AI in Healthcare: Keys to a Sm rter Futureihealthis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/AI-in-Healthcare.pdf · difficulty of data curation, which needs to be pristine for AI algorithms

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Page 1: AI in Healthcare: Keys to a Sm rter Futureihealthis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/AI-in-Healthcare.pdf · difficulty of data curation, which needs to be pristine for AI algorithms
Page 2: AI in Healthcare: Keys to a Sm rter Futureihealthis.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/AI-in-Healthcare.pdf · difficulty of data curation, which needs to be pristine for AI algorithms

AI in Healthcare: Keys to a Smarter Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is receiving a lot of attention from investors, the press, and

the labor force across all industries. While AI has already achieved widespread adoption

in certain sectors, the complexities of healthcare have resulted in slower adoption.

However, the urgency and opportunity still exist, and properly managed AI will be a

boon to healthcare by helping automate the most mundane and repetitious tasks,

enabling providers to focus more time on patient care.

This paper examines the progress and adoption of AI across all sectors, the challenges

and promise of AI in healthcare, and takes the position that integrating this technology

into existing workflows at the point of care is essential to widespread adoption. It’s

also a guide for healthcare professionals to understand how, when, and where AI can

be most effective and achieve the greatest impact.

Over the past several years, AI has multiplied productivity across a range of human

endeavors, and its widespread adoption into everyday life is accelerating at a rapid

pace. In the U.S., 85% of Americans report using at least one of six devices, programs

or services that feature elements of artificial intelligence.1 It helps us travel along

the fastest possible routes (and will shortly power self-driving cars), it makes smart

recommendations about the media we consume, and it accurately auto-fills tedious

forms. AI is all around us, seamlessly integrated within the devices, programs and

services we consume, enabling us to make more informed decisions.

While AI is becoming ubiquitous, we have yet to realize the game-changing clinical,

operational, and financial opportunities that await us in healthcare. However, AI has

already begun making progress to solve process inefficiencies, tedious and expensive

procedures, guard against human error, and promises to usher in a new era of patient

care. Unlocking this potential will require a closer collaboration between the creators

of AI and the providers who use it since the contours of healthcare are complex,

dynamic, and highly regulated.

In the U.S., 85% of Americans report using at least one

of six devices, programs or services that feature elements

of artificial intelligence.1


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Hospitals are now producing

50 Petabytes

of data per year.3

Stepping Back: What is AI and where do we find it today? AI is simply the ability of machines to simulate human intelligence. One approach

to developing this intelligence is machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence,

where computers learn inductively without being explicitly programmed. Machine

learning at its most basic is the practice of using algorithms to parse data, learn

from it, and then make a determination or prediction about something in the world.2

Further along the AI spectrum is deep learning. Deep learning is a technique of machine

learning that processes data using neural networks, leveraging learning algorithms

that mimic the function of the human brain.

The concept of AI has been around since the advent of computers in the mid-20th

century, but several technological advancements have come together to enable

superhuman AI performance in recent years. These are:

1. The increase in computing power as described by Moore’s Law, which states that

the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately

every two years. AI has now extended its reach beyond the centralized processing

centers of traditional computing and is now embedded in and distributed through

many small devices and sensors.

2. The tremendous volume of data produced by the growing presence of sensors

and computers that produce, capture, distribute, and store data. This ‘Big Data’ is

especially prevalent in healthcare: Hospitals are now producing 50 Petabytes of

data per year,3 coming from the variety of SaaS products, EMRs, medical devices,

wearables, and medical images.

3. Variety of data—amount and quality— has enabled the development of

increasingly complex algorithms, fueling the journey from artificial intelligence

to machine learning to deep learning.

The performance of these algorithms have now reached astonishing levels. One of

the first major breakthroughs in superhuman levels of AI performance occurred in

2015 as researchers correctly categorized images with 96% accuracy as part of the

ImageNet Challenge.4 AI’s level of performance has only improved since as it

asymptotically approaches perfection.

As observed earlier in this paper, the most successful AI applications are often not

the main attraction, but fit neatly into the contours of everyday life by augmenting

and enhancing existing routines to the point where we begin to take them for granted.

As Alfred North Whitehead famously observed, “Civilization advances by extending

the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them.”5

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Back to Healthcare: AI is showing tremendous promise, but widespread adoption remains elusive Some AI applications have grabbed

headlines with their potential to radically

improve human life, extend physician

capacities to counteract labor shortages,

minimize the variability of treatment

cost and quality, and otherwise trans-

form the industry.

