Uttar Pradesh Lecturers Exam., 2009 (Held on 24-1-2010) Agriculture : Solved Paper 1. Jalpriya is a variety of— (A) Maize (B) Jowar (C) Paddy (D) Barley Ans : (C) 2. Sugarcane + Potato is an intercropping system of— (A) Autumn season (B) Zaid season (C) Spring season (D) Rainy season Ans : (A) 3. Seed-rate of potato per hectare is— (A) 25 quintal/hectare (B) 10 quintal/hectare (C) 15 quintal/hectare (D) 40 quintal/hectare Ans : (D) 4. Deficiency symptoms of calcium on plants first appear at— (A) Lower leaves (B) Middle leaves (C) Terminal leaves (D) All leaves Ans : (C) 5. Which weedicide is used to kill broad leaf weeds in wheat ? (A) 2, 4 - D.S.S. (WPSS) (B) 2, 4, 5 - T (C) 2, 4 - DB (D) None of these


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Uttar Pradesh Lecturers Exam., 2009(Held on 24-1-2010)Agriculture : Solved Paper

1. Jalpriya is a variety of—(A) Maize(B) Jowar(C) Paddy(D) BarleyAns : (C)

2. Sugarcane + Potato is an intercropping system of—(A) Autumn season(B) Zaid season(C) Spring season(D) Rainy seasonAns : (A)

3. Seed-rate of potato per hectare is—(A) 25 quintal/hectare(B) 10 quintal/hectare(C) 15 quintal/hectare(D) 40 quintal/hectareAns : (D)

4. Deficiency symptoms of calcium on plants first appear at—(A) Lower leaves(B) Middle leaves(C) Terminal leaves(D) All leavesAns : (C)

5. Which weedicide is used to kill broad leaf weeds in wheat ?(A) 2, 4 - D.S.S. (WPSS)(B) 2, 4, 5 - T(C) 2, 4 - DB(D) None of theseAns : (A)

6. Maya is the variety of—(A) Potato(B) Gram(C) Pea(D) MustardAns : (D)

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7. The weed that causes Asthma is—(A) Hirankhuri(B) Bathua(C) Parthenium(D) Krishna NeelAns : (C)

8. Which crop requires maximum amount of nitrogen ?(A) Potato(B) Wheat(C) Barley(D) SugarcaneAns : (D)

9. First dwarf variety of paddy developed in India is—(A) Jaya(B) Saket-4(C) Govind(D) Narendra-97Ans : (C)

10. Sprinkler irrigation is suitable, where the soil has—(A) Clayey texture(B) Loamy texture(C) Undulating topography(D) All of theseAns : (D)

11. Endosulphan is also known as—(A) Lindane(B) Thiodan(C) Aldrin(D) B.H.C.Ans : (B)

12. Which of the following is systemic poison ?(A) Metasystox(B) Phosphomidan(C) Phorate(D) All of theseAns : (C)

13. DDVP is known as—(A) Nuvan(B) Malathion

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(C) Thiodan(D) SulfexAns : (A)

14. Seed treatment with Vitavex is the main controlling method of—(A) Loose smut(B) Rust(C) Downy mildew(D) All of theseAns : (D)

15. Covered smut of barley is a disease of—(A) Externally seed-borne(B) Internally seed-borne(C) Air-borne(D) None of theseAns : (B)

16. Which of the following cakes is not edible ?(A) Castor cake(B) Mustard cake(C) Sesame cake(D) Groundnut cakeAns : (A)

17. In India, about 142 million hectare land is under—(A) Cultivation(B) Waste land(C) Forest(D) Eroded landAns : (A)

18. The headquarters of Indian Meteorological Department was established in 1875 at—(A) New Delhi(B) Hyderabad(C) Pune(D) CalcuttaAns : (D)

19. Moisture condensed in small drops upon cool surface is called—(A) Hail(B) Dew(C) Snow(D) FogAns : (B)

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20. How many agro-climatic zones (ACZ) are found in India ?(A) 16(B) 18(C) 15(D) 20Ans : (C)

21. Tilt angle of a disc plough is generally—(A) 10°(B) 15°(C) 20°(D) 45°Ans : (D)

22. Pudding is done to—(A) Reduce percolation of water(B) Pulverise and levelling soil(C) Kill weeds(D) All of the aboveAns : (D)

23. The Community Development Programme (CDP) was started in India on—(A) 2nd October, 1950(B) 2nd October, 1952(C) 2nd October, 1951(D) None of theseAns : (B)

24. The main unit of Integrated Rural Development Programme is—(A) Family(B) Village(C) Block(D) DistrictAns : (B)

25. Element of Communication is—(A) Message(B) Feedback(C) Channel(D) All of theseAns : (D)

26. The first Kshetriya Gramin Bank (KGB) was opened in India is—(A) 1972(B) 1980(C) 1975

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(D) 1969Ans : (C)

27. The main function of NABARD is—(A) Farmers' loaning(B) Agricultural research(C) Refinancing to agricultural financing institutions(D) Development of agricultureAns : (C)

