AIESEC HK Youth Summit 國際青年高峰會 2015 - Venue Sponsor (HKUST)

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Endorsement  Message

Message  f rom  Pres ident  of  A IESEC   in  Hong  Kong

About  A IESEC

Our  Be l ief  -  Connect ing  Youths  to  the  Wor ld

What   is  Youth  to  Susta inab i l i ty  Summit

Impacts  of  Youth  Summit  2014

In  Youth  Summit  2015In  Youth  Summit  2015

Col l aborat ion  Proposa l


Contact  Us

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Young  people  are  the  future  of  our  society.  The  HKSAR  Government  is  committed  to  nurturing  

the   next   generation   not   only   through   conventional   education,   but   also   through   diversified  

learning,   training   and   development   opportunities   that   match   their   abilities,   aspirations   and  

education   levels.   In   this   regard,  we  have   initiated  a  number  of  measures   in  our  new  academic  

structure  to  offer  more  opportunities  and  wider  choices  for  our  young  people  to  experience  

diversified   post-secondary   education.   Our   ultimate   goal   is   to   instill   positive   values   in   our  

young  people,  enhance  their  competitiveness  and  cultivate  their   interests   in  diverse  fields  so  

as  to  achieve  whole-person  development.as  to  achieve  whole-person  development.

I   commend   AIESEC   Hong   Kong   for   organizing   various   programmes   which   enable   our   young  

people  to  explore  and  develop  their  leadership  potential  while  making  positive  contributions  to  

society.  The  invaluable  experience  gained  from  participating  in  these  activities  empowers  our  

young   people   to   develop   their   vision,   creativity   and   international   perspectives   which   are  

essential  to  meet  the  future  challenges  of  our  global  village.

I   congratulate  AIESEC  Hong  Kong  on   its   achievements   in   the  past  year   and   I  wish  you  every  

success  in  scaling  new  heights  in  the  future.

CY  LeungChief  ExecutiveHong  Kong  Special  Administrative  Region

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PresidentAIESEC  in  Hong  Kong

Session  2014-2015

Going   through   education   in   Hong   Kong,   majority   of   my   time   was  spent   in   front  of   textbooks  and   lecture  presentations.  Yet,   I   always  found  myself   the  needs   to   the  space  and  occasion   to  step  out  and  take  a  broader  look  to  the  world.   I  believe  this  is  the  same  for  many  youths   in   Hong   Kong.   Meanwhile,   seeing   the   society   grows   with  social  problems  getting  more  intense,  we  believe  youths  have  to  be  exposed   to   environments  where   they   get   hands-on   experiences   to  solve  key  challenges  the  society  is  facing  today.solve  key  challenges  the  society  is  facing  today.

Therefore,   AIESEC   holds  Youth   to   Sustainability   Summit   annually   in  Hong  Kong.  We  aim  to  provide  this  environment  to  young  people  in  Hong  Kong  with   chances   to   engage   in  meaningful   conversations   to  discuss  not  only   the  challenges,  but   the  solutions   itself,   in  order   to  bring  the  desirable  future  into  real  play.

We  are  thankful  for  all  supports  gained  from  every  aspect  previously.  Yet,   we   cannot   just   stop   here.   To   sustain   the   impact   created   by  every  youth  we  engage  every  year,  we  need  more  support  from  you.  We  need   role-model  companies  and   individuals   to  show  the  youths  that  they  can  be  part  of  the  solutions.  By  partnering  with  us,  you  and  your  enterprise  will  together  be  part  of  the  solutions.  We  hope  to  see  your   support   to   make   Hong   Kong   youths   a   step   closer   to   a  sustainable  society.sustainable  society.

Ryo  Enda

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AIESEC   is   the   g loba l   youth   network   impact ing   the   wor ld  

through   leadersh ip   deve lopment   exper iences .   A IESEC   has  

been   fac i l i tat ing   youth   leadersh ip   deve lopment   through  

leadersh ip   act iv i t ies ,   i nternat iona l   i nternsh ips   and   vo lunteer  

exper iences  for  over  66  years ,  and  deve lops  a  g loba l  lea rn ing  

env i ronment  across   125  countr ies  and  ter r i tor ies .