Investment patterns have reflected this

great promise. Corporate venture capital

firms nearly doubled their investments

in AI companies to $3.8B in 20176, and

healthcare has consistently been the top

industry for AI investments, accounting

for just under $1B of venture investing

for the past couple of years.7

The adoption of AI in Healthcare has

not been on par with the urgency and

investment pattern within the industry.

Despite the tremendous potential of AI

to improve healthcare, there are inherent

industry challenges. One challenge is

information overload. Many health

systems are not equipped to process the

massive amount of data they produce.

Currently, less than 3% of the data

being produced by hospitals each year

is actionable, tagged, or analyzed.8 There

are many reasons for this, including data

privacy concerns, high regulatory hurdles

for new ‘black box’ technologies, lack of

clear reimbursement pathways, and the

difficulty of data curation, which needs

to be pristine for AI algorithms to work

properly. An additional challenge is new

paradigms of care like wearables, DNA

testing kits, or mobile health. These

disruptors are moving patients and their

data outside of the hospital, and creating

silos of information across disconnected

data sources.


Identifying the right opportunity for the

use of AI in healthcare is also a critical

success factor that must not be under-

estimated. AI’s potential to enhance

human and machine capability must

align with key organizational priorities,

goals, and mission. Misalignment of these

factors have led to costly setbacks for

even the largest, most well-established

players in the past, providing valuable

lessons for an emerging market.

A helpful guide for understanding the

place of AI in healthcare today is the

Gartner Hype Cycle curve seen above. If

AI is a viable technology, then setbacks

are inevitable and not a reflection of

its ultimate destiny, but rather reality

checks that have helped move AI beyond

the ‘peak of inflated expectations.’ AI

entrepreneurs and early adopters are

learning from their mistakes, and are

becoming better at developing healthcare-

appropriate products.



NVIDIA’s Vice President of Healthcare,

Kimberly Powell, believes that, “now

more than ever it’s critical to bring

together technology companies, industry

leaders and clinicians to choose the

most impactful uses of AI and ensure

safe and seamless integration into the

practice of medicine.”

Despite the fact that healthcare is a

high-interest industry for AI investment,

AI products in the space will require

more careful design and testing than

those in other industries. Companies

innovating with AI in healthcare need

to be prepared to invest the time, effort,

and expertise to create products that

focus on the needs of providers and

patients. Unlike previous technology

booms in Healthcare, close collaboration

with healthcare providers is foundational

for successful AI adoption in the space.

This deep collaboration will unlock

untold benefits, establish new skills sets,

best practices, and revolutionize thought

around patient care in pursuit of greater

adoption of AI.

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How AI Will Succeed in Healthcare Equipped with a firm understanding of

healthcare requirements and clinical

workflows, companies embedding AI into

existing technology-enabled workflows will

be the first to enjoy significant adoption

among healthcare providers. AI can now

travel up the ‘slope of enlightenment’ on

the Gartner Hype Cycle.

Another helpful theory for understanding

the potential of AI in healthcare is Clay

Christensen’s construct of medicine

progressing along a spectrum of poor to

better understanding from his book

The Innovator’s Prescription.10 The

journey begins with ‘intuitive medicine,’

characterized by the hero doctor who

must hold everything within his mind,

and who uses a wide array of tools at

his disposal to provide the best care

possible given a highly incomplete

understanding of the ailments and

therapies at hand. This is the era of

medicine that most hospitals were

designed for at around the turn of the

20th century.

‘Empirical medicine’ begins when

enough high-quality data has been

collected to begin establishing patterns

that strengthen or weaken competing

diagnostic and treatment theories, but

there’s still ample room for argument.

Finally, ‘precision medicine’—using this

historical definition12 —arrives once a

completely clear causal chain of pathology,

diagnosis, and treatment is established

and widely accepted by the profession.

Ear infections or common colds are two

conditions firmly within this realm; they

are easily identified, diagnosed, and

treated often with nothing more than a

single pharmacy visit.

Once a medical condition is so well

understood, the medical community can

develop set protocols and algorithms

to define workflows on a robust base of

evidence. These workflows become more

and more refined as they’re repeated

thousands and millions of times, eventually

becoming mindless and even tedious.

This is where technology can intervene.

AI tends to take over the easiest, most

repeatable, and tedious tasks from

humans first; therefore, successful AI

in healthcare will likely first emerge for

applications that have reached a certain

level of mindless repetition. In fact, the

progress of AI along the continuum of

computing capability mirrors that of

human learning in medicine. Just as the

increase in valid medical data leads to

empirical and finally precision medicine,

the creation, capture, and aggregation

of data are first able to tell you what

happened in the past, then predict what

will happen in the future, and finally

what you should do next.

