p^^K!55?^B^Ej^ffi^^JII^^HFamm#- iZ[ «!M M « 1 -*» rtnuli n,ni J" .t,. 1, _ "**n " W/ d8; ; VVWiooibury,»; Darm ; o;lw»f Staff* 10; (vst.fes 6(J whu WKm thwi. constructing. TW refining important branch of i n Wi rtioae S:a?e* was 7 7: 8a*ou », 3 ; Grand Duchy of ailk in Pruniu U yea ant tfroNrara now £ ^rco. IMI. ycurVen T-jirTBBto'ygK' HE*miv« Kk. Y-j L'. -I -jASBy' V fM|MMK3^MK)hMVMl^pQ|KRPfnktt9%^Cflv^locw« p ""^ * imicvab perfectly^ | ;ISTO«S".^ng cspeodtfure, while j. 1 Ml work *1 he as durable as tho «ou«| it- K not ftutilion H ms information, that all tlx* * waters bf Winy aw Bay and it* tributaries, ft pass, to tit# occsan through the North lots' let, and over tits main Bur to our llurbor, it oibept thsNamoU4 body which, branching is from the .Bay. to the right, from* South t a A land. Nose to our mind, it eppmhi very at c^eor that tlte oolj aure and-jrafountni in«v cirtass of depth 'baths B«r,1i to hs had by ^ISPP^L**0 ****- «* Hwth Inlet. ry Which wiut the obioct before us»w* think It *W; more proper to ceU outlet. This can bo ef \y' fected by dropping uroee ballast across tiib m ouk% from the North end of North Island, P* to ^ csposite point of Dehordicu's, till a ill coawetkberrH-r of stone is raised from rs shore fir shore, a loot or tro above the highijflfeeft spring titles. The send, put in motion W By the water and blown from the now oonw nected shores, will in a brief spacs of time Kt fill all ths interstices In, and cover the top it oftho embankment, milking it impervious c. to water, and hurting, as the vrorid. The tn sure consequence of closing this passage r i win am, uiai mreaa or two currrqnts flowing or I through different ehannete to thu Ooean, ly l theje Will bo but one, which moving onwnra with increased volume velocity, and power, pill fret away, and deepen the pas. a. sage through the botr, carrying the drift aand of for into de*p water. By. this natural action el of the water, .we should in eery fee years »t h ive depth pnough, to pa»» any merchant ij. ship over our bar, and then Will Georgetown :h become afrat her vaat back river and other of natuniThdvaWta;«a seem to have destined ij. her 16 be. To this suggestion it may be aa objected, that the drift sand will form another fcd shoal, and we admit, that it will either do ne thitf, or, bjriseuling upoo ihe present shoals, ir- elevate them into islands. Which we con. er ««five to be a matter of wo irhpottanco, for 8, thteldiift will not be deposited any where, till y, it shall have ceased to feel the impetus which of removed it from the bar ; ao that, whelwr a hew altoal be formed, or an old one frhns. ir. formed into an Island, is a matter of no inops. moot, there being necessarily a deep, end le spacWvy channel between, either, and the It. Bar. Another g'cutadvautuge of our prora poshfoo is that tbeiyork once done, it will ip never require repair; These are crude K- ideas, but we venture nevertheless, to ask »f for them the calm consideration, which the great imimrtuuce to our Port of a ship channel, requires ofthoso whose duty, ft is, to act upon such matters. Suppose the Legislature, is requests our delegation, to nanvo Congress. <ui ii.u ...i.: J. '. ... - «.. ...w «wuja;i.UOCS UIOffHMM WM1 JKT v back omnirjr, ask too much t We refer h to *(m) Tex re.urns, and challenge an answer - iu the affirmative. . .1 *" * Ge<C Town American. l! TWENTV-tflXTM CONGRESS, u * R»,.rx OrMKMBKfcKOfXBKSKNATKAND HOUSE * OT SEPBESKNTAT1VES. t , - ^ SENATE. t Maine. . S. Curofino. J John Rugglcs ,*iohn C Calhoun * Reuel Williams Wm C Preston o New Hampshire, Georgia. 8 Henry Hubbard. Wilson Lumpkin Franklin Pierce Alfred Cuthbert j"' Vermont. V t . Alabama. n Samuel ^rsnt.yf Win A King n* Samuel S Phelps Clement C Clay ; Massachuacts. Mississippi, g John Davis RJ Walker. DonM W»h.la. I-C- " t , 1 *wu itonucnvn » J^bdrWand. Louisiana. V Kn'ght R C Nic'<ola« T* Wjiu h Dtxaon, Alex. Morton &**<&»*, Tennessee. j ass. «*« £ sww£i!f! j j c"wi' ' ' ^ Ono vacancy Henry Ciay *, Now jwfr; Ohio. 11 ?a,r^',D Wdl Wm Allen 0 S L Southard Beaj Tappan W Pennsylvania. In liana. »r ffmc* Buchanan Oliver H Smith 1 °,w vacancy Alberl S lV|,|te Delaware. Illinois, j! Thomas Clayton J M Rob titon One vac«p«y R M Young rt Maryland Missouri " 5*7" a*"* Lewis P Linn John S.Sponco T H Benton Virnioio. Michigan. il^SrT r Nw;vtli * ,"> One vacancy n No*V>iiftUfr1. Arkansas. 4 Bedford BroWn « Wm S Pulton 9 Robert Strange A H Sevier I House of kbpresen Fatives. e Maine. j ,r Ndtbsa CUflord * Virg.l D Parris Albert Bed#* Hugh t And« ruon - Benjamin Randall Joshua A Lowell | OnirflBhM Thomas Davce ] New Hampshire. < j Charles 0 Athertoo Edmund Burke f ^arad W W*Miaa»e» Ira A Ess man J J Abbot Lawrence Wm B Calhoun 1 LeeyiH ftnlftinrnfl Wm8 Hastings * Henry Williama John R t-d tart Liwoln John Q Adam. ^1"wBUi-.S!le^ocjr) ! fa. L TillingW R B Ccaaaton 1 Connecticut. > i foeeph Trumbull Thee B Oeb»ro« I IViHiam L Storre Truman Smith n»o. W WdUan* Joo H Broekway l Vermont. * Etibnd Hall J oh. Smith < WilUiam Siade laaac Fhrtcher i Horace Everett |s* Ne% York. , i FhA B Jiekton John G.Floyd lua do la Mobmyne p.vid P Breaker < gdt-n HoSmun Tho C Crittenden < Edward Curtia John II Prantiis Mom. H Grinnell Judaon Alk>ji Jam*-a Monron John C Clark Gouvernnur Kemble S B Leonard Chail«* Jotmion Amusn Dana Nathaniel J out. Edward Roger. R'ufu* Palnn Nuliemnh tl Earl Aaron Vanderpocl ChrialoVr Morgan John Ely. Thereto R. Strong Hire in PHttnt" ' * Fr»nei» Granger Daniel P Barnard Meredith Mullory Anion Biown *? - ' Ttioa Kempshall David Rueell ' - Seth M G»«f»-a Augustus C Hand Luther U Peek John Fine Richard P Marvin Peter J VVegner Mulurd Fillmore Andrew \V Doig Char's F Mitchell New Jeraev. John R Avcrigg Jo. F Randolph John P B Maxwell Cher's C Sir uto~ WilHum Haleted Tbos J Yorke Penneylvanie. Lemuel Payntcr Jninre Cooper John Sergeant Wm S Rumaey Geo W 'Poland Geo M«*Culloh Charles Naylor David Pexnkin Edward Dnvivs R II Hammond Prano;s James Sand W Morris John Howards ChurlcsOglo Joseph Fornanec A (i Marclmnd John Davis Enos Hook David D Wagoner Isaac Leet Pelef NcwImuI RK-tiard liiddlo Goo M Keim William Beauy William S monlon Thos Henry James