Activating  Leadership

Acting  Sustainably

Demonstrating  Integrity

Enjoying  Participation

Living  Diversity

Striving  for  Excellence


Page 8: AIESEC HK Youth Summit 國際青年高峰會 2015 - Venue Sponsor (HKUST)

Alban iaA lger iaAngolaArgent inaArmen iaAustra l i aAust r i aAustr i aAzerba i janBahra inBe lg iumBen inBo l iv iaBosn ia-HerzegovinaBotswanaBotswanaBraz i lBu lgar iaBurk ina  FasoCambodiaCameroonCanadaCape  VerdeCape  VerdeCh i leCh ina ,  Ma in landColombiaCosta  R ica

I ta lyJapanJordanKazakhstanKenyaKorea ,  Repub l ic  ofKyrgyzstanKyrgyzstanLatv iaLebanonL i thuan iaLuxembourgMacedon iaMa lays iaMa l taMa l taMaur i t iusMex icoMoldovaMongol i aMoroccoMozambiqueNepa lNepa lNether l andsNew  Zea landNiger iaNorway

OmanPak istanPanamaParaguayPeruPh i l ipp inesPo landPo landPortuga lPuerto  R icoQatarRoman iaRuss iaRwandaSenega lSenega lSerb iaS ingaporeS lovak iaS loven iaSouth  Afr icaSpa inSr i  LankaSr i  LankaSwedenSwitzer l andTa iwanTaj ik istan

Tanzan iaTha i l andTogoTun is iaTurkeyUgandaUkra ineUkra ineUn i ted  ArabEmiratesUn i ted  K ingdomUnited  StatesUruguayUzbek istanVenezue laVenezue laVietnamNamib iaLaosCote  D ’   ivo i reKuwaitL iber iaN icaraguaN icaraguaWest   Ind iesBarbadosMontenegroAfghan istan

Chinese  University  of  Hong  Kong

City  University  of  Hong  Kong

Hong  Kong  Baptist  University

Lingnan  University

The  University  of  Hong  Kong

The  University  of  Science  and  Technology

The  Hong  Kong  Polytechnic  UniversityThe  Hong  Kong  Polytechnic  University

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Youths   are   the   leaders   of   tomorrow’s  world.   They   always   play   the  major   role   in   shaping   the   future   of   the  society.  Therefore,  throughout  the  past  years,  AIESEC  has  been  offering  youths  in  Hong  Kong  keys  to  open  the  doors  to  the  world  across  seven  local  universities  through  exchanges  and  international  conferences.  They  actively  integrate  into  every  society,  understand  problems  happening  around  and  realize  the  needs  of  change  agents  in  the  world.  Yet,Yet,  it  is  never  enough  by  only  having  youths  with  will;  the  world  needs  solutions  and  youths  need  support  if  we   want   to   change.   Therefore,   AIESEC   does   not   only   want   youths   to   merely   focus   on   the   exploration   of  particular   issue,  we   aim   to  emphasize  youths’   positions   in   impacting   the   society   and  enable   the   society   to  recognize  every  single  piece  of  thoughts  from  the  youths  beyond  the  horizon.

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Therefore ,  we   in i t i a ted . . .

Youth  to  Sustainability  Summit  a.k.a.  Youth  Summit  is  the  largest  annual  international  conference  organized  by  AIESEC  in  Hong  Kong.   It  is  the  unique  platform  for  local  and  international  youths,  from  the  universities  and  secondary  schools,  to  explore,  discuss  and  generate  ideas  for  a  sustainable  development  in  the  society  with  creativity  and  critical  thinking  through  major  global  and  local  issues.

ApartApart   from   the   contribution   from   youths,   it   is   also   an   international   platform   for   corporates   to   contribute   to   youth  empowerment  by  connecting  tomorrow  leaders  and  potential  employers.  Through  bringing  in  ideas  on  current  social  and  business   trends   in   workshops   and   youth   forums,   youths   will   be   inspired   to   challenge   the   status   quo   and   generate  innovative  and  sustainable  solutions  for  the  development  of  the  society  with  a  positive  social  impact.      

In  the  conference,  we  have:

GUEST  SHARING GROUP  FACILITATION YOUTH  IMPACT  FORUMWe   invite   guests   from   different  

professions  to  share  their  thoughts  

toward   certain   issues   and   arouse  

youths’  understanding  towards  the  


Youths  are  formed  into  groups  and  

led   by   facilitators   who   are  

previously   selected   among   more  

than   700   AIESEC   members.   They  

go   through   discussions   and  

suggest   actionable  proposals   for   a  

sustainable   development   of   Hong  


As  we   believe   youth   voice   always  

matters,   guests   from   government  

officials   and   other   professions   are  

invited   to   hold   a   direct   interaction  

providing   feedback   on   youths’  

ideas   of   solutions   and   later   on   to  

carry  actions.

