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I~ Mld~sez MosUl ~,

: "~ducMfen ~d Crest ve ~ Eidetton a~d Insthtlati~ of ~ ’ ~’UELL~ ~HOOL \ k ¢th~g ~ ~ t~1~ "Aprll ~ A son. to Mr, a~1¯ Ar~s"t .h willnnnun]be Sorln~the toplCmeeOf ~ga pa-of sldentricers wiilof theha heldco~mcLf,with~M~s, ~a-i. Ruymor~d Egolt and Mrs ~ kid who us= o~wlf hi=

Mrs, ~oaeoh Lima of FrBnkl~t_nel dacusson o be presented ry H~dt~oyle o~ SomervtLfe,~re, WilUsm Cook w~re ~mdnatod

p~mt=.* ~ * , Park

PTA$ Tuesday in the Six Mile Schools Ernest Gilliland wil~ ad- ~rt last week’s meeting,and Mrs. Irving Winkler of 188

Others ~omi~tod by the com.


phLfHps RoodRU~ Reformed Church Frank, dress the group durl~ the]in Park Sessions w IL be fror~ trig session and greetings will be mitres w~re Mrs. D~mald Tall]0 a I~ "tag p m with regl~ extended by M~’s, Runes Merce, r~odde, ISt vthe.p~sident; Mrs

I~ P~,i~oeto~ HosSI~I

ion ’be [nn[~l ’a 9"30 a m presden of the ~k[~ Pa~k WRlh~m Hamer, ~ vlce~presi-April 14 -- A son, to Mr, and

trat g g " " ’ ¯ Mrs, Louis Spak, reCOrd, Mrs. Raymond Leakage of I~0Dr. Sampson SmLfb, s,Peldll- P’I’A~ and Mrs, ~,nest ~;~, den,;th~ seoretarY; Mrs. I1ohert An Kendall flood, Fra~kL~ Park

tor~d#nt of schooLs~ will serve aa pt’eSldet~t of the PhLl]ips Id~¥sov., cot-~’esy~tldIRg ~tcre,

moderator. Panelists will in. group,etude M ss Kathlcen Kids ~nd Local PTA publicity ~ha~t~’

surer,tary’ and Mrs, Fred Grols, tea teet~Thea=ddltt°r°n°epaxs~al~e~t~d~’e=~e[11 The Orange Ho~pltol Uento~"

Jack Rfeur, me~obers of he men wilt dlsplay ’~heir pu Y fe about (11/)~ ~ ceo~.April, 10~A daughter, to Mr. "-

Township faculty, . books and Stets Publicity Cecil.OHlCe~ will be elected a~ and Mrs. Jerome Render of =24

student a~t. exhibit, and Frank. three outstandmg books The ~Up hear~ a ",J~k ~v,,~.~t h~lu~8]u~ N one D.HPPEIgT TESTIMONIAL)in s udent~ w entertain with chosen far presen~thn, at th~ "Home Gardening" by Roy.

who has ~omld all the d~ppe~ ED BL[ ANa musieal offering State convention in November rr~nd Eberhardt, newly-appoln-Je~ beea~ so so~m Mter ~fe~, PLAN.H RY RHPH C S

With the PTAstar,, end Mrs. Joseph Handy ledomgrset.~lglallt ¢ovJtty agent for - pte[Jr~Inary plans for a trail-

side, treosurer-

PfNE ORRVH MAN ..... ard *a, DDLHRU Scout Newsthg o.ip oom i. .....

won by Mrs, Hov~etJ’s" 2nd Dr, Benjamin P, osner, of 17, .Leonard Ruppert were made

An international program wa~ Grade¯ ~hl]ltpS Road will be guest "UUB ~OUT PRUK ~recently ota meetl:’.g o~the

presented las~ Week, thaturin| Negresses for the ev~idg were speaker at a meeting Wednes* ~spublidan Executive Cowtmit-

Polish, l~ussian. ~cottish, Israeli Mrs. John Barke, Mrs. Kurt day in the s~bool, He is an as- The regolpr month)y rdeetthg fee in the home d Mrs. Stellaand Chinese dane~ and U~ Nathan, MrS. Paul Limbheh, sisiant profesor of education /as held Soturday on the H. Phillfps of Dean Street.~glr=g ~t Negco splr~. Mcs. S~o~ey Kt.m~witch, Mrs, #.t ~- ~e ~v~ll ’~Ik or, MatcoL’xt Ader~s’ fe~m aa L~- Mrs, Vero~ida Rrzo~ka was

MrS, Jules Konsls w~s pro Henry Rudnltsk[. Mrs. Clyde "School Teeing" and "Parenb cola Highway, Merwbers were hamc=~ d i n n e r chairman. R

4~rare. ~nglrrns~ .~isled by Ritter and Mi~s. Alberl Collide. Teacher Coofereaces." taken on ~. tour of the farfC~, saw place for the affair will he aa-.,

Tin)r~tas James. Mrs, Harr~ The next r~eetthg will be held. The regular meeting wilt start livestock and visited the silo and nouflced at a later date,Martyn, Mrs. Norman Wllne= May 19. Mrs, Margaret Welsh, at 8 p.m. fotlowlng classrogm the milk house,and Mrs, M. Patroska. retiring principal, will Pe hor~ viSLtSti0~t~, Kenneth Va~ Riper opened ~ubserlbe to ~he News

The meeting ~egan with ~ ~red at that time, MZ~, ~uel Pilid~uz7 oi ~ the meeting with the flag ~Mu~e Only ~2,50 a year

flog solute by R]ckY Looserg .... MeConneIL Scott Kemp tl. forth. H.. ....oedthattr. 0,antthg t

pont- n"u"gsu"t~n, Terry Reachem and Ir~ Mrs. G;~orge Yager was aomi- League of Warner. Voters will Pine Grove Manor School wlfl lMosS, ah of Cub Scout Pack 58 sated for the pzesidency at a expl=Jn the M~uotore ot K~’ar~k- take place May g,

Tha group voted to donate $1~ meeting last week. tln’s forthcoming councl]-manao David Leuser and S t e v e nto the Franklin Township Scho Others nominated on the new get form of government. Sampson we£e inducted thte the i==~ (~n*lets]zip Fund, slate were MrS. James Revak, Einction of esso¢idtinn oftide~ pack and the following scouts TELEPHONENominations for new officers vice-president; Mrs. William received awaz~[s:"#ere ....... d aa folloWS: Sistrtmk ...... tary, and Mrs. Bruce ~0re~.ki, one year DELIVERY

Mrs, Wilbur McComos, preid- Domin~ek Luna, t~easurer,dent; Mrs. Lawr .... Gerber, Mrs. Midhaei Dean, Mrs. Do- 2rid District Auxiliary service pin and two silver at- SERVICE1st vice-president; Mrs. Kurt rothy Wethstein and Mrs, John Not~ l~th two silver arrows on We’llhethateia ~Jl~Nathan, 2nd vice-president; Barlow w~re appointed to theMrs, Nicholas Krauszer, seers- auditing eo~rtlfttee by Mrs. Ha- The Women’~ At;xilJary of t atld a one-year Pthl

rold Andrews, current president. 2nd District Volunteer Fire Weiss. three silver arrows on e sele¢:tonf~°m ~t~ o0~plece¢~ ~the . "-4qMrs. Andrews will represent Company celebrated its 14th

wolf badge; Terry Beschem, helm&dthe PTA at the meeting .of the niversary with a dinner [as1 gore arrow < FREE !

week th Middlesex. Mark BtumFnkrant~ and StayerRerkowltz, one year pins, DELIVERY


Plans were made Iv hold PLANNED FOR UNE ~ Itthird Teenage Dance on May I Aurand Harris, teacher of dra

n~a at Ibe one of the featured speaker.’ POPULAR B~ANR8 I

made chairman and in the impressive array of in R]~R @ W~ ~ LIQUOR IW. Osowski and Mrs. Ralp;" structors from the professional


j New Jersey Theatre Leagu~Always A~slinbl~ I

TOWNSIMP D~IVER LOSES i mouth I C°n~ereneepark~° be held ~bLr~ Mon-:jtme[ ~. a~t~d.~=~L,u Ns oR. DA . Joehey mrs,17Gwendolyn Y. Ellis, 45, o I " gl5 SOMERSE’]~ STREEI’

Meadow Avenue, Fra~kl£n Park,! (V~nklto ’I"Wp.) I

lost her dr~ver’s license laSt C}~lgsl]ie~ Pay OJ]l NSW aRVNSWmK. j

diem m m m n | IlUl | Im m unn | n m a~

: pick fine fruit this year ’,BANISH BUGS AND BLIGHT: .

IIiu ’ £15| Get the j~mp no~ on fruit,destroying Insects an~ funk~s II

. diseases with multi.purpose 0~TH0 H0me 0rd~rd SprW, U ~.15II Contains Captan DDT ODD, and L]nde~a to make your| fr~ittreeandkerrypestcontroleaslerlhaneverbeiore. ,~-

| gse conventional spreyof to el)ply, "

I ’ iI . IIBOW ~ & LINCOLN MWY.!I PA ,D i* O VO ¯ gb~ ~ S-~O

County Rather Board m~t. is .in. return for i v~t ~ gNU Dzs’z’asC~ aV".,~ ,

R O~ To Hear N. I. President tma to ~stpen last wminr. Th~ The z,,~i~ Auxi~ o~ the¯ ¯ p~gram Is designed to ~c~ ~ District Vototaeer Fire C~’n~

tOe exchange of know~edge and ~any hek~ a severed c~+skills betwee~ U.$, and South supper Saturday ~,.om d /~o ’f

of a serious problem which will overnment. American universities, p.m. In the firehouse an FJlzabethmathHaltse next year, namel~ * * * Atihough exact details haw Avenue. ~Sr Henry Brammar,the probable Issuanee of addl The Bo~,rd of Adtostment not been arranged, it Is expect- w~as eh~man, assisted by M~,ttenal liquor Iteemmes in Frank, nears a decision ms the Pine ed that the I~ztgers oor, tingent St~ey Ni~ak,Its* ~rove Swim Club’s 8ppltegflon will inave for Argentina in mid-

No~ ehat those to offlee no~ to~ a special use permit to b~ild July and study at ratings Iml- Sub~iba to The Newsexpect to be plagued by thb a Pool, and before teat mona-diidmm~t, but a crystal ball i~ meetal edtet is haDbed dow~ NlllJ~ll]ll~Ulll~llmlbl~l~lllllml~NIl~.. +., to ,++ ho un

TOWNSHIPwe must get our feet wet on th~

~v~idabte apPearaltee. Issue.Today there exist 1~ taverns ts First, It seems evideet tha~

O~ ~untslpalay, noelmes fcl toe additin, of this reerelltlonnlwido w..e b.od.d ..* b.,.. ,+. __id oo0h PHARMACYthe ~elease of the last Federal needed and worthwblls culls4-’ ~ensus. At that time there were for To~h~p resident. Second,

ll!~proxl~1~&~ly ~000 people Uv- ly+ there seems to be no su~ing here, When the ’~0 figures st~ndal reason for toe od~ustePs