Gerry John Uailbraith Delaware. Thomas Robinson. Maryland. John Dennis Solomon Hdlen Jr Philip F Thomas - W m Cost Johnson J T H WoriUingion Proncis Thomas James Carroll Daniel Jenifer Virginia. Henry A Wise Wulier Coles Joel Hollemnn Janiet Garland Francis E Rives Wm L Goggini John M Butts William Lucas R M T Hunter Geo B Samuel John Taliaferro (lolnrt Craig Cuerfas F Mercer Geo W Hopkins Linn Banks Andrew Burn* Geo C Dromgoole Joseph Johnson John W Jenos Lows S.ciurod John T Ilill North Carolina. Kenneth Rayner Wm Montgomery Je«s« A Bynuin , John Hill Edward Stanley Charles Fisher Charles Shepard Henry W Connor Jumss J McKay James Graham M.cujuh T Hawkins Lewis Willjpms BJwun4 IMxirij South Carolina, fmnc E Holmes Ti os D Summer WudJy Thompson Jr. Sampson 11 Bu'ler Francis VV Pic kens R B.irnw* II Khett John Campbell John K Gnfltn fames Rogers Georgia. j Lou Warren R VV ilaiierslmnt £ A Nisbct Win C Dawson T B King J C AI ford Maik A Cooper lvlwurd J Black W T Colquitt ' i Kentucky. Linn Boyd Wm J Graves Philip Triplet John While Jus R Underwood Richard llawes Sherrod Williams L VV Andrews Slim-on VV Anderson Garret Davis Willis Green Wiu O Boiler Johu Pope Tennessee. Willinm BCarter Meredith P Gentry Abraham MrClellan H M Water-on Joseph L VVillliams Aaron V Brown Julius W Blar-kwell Cave Johnson Hopkins Tum«y John VV Crockett Wrn B Campbell C II Wiil'uins John Bell x ni.u V||(VI Alexnnder Duncan Isaac Parish John B Waller Jonathan Taylor Patrick G Goo«lo D P Leadbctier Thomas Cor win G«o Sweeny William Doino John W \l|cn Calvary Morris Joshua R Gddings Win K Bond John Hastings Joseph tLdgwny D A Starkweather William "ledill Iknry Swcarmgen Sum son Mason Louisiana. Kdwurd D White Rico Garlnnd Kdward Cliinn , Indiana. r;-«r. a John Davis WmW Wick fohn Cttrr T A Howard riiomns Smith Miss'saippi. V G Drown J Thompson Illinois. , fohh Reynolds John T Siunrt < c""*ok Casey < Alabumn. 5 ' Di*on » !*»»» ! srfer1 c"«-" : Missouri. lohn Miller ^ John Jumor»n >S Michigan. ' " Isaac E Crafy. r Arkansas. EdvrorcJ Cross. # 1 1,1 STAtE LEGI8LATTRE. It ZStUTB. ( No*. 90th. Mr. B»noett, pursuant to < wide given on S*\u\rday, introduced it Bill o regulate the futuro issue of B II*. by the J Bunk of the Statu of South Carolina, under t he denomination of F»ve Dollars: Rwul t Ike first none* and referred. I Dec. 9d . Mr. Evans presented the Pe- j lition of sundry Citizens of Marion Disirict, graying Legislative aid for the culture of S*lk: Referred to Committee on Agriculture and In; ems I Improvements. Mr. Huger, the Memorial of the City Council of Clwrlcston, praying sn annual tppropriation by the Legislature, for the endowment of the Coltuge and high school of Charleston ; All of which, were referred lo the committee on Education. A message was received from the House, of Representatives, informing the Senate that th« Mouse had appointed a Committed of nine, composed of Messrs. Frost, Davi<& W in. Reed, Withersfoon, Brock man, j Wardlaw, Irhy, Jamison, and Henderson, to attend on the part of the State, the meeting of the Rail Rond Company, which is to tHke place to-morrow, to investigate thn affairs of thai company, and report the same to the House? aim requesting the S-nato to appoiot a similar Committee, to tnoot the Committee on the purt of the House. A messag*' of noncurrence was ordered, and Messrs. iluger, Allston, lleriot, Higg ns, and Gregg, were appointed on tho part of llie Sennto. Dec. 5. Mr. Gregg, from the Committee under a resolution of the lost Session, in relation to the expediency of purchasing the Library of Dr. Thos. Cooper, deceased, submitted a report, accompanied.by a cntnloguu of the Library, built of which were referred to the Committee on the Library. Dec. 0. Mr. Hug> r. pursuant to notice, introduced a Bill to excuse the Honorable Judge Guntt from further duty, and for other purposes: Read the fi. st time, or. dcred to be printed, nod referred to iho Committee on the Judiciary. Dec. 7. A Bill to authorize the Sheriff of Marlboro/ to lodge in the jdil of uny adjoin, ing District, prisoner* committed to his charge, and for other purposes, which had been reported by tlio Judiciary Commit'ec, whs read the second tunc and ordered to bo sent to the Senate. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Nov. 80/A. Mr. Phillips introduced the following Resolution : Resolved. That it be referred to a Special Committee to enquire and report how far several Banks of this Stato have violated and forfeited tlt'dr respective charters, bv suspending specie payments, and by refusing to extend the usual uccommodai.on to tho citizens of tins Slate. On motion of Mr. Bwllingc-r, the Resolution was amended, by adding "uud that tire said Committee bo directed to enquire and report u hat course ii becomes this Legislature to pursue on lie subject. The Resolution an amended, was agreed tu by the House, and the following gentle. men were appointed to compose the Commil ee; Messrs Pnillips, Bellinger, Gourdin, Irhy, and Burt. Mr. Perry, from the Special Committee, to whom was re/erred tho Preamble und Resolutions, on the subject of collec'ing informnticn on iU« Penitentiary System, submilted n Report, recommending the establishment of a Penitentiary in this State ; und a Bill on the same subject, which was read the first time, and ordered for the sc. cond reading to morrow : nitd the Repor and accompanying document*, were ordered to be printed. Dec. 3d. Mr. David, pursuant to notice, introduced a Bill to amend the Law in relation to R< tiding Spirituous Liquors ; which was rend first time, and ordered for a second rending to-morrow. Resolved, Thut a Committee of Nino be appointed on the part of tho State, to attend the adjourned meeting of the Louisville, Cincinnati and Charleston R ill Bond Com. pnn>,to >nko place to-morrow, to obtuin information on the condition of and to invet'i. gate the nfluirs of thut Company, und Report the same to this House ; und that n trn li t e«H» ia. 11».. ^ * * w o. <ii .