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IMPACTS   IN  2014

Date :  5-8   June  2014Venue :  Ch inese  Un ivers i ty  of  Hong  Kong


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PEOPLE  WE  ENGAGEDSupported   by   16   corporates   and   organ izat ions ,   we   were  proud   to   have   inv i ted   more   than   40   speakers ,   i nc lud ing  government   off ic ia ls ,   scho la rs ,   corporates   and   NGOs  representat ives  to  our  event  and  be  part  of  the  impacts  to  deve lop   over   300   energet ic   and   innovat ive   faces   as   the  future   leaders .  

Cha i rperson  of   the  Execut ive  Counc i lCommunity  Care  Fund ,  HKSAR

Convenor  of   the  Execut ive  Counc i l  Hong  Kong  Spec ia l  Admin ist rat ive  Region

Head  of  C l imate  ProgrammesWWF   in  Hong  Kong

Founder  and  CEOSocia l  Ventures  Hong  Kong


Support ing  Organ izat ions   (5  of   16 )

(50  Growth  f rom  2013 )

30AIESEC  members  from  7   local  universit ies,   including  HKU,  CUHK,HKUST,  PolyU,  CityU,  HKBU  and  Lingnan.

34loca l  secondary  schoo l  studentsincluding  Doscean  Boys  Col lege,  Queen’s  Col lege,Wah  Yan  Col lege,  Ying  Wa  Gir ls ’  Col lege,  etc.

25Univers i ty  studentsNon-AIESEC  members  from  11   local  tert iary  education  institutions  such  as  HKIEd,  HKSYU,  HSMC,  etc.

1 1Internat iona l  studentsfrom  15  different  countr ies  and  terr itor ies  such  asMainland  of  China,  Taiwan,  Singapore,  Japan,  Austra l ia .

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MEDIA  REPORTIn   2014 ,   the   4-day-3-n ight   conference   in   tota l   was  covered   by   24   media ,   i nc lud ing   pr inted ,   e lect ron ic   and  on l ine   media ,   such   as   The   Standard ,   App ly   Da i ly ,   TVB  iNews ,  Cab le  TV.

Hav ingHav ing   the   open ing   speech   presented   by   our   Guest   of  Honour ,   Mr .   Lam   Woon-kwong,   the   Cha i rperson   of   the  Execut ive   Counc i l   i n   Hong   Kong   SAR,   the   event  successfu l ly   ga ined   media   va lue   up   to   1   mi l l ion   HKD  which  at  the  same  t ime ,  the  Management  D i rector  of  our  major   sponsor ,   SONY   Corporat ions   Hong   Kong   L imited  was   a lso   one   of   the   h igh l ighted   interev iewee   on   news  report .report .

C i rcu lat ion :  23 1 ,018

Ci rcu lat ion :   120 ,000

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IMPACTS   IN  2015

In  Youth   Summit   2014 ,   we   successfu l ly  

created   a   “Youth   Voice   P latform”   for  

youngsters  f rom  a l l  a round  the  wor ld  to  

d iscuss   and   exp lore   soc ia l   i ssues   and  

look   for   susta inab le   and   innovat ive  

so lut ions .   Yet ,   ideas   a re   worth less  

without   execut ion   and   exper iments .  

Therefore ,Therefore ,  we ,   th is  year   in  2015 ,  do  not  

mere ly   want   to   invo lve   youths   in   the  

generat ion   of   ideas ,   but   to   turn   them  

into  PART  OF  the  so lut ions .

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Across   the   hor izon ,   ambit ion   and   creat iv i ty   have   a lways   been   a   symbol   of   the   loca l   peop le .   Meanwhi le ,  over  years ,   youths   in  Hong  Kong   st r ive   for   the i r   exce l lence   to   sta rt   up   the i r   bus iness  wh ich   creates   an  impact   for   themse lves .   Yet ,   w ith   the   insp i rat ions ,   network   and   exposure ,   we   be l ieve   the   young,  innovat ive  future   leaders   in  Hong  Kong  can  a lso  contr ibute  to  the  susta inab le  deve lopment  of  the  wor ld  and  our  c i ty  to  a  better  p lace  to   l ive .

ThereforeTherefore   in  Youth   Summit   2015 ,  we   a re   br ing ing   in   re levant   externa l   speakers ,  w ith  workshops   re lated  to   innovat ion ,  prob lem  so lv ing  and  project  management  to  equ ip  pass ionate  youths  the  necessary  sk i l l s  and  knowledge  to  be  the  change  they  want  to  be ,  and  at  the  same  t ime ,  to  ca l l  for  the i r  act ions  to  create  the  d i rect   impact  to  the  soc iety .

