell time of 2 seconds. An even distribution of the combustion gas and the combustion air can then be assumed (in accordance with § 13, paragraph 1 of the 17th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance) if the combustion conditions (temperature at each measuring point, mean oxygen content by volume) are maintained at both measurement cross sections and therefore across the whole reheating zone.

3. Functional testing and calibration of operational measuring devices for the continuous monitoring of the minimum temperature (§ 11, paragraph 1, no. 3)

3.1 Functional test

Operational measuring devices for minimum temperature shall be tested for functionality once a year as described below:

- Plausibility test of the display of the measuring device using the fixed point method (freezing point in a mixture of ice and water in accordance with VDI/VDE 3511, part 2), or alternatively: testing by means of a reference element, either alternately at the location of the measuring device or at other suitable measurement openings (basis: 1 hour mean).

- Checking the retransfer of measured values using a constant voltage source.

- Checking to detect an element break using the electronic evaluation system, which requires disconnecting every measuring device.

- Checking the measuring devices with respect to design and installation position relative to the time of the last calibration.

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3.2. Calibration

All measuring devices used for continuous monitoring of the minimum temperature must be calibrated every three years.

3.2.1 Determining the end of the reheating zone

The determination of the combustion chamber temperatures in accordance with 2.3.2 (mean generation) must take place at full capacity and any other approved operating modes. Please refer to point 4 for the operating mode of starting up.

At least six grid measurements must be carried out (at full and partial capacity), with simultaneous measurements in cross sections 1 and 2 in each case. For the periods of these grid measurements, the mean measured values for the measuring devices should be determined so that at least six data sets of grid measurement to operating measurement are available.

Assuming a linear temperature gradient between measurement cross sections 1 and 2 and beyond, it is possible to determine the end of the reheating zone (defined as the plane in the combustion chamber at which the minimum dwell time of 2 s is maintained exactly) (cf. Fig. 1).


Vt FRminVZ ∆−×

Tvzmin - minimum dwell time = 2 s ∆HHNBZ - distance between cross section at end of reheating zone and measurement cross section 1 ∆T1,2 - mean temperature difference between measurement cross section 1 and 2

∆T1,2 = ( )i1i2



61 −Σ

T2i - mean of the temperature grid measurement in measurement cross section 2 T1i - mean of the temperature grid measurement in measurement cross section 1 ∆H1,2 - distance between measurement cross section 1 and 2 The mean temperature gradient is calculated from ∆T1,2/∆H1,2

3.2.2 Calibration method

The mean temperature differential and its lower confidence limit to the converted temperature values from the grid measurements in measurement cross section 1 can be calculated using the values measured for the temperature.

TNBZi - converted mean for the temperature grid measurement i in measurement cross section 1 to the plane at the end of the reheating zone (2 s dwell time)

TBi - mean of the temperature measurements for the period of grid measurement i



2,1i1 H


T ∆∆∆

determination of the confidence limit: n

StV 2nB

×= −

The function TNBZi = f (TBi) can be determined by means of linear regression.

tn-2 - threshold for t distribution (for N=n´) s - scattering about the regression line n = 6 (total number of measurements)

NBZT = =




BT = =




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- 137 -

NBZBTTS = ( ) ( )=



BBTTS = ( )=








²S =









Calculation variables in accordance with VDI 3950, part 1

The process for calibrating the measured values is as follows:

BKalT = BNBZ10B VTT −∆+

NBZT∆ = ( )BiNBZi



61 −Σ

NBZT∆ - mean temperature differential between the end of the reheating zone (dwell time 2 s) and the measured value

BKalT - calibrated measured value (input to emission electronic evaluation system)

10BT - 10-minute mean for temperature measurements

The calibration process must be completed for every approved operating mode.

3.2.3 Calibration of oxygen measuring device for continuous monitoring of the minimum oxygen content by volume

Calibration must be carried out in accordance with VDI 3950.

As the systems aim to monitor the minimum oxygen content, the confidence range calculated is subtracted from the measured value (10-minute mean) for an oxygen content of 6 % or 3 %.

3.2.4 Parameterising of the electronic evaluation system


∆TNBZ* is ascertained for each approved operating mode and calculated in the analysis computer on a sliding basis as a function of output (e.g. steam output PD); this is also the case for the operating mode of “shut-down”.

The function ( )DNBZ Pf*T =∆ is parameterised.

Please refer to point 4 for the operating mode of starting up.

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- 138 - 3.2.5 Criteria for the electronic evaluation system

Definition: minimum temperature as the limit value for class 10.

Cl. 10 = 870 .. 850 °C (or: 1220 …. 1200°C) TKal B < 850 °C = TKl l...TKl 20 (or: TKal B < 1200 °C)

means an infringement of the combustion condition of minimum temperature (850 or 1200 °C)

TKal B ≥ 850 °C = TKl 1 ...TKl 10 or: TKal B ≥ 1200 °C)

means that the combustion condition of minimum temperature has been fulfilled.

4. Adherence to combustion conditions in “start-up” mode

“Start-up” mode is only characterised by the operation of additional burners with no load of raw materials.

Convention dictates that the beginning of the reheating zone in “start-up” mode is as follows: - the additional burner cross section if the secondary air inlet is upstream, - the cross section of the last air inlet if the secondary air inlet is downstream.

The combustion conditions (minimum temperature, minimum dwell time) are the basis for determining the end of the reheating zone in “start-up” mode.

In “start-up” mode, the volume flow for determining the dwell time must be calculated and/or measured on the basis of the fuel consumption and the oxygen content by volume.

By measuring the temperature in a measurement cross section which is at least 2 m downstream (above the burner cross section), the gradient for the operating temperature measurement can be determined in the same way as in 3.2.2 and used as a criterion for releasing (unlocking) the waste inlet.

The period between unlocking the waste inlet and achieving a stable operating status must be agreed with the competent authorities; it must not exceed 2 hours.

5. Switching criteria for additional burner

The following switching criteria are proposed for the additional burner:

- Switching on: when the set temperature for class 10 is reached (10 minute mean between 850 and 870°C or between 1200 and 1220°C)

- Switching off: when class 9 or below is reached (> 870°C or > 1220°C).

6. Criteria for waste load

The following criteria are applicable for the locking/unlocking of the waste inlet:

- Locking: when a temperature in class 11 or above is reached (< 850 °C or < 1200 °C)

- Unlocking: when a temperature in class 10 or below is reached (≥850 °C or ≥ 1200 °C).

The times in which the loading of the installation is locked or interrupted shall be recorded in accordance with the guideline on the evaluation of continuous emission measurements in line with the Order on Incineration Plants for Waste and other Combustible Materials (circular from the Federal Ministry for the Environment of 26/10/1992, no. 2.3.3).

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Figure 1: Representation of key parameters using the example of an incineration plant for municipal waste




















t =


VZ, m


Legend: T1: mean of the temperature grid measurements

in measurement cross section 1 T2: mean of the temperature grid measurements

in measurement cross section 2 TM: minimum temperature for waste gases TB: measured value for operating temperature TNBZ: temperature at the end of the reheating zone TBNBZ: temperature at the beginning of the reheating

zone ∆T: temperature differential between measure-

ment cross section 1 and measured value for operation

∆TNBZ: temperature differential between end of reheating zone and measured value for operation

∆T1,2: mean temperature difference between measurement cross section 1 and 2

HBNBZ: height to beginning of reheating zone ∆HT: distance between cross section in combustion

chamber and measurement cross section 1 ∆HNBZ: distance between the cross section at the end of the

reheating zone and measurement cross section 1 ∆H: distance between beginning of reheating zone and

measurement cross section 1 ∆H1,2: distance between measurement cross section 1 and 2 ∆HBNBZ: distance between cross section at beginning of

reheating zone and measurement cross section 2

tVZ, min: minimum dwell time = 2 s

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7.9 Standard form of test report for the determination of emissions in accordance with §§ 26, 28 of the Federal Immission Control Act

Source: GABl. of 28 June 1993 [20] or VDI 4220 [September 1999] “Quality control – Requirements of emission and immission testing bodies for the determination of air pollutants”, Annex B [29]

Cover sheet:

Name of laboratory (accredited in accordance with §§ 26, 28 BImSchG)

Reference No./Report No.: Date:

Title: Report on emission measurements

Operating company: Location:

Type of measurement: Order number: Order date: Day of measurement:

Report contents: ..... _ Pages ..... _ Appendices


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- 142 - Table of contents with page references

1 Formulation of the measurement task 1.1 Party commissioning the work 1.2 Operating company 1.3 Location

(The information as to the location must clearly indicate the position of the emission source in the case of a larger site (e.g. site C ..., Building 5))

1.4 Plant

(Information with reference to 4th BImSchV)

1.5 Time of measurement (date)

1.5.1 Date of the last measurement

1.5.2 Date of the next measurement

1.6 Reason for the measurement

(e.g. acceptance measurement; a listing of measurement tasks may be found in Section 2.1 of Guideline VDI 2448 Part 1).

1.7 Objectives

(This paragraph should give a detailed description of the measurement task. In the case of measurements for the purposes of a permit or orders, the relevant numbers of the notice/order and the specified limit values are to be given.

In the case of measurements for the purposes of TA Luft or orders under the BImSchG, the numbers or limit values given there are to be stated.

Reference is to be made to particular circumstances relating to measurement planning, see, for example, of TA Luft: e.g. batch mode, load changes, etc.

Reference should also be made to prior knowledge about the plant (e.g. preliminary experiments, adjustment work, if applicable according to the operator).

1.8 Components to be measured

1.9 Indication of whether and with whom the measurement plan has been agreed

1.10 Names of all persons participating in sampling on-site and number of assistants

1.11 Participation of further institutes

1.12 Technical supervisor

1.12.1 Telephone no.

2 Description of the plant, materials handled

2.1 Type of plant

(any designation deviating from the 4th BImSchV for more precise description)

2.2 Description of the plant

(Brief description of the plant and the process with particular emphasis on the plant components which are of particular importance in connection with the emission of air pollutants. In complex cases, a simplified flow diagram of the plant is to be attached. The requirement for a plant description is formulated in No. 7 of the Guideline VDI 2066 Part 1.

Year of construction, boiler No., etc., are to be indicated.

The description of the plant must include details of absolute and specific output. Operating variables can be, for example, materials used and / or products. Parameters customary for the branch of industry shall be used. The figures must be able to be assigned, as appropriate, to the operating unit or the respective emission source. Thus, fuels or heating media used for specific plant components or operating units are to be indicated, since in connection with no. 2.4 it may here be possible to draw conclusions as to the emission characteristics, e.g. fuel ratios in the case of mixed firing).

2.3 Location of the plant and description of the emission source

2.3.1 Location

2.3.2 Emission source Height above ground Cross-sectional area of outlet Horizontal/vertical value Building design Assignment specific to the Federal State

(for Federal State:

Operating Company No.:

Plant No.:

For any further dealings, a precise description of the location is necessary. In this context, a statement regarding the way to draw off the waste gas and the figures for the easting and northing values for each source are likewise required.)

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- 143 - 2.4 Statement of raw materials possible

according to the permit

(To ensure that the requirement for an operating state with maximum emissions to be measured, see no. of TA Luft, is met in respect of emission-relevant raw materials during the measurement, appropriate information has to be given under 2.4.)

2.5 Operating times

(Statement of the daily and weekly total operating times and also times of possible pollutant emissions are necessary for the determination of the total emission over greater periods of time.)

2.5.1 Total operating time

2.5.2 Emission time according to the operating company

2.6 Device for measuring and reducing the emissions

(A description of these devices should make possible an assessment of the waste gas purification equipment and give an indication as to whether appreciable diffuse emissions of air pollutants can occur from the plant in question.)

2.6.1 Device for measuring the emissions Apparatus for emission measurement Measuring element Fan data Suction area

2.6.2 Device for abating the emissions (Description in accordance with Appendix 1)

3 Description of the sampling point

3.1 Position of the measurement cross section

(Under 3.1, the exact position of the measurement cross section in the waste gas pipe system is to be indicated. The position of the measurement cross section shall be indicated in such a way that it can be unambiguously seen from the description whether the installation of the sampling point has been carried out in accordance with the Guideline VDI 2066 Part 1. If the sampling point does not correspond to the requirements of this guideline, appropriate reasoning shall be given and the measures which have been taken in order to obtain acceptable measurement results shall be described.)

3.2 Diameter of the waste gas tube at the height of the measurement cross section or indication of the dimensions of the measurement cross section

3.3 Number of measurement axes and position of the measuring points in the measurement cross section

(For emission sampling, it may be necessary to employ a grid measurement if a measurement point representative of the measurement cross section does not exist or cannot be determined and justified. When giving only one measurement point in a questionable measurement cross section, proof of its representativeness shall be provided in a comprehensible fashion.)

4 Measurement and analytic methods, apparatus

(The measurement apparatus and methods used shall be indicated and described. If apparatus and methods other than those examples listed here are used, a procedure analogous to that prescribed is to be followed.)

4.1 Determination of the waste gas boundary conditions

4.1.1 Flow velocity

Prandtl's Pitot tube in combination with micro-manometer, model/type: Electronic micro-manometer,


Other fine differential pressure gauge Model/type:

Vane anemometer, Model/type:

Determination by calculation (e.g. from amount of fuel, air ratio,

displacement volumes):

Operating data (e.g. fan rating):

4.1.2 Static pressure in waste gas stack

U-tube manometer:

Manometer as specified in 4.1.1 with provision for the appropriate connections:

4.1.3 Air pressure at the height of the sampling point



Last check/calibration:

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- 144 - 4.1.4 Waste gas temperature

Resistance thermometer Model/type:

Ni-Cr-Ni thermo-electric couple Model/type:

Hg thermometer:

Other temperature measuring instruments Model/type:

(It should be indicated whether the temperature measurement was determined continuously at a measurement point recog-nized as representative in the measurement cross section during the entire sampling of the plant and …

... recorded by a recording device

... logged by means of a data logging unit

... converted into half-hour means.)

4.1.5 Proportion of water vapour in the waste gas (waste gas humidity)

Adsorption on silica gel calcium chloride other…

and subsequent gravimetric determination:

Humidity meter for gases Model/type: Psychrometer Model/type: Detector tubes:

4.1.6 Density of waste gas

Calculated taking into account the proportions of

oxygen (O2) carbon dioxide (CO2) atmospheric nitrogen (containing 0.933% of Ar) carbon monoxide (CO) other waste gas components such as ... waste gas humidity (proportion of water

vapour in the waste gas) and the waste gas temperature and

pressure in the duct

4.2 Gaseous and vapour emissions

4.2.1 Continuous measurement methods Measured object Measurement method/VDI guideline Analyser, Manufacturer: Type: Measuring range set Type of instrument suitability-tested

If instruments whose suitability for the measurement task has been tested are available, these must be used.

In the case of measuring devices whose suitability has not been tested, the following method parameters are to be indicated:

- influence of accompanying substances (cross-sensitivity):

- response time (90% time) - detection limit - zero drift - if applicable, standard deviation - linearity

(How this data is determined is also to be indicated.) Measurement location design

Sampling probe: heated: °C unheated:

Dust filter: heated: °C unheated:

Sampling line before gas treatment: heated: °C

unheated: Length: m Sampling line after gas treatment: Length: m Materials of gas-bearing parts:

Measurement gas treatment: Measurement gas cooler: Model/type: Temperature, regulated to: °C

Desiccant (e.g. silica gel): Checking of the instrument characteristic using the following test gases

Zero gas: Test gas: ..... ppm or …. mg/m3 Manufacturer: Date of manufacture: Stability guarantee: ..... months Certified: yes ( )/no ( ) Certificate checked by................ on................ 90% response time of the overall measuring apparatus

(How this value was determined is also to be described.) Recording of the measured values

- continuous by means of a pen recorder Line thickness: Quality class: Model/type:

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- 145 - - logged by means of a measured value

logging unit (computer) Model/type: Logging software:

4.2.2 Discontinuous measurement methods Measured object Measurement method/VDI guidelines, principle of the method and sampling procedure Sampling equipment - Sampling probe: Material heated unheated cooled

- Particle filter: Type Material heated unheated

- Absorption/adsorption devices: (e.g. standard impinger, wash bottles with frits, silica gel tubes, activated carbon tubes, etc.)

- Sorbent:

- Amount of sorbent:

- If appropriate, sketch of the structure of the sampling device

- Distance between intake orifice of the sampling probe and the sorbent or collection element:

- Sample transfer:

- Time between sampling and analysis

- Participation of another laboratory: (Name, reasons, further details) Analytical determination

- comprehensible description of the analytical method:

- sample preparation:

- analytical instruments: (manufacturer/ type):

- specific information: (GC columns, temperature/time programs)

- standards (recovery rates): (e.g. in the case of combustion apparatus

as specified in VDI 3481 Part 2 for the determination of organically bound carbon)

- combustion temperature:

- combustion

time/temperature-time program:

- percentage distribution of loading

in tube 1: in tube 2: Performance characteristics and their determination, measures for quality assurance:

- influence of accompanying substances (cross-sensitivity):

- detection limits:

- uncertainty range:

4.3 Particulate emissions

4.3.1 Measurement methods

VDI Guideline 2066 Part__ , Date: Principle of the method:

4.3.2 Sampling apparatus

Flat filter: Filter head with quartz wool sheath Combination of flat filter/filter head Cascade impactor other Adsorption device heated/unheated internal in duct/external on duct Design/material: Sampling probe: Material heated/unheated

If appropriate, sketch of the structure of the sampling device

Information on the collection medium: - Material - Sheet diameter and pore diameter - Manufacturer/model:

4.3.3 Processing and evaluation of the collection medium

- Drying temperature of the collection medium before and after exposure: °C

- Drying time of the collection medium before and after exposure: .... h

- Air-conditioned weighing room: yes/no

Balance: Manufacturer/model

4.3.4 Performance characteristics where different from VDI 2066

- Detection limit: - Measurement uncertainty: - Assessment of errors:

4.4 Odour emissions

4.4.1 Measurement method, principle of the method VDI guidelines:

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- 146 - 4.4.2 Sampling device

(Structure, materials, boundary conditions of sampling in accordance with VDI 3881 Part 4, Table 4.2 in the annex to this guideline)

4.4.3 Olfactometer

(Description as in VDI 3881 Part 4, Table 7.3 in the annex to this guideline)

4.4.4 Description of the test team as in VDI 3881 Part 4, Table 7.2 in the annex

4.4.5 Evaluation of the samples On site: after ….hours in the laboratory:

4.4.6 Number of measurement series

4.4.7 Working times

4.4.8 Rest times for the test team

4.5 Toxic dust constituents

(particulate materials and materials which pass through a filter)

4.5.1 Measured object - Metals, semimetals and their compounds:

4.5.2 Principle of the measurement method/VDI guideline

4.5.3 Sampling equipment Retention system for particulate materials Information according to 4.3.2 Absorption system for materials which pass

through a filter Information according to

Sketch of the overall structure of the sampling device

4.5.4 Processing and evaluation of the measuring filter and the absorption material Measuring filter

- Determination of the mass of dust, see under 4.3.3

- Description of the digestion method and analytical methods/VDI guidelines:

- Analytical instruments: Manufacturer/model: Absorption solutions

- Digestion process and analytical methods/VDI guidelines:

- Analytical instruments: Manufacturer/ model: Calibration methods - Addition method

- Standard calibration method:

- Details of the standard solutions used:

4.5.5 Performance characteristics where different from VDI guidelines

- Cross-sensitivities:

- Standard deviations:

- Detection limits:

- Reproducibility:

- Performance characteristics for the dust content determination:

- Performance characteristics for the determination of the total of particulate matter and matter which pass through a filter:

(How this data was determined is also to be stated.)

5 Operating condition of the plant during the measurements

(Information on how the individual data has been obtained must be given; e.g. operator information or own investigations)

5.1 Production plant - Operating state (e.g. normal operation,

charging, running up, representative operating state, abnormal operating state relevant to emissions, etc.)

- Throughput/performance (process data, steam, etc.)

- Raw materials/fuels

- Products

- Characteristic operating parameters (e.g. pressures, temperatures)

- Deviations from approved mode of operation (e.g. output, other raw materials, evaluation)

5.2 Waste gas purification units (see Appendix 2)

- Operating data (e.g. power drawn, p, pH, purification


- Operating temperature (thermal combustion unit, scrubber,


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- 147 - - Parameters influencing emissions (e.g.

purification cycles, pH, temperature, thermal afterburner, operating time of the catalyst)

- Particular features of waste gas purification

(e.g. in-house construction, additional water injection)

- Deviation from standard operating conditions (cf. item 2.7, e.g. lower volume flow, temperature)

6 Presentation of the measurement results and discussion

6.1 Evaluation of the operating conditions during the measurements (indication of unusual occurrences)

(This information serves to establish deviations from normal operation and, if applicable, to document consequent effects on the emission characteristics of the plant. In such an event, the technical expert should make a statement as to whether the state of the plant at the time of the measurement was the state which on the basis of experience leads to the maximum emissions.

6.2 Measurement results

All individual results (e.g. half-hourly mean values) of the components measured and the auxiliary parameters necessary for the determination are to be presented in tabular form.

The pollutants are to be reported as concentrations and as mass flows. In addition, the maximum and the mean value of the measurements are to be documented. If recording instruments have been employed, attaching the recorder chart can be useful. The provisions of the VDI guideline on which the measurement is based in respect of complete presentation of the measurement results shall be complied with.

All measurement reports shall be kept by the laboratory carrying out the measurements for at least 5 years.

Measurement uncertainties are to be given for all measured values. Reference shall be made to the influence of the inflow distance (VDI 2066) on the measurement accuracy.

6.3 Plausibility check

A plausibility check is to be made on the measurement results in respect of the utilization of plant capacity during the period of the measurement.

7 Annex

Measurement plan

Measurement and calculation figures

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- 148 - Appendix 1

Devices for reducing the emissions

Minimum requirement, supplementary information as per VDI 2448, Part 1, is recommended. (Other purification units are to be described in a similar way. As a rule, only one of the waste gas purification units described under Nos. 1 to 10 needs to be indicated for the particular plant in question. However, it is quite possible to describe combinations. The specification in item 2.6 is also required in TA Luft item

1. Electrostatic precipitator Manufacturer of the electrostatic precipitator year of manufacture number of filter zones effective precipitation area dwell time in the electric field dedusting (wet/mechanical) upstream cooling yes/no water injection upstream of filter yes/no flow through filter nominal rating of the suction fan intervals between servicing last service

2. Thermal combustion units with/without heat exchanger Manufacturer of the thermal afterburner unit year of manufacture type of burner type of fuel added fuel throughput temperature of the reaction chamber dwell time in the reaction chamber nominal rating of the suction fan intervals between servicing last service

3. Catalytic combustion unit Manufacturer of the catalytic combustion unit year of manufacture type of burner type of fuel fuel throughput catalyst type operating time of the catalyst reaction chamber temperature mean dwell time nominal rating of the suction fan intervals between servicing last service

4. Activated carbon filter with/without recovery Manufacturer of the activated carbon filter year of manufacture activated carbon content supplier/particle size/type of activated carbon height of the activated carbon bed in the adsorber cross section of the activated carbon bed in the adsorber

frequency of desorption type of desorption nominal rating of the suction fan pressure difference between raw gas/purified gas intervals between servicing last service

5. Cyclone unit Manufacturer of the cyclone unit Type year of manufacture number of individual cyclones arrangement (parallel/in series) cyclone diameter nominal rating of the suction fan pressure difference between raw gas/purified gas volume flow of gas intervals between servicing last service

6. Wet precipitator Manufacturer of the wet precipitator Type year of manufacture working principle of the wet precipitator, e.g. scrubbing tower venturi scrubber, vortex scrubber, rotary scrubber pressure-change precipitator

- for a scrubbing tower - Scrubbing liquid flow: co-current, counter-current cross-current Construction: without internals, with

plates, packed Number of plates: sieve plates, bubble cap

plates, etc. Height of the packed column Type of packing: raschig rings, saddles, disks Type of scrubbing liquid

- in the case of vortex scrubbers - Water level: Sludge discharge

- in the case of pressure-change precipitators - Number of precipitation elements Scrubbing liquid Additives Amount of scrubbing liquid Scrubbing liquid flow

- for all wet precipitators - Amount of fresh scrubbing liquid added Pattern of scrubbing liquid replacement pH: Stage 1 Stage 2

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- 149 - Temperature of the scrubbing liquid in the

reservoir: Last replacement of the scrubbing liquid in the

settling tank: Type of downstream droplet precipitator: nominal rating of the suction fan intervals between servicing last service:

7. Woven fabric filter Manufacturer of the woven fabric filter Type year of manufacture number of filter zones number of tubes/bags filter area throughput per unit area of filter gross/net filter material dedusting mechanical/ pneumatic dedusting frequency last filter cloth change pressure difference between raw gas and purified gas sides nominal rating of the suction fan intervals between servicing last service

8. Nitrogen oxide reduction measures Primary measures - flue gas recirculation - progressive combustion, etc. Secondary measures - SNCR - SCR Reducing agent

9. Biofilters Manufacturer of the biofilter year of manufacture bed depth throughput per unit area material raw gas temperature humidity of the raw gas pressure difference between raw gas/purified gas intervals between changing the filter bed last filter bed change intervals between servicing last service

10. Condensation and sedimentation precipitation manufacturer year of manufacture construction type flow (counter-current, co-current, cross-current) coolant condensate removal baffles cycling for melting off ribbed tubes injection condensers

pressure drop intervals between servicing last service

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- 150 - Appendix 2

Catalogue of operating data which shall be given for waste gas purification units:

- filters dedusting cycle pressure drop last filter change

- electrostatic precipitators power drawn by the fields/units knocking cycle last service

- mechanical precipitators last cleaning last service

- thermal combustion fuel usage combustion temperature last service

- catalytic combustion energy usage operating temperature catalyst operating time last service

- Adsorbers adsorbent operating time operating temperature last service

- Absorbers (chemisorption) sorbent type/model circulated amount freshly added amount pressure drop last service last sorbent change

- Wet precipitator absorbent additives pH pressure drop operating temperature scrubbing liquid circulation/feed replacement of the absorbent (depending on the

number of scrubbing stages, multiple entries possible)

- Biofilters last filter bed change bed thickness pressure drop raw gas humidity raw gas temperature

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- 151 - 7.10 Standard form of test report for the execution of functional tests / calibrations for

continuous measuring devices in accordance with §§ 26, 28 of the 13th Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV), no. 3.2 of TA Luft and § 10 of the 17th

Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) Source: VDI 3950, part 2 (preliminary draft) [May 2000] “Calibration of automatic emission measuring

instruments – reports”, Annex A [33]

Cover sheet:

Name of accredited body

Reference No./Report No.: Date:


Report on the execution of function tests / calibration

Operating company: Location: Order number: Order date: Period:

Report contents: _ Pages _ Appendices


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- 152 - Table of contents

1 Formulation of the measurement task 2 Description of the plant, materials handled

Module [measured object 1]

3 [Measured object 1] description of the continuous emission monitoring instrument 4 [Measured object 1] functional tests 5 [Measured object 1] sampling point for reference measurements 6 [Measured object 1] measurement method for reference measurements 7 [Measured object 1] determination of analytical function :


Module [measured object n]

3 [Measured object n] description of the continuous emission monitoring instrument 4 [Measured object n] functional tests 5 [Measured object n] sampling point for reference measurements 6 [Measured object n] measurement method for reference measurements 7 [Measured object n] determination of analytical function

8 Operating condition of the plant during the calibration

9 Electronic evaluation system

10 Presentation of the measurement results and discussion

11 Annex

1 Formulation of the measurement task

Essentially, all sections must be completed. Sections which are not applicable should be marked “not applicable”.

1.1 Party commissioning the work

1.2 Operating company:

1.3 Location: The information as to the location must clearly indicate the position of the emission source in the case of a larger site (e.g. site C ..., Building 5)

1.4 Plant:

(Information with reference to 4th BImSchV)

1.5 Period of the functional test / calibration:

Date of the functional test: Date of the previous functional test: Date of the next functional test: Date of the calibration: Date of the previous calibration: Date of the next calibration: Presence of certification of proper installation (according to operator): yes/no (delete as appropriate)

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- 153 - 1.6 Reason and objective of the functional test / calibration

e.g. initial calibration, repeated calibration Details must be given of all waste gas constituents and parameters to be measured continuously and the limits set. Details must also be given of the measured objects on which functional tests /calibration are to be carried out.

1.7 Indication of with whom the measurement plan has been agreed competent authority, regional environment authority or office, operator

1.8 Personnel involved in work on site:

1.9 Participation of further institutes

1.10 Technical supervisor:

1.10.1 Telephone No.:

2 Description of the plant, materials handled

2.1 Type of plant: (any designation deviating from the 4th BImSchV for more precise description)

2.2 Description of the plant: Brief description of the plant and the process with particular emphasis on the plant components which are of particular importance in connection with the emission of air pollutants. In complex cases, a simplified flow diagram of the plant is to be attached. The requirement for a plant description is formulated in Appendix B of the Guideline VDI 4220.

Year of manufacture, boiler no., etc., are to be indicated where applicable.

The description of the plant must include details of absolute and specific output. Operating variables can be, for example, materials used and / or products. Parameters customary for the branch of industry shall be used. The figures must be able to be assigned, as appropriate, to the operating unit or the respective emission source. Thus, fuels or heating media used for specific plant components or operating units are to be indicated, since in connection with No. 2.4 it may here be possible to draw conclusions as to the emission characteristics of the plant, e.g. fuel ratios in the case of mixed firing).

2.3 Location of the plant and description of the emission source For any further dealings, a precise description of the location is necessary. In this context, a statement regarding the way to draw off the waste gas and the figures for the easting and northing values for each source are likewise required.

2.3.1 Location:

2.3.2 Emission source: Height above ground: Cross-sectional area of outlet: Easting/northing value: Building design:

2.3.3 Assignment specific to the Federal State:

2.4 Statement of raw materials possible according to the permit: The appropriate details must be provided under no. 2.4 in order to ensure that all emissions-related materials are taken into account during the calibration process with respect to their potential influence on the calibration function.

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- 154 - 2.5 Device for measuring and reducing the emissions:

A description of these devices should make possible an assessment of the waste gas purification equipment and give an indication as to whether appreciable diffuse emissions of air pollutants can occur from the plant in question.

2.5.1 Device for measuring the emissions: For example, emission logging system, recording element, fan data, extraction area.

2.5.2 Device for reducing the emissions: Description in accordance with the template in the Standard Federal Emission Measurement Report, published in VDI 4220, Annex. B.

3 [<Measured object>] Description of the continuous emission monitoring instrument

Points 3 to 7 must be completed for each continuously monitored measured object. In the nomenclature, the measured objects should be placed within square brackets in the first line, e.g. 3 [NOx]. To make the details within points 3 to 7 clearer with respect to which measured object entries relate to, it is recommended that the measured object is detailed not only in the main headers, but also in the header and footer.

3.1 Sampling:

3.1.1 Position of the measurement cross section The exact position of the measurement cross section for the continuous measured object in question in the waste gas pipe system is to be indicated. The position of the measurement cross section shall be indicated in such a way that it can be unambiguously seen from the description whether the installation of the sampling point has been carried out properly.

3.1.2 Dimensions of the measurement cross section

3.1.3 Description of the sampling: Type of sampling: extractive sampling / in situ measurement (delete as appropriate) Nature of the sampling: For extractive sampling, please describe the nature of the sampling (spot, linear, grid measurement (measurement cross)). The extraction method must be described for each component in accordance with VDI 4200. Please provide information on the number of measurement axes and the position of the measuring points within the measuring cross-section. The representativeness of the measuring points must be evidenced for the purposes of calibration.

3.2 Preparation of sample gas: (not required for in situ measurements) Please describe the devices for extracting and preparing the sample of waste gas for the measured object in question. Please also include information about the temperatures of the heated sample gas lines. No description is required at this point if the measurements are in situ.

Extraction probe / dust filter: - heated:…….. °C - unheated: - manufacturer/model: - material:

Sampling line before gas treatment: - heated:…….. °C unheated: - length: ............. m

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- 155 -

- materials of gas-bearing parts: Measurement gas treatment: - measurement gas cooler, model/type: - temperature, regulated to: ………. °C

Sampling line after gas treatment: - length: ............. m - materials of gas-bearing parts:

3.3 Continuously recording measuring device: Please use this space to describe the continuously recording measuring and evaluation device used. Please give details on any aids available (test pieces, calibration gases). Please detail all device specifications (e.g. measurement range and zero point).

3.3.1 Measuring method:

3.3.2 Analyser: Manufacturer: Type: Year of manufacture: Device no.: Installation site: Ambient temperature: ………...°C Maintenance interval: Type of reference point control: automatic / manual (delete as appropriate)

3.3.3 Measuring range set:

3.3.4 Type of instrument suitability-tested: In the case of measuring devices whose suitability has not been tested, the following method parameters are to be indicated: - Influence of accompanying substances (cross-sensitivity): - Response time (90% time) - Detection limit - Zero drift - Standard deviation, where appropriate - Linearity How this data is determined should also indicated.

3.3.5 Registration device: Manufacturer: Type: Quality class: Line thickness: Advance: Display range: Measured objects logged:

3.3.6 Logbook (control book) kept: yes/no (delete as appropriate)

3.4 Emission evaluation computer: Manufacturer: Type: Year of manufacture:

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- 156 -

Instrument suitability-tested: Protection against unauthorised parameter changes: (key switch, password, date of parameter change) Installation site: Remote emission control: yes/no (delete as appropriate)

If a remote emission control system is used, please specify the system version and give details on the suitability test.

4 [<Measured object>] functional tests

4.1 Measurement instrument:

4.1.1 Date of the functional test

4.1.2 Functional test with extractive sampling: Description of the condition of the instrument: Please include details of the sample gas extraction and preparation devices in the description of the condition of the instrument. Inspection of seals: Please include details of the sample gas extraction and preparation devices used in the inspection of the seals. Please also indicate how the seals are checked. Checking of the instrument characteristic using the following test standards: In accordance with VDI 3950, part 1, e.g. test gases, test grating filters, test scales Checking the zero point drift within the maintenance period: The results, ascertained using one of the following, - logbook (control book) - recording strips - own measurements must be given, together with details on the maximum tolerance ranges.

Please indicate the determination method. Checking the reference point drift within the maintenance period: The results, ascertained using one of the following, - logbook (control book) - recording strips - own measurements must be given, together with details on the maximum tolerance ranges. Please indicate the determination method. Determination of the response time (90% time): Please give both the value and the means used to ascertain it. Checking of the cross-sensitivities: Any cross-sensitivities to other measured objects contained in the waste gas must be determined. The extent of the tests depends on the composition of the waste gas in the particular case and on the measurement method used. The report on the results should contain both the maximum tolerated cross-sensitivities and the actual cross-sensitivities ascertained.

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- 157 - Description of the test gas:

Please describe the test gas available to the plant operator. Please include details on the manufacturer, bottle number, nominal concentration – including tolerance, stability guarantee and a statement on compliance with the guarantee period. The concentrations of the operator’s own test gases should be tested, the testing method described and the results recorded.