28. Rent theory of profit was given by—(A) Hawley(B) C.P. Blacker(C) Tanssig(D) F.A. WalkerAns : (D)

29. In L.D.R., the profit will be maximum when—(A) MC = MP(B) MC > MP(C) MP = TP(D) MP > TPAns : (D)

30. The period of 11th Five Year Plan is—(A) 2000-2005(B) 2002-2007(C) 2007-2012(D) 2008-2012Ans : (C)

31. Acid rain contains mainly—(A) PO4(B) NO2(C) NO3(D) CH4Ans : (B)

32. Cell Organelle found only in plants are—(A) Mitochondria(B) Golgi complex(C) Ribosomes(D) PlastidsAns : (D)

33. Proteins are synthesized in—

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(A) Centrosomes(B) Ribosomes(C) Mitochondria(D) Golgi bodiesAns : (B)

34. Milk fever is caused due to the deficiency of—(A) P(B) Ca(C) Mg(D) KAns : (B)

35. Milk sugar is a type of—(A) Glucose(B) Sucrose(C) Lactose(D) FructoseAns : (C)

36. Muriate of Potash is—(A) K2SO4(B) KCl(C) K2HPO4(D) KNO3Ans : (B)

37. Azotobacter fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil by—(A) Symbiotically(B) Non-symbiotically(C) Both (A) and (B)(D) None of theseAns : (A)

38. The chemical formula of iron pyrites is—(A) FeSO4(B) FeS(C) FeS2(D) Fe2(SO4)3Ans : (C)

39. Rock phosphates are used in—(A) Saline soil(B) Sodic soil(C) Acidic soil(D) Neutral soil

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Ans : (C)

40. Intervenous chlorosis is caused due to the deficiency of—(A) N(B) Mg(C) S(D) FeAns : (D)

41. Kinnow is the hybrid variety of—(A) Citrus(B) Orange(C) Mandarin(D) LemonAns : (C)

42. The permanent preservative, which is used for preservation of fruit and vegetables, is—(A) Sodium chloride(B) Potassium metabisulphate(C) Potassium sulphate(D) SugarAns : (B)

43. Whip tail disease of cauliflower is caused by deficiency of—(A) Nitrogen(B) Boron(C) Molybdenum(D) ZincAns : (C)

44. The word ‘Agriculture’ is derived from—(A) Greek(B) Latin(C) Arabic(D) FrenchAns : (B)

45. Motha (Grass nut) belongs to the family of—(A) Cruciferae(B) Tiliaceae(C) Cyperaceae(D) GraminaceaeAns : (C)

46. Which of the followings are short day crops ?

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(A) Maize, Lobia, Bajra(B) Wheat, Mustard, Gram(C) Moong, Soybean, Bajra(D) Wheat, Soybean, BajraAns : (B)

47. What is the sequence of C4 plants ?(A) Sudangrass – Sugarcane –Paddy – Bajra(B) Sugarcane – Maize – Sudangrass – Bajra(C) Sugarcane – Cotton – Paddy– Maize(D) Cotton – Maize – Bajra –SugarcaneAns : (B)

48. Match List-I (crops) with List-II (water requirement) and select your answer from the code given below—List-I(a) Jowar(b) Soybean(c) Cotton(d) GroundnutList–II1. 140 mm – 300 mm2. 350 mm – 450 mm3. 200 mm – 300 mm4. 300 mm – 350 mmCodes :(a) (b) (c) (d)(A) 3 1 2 4(B) 4 2 3 1(C) 1 4 2 3(D) 3 1 4 2Ans : (C)

49. In which state, are there biggest area, highest production and number of Sugar Mills in relation to Sugarcane ?(A) Maharashtra(B) Bihar(C) Uttar Pradesh(D) Andhra PradeshAns : (A)

50. Which is not prepared by potato ?(A) Acetic Acid(B) Paper(C) Wine(D) Fanina

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Ans : (B)

51. Uttar Pradesh is occupying which place in India, for Guava production ?(A) Second(B) First(C) Third(D) FifthAns : (A)

52. Which of the following is TPS variety of Potato ?(A) JH 222(B) Chipsona-II(C) Anand(D) HPS-1/113Ans : (D)

53. What is VAM ?(A) Virus(B) Bacteria(C) Algae(D) FungiAns : (D)

54. What is the main function of zinc in the plants ?(A) Synthesis of nitrogen(B) Synthesis of phosphorus(C) Required for synthesis of Tryptophos(D) To increase activity of the boronAns : (C)

55. What is the area in floriculture (in 000 hectare) in India ?(A) 40 – 50(B) 60 – 80(C) 100 – 120(D) None of theseAns : (C)

56. Which of the following factors does not affect the nitrification ?(A) Air(B) Seed(C) Temperature(D) MoistureAns : (B)

57. Which is the correct sequence of soil erosion ?(A) Rill – Sheet – Gulley

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(B) Gulley – Sheet – Rill(C) Sheet – Rill – Gulley(D) Sheet – Gulley – RillAns : (C)

58. Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) should not be mixed with—(A) D.A.P.(B) Compost fertilizer(C) Ammonium Chloride(D) UreaAns : (A)

59. Insecticides are specific inhibitors of—(A) Excretory system(B) Digestive system(C) Nervous system(D) Blood Circulatory systemAns : (D)

60. The credit for the success of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) goes to—(A) Dr. R. S. Paroda(B) Dr. Chandrika Prasad(C) Dr. Mohan Singh Mehta(D) Dr. Mangla RaiAns : (D)

61. Cauliflower belongs to the family—(A) Cruciferae(B) poacae(C) Malvaceae(D) LeguminaceaeAns : (A)

62. Which type of soil is best for knolkhol ?(A) Loam(B) Clayey loam(C) Silty clayey loam(D) ClayAns : (B)

63. Which of the following soil type is most suitable for garlic cultivation ?(A) Loamy sand(B) Sandy loam(C) Loam(D) ClayAns : (B)