Date :   1 1 th  -   14th   June ,  2015Target  Audience :  350  De legates  (Loca l  secondary  schoo l  and  un ivers i ty  students ,   i nternat iona l  un ivers i ty  students )

A   J O U R N E Y   O F   C H A N G E M A K E R S

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1 . Green   l i festy leHong  Kong  has  been  deve lop ing  wor ld  c lass  green  techno logy  and  a rch i tecture  a round  the  c i ty .  Yet  surpr is ing ly ,  we  a re  a  s lower  adoptor  of  a  greener   l i festy le  wh ich  sma l l  changes   in  our  hab i ts  can  create  a  st rong   impact  to  the  env i ronmenta l  susta inab i l i ty .  What  a re   the  cha l lenges  we  are   fac ing  and  what  a re   the   long  term  so lut ions?

2 . Soc ia l   I nc lus ionBeing  one  of   the  most  dense ly  popu lated  c i t ies   in   the  wor ld ,  Hong  Kong   is  a  c i ty  of  d ivers i ty .  Whi le  our  economy  f l ies ,  a re  peop le  with  d i f ferent  ethn ic i ty ,  sexua l  or ientat ion  or  background  g iven  a   fa i r  opportun i ty  to  grow  and  contr ibute?  

3 . Culture  Preservat ion  &  Deve lopmentFrom  the  good  o ld  Cantonese  cu l tu re   to   1980s ,  Hong  Kong  once  was  the  product ion  hub  of  mus ic  and  movies  of   the  Ch inese  communit ies  a round  the  wor ld .  Where  a re  we  now  towards  a  cu l l tu ra l ly  susta inab le  env i ronment  to   insp i re  creat iv i ty  and  cu l tu ra l  deve lopment   in   the  c i ty?  

A R E A S   O F   D I S C U S S I O N S

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Regist rat ion

Int roduct ion

Ice-break ing


Changemaker  BETA :Def ine  the  TEAM;

Def ine  the   IMPACT

F ie ld  Tr ips

Clos ing


Regist rat ion

Open ing  Ceremony

Open ing  P lenary

Se l f-fu l f i lment   1 :WHY  you  a re  here

Changemaker   1 .0 :Va lue  Propos i t ion  -How  are  you  go ing

to  p i tch  your  concept

Se l f-fu l f i lment  2 :Peop le  Changes

the  Wor ld

Breakdown  Seminars   1 :Green  L i festy le ,  Soc ia l  

I nc lus ion ,  Cu l tu ra l  P resevat ion  &  Deve lopment

P lann ing  Board

Even ing  P lenary

Hong  Kong  N ight

Our  C i ty

Morn ing  P lenary

Youth  X  Soc iety

Changemaker  2 .0 :Who  are  your  stakeho lders

Breakdown  Seminars  2 :Green  L i festy le ,  Soc ia l  

I nc lus ion ,  Cu l tu ra l  P resevat ion  &  Deve lopment

P lann ing  Board

Even ing  P lenary

Wor ld  Party

Youth  Power

Morn ing  P lenary

Changemaker  3 .0 :How  to  measure

your   impact

Youth  Story   1 :A  Soc ia l   I nnovat ion  Project

Youth  Story  2 :New  Generat ions  of  NGOs

Youth  Story  3 :Dare  to  Start  Up  a  Bus iness

Changemaker  3 . 1 :The  f lywhee l ,

a  susta inab le  so lut ion

P lann ing  Board

Even ing  P lenary

Your  So lut ions

Morn ing  P lenary

Preparat ion  T ime

Idea l  V i l l age

Youth   Impact  Forum

Clos ing  Ceremony

Clos ing  P lenary


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Our   advert is ing   and  market ing   of   the   event   and   de legate   recru i tment   is   p lanned   to   sta rt   f rom  November .   Ut i l i z ing   our   v i r tua l   and   phys ica l   channe ls ,   we   a re   ta rget ing   over   100,500   reaches  and  350  app l icat ions .  


*Numbers  vary  upon  execut ion .

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Creat ing   change   agents   is   not  

mere ly   a   miss ion   of   A IESEC,   i t  

benef i ts   the   who le   wor ld   so   i t  

requ i res   co-creat ion   f rom   every  

peop le ,  so  as  to  gather  power  f rom  

d i f ferent   aspects .   As   one   of   the  

lead ing   educat ion   inst i tut ion   who  

env is ionsenv is ions   a   better   change   in   the  

soc iety ,  you  shou ld  jo in  us .

