National Agricultural Statistics Service U.S. Department of Agricultural Rm 5030, South Building 1400 Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, DC 20250-2000 Phone: 1-888-424-7828 Fax: 202-690-2090 E-mail: [email protected] Project 904 – ARMS Phase III Soybeans - Version 2 (10/26/2012) OMB No. 0535-0218: Approval Expires 10/31/2015 Completion of this form fulfills your mandatory 2012 Census of Agriculture reporting obligations. We are collecting information on costs and returns and need your help to make the information as accurate as possible. Authority for collection of information on the Costs and Returns Report is Title 7, Section 2204 of the U.S. Code. Under Title 7 of the U.S. Code and CIPSEA (Public Law 107-347), facts about your operation are kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes. Response is voluntary. You may skip any question(s) you prefer not to answer. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0535-0218. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 100 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. [If this operation is a partnership, please identify the other person(s) involved.] Partner 1 Partner Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Office Use Only Screening Box 0006 0004 0929 0009 0921 0925 0002 0926 0927 0928 Beginning Time (Military) Total Points R. Unit Partner Stratum Office Use Only Number of Supplements Please make corrections to label name, address, and ZIP code, if needed. Partner 3 Partner Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Partner 4 Partner Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Partner 2 Partner Name Address City State Zip Phone Number AGRICULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SURVEY COSTS AND RETURNS REPORT Soybeans 2012

AGRICULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT … CROPS 1. Were any field crops, such as corn, wheat, rice, etc. harvested from this operation or did this operation receive any income from these

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National AgriculturalStatistics Service

U.S. Department of AgriculturalRm 5030, South Building1400 Independence Ave., S.W.Washington, DC 20250-2000Phone: 1-888-424-7828Fax: 202-690-2090E-mail: [email protected]

Project 904 – ARMS Phase III Soybeans - Version 2 (10/26/2012) OMB No. 0535-0218: Approval Expires 10/31/2015

Completion of this form fulfills your mandatory2012 Census of Agriculture reporting obligations.

We are collecting information on costs and returns and need your help to make the information as accurate as possible.Authority for collection of information on the Costs and Returns Report is Title 7, Section 2204 of the U.S. Code. Under Title 7 of the

U.S. Code and CIPSEA (Public Law 107-347), facts about your operation are kept confidential and used only for statistical purposes.Response is voluntary. You may skip any question(s) you prefer not to answer.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection ofinformation unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0535-0218. The time requiredto complete this information collection is estimated to average 100 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing

data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

[If this operation is a partnership, please identify the other person(s) involved.]

Partner 1Partner Name


City State Zip Phone Number

Office Use Only


0006 0004 0929 00090921 0925 00020926 0927 0928



Points R. Unit Partner StratumOffice Use

OnlyNumber of


Please make corrections to label name, address, and ZIP code, if needed.

Partner 3Partner Name


City State Zip Phone Number

Partner 4Partner Name


City State Zip Phone Number

Partner 2Partner Name


City State Zip Phone Number


Soybeans 2012


For 2012, please report farm/ranch land owned, rented, or used by you, your spouse, or by the partnership, corporation or organization for which you are reporting. (Include all cropland, idle land, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), pastureland, woodland, wasteland, farmstead, acres used for crop/livestock production facilities, and all other building sites associated with this operation, etc.)

ACRES OPERATED None Number of Acres

1. How many acres of farm/ranch land were owned? .................................................................................... + 0020

2. How many acres of farm/ranch land were rented or leased from others---

(Exclude land used on an animal unit month (AUM) or fee per head basis under a grazing permit.)

a. for a fixed or flexible cash rent payment? ........................................................................................... + 0021

b. for a share of the crop or livestock production? (Include hybrid rental arrangement where rent paid is based on a fixed cash payment plus some shared production.) . ......................................................... +


c. for free? .............................................................................................................................................. + 0024

3. How many acres of farm/ranch land were rented or leased to others? (Include land rented for cash, for a share of crop or livestock production, or rent free.) ................................................ – 0025

None Number of Acres a. How many acres rented or leased to others (Item 3) did this

operation own? ............................................................................... 4000

Total Acres

4. Then the TOTAL ACRES in this operation in 2012 were: (Total Items 1 + 2a + 2b + 2c – 3.) ......................... = 0026


5. For the total acres in this operation (Item 4), please answer the following county questions.

a. In what county was the largest value of your agricultural products raised or produced? Principal County Name State Number of Acres

4001 4002 4003

b. If you also had agricultural activity in any other county, enter the county name(s), etc. Other County Name(s) State Number of Acres

4004 4005 4006

4007 4008 4009

4010 4011 4012

4013 4014 4015



LAND BREAKOUT Of the acres reported in Section 1, Item 4 please report acres below in the first item that applies for 2012. REPORT LAND ONLY ONCE FOR ITEMS 6-9. (NOTE: Report acres in CRP, Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Farmable Wetlands Program (FWP), and Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) in the most appropriate item below.)

6. Cropland (Exclude cropland pasture.) None Number of Acres

a. Cropland harvested (Include land from which crops were harvested or hay was cut, orchards, vineyards, nursery and greenhouse crops, Christmas trees, citrus groves, berries and short rotation woody crops.) ..............................


b. Cropland on which all crops failed or were abandoned (Exclude land in orchards and vineyards) ..................................................................................................


c. Cropland in cultivated summer fallow .................................................................................................. 4018

d. Cropland idle or used for cover crops or soil-improvement but not harvested and not pastured or grazed .........................................................................................................................


7. Pasture

a. Permanent pasture and rangeland ...................................................................................................... 4020

b. Woodland pastured ............................................................................................................................. 4021

c. Other pasture or grazing land (including rotational pasture) that could have been used for crops without additional improvements .................................................................................


8. Woodland not pastured (Include woodlots, timber tracts, and sugarbrush)..............................................................................................


9. All other land (Include farmsteads, home, buildings, livestock facilities, ponds, roads, wasteland, etc.) .........................................


10. TOTAL ACRES – (Total items 6 through 9. Acres should equal Item 4.) .................................................. 4025

CASH RENT 11. In 2012, did this operation rent or lease any cropland or pasture acres from others for cash? (Is Section 1, Item 2a positive?) (Exclude land rented or leased on a share basis, per-head or AUM basis,

free of charge, and rent that includes buildings, such as barns.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Item 12] .....................................

Code 4026

None Number of Acres

a. How many acres of non-irrigated cropland were rented or leased for cash? (Include acres cut and to be cut for hay.) ...................................................................................................


b. How many acres of irrigated cropland were rented or leased for cash? (Include fruit, nut, berry, vineyard, nursery, and hay land.)............................................................................


c. How many acres of permanent pasture, grazing or grassland were rented or leased for cash? (Exclude Federal, State, and other types of land rented or leased on an animal unit month (AUM) basis.) .......... ..



12. Were any of the acres in this operation irrigated by sprinklers, flooding, ditches or furrows, drip or trickle irrigation, etc. in 2012?

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 2] ..................................

Code 4030

None Acres Irrigated

a. How many acres of harvested land were irrigated? (Include irrigated land from which crops were harvested or hay was cut and land in bearing and nonbearing fruit, nut, berry, and nursery crops.) ..................


b. How many acres of pastureland, rangeland, abandoned cropland, and other land were irrigated? .... 4032


FIELD CROPS 1. Were any field crops, such as corn, wheat, rice, etc. harvested from this operation or did this operation receive any income from these crops in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and crops grown under contract. Exclude crops grown on land rented to others.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 3] ................................

Code 4033

2. Report quantity harvested in the unit specified with the crop name. For those crops not printed in the following table, enter the crop name and code from the list below for any other field crop harvested, or for which income was received in 2012. For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)

If more space is

needed, please use a separate sheet of paper.

Field Crop Code

Acres Harvested

Total Quantity Harvested

(Include landlord share and amount used on operation.)

Acres Irrigated

Operation’s share of the total quantity harvested that was (will be) used

on this operation?

Cash or Open Market Sales

(Dollars) Acres Tenths Acres Tenths

Potatoes (report sweet potatoes in



0122 Cwt.

4035 0123 Cwt.


............. 4036 4693


Lbs. 4037


Field Crop Code Acres


Total Quantity Harvested

(Include landlord share and amount used on operation.)

Acres Irrigated

Operation’s share of the total quantity harvested that was (will be) used

on this operation?

Cash or Open Market Sales


Corn for grain or seed ......... 4038

00060105 0106

Bu. 4039 0107

Bu. 4682

Corn for silage or greenchop 4040

00050109 0110

Tons 4041 0111

Tons 4683

Cotton, Upland – (Include cottonseed in value of sales only) ..................

4042 0281

4695 4696


4043 4684

Peanuts .......................... 4044

00160117 0118

Lbs. 4045 0119

Lbs. 4685

Rice ............................... 4046

00210125 0126

Cwt. 4047 0127

Cwt. 4686

Soybeans for beans ........... 4048

00260137 0138

Bu. 4049 0139

Bu. 4687

Winter Wheat for grain or seed (harvested in 2012) .....


01650153 0154

Bu. 4051 0155

Bu. 4688

4053 4054 4055

4056 4057


4060 4061 4062

4063 4064


4067 4068 4069

4070 4071



4075 4076

4077 4078



4082 4083

4084 4085



4089 4090 4091 4092 4093

Field Crops Code Field Crops Code Field Crops Code Alfalfa seed (pounds) ............................. 0035 Herbs, dried (pounds) .................................... 0211 Sugarbeets for seed (pounds) ..................... 0137 Barley for grain or seed (bushels) 0290 Kentucky bluegrass seed (pounds) ............... 0628 Sugarbeets for sugar (tons) ......................... 0028

Lentils (hundredweight) eed (pounds) ...................... 0209Birdsfoot trefoil seed (pounds) ................ 0224 Miscanthus (tons) .......................................... 0652 Sugarcane for sugar (tons) .......................... 0029 Bromegrass seed (pounds) .................... 0215 Oats for grain or seed (bushels) ..................... 0015 Sunflower seed, non-oil variety (pounds) ..... 0148 Buckwheat (bushels)



Orchardgrass seed (pounds) ......................... 0042 Sunflower seed, oil variety (pounds) ............ 0030 Peas, dry edible (hundredweight) .................. 0017 Switchgrass (tons) ....................................... 0653 Canola, edible (pounds) ......................... 0085 Popcorn (pounds shelled) .............................. 0019 Timothy seed (pounds) ................................ 0045 Clover, red clover seed (pounds) ............ 0043 Proso millet for grain or seed (bushels).......... 0141 Triticale for grain (bushels) . ......................... 0162 Cotton, pima (pounds) ............................ 0282 Rye for grain or seed (Exclude ryegrass) (bu)... 0022 Vetch seed (pounds) ................................... 0039 Dry Edible Beans – kidney, black, etc.

(Exclude Limas) (hundredweight)...... 0003 Ryegrass seed (pounds) ................................ 0136 Wheatgrass seed (pounds) .......................... 0201 Sorghum for grain/seed (Including milo) (bu) ... 0025 Wheat, other spring for grain or seed (bu) ... 0164

Emmer and spelt (bushels) ..................... 0161 Sorghum for silage or greenchop (tons) ......... 0024 Wheat, durum for grain or seed (bu) ............ 0163 Fescue seed (pounds) ............................ 0044 Sorghum for syrup (gallons) ........................... 0174 Wild rice (hundredweight). ........................... 0178 Flaxseed (bushels) ................................. 0009 Sorghum-Sudan crosses – Report in Sec. 3........... Other field crop, specify above. ...................Hay – Report in Section 3 ................................. Sudangrass seed (pounds) ............................ 0206



Section 6).........


Dry Lima Beans (hundredweight) 0268

0169 Sugarcane for s



Tobacco, all types


(pounds) 0657Camelina .................................



1. Were any hay or forage crops cut or harvested from this operation or did this operation receive any income from these crops in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and crops grown under contract. Exclude crops grown on land rented to others.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 4] ................................

Code 4094

TOTAL HAY AND FORAGE CROPS None Acres Harvested Acres Irrigated

2. All land from which dry hay, haylage, grass silage, or greenchop was cut or forage was harvested. (Exclude straw, corn silage, and sorghum silage.)..........

4095 4096

For Items 3 through 8, when both dry hay and haylage were cut from the same acres, report acres for each type. If two or more cuttings were made from the same acres, report acres for that item only once, but report total quantity harvested from all cuttings.



Total Quantity Harvested

(Include landlord share

and amount used on operation.)

Acres Irrigated

Operation’s share of the total quantity harvested that was (will be) used on this operation?

3. Alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures for dry hay .............................................

0157 0158 Tons, dry

4299 0159 Tons, dry

4. Haylage or greenchop from alfalfa or alfalfa mixtures ............................

4097 4098 Tons, green

4099 4100 Tons, green


5. Small grain dry hay – (barley, oats, rye, wheat, etc.) .................

4101 4102 Tons, dry

4103 4104 Tons, dry

6. Other tame dry hay – (clover, fescue, lespedeza, timothy,

Bermuda grass, Sudangrass, etc.) ..........

