AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY BIOGRAPHIES OF Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY BIOGRAPHIES OF Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

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AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY BIOGRAPHIES OF Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013. Nigeria – West Africa Population: 174.5 million Capital: Abuja – 1.8 million Located inland in neutral area Largest city: Lagos – over 10 million - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013



Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda,Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan

South AfricaBy Lisa D. Walsh

DCMS - 2013

Page 2: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

Nigeria – West Africa

Population: 174.5 millionCapital: Abuja – 1.8 million

Located inland in neutral areaLargest city: Lagos – over 10 million Located on the SW coast

Page 3: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

“The Two Sides of Nigeria” TimePhotos“……2/3 of 130 million live in poverty” 2010

Page 4: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013


Mangrove Forest on the coastRain Forests inlandSavannas in central NigeriaHighlands in north both east/west Plateaus north central area

Plateau area NE of Abuja

Savannas of Nigeria

Page 5: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013


Cash crops (plantation farms): rubber, peanuts, palm oil, cacao (cocoa) a leading producer

Subsistence farming

Mining: OIL – 90% of national income from oil!Conflict over which group controls it!Corruption in government!

Page 6: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

EFFECT OF OIL INDUSTRY•Conflict among ethnic groups so mismanagement of this commodity•Shift of population from farming to oil and urban areas – so lack of food•POLLUTION of Niger River and coastal areas•Too much dependence so little economic development in other areas

Page 7: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013
Page 8: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

CULTURE AND ETHNIC GROUPSMajor groups: Language: English for •Hausa/Fulani business, government•Yoruba•Ibo

Major religion:•50% Muslim•40% Christian•10% traditional

60% live in rural villages

Page 9: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013


Independence from British in 1960’sWithin Nigeria’s borders lived over 250 ethnic groups!Borders were artificial not based on cultural borders but borders that benefitted European interests.

Result: Series of civil wars and military coup starvation plus conflict = 2 million deaths

Free elections were finally held in 1999

Ethnic and religious conflict still continue

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“10 killed, four churches burned in NigeriaBoko Haram suspected in rampage in predominantly Christian area” 2013 World Watch Monitor

Page 11: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

The Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram has rejected the idea of an amnesty.


08/26/2012 PLATFORM London“Shell and Chevron have funded armed militant groups in the volatile Niger Delta region of Nigeria……both have paid for protection….” Keeps nation unstable, violates human rights!!!

Religious conflict!

Conflict over OILAnd its impact!

Page 12: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

What determines if a country is developed or developing?NIGERIA?

Per capita income 49,800 $2,700Literacy Rate 99% 72% males

50% femalesLife Expectancy 76 48 males

81 55 femalesInfant Mortality Rate 6 74/1000 live births/yearPopulation Growth Rate .9% 2.5% per year

Figures in RED are United States numbers.

Page 13: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

Kenya – East AfricaPopulation: 31 millionCapital: Nairobi – 3 millionNairobi is largestLocated south central near Tanzania

Mombasa – 707,000Located on coast in south

Page 14: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013


Upland plains – grasses – central areaHighlands and Great Rift Valley – western areaCoastal plains in the eastArid – semi-arid land (ASAL) in the northeast

Mt. Kenya – left Tsavo Nat’l Park - above

Masai Mara Park

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Page 16: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

ECONOMYFree-market economy

Plantation farming: tea, coffeeSubsistence farming: along southern coastsNomadic herdingTourism: Park and Game Reserves – protected areas for gameService IndustriesMining and refining of OIL – recently discovered in 2012

An example of modernization and progress: formed economic union with Tanzania – East African Community

People below poverty level: 50%

Page 17: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

CULTURE AND ETHNIC GROUPSOver 42 ethnic groups Religion: 82% ChristianMajor groups: 11% Muslim• Kikuyu ¼ of population• Masai – once nomadic herders

Languages: a form of Swahili and English

Independence in 1963 from Great BritainFirst president – Jomo Kenyatta, Kikuyu, arrested in 1952, prison 9 years

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Fight for Land! White settlers on Kikuyu land since late 19th century Plantation agriculture – tea and coffee

Blacks fought with British in WWII, came home, no respect and no opportunities.