«# tun ot-uiiir, 10 men on(j act with the Committee of the House. Messrs. Frost, David, Wm. Reed. With* erspoun, Hroekman, Wnrdlaw, Irby, Jamison. un<l Henderson, were appointed the Committee on the part of the llouse under the above R*-solu ion. Message No. 4, was received from His Exccllen'-y the Governor, informing tho Houso that he had b< en r quested by the Hoard of Trusties of the South Curolinn College to npply to tho legislature for an appropriation for the completion of the Li* brnry Hall : f.-rred to Commith e on Edu* cut ion, and ordered to be printed. Dec 4. Mr. John Douglas* submitted an unfavorable Report of the Committee on Agriculture, on the Memorial of sundry citizens of Marion District, in relution to the cultivation ol Silk ; ordered for consid. oration to-morrow. f Dec. 6. M . John Douglass presented .lie momorial of tho Agricultural Convon. 'ion, praying that an appropriation be madw for a Geologcal and Agricultural Survey of this State, dec.: Referred to the Com* m tteu on Agriculture : iwc fv'.rr. trout the Cjmtiiit.ee or, I'cJ* prul Relations, to whom wai referred so much of the Governor's Message ns relates |A ,u «A..t. " >w uiu luiiiiuvrny ouiwwn (no oaes «t Georgia mid Maine, submitted a Report, with the following Resolutions ; Rrsolved, Tlint it is the diry, as well ns hi- right of anv Stnte, to insiait on * faithful ib«ervijnce of the Federal Constitution, by acb State in the Union, Renotvtd* Thnt to demand the surrender md removal of fugitives from its justice, is, )y thn Constit t ion, n right, and ihe arrest ind surrendei,.. uuty ; thnt tho denial or mpairment of that right, is inconsistent with ho rons'i utionnl obligations of a Stnte, and ubve'sive of tlto nonce and good govern* nent of the other States. < l/y-ohed, Thnt (his fight haa keen im. wireo,jf not denied, by tlie auihoritias of ' Wnino, ana that this State will neecr con«cnl 1 j inn that «ny Slate shall become an asylum for thoso, who are fugitives from the juslumgP « other 8taica. Re*olv*4% That the Executive o^Us State be requested to transmit to the Ettm [ivtst of the aeeeral States, to be laid befftRj * ihnir respective Lcgidutuns; .to the President of the United States, and to our 3«>aa ora nnd Representative* in Congress, to be laid before thut body ; a copy of the hove Report, and oftheae ResolutionsThe Report and Resolution# were or. dered to be printed, and made the special order of the day fur Tuesday next, at 1 o'clock. Mr. Elmore, submitted the report of the Commissioners appointed u»d<r a resolution of the Legislature, passed at its last Session, to enquire and leport as to the pro. pri»*ty of purchasing the Library of Dr. Titos. Cooper, to be added to the Legislative Library, the College Library, and the Library of tiw Appeal Cuurt, at Columbia, p-commending that the said library he not Eurcltua d Referred tu tho Commi toe on Juration. , Mr. DSaussurc, from the Committee on the Judiciary, 'submitted unfavorable Reports on so much of the Governor's Mes. " Sr» as rolat' S to County Courts, Public Executions in capitul esses, Judges c argiug Juries as to maters offact in civil ennes; snd the communication of D- Brent, Esq., U. S. Consul at Pans. Mr. I)eSaussur<«, from the samo Committee, reported by Bill, on so uiu<'li of the Governor's Message, as relates to the manner of impannelling jurh-s in civil cases, allowing the p;ir>irs litigant tu strike from tho panel two jurors, without showing muse; which was rend the first time, and ordered fur the second rouding to-morrow. Mr. Bellinger presented (lie annual Report of the Mtorney Genorul, on the condition of the District Offices of the Eastern Circut : Referred to tho Committee on District Offices nnd Officers. The Rev. Robert Henry, D. D. hns been elected ProfV'Ssor of Logic, Rhvoric and Mets physics, in the South Carolina C>»|. lege, in the place or Prof. Thorkwkll, who hat resigned. Tho profound and varied learning of Prof. Henry must command no ordinary respect. li must, loo. have boon gratifying to his feelings to have had this Professorship oflfi-red 10 him without his of. furing himself aa a candidate, lie filled tho Chair of Metaphysics when we were in College soma ten years ago. We admired him them, for Ins frank, manly and inde. pendent course as u disciplinarian, oven though we canto i:i for a share Of its exercise, and loved him as a mat. for his kindness and paternal admonitions. May peace and honor attend him. S. C. Temperance Advocate. The Kev. Mr. HoorEtt, formerly n Professor in the University of North Carolina, and recently of tho Furmun Ins tuition in Fairfield District, has been elected to fill the vncany, occasioned by the resignation of Prof Stuart, in the South Carolina College. Those who know Mr. Hooper speak of him as n gentleman of cfcimablc character..-1 bid. j .. COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT* On Monday last, went off with an eclat very gratifying to the friends of this noblinstitution. I was attended by a concourse ofthe tnwliigcnt. d»e distinguished, and the beautiful, from all pan* of iUP State. Tin? literary performances of tho young g*milemen weru very creditable to them, und the udJress of tho President ov(*<w»l,i><,lw im. ... .-R7 "" prcssive, admirably sui cd lo make a most Ins ing and beneficial impression on his youthful auditory. Col. Telescope. Tho Washington correspondent of the New York Herald says . Anoi cr marriage is spoken of ns about to take place in n few months. Too nuptials, it is supposed, will exc e l in splendor, any th'ng of the kind ever before witnessed in this district, Tho huppy man is the po lished and magnificent representative of tho limp'Tor Nicholas, ond ihe equally Icppy fair on<i is the young and benmhil daughter of a citizen of (J< oigetowo..Every body thinks it will be a brilliant match, and every body hits a right to think so. Tho ladies are all envious of her good fortune. Tho other foreign ministers tiro unniurri-d, and possibly some of thvm may fancy American wives, ns acveral hnvo done before. The American women are d- cidedly superior in point of personal beauty und fascination to :ho European, and how can foreigners resisl ? We understand ihil the Bunk of Charles, ton, S. C., is now Checking on New York, for the Notes of the different Hanks in this City, os well us her ow n. Courier. Dreadful death