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COLLABORATION  PROPOSALwith  Hong  Kong  Un ivers i ty  of  Sc ience  and  Techno logy

As   A IESEC   is   a   youth-run   not-for-prof i t   organ izat ion ,   we  hope   to   be   supported   by   externa l   organ izat ions   on   our  resources   and   expenses .   Therefore ,   i n   the   proposa l   of   our  partnersh ip ,  we   look  for :

We   p lan   to   prov ide   350   de legates   and   80   conference  team  members  an  overn ight  accommodat ion  for  3  n ights .  Exempt ion  of  the  accommodat ion  reservat ion  fee  of  450  beds   offered   by   you   can   a l low   us   to   guarantee   the  part ic ipants   to   enjoy   the   n ight   t ime   together   in   your  p leasant   res ident ia l  ha l l   i n  HKUST.  

We  understand  the  partnersh ip  may  over load  the  operat ion  of   you ,   we   wish   to   prov ide   exposure   opportun i t ies   with  you   cor responding ly   in   return   for   your   f r iend ly  d isbursement .  

Your   investment   on   us   wi l l   be   t i t led   as   the   Venue  Sponsor  of  our  event  with  a  wide  range  of  logo  exposure  on   our   pub l icat ions ,   such   as   media   informat ion   k i t ,  de legate  book let  and  conference  backdrop .

Your   promot ion   mater ia l s   about   your   un ivers i ty   prof i le  and   undergraduate/graduate   programmes   wi l l   be  inserted   in   our   de legate   book lets   or   d ist r ibuted   in  recept ion   counter ,   wh ich   means   you   wi l l   be   poss ib le   to  reach  over  300  potent ia l  customers  of   the  un ivers i ty .

You   may   ga in   an   exposure   to   d i f ferent   part ies ,   such   as  government  off ic ia ls  and  NGOs,  in  our  open ing  ceremony  and   speak ing   opportun i t ies   in   our   conference   sess ions  for  a  phys ica l  engagement  with  our  de legates .

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AIESEC   has   expanded   our   network   to   125   countr ies   and   ter r i tor ies   with   accumulat ive   number   of  100,000   act ive   members   th is   year .   With   our   h igh   exposure   to   secondary   schoo ls   and   un ivers i t ies  through  Youth  Summit  every  year ,   i f  you  a re  wi l l i ng  to   invest ,  you  and  your  un ivers i ty  can  h igh ly  be  exposed  through  our  g loba l  network ,  soc ia l  media ,   loca l  press  and  pub l icat ions   loca l ly  and  g loba l ly .

Every   investment  p lays  an   important   ro le   to  prov ide  qua l i ty   lea rn ing   to  youth  part ic ipants   to  be   the  wor ld ’s  change  agents .  With  the  a l ignment  of   l a rge  brand ’s  pub l ic  exposure ,  your  un ivers i ty  can  thus  be  we l l   recogn ized  with   the   image   of   corporate   soc ia l   respons ib i l i ty ,   i n   te rms   of   tak ing   the   lead   to  deve lop   leaders  of   tomorrow  and  br ing ing  pos i t ive   impacts  to  the  wor ld .

Ta lent   management   is   a lways   the   most   important   sector   of   a   we l l   be ing   corporate .   Our   summit  prov ides  you  with  an  opportun i ty  to  lea rn  more  about  thoughts  of  over  300  young  leaders  f rom  Hong  Kong   and   other   reg ions . ,   so   you   sha l l   be   ab le   to   reach   out   to   the   potent ia l   customers   of   your  academic  programmes .

Be ing  one  of   the  key  supporters  of  A IESEC   through  Youth  Summit ,  you  can  contr ibute   to   the  youth  deve lopment  of  the i r  se l f-awareness  ab i l i ty ,  se l f-determinat ion  and  g loba l  mindset .  Th is  can  not  on ly  create   pos i t ive   impacts   to   soc iety ,   you   can   a lso   nurture   your   future   students   with   soc ia l  respons ib i l i ty  and   leadersh ip  sk i l l s  at   f i rst  hand  before  enter ing  your   ta lent  poo l .






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AIESEC   in  Hong  Kong

Youth  to  Susta inab i l i ty  Summit國際⻘青年⾼高峰會


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Youth  Creat iv i ty  Partner S i lver  Sponsor Youth  Empowerment  Partners

Support ing  Organ izat ions