Take radiology for example. While auto-

mating the interpretation of images

has captured the imagination, more

humble applications around workflow

optimization, tele-radiology, staffing

fulfillment, provisioning, and asset

management, are where AI is beginning

to take hold and deliver transformational

results in radiology today.

For example, Arterys is providing image

interpretation and workflow support to

radiologists that can reduce a 90-minute

scan to a 20-minute scan. Additionally,

the technology can provide support so

that scans previously read exclusively

by specialized (and rare) radiologists

can now be read by all radiologists. MRI

scans of infants that used to require

anesthesia and sedation are now

accomplished much more quickly with

simple swaddling because the technology

can accurately render 3-D images that

can be examined from all angles.

Providers should welcome the best AI

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Empirical Medicine

Intuitive Medicine

Precision Medicine

• Disease causes are


• Exact diagnosis is routine

• Conditions are treatable

with predictably effective

rules-based therapies

• Should be charged on a

fee-for-outcome basis

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technologies with open arms. Ashley

Clary, Vice President of Imaging Services

at the innovative Ochsner Health System,

explains AI’s place in terms of a much

needed solution to help leverage the

growing amounts of data available.

Contrary to the general anxieties our

society is struggling with regarding the

potential for superhuman AI to replace

both unskilled and even skilled labor, the

radiologists at Ochsner are welcoming

of the technology. They also welcome the

opportunity to “come out from behind the

curtain” to connect more with patients,

and work on higher level clinical problems

rather than routine image readings, such

as complex clinical decision-making and

interventional radiology.

Indeed, embedding AI into clinical work-

flows, to whatever corners of the earth

they may extend, will yield profound

results for clinicians and their patients.

Ironically, these transformative AI

enabled outcomes will quickly feel

invisible, making way for a more personal

doctor/patient experience, as Alexander

Fogel and Joseph Kvedar persuasively

argued in a recent Nature article.13 Far

from disintermediating care providers,

AI can empower them do their best work

by freeing up their attention to do what

only a human can.

Conclusion As in everyday life, AI in healthcare must

be tailored to the existing contours of

evidence-based medicine to achieve

widespread adoption and deliver

maximum impact. Its first widely adopted

applications in healthcare will be

integrated into clinical workflows to

augment and improve current medical

practices to achieve higher levels of

performance, speed, and convenience,

and the innovators who accomplish

this will be those with the deepest

understanding of existing clinical

workflows and who align AI opportunities

to the highest value problems within

healthcare to merit C-level support.

In order for large health systems to

adopt AI at scale, the technology will

need to show clear ROI both financially

and through improved quality of care.

The first AI innovators to ‘cross the

chasm’ into mainstream adoption will

be those seamlessly embedding the

technology to augment existing

applications and devices.

AI holds tremendous promise to expand

access to quality healthcare by freeing

up human attention to focus on higher

value problem solving while ensuring a

uniformly high quality of performance.

As Dr. Mark Michalski, the Executive

Director of the Center for Clinical Data

Science at Massachusetts General and

Brigham & Women’s Hospitals puts it:

“AI won’t replace radiologists, but

radiologists who use AI may replace

the ones who don’t.”


1. http://news.gallup.com/poll/228497/americans-already-us-


2. https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/07/29/whats-difference-arti-


3. “The Digital Universe Driving Data Growth in Healthcare,”

published by EMC with research and analysis from IDC (12/13)

4. https://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21700756-


5. Whitehead, Alfred North. An Introduction to Mathematics,

chapter 5. 1911. Williams & Norgate, London.

6. https://www.cbinsights.com/research/report/corporate-ven-


7. https://www.cbinsights.com/research/artificial-intelli-


8. Cisco report: The Internet of Things. How the Next Evolution of

the Internet Is Changing Everything - http://www.cisco.com/


9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hype_cycle

10. Christensen, C. M., Grossman, J. H., & Hwang, J. (2017). The

innovators prescription: a disruptive solution for health care.

New York: Mcgraw-Hill Education.

11. https://www.christenseninstitute.org/blog/does-reduced-



12. The term ‘precision medicine’ has today come to describe the

technology-enabled customization of healthcare to individual

patients; borrowing from Christensen’s 2009 book, we use the

term differently in this paper to describe the advancement of

medical knowledge.

13. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-017-0012-2

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