4105 4106

Tons, dry

4107 4108

Tons, dry

7. Wild dry hay ........................................ 4109 4110 Tons,

dry 4111 4112 Tons,


8. All other haylage, grass silage, and greenchop.................................

4113 4114 Tons, green

4115 4116 Tons, green

CASH OR OPEN MARKET SALES 9. After subtracting marketing expenses, what was the total dollar amount this operation received in

2012 for hay & forage crops? (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.) ...................

None Cash or Open Market Sales



CUT CHRISTMAS TREES, SHORT ROTATION WOODY CROPS, & MAPLE TREES1. Were any woodland crops grown, harvested, or tapped on this operation or did this operation receive any income from these crops in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and crops grown under contract. Exclude crops grown on land rented to others.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 5] ................................

Code 4117

For Items 2 through 4, report products sold from this operation in 2012. For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)

None Acres

in Production Number of Trees Cut

Acres Irrigated

Cash or Open Market Sales


2. Cut Christmas trees – cut or to be cut. (Report live trees sold in Sec. 5.) .....

4118 4119 4120 4121

3. Short rotation woody crops – Trees with growth cycles of 10

years or less. (Exclude timber. Report nursery stock in Section 5.) ......

Acres in Production

Acres Harvested

Acres Irrigated

Cash or Open Market Sales


4122 4123 4124 4125

4. Maple syrup. .....................................

Number of Taps

Syrup Produced

Cash or Open Market Sales


4126 4127 Gallons






1. Were any nursery, floriculture, or greenhouse crops, including ornamental plants, flowers, mushrooms, aquatic plants, sod, food crops under protection, vegetable seeds, flower seeds, or other propagative materials, grown for sale on this operation or did this operation receive any income from these crops in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share, crops grown under contract, food crops grown in greenhouses, caves, and high tunnels where crops were always covered. Exclude crops grown on land rented to others, home gardens, personal or home use crops, and finished plants purchased from others and resold.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 6] ................................

Code 4129

Total Area Area Irrigated

2. Area on which nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, sod, mushrooms and propagative materials were grown .........................


Square Feet under Glass or

Other Protection

Acres in the Open Square Feet Under Glass or Other Protection

Acres in the Open

Acres Tenths Acres Tenths

4130 4131 4132 4133 0181

3. Enter the crop type and code from the list below for all crops grown or sold in 2012. For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)

Crop Type Code

Square Feet Under Glass or Other


Acres in the Open Cash or Open Market Sales

(Dollars) Acres Tenths

4135 4136 4137 4138

4140 4141 4142 4143

4145 4146 4147 4148

4150 4151 4152 4153

4155 4156 4157 4158

4160 4161 4162 4163

4165 4166 4167 4168

If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper.

Floriculture and Bedding Crops Code Propagative Materials Sold Code

Bedding/Garden plants – annuals, herbaceous perennials, vegetable plants (include hanging baskets) .......................... 0241 Bulb, corms, rhizomes, and tubers, dry ................................... 0248

Cut flowers and cut florist greens ............................................ 0262 Cuttings, seedlings, liners, plugs ........................................... 1002 Foliage plants, indoor (include hanging baskets)........................ 0256 Flower seeds .................................................................... 0036 Potted flowering plants ......................................................... 0252 Tobacco plants sold for transplant to farm fields ........................ 0175 Other floriculture and bedding, specify above............................. 1015 Vegetable seeds ............................................................... 0037

Vegetable transplants to farm fields........................................ 1006 Nursery Crops Code

Nursery stock – ornamentals, shrubs, shade trees, flowering trees, evergreens, live Christmas trees, fruit and nut trees, and plants, vines, palms, ornamental grasses, and bareroot herbaceous perennials ..................................................... 0254

Food Crops Grown Under Glass or Other Protection Code

Tomatoes ........................................................................ 1019 Aquatic plants .................................................................... 0315 Other vegetables and fresh cut herbs ..................................... 0250

Fruits and berries .............................................................. 1008 Sod Code

Sod harvested ................................................................... 0166 Mushroom Crops Code

Mushroom – Report growing area and sales ............................. 0093 Mushroom spawn – Report sales only .................................... 2495

Acres Harvested

Acres Tenths



VEGETABLES & MELONS 1. Were any vegetables, sweet corn, or melons harvested from this operation or did this operation receive any

income from these crops in 2012? (Report crops grown under glass or other protection in Section 5. Include your landlord’s share and crops grown under contract. Exclude crops grown on land rented to others, home gardens, and personal or home use crops.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 7] ................................

Code 4169


Acres Harvested Acres Irrigated

Acres Tenths Acres Tenths

2. Area from which vegetables, sweet corn, and melons were harvested in 2012? (Report multiple cropped acreage only once.) ......

4170 4171

3. For those crops not printed in the following table, enter the crop name and code from the list below for any other vegetables harvested in 2012. If more than one vegetable crop was harvested from the same acres, report acres for each crop. For two or more pickings of the same crop, report the area harvested only once. Processing refers to vegetables that have been altered by heat, pressure, or freezing.

Crop Name Code Total Acres Harvested

Acres Harvested for Fresh Market

Acres Harvested for Processing

Acres Acres

Beans, snap (fresh) 4172

2131 4173 4174 4175

Beans, snap (processed) 4176

4131 4177 4178 4179

Peppers, Bell – (Exclude pimientos) 4180

0126 4181 4182 4183

Peppers, other than Bell – (Include chile) 4184

0127 4185 4186 4187

Tomatoes in the open (fresh) 4188

2134 4189 4190 4191

Tomatoes in the open (processed) 4192

4134 4193 4194 4195

4197 4198 4199 4200

4202 4203 4204 4205

4207 4208 4209 4210

4212 4213 4214 4215

4217 4218 4219 4220

4222 4223 4224 4225

If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper.


4. After subtracting marketing expenses, what was the total dollar amount this operation received in 2012 for vegetables, sweet corn, & melons? (Exclude contract sales or removals & landlord’s share of sales.) ...........

None Cash or Open Market Sales

(Dollars) 4690

Vegetables and Melons Code Vegetables and Melons Code Vegetables and Melons Code Vegetables and Melons Code Artichokes ............................. 0101 Cauliflower ............................. 0108 Horseradish ............................. 0151 Radishes ................................. 0129 Asparagus, bearing age ........ 0637 Celery..................................... 0109 Kale......................................... 0186 Rhubarb .................................. 0143

Chicor 0261 Lettuce, head .......................... 0117 Spinach, fresh ......................... 2132 Beans, Lima (fresh) ............... 2115 Collard 0185 Lettuce, leaf ............................ 0629 Spinach, processed ................ 4132 Beans, Lima (processed) ....... 4115 Cucumbers (fresh) .................. 2111 Lettuce, Romaine .................... 0146 Squash, summer ..................... 0133 Beets ..................................... 0103 Cucumbers for pickles

(processed) ........................ 4111 Mustard greens . ...................... 0187 Squash, winter ........................ 0150 Broccoli ................................. 0104 Daikon .................................... 0258 Okra ........................................ 0118 Brussels sprouts .................... 0105 Eggplant ................................. 0112 Onions, dry .............................. 0120

Sweet corn (fresh) ................... 2110 Cabbage, Chinese ................. 0249

Endive .................................... 0259 Onions, green ......................... 0119 Sweet corn (processed) .......... 4110

Cabbage, head (fresh)........... 2106 Escarole ................................. 0260 Parsley .................................... 0121

Sweet potatoes ....................... 0031

Cabbage, head (processed) .. 4106 Garlic...................................... 0114 Peas, Chinese (sugar, snow) .. 0234

Turnip greens .......................... 0189

Cantaloupes & muskmelons .. 0004 Ginseng .................................. 0198 Peas, green (fresh) ................. 2122 Turnips .................................... 0145

Carrots (fresh) ................... 2107 Herbs, fresh cut ...................... 0212 Peas, green (processed) ......... 4122 Watermelons ........................... 0033

Carrots (processed) ............... 4107 Honeydew melons ............... 0013 Pumpkins ................................ 0128 Vegetables, other, specify above ................. 0236

Tenths Tenths TenthsAcres



.s ...................................y ...................................


1. Was there a combined total of 20 or more fruit or nut trees, including grapevines, on this operation or did this operation receive any income from these crops in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and crops grown under contract. Exclude crops grown on land rented to others, abandoned acres, home gardens, and personal or home use crops.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 8] ................................

Code 4226

Total Acres Acres Irrigated

None Acres Acres

2. Acres in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, vineyards, and nut trees ...........................

4227 4228 4229

3. For those crops not printed in the following table, enter the crop name and code from the list below for any other fruit and nuts on this operation in 2012. (Include acres even if not harvested because of low prices, damage from hail, frost, etc.)

Crop Name Code

Total Acres Bearing

Age Acres Nonbearing Age Acres

Acres Acres Acres

Almonds 4230

0046 4231 4232 4233

Apples (fresh) 4234

5053 4235 4236 4237

Apples (processed) 4238

6053 4239 4240 4241

Grapes (fresh) 4242

0275 4243 4244 4245

Grapes (processed) 4246

6275 4247 4248 4249

4251 4252 4253 4254

4256 4257 4258 4259

4261 4262 4263 4264

4266 4267 4268 4269

4271 4272 4273 4274

4276 4277 4278 4279

If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper.

CASH OR OPEN MARKET SALES 4. After subtracting marketing expenses, what was the total dollar amount this operation received in

2012 for fruit & nuts? (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.) .............................

None Cash or Open Market Sales



Non-Citrus Fruits Code Non-Citrus Fruits Code Non-Citrus Fruits Code Citrus Fruits Code

Apricots (fresh) ...................... 5054 Olives (fresh) .............................. 5067 Pomegranates (fresh) .............. 5072 Tangelos (fresh) ...................... 5080 Apricots (processed) ............. 6054 Olives (processed) ..................... 6067 Pomegranates (processed) ..... 6072 Tangelos (processed) ............. 6080 Avocados (fresh) ................... 5055 Papayas (fresh) .......................... 5096 Prunes (fresh) ......................... 5073 Tangerines (fresh) ................... 5081 Avocados (processed) ........... 6055 Papayas (processed).................. 6096 Prunes (processed) ................. 6073 Tangerines (processed) .......... 6081 Cherries, sweet (fresh) .......... 5155 Passion fruit (fresh) .................... 5233 Other Non-Citrus, (fresh) ......... 5277 Temples (fresh) ....................... 5079 Cherries, sweet (processed) .. 6155 Passion fruit (processed) ............ 6233 Other Non-Citrus, (processed). 6277 Temples (processed) .............. 6079 Cherries, tart (fresh) .............. 5156 Peaches, Clingstone (fresh) ....... 5643 Other Citrus, (fresh) ................ 5269 Cherries, tart (processed) ...... 6156 Peaches, Clingstone (processed) . 6643 Citrus Fruits Code Other Citrus, (processed) ........ 6269 Dates (fresh) ......................... 5061 Peaches, Freestone (fresh) ........ 5644 Grapefruit (fresh) ..................... 5075 Dates (processed) ................. 6061 Peaches, Freestone (processed) .. 6644 Grapefruit (processed) ............ 6075 Nuts Code Figs (fresh) ............................ 5062 Pears, Bartlett (fresh) ................. 5069 Kumquats (fresh) ..................... 5263 Chestnuts................................ 0059 Figs (processed).................... 6062 Pears, Bartlett (processed) ......... 6069 Kumquats (processed) ............ 6263 Hazelnuts (Filberts) ................. 0047 Guava (fresh) ........................ 5090 Pears, other (fresh) .................... 5314 Lemons (fresh) ........................ 5076 Macadamia Nuts ..................... 0048 Guava (processed) ................ 6090 Pears, other (processed) ............ 6314 Lemons (processed)................ 6076 Pecans, improved ................... 0633 Kiwifruit (fresh) ...................... 5064 Persimmons (fresh) .................... 5070 Limes (fresh) ........................... 5077 Pecans, native & seedling ....... 0634 Kiwifruit (processed) .............. 6064 Persimmons (processed) ............ 6070 Limes (processed) ................... 6077 Pistachios ............................... 0050 Mangos (fresh) ...................... 5065 Plums (fresh) .............................. 5071 Oranges, Valencia (fresh)........ 5157 Walnuts, English ..................... 0631 Mangos (processed) .............. 6065 Plums (processed) ..................... 6071 Oranges, Valencia (processed) . 6157 Walnuts, other ......................... 0632 Nectarines (fresh) .................. 5066 Pluots (fresh) .............................. 5630 Oranges, other (fresh) ............. 5158 Other Nuts, specify above .......... 0207 Nectarines (processed) ......... 6066 Pluots (processed) ..................... 6630 Oranges, other (processed) ..... 6158

Acres Harvested

Tenths Tenths Tenths

Tenths Tenths TenthsAcres



BERRIES 1. Were any strawberries, cranberries, or other berries grown on this operation or did this operation receive any income from these crops in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and crops grown under contract. Exclude crops grown on land rented to others, home gardens, and personal or home use crops.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 9] ................................

Code 4280

None Acres Grown Acres Irrigated

Acres Acres

2. Acres on which berries were grown on in 2012 .......................... 4281 4282

3. Complete the following table for each berry crop grown on this operation in 2012. For two or more pickings of the same crop, report the acres only once.