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64. Average planting distance P) of guava is—(R 5 m(A) 5 m 6 m(B) 6 m 8 m(C) 8 m (D) 10 m10 m Ans : (B)

65. Which of the following soil type has the highest field capacity ?(A) Loam(B) Silty loam(C) Clayey loam(D) ClayAns : (D)

66. The trade name of phorate is—(A) Temic(B) Thiodan(C) Phortox(D) MetasystoxAns : (C)

67. The sprayers are cleaned before use by—(A) 1% chlorine water(B) 1% hydrochloric acid(C) 1% ammonia water(D) 1% bromine waterAns : (B)

68. The cyanogas pump is a /an—(A) Duster(B) Fumigator(C) Sprayer(D) EmulsifierAns : (D)

69. The main reason of Irish Famine in Potato was—(A) Late Blight disease(B) Bacterial Blight disease(C) Blast disease(D) Ear Cockle diseaseAns : (A)

70. The instrument, which is used for sowing of seed with fertilizer together at a time, is—(A) Seed drill

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(B) Dibbler(C) Seed sowing behind plough(D) Ferti-cum Seed drillAns : (D)

71. Seed treatment is done to control—(A) Soil-borne disease(B) Air-borne disease(C) Seed-borne disease(D) None of theseAns : (C)

72. Salt tolerant crop is—(A) Cowpea(B) Field pea(C) Garlic(D) LongmelonAns : (A)

73. Which of the following is not a dairy breed of cattle ?(A) Sahiwal(B) Sindhi(C) Nagore(D) All theseAns : (D)

74. Stored grains can be saved from insect damage, if the grain moisture content is—(A) <> 10%(C) 10%(D) None of theseAns : (C)

75. Which of the following pesticides has been banned in India ?(A) Rogor(B) DDT(C) Metasystox(D) DimecronAns : (B)

76. Pulses fit well in cropping system as they are—(A) Short duration crops(B) Disease resistant crops(C) Long duration crops(D) Moisture stress resistant cropsAns : (D)

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77. Wheat is a—(A) Cash crop(B) Cereal crop(C) Covered crop(D) None of theseAns : (B)

78. Autumn sugarcane is planted in month of—(A) February-March(B) July(C) October(D) DecemberAns : (C)

79. Seed-rate for timely sown wheat is—(A) 75 kg/ha(B) 100 kg/ha(C) 125 kg/ha(D) 150 kg/haAns : (C)

80. Most critical stage in wheat for irrigation is—(A) C.R.I.(B) Flowering(C) Milk(D) DoughAns : (A)

81. Name of most popular variety of wheat in Uttar Pradesh is—(A) PBW – 343(B) U.P. – 2338(C) K – 7903(D) K – 9107Ans : (B)

82. KPG – 59 (Udai) is a variety of—(A) Field pea(B) Vegetable pea(C) Lentil(D) GramAns : (D)

83. In plain, Rajma is cultivated during—(A) Kharif(B) Rabi(C) Zaid

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(D) None of theseAns : (A)

84. Which crop is recommended for Zaid season cultivation in Uttar Pradesh ?(A) Vegetable pea(B) Groundnut(C) Barley(D) LentilAns : (B)

85. The most efficient use of potassium is achieved by—(A) Broadcasting at the sowing time(B) Top dressing after one month of sowing(C) Basal placement at the sowing time(D) Foliar sprayAns : (C)

86. The term ‘Extension’ was first used in—(A) U.K.(B) U.S.A.(C) India(D) FranceAns : (B)

87. The first K.V.K. (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) in India was established in—(A) Bombay(B) Port Blair(C) Pondicherry(D) MadrasAns : (C)

88. ATMA is related to—(A) NARP(B) NAARM(C) NREP(D) None of theseAns : (D)

89. Albert Mayer is the name associated with—(A) Nilokheri Development Project(B) Firka Development Project(C) Etawah Pilot Project(D) Shriniketan ProjectAns : (C)

90. Co-operative Credit Societies Act was passed in India in—

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(A) 1902(B) 1904(C) 1906(D) 1912Ans : (D)

91. Maximum photosynthesis takes place in—(A) Blue light(B) Red light(C) Violet light(D) Green lightAns : (D)

92. Farm Planning means—(A) Farm Budgetting(B) Cropping pattern(C) Type of enterprises(D) None of theseAns : (B)

93. The first product of photosynthesis in C3 plant is—(A) Pyruvic acid(B) Phospho-glyceric acid(C) Oxalo-acetic acid(D) Succinic acidAns : (B)

94. Bending of plants towards light is called—(A) Phototropism(B) Vernalisation(C) Photo-respiration(D) None of theseAns : (A)

95. Germination is inhibited by—(A) Red light(B) Blue light(C) U.V. light(D) I.R. lightAns : (C)

96. The best method of milking is—(A) Knuckling method(B) Fisting method(C) Stripping method(D) None of these

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Ans : (D)

97. Line breeding is a type of—(A) Inbreeding(B) Outbreeding(C) Natural breeding(D) None of theseAns : (A)

98. Match List-I with List-II and select answer from the codes given below—List-I(a) White Revolution(b) Grey Revolution(c) Blue Revolution(d) Green RevolutionList-II1. Fertilizer production2. Fish production3. Cereal production4. Milk productionCodes :(a) (b) (c) (d)(A) 4 1 2 3(B) 1 2 3 4(C) 2 4 3 1(D) 1 3 4 2Ans : (A)