Willare pubCshed, ll~e oml~Itt&tell+t..+I...+o.,F..+ n..l. Pick Up & Deliverl~ WUI he ~J~ibls ter ~ l~tbs, the applieant~ comply Wtih ~It Theodore L. Doyle of Teaneck:

¯ for the popttixtinn will u~dge the conditions -- gad tbez’#s the big president of the ~,400-membel m

18,000 ~ark,’qf’" New Jersey Ass~ciatloo of Real

A license may be Issued for The zoning code states thai Estate Boards, will speak Men yOIll*each 1,0ee persons, and at that the idcatinn must not arrest the day at ~:30 p.m. at a )olnt mce~s.~Idard filer, sbemld be --m safe and comfortable euJoymen< ing of the So ..... land "+ ,p.o "rescr-L-n-for aboa$ five or six mote ~exl of pre~rty rights or Otherwise terdon county realtor hoards,ye~tr. Hewever, the issuance of adversdly affect the value M A feature of the Stole ofticer’~llquolr tieellses is stHefly a p?e- adia°°n~ proper~es. PHraSeappearance in Far Hitis Inn will I

At No Extra Chargeregaflve of local govetl&mellt+ homee’~T~ers near the proposedbe the induction ot ~even activeSO the 1~0 ~overala~ body may pool site haw a legiCmate gripe, and 29 a~oniate members int¢ ¯ ~[MPLY C~LL ~

dee/re fo inane any permits and the club and its a~o~ney, the Somer~st o~ganization,

II 5 8800Tavern owners rue toe day evidence, to our way ot chinking. ~]ade To Aeeolnpsny mwhel~ mere brew starts to ~onelusivcly erase the gripe. ~ldent~ To Al~en~neflswtog. As several have ex- Tbls is an Involved problem,ptelnod to us, half of toe lOCal and ettr adjusters should be aa- Professor James J. 8idde Jrbusiness now Domes from out- tis~led t ..... that ad~ol~ of Middlebush will .... mpony 712 HAMILTON ~T.side the Tow~idp, and the pro- h ..... era do not get toe mud. a ~reu~ of ld Rutgers University

FRANKLIN TWSPsense of more 8ptelts" wlti thhl dy efld of the deal before grant- students on a Summer aemirm~ *OCt ~ etie~tsle of every par- I~ approval, in Argen~.a. " DAILY OPEN SUNDAYveyor, . . . TheLr expense-paid trip spon.o,~ om~ls,s my ~w c=wt P]e~, .ol,r~bon, ~o ,,’.o~ gored by tho V S State V~part, 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. 9 A.M. TO 10 P,M.

versities there until September. MMMMMMMIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMphone calls from long-lost bud- phone calls wbteh lead off with.dtes who, eofneidentslly, seek "GueSs who’s back in town?"wkat they ~ink Is a plash stool We know he has returned. We0a the liquor caravan, urge all readers to get seree~

¯ * ¯ on their wlndowe. Warm weaeh.TO follow to its logical con. cr ls upon us -- and the poIK~¢al

011JSlO. ehe tOrt ++,bat the Char-flies ",~ti he htl~li~, aPound TelephoneFilet 6 2323tel’ Law will term~t~in most mu- Ms~h ~,

aa h~portant task befallin~ cur.. ,o+e,.to+ b.,, when you needOoti.et,vo., tOe++ .+oye.s +he od,, be o.- Tabs elhov...t MORTGAGE MONEYof experience ariel’ knowledgeeooo.. .. o++b,p .,to,to. The ServicemenThey ue Fra~din’s ldminte-trxtive backbone, and to eliml. Joseph P, Flmnevero ~dnain them Is pe~ttess,, Trained Church Street. Kingston, tom-hands should quickly be re- pletrd reorua training April 1idstatod in their job~. at the Marine Corps Rccrmt De- - Ask for Bound Brook Trust Company’s moPtgage of Beer.

There is no ~eed to belabor pot, Parrls Island, S.C, The 12- Disons8 your requirements with him confidentially.the tsst~e ~ common sense Ju~ week training schedule includedrifles It. The ouster of good, drill, bayonet training, physicalwell-~ersed civil servants would condiliozdng, parades and cere-

"" be ~.o Sidestep a rational ap monies, and other r~lltary sub- He will be glad to give you information about a Trustproanh of the problems wMel Jeers.

Company mortgage tailore~ to meet your partleular need~

and planned to he&p you achieve d~eht-~ree home ownership

eonvesdently and economically.

For an improvement loan, personal loan, or auto loan,

..,.,:~ULD .p+@ at ~+m~r oy/~e.. .WE.LOOK FOR m.p m+ BOUND BROOK


COLUMNS II Oountl 81eokTwoco+wenler+to~-wes "

t~l~’ ’ ~ ]Trust Camoan] FI~NKLIR’TOWNSHIP: "

I +" ’ ’ I:~ IHamilton Stregt st ~ler Ave, ¯

’M.I~ trl~tlBq : RAS.3300 i I t . . ,oum~.oom.~,..,,u : :IYe rgl~t+o/lr~iyservice’ 223EastMalnStreet , ii

I~AGE.I THE F!IANKt, IN NZWB-BZ¢ORD ~’tqUlDAY,~2~, lj]_._$1

¯ Old : eens To Be luted. To.ooddoOw"., ’ Brookside2o Rutgers University campusmext Monday on precisely thesame spot and for e~enttatty

’&eambears did on sno~her &pring day]~ years ago -- to salute a big,brown-stone ba[]dlng.

Old Queens, the butldhl~ outof which has grown New Jereey’si~rawlteg State University. willbe the object of the crowd’s at-tention on Monday. jt~st as it wason April 27, 1809, the date of itsdedlcsdon.

¯ Dr. Mason W. Gross, Igthpresident of Rutgers. will pre-side a% tee t50th armlversary-ce]eboalion.

Dr. Ira Condict, second presi-<leAr of the unlve~ity, then

¯ known as Queens College, offi-

ciated st the dedication cere-monies.

Atthaugb work on Old Queemshod been started several monthsbofnte dedication day in 1809,

until 1825, the year the school etls~db~n of Old QueenP~ hasntt Grad o~ pceeervte~ or btlkin~ abomtadopted the name of Rut~ers the bulldlng’s relics, This Dutch ove~ now enclosed by a protectiveCollege. glass cover, c~ce WaS treed to prepare focally meak in the 150-year-^y .....aa hs,f aNor ,he o,d ,.,,dhi,. will giv lots of energydedication, Q ......... tilt not ¯ 0 I~ ..eoo,o,od and t ,,oo, wnn©albad bankt° borrOW, o putttmdsa rooftr°m a tO-over it. Oily. both bu ring ....

Itan ...... I~o ’’,O"-..’t It,

?be be.cling wa~ reedy for u~e, 40-Fnot TowerExtended to April 25 ’

but Mill incomplete, in 1811. The Old ueens is ll6 feet six Somerville Drive-In Theatreends were virtually finished, but teches l~ length and 54 feet has extended tee ghowing of the FOR EXTRA PEP AND ENERGY

the center of the building was eight inches in depth. It stands Technicolor film. "Rio Bravo/’completed only on the first floor approximately 4~ feet high and mroush AprU 2% it WaS an-

Fresh, Real Cream Is Milk wlth an extra moo-

with two floors of confusion over- Is surmounted by a tower of de- nuanced this week. sure of enmgy fuel. Use It to make yourbead. oelvin~ height 14O feed and Headin~ me cast are John ~mll~s favorit e ~rlmls, frul~ and dv4~mrl~

Lotteries COnducted weighl (about 30 tons). Four Wa!/ne, Dean Martin and Ricky more tempting,¯ chimneys serve the 24 fireplaces Nelson, who is making his m0- you’ll like the farm fresh ~l] bodied fl~t

The harassed trustees ~urned which heated the building dur- vie debut. C~-starred are AngieOf our. , .to 8 ]ottery ~O finance the ing its early years. The original DichJnson, Walter Brennan and g I

~a]nlng ....

truetian’~ &eambought 1~ tickets theIlqSe]ves "to aisle roof is now covered by a Wa~xl Bond- The secund I~ietore,

composition overlay. **Terror in a Texas Town," starslaunch the campl~tgn. About SupPorting the floors today Sterling Hoyden,$11,0C41 was raised through the great steel beams made T~le pieture~ ~chedu]ed forlottery, but cos~s were motmtL,~g i~ecemsary when heavy office Aprl] 28, 27 and 28 are "Hot~eand more money was needed, e(~Ripraen~ re,laced the stu- on Haunted Hilt" wlth Vincent

Several year later a second dents whoso feet have worn Price and "Legion of the~]otlery was underlaken it deep grooves in the stone ~ilLs Doomed." -"prodnc0ve of more trouble than of the ancient doors, The oak ~ CHILDREN ADOPTEDfunds. Some money was real- and pine that went into the ori- ~y SOME]T.~ET COUPL~~

, iT~’d, bnt ]awsuJts hY ]c~Jng tic-g[na] bu~Idlngh ..... isted G e’s oh,ldl.s S .......t C .... " ""§rookside...u.~ ,ereo,-er-ket-holders, harsh words on the toll remarkably well.ty couples were given an oppor-floor of the Legislature ahd Many of the more interesting tunlty to complete their family

~ 5=2110other embsrassJng relics of he building have been life w~th the help of the Chil-stsneez convinced the trusteesthat their financial future lay preserved, A Dutch oven in s dren’ Home Society of New Jet-elsewhere than in lotleries,

first-four fireplace where once sey during the first quarter of- some forgotten profes.~or’s meals 1959,The estlma(ed e~t of Old were cooked WSC~ uncovered dur- These adoptive plaeemen~ "~~--~--r~=r~.r~Queens. deduced in 1808 after ~Aons. It has been pres~lWed by a

a StalewJde total of 25, the suet-tee Irustees had accepted the ing one of 1he periodic re~lora- were made in the County out of

Ih~rd (,nd least expensive) set Phone Your Want Acls--RA 5-3300ef plans drawn by John glass prOl~’ting cover, ,ely announced¯

McCr~mb scIf-lrained. Princetan born architect ~as $I2,0[D.The Im~ldi~g aClUal]y co,t NO STORE IN NEW JERSEY CAN OFFER SUCH VALUE~O,OOO by the lime Jt waspleled ]7 years later, iilM]~r~ "

I, ....... y wen spent ToI ~_~"~ . i ma~ ¯ ¯, AT SO TINY A PRICEf

~ey. stands as a m,,nument ’ ¯ - :~ . ." ".the courage and foresight of teeQueens College Irustee~. ’ ~. . "" 8IMMON~--BEALY~HNGLANDFdg

By original design and intenti _ p " ¯ ¯ ECLIPgB--BERTA--aLBNPMAaTRROld Queens was Queel~s College. ~ o~rrERMOON--aUF.R~Y~DOUGHERTy

NLUM BERLINE-- JNTNER ~ 8LBI]p.&~DII was home to faculty staff dnd ¯ KNIGHT OF BE8? ~ KING8 ’students (ntnnberi~g some 40 8LENP-RHffr ~ GOODYRA~iT~en in ]~]~, alld contained ]~-

~~ St e 1~~ /

’~ B~DD|NG INDUSTRy OF AMBRICAbrary chapel and classru(,rc~ in, U.g. I~A’I’PR~q8 CORP.- HAN’rWI~raddldoo to re 10noo foo..o" ,,, TO0Tedoy Old Queens is given over¯entirely to admlnistartive offi. ~ ~)~../-~ ~ ~ ~.~/~l~ss--


e.s ,he ’as, e,assroa~ ~ .’~o~ ~ ~r;f,’;aff l "r No 0. fen IIMI 0w Pdg.