Crop Name Code

Total Acres Acres Harvested Acres not Harvested

Acres Acres

Blackberries and dewberries (fresh) (including Marionberries)


5056 4284 4285 4286

Blackberries and dewberries (processed) (including Marionberries)


6056 4288 4289 4290

Strawberries (fresh) 4291

2074 4292 4293 4294

Strawberries (processed) 4295

4074 4296 4297 4298

4301 4302 4303 4304

4306 4307 4308 4309

4311 4312 4313 4314

4316 4317 4318 4319

4321 4322 4323 4324

4326 4327 4328 4329

4331 4332 4333 4334

If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper.

CASH OR OPEN MARKET SALES 4. After subtracting marketing expenses, what was the total dollar amount this operation received in

2012 for berries? (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.) ...................................


Cash or Open Market Sales

(Dollars) 4692

Berries Code Berries Code

Blueberries, tame (fresh) .................................................................... 5279 Loganberries (fresh) ......................................................................... 5271 Blueberries, tame (processed) ............................................................ 6279 Loganberries (processed) ................................................................. 6271 Blueberries, wild (fresh) ...................................................................... 5280 Raspberries, black (fresh) ................................................................. 5641 Blueberries, wild (processed) ............................................................. 6280 Raspberries, black (processed) ........................................................ 6641 Boysenberries (fresh) ......................................................................... 5182 Raspberries, red (fresh) .................................................................... 5642 Boysenberries (processed) ................................................................. 6182 Raspberries, red (processed) ............................................................ 6642 Cranberries (fresh) ............................................................................. 5060 Raspberries, other (fresh) ................................................................. 5140 Cranberries (processed) ..................................................................... 6060 Raspberries, other (processed) ......................................................... 6140 Currants (fresh) .................................................................................. 5273 Berries, other (fresh) ......................................................................... 5267 Currants (processed) .......................................................................... 6273 Berries, other (processed) ................................................................ 6267

Tenths Tenths

Tenths Tenths Tenths




CATTLE & CALVES 1. Did you or anyone else have any cattle or calves, including dairy cattle, on this operation in 2012, or did this operation receive any income from cattle or calves in 2012? (Include cattle on this operation, on public or industrial property under a grazing permit, on land used rent free by this operation, grown or fed on this operation for others on a custom or contractual basis and your landlord’s share. Exclude cattle grown or fed by someone else on a custom or contractual basis.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 10] ................................

Code 4335


2. Of the total number of cattle and calves on hand, how many were - None

Number on this operation

December 31, 2012

On December 31, 2012 how many were

owned by this operation?

a. Beef cows? (Include beef heifers that had calved. Exclude heifers that had not calved, steers, calves, and bulls) ..................

0255 0256

b. Milk cows kept for production of milk? (Include dry milk cows. Exclude any heifers not yet freshened.) ..............

0258 0259

c. Other cattle? (Include heifers that had not calved, steers, calves, and bulls) ..................

0252 0253

d. TOTAL cattle and calves on hand December 31, 2012. (Add Items 2a, 2b, and 2c.) ........................................................

0261 0295


3. Of the cattle and calves sold or moved from this operation during 2012, how many were - None Number sold or moved in 2012

a. Calves sold or moved in 2012 weighing less than 500 pounds?............................................. 4336

b. Cattle sold or moved in 2012, including calves weighing 500 pounds or more? ....................... 4337

4. What was the total amount of milk sold or moved from this operation in 2012? ................................ 0270



After subtracting marketing expenses, what was the total dollar amount this operation received in 2012 for cattle and calves? (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.) None

Cash or Open Market Sales


5. Report cash or open market sales for cattle and calves sold from this operation in 2012. (Include fed cattle, beef and dairy cull animals, stockers and feeders, and veal calves, etc. Exclude breeding stock.) .........................................................................................................................


6. Report cash or open market sales for cattle BREEDING STOCK sold from this operation in 2012. ................................................................................................................................................


a. What was the recognized gain/loss on sales of breeding cattle? (if a loss was incurred, please indicate with a negative sign.)............................................................


7. Report cash or open market sales of milk from cows(before deduction of any hauling fees) ..................... 0510


(Include animals for slaughter market fed a ration of grain or other concentrates that are expected to produce a carcass that will grade select or better. Exclude cattle being backgrounded, pastured only, fed for home use, or veal.)

8. How many of the cattle on hand reported in Item 2d above were on feed December 31, 2012, and were or will be shipped directly from your feedlot to slaughter market? (Exclude cattle being backgrounded.) .............................................................................................

None Number on this operation on

December 31, 2012


9. How many of the cattle sold during 2012 reported in Item 3b above were shipped directly from your feedlot to slaughter market? (Exclude any of your cattle being custom fed in feedlots operated by others. Exclude cattle sold as feeders.). .........................................................................

Number sold or moved in 2012




HOGS & PIGS 1. Did you or anyone else have any hogs or pigs on this operation in 2012, or did this operation receive any

income from hogs or pigs in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share & hogs grown for others on a contract basis. Exclude hogs grown or fed by someone else on a custom or contractual basis.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 11] ................................

Code 4340

DECEMBER 31, 2012 INVENTORY 2. Of the total number of hogs and pigs on hand, how many were - None

on this operation

December 31, 2012

On how many were

owned by this operation?

a. Hogs and pigs used or to be used for breeding? ............................ 4341 4342

b. All other hogs and pigs? (Include market hogs and unweaned pigs) ............................................

4343 4344

c. TOTAL hogs and pigs on hand December 31, 2012. (Add Items 2a and 2b). ...................................................................

0263 0296

None Number

3. Number of hogs and pigs sold or moved from this operation during 2012? (Include feeder pigs) ..... 0262


After subtracting marketing expenses, what was the total dollar amount this operation received in 2012 for hogs and pigs? (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.) None

Cash or Open Market Sales


4. Report cash or open market sales for hogs and pigs sold from this operation in 2012. (Exclude breeding stock) .....................................................................................................................


5. Report cash or open market sales for hogs BREEDING STOCK sold from this operation in 2012. ............................................................................................................................................


a. What was the recognized gain/loss on sales of breeding hogs? (if a loss was incurred, please indicate with a negative sign.)........................................................


TYPE OF OPERATION AND PRODUCER 6. Mark the one item which best describes this operation – 4345 1 Farrow to wean 2 Farrow to finish 3 Finish only

4 Farrow to feeder 5 Nursery 6 Other – specify 7. Mark the one item which best describes this producer –

4346 1 Independent grower 2 Contract grower (contractee) 3 Contractor or integrator

EQUINE 1. Did you or anyone else have any equine such as horses, ponies, mules, burros, or donkeys on this operation in 2012, or did this operation receive any income from equine in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share & equine grown for others on a contract basis. Exclude equine grown or fed by someone else on a custom or contractual basis.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 12] ..............................


Report for this operation in 2012. For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)


Number on this operation

December 31, 2012

On December 31, 2012 how many were owned

by this operation?

Total Number Sold or Moved from

this operation in 2012

Cash or Open Market Sales


2. Horses/ponies OWNED by this operation ... 4348 4349 4350

3. Horses/ponies NOT OWNED by operation .4351 4352 4353

4. Mules, burros, and donkeys ...................... 4354 4355 4356 4357


Cash or Open Market Sales (Dollars)

5. Report the cash or open market sales for horse breeding or stud fees, semen, and other equine products. (Exclude income from boarding, training, or riding facilities, which are included in Section 25, Item 1 ) ...


6. For the equine NOT OWNED by you (reported in item 3), mark the one item which best describes why they are on this operation:

4359 1 Operation is a race track 2 Operation is a boarding, training, or riding 3 Operation is a breeding service place facility (Including recreational places) 4 Operation is not a boarding facility but horses 5 Other – specify:

are being kept for others’ personal use






2012 December 31,


SHEEP & GOATS 1. Did you or anyone else have any sheep, lambs, goats, or kids on this operation in 2012, or did this operation

receive any income from these livestock or their products (wool, mohair, or milk) in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and sheep/goats on this operation, on public or industrial property under a grazing permit, on land used rent free by this operation, and grown or fed on this operation for others on a custom or contractual basis. Exclude sheep/goats grown or fed by someone else on a custom or contractual basis.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 13] ..............................

Code 4360

2. Report for this operation in 2012. For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)


None Number on this operation

December 31, 2012 Total number sold or

moved in 2012 Cash or Open Market Sales


a. Sheep and lambs ......................................... 4361 4362 4363

(i) Ewes 1 year old or older ..................... 4364

b. For sheep reported in Item 2a, how many were hair sheep or wool-hair crosses? ........



c. Angora goats and kids ................................. 4366 4367 4368

d. Milk goats and kids ...................................... 4369 4370 4371

e. Meat & other goats and kids ........................ 4372 4373 4374

SHEEP and GOAT PRODUCTS Total amount produced

in 2012 Total amount sold or

moved in 2012 Cash or Open Market Sales


f. Wool shorn ................................................ 4375

lbs. 4376

lbs. 4377

g. Mohair clipped ........................................... 4378

lbs. 4379

lbs. 4380

h. Milk from sheep and goats ......................... 4381

AQUACULTURE1. Did you or anyone else have any aquaculture on this operation in 2012, or did this operation receive any income from aquaculture in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and production for others on a contract basis.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 14] ...............................

Code 4382

2. Enter the aquaculture type and code from the list below for fish and other aquaculture products grown on this operation in 2012. (Include all sizes for each type. Include food size, fingerlings, fry, and eggs. Report aquatic plants in Section 5). For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)

Aquaculture Type Code Total pounds sold or

moved in 2012 OR Total number sold or

moved in 2012 Cash or Open Market Sales



4385 OR

4386 4387


4390 OR

4391 4392


4395 OR

4396 4397


4400 OR

4401 4402

If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper.

Aquaculture Type Code Aquaculture Type Code Aquaculture Type Code

Catfish ......................................... 903 Baitfish (including crawfish for bait) . ........... 945 Ornamental fish ................................. 948

Trout ........................................... 913 Crustaceans (crawfish for food, shrimp, etc.) .. 946 Sport or game fish .............................. 949

Other food fish - specify above . .... ..... 944 Mollusks (clams, oysters, etc.) ................. 947 Other aquaculture products – specify above .................................. 901





POULTRY 1. Did you or anyone else have any poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, emus, ostriches, etc. on this operation in 2012, or did this operation receive any income from poultry (including eggs) in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and production for others on a contract basis.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 15] ..............................

Code 4403

For Items 2 through 4, report for this operation in 2012. For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)


Number on this operation

December 31, 2012

On December 31, 2012 how many were owned

by this operation

Total number sold or moved from this

operation in 2012

Cash or Open Market Sales


a. Broilers, fryers, & other chickens raised for meat production – (Include capons & roasters) .................

0265 0297 0264 0513

b. Table egg layers – (Include those for home use) ...............

0249 0250 0248 4404

(i) Chicken eggs (report in dozens) ... ..........

0266 4405

c. Hatching layers for meat-types – (Include layers for broilers, roasters, and other meat-types) .......................... .

4406 4407 4408 4409

d. Hatching layers for table eggs ......... ...4410 4411 4412 4413

e. Pullets for laying flock replacement .. ...4414 4415 4416 4417


a. Turkeys raised for meat production (Exclude breeders) .............................

4418 4419 4420 4421

b. Turkey hens and toms kept for breeding ........................................... ..

4422 4423 4424 4425

c. Turkey brooders, immature birds for further growout on another farm .. ..

4426 4427 4428 4429

4. ALL OTHER POULTRY – for poultry not reported above,

enter the type and code from the list below Code

Number on this operation

December 31, 2012

On December 31, 2012 how many were owned

by this operation

Total number sold or moved from this

operation in 2012

Cash or Open Market Sales


4431 4432 4433 4434 4435

4437 4438 4439 4440 4441

4443 4444 4445 4446 4447

4449 4450 4451 4452 4453

If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper.


Bantams ................................................ 960 Guineas ................................................. 962 Pigeons or squabs ........................... 803 Chukars ................................................ 961 Hungarian partridge ............................... 963 Quail ................................................ 811

Ducks .................................................... 917 Ostriches ............................................... 930 Rheas .............................................. 965

Emus ..................................................... 843 Peacocks or peahens ............................ 964 Roosters, breeding flock .................. 940

Geese ................................................... 923 Pheasants ............................................. 810 Other poultry not reported

elsewhere, specify above ............. 822 5. Was there any poultry hatched in this operation’s hatcheries in 2012?

(Include chicks, poults, ducklings, etc. Include poultry custom hatched for others. Specify kind(s) of poultry below) None

Number Hatched on this operation

in 2012



..................................... 4455

6. Of the poultry hatched in this operation’s hatcheries, reported in Item 5 above, mark ALL poultry items that apply –

4456 Egg-type chicken 4457 Broiler-type chicken 4458 Turkey 4459 All other poultry



COLONIES OF BEES 1. Did this operation own bees in 2012, regardless of location, or did this operation receive any income from honey in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 16] .............................

Code 4460

For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)

Number of colonies

owned on December 31, 2012

Largest number of colonies owned for

all purposes in 2012

Largest number of honey producing colonies owned

in 2012

Honey collected in 2012, regardless

of location (pounds)

Cash or Open Market Sales of Honey


2. Colonies of bees owned ..........4461 4462 4463 4464 4465

OTHER LIVESTOCK & LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS 1. Did you or anyone else have any other livestock or livestock products on this operation in 2012, or did this operation receive any income from other livestock or livestock products in 2012? (Include your landlord’s share and production for others on a contract basis. Include livestock products such as embryos, fur or pelts, horns, manure sold, semen, breeding fees, etc.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 17] .............................