Goal of Black activists – independence!Mau Mau Rebellion – violence against white farmers and Kikuyu loyal to Brits! 1950-5713,000 Blacks killed, 80,000 in detention camps32 British killed

Kenyatta accused of leading the Mau Mau – in prison for 9 years

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“The United Kingdom has warned that profits from illegal ivory trade may be used to fund terrorism unless urgent action is taken to stem the vice.”


Blood & ivory: Elephant poaching in KenyaA rare photograph of an elephant family visiting the carcass of a recently killed elephant. Some wildlife biologists believe elephants are emotionally close to humans and actually mourn their dead. These elephants have made repeated nightly visits to their recently deceased family member. CBS News

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Per Capita income $11,300 $1,800

Literacy Rate 87% 90% males 85% 84% females

Life Expectancy 50 61 males 48 64 females

Infant Mortality Rate 42.6/1000/yr. 44/1000 live births/yr.

Population Growth Rate .412% 2.4%

% of population URBAN 62% 22%

Figures in orange are for Republic of South Africa

Page 21: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA – Southern AfricaPopulation: 48,601,098Capital: Pretoria in NE and Cape Town SW coastGovernment: Black African majority rule since 1994

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S.A. has moved from a history of white rule, violence, and segregation [ Apartheid – legal separation of the colored races from the white race ]to a Black African majority rule society and a more democratic future.

‘ “convergence of diverse elements within South African society, taking the road ahead in unity"; black, yellow, and green are found on the flag of the African National Congress, while red, white, and blue are the colors in the flags of the Netherlands and the UK, whose settlers ruled South Africa during the colonial era” ‘

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Page 24: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

Stephen Biko: anti-apartheid activist, assassinated 1977 founded Black Consciousness Movement

Message: rely on yourself, you are human, you are beautiful, be empowered

He earned status of “banned”:No public speaking or writing, exiled to homeland.

Arrested after Soweto Uprising June 16, 1976:Soweto high school students protested use ofAfrikaans (Dutch) in class! Police killed around700. Official number 176.

Biko was brutally beaten during interrogation in Sept. ’77.His white friend, Donald Woods, told the world his story.

Page 25: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

NELSON MANDELABlack African, anti-apartheid activist and lawyerb. 1918 still alive at 94Won Nobel Peace prize with F.W. de Klerk (white president) in 1990Known for his 40 plus year struggle against APARTHEIDIn prison from 1963 - 1990Method of protest: civil disobedience, strikes, boycotts; Fight for worker’s rights and civil rights!1st Black president of South Africa

Photo just before prison Photo upon release in 1990

Page 26: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

Weaknesses: CRIME!!!!DroughtsOnly 12% arable landUnemployment 25%Below poverty 31% - huge gap between rich and poor

Strengths: Most developed in AfricaGood infrastructureUniversity of Cape Town – ranks 286 globallyLargest producer of GOLD, PLATINUMMany billionaires

Page 27: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICAat the foot of Table Mt.

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA1st place where gold was discovered

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Another treasure – Diamonds!!!Above:Result of hand-dug diamond mining, Kimberly, Northern Cape

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poaching illegal killing of animals, fish Kenya few economic opportunities force

some to poach. Kenya has many animal reserves

literacy rate percent of population that can read at a functional level Kenya's raised from 32% - 85% in 2003

Kenya is one of the few African countries that is modernizing

coup illegal takeover of a legitimate government by military force Nigeria

Because of end of colonialism ethnic conflict was constant . Civil wars and armed overthrow of governments

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Enclave: a country within a country Lesotho In the Republic of South Africa once under the protection of the British govt. in Cape Town, now a sovereign kingdom.

Exclave: a part of a country separated from the mother country

Cabinda [belongs to Angola] Cabinda and Angola were colonies of Portugal

until 1970’s. Today civil unrest active in Cabinda protesting connection to Angola.

Page 31: AFRICA SOS: COUNTRY  BIOGRAPHIES OF  Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan, S. Sudan South Africa By Lisa D. Walsh DCMS - 2013

TERMS – Rwanda and Sudan

Genocide mass murder of an ethnic or religious group

Rwanda and Sudan (Darfur) After Europeans left ethnic conflict

ignitedREFUGEE a person forced to leave their

home out of fear or desperation. Sudan, RwandaIn Africa SOS people flee war, famine, violation of human rights

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TERMSApartheid official segregation (separation) of people of

color; “apartness”

South Africa

Specific to South Africa – White Supremacy keep the “colored” races separate in order to dominate the economy