A conscientious effort has / F ¯ ¯ Imme~W U~4 Wi Jl ~Wgl

alm’=~ aim.=~ / . tem~ t4/m m4 J@eN411 ~ldb ~4.~1t~1preserve the building |m,~l~

tar -- even to the replscemenl "~’~-~ . " ~’,,~_ -~of broken wtedows with hand,rr~tde g~a~s pan~s, 8~d the m~- ¯, H..~*~,.rt.r~ t~e the world’s fine~4 b~ddteg.~Ing, ~ere ’ ROUTE 22 BOUND BROOKwoodwork hardware and KRB/Bt ~K SON HOS.0001."

¯ me~l*mlHwork, NewJ~rmFgLarge~K[dlngCentor " . "’ , ;Old Quee~, Js 11’0 feet ~L~ , , , .~

by architects the two fhiest,%x. ¯ . . . .~ " ~ : i

J~, the United States. SATURDAY ~ g PdtL BUND.AY X to 13 era. -x.-~T~u,

MeComb carrle~1 out the deaigr --

~tmvl ~e~ ~. tg. ~~m ~a’AN~LZ~ NkWS-n¢CO~D - ~A~S S

l-It.Iffoe tim ~1, i ,i, ’, , , i, n ,


Terms that seem e]ementarytn experlerlc~d c~ks Bomott.qkeBbaltic the novice.

For example, when you regala piece of meat, do you haste It?Do yea turn it overt And what’sbraLsing?

For the benefit of women andmen who want to ]earn tn ~ok--and to begin at the beginnin~hepe a~ come e? ~ mor~ COm.men meat cooking methods.

To roast mear~ to pooh theFRESH KILLED - PAN-READY.e. .....--..OHI KE

Do not sad water, It is not ne.cessary to POur drippings overthe meat while cooking, which Hamsis what basting is. The over lb.temperature should be 3~ de

To broil~ set ov~.n regulatox¯ to "hroiJ" or at highest temper.

ature. Place meat two to throe EXTRA LEAN, SLICgD

¯ inche* from the flame, Broil an,tit top of meat is brown. Seasor

’with Bait and pe~r. Turn once~

¯ and cook until me~ is done a~you Iike it.

To braise or ~ot roast tes~

on all sides in fat In a heav~ BETTY CROCKER -- Devil FOOd, Wh . yellow . WHITE ROSE -- 8o!ld P~k.,~o.ilo .....-th.,taodCAKEMIXESa 79’[TUNA 3 79Cpepper, Add a small amount of &k~. ~S"hquid end cook B]ow]y with acover on the pot. Add water dur-ing cooking if needed.

Meat is ~sually stewed in the t ,_~t ]form of inch or inch and a halfcubes, Coat the cubes with sea-sorl~:I flau e and brown in fat,Add water, cover and cook Justbelow the boiling point untiltender. Add vegetables a halfhour before meat is done,

PAINTING A ROOM?When ynu!’have a robm_

¯ paint, the time you spend act-: WI]IT]~ RO$~ -- Tender, Bll~ SNIDE~’S

3::49 CATSUP 3 39,1,n ~.n*.,. PEAS ~ In’*"YOU’H find you CanLWOrk more ~ hebt~e~

easily and do a better job if youtake time to prepare far your’ Excelsior B~redwork, You’ll also spend lea,

STEAKS3 ’1 FL~;Rtime o the ,0o~ *on ~d o~o.o,o, ~0. f..r BEEF i~

TO get zeady, y~u first assem-ble L~quipment.

Evemd~ ~l~’dYou will need . pu’cty knife

G~W~$~3 $1 WAX¯ .nd..e,,.,oo.~ooof,~ROAST TUR~’-.cracks and holes, abrasive pa,per to smooth the surface~ lminlcleaner, large span e or old ~

*~::" 89,

"cloths 10 olean dirt~ StlrffG¢~,drop cloths or old newspaper~to cover the flc~ and furnit~r~bruM~es or rollers for al~[yinthe paint, wouden paint 8tirrer~

aUr and mix paint, h waterIeshand cleaner1 p.q~r towels, thetype of ~lnt suited ,to the *ur-f~ce .nd area ’tO he paintL~], two .~ I ¯lnd~ .....dheev, oin~h. ,,

I~ ,~::19 i CHEESE:~’ ’1 Iscaffolding is’ needed to paint a~the veiHnS,

¯ uum duety gut{aces, clean offdirt and grea~ with detergentarid remove any old wax with pltlLturpentine. Then ~move allhardware, ~efore beginniag, co- "

oughly so thlt paint "~ of a unl- . .form consistency ~nd stir fre-

~, 2 "

quently as :*ou Ipply it,

-* *:°" ** *" I RUNYON’$ SUPER MKTo[ ]the walls d ldst the tridoor,. In ndo ~ rnsd.painting thepaint beveled edge~ fimt, thentop ipanels, bottom panels andlast, the Dame. ~

If you are a devotee of theopen-i’ace toasted cheese sand-w,o~, |~,*ooin, oi.,o,.,,ar.llSSO HAMILTON ST FKANKLINi a~vP. I iIdh~e h~IVeg Utlder the cheese be.,_ ¯ " " : : ’ -- .

~d~,~ ~|o ~ hro,|.,. The.. .... V,,,~ R,,d~r,’t .q",,,,~r .q-’er Market ’ . .tl~vor will b~ fm-tl{er ~mno~d{I ~ ’ ~ ~ ¯i~ you have buttered the bread:It . -, "~

~eamed with a bit of prepared ¯ .......

¯ a".~t~’~,:~*~’~::~’~Ip -\ -- ...... . ~.~ ’q:,~l

OIl.....,.. s~r~on, was to h~ve b~enlawa’~ w~ rnadQ ’.hat aocopt- - . , . ~ ,stetted Ms~-4 in Bridgewater~ an~e c~ the ar~dt~t’s hid v~uld ; .... ..... --

~Ar~"~"Township off Oarretao~ Road. be in order, ~j~kA4B’O~IfI"I£

is held in bid submiSsio~ by the Palmer told Tbo News ha was . ~ IM~-LLO D~Z~ A~I.plI~’] :

0 ease o~ the O~x company, had taken lagitlmate and r~ght-

Perk] In a statem~t after ~o~tce c~ fui -action, bnt expre~ed con-the inJt~etlon, ~r~nk 3. Torpey~ corn over the prospect o~ long

~end Its gelt course censtoue~Jon It rot unusual ~or an arok]tenl in loss of reven~e fra~ opera- ~ ~t~ J~INT~ ~4~|©ontraet award tor~orraw be to desIJ~ and construct a co~r~ tio~ of the co~rse and ai~o set ~. ~ [WAmN~; F<~:__~~ere S~petJor Court dt)dg~ accordance w~th spenlfina, the Couqty pPogram beck ~s

~.r.~--|~ ]!~40N~’ro{ ~lJJ

An order algned by u,e j~Ige as well as gev, tic~ were not permitted to startFriday restr&ined the comr~ts-I ez~zmez~th] Jobs, and peirzted o~t thlg S~,eP,sioh from permltti~g William F.[ that the Gordon firm had been Ll¢ also ~tated that both com. iGordo~ sad Corr~y ~ Doyles sceepted )n ~be d~al capacity plaine~ts ]ted ~sked $10,000

i"town, Pc., to begin eonstruc~lor tar courses in Maryland, Penn- apiece in bemage~ fay |~s~of

I~dter R eomalaint b7 Stanley d tumble, the job. tgiobro of Rtltherford and C.B. He f~rther noted that the ’ ’l

tCarlson and Sons el Paiffi@ld, w’inhtng bid was $30,000 less than ~ht~ Washington monument. " ~ ~Con~. both of wh0~ hid tln-I Lhe seeo~d-lowest qt~otatio~ and which rest~ at1 a fom~dat~0n of

The complainant~ cha]leF~ge [ duty to accept the hid thvolvL’~g ty five ir~e~ sinc~ R WBS built ~ --r ~ , , "the l~g~Sty Ot the eo~mi~Jon’Sl t~e least expe~ura o~ publ~: ifl |8~, Ayeca~ r~it~ O~ s|nbl~.ward s,nee th. Oo,do. ,on,,= ,und,. of ha. bee.An

t o ° benefit Franklin without ~ndax~d-a]*o acted as architect for the I CommJ~m attorney Paul about 1-18,inch a year.

0 et ering Rocky Hill. She said thisplan W~S hal being con~ide~d

For Bypass Route b. the9 "The department musl consi-der all the °0remus/ties i~.

Palmer Stat Pa, o.es declared, "~nd consult ~ith

county planning boards before .~-- ~ny aJJg~meDt is ~eLn*

(Contil~ued from Page l)Another spoResman for the

scribed e new route which the Righway Department said thehypss,~ is on the ~t~’s Masler

hypasts might take. Desigt~atlng Plan, which projects improve-it the Priflceton- Rlghimown n~ents to ]ffZS, but that plan JaFreeway. the board indicated ’*one million dollar~ in excessit might slice through goeky ~ the meal o~Smlstic" e~ti.

inatet$ of money which uill be atHill and Kingston and continue the department’s disposal.to Route ~8, east Of Higbtstown, Cost of the road when It is fl-

*’The bypasS will terminate in sally hngtm "will exceed eightthe vicinity of Hig3~Lstown/’ Mr. million dollars." CommissionerPalmer conceded, but that is the Palmer told T~e Hews. While

[~ztz}y Certainty as f~r a# the SZat¢!i[ is not ou Lhe F~dcra[ aid pro-Is concealed, gram at this time "the depart-

Mayor Oraer~ Gurisic of Rock r~ent i~ ~onfidenl it wltl receiveHill has dt,nounced what ~ke bE- Federal aid" wher~ the work islievcd to be the alignment ot 1he begun, he declared.propt~ed hyp~. "J~lt, ~zlryey u’hiph w~ jlmt he-

The proposed route would gum by the State will take "at"hiBL.cI FL~cky RIS and ~l~n oJJt, I~asl on@ year I,1 conrpIot°," 8town,~’ tho m~yor laid ~1 public dEpat,tm~nt Spoke~mnn indie~t.mcetlng of the Rocky Rill Pine- ted. If. wilt involve "sea~or~aI~ning Board recently, ahd a traf[iC studiE~v(.c!onomiC ,~tadie9movement ws~ started to Be- m~d investigsliorx of the costs ofcure petitiops opposing the pla~ different routE," he pointed

A letter from Rocky HiLl wal o~t,reod ~t t~e last meelJn,g of th~ The p~t’p~c! tff thP ~t~sCounty Board uf Preeholdees de study is "to enlablish alignment"~ounclng the pr~po~rd bypa~ ,mr to direc¢ly prepare f~n" c~Jn-and urging the board to concert I~truclivn ~f the bypass, theitself with the "dangerot~" el. spokesman for the High~ay De-fa~t it woold haw on the com. I par*.mEnt told Tht, News.m~nity+I Even W[0En the survey i~ Co~.