Code 4466

For Items 2 through 4, report for this operation in 2012. For income received in 2012, report the dollar amount this operation received after subtracting marketing expenses. (Exclude contract sales or removals and landlord’s share of sales.)

2. Livestock None

Number on this operation

December 31, 2012

On December 31, 2012 how many were owned

by this operation

Total number sold or moved

in 2012

Cash or Open Market Sales


a. Alpacas ..............................4467 4468 4469 4470

b. Llamas................................4471 4472 4473 4474

c. Bison ..................................4475 4476 4477 4478

d. Deer in captivity ..................4479 4480 4481 4482

e. Elk in captivity ....................4483 4484 4485 4486

f. Live Mink ............................4487 4488 4489 4490

g. Live Rabbits .......................4491 4492 4493 4494

3. Other Livestock such as laboratory animals, worms, packaged bees, etc., not reported elsewhere on the form. Specify below:

Specify Type None

Number on this operation

December 31, 2012

On December 31, 2012 how many were

owned by this operation

Total number Sold or Moved

in 2012

Cash or Open Market Sales

(Dollars) 4495

4496 4497 4498 4499

4. Other Livestock Products not reported elsewhere on the form. (Include embryos, fur or pelts, horns,

manure sold, semen, breeding fees, other animal specialties, etc. Report equine products in Section 11.) Specify below:

Specify Type None Quantity produced

in 2012 Unit

Reported Cash or Open Market Sales

(Dollars) 4500

4501 4502 4503





1. Did any OTHER operation(s) grow, feed, or raise livestock or poultry owned by this operation under a contract arrangement in 2012 (you are the contractor)?

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 18] ...............................

Code 0271

None Dollars

a. What were your GROSS receipts from items sold or removed under these contracts? .................... ..0050

b. On December 31, 2012, what was the market value of unsold livestock or poultry remaining under these contracts? ..................................................................................................................... ..


c. How much was paid to contractees for labor, management, and reimbursement for expenses? ..... ..0052

MARKETING CONTRACTS 1. Did this operation have marketing contracts for any commodities delivered1/ in 2012? (A marketing contract is a verbal or written agreement reached before harvest of a crop or before completion of a livestock production stage, setting a price or pricing formula and market for the commodity.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 19] ..............................



2. (If Yes) Report the commodities delivered in 2012 through marketing contract(s). List the quantities marketed and the final price received. (Include only the quantity owned by the operation. Exclude money received from contractors as reimbursement for expenses (report this in SECTION 26). Exclude landlord shares (report in SECTION 21) and marketing charges (report in SECTION 20).)

What commodities did

this operation have MARKETING contracts

for in 2012?

Commodity Code

Office Use


What quantity of this commodity was delivered

through this contract? (Exclude landlord’s share.)

Unit Code

(from list below)

What was (will be) the FINAL PRICE RECEIVED per unit by this operation

for this commodity marketed under this contract?

What was the total dollar amount received in 2012

from this contract?

[Write in commodities] (Code) (Quantity) (Code) (Dollars & Cents) (Total Dollars) 0301 0304 0305 0306

.___ ___ ___ 0307

0316 0319 0320 0321 .___ ___ ___


0331 0334 0335 0336 .___ ___ ___


0346 0349 0350 0351 .___ ___ ___


0361 0364 0365 0366 .___ ___ ___


0376 0379 0380 0381 .___ ___ ___


1351 1354 1355 1356 .___ ___ ___


1366 1369 1370 1371 .___ ___ ___


1381 1384 1385 1386 .___ ___ ___


1396 1399 1400 1401 .___ ___ ___


1411 1414 1415 1416 .___ ___ ___


1426 1429 1430 1431 .___ ___ ___


If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper. 1/ “Delivered” includes commodities for which partial payment was made even if not physically delivered by December 31, 2012.

Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code

Pound ............. 01 Bushels .......... 04 Bale ............... 07 Flat ................. 10 Barrel ............. 20 Kilogram ........ 40 CWT................ 02 Bin .................. 05 Carton ............ 08 Head / Bird ..... 11 Acre ............... 22

Ton ................. 03 Box ................. 06 Dozen ............ 09 Plant / Pot ....... 13 Animal Space . 39




PRODUCTION CONTRACTS & CUSTOM FED LIVESTOCK1. Did this operation have production contracts for any commodities it produced in 2012? (A production contract is a verbal or written agreement setting terms, conditions, and fees to be paid by the contractor to the operation for the production of crops, livestock, or poultry. The contractor usually owns the commodity and often provides inputs.) YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 20] ..............................

Code 0400

2. (If Yes) Report in the table below the commodities with production contracts in 2012. Also list the quantities removed under these contracts and the final fee received. (Exclude money received to pay for production expenses. Expense reimbursements should be reported in SECTION 26.)

What commodities did

this operation have PRODUCTION

contracts for in 2012?

Commodity Code

Office Use


What quantity of this commodity was removed from the operation under

this contract? (Exclude landlord's share.)

Unit Code

(from list below)

What was (will be) the FINAL FEE RECEIVED per unit by this operation

for producing this commodity under

this contract?

What were the TOTAL FEES

RECEIVED in 2012 under this contract? 1/

[Write in commodities] (Code) (Quantity) (Code) (Dollars & Cents) (Total Dollars)

0401 0404 0405 0406 .___ ___ ___


0416 0419 0420 0421 .___ ___ ___


0431 0434 0435 0436 .___ ___ ___ 0437

0446 0449 0450 0451 .___ ___ ___


1441 1444 1445 1446 .___ ___ ___


1456 1459 1460 1461 .___ ___ ___


1471 1474 1475 1476 .___ ___ ___ 1477

1486 1489 1490 1491 .___ ___ ___


If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper. 1/ Income received for commodities produced under contract in previous years should be recorded in Section 20, Item 2a(i).

Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code Unit Code

Pound ............. 01 Bushels .......... 04 Bale ............... 07 Flat ................. 10 Barrel ............. 20 Kilogram ........ 40 CWT................ 02 Bin .................. 05 Carton ............ 08 Head / Bird ..... 11 Acre ............... 22

Ton ................. 03 Box ................. 06 Dozen ............ 09 Plant / Pot ....... 13 Animal Space . 39


1. In 2012, how much was spent by this operation (operators, partners, landlords, and contractors) for marketing and storage expenses incurred by this operation? (Include check-off, commissions, storage, inspection, ginning, etc. Include marketing expenses for contract sales.) ............................



None (Dollars) (Dollars) (Dollars)

0868 0869 0870


Commodity Expense Name Fee per Unit Unit Number of Units Total Marketing Expense

___ ___.___ ___ ___

___ ___.___ ___ ___

___ ___.___ ___ ___

___ ___.___ ___ ___





2. For each item below, report income received or the amount owed to the operation on the dates specified. Do not include crops in storage and not yet sold. (Include cash sales, marketing contract sales, and production contract removals.)

[NOTE: Crops in storage and not sold as of the reference date should be reported in Section 28, Item 5a.]

None Dollars

a. On January 1, 2012, what was the total dollar amount owed to this operation for all commodities produced and sold (cash or contract) before January 1, 2012? .......................................


(i) How much did this operation receive from Item 2a during 2012? ...................................................0875

b. What was the total dollar amount owed to this operation on December 31, 2012, for all commodities produced, sold (cash or contract), delivered, or removed under contract in 2012 and earlier years? ..........................................................................................................................

None Dollars 0886


1. For 2012, did this operation have a SHARE RENT agreement from others? (Is Section 1, Item 2b positive?)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Item 4] ......................................

Code 4678

None Dollars

2. What was the estimated total MARKET VALUE of your landlord’s share of crop production from this operation in 2012? ..........................................................................................................................................


3. What was the estimated total MARKET VALUE of your landlord’s share of livestock production sold or removed from this operation in 2012? (Exclude shared livestock production not part of a land rental arrangement.)


4. What is your estimate of the total dollar amount your landlord(s) received in government payments for the acres you rented from them? .............................................................................................



1. Were any facilities to store whole grains, oilseeds, or pulse crops on this operation on December 31, 2012? YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 23] ..............................

Code 4527

Bushels 2. What was the total whole grains, oilseeds, and pulse crops storage capacity on this operation?

(Include capacity of all structures normally used for storing whole grains, oilseeds, and pulse crops.) ...............................4528

COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION (CCC) LOANS 1. In 2012, did this operation receive or repay any Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loans?

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 24] ..............................

Code 0560

a. In 2012, how much was received for all commodities placed under CCC loans? (Include Austrian winter peas, barley, canola, rapeseed, corn, cotton, crambe, dry edible peas, flaxseed, honey, lentils, mohair, mustard seed, oats, peanuts, rice, safflower, sesame seed, small chickpeas, sorghum,

soybeans, sugar, sunflower seed, and wheat.) .......................................................................................

None Dollars


b. In 2012, what was the amount spent to repay all CCC loans? (Exclude storage and service fees.) ..........0519

[NOTE: If any of the crops or livestock products redeemed from the CCC were sold in 2012, verify that these sales are recorded in Marketing Contracts (SECTION 18, Item 2) or in Cash and Open Market Sales (SECTIONS 2 through 16). If the redeemed crops were NOT sold in 2012, their value should be reported in SECTION 28, Item 5a.]








FEDERAL & STATE AGRICULTURAL PROGRAM PAYMENTS1. In 2012, did this operation receive Federal, State or local farm program payments?

(Include government payments received through a cooperative. Exclude CCC loan payments.) YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 25] .............................

Code 0563

a. In 2012, how much was received from the Direct Counter-cyclical Payment (DCP) and

(Include government payments received through a cooperative.) .....................................................................

None Dollars 0525

(i) Of the total in Item 1a, what percent was for DCP direct payments? .....................................................................................



Percent of 1a 0520

(ii) Of the total in Item 1a, what percent was for DCP +


(iii) Of the total in Item 1a, what percent was for ACRE +


(iv) Of the total in Item 1a, what percent was for ACRE


= 100%

b. In 2012 how much was received in Loan Deficiency Payments (LDPs), Marketing Loan Gains (MLGs), and for net value of commodity certificates? (Include government payments received through a cooperative.) ....................................................................

None Dollars


c. In 2012 how much was received for CRP, CREP, and/or WRP payments? .......................................... . 0477

d. In 2012 how much was received for EQIP, CSP, and/or CStP contracts? ............................................. . 0478

e. In 2012 how much was received for Agricultural disaster payments? (Include all disaster assistance and market loss payments. Exclude Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) payments, Federal crop insurance and other indemnity payments reported below.) ......................


f. In 2012, how much was received for all other Federal, State, or local program payments? (Include Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) payments; tobacco buyout payments, including lump sum payments; and other Federal, State or local programs. Exclude Federal crop insurance payments and other indemnity payments, to be reported below.) ..........................................................................................


INCOME FROM FARM RELATED SOURCES 1. In 2012, what was the total income received by you (the operator) and all partners for--- None Dollars

a. custom work, machine hire, and other agricultural services provided by this operation for farmers and others? (Exclude if this is a separate business.) .....................................................................


b. payments received from cash rent or share payments from renting out farmland and/or buildings? (Include rent received in 2012 for previous years, rent received in advance, and government payments received from those acres. Exclude grazing of livestock, to be reported below in item 1f.) ..............................................


c. recreational and agri-tourism activities such as hunting, fishing, farm tours, hospitality services, petting zoos, etc.? ..................................................................................................................................


d. sales of farm machinery and vehicles? (farm share only) ........................................................................0550

e. Federal crop and livestock insurance indemnity payments? ..................................................................0552

f. other income that is closely related to the agricultural operation? (Exclude sales of farm machinery and vehicles. Include grazing of livestock; sales of forest products; patronage dividends and refunds from cooperatives; royalties or leases associated with energy production such as natural gas, oil, wind turbines, etc.; animal boarding; hedging profits and losses; insurance indemnity payments other than Federal crop insurance payments; State fuel tax refunds; tax refunds; sales of value-added goods produced from your farm commodities such as cheese, cider, jams, jellies, wine, etc. if these are not part of a separate business. If a loss was incurred, please indicate with a negative sign.) ..........................................................

None Dollars


(4530) Specify Other Farm Income & Amounts:








Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) programs?

c ounter-cyclical payments?.....................................................................

d irect payments?.....................................................................................

revenue payments?..................................................................................

2. Which code from the list below represents the largest portion of this operation’s 2012 total gross value of sales, including Government agriculture payments? (Include sales of all crops, livestock, poultry & livestock products sold in 2012; the VALUE OF PRODUCTS REMOVED for all crops, livestock, & poultry products under contract in 2012; sales of misc. ag products in 2012; all government agricultural payments received in 2012; & landlord’s share of government payments.) ..........



OPERATING & CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Report total production expenses paid by this operation in 2012. (Include only expenses related to this operation. Exclude expenses NOT related to this farm/ranch; expenses of performing custom work FOR others, if this is a separate business; and expenses on land rented to others.)