99. ‘Tharparkar’ breed of cow is—(A) Milch breed(B) Working breed(C) Dual purpose breed(D) None of theseAns : (C)

100. Cow and buffalo belong to the family—(A) Bovidae(B) Suidae(C) Equidae(D) CammelidaeAns : (A)

101. What is the contribution of Animal Husbandry Sector in the agricultural growth ?(A) 10%(B) 12% – 15%(C) 7% – 9%

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(D) 5%Ans : (C)

102. How many labourers are required to run a 30 cows milch herd ?(A) 8(B) 6(C) 4(D) 10Ans : (B)

103. What is the availability of per day per capita milk in India presently (2008-09) ?(A) 229 gram(B) 239 gram(C) 219 gram(D) 252 gramAns : (D)

104. Which place is occupied by India in egg production ?(A) First(B) Second(C) Third(D) FourthAns : (A)

105. How much calories (cal) may be obtained from 100 gram chicken egg ?(A) 175 cal(B) 180 cal(C) 160 cal(D) 130 calAns : (C)

106. Main function of biofertilizer is—(A) To increase chemical process(B) To increase physiological process(C) To increase biological process(D) To increase photosynthesis processAns : (C)

107. How much tomato average production (q.) may be yield from one hectare ?(A) 100(B) 105-150(C) 250(D) 160-275Ans : (D)

108. Which type of soil is found near the canal banks ?

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(A) Acidic and alkaline(B) Acidic(C) Alkaline(D) None of theseAns : (C)

109. Which one is not biofertilizer ?(A) Multiflex(B) PSB(C) Vermicompost(D) NADEPAns : (A)

110. In which form is nitrogen absorbed by paddy under waterlogged condition ?(A) NH4 ion(B) Nitrate ion(C) NO2 ion(D) N2Ans : (B)

111. Which one of the following do not relate to groundnut ?(A) Brazil(B) 2n = 40(C) Pink disease(D) Tikka diseaseAns : (C)

112. Which of the following is produced highest in India ?(A) Mango(B) Banana(C) Papaya(D) GrapesAns : (A)

113. The optimum temperature for the Banana crop is—(A) 30°C(B) 23°C(C) 21•5°C(D) 26•5°CAns : (B)

114. Which one of the following varieties has been selected to develop Narendra Aonla-6 variety ?(A) Chakaiya(B) Hathijhool(C) Banarasi

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(D) Narendra Aonla-6Ans : (D)

115. Red soil is poor in which of the following nutrients ?(A) Phosphorus and Sulphur(B) Phosphorus and Nitrogen(C) Nitrogen and Zinc(D) Nitrogen and PotassiumAns : (D)

116. A farming system in which airable crops are grown in alleys formed by trees or shrubs, to establish soil fertility and to enhance soil productivity, is known as—(A) Relay cropping(B) Multiple cropping(C) Alley cropping(D) Mixed croppingAns : (C)

117. The cropping intensity of Groundnut + Arhar – Sugarcane is—(A) 200%(B) 300%(C) 150%(D) 250%Ans : (C)

118. The scented variety of paddy is—(A) Jaya(B) Bala(C) Type-3(D) Type-1Ans : (C)

119. From which language is the word ‘Agronomy’ taken ?(A) Latin(B) Greek(C) French(D) GermanAns : (B)

120. Tarameera is belonged to which family ?(A) Cruciferae(B) Linaceae(C) Compositae(D) GraminaeAns : (A)

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121. The size of clay particles are—(A) 1•0 mm(B) 0•2 – 0•02 mm(C) < 0•02 mm(D) < 0•002 mmAns : (D)

122. When one plant has both male and female flowers separately, is called—(A) Monophrodits(B) Monoecious(C) Hermaphrodite(D) ApomixisAns : (D)

123. Aamrapali is the cross of—(A) Neelam x Dashaheri(B) Dashaheri x Langra(C) Langra x Dashaheri(D) Dashaheri x NeelamAns : (D)

124. Seed-plot technique is adopted in—(A) Onion (B) Potato(C) Sugarcane (D) TomatoAns : (B)

125. The origin of litchi is—(A) India (B) Philippines(C) China (D) BurmaAns : (C

Punjab National Bank Agriculture Officers Exam., 2009

Professional Knowledge (Agriculture) : Solved Paper(Held on 4-1-2009)

1. This ‘Biofertilizer’ is a nitrogen fixing micro-organism, beneficial for non-leguminous as well as for vegetable crops—(A) Rhizobium (RHZ)(B) Azotobacter (AZT)(C) Azospirillum (AZS)(D) Blue Green Algae (BGA)(E) Phosphate Solubilising (PSB) mobilizing bacteria

2. What percentage of total area under Banana cultivation in India presently, is cultivated by using Tissue-cultured (GMO) plantlets ?(A) 10 per cent(B) 15 per cent

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(C) 20 per cent(D) 25 per cent(E) 30 per cent

3. As per the recent ‘Micro-credit Summit (2007)’, what percentage of total Micro Finance Institutions (MFls) in India serves less than, 10,000 clients (number of clients per MFI) ?(A) 70 per cent(B) 75 per cent(C) 80 per cent(D) 85 per cent(E) 90 per cent