Jrom spontaneous combuction..An unfortunate being residing in a miserable nbodu in Eldndge streot, N- 7. was on Monday burned to death, it is supposed by spontaneous combustion. Between 12 and 1 o'clock the neighbors were alarm, rd by voluni 's of smoke issuing from the windows of the victim's apartment. On rushing in they discovered tho women lying :i> iiSf bud snveiopi.d fi.iutca, tllu Ueii partially consumed and still burning. With great difficulty the fire was extinguished, and the woman conveyed to tho Hospital. w here at about 6 o'clock last evening she died. No cause for the fire can b g ven. The woman was discovered lying in bud. herself und the centre of the bed in flames. hut no truces of how tho fire was rommuni. cuted could be dis uiguished. It it there* fore presumed that the miserable woman lost tier life by that well attested, but very rare occurrence, spoutaneuos fomentation. The iiHmn of tho burned woman did r.ot transpire, ns it hub unknown to those who conveyed her to the Hospital, and she hers* If w as speechless from tito ex rut of her lufTerings. An inquest was held on the tody, and the jury returned a verdict that he deceased unknown women was barnod o dsatb. N. V. Express. y*- s * MJypMfcMltLUSftCt O# fMHW iXD PXKJU- f who will look back a few year* eyU#»ell the sentiments or distrust and * Mnbiitsred lioetility with which the adherents to the Nullification and Union parties view. < ed each othsfr can doubt the truth of these remarks. \V© remember when about to settie hs pastor of a Church about that time, dining one day with a N ollifier, and he declaim d that be did not believe there woo an hon. est man in the Union party, and the very n«-xt day or the day atfer, we dined with a Union men, who asserted do less broadly and bitterly that he did not believe there was an honest Nulhfier; yet, before that contest, these men had been friends as wall o^neighbora, reciprocating the kindnesses of social life and believing each in the other's intugrity. The subscribtion of this State to the Louisville. Cincinnati andCttbrleston Rail Road Company, is $1,000,000; of triileh four instiilmu amounting to 9900,000, have been paid up, one instalment having been paid, since the olose of our fiscal year. The ^ shares in the Road are $100 each, those in the Bank are $50 each, so that the State ^ js s subscriber to the Batik for only $500,000, and not for $1 000,000, as stated in yesterday*# Mercury.and on her Bank subscription she has puid up one half or $250,000. The Mercury is in error in siiying that the estimated annual profit of ttn* Charleston und f Inmburg Road is but $130,000. Mr. Toppbs offers to take u lease of ii for that amount as the annual nt.und of course estimates its clear in, como hi considerably mor« than $120,000 P' r Nnnuin, to yield hun as lessee, an odequote profit en so heavy a transaction. I Char. Cour. FARMERS' GAZETTE. Pill DAY EVENING. DECEMBER 13. 1830. The River has fullon a little, but is still navigable for pole boats, and probably for our steamboats when lightened. From lliu slate Legislature we have nothing important. The B ink question has given rise to an nnimntcl debate, said to dcvclopo some symptoms of the Anti-Bank mania, so rife in some parts d£the country. *Vo haVo no apprehension hujvovir of destructive legislation. Some v&lutftlo legislation is hoped for in regard to drunkards. Poor fellows, tlioy are their own auJ families cm mies ; the s ate ought to interfere in behalf ut least of their futnilies. The »Ving Convention at Harrisburg met last week. Wo havo accounts from the second day's meeting. It votes by states, and had five ballotings without making a choice. The first balloting Clay had 12 sta'es, Harrison 7 nnd Scott 3.. Afterwards one of tlics i deserted Scott. A new paper lias been usutd in Charleston cal ed the "Southern Medium and Impress of the Times." It is Whig in politics, and wi!| support Mr. Clay for the Presidency. It is published three limes a week, by J. M. Simons Slid J. Bailsv.nl <t<i ru>ranninn inoitvancn t\r ¥ - r~ " - . V. $5 after six niorths. CONGRESS. The Senntc havo 0'g.imz"dt but cnnnot pioc ed with legislative httsioous till the other house he organized, and messages passed. Tue fust week in the llou^e was <pcnt in wrangling about the question which set of cluimantH from New Jersey are cn'itled to be enrolled as tl»u representatives from that State ; and when the question is to be settled no one run now foresee. It appears thnt the election for members of Congroosin New Jersey is by general tickut, and that in counting the vales, those given in two precincts were excluded, on uccounl of illegality in holding the elect on*. The proper oHirers mndo their returns to the Governor, without any notice of these precincts. The Governor issued his proclamation announcing the election of the rsons who had received the greatest number of Votes according to tint returns made to hint by tho legal officers, and cave then c«t ifieotes in the usual form. Those were (he Whig cund.dates. But it is ullogcd tlu>t if tlie r> j'-cied votes luid been counted the Van Buren candidates would hare been elected, and these latter have also corns forward to claim their seutH. When tho clerk mi rending tho roll came to the State of N>'\v Jertny lie read the name of Mr. Kan. dolph whoso election is not contested, and proposed to proceed with llio other State* leaving n blank for iho other five members from New Jersey till thrt if* or ganifcu'iun should tn'*.c up tho subject. This gave rise to an informal discussion which lusted till thuraduy evening, when Mr. A-i- ^ am* una appointed chairman of the "tnecf- in#" as tho assemblage is rolled. A proposition b< ing m iJe next duy to take up ihw Mow Jersey election, and division being culled for, u debato uroso ot. the question whether or not the members from that State should bn allowed to vole, which lusted through the wei k. The Guvornor of Virginia, in his mcs- t sage to the Legislature, states thut (he J efnor of New York has refused to deliver, a when demanded us fugitives from justice, J two'men charged with carrying ofl from the « Stis^W a slave owned by? a n ot"Norfolk.