In 2012, how much was spent for (item) by [column]---








1. seeds, sets, plants, seed cleaning and treatments, transplants, trees and nursery stock? (Include technology or other fees, seed treatments, and seed cleaning cost. Exclude items purchased for resale without additional growth.) .....................................................

0600 0601 0602

a. How much of this (Item 1) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? .........................................................

0603 0604 0605

2. nutrients, fertilizer, lime and soil conditioners? (Include cost of custom application and organic materials. Exclude potting mixes, vermiculite, and sterilized soil.) .......................

0606 0607 0608

a. How much of this (Item 2) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? .........................................................

0609 0610 0611

3. biocontrols and agricultural chemicals for crops, livestock, poultry, and general farm use? (Include biological pest controls and custom application costs.) .........................................................

0612 0613 0614

a. How much of this (Item 3) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? .........................................................

0615 0616 0617

4. livestock purchases of--- a. breeding stock for beef cattle, dairy cattle, hogs and sheep? .................................................................

0621 0622 0623

b. other cattle, calves, hogs and pigs? [Report other sheep in Item 4d.] ..........................................

0624 0625 0626

c. chickens and turkeys? [Report ducks and game birds in Item 4d.] ..........................

0627 0628 0629

d. other livestock and poultry, including other sheep, lambs, bees, brooder fish, fingerlings, goats, etc.? .........................

0630 0631 0632

5. leasing of livestock? (Include leasing of bees for pollination.)..........0633 0634 0635

6. purchased feed for livestock and poultry? (Include grain, hay, silage, mixed feeds, concentrates, etc.) ................

0636 0637 0638

7. bedding and litter for livestock? ...................................................0639 0640 0641

Farm Type Code Farm Type CodeGrains, oilseeds, dry beans, and dry peas (corn, flaxseed, grain,

silage and forage, grains and oilseeds for seeds, popcorn, rice, small grains, sorghum, soybeans, sunflowers, etc.) ............................... 01

Hogs and pigs .................................................................................. 09 Milk and other dairy products from cows .......................................... 10

Tobacco .................................................................................................... 02 Cattle and calves (beef and dairy cattle for breeding stock, fed cattle, beef and dairy cull animals, stockers and feeders, veal calves, etc.) ...................................................... 11 Cotton and cottonseed ............................................................................... 03

Vegetables, melons, potatoes and sweet potatoes (cabbage, cantaloupes, pumpkins, red beets, sweet corn, tomatoes, watermelons, vegetable seeds, etc.) ...................................................... 04

Sheep, goats, and their products (wool, mohair, milk, and cheese) .. 12 Equine (horses, ponies, mules, burros and donkeys) ....................... 13

Fruit, tree nuts and berries (almonds, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, grapes, apples, hazelnuts, kiwifruit, oranges, pears, pecans, strawberries, walnuts, etc.) ............................................ 05

Poultry and eggs (broilers, chickens, turkeys, ducks, eggs, emus, geese, hatchlings, ostriches, pigeons, pheasants, quail, poultry products, etc.) ......................................................... 14

Nursery, greenhouse, and floriculture (bedding plants, bulbs, cut flowers, flower seeds, foliage plants, mushrooms, nursery potted plants, shrubbery, sod, etc.) ........................................... 06 Aquaculture (catfish, trout, other finfish, shellfish, etc.) ..................... 15

Cut Christmas trees and short rotation woody crops .................................. 07 Other animals and other animal products (bees, honey,

rabbits, other fur-bearing animals, semen, manure, other animal specialties, etc.) ................................................................ 16

Other crops and hay (grass seed, hay and grass silage straw, hops, maple syrup, mint, peanuts, sugarcane, sugarbeets, CRP, pasture, etc.) ................................................................................ 08



In 2012, how much was spent for (item) by [column]--- None






(Dollars) 8. medical supplies, veterinary and custom services for

livestock? (Exclude manure disposal. Include artificial insemination (AI), branding, breeding fees, caponizing, castrating,

custom feed processing, hormone injections, performance testing, pregnancy testing, seining, sheep shearing, etc.) ................................

0642 0643 0644

9. purchases for the farm business of---

a. all fuels, oils and lubricants? (total of 9a(i) through 9a(vi) must equal Item 9a) ..........................

0663 0664 0665

(i) diesel fuel? (Include biodiesel.) .......................................0645 0646 0647

(ii) gasoline and gasohol? (Include ethanol blends.) .............0648 0649 0650

(iii) natural gas? ...................................................................0651 0652 0653

(iv) LP gas (propane, butane)? ............................................0654 0655 0656

(v) oils and lubricants? (Include grease, hydraulic fluids, motor oils, transmission fluids, etc.) .....................................

0657 0658 0659

(vi) all other fuel? (Include coal, fuel oil, kerosene, wood, etc.) .0660 0661 0662

b How much of the total fuel expense (Item 9a) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? .......................................

0672 0673 0674

c. How much of the total fuel expense (Item 9a) was for irrigation? .................................................................

0666 0667 0668

(i) How much of this fuel expense (Item 9c) was for water pumped from wells? ................................

0669 0670 0671

10. electricity for the farm business? ..................................................0675 0676 0677

a. How much of the total electricity expense (Item 10) was for irrigation? ..................................................

0678 0679 0680

(i) How much of this (Item 10a) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ............................................

0681 0682 0683

(ii) How much of this expense (Item 10a) was for water pumped from wells? ................................

0684 0685 0686

b. How much of the total electricity expense (Item 10) was for drying? ......................................................

0687 0688 0689

(i) How much of this (Item 10b) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ............................................

0690 0691 0692

c. How much of the total electricity expense (Item 10) was for specialized livestock production facilities such as dairies, feedlots, poultry houses, and swine buildings? ........

0693 0694 0695

11. purchased water for irrigation from off-farm suppliers? (Include irrigation assessments and fees.) .........................................

0696 0697 0698

a. How much of this (Item 11) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? .........................................................

0699 0700 0701

12. all other utilities, such as the farm share of telephone service, water purchased other than for irrigation, and Internet access? ..

0872 0873 0874

13. farm supplies, marketing containers, hand tools and farm shop power equipment? (Include expenses for temporary fencing. Exclude expenses for bedding/litter and permanent fencing.) ...............

0702 0703 0704

14. repairs, parts and accessories for motor vehicles, machinery and farm equipment? (Include repairs to drying equipment, tune-ups, overhauls, repairs to livestock equipment, replacement parts for machinery, tubes, tires, and accessories such as air conditioners, CB’s, radios and hydraulic cylinders. Exclude irrigation equipment and pump repairs.) .......................................................................... ....

0708 0709 0710

a. How much of this (Item 14) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ..........................................................

0711 0712 0713


In 2012, how much was spent for (item) by [column]--- None







15. maintenance and repair for the upkeep of all farm buildings, houses other than the operator’s, land improvements, and all other farm/ranch improvements? (Include conservation improvements, corrals, feeding floors, feedlots, gravel, land drainage structures, tiling, trench, silos, wells, irrigation equipment and pump repairs and facilities. Exclude any new construction or remodeling.) .....

0714 0715 0716

a. How much of this (Item 15) was for specialized livestock production facilities such as dairies, feedlots, poultry houses, and swine buildings? .....................

0717 0718 0719

b. How much of this (Item 15) was for maintenance and repair of irrigation equipment and pumps? .....................

0720 0721 0722

(i) How much of this (Item 15b) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ..................................................

0723 0724 0725

16. maintenance and repair of the operator’s house if it was owned by the operation? (“Owned by the operation” means the house is— ous

recorded as an asset in farm record books, or deeded as part of the farm.) ....................................................


17. insurance for the farm business? (Include all casualty insurance, hail insurance, and any other crop or livestock insurance; motor vehicle liability and blanket insurance policies. Include insurance on operator’s dwelling, if owned by the operation. Exclude health insurance (reported in SECTION 26, Item 29 or SECTION 39, Item 12) and other payroll insurance items.)...............................................

0729 0730 0731

a. How much of this (Item 17) was for Federal crop insurance? ............................................................................

0732 0733 0734

Item 17a) was Federal crop insurance for the SOYBEAN enterprise? .......................

0735 0736 0737

18. interest and fees paid on debts---

a. secured by real estate? (Include interest paid on the operator’s dwelling, if owned by the operation.) ............................

0738 0739

b. not secured by real estate? (Include service fees on CCC loan redemptions.) ...................................................................

0741 0742

19. property taxes paid on---

a. real estate (land and buildings)? (Include real estate taxes on the operator’s dwelling, if owned by the operation.) ..................

0744 0745 0746

b. livestock, machinery, and other farm production items? .......0747 0748 0749

20. total CASH RENT PAID by this operation, including rent for land and/or buildings? (Include rent paid in 2012 for previous years and rent paid in advance. Exclude storage bins to be reported in Item 23 below. Exclude grazing of livestock to be reported in Items 21 or 22 below.) ..............................................................................


21. total fees this operation paid for the use of publicly owned land on an AUM basis? (Include fees paid for privately owned land administered by a public agency through exchange-of-use.) ..........


22. pasturing or grazing of livestock on privately owned land (railroads, another farm/ranch, etc.) used on a fee per head (AUM) or gain basis? ...................................................................


23. renting or leasing of tractors, vehicles, equipment or storage structures? (Include farm machinery, cars, trucks, irrigation equipment and other equipment. Exclude custom hire.) ......... ..

0750 0751

24. vehicle registration and licensing fees? .......................................0753 0754

25. depreciation expense claimed by this operation in 2012 for all capital assets? (If partnership, include amounts claimed by all

partners in this operation. Estimate from 2011 if necessary.) .............0756

a. How much of this depreciation expense (Item 25) was claimed for breeding livestock? .....................................



(i) How much of this (

In 2012, how much was spent for (item) by [column]--- None







26. CASH WAGES paid to hired farm and ranch labor? (Include cash wages, incentives and bonuses, payments to corporate officers and paid family members, including yourself and other operators if they received a wage. Exclude wages paid for custom and contract work, wages paid for housework, Social Security on the owner-operator, withdrawals for living expenses, employer’s share of Social Security and unemployment taxes, health and life insurance, pensions or retirement plans, and Worker’s ) . ................

0758 0759 0760

a. How much of this (Item 26) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ..........................................................

0761 0762 0763

27. Of Item 26, how much salary or wage was paid to--- (total 27a + 27b + 27c + 27d + 27e must equal Item 26)

a. you (the principal operator)? .................................................0764 0765 0766

b. your (the principal operator’s) spouse? (Even if your spouse is an operator, include his/her wages here.) .....................

0767 0768 0769

c. other members of your (the operator’s) household? (Even if your other household members are operators, include their wages here.) .......................................................

0574 0575 0576

d. other operators (outside the operator’s household)? (Those persons responsible for the day-to-day management decisions for this operation.) ......................................................

0770 0771 0772

e. all other paid farm and ranch labor? .....................................0773 0774 0775

28. payroll taxes for hired labor? (Include employer’s share of Social Security and unemployment taxes. Include any amounts the farm paid for farm workers that are part of your (the operator’s) household.)...

0705 0706 0707

a. How much of this (Item 28) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ..........................................................

0779 0780 0781

29. benefits for hired labor? (Include employer’s share of health insurance, pension or retirement plans, Worker Compensation, etc. Include any amounts the farm paid for farm workers that are part of your (the operator’s) household.) .......................................................

0915 0916 0917

a. How much of this (Item 29) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ..........................................................

0472 0473 0474

30. contract labor? (Include expenses for labor, such as harvesting of fruit, vegetables, berries, etc. performed on a contract basis by a contractor, crew leader, cooperative, etc. Exclude contract work for building construction, repairs, or farm improvements, and payments to other operations that fed/raised livestock under contract FOR this operation.) ......................................................................................

0782 0783 0784

a. How much of this (Item 30) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ..........................................................

0785 0786 0787

31. custom work such as--- (Custom work is work performed by machines & labor hired as a unit.)

a. hauling? (Include all custom grain, livestock, milk, manure, and other custom hauling.) ...........................................

0776 0777 0778

b. all other custom work done on this operation? (Report custom livestock services in Item 8.) ...............................

0791 0792 0793

c. How much of this (Items 31a and 31b) was for the SOYBEAN enterprise? ..........................................................

0794 0795 0796

32. workers who were members of your (the operator’s) household---

what was the cash value of any commodities provided to them as PAYMENT for farm work? [Example: value of a percentage of crops, calves, etc. Exclude operator payments or draws.] ...................





In 2012, how much was spent for (item) by [column]--- None







33. workers who were NOT household members---

what was the cash value of all commodities, feed, fuel, housing, meals, other food, utilities, vehicles for personal use, and any other non-cash PAYMENT for farm work? (Include meat, poultry, other livestock and livestock products, berries, firewood, fruits, vegetables, etc. Exclude home gardens, unless expenses were recorded previously. Also exclude partner payments or draws.) ...


34. What was the market value of commodities produced and used on this operation for home consumption? (Exclude any commodities provided as payment to household members for farm work reported in item 32.) .......................................



a. What percent of this (Item 34) was for livestock and livestock products? ...............................................................


35. professional or farm management services such as record keeping, accounting, tax and business planning, farm product advice, conservation practices, etc.? ..............................