M~yor Gurlslc attended the Ipleted. Mr. P,lmer udded, thereYir~ Pmc¢ica[ 2"ypcwr~r, ~873 m~eting and toLd the bom’d thai ia nu g~la on ee he r ~ad wi

one rou~e pr~v~ by M~yax l be bZZil~. "We just can’t sa2"Ll~i of Franklin Township wou[~ ’ when it will he huill," he sald,Take A Letter, Miss SmithBn~ were 1~o Lypewriber~, zzo tele-

~lt;hone$,moaddfngtnao~i~e~,no e~"

York amd’had launched ~e world-wide ~AWN MOWER~i,d,,~y T~y. ~oh~ TRACTOR

~egJster~, not eve~ a lowly p~per dip in o~ra~ 83 p]anLs m~d 3 mJ~es in the~ ~u,in. o~. of 1808 wh0~ ~, w. ~,,~d s~. C~d. ~d ~algin= ~, .,~ales-bervlce-l-’cJohns founded the Johns-Manvi]]e 101-ye~Lr-old Companylstu 23diveralfledorganic, orlon, bualne~*a produdng more t2~an 500 l~r.~ FARMALL CUB TRACTOR

of buildin~ materials and allied indastt.ia] and AttachmenmBuslnem letters a century ago wereproducteforhome~andindustyytltrough. ~HEF~ HORSE TRACTOR}aboiSoualy pe~ed in neat copperplateout the worM.

script by squads of clacks--straight pins ’ and Attachlnenl~ ’ -were used to keep files together. Mechsn-

Theae J-M bus~es~s s~o representedHOMKO MOWERS

ieal o~oe aids were sti~ far in the futm’e,by sales officea thz’ougho~zt the United

It was not until 1873 that the first prac-States, Canada and other distmtbut~on

I RKp&IP,~ AND sg~Vl0g OR ALL ]ticai typewriter (shown above) appeared poin~ sarvlng aomo 69 n~tions through. I ,’X~eI~S,~OWKI~, AND ~aA(~, ,m~ !on the scene,

o~t the worM. J-M o:~c~ today areequ,ppedwiththomost’l~ledernmeebam. TUNIS B. QAVIS

By that i~oe~ H. W. dobbs had moved lc~ aids to speed cw~t~1~ orders ~ ItlVglg RD., 1KIL~TONgthe Imstne~ to 87 Maid~m Lead in New eliminate dmd~ry for o~ce pe~wu~.

’lohns-Manville ¯’,. ,MAnVILLe, N, L - "

_. ’~

However, since the bashL as a tee of which he la chairmanwould consider the’coale in ltghtHerons Tonight ,o,o.~o.. a s,~o ~oo LeagueFor v,.obo.~oai, h= ~ o.,.~ ~ ~ ~.~t ..d ~..loo ___ Frapkih Pen. B_e__as ball

will earl7 a number d~fcrent which Improvement, it any,than that assigned at the draw- are feasible. A JLt~0r Evenin~ Baseball ,

(Continued tram Page 1) leg, Comndttee members and Lengt~ for boys of pvn.v League ’ ’

Township Clerk Fred Bascom age, between Ig and th, will be C]~I~DRF..N~Sto proceed with tonight’s hear- agreed that it would be Impos-~Ugg ~gA~0s~"&vT~R.d~,~. |~’ held this summer under the MOVIElag. sible to change the set up, : Joint spons~’~hip of the youth WeltDhmey’e

Several officers were con- On two recommendations Ouldaace Counc|l and parenle=rr=~ abeot ,be o~es prowl-t,om the ~ard of ~m~t Contracts for of ,le.,.. "rh~ L~,siena for special and pard-time to grant vsr~nces, the Commit. " Walt Shirley, an instructor in O~t~tllW’~

Pine Gr~ve Manor Sehoolt w[]l~roL~en s~d how tenure ~ tee deferred action unth the in-seniority were figured, formaUon was presented pro- Te~t

------o-R~be league supervisor. There ~1] ~.L, Ap~ 2~

They Jnqutred about the ela- perly and if, embers hod tthte to el~ be an executive comt~lltteeof f~tt~e fuS-Jdme men now study the reqne$te, The Sewerage Authority’ e~- comprJsln8 fathers of part/el- 3 P]~.FOHMANCS8

t~. Ih~$e c~teger[~ as opposed to One for a n~sery, submitted gineor, ~om~ Howe of ]~’e, panle and Ed Blurt.berg, recre- IOZN a~m.

part-time officers who had by Mr, and Mrs, :~r~i] B~h, and Alberts~n, New YorkCity, re- atJc~ director. ~ p~t,

served for Fears. th~ other fv, r a gas station and ported test week that contracts Registration for pl~yel~ willrefreshment sta~d in a B-I re- tsr test borings te the new TOWn- be held on Monday and again PINE G]~O~t/E

Tbe Committee informed them giolml b~slness zone o~ ]~aston ship sewer elignment will be on May 4 from 7 to 8 p,r~ in the~I~OOL G~M"that the cede specifically deals Avenue, by Joeph I~as’~°re’ ready in two weeks.

Cornm~ity Voice;tear Fire.with that problem in that it sti- were approved by the adjaelers A ~ra] loan without tster- house, Those Interested Jr= ~lan-pelate~ that no man ¢~n acquire last week but require goveFulng est w11] provide for the cost of aging a team or jotsleg the ex.full rights u~ll he becomes a Donation= 50¢~L(l-time pelle~an, tha~ ~ sen-

body sanctlen before permits these preliminary teats and an. ecufive committee are asked to

iortty ~feetbrg lenu~z~ ~ becan be Issued, glneer~ face. attend at that time. g~d by

a~qu[~ with part-time duty, Streets and Parks The work le the hSile] phase Local organJzatiotls or busJ. PINE PROVE MANOgCivS Defense One pz~ohtem w}~leh has been of a iprogran; to be eomtoleted nesses which wish to sponsor an

At the st&rt of the a~L:m~ before the Co~mlttee for yea~ hy the AuthoritY with the eld of entry should contact Mr, alum-CO-OF NURSERY SCHOOL

m~eting, repr0sentattees was reselved in. part, For some a $I,8~0,~D grant from the gay- berg at New Bru~wlek HighSchool or Mr+ S]drley at 11 Home

CAvil Defense Dlreotor, spoke to a development near Origgelo~ When the tests are ftslehed S~el,the Cor~i tee on the $?~te’~ have been seeing To~T~Lp ac- end ’~he resu/ts anelyzed the AU-Disaster ContrOl Plan and tl~ ceptance el streets in the area. thorlty will determine, which A new, supercharged b~ tu~-pa~t FTar=h[1e w0uld play jn jt~ Through an oversight in deed; areas sr~ to Set sewer ]hlea tlrat, bi~te engine has been develoged,oper~tten, ing the streets when the home~ The Authority was scheduled It P~cks some 300 hOrBepower, iomv~LI It&

They said that a munleip~l first were erected, xlo one has to confer with the Township SJzewise, It can fit in the engine "NOW THH~J SAT. A]P~. 26director ~houLd be appointed, an the responsibility Of improving Committee lest eight,

compartment of an average lg5D

well as a staff to he~d nine de- the roads,__ __ auto, and car= run on" ~leaded

gasoline, kerosene, or light di~-bertment.- pollee, fire, .edt- The Committee agreed to a¢- ~ Repair to Speak gel o.. eta= for commercial ~ ~i~Neel and health, welfare, corn- cept a]l but Centre Street. As.

use: ledvflelte.munieations, transportation, an- eo~[ng to To.ship Engineer At MoetiEl~ Of BARgts.=., pob,io ~elat, ....d *Itha= H=mop, thle o=ot RlOi~Nrd~011-.rdeo, ....... le too ,real a *elnnge .rs. Hor~d ~epolr of So=---~--~,~’ lfl

Former Mayor James Ma~iez >roblem. erville will be guest spoaher at BOW p~I~H~U~ourre~,.Is 00 =r~. ~r..,mmey was aotho.ised a m~.~. of tho Oaoo.ldd,e-~. ~, ~o, W.~ llil .~mmmum:o solicit "bid# on perk improve- brook Chapter of the DAR Wed. Plugdflmg ~ F.,edrP~ng

CecmeS l~aSels meats in the Hast Frank, ..... nosday at t:30 p.m. in the home ~m MI~e’g Pro Shoe] [6[ AH~H(MII~’I~t~ HEI~i~Ois=o ......i.ed tot, a,thongh o tteeman o, ....f" °--"" "numbers assigned at-Large Leonard Rupert exptelned that Walchung Drive, Hound Hrook. ~’.w~.w/ok O~a~l~teandidate~ on the May t2 be~tet, no definite develepl~*cnt pler=s Mrs. HePaJr is the wi~e of the

Severs] candidates have been :lad been r~ade, He said ~ha~ at- cothlly’a agricultural agent.7 8TABTS BUN. APE. ~ [~

- Her topic wSI be "Bares Col-..... ~~ ....... ]age," which Is a DAR-nanction-

ed tssSlution in Kentucky,

t00 0iT t epor be O on ky.r.,

Charles E. MeClur~ o~ Middle-bt~h, chapter regent, a~d Mrs,Edwa~:[ ]], DiX of Somervl]le.

~.~/~TARA GOLF GREENS .., George C. S]611man ofBelle Mead, state regent, wg]attend, abe will return this week

¯ 9 HOLE SHORT eLF COURS]~ tram Washingt~n, D.C., where

¯ 18 HOLE MINIATU~ COPJRSE she is attending the DAR’s 68th

¯ 30 uNrr DKIVIN¯ EANOBContinental Congress.