4. Fisheries Sector in India contributes what percentage of Agricultural—‘Gross Domestic Product’ (GDP), as on March 2007 ?(A) 2·5 per cent(B) 3·5 per cent(C) 4·5 per cent(D) 5·5 per cent(E) 6·5 per cent

5. This agricultural product/horticultural crop requires 2 degree Celsius temperature and 90 per cent humidity for storing in the cold storage—(A) Mango pulp(B) Roses(C) Mushroom(D) Milk Products(E) Fish Products

6. The plan outlay for Irrigation Sector to total plan outlay in India was highest (12·5 per cent) in this Five Year Plan (FYP)—(A) VIth Five Year Plan(B) VIIth Five Year Plan(C) VIIIth Five Year Plan(D) IXth Five Year Plan(E) Xth Five Year Plan

7. The recommended ratio of use of NPK, the chemical fertilizer by farmers in India is—(A) 2 : 2 : 2(B) 3 : 2 : 1(C) 4 : 2 : 1(D) 5 : 2 : 1(E) 6 : 2 : 1

8. This state is a leader in production and export of the Gherkins (Hybrid Cucumber) under the Contract Farming—(A) Tamil Nadu(B) Andhra Pradesh(C) Karnataka(D) Kerala(E) Maharashtra

9. What should be the optimum spacing (in meters) for planting ‘Pusa Nanha’ variety of Papaya under the High Density Planting ?(A) 1·25 m × 1·25 m(B) 1·50 m × 1·50 m(C) 1·75 m × 1·75 m(D) 2·00 m × 2·00 m(E) 2·50 m × 2·50 m

10. Dramatic increase in food prices world over had severe consequences for third world countries (FAO, 2008). How many countries in the world are now facing food crisis, because of this phenomenon ?(A) 35 countries

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(B) 36 countries(C) 37 countries(D) 38 countries(E) 39 countries

11. How many outbreaks of ‘Avian Influenza (H5N1)’ were recorded in West Bengal and Tripura during January 2008 and May 2008 ?(A) 37(B) 39(C) 40(D) 41(E) 42

12. According to Dr. C. Rangarajan ‘Committee on Financial Inclusion (2007)’, what percentage of Rural Population in India holds Bank Account ?(A) 18 per cent(B) 24 per cent(C) 31 per cent(D) 35 per cent(E) 40 per cent

13. Which one of the following Indian States is the largest beneficiary or gainer of the SGSY–credit extended by Banksduring 2006–07 ?(A) Tamil Nadu(B) Bihar(C) Orissa(D) Uttar Pradesh(E) None of these

14. This variety of Tomato is highyielding with good quality fruits and suitable for Jharkhand State for cultivation—(A) Swarna Lalima(B) Swarna Shyamali(C) Swarna Pratibha(D) Swarna Shree(E) Swarna Manohar

15. How many plants/trees of Amrapali variety of mango could be profitably accommodated, when planted at 5·0 m × 5·0 m (square method) per hectare ?(A) 1,400 plants(B) 1,500 plants(C) 1,600 plants(D) 1,700 plants(E) None of these

16. Which one of the following Brinjal hybrid varieties recently released suitable for U.P. Punjab, Bihar and Jharkhand—(A) Kashi Sandesh(B) Swarna Shakti(C) Kashi Ganesh(D) HA BH-17(E) HA BH-3

17. ‘Sweta Seedless’ grape variety recently released by IIHRBangalore, is suitable for growing in—(A) North India(B) South India(C) Western India(D) Eastern India(E) All over the country

18. Which one of the following rice/paddy hybrid varieties having superfine grain, aromatic, matured within

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120-125 days and recently released for cultivation in Haryana, Delhi and Uttarakhand ?(A) PA 6201(B) Pusa RH 10(C) KRH2(D) RH 204(E) Pant Sankar Dhan 3

19. Rabi Sorghum is an important crop suitable for ‘Rainfed Ecosystem’ of this State—(A) Maharashtra(B) Karnataka(C) Gujarat(D) Bihar(E) Tamilnadu

20. This ‘Agro-Ecosystem’ is characterized by low, erratic rainfall with high coefficient of variation and frequent droughts in India—(A) Irrigated agro-ecosystem(B) Arid agro-ecosystem(C) Coastal agro-ecosystem(D) Rainfed agro-ecosystem(E) Hill and Mountain agroecosystem

21. ‘Leaf Rust’ is a serious disease of this crop and till date, there is no effective and ecologically safe fungicide for controlling this disease—(A) Sweet Potato(B) Grape(C) Rice(D) Wheat(E) Sorghum

22. What is botanical (Scientific) name of Safed Musli–a medicinal plant grown almost all over India ?(A) Chlorophytum borivilianum(B) Curculigo orchioides(C) Piper longum(D) Solanum surattense(E) None of these

23. Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology is located at—(A) Abohar (Punjab)(B) Ludhiana (Punjab)(C) Bangalore (Karnataka)(D) Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)(E) Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)

24. Which one of the following Castor hybrids, you will suggest for getting good yields for rainfed and irrigated areas of Rajasthan State ?(A) RHC 1 (VP-1 × TMV5-1)(B) DCH 6 (JP 65 × JI 96)(C) DCH 519 (M574 × DCS 78)(D) DCH 177 (DCP 9 × DCS 9)(E) None of these

25. Which one of the following ‘mixed cropping’ pattern you would suggest to the farmers for getting higher economic benefits ?(A) Bhindi + Spongegourd(B) Mango + Turmeric(C) Mango + Colocasia(D) Mango + Groundnut(E) Colocasia + Turmeric

26. Which one of the following States has created ‘Organic Commodities Board’ to promote and restore value of foodcrops, which are mostly grown on marginal lands ?