None Dollars 0801

Dollars Dollars Dollars

36. general business expenses?........................................................0804 0805 0806

(4531) Specify General Business Expenses & Amounts:


37. improvements on land such as land preparation, irrigation improvements, well drilling, ponds, feedlots, trench silos, lagoons, new fences, etc.? (Exclude moveable equipment.) ...........

None Dollars Dollars Dollars 0807 0808 0809

38. new construction and remodeling of dwellings (excluding the operator’s dwelling), barns, buildings, hog houses, poultry

houses, milk barns, storage facilities, sheds, silos, etc.? (Exclude repairs and maintenance.) ..................................................

0810 0811 0812

39. new construction or remodeling of the operator’s dwelling, if owned by the operation? ..............................................................


Report the TOTAL NET COST (after deducting the value of trade-ins, rebates & discounts) of the following items purchased in 2012 for the farm/ranch:

None Dollars

40. Cars – (Include new and used.)............................................................................................................................0816


a. What percent of this (Item 40) was the farm’s share? .....................................................0817



41. Trucks – (Include new and used trucks, pickups, sport utility vehicles, vans, campers and buses.) ......................................................................................................



a. What percent of this (Item 41) was the farm’s share? .....................................................0819


None Dollars

42. Tractors – (Include new and used.) .......................................................................................................................0820

43. Self-propelled equipment – (Include implements and self-propelled equipment for livestock, dairy, or poultry production. Exclude tractors.) ................................................................................................................................


44. Other farm machinery, non-self-propelled farm equipment, pumps, and capital equipment for crop or livestock production. (Include farm share only.) .................................................................


45. Office equipment, furniture, and computers that were placed on a depreciation schedule. ...............................................................................................................................


46. Farmland and other farm real estate for expanding this operation. ....................................................................0803

47. All other capital expenditures (Include all other capital expenditures that were placed on a depreciation schedule.) ..... 0824

(4532) Specify Other Capital Expenditures & Amounts:

48. What other expenses did this operation have in 2012 that have not been recorded?.....................................................








0825 0826 0827

(4533) Specify Other Expenses & Amounts:


1. How many HIRED farm or ranch workers, including paid family members and office workers - None Number

a. Worked less than 150 days on this operation in 2012? (Exclude contract labor.) .........................................4534

b. Worked 150 days or more on this operation in 2012? (Exclude contract labor.) ...........................................4535

2. How many UNPAID farm or ranch workers, including family members and office workers, worked on this farm or ranch? .............................................................................................................


3. How many MIGRANT workers were on this operation in 2012? (A migrant worker is a farm worker whose employment required travel that prevented the migrant worker from returning to his/her permanent place of residence the same day. Include hired and contract workers.) ....................................................... .


4. On average, about how many paid and unpaid hours per week (work and management time) did ---


Jan-Mar April-June July-Sept Oct-Dec

Hours/Week Hours/Week Hours/Week Hours/Week

a. you (the principal operator) work for this farm/ranch? .............. 0828 0829 0830 0831

b. your spouse (the principal operator’s) work for this farm/ranch? (Even if your spouse is an operator, include his/her hours here.) .................................................................

0832 0833 0834 0835

c. other operators (those persons responsible for the day-to-day management decisions for this operation) work for this farm/ranch? ...................................................................

0836 0837 0838 0839

d. UNPAID workers (such as non-operator partners, family members, etc.) work for this farm/ranch?.............................

0840 0841 0842 0843

e. PAID workers for this farm/ranch? (Exclude custom hire and contract labor.) ..................................

0859 0860 0861 0862



(Example: If the operation had 4 paid workers who averaged 40 hours/week during Jan-Mar, report 160 for column 1 of Question 4e.)

FARM ASSETS 1. In order to estimate the financial position of farms correctly, we need to obtain the MARKET VALUE of the

following assets OWNED by this operation on December 31, 2012: (Include owned assets on rented land.)

a. farm operator’s dwelling, if owned by the operation (Owned by the operation means the house is recorded as an asset in farm record books or deeded as part of the farm.).....................................

None Dollars 0850

b. all other dwellings ..................................................................................................................................0851

c. all other farm buildings and structures (Include barns, cribs, grain bins, greenhouses, silos, storage sheds, etc.) ........................................................


d. orchard trees and vines, nursery trees, and trees grown for woody crops ............................................. 0853

e. land (Include land rented to others. Exclude houses, buildings, orchard trees and vines, and trees grown for woody crops.) ............................................................................


2. What was the estimated market value of the land and buildings on the acres rented or leased FROM OTHERS on December 31, 2012? (Reported in SECTION 1, Items 2a, 2b, and 2c.) ..............................


3. What was the estimated market value of the land and buildings on the acres rented or leased TO OTHERS on December 31, 2012? (Reported in SECTION 1, Item 3.) ........................................................


4. What was the ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE of the following on December 31, 2012:

a. trucks and cars owned by the operation? (Include farm share only) ........................................................0882

b. tractors, machinery, tools, equipment and implements owned by the operation? ................................. 0883

c. stock in farm cooperatives and the Farm Credit System? ......................................................................0884

For each item below, report the MARKET VALUE(S) of the assets owned by the operation on the dates specified. Beginning of Year End of Year

5. What was the ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE for the farm share of [item] on--- None

JAN. 1, 2012? DEC. 31, 2012?

(Dollars) (Dollars)

a. crops owned and stored on or off this operation (Include crops stored at co-op or gin warehouse, specialty crops, fruit storage, hay, silage, and nursery and greenhouse products not in the ground. Exclude crops under CCC loans.) .................................................

0888 0889

b. breeding livestock owned by and located on or off this operation (Include aquaculture, bees, cattle, equine, hogs, mink, poultry, sheep, etc., kept for breeding purposes. Exclude livestock being produced under contract on another operation (reported in Section 17).) . ...............................

0863 0864

c. non-breeding livestock owned by and located on or off this operation (Include aquaculture, bees, cattle, equine, hogs, mink, poultry, sheep, etc., kept for non- breeding purposes. Exclude livestock being produced under contract on another operation (reported in Section 17).) ................................

0876 0877

d. production inputs owned by this operation, such as processed feed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuels, parts, purchased seed and other supplies. ..........

0878 0879

e. production inputs already used by this operation for cover crops or crops planted but not yet mature for harvest (also known as sunk costs), or the

value of inputs used for production contracts that have yet to be delivered ...

0880 0881


6. Which value code (from list on top of next page) represents the value of all other farm assets not previously listed on December 31, 2012? (Include money owed to this operation (except money owed from commodity sales), cash certificates of deposit, savings and checking accounts, hedging account balances, government payments due, balance of land contract sales, and any other farm assets not reported earlier. Exclude any personal debt owed to the operator(s).) .......

End of Year Value Code




on December 31, 2012. (Include machinery, equipment, and implements used for the farm or ranch business in 2011 or 2012, and usually kept on the operation.) None

Number on this operation

December 31, 2012

Of these, the number manufactured in the last

5 years (2008-2012)

a. Trucks (Including pickups) ................................................................................ 4538 4539

b. Tractors less than 40 horsepower (PTO) – (Exclude garden tractors) ................ 4540 4541

c. Tractors 40 – 99 horsepower (PTO) ............................................................... 4542 4543

d. Tractors 100 horsepower (PTO) or more ........................................................ 4544 4545

e. Grain and bean combines, self-propelled ....................................................... 4546 4547

f. Cotton pickers and strippers, self propelled .................................................... 4548 4549

g. Forage harvesters, self-propelled ................................................................... 4550 4551

h. Hay balers ....................................................................................................... 4552 4553

FARM DEBT 1. Was debt used in funding the operation of this farm/ranch in 2012, including any loans

obtained in earlier years? (Include seasonal production and other loans taken and repaid during 2012.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 30] ............................

Code 1080

None Dollars

2. What was the total amount of all farm business loans taken out and repaid in 2012? (Include seasonal production and other loans.) ..............................................................................................


3. Did this operation owe money to any banks, co-ops, individuals, merchants or Federal agencies on December 31, 2012? (Include money owed against your line of credit and multi-purpose loans used for both farm and non-farm purposes. Exclude CCC commodity loans and any loans used exclusively for non-farm purposes.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 30] ............................

Code 1058

4. For each type of loan, what was the balance owed, average interest rate, and percent for farm use?

Type of Loan


What was the balance owed on

December 31, 2012?

What was the average interest rate of this debt?

How much of this debt was for farm use?

(Dollars) (Percent) (Percent)

a. One year or less production or other loans. ...........................1048 1049

.__ __ 1050

b. More than one year non-real estate debt. ..............................1051 1052

.__ __ 1053

c. More than one year real estate debt. .....................................1054 1055

.__ __ 1056

reported above), was for the operator’s dwelling? (If the operator’s dwelling is owned by the operation, debt should be included here and above. Exclude operator’s dwelling if not owned by the operation.).....................................................

None Dollars 1057

Office Use Only


Dollar Range ValueCode Dollar Range

Value Code Dollar Range

ValueCode Dollar Range

Value Code

None.............................................. 01 $10,000 – 14,999 ...........................10 $80,000 – 99,999 ............................ 19 $1,000,000 – 1,499,999 .................. 28 $1 – 499 ........................................ 02 $15,000 – 19,999 ...........................11 $100,000 – 124,999 ........................ 20 $1,500,000 – 1,999,999 .................. 29 $500 – 999 .................................... 03 $20,000 – 24,999 ...........................12 $125,000 – 149,999 ........................ 21 $2,000,000 – 2,999,999 .................. 30 $1,000 – 1,999 .............................. 04 $25,000 – 29,999 ...........................13 $150,000 – 199,999 ........................ 22 $3,000,000 – 4,999,999 .................. 31 $2,000 – 2,999 .............................. 05 $30,000 – 34,999 ...........................14 $200,000 – 274,999 ........................ 23 $5,000,000 – 7,499,999 .................. 32 $3,000 – 3,999 .............................. 06 $35,000 – 39,999 ...........................15 $275,000 – 349,999 ........................ 24 $7,500,000 – 9,999,999 .................. 33 $4,000 – 4,999 .............................. 07 $40,000 – 49,999 ...........................16 $350,000 – 499,999 ........................ 25 $10,000,000 and over ..................... 34 $5,000 – 7,499. ............................. 08 $50,000 – 59,999 ...........................17 $500,000 – 749,999 ........................ 26 $7,500 – 9,999 .............................. 09 $60,000 – 79,999 ...........................18 $750,000 – 999,999 ........................ 27



7. For the items listed below, report the number on this operation

5. How much of the debt owed on December 31, 2012 (


1. Were any fertilizers, manure, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, other pesticides, growth regulators, or other chemicals used on this operation during 2012? (Include rock phosphate, lime, and gypsum as fertilizer.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 31] .............................

Code 4554

2 Commercial fertilizer and soil conditioners applied to - None Number of Acres

a. Cropland in 2012 – (Exclude cropland used only for pasture.) .................................................................... .... 4555

b. Pastureland and rangeland acres in 2012 – (Include cropland used only for pasture or grazing.) ................ .... 4556

3. Acres of cropland and pastureland on which animal manure was applied. .................................................. .... 4557

4. Acres treated with chemicals to control the items listed below. The same acres can be reported in more than one item below. However, report acres only once for each item, regardless of the number of applications.

None Number of Acres

a. Insects .................................................................................................................................................. .... 4558

b. Weeds, grass, or brush – (Include both pre-emergence and post emergence.) ........................................... .... 4559

c. Nematodes ........................................................................................................................................... .... 4560

d. Diseases in crops and orchards such as blight, smut, rust, etc ............................................................ .... 4561

5. Acres of crops treated to control growth, thin fruit, ripen, or defoliate .......................................................... .... 4562


1. In 2012, did this operation produce organic products according to USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) standards or have acres transitioning into USDA NOP production?

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 32] .............................

Code 4563

2. Report type of production. Check all that apply 4564

USDA NOP certified organic production (exclude handling). Specify agency or organization that certified the organic production below: 4565

4566 USDA NOP organic production exempt from certification (exempt is production normally less than $5,000 in sales).


Acres transitioning into USDA NOP organic production. 4568

Production according to USDA NOP standards but NOT certified or exempt.


Value of Sales (Dollars)

3. What was the value of USDA NOP certified or exempt organically produced commodities sold from this operation in 2012? ........................................................................................................................ ....





DIRECT SALES FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION 1. During 2012, did you produce, raise, or grow any crops, livestock, poultry, or agricultural products that were sold

directly to individual consumers for human consumption? (Include sales from roadside stands, farmers markets, pick your own, door to door, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Exclude craft items and processed products such as cheese, butter, jellies, sausages, hams, wine, and cider.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 33] ..............................

Code 4570

NoneValue of Sales


2. What was the gross value of these direct sales in 2012? Specify product(s) below. ................................. 4571



1. During 2012, were there any renewable energy producing systems, regardless of ownership, on this operation?

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to item 3] ....................................

Code 4572

2. Report types of systems on this operation. Check all that apply below:

4573 Solar panels

4574 Wind turbines

4575 Methane digesters

4576 Geoexchange system


Small hydro system 4578

Biodiesel 4579

Ethanol 4580

Other, specify below:


3. On the land owned by this operation, were there any wind rights leased to others?

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then continue] .........................................