Annual reports Of ehelr~en al-¯ OPEN 7 ~)AYB A W~EK so will be heard at Wednesday’s

RT, 27 (Somerset St.)meeting, slam w~,, .*.pro ~q~,

~ul D~7~mer-Je~mue WOOdwardBetween New Brunswick and - ADULT ,’Vae ~ ~ ~ ~,"

Kend~l Pgrk colw,,,- ~ I CH 7-8284 MOVIE NIGHT

"Death of a

A memorable pe~ormanee byFrederic March in Arthur


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ME The FranklinWS-RECORD





For only $2.50 you will receive 52 issues

of The Franklin News-Record... giving

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T The FrankllnVE WS-:RECORD "

County Counsel Need as Advisor Weekly Crmsword p,,..e.To Board on Railroad FadlPdes,o.,,EmLC Cm’X~ [Percuuion lnstrume"n| I~l[lJ[~0~J~im"r~i’am~" ’¯ Th0 .. of+ +s, +oo, L

The position of Railroad ply a l~6B staUc~.wagon at s SUnday morning worah|p aer.IDepl¢l~ gEedle~Mp’Pransportatlan Coordinator for not ~ost cd $1,690 for use bY vice at 11 a,m, wll) be p~ceded muslmd g~a~k I,~I~IIIIIfllIHAI~

Somerset County was created Gounty ,l-H Agent Theodore by Sunday School led BibLe f~trtm~eM s~t’d~by resolution of the Board o~ Diem. A trade-in allowance w~ cidsses at I}:30. Communion aud Sit II ¯ ~+ ?Parl of lpile~Preebe]der~ Friday, illvolvrd, evening gospel services will be drum go° the

’Id lnlsrsgc~ , ~el~ad ddeIldOl~v fruit= k!~Im Ig~

Thompson was appo~nled to the tract to Brook Chevrolet to mup- Ly, ""- "

post to serve withotlt comps°- ply a Be] Air model automobile The Flthh and Fellowship So- l,~j’~--+ ~t~X~’ $+clsmtrol 48Ax~lslMsa on at $2, 40 for use n the County c[ety will meet Tuesday at B ,kit a141m pv~,l=Nat+m l*allt ~4{~trh~llgu~ 40WIIMIThe purpose of he move s to Extension office, p:m. Miss Anna Aandahl, a m~s- P~10~Olneld¢ ]TC~ln~4l rlV~ ~OHC~k=lb+~ BgowaM~secure adequa e ra road ~8! Freeho der Henry Fethe~ om at°mary oa leave from ~rica, + f~gons ~lPutth thl gPI~la~l dgL~

@,~ C~II mlddbs ~A’I~Ip~ b~ 1aisle thll~senger service +0r County mu- old the board be p armed to at- wt)) be guest speaker. +i$Otherwlm ~4~RiOmnl measure ~++nm~thie pa lss was po ned out’ 0rid a nee ng ot he Me Pope - .Ethic study and prayer group ~+p=<l~ Mj~IIII~

45CI b~. ~lst~ (oh.)In the resolution, slave railroads tan Regional Council on June 16 w+ ga her Wednesday a 8 p.m. =Tcagese oll0dal~6Z~re 44El~oVhlsr tab.) MMccth flb,)

have been petltionJn++ the Public’, in New York City¯ Matters in-[ ~$Fthahe+

Utility Commission to do+’ vofving the Coumy will be dl~-+ PEIB;SEYTEmAN CHUECE 29ppono+l+~ ~p I ~1 : p | ~ r~l~iLlvthgston Aver+v+ ~O DlmtnullVlgrad .....,nilaod+odon+cu--,beOoi te o ,,+ -- ’tO’ + I[


..... , o..maid PI ~+ = =1 rfact that "one or more +reaps Astatem~nt of Pal cy on op4~ra- as baby sitters. Saturday in anag~t

in the County are working on of S a e mental bespi ~ s +If°let to earn money for their ~BUr~t~tlll- , ~ond ~+nuat Memorial Day $9~{a~e P I q - I |iagamst’ the proposed eurtail.i Adam+WKs reeei’*~e~phaln~and%hmtFreebo]deroTte of me Week+cndHeights. Camp Jn Island

40Ms,ureters= p [ . + I IThe coordinator is authorized main revisions in State policy is

Prom 9 a+m. to 4 p.m. they wlil 41Cota’t age~ls "~ ~*: 47 ~arsntby the board to¯advise It on pre-shifting patlent+ from its tosti-

wash ears in the church parking 48BLt+ 4 }~sent faci]Ries and represent the" ttltlsa Jn Vtneland to one J° Newlot, sell baked good+ in the so- ~0Orls~lsgt~@fhboard al idl hearings. He wgl L+ben. He +d lh+ ekat~g .....sial hall a~d baby sit th the +l W..,,rd I~+ + ’+15/ |+

52 :¢qulmprdalso on.operate with rep~senta, hod already worked to the ben+ chmh nurseries,P~Dlstant ~ ~ + i;+vm c,+ m~+ni~alt+i., the State fR ot one COUMy fsmny whose

- P" +Jland Federal Government and child had been in the Vtoelsndorganized groups to inlprove hospita]. - ’ One Year Ago Mm<~,. P I g P F P P + l

Is . + "+ + ++ g + ..... J++ ’+ ,o.dS.+++i+orC.,++++,V.+

V’’IC+ - ~ I p °111 1 +Mr. Thompson, who has beer+ CLear ....... d that North J+r Th~ We~,k ll+’b"

:m,=k+~ I ~I +in charge of the beard’s file m "soy Concrete Pipe Company+ nl One year ago this week, from =+trd

p ~ I I p I i + I Irailroad matters, Js also asked +nrapton Lakes had submitted the files of The Franklin News- ~Fme~nt~edto confer, advise and assist ~ low bid o~ $S.47~172 f~ s~- Heeo~t:~gencles in matters ct mutual ag concrete pipe, and the beard Noah Newspapers purchased REBEKAH LODGE INSTALLS Wi]li&ll~18 To ~et Awardinterest and make ~ecommen. !uthorlsed a contract award to the Franklin Record and COOldatJvn on appropriations or ways hat company, lsolidated it’wlth The Franklin OFFICERS HERE TONIGHTto oppose curtailment,

TO Reo~. I~idgcNews. ~d the paper’s name Officers nf The Lady Wessell+s From Delno~rali~ Club

The hoard referred to Mr: Mr. Van Clear also reported was changed to The Franklin R+ebekah Lodge 53 will be in- U.S. Senator Harrison A. Wlll-+11Lampoon no+lee of a May fl that a bridge on Burnt Hill:News-Record l . , The Plannu stldled tonight at a me+Ung in tams wilt be honored as the

bearish th. Newark on Central Road Montgomery Townshlp, lB°ard rejected nn. ~tpplicatton the gash M stone Voltmteer F r a n k ] i n Dertmeratic ClublsRmiroad’s pelJtiwt to tocrease was being rebtliit and it wouldlbY Socony Constructtoo Corpora- Firehouse on Market Street. "Democrat of ,th.a Year" on Jtmepassenger faresl , be reopened to.trafflc this week," ion. for a pre] m mary subd v - Re-elected at a recent meet- 12 at the club s gprtog Festival

Wedf~re l~s I A copy of a ]attar to ++he S ate slen approval ing Were Mrs+ Oo1:othy Nagle. Dance in Edison.

H~rbee Ores°berg won the noble grand; Mrs. Helen Lee, EdWard Sypeck, dance chair-Another pubge hearing notice H ghway Commmslon from the ........on + i

cnalrmansmp o: tne Goal ~em- vice-grand; Mrs. Marion Wag- man, announced last week thatbxlls that v,~o,gd transfer Ib ~r dgewater Board ~ md,~ca-.... ¯ ...... ncr~tic party over Thomas burton, treasurer; Mrs. Louise a prominent political figurea~mlnistrahotl of the home as- ~lon was reterreo to Traffic ~.o-t ¯.Het]]y.. lJOhn Caridna was else Paris, recording secretary, and would be /ovlted to pTe+ettt ans s once pragrarc~ from the State a d na or Fau Bel oeeh o The- . ited ehairr~an of the Eeptth]ican Mrs Alice Trimmer financial award to Sen, ~/i]]idr/t~.Board of Child Welfare to coon- " qard corap a ned o a hazard-i

’ ’ ". . Municipal Coil%mitten+ aucc~e~ ~*~ret~3 S~i~i~g ~9~r Syp~k ale ;~£ay w~lf~re boards w~s referred spa traffic conclltlon on Route ¯ " * ¯

to Freebe der Robert Adams 202-206 a Garretaan Road which ~ng ~ Charles Fetrdlv...Mayor- -- David Chrlstman Mr. and Mrs.

¯ " . ’ mlenae£ fences proemlmeo FETE UPPER :doh0 BaI e Jose h Kinlin.Approval has been glee°, the loads o the 50<J-pupll G++een .<r . ,, CA RIA S

[ +’ PS~ate Highway Come ss on ~e+l K~al] School ~ad also the Oew Ed VO0 hess Day .throughout TO BE HELD gATUROAY James Perrl~ Franklin1 gtover,

p<Jr ed by char granting th e " gh soho wb clb w see be l the To~sh]p, hrJnorlr)g the re- The Ladies Aid Socie of the’Wi]liapl Toldt and Mrs+ Syp~ek+¯ . . ¯ tired po toy eh el Dr MI ton kv

Coun. y $643,164 In road aid,°Pened An add anal number H~ffm~tn ttgreed to fslt" the H~US- GrJggstown Reformed Church¯ -- ,for its an°us work program of 1,2.50 sit)dents he traver+- n w I hold its annua cam aria Another of hose soup enroll’ " " ’ h - g Au bar y sea ]ef vacant

Additional aid far County road lg e ad when that setlsolb r , ¯ suppe~ Saturday in the ehpfch’nahons ]s cream of mushroom

r~l a a e a a n nl oO(+S I~to session the bo~rd Y Leona d Rupp~ $ reslg[[~ Ic e a aunts ~o ¯ ’ tion hall from 5 t~ 7 p,m. Mrs. Hay-~ and erem~ of celery, Mix the two

’l . . I d strl e t the ~ .d~9~ 7~’0’ the c°znm s~ on "slaled P°ln~ed Oat A wc~week o "k a sand Hoagtand is in charge of soups w th one anc~ a ha SOUpThe board au her zcd he put- There ~re +,110 signs or .signals W.A. Cleary Chemtoa Co. con-i arrangements, cain+ of 11~l]k.

c.bese o five voti~t . ~+~ Slow trafhc at that pont. the .......g each nes ha tmu~ as blxt~rness and ~Iole~cefor us " fe 0 boaxd stated ....e In the NOV 3 General . punetua ed t ego a or=s fc*r setEl~tlsn b a ree Later In the meetlng~ Fi’ee. , ", ~ tog~ ~ far ,, ..... ~ ..... ~..ch .... NOVICKY S MUSIC STUDIO. iolder Adams Was suecess~tlj Jn . .bids as request0d by he Court y

"eking" br~ d tpp ova o au sh pswe, "e mode svadablP a. ++o.rd of Erections. ""’ ’ + ~ " " " POPULAR¯ . qua]iflsd Township s uden shorzze C ~ nty Eng ~ee~ ~o31a]d .Doo]ey ~rothers ef Somerville p annLng n major In ed~ea+~tLres tn check eulvert~ at~d tion M and ¯ .was awarded a contract to su]> ¯ r Mrs WilliamI ~rldges along Garretsan Read .. ..... . ,~^~= = = ich ¯ . , . ¯ tvzognr sea,arnica [nelr autovh Rrs tbe re-ponsthtbty of wcdd[og a~niver~ary...The

]~w Coun y B.

