Against an Article V Constitutional Convention of States It may surprise the majority of Americans that there is a movement(s) transpiring to call a Article V Constitutional Convention of States . Amongst political activists however, there is much awareness of this movement. And there has been much debate and consternation regarding the merits of having an Article V Constitutional Convention. This writer is forced, for the current time, to come out against the Article V Constitutional Convention as the best method to address our nations current problems. So widely diverse is this writer's reasons for opposing an Article V Constitutional Convention at this time, that it will take some effort to distill them into coherent, digestible "sound bites". Before we begin with that task, let us talk a little more about the nuts and bolts of the Article V Constitutional Convention Process. The proposed method of Article V Constitutional Convention being proposed requires that 2/3's (currently 34) of the State Legislatures must vote and submit applications to convene an Amendment -Proposing Convention. And then, a 3/4's vote(currently 38) of the States would have to occur for the Proposed Amendment(s) to become

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Against an Article V Constitutional Convention of States

It may surprise the majority of Americans that there is a movement(s) transpiring to call a Article V Constitutional Convention of States. Amongst political activists however, there is much awareness of this movement. And there has been much debate and consternation regarding the merits of having an Article V Constitutional Convention. This writer is forced, for the current time, to come out against the Article V Constitutional Convention as the best method to address our nations current problems. So widely diverse is this writer's reasons for opposing an Article V Constitutional Convention at this time, that it will take some effort to distill them into coherent, digestible "sound bites".

Before we begin with that task, let us talk a little more about the nuts and bolts of the Article V Constitutional Convention Process. The proposed method of Article V Constitutional Convention being proposed requires that 2/3's (currently 34) of the State Legislatures must vote and submit applications to convene an Amendment-Proposing Convention. And then, a 3/4's vote(currently 38) of the States would have to occur for the Proposed Amendment(s) to become part of the Constitution. You can learn more about Article V Constitutional Conventions and the Constitutional Convention process here. During the 1970s & 1980s, calls for a Constitutional Convention to require a balanced budget gained 30 applications from the States, failed for need of 34. However, to date, an Article V Constitutional Convention has never been used to amend the Constitution.

There are many issues driving the desire for a Article V Constitutional Convention. This writer's short list includes:

Making what appears to be unaccountable elected officials, accountable. One means being Term Limits and another means being Campaign Finance Reform.

Congressional Insider Trading Systemic Corruption intertwined with Government and Business - Systemic Corruption means that the aspects of government that are supposed to prevent & punish corruption instead are complicit in & cover corruption up

Balanced Budget - While this issue is self evident on the Federal Level, this writer brings to bear the failure of Wright County Minnesota to produce Financial Records he has requested verbally since 2008 and in writing through various avenues since 2009. Despite the fact that all the financial records this writer requested are supposed to be public record, in response to this writer's Natural Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances without fear of retaliation or punishment as reduced to writing in the First Amendment, Wright County unleashed a devastating COINTERLPRO style operation of retribution and punishment against this writer. With that in mind, this writer demands that all Municipalities(Cities, Counties, Schools, Met Councils, Port Authorities and Airport Commissions, etc.) be required to post their actual check ledgers on the internet in layman's terms. Said check ledgers to be fully down loadable to fully functioning spreadsheets like MS Excel.

Erosion of controls the Founder's set in place to guard against the Nature of humankind to be non-virtuous - Amongst these being Checks and Balances, Transparency and Accountability - Glaring amongst these it arrogant and aristocratic denial of WE THE PEOPLE's Natural Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances without fear of reprisal or punishment, as reduced to writing in the First Amendment.

Restoration of the Rule of Law (Constitution) from the Rule of Man (Case Law) - In 1913 Progressive President Woodrow Wilson, unconstitutionally and in violation of Natural Law, moved the US off from Constitution based Law to Case Law. Resolution of issues dealing with the Fourteenth Amendment - It is alleged that the Fourteenth Amendment unconstitutionally machinated into place a new United States the Corporation which essentially negates the original Constitution of the United States. Further, it is alleged that the Fourteenth Amendment was never properly ratified and therefore is null and void. This need to be resolved.

Inability to audit/end the unconstitutional, Federal Reserve (Banking) System Cartel which steals value created by the labor of the masses through Debt Based Money which creates a debt to a privately owned bank that can never be paid off - A violation of the 13th Amendments prohibition against "involuntary servitude".

Loss of Privacy via the NDAA, NSA, DHS and the Patriot Act.

CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS agencies have went rogue

Attempts to Amend the First Amendment Attacks on the Second Amendment

Militarization of the Police and Law Enforcement

Ceding Control of the Internet to Foreign Countries, when American Tax Dollars paid for the development of the Internet

Making what appears to be an unaccountable Courts and Supreme Courts, accountable. Various rulings by SCOTUS appear to be unconstitutional. Obamacare, Corporations as People, Cash as Free Speech, Violations of Fifth Amendment taking private property from one private party and giving it to another private party, Administrative Warrants & the loosening of Miranda Warnings before interrogations in violation of the Fourth Amendment, etc. Term Limits and required elections of all judge being amongst the proposals to address these issues. And other reforms of the American Legal System which can be found here and here.

Failure of the Federal Government to Secure the Border.

A necessity to provide boundaries to Executive Orders.