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(A) Kerala(B) Karnataka(C) Jharkhand(D) Madhya Pradesh(E) Uttarakhand

27. The Central Frozen Semen Production and Training Institute is one of the premier Institute of Animal Husbandry, is located at (HQ)—(A) Hessarghatta (Karnataka)(B) Sunabada (Orissa)(C) Dhamrod (Gujarat)(D) Suratgarh (Rajasthan)(E) Andeshnagar (Uttarakhand)

28. What percentage of total cultivable area in India is under ‘Horticultural Crops’ ?(A) 10 per cent(B) 11 per cent(C) 12 per cent(D) 13 per cent(E) 14 per cent

29. ‘National Agricultural Insurance Scheme’ (NAIS) was in operation in India since—(A) Rabi season 1999–2000(B) Kharif season 1998–1999(C) Rabi season 2000–2001(D) Kharif season 2000–2001(E) None of these

30. ‘Pusa Arunima’ is an improved hybrid variety of this crop relased by IARI, New Delhi—(A) Mango (B) Guava(C) Grape (D) Citrus(E) Pomegranate31. As on 2007, how many Indian States/Union Territories (UTs) have partially modified their respective Acts under the ‘Agricultural Marketing Reforms’ ?(A) 12 States/UTs(B) 13 States/UTs(C) 14 States/UTs(D) 15 States/UTs(E) 16 States/UTs

32. What is the total ‘Export Earnings’ (Rs. crore) in 2004-05 from livestock, poultry and related products in India ?(A) Rs. 2200 crore(B) Rs. 2250 crore(C) Rs. 2300 crore(D) Rs. 2350 crore(E) Rs. 5150 crore

33. Which one of the following States is leading one (Ranked first) in production of ‘Cut Flowers’ in India ?(A) Maharashtra(B) Karnataka(C) Andhra Pradesh(D) Uttar Pradesh(E) West Bengal

34. To accommodate 277 plants of ‘Acid Lime’ in one hectare area, what should be the spacing between two plants ?(A) 5·5 m × 5·5 m(B) 6·0 m × 6·0 m(C) 6·5 m × 6·5 m

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(D) 7·0 m × 7·0 m(E) None of these

35. Which one of the following ‘Maize Hybrids’, you will suggest to the farmers of Punjab State for growing in ‘Rabi season’ for Higher Yields ?(A) Vivek Hybrid(B) Vivek Hybrid 15(C) Hybrid Sheetal(D) Deccan 115(E) Pratap Hybrid Makka 1

36. According to ‘National Sample Survey Organisation’ (NSSO 2006), which one of the followingInformation Sources is most availed by the Indian farmers in getting farm information ?(A) Radio/TV(B) Fram Input Dealers(C) Progressive Farmers(D) Krishi Vigyan Kendras(E) Agricultural University Specialist

37. More than 40 per cent of the 197 Private Sugar Mills in India are located in this State—(A) Uttar Pradesh(B) Tamilnadu(C) Chhattisgarh(D) Andhra Pradesh(E) Karnataka

38. What is the subsidy component to the total loan amount/total investment available to SC, ST, woman and other disadvantaged sections candidates under the scheme of ‘Establishing Agriclinic and Agribusiness Centres’ by the Agri/Vet/Horticultural graduates ?(A) 25 per cent(B) 33·33 per cent(C) 50 per cent(D) 60 per cent(E) 80 per cent

39. In which one of the following years, the NABARD was established in India—as an Apex Financial Institution for Rural and Agricultural Development ?(A) 1980 (B) 1981(C) 1982 (D) 1983(E) 198440. As per the RBI’s directives, Banks should not insist upon the margin/collateral security for the loans to borrowers upto the limits of—(A) Rs. 50,000(B) Rs. 75,000(C) Rs. 1,00,000(D) Rs. 1,25,000(E) Rs. 1,50,000

Answers :1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (E) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (E)11. (B) 12. (A) 13. (E) 14. (A) 15. (E) 16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (B)21. (D) 22. (A) 23. (B) 24. (D) 25. (A) 26. (E) 27. (A) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (A)31. (C) 32. (E) 33. (B) 34. (B) 35. (B) 36. (A) 37. (A) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (B)[ Read More... ] 0 comments Labels: Agriculture, Bank PO Exams, Solved Papers

Dena Bank Agriculture Officers Exam, 2008 : Agriculture (Solved)

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Dena Bank Agriculture Officers Exam., 2008(Held on 2-9-2008)

Agriculture : Solved Paper

1. Which of the following crops is tolerant of soil on water salinity ?(A) Date-palm(B) Cabbage(C) Orange(D) Grapes(E) Peas

2. How many minimum tractor hours per year of 40 H.P. power should be used approximately for purely agricultural use and not for custom service unit to become viable unit ?(A) 500 hrs. (B) 600 hrs.(C) 1000 hrs. (D) 1500 hrs.(E) 2000 hrs.