4.1.3 Functional test for in situ measurements: Description of the condition of the instrument: This especially includes the results of the visual checks; particular attention should be paid to ascertaining the condition of the optical surfaces. The condition of any leading is also to be ascertained. Checking the zero point and the reference point as found (in waste gas duct): Please also indicate how the zero point and reference points are checked. The results of the inspections must be given, together with details on the maximum tolerance ranges. Please describe the condition of the operator’s own test standard. If these standards are checked, please describe the testing method and record the results. Checking the zero point in a stretch without any waste gas: Please also indicate how the zero point is checked. The results of the inspection must be given, together with details on the maximum tolerance ranges, e.g. in the following form: - after adjustment - after installation Please describe the condition of the operator’s own test standard. If these standards are checked, please describe the testing method and record the results. Checking the reference point in a stretch without any waste gas: Please also indicate how the reference point is checked. The results of the inspection must be given, together with details on the maximum tolerance ranges, e.g. in the following form: - after adjustment - after installation Please describe the condition of the operator’s own test standard. If these standards are checked, please describe the testing method and record the results. Checking of the instrument characteristic using the following test standards: in accordance with VDI 3950, part 1, e.g. test gases, test grating filters, test scales Determination of the response time (90% time): Please give both the value and the means used to ascertain it.

4.2 Measured value analysis system:

4.2.1 Adjustment aids: Please give details of any adjustment aids used (e.g. precision current transmitter).

Manufacturer: Type: Quality class:

4.2.2 Checking the list of parameters: Please print out and check the list of parameters. If any parameters have been changed, these should be annotated and the parameter list should be attached to the report.

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- 158 - 4.2.3 Checking the data transfer from the measuring device to the evaluation computer and checking the

conversion: Please describe the inspection method (using a precision current transmitter). Checks should be made near the limit value (limit, 1.2 x limit, 2 x limit and, if applicable, any different daily mean limits), and the signal transmission should be checked in the top and bottom quarter of the measurement range (e.g. 6 mA, 18 mA). Please compare the set values to the actual values, detail any discrepancies and comment on them. There is no need to check the classification of, for example, half-hourly means (integral part of the suitability test for emission value computers), if the distribution of the classes is dependent on a parameterised emission limit, i.e. for mixed furnaces, for example.

4.2.4 Checking the data transfer from the measuring device to the recording devices: There are no explicit requirements for this check. For practical reasons, ∀ 2 % from the end of the measurement range is the tolerance to be maintained. Please describe the inspection method (using a precision current transmitter). In the same way as for 4.2.3, checks should be made near the limit value and the signal transmission should be checked in the top and bottom quarter of the measurement range (e.g. 6 mA, 18 mA). Please compare the set values to the actual values, detail the maximum discrepancy and comment on them where necessary.

4.2.5 Checking the status signals: Please describe the method used for the checks (e.g. simulation of a measurement device error, actuating the maintenance switch, bypassing the individual status contacts). If it is not possible to simulate operating contacts for practical reasons (e.g. smoke gas purification system error), please indicate the point (terminal, control cabinet) at which the status contact was bypassed.

4.2.6 Checking the functionality of the printer:

5 [<Measured object>] sampling point for reference measurements Parts 5 to 7 of the report should only be completed for the relevant measured object if calibration is required in line with §§ 26, 28 of the 13th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance, no. 3.2 of TA Luft and § 10 of the 17th Federal Immissions Control Ordinance or if reference measurements are required in line with the functional test. Prior to calibration, the measurement devices to be calibrated should be subjected to a functional test.

5.1 Position of the measurement cross section: Under 5.1, the exact position of the measurement cross section in the waste gas pipe system is to be indicated. This also includes details of the lengths of the inlet and outlet paths. Please also indicate the position of the sampling point for the reference measurements relative to that of the sampling point(s) for the continuous measurement(s). The position of the measurement cross section shall be indicated in such a way that it can be unambiguously seen from the description whether the installation of the sampling point has been carried out in accordance with the Guideline VDI 4200. If the sampling point does not correspond to the requirements of VDI 4200, appropriate reasoning shall be given and the measures which have been taken in order to obtain acceptable measurement results shall be described.

5.2 Dimensions of the measurement cross section

5.3 Number of measurement axes and position of the measuring points in the measurement cross section: In line with the calibration measurements, the representativeness of the sampling for the continuous measuring devices should also be proven. This means that the sampling for the reference measurements must take the form of grid measurements.

When sampling from only one measurement point or on a single axis, in a questionable measurement cross section, proof of its representativeness shall be provided in a comprehensible fashion.

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- 159 - 6 [<Measured object>] sampling point for reference measurements

Not required if only one functional test is carried out.

Generally, standard discontinuous reference measurement methods are used for calibration. Under specific circumstances, mobile continuous measuring devices can be used for the purposes of calibration. Please provide a detailed description of the sampling and gas preparation methods used.

A further application relates to the determination of correction factors to improve the special and temporal representativeness for the gradual determination of the grid-related analytical function (see VDI 3950, part 1). With respect to the standard reference method to use, the minimum number of samples, etc. please refer to report 11/90 “Air pollution control: manual of continuous emissions monitoring”, issued by the Federal Ministry for the Environment and published by the Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 1990, and the VDI guidelines 3950, part 1.

The measurement apparatus and methods used shall be indicated and described. If apparatus and methods other than those examples listed here are used, the process variables must be determined and detailed. If standard reference methods are not used, please give details on the measures taken to adhere to the process variables and to compensate for errors, e.g.: - Process variables and method of determination: - Quality control measures: - Influence of accompanying substances: - Detection limit: - Uncertainty range:

6.1 Determination of the waste gas boundary conditions: If required.

6.1.1 Flow velocity: - Prandtl's Pitot tube in combination with micro-manometer, model/type: - Electronic micro-manometer, model/type - other fine differential pressure gauge, model/type: - Vane anemometer, model/type: - last check/calibration: - determination by calculation (e.g. from amount of fuel, air ratio, displacement volumes): Static pressure in waste gas stack: - U-tube manometer, model/type: - Manometer as specified in 6.1.1 with provision for the appropriate connections: - last check/calibration: Air pressure at the height of the sampling point: - barometer, model/type: - last check/calibration: waste gas temperature: - resistance thermometer, model/type: - Ni-Cr-Ni thermo-electric couple, model/type: - Hg thermometer: - other temperature measuring instruments, model/type:

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- 160 -

It should be indicated whether the temperature of the waste gas was determined continuously at a measurement point recognized as representative in the measurement cross section during the entire calibration of the plant and … • recorded by a recording device • logged by means of a data logging unit • converted into half-hour means. • last check/calibration: Proportion of water vapour in the waste gas (waste gas humidity): - Adsorption on silica gel/calcium chloride/other and subsequent gravimetric determination (delete as appropriate, add sorbent materials not listed where appropriate) - Humidity meter for gases, model/type: - Psychrometer, model/type: - Test tube for water vapour: Density of waste gas: Calculated taking into account the waste gas proportions of: - oxygen (O2) - carbon dioxide (CO2) - atmospheric nitrogen (N2 containing 0.933% of Ar) - carbon monoxide (CO) - other waste gas components such as ... - waste gas humidity (proportion of water vapour in the waste gas) - waste gas temperature and pressure in the duct

6.2 Comparative measurement method

6.2.1 Discontinuous measurement methods for gaseous measured objects Measurement method/VDI guidelines, principle of the method and sampling procedure: Sampling equipment:

Sampling probe: Material: heated/unheated/cooled (delete as appropriate)

Particle filter: Type: Material: heated/unheated (delete as appropriate)

Absorption/adsorption devices: (e.g. standard impinger, wash bottles with frits, silica gel tubes, activated carbon tubes) Sorbent: Amount of sorbent:

If appropriate, sketch of the structure of the sampling device: Distance between intake orifice of the sampling probe and the sorbent or collection element:

sample transfer (e.g. time between sampling and analysis):

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- 161 - Analytical determination:

comprehensible description of the analytical method: sample preparation: Analytical instruments: Manufacturer/model: Specific key data:

(GC columns, temperature/time programs) Standards (recovery rates): Performance characteristics and their determination, measures for quality assurance:

Influence of accompanying substances (cross-sensitivity): Detection limit: Uncertainty range:

6.2.2 Continuous measurement methods for gaseous measured objects: Measurement method/VDI guideline: Analyser: Manufacturer: Type: Measuring range set: Type of instrument suitability-tested: If instruments whose suitability for the measurement task has been tested are available, these must be used. In the case of measuring devices whose suitability has not been tested, the following method parameters are to be indicated: - influence of accompanying substances (cross-sensitivity): - response time (90% time) - detection limit - zero drift - standard deviation, where appropriate - linearity How this data is determined is also to be indicated. Measurement location design: Sampling probe: heated: ................. °C unheated:

Dust filter: heated: ................. °C unheated:

Sampling line before gas treatment: heated: ................. °C unheated: length: …………m Sampling line after gas treatment: length: …………m Materials of construction of gas-carrying parts: Measurement gas treatment: Measurement gas cooler, model/type: Temperature, regulated to: ................. °C Desiccant (e.g. silica gel):

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- 162 - Checking of the instrument characteristic using the following test gases:

Zero gas: Test gas: .............. mg/m³ Manufacturer: Date of manufacture: Stability guarantee: ……….months Certified: yes ( ) no ( ) Test gas concentration checked by................ on................ 90% response time of the overall measuring apparatus: How this value was determined is also to be described. Recording of the measured values:

Continuous by means of a pen recorder - Line thickness: - Quality class: - Model/type:

Using a measured value logging system (computer), model/type: Logging software:

6.2.3 Discontinuous measurement methods for particulate measured objects: Measuring method:

Guideline VDI 2066, part …… , date: ………… Principle of the method: Sampling apparatus:

Plane filter/filter head with quartz wool sleeve / combination Plane filter / filter head (delete as appropriate) Other adsorption devices: heated/unheated (delete as appropriate) internal in duct / external on duct (delete as appropriate) Design/material: Sampling probe: Material: heated/unheated (delete as appropriate) If appropriate, sketch of the structure of the sampling device:

Information on the collection medium: - Material: - Sheet diameter and/or pore diameter: - Manufacturer/type: Processing and evaluation of the collection medium:

Drying temperature of the collection medium before and after exposure: ....... °C Drying time of the collection medium before and after exposure: ....... h Air-conditioned weighing room: yes ( ) no ( ) - Balance: - Manufacturer: - Type:

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- 163 - Performance characteristics and their determination, measures for quality assurance:

Influence of accompanying substances (cross-sensitivity): Detection limit: Uncertainty range:

7 [<Measured object>] determination of analytical function Not required if only one functional test is carried out. The following information must be provided for each measuring device to be calibrated. All the measurement results and the calculations based on them must be clearly presented.

7.1 Presentation of measurement results: Both the measured devices obtained using the measurement device to be calibrated and the concentrations ascertained in parallel using the standard reference or comparative measurement method must be presented in table form. The table should also include the sampling times. If the analytical function is determined gradually, the correction factors used to improve the spatial representativeness must be evidenced by providing measured values (grid measurements). Please describe whether the whole measurement range required for the continuous monitoring (e.g. range up to double the limit defined in the letter of approval) could be logged. If this was not possible, please present and justify the method chosen with reference to VDI 3950, part 1. Example presentation of measured values in table form:

Table 7.1a: Results of comparative measurements on 11 April 2000 No.

Meas. Time Length of Device

displayMass concentration determined

using comparative method Comment on

plant operation from - to meas.


mA non-

standardised mg/m³



1 09.00-10.00 30 6.72 50 53 Normal operation

2 10.05-10.35 30 7.53 47 50 Normal operation

3 10.45-11.15 30 7.37 52 59 Normal operation

4 11.40-12.10 30 9.36 56 63 Normal operation

5 14.10-14.40 30 17.10 170 192 2 filter hoses removed

7.2 Presentation of the regression line including the tolerance and confidence intervals: The results must be presented as a formula in accordance with VDI 3950, part 1 and in graph form. Please detail the calculation method selected (linear, quadratic regression, statistical safety, etc.).

8 Operating conditions of the plant during the calibration Not required if only one functional test is carried out. Information on how the individual data has been obtained must be given; e.g. operator information or own investigations. The operating data of the production plant and the waste gas purification system(s) must be presented on a time-related basis. Please indicate clearly which measures were taken to ensure adequate waste gas concentrations in the measurement range(s) for the measured object in question during calibration.

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- 164 - 8.1 Production plant:

Materials / fuels used during calibration: Operating state (e.g. normal operation, charging, start-up, representative operating state, etc.) during calibration. Throughput/output (process data, steam, etc.) during calibration: Products: Other characteristic operating parameters (e.g. pressures, temperatures):

8.2 Waste gas purification units: (see Appendix 1)

A description of the waste gas purification systems is to be attached to the report in accordance with the template in the Standard Federal Emission Measurement Report, published in VDI 4220, Annex. B.

Operating data (e.g. power drawn, pH, purification efficiency): Operating temperature: Parameters influencing emissions (e.g. purification cycles, pH, temperature of thermal combustion unit, operating time of the catalyst): Particular features of waste gas purification (e.g. in-house construction, additional water injection):

9 Electronic evaluation system

The inspections detailed in chapter 9 are required every 3 or 5 years. If only the electronic evaluation system is tested, please also include the details specified in Chapter 3.4.

Manufacturer: Type: Installation site:

9.1 Assignment of analogue and digital signals:

9.1.1 Analogue signals: Please give details on the analogue inputs for the individual measured objects by referring to Chapter 4.2 or 9.2, and specify analogue signals not detailed elsewhere (e.g. analogue outputs) here.

9.1.2 Digital signals: Digital inputs: Please detail the assignment of the digital input numbers to the elements generating signals and the messages. Digital outputs: Please detail the assignment of the digital output numbers to the messages.

9.2 Parameterising of the analysis system

9.2.1 Emission components: Please enter the parameters entered into the analysis system for each emission component; specifically the analogue input number, regression parameters, confidence and tolerance ranges, measurement ranges, limits, plausibility limits, integration time, reference values for oxygen, and if applicable temperature, humidity and pressure, and substitute values.

9.2.2 Reference and other measured values: Please enter the parameters entered into the analysis system for each reference and other measured value; specifically the analogue input number, regression parameters, measurement ranges, plausibility limits, integration time, reference values for oxygen, and if applicable temperature, humidity and pressure.

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- 165 - 9.2.3 Additional details on parameterisation:

Please use this space to detail explanatory notes on the parameterisation, specifically the source of regression parameters, plant-specific calculation operations, constants, sliding calculation of emission limits for mixed furnaces, etc.

9.2.4 Operating modes handled by the evaluation system: Details must be provided of the operating modes between which a distinction is made (e.g. start-up and / shutdown mode, failure of waste gas purification device, etc.); also information on the generation /reset criteria for the relevant status signals and the resulting classification of the individual components. If the generation / reset criteria are made up of complex series of individual criteria, a signal flow-chart should be attached as an appendix to the report.

9.3 Functional test of the analysis system:

9.3.1 Adjustment aids: Please give details of any adjustment aids used (e.g. precision current transmitter).

Manufacturer: Type: Quality class:

9.3.2 Checking the list of parameters: Please print out and check the list of parameters. If any parameters have been changed, these should be annotated and the parameter list should be attached to the report.

9.3.3 Checking the data transfer from the measuring device to the evaluation computer and checking the conversion:

Please describe the inspection method (using a precision current transmitter). Checks should be made near the limit value (limit, 1.2 x limit, 2 x limit and, if applicable, any different daily mean limits), and the signal transmission should be checked in the top and bottom quarter of the measurement range (e.g. 6 mA, 18 mA). Please compare the set values to the actual values, detail any discrepancies and comment on them. There is no need to check the classification of, for example, half-hourly means (integral part of the suitability test for emission value computers), if the distribution of the classes is dependent on a parameterised emission limit, i.e. for mixed furnaces, for example.

9.3.4 Checking the data transfer from the measuring device to the recording devices: There are no explicit requirements for this check. For practical reasons, ± 2% from the end of the measurement range is the tolerance to be maintained. Please describe the inspection method (using a precision current transmitter). In the same way as for 4.2.3, checks should be made near the limit value and the signal transmission should be checked in the top and bottom quarter of the measurement range (e.g. 6 mA, 18 mA). Please compare the set values to the actual values, detail the maximum discrepancy and comment on them where necessary.

9.3.5 Checking the status signals: Please describe the method used for the checks (e.g. simulation of a measurement device error, actuating the maintenance switch, bypassing the individual status contacts, etc.). If it is not possible to simulate operating contacts for practical reasons (e.g. smoke gas purification system error), please indicate the point (terminal, control cabinet) at which the status contact was bypassed.

9.3.6 Checking the functionality of the printer:

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- 166 - 10 Presentation of the measurement results and discussion

10.1 Summary of the results of the functional tests:

10.2 Summary of the results and plausibility test for the calibrations: Not required if only one functional test is carried out. It is important that the overall result is compared to the results of previous calibrations. Example presentation of results in table form:

Table 10.2: Parameterising of the analysis system Measured

object Parameter Old Old measurement

range Parameter New New measurement

range Dust B


2.35 -8.71

0.4 to 74.8 mg/m³ B C


2.12 -8.23


-0.2 to 64 mg/m³

Total C B C

1.75 -7.5

0 to 30 mg/m³ B C


1.875 -7.5


0 to 30 mg/m³


5.62 -22.5

0 to 90 mg/m³ B C


5.62 -22.5


0 to 90 mg/m³

If the evaluation system is parameterised within the framework of another measurement report or at another time, the requirements with respect to parameterisation resulting from the calibration carried out should be included at the end of the report.

10.3 Summary of the results of the inspection of the electronic evaluation system:

11 Annex - the results of the measurements and calculations (all the individual results for the measured object

in question and the auxiliary parameters necessary for the determination) are to be presented in tabular form:

- parameter lists (if parameters have been changed) - computer printout (if parameters have been changed) - signal flow charts (if the generation and reset criteria for the individual operating modes are

relatively complex) - Annexes 1 and 2 based on the templates in Annexes 1 and 2 of the Standard Federal Emission

Measurement Report in VDI 4220, Annex B.

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8 Annex 2: List of suitability tested and announced measuring devices for emission measurements and electronic evaluation systems

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- 168 -

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Dust concentration

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer / Distribution Year No. Page RM 41 *) Sick 1985, 22, 446 RM 41-03 *) Sick 1990, 12, 230 Beta-Staubmeter F 50 und F 60 *) VEREWA 1985, 22, 446 GM 21 *) Sick 1990, 12, 230 KTN Sigrist Photometer 1990, 12, 231 RM 46 *) Sick 1985, 22, 446 D-R 280-10 DURAG 1990, 12, 230 KTNR Sigrist Photometer 1990, 12, 231 RM 41-07 *) Sick 1987, 24, 417 INTRAS D *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 231 FH 62 E-NA FAG Kugelfischer 1990, 20, 399 Beta-Staubmeter F-904 VEREWA 1990, 20, 399 RM 30 Sick 1990, 34, 860 RM 200 Sick 1992, 32, 794 1994, 28, 868 D-R 300-40 DURAG 1992, 45, 1140 1993, 43, 862 KTNR Sigrist 1992, 45, 1140 KTNRM Sigrist 1993, 26, 467 LPS-E Becker Verfahrenstechnik 1993, 26, 469 CPM 2000 Anacon 1993, 43, 862 D-R 300-40 DURAG 1995, 33, 701 RM 210 Sick 1996, 28, 590 RM 200 oder RM 210 mit Bypass-System Sick 1996, 28, 590 Verewa Beta-Staubmeter F 904 mit DURAG D-MS-285

Verewa 1997, 29, 464

CTNR Sigrist 1998, 1, 8 CPM 1001 / CPM 5001 BHA 1998, 1, 8 PFM 97 für Staub und Abgasvolumenstrom Födisch 1998, 45, 947 4500 MK II Land Combustion, UK 1999, 33, 719 DT 270 / 770 PCME, UK / Bühler Mess- u.

Regeltechnik 1999, 33, 719

EP 1000 Modell 1300 OLDHAM France / Grimm Labortechnik

1999, 33, 719

PFM 97 W für Staub und Abgasgeschwindigkeit Födisch 2000, 22, 444 FW 101 Sick Engineering 2000, 60, 1192FW 102 Sick AG 200, 60, 1192OMD 41-02/OMD 41.03 Sick AG 200, 60, 1195

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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- 169 -

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Waste gas opacity

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. Page RM 61 *) Sick 1985, 22, 447 D-R 216-40 oder 41 DURAG 1990, 12, 231 RM 61-03 *) Sick 1990, 12, 231 D-R 216-45 bis 48 DURAG 1990, 12, 232 KTNR-M-RZ 1 Sigrist Photometer 1990, 34, 860 RM 100 *) Sick 1990, 34, 860 D-R 300 DURAG 1991, 37, 1045 OF 1200 VEREWA 1993, 26, 468 FW 56-I Sick 1996, 8, 188 OMD 41-02/OMD 41-03 Sick 1996, 8, 188 FW 56-I mit Messlanze Sick 1996, 28, 591 RM 210-S Sick 1996, 28, 591 CT NR-RZ 1 Sigrist Process Photometer 1998, 20, 418 Filterwächter PFM 92C Födisch 1998, 45, 946

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 14.07.2000

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Dust (qualitatively) emission limit control

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. Page DT-270 und DT-770 Bühler Mess- und Regeltechnik 1995, 33, 701 Filterwächter PFM 92 Födisch Umweltmesstechnik 1996, 28, 591 FW 56 DT Sick 1996, 8, 188 FW 56 DT mit Messlanze Sick 1996, 28, 591 Filterwächter D-FW 230 und D-FW 231 DURAG 1999, 22, 445 Dustalert 60 PCME, UK / Bühler Mess- und

Regeltechnik 1999, 22, 445

Goyen EMP 5 Goyen Controls Deutschland 2000 22 443 Dustalert 60 A PCME, UK / Bühler Mess- und

Regeltechnik 2000 22 443

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Sulphur dioxide

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. Page Mikrogas-MSK-SO2- E 1 *) Wösthoff Messtechnik 1985, 22, 448 Ultramat 2 *) Siemens 1985, 22, 448 UNOR 6 N-R Maihak 1990, 12, 232 GM 21 *) Sick 1990, 12, 232 URAS 3 G Hartmann & Braun 1992, 45, 1140 URAS 3 E *) Hartmann & Braun 1985, 22, 448 Modell 2225 Measurex 1990, 12, 232 Ultramat 32 *) Siemens 1985, 22, 449 Ultramat 3 *) Siemens 1985, 22, 449 SO2-UV Binos Leybold / Rosemount 1990, 12, 232 UNOR 6 N-F Maihak 1990, 12, 232 SO2-UV Berlina Leybold / Auergesellschaft 1990, 12, 233 URAS 3 K/Magnos 3 K *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 233 Ultramat 21 P/22 P Siemens 1990, 12, 233 Mikrogas-SO2 Wösthoff 1990, 12, 233 Infralyt 1210 VEB Junkalor/Afriso-Euro-Index 1990, 12, 233 Spectran 647 IR *) Bodenseewerk Gerätetechnik 1990, 12, 233 UNOR 6 N SO2 *) Maihak 1990, 12, 234 DEFOR 3 *) Maihak 1990, 20, 399 1993, 26, 468 GM 30 Sick 1990, 20, 399 Ultramat 5 Siemens 1990, 12, 233 1993, 43, 862 DEFOR 3 mit MZE 2 Maihak 1992, 32, 794 MCS 100 HW Perkin-Elmer 1991, 37, 1047 MCS 100 CD Perkin-Elmer 1991, 37, 1047 1996, 42, 882 OPSIS AR 602 Z Opsis AB 1991, 37, 1047 1996, 42, 882 Mikrogas HCl/SO2 Typ MSE Wösthoff Messtechnik 1992, 45, 1142 URAS 3 GH SO2 *) Hartmann & Braun 1993, 26, 468 UNOR 600 Maihak 1993, 26, 468 UNOR 610 Maihak 1993, 26, 468 1996, 42, 882 UNOR 610 für CO, NO, SO2 Maihak 1997, 29, 465 UNOR 610 für CO, NO, SO2 Maihak 1998, 1, 9 URAS 10 E Hartmann & Braun 1993, 26, 470 1993, 43, 863 URAS 10 P Hartmann & Braun 1993, 26, 470 1993, 43, 863 URAS 4 Hartmann & Braun 1994, 28, 868

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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- 171 - Measured object: Sulphur dioxide (continued)

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageRADAS 2 für NO u. SO2 Hartmann & Braun 1994, 28, 869 RADAS 2 mit Lampe EDL 1996, 42, 883 ENDA 1000 Horiba 1994, 28, 869 GM 30-02 Sick 1995, 7, 131 CEMAS NDIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 188 GM 30-5 Sick 1995, 33, 702 GM 30-2 Sick 1995, 33, 702 GM 30-5 P Sick 1995, 33, 702 GM 30-2 P Sick 1995, 33, 702 URAS 4 Hartmann & Braun 1996, 28, 591 Advanced CEMAS FTIR Hartmann & Braun 1996, 28, 592 MULTOR 610 Maihak 1996, 28, 593 1996, 42, 882 MULTOR 610 für CO, NO, SO2 Maihak 1997, 29, 465 1998, 1, 9 ENDA 600 für NO, SO2,CO, O2 Horiba 1996, 42, 882 GM 31-1 Sick 1997, 29, 464 GM 31-2 für SO2 und NO Sick 1997, 29, 464 XENTRA 4900 für SO2 und NO Servomex 1997, 29, 465 BINOS 1004 M für CO, SO2,O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1997, 29, 465 Advance Cemas-NDIR mit Uras 14 für CO, SO2, NO, O2

Hartmann & Braun 1998, 1, 9

Advance Optima Uras 14 für CO, SO2, NO, O2 Hartmann & Braun 1998, 1, 9 ULTRAMAT 23-7 MB233 für CO, NO, SO2, O2 Siemens 1998, 1, 9 testo 360-3 für CO, SO2, NO, NO2, CO2 Testo 1998, 45, 946 DEFOR 615 / 615 EX Maihak 1999, 22, 445 NGA 2000 MLT 1 für SO2, NO, O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 22, 445 NGA 2000 MLT 1 für SO2, NO, O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 33, 720 NGA 2000 MLT 4 für CO, SO2, NO, NO2, und O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 22, 446 MCS 100 CD für CO, SO2, NO, NO2, CO2 Bodenseewerk Perkin Elmer 1999, 22, 446 CEDOR für CO, SO2, NO, NH3, HCl, HO2 Maihak 1999, 22, 446 Ultramat 6 E/F, Oxymat 6 E/F und Ultramat/Oxymat 6 E/F für SO2, NO, CO,und O2

Siemens 1999, 22, 447

Ultramat 23-7MB für CO, SO2, NO, NO2, CO2 Siemens 1999, 22, 447 MCS 100 E HW für SO2, NO, CO, CO2, HCl, NH3, O2 und H2O

Sick 1999, 33, 721

MCS 100 E PD SO2, NO, NO2, CO, CO2, HCl, O2 Sick 1999, 33, 721 AR 602 Z für SO2, NO2, und NH3 OPSIS, Schweden 1999, 33, 721 AR 650 für HCl, CO und H2O OPSIS, Schweden 1999, 33, 721 Advance Optima Limas 11-UV für NO, SO2 und 02 ABB Automation 2000, 60, 1193

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Nitrogen oxides

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageModell 951 Beckmann/Rosemount 1990, 12, 234 RADAS 1 G *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 234 1993, 43, 863 RADAS 1 E *) Hartmann & Braun 1986, 34, 643 1995, 22, 449 Modell 2225 Measurex 1990, 12, 234 Ultramat 32 *) Siemens 1985, 22, 450 UNOR 4 N-NO *) Maihak 1985, 22, 450 UNOR 6 N-NO Maihak 1990, 12, 235 UNOR 6 N-F Maihak 1990, 12, 234 NO-IR Binos Leybold/Rosemount 1990, 12, 234 Ultramat 21 P/22 P Siemens 1990, 12, 235 NO2-UV-Binos Leybold/Rosemount 1990, 12, 235 NOx-Monitor 4000 AEG 1990, 12, 235 Spectran 647 IR *) Bodenseewerk Gerätetechnik 1990, 12, 235 URAS 3 G/K NO *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 235 UNOR 6 N NO Maihak 1990, 12, 235 GM 30 Sick 1990, 20, 399 Ultramat 5 Siemens 1990, 12, 235 1993, 43, 862 CLD 700 El ht ECO Physics AG 1992, 32, 794 1994, 28, 868 MSI 5600 MSI Elektronik 1992, 32, 794 MCS 100 HW Perkin-Elmer 1991, 37, 1047MCS 100 CD Perkin-Elmer 1991, 37, 1047 1996, 42, 883 OPSIS AR 602-Z Opsis AB 1991, 37, 1047RADAS 1 G m.NO-Kalibr.Kuvet. *) Hartmann & Braun 1992, 45, 1141RADAS 1 G mit Lampe EDL Hartmann & Braun 1996, 42, 883 UNOR 600 Maihak 1993, 26, 468 UNOR 610 Maihak 1993, 26, 468 UNOR 610 für CO, NO, SO2 Maihak 1997, 29, 465 1998, 1, 9 URAS 10 E Hartmann & Braun 1993, 26, 470 1993, 43, 863 URAS 10 P Hartmann & Braun 1993, 26, 470 1993, 43, 863 BINOS 1004 Rosemount 1993, 43, 862 1994, 28, 868 ENDA 1000 HORIBA 1993, 43, 864 1994, 28, 868

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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- 173 - Measured object: Nitrogen oxides (continued)

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageRADAS 2 für NO Hartmann & Braun 1994, 28, 868 RADAS 2 mit Lampe EDL Hartmann & Braun 1996, 42, 883 GM 30-02 Sick 1995, 7, 131 1995, 33, 702 GM 30-5 Sick 1995, 33, 702 GM 30-5 P Sick 1995, 33, 702 GM 30-2 P Sick 1995, 33, 702 CEMAS NDIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 189 CEMAS FTIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 188 MULTOR 610 Maihak 1996, 28, 593 1996, 42, 882 MULTOR 610 für CO, NO,SO2 Maihak 1997, 29, 465 1998, 1, 9 ENDA 600 Horiba 1996, 42, 882 OPSIS AR 602 Z OPSIS 1996, 42, 882 OPSIS AR 650 OPSIS 1996, 42, 882 GM 31-4 Sick 1997, 29, 464 GM 31-2 für SO2 und NO Sick 1997, 29, 464 XENTRA 4900 für SO2 u.NO Servomex 1997, 29, 465 Advance Cemas-NDIR mit Uras 14 für CO, SO2, NO, O2

Hartmann & Braun 1998, 1, 9

Advance Optima Uras 14 für CO, SO2, NO, O2 Hartmann & Braun 1998, 1, 9 ULTRAMAT 23-7MBR33 für CO, NO, SO2, O2 Siemens 1998, 1, 9 1999, 22, 447 FGA 950 E für CO, NO, O2 Land Combustion 1998, 45, 947 testo 360-3 für CO, SO2, NO, NO2, O2 Testo 1998, 45, 946 NGA 200 CLD Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 22, 445 NGA 2000 MLT1 für SO2, NO, O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 22, 445 1999, .., ... NGA MLT 4 für CO, SO2, NO, NO2, O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 22, 446 1999, .., ... CEDOR für CO, SO2, NO, NH3, HCL, und H2O Maihak 1999, 22, 446 Ultramat 6E/F, Oxymat 5E/F und Ultramat/Oxymat 6 E/F für CO, SO2, NO, O2

Siemens 1999, 22, 447

MCS 100 E HW für SO2, NO, CO, CO2, HCl, NH3, O2, und H2O

Sick 1999, 33, 721

MCS 100 E PD für SO2, NO, NO2,CO, CO2, HCl, O2,

Sick 1999, 33, 720

AR 602 Z für SO2, NO2 und NH3 OPSIS, 1999, 33, 721 Advance Optima Limas 11-UV für NO, SO2 und 02 ABB Automation 2000, 60, 1193

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Carbon monoxide

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageUNOR 5 N-CO *) Maihak 1985, 22, 450 URAS 3 G Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 235 URAS 3 E *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 235 Ultramat 1 *) Siemens 1985, 22, 451 Ultramat 2 *) Siemens 1985, 22, 451 Ultramat 32 *) Siemens 1985, 22, 451 UNOR 6 N-CO Maihak 1990, 12, 236 UNOR 6 N-F Maihak 1990, 12, 236 CO-IR Binos Leybold/Rosemount 1990, 12, 236 CO-IR Berlina Leybold/Auergesellschaft 1990, 12, 236 URAS 3 K/Magnos 3 K *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 236 Ultramat 21 P/22 P Siemens 1990, 12, 236 IR Mod. 864 Beckmann/Rosemount 1990, 12, 236 Infralyt 1210 VEB Junkalor/Afriso-Euro Index 1990, 12, 237 Spectran 647 IR *) Bodenseewerk Gerätetechnik Ultramat 5 Siemens 1990, 12, 237 1993, 43, 863 URAS 3 G Hartmann & Braun 1991, 20, 526 Sick GM 900/Modell 9200 Sick 1992, 32, 794 MSI 5600 MSI Elektronik 1992, 32, 794 MCS 100 HW Perkin-Elmer 1991, 37, 1047 MCS 100 CD Perkin-Elmer 1991, 37, 1047 1996, 42, 883 UNOR 600 Maihak 1993, 26, 468 UNOR 610 Maihak 1993, 26, 469 UNOR 610 für CO, NO, SO2 Maihak 1997, 29, 465 1998, 1, 9 URAS 10 E Hartmann & Braun 1993, 26, 470 1993, 43, 863 URAS 10 P Hartmann & Braun 1993, 26, 470 1993, 43, 863 URAS 4 Hartmann & Braun 1993, 43, 863 ENDA 1000 HORIBA 1993, 43, 864 1994, 28, 869 Infralyt 1210/1211 Junkalor 1995, 33, 701 CEMAS NDIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 189 CEMAS FTIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 188 OPSIS AR 650 OPSIS AB 1996, 28, 592

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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- 175 - Measured object: Carbon monoxide (continued)

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageMULTOR 610 Maihak 1996, 28, 593 1996, 42, 883 MULTOR 610 für CO, NO, SO2 Maihak 1997, 29, 465 1998, 1, 9 XENTRA 4900 Servomex 1996, 28, 593 GM 910 Sick 1996, 42, 883 BINOS 100 M für CO, O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1996, 42, 883 UNOR 611 für CO, O2 Maihak 1996, 42, 883 OPSIS AR 650 OPSIS 1996, 42, 882 ENDA 600 für NO, SO2,CO, O2 Horiba 1996, 42, 883 CEMAS FTIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 188 BINOS 1004 M für CO, SO2,O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1997, 29, 465 Advance Cemas-NDIR mit Uras 14 für CO, SO2, NO, O2

Hartmann & Braun 1998, 1, 9

Advance Optima Uras 14 für CO, SO2, NO, O2

Hartmann & Braun 1998, 1, 9

ULTRAMAT 23-7MBR33 für CO, NO, SO2, O2

Siemens 1998, 1, 9

testo 360-3 für CO, SO2, NO, NO2, O2 Testo 1998, 45, 946 FGA 950 E für CO, NO, O2 Land Combustion 1998, 45, 947 NGA 2000 MLT 4 für SO2, NO, NO2, CO, O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 22, 446 NGA 2000 MLT 4 für SO2, NO, NO2, CO, O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, .., ... CEDOR für SO2, NO, CO, NH3, HCl, H2O Maihak 1999, 22, 446 Ultramat 6E/F, Oxymat 6E/F und Ultramat/ Oxymat 6E/F für SO2, CO, NO, O2

Siemens 1999, 22, 447

MCS 100 E HW für SO2, CO, NO, O2, HCl, NH3 , CO2

Sick 1999, 33, 720

MCS 100 E PD für SO2, CO, NO, NO2, O2, HCl, CO2

Sick 1999, 33, 721

AR 650 für HCl, CO, H2O OPSIS, Schweden 1999, 33, 721

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 14.07.2000

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Inorganic gaseous chlorine compounds

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageSensimeter G *) Bran + Luebbe 1990, 12, 237 Spektran 677 IR Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer 1990, 12, 237 ECOMETER HCl (0-2000 mg/m3) Bran + Luebbe 1990, 12, 238 ECOMETER HCl (0- 200 mg/m3) Bran + Luebbe 1990, 12, 238 Mikrogas HCl Wösthoff Messtechnik 1990, 12, 238 ECOMETER HCl mit Microcomputer AC 85 Bran + Luebbe 1991, 37, 1045MCS 100 HW Perkin-Elmer 1991, 37, 1047 1994, 28, 870 Mikrogas HCl/SO2 Typ MSE Wösthoff Messtechnik 1992, 45, 1142 1993, 43, 864 Monitor 90 Ecometer (HCl) Bran + Luebbe 1995, 7, 131 CEMAS FTIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 188 OPSIS AR 650 OPSIS AB 1996, 28, 592 1996, 42, 882 1015 (15C/EGC100) Ysselbach 1996, 42, 881 CEDOR für SO2, NO, CO, NH3, HCl, H2O Maihak 1999, 22, 446 Lasergas Monitor HCl Norsk Elektro Optikk AIS, Norwegen 1999, 33, 719 MCS 100 E HW für SO2, NO, CO, CO2, HCl, NH3, O2 und H2O

Sick 1999, 33, 720

MCS 100 E PD für SO2, NO, NO2, CO, CO2, HCl, O2

Sick 1999, 33, 721

AR 650 für HCl, CO und H2O OPSIS, Schweden 1999, 33, 721 Laser Gas Monitor HCl Norsk Elektro Optik / Bernt 2000, 22, 444

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Inorganic gaseous fluorine compounds

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageSensimeter G *) Bran + Luebbe 1990, 12, 237 COMPUR Ionotox HF *) Bayer Diagnostic 1990, 20, 399 Monitor 90 Ecometer Bran + Luebbe 1996, 8, 188

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Hydrogen sulphide

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageMonocolor 1001 *) Maihak 1985, 22, 451

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Phenol

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageOPSIS AR 602 Z OPSIS AB 1994, 28, 869

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Formaldehyde

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageOPSIS AR 602 Z OPSIS AB 1994, 28, 869 1998, 1, 8

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Organic compounds as total carbon

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageKM 2-CnHm-Em-ADOS ADOS 1990, 12, 238 FIDAMAT I Siemens 1990, 12, 238 FIDAMAT K Siemens 1990, 12, 238 FIDAS 2 T *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 239 BA 3004 Bernath Atomic 1990, 12, 239 BA 3001 Bernath Atomic 1990, 12, 239 FIDAS 2 T (0-50 mg/m3) *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 239 Compur FID Bayer Diagnostic/Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 239 FIDAS 3 E Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 239 1992, 45, 1141BA 3002 RC Bernath Atomic 1990, 20, 400 1991, 37, 1046 1993, 26, 459 BA 3006 Bernath Atomic 1996, 8, 188 FID VE 7 J.U.M. Engineering 1990, 34, 860 1993, 26, 469 FIDAMAT K-M 52044-A10 *) Siemens 1990, 34, 861 TESTA FID 123 TESTA 1992, 45, 1141Compur Multi-FID 100 E 17 Bayer Diagnostic/Hartmann & Braun 1992, 45, 1141Compur Multi-FID 100 FE 17 (ohne Entnahmeleitung)

Bayer Diagnostic/Hartmann & Braun 1992, 45, 1141

Compur MICRO-FID 100 Hartmann & Braun 1993, 43, 863 RS 55 T Ratfisch Analysensysteme 1994, 28, 868 FIDAMAT 5 E Siemens 1995, 33, 702 FID 123, 123 I, 3001 W TESTA 1996, 28, 591 FID 3-200, FID 3-300 A J.U.M. 1996, 28, 591 Thermo FID Mess- u. Anlagentechnik 1997, 29, 464 Advance Optima Multi FID-14 Hartmann & Braun 1998, 20, 418 NGA 2000 TFID Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 33, 720 FID 2010 T, FID 1230 Modul TESTA 2000, 60, 1193

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Ammonia

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageSensimeter G *) Bran + Luebbe 1990, 12, 237 COMPUR Ionotox HF *) Bayer Diagnostic 1990, 20, 399 Monitor 90 Ecometer Bran + Luebbe 1996, 8, 188

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Mercury

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageOPSIS AR 602 Z OPSIS AB 1994, 289, 869 1996, 42, 882 HG MAT II Seefelder Messtechnik 1995, 7, 101 HGMAT 2.1 Seefelder Messtechnik 1998, 20, 418 HM 1400 VEREWA 1996, 28, 592 HG 2000 SEMTECH AB 1996, 28, 592 MERCEM Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer 1996, 28, 592 SM 3 Quecksilbermonitor Mercury Instrument und IMT

Innovative Messtechnik 1999, 33, 720

Hg 2010 SEMTECH AB 2000, 60, 1193Hg-CEM Seefelder Messtechnik 2000, 60, 1193 *) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Oxygen

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageServomex OA 540/540 E Bühler Mess- und Regeltechnik 1990, 12, 239 Servomex 700 B Bühler Mess- und Regeltechnik 1990, 12, 239 Magnos 3/3 K *) Hartmann & Braun 1990, 12, 240 Oxymat 5 Siemens 1990, 12, 240 DIRAS 218 Westinghouse/Rosemount 1990, 20, 400 Magnos 6 G Hartmann & Braun 1990, 34, 861 LS1/LU2 Asea Brown Boveri 1990, 20, 526 MSI 5600 MSI Elektronik 1992, 32, 794 OXITEC SME-11 ENOTEC 1992, 32, 795 Oxor 6 N/600 Maihak 1992, 32, 795 Oxor 610 Maihak 1996, 8, 189 Helox 3 MBE Elektronic 1992, 32, 795 Oxygor 6 N Maihak 1992, 32, 795 OXYNOS 100 Rosemount 1992, 32, 795 LS1/LU2 (In situ) Asea Brown Boveri 1991, 37, 1046PMA 30 M & C Products Analysentechnik 1992, 45, 1142PMA 10/20 M & C Products Analysentechnik 1992, 45, 1142DIRAS 500/2250/2251 Westinghouse Controlmatic 1992, 45, 1142URAS 10 E Hartmann & Braun 1993, 26, 470 1993, 43, 863 ENDA 1000 HORIBA 1993, 43, 864 1994, 28, 869 EXA OXY Modell ZA 8 Yokogawa Deutschland 1993, 43, 864 O2-Analysensystem Modell 3000 Rosemount 1993, 43, 864 ZFG 2/ZMT ABB Kent-Taylor 1994, 28, 870 OXITEC SME 3 (insitu), und OXITEC 500 SME 3 (extraktiv)

ENOTEC 1994, 28, 870

CEMAS NDIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 189 ZIROX-K 10 ZIROX Sensoren & Elektronik 1995, 33, 702 Multor 610 Maihak 1996, 28, 593 1996, 42, 882 XENTRA 4900 Servomex 1996, 28, 593 BINOS 1004 M für CO, SO2,O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1997, 29, 465 Thermox WDG-IV AMETEK 1997, 29, 465 Thermox WDG-HP/II AMETEK 1997, 29, 465 Advance Optima Magnos 16 Hartmann & Braun 1997, 29, 465 Advance Cemas-NDIR mit Uras 14 für CO, SO2, NO, O2

Hartmann & Braun 1998, 1, 9

Advance Optima Uras 14 für CO, SO2, NO, O2 Hartmann & Braun 1998, 1, 9 ULTRAMAT 23-7MBR33 für CO, NO, SO2, O2 Siemens 1998, 1, 9 Siemens 1999, 22, 447 LS1/LT1 LAMTEC 1998, 20, 419 FGA 950 E für CO, NO, O2 Land Combustion 1998, 45, 947

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- 181 - Measured object: Oxygen (continued)

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageOxy Sys 2200 Marathon Monitors 1998, 45, 947 testo 360-3 für CO, SO2, NO, NO2, O2 Testo 1998, 45, 946 NGA 2000 MLT 1 für SO2, NO, und O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 22, 465 NGA 2000 MLT 1 für SO2, NO, und O2 Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 33, 720 NGA 2000 MLT 4 für SO2, NO, NO2, CO, und O2

Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 22, 466

NGA 2000 MLT 4 für SO2, NO, NO2, CO, und O2

Fisher-Rosemount 1999, 33, 720

Ultramat 6E/F, Oxymat 6 E/F und Ultramat/ Oxymat 6 E/F für SO2, NO, CO, O2

Siemens 1999, 22, 467

OXYGEN MONITOR O2000 mit Sonde Modell 502

OPSIS, Schweden 1999, 22, 447

Konverter ZRM mit Detektor ZFK Fuji Electric, Japan 1999, 22, 447 Konverter ZRY mit Detektor ZFK Fuji Electric, Japan 1999, 33, 722 MCS 100 E HW für SO2, NO, CO, CO2, HCl, NH3, O2, und H2O

Sick 1999, 33, 720

MCS 100 E PD für SO2, NO, NO2, CO, CO2, HCl, O2,

Sick 1999, 33, 721

XENDOS 2700 Servomex 1999, 33, 722 Analysator 570 A Servomex 1999, 33, 722 Analysator ZDT mit Sonde ZFG 2 ABB Instrumentation, UK 1999, 33, 722 Oxitec 5000 / SME 5 Enotec 2000, 22, 444 Advance Optima Limas 11-UV für NO, SO2 und 02 ABB Automation 2000, 60, 1193AMS 3220 AMS 2000, 60, 1194g 1200 Land Combustion 2000, 60, 1194

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Humidity

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageHygrophil-h 4220 PO25 Ultrakust electronic 1991, 20, 526 MCS 100 HW Perkin-Elmer 1991, 37, 1047 1994, 28, 870 OPSIS AR 602 Z OPSIS AB 1993, 26, 470 1996, 42, 882 ZA 8 F Yokogawa 1994, 28, 870 CEMAS FTIR Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 1996, 8, 188 OPSIS AR 650 OPSIS AB 1996, 28, 592 1996, 42, 882 CEDOR für SO2, NO, CO, NH3, HCL, H2O Maihak 1999, 22, 446 MCS 100 E HW für SO2, NO, CO, CO2, HCl, NH3, O2, und H2O

Sick 1999, 33, 720

OPSIS AR 650 für HCl, CO und H2O OPSIS AB, Schweden 1999, 33, 721 *) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Waste gas volumetric flow

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageAnnubar ANR 75/ANF 86 Dr. Rotert/Bestobell Mobrey 1990, 12, 240 VMA 2 Sick 1990, 12, 240 ITABAR IBF 100 Intra-Automation 1990, 12, 240 Annubar DCR/DFF Dr. Rotert/Bestobell Mobrey 1990, 12, 240 UNIBAR UBF 100 Unimess 1992, 32, 795 Vortex VA Höntzsch Instruments 1992, 32, 795 FCI-MT 86 KWW-DEPA-VIA 1993, 26, 470 LPS-E Becker-Verfahrenstechnik 1993, 26, 469 SDF Durchflusssonde SDF-22/SDF-50-plus smar LD 301bzw. Siemens SITRANS/P

S.K.I. Schlegel & Kremer 1993, 43, 864

SENSYFLOW VT 2 SENSYCON Hartmann & Braun 1995, 33, 702 FLOWSIC 101/102 Sick 1996, 28, 593 VELOS 500 Sick 1996, 28, 593 Deltaflow DF 25 u. DF 50 Systec Controls Mess- u.Regeltechn. 1996, 28, 593 D-FL 100 DURAG 1996, 42, 883 Itabar-IBF 100 INTRA-AUTOMATION 1998, 1, 10 PFM 97 für Staub und Abgasvolumenstrom Födisch 1998, 45, 947 PFM 97 W für Staub und Abgasgeschwindigkeit Födisch 2000, 22, 444 FLOWSIC 106 Sick Engineering 2000, 60, 1193FLOWSIC 107 Sick Engineering 2000, 60, 1194D-Fl 200 DURAG 2000, 60, 1194

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested continuous working measuring devices for emission measurements

Measured object: Minimum temperature

Suitable measurement devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageStrahlungspyrometer KT 15.69 Heitronics Infrarot Messtechnik 2000, 60, 1194Strahlungspyrometer KT 19.69 Heitronics Infrarot Messtechnik 2000, 60, 1194

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 30.11.1999

Suitability-tested electronic evaluation systems for evaluation of continuous working emission measuring devices

Devices: Simple clasificators

Suitable devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageD-IG 260 *) DURAG 1990, 12, 241 MI-1 *) Sick 1990, 12, 245 MR 2 *) Sick 1990, 12, 241

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 16.01.2001

Suitability-tested electronic evaluation systems for evaluation of continuous working emission measuring devices

Devices: Classificators with reference value calculator

Suitable devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageD-MS 385 *) DURAG 1990, 12, 241 MEAC 1A Maihak 1990, 12, 241 EDAS-R und EDAS-K NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft 1990, 12, 241 MR-3 Sick 1990, 12, 241 MEVAS Sick 1991, 37, 1046 1992, 45, 1142SAE *) Siemens 1990, 12, 241 ZEUS Rheinisch Westfälisches

Elektrizitätswerk 1990, 12, 242

1995, 33, 703 IMSR 7300 *) Gefec Computertechnik 1990, 12, 245 856, 1 Hentschel System 1990, 12, 241 SEMAS Industrie Electronic Schmitz 1990 12, 241 D-MS 285 DURAG 1990, 12, 242 1993, 26, 470 MR 4 Sick 1990, 12, 241 TALAS NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft 1990, 12, 242 MEAC 1 AS Maihak 1990, 20, 400 MACS 1 Maihak 1992, 32, 796 ZEUS II Nukem 1990, 34, 861 SEMAS 2000 Industrie Electronic Schmitz 1991, 20, 526 1994, 28, 870 EMR Gesytec 1993, 26, 470 MEAC 1 A-M/1 AS-M Maihak 1993, 43, 865 TALAS/e NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft 1993, 43, 865 D-MS 500 DURAG 1995, 33, 703 ADOS EUR 196 Ados Mess- und Regeltechnik 1996, 42, 885

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- 184 - Devices: Classificators with referance value calculator (continued)

Suitable devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageMEAC 2000 Maihak 1998, 18, 419 TALAS/e in Verbindung mit EmNet/s- bzw. EmNet/c-Modulen

NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft 1998, 20, 419

ADOS EUR 196 Ados Mess- und Regeltechnik 1998, 45, 947 SEMAS 2000 EFÜ-System Industrie Electronic Schmitz 1998, 45, 947 D-MS 285 mit D-EFÜ-Modul DURAG 1998, 45, 948 D-MS 500 mit D-EFÜ-Modul DURAG 1998, 45, 948 MEVAS-PC UMEG 1998, 45, 948 TALAS/net NIS 2000, 60, 1195RAY/2000/1 Rayen Intec 2000, 60, 1195

Air Pollution Prevention Last update: 05.10.1998

Suitability-tested electronic evaluation systems for evaluation of continuous working emission measuring devices

Devices: Telemetric supervision

Suitable devices Announcement in the GMBI

Type Manufacturer/Distribution Year No. PageEFÜ GTÜ 1994, 28, 870 1995, 33, 703 1996, 28, 594 1998, 1, 10 D-FEÜ/D-EVA DURAG 1995, 33, 703 MEVAS-PC UMEG 1996, 8, 189 MEVAS-PC mit DATA 800 UMEG 1996, 28, 593 TALAS/e in Verbindung mit EFÜ/s bzw. EFÜ/c NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft 1996, 42, 884 MEAC 2000 Maihak 1998, 20, 419

*) The device is not any longer in the delivery program of the manufacturer

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9 Annex 3: Presentations of measuring devices by the manufacturers

The presentation contains data sheets from the device manufacturers. The data sheets are arranged uniformly:

1. Application 2. Setup and mode of operation 3. Technical data 3.1 Results of suitability test 3.2 Further technical data

Current measuring devices without requirement on completeness, available at the market, are contained in the presentation.

For contents of the device presentations the equipment manufacturers are responsible.

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ABB Automation Products Emission analyzer system Advance Optima with Uras 14 for CO, SO2, NO, O2

1. Typical applications Typical application for Advance Optima with analyzer module Uras 14 includes emission monitoring, burner optimization and in process control or optimization of purification stages. In these applications, the Uras 14 meets the special requirements of different countries, e.g. the German 13. and 17. BImSchV Regulations and TA-Luft (German Federal Air Purity) Regulations. Additionally, the analyzer is well suited to the meas-urement of components in chemical processes and safety monitoring in waste disposal sites. A flame-proof housing is available for use in hazardous areas, zone 1 and 2. The standard unit is certified for Class I, Divi-sion 2 hazardous areas. 2. Design and function Advance Optima, the modular analyzer line is based on analyzer modules with different measuring principles. The Uras 14 continuous NDIR photometer can selec-tively measure the concentrations of up to 4 compo-nents. The analyzer is characterized by higher stability, selectivity and sensitivity. The analyzer features gas-filled opto-pneumatic detectors which have been opti-

mized for each application. This enables higher sensi-tivity, a wider range of measuring components and reduced cross-sensitivity to interfering components. Detector filling corresponds to the gas being measured. This means that the detector provides optimal sensitiv-ity and high selectivity for the component of interest. The Uras 14 can measure even the smallest ranges. Calibration is possible via the internal calibration cells which do not require expensive bottled test gas mix-tures. This greatly reduces operation and maintenance costs. For CEMS applications, the analyzer can also be automatically calibrated with bottled test gases. Oxygen can also be measured via an electrochemical cell. In addition to the measurement technology Advance Optima convinces through the consistent analyzer con-cept, the consistent operation philosophy, the multi-analyzer concept and the communication and network possibilities.

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3. Technical Data 3.1. Performance testing data Smallest measuring ranges tested: CO 0...75 mg/m³ SO2 0...75 mg/m³ NO 0...200 mg/m³ O2 0...10 /25 Vol.-% Availablility: > 98 % over 3 month period for two independant sys-tems including sampling conditioning Maintenance interval: 1 week Detection limit: CO ≤ 0.2 % f.s. SO2 ≤ 0.4 % f.s. NO ≤ 0.3 % f.s. O2 ≤ 0.1 Vol-% O2 Air pressure effect on measured signal: < 0,2 % f.s. per 1 % barometric pressure change Flow effect on measured signal: no influence

Permissible ambient temperature range: +5 °C ... +40 °C Temperature dependence at zero point: for O2 ≤ ± 0,2 Vol.-% per 10 K Diff. for CO, SO2, NO: ≤ ± 2 % f.s. per 10 K Diff. Temperature dependence of span point: for O2 ≤ ± 0,2 Vol.-% per 10 K Diff. for CO, SO2, NO: ≤ ± 3 % actual value per 10 K Diff. Time constant (90% time): ≤ 10 sec (adjustable from 1...60 sec) Cross sensitivity: Sum of all cross sensitivities above mentioned compo-nents against SO2, NO, O2, CO2, NH3, NO2, CH4, N2O, CO and H2O in typical flue gas concentrations < 4 % f.s. Drift: with internal automatic calibration of zero point with ambient air (interval 24 h) and span point with calibra-tion cells (interval weekly) Zero point drift: < 2 % f.s. per year Span point drift: < 4 % actual value per year Automatic calibration for zero and span point must be checked yearly. 3.2. Further technical data Power supply: 85...115...140 V AC, 185...230...250 V AC Power consumption: max. 250 VA for central unit with 5 I/O cards and one analyzer module Housing: either 19 inch housing or wall-mount housing

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ABB Automation Products Emission analyzer system Advance Optima with Magnos 16 for O2

1. Typical applications Typical application for Advance Optima with analyzer module Magnos 16 are e.g. the oxygen purity measu-rement, process gas measurements and inert gas blanke-ting. In emission measurements the Magnos 16 fulfills the special requirements, e.g. TA-Luft (German Federal Air Purity) Regulations, German 13. and 17. BImSchV Regulations. The ability to freely select measuring ran-ges and measure highly suppressed ranges means that the analyzer can be easily adapted to specific tasks. Even measurements for safety are no problem – moni-toring the sample flow rate through the measuring chamber always ensures that the current oxygen con-centration is being measured. A flame-proof housing is available for use in hazardous areas, zone 1 and 2. The standard unit is certified for Class I, Division 2 hazard-ous areas. 2. Design and function Advance Optima, the modulare analyzer line is based on analyzer modules with different measuring princi-ples. The analyzer module Magnos 16 measures oxygen via the magnetomechanical measuring principle. This

measuring principle is based on the specific paramag-netic behaviour of oxygen. Another advantage of the analyzer module is its short T 90 response time. Cali-bration of the zero point is only required once a month using air or nitrogen. In addition to the measurement technology Advance Optima convinces through the consistent analyzer concept, the consistent operation philosophy, the multianalyzer concept and the commu-nication and network possibilities.

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3. Technical data 3.1 Performance testing data Measuring ranges tested: O2 0...10 Vol.-% O2 0...25 Vol.-% Availability: > 98 % over 3 month period for two independant sys-tems including sampling conditioning Maintenance interval: 4 weeks Detection limits: O2 ≤ 0.01 Vol-% O2 Air pressure effect on measured signal: < 0,002 Vol.-% O2 per 1 % barometric pressure change Flow effect on measured signal: < 0,5 % MBU, 30...90 l/h Permissible ambient temperature range: + 5 °C ... +50 °C Temperature dependence at zero point: ≤ ± 0,05 Vol.-% per 10 K Diff. Temperature dependence of span point: ≤ ± 0,05 Vol.-% per 10 K Diff.

Time constant (90% time): < 40 sec Cross sensitivity: Sum of all cross sensitivities for above mentioned com-ponent against SO2, NO, CO2, NO2, CH4, N2O, CO and H2O in typical flue gas concentrations < 0,1 Vol.-% Drift: with internal automatic single-point calibration with room air (interval 4 weeks) Zero point drift: < 0.2 Vol-% O2 per year Span point drift: < 0.2 Vol-% O2 per year Automatic calibration for zero and span point must be checked yearly. 3.2 Further technical data Power supply: 85...115...140 V AC, 185...230...250 V AC Power consumption: max. 250 VA for central unit with 5 I/O cards and one analyzer module Housing: either 19 inch housing or wall-mount housing

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ABB Automation Products Emission analyzer system Advance Optima with Multi-FID 14 for mg C/m³

1. Typical applications Typical applications for Advance Optima with analyzer module Multi-FID 14 include emission monitoring, process control and together with a stripper monitoring of volatile hydrocarbons in water. Furthermore, the Multi-FID 14 can be used as stationary gas warning system. 2. Design and function Advance Optima, the modulare analyzer line is based on analyzer modules with different measuring princi-ples. Multi-FID 14, a flame ionization detector, meas-ures the total content of organic carbon in the measur-ing gas. During the combustion of organic substances, in a hydrogen flame, electrically changed particles are produced. The resulting current of this ions is propor-tional to the organic carbon content. A heated measur-ing gas line can be connected directly to the detector. The Multi-FID 14 features self-monitoring, automatic fault recognition and logging functions. It also provides an automatic reset capability after a fault correction. Automatic calibration with built-in solenoid valves is

among the standard features. In addition to the measurement technology Advance Optima convinces through the consistent analyzer con-cept, the consistent operation philosophy, the multiana-lyzer concept and the communication and network pos-sibilities.

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3. Technical data 3.1 Performance testing data Smallest measuring range tested: 0...15 mg C/m³ Availability: > 99 % over 3 month period for two independant sys-tems including sampling conditioning Maintenance interval: 14 days Detection limit: for measuring range 0...15 mg C/m³ ≤ 0.01 mg C/m³ Flow effect on measured signal: < 1 % f.s., ∆=35 l/h Permissible ambient temperature range: + 5 °C ... 45 °C Temperature dependence at zero point: ≤ ± 2 % f.s., 5 °C ... 40 °C Temperature dependence of span point: ≤ ± 2 % f.s. , 5 °C ... 40 °C

Time constant (90% time): ≤ 40 sec incl. sample gas conditioning Cross sensitivity: Sum of all cross sensitivities for above mentioned com-ponent against SO2, NO, O2, CO2, NH3, NO2, HCl, N2O, CO and H2O in typical flue gas concentrations < 4 % f.s. Drift: Zero point drift: < 3 % / 2 weeks Span point drift: < 3 % / 2 weeks 3.2 Further technical data Power supply: 85...115...140 V AC, 185...230...250 V AC Power consumption: max. 250 VA for central unit with 5 I/O cards and one analyzer module Housing: either 19 inch housing or wall-mount housing

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ABB Automation Products Emission analyzer system Advance Cemas-NDIR with Advance Optima Uras 14 for SO2, NO, CO, O2

1. Typical applications The multi-component measuring system Advance Ce-mas-NDIR is developed for a continuous, quantitative determination of gas concentratíons in emission meas-urements to 17. BImSchV, 13. BImSchV and TA-Luft. The analyzer system is also used for process control of flue and exhaust gases, filter monitoring and other process technology applications. The analyzer system is primarily intended for the mea-surement of SO2, NO, CO, CO2 and O2. 2. Design and function The analyzer system is modular. This allows it to be adapted to each individual measurement task. The ana-lyzer system consists of the function groups sample gas intake, sample gas preparation, sample gas supply and gas analysis. The chosen Advance Optima Uras 14 gas analyzer and the O2 module available as an option make it possible to selectively determine the weight (CO, NO, SO2 in mg/m³) and the volume (O2 in Vol.-%) of measuring components in flue gas. The under-lying measuring principles are the infrared absorption to de-termine CO, NOX and SO2 as well as the electrochemi-cal reaction of oxygen to O2 measurements (alternative paramagnetic measurement of oxygen). Through the analyzers design cross-sensitivities and error tolerances clearly fall short of the values stipulated in the emission directives currently valid in Germany.

The effects of ambient temperature, air pressure and carrier gas components are compensated for with ap-propriate measures. The figure bellow shows the operation principle The sample gas is passed to the analyzer system via the gas sampling probe (1), the filter unit (2) and the sam-ple gas line (3). Depending on the measurement task and sampling conditions, these assemblies can be elec-trically heated, unheated or protected from freezing. A solenoid valve controls the test gas supply. Normally, air free of the measurement components is used as the test gas. The acid filter (4) removes sulfuric acid aero-sols. If portions of the sample gas are specially pre-pared, the gas flow is routed via two separate paths. In the Advance SCC sample gas cooler (5), condensates and any reagents are re-moved from the sample gas. The downstream gas path has a dew point of approx.3 °C. The sample gas cooler also contains the reagent metering unit (6). Depending on the measurement task involved, interfering gas components can be washed out or the desired sample components can be stabilized. The SCM gas supply module (7) integrated in the sam-ple gas cooler is used to route the sample gas through the analyzer system. For some measurement tasks, the sample gas is pumped through the analyzer system by a membrane pump (8) located after the gas analyzer. If required to obtain a correct measurement or to protect the analyzer, the sample gas is routed via an NO2 / NO converter or suitable absorption medium (9) before arriving at the gas analyzer (10).

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3. Technical data 3.1. Daten aus der Eignungsprüfung Smallest measuring ranges tested: SO2 0...75 mg/m³ NO 0...200 mg/m³ CO 0...75 mg/m³ O2 0...10/25 Vol.-% Availability: > 98 % over 3 month period for two independant sys-tems including sampling conditioning Maintenance interval: Span point: 1 week Zero point: 24 h Detection limit: SO2 < 0.4 % f. s. NO < 0.3 % f. s. CO < 0.2 % f. s. O2 < 0.1 Vol.-% O2 Air pressure effect on measured signal: < 0,2 % f.s. per 1 % barometric pressure change Flow effect on measured signal: O2: < 0,2 % f.s. per 10 l/h CO, SO2, CO: no influence Permissible ambient temperature range: +5 °C ... +40 °C Temperature dependence at zero point: for O2 ≤ ± 0,2 Vol.-% per 10 K Diff. for CO, SO2, NO: ≤ ± 2 % f.s. per 10 K Diff.

Temperature dependence of span point: for O2 ≤ ± 0,2 Vol.-% per 10 K Diff. for CO, SO2, NO: ≤ ± 3 % actual value per 10 K Diff. Time constant (90% time): < 200 sec Cross sensitivity: Sum of all cross sensitivity on above mentioned com-ponents against CO2 , CO, SO2, NO, NO2, NH3, N2O, O2, H2O and CH4 in typical flue gas concentrations < 4 % f. s. Drift: With internal automatic calibration of zero point with ambient air (interval 24 h) and span point with calibra-tion cells (interval weekly) Zero point drift: < 2 % f. s. per year Span point drift: < 4 % actual value per year Automatic calibration for zero and span point must be checked yearly.. 3.2. Further technical data Power supply: 230 V AC, -15 % ...+10 %, 50 Hz 115 V AC, -15 % ...+10 %, 6 Hz Power consumption: max. 1,5 kW; additional power consumption by the heated sample gas line, depending on length and type Dimensions: (W x H X D in mm) Sheet steel: 800 x 2110 x 600 Plastic: 900 x 2030 x 600

Page 199: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

ABB Automation Products Emission analyzer system Advance Cemas-FTIR for H2O, SO2, NO, NH3, CO2, CO, HCl, O2

1. Typical applications For emission monitoring with the multi-component emission monitoring system Advance Cemas FTIR an inexpensive and forward-looking system is available. This has resulted from the combination of a measure-ment technique that is new to the field of emission, FTIR spectrometry, with a heated sampling and sample conditioning system. Advance Cemas FTIR continuously logged number of pollutants emitted in ever-decreasing concentrations from waste incineration plants and power stations. 2. System overview and operation principle The basic sensor is a FTIR spectrometer (FTIR = Fou-rier Transform Infra Red) for measuring of infrared-active components: HCl, SO2, CO, NO, NO2, N2O, NH3, HF, H2O, CO2 . Up to 30 measurement compo-nents can be measured simultaneously. All components are measured at 180 °C. The Advance Cemas FTIR is optionally equipped with an electrochemical oxygen sensor and with a flame ionization detector (FID) for monitoring of total organic carbon content in stack gas. The multi-component FTIR spectrometer Model MB9100 offers the high level of selectivity for which FTIR measurement technology is well-known, along with the facility to easily extend the system to measure additional infrared components. As a result of its meas-urement principle (single beam photometer) zero and span are corrected automatically using zero gas only. Therefore, the system needs to be calibrated only twice a year. There is thus no need to hold stocks of test gas. The heated sampling and sample conditioning system

plus the long path cell heated to 180 °C allow monitor-ing the stack gas "as is", i.e. all water soluble compo-nents like HCl, NH3, HF, SO2 without any distortion, and water vapor. The spectrometer’s self-diagnostic system and the monitoring of temperature and sample gas flow ensure that the measurement system operates reliably. If the temperature falls below the minimum allowed, a stream of cleansed, pressurized air is triggered off which pro-tects from corrosion all subassemblies which have come into contact with sample gas. A built-in modem enables a PC to be coupled to the remote diagnosis system of the Service Department. Its long-term stability. its robust design and excellent spectral precision provide the FTIR spectrometer with all the properties characterizing a continuously operat-ing process measuring device. The figure bellow shows the operation principle The sample gas is piped via the heated sampling filter 2 and the heated sampling pipe 4 to the heated sample-conditioning unit 5. The heated cell of the FTIR spec-trometer 11 protrudes directly into the heated sample conditioning unit 5. Behind the gas outlet of the cell an FID 12 can be connected. A proportion of the sample gas stream is piped to the oxygen analyzer 13 from the heated sample conditioning unit. Through the check valve 3 on the sampling filter 2 dry compressed air is released automatically in the event of any problem, e.g. if the temperature falls below the permitted level in one of the heating circuits (probe filter, heated line, condi-tioning unit or gas cell). The system is purged of sam-ple gas to avoid condensation. Through the second check valve 10 dry, CO2-free compressed air is auto-matically released for the purpose of recording zero-gas spectra. The molecular sieve unit 14 is used for condi-tioning the compressed air, i.e. drying it and reducing its CO2 content. 3. Technical data 3.1. Certified data Smallest measuring ranges tested: SO2 0...75 mg/m³ NO 0...200 mg/m³ NH3 0...15 mg/m³ CO 0...75 mg/m³ HCl 0...15 mg/m³ CO2 0...20 Vol.-% O2 0...25 Vol.-% The performance of all components was tested at the level up to 40 Vol%.H2O, which is also measured con-tinuously.

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Compressed-air purificationunitwithCO separator2


Test gas




(Optional)O analyzer2

(Optional)Canalyzer FTIRspectrometer

100...1000 l/h


>1%12 11 13









Availability: > 98 % over 3 month period for two independent sys-tems including sampling conditioning Maintenance interval: 6 months Detection limits: H2O 0.05 % f. s. SO2 0.26 % f. s. NO 0.30 % f. s. NH3 1.06 % f. s. CO2 0.2 % f. s. CO 0.41 % f. s. HCl 2.41 % f. s. O2 0.1 Vol.-% O2 Influence of atmospheric pressure on measurement signal 1% of value per 10 mbar Permissible ambient temperature range +5...+40 °C Influence of ambient temperature on zero ± 0.5% f.s. per 10 K Influence of ambient temperature on span < 3% of measured value per 10 K

Response time 240 s (T90) (for higher than minimal ranges a shorter T90 can be achieved) Cross sensitivity: Sum of all cross sensitivities on above mentioned com-ponents against CO2 , CO, SO2, NO, NO2, NH3, HCl, H2O and CH4 in maximal concentrations of a typical flue gas < 4 % f. s. Drift: Through internal automatic adjustment of zero and span point with zero gas Zero point: < 2 % f. s. per 6 months Span point: < 4 % actual value per 6 months 3.2. Further technical data Output signal 4...20 mA Power supply 230/400 V AC Power consumption approx. 3.5 kVA Dimensions 900 x 2100 x 600 (WxHxD) Weight: approx. 400 kg

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ABB Automation Products – Hartmann&Braun, Borsigstr.2, D-63755 Alzenau , Tel: ++49[0] 6023 / 92-3267, Fax: -3210, E-mail: [email protected]

ABB Automation Products

Exhaust gas measurement Sensyflow VT-2

Approval for 17. BImschV ,936/804016 TÜV Rheinland

Application Measurement of the exhaust gas directly in a standard volume flow unit (e.g. standard-m³/h)

Description Sensyflow VT 2 operates according to the principle of a hot-film anemometer. This measuring method deter-mines the gas mass flow rate directly, with the result that it is not necessary to correct pressure and temperature influences.

Measuring system The Sensyflow VT 2 measuring system comprises of a transducer, a pipe component and a supply-evaluation unit. The transducer incorporates the sensor unit and an electronic transmitter circuit. It is designed as a flange-mounted insertion sensor and is installed in the pipe component. The pipe component is available up to line sizes of 8“. In bigger pipes it is also possible to install the trans-ducer directly in pipes with a diameter up to 120“ dia-meter via a weld-on adapter. The supply/evaluation unit delivers auxiliary power to the transducer and converts its flow-dependent current signal into standard analog signals and pulse frequencies. Furthermore, it contains a totalization function which generates a configurable pulse signal. In addition, a serial interface permits simple configuration and measured value output.

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ABB Automation Products – Hartmann&Braun, Borsigstr.2, D-63755 Alzenau , Tel: ++49[0] 6023 / 92-3267, Fax: -3210, E-mail: [email protected]

Measuring principle Most conventional flow meters determine volumetric flow rate. In this case, it is then necessary to correct the density by additional measurement of pressure and temperature. These corrective measures make measurements more expensive and they reduce the ultimate accuracy of the measuring system. Sensyflow measuring systems provide the mass flow rate directly, i.e. without further measurement or correction. Flow measurement based on units of mass is a requirement of almost all technical applications. In view of the close relationship between mass and amount of substance, mass flow is used as an assessment factor in chemical reactions, e. g. to set the stoichiometric relationship between the reaction partners exactly. Example: If 10 m³ of oxygen will be compressed from 1 to 5 bar at constant temperature, the volume or volume flow is changing to 2 m³, although the amount of substance and the mass are still the same (14 kg). In this case, a volume flow meter will only indicate 20% of the

orginal volume flow. As a result, a volume flow measurement for gases without a correction of pressure and temperature is without any meaning. The mass flow meter directly determines the mass per unit of time of a flowing medium; a measured value in kg/h is read out. Parameters such as volumetric flow rate (referred to the standard state) can be calculated directly from the standard density of the medium.

Sensor Sensyflow operates according to the principle of the hot-film anemometer. This method of measurement is based on the abstraction of heat from a heated solid by an en-veloping gas flow. The flow-dependent "cooling" impact is used as the measuring impact. The gas stream flows past two temperature-sensitive resistors Rh and RT which are part of an electrical bridge circuit. Due to the chosen resistance ratio Rh << RT, Rh is heated by the current Ih, and RT adopts the same temperature as the gas. The current Ih is preset by the electronic control circuit to produce a constant temperature difference between the heated resistor Rh and the temperature of the gas.


Ih .m

The electrical power generated within resistor Rh exactly compensates its loss of heat to the gas flow. As this loss of heat is dependent on the number of particles which collide with the surface of resistor Rh, Ih represents a measure of mass flow rate. This can be calculated easily to the standard-volume flow by a simple multiplication.

Example: Oxygen at 0 °C

V= 10 m3

p= 1 barρρρρ= 1,4 kg/m3

m= 14 kg

V= 2 m3

p= 5 barρρρρ= 7,0 kg/m3

m= 14 kg

ρρρρ = mV m = ρρρρ · V

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ABB Automation Products – Hartmann&Braun, Borsigstr.2, D-63755 Alzenau , Tel: ++49[0] 6023 / 92-3267, Fax: -3210, E-mail: [email protected]

Technical Data

Data from the approval report • Accuracy:

± 1% of reading • Measurement range:

1:100 • Amboent temperature range:

–25 ...80°C • Influence of supply voltage changes

not detected • Time in operation:

96-99% • Maintenance intervals:

1 year at < 5 mg/m³ dust content and < 20% absolute moisture

• Time constant T90 2 sec

Additional technical data • Power supply:

24V DC, 115 V AC, 230V AC • Power consumption: <50 W • Measurement signal output:

0/4 ....20 mA 0...10 V 1...100 Hz (OC or TTL) 10... 1000 Hz (OC or TTL) RS 232 (RS 422) Totalization as Puls (OC or TTL)

• Measurement indication: Momentanous value, Trend, Totalized value

• Steadying length: according to DIN EN ISO 5167-1 (min. 15 D)

• Pressure drop < 1 mbar • Operating pressure: –0,5 ....40 bar gauge • Operating Temperature

–25....280°C (Duration), 300 °C short time

Dimensions Sensor Pipe component 1 Pipe component 2 Weld on



Diameter L2 h D1 d1 d2 D4 L3 L4 L5 DN 25 - - - 115 420 260 - DN 40 L1 = 198 94 43,1 88 150 860 570 - DN 50 109 54,5 102 165 1000 650 - DN 80 B1 = 125 269 263 144 82,5 138 - - - -

DN 100 B2 = 80 170 107,1 162 - - - - DN 150 B3 = ∅115 226 159,3 218 - - - DN 200 B4 = 58 293 206,5 285 - - - > 350 431 425 450 > 700 781 775

> 1700 1506 1500 ANSI 150 lb, Sch 40 S

Diameter L2 h D1 d1 d2 D4 L3 L4 L5 ANSI 1“ - - - 108 419 260

ANSI 1½“ L1 = 198 85 40,9 73 127 864 570 - ANSI 2“ 103 52,6 92 154 1003 650 - ANSI 3“ B1 = 125 269 263 135 78,0 127 - - - - ANSI 4“ B2 = 80 173 102,4 157 - - - - ANSI 6“ B3 = ∅115 221 154,2 216 - - - ANSI 8“ B4 = 58 278 202,7 270 - - -

> ANSI 14“ 431 425 450 > ANSI 28“ 781 775 > ANSI 67“ 1506 1500

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BARTEC Messtechnik und Sensorik GmbH * Schulstrasse 30 * D-94239 Gotteszell Produktverantwortlicher: Markus Gärber * Tel.: 09929 / 301-282 * Fax.: -112

Emission – Measuring System

Hygrophil H / H+ 4220 Componenten und Systeme GmbH Bereich Messtechnik und Sensorik

1. Applications Hyggrophil H / H+ is a process hygrometer designed to meet the highest requirements in terms of corrosion resistance and safety from contamination. By means of permanent selfcleaning it is especially suited for heavy polluted air, contenting vapours from oil and grease, solvents, watersoluble gases, acids, aggressiv chemicals and dust. The hygrometer is mainly used in heating power – plants, in combustion plants and waste incinerator • for humidity measurements, • for detection of burst tubes inside the boiler, • for optimizing the desulphurizing plants, • for optimizing the electrostatic filters, • for controling the emissions of cooling towers, • for controling the dewpoint at cloth – filters. In industrial dryers, in every sort of baking ovens and especially in chemical processes Hygrophil H / H+ impresses in the same way by brilliant precision. ULTRAKUST is registered trade mark of BARTEC Componenten und Systeme GmbH

2. Principle of Operation Hygrophil 4220 works with the Psychrometric air- / gas impact – jet principle, which proofs it’s good properties concerning accuracy, hysteresis and effects of gas composition. All the other humidity – measurement – quantities can be calculated out from the difference of dry- (TT) and wet – temperature sensor (HT). It meets the fundamental secondary according to DIN 50012 and needs no calibration. Because of the patented impact – jet – system, a undisturbed permanent run at high temperatures and humidities can be guaranteed. A constant stream of measuring air initially passes the TT sensor. The same air subsequently hits the surface of a small waterpool as a jet. There it flows radially and thus is causing latent heat of evaporation. A sensor inside the pool is measuring this humid temperature HT. The pool is constantly fed with „fresh“ water including a small surplus of it. This causes an overflow which takes out nearly all pollutants content in the air. So the pool – surface always automatically is kept not just clean but new. So side effects can not occur.

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BARTEC Messtechnik und Sensorik GmbH * Schulstrasse 30 * D-94239 Gotteszell Produktverantwortlicher: Markus Gärber * Tel.: 09929 / 301-282 * Fax.: -112

3. Technical Data Housing Measure 455 x 515 x 195 mm

Measuring Chamber Measurement Principle Psychrometer based on the impact – jet – method

Standard BImSchV 17.

Secondary standard according to DIN 50012, with TÜV certification, approval for applications in accordance with German pollution control regulations ( BImSchV 17.) and British SIRA certificate

Display Ranges Dry- / Humidity Temperature TT/HT 0 ... 150 °C Dewpoint DT 5 ... 100 °C Volumetric Content Water Vol % 0 ... 100 % Absolute Humidity MH 10 ... 1000 g/kg Specific Humidity SH 10 ... 1000 g/kg Water Vapour Pressur VP 10 ... 1000 hPa Saturation Deficit DVP 0 ... 1000 hPa Absolute Pressure SP 500 ... 1500 hPa

Sensor 2 x PT 100 / 4-Conductor Sensor ( DIN IEC751 ) Accuracy Temperature better than 0,1 °C Absolute Pressure better than 1 % Inlet Temperature at Heating Hose 250 °C at Measuring Chamber 150 °C Response Time t90 = 90 s Gas Flow Rate max. 14 Normliter/min Water Supply Rate max. 25 ml/h Water Reservoir Standard : 2liter; Option : 11liter Heating Hose 230 VAC, 100 W/m Compressed Air Supply 1 ... 5 bar Measuring Computer Display LC-Display with 2 x 16 characters

Characters 5 mm high, illuminated Computing Time 2 s Computer Accuracy better than 0,01 % Error Limits 1 % based on the measurement range Inputs 3 channels for temperature ( Pt100 to DIN IEC751 ) 0 ... 150 °C / 0 ... 200 °C / 0 ... 800 °C Outputs Analogoutput 0/4 ... 20 mA at max. 500 Ohm Number of Outputs 2 galvanic isolated channels for every measurement range Output Signals programmable Environment Operating Temperature 0 ... 50 °C Storage Temperature -20 ... 70 °C ( drained of water ) Climatic Class KWF to DIN 40040 Protection Type IP65 Auxiliary Energy AC 230 / 115V, +10 ... -15 %, 50 ... 60 Hz, 22 VA

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Max-Eyth-Straße 51 71364 Winnenden

Tel.: 07195 / 9270-0 Fax: 07195 / 9270-50

Dioxin and Furan Emission monitoring by long-term sampling

A M E S A for continuous dioxin/furan monitoring

Fig. 1: Three AMESA monitoring systems

A Cooled (< 80 °C) sampling probe for

isokinetic sampling of the partial gas flow. B Measured gas and condensate are sucked through the cartridge

filled with adsorber resin (quartz padding filter as input filter). C Measured gas drying by cooling (< 5 °C). D Continuously variable control of isokinetic sampling. E Operation of the AMESA via central processor with menu-prompted

software. Data input for system -specific parameterisation and operation by keyboard and LCD monitor. Determination of emission values with the aid of an external memory card and the analysis result.

1. Applicability The AMESA is used in systems that are subject to the 17. BImSchV and TA Luft regulations, e.g. refuse incineration plant, wood incineration, steelworks and copper mills. Contrary to the usual three single measurements every year, by means of continuous sampling over a period between 6 hours and 30 days, the AMESA ensures continuous documentation of dioxin/furan emission for each single sample. This ensures that fluctuations in system operation and in the composition of fuels etc. are also recorded. With the AMESA, the recommendation given in 17. BImSchV to monitor the mass concentrations of dioxins and furans continuously and without interruption can be realised within a cost framework that is acceptable to the plant owner.

2. Structure and operating principle of the meter In the water-cooled sampling probe (A), the exhaust gas is cooled swiftly to ensure reproducible adsorption conditions for the analysed substances. Dioxins and furans are separated (B) in a cartridge, filled with a collected phase of XAD-II adsorber resin. At the same time, dioxins and furans are registered completely, both from the exhaust gas and also from the accumulated condensate. After adsorption of dioxins and furans, the measured gas is cooled to 5°C to completely remove condensate (C). The dried measured gas flow is determined by means of a mass flow meter. With the aid of a frequency-controlled pump (D), the process control (E) sets isokinetic extraction conditions as a function of the exhaust gas speed, temperature and pressure.

AMESA – Adsorption MEthod for SAmpling of Dioxins and Furans

Process control


Isokinetic extraction


Gas drying (C)

PCDF/D separation


Cooled sampling probe


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Besides the log printout, all recorded and calculated data is archived on a data medium over the entire sampling time. The cartridge containing the adsorbed dioxins and furans is evaluated together with the data medium in an accredited laboratory. Continuous adsorption of dioxins and furans from flue gases is based on a process developed by GfA (Gesellschaft für Arbeitsplatz- und Umweltanalytik mbH, Münster-Roxel. By means of this process, dioxins and furans are separated from dust, the gas phase and the condensate in one adsorption step. This process not only registers dioxins and furans, but also further organic substances with a similar volatility and polarity.

Fig. 2: Cartridge unit 3. Technical data

3.1 From the suitability report Germany-wide practice when monitoring emissions and immissions BMU circular dated 30.12.1997 – IG I3 – 51 134-3- In accordance with Appendix No. 3 of the guideline governing the suitability testing, the installation, the checking and the monitoring of measurement facilities for continuous monitoring of emissions of special substances (in this case, system for long-term sampling), GMBI 1995, S. 128ff – IG I3 – 511 134 /2-, issued by the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection and Reactor Safety, the following is hereby announced: AMESA for dioxins/furans Manufacturer: • bm becker meßtechnik gmbh, Winnenden • Gesellschaft für Arbeitsplatz- und Umweltanalytik mbH,


Applicability: For agreed measurements on systems in accordance with the 17. BImSchV and TA-Luft regulations Measurement range: 0-0,2 ng/m³ (TE acc. NATO/CCMS model) for sampling intervals of 6 h –4 weeks. Notes: 1. This consists of a model-like suitability test in which the

analysis system did not fully conform to EN 1948 and the drafts of the VDI 3499 (Sh. 13) guideline.

2. During suitability testing, the AMESA was operated with test gas volume flows of around 1 m³/h (0.2 m³/h to 2 m³/h).

3. In the field test, dust contents amounted to <3 mg/m³ with an exhaust gas humidity of app. 20 % by vol. The resulting service interval amounted to four weeks. The service interval must be adapted to local conditions in the event of different marginal conditions.

Test report: TÜV Rheinland Sicherheit und Umweltschutz, Cologne, No.: 936/808017A dated 12.08.1997 3.2 Further technical data Flue gas temperature: without additional cooling 80 °C

with additional cooling 400 °CDust content in the flue gas: 50 mg/m³Flue gas speed: 2-30 m/sAmbient conditions: +5 to 40 °C, max 50% rHProbe diameter: 3 to 8 mmProbe material: titanium, optionally glassIsokinetic control cycle: 1 secAccuracy: Speed

± 1% of measured valueVolume determination

± 1.5 % of measured valueDigital outputs: Measurement mode status Discontinuity Alarm/faultDigital inputs Firing OFF

O2 analyser servicingAnalog inputs: O2, CO2, Chimney temperature Flue gas speed

Volume flow (standard/operation)Electrical connection: 230 V, 50 HzPower consumption: 1 kWDimensions: Device cabinet: 2,100x800x800Probe: L=1,500mm, ∅= 50mmCartridge box: 800x500x250 mmWeight: 200 kg 4. Manufacturer

Max-Eyth-Straße 51 71364 Winnenden

Tel.: 07195 / 9270-0 Fax: 07195 / 9270-50

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Friedrich-List-Straße 971364 WinnendenTel.: 07195 / 9270-0Fax: 07195 / 9270-50

DustEmission Meter

L P S - Efor continuous dust concentration measurementand dust collection

Fig 1: Dust-emission-meter LPS-E

1. Applicability

The dust emission meter LPS-E is used for continuousdust emission measurement in gas and flue gas flows inaccordance with 17. BImSchV (German immission controllaw). It is also used for continuous dust collection for theproduction of representative samples (reference samples).

Representative dust samples are taken from dust-chargedgas flows and the current dust content is determined.

The German environmental liability law of 1 December,1990 provides the most important argument in favour ofcontinuous collection of dust samples.

If compensation claims are lodged against the owner or aplant, it is this person who is fundamentally considered tobe the originator of any possible damage. He is the onewho must provide proof of the fact that the plant is notcausing the damage (reversal of the burden of proof).

With archived reference samples, the owner has apossibility of defining dust contents even after the fact,thus proving the correct operation of his plant.

2. Structure and operating principle of the LPS-E

Dust samples are taken by extracting a subflow of the gasflow using a differential pressure probe and observing theisokinetic sampling conditions. This is ensured by swiftand reliable control of the extraction rate.

To keep to the isokinetic sampling conditions, the staticpressure in the main flow pT, the total pressure ptot and thetemperature are measured on the probe head. All data isregistered and stored by the processor or is evaluated forcontrol of the fan.

The fan module consists of a heated high-output fan, twofans for cooling the fan motor and a frequency converterfor control of the fan output to ensure isokinetic gassampling.

The particles suspended in the gas flow are separated bya very fine dust filter. The dust concentration is measuredcontinuously via the differential pressure on the very finedust filter.

Page 210: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Use is made of the long-term sampling system LPS-P ifthe momentary dust concentration is not required duringthe course of continuous dust sampling.

All data is collected and stored by the central processor.The input log and the final log are printed immediately.Interim logs can be printed either manually or in a timedfashion.

2.1 Analyser

The filter modules consist of dual filters.

One filter module consists of a double-walled insulatedhousing that contains the filter unit. Two finned pipeheating elements are installed in the filter module forheating. The temperature measurement needed forheating control is realised with two thermocouples.

The filter drawer, on which the medium lies, is locatedbetween the top and bottom of the filter.

The filter pressure loss is measured by a differentialpressure sensor. This is protected by the pressure sensorhousing, which is secured on the filter module.

Condensate drains are integrated to protect the pressuresensor from condensate.

Fig 2: Filter modul

3. Technical data

3.1 Suitability testing data

LPS-E for dust mass concentration and exhaust gasvolume flow

Manufacturer:bm becker meßtechnik gmbh, Winnenden

Suitability:For small quantities of dust in purified exhaust gas andexhaust air (also in the case of steam saturation).

Measurement ranges for suitability testing:Dust content in the gas flow: 0-15 mg/m³

0-35 mg/m³Exhaust gas volume flow: 3-30 m/s

3-20 m/s3-10 m/s

Notes:• During the course of suitability testing, reproducibility

amounted to 21 and 20 in relation to the finalmeasurement range value of 15 mg/m³. This resultsin a maximum measurement uncertainty of± 0.8 mg/m³.

• In the case of exhaust gases or exhaust air withsteam saturation, the flushing time interval of thedifferential pressure probe must be determineddepending on the specific plant.

• Reliable dust measurement is no longer possible inthe event of exhaust gas speeds of less than 3 m/s.An enlarged measurement uncertainty is to beexpected in the event of pulsating volume flows.

Test report:Technischer-Überwachungsverein Rheinland e.VNo.: 936/8020/008 dated 02.02.1993

3.2 Further technical data:

Dust quantity: up to 10 g per filter moduleFlue gas temperature: up to 200 °C without coolingProbe material: titanium, stainless steelProbe diameter: 16, 25 and 40mmFilter diameter: 300 and 100 mmIsokinetic control cycle: 1 secAccuracy ofspeed measurement < 0.2%Analog outputs: Dust emission rate

Static pressure Flue gas quantity

Flue gas temperatureFlue gas density

Analog inputs: CO2 O2

HumidityElectrical connection: 380 V, 50 Hz

205 V, 60 HzPower consumption: 10kWWeight: 350 kg


Friedrich-List-Straße 971364 WinnendenTel.: 07195 / 9270-0Fax: 07195 / 9270-50

Page 211: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Emission Measuring EquipmentBA 3002 RC for Total Carbon

1. Fields of ApplicationSuitable for the continuous measurementof CnHm emissions from:-1. Installations for polymer drying andplants for coating, enameling and drying. Also suitable for facilities with solventrecovery as well as thermal or catalyticafterburners such as coffee roasting plants.Suitability tested by TÜV Norddeutschlande.V. (Technical Inspection Service), Hamburg(report no. 128CU03490 of 16 March 1990and 128CU00530 of 27 July 1987).2. Waste incinerators, plants withchlorinated and non-chlorinated organicsolvents.Suitability tested by TÜV Nord, Hamburg(report no. 128CU07710 of 16 August 1991).3. Waste incinerators (with wet scrubbers)in accordance with 17. BImSchV.Suitability tested by TÜV Nord, Hamburg(report no. 128CU11120 of 3 March 1993).

2. Set-up and Mode of Operation.2.1 Complete SystemThe measuring equipment consists of theanalyser which is connected to a heatedline fitted with a heated sample probe.

22.2 AnalyserThe sample gas is sucked into the inputX1 through a built-in filter F1 by thediaphragm pump Y4M1. The output pressureof the pump is held constant by pressureregulator D1, whose stabilising gas flow,as well as the excess sample gas, leavesthe analyer through capillary K2 at outlet

X2. The required quantity of sample gasis fed into the flame ionisation detector(FID) through capillary K1. The necessarycombustion gas is dosed with the help ofpressure regulator D2 and flow regulatorR1. The solenoid valve Y3 and the needlevalve R3 are used for igniting the FID.Combustion air for the FID is taken fromthe stabilising gas flow and dosed by meansof the needle valve R2.

Fig. 1 Typical set-up of a measuring system with the analyser BA 3002 RC1 Sample pipe2 Heated filter3 Heated sample gas line4 Analyser5 Exhaust6 Measuring value output 4-20 mA

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33. Technical Data3.1 Results of the Suitability Test (takenfrom report 128CO07710).

Reference Quantity Full Scale (FS)Tested Range 0 - 25 mgC/m3Availabilty 96 %Period of unattendedoperation 14 daysInfluence of sample gaspressure variation # 0.25% of FS/10 hPaLower detection limit(laboratory) #0.23 % of FSLower detection limit (practice)

# 0.31 % of FSTested temperature range 0 .. 40° CTemperarure depenedenceof the zero point < 1 % of FS / 10 Kof the sensitivity < 1 % of FS / 10 K

Cross sensitivity Zero Point Sensitivityto:- % of FS % of FS- H2O(125 g/m

3,N2) <±0.2 <-2.2- dto. Brenngas H2He <±0.2 <-0.5- CO (285 ppm,N2) <±0.2 <±0.2- dto. Brenngas H2He <-0.8 <-0.7- CO2 (13 Vol.-%,N2) <±0.3 <±0.3- dto. Brenngas H2He <+1.1 <+1.2- NO(307 ppm, N2) <+0.9 <+0.9- SO2 (130 ppm, N2) <+0.5 <+0.5- HCl (50 ppm, N2) <+0.6 <+0.5Signal Response Time (1.5m SS-pipe A-O=6mm)- Dead time 2 s- 90 % time 4 sDrift of the zero point 0.7 % of FS / 14 dDrift of the sensitivity 2 % of FS / 14 dRelative standard deviation ofthe evaluation factors 14.6 %dto. Extended list 18.6 %

3.2 Further Technical DataMeasuring range selectable- smallest measuring range

10 ppm relative to C3H8- largest measuring range

100,000 ppm relative to C3H8Range selection- coarse adjust 10; 100; 1,000; 10,000; 100,000- fine adjust Max. Factor 11Linear range (linearity) Upto 100,000 ppmSignal Response Time < 1 sWarm up time < 1 hSignal output 4....20 or 0....20 mA

Load # 500or optionally 0... .10V

Load # 10 KSample gas flow Approx 70 l/hGas consumption:Combustion gas, quality minimum 5.0Hydrogen (H2) Approx 1.2 l/horHydrogen / Helium (H2He) Approx 3.6 l/hControl and combustion air(dry and CnHm free). Approx 180 l/hMains supply 220 V, - 15....+ 10 %

50.....60 HzElectrical power**Warm-up phase # 300 W

Avergae value in continuousoperation # 210 WMaterials in contact with sample gas

Quartz Platinum GraphiteTEFLON* VITON* KALREZ*

Sample gas path fully heated 160...240° CThe analyser is able to regulate the tem-perature of a heated line (max length 5m)Enclosure protection class according toDIN 40050 IP 20 or IP 51The instrument is capable of being remotelycontrolled (by computer). * registered trade mark** without heated line

Fig. 2 Flow diagram of the AnalyserBA 3002 RC

A1 Heated analysis chamberD1 Sample gas pressure regulatorD2 Pressure regulator for H2F1 FilterK1 Sample gas capillaryK2 By-pass capillaryK3 Calibration gas capillaryK4 Zero gas capillaryK5 Limiting capillaryM1 Sample gas pump motorP1 Pressure guage for sample gasR1 Through flow regulator for

combustion gasR2 Needle valve for combustion

airR3 Needle valve for ignition gasS1 Pressure switch for sample gasX1 Sample gas inletX2 Sample gas by-passX3 Detector exhaustX4 Calibration gasX5 Zero gasX6 Combustion and control airX7 Combustion gasY1 Solenoid valve for calibration

gasY2 Solenoid valve for zero gasY3 Soleniod valve for ignition

gasY4 Sample gas pump

BERNATH ATOMIC GMBH & CO.KG Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 11-15 D-30974 WennigsenFon: ++49 (0) 5103-709-0 Fax: ++49 (0)5103-709-298 E-mail: [email protected] www.bernath-atomic.com








X4 X6 X7












Page 213: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Emission Measuring Equipment

BA 3006 (mobile) for Total Carbon

1. Fields of ApplicationSuitable:1. For installations covered under 17.BImSchV with emissions of chlorinated andnon-chlorinated organic solvents, smallestapproved measuring range 0 - 15 mgC/m3,suitability tested by TÜV Rheinland (reportno. 936/803017/1 of 28 March 1995).2. Continuous monitoring of the massconcentration of tetrachloroethylene (20mg/m3) after separation, smallest approvedmeasuring range 0 - 80 mg/m3 tetrachloro-ethylene, suitability tested by TÜV Rheinland(report no. 936/803017/2 of 28 March 1995).3. The BA 3006 represents the mobile ver-sion of the BA 3002 RC and it is alsosuitable in accordance with the approvalannouncement in GMBI 1993, page 469.

2. Set-up and Mode of Operation2.1 Complete SystemThe measuring equipment consists of theanalyser which is connected to a heatedline fitted with a heated sample probe andheated pre-filter.

2.2 AnalyserThe sample gas is sucked into the inputX1 through a built-in filter F1 by thediaphragm pump Y6M1. The output pressureof the pump is held constant by pressureregulator D2, whose stabilising gas flow,as well as the excess sample gas, leavesthe analsyer through capillary K2 at out-let X2. The required quantity of samplegas is fed into the flame ionisation de-tector (FID) through capillary K1. Thepressure regulator D2 is fed with clean

ambient air which is compressed by freshair pump Y7M1. From this, combustion airand zero gas, through filter F1 (activecarbon), are also generated. With helpfrom solenoid valve Y4, synthetic air canalso be used for combustion air and zerogas. The switching is achieved by meansof pressure switch S2, which is activatedwhen sufficient pressure is applied atinput X5. Combustion air for the FID isdosed by means of pressure regulator D3and needle valve R2. The necessary combustiongas is dosed with the help of pressureregulator D1 and flow regulator R1. Thesolenoid valve Y3 and the needle valve R3are used for igniting the FID.

Fig. 1 Typical set-up of a measuring system with the analyser BA 3006

1 Sample pipe2 Heated filter3 Heated sample gas line4 Analyser5 Exhaust6 Measuring value output 4-20 mA

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3. Technical Data3.1 Results of the Suitability Test (takenfrom report 936/803017/1).

Reference Quantity Full Scale (FS)Tested Range 0 - 15 mgC/m3Availabilty 96 %Period of unattended operation 3 daysLower detection limit (field test) #2,0% of FSCross sensitivity Zero Point Sensitivityto:- % of FS % of FS- H2O (25 Vol.-%,N2) 0.0 0.0- CO (461 mg/m3,N2) #-0.6 #-0.6- CO2(18 Vol.-%,N2) #- 0.6 -0.6- NH3 (18 mg/m

3,N2) 0.0 0.0- N2O (19 mg/m

3,N2) ±0.6 +0.6- NO (310 mg/m3,N2) #+0.6 +0.6- NO2 (146 mg/m

3,N2) 0.0 -0.6- SO2 (258 mg/m

3,N2) ±0.6 #-0.6- HCl (78 mg/m3,N2) +0.6 #+1.3- O2 (20...0 Vol.-%) #±2.0Signal Response Time (3m SS-pipe A-O=6mm)- Dead time # 10s- 90%-time # 60sDrift of the zero point #±1,9% FS/7dDrift of the sensitivity #±3,8% FS/7dRelative standard deviationof the evaluation factors # 11,9%

3.2 Further Technical DataMeasuring range selectable- smallest measuring range 10 ppm to C3H8- largest measuring range 100,000 ppm relative

to C3H8Range selection- coarse adjust 10; 100; 1,000; 10,000; 100,000 - fine adjust Max. Factor 11Linear range(linearity) Upto 100,000 ppmSignal Response Time < 1 sWarm up time < 1 hSignal output 4....20 or 0....20mA

Load # 500or optionally 0...10V Load # 10 kSSample gas flow Approx 70 l/hGas consumption:Combustion gas, quality minimum 5.0Hydrogen (H2) Approx 1.2 l/horHydrogen/Helium (H2He) Approx 3.6 l/hControl and combustion air (dry and CnHm free),when internal air is not used Approx 180 l/hMains supply 220 V, - 15......+ 10 %

50.......60 HzElectrical power**Warm-up phase # 300 WAvergae value in continuousoperation # 210 WMaterials in contact with sample gas

Quartz Platinum Graphite TEFLON* VITON* KALREZ*

Sample gas path fully heated 160...240° CThe analyser is able to regulate the temperatureof a heated line (max length 5 m)Enclosure protection class according to

DIN 40050 IP 20Optionally, the instrument can be fittedwith automatic ignition.

* registered trade mark** without heated line

Fig. 2 Flow diagram of the Analyser BA 3006A1 Heated analysis chamberD1 Pressure regulator for H2D2 Sample gas pressure regulatorF1 FilterK1 Sample gas capillaryK2 By-pass capillaryK3 Calibration gas capillaryK4 Zero gas capillaryM1 Pump motorP1 Pressure guage for sample gasR1 Through flow regulator for

combustion gasR2 Needle valve for ignition gasR3 Needle valve for by-pass fresh

air pumpR4 Needle valve for combustion

airS1 Pressure switch for sample gasS2 Pressure switch for internal/

external supply of combustion/zero gas

X1 Sample gas inletX2 Sample gas by-passX3 Detector exhaustX4 Calibration gasX5 External combustion /zero gasX6 Fresh air intakeX7 Combustion gasY1 Soleniod valve for ignition gasY2 Solenoid valve for zero gasY3 Solenoid valve for calibration

gasY4 Soleniod valve for internal/exter-

nal supply of combustion/zero gasY5 Solenoid valve by-pass for

fresh air pumpY6 Sample gas pumpY7 Fresh air pump

BERNATH ATOMIC GMBH & CO.KG Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 11-15 D-30974 WennigsenFon: ++49 (0) 5103-709-0 Fax: ++49 (0)5103-709-298 E-mail: [email protected] www.bernath-atomic.com

Page 215: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Monitor 90 EcometerThe waste gas watchdogMicroprocessor-controlled on-line gas analyzer forthe fully automatic measurement of HCl, HF accor-ding to German law (17. BlmSchV) or NH3 in stackgas.

The Monitor 90 Ecometers areused to measure gaseous inorganicchorine, fluorine or ammoniumcompounds.

They are ideal for process monito-ring and emission control, andcomply to the requirements of theGerman emission control regulati-ons (BImSchV) - among the strictestin the world.

The high system availability makesthe Ecometer an ideal componentof automatic control systems foremission control installations.

Typical applications are

Waste and sludge incineration plants

Heating and power plants

Aluminium smelting

Glass and ceramic production

The Ecometer’s modern micropro-cessor technology and straight for-ward operation make it easy tointegrate into existing installations.


AdvantagesThe Monitor 90 Ecometer combineshigh precision with proven reliabi-lity and economy.

Minimal reagent consumptionfor low operating costs

Low maintenance, with self-checking and automatic recalibration

Automatic correction for samplepressure and temperature

Low sensitivity to interference,below statutory requirements

High stability, with low standard deviation and drift

Industry standard interfacesand outputs

Optional interfaces for PC andprinter

Ecometer HCl


Page 216: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Example for HCl determination

Measuring principle Ecometer

Potentiometric analysis:The gaseous sample is drawn in through a heatedsample line, the soluble components are dissolved inan absorbing solution, and the resulting sample solution is measured with an ion-selective electrode.

Technical and data Measuring principle potentiometricLowest rangeHCI in mg/m3 0 - 15 (TÜV-approved)HF in mg/m3 0 - 2 (TÜV-approved)NH3 in mg/m3 0 - 10

Accuracy < ±5% of full scaleDetection limit typ. 1 - 4% of full scaleBaseline drift < 2% per 24 hSensitivity drift < 4% per 24 hDisplay in Nm3 wet

can be corrected to Nm3 dry

Output signal 0/4-20 mA, load 400 Ohmlinear responseOption:

galvanically separatedRS 232, RS 485 bus interface

Limit signal potential-free contactmax. load 50 V, 2 A, 80 VA

Status/Alarm signal potential-free contactmax. load 50 V, 2 A, 80 VA

Sample (at sampling point)Pressure 800 - 1000 mbar absolutePressure difference ± 40 mbar to atmosphericTemperature max. 673 K (400°C)Volume approx. 50 - 70 l/hDust content max. 20 g/m3

Sample probe for DN 65 flange (DIN 2631)

Power supplyVoltage 230 V, others on requestTolerance ±10%Frequency 50 or 60 Hz

Power consumptionAnalyzer approx. 900 VASample line approx. 125 W/m at 200°C

approx. 200 W/m at 300°CSample probe approx. 900 VA

Environmental temperature 278 - 308 K (5 - 35°C)Colour grey/white (RAL 9002)Mounting free standingSample inlet right-hand side

(600 mm free space required)

Protection class IP 54 DIN 40050Weight approx. 90 kgSample probe approx. 20 kg

Dimensions (HxWxD) 1795x600x410 mm


Calibrant 1

DrainAbsorption solutionCalibrant 2

Exhaust gas

Cooling andmixing coil


ISO 9001Quality CertificatePenTrigon


E 10



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Bran+Luebbe GmbH · P.O. Box 13 60 · D-22803 NorderstedtPhone (040) 522 02-0 · Fax (040) 522 0-447· E-Mail [email protected] · Internet http://www.bran-luebbe.de

Page 217: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Particle Flow Meter PFM 92 / PFM 92C

Figure 1: Particle Flow Meter PFM 92

1. Applications The filter controller of the device series PFM 92 is made for the qualitative control of dust emis-sions. The registration of the dust concentration in clean gas behind dust precipitators in all areas of the industry is the field of application. You will find main customers in the cement industry, the chemical and metallurgic industry. Increasing meaning also attains the food industry. A control of product losses over the exhaust air is also pos-sible beside the monitoring of the emission lim-its.

The user gets a 4...20 mA signal, proportional to the dust concentration, as well as two potential-free limit contacts.

The use of a filter controller of the device series PFM 92 is also meaningfull for the control of small dust precipitators due to the compact and robust design as well as the minimum of installa-tion and maintenance expenditure.

The device series PFM 92 have two business modes. In the integrating mode a slow increase of the measuring signal takes place according to the increasing of the dust concentration. One can leave the integration mode and registrate the momentary values of the measuring signal when a presetted, freely selectable limit is exceeded. A typical filter diagram developes, with its assis-tance an effective filter diagnosis is possible.

Picture 2: Typical filter-diagram in the business-mode

“Integral Off”

This means, an exact planning of maintenance works or a selective exchange of defective filter elements are possible, so that an optimal exploi-tation of the filter material up to the wear border is guaranteed.

The compact filter controller PFM 92C offers in principle all functions of the standard device. By the absence of the displays locally as well as the implementation of all switching functions di-rectly on the probe circuit board this version is suited for the setting up of complete operational monitors.

Figure 3: Compact filter controller PFM 92C

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The registration of the measuring signals usually takes place in a process control system or for official purposes on analogue writers or an ad-mitted evaluation unit. To give the signals on a separate PC with particular software is especially comfortable. There exists also the possibility to show a defect under exact statement of the dam-aged filter element.

The mobile version of filter controller PFM 92 is an effective help for operators with a high num-ber of filter installations without the obligation of monitoring as well as for service teams.

2. Construction and Operation The filter controller PFM 92 consists of an iso-lated probe to be installed in the clean gas pipe. An electrical charge transferred by contact- and triboelectric processes is shunted, transformed and amplified in the evaluation unit. The result-ing value is provided as a standard signal (4...20 mA). An exceed of the allowed emission value can be signalled with the help of two integrated, potential free and freely adjustable limit contacts.

The evaluation unit is executed as separate mod-ule by the standard device. The percentage dust level can immediately be read off on the inte-grated display. The evaluation unit has addition-ally a comfortable keypad, on which all switch-ing functions are realizable. This variant is an optimal solution for the effective filter monitor-ing, especially for the control of single precipita-tors or if the evaluation unit can be placed at a well visible position.

At the compact filter controller PFM 92 C this separate module is omitted. All functions are realized directly in the probe head. Because the reading off of the measured values is locally not possible, this version recommends itself for con-necting into an operation system.

3. Technical Data

3.1 Data from TÜV approval The filter controller PFM 92 already possesses the TÜV approval according to TA Luft since spring 1996. The examination itself took place in a 3 months continuing practice test with 2 de-vices at a mill for the lime production.

The minimum requirements for TÜV approval according to TA Luft were fulfilled in the con-text of this practice test. The ability of calibration was proven in the measuring ranges of 0...50 mg/m³ and 0...300 mg/m³. The minimum dust level, which is detectable is 0,1 mg/m³.

A supplement approval took place in summer of 1998 for the compact filter controller PFM 92C, because the evaluation unit was only simplified and integrated directly into the probe head. The minimum requirements for TÜV approval ac-cording to TA Luft for all device parameters were also fulfilled

For all versions of the PFM 92 is to consider, that exhaust gas velocities are necessary bigger than 5 m/s and the gas temperature shouldn’t fall below the dewpoint durably.

A reference point control at the PFM 92 and PFM 92C does not exist on the basis of the used measuring principle. For this reason the meas-ured signals of calibration from the beginning and the end of the TÜV approval were used to built the reference point. With this method was proofed that the drift of the measured signal was in the allowed deviations.

A plausibility examination of the measurements is sufficiently for the normal applications under business conditions. A reference point control is not necessary.

3.2 General Technical Data Measuring Ranges: 0,1 mg/m³ up to 1000 mg/m³ in dependence of dust-type and the characteristics of the gas

Probe temperature: maximum 260 °C (higher on request)

Protection: IP 65

Power supply: 230 V 50/60 Hz or 24 V DC or 110 V 50/60 Hz

Probe length: 300 mm (others on request)

Power Consumption: 10 W (PFM 92 standards) 5 W (PFM 92C)

Page 219: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Combination Monitor For Dust Con- centration And Gas Flow PFM 97

Figure 1: Dust Concentration Measuring Device

PFM 97

1. Applications Potential fields of application for the Dust Con-centration Measuring Device PFM 97 result in particular in the cement industry, power plants, combustion plants as well as for the most differ-ent areas of the chemical and metallurgic indus-try.

The dust concentration under operating condi-tions, normalised just as optional the exhaust gas velocity and the exhaust gas temperature as simi-lar 4...20 mA - output signal are at the disposal to the user.

Because of the robust and compact design (no moved or optical parts) no additional protection, air purge or cooling units are needed. Thus minimum operating costs and a minimal mainte-nance expenditure are guaranteed.

A further advantage is the simple assembly in only one flange. But no special tool is necessary. Likewise a complicated adjustment of the Dust Concentration Measuring Device PFM 97 in the pipe is omitted. An adjustment at already avail-able connecting pieces is problem-free on re-quest over adapter flanges.

With the continuous Dust Concentration Meas-uring Device PFM 97 it succeeded to move a large extent unknown measuring principle into a new generation of industrialsuited measuring instruments.

Due to the positive results obtained in the ap-proval of the TÜV Rheinland became the PFM 97 as suitability-checked measuring instrument

for dust emissions and the exhaust gas velocity for installations according to the German regula-tions 13. and 27. BImSchV as well as TA Luft behind mechanical and filtering separators.

The smallest suitability-checked measuring range for dust amounts from 0...20 mg/m³. This means that the device of PFM 97 corresponds to the requests for official monitoring tasks.

2. Construction and Operation The Dust Concentration Measuring Device PFM 97 consists of probe and evaluation unit. Two dust sensors for the dust signal and differential pressure transducer with integrated temperature sensor for the determination of gas velocity and temperature are installed on the measuring probe. The probe is arranged in such a way that it is suitable for mounting into one flange with an inner diameter of 100 mm.

The arrangement of dust sensors, which possess a sharp edged trapezoidal profile, takes place on the same height in direction of gas flow. The selected profile for the dust sensors guarantees a small degree of pollution and enables in such a way during a long period a stable measurement.

The dust measurement is made by redundant sensors. So occuring mistakes can be detected as for example sensor failure, serious contamina-tion or dust bridges.

The flow probe is centrally arranged before the dust sensors. The described design is protected patent-legally.

In the probe head are installed the preamplifier for reception of dust signal, the differential pres-sure transducer and the evaluation unit for tem-perature measurement. The evaluation unit con-tains the keypad, a display and the electronics needed for evaluation of the single signals.

Dust particles which get into physical contact with the probe generate an electrical charge which is derived from the probe as current in the range of pico amperes. A zero / reference point control takes place internally through separating the circuit between the probes and the electron-ics as well as through switch on a generated ref-erence signal.

Page 220: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

3. Technical Data

3.1 Data from TÜV approval Variable adjustments of dust concentration and gas velocity cannot be ensured in practice. For this reason there were executed examinations at a dust measuring channel beside the 3 months continuing practice test in a local power plant as well as in an industrial residual matter combus-tion. The checked measuring ranges amounted to 0 ...20 mg/m³ dust and 0 ...25 m/s gas velocity.

As in the case of conventional optical dust mea-suring instruments the signal depends on typical dust parameters (e.g. particle size distribution) also on triboelectrical devices. Experimentally it was proven that the influence can be generally neglected by the temperature, gas composition and moisture. By the moisture of gas is only to be noted that the temperature of the flowing gas may should not be permanently fallen below the dewpoint.

The dust concentration in the gas stream has a direct linear influence on the number of the elec-trical charges, which is exchanged between dust particles and sensor surface. The triboelectric current is thus directly proportional to the dust concentration.

After the dust concentration the velocity of the gas stream has the largest influence on the cur-rent by the triboelectric measurement. The measured signal is with the dust concentration in linear and with the speed in potential depend-ency.

The calibration ability of the combination moni-tor PFM 97 was proven with consideration of the dust concentration as well as the exhaust gas velocity in all attempts. The determined calibra-tion constants are to be used in dependence of dust and installation.

Staubkonzentrationgravimetrisch=A c'i.B.+Dy = 1,0019x -1,114

R2 = 0,9769









0 20 40 60 80 100 120

PFM 97 c'i.B. [mg/m³]





n gra

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Staubart: Mikro- Calcilin

Figure 2: Calibration diagramm of PFM 97

Maintenance work is limited to a plausibility check of the measured values as well as to clean-ing of the measuring probe. Because of the spe-cial probe geometry the intervals of maintenance can be expanded wide. Additional zero and ref-erence point are to be checked with help of an automatic cycle. Continuing works are not nec-essary.

3.2 General Technical Data Measuring ranges: (corresponds to 4 ...20 mA)

Temperature: 0 ...300 °C

Gas velocity: 0 ...25 m/s (others possible)

Dust in process: 0 ...15 to 0 ...500 mg/m³ (free selectable)

Dust normalised: 0 ...15 / 0 ...45 / 0 ...150 / 0 ...500 mg/m³

Status signals: disturbance, maintenance, limit 1, limit 2, measuring range A, measuring range B

Dimensions: probe: 300 x 400 x 1000 Weight appr. 10 kg

evaluation unit: 305 x 240 x 300

Environmental temperature: -20 ...+50 °C

Power supply: 230 V / 50 ...60 Hz

Load at analogue contacts: max. 500 Ω Load at digital contacts: max. 42 V / DC by 2 A

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D-R 280-10 Dust Concentration Meter

1. Fields of Application The DURAG D-R 280-10 Dust Concentration Me-ter is used for continuous dust measuring in flue gas chimneys and dust extraction pipings. Accord-ing to TA Luft and 13. BlmSchV it is suitable for furnace plants with hard coal, brown coal, fuel oil and mix-type combustions, converter plants, as-phalt mixing plants and cement production plants as well as for any other type of plant requiring quantitative measuring of dust concentrations. Calibrating capability in mg/m³ through gravimetric comparative measuring. Type tested to the guidelines for emission measur-ing equipment of the Federal Ministry of Interior (FMI Circular UII 8-556134/4 dated 21.7.1980) by TÜV Rheinland Technical Inspection Agency, Test Report # 936/802002-2 of 10.12.82. Itemized in the list of suitable instruments for con-tinuous registration of emissions. Joint Gazette # 16 of 15.6.1983 of the Federal Ministry of Interior.

2. Set-up and Mode of Operation The instrument applies the 2-beam alternate light method following the autocollimation principle, i.e., the lightbeam crosses the measuring section twice. The unit measures and evaluates the light beam's weakening caused by the dust content within the measuring section.

Switching between the measuring beam and a com-parator light beam proceeds through an electromag-netically actuated rotary diaphragm. For check value compensation, comparative measurings of 2 seconds duration each occur every 2 minutes. A photoelement alternatingly receives the measuring and the compara-tor light beam. There is only 1 joint amplifier for the measuring and the comparator beams, thus compensating for ageing of the bulb and the photo element, for temperature influences as well as for amplifier long-term drift. The monochromatic emitter light is being modulated with 1.2 kHz, avoiding influence of constant light (daylight, etc.). The core piece of the D-R 280-10 is a randomly pro-grammable microprocessor. A 64" integral can be acti-vated by way of a jumper in the terminal box. It works floatingly and effects a settled indication. There are 5 measuring ranges switchable between 0.1, -0.2, -0.4, -0.8, -1.6 extinction. For proper functioning the D-R 280 performs a check cycle every 2 hours, thereby measuring and indicating the zero point, the soiling of the optical boundary sur-faces as well as a reference value automatically. If nec-essary, the subsequent measuring values will be cor-rected. If the correction surpasses a determinated value, a signal will be generated.

2.1 Complete System The standard version includes: − Measuring head D-R 280-10

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.de Tel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

− Reflector D-R 280-I for measuring sections 0.4-3.2 m or

− Reflector D-R 280-II for measuring sections 2.8-7.5 m or

− Reflector D-R 280-III for measuring sections 7-14.0 m

− 2 welding pipes with ad-justing flanges

− Terminal box − 1 air unit (2 fans) for keep-

ing the end glasses clean

2.2 Optional Accesso- ries − 2 Weather protective

hoods for measuring head and reflector

− 2 Weather protective hoods for the purge air fan

(weather protective hoods are not necessary when the instrument is mounted in a protected area). − Automatic fail safe shutters for measuring head

and reflector for pressurized plants; complete with air flow sensors for purge air control and control unit with signals for protection system control.

Connection facility for emission evaluators, e.g. DURAG D-MS 500. The necessary status signals are available. Equipment delivered comes accompanied by ex-tensive documentation on mounting and installa-tion. For alignment of the welding pipes we can put an optical sighting device at disposal on a loan basis. On request, we delegate our technicians for instrument initiation and optical/electrical adjust-ment, who, at the same time, can instruct your personnel on the functioning and maintenance of the unit.

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability Test Reference Quantity full scale (FS) Tested ranges: D-R 280-10 0-0.1, -0.2, -0.4, -0.8, -1.6

Extinction D-R 280-10 OP 0.2 and 0.8 Extinction

25, 50 and 100% Opacity Period of unattended Operation 4-6 weeks Ambient temperature range - 20°..+ 50°C Influence of maladjustment of the light beam <2% of FS /± 0.35°

Temperature dependence of the zero point <2% of FS /10 K Temperature dependence of the sensitivity <0.2% of FS /10 K Drift of zero point <1% of FS /3 months Drift of sensitivity <2% of FS /3 months

3.2 Further Technical Data Length of measuring section 400 - 14.000 mm Mains voltage 115 / 230 Volt ±10%. Mains frequency 60 / 50 Hz Power consumption approx. 50 VA Output signal 4 - 20 mA / 500 Ohms Protection class IP 65 Conventional error limit < ± 2% ME Relay contacts’ load 250 Volt / 100 VA Technical Data - Purge air fan Mains voltage 200-240 V ∆, 345-415 V Υ Mains frequency 50 Hz Current input 2.8/1.6 A Other voltages and frequencies on request Max. flow rate 2,3 m³ /min bei 0 mm WS Weights Measuring head 16 kg Reflector 6 kg Adjusting flange 4 kg / each (2 pcs.) Purge air fan complete 15 kg / each (2 pcs.)

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D-R 216Opacity Meter

1. Fields of ApplicationTypical application fields are monitoring tasks in heat-ing plants industrial boiler plants barracks, hospitals,schools, etc., garbage and waste incinerators monitor-ing dust extraction and filtering systems process con-trolling in the chemical industry.According to Circular Letter Ull 8556134/4 of the FMIdated 18.9.1978, the D-R 216 Smoke Density Meter issuitable for monitoring gaseous and dustlike emis-sions.

2. Set-up and Mode of OperationThe instrument applies the 2-beam alternate lightmethod following the autocollimation principle, i.e., thelight beam crosses the measuring section twice. Theunit measures and evaluates the light beam's weak-ening caused by the dust content within the measuringsection.An electromagnetically actuated rotary diaphragmswitches between the measuring beam and a com-parator light beam. For check value compensation,comparative measurings of 2 seconds duration eachoccur every 64 sec.A photocell alternatingly receives the measuring andthe comparator light beam. There is only one joint am-plifier for the measu-ring and the comparator beams,thus compensating for light bulb and photoelementageing, for temperature influences as well as for ampli-fier long-time drift.

The emitter light being modulated with 25 Hz, no day-light influences will occur.A separate purge air fan keeps the heated opticalboundary surfaces free from soiling. Optional: Auto-matic cutoff system with pre-alarm. The cutoff thresh-old value can be adjusted over the entire measuringarea.

2.1 Complete SystemThe standard version includes:−= Measuring head D-R 216-40−= Reflector D-R 216-l for measuring ranges of 0.4-1.8

m or= Reflector D-R 216-ll for measuring ranges of 0.4-3.0

m or= Reflector D-R 216-lIl for measuring ranges of 2.3-

6.25m−= 2 welding pipes with adjusting flanges−= Terminal box−= Zero point reflector−= Purge air fan for keeping the end glasses clean

2.2 Optional accessories−= 2 Weather protective hoods for measuring head

and reflector−= 1 Weather protective hood for the purge air fan−= Registrating or indicating instruments such as dot

printer, line recorder,

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

−= built-in current meter−= Automatic fail safe shuttersEquipment delivered comes accompanied by extensivedocumentation on mounting and installation. Foralignment of the welding pipes we can put an opticalsighting device at disposal on a loan basis. On request,we delegate our technicians for instrument initiationand optical/electrical adjustment, who, at the sametime, can instruct your personnel on the functioningand maintenance of the unit.

2.3 Special Design−= Measuring head D-R 216-41 with integrated auto-

matic cutoff system of 600 mA sec defined capacity,for boiler plants that are operated to TRD 604 (BoB)without supervision

−= Measuring head with expanded measuring ranges,0-50% or

= 0-25% opacity

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability TestReference quantity Full Scale (FS)Tested ranges: 0-25%, 0-50%, 0-100% Opac-

ityReproducibility 47Period of unattendedoperation 4-6 weeksAmbient temperaturerange - 20°..+ 50°CInfluence of maladjustment

of the light beam <2% of FS /± 0,35° and pathlength < 0,5 m

Temperature dependenceof the zero point <1% of FS /10 KDrift of zero point <1% of FS /3 monthsDrift of sensitivity <1,8% of FS/3 months

3.2 Further Technical DataLength of measuringsection 400 - 6.250 mmMains voltage 115 / 230 Volt ±10%.Mains frequency 60 / 50 HzPower consumption ca. 30 VAOutput signal 4 - 20 mA / 400 OhmProtection class IP 65Conventional error limit ± 2% FSRelay contacts’ load 230 Volt / 100 VA

Technical Data - Purge air fanMains voltage 230 V, ±10%Frequency 50 HzPower consumption 0,25 kWOther voltages and frequencies on requestFlow rate 2,0m³ /min at 0 mm WC

WeightsMeasuring head 5 kgReflector 2 kgAdjusting flange 1,5 kg / each (2 pcs.)Purge air fan complete 20 kg

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D-R 300 / D-R 300-40 Soot /Dust Concentration Meter

1. Fields of ApplicationBy TA Luft, light crude-fired plants of a capacity of be-tween 5 and 25 MW are to be equipped with a meas-uring system, which shall continuously detect flue gasturbidity and with adequate certainty determine thesmoke spot numbers (soot).The DURAG D-R 300-40 Dust Concentration Meter isused for continuous measuring of dust emissions indust extraction channels, flue gas chimneys, etc., andat incineration plants for waste products and similarcombustible materials as per BlmSchV # 17.The DURAG D-R 300 / D-R 300-40 meters comply withthese requirements. It is installed directly at the fluegas chimney and optically monitors flue gas turbidity ona continuous basis. The measured values are regis-tered on a recorder and limit value exceedings arereported without any delay. This permits taking thenecessary measures within the regulation system of afurnace plant so as to safeguard realization of the limitvalues prescribed.

2. Set-up and Mode of OperationThe D-R 300 / D-R 300-40 meters work to the straylight method, which makes it extraordinary sensitiveeven to lowest particle concentrations.Its emission optics shape the modulated light of a longservice life-halogen lamp into a cone beam, which inthe exhaust gas duct lightens the smoke particles. Thereceiving optics detect, within a defined measuring

volume, the stray light reflected by the smoke particlesand map same on the optical sensor. This sensor con-verts the straylight into an intensity-proportional signalcurrent. The stray light’s intensity is proportional to theparticle concentration within the measuring volume.The secondary digital evaluation electronics computethe particle concentration from the stray light receivedand the emitted light’s intensity.The value computed is then indicated in a 4-digit dis-play as a digital value and simultaneously emitted asan analog current signal. The measured result can becalibrated and indicated in smoke spot numbers (soot)(D-R 300) or in mg/m³ (D-R 300-40).The meter’s optics and electronics section is gas anddust-tight on its chimney-adjacent side. The heatedoptical boundary areas are kept free from soilingthrough a separate purge air fan.For the purpose of checking its orderly functioning, themeter performs a control cycle in periodical 4hour timelapses, whereby the zero point, the soiling of opticalboundary areas as well as a reference value aremeasured and indicated automatically. If necessary,the subsequent measuring values are corrected. If thecorrection surpasses a certain value, the system willgenerate a signal.

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

2.1 Complete SystemScope of Delivery:−= Measuring Head−= mounting flange−= terminal box−= 1 light traps (2 light traps

for smoke spot meter)−= 1 purge air fan

2.2 Optional accesso-ries−= D-R 300-40: automatic

range selection for dustconcentration measure-ment according to 17.BImSchV

−= Weather protective hoodfor the measuring head

−= Weather protective hoodfor the purge air fan(Weather protective hoodsare not necessary when theinstrument is mounted in aprotected area)

−= Automatic fail safe shutter as a protection for themeasuring unit in case of an outage of the purgeair. Complete with flow sensor for purge air controland control unit with signals for protection systemcontrol.

Connection facility for emission evaluators, e.g.DURAG D-MS 500. The necessary status signals areavailable.Equipment delivered comes accompanied by extensivedocumentation on mounting and installation. Foralignment of the welding pipe and the light trap we canput an optical sighting device at disposal on a loanbasis. On request, we delegate our technicians forinstrument initiation and optical/electrical adjustment,who, at the same time, can instruct your personnel onthe functioning and maintenance of the unit.

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of the Suitability TestReference Quantity Full scale (FS)9 measuring rangesD-R 300 Smoke spot No 0-3…0-5D-R 300-40 0-1 to 0-500 mg/m³ with

automatic range switchingPeriod of unattendedoperation approx. 3 monthsAmbient temperaturerange - 20°…+50°CAvailability >99%Influence of voltagevariation of mains <0.4% of FS / 230 V±10%Temperature dependenceof measured values <0.7 % of FS / -20…+50°C

Drift of zero point <0.4% of FS / 3 monthsTime drift of sensitivity <0.4% of FS / 3 monthsReproducibility 82…263

3.2 Further technical DataIntegration time 10…900 sMains voltage 115 / 230 Volt ±10%Frequency 60 / 50 HzPower consumption approx. 50 VAOutput signal 4 - 20 mA / 500 OhmProtection class IP 65Conventional error limit ± 2% MERelays contacts’ load 250 Volt / 100 VA

Technical data - Purge air fanMains voltage 230 VFrequency 50 HzPower consumption 0.25 kWOther voltages and frequencies on requestAir output 84 m³/h

WeightsMeasuring head 18 kgPurge air complete 20 kg

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D-FW 230 / 231Filter Monitor

1. Range of Application

The DURAG D-FW 230 / D-FW 231 filter monitorsmay be used for continuous monitoring of filter instal-lations in flue gas ducts, duct work for dust extraction,etc. The filter monitor is placed on the clean-gas side,behind a filter, and will report any defect. By using filtermonitors at the most important emissions sources orfilters, appropriate action may be taken in the event ofa malfunction to prevent or limit damage, i.e., by shut-ting down the defective filter chamber.This system offers several advantages over compara-ble optical devices, including low purchase, installationand maintenance costs, as well as extremely highperformance.

2. Functional Description

The DURAG filter monitors operate according to theprinciple of triboelectric measuring. When dust particlescollide with one another, they acquire an electricalcharge. If these electrically charged particles strike themeasuring probe, the charge is transferred. The currentflowing through the probe is thus proportional to thenumber of particles colliding with it. The result will accu-rately correspond to dust emissions, since it dependsnot only on dust concentration, but also accounts for thevelocity of the particle flow.

The complete signal processing occurs in the sensor. Ameasuring probe inserted into the flue gas duct allowsthe sensor to record the electrical charge of the dustparticles. The measured value is calculated and thentransmitted as an interference resistant 4-20 mA signalto the Control Unit or is directly to e.g. a strip chartrecorder.

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

2.1 Complete SystemTwo Types of Filtermonitors are available:

−= D-FW 230 filter monitor= consisting of sensor and control unit= 115/230V, 50/60 Hz,= measuring probe length 400 mm (15.75 in.)= mounting with 1“ thread (G1)=

−= D-FW 231 filter monitorwith complete electronics built into probe 24 VDC,probe length 400 mm (15.75 in.)mounting with 1“ thread (G1)

2.2 Options−= mounting with DIN flange−= mounting with quick release flange−= measuring probe length of 80 mm (3.15 in.)−= measuring probe length of 250 mm (9.84 in.)−= measuring probe length of 700 mm (27.56 in.)−= flow gas temperature up to 500°C (932°F),ceramic


−= A weather protection hood is necessary at extremeenvironmental conditions only.

3. Technical Specifications

3.1 Results of the Performance Test

Performance: For the qualitative monitoring of dustemissions. For the quantitative monitoring of dustemissions with constant exhaust conditions (flowspeed, exhaust moisture and dust composition).

Reference quantity (Full Scale = FS)

Availability during theperformance test > 99%

Service frequency 2 months

Repeatability:to 10mg/m3 3550 to 20mg/m3 930 to 35mg/m3 34

Ambient temperature range -20º - +50ºC

Dependence on temperatureof the zero point <0.5% of FS/10 K

Change in the zero point <0.3% of FS/2 monthsChange in sensitivity <0.4% of FS/2 months

3.2 General Technical Specifications

D-FW 230, Full System

Sensor (D-FW 230-S)

Gas temperature -20–200°C,optional 500°C (932°F)

Ambient temperature -20–50°CPenetration depth 400 mm;

optional 80, 250, 700 mm,custom lengths upon request.

Protection class IP65Probe material 1.4571 / PTFE (Ceramic)

Control Unit (D-FW 230-B)

Ambient temperature -20-50°CMeasuring signal 4-20 mA / 500 OhmsLimit value contact Relay output, 250VAC/

100 VA resistive load,adjustable threshold

Displays Digital display of the 20 mAsignal, LED to signal limit valueexceedence

Integration time 2 sec. or 20 sec., selectableSupply voltage 230/115VAC, 50/60 Hz,10 VAProtection class IP65Calibration check Manual zero test

D-FW 231, Probe Version

Gas temperature -20–200°C, optional 500°CAmbient temperature -20–50°CPenetration depth 400 mm; optional 80 mm,

250 mm, 700 mm, customlengths upon request.

Probe material 1.4571 / PTFE (Ceramic)Measuring signal 4–20 mA / 500 OhmsIntegration time 2 sec. or 20 sec., selectableSupply voltage 24V DC, 5VAProtection class IP65Calibration check Zero test

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D-FL 100 Volume FlowMeasuring System

1. Field of ApplicationAccording to TA-Luft pollutant emissions of industrialplants must be monitored. For mass determination ofthe pollutants, also the exhaust gas flow must bemeasured with the help of a measuring device.The DURAG D-FL 100 Measuring System continuouslydetermines the flow velocity and the flow rate of theexhaust gas. Preselectable limit value surpassings areindicated inertia-free, so permitting necessary interven-tions in the plant control system so as to comply withprescribed emission limit values.

2. Set-up and Mode of Operation

The D-FL 100 Measuring System works according tothe principle of mechanical effect. The probe has twoseparate chambers, between which a pressure differ-ence, caused by the flow in the duct, builds up. Thedifferential pressure resulting at the probe is propor-tional to the square of the gas speed. Due to the

probe’s special shape, a highest possible differentialpressure is produced, whereby the linearity of themeasuring signal is guaranteed.On this basis, and taking the other flow parameters intoaccount, the volume flow can be converted from op-erational to standard conditions by the D-FL 100-10Microprocessor Evaluation Unit. For this purpose, twoadditional current inputs (4-20 mA) for a temperatureprobe and a pressure probe have been provided for atthe evaluation unit. If an emission evaluation computeris available, which can compensate the pressure andtemperature-dependence of the gases and that calcu-lates the actual corrected value of the volume flow, theevaluation unit is not needed.

2.1 Complete SystemD-FL 100-I / Flow measuring without temperatureand pressure compensation−= 2 mounting flanges−= Flow probe (material: 1.4571)

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

−= Design 1: for stack diameters 0.4-2.0 m−= Design 2: for stack diameters 2.0-4.0 m−= Design 3: for stack diameters > 4.0 m−= Counter support−= Differential pressure transducer−= Cross over cock−= Adaptor for flexible tube connection

D-FL 100-II / Flow measuring with temperature andpressure compensationsame as D-FL 100-I, but additionally−= D-FL 100-10 Microprocessor Evaluation Unit−= Absolute pressure measuring transducer−= Temperature measuring transducer

2.2 Optional accessories−= Adaptor for cross-over cock (differential pressure

transducer mounted to the probe)−= Weather protection hoods when mounted in an

outside area−= Automatic back flow purging for the probe

(pressurized air required)

2.3 Special DesignThe flow probe is also available in special materials forapplication with particularly aggressive exhaust gases:−= Hastelloy (2.4819)

recommended for heating power plants, chemicalplants and in paper manufacturing

−= Inconel (2.4816)recommended for operation temperatures of up to600°C

−= The d.p. transducer is also available with a sepa-rating membrane made of Hastelloy.

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability TestCertified Range 3-20 m/sAvailability 99,9%Maintenance intervals depending on application /

typical > 3 monthLower detectable limit 3 m/sInfluence of barometric air pressure onmeasuring signal compensatedPermissable ambient temperature:Transmitter -40 .. +80°CEvaluation unit -20 .. +50°CZero temperaturedrift 0,1% MBEZero drift max 0,5% MBEReproducibilty 3-10 m/s - 80

10-14,3 m/s - 124Set up time(90% response time) freely adjustable

1 - 180 s

3.2 Further Technical DataTechnical Data of D-FL 100Length of measuring rangeProbe I 400 - 2000 mmProbe II 2000 - 4000 mmProbe III > 4000 mmCross section of the probeProbe I 22 x 23.9 mmProbe II 50 x 53.4 mmProbe III 90 x 100 mmMinimum velocity 3 m/sExhaust gas temperaturemin. greater than exhaust gas dew

pointmax. (Mat. 1.4571 up to 400°Cmax. (Mat. 2.4816 up to 600°CMaterial of the probe: 1.4571 (standard)

(other materials available onrequest, e.g.: 2.4819, 2.4816

3.3 Electrical dataD-FL 100-10 Microprocessor Evaluation Unit

Mains voltage 115/230 V ±10%Mains frequency 50/60 Hz (Other voltages and

frequencies on request)Power consumption approx. 10 VAConventional error limit ±2%Limit values 2 limit values L.V.1 and L.V.2

independently adjustableOutput signal analog current 4 - 20 mA,

Live Zero 4 mAInput signal 3x analog current 4-20 mA

used for differential pressure,temperature and absolutepressure

Maximum load 500 OhmsRelay outputs 2 x limit value,

1 x “measurement”-status,all contacts zero voltage

Measuring valueintegration time 1 - 180 s freely adjustableCalculation mode selectable: standard or oper-

atinal flowMax. permissible ambienttemperature range -20° +50°C

Differential Pressure Measuring Transducer (rootextractor)

Measuring range adjustable 1 - 20 mbarFeeder voltage DC 11-30 VProtection class IP 65

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D-MS 285 ComputerizedEmission Evaluator

1. Field of ApplicationThe TI Air and the 13., 17. and 27 BlmSchV ordi-nances stipulate that furnace systems exceeding apredetermined volume be subjected to continuousmonitoring of exhaust gases.For the purpose of emission data computing and clas-sification, evaluation systems shall be applied thatcomply with the minimum requirements defined by theFederal Ministry for Environment.The DURAG D-MS 285 Computerized EmissionEvaluator complies with the Ordinances on Large Fur-nace Plants (13. BlmSchV), on Garbage IncinerationPlants (17. BImSchV), on Crematoriums (27.BImSchV) and with the Technical Instructions forMaintaining Air Purity (TI Air).Suitability-tested to the Guidelines on Evaluation ofContinuous Emission Measurings dated 26.07.1988and 26.10.1992 by the Rhine-Westphalia TechnicalInspection Agency TÜV e.V., Test Report IV.22/41/87-337666.Suitability announcement in the Joint -Gazetteof the Federal Ministry of the Interior, No. 19/1988 andNo. 26/1993.

2. Set-up and Mode of OperationThe signals of the continuously working measuringinstruments are collected, averaged, verified and con-verted into the respective physical values. Taking therequired reference parameters into account, e.g. theoxygen content or the exhaust gas temperature, the

system computes and classifies the mean values ofthe pollutant components each successive half-hour.Class sectioning is done in such a way that a rangecovering up to double the emission limit value contains20 classes of uniform widths, whereby the emissionlimit value as well as the 1,2 and the 2-fold of theemission limit value fall on class boundaries. Additionalspecial classes have been set up for collecting specialoperating states.A daily mean value is established and classified forevery calendar day, for which 4 classes are available:one class for values underneath the limit value, 2classes for values exceeding the limit value and oneclass for those days, on which no minimum operationtime has been reached.The emission limit values are considered compliedwith, when for each calendar year−= all day mean values have not exceeded the limit

value−= 97 percent of all half-hour mean values have not

surpassed the 1.2-fold limit value−= all half-hour mean values have not exceeded the

double limit value.The daily data output contains the state of all classesas well as additional information on operating time, daymean values, month mean values, pollutant load fig-ures, etc.

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

2.1 Complete SystemApart from the normal evaluation software, the basicunit contains the following options as a standard:−= Contact logic for input contacts−= Contact logic for output contacts−= In-/output contacts, invertible software-wisely−= Text assignment for all in/output contacts for both

states (fault message protocol)−= Text assignment for special plant states

(maintenance, out of operation, etc.)−= 10 event counters with exact time collecting, daily

loggable−= Addition and/or subtraction of concentrations by

way of a mass flow balance sheet−= Multiple-use reference values, e.g. addition of fuel

quantities−= Computation of trend values, free load limits, overall

furnace output, pollutant loads, total year emissionfigure, etc.

−= Freely definable special classes−= Remote control through serial interface, possibility

of storage on external computers of all parametersand message texts (e.g. on IBM-PC)

−= Connection facility for external process controlcomputers

−= Connection facility for the D-EVA / D-EFÜ Exten-sion Unit for storing all emission data and for pres-entation on color graphics monitors of all actual aswell as stored data.

2.2 HardwareThe base unit includes:−= Alphanumeric display, key pad−= 8 analog inputs 0-4-20 mA / 100 Ohms, w/ without

live zero−= 15 digital inputs−= 2 V.24 interfaces for printer, color graphics system

and ext. control unit−= All necessary counter plugsReadily connectable cables on requestThe unit expandable to:−= 32 analog inputs 0-4-20 mA (max. 15 pollutants)−= 60 digital inputs−= 4 digital output cards, each one with−= - 8 no-voltage relay contacts 220 V / 1 A−= 16 no-voltage relay contacts 40 V /5 VA−= 24 analog outputs 0-4-20 mA / 500 Ohms−= 4 V.24 interfaces

2.3 Scope of deliveryThe D-MS 285 Computerized Emission Evaluator baseunit contains all evaluation software and memory area,necessary for maximal extension.The software includes:−= Mean value formation (from 3 till 999 minutes)−= Correction-computation to O2 , temperature, pres-

sure, exhaust gas humidity

−= Simultaneous computation of concentration andmass flow classification in 22 classes, specialclasses

−= In addition, storage of the classified mean valueswith date and hour in the real-value memory, back-tracing and printout possible

−= Day mean value, month mean value formation−= Automatic printout of day and year distributions−= Free assignment of reference values−= Computation of multi-fuel/combifuel firings−= Computation of the sulfur emission rate−= Trend computation, pre-alarm, reporting of limit

value exceedingsFurther software options, which are continuously com-pleted according to the state of the art.

2.4 Special DesignD-MS 285-10 Special Design with−= 4 analog inputs 0-4-20 mA / 100 Ohms, w / without

live zero−= 8 digital inputs−= 4 digital outputs with no-voltage contacts

40 V / 5 VA−= 2 analog outputs 0-4-20 mA / 500 Ohms−= 2 V.24-interfaces

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability TestAvailability > 99%Reproducibility 0.3-0.7% of the total sumAmbient temperaturerange 0-50°CIntegration time 3-999 minIntegration time error < 0.002%Calculation error < 0.001%Temperature error < 0.05%Influence of voltagevariation of mains << 0.01%Classification 22 Classes, special classes

3.2 Further Technical DataNo of analog inputs 32, 0 (4) - 20 mA / 100 ΩNo of digital inputs 60 RelayNo of analog outputs 24, 0 (4) - 20 mA / 500 ΩNo of digital outputs 64 Relay 40 V / 5 VA

32 Relay 230 V / 1 ANo of serial interfaces 4, RS 232CData storage 3 yearsMains 115/230 Volt ±10%Frequency 50/60 HzPower consumption 70 VAConstruction 19“-Housing 3 HE / 84 TEWeight approx. 7 kgProtection class IP 20

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D-MS 500 ComputerizedEmission Evaluator

1. Fields of ApplicationThe TI Air and the 13./17. BlmSchV ordinancesstipulate that furnace systems exceeding a pre-determined volume be subjected to continuousmonitoring of exhaust gases.For the purpose of emission data computing and clas-sification, evaluation systems shall be applied thatcomply with the minimum requirements defined by theFederal Ministry for Environment.

2. Set-up and Mode of OperationThe signals of the continuously working measuringinstruments are collected, averaged, verified andconverted into the respective physical values. Takingthe required reference parameters into account, e.g.the oxygen content or the exhaust gas temperature,the system computes and classifies the mean valuesof the pollutant components each successive half-hour.Class sectioning is done in such a way that a rangecovering up to double the emission limit value contains20 classes of uniform widths, whereby the emissionlimit value as well as the 1,2 and the 2-fold of theemission limit value fall on class boundaries.Additional special classes have been set up forcollecting special operating states.A daily mean value is established and classified forevery calendar day, for which 4 classes are available:one class for values underneath the limit value, 2classes for values exceeding the limit value and one

class for those days, on which no minimum operationtime has been reached.The emission limit values are considered compliedwith, when for each calendar year−= all day mean values have not exceeded the limit

value−= 97% of all half-hour mean values have not

surpassed the 1.2-fold limit value−= all half-hour mean values have not exceeded the

double limit value.The daily data output contains the state of all classesas well as additional information on operating time, daymean values, month mean values, pollutant load fig-ures, etc.

2.1 Complete SystemThe basic unit contains the following options as a stan-dard:−= Free assignment of input signals to evaluation

channels−= Contact logics for input/output contacts−= Evaluation and classification on 64 channels−= 128 event counters with exact time collecting, daily

loggable−= Correction computation on oxygen content,

temperature, pressure and exhaust gas humidity−= Mean value compounding by way of adjustable

integration times 2 min..24 h−= Automatic computation of day / month / year mean


Page 234: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

−= Simultaneous computation of concentration andmass flow

−= Division of mean values in 22 standard classes andseveral additional / special / dropout classes

−= Previous day / previous month / previous yearresults addressable

−= Automatic change-over of classification data recordat beginning of a new year

−= Selectable different printout formats / time points−= Free text assignment to channel names, protocol

names, formula texts−= Trends computation, pre-alarms, reporting of limit

value surpassings−= Computation of multi-fuel / mixed fuel combustions,

computation of emission rates−= Special computations by way of a free formula in-


3. Technical Data

3.1 Evaluation computer−= VMEbus computing system with real-time multi-

tasking operating system−= Flexible and expandable through standarized VME-

bus hardware-interface−= Well-proven DURAG-IO-subsystem for analog and

digital in- / outputs−= Easy operation at front panel with illuminated LCD

display−= Comfortable operating area with menu system and

context-related help-texts−= Simple input dialogs with option listings in plaintext;

multi-language menu system−= Adjustable access protection with keyswitch and

optional password−= Maintenance-free rechargeable battery and read-

only memory, no battery changing−= Battery-supported real-time clock of a basic

accuracy of 1 sec/day−= Battery-supported storage for running short-time

data (RAM, data saving period approx. 14 days)−= File system with overwritable set-values for day /

month / year results and parameters (FlashEprom,data conservation approx. 10 years)

−= Collection in ring memory of the latest 20000integration results (yields a 50 days’ memory depthat 8 channels and Ti=30 min)

−= Collection in a ring memory of the latest 1000surpassings

3.2 Inputs−= Up to 32 current signals 0/4-20 mA (100 Ohms) for

pollutants and reference values−= Freely adjustable channel assignment and

denomination−= Up to 60 potential-free input contacts for binary


−= Input contact invertible by way of make/break logic

3.3 Outputs

−= Up to 32 current signals 0/4-20 mA (500 Ohms) foranalog output

−= Free conversion / standarizing of the output signal(mean value, trend value...)

−= Up to 64 potential-free output contacts (40 V / 5 VAor 230 V / 1A) for binary signal output

−= Assignment of message texts for every switchingside (incident protocol)

3.4 Serial interfaces−= Up to 4 interfaces RS232C/V.24-standard (DEE-

type) or RS485−= Editing of different print protocols−= Remote control by way of PC and coupling to

D-EVA visualisation system−= Transfer of all parameters and messages−= Independent configuration (Baud rate, parity, hand-

shake, etc.)−= Bus-coupling possible

3.5 Results of Suitability TestAvailability > 99%Reproducibility 0.3-0.4% of the total sumAmbient temperaturerange 0-50°CIntegration time 1-1440 minIntegration time error < 0.002%Temperature error < 0.3%Influence of voltagevariation of mains < 0.1%Classification 22 Classes, special classes

3.6 Further Technical DataMains 230 Volt ± 15%Frequency 50 / 60 HzPower consumption 100 VAConstruction 19“-Housing 3 HE / 84 TEWeight approx. 7 kgProtection class IP 20

4. RegistrationSuitability-tested to the Guidelines on Evaluation ofContinuous Emission Measurings dated 26.07.1988and 26.10.1992 by the Technical Inspection AgencyNorth e.V., Institute for Chemistry and EnvironmentalProtection No 128 CU 06 640 of 26.01.1995Suitability announcement in the Joint Ministerial Ga-zette of theFederal Ministry of the Interior, No 33/1995

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D-EVA Emission DataProcessing System

1. Fields of ApplicationIn our times, assessment of emissions and plant datais getting ever more important. The influx of measureddata and the monitoring of limit values call for a stead-ily growing manpower number. Here, the praxis-proven D-EVA system offers a great help indeed, bothfor the plant operator and for the emission controlsupervisor. The emission data are displayed in a clearform on a high-resolution colour graphics monitor. TheMaster D-EVA/M can manage data from up to 35emission evaluators simultaneously.

2. Set-up and Mode of OperationUp to 35 emission evaluators can be managed by D-EVA. Up to 9 monitor workstations can be linked to amaster computer through connections of any lengthsor via a telephone modem. Any number of worksta-tions within a network can be supplied with informa-tion.

Monitor workstations can also be connected with anetwork via ISDN.Each workstation can have its own printer, or the out-puts can be directed to network devices.

2.1 Complete SystemAll the same whether arranged on personal computersin desktop or in industrial housings, with or withoutnetwork, the system consists of the following softwaremodules:

– Coupler module:For coupling to the D-MS 285/500 EmissionEvaluators by way of a serial interface.

– Graphics module:The measured values can be displayed as mo-mentary values in bars, as a time diagram or incombined form.

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

– Spreadsheet module:The stored data can be displayed or printed out inany combination desired.

– Protocol module:All printouts of the Emission Evaluators can bestored by D-EVA in addition or as an alternative tothe logging printer.

– D-IAS module:Short time memory (several days) for specialevaluations. Resolutions ≥ 100 ms; 80 analogueinputs are possible per module; up to four D-IASmodules can be operated in parallel;

– Signalling module:Messages from the plant are carried in a messagelist and can be dispalyed or printed out.

– Relay module:Individual messages may be assigned to an out-put signal established by 8 relay switches forprocessing in a central units.

– Radio Clock module:Synchronises clocks of D-EVA and D-MS 285/500with the atom clock at the PTB in Braunschweig.

– Remote monitoring of emission EFÜ:With this module, the data of all connected emis-sion evaluators can be transferred to the G-System of the Supervisory Authority

– Network module:D-EVA is able to store data on Windows NT orNovell file servers and share it with all connectedsystems.

– Data export:Selected data can be transmitted to a DCS by theModbus Protocol.

– Backup module:Various safeguarding options for date saving on asecond storage medium are selectable.

– Language module:Four languages are currently supported: German,English, Spanish and Polish.

– Subsystems:Up to eight V24 Slave Systems can be linked to asub-/master system as workstations with varyingrepresentations on the monitors.

– D-EVA 19´´:For cabinet installations D-EVA is available in 19´´EMC proofed housings with EMV option.

– UPS module:The power supply voltage is monitored and incase of power failure the system will be run downin less than 1 minute. When supply power is re-stored the D-EVA will be restarted automatically

3 Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability TestThe independent system labeled „D-EFÜ System“ isonly used for data transmitting and emission datastorage functions required for remote emission moni-toring systems.In connection with an emission data processor the D-EFÜ System meets the minimum requirements for acomplete remote emission monitoring system.D-EFÜ is also available under the name D-EVA as anintegrated software module of the color graphicsmodule.

3.2 Further Technical DataHardware:– Pentium PC– Desktop or industrial-PC– 32 MBytes memory– 1,4 MBytes floppy disk drive– > 300 MByte hard disk– Color screen– 1 parallel, 2 serial interfacesSoftware:– Windows and/or MS-DOS operating system

4 RegistrationSuitability-tested to the Guidelines on Remote DataTransferring by the Technical Inspection Agency TÜVRheinland as a stand alone system as well as part ofthe Colour Graphic System D-EVA, test report936/808014/A: Report on the supplemental testing ofthe Emission Evaluators D-MS 285 and D-MS 500 incombination with the D-EFÜ module as an interface tothe remote emission data supervision.

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HM-1400Total Mercury Analyser


•= VDl 3868 page 3 E•= UBA Research Report 91-10402171•= Equivalency Test according to 17th BImSchV at

TÜV Rheinland, Report No. 936/8003002, pub-lished GMBL 1996, No. 28, page 592

1. Fields of Application−= Waste Incinerators (urban waste, industrial waste,

hospital waste)−= Sewage Sludge Incineration Plants−= Hazardous Waste Incineration Plants−= Steel Plants (Scrap Metal Preparation)−= Contaminated Soil Burning Plants−= Crematories−= Mercury Mines and Refineries−= Fluorescent Light Bulb Recycling Plants

2. Set-up and Mode of OperationThe HM-1400 draws a constant flow of stack gasthrough the PTFE-lined heated titanium sample probeand the heated PTFE sample line to the main cabinet.It is essential for the accuracy of the measurement,that the sample gas upstream the detector is in contactonly with materials inert to mercury. In the HM-1400

the sample gas comes in contact only with PTFE,Quartz and Glass.The sample gas then enters the infrared-heated oven(optional). In this oven at 800°C (1470°F), all mercuryforms are transferred in the gaseous form: Hg0 is al-ready in vapor form, Hg0 adsorbed on particulates (e.g.charcoal particulates after fluid-bed charcoal scrub-bers) is vaporized and the charcoal burned, Hg-compounds will either be vaporized or even already (atleast partially) thermally dissociated into the elements.This pre-treated sample gas flows through the first re-actor, where it is mixed with a constant flow of hydro-chloric acid (HCI) at 70°C (160°F) transforming allmercury ions into HgCl2, then being mixed with a con-stant flow of sodium hydroborate (NaBH4) solution andpassing into the second reactor. In this reactor at 10°C(50°F), all mercury ions are reduced to Hg0 which eas-ily and completely strips out of the liquid phase in thegas-liquid separator at 2°C (36°F). Mercury alreadypresent in vapor form is not influenced by the chemicalreactions.

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

A mercury specific Dual-Beam UV-Photometer is usedas detector. The UV-Photometer is protected by a liq-uid watchdog which, in the unlikely case of condensa-tion of water, would shut down all pumps immediately.The Hg-specific UV-Photometer measures mercuryvapor at 253.7 nm, a very specific wavelength for mer-cury. The sample matrix cleaned from mercury is usedas reference gas.The entire Total Mercury Analyser is controlled by anindustrial PC, which also calculates and reports theconcentration of total mercury. User interface isthrough a digital display (4 lines by 40 characters) andfour softkeys. Important program steps are accessibleonly with passwords.

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability TestEquivalent Range 0 - 150 µg / Nm3

MTBF >95%Rate ofMaintenance (min.) 3 to 6 weeksLower Detectable Limit <3 µg / Nm3

Influence of Barometric Air Pressureon Measuring Signal noneSample Gas Flow 120 NI / hTemperature Range +5°C to + 30°C (37 to 86°F)Total Accuracy ±5% F.S.Zero Temperature Drift <2% of Measuring RangeSensitivityTemperature Drift <3% of Measuring RangeZero Drift <±1.5% F.S. / weekSpan Drift <±2% F.S. / weekLag Time <1min

3.2 Further Technical DataRange 0 - 100 to 0 - 500 µg / Nm3,

selectable (higher rangesavailable with dilution or as op-tion)

Power Supply -230 V / 50 Hz, +10 / -15%,approx. 2.3 KVA

Startup Time 30 min

Signal Output 4 - 20 mA, RS 232MeasuringValue Display in µg / Nm3

Status Signals potential freeSwitching Contacts

Dimensions (HxWxD) 1400 x 800 x 600 mm(55.1 x 45.3 x 23.6“)

Weight 250 kg (approx. 550 lbs.)Sampling System PTFE-lined titanium probe with

electrical resistance heatingand controller, heated PTFEsample line

Mercury Vapor Monitor UV-Dual-Beam-Photometer(253.7 nm)

Reagents Hydrochloric Acid (HCI), So-dium Hydroborate

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F-904 Extractive Beta GaugeParticulate Monitor


•= Test Report No. 3.5.2/209/88-338529 RWTÜV andcompletion No. 352/740/94/577413

•= BMU-Approval RdSch. v.1.6.1990 IGI2

•= Design Certificate: HH 1/98

•= PTB Certificate No. 6.22-R202

•= UBA Research Report: 91-10402171

1. Fields of Application−= Coal and oil fired power plants−= Waste incinerators (urban, industrial and hazardous

waste)−= Waste water sludge incinerators−= Dust monitoring after wet scrubbers−= Heavy metal analysis−= Small diameter stack monitoring−= Particulate monitoring in process applications (bag

houses, etc.)−= Transportable version for mobile applications

2. Set-up and Mode of OperationThe instrument consists of five main modules:Sample Probe - Sample enters the F-904 through ei-ther a stainless steel or titanium sample probe. Theseprobes are suitable for either direct or diluted sampleextraction and are heated.Sample Collection/Measurement Assembly - Once thesample passes through the sample probe, it enters aheated sample line (stainless steel or titanium) and isdirected onto a filter tape held in a heated, gas-tightholder. The C-14 sources and Geiger-Muller-Counter-Tube detectors are mounted on the holder outside ofthe gas stream to ensure even sample deposition on

the filter tape. An optional Cover Foil is used to fix andsecure the deposited particulates on the tape.Sample Gas Cooler - Once the gas passes through thefilter tape, it is routed to a downstream cooler to extractwater (and thus allows reporting of dust concentrationon a dry basis).Pump/Mass Flow Controller - A carbon vane rotarypump and Mass flow controller (located downstream ofthe sample gas cooler) pull the sample stream throughthe sample probe, collection assembly and cooler at aflow rate of 3 cubic meters per hour.On-Board Computer - All instrument functions arecontrolled by a powerful on-board plc. This plc alsocalculates the particulate concentration value from thegas volume and zero/final radiation absorption differ-ential.The F-904’s major components are housed in a sturdycabinet and are easy accessible for periodic inspectionand maintenance.

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability TestCertified Ranges 0-5 to 0-225 mg/Nm3

MTBF >95 % availabilityMaintenance intervals weeklyLower Detectable Limit <0.3 mg/Nm3

Influence of Barometric Air Pressureon Measuring Signal noneSample Gas Flow controlledTemperature Range -20°C to +50°C( -4 to 122°F)

depending on installed optionsTotal Error <±5% F.S.Zero Temperature Drift <2,5% of Measuring RangeSensitivityTemperature Drift <1,5% of Measuring RangeZero Drift automatic zero controlSpan Drift <1% F.S. / Week

3.2 Further Technical DataRanges selectable between 0-1 and 0-

2000 mg/Nm3

Power Supply 230 V / 380 V - 50 Hz,+10/-15%, 5 kVA

Power Required 4-7 kVA, depending onSample System

Startup Time <30 minSignal Output 4-20 mA, Status SignalsMeasuring ValueDisplay in mg/Nm3

Status Signals potential freeSwitching Contacts

Dimensions (H x W x D) 2050 x 800 x 800mm(81x31x31“)

Weight 350 kg (770 lbs.)Pressurized Air 6 bar, Instrument Air

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OF-1200Emission Black Smoke(Soot) Meter


•= Test Report No. 936/802005, TÜV Rheinland•= BMU approval

1. Field of Application−= Automatic Monitoring of Soot (Rußzahl, Bacharach

Counts) in oil-fired plants−= (German TA-Luft 5-25 MW)−= For fixed installations and mobile measurements−= Pre-calibrated instrument with heated, extractive

Sampling System−= Selective Soot Measurement without dust-/ aerosol-

content−= Suitable for unfavorable and difficult locations−−−−==== Simple installation

2. Set-up and Mode of OperationA complete Monitoring System for black smoke (soot)consists of the heated Sample Probe and the Soot-meter OF-1200 with the mechanic-optical part and theelectronics.The Sootmeter OF-1200 samples the black smokeparticles on a tape-filter.After sampling 1.63 liters, depending on the instru-ment’s operational mode, either the pump stops or a3/2 way solenoid valve switches, supplying room air tothe pump.Following completion of the sampling, the filter holderopens to allow the filter tape to be moved forward tothe measuring position (soot spot under the photome-ter). The filter holder closes and the reflected light fromthe soot spot is measured. The result is calculated anddisplayed in RZ. Subsequently, the filter holder opens,

a clean and empty spot of the tape is moved to themeasurement position, and the reflection is measuredand zeroed to RZ=0. After the wait time the filter holderopens and the zeroed spot is moved into the samplingposition, the filter holder closes, and the sampling pe-riod starts.Depending on the instrument’s operational mode, thecycle either repeats itself automatically, or the instru-ment waits for external signals.The optical system of the VEREWA OF-1200 containsa reflection photometer, which is mounted directly onthe filter holder. The photometer’s light source emitswhite light, which is reflected and absorbed by the filtertape’s material. The reflected portion is measured inthe photometer. This portion is larger, if less soot iscollected on the tape (less blackened spot). Collectionand interference from other dust particles have nomeasurable effect, as the light absorption by the blackcarbon particles (soot) is higher by the factor of 10.000compared to the light absorption by different coloredsubstances or aerosols.The measured light signal forms an electrical signal asinput to the electronics. VEREWA’s OF-1200 utilizes asingle board microprocessor system. The program andcustomized inputs are safely stored in a non-volatilememory chip, protecting them from loss of power.

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DURAG Industrie Elektronik GmbH & Co KG • Kollaustr. 105 • D22453 Hamburg • www.durag.deTel +49 (0) 40 55 42 18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 40 58 41 54 • E-mail [email protected]

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability TestApproved Range(Germany) 0 - 3 RZMTBF >95% availabilityRate ofMaintenance (min.) 20 days at 25% operationLower Detectable Limit 0.1 RZSample Flowrate 1.63 l ±0.13 l in 50 sec.

(one cycle)Temperature Range - 20°C bis +50°C

(-4 to +122°F)depending on installed options

Total Error <5% F.S.Measuring ValueTemperature Drift <6,3%Sample Gas FlowTemperature Drift <4,3%Zero Drift Auto-ZeroSpan Drift <0.1 RZ / weekLag Time (cycle time) 2 minReference Method Basic Calibration ace.

DIN 51402, part 1

3.2 Further Technical DataRanges 0 - 3 RZPower Supply 230 V - 1/N/PE-50 Hz, +10%, -

15%Power Required appr. 1 kVAStartup Time <30 minSignal Output 4 - 20 mA, Centronics, Status

SignalsMeasuring valuedisplay in RZDimensions 320 x 450 x 650 mm

(12.6 x 19 x 25.6“), (HxWxD)Weight appr. 35 kg (77 lbs.)

Page 243: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

FH 62 E-N A Dust Emission Monitorfor the continuous monitoring of thedust concentation in stack gases

1. Field of Application

Approved according for continuousmeasurement of the dust concentration(mg/m³) in stack gases of power plants andwaste incinerator plants after downstream dustfilters and gas scrubbers.


TÜV-report No. 1472356-2 (1990)TÜV Bayern, München

published in the federal Gazette of theGerman Ministries:GMBl-No. 20 (1990), page 399

Other Field of Application:

Measurement of low dust concentrations afterwet scrubbers, stack gas desulphurationsunder varying stack velocity in the presence ofcorrosive gas. The beta ray absorption isunindependent from the particle form, colorand size:

2. Mode of OperationThe Particulate Monitoring Instruments of thetype FH 62 is the only radiometricinstruments measuring, observing anddisplaying accumulated particle masssimultaneously during the collection of thedust. This mode of operation permits real time

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measurement of the dust on a filter and on-line measurement/ display of the massconcentration the dust in the stack.

After an automatic zero adjustment, a partflow is sampled directly from the stack usingan isokinetic regulation and dilution system.This part flow is heated up , diluted with freshair and sampled on a filter spot.This filter is located in the radiometricsystem. The accumulated particle mass isdisplayed simultaneously during the collectionof the dust. This growing mass weakens theradiometric beam and the integral over time isrecorded.

The dust concentration is calculated from thegrowing mass on the filter and the measuredair flow rate and displayed in real-time

The most remarkable features of this monitorare the continuous dust concentrationmeasurement and the automatic isokineticsampling with dilution system.

The regulated dilution and complete sampleprobe heating makes it possible to measure ata high dew point and in presence ofcondensing water droplets.The stack velocity is measured for theconcentration calculation.

The automatic regulation and several controlprocedures prevent a blocking and condensingwater in the sample probe.

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of Suitability Test

reference value end of measuring range(ME)

approved range: 0-30 and 0-250 mg/m³

detection limit: 2 µg/m³, 0,5 µg/m³ (24h)

Availability > 98 %

Reproducibility 18

ambient temperature range - 20 °C - + 50 °C

Drift of the zero point: < 2 % of ME/ maintenance interval

Drift of the sensitive: < 4% from ME/ maintenance interval

3.2 Further Technical Data

Signal output RS 232 , 0 - 10 V;0 - 20 mAremote control

Signal indication LCD/LED, detection limit 0,75mg/Nm³ at

VT=140 l/h

source 85Kr ; 1,85 GBq(50 mCi)

Radiation approval By 34/88


Frauenauracher Str. 96D-91056 Erlangen / Germany

09131/909 262 - FAX 09131/909 156

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Continuous Emissions Monitoring SystemAR 602Z for Gas Components:

SO2, NO, NO2, Hg, NH3, H2O, Phenol and Formaldehyde

Diagram of the System


Typical applications of the Opsis EmissionsMonitoring System include:Power plants, where Opsis is able to monitor stackemissions from all commonly used fuels. Due to itsresponse times of only a few seconds, Opsis can beused for process control applications.Solid waste incinerators. A common problem is theaggressive environment. Here, Opsis's non-contactmeasurement allows continuous monitoring of thecombustion gases, including Hg and HCl, withoutbeing affected by acid attack.Cement plants, where the monitoring of NOx andNH3 are typical requirements.Chemical plants, including plastic producers.Opsis's multi-analytical capability allows continuousmonitoring of phenol and formaldehyde, togetherwith other gases selected by the plant user.Aluminium smelters: Once again, Opsis' multi-analytical capability has allowed customers toinclude HF monitoring along with a capability forSO2, NO2 and other pollutants.

2. Construction and Method

2.1. General System

For emissions monitoring applications, the lightbeam - or light path - crosses the internal diameterof a stack or flue.In an Opsis system, a beam of light is projected ontoa receiver, and is then passed to the Opsis analyserthrough a fibre optic cable.Opsis measures gases by DOAS (DifferentialOptical Absorption Spectroscopy), using Beer-Lambert's Law.Each gas absorbs different parts of the lightspectrum in a unique way. This allows the analyser'ssoftware to detect and measure the gases specifiedby the system user. Results are then available forreal-time display, or for statistical operations and thegeneration of reports.

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2.2. Analyser

The analyser is the central unit in every Opsis-system. While the analyser's basic functions arealways the same - to detect and measure gases andto log data - its operation may be varied to meet theparticular needs of each user.The most obvious variable is the number of gasesmonitored by the system. As an example, onesystem will monitor NO, NO2, NH3, Hg and SO2.The user has complete freedom to specify from awide range and, unlike other systems, upgrading tohandle more gases is largely a software task: it doesnot involve installing additional monitoringhardware.

3. Technical Specifications

3.1. Technical Specifications (Standard)

• Dimensions (LxWxH): 600x440x266 mm• Weight incl. case (approx.): 50 kg• Voltage supply: 230 V (+6%, -10%) or 115 V

(±10%) 50/60 Hz• Power consumption: 110W• Computer: IBM PC compatible with

VGA-Monitor• Hard disk memory: 120 Mb or more• Floppy disk drive: 3 ½ ", 1.44 Mb• Modem: Hayes compatible• Serial output: RS-232C• Ambient temperature: +15°C to +30°C (+60°F to

+85°F)• Degree of protection: IP 20 3.2. Data out of the TÜV Report • Phenol and Formaldehyde

Suitability: For mineral wool manufacturingfacilities TÜV Report No. 936/802011 Cologne, June 6th, 1994

• SO2, NO and NO2 Suitability: For heating and waste incinerationfacilities TÜV Report No. 936/800009 Cologne, August 2nd, 1991

• Hg Suitability: For facilities according to the 13th

and 17th BImSchV as well as TA-Luft formonitoring emissions from metallic mercury TÜV Report No. 936/804002/Hg Cologne, June 6th, 1994

• NH3 Suitability: For facilities according to the 13th

and 17th BImSchV as well as TA-Luft TÜV Report No. 936/804002/NH3 Cologne, June 6th, 1994

• H2OSuitability: For waste gas and waste airTÜV Report No. 936/800010/2Cologne, March 1st , 1993

Compound Lowest TÜV approvedmeasurement range

Phenol 0-20 mg/m³Formaldehyde 0-20 mg/m³SO2 0-80 mg/m³NO 0-150 mg/m³NO2 0-20 mg/m³Hg 0-150 µg/m³NH3 0-10 mg/m³H2O 0-300 g/m³ Cologne, June 6th, 1994

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Continuous Emissions Monitoring SystemAR 650 for Gas Components:

HCl, CO and H2O

Diagram of the System


Typical applications of the Opsis EmissionsMonitoring System include:Power plants, where Opsis is able to monitorstack emissions from all commonly-used fuels.With response times of only a few seconds,Opsis is used for process control applications.Monitoring emissions reaching the environmentis another commonly used application.Solid waste incinerators. A common problemis the aggressive environment. Here, Opsis'non-contact measurement allows continuousmonitoring of the combustion gases, includingHg and HCl, without being affected by acidattack.

2. Construction and Method

2.1. General System

For emissions monitoring applications, the lightbeam - or light path - crosses the internaldiameter of a stack or flue.In an Opsis system, a beam of light is projectedto a receiver, and is then passed to the Opsisanalyser through a fibre optic cable.

Opsis measures gases by DOAS (DifferentialOptical Absorption Spectroscopy), using Beer-Lambert's Law.Each gas absorbs different parts of the lightspectrum in a unique way. This allows theanalyser's software to detect and measure thegases specified by the system user. Results arethen available for real-time display, or forstatistical operations and the generation ofreports.

2.2. Analyser

The analyser is the central unit in every Opsis-system. While the analyser's basic functions arealways the same - to detect and measure gasesand to log data - its operation may be varied tomeet the particular needs of each user.The most obvious variable is the number ofgases monitored by the system. As an example,one system will monitor, NH3, CO, CO2, H2O andHCl. The user has complete freedom to specifyfrom a wide range and, unlike other systems,upgrading to handle more gases is largely asoftware task: it does not involve installingadditional monitoring hardware.

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3. Technical Specifications

3.1. Technical Specifications (Standard)

• Dimensions (LxWxH): 600x440x266 mm• Weight incl. case (approx.): 50 kg• Voltage supply: 230 V (+6%, -10%(±10%)

50/60 Hz• Power consumption: 110W• Computer: IBM PC compatible with

VGA-Monitor• -Monitor• Hard disk memory: 120 Mb or more• Floppy disk drive: 3 ½ ", 1.44 Mb• Modem: Hayes compatible• Serial output: RS-232C• Ambient temperature: +15°C to +30°C (+60°F

to +85°F)• Degree of protection: IP 20

3.2. Data out of the TÜV Report

Compound Lowest TÜV approvedmeasurement range

HCl 0-15 mg/m³CO 0-75 mg/m³H2O 0-300g/m³

Suitability: For.applications according to the 13th

and 17th BImSchV as well as TA LuftTÜV report No. 936/804001Cologne, April 25th, 1996

Page 251: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

NOx-Monitor 4000 Sfor dependable flue gas

and pollution gas analysis

1. Field of application

Suitable for continuous determination of the NO-concentration in stack gas of coal, oil and gas- firedfurnaces. The monitoring system was suitebility tested bythe Rheinisch-Westfälischer TÜV e.V. ( technicalInspectation Service), Essen.(Report No. IV.2.2/1152/86-3371 95/00 of 4th August1988 and 3rd October 1988).

Possible other application areas are: refuse combustionfacilities and motorcar emissions.

Groninger Straße 2513347 BerlinTelefon: +49 (0)30/455085-22Telefax: +49 (0)30/455085-90e-mail:[email protected]

Flue gas processing

Page 252: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

2. Set-up and mode of opperation

2.1 Complete system

The monitoring system consists of the approved analyserNOX- monitor 4000 S with sample gas conditioning andheated sampling probe.PRONOVA offers the following equipment:- PRONOVA Flue Gas Processingwith gas humifinder, pump, condensing coil, SO2-filterelement and condensate tank with filling-level control anddraincock.- NOX-monitor 4000 Swith condensing coil, condensing tank, pump, fine filterand flow setting with flow meter.

All gas conditioning parts in contact with the sample aremade of PTFE material, FPM or PC to prevent corrosion.

2.2 Analyzer

The PRONOVA NOX-monitor 4000 S uses an electro-chemical cell. It consist of three gas diffusion electrodes:measuring electrode, counter electrode and referenceelectrode. The electrolyte is sulfur acid.

A low-noise potentiostat regulates cell voltage and currentso that the voltage between measuring electrode andreference electrode remains constant. Oxidation of nitrogenmonoxide takes place and the measuring electrode,electrons are generated. At the counter electrode oxygen isreduced, electrons are consumed. This causes a currentflow in the cell in proportion to the concentration of thenitric oxide gas.

1. potentiostat 6. measure gas2. differential amplifier 7. reference electrode3. reference potential 8. air4. three-electrode cell 9. counter electrode5. measuring electrode

3. Technical data3.1 Results of the Suitability TestReference quantity full scale (FS)Tested range 0-670 mg/m³**Availability > 95%Period of unattended opperation 7 daysReproducibility 58-101Influence of the barometric 0.3%*/hPa changes ofpressure variation ± 15 hPaInfluence of the sample flow rate or volume variation 0.3%* /1 l/hLower detection limit 1.6 % of FSAmbient temperature range +5 to +45°CTemperature dependance of the zero point not detectableTemperature dependence of the sensitivity gas value/ 10 KInterference error; response to stated levels of inter- fering substances present in the sample 1.9% of FS CO2 15 Vol.% CO 1 Vol.% SO2 2.02 g/m³ NO2 50 Vol.-ppmResponse time(time to 90% response) < 150 sDrift to the zero point < 2% of FS/7 daysDrift to sensitivity < 4% of FS/7 days

3.2 Further Technical Data

Further measuring ranges 0-1340 mg/m³**0-2680 mg/m³**0-8040 mg/m³

Signal output 0/4-20 mA; max. 500Ohm0/2-10V; min. 1000Ohm

Signal indication LCD (4 digit)in Vol.-ppm

Signal characteristics linearSample flow rate 22-28 l/hWarm-up time ≤ 10 min.Warm-up complete system ≤ 10 min.Sample gas cooler dewpoint not requiredAllowable ambient temperature Flue gas processing + 5 to + 45°CMains supply 230V ± 15%, 50 HzPower consumptionAnalyzer 130 VAFlue gas processing 130 VAProtection/ weight (DIN 400 50)Analyzer IP 20/6.0 kgFlue gas processing IP 20/11.5 kg

* of measured value** refered to standart atmosphere, dry gas

Page 253: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Semtech Metallurgy ABMercury monitorSemtech Hg2000

ApplicationsWaste incinerationEnergy productionMetallurgical processesSulphuric acid production

Operation principleAnalyzer: Differential optical absorption forselective detection of elemental mercury.Reduction unit: Continuous reduction ofoxidized mercury to elemental using stannouschloride injection

TÜV test resultsTested range: 0-150µg/m3Availability: 95%Service interval: 1 weekDetection limit: 3µg/m3

Reproducibility: 20Influence from variations in air pressure, gasflow, temperature and gas composition withinprescribed limits

OptionsGas cells for optional ranges: 0.3µg - 20mg/m3Integration times: 1, 10, 60 or 600sMultiple gasline monitoringReduction unit to monitor the mercury contentin sulphuric acid

Technical specificationsTemperature controlled cabinet housinganalyzer and reduction unit

Dimension: B800 x H2050 x T500mmWeight: 220kgPower: 240VAV, 0.75kW

___________________________________________________________________________________Semtech Metallurgy AB, Ideon, SE-223 70 Lund, SwedenPhone: +46 (0)46 182550 Fax: +46 (0)46 2118871 e-mail: [email protected] Contech GmbH, Am Hasenpfad 5, DE-63674 Altenstadt, GermanyPhone: +49 (0)6047 68839 Fax: +49 (0)6047 68942 e-mail: [email protected]

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Page 255: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Multi Component AnalyzerGM 31

4 620 8 1 41 1 21 21 0

Fig. 1: GM 31 with probe Fig. 2: GM 31 system

1. Range of Application

The multi component measuring systems of the GM 31series are measuring devices which continuously deter-mine the mass content of SO2 and NO in exhaust gases(type-testing), plus NH3 or NO2 as options.The GM 31 can be used for process control andoptimisation in:• Power plants• Waste incineration plants• Cement industry• Petrochemical industry• Paper industry• Pharma , glass und plastics industry

Aptitude Approval Test: RWTÜV Anlagentechnik GmbH( Report No. 352/0154/96 - 61 75 26 / 01 )The device fullfills the requirements of the 13./17.BImSchV and TA Luft

2. System Design and Operation

The GM 31 is available in 7 configurations.• GM 31-1 SO2 only• GM 31-2 SO2 and NO• GM 31-3 SO2, NO and NO2

• GM 31-4 NO only• GM 31-5 SO2, NO and NH3

• GM 31-6 SO2 and NO (corresponds to US EPA)• GM 31-7 NO and NO2

The standard delivery design consists of:• Sender/receiver unit• Measuring probe with triple reflector• Mounting flange with purge air connector• TCU control unit• Purge air unit• MEPA-GM 31 service program

The measuring beam emitted by the sender/receiver unitis reflected back at the same angle to the sender/receiverunit by the reflector with screen, which is located at theend of the probe. After optical processing the measuringlight is led to a diode cell. The optical processing unitconstists of a deflector, a division mirror, a polychromatorunit with aperture slot and optical lattice, which dispersesthe light. The diode cell, which functions as a detector,contains of 256 photo diodes. Each of the photo diodesmeasures a section of the spectral range of approx.30 nm. The spectral range of 219 nm to 233 nm is used toevaluate the gas components SO2 and NO. Depending onthe additional components to be measured, the spectralrange is extended to 203 nm for NH

3 (GM 31-5) or up to

249 nm for NO2 (GM 31-3 , GM 31-7). Because of itscharacteristic feature, the absorption curve for SO2 is usedas the base measurement. The GM 31 system measuresthe other gases (NO, NH3, NO2) relative to SO2 using thecharacteristic wave length ranges for each gas whichspecifically exclude the other gases. The measured valuesare converted, together with the exhaust gas temperature,by means of an internal calibration function, into the cur-rent concentration values. Optimized evaluation algo-rithms ensure that the measured values are free of cross-sensitivities to other gas components.

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3. Technical Data

3.1 Data from the Aptitude Test (GM 31-2)

Measuring path (Probes) 800 mm, 300 mm and 500 mmAvailability > 96%Maintenance intervals 4 weeksReproducibility > 50 (waste incineration); >80 (power plants)Detection limit SO2: 0.06 mg/m3

NO: 0.09 mg/m3

Ambient temperature range -20 to +55 °CTemperature dependence on the zero point position < 1.6%Drift in the zero point position NegligibleDrift in sensitivity NegligibleResponse time (90%-time) < 18 sExhaust gas temperature Max. 400 °C

Cross-sensitivity NO SO2

CO2 (15 vol.-%) 0% 0%CO (300 mg/m3) 0% 0%NO2 (300 mg/m3) 0,8% 0%HCl (50 mg/m3) 0% 0.5%SO2 (200/1,000 mg/m3) 0% / 0.6%N2O (20 mg/m3) 0% 0%CH4 (20 mg/m3) 0% 0%NH3 (50 mg/m3) 0% 0%H2O (approx. 30 vol.%) 0.2% 1.6%

Lamp Deuterium

Supply voltage 100-130 V / 210-250 V; 50 / 60 Hz

Analog outputs 2; 0/2/4-20 mA; max. 750 Ohm

Interfaces at sending / receiving unit RS 232 service interface for MEPA2 x RS 422 ( Control unit and probably. O2-sensor)

Interfaces at control unit RS 232 service interface for PC with MEPA TCU2 x RS 422 (s/r unit and host-PC)

Protection class IP 65

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 257: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Opacity MonitorOMD 41

Fig. 1: OMD 41 Fig. 2: Description

1. Field of Appliaktion

With its robust construction, the Opacity and Dust MonitorOMD 41 is designed for harsh industrial applications. Itdetects, over several measurement ranges, both high andmedium dust burdens.The OMD 41 is qualified for TI Luft, 13 BImSchV. and isU.S.EPA conform.Suitability test by the Rheinisch-Westfälischen TÜV Essen(Report No. 352/0855/93 – 578939/01 of 24.07.95.)

2. Applications• Power plants• Cement plants• Asphalt mixing sites• Glass, steel and paper industry• Precipitator control/regulation• Special applications such as thick duct walls or large

chimney diameters• Monitoring of dust emissions of technical equippment

behind filters

3. Set-up and Mode of Operation

3.1 System design

The in-situ measurement device OMD 41 consists of thefollowing basic units:• Transceiver• Reflector• Connection box

The transceiver and the reflector units are flange mountedopposite each other on the stack and the connection boxcan be located up to 2 m away from the transceiver unit(cable length 2 m).The connection box contains a displayfor measured value indication and function control, twoservice elements and the terminals for analogue, binaryand digital signals. The optical and electrical functionalelements are contained within the transceiver unit. Apulsed LED serves as the light source, gua Operatingprinciple of the OMD 41 ranteeing a long lifetime and theoptical path assemblies are contained within a robust,hermetically sealed die-cast housing. The reflector unitcontains the measurement reflector and a swing frontwindow for the measurement of contamination. An integralsighting device eases alignment of the transceiver andreflector units. In order to keep transceiver unit andreflector are purged with air.

3.2 Measurement principle

The OMD 41 is a transmissometer based on a preciseoptical system. A concentrated beam of lights is directedthrough the dust laden medium to the reflector, whence itis retransmitted to the receiver- in passing through theduct the light is attenuated by dust particles in the gas. Acomparison is made of the intensities of the returned lightand the reference beam and the transmission or theopacity value determined. The extinction value is calcu-lated from these to obtain a linear relation with dustburden. Indication of transmission, opacity or extinctionvalues can be selected on the connection box.

• Air-purge unit

OMD 41

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3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of the suitability test

Availability: 99,8% or 95,7%

Period of unattendedoperation:

> 4 Wochen

Lower detection limit:(MB0-0,1Ex)

Transmission 0,51%Extinction 0,002Dust 1,2 mg/m3 (MBE 25 mg/m3)

Drift of zero point: < 1,0%

Drift of span value: < 1,3%

Influence of maladjustmentof the light beam:

< 2% in angel Range of +/-0,3°

Response time (90% time): 1-360 s

Measurement principle: Transmissiometry in auto collimation

OMD 41-02 OMD 41-03

• Transmission• Opacity• Extinction

100-0 to 50%; ±2% 100-0 to 80%; ±2%0-2 to 0.3; ±2%

0-100 to 50%; ±2%0-100 to 20%; ±2%0-2 to 0.1; ±2%

Measurement path: 0.5-2 m; 2-6 m; 6-10 m; 10-15 m

Analog outputs electr.isolated:

0 - 4 mA; (max load 750Q) 1: transmission, opacity or extinction 2:calibrated dust concentration

Relay outputs potentiallyfree:

4 relay outputs: max. 48 V, 1 A(cycle/maintenance, limit value 1 and 2, fault)

Binary inputs electr. isolated: 4 binary inputs: min. 10V, max. 25 VAC; min. 10, max. 35 V DCIN1: activate/supress control cycleIN2, IN4: reserveIN3: purge-air monitoring or FSS

Interfaces: RS232 C service interfacesRS 422 host computer interfaces

Response time: 1 - 360 s; in stages from 1 s freely selectable

Ambient light: no influence

Ambient temperature: -20°Cto+55°C

Flue gas temp.: max.450 °C

Voltage supply: 90 - 264 V AC., ±10 %, 48 - 62 Hz; power consumption app. 20 VAoption: 24 V a.c.

Protection class: IP 65

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 259: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Dust Concentration MonitorRM 210

Fig. 1: RM210 Fig. 2: System design RM 210

1. Field of Application

With its robust construction, the RM 210 is designed forharsh industrial applications. It detects, over severalmeasurement ranges, both medium and low dust burdens. Itsvariable penetration depths makes the RM 210 suitable forboth large diameter gas ducts and thick-walled stacks.

Applications:• In clean gas behind modern electrostatic and fabric

filters• The monitoring of exhaust and fresh air systems• Protection of gas turbines

• Energy supply: power stations• Waste disposal: refuse incinerators• Industrial processing: dosing or crushing plants• Metal working: steel and aluminium processing• Food and feed stuffs industries: bulk materials packing• Brake linings and Eternit production

The RM 210 is qualified for TI Air, 13. BlmSchV. and 17.BlmSchV.Suitability test by the Rheinisch-Westfälischen TÜV Essen(Report No. 352/0855/93 – 583207/01 of 14.09.95.)

2. Set-up and Mode of Operation

2.1 System design

• Transceiver unit; flange mounted directly on duct wall• A light absorber to prevent stray reflections; mounted

opposite sensor• Connection unit; signal interface for peripheral equipment

and measurement value display• Purge air unit; protects optical surfaces and complete

system against contamination and high gastemperatures

• PC compatible MEPA software for menu-drivenparameterisation

• Optional fail-safe shutter for fully-automatic protection ofinstrument in the event of purge air failure

• Optional recorder to plot measured reference and zero-point values

• Optional RCU-MS Remote Control Unit

2.2 Measurement principle

In-situ technology, i.e direct measurement in the gas duct,guarantees instantaneous measured values. The measuredquantity of the RM 210 is scattered light. A pulsed LEDserves as the light source guaranteeing a long lifetime. Thelight source transmits infra-red light which is scattered by theparticles in the gas stream and detected by highly sensitivesensor. This measurement principle enables precise dustconcentration measurements from the scattered lightintensity measurement (calculated on the basis ofgravimetric calibration)


TestEnter TestEnter

RM 210

RS 232

Connection unit

Recorder (option)

MEPA softwarePurge air unit

Gas channel


Page 260: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

3.Technical Data

3.1 Results of the suitability Test:

Availability: 99,8% or 95,9%Period of unattendedoperation:

> 4 weeks

Lower detection limit: Dust 0,02mg/m3 (MBE 3,5 mg/m3)

Ambient temperaturerange:

-20 °C - +55 °C

Drift of zero point: < 1,2%Drift of span value: < 1,6%Measured quantity: Scattered light intensity proportional to dust concentration

dust conc. in mg/m_ according to calibration comparison measurementMeasuring range: Smallest measurement range: 0 - 0.5 mg/m3

Greatest measurement range 0 - 200 mg/m3

(intermediate ranges freely configurable)Measurement range switching effected automatically

Meas. Accuracy: ± 2 % of measuring range end valueTemperature range: Gas temperature above dew point up to 500 °C

(higher temperatures on request)Ambient temperature: -20 °C to +50 °CStorage temp.: -20 °C to +65 °C, storage humidity <50% rF

Power supply: Transceiver andconnectionunits:Purge air unit:

Voltage: 24 V DC or 90 - 260 V AC; frequency: 47-63 HzPower, rated current 20 VA

Voltage: 380 V / 3~ (others on request); Freq.: 50 HzRated current: 2.7 A; power consumption: 0.37 kW

Analog outputs: 2 elec. isolated outputs 0-20 mA for 3 possible output signals (Live zero 2 or 4 mAseletable): dust concentration calculated with regression curve 1 or 2 in mg/m3,scattered light intensity measured directly

Relay outputs: 4 configurable outputs for the following status reports:Fault; Purge air failure; Reference cycle active; Maintenance required; Automaticmeasurement range changeover; Limit value 1 or limit value 2 exceeded; Filter tear

Interfaces: RS 232 for terminal or laptopRS 422 for Remote Control RCU-MS or host computer

Binary inputs: 4 configurable input channels for the status reports:Triggering/suppression of control cycle; Maintenance; External purge air monitoring;Regression curve change over; Filter tear detection; Meas. range changeover

Enclosure: Transceiver unit and connection unit: IP 65

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 261: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Filter Watch FW 56-D/T and Filter Watch for Dust Monitoring FW 56-I

Fig. 1: FW 56 Fig.2: Systemdesign FW 56

1. Field of Application

The extensive performance characteristics allow applicationin almost all industrial fields.Examples of possible applications include:• Dust measurement in accordance• with the BImSchG legistlation• Monitoring of filter plants• Product flow monitoring in the chemical and animal

feed industries• Ventilation control in metallurgical plant• Building materials industry (cement works, lime-sand

brick and plaster production)• Paper and glass production• Furnace gas monitoring in steel industry• Sack-filling machine control for granulated and powder

products, silo• Workshop and area ambient air monitoring in

warehouses and converting processes• Coal mills and ash removal plant• Motor testing stands• Curing plants• Ship building• Turbine protection (monitoring of air supply)• Testing tool for filter checking

The FW 56 is qualified for TI Air for filtering pricipitator withpulse seperation (version FW 56-I) or. for qualitativeemission control of the smoke density (version FW 56-D/T).Suitability test by the Rheinisch-Westfälischen TÜV Essen(Report No. 352/0054/95 - 586373/01 of 25.07.95.)

2. Set-up and Mode of Operation

2.1 System designThe standard version of theFW 56-I in-situ measuring instrumentconsists of:• Sender/receiver unit FWM 56• Reflector unit FWR 56• Evaluation unit FWA 56-I• Purge air supply

The FWM 56 and FWR 56 units are each mounted with apurge air supply on flanges which are installed oppositeeach other in the stack wall. The evaluation unit is installedclose to the sender/receiver unit (standard cable length:3m; optionally up to 10 m). The sender/receiver unitconsists of the optical and electrical components requiredfor transmitting and receiving the infrared light beam. It iseasily aligned with the reflector unit using the integraloptical alignment sight. The evaluation unit contains theelectronics required for capturing, calculating and recordingmeasured data as well as for signal input and output. Anoptionally delivered air purge unit protects the opticalsurfaces from aggressive gases and contamination,prolonging maintenance intervals.

2.2 Measurement principleThe transmitted light beam is attenuated by the dustpresent in the exhaust gas duct. This attenuationexpressed as the ratio between the received andtransmitted light is the measure of the transmission andtherefore of the dust concentration in the duct. Specialsignal processing and modulation processes enable a farhigher sensitivity to beachieved compared with previously availabletransmissometers and a minimal influence of contaminationon the differential transmission measurement

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3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of the suitability Test:

Availability: 97,5%Period of unattendedoperation:

> 4 weeks

Lower detection limit: (MB 0-1dExt.) Dust <1 mg/m3 (MBE 40mg/m3)Drift of zero point: < 0,2%Drift of span value: < 0,4%Influence of maladjustmentof the light beam:

< 2% in angel Range of +/-0,3° in T-Mode

Response time (90% time): 0,1-120 sMeasured variables Measuring range AccuracyTransmission 0 ... 100 % freely configurable ± 2 %Differental Transmission 0 ... 100 % freely configurable ± 0.2 %Opacity 0 ... 100 % freely configurable ± 2 %Extinction 0 ... 0.3 to 0 ... 2.0 ± 2 %Dust concentration (atl.) 0 ... 20 mg/m 3 to 100 g/m 3Data memory: up to 5000 meas. values, time interval 1 s to 2 hEvent memory: up to 500 events (limit value transgression, warning, fault, parameter change)with

date/timeDuct diameter: 0.2 to 3.6 mExhaust gas temperature: above water dew point to 250 °C; > 140 °C air purge supply required;

higher temp. on requestSystem features: sync. averaging (single disturbance suppression)Signal connections: • Input signals: 4 digital inputs

• Output signals: analog output 0/2/4 to 20 mA, 3 relay outputs 250 Vac, 1 AInterfaces: RS 232 for laptop, el. isolated; opt. RS485/422Ambient temperature : -20 bis +50 °CPower supply: 90-140/190-260 V ac, 50/60 Hz; opt. 24 V DCEnclosure rating: IP 65

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 263: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

CO MonitorGM 910

Fig. 1: GM 910

1. Range of Application

The CO monitor GM 910 is used in :• Power plants• Cement industry• Waste incineration plantsto• reduce the emission• reduce the corrosion at plant components• provide against explosion hazard• optimize the firing process and reduce the fuel


Aptitude Approval Test: RWTÜV Anlagentechnik GmbH(Report No. 352/855/573543/93 of 15.08.1999).The device fullfills the requirements of the 13.BImSchVand of TA Luft.

2. System Design and Operation

The standard scope consists of:• Sender unit GMS 910• Receiver unit GME 910• 2 mounting flanges with purge air connector• Connection unit GMA 910• Purge air unit• Service program software MEPA-GM 910

The carbon monoxide measuring system GM 910 is acontinuously working measuring system for determinati-on of the CO mass content in emitted exhaust gases.The measuring system is based on the non-dispersivegasfilter correlation principle in a wave length range of4.6 µm.The modulated light emitted by the sender unit travelsthrough the exhaust gas duct before it reaches the re-ceiver unit.

Fig. 2: GM 910 system

The bandwidth of the light is limited to the CO specificwavelength range by means of an interference filter. AnIR source serves as the light source.The GM 910 measures the intensity of the light reducedin the exhaust gas duct in the CO measurement range.The difference between the light intensity after passinga reference cell (CO) swivelled into the light beam andthe light intensity measured without reference cell is ameasure for the CO content in the exhaust gas.In order to avoid cross-sensitivities which can be causedby H2O und CO2 in the exhaust gas, an interferencefilter is installed in the beam path in front of the IR de-tector. With that cross-sensitivities can be eliminated toa large extent.The GM 910 can be parametrized via a service interface(RS 232) in the connection unit by means of a PC andthe menu-guided program MEPA-GM 910. Besides thelive zero, the time interval for the control cycle, the mea-suring ranges and a limit value for the message "Limitvalue exceeded" can be parameterized.The servicing program MEPA-GM 910 is also necessaryfor maintenance activities and for the prescribed annualperformance test.As with all optical or photo-electrical in-situ measuringmethods, the measuring result is influenced by the fol-lowing parameters:• the number of CO molecules in the measuring path• distribution of the CO concentration over the ex-

haust gas cross-section• measuring path length (exhaust duct diameter)As these variables are different at each individual mea-suring site, calibration of the GM 910 measuring systemwith a reference measuring method is required everytime.

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3. Technical Data

3.1 Data of the Aptitude Test

Measuring path 0.75 m; 8 mTested measuring ranges 0-300 mg/m3 smallest range

0-5.000 mg/m3 largest rangeAvailability > 95%Maintenance intervals 4 weeksReproducibility > 44Detection limit 2.3 mg CO/m3

Ambient temperature range -20 to +55 °CTemperature dependence on the zero point position < 1.2% / 10 KTemperature dependence on the sensitivity < 0.5% / 10 KDrift in the zero point position < 0.9% / 6 weeksDrift in sensitivity < 1.2% / 6 weeksDisturbance due to drifting of the light beam < 2% within an angle range of ± 0.3°Response time (90% time) 180-190 sExhaust gas temperature max. 250 °CCross-sensitivityCO2 (25.3%) -0.2%N2O (453 mg/m3) +0.1%SO2 (6,700 mg/m3) ±0%NO (3,574 mg/m3) ±0%NO2 (92 mg/m3) ±0%CH4 (3,986 mg/m3) ±0%C3H8 (97.5 mg/m3) ±0%NH3 (169.7 mg/m3) ±0%H2O (24.2%) -1.8%O2 (6%) ±0%HCl (HF) (approx. 22 mg/m3) ±0%

Lamp Modulated IR sourceSupply voltage 100-130 V / 210-250 V; 50 / 60 HzAnalog output 1; 0/2/4-20 mA; max. 750 OhmInterfaces RS 232C for MEPAProtection class IP 65

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 265: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Gas AnalyzerGME 60

Fig. 1: GME 60Fig. 2: Gas flow GME 60

1. Range of Application

The GME 60 Gas Analyzer measures infrared-absorbing gases highly selectively, whose absorptionbands are within the wavelength range of 2 to 9 µm,such as CO, CO2, NO, SO2, NH3, H2O, CH4 and otherhydrocarbons. The GME 60 operates according to theNDIR double beam alternating light principle.Three basic models of the GME 60 are available:• Single-channel devices measure one gas

component• Dual-channel devices measure two gas

components completely independently of eachother simultaneously

• Single-channel field devices

The GME 60 Gas Analyzer can be used in differentindustrial sectors and for numerous applications:• Emission measurement in combustion plants• Quality control in the production of high-purity

gases• Determining process gas concentrations in

chemical plants• Measurements in the automotive industry (test bay

systems)• Detecting CO2 traces in air separation facilities• Detecting CO and CO2 in exhaust and converter

plants of the iron and steel industry• Warning equipment

Aptitude Approval Test: TÜV ECOPLAN UMWELTGmbH( Report No. 24019084 of February 1999 ).The GME 60 fullfills the requirements of the 13., 17.BimSchV and TA Luft.For simultaneous measurement of IR-absorbing gasesand oxygen, the GME 61, a combination of GME 60 andGME 65, can be used.

2. System Design and Operation

2.1 The double beam alternating light principle

The GME 60 Gas Analyzer operates according to theinfrared double beam alternating light principle with adouble-layer detector and an optic coupler. This resultsin reducing the cross-sensitivity to other gases to aminimum. The beam from an IR source heated to 700°C is separated into two equal beams (sample andreference beams) in the beam divider. The beam divideracts as a filter cell at the same time. The referencebeam passes through a reference cell filled with an IR-inactive gas (N2). It reaches the right-hand side of thedetector practically unattenuated. The sample beampasses through the sample cell through which thesample gas flows and reaches the left-hand side of thedetector attenuated to a greater or lesser extentdepending on the concentration of the sample gas. Thedetector is filled with a defined concentration of the gascomponent to be measured. Beam absorption warms upthe gas mass and consequently results in a measurableincrease of pressure. The detector is designed as a two-layer detector to minimize the cross-sensitivity. Thecenter of the absorption band is preferentially absorbedin the upper detector layer, while the edges of the bandare absorbed to approximately the same extent in theupper and lower layers. Both detector layers areconnected via a microflow sensor. This coupling meansthat the spectral sensitivity has a very narrow band. Achopper rotates between the beam divider and thesample cell and interrupts the double beams alternatelyand periodically. This generates a pulsating current inthe sample cell due to the absorption. The microflowsensor converts this into an electric signal. The opticcoupler lengthens the lower detector optically. The IRabsorption in the second detector layer is varied bychanging the slider position. This provides the possibilityof minimizing components individually that causedisturbances.

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3. Technical Data

3.1 Data of the Aptitude Test

Measuring ranges CO: 0-50 mg/m3 / 0-75 mg/m3

NO: 0-100 mg/m3 / 0-200 mg/m3

SO2: 0-75 mg/m3

Availability > 99.4%Maintenance intervals CO, NO: 4 weeks; SO2: 8 daysReproducibility CO: > 136

NO: > 195SO2: > 218

Detection limit CO: < 1%NO: < 0.8%SO2: < 0.7%

Ambient temperature range +5 to +45 °CSample gas temperature 0 to 50 °CSample gas flow 0.3 to 1.5 l/minTemperature dependence of the zero point position CO: < 1.5%

NO: < 1.6%SO2: < 2.4%

Temperature dependence of sensitivity CO: < 2.6%NO: < 1.5%SO2: < 1.1%

Drift of the zero point position CO: < 0.4%NO: < 0.9%SO2: < 1.6%

Drift of sensitivity CO: < 0.6%NO: < 0.7%SO2: < 1.7%

Response time (90% time) CO: < 75 sNO: < 81 sSO2: < 120 s

Cross-sensitivity CO: < 3.8 / -1.4%NO: < 1.3 / -2.7%SO2: < 2.6 / -2.2%

Weight 15-21 kgSupply voltage 100-120 V / 200-240 V; 50 / 60 HzAnalog outputs 1; floating, isolated; 0/2/4 to 20 mAInterfaces RS 485Service Control field and display or external PCProtection class IP 20

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 267: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Gas AnalyzerGME 64

Fig. 1: GME 64 Fig. 2: Gas flow GME 64

1. Range of Application

The GME 64 is designed to continously andsimultaneous-ly measure up to four gas components. Amaximum of three IR-absorbing gases (e.g. CO, CO2,NO, CH4, SO2) as well as O2 using an electro-chemicalfuel cell.The GME 64 Gas Analyzer can be used in emissionmeasuring systems as well as for process control andsafety monitoring:• Optimization of small firing systems• Monitoring of exhaust gas concentration from firing

systems for all types of fuel (oil, gas, coal)• Monitoring of process control functions, e.g. in the

cement industry• Operational measurements for thermal incineration

plants• Room air monitoring• Monitoring of air in fruit storage facilities,

greenhouses, fermenting cellars and warehouses

Aptitude Aproval Test: TÜV Süddeutschland AG ( ReportNo. 24012833 of August 1997 ).The GME 64 fullfills the requirements of 13. BImSchVand of TA Luft.

2. System Design and Operation

2.1 Measurement principleTwo independent, selective measuring principles areused in the GME 64:

2.1.1 Infrared Measurement

This spectroscopic method is based on the absorption ofnon-dispersive IR radiation (NDIR-principle). Thereceiver is a single-beam multi-layer detector filled with adefined concentration of the gas component to bemeasured. The middle of the absorption range isabsorbed in the first detector layer, while the edges ofthe range in both layers are absorbed to roughly thesame extent. Selective absorption of radiation causesthe detector gases to heat up differently thus resulting ina pressure difference in the detector layers. Theequalization of pressure causes a flow of gas which isdetected by a microflow sensor and converted to anelectrical signal. The measured gas flow is a measure ofthe concentration of the different gas.

2.2.2 Oxygen Measurement

The oxygen sensor uses a fuel cell. The oxygen diffusingfrom the sample gas is electro-chemically absorbed atthe gold cathode and uses up electrons in the process.The lead of the anode is oxidized to lead oxide wherebyelectrons are released. The lead oxide is dissolved in theelectrolytic acid thus regenerating the electrode. Theresulting current is proportional to the concentration ofoxygen. The oxygen sensor is adjusted automaticallyduring the daily calibration procedure.

Page 268: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

3. Technical Data

3.1 Data from the Aptitude test

Sample gas conditions Humidity: <90% RHTemperature: 0 to 50°CPressure: 0,5 to 1,5 bar absoluteFlow: 66 to 120 l/h

Availability > 98.5%Maintenance intervals 3 monthsReproducibility > 145 for O2 , > 46 for CO,SO2 or NODetection limit O2: < 0.1vol.%

CO: < 1.8%NO: < 1.6%SO2: <2.1%

Ambient temperature range +5 to +45°CTemperature dependence of the zero point position < 2% / 10 KPressure dependence of the zero point position. < 0.2% / 1% pressure changeDrift of the zero point position / in sensitivity NegligibleResponse time (90% time) < 98 sSample gas temperature 0-50 °CCross-sensitivity O2: < 0.2 / -0.19vol.%

CO: < 3.7 / -1.4%NO: < 3.1 / -0.8%SO2: < 2.8 / -0.9%

Weight approx. 10 kgSupply voltage 100-130 V / 210-250 V; 50 / 60 HzAnalog outputs max. 4: floating, 0/2/4-20 mA; linearized; max. 750

OhmInterfaces RS 485Service Control field with function keys and display

or external PCProtection class IP 21

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 269: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

O2 AnalyzerGME 65

Fig. 1: GME 65Fig. 2: Gas flow GME 65

1. Range of Application

The GME 65 Gas Analyzer is used for continuousmeasurement of oxygen in gases. The measurement isbased on the paramagnetic alterning pressure method.The analyzer GME 65 is available as 19" rack unit andas field device.It can be used in different industrial operations and fornumerous applications requiring O2 measurements:• Furnace control of incineration facilities• Quality monitoring in producing high-purity gases• Reference measurements for emission

measurements according to , 13./17. BImSchV andTA Luft

• Test bench systems in the automotive industry• Warning equipment

Aptitude Approval Test: TÜV ECOPLAN UMWELTGmbH( Report No. 24019084 of February 1999 ). The analyzerGME 65 fullfill the requirements of the 13./17. BImSchVand TA-Luft.For simultaneous measurement of IR-absorbing gasesand oxygen the GME 61, a combination of the GME 60and the GME 65, can be used.

2. System Design and Operation

2.1 Paramagnetic Alternating Presssure Principle

In contrast to almost all other gases, oxygen isparamagnetic. The GME 65 Gas Analyzer uses thisproperty as a measuring principle.Oxygen molecules in an inhomogenous magnetic fieldare drawn in the direction of increased field strength dueto their paramagnetism. When two gases with different

oxygen concentrations meet in a magnetic field, apressure difference is produced between them.In the case of the GME 65, a reference gas (N2, O2, air)is introduced into the sample chamber through twochannels. One of these reference gas streams meetsthe sample gas within the area of a magnetic field.When oxygen is present in the measuring gas, the gaspressure changes in the magnetic field. This alsocreates a difference in pressure between the tworeference gas flows. Because the two channels areconnected, the pressure, which is proportional to theoxygen concentration, causes a cross flow. This flow isconverted to an electrical signal by a microflow sensor.Because the microflow sensor is located in the referencegas stream, the properties of the sample gas do notinfluence the measurement. The microflow sensor is notexposed to the possibly corrosive sample gas either.The GME 65 has a very short response time, becausethe measurement chamber has a very small volume andthe microflow sensor responds quickly.Thanks to the use of a magnetic field with alternativeflow strength, the effect of the background flow in themicroflow sensor is not detected. Consequently, themeasurement is independent of the measurementchamber orientation and in turn of the instrumentorientation.Vibrations occur frequently at the measurement site,which falsify the measured signal (noise). An additionallybuilt-in microflow sensor through which no gas passesacts as a vibration sensor (compensation measurementsensor). Its signal is applied to the measured signal as acompensation. If the density of the sample gas deviatesby more than 50% from that of the reference gas, thecompensation microflow sensor is flushed with referencegas just like the measuring sensor.

Page 270: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

3. Technical Data3.1 Data of the Aptitude Test

Measuring ranges 0-5 vol.%0-25 vol.%

Availability > 99.3%Maintenance intervals 4 weeksReproducibility MB1: > 240

MB2: > 680Detection limit < 0.02 vol.%Ambient temperature range +5 to +40 °CSample gas temperature 0 to 50 °CSample gas flow 0,3 to 1 l/minTemperature dependence of the zero point position < 0.08 vol.%Temperature dependence of the sensitivity < 0.11 vol.%Drift of the zero point position < 0.02 vol.%Drift of sensitivity < 0.01 vol.%Response time (90% time) < 38 sCross-sensitivity < 0.01 / 0.11%Weight 13 kgSupply voltage 100-120 V / 200-240 V; 50 / 60 HzAnalog outputs 2; 0/2/4 to 20 mAInterfaces RS 485Service Control field and display or external PCProtection class 20

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 271: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Continuous Emission Monitoring for Stack Gases: MCS 100 E

Fig. 1: MCS 100 E 1. Range of Application MCS 100E is a compact multi-component analyzer for the extractive, continuous monitoring of stack gases, e.g. at power plants and refuse incineration plants. Several system versions of MCS 100 E are available: The MCS 100 E HW applying the hot-wet technique is designed for monitoring HCl, SO2, CO, NO, NH3, H2O, CO2 as well as O2; whereas the MCS 100 E PD with permeation dryer is designed for smaller measuring ranges and additional measurement of NO2. In this case there is no H2O and NH3 measurement. Suitability Test: TÜV Rheinland of 12.08.99 MCS 100 E HW: 936/808010/A MCS 100 E PD: 936/808010/B

2. System Design and Operation 2.1 Total System The total system comprises the sampling system, a sampling tube and the monitoring system. The sample gas is extracted from the stack gas by means of a heated sampling system. The sampling system has been especially designed for the requirements with stack gases. With MCS 100 E the stack gas is conducted via a heated sampling tube to the system cabinet comprising the sample gas pump, the analyzer and the transfer interfaces. With MCS 100 E PD a permeation dryer is additionally integrated in the sampling system, thus it is possible to use a non-heated sample gas tube. 2.2 Analyser The analyzer comprises the sample gas cell, the photometer and the evaluations electronics. The cell is a long path cell with a fix optical pathlength (3.6 or 12 meters) and can be heated up to 200 °C. The photometer of MCS 100 E is a non-dispersive infrared photometer, applying the either the dual-wavelength or gas filter correlation method for determining the concentrations of stack gas components. The photometer unit is completely integrated in a thermostatted cast-iron housing. It comprises the source unit with chopper as well as the detector unit with 2 filter wheels for gas and interference filters and – as an option – an internal calibration standard. The latter is used to verify the instrument sensitivity without applying calibration gases. In addition to these, MCS 100 E comprises an integrated flow meter and (as an option) an integrated oxygen measurement by means of an a ZrO2 probe. Control of the photometer, evaluation and repres entation of the measurement values as well as the control of system peripherals are performed by an incorporated PC of standard industrial design. It is operated in a menu-controlled manner via the membrane keyboard and the LC-Display. By the latter the measurement values can be displayed numerically as well as bar graph or as a time history diagram. To increase the interference proofness, the analyzer is connected via fibre optics to the transfer interfaces in the system cabinet. The system peripherals are likewise connected to the transfer interfaces.

Page 272: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Flow chart MCS 100 E HW Flow chart MCS 100 E PD 3. Technical Data (to follow after disclosure) 3.1 Data from the Aptitude Test Tested measuring range MCS 100 E HW: MCS 100 E PD: HCl: 0-15 mg/m³ HCl: 0-10 mg/m³ CO: 0-75 mg/m³ CO: 0-50 mg/m³ NO: 0-200 mg/m³ NO: 0-50 mg/m³ NH3 0-20 mg/m³ NO2: 0-80 mg/m³ SO2: 0-75 mg/m³ SO2: 0-10 mg/m³ CO2: 0-25 Vol.-% CO2: 0-25 Vol.-% O2: 0-21 Vol.-% O2: 0-21 Vol.-% H2O: 0-40 Vol.-% Availability 98,6 % Maintance interval 3 months Detection limit, absolute < 3,5 % of fullscale Influence on the measuring result by sample gas flow variations MCS 100 E HW < 1 % at 360-800 l/h MCS 100 E PD < 1 % at 250-600 l/h Admissible range of ambient temperature +5 to +35 °C Influence of the ambient temperature on the measuring result - at the zero point 3,1 % - at the reference point 3,6 %

Temporal change in indication - of the zero point < 1 % / 1 month - of the reference point < 1 % / 1 month Response time (T90-time) E HW < 128 seconds E PD < 64 seconds Linearity < 2 % Reproductability > 30 Interferences by CO2, CO, SO2, NO, NO2, NH3, N2O, HCl, CH4, H2O, C 6H6, CH3OH, CH2O, CH3COCH3, CH2Cl2 E HW: typ. < 1 % of

fullscale E PD: < 2 % of fullscale 3.2 Further Technical Data Number of measuring ranges 2 Automatic switch-over of measuring ranges yes Mains supply 3~230 V Power consumption 1450 VA without sampling tube Dimensions (2100 x 800 x 600) mm (HxWxD) Weight: 350 kg Status signal output maintenance, fault Measuring signal output 0/4..20 mA Meas. value display numeric and graphic Protection class IP

Manufacturer: SICK UPA GmbH, Dr. Zimmermann-Straße 18, D-88709 Meersburg, Telefon: 07532/801-0, Fax: 07532/801-104, E-Mail: [email protected]




















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Input = I-air or N2 / 900l/h

Output = I-air/N2 + H2O



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Page 273: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Continuous Mercury EmissionMonitoring for Stack Gases:MERCEM

MERCEM mercury analyzer: The sample gas inlet is at the righthand side cabinet wall, where there are the gas sampling pump and– mounted above it – the flow meter. To the left of these there arethe reactor with sample gas cooler and above these, the analyserunit (with gold trap and photometer). The SnCl2 reservoir is placedon the cabinet bottom, the evaluation and control unit as well as thesignal transfer unit are mounted in the upper part of the cabinet(certain parts in the door).

1. Range of Application

MERCEM is used for continuous monitoring of mercuryemissions (elemental mercury and mercury chloridecompounds) in stack gas. By adjusting theamalgamation procedure the sensitivity of the systemcan be varied over a wide range to meet the individualrequirements, especially regarding very smallmeasurement ranges.

Aptitude Approval Test: TÜV Rheinland (TÜV-ReportNo.: 936/805012 of April 1996).

2. System Design and Operation

2.1 Total System

MERCEM comprises a sampling system, wet-chemicalreduction of mercury chloride, an amalgamantion unit,the photometer and an evaluation and control unit.