Agriculture ResolutionsThe ;ISTO«S.^ · not ftutilion Hms information, that all tlx* * watersbf Winyaw Bay andit*tributaries, ft pass,totit# occsanthrough the North lots' let, andover

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Page 1: Agriculture ResolutionsThe ;ISTO«S.^ · not ftutilion Hms information, that all tlx* * watersbf Winyaw Bay andit*tributaries, ft pass,totit# occsanthrough the North lots' let, andover

p^^K!55?^B^Ej^ffi^^JII^^HFamm#- iZ[ «!M M «

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d8; ; VVWiooibury,»; Darm; o;lw»f Staff* 10; (vst.fes 6(J whu

WKm thwi. constructing. TW refiningimportant branch of i


Wi rtioae S:a?e* was 77: 8a*ou

», 3 ; Grand Duchyof ailk in Pruniu U yea

ant tfroNrara now £^rco. IMI. ycurVen

T-jirTBBto'ygK' HE*miv«

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fM|MMK3^MK)hMVMl^pQ|KRPfnktt9%^Cflv^locw« p

""^ * imicvab perfectly^ |

;ISTO«S".^ng cspeodtfure, while j.1 Ml work *1 he as durable as tho «ou«| it- K

not ftutilion H ms information, that all tlx** waters bf Winyaw Bay and it* tributaries,ft pass, to tit# occsan through the North lots'let, and over tits main Bur to our llurbor,it oibept thsNamoU4 body which, branchingis from the .Bay. to the right, from* South t aA land. Nose to our mind, it eppmhi veryat c^eor that tlte oolj aure and-jrafountni in«vcirtass ofdepth 'baths B«r,1i to hs had by^ISPP^L**0 ****- «* Hwth Inlet.ry Which wiut the obioct before us»w* think It*W; more proper to ceU outlet. This can bo ef\y' fected by dropping uroee ballast across tiibm ouk% from the North end of North Island,P* to^ csposite point of Dehordicu's, till aill coawetkberrH-r ofstone is raised fromrs shore fir shore, a loot or tro above the highijflfeeftspring titles. The send, put in motionW By the waterand blown from the now oonwnected shores, will in a briefspacs of timeKt fill all ths interstices In, and cover the topit oftho embankment, milking it imperviousc. to water, and hurting, as the vrorid. Thetn sure consequence of closing this passager i win am, uiai mreaa or two currrqnts flowingor I through different ehannete to thu Ooean,ly l theje Will bo but one, which moving onwnrawithincreased volume velocity, and

power, pill fret away, and deepen the pas.a. sagethrough the botr,carrying the drift aandof for into de*p water. By. this natural actionel ofthe water, .we should in eery fee years»t h ive depth pnough, to pa»» any merchantij. shipover our bar, and then Will Georgetown:h become afrat her vaat back river and otherof natuniThdvaWta;«a seem to have destinedij. her 16 be. To this suggestion it may beaa objected, that the drift sand will form anotherfcd shoal, and we admit, that it will either done thitf, or, bjriseuling upoo ihe present shoals,ir- elevate them into islands. Which we con.er ««five to be a matter ofwo irhpottanco, for8, thteldiift will not be deposited any where, tilly, it shall have ceased to feel the impetus whichof removed it from the bar ; ao that, whelwr

a hew altoal be formed, or an old one frhns.ir. formed into an Island, is a matter of no inops.moot, there being necessarily a deep, endle spacWvy channel between, either, and theIt. Bar. Another g'cutadvautuge ofour proraposhfoo is that tbeiyork once done, it willip never require repair; These are crudeK- ideas, but we venture nevertheless, to ask»f for them the calm consideration, which the

great imimrtuuce to our Port ofa ship channel,requires ofthoso whose duty, ft is, to actuponsuch matters. Suppose the Legislature,is requests our delegation, tonanvo Congress.<ui ii.u ...i.: J. '. ...

- «.. ...w «wuja;i.UOCS UIOffHMM WM1 JKTv back omnirjr, ask too much t We referh to *(m) Tex re.urns, and challenge an answer- iu the affirmative. . .1*"

* Ge<C Town American.l! TWENTV-tflXTM CONGRESS,u*


t ,



t Maine. . S. Curofino.J John Rugglcs ,*iohn C Calhoun* Reuel Williams Wm C Prestono New Hampshire, Georgia.8 Henry Hubbard. Wilson LumpkinFranklin Pierce Alfred Cuthbertj"' Vermont. V t . Alabama.n Samuel ^rsnt.yf Win A Kingn* Samuel S Phelps Clement C Clay ;s» Massachuacts. Mississippi,g John Davis RJ Walker.S» DonM W»h.la. I-C- "

t, 1 *wu itonucnvn

» J^bdrWand. Louisiana.V Kn'ght R C Nic'<ola«

T*Wjiu h Dtxaon, Alex. Morton&**<&»*, Tennessee.

j ass. «*«£ sww£i!f! j j c"wi' ' '

^Ono vacancy Henry Ciay

*, Nowjwfr; Ohio.11 ?a,r^',D Wdl Wm Allen0 S L Southard Beaj TappanW Pennsylvania. In liana.»r ffmc* Buchanan Oliver H Smith1 °,w vacancy Alberl S lV|,|te

Delaware. Illinois,j! Thomas Clayton J M Rob titon

One vac«p«y R M Youngrt Maryland Missouri" 5*7" a*"* Lewis P Linn

John S.Sponco T H BentonVirnioio. Michigan.

il^SrTr Nw;vtli*

,"> One vacancyn No*V>iiftUfr1. Arkansas.4 Bedford BroWn « Wm S Pulton9 Robert Strange A H SevierI House of kbpresen Fatives.

e Maine. j,r Ndtbsa CUflord * Virg.l D ParrisAlbert Bed#* Hugh t And« ruon- Benjamin Randall Joshua A Lowell |OnirflBhM Thomas Davce ]New Hampshire. <j Charles 0 Athertoo Edmund Burkef ^arad W W*Miaa»e» Ira A Ess man J

J Abbot Lawrence Wm B Calhoun1 LeeyiH ftnlftinrnfl Wm8 Hastings *

Henry WilliamaJohn R t-dtart Liwoln John Q Adam.^1"wBUi-.S!le^ocjr) !fa. L TillingW R B Ccaaaton 1

Connecticut. > ifoeeph Trumbull Thee B Oeb»ro« IIViHiam L Storre Truman Smithn»o. W WdUan* Joo H Broekway l

Vermont. *

Etibnd Hall Joh. Smith <WilUiam Siade laaac Fhrtcher iHorace Everett|s* Ne% York. , iFhA B Jiekton John G.Floydlua do la Mobmyne p.vid P Breaker <

gdt-n HoSmun Tho C Crittenden <

Edward Curtia John II PrantiisMom. H Grinnell Judaon Alk>jiJam*-a Monron John C ClarkGouvernnur Kemble S B LeonardChail«* Jotmion Amusn DanaNathaniel Jout. Edward Roger.R'ufu* Palnn Nuliemnh tl EarlAaron Vanderpocl ChrialoVr MorganJohn Ely. Thereto R. StrongHirein PHttnt" ' * Fr»nei» GrangerDaniel P Barnard Meredith MulloryAnion Biown *? -