3. Drip-irrigation has been most successful for……(A) Rice (B) Wheat(C) Berseem (D) Lucerne(E) Grape

4. The percentage of Nitrogen (N) in DAP is……(A) 46 (B) 26(C) 18 (D) 80(E) 30

5. Contract farming consists of……(A) hiring land by farmers on contract basis for cultivation(B) supply of agreed quantity of produce to agreed price to the company(C) company taking on lease basis farmers’ land for cultivation(D) processing cash crops, vegetables etc. by company and to give back to farmers(E) providing inputs by company to farmers for improving quality of produce

6. Water held in the soil is not available to the plant, if it is held at tension……(A) 1/3 atmosphere(B) below 1/3 atmosphere(C) 1-3 atmosphere(D) 3-15 atmosphere(E) above 15 atmosphere

7. While starting cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, first it should be ensured……(A) cultivation expenses(B) medicinal value of plants(C) availability of processing unit(D) location of the farm(E) availability of assured profitable market

8. West Coast Tall (WCT) is a variety of……(A) Paddy (B) Cashew(C) Coconut (D) Arecanut

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(E) Coco

9. The phenomenon of Heterosis has been most commercially exploited first in……(A) Rice (B) Wheat(C) Maize (D) Sugarcane(E) Tobacco

10. Processed meat and poultry products have good market. However, their export is mainly hampered due to……(A) processing not as per demand(B) breeds are not suitable for export(C) no proper transport conditions (D) unhygienic conditions of slaughter houses and animal diseases(E) domestic market is available easily

11. Arabica is a type of……(A) flower (B) horse(C) coffee (D) vegetable(E) fodder

12. Vermicompost is prepared with the help of following……(A) Bacteria (B) Earthworms(C) Ants (D) Virus(E) Fungus

13. The average carbon / nitrogen ratio of soils is generally……(A) 25 : 1 (B) 5 : 1(C) 30 : 1 (D) 14 : 1(E) None of these

14. In case of Drip irrigation which of the following advantage is observed ?(A) It saves water(B) Root system of plant remains in upper layer of soil(C) Plastic tubes are not harmed by rats(D) Life of drip irrigation is very long(E) Where there is lot of rainfall, there are no limitation to such system

15. If PE denotes monthly average value of potential evapo–transpiration and R stands for monthly average rainfall, the period having PE/4 greater than or equal to R, is designated as……(A) Moist(B) Humid(C) Moderately Dry(D) Severe Drought(E) Dry

16. The National Agricultural Insurance Scheme in its first two years of operation envisaged to cover……(A) all crops-grown by small and marginal farmers only(B) all crops-cultivated with the help of crop loans only irrespective of the size of holding of the borrowers(C) all food crops-cultivated by all types of farmers(D) only horticultural crops(E) only seven commercial crops-grown under contract farming system

17. Which one of the following breeds of sheep produces superior carpet wool in India ?(A) Nellore

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(B) Nilgiri(C) Sonadi (D) Dorset(E) Jaisalmeri

18. Which one of the following is a European Species of honeybee successfully introduced in India ?(A) Apis mellifera(B) Apis florea(C) Apis dorsata(D) Apis cerana(E) Apis melipona

19. Which one of the following Indian States/Union Territories accounts for the largest quantity of shrimp production per annum, among all the states of India ? (A) West Bengal(B) Andaman and Nicobar Islands(C) Orissa(D) Kerala(E) None of these

20. The hybrid of which one of the following crops was evolved by India using modern DNA techniques and released in February 2005 ?(A) Ricinus communis(B) Solgum vulgare(C) Pennisetum typhoides(D) Arachis hypogaea(E) India has not released any such hybrid so far

21. As per the WTO Uruguay Round Agreement the domestic support creating trade distorting effect on agricultural commodities are included in……(A) Green Box (B) Amber Box(C) Pink Box (D) Blue Box(E) None of these

22. Which one of the following is the name of the nematode, which lives as internal parasite of buds and foliage of Chrysanthemum and strawberry and causes distortions and crinkling of foliage, and leaf spots ?(A) Aphelenchoides besseyi(B) Pratilenchus thornei(C) Meloidogyne incognita(D) Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi(E) None of these

23. Which of the following materials do not fit into the list of the raw materials used for feeding the earthworms in the scientific management of Vermiculture ?(A) Grass Clippings(B) Curd(C) Carrot tops(D) Lettuce leaves(E) All are useful

24. A small dairy farm daily produces 100 kilograms of average quality buffalo milk and sells it to an organised dairy at the rate of Rs. 100 per kilogram of total solids contained in the milk. How much would be the daily gross income of the farm from the sale of milk ?(A) Between Rs. 2,000 and Rs. 2,200(B) Between Rs. 1,250 and Rs. 1,400(C) Between Rs. 700 and Rs. 825(D) Between Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 1,100(E) Between Rs. 1,650 and Rs. 1,850

25. What would be the most probable date of giving the delivery of one day old chicks by a hatchery farmer,

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who has put the fertile eggs of hen on his well functioning incubator on First of January ?(A) February 20(B) February 5(C) January 29(D) January 22(E) January 15

26. Which one of the following crops is sensitive to salt as well as boron in soil and water ?(A) Grape (B) Sugar beet(C) Carrot (D) Cotton(E) None of these

27. Which one of the following ornamental plants is a native of India and has been introduced into several countries from India ? (A) Gladiolus(B) Orchids(C) Bougainvillea(D) Marigold(E) None of these

28. How much area could be covered for giving one irrigation of 3" depth by a pumpset of one cusec output in the operation of 600 hours, if the water conveyance efficiency is 80 per cent ?(A) 180 acres (B) 320 acres(C) 240 acres (D) 160 acres(E) None of these

29. If in a water tank, the water pressure is 5 kg/cm2, then, pressure head would be :(A) 50 m (B) 10 m(C) 20 m (D) 5 m(E) None of these