EGGS¯ ard of +tmsot turnedile said lhal Br+dgewa er "&’aS

¯ . d~w/l VULmtl ¢, requesa by Mrl annmg l i~Jprov e the road d ~rsl Pete 1 Eawoehka Of’1 ¯ ¯ d he County ~hould ~ an A wfll Ruad and Andrew Koe

band for lls work there a.. 3 of NC~ BrunsWLCk.. The Po

,~?d~ff~in’h~ 3 7:nrn, ~ money ~oet ]+ce ])ep ..... t pt~t t .....Y h°dge( r patrol ears in use+~Uy [he~ll~ at the Farl~

’re ca+vert and bridge improve-+Aml Save Money! ~eof.


~Fho[esfde & Retail ’residen{ and Mrs, Eisenhow-[td Mr. and Mrs. Louis Loeb uf¯ r’s wedding gifts far Japan’s Amwell ~nad. recelved high:row° Prince Akihilo and his; honor awards in the annual mu-Egg~ are the m@a~ ,~.~lomie~]

~ornr~t)n~r fiancee, Michiko ~,ho, sxc ~udi£ton$ he~4 reeeDt~y infrmd. Fr~h e~ga from ~,ur o’~a de. Monte]air State CoUege Thes)

bena avallab ¯ I~om 8 a.m. to ....

" p,m. Monday fh~0.gh Fide B4~k~ LiQuor AT FLOmDA CONFERENCE

dlkv~ 8 a+m, to 1~ a~an 8a|ur-Store

Thomas F. Ke~nea]ly of BuffsDrive, Middtobuab, reuently at-

dsyj 1 p.m. {o ~ p.m+ Bund~¥.(Now Ullder tended an underwrlter~ confer-

New Management) ence of the Home IAfe Insur-ance Company in Hb[]ywood.

4~mpleth Sehmtlon Fla. He Is with the firm’s New~All Nee grands ~rk agency,

[ I , POULTRY ~ ~t.. ,,="Fr~e ~eliwry

ell nm.uem ~mt~kdH=mSlon 81.

"I Highway 206, South ~ew ~mmwl~L . ¯ 0~.k.ml~mr s.4tl~

........ ,,~ v, ~. ~

joszeu mEL SKI . " ’i KSWS ACENCY "IOW DOW//

Real REtain A.#~,...~I

Hlllsborou~h " Near Highway 206 ¯

C~on| Cus~J~ooBul]t ". . New ~t-bed.~m ranch home, attached g~wage, ~elance kl’c~xen - pAYMF~N~

wI4h hwge dththg melt, Wall oven. Ftdl b~ement Lot 100x~0.

R~a~h and Split.Level Homes *Le,zee. ~ re.oh homes on ~5 x 10e

One ot the be+t ~tim*ts la Somerset CounW --Ml]ltdone Rood, Hl|lsbm, ough ft loth AIaO wSI ~|]d on ~grH~lbborough, on bets Sue, MOde[ home consist* ’of 6 large room~ New 2.ked~o~, ranch home, fall ~emen4, klteh0n wl~ d.lning tot, V0t~ pl~ 01" ffth~e.eldranee~oyer, full hasemer.i, g~ &eat, birch eB.bthets, GR bttikt-th area. Lot l~xglt0. Plen~. of opeti space for chL]drea t~ play.ovenerd rst~go, 1~ ee~rnla tile Mths with vanity ex~ ho’ge mh’z~r. Price $1¢,000,^u~c~od were, c~d~ ~hohes. ~thergl~ i.+.l~u~, e~ a~d Joseph Palko, Builderg~clers, ~ slree½ and driveway, v+*~cre l~t, teem S17,500, Hi[lsboronghWill consider trade for ~¢aMler ho~e " Two-yes~ld ~plit level ~ome, 3 be~. futl dining room, 1 t~ al0 Fee~h Ave~ Manvill8

ba’~h~, rectea¢ioa recta. Aluminum combirmllan windows a~d ~& 0-~1Manville ~reens. ExI~nslo~ attic for fourth be~. Garage. Large land-Five-room ~ome. l:~semenf, expen~iort stele, ~ ~e~t, a£umi~um seeped Iol, Prl~e St&5o0.

s4orm windows. CLWbS ~ 8t~ers, Pavements, G~od tocatlo1~, , ¯ WHY NOT CALL US¯ ~.o,eoo. Manville - $1,500 Down

Hew g-bedroom Cape Cod home. Fail ~e~ent. Wall oven. Ap- TO BUY O~

Modern 8½-room CaPe Cod home, ~ herb% basement, hot water ~se, Rush~e~s & Invesm~nt Pr~.

~hree black femo high sche~l, 4*room Cape Cod home. Oil hot Seal ~tate Salas-1~,en’t~d~ I.~l~anv~e water ~hea~, lull basement. Terms arca~ge&o ~king $13,700. suranee - AlrpraLeala.

Raven-room beaee, hot wate~ b~t, ba~me~, ~p.~ge, Lot ~1~.¯ n,~00. . ~ ~-’t;,141 Manville - Noah Side

POTTS ,- REALTORNew ~bedroom run~’X home. fuU b~ement waU oven. Near hi~

Modem g-room Cape Cod home, oil ~ W~ler hea~ basement, R.D. No. g, Somerville, H.J.~urmm~m doge, ~e. Lot 0Oxl00, $~,0g0, ~anvi]le -- South Side ~L,~-~2m or ru~. ~m

Solki 2ei~ra~ly b~Jck home. g r~ms u~rs, 5 rooms d~wastairs.Bradley Gardeus Two hat~s, Hot water beat, 2-~ar gamse. Firm, $23,000. ff .no reply

~lve~r~om home, oil hot water heat, L~+emem. garage, open ami ~M, 700~ ~r~. L~ ~. ~.~g. AM BuyerS - $600 Down ’ . t~embeP m’nl~]a ~.um~ ~’v~¢~

A nice 5~ room ranch home only 4 years old. Pla~er walls, fu1~ - . ,Manvl]|e b~emen~, pleasant neighborhood. Full price $14,500. F.H.A. te4"r~. Lost

Naw g-room renvh home, ~ he~t~ basemeot. HalR-~ ovan andIP~e, vanRy, hidden stairc~e. Lot flOxlO0. $1g,~00, ¯ 2*family ~ Fh~del~l~ Collie, black, brown v~d wtflte,

g r0omt and bath c~ first foot, g roort~ and hath o,1 second ~thof Los[ week ago Sunthty. Arm~ersBradley Oil hot water .~ alvmthum comhthaflo~, iS’0 x ~0 p/c4 wlt~ a ~o n~e of DUke. Call P~ 5-~21&

5-zoom b~ngalaw, basement, hot sir L~at, exl:~U~la~ attic, alumi- vtrtety of ~ruR trees. Asking $18,900, ~ewa,-d.t~m storm windows. A~klng $6,500,

Manville - $1,000 Down For RentManville Attrael[ve, g-year-OLd, g-bedroom zaach hor~e, Tile kitchen, gas .~odern t-room Cape COd Home, b~ement oil hea~. 8~rm wir hot nl~ heat, built-in oven and r~age, Fenced*in baekyard+ Curhe Lm’ge 5-room a~qtx~nen~, hoth.

~J~e, 2 ear g~’age, lot 50’ :~ 100’. $1g+gS0. ¯ ~ ~ters, rnsead~ driveway, ],~ ws~er. 118 $+ 19th Ave~ Ma~

Duke’s Parkway - HiIIgboPough KRIPSAK AGENCYvilla.

New 2.room ranch home, ho~ement, Oil heat, built-In oven emd 4-~m apa~traent, treat a~d

cange, wmRy, attached garage. LOt 1110 x 220. lie,700. ~[8 S, I~AI~ ST. R~ 54658]. MANVILLE hot w~ter 4upplied, Wo~kin~l


R~a~ Es~ A~ell@yap~hoen~. F~rnlah ow~

gOHR ~m~L~UC~:. ^SSOCtA~ BaORZR GARDEN STATE REALTY CO, C~ildren ~lowe~ R~ g-~2~s,

7,0 S. Maiu St,, Manvil/e RA 5.1995BRANCHBURG He~e~ter, ~m.~latel~

.... If no answer call EA ~-1690 or ~’L 9-3900. , Two-year-old ranch, exeellant eon~lon, 3 bedrooms, moder~nlshed, ~heat, elaegrieRy, retriger~Id~laen ~1~ heilt-J~ Ceramic tile bath with ramify, ~oJ~ b~emen¢seer, shower ar~ heshroom

H O M E S W A N T E Dwith recreation recto ac.d bar. Combthal~ +windows, Lot 109x400, i faeEitias. Ideal for couple. 1~ N.l~nd~ped. Trees; Firm price, $18,000. 4th Ave., b[aavilla.

We have buyers far homes in the medJvm price flatd. I~ Att4~iO/I ~o~e ~¥$,* +g.remm ~e~t ~ ~h,

(1) As membet~ ~ the Multiple LL~lb~ ~k¢’.’ice and Shrough co-h~tt ~ li~t Lactated. He.fry

you are eOnsidetthg ~ltind your home, NOW l~ the time operative brokerage and open ll~tthga, ~u~. total llatthfe ~um-F. Koibert, SkiSme~ N. J.her in the h~Rdceds, In short we cam Show you nmet t4 She 3 zooms ~d b~t~ ~eatto aeh Per quick action call RA 2-3400. houal~g available in Somerset County ~ StLW~li~g ~-’ea~, tt~ wa~e~. NO ddldve~ RA 2-

(3) We ~we our own tthanclng sources ~ar F,H,A, . V.fu or Con- Iff~5, I~5 S. Ig~ Ave,, Ma.~llle.H A L P E R N A G E N C Y ventiond Mortgage~.

(3) O~ staff ot over 20 qualfflad s~esme~ c4~er service in findl~ 4-roo~ apartment with g~r~ge, .,Reid ~thte-ln~ra~te ~d finm~g residentiaL property at no oblifathm 4o yoU. Available May I. ~l~S, 114 S, 1~

Dinlsi0a ~, RA 2-3400 SomervUle We presa~t]y have IL~ted eXe}ttslvely, Ranehe~ Spllt-l~vels, Ave., MauviUe. 1~ ~-03~8,

opp0B~e the Post O~lae Cape 4~<ls+ ColOnials, TwO-fadn[t,V, Feem~, etc., h~ She Sofa- Ft~nished rooms for se~.tle-ervilth area; ~rom Plathfield to Flemthgtcn; trom F’t~eet~K

men. ~0 S, Msln St., M:mvlRe,MILLSTONE BRADLEY to Rerr~rd~vltla. RA 2.1[t~5,

~tree-bed~’¢~m. R-~toey home Five.room ho~e block ga~tge. TO SELL OR RUY CA~t 3-r~m hti’ai~nd apa~nte~~, ste~’a nil be~, Nke kSdmen ~.~00,~.~e gexege. Nea~ bus. A ~.~ MANVILLE GARDEN STATE REALTY COMPANY

~l con,¢enienees. Ad+d~ o:dy.$85 per month. Available now,

~t $12+500. 2-family, goal lucerne propeety, 41 N. Bridge Street SeeaervBle, N~ J, th Mar~ville. pLymOt~ 2.e470.~.ILLSROROUGH TOWNSHFP I rooms east ~Im~.m~nl, $I0,000. 1~Ink Poli~ano, ~k~

Seve~-rgom 2½-~or¥, 4 bed- BRIDGEWATER Colt C~ll Help,Wanted Female¯ c~ras, g ba&h~, ~ w~.ter oli New 5-vo~i ~*nd~. built-be F,A 2-045~ KA 2.0908he~t, 3~ ~:re~. SIT.000. oven 4rod rathe. LOt l~xl~0. BOOKK~EPE~tBPJ~LE MeAD $t0,50~, $1,500 down for qualitte~Man~lo Area2g ~t~a’es, tunny evergreaM, g00 buyers, All ae4ive, g~wIn8 b~ifie~ .