' Ttioa KempshallDavid Rueell ' - Seth M G»«f»-aAugustus C Hand Luther U PeekJohn Fine Richard P MarvinPeter J VVegner Mulurd FillmoreAndrew \V Doig Char's F Mitchell

New Jeraev.John R Avcrigg Jo. F RandolphJohn P B Maxwell Cher's C Sir uto~WilHum Haleted Tbos J Yorke

Penneylvanie.Lemuel Payntcr Jninre CooperJohn Sergeant Wm S RumaeyGeo W 'Poland Geo M«*CullohCharles Naylor David PexnkinEdward Dnvivs R II HammondPrano;s James Sand W MorrisJohn Howards ChurlcsOgloJoseph Fornanec A (i MarclmndJohn Davis Enos HookDavid D Wagoner Isaac LeetPelef NcwImuI RK-tiard liiddloGoo M Keim William BeauyWilliam S monlon Thos HenryJames Gerry John Uailbraith

Delaware.Thomas Robinson.

Maryland.John Dennis Solomon Hdlen JrPhilip F Thomas - Wm Cost JohnsonJ T H WoriUingion Proncis ThomasJames Carroll Daniel Jenifer

Virginia.Henry A Wise Wulier ColesJoel Hollemnn Janiet GarlandFrancis E Rives Wm L GogginiJohn M Butts William LucasR M T Hunter Geo B SamuelJohn Taliaferro (lolnrt CraigCuerfas F Mercer Geo W HopkinsLinn Banks Andrew Burn*Geo C Dromgoole Joseph JohnsonJohn W Jenos Lows S.ciurodJohn T Ilill

North Carolina.Kenneth Rayner Wm MontgomeryJe«s« A Bynuin , John HillEdward Stanley Charles FisherCharles Shepard Henry W ConnorJumss J McKay James GrahamM.cujuh T Hawkins Lewis WilljpmsBJwun4 IMxirij

South Carolina,fmnc E Holmes Ti os D SummerWudJy Thompson Jr. Sampson 11 Bu'lerFrancis VV Pic kens R B.irnw* II KhettJohn Campbell John K Gnfltnfames Rogers

Georgia. jLou Warren R VV ilaiierslmnt£ A Nisbct Win C DawsonT B King J C AIfordMaik A Cooper lvlwurd J BlackW T Colquitt ' i

Kentucky.Linn Boyd Wm J GravesPhilip Triplet John WhileJus R Underwood Richard llawesSherrod Williams L VV AndrewsSlim-on VV Anderson Garret DavisWillis Green Wiu O BoilerJohu Pope

Tennessee.Willinm BCarter Meredith P GentryAbraham MrClellan H M Water-onJoseph L VVillliams Aaron V BrownJulius W Blar-kwell Cave JohnsonHopkins l» Tum«y John VV CrockettWrn B Campbell C II Wiil'uinsJohn Bell

x ni.uV||(VI

Alexnnder Duncan Isaac ParishJohn B Waller Jonathan TaylorPatrick G Goo«lo D P LeadbctierThomas Corwin G«o SweenyWilliam Doino John W \l|cnCalvary Morris Joshua R GddingsWin K Bond John HastingsJoseph tLdgwny D A StarkweatherWilliam "ledill Iknry SwcarmgenSumson Mason

Louisiana.Kdwurd D White Rico GarlnndKdward Cliinn


Indiana.r;-«r. aJohn Davis WmW Wickfohn Cttrr T A Howardriiomns Smith

Miss'saippi.V G Drown J Thompson

Illinois.,fohh Reynolds John T Siunrt <

c""*ok Casey <

Alabumn.5 ' Di*on » !*»»» !srfer1 c"«-" :

Missouri.lohn Miller ^ John Jumor»n

>S Michigan. '"

Isaac E Crafy. r

Arkansas.EdvrorcJ Cross.


1 1,1


No*. 90th. Mr. B»noett, pursuant to <wide given on S*\u\rday, introduced it Billo regulate the futuro issue of B II*. by the JBunk of the Statu ofSouth Carolina, under the denomination of F»ve Dollars: Rwul tIke first none* and referred. I

Dec. 9d . Mr. Evans presented the Pe- jlition ofsundry Citizens of Marion Disirict,graying Legislative aid for the culture ofS*lk: Referred to Committee onAgricultureand In;ems I Improvements.

Mr. Huger, the Memorial of the CityCouncil of Clwrlcston, praying sn annualtppropriation by the Legislature, for theendowment of the Coltuge and high schoolof Charleston ; All of which, were referredlo the committee on Education.A message was received from the House,

of Representatives, informing the Senatethat th« Mouse had appointed a Committedof nine, composed of Messrs. Frost, Davi<&W in. Reed, Withersfoon, Brockman, jWardlaw, Irhy, Jamison, and Henderson,to attend on the part of the State, the meetingof the Rail Rond Company, which is totHke place to-morrow, to investigate thn affairsof thai company, and report the sameto the House? aim requesting the S-natoto appoiot a similar Committee, to tnoot theCommittee on the purt of the House.A messag*' of noncurrence was ordered,

and Messrs. iluger, Allston, lleriot, Higgns, and Gregg, were appointed on thopart of llie Sennto.

Dec. 5. Mr. Gregg, from the Committeeunder a resolution of the lost Session, inrelation to the expediency of purchasingthe Library of Dr. Thos. Cooper, deceased,submitted a report, accompanied.by a cntnloguuof the Library, built of which werereferred to the Committee on the Library.

Dec. 0. Mr. Hug> r. pursuant to notice,introduced a Bill to excuse the HonorableJudge Guntt from further duty, and forother purposes: Read the fi. st time, or.dcred to be printed, nod referred to ihoCommittee on the Judiciary.

Dec. 7. A Bill to authorize the Sheriff ofMarlboro/ to lodge in the jdil of uny adjoin,ing District, prisoner* committed to hischarge, and for other purposes, which hadbeen reported by tlio Judiciary Commit'ec,whs read the second tunc and ordered to bosent to the Senate.

HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES.Nov. 80/A. Mr. Phillips introduced the

following Resolution : Resolved. That itbe referred to a Special Committee to enquireand report how far several Banks ofthis Stato have violated and forfeited tlt'drrespective charters, bv suspending speciepayments, and by refusing to extend theusual uccommodai.on to tho citizens of tinsSlate.On motion of Mr. Bwllingc-r, the Resolutionwas amended, by adding "uud that tire

said Committee bo directed to enquire andreport u hat course ii becomes this Legislatureto pursue on lie subject.The Resolution an amended, was agreedtu by the House, and the following gentle.men were appointed to compose the Commilee; Messrs Pnillips, Bellinger, Gourdin,Irhy, and Burt.