30. Approximately how many eggs does a female silkworm lay in 24 hours after the proper copulation with the male moth in India ?(A) 200 (B) 1200(C) 100 (D) 400(E) None of these

31. The causal organism of Ranikhet disease of fowls is……(A) Pasteurella multocida(B) Brucella melitensis(C) Clorstridium chauvoei(D) Sporoltrix schenkii(E) None of these

32. Which one of the following is the name of self-fruitful variety of Prunus domestica grown in India ?(A) Virginia Gold(B) Santa Rosa(C) Grand Duke(D) Rome Beauty(E) None of these

33. Other things being suitable, what level of temperature is considered ideal for optimum growth of banana crop ?(A) 36°C

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(B) 18°C(C) 30°C (D) 12°C(E) 27°C

34. The deficiency of which one of the following vitamins in the ration of Poultry birds increases the Coagulation time of blood and creates the danger of haemorrhage ?(A) Vitamin A(B) Vitamin B1

(C) Vitamin K(D) Vitamin D(E) Vitamin B6

35. Which one of the following commodities does fall within the scope of the activities of National Horticulture Mission in India ?(A) Tomato(B) Arecanut(C) Cashewnut(D) Coconut(E) All above horticultural crops

36. Which one of the following is a species of grasses suitable for soil conservation of ravine lands and the land affected by shifting cultivation ?(A) Pennisetum polystachyon(B) Cenchurus setigerus(C) Eulalioposis binata(D) Lasiurus sindicus(E) Penicum antidotale

37. Which one of the following is the name of a dual purpose Indian cattle breed, which has been exported widely to Latin American countries in the past ?(A) Gir(B) Kankrej(C) Tharparkar(D) Nagauri(E) None of these

38. Iodine deficiency in the Sow’s ratio during pregnancy would be reflected through the symptom of……(A) Lactation failure(B) Poor reproduction(C) Birth of dead or weak piglets(D) Birth of hairless piglets(E) Birth of blind piglets

39. Which one of the following states has the largest area under Forest cover among all the states given in the list ?(A) Andhra Pradesh(B) Assam(C) Himachal Pradesh(D) Mizoram(E) Rajasthan

40. In the literature on the development of GMO crops, which one of the following crops is among those crops that have been designated as Orphan Crops ?(A) Soybean(B) Corn(C) Cowpea(D) Canola(E) None of these

41. Which one of the following would be the probable date of kidding for a she-goat that has been successfully serviced on First of March ? (All dates belong to the same year)

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(A) June 12(B) July 29(C) August 28(D) September 15(E) May 30

42. In India, which one of the following should be considered the right combination of the age in days and live body weight in kg for a lamb for its weaning ?(A) 20 days to 30 days and 6 kg to 7 kg(B) 45 days to 60 days and 8 kg to 10 kg(C) 105 days to 120 days and 18 kg to 21 kg(D) 75 days to 90 days and 12 kg to 15 kg(E) 55 days to 70 days and 9 kg to 11 kg

43. What is the causal organism of Powdery mildew of Ricinus communis ?(A) Sphacelotheca reiliana(B) Claviceps microcephala(C) Leveillula taurica(D) Puccinia carthami(E) Fusarium annuum

44. Which one of the following countries has been the largest importer of floriculture products; especially rose and lotus flowers in terms of value from India over last five years among all the countries given in the list ? (A) Japan(B) Italy(C) Netherlands(D) UAE(E) USA

45. As a good management practice recommended for the growing cattle in India, what should be the daily requirement of TDN for a cattle of 200 kg live body weight ?(A) 3•2 kg (B) 1•8 kg(C) 2•4 kg (D) 4•0 kg(E) 0•9 kg

46. Milk fever in cattle is caused due to the deficiency of : (A) Ca (B) Fe(C) Vit. ‘D’ (D) N(E) None of these

47. The cake of which one of the following materials prepared with the comparable processing technology, contains the largest percentage of ‘N’ plant nutrient among all the materials given in the list ?(A) Coconut (B) Neem(C) Palm nut (D) Mahua(E) Karanj

48. In respect of total foodgrains production during 2007-08 in India, which is correct in production (million tonnes) ?(A) 230•67 (B) 207•00(C) 217•85 (D) 200•00(E) None of these

49. Which one of the following feeding material is usually relished by the goats in India ?

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(A) Hay prepared from forest grasses(B) Straw of Sorghum vulgare(C) Silage of Sorghum vulgare(D) Straw of Phaseolus aureus(E) None of these

50. During last five years, which of the following Institutions have extended the largest amount of fresh credit for agriculture in India among all the institutions given in the list ?(A) NABARD (Direct credit)(B) Commercial Banks(C) Cooperative Banks(D) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies(E) Regional Rural Banks and Local Area Banks

Answers :1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (E) 4. (C) 5. (C) 6. (E) 7. (E) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (D) 11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (D) 14. (A) 15. (B) 16. (C) 17. (E) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (E) 21. (E) 22. (D) 23. (B) 24. (D) 25. (D) 26. (C) 27. (B) 28. (D) 29. (A) 30. (B)31. (E) 32. (B) 33. (B) 34. (C) 35. (E) 36. (A) 37. (B) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (B)41. (C) 42. (D) 43. (C) 44. (E) 45. (B) 46. (A) 47. (B) 48. (A) 49. (D) 50. (E) [ Read More... ]

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