© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. SMX - Agile Marketing - Dec 13, 2012

Agile Marketing for SEO - SMX West 2013 - Dave Lloyd, Adobe

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Slides from SMX West presentation. Covers in-house SEO, project management, Agile methodology, maturity model for Agile adoption, and how to execute on Agile internally. Follow me at @davelloyd1

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SMX - Agile Marketing - Dec 13, 2012

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Dave Lloyd Senior Manager, Global Search Marketing

Global team delivering Organic & Site Search strategies for all Adobe products Team charter

• Deliver industry best practices • Drive KPI-focused results • Align with Marketing Cloud product teams


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"Business has only two basic functions: marketing and innovation.“ – Peter Drucker


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Learning Organizations Agile


“The only sustainable competitive advantage is your organization’s ability to learn faster than the competition.” Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline, 1990

http://agilemanifesto.org/principles.html (2001)


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2nd Law of Thermodynamics


Over time, all systems naturally move toward chaos.

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Optimize team focus to SEO signals

SEO Algorithm Team Priorities

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Challenging of adapting quickly





Href Alt Lang


Knowledge Graph


Not Provided

Digital Customers


Big Data

Adobe Analytics

Google Analytics




Countless Plug-Ins

SEO Dashboards (BrightEdge, Conductor, Covario, Search Metrics)

Adapt how

Adapt to Adapt with

Smarter thinking

More resources

Learning faster

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Common Pain Points in Organizations

Don’t know the strategy

Not moving fast enough

Not aligned and on the same page

Not improving efficiency


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Agile is a proven & repeatable process over 12 years


Being Customer Centric INSPIRES Product Vision &

Sustainable Project Plan

Teams EXECUTE & ITERATE on simple,

short, and incremental Sprints (2 weeks)

Sprint Learnings & Customer Feedback INFORM next Sprint


Project Plan REQUIRES Agile-aligned Lean


Quick Fixes Immediate Gratification Limit Big Problems Always be WIPing

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Maturity model for Agile Marketing adoption

Modified Agile

• Weekly Scrum meetings

• Consistent Sprints

• Shared accountability

• Optional daily stand-ups

• Optional user stories


Agile Methodology + Scrum

• Full stakeholder alignment

• ScrumMaster leads daily stand-ups

• Customer feedback loop

Basic Project Management

• Clear goals

• Defined owners

• Agreed on deliverable dates

Integrated Project Management

• Shared ownership & KPIs

• Regular meetings

• Getting Things Done mentality between groups

Firm Loose Stakeholder Commitment

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Our Basic Methodology

Benefits • Adaptable • Collaborative • Accountable • Organized • Celebrate Quick

Wins Weekly

Twice-weekly “stand up” meetings 1. what you did? 2. what you’re doing? 3. challenges?

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#1: Quarterly Project Planning (Be Agile or Be Tactical)


CHALLENGE 200+ major projects on the SEO team’s project list Difficult to determine which projects are a priority High task & people dependency Multiple tools being used to manage projects within the same team


Quarterly half-day planning meetings – to prioritize projects Weekly Sprint planning meetings – to discuss tasks completed, next steps, obstacles Standardized project templates for large SEO projects Usage of project management tools (i.e. Acrobat.com, AtTask)

BENEFITS Completed 183 projects based on Revenue Impact & Team Priority Easier to justify project priority with Stakeholders Management insight into timeline & resource management Quicker project planning – due to standardized project planning templates & tools

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#2: Domain Migration (Be Agile or Be Overwhelmed)


CHALLENGE Executive Directive Migrate 15 Acquired-Company Domains 6 Months


Dedicated cross-functional team Sprints every 2 weeks Continued learning & agility Used shared real-time platform (Acrobat.com)

BENEFITS Every SEO best practice incorporated Aligned to CEO & CMO vision On time & under budget

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#3: Product Launch Planning (Be Agile or Be Behind)


CHALLENGE Product Launch 73 unique SEO projects


List and categorize all projects Prioritize projects (each team member prioritizes by assigning a 1, 2, or 3) Revenue Impact (each team member has input into each project – High, Med, Low) Impact (each team member categorizes each project by Impact – High, Med, Low) Each project categorized by size (i.e. XL, L, M, S) Assign Owners & Completion Date to each project Highest prioritized projects are transferred into smaller project plans.

These are broken into tasks that are reviewed in weekly sprint planning meetings BENEFITS

Hyper-responsive to frequent content updates & review cycles Excellent results aligned to BU goals Retrospective/Post-Mortem – what worked, what didn’t, what’s applicable to future

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Project Planning using AtTask


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Watch out for…

Perfection or over-complicating

It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to get started

Be sophisticated with recommendations. Execute on doable tasks

DO NOT boil the organizational ocean

Execute first on your team – stakeholder alignment is not critical at first

Ineffective process

Must have: 1. Weekly Scrum meeting & 2. Projects have a 2 week deadline

Daily stand-up - critical for complete visibility, not always realistic

Constant sprinting without a pause every 2 weeks

Otherwise the pace is not sustainable

Scope creep

New requests & requirements added to the bottom of the queue for reconsideration


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Meet someone new

2 minutes


1 minute each

What’s keeping you from using Agile in your org?

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White Paper – Valtech & Adobe


Principles of Agile apply to any discipline that operates in conditions of complexity, uncertainty and change. 5 years from now, Agile will broadly influence Marketing departments

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Key Takeaways

Carve out time with team to generate a thorough shared project list


Filter on Team-driven AND Revenue-focused priorities

Commit to overcome Entropy of your projects

Innovate & start on yourself first with Agile principles - then immediate team

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Dave Lloyd Senior Manager, Global Search Marketing

Thank you!

@davelloyd1 slideshare.net/dalloyd

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