Mr. Perry, from the Special Committee,to whom was re/erred tho Preamble undResolutions, on the subject of collec'ing informnticnon iU« Penitentiary System, submiltedn Report, recommending the establishmentof a Penitentiary in this State ;und a Bill on the same subject, which wasread the first time, and ordered for the sc.cond reading to morrow : nitd the Reporand accompanying document*, were orderedto be printed.

Dec. 3d. Mr. David, pursuant to notice,introduced a Bill to amend the Law in relationto R< tiding Spirituous Liquors ; whichwas rend first time, and ordered for a secondrending to-morrow.

Resolved, Thut a Committee of Nino beappointed on the part of tho State, to attendthe adjourned meeting of the Louisville,Cincinnati and Charleston R ill Bond Com.pnn>,to >nko place to-morrow, to obtuin informationon the condition of and to invet'i.gate the nfluirs of thut Company, und Reportthe same to this House ; und that n

trn li t e«H» ia. 11».. ^ * *w o. <ii .«# tun ot-uiiir, 10 men on(j

act with the Committee of the House.Messrs. Frost, David, Wm. Reed. With*

erspoun, Hroekman, Wnrdlaw, Irby, Jamison.un<l Henderson, were appointed theCommittee on the part of the llouse underthe above R*-solu ion.Message No. 4, was received from His

Exccllen'-y the Governor, informing thoHouso that he had b< en r quested by theHoard of Trusties of the South CurolinnCollege to npply to tho legislature for anappropriation for the completion of the Li*brnry Hall : R« f.-rred to Commith e on Edu*cut ion, and ordered to be printed.Dec 4. Mr. John Douglas* submitted anunfavorable Report of the Committee onAgriculture, on the Memorial of sundrycitizens of Marion District, in relution tothe cultivation ol Silk ; ordered for consid.oration to-morrow. f

Dec. 6. M . John Douglass presented.lie momorial of tho Agricultural Convon.'ion, praying that an appropriation be madwfor a Geologcal and Agricultural Surveyof this State, dec.: Referred to the Com*m tteu on Agriculture :

iwc fv'.rr. trout the Cjmtiiit.ee or, I'cJ*prul Relations, to whom wai referred somuch of the Governor's Message ns relates|A ,u «A..t. ">w uiu luiiiiuvrny ouiwwn (no oaes «tGeorgia mid Maine, submitted a Report,with the following Resolutions ;

Rrsolved, Tlint it is the diry, as well nshi- right of anv Stnte, to insiait on * faithfulib«ervijnce of the Federal Constitution, byacb State in the Union,Renotvtd* Thnt to demand the surrender

md removal of fugitives from its justice, is,)y thn Constit t ion, n right, and ihe arrestind surrendei,.. uuty ; thnt tho denial ormpairment of that right, is inconsistent withho rons'i utionnl obligations of a Stnte, andubve'sive of tlto nonce and good govern*nent of the other States. <

l/y-ohed, Thnt (his fight haa keen im.wireo,jf not denied, by tlie auihoritias of 'Wnino, ana that this State will neecr con«cnl 1



that «ny Slate shall become an asylum forthoso, who are fugitives from the juslumgP «

other 8taica.Re*olv*4% That the Executive o^UsState be requested to transmit to the Ettm

[ivtst of the aeeeral States, to be laid befftRj *ihnir respective Lcgidutuns; .to thePresident of the United States, and to our3«>aa ora nnd Representative* in Congress,to be laid before thut body ; a copy of thehove Report, and oftheae ResolutionsTheReport and Resolution# were or.

dered to be printed, and made the specialorder of the day fur Tuesday next, at 1o'clock.

Mr. Elmore, submitted the report of theCommissioners appointed u»d<r a resolutionof the Legislature, passed at its lastSession, to enquire and leport as to the pro.pri»*ty of purchasing the Library of Dr.Titos. Cooper, to be added to the LegislativeLibrary, the College Library, and theLibrary of tiw Appeal Cuurt, at Columbia,p-commending that the said library he not

Eurcltua d Referred tu tho Commi toe onJuration. ,

Mr. DSaussurc, from the Committee onthe Judiciary, 'submitted unfavorable Reportson so much of the Governor's Mes." Sr» as rolat' S to County Courts, PublicExecutions in capitul esses, Judges c argiugJuries as to maters offact in civil ennes;snd the communication of D- Brent, Esq.,U. S. Consul at Pans.

Mr. I)eSaussur<«, from the samo Committee,reported by Bill, on so uiu<'li of theGovernor's Message, as relates to the mannerof impannelling jurh-s in civil cases, allowingthe p;ir>irs litigant tu strike from thopanel two jurors, without showing muse;which was rend the first time, and orderedfur the second rouding to-morrow.

Mr. Bellinger presented (lie annual Reportof the Mtorney Genorul, on the conditionof the District Offices of the EasternCircut : Referred to tho Committee onDistrict Offices nnd Officers.

The Rev. Robert Henry, D. D. hnsbeen elected ProfV'Ssor of Logic, Rhvoricand Mets physics, in the South Carolina C>»|.lege, in the place or Prof. Thorkwkll, whohat resigned. Tho profound and variedlearning of Prof. Henry must command no

ordinary respect. li must, loo. have boongratifying to his feelings to have had thisProfessorship oflfi-red 10 him without his of.furing himself aa a candidate, lie filledtho Chair of Metaphysics when we were inCollege soma ten years ago. We admiredhim them, for Ins frank, manly and inde.pendent course as u disciplinarian, oven

though we canto i:i for a share Of its exercise,and loved him as a mat. for his kindnessand paternal admonitions. May peaceand honor attend him.

S. C. Temperance Advocate.

The Kev. Mr. HoorEtt, formerly n Professorin the University of North Carolina,and recently of tho Furmun Ins tuition inFairfield District, has been elected to fillthe vncany, occasioned by the resignationof Prof Stuart, in the South Carolina College.Those who know Mr. Hooper speakof him as n gentleman of cfcimablc character..-1bid. j


COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT*On Monday last, went off with an eclat

very gratifying to the friends of this noblinstitution.I was attended by a concourseofthe tnwliigcnt. d»e distinguished, and thebeautiful, from all pan* of iUP State. Tin?literary performances of tho young g*milemenweru very creditable to them, und theudJress of tho President ov(*<w»l,i><,lw im.