Code 4582

LAND USE PRACTICES1. During 2012, considering the total acres on this operation -

None Number of Acres

a. How many acres were drained by tile? ................................................................................................ 4583

b. How many acres were artificially drained by ditches? .......................................................................... 4584

c. How many acres were under a conservation easement? .................................................................... 4585

d. On how many cropland acres were no-till practices used? .................................................................. 4586

e. On how many cropland acres were conservation tillage, excluding no-till, practices used? ............... 4587

f. On how many cropland acres were conventional tillage practices used? ............................................ 4588

g. How many cropland acres were planted to a cover crop? (Exclude CRP acres.) .................................. 4589







PRACTICES 1. At any time during 2012, did this operation -

a. Receive irrigation water supplied by a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation project or facility? (Include reclamation water delivered by a local district.)........................................................................

4590 1 Yes 3 No

b. Practice rotational or management-intensive grazing? ................................................................. 4591

1 Yes 3 No

c. Produce and sell value-added crops, livestock, or products such as beef jerky, fruit jams, jelly, preserves, floral arrangements, cider, wine, etc.? ................................................................

4592 1 Yes 3 No

d. Market products through a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) arrangement? ................... 4593

1 Yes 3 No

e. Raise or sell veal calves? ............................................................................................................. 4594

1 Yes 3 No

f. Practice alley cropping or silvopasture?........................................................................................ 4595

1 Yes 3 No

g. Harvest any biomass (crop residue, grasses, woody biomass, etc.) for use in the production of renewable energy? (Exclude grains, oilseeds, and firewood.) ......................................

4596 1 Yes 3 No

h. Market products directly to retail outlets (including restaurants, grocery stores, schools, hospitals, or other businesses) that in turn sell directly to consumers? ........................................

4597 1 Yes 3 No

i. Have an on-farm packing facility for distributing vegetables, potatoes, fruits, nuts, berries or other crops? ..............................................................................................................................

4598 1 Yes 3 No


1. Did this operation use any land for livestock or cropland within the borders of an American Indian Reservation, Pueblo, or Service Area at any time during 2012? (Include owned, deeded, tribal or allotted land.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 37] ..............................

Code 4599

2. Enter the name and state of the American Indian Reservation, Pueblo, or Service Area where the agricultural activity occurred.

Reservation, Pueblo, or Service Area Name State 4600 4601

Number of Acres

3. How many total acres did this operation use for livestock or cropland within this Reservation, Pueblo, or Service Area in 2012? (Exclude land used on a per-head or animal unit month (AUM) basis.) ...................................


a. How many of these acres were harvested cropland? .....................................................................................


4. In 2012, did this operation have any livestock within the borders of an American Indian Reservation, Pueblo, or Service Area? (Include livestock on land used on a per-head or animal unit month (AUM) basis.) YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 37] ..............................

Code 4604

a. On December 31, 2012, what percent of this operation’s livestock was on this Reservation, Pueblo, or Service Area?

1 None 3 26 - 50 percent 5 76 - 99 percent 2 1 - 25 percent 4 51 - 75 percent 6 100 percent (all livestock) .......................

Code 4605





1. In 2012, how many operators (individuals) were involved in the day-to-day decisions for this operation? Enter the number of operators and the number of women operators. (Exclude hired workers unless they were a hired manager or a family member.) ...............................

Total Number of Operators

Number of Women Operators




2. Answer the following questions for up to three primary operators of this operation as of December 31, 2012. (If one of the operators is the principal operator’s spouse and makes day-to-day decisions, record his/her information under operator 2.)

Principal Operator or Senior Partner

Operator 2 Operator 3

a. Full name ....................................... 4607 4608 4609

b. Sex of operator ..............................1243

1 Male 2 Female 1263

1 Male 2 Female 1283

1 Male 2 Female

c. Is operator 2 the spouse of the principal operator? ......................... .


1 Yes 3 No

Mark one answer only 1207

1 Farm or ranch work. 2 Work other than

farming/ranching. 3 Currently not in the

paid workforce.

Mark one answer only 4611

1 Farm or ranch work. 2 Work other than

farming/ranching. 3 Currently not in the

paid workforce.

Mark one answer only 4612

1 Farm or ranch work. 2 Work other than

farming/ranching. 3 Currently not in the

paid workforce.

d. At which occupation did the operator spend the majority

(50 percent or more) of his/her worktime in 2012? ..........................

e. Is this operator retired? .................. 1259 1 Yes 3 No


1 Yes 3 No 4614

1 Yes 3 No Mark one answer only.


1 None 2 1 - 49 days 3 50 - 99 days 4 100 - 199 days 5 200 days or more

Mark one answer only. 4616

1 None 2 1 - 49 days 3 50 - 99 days 4 100 - 199 days 5 200 days or more

Mark one answer only. 4617

1 None 2 1 - 49 days 3 50 - 99 days 4 100 - 199 days 5 200 days or more

f. How many days did the operator work off the farm in 2012? (Include days in which the operator worked at least 4 hours per day in an off-farm job. Include work on someone else’s farm for pay.) .............

g. Did the operator live on this operation at any time in 2012? .......

4618 1 Yes 3 No

4619 1 Yes 3 No

4620 1 Yes 3 No

h. In what year did the operator begin to operate any part of

THIS operation? .............................


___ ___ ___ ___


___ ___ ___ ___


___ ___ ___ ___

i. What year did the operator begin to operate ANY farm? ....................


___ ___ ___ ___


___ ___ ___ ___


___ ___ ___ ___

j. What was the operator’s age on December 31, 2012? .....................

1242 years

1262 years

1282 years

k. Is the operator of Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin or background, such as Mexican, Cuban, or Puerto Rican, regardless of race? ........................

1219 Spanish, Hispanic,

or Latino origin

1 Yes 3


4624 Spanish, Hispanic,

or Latino origin

1 Yes 3 No

4625 Spanish, Hispanic,

or Latino origin

1 Yes 3


Mark one or more. Mark one or more. Mark one or more.

l. What is the operator’s race? .......... 1223 White 1217 Black or African

American 1213 American Indian or Alaska Native.

Specify tribe:


__________________ 1215 Asian 1221 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

4627 White 4628 Black or African

American 4629 American Indian or

Alaska Native. Specify tribe:


_________________ 4631 Asian 4632 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

4633 White 4634 Black or African

American 4635 American Indian or

Alaska Native.


_________________ 4637 Asian 4638 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Specify tribe:



Principal Operator or Senior Partner

Operator 2 Operator 3

m. What is the highest level of formal education achieved? ...........

1257 1 Less than high school

diploma 2 High school 3 Some college (Include

associates degree) 4 4-year college

graduate and beyond

4639 1 Less than high school

diploma 2 High school 3 Some college (Include

associates degree) 4 4-year college

graduate and beyond

4640 1 Less than high school

diploma 2 High school 3 Some college (Include

associates degree) 4 4-year college

graduate and beyond

n. How many people lived in the operator’s household in 2012? .......

Number of persons living in Principal Operator’s household

Number living in household of operator 2. Enter “0” if this operator was counted in the

previous column.

Number living in household of Operator 3. Enter “0” if this operator was counted in a

previous column. 1227

number 4641

number 4642


o. Is this operator a hired manager for this operation? ..........................


1 Yes 3 No


1 Yes 3 No


1 Yes 3 No


3. At any time during 2012, did this operation have Internet access, either on the operation or at the principal operator’s residence?

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Section 38] ..............................

Code 4645

4. Report the type of service that was used to access the Internet (Check all that apply)

4647 Dial-up service 4650 Fiber-optic service 4652 Satellite service 4648 DSL service 4651 Mobile broadband 4653 Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) plan for a computer 4649 Cable modem service or a cell phone 4654 Other, specify below:


Office Use Only



TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 1. In 2012, was more than 50 percent of the ownership interest in this operation held by you (the principal operator)

and/or persons related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption, including relatives not residing in your household? (Ownership interest is defined as having ownership of at least some of the farm business assets. Potential owners include individuals, partners, corporate shareholders, and members of a Limited Liability Company. Potential owners DO NOT INCLUDE landlords, contractors, and lenders.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then continue] ........................................

Code 1249


2. In 2012, how many owners of this operation were there? (Exclude landlords, contractors, and lending institutions holding farm debt. Include yourself if you have an ownership interest.) .............................................



a. What percent of the ownership interest did you (the operator) and your household hold? (Exclude relatives not living in your household.) ...........................................................................


3. In 2012, what was this operation’s legal status for tax purposes? .........................

1 Family or Individual operation? (Exclude partnerships and corporations.) 2 A legal partnership operation? (Include family partnerships.) 3 C - Corporation? 4 S - Corporation? 5 Other? (Include estates, trusts, cooperatives, grazing associations, etc.)


............... 1240

4. Was this operation organized as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) under State law?

YES - [Enter code 1] NO - [Enter code 3] ...............................................................

Code 1202

[NOTE: If Item 3 = code 2 (operation is a partnership), continue; else go to Item 7.]


5. Is this partnership registered under State law?

YES - [Enter code 1] NO - [Enter code 3] ...............................................................

Code 1204


6. How many partners are there in this operation? ....................................................................................................... 1232

[NOTE: If Item 3 = codes 3 or 4 (operation is a corporation), continue; else go to Item 9.]


7. Is this a family-held corporation?

YES - [Enter code 1] NO - [Enter code 3] ...............................................................

Code 4656

8. Are there more than 10 stockholders?

YES - [Enter code 1] NO - [Enter code 3] ...............................................................



YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Item 10b]...............................1226

a. What value code represents the corporate dividends that you (the operator) and your household received from this farming operation? (If your operation is an LLC that elected to file for tax purposes as a C-Corporation, consider this as income here.) [Please see Value Code list on the right side of page 34. Skip Item 10b and proceed to Section 39.] ..................................................................

Value Code 0975

b. What percent of net income (whether profit or loss) were you (the operator) and your household entitled to receive from this farming operation? (If your operation is an LLC that elected to report income for tax purposes as a pass-through, consider this as income here.)..............................................................................

Percent 0974

Office Use Only 2003



10. Is this operation a C-Corporation or an LLC that chose to file as a C-Corporation?

9. In 2012, how many households shared in the net farm income?


1225 ..............................................................................



1. About how many miles was it from your home to the nearest town or city with a population of 10,000 or more? ....1277

2. Do you live on or adjacent to any of your farm/ranch land?

YES - [Enter code 1] NO - [Enter code 3] ..............................................................

Code 1251


3. Did you (the principal operator) have a spouse for at least part of 2012? YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Item 9] ..................................

Code 1205

4. Is the principal operator’s spouse listed as OPERATOR 2 in Section 37, Item 2c? YES - [Enter code 1, then go to Item 9] NO - [Enter code 3, then continue with Item 4a] ...................

Code 1203


a. If NO, and the principal operator had a spouse at any point during 2012, what was the age of the principal operator’s spouse on December 31, 2012? ..................................................


5. Is the principal operator’s spouse of Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin or background, such as Mexican, Cuban, or Puerto Rican, regardless of race? YES - [Enter code 1] NO - [Enter code 3] ...............................................................

Code 4658

Enter Code “1” for

ALL that Apply

White? .................................


6. Which of these is your spouse’s (the principal operator’s spouse) race? ....................

Black or African American? .................................4660

American Indian or Alaska Native? (Specify tribe 4666 .................................


Asian? ................................. 4662

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander? .................................4663

7. What is the highest level of formal education achieved by your spouse (the principal operator’s spouse)? ............................

1 Less than high school diploma 2 High school 3 Some college (Include associates degree) 4 4-year college graduate and beyond



8. In 2012, what was the primary occupation of the principal operator’s spouse? ..............

1 Farm or ranch work 2 Work other than farming or ranching 3 Currently not in the paid workforce



[NOTE: If Section 38, Item 1 = 3 (50% or less interest held by operator and relatives), go to Section 40; else continue.]




9. Did the principal operator receive pay for off-farm/off-ranch work or operate an off-farm business during 2012?

YES [Enter code 1, then continue] NO [Enter code 3, then go to Item 10].................................

Code 0931


a. How many weeks did the principal operator work off this farm/ranch for pay or operate an off-farm business in 2012? ...........................................................................................................................


Hours / Week

b. During those weeks, how many hours per week did the principal operator usually work off this farm/ranch for pay or operate an off-farm business in 2012? ................................................................


10. If the principal operator has a spouse, did the principal operator’s spouse receive pay for off-farm/off-ranch work or operate an off-farm business during 2012?

YES [Enter code 1, then continue] NO [Enter code 3, then go to Item 11].................................

Code 0932


a. How many weeks did the principal operator’s spouse work off this farm/ranch for pay or operate an off-farm business in 2012? .............................................................................................


b. During those weeks, how many hours per week did the principal operator’s spouse usually work off this farm/ranch for pay or operate an off-farm business in 2012? ...........................................

Hours / Week 0936

11. Which value code from the list on the right represents the income the total household received in 2012 from --- (Exclude farm income reported earlier.) Value Code

a. all off-farm wages, salaries, and tips before taxes and withholdings? ...................0952

b. net cash income from operating another farm or ranch (net of depreciation)? (If a loss was incurred, please indicate with a negative sign.) .........................................


c. net cash income from renting farmland to others, excluding land rented to others from this operation? (Include rental of farmland that is not part of this operation, which

may include whole farms or ranches owned by household members as well as smaller parcels of land. Include cash or share-rental income. If a loss was incurred, please indicate with a negative sign.) ...................................................................................


d. net cash income from operating any other business (net of depreciation)? (If a loss was incurred, please indicate with a negative sign.) .........................................


e. interest income? ....................................................................................................0969

f. dividend income? ...................................................................................................0966

g. total proceeds from the sale of farm and non-farm capital assets? (Include operator household’s share only.) ..................................................................