The rise of a Progressive Tyrant Class that paraphrasing Progressive Professor Johnathan Gruber believes they have the right to lie to the masses, because the masses are too stupid to know whats good for them. This arrogant proposition extends to using Delphi Technique, Propaganda, Censorship, Common Core and Indoctrination to rule and manipulate the masses like livestock, instead of representing the masses in good faith and in the best interests of the masses. This violates every Americans Natural Right to "Establish Truth for themselves using their own observations and reasoning".

Attempts to use various UN Programs/policies such as Agenda 21, Trans Pacific Partnership, and Common Core as pretext and/or basis for Americans to give up certain Unalienable Natural/Constitutional Rights and unconstitutionally reduce America to a subordinate status in some NEW WORLD ORDER.

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of problems with the US - This is just this writer's "top of mind" issues reduced to writing.

Now, First Amongst this writer's opposition to an Article V Constitutional Convention is his concern for who actually controls the State Legislatures. The betrayals by Progressive Pro New World Order RINO's Speaker John Boehner & Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell in December 2014 and since leave little doubt in rank and file conservative's minds that the Progressives control the leadership of the Republican National Committee/Party. The Question then becomes, do Progressives control the State Republican Parties/Legislatures. Here in Minnesota, this writer can assure his fellow conservatives that the Minnesota GOP is fully controlled by Progressives. (All Minnesota Republican Congressfolks voted to retain Boehner as Speaker)

Next, a Progressive Professor Jonathan Gruber admitted (caught on video tape) Progressives assert the right to lie to the masses, because they allege we are too stupid to know whats best for us. There use of the Delphi Technique to trick Millennials into believing they dont want to own cars or houses, just further heightens apprehension of what duplicity the Progressives might try to pull at an Article V Constitutional Convention. Now, add to that the Progressive's self ascribed hatred and desire to get rid of the Jeffersonian Constitution and make all of your unalienable Natural Rights sub-ordinate to the best interests of the community as determined by unaccountable Government educated elites, and the reader should easily comprehend this writer's apprehension of what could go wrong at an Article V Constitutional Convention. The Progressives could hijack such an Article V Constitutional Convention for there own ends. Given their duplicity in passing Obamacare (keep Doctor, keep insurance, cheaper, etc), this writer believes the Progressives are capable of anything.

Which then brings us to the next points, Who is behind the Article V Constitutional Convention push, What and/or whose money is backing them and What issues do the people pushing the article V Constitutional Convention propose will be addressed? Until recently, the folks pushing the Article V Constitutional Convention had left the issues to be discussed pretty wide open. Only now, when that criticism has been directed at them has there been some narrowing of the proposed issues, with suggestions like Term Limits. Before this writer can even consider supporting an Article V Constitutional Convention, he would have to see a list of exact Amendments to be put forward and pledges that only those proposals will be addressed. Along with, assurances, evidences and guarantees that the Progressives cannot hijack said Article V Constitutional Convention.

Which brings us to who is behind the movement and what and/or whose money has been used to advance this cause;... We have seen the Occupy, TEA Party and the Republican Liberty Caucus hijacked by the Progressive Leadership of their corresponding major political party. This has been accomplished by compromising the leaders of those groups with money and/or other consideration and/or directly machinating political operatives into leadership roles of those groups. Once the group has been hijacked or usurped, the leadership then uses Delphi Techniques to guide the group towards goals and activities that essentially waster their time and energy and because they are not effective, continuing power of the Progressive Leadership of both major political parties is protected. Without successes to buoy their spirits, the membership of these groups declines until the group collapses. TEA Party and Occupy folks, does any of this sound familiar....

So until the folks behind these/the Article V Constitutional Convention pushes come forward with details and address this writer's concerns, this writer advise all of his readers and his near 67000 followers on Twitter to oppose present calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention. Fortunately, as of March 25, 2017, though some states have given approval on a wide variety of issues, only 3 States have given approval to the same specific issue.

In its stead, this writer proposes we draft a modern Declaration of Causes, similar to the one the Founder's did on July 6, 1775. As our current circumstances are different and nuanced from the tyranny the Founders faced, this writer proposes we reduce to writing our current grievances and establish a deadline for compliance by our Government of, perhaps, July 4, 2017? This writer will be producing a proposed rough draft of a modern Declaration of Causes within two weeks of this article. This writer proposes that we use the next few months to agree upon the specific points we demand be resolved by the deadline. This writer suggests to all Americans of voting age, that they document exhausting all of their peaceful remedies in attempting to resolve their grievances. (Letters to elected officials, court cases, etc.)

A Declaration of Causes would represent our final good faith peaceful attempt to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances by whatever deadline we establish. Further, our Declaration of Causes would frame the 2016 elections, instead of letting the two major parties frame elections have they have done in the past. If the deadline comes without our grievances being redressed, WE THE PEOPLE can then vote on our course of action. Having followed the road map the Declaration of Independence provides, and having fulfilled its requirements for "a long train of abuses" and having "exhausted our peaceful remedies", we are then free to vote that our grievances have been remedied, or to withdraw our Consent to be Governed and/or our Right to consider alternative remedies.

Those were my thoughts.

Keep fighting the Good Fight!

In Closing:

Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.

This article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine. I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own Common Sense

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

In Liberty,

Don MashakThe Cynical PatriotDon Mashak TwitterDon Mashak FacebookDon Mashak Google PlusWE THE PEOPLE TAR FacebookWE THE PEOPLE TAR Twitter #WETHEPEOPLETAR

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Lawless America #LawlessAmerica

Term Limits #TermLimit

Justice in Minnesota #JIM

Critical Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective.