Aikido 3D Serial

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Working %100 Aikido 3D Serial

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FingerPrint47CD1C77Key0KMDEK-QY5CXH-YR0K0J-29N86BNameFrancisco Bonilla****************************************************InstruccionesInstalas el winhex completo con el serial number pero no cierres el aikido3d, vas a herramientas, abrir ram,y buscas entre los programas el aikido3d, abres la pestaa y seleccionas memoria completa y aceptar.seleccionas busqueda reemplazar valores hexadecimales, aki anotas tu Hardware fingerprint al reves cada dos numeros es decir si tu numero es 26CD1C7A tu pones 7A1CCD26 y en la columna de abajo sustituir pones esto k es uno valido 47CD1C77 tal y como esta.Ahora vuelves a la pantalla del aikido y pones en nombre este es de un colega Francisco Bonilla y el key este0KMDEK-QY5CXH-YR0K0J-29N86B y ya estaInstructions to change your hardware fingerprint:-Install Aikido 3D-Install and activate WinHex (setup files and kg provided)-Launch WinHex, go to Tools, Open RAM, scroll down to the Aikido 3D entry, expand it and select Entire Memory. Accept.-Go to Search, Replace Hex Values. Leave it open for now.-Launch Akido 3D and proceed to the activation window. Copy your hardware fingerprint which is a combination of digits and letters, 8 in all.-In the WinHex search field, enter your hardware fingerprint, REVERSING THE ORDER OF THE PAIRS, STARTING WITH THE LAST ONE! EXAMPLE: 26CD1C7A becomes 7A1CCD26-Enter the resulting value in the "Search for" field-In the "Replace with" field enter 47CD1C77 and DON'T FORGET TO CHECK ON (Prompt when found )proceed.-Close WinHex and go back to the Aikido 3D activation dialog-Enter the name Francisco Bonilla and the key 0KMDEK-QY5CXH-YR0K0J-29N86B-That's it. You're done. Good luck in Hollywood! ;)