(i) recognized gain/loss on the sale of capital assets reported above (Item 11g)? (If a loss was incurred, please indicate with a negative sign.) .......................


h. income from private pensions and private disability payments? ............................0939

i. income from public sources? (Include Social Security, military and other public retirement, veteran’s benefits, public disability, unemployment, or other public assistance.)


j. other off-farm sources of income? .........................................................................0993

Dollar Range Code

None ..................................... 01

$1 – 499 ............................... 02 $500 – 999 ........................... 03

$1,000 – 1,999 ..................... 04

$2,000 – 2,999 ..................... 05 $3,000 – 3,999 ..................... 06 $4,000 – 4,999 ..................... 07 $5,000 – 7,499. .................... 08 $7,500 – 9,999 ..................... 09 $10,000 – 14,999 ................. 10 $15,000 – 19,999 ................. 11 $20,000 – 24,999 ................. 12

$25,000 – 29,999 ................. 13

$30,000 – 34,999 ................. 14 $35,000 – 39,999 ................. 15

$40,000 – 49,999 ................. 16

$50,000 – 59,999 ................. 17 $60,000 – 79,999 ................. 18

$80,000 – 99,999 ................. 19

$100,000 – 124,999 ............. 20 $125,000 – 149,999 ............. 21

$150,000 – 199,999 ............. 22

$200,000 – 274,999 ............. 23 $275,000 – 349,999 ............. 24

$350,000 – 499,999 ............. 25

$500,000 – 749,999 ............. 26 $750,000 – 999,999 ............. 27

$1,000,000 – 1,499,999 ....... 28

$1,500,000 – 1,999,999 ....... 29 $2,000,000 – 2,999,999 ....... 30

$3,000,000 – 4,999,999 ....... 31

$5,000,000 – 7,499,999 ....... 32 $7,500,000 – 9,999,999 ....... 33

$10,000,000 and over .......... 34


12. Which value code represents the total amount spent on household and family living expenses in 2012? (Include food, including dining out; rent, utilities and other household expenses; non-farm transportation

costs; out-of-pocket health and medical expenses, including insurance; contributions to insurance and retirement plans; contributions to individuals outside of the household, including alimony and child support; clothing; house furnishings; education and child care; charity donations; and entertainment, as well as mortgage interest and property taxes for operators who live in a dwelling owned by the household and not the farm.) ........................................................................

Value Code


13. Which value code represents the total amount of off-farm assets owned by the principal operator and members of the operator’s household on December 31, 2012? (Include cash,

checking, savings, retirement accounts, corporate stock, certificates of deposit and real estate not part of the farm. Exclude assets reported earlier.) ...................................................................................................................................


14. Which value code represents the total amount of all off-farm debt owed on December 31, 2012 by the principal operator and members of the operator’s household? (Exclude debt reported earlier.)........................



[NOTE: Items 15 - 17 refer to Income and Expense items for 2011.]

15. Which value code represents the total farm sales in the previous year (2011)? (Total farm sales includes livestock and crop income from cash and marketing contract sales, fees received from livestock and crop production contracts, the net change in CCC loans, and government payments.) ................................

Value Code 1113

16. Which value code represents the net operating income for this operation in the previous year (2011)? (cash income from all farm sources minus production costs and depreciation; if negative net operating income, please indicate with a negative sign before the value code) ..............................................................


17. Which value code represents the total off-farm income in the previous year (2011)? (wages, salaries, tips, interest, dividends, other public sources, etc. before taxes, income from operating another farm, income from operating any other business; if negative off-farm income, please indicate with a negative sign before the value code) ..................................................................................


Office Use Only



SECTION 40 IRRIGATION 1. Did you irrigate any cropland, alfalfa, other hay, or pastureland on this farm in 2012? Code

YES [Enter code 1, then continue] NO [Enter code 3, then go to SECTION 41]..................1740

2. For the following table, enter the crop name, acres irrigated, yield, irrigation system, water application rate, and water source used for

each commodity irrigated on this farm in 2012. (Include land irrigated for alfalfa, other hay, and pastureland. If land was irrigated but not harvested in 2012 skip columns 3 through 5.)


1 = Hand-move 10 = Siphon-Tube System [from unlined ditches]

2 = Solid or Permanent set 11 = Siphon-Tube System [from lined ditches]

3 = Side Roll or Wheel Line 12 = Portal- or Ditch-Gate System [from unlined ditches]

4 = Center Pivot or Linear Move [with sprinklers on main line] 13 = Portal- or Ditch-Gate System [from lined ditches]

5 = Center Pivot or Linear Move [with sprinklers below main line, but more than 2 feet above ground]

14 = Poly-Pipe System

15 = Gated Pipe [not poly-pipe]

6 = Center Pivot or Linear Move [with sprinklers less than 2 feet above ground] 16 = Improved Gated Pipe [surge flow or cablegation, not poly-pipe] 7 = Big Gun

8 = Low-Flow irrigation [drip, trickle, or micro sprinkler systems] 17 = Subirrigation

9 = Other Pressure System (specify type:18








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

What crops were irrigated on this farm

in 2012?

Crop Code

Office Use Only

How many harvested acres of

[commodity] were


On the irrigated

acres harvested,

what was the average yield per acre for




What is the primary irrigation system type for


[See irrigation system codes


What was the average acre-inches

of water applied per acre for the growing season for [commodity]?

What percent of [commodity]

acres were irrigated using surface water?

What percent of [commodity] acres

were irrigated using surface water

purchased from off-farm water


[Off-farm water suppliers are defined below in footnote 1/.]

(Crops Irrigated) (Crop Code)

(Harvested Acres) (Yield) (Unit Code)

(System Code)

(Acre Inches Per Acre) (Percent) (Percent)

ALFALFA 1782 1783 .___

1784 1785 1786 1787 1788

OTHER HAY 1790 1791 .___

1792 1793 1794 1795 1796

PASTURELAND 1798 1801 1802 1803 1804

Crop 1 1741 1742 1743 .___

1744 1745 1746 1747 1748

Crop 2 1749 1750 1751 .___

1752 1753 1754 1755 1756

Crop 3 1757 1758 1759 .___

1760 1761 1762 1763 1764

Crop 4 1765 1766 1767 .___

1768 1769 1770 1771 1772

Crop 5 1773 1774 1775 .___

1776 1777 1778 1779 1780

If more space is needed, please use a separate sheet of paper. 1/ Off-farm water suppliers may include water purchased from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; an irrigation district; mutual, private, cooperative,

or neighborhood ditches; commercial or municipal water systems.


_________________________) 19 = Other Gravity System (specify type:_________________)


3. How many irrigation wells were used on this farm in 2012? ................................................................................. 1805

[If zero, go to Item 6.]


4. In 2012, how many wells on this farm used backflow prevention devices? ........................................................... 1806

[If zero, go to Item 5.]


a. How many planted acres were irrigated using water from these (Item 4) wells? ........................................... 1807


5. In 2012, how many wells on this farm used water meter or water flow measurement devices? ........................... 1808

[If zero, go to Item 6.]


a. How many planted acres were irrigated using water from these (Item 5) wells? ........................................... 1809

6. In 2012, on how many planted acres were irrigation used--- Acres

a. to apply chemical fertilizers? .......................................................................................................................... 1810

b. to apply pesticides? ....................................................................................................................................... 1811

c. to remove (leach) salts from the soil? ............................................................................................................ 1812

d. to conduct land disposal of liquid livestock waste? ........................................................................................ 1813

e. for crop cooling or freeze protection?............................................................................................................. 1814


1 Never heard of it 2 Heard of it, not interested 3 Heard of it, sounds interesting 4 Looking at it for my farm 5 Tried it on my farm, but will not use it again 6 Now using this technique and will continue to use on my farm 7 Water delivery system does not allow for water delivery on demand

7. How familiar are you with ---





[Enter code from above]


[If code = 6] How many planted acres were irrigated using this technique

in 2012?


a. commercial scheduling services or computer simulation models to schedule irrigation-water applications? ................................................................................

1815 1816

b. on-farm irrigation scheduling techniques using soil-moisture sensing devices (such as neutron probes, tensiometers, and soil moisture blocks)? .......................

1817 1818

c. on-farm use of special furrowing techniques (such as furrow diking, spread beds, and compact furrowing) to control field-level water distributions and to reduce water losses? ................................................................................................

1819 1820


8. During 2012, did you make improvements, such as upgrades or new equipment (not maintenance) to existing irrigation systems on this farm?

YES [Enter code 1, then continue] NO [Enter code 3, then go to Item 9] ..................................

Code 1821


a. In 2012, how many of this farm’s planted acres were irrigated using these improvements?.............................. 1822

9. In the past five years, has anyone made an offer to purchase water or water rights from this farm operation?

YES [Enter code 1, then continue] NO [Enter code 3, then go to Item 10] .................................

Code 1823

a. What was the purchaser’s intended use for the water? .................

1 Agricultural use 2 Water for municipal, urban, recreational or industrial uses 3 Water to improve environmental values 4 Water for Native American water right claims 5 Don’t know


Code 1824


10. During the last 10 years, in how many years has someone with senior water right claims caused you to reduce or discontinue crop irrigation for this farm? .................................................................


Office Use Only



SOYBEAN DRYING 1. Did this operation harvest soybeans for beans for the 2012 crop year? Code

YES [Enter code 1, then continue] NO [Enter code 3, then go to CONCLUSION] ..............1895

2. In what month was the majority of the 2012 soybean crop harvested? ....................................................................

Month 1826

___ ___

3. How much of the 2012 soybean crop was--- Bushels OR Percent

a. custom dried? .......................................................................................................1864


b. dried other than custom dried? .............................................................................1870


c. not dried? .............................................................................................................. 1876


a + b + c = 100%

[NOTE: If any of the 2012 soybean crop was custom dried, continue; else go to Note above Item 5.]

Cents Per Bushel OR Total Dollars

4. What was the cost of custom drying the 2012 soybean crop? .....................................1829

.___ ___ ¢ 1830

[NOTE: If any of the 2012 soybean crop was dried other than custom dried, continue; else go to CONCLUSION.]

5. What was the main fuel type used to heat the air for drying the 2012 soybean crop? ...............................................

1 diesel 2 gasoline 3 LP gas 4 natural gas 5 electricity 6 other


................................... 1859

Percentage Points

6. On average, what percent of moisture was removed from the soybean crop? ........................................................ 1894


7. How many hours of each type of labor were used to dry the soybean crop? (Include hours to unload, fill and empty driers, and to oversee drying.) Hours

a. Operator, partners, family members and other unpaid workers? ...................................................................... 1896

b. Full-time hired workers? (Exclude custom and contract labor.) ............................................................................. 1897

c. Part-time or seasonal hired workers? (Exclude custom and contract labor.) .........................................................1898

8. What was the main type of facility used to dry the 2012 soybean crop? .........................................

1 2 3

bins continuous flow drier (outside of bins) batch drier (outside of bins) ................

Code 1837


a. How many of these facilities were used to dry the 2012 soybean crop? ........................................................... 1838


b. What was the TOTAL holding capacity of these facilities?................................................................................ 1839

Office Use Only





1. Is it possible the information on this form would be duplicated on a form with another name or address?

YES - [Enter code 1, then enter name & address] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Item 2] .....................

Code 4667

Possible Duplicate Name Address

City State Zip

2. Do you (the individual named on the label) make any day-to-day decisions for another farm or ranch?

(It is important that the Census of Agriculture accurately accounts for all of your farm or ranch operations.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then go to Item 3] .....................

Code 4673

a. Did you receive a 2012 Census of Agriculture report form for this additional farm or ranch?

YES - [Enter code 1, then go to Item 3] NO - [Enter code 3, continue] ..................................

Code 4674

Additional Farm or Ranch Area Code and Phone Number

b. Did you include all data from this additional farm or ranch on THIS REPORT? (Do not make changes to the data in this report, regardless of your answer.)

YES - [Enter code 1, then continue] NO - [Enter code 3, then continue] ........................................

Code 4677

3. To receive the complete results of this survey on the release date, go to www.usda.gov/results/.

Would you rather have a brief summary mailed to you at a later date? YES - [Enter code 1] NO - [Enter code 3] ................................................................

Code 0099

(Thank You for Your Participation)

4. In case we have questions, please provide your contact information. 9910

Reported By: Telephone: Date Completed (MM-DD-YY):

( )

___ ___ / ___ ___ / 13

Office Use Only

Ending Time (Military)


Time In Hours

Reason Code


__ __ __ __


.__ 0092

Office Use Only

Response Respondent Mode Enum Eval Duplication

Adjustor Field Office

Use Optional




9901 1-Op/Mgr 2-Sp 3-Acct/Bkpr 4-Partner 9-Other

9902 1-Mail


3-Face-to -Face

9903 0098 0100 0922 0093 0003

Office Use for POID 0789 __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __

S/E Name



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