... .-R7 ""

prcssive, admirably sui cd lo make a mostIns ing and beneficial impression on hisyouthful auditory. Col. Telescope.Tho Washington correspondent of the

New York Herald says.Anoi cr marriage is spoken of ns about

to take place in n few months. Too nuptials,it is supposed, will exc e l in splendor,any th'ng of the kind ever before witnessedin this district, Tho huppy man is the polished and magnificent representative of tholimp'Tor Nicholas, ond ihe equally Icppyfair on<i is the young and benmhil daughterof a citizen of (J< oigetowo..Every bodythinks it will be a brilliant match, and everybody hits a right to think so. Tho ladiesare all envious of her good fortune. Thoother foreign ministers tiro unniurri-d, andpossibly some of thvm may fancy Americanwives, ns acveral hnvo done before. TheAmerican women are d- cidedly superior inpoint of personal beauty und fascination to:ho European, and how can foreigners resisl?

We understand ihil the Bunk of Charles,ton, S. C., is now Checking on New York,for the Notes of the different Hanks in thisCity, os well us her ow n. Courier.

Dreadful death Jrom spontaneous combuction..Anunfortunate being residing ina miserable nbodu in Eldndge streot, N- 7.was on Monday burned to death, it is supposedby spontaneous combustion. Between12 and 1 o'clock the neighbors were alarm,rd by voluni 's of smoke issuing from thewindows of the victim's apartment. Onrushing in they discovered tho women lying:i> iiSf bud snveiopi.d fi.iutca, tllu Ueiipartially consumed and still burning. Withgreat difficulty the fire was extinguished,and the woman conveyed to tho Hospital.w here at about 6 o'clock last evening shedied. No cause for the fire can b g ven.The woman was discovered lying in bud.herself und the centre ofthe bed in flames.hut no truces of how tho fire was rommuni.cuted could be dis uiguished. It it there*fore presumed that the miserable womanlost tier life by that well attested, but veryrare occurrence, spoutaneuos fomentation.The iiHmn of tho burned woman did r.ot

transpire, ns it hub unknown to those whoconveyed her to the Hospital, and she hers*If w as speechless from tito ex rut of herlufTerings. An inquest was held on thetody, and the jury returned a verdict thathe deceased unknown women was barnodo dsatb. N. V. Express.y*- s *

MJypMfcMltLUSftCt O# fMHW iXD PXKJU- f

who will look back a few year*eyU#»ell the sentiments or distrust and *Mnbiitsred lioetility with which the adherentsto the Nullification and Union parties view. <ed each othsfr can doubt the truth of theseremarks. \V© remember when about to settiehs pastor of a Church about that time, diningone day with a N ollifier, and he declaimd that be did not believe there woo an hon.est man in the Union party, and the veryn«-xt day or the day atfer, we dined with aUnion men, who asserted do less broadlyand bitterly that he did not believe there wasan honest Nulhfier; yet, before that contest,these men had been friends as wall o^neighbora,reciprocating the kindnesses of sociallife and believing each in the other's intugrity.The subscribtion ofthis State to the Louisville.Cincinnati andCttbrleston Rail Road

Company, is $1,000,000; of triileh four instiilmunts,*amounting to 9900,000, havebeen paid up, one instalment having beenpaid, since the olose ofour fiscal year. The ^shares in the Road are $100 each, thosein the Bank are $50 each, so that the State ^js s subscriber to the Batik for only $500,000,and not for $1 000,000, as stated inyesterday*# Mercury.and on her Banksubscription she has puid up one half or$250,000. The Mercury is in error insiiying that the estimated annual profit ofttn* Charleston und fInmburg Road is but$130,000. Mr. Toppbs offers to take ulease of ii for that amount as the annualr« nt.und of course estimates its clear in,como hi considerably mor« than $120,000P' r Nnnuin, to yield hun as lessee, an odequoteprofit en so heavy a transaction.

I Char. Cour.


The River has fullon a little, but is stillnavigable for pole boats, and probably forour steamboats when lightened.From lliu slate Legislature we have

nothing important. The B ink question hasgiven rise to an nnimntcl debate, said todcvclopo some symptoms of the Anti-Bankmania, so rife in some parts d£the country.*Vo haVo no apprehension hujvovirof destructive legislation. Some v&lutftlolegislation is hoped for in regard to drunkards.Poor fellows, tlioy are their own auJfamilies cm mies ; the s ate ought to interferein behalf ut least of their futnilies.The »Ving Convention at Harrisburg

met last week. Wo havo accounts fromthe second day's meeting. It votes bystates, and had five ballotings withoutmaking a choice. The first balloting Clayhad 12 sta'es, Harrison 7 nnd Scott 3..Afterwards one of tlics i deserted Scott.A new paper lias been usutd in Charleston

cal ed the "Southern Medium and Impress ofthe Times." It is Whig in politics, and wi!|support Mr. Clay for the Presidency. It ispublished three limes a week, by J. M. SimonsSlid J. Bailsv.nl <t<i ru>ranninn inoitvancn t\r

¥ - r~ " -. V.

$5 after six niorths.

CONGRESS.The Senntc havo 0'g.imz"dt but cnnnot

pioc ed with legislative httsioous till the otherhouse he organized, and messages passed.Tue fust week in the llou^e was <pcnt in

wrangling about the question which set ofcluimantH from New Jersey are cn'itled tobe enrolled as tl»u representatives from thatState ; and when the question is to be settledno one run now foresee.

It appears thnt the election for members ofCongroosin New Jersey is by general tickut,and that in counting the vales, thosegiven in two precincts were excluded, onuccounl of illegality in holding the elect on*.The proper oHirers mndo their returns tothe Governor, without any notice of theseprecincts. The Governor issued his proclamationannouncing the election of the p« rsonswho had received the greatest numberof Votes according to tint returns made tohint by tho legal officers, and cave thenc«t ifieotes in the usual form. Those were(he Whig cund.dates. But it is ullogcd tlu>tif tlie r> j'-cied votes luid been counted theVan Buren candidates would hare beenelected, and these latter have also corns forwardto claim their seutH. When tho clerkmi rending tho roll came to the State ofN>'\v Jertny lie read the name of Mr. Kan.dolph whoso election is not contested, andproposed to proceed with llio other State*leaving n blank for iho other five membersfrom New Jersey till thrt if* organifcu'iun should tn'*.c up tho subject. Thisgave rise to an informal discussion whichlusted till thuraduy evening, when Mr. A-i- ^am* una appointed chairman of the "tnecf-in#" as tho assemblage is rolled. A propositionb< ing m iJe next duy to take up ihwMow Jersey election, and division beingculled for, u debato uroso ot. the questionwhether or not the members from that Stateshould bn allowed to vole, which lustedthrough the wei k.The Guvornor of Virginia, in his mcs- t

sage to the Legislature, states thut (he Jefnor of New York has refused to deliver, awhen demanded us fugitives from justice, Jtwo'men charged with carrying ofl from the «

Stis^W a slave owned by? a n ot"Norfolk.