The sampling system has been especially designed forgas components featuring high adsorption anddesorption effects – one of these being mercury chloride(HgCl2).These interference effects are minimized by usingselected materials and applying a high sample gas flowas well as high temperatures.The reduction of HgCl2 into elemental mercury (onlyelemental mercury can be detected by photometricmeasurement) is performed by wet-chemical reductionwith stannous chloride (SnCl2) solution within a reactor.This procedure is widely accepted as a referencemethod. The life time of the SnCl2 solution reservoir isapprox. 3 months. In a cooler - subsequent to thereactor - the condensate is removed and the sample gasis conducted to the analyzer.

2.2 Analyzer

The gaseous, elemental mercury is collected on agold/platinum gauze. Then the gold trap is heated to ahigh temperature and the mercury is released andtransported through the photometer cell by an inertcarrier gas stream. Thus the photometer is only incontact with the inert gas and the mercury containedtherein and spectral interferences or contamination ofthe optics are avoided. By varying the sample collectiontime, the measurement range can be adjusted over awide range. The mercury content is determined by cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. The single-beam analyzer consists of a low pressure Hg-dischargelamp, a thermostatted quartz cell of approx. 220 mmlength, and a photodiode detector.Before each measurement the baseline of thephotometer is determined by purging the gold trap andthe photometer with Nitrogen. Consequently, theanalyzer operates free of drifts to a maximum extent.

Page 274: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Flow Diagram

3. Technical Data

3.1 Data from the Aptitude Test

Reference value fullscaleTested measuring range 0 – 100 µg/m3

Availablity > 98,6 %Maintenance interval 4 weeksDetection limit, absolute < 1,8 % of fullscaleInfluence on themeasuring result by- Barometrical

variations none- Sample gas

flow variations noneAdmissible range ofambient temperature 5 – 40 °CInfluence of theambient temperatureon the measuring result- at the zero point < 0,8 % of fullscale / 10 K- at the reference point < 2,3 % of the set value / 10

KTemporal changein indicaton- of the zero point < 1 % of fullscale / 1 month- of the reference point < 4 % of the set value / 1 monthResponse time (T90-time) < 360 seconds

Interferences by CO2, CO,SO2, NO, NO2, NH3, N2O,HCl, CH4, H2O, C6H6 Total < 4 %Number ofmeasuring ranges programmableAutomatic switch-over ofmeasuring ranges yes

3.2 Further Technical Data

Further measuring ranges 0 – 45 µg/m3(being TÜV tested at present)smaller measuring rangesupon request

Mains supply 380 VPower consumption max. 4610 VA with 10 m

sampling tubeDimensions (2100 x 800 x 600) mm

(HxWxD)Weight: 340 kgMeas.signal output 0/4..20 mAMeas. value display numeric and graphicProtection class IP 54Warm-up time approx. 1 hConsumption gases N2 and instrument air

Manufacturer: SICK UPA GmbH, Dr. Zimmermann-Straße 18, D-88709 Meersburg,Tel.:+49/7532/801-0, Fax: +49/7532/801-104, E-Mail: [email protected]

LevelSnCl2 solution


ge g


approx. 35 l/h

Stack gas in

Condensate out

Gold trap

Samplingapprox.1000 l/h






r car

rier g






Pump 35 l/h






Page 275: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

O2 Analyzer LT1

Fig. 1: LT1 Fig. 2: System overview: LT 1 compact model connected to theGM 31 multi component monitor

1. Range of Application

The main application of the LT 1 Oxygen Analyzer fromSICK is the determination of O2 concentrations in combu-stion plants. Main examples are:• Power and heating plants• Waste incineration plants• Furnace of the glass and ceramics industry• Heating and cracker furnaces of the petrochemical

industry• Lime and cement furnaces of the chemical industry• Tempering, sinter and melting furnaces of the metall-

urgic industry

The LT1 O2-Analyzer is perfectly suitable for the followingfields:• Process measurements – to control the fuel / air ratio• Emission measurements – for the oxygen/reference

value recalulation

Gas temperatures up to:• 800 °C possible (metall probe)• 1700 °C possible (ceramic probe)

Aptitude Approval Test: RWTÜV Anlagentechnik GmbH( Report No. 502/0118/96 // 689724/01 of Sep. 1997)The device fullfills the requirements of the 13., 17.BImSchV and of TA Luft

2. System Design and Operation

The LT1 analyzer consitsts of :• LS1 probe• Evaluation unit with MEPA software and optional

display• Flange

The LT1 is available for indoor (wall-mount housing) oroutdoor (compact model) installation.

The measuring device consists of Lambda probe LS1 andthe Lambda transmitter LT1.The measurement of the oxygen concentration is carriedout continously with the Lambda probe, which directlyextracts a small volume of sample gas (approx. 0.5 l/h)using a capillary tube. The Lambda probe consists of azirconium dioxide solid electrolyte tube, which is closed onone end. Its inner and outer surfaces are coated with aporous layer of precious metal as electrodes. The solidelectrolyte cell is heated by an internal electrical heater.The cell is covered with a jacket tube made of quartzflushed with a sample gas stream, which is stabilized by asample gas pumpe and an orifice. For measurement ofthe oxygen concentration in the sample gas, theelectrodes of the cell are fed with a voltage of 0.4 to 1.0 VDC. At the operating temperature (T > 650 °C) the oxygenin the sample gas is ionizied at the outer electrode due tothe applied voltage. The negative charged oxygen ionsmigrate through the solid electrolyte to the positivecharged inner electrode where they are discharged tomolecular oxygen. The stream of ions, which is measuredas the current signal of the probe, depends linearly fromthe oxygen concentration and the sample gas flowthrough the cell.By calibration with a gas of known oxygen concentration(e.g air with 20.96 vol% O2) the proportional factor and thesample gas flow through the orifice can be determined.The oxygen measurement is made in-situ with humidexhaust gas, so the results have to be converted to dryconditions.

Page 276: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

3. Technical Data

3.1 Data from the Aptitude Test

Design Wall-mount model:- LT1 with GM31 indoor- Stand-alone indoor

Compact model:- LT1with GM31 outdoor- Stand-alone outdoor

Ambient temperature range 0 to +60°C -10 to +55 °Cwith heating: -25 to +55°C

Protection class IP 54 IP 65Measuring range 0-21 vol.% O2

Availability > 99.5%Maintenance intervals 4 weeksReproducibility > 174Detection limit 0.01 to 0.02 vol.%Temperature dependence on the zero point position < 0.2 vol.%Temperature dependence on sensitivity < 0.2 vol.%Drift of zero point position < 0.2 vol.%Drift of sensitivity < 0.2 vol.%Response time (90% time) < 20 sWeight Approx. 25 kg

Supply voltage 230 V AC / 50 Hz; 115 V AC / 60 Hz; +10%/-15%

Outputs Test output: 0-2.55 V, load > 10 kOhm,1 analog output freely configurable1 digital output: relay 48 V DC/AC; 3 A

Interfaces RS 232 for serviceRS 422/485 for Data transfer

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 277: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Gas Velocity Measurement SystemFLOWSIC 101/102/103

Fig. 1: FLOWSIC 101/102/103 Fig. 2: System design FLOWSIC

1. Field of Application

The measuring system FLOWSIC 101/102 represents a veryeffective value measuring system which is available for big andsmall flue dimensions.

Applications:• Chemical plants• Incinerating plant conforming to German Clean Air and the

13th and 17th Emission Regulations(TA-Luft and BImSchV)

• Steel manufacturing (Bessemer converters, smelters) andother metallurgical applications

• Coking plants• Building materials industry (cement works, sand-lime brick

and gypsum manufacture)• Food and drink processing and feedstuffs manufacture• Curing plants• Glass production• Gas turbine installation• Ventilation and air conditioning• engineering

The Measurement System FLOWSIC 101/102 is qualified for13.BImSchV, 17. BImSchV und TI Air. Suitability test by theRheinisch-Westfälischen TÜV Essen (Report No.3.5.2/0668/95 – 59454101 of 12.02.96).

2. Set-up and Mode of Operation

2.1 System designThe measuring system is comprised of the modules:• 2 transmitter/receiver units with measuring probe• Evaluation unit• Purge air unit

The FLOWSIC 101 is used for small duct diameter. For biggermeasuring distances or for measureing in gases with highultrasonic attienuation (e.g. with high dust concentration) theFLOWSIC 102 is used. At the FLOWSIC 103 the transducersare connected to the evaluation unit by fixed Coax cable within5 meters. An optional remote control unit (RCU-MS) may beconnected. The transmitter and receiver units contain theultrasonic transducers. 45 kHz transducers with a highbandwidth are fitted as standard. For optimal adaption to suchapplications measurement in gases with high ultrasonicdamping (e.g due to high dust content) or for long measuringdistances, the Transmitter/receiver unit may optionally beequipped with 23 kHz transducers. Purge air is used to coolthe transducers and to keep them clean. The purge air supplyis optimized to the flow conditions.

2.2 Measurement principle

Velocity measurementUltrasonic transducers, acting alternately as transmitter andreceiver, are installed on either side of the gas duct at adefined angle to the duct axis. The transit times of therespective sound impulses vary depending on the directionand flow velocity of the gas. In the forwards direction, thetransit time tv is reduced, and in the opposite direction, tr isextended.

Page 278: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

From the difference in transit time, gas velocity can becalculated irrespective of pressure and temperature conditions.The flow volume is found by multiplying the gas velocity by theeffective duct cross-section.

Temperature measurementThe sound velocity is dependent on temperature. Thus bydetermining the average transit time, the gas temperaturesmay be determined. With the temperature value, velocity andvolume flow can be convertedto standard conditions.

3. Technical Data

3.1 Results of the suitability Test:

Availability: 99,6%Period of unattendedoperation:

> 4 weeks

Lower detection limit: <2% of the measuring range of 20 m/s ≙ 0,23m/sDrift of zero point: 0%Drift of span value: 0%Measured parameters: Gas velocity, temperature Volume flow (actual), volume flowMeasured range: 0 ... 40 m/s smoothly adjustableTypical accuracy V: ± 0.4 m/s (at temperature up to 150°C and measurement path up to 2 m)Transducer/transducerMeasurement path:

0.5 ... 6 m **; others on request

Duct diameter: 0.3 ... 4 m (observe meas. distance); others on requestMounting angle: 30° ... 60°; others on request.t90 time: 1 ... 200 s freely selectablegas temperature: 0 ... 350 °CMeasured value diplay: 2 row LC displayStatus display: LED for operation, fault, parameterisation, test-cycleAnalogue signals: - Analogue output 0/2/4 ... 20 mA

- 4 relay outputs 48 V, 1 for status signals; warning, maintenance, fault, velocity, flow direction

Interfaces: - RS 485 for data exchange between s/r and evaluation units- RS 232 for parameterisation- RS 422 for data configuration

Mains voltage: 90 ... 140 / 180 ... 240 V AC, 50/60 HzProjection rating: IP 65

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 279: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Emission Data Processing andTransfer System MEVAS-PC

Fig. 1: MEVAS-PC Fig. 2: Systemaufbau

1. Field of Application

The Emission Data Processing and Transfer SystemMEVAS PC fulfill the guidelines for emission data loggerto the 13.BimSchV., the TI Air and the 17.BimSchV., thatmeans it’s suitible for local measurement value acquisitionand processing (Operater system), and for data transfer toG-system (monitoring system at the regulating authorityresponsible).Suitability test by the TÜV Rheinland Köln (report No.936/804014 of 14.08.95).

2. Set-up and Mode of Operation

2.1 System design

The B-system consists of:

• Data I/O-modul for measurement value acquisition• Data logger with processing and data transfer soft-

ware• Modem for data transfer• Printer for data report

The M EVAS-PC system permits the continuous recordingof analogue and digita measurement signals. Due to itsmodular design it is also suited for distributed plants.

The measured data converges at the Emission Computerwhere it is classified, processed into graphical form andmade available to the operator and supervisory authori-ties. Several B-systems are able to be combined to thecentral operation system before the emission data trans-fer. Via modem the MEVAS-PC is connected to the mo-nitoring system at the regulating authority responsible.Furthermore it is also possible to feed the emission datainto a local network, making the data available on a com-pany-wide basis.

2.2 Description of operation

The B-system operates under „MS-Windows“ and fulfillthe functions of the guidelines for the dat loggers.The locally measurement value acquisition with the DataI/O-modul sends the collected data every ten seconds viaserial Bus to the data logger.The single will be calculate to last short-term mean value(e.g. 3 minutes). For the several measuring tasks theaveraging occur for 10, 30 or 60 minutes. From the clas-sified mean values the daily mean value will be calcula-ted.

The printout of reports for the daily turnover can accur to aprogrammable time. The same is for the term of the au-tomatic data transfer with attaching log book.

The parametrized data are protected with passwords forseveral Levels heitsebene

Monitor 1 Monitor 2 Monitor 8

1 21 2

1 21 2

SyncMaster 17GLs

1 2



Telephone network

Analogue and digital inputs and outputs

RS 422


Central OperatorSystem

Operator System

Supervisory authorityMonitory System

Emission measurementsystems

Page 280: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

3. Technische Daten

3.1 Daten aus der Eignungsprüfung:

Verfügbarkeit: 99,9%Reprodurzierbarkeit der Klas-sierung:


Zulässiger Umgebungs-temperaturbereich:

0 bis +50°C

Genauigkeit der Meßwertver-arbeitung:

< 0,3%

Beeinflussung des Meß-signals durch Netz-spannungsschwankungen

< 1,3%

Rechner IBM kompatibler PCEnergieversorgung: 230/115V V AC umschaltbar ; 48 bis 62 HzLeistungsaufnahme: 200 VADatenschnittstellen: CAN Bus zum Grundmodul

RS 232 für ModemanschlußRS 232 Rechnerschnittstelle (Option)

Grundmodul 19“ Version für max. 8 Karten oder 19“/2 für max. 4 KartenEingangskarte: 4 bzw. 8 Analogeingänge 0-20 mA ; 16 BinäreingängeAusgangskarte: 4 Analoausgänge 0–20 mA galvanisch getrennt ; 16 RelaisausgängeSchutzart: IP 54

Manufacturer: SICK AG • Environmental Monitoring • www.sick.deNimburgerstr. 11 • D-79276 Reute • Phone: +49 76 41 46 9-0 • Fax: +49 76 41 46 9-11 49

Page 281: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

FIDAMAT 5ETotal hydrocarbon gas analyzer

The FIDAMAT 5E measures collectively ratherthan individual components. It measures the sumof hydrocarbons in a sample gas, but with varyingdegrees of sensitivity to the hydrocarbonmolecules.In theory the result is proportional to the numberof C – atoms in the particular molecule. Inpractice there are variations. This variation isrepresented by the response factor.The gas which should be measured flows to theflame ionization detector.The sample gas is mixed with a constant amountof pure hydrogen (or H2 / He) combustion air andburnt.During the burning process the organical boundhydrocarbon component is partially ionized. Thefree ions from a current between the burning jetand an electrode, and this ionization current isamplified.

Application examples

♦ Measurements for emission monitoringof the total hydrocarbons according toTA-Luft, 13. and 17. BimSchV

♦ Messung der Measurements for boiler controlin combustion plants

♦ Measurements in safety – relevant areas

♦ Process gas concentrations in chemicalplants

♦ Immission analyses of the total hydrocarbonsin air

♦ Measurements for emission monitoringof the total hydrocarbons according tomotor test bedes

♦ Measurements of VOC

Special characteristics ♦ Four freely programmable measuring ranges♦ Electrically isolated signal output 0 / 2 / 4 to

20 mA♦ Automatic start after the warm – up phase♦ Automatic ignition after extinguishing the

flame♦ Autoranging, remote switching or manual

range selection possible

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Technical Data

Measuring ranges 4, switchableinternal and externally;autoranging is alsopossible

Measuring ranges 0 to 1 vpm up to0 to 99 999 vpm

Characteristic Linearized

EMC interference According toimmunity standard of

NAMUR NE21 orEN 50081-1,EN 50082-2,and EN61010-1

Power supply AC 120V, 230V, 240V48 bis 63 Hz

Detection limit 0,1 vpm C1

Measuring responseZero drift < 2% of measuring range

end value / week formeasuring range > 10vpm C1

Span drift < 2% of measuring rangeend value / week formeasuring range > 10vpm C1

Repeatability 0,1 to 1% of measuringrange end value,depends on measuringrange

Analog outputs 0/2/4 to 20 mA linearized

Load ≤ 750 Ω

Serial interface RS 235

Sample gas flow 1000ml / minCombustion air flow ca. 350 ml /minH2 - flow ca. 25 ml / min

Permissible ambienttemperature - during operation + 5°C to + 45°C - during storage - 30°C to + 70°C

Permissible humidity < 90% relative humidityDegree of protection- 19” built in version IP 20- Table version IP 21

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OXYMAT 6 Paramagnetic Oxygen Gas Analyzer The OXYMAT 6 gas analyzer is based on the paramagnetic alternating pressure method and are used to measure oxygen in gases, Application examples Measurement of O2 ♦ As a reference variable for emission

measurements according to TA-Luft, 13. and 17. BimSchV

♦ For boiler control in firing systems ♦ In safety relevant areas ♦ In chemical plants ♦ In ultra pure gases for quality monitoring ♦ Measurements for emission monitoring

according to motor test bedes

Special charakteristics ♦ Four freely programmable measuring

ranges per channel ♦ Electrically isolated signal output 0 / 2 / 4 to

20 mA ♦ Autoranging, remote switching or manual

range selection possible ♦ Menu based operation ♦ NAMUR based operation ♦ Low long – term drift ♦ Internal pressure sensor for correction of

variations in sample gas pressure in the range 06, to 2,0 bar abs.

♦ Large LCD panel with LED backlighting ♦ Field housing with protection class IP 65

and gastight separations for electronik and physical modul

Page 284: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Technical Data Measuring ranges 4, switchable internal

and externally; autoranging is also possible

Smallest possible 0,5 Vol% O2 Measuring ranges

Characteristic Linearized

EMC interference According to immunity standard of NAMUR NE21 or EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2, and EN61010 Power supply AC 100 to 120V 48 to 63 Hz; AC 200 to 240V 48 to 63 Hz Gas inlet conditions Sample gas pressure 0,5 to 1,5 bar abs. Sample gas flow 60 to 120 L/h . Sample gas temperature - 19” built in version 0 to 50°C - field housing 0 to 50°C - field housing heated 0 to 80°C not condensable Pressure correction range with internal sensor 0,5 to 2,0 bar abs. Measuring response Zero drift <± 0,5% / 3 months of

smallest range Span drift <± 0,5% / 3 months of

respective measuring range

Repeatability <1% of respective measuring range

Electrical inputs and outputs Analog outputs 0/2/4 to 20 mA


Load ≤ 750 Ω

Relay outputs 6, with changeover contacts Analog inputs 2, 0/2/4 to 20 mA

Binary inputs 6, designed for 24 V potential free, programmable

Serial interface RS 485

Options Supplementary electronics with 8 binary inputs and 8 relay outputs

Permissible ambient temperature - during operation + 5°C to + 45°C - during storage - 30°C to + 70°C

Permissible humidity < 90% relative humidity

Degree of protection - 19” built in version IP 20 - field housing IP 65

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ULTRAMAT 6 Infrared Gas Analyzer The ULTRAMAT 6 single – channel or dual – channel gas analyzers operates according to the NDIR two – beam alternatimg light principle. It measures gases with a high selectivity whose absorbtion bands lie in the infrared wavelength range from 2 to 9 µm, such as CO, CO2, NO, SO2, NH3, CH4 and other hydrocarbons. Application examples ♦ Measurements for emission monitoring ♦ Measurements for boiler control in

combustion plants ♦ Measurements in safety – relevant areas ♦ Process gas concentrations in chemical

plants ♦ Trace measurements in pure gas

processes for quality monitoring ♦ Measurements for emission monitoring

according to motor test bedes

Special charakteristics ♦ Four freely programmable measuring

ranges per channel ♦ Electrically isolated signal output 0 / 2 / 4 to

20 mA ♦ Autoranging, remote switching or manual

range selection possible ♦ Differential measuring ranges with flow –

type reference cell ♦ Menu based operation ♦ NAMUR based operation ♦ Low long – term drift ♦ Internal pressure sensor for correction of

variations atmospheric pressure in the range 06, to 1,5 bar abs.

♦ Large LCD panel with LED backlighting ♦ Field housing with protection class IP 65

and gastight separations for electronik and physical modul

Page 286: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Technical Data Measuring ranges 4, switchable internal

and externally; autoranging is also possible

Smallest possible Dependent on Measuring ranges application, e.g. 0 to 5 vpm CO2

0 to 10 vpm CO

Characteristic Linearized

EMC interference According to immunity standard of NAMUR NE21 or EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2, and EN61010 Power supply AC 100 to 120V 48 to 63 Hz; AC 200 to 240V 48 to 63 Hz Gas inlet conditions Sample gas pressure 0,5 to 1,5 bar abs. Sample gas flow 60 to 120 L/h . Sample gas temperature - 19” built in version 0 to 50°C - field housing 0 to 50°C - field housing heated 0 to 80°C not condensable Pressure correction range with internal sensor 0,6 to 1,2 bar abs. with external sensor 0,6 to 1,5 bar abs. Measuring response Zero drift <± 1% of measuring

range / week Span drift <± 1% of measuring

range / week Repeatability between 0,1% and 1%

of respective measuring range

Linearity deviation < 0,5% of full scale value

Electrical inputs and outputs Analog outputs 0/2/4 to 20 mA


Load ≤ 750 Ω

Relay outputs 6, with changeover contacts

Analog inputs 2, 0/2/4 to 20 mA

Binary inputs 6, designed for 24 V potential free, programmable

Serial interface RS 485

Options Supplementary electronics with 8 binary inputs and 8 relay outputs

Permissible ambient temperature - during operation + 5°C to + 45°C - during storage - 30°C to + 70°C

Permissible humidity < 90% relative humidity

Degree of protection - 19” built in version IP 20 - field housing IP 65

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ULTRAMAT 23 The Multi – Component Gas Analyzer If one of your duties is the continuos measurement of gas concentrations in accordance with official emission standards, life will now be much easier. The new ULTRAMAT 23 is certified for just that purpose, and is therefore available in versions which have been approved by the TÜV German Technical Inspectorade. That means more efficient and profitable use wherever lawmakers mandate continuos monitoring. It goes without saying that you also have these same benefits available for other applications. The ULTRAMAT 23 is available in versions one to three IR – components always with or without an additional oxygenchannel. The ULTRAMAT 23’ s main attraction is it’s ability to calibrate automatically using ambient air. That means for the user; automatic calibration without any calibration bottles. This takes a sizable chunk out of your operation costs because you only need to use calibration gases for adjustment once a year.

Measurement of infrared – absorbent gases, such as CO, CO2, SO2 .... and so on, is based on an innovative single – beam method with multi – layer detector technology. This ensures the highest possible selectivity and extraordinary measuring accuracy. For the oxygen measurement, there is an electrochemical cell in the ULTRAMAT 23 integrated. That means two proven methods, with simultaneous measuring of as many as four components, in a single device – and that in turn means an considerable reduction in your investment cost. Application examples ♦ Measurements for emission monitoring ♦ Measurements for boiler control in

combustion plants ♦ Process gas concentrations in chemical


Page 288: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

Special charakteristics ♦ Electrically isolated signal output 0 / 2 / 4 to

20 mA ♦ Menu based operation ♦ NAMUR based operation ♦ Practically maintenance free as a result of

AUTOCAL with ambient air ♦ Two measuring ranges per component ♦ Autoranging with range identification General technical Data Measured components max. 4

Analog outputs max. 4 0/2/4 to 20 mA linearized

Load ≤ 750 Ω

Display 80 characters LCD with LED backlighting

EMC interference According to immunity standard of NAMUR NE21 or EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2, EN 61010

Relay outputs 8, programmable

Binäry inputs 3, potential free

Serial interface RS 485

Autocal function automatic analyzer calibration with ambient air, cycle time adjustable from 1 to 24 hours

Degree of protection IP 21

Power supply 100V, 200V, 230V 50Hz

100V, 120V, 230V 60Hz

Sample gas pressure 0,5 to 1,5 bar abs.

Sample gas flow 60 to 120 L/h

Technical data of infrared measurement Measuring ranges see Ordering Data

Influencing variables -Drift -with Autocal negligible -without Autocal <2% of smallest

measuring range / week

-Atmospheric corrected by internal pressure pressure sensor Output signal <± 1% of output signal resolution span

Repeatability ≤ 1% of smallest measuring range

Technical data of oxygen measurement Measuring range 0 to 5% or 0 to 25%

programmable Influencing variables -Drift -with Autocal negligible -without Autocal 1% O2 / year in air -Atmospheric <0,2% of measured pressure value per 1% change

in pressure -Residual gases Residual gases

containing heavy metals, H2S and halogens result in analyzer failures

O2 concentrations < 0,5% are only permissible for a short time

Display delay < 30 s at (90%-time) 1 L/min sample gas


Service life approx. 2 years with 21% O2

Repeatability ≤ 0,05% O2

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Emission Measuring SystemCTNR

1. Application range

Measuring of particulate matter concentration ac-cording to 13. and 17. BimSchV preferably in wetgases.

2. Setup and Function Principle

2.1 System

A ring pipe (c) carries the gas to the analyser (b)and then back to the exhaust gas duct. In the ringpipe, tha gas is heated to 160 °C, to avoid falsereadings by water and acid droplets.

The control unit (a) handles the operation, control,display and signal processing functions.

2.2 Analyser

In the analyser, the light scattered under 15° ismeasured, which is proportional to the particulatematter concentration. A special sample cell con-structions prevents a fast fouling of the sample cellwindows. The applied alternating-light dual-beammethod enables a very stable measurement and lowdrift values.

b ca d


The factory calibration is done in PLA units; de-pending on the facility, 1 PLA corresponds to 4 to40 mg/m³ real dust.

Page 290: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

3. Technical Data

3.1 Data from Suitability Testing

3.2 More technical data

Reference: Dust concentration ac-cording to manual me-thod VDI 2066

Power supply:


230 V / 3 x 400 V50/60 Hz

5,5 kVATested measuring ran-ges:

0 – 0,05 PLA0 – 1 PLA

(Standard version)

Gas temperature: up to 180 °CAvailability: > 98,8 %

Pressure: ± 3000 PaMaintenance interval: 1 month

Protection: IP 54Detection limit: 0,0005 PLA

Dimensions: H= 2480 mmInfluence of sampleflow variation:

< 1% between 25 l/minand 40 l/min; Self-control

(basic version) B = 1530 mmT = 1000 mm

Ambient temperature: -20 °C bis +40 °C smallest range: 0 – 0,05 PLA

Drift of zero point: < 0,5 % within mainte-nance interval

highest range: 0 – 100 PLA

Drift of span: < 3 % within mainte-nance interval

range switching: automatic or manual

Reproducibility: > 90

Hersteller:SIGRIST-PHOTOMETER AGHofurlistrasse 1CH-6373 EnnetbürgenTel. 0041 41 620 5064Fax 0041 41 620 4180e-mail [email protected] www.photometer.com

Page 291: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

1. Range of applications

The testo 360 is a portable and approved multi-function measuring system, being a real alternative between small and simple measuring instruments for shortterm measurements and stationary measuring equipment for continous measurements.

Typical applications for the measuring system:

Control of emissions:

- approved for official measurements accordingto § 26, 28 BImSchV-measurements.

- Continous measurements over several weeks (quasi-stationary), for example with plants, which are notrun continously.

Examination of crude gas:

- Determination of filter efficiency (flue gas desulfurizingplant, catalyzer, etc.).

- Process control of thermal processes.

- Error detection (e. g. penetration of secondary air)within the flue gas path.

2. Construction and principle of work

Operation and analysis

The testo 360 is operated via a user-friendly note-book. The measured results are processed here toprovide detailed documentation. The menuedriven WINDOWS -software offers the user a wide variety of display elements such as tables, curves or bar diagrams.

The instrument saves the data continously. Thisprevents loss of data in case of a power failure.

Sample gas analysis

Max. 7 gas sensors and a gas preparation unit withinferior absoprtion (Peltier-cooler) are located in theanalyser unit. The cover remains closed duringmeasurement thus ensuring that the degree ofprotection IP 42 (splash water/rain) is achieved.

Ambient temperature up to –25°C is compensated by abuilt-in instrument heating system. If ambienttemperature is higher than +45°C, a special instrumentcooler (accessory) is installed. In this way long-termmeasurements can be carried out outside inunfavourable ambient conditions.

The analyser unit is well designed. Upgrades or sensorexchange can always be carried out by the user.

A real humidity measurement of the flue gas can becarried out if required. The instrument then automaticallysupplies the actual measured values with reference tothe humidity.

The programmable fresh air rinse and the programmabletest gas cycle for monitoring and/or calibration makepossible to effect highly accurate measurements overseveral hours and days. To eliminate any possibleabsorptions, test gas is supplied to the instrument ordirectly to the flue gas probe.

Overview and functioning of testo 360.

Flue gas probes

For the testo 360 Testo offers a modular probe system.The all-automatic multi-function probe is a new feature. Itis used simultaneously for gas analysis and velocitymeasurement.

To prevent incorrect values caused by a clogged probe,the dirt is simply blown free using compressed air ornitrogen.

Flue gas analyser testo 360 forO2, NOx (NO + NO2), SO2, CO, CO2o/o H2O, m/s, hPa, °C, mA/mV

∆∆∆∆p−−−−/velocitymeasurementTemp. measurement

Alarm output

Additionalsensor inputs

Flue gasmoisturemeas.


Devicecontroller, powerunits, etc.

Gas dryer






Condensate drain



Printout Files Chart recorders

Note-bookFlue gas


Test gas


Heated hose CO2

Page 292: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring

3. Technical data

3.1 Data of the approval test

Measuring ranges

Meas. ranges Smallest tested meas. ranges *

O2: 0 - 21 Vol % 0 - 21 Vol %CO: 0 - 10 000 ppm 0 - 100 mg/m³

0 - 12 560 mg/m³NO: 0 - 3 000 ppm 0 - 300 mg/m³

0 - 6 160 mg/m³ indicated as NO2NO2: 0 - 500 ppm 0 - 100 mg/m³

0 - 1 030 mg/m³SO2: 0 - 5 000 ppm 0 - 100 mg/m³

0 - 14 650 mg/m³

* Remark: The requirements covering the smallest meas. ranges acc. to 17. BImSchV are fulfilled.

Availability: 96.1 % for all components.Maintenance rate: 14 days (in continous operation).Detection limit (mean values): Related to the indicationrange:CO: 0.92 % NO: 0.24 %NO2: 0.04 % SO2: 2.1 %O2: 0.01 Vol. %

Influence on the measuring signal by means ofchange of barometric air pressure sample gas flow:No influence.Perm. ambient temperature: -20°C to +50°C.Dependence on temperature of zero point: 0 %.Dependence on temperature of sensivity:Maximal 2.8 %.Temporal change of the zero point and sensivity:< 2 % of reference value.Time of adaptation t90: Maximal 30 seconds.Cross sensivity (regarding CO2, NO, NO2, HCL, SO2,CH4, NH3 and H2O in percent of indicating range):

zero point reference pointCO: < 0.1 < + 3.1 %SO2: < + 3.2 % < - 1.1 %NO: < 0.1 % < 0.1 %NO2: < + 1.3 % < + 1.2 %O2: < 0.02 Vol. % < 0.02 Vol. %

Deviation of actual values to reference values of theinstrument curve: < 2 % of indication range, maximal0.13 Vol. % O2.Reproducibility:NO: R = 56 NO2: R = 81SO2: R = 92 (70*) CO: 111 (69*)O2: R = 434

* Meas. range 17. BImSchV

3.2 Further technical dataFurther parameters (not approved):

Meas. range: Accuracy:CO2: 0 - 25 Vol. % < 5 % of final

value of meas. rangeFlue gas humidity: 2.0 - 31 Vol. % < 4 % H2O

+15 - +70°C absolutedew point

Flue gas temperature:0 - 1 200°C depending onthe usedthermocouple

Flow- 5 - 40 m/s < 1,5 m/svelocity(calculated from (+ 50 hPa) (< 0,05 hPapressure difference): plus 1 % of

meas. value)CxHy: 0.3 - 4 % < 10 % of final

methane valueMeasuring range extension: Possible dilutions:0 = off; 2.5; 10; 20 and 40.

Length of heated sampling hoses: 2.2; 4 and 8 m.Probe systems:- Modular system of industrial probes (heated/un-

heated) up to 3 m length.- Multi-function probe for continous measurements.- Possibility to connect probes of other brands.Output of measured values:- Via notebook (ASCII-file), RS 232-interface- Current output 4 to 20 mA adjustable.Additional inputs:- mA/mV (for example for FID) (maximal 3).- temperature and differential pressure (max. 3).

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ZIROX Sensoren & Elektronik GmbHBrandteichstraße 19 D-17489 Greifswald

Oxygen measuring device ZIROX K10H, E300P, E400Hfor oxygen in flue gas

ZIROX oxygen measuring probes, Preamplifier E 300 and Gasmonitor E 400

1. ApplicationMeasuring of oxygen in flue gas of powerstations and refuse combustion plants.

2. Construction and method ofworking

The measuring element is a zirconium-dioxide cell in an in situ-probe. The lengthof probe is depending on the application0,3 to 1,8 meters.The preamplifier E 300 P transforms theprobe signals into current signals. Aminiature pump produce reference air forthe probe.

A high-performance computation andmonitoring unit E 400 is fitted with amicrocontroller for the calculation of theoxygen concentration from the thermo-voltage and the cell voltage. Additionally,the microcontroller monitors the correctfunctioning of the measuring probe.A display shows the oxygen concentration.A analog current output 0/4···20 mA is freescalable. Two limit values areprogrammable by customer (relays out-put). A fault signal indicates errors in theprobe or in the electronic.A digital interface RS 232 is available.

Block diagram:

E 300display

E 400


reference air

power supply and control of heating

0 to 20 mAcell signal


4···20 mAO2-Vol.-%

temperature or lambda

4···20 mA

limiting values

RS 232


4 x 0,5

max. 15 m max. 150 m

to PC


power 24 V DC

Page 294: Air Pollution Prevention - Manual on Emission Monitoring


ZIROX Sensoren & Elektronik GmbHBrandteichstraße 19 D-17489 Greifswald

3. Technical Data3.1 Data of aptitude testTested measuring range: 0···20 Vol.-% O2

Availability: 99,6 %Service interval: 4 weeksProof limits: 0,05 Vol.-% O2

Ambient temperature range:-10···55 °CTemperature dependence zero-point:

< 0,06 Vol.-% O2

Temperature dependence reference-point: < 0,04 Vol.-% O2

Time change zero-point: < 0,12 Vol.-% O2

Time change reference-point: < 0,12 Vol.-% O2

Response time (90%-Zeit): <12 sCross sensitivity: total < 0,13 Vol.-% O2

Reproducibility: R =239

3.2 Further technical dataOutput: analog: 0/4···20 mA digital: RS 232Limit values: 2 relays, freeprogrammableResponse time: programmable 1···100 sTemperature of measuring gas: 0···900°CPower supply: 120/240 VAC, ca. 120VADimensions: (380 x 300 x 200) mmProtection type: IP 56