¯ ~Ple ~ees, vlaeya~. EveP+fl~w- Pour.room ranch, lot 0Oxgg0. g18 Norl~t St, Corrmr of N, 9th Ave. Here is ~ good brick ~r~tt in Sh/s erea seeks a c~- -the beook. Large barn. ]~irven~ ;9,600. ~orne with 8 rooms und 7 lots. Ca~ he c~tplad by 2 fendltes, fi petent~ retlabla bookkeeper.roo~ howse, I~ bailm. Asking FINDERNS ’r~.r~ down, 3.r¢~ms up, All improve’net,Is, Priced low ~or q~tek It~tthg experier~e and retere~ees.S32,~g.

~ot 125x120. ~aie, $16,500. Mu~t be Seed 4je~,BFL~NCHBU~G Gladya Ave. ~ room bungalow, reconditi~od, thchtding e. r~w Addrese Replies 4O Dept 0,Vincent K. Flannery ~t iOgx400, hee4thg system, AskL’~ $12,7~0.00,

Realtor. ~Ar~m~ 1~7 S, l~t~ Ave. Here Is a good 4-r0om bul~gathw, ell Improve* Reply in own h~ndwrltthg+Lot ~0xl~0 with ~.~Rr garage, met#is 1 ~r garage, bus service. Askin~ $II.900,~0. z~ouab]e ~er

~HS N~WS~uto 20~, 8q.’A~ON a~UAI~,B~T.d~ MRAH, ~’,I. I~ M~HeWB~ Beoket-

wllt be ¢on~dere¢ Box 146, ~ervlile, N, J.

17.. H.~- ~ ~-oo9~.~Lltht ~.~0

Millstone Area -- -.~R AVON STOHY __

LOT OWNERS COMPLET8 MORTGAGE ~ ~ ~ ~t }evel hom~ at~dJsble. ~ are ~ers for AvOa~ g~invited. Suet~ 40% ¢~dmdo~ ~¯

SAUS 12000 ~’or house, lot and well. Pt~tn ~.

th* homt o~ plethmor tgkge.MoRyPIR~er~w~ p~meet, ~ ohotce. NoVJ~t o~ mo~b oh P,~. Ht 1, phone ~ ~, tmi.~-m sth~U~. Pleurae wvek.

~ ~ H~, -. Cl~df~d+ pay Off! ~.~o. _ ......, . ~ s~ ~.+~ st~ ~.~

,,, , ,

Wal~seswa~led. ~x.pe~n~ed Cashl Prizesl FO~I Have e

~wa Dther. Manville, B FOR ~ ctob ~ ¢~mbmc.to~ B~l~ pour~ e~y w~y. ~ more CARPEr ~,RJLNINIGRi--’t]11 May~ek; also ~ time. Apply in Yes, g ~ new, h;lly ~r- Information cal~ RA ~-4478, ~n the hom~ 6

Zelrs, ~ S. ~ St., ~nteed esrs of y~r ~,hoice. 1989EL 8-8410 Rug ithu and ftu.nl~ee 01~¢~

New, lifo New, 1~1 Hew,BEST CO]~T~UC~ION CO,~elp Wanted, w. ~ ~, ~ern ,p~’~,

~[8]e oP FRn~le Eli three f~e~. ~Athr~ptl°e of 0~e For P~mPtcu~asSorvlo~ OU~r~RsCall the Best 0d~en’d~P~ s~rvi~d°wn eth~ m~&

;~esmen or w0map. "~v~r~~l] or ~ thne In New ~- SIDEWALKS All tyPeS Of e, arpet ~p~

bi~dth~ seamths, an8 ek~n~rick office, mt~tual funds dop~rt- A tekephone c~dl to Oha~Ee Rlack Top Rrlveways dot~ rm our pr,~o~es,~e~t. E~enl.’lRs. phone DA 9-8879. P~rick st EL g-6080 in Bour~d Cell Evening~

~lelp Wanted MaleSro~k may ~e~ e s~v~ to Re. g.g~9

..........pc. of T~o~ oe Dol~= Ronald Carpet Co.MAN

Box g46 Somerville

for ’ ’ Mason contractor ~ Vinci l~g W Ma~ St. ~omerv~le~ N. JCIRCULA’~ON Live Stock LeOne. B]ock~ brick, stone, fire- Fringe RA g-~94DEPARTMENT flaces & cement finiththge. Free

We ]~ve an o caning in our estlmat~ RA 2-3~,~hx’mlatlon De~r~me~t for an PONIES FURNITURE.~nerge~c, a~thRiou~ m~. Must FOR SALE OR HIRE DRAKE BUSIN~K$ COLL~GS~ave or. Experience not n~- MADE TO ORDER!~y, C~II Mr, Reow~, RA 6.3300. FO~ Birthday P~rti~, Outing, 17 /~vthff~ton Ave,

Hew Brunswlek, N, J. Dr. M~son W, GrOssMAN WITH CAR Church P~cnies Complete Sevretaria~ a~d Re-Uph0]~terin~.

The Governor and Chiet Jt~-Accountthg COu~,~.s, 81ip Cove~ & Dr~p~,To verve ctL~omers’ hou~hold O! Any O~T,~ionl Day and Hight Cl~e~ E~ Custom Work. of New Jersey will repr~enttoms with catalogue plan. No~xper~nee necessary. WHth~mess Saddte 1~orse~ Also |or Sale Telephone: C~BL~tor 0-0~47 ]~nsiv0 8eleetthn Of Ma~- State when Dr. Mason W.

~o work m~d le.a~n /s In~portan~ YOUNG9~tel. Cross is thaugu~abed as Ig~

~. $80 while "~ if quail- PrJ~e~ Re~bth.president ~ Rutpers University

Hed. WAGON WHERL P.A~C~ UNCONDITIONALLY ~ay 6.Also a few p~t-time terrSort~

Samflto~ St. C~II CH 6-2015. GUA~ANTg~D, REBUILT ~ttmat~ ~e~uBy Given. Gov, Hobe~t B. Meyner will~vaitsble. " put the university’s charter L~

the new presLd~nt’e bands, andFor Iron.view. wr~

New B~w~- Ref~g~ato~, ~Med~z~]lon De~’~oFate~ Chief Justice Joseph Weintrauband AutOmatic W~m

FULLER BRUSH CO, ’"’"(Formerly With Lord& Taylor)

will edmlnister theoath of u~fice,.Box 25, So~th Blear. N. $. MO~ ~ r[~le[r~ Five dollars (~) down. Archibald S. Alexander, vic~

~ive q~a]ificatio~ and phone " 11 80. 10in. ave. Manville, N,J. chairman of the mMversityBoard of Governors, wlil con-

~umper, STEVE C. 8OPKG Two doIL~r~ ($~I a weekPhons F,A-2-2414 duet the inauguration ceremon-

Agents ~r lea. Greetings wBl be delivered

CANVASSERS WHY.ATON VAN .~, ,~ T, H. F~LTON ~ g-728g ~ ~-~0~ ~ Dr. Gross by Rutgers Libra-. rL~n Doeald F, Cameron, repre-

Experienced ~ottotior~; U~’o~it- O0sst-to-CO~t 199-$01 W. Main St., Som~rvRle REDMOND’S senR~g the f~¢ut~, Stu~en~Council p~kl~nt Harry Mot-

able, p]e~sa~ out~tde sale~ work.Moving and Rtorage "Factory AuthoriZed" WASHING MACHINE ] gan, representing the students,

L’lcao’s Alumir~,u P~’odu~, ~ N. iYth Ave,, Manvfll~ . FriE~deire & Tethv~d~ SERVICE ] and by Judge Hugh J. SpernowRA g-3020. RA g.T~g Se~es and Sorviea of Passaic, s~n4or alumni true~

Ph0~a RA g-7100Eome Laundry Epe~S~ts. lee, representing the uni~ersi-

’ ~lectrical Re~ai~ Black~tane, Maytag, Norge, ly’s 40,000 alunmLP SALESMEN Whirlpool, Kenm0re, HotpOtht. The invocation and benedlc-

LEARN TO DRI’V~ 88 Thr0op Ave., New BrLU~WEk~ion will be given ’o5" university(Servlclng washing machines chopleln Bradford S. Ahemethy.FUR Electrical Repairs

Ssfely.~rrect~v " for over ~ yca~,) Approximately 5,~0 personsALUMINUM PRODUCTS

S & S REPA/R SERVICE In~tr etton by ¯ H.J. are expected to wJtne~ the ce-Water p~nF~, oil burne~, Stat~liieensed instructor. MANVILLE HARDWAEB CO. remoni~, to be held or~ Neilsan

E:tceJlent opportunity for ag-washing machines, ra~ge~, too- Picked up at your home. ~ampus in front of the s~atue o~

gre~ive rn~. We wi]] train you. tors, appliances. 289 S. Math St, ManvSlo WiJltsm; the Sitent at II a.m. In-"Leads furnished. Incao’s Aiuml-

~ Call or Write Pittsburgh Paints cluded will be delegates from

hum Products, RA 2-3020.Nlgin &’Day S~rvice pLEMINGTON AUTO some 400 colleges, universiSes

PHONE KI 5-5534 DRIVING SCHOOL Housewsres -- Hardware" and learned sc¢ietlcs, state offi-eiais, studen~ and the gener~d

For Sale ,,.~ pthming~on ~88 CornJng Were public.

CBOWN DECORATORS HOME ~{EPAI~ Scott’s Lawn ~zeductg "


DISCOUNT PRICES ON Equipped to Reltsb]y Convert ! SEPTIC TANK~Prompt apphance ~erv~ce‘ GE A 10 week school, sponsoredCUSTOM-MADE DRAPES ~.ttic~, Remodel Kitchens, Build l CLEANED

AND SLIP COVERS! Garages. Coa~truct Porches. automatic washers, dryers, ran- the Somerset County Firs-gee and refrtferators, als~ May- ~’s Ass~ctstion, will begin t0-You choose from oxLr big ~lee- FHA. Approved. 3-yrs to pew Accessories Available at at 7 in Far Hills Firehouse.Lion of the newest fabrics from tag, Bendix, Norge. Kelvlnat0r

~aRor~ily advertised mills, We CR 9-5980 CH 9-5710 Our Reputation & FI’i~e~ C~m’1and etc, Smith Electric Co., 24 All ~h.~,~teu h~ Itle County aremeasure them in yov~ home. dee- ~ Be Bestl Maiden Lane, Bottnd Rro~ od to attend the c t a s s e S

orator-style them to your I>~e- CLASSIFIED ~.~T~ Nu Wa~tlngl ? Trucks EL 6-0698. siveWblebThursdayW]ll be ]leldevet~i~gs.On ~u¢ceS-Fi~e~erenee, 2trod you save ~ey Prompt Service chiefs from Americsn Cyana-~asides! Easy budget payment% BOA~TR mid, P]air~ield. Dunellen, New-~o. Call for lo~sl rap. I~ree con. ~or ONE PRICE your et~sL~led RUSSELL REID ark and ~Hzabelh wtS speak onzutta~on wi~. no obi~on, ad appea*~ in ALL 3 NASHV/klng 4-2534 Eliot 8-~80~[~IBE~GLASSED & HEpALP.~E various fire topics, Tonight’sELiott 6-6502. NEWSPAPERS. Eatt "Mtllston~ 8 N. prams __-- }55.00

subject, to be discuSSed by Chief

STAUFFER The Manville Me’,.~Boat Trailers ~k ~ent~ Krawezykowskimid wn’~pat~y, is°f "Transperta-the Cyana-

HOME ~EDUCING PLAN The Fr~nklth News-Record ;EPTIC TANKS -- CESSPOOLS DoasI & I¢~NA I/on of Dangerous Materials."BOAT WOI~-KS

South Semer~et News CLEANED 1~7 Math St. CL ~-0295 COUESR FOR EXPECTANTFree DemOnstrationNO Obligation, of course,

Five tents per word, $L00 ruth- Lowest rate~, $12 to $14. ]toE-Old Bstdge, R.J. MOTHER8 ANNOUNOED

NANCY WEST able, FL 9-~248 or KA 2-2835, A special course for expectantPEapaek 8-0760

Imum charge per thsestEn, /~LL work guaranteed to your sa~ WATERPROOF]I~G mothers wllI begin April 30 atCaR Any ~ime Rlind ads, to whl0h ~eplt~ are Js~ctlon. 2A-hour Serene. Protect cell~, roofs with ~" 2 p,m, in the County Admird~-

JOHN .%. LIERL bozlte. 10 yr. gw~rantes, lertt~,tration Bui]dtng. The classes, to

--We buy, se~l, t~ede and ~l~d~ ~0stressed to th~ newspaper--Nitlsborougb Townshi~

continue for eight weeks, are of.t~sed shotguns, rifles and typ~ U¢ ntra per thse~th~, chise de~thr. Rudzth HrC~., In~. fered free of charge to area rash

wStora. DeClcco’~, 81 ~ Main ¯ Math 8k, BoUnd Brook~ EL 6- dent~.Rt,, Many;lie, PP. 6"Q~£ RFphenah~l ~ count &S Wu ~peci~lthe. in 0239.

The EtHel Tower, built for theW~moy n~ple crib with two or more woads. M the ~e W~DDING

~ng ~d Ine~rem,~$20r ThKyef mk~t be, Tofeph01’,o nu~ are BLRTHIk~Y¯, ~tlg ~-’r-- LendedPar[s exPosiB6nas a te/n~rary°f l~0structure,~nd in-

fol~ st~’otler ~, H~ ~ eo~nt~ as two wm~, ~ob~vls- W~D C~S~k~ ~ ’ " ’ ’ tg 7O ~¢ar~ old ~s }’ear. It wag

in ex@e~m4 oo~difl0~ ’RA ~-10~1. ~ as s~ile ~ .S~ECIALITY ~ r ~r Hire ~Relally~ ne~.°J~e’d~ ~mlflipr,M~ch ~t,vtstio~|889,

e~~ C~dre~’e sm~g-eoa~ ~ ~ c~mmed .~thy - ~t,40 ~, ’1~dneess Bake Shop ~.~.us ,~ve vt,tted._____._the ~e~o~t tower.~". ~,t,,,w hats ~1.00.

f IIg~ Im~ ~,

| B~t~e~s G~r’len R~port~r "[

It you’ve ever fought a war Keep it i. the pot, buryL~ theof nerves with t~ garsohia plagt ahaded ~:ot in

about your gardeniaYour gardenia cab|o Is a tootler p~nl. so cign’t put Lt

pride out tmliI about the middle ofMay, or abot~ the time you set

"of sir,ring mbodlly at your green out your tomBto plants.

it let you down, early next Fall and enjr,y the , The Brae Ig ,Our team Of spoeir,llMs who foliage, r ~ ~P

anwer gr,rdeners’ qL!esltsns at ’ ’’INSECT PROBLEMS

To help gardeners get the ~ In thrum ds.YI 0~ l~J~ade lab-"Why do buds on my,, gardenia jump on insecl prr,blems, Dr, tl e daor0~lia~nt whichdry up and drop v/f? Leland G. Merrill, extansi ....

~np~ is theIt’s a f~equentlY asked ques- tomologlst at Rthgers Untaersi- ~mlmen d~e U

tLsn in the marl, too. The ans~ ty’s College bf Agrlcaltur~, haswar is ~et most 4~om~ ~e prepared a sort of preview eldry that the gardenia can’t take what to expect.

For example,@~ ~tins insects can be controlled by

U,S. Department of preventive applications of DIYPor olher chemicals to the trunk isand major Limbs of the tree. ~br the

men, lists these ether causes o Usually a three-times normalbud drop: not enough light, dr~ spray is best ffor ~hk purpo4~.;

~.lt~ M ~h~q~, -~

sail, overwatering or podr soLl DogwOOd bo~der treatmentsI, "

combined with lack of light, el should go on in n’tid-Mey, rhid-: shrubs thls year, you can get gets and other universities in Use of mitieldes r,t the pink-high soil temperatures. June and mid-July, advice from H. N. Repair, entre- dicate that recommended mi bad mid petal-fall is recomm¢lx.

No wonder the USD~ calls tts Peach and cherry trees can b~ty agent, ticide~ at tMs time preyvnt later dad even If g~0wers have reade

ga~dentafrom the destructlvt

__-__ sesame iagro~e~ in mites, vLl applications In the dormantMitox and GenRe are effec or dels~ed Sornmr~t se~on.

a tree borer by applieaUom KILL APPLE MI~E$ tire miticides. They should b~ Thesk appllcattans clean up ~’the trunk in early The Lwa most e/festive time: used only at the pink-bud s~ge mites which may have eseap~

to control mites aa apple trees The~e and other materials ar~ the earlier oil appRcaLlsns.it is susceptibls to several

LLtac borers can be are at t~e pink-bud ~md petal- I found in Spray Calendar 83tall stages, !which is available from youlsaree and insect ~ ~hat mid-April and R~-~earch work done at Rut- county agrtaultur~l agent. C~sglfieds Pay Off!

.Tune.Then the belietm goes oR wit~ Leaf miners are borers

detailed symptoms and cures o: feed inside kilitag ¯diseases, nematode and taects large areas ofThere ere enoug& at these t~storallly the whole leM c , to,

~take you think that the vietorian4 fails. Birch is @"

OUS florist ’.vhe produces a garc ..... ~" allaek~. DO AWAY WITH THESEdelhi* eorsr,ge deserves

Dr. Merrill says thr,t [indarr"

.uT- Get 0t~.,~l, ,if,o. o, "than the pittance that you pat sprays, applied at weeklyhim for it. slightly longer thte~vals, GIFTING HOT WATER...¯ nthg as leaves sfr,rt in

So what are you gains to do! will control miner.

f, , koa ,.rden. .Bet otLun . en t.n ,o ,oarHOT_..,WATERfrank talk from the USDA wit ]eaves appear on the shoots.

only r~ake the challenge mor~ Many leaf-feeding pests ap I ~internsting" Anyway’ Y°U CPn’ P~ar daring th ........

A ’°° Uuickly ~

the compost attar Living with i oxyelor, malathion orall Winter

You should be happy ynushauld be applied promptly.

Dr Merrill has aPPeasedcould kevp your gardenia silo* ~rt tff calendar’ when to expecti.L] W,n,e,.. aa. O,...,d ~. L.t,oah~o. In a~d~ti,,o ,o th~ pass use ~n Automatic eat WINTEO-SOMgERcey, home prosed5 specialist zHentJooed, he aaya the follow-He su~gvAs mavin~ it outsith in~ ar,. w.rth wat,’hhlg m thai STOVE HOOKUPwJ~en ’he tlm° is HghL’ SO that

re°nil ......to’: Apri] - ~pruce GAS on. 0, th..o,.,.,~,.,,_.,

YOU eliU elljrny die .bl~’onl [llitt~ gtdl aphid tcl~l caterpillar, pensive wt~ys to heat hookvp Ls not aa eta.water. A pot stove is nomico] way to heatSumnncr.

I lawn grubs; Apn’i! Ma3 in’is [ antlqualed and dirty, eve. o Taw gallons of

’ ~’ m’ a ~’ m ~ ’’’’ "a’ ...... 4 ’’r ’ WATER HEATER; n hard to operate and water each day in

¯ ’ cod g ~h. Ju I~’r aoae;i~/~ft~t~ ~ isle duns Bills sh~ln~t moih:! 1° keep u~der control, summer,

I LAWNS t,,,p tN~W ~RS~’Y" laWl la ~ l n -J v --dap~ I*.s,.I


,n b,, us; Juv p]’ e Kg~l; ~1,’eol Vihcn you want hot water, yOUIt ¢~evo ape (as el-flea ffi ¯ , scnh.; Srph, mhcr -- lawn gibbsI

more ~4tOutJ{ul If y.u want to gt> all onl" W~[~ i~ aL Ofl¢~ * ¯ ~ arid" t~ta[~

wlt~ . . . ugain~¢i ins~wLs cm y.ur !rt.cs and the way you get Jt with a,q a~Lo-

hot water fa~I and-economicallyS U P P L I E S wi,~ gas.., and you g~ SIIOE.ARM HEATEA . 30-OALLON H[ATEIl SUNRISE LAW~ SEED Michigan Peat MOSS..., of hot water, too? A tide-arm hinter A 3g-gallon water,,,. .o,...,,. l, p, to hea,., .....L,, no.~. ], A~lsuhm*l Ezpedmen. lOgllb, bag ate*it[ Ststlso fomuUt teeommen-

. ........... "WV -- the basement and Large onough Io sup.dsdou are ¢lsBely followed New Jersey GI*~ Seed


¯often supplies Intul~ ply lye ~verage faro,~u m~k[J~ S~mtlso S~rds ¢;ent hOP water. It is Ily. Consult an expert P~w~’~ze Is ~0~ belt IOg~ ~COTT~S [no.cleat and ¢oll~= or, the size you need,~10o fa,.,.

WONDERLAWN ,, , , , ,,,,iFenlllxt~.klme,Pe~t k~u

~BRaq~IZZRg ~-tO41o0 l~ .................. t~.6~

You can ~ aufom~t|c ~s wafer h~t~l. ,. 8#. I,~.’O~oundLlmestane g~¢

Open MO~. to Sat. $ e.m. to 6 p~m. . Of your’|ooaJ,degler’|

Opcu SUNDAY 9 a~L to No~4x

N, MIDDAUGH